S E M I-W E E M. t, Y. Ill-] K\YI;TTI;VII,I,E, N. C., august 25, I85:!. MBM lilliuauu;-AUIUKV [NO: t*a2.] r 15V .1. ]). m:wi;v. r|i\V\!!l) J. n VLK & SOX, \\i> i’rv'>rnii;Toi;s. ■ r-U i'( kly OiisKuvKH I (H> if pni'l ill ' ;!'j'.'iM ihirin;; t!io vc.ir (if .“ul'si riji-I >■ tlio _\ -.ir lias 1 - Ki! •() per :uimuii. if in ! ’ if I'.ii l iluiiji.:i tlio vf;ii- of sn'ot-riji- ^ ' ..r'tcr the v>’:r rx'iiro.I. -Ml'-N i'S ivi>orto>l t’nr si\t_v coiits pt-r . , , 1 th:- tir>t. mill thirty cints for caoli : '.11, ^ f:iri_v :iilvertistMiu'nts by sjio- .r:itcs. Ailvi-nisi'rs ,ii-o I' iinii'i-or of iiisortiof.s vU's\v.m1. i»r '!• ! till t'oi-liiJ. :iiul !ic.-cril- ' ti'the K ii;. rs nnt.'t ’>o imst-iiniil. Tltr f^n'"esr CnrriafiV Fartortf hi the South I il !>I!. T. (’. IIAI.l. ' AS rt-nioviMl to tlie woH-kiiown stiiml of tlie Drs. . Itoliiii.son, ci'Mn.'!' ijfdri-cii aiiJ l!ow streets. \|.iil -Jl. IS.', :. STtf 1853. ii i i.'W roofivinp: the I.AK^iKS'l’ in tiH-ir liiii- tliut tiny li.ivi- 1 . ^.'i^ti'ii; 1 ii MT\ S'*"." ii .i, ('aj)s, r>ool., :. :m!n -inadt' Clolhiiii:. ■ t!,i-att. iiti i; of tlieir o! I cii>toin' I’.Ai.I. A S\i’Kr.TT. I _ 1: r -Jl). -Jltf A. A. M KI7r!!A\ 19 rSl’KCrrri.l.V inf-.nii> Iiis fVik'iiils Mii'l tlio (iiili- ! M lir, tiiat 1k‘ 1i:is huilt iqi lar^r siili.'t.mtial I’rick liuiluinirs at his *1il Stain!. i x|HH ssly for inainil'.n.'turiii!i • ani:.;j:i s. ’i’l.aiikful fur tlio \ory lil'Or.il iiatn'iia;;*' liv li:i> rt'ccivc'l for tho la-.t 111 \c.irs. lio lm|n'S liv .-trii t • itti-ntion to lii'.i iiH'.-i.-s, \\ith a ik'sin- to .uivo sati'fai'tioii. t” i!ifrit a I'liiitiiui.inoi' i>f the same. lie ^\arr•^T'.Ts hi.-- w rk to he iiiaile ' t the lie-^t material aii l liy e\|n'rli ii-'.| V rkiin-ii ill each Kraiiih of the Na.-iuiI!:- \\urk «ill e. lup.n e ta\"ImM v with any m.i.le in the I nited St.iti's. for neatiie*s aiiil iluialiility. lie i.' ileteriiiiiieii to ;-ell uii.l i!o ;iny wurk in his line on as -oiiil teila." as any wotk -lone elsewhere that is a~ well lii.iie. He li 'W has on hanil, I'lNi'nr.u, the l.AK (;i;ST S I't'CK ..f C'arri(ii^( y, liaroiirJu s, !KOc/k}ira!/.•, (tnd t):/oni( V, ! te-. are! V. liieh \vi! 1 \ei-y 1. u •I’iners. {' than C.M-; 111 .Npr.liD ,\M) ! ai.’l in Ci'Oi si’ nf > iistr.o : i. u. > - Ail u 'rk in-' ie l.’iu ' !!ver - iTere.l in t’ ■ ^^■■rk neai’y th;i.-!i o‘ wiii -ii will I.e ' time ti' laineMial e V l:irj ;s1h- I e -t' iailv. 111' til for I ■ \"'H, I f on : ;Y' lie li.is .1! lim l !• l'\ \ I hit'.e.- fill Ai: :!ii.i t U. M. OURKIJ., Fl!i;\V\Hi)l\(i {'(l)ill!SS!(l.\ )II'Kni.\M AT | fi'aC‘. i Mareli !•', ISol. tiiJ-tf w . w i!rn:iiiv\!), WITH ' KA^Xi:i{ ^ Cli.MOIiK, 1! n B Eo\ n e: s?’ ii a .\ tn, s\:\v vouK. Ciistomiiry iKlviiiin'.s ou .Visval Stores. \r. M:!r h l>'i:!. 7 !-(iininl .u)si:iMi i;ak!:u, .Ik., \ 1' 1' O K \ 1' !. \ w, y\S laken an otliee in h - r to \\'ni. I!. \\ ri;zht's I.aw i.tliee on (iieen Street. He will atteml an'l liraetiee in the t’onnty airl Superior ’oiirt.s of ('uinlier- laml. Kl:;t!eii. ivi tieson ali'l S,.iU] s.iii. Miir. h 2;;. 1'7^* tf JOIIX ,\. liK’IlAUDSON, A’B'rOltMI'i AT I,AW. 7^11.1, ai'li r .Iiiiu' nesi.i atteii'i tlie (’oiirts of r.i. hill.111'!. KoIi".ii;. lll.i'lfli. ali'l 'oliiiii- KocKi-'isM siikI':tix(;s, «V the bale or Lalf bale, for s.-ile liv T. II.UGH & SON July 18, 18.-,2. ^^tf JI ST KKC KIVK!) ANDrOUSALK, tAlKili No. •!, Mfiekerel. J “ “ llerrin". Fresh I.ime. Plaster Paris. •• ('einent ami Plasterinir Hair. .1. w. iN»v. i;i;s CO. July 22, IS.V!. 1:!-tf H()Ti:r.. ] rj^^HE subscriber havinjr ]iHieh:isvil the Hotel sitiiateJ 1 on the South-East col iier I.f Court llimse Square, ;ui'l lately known as Stuart’s Hotel. woulJ inform fhe 1000 ACKKS €>F I.A^VO. rilHE subscriber offers lor sale his valuable PLAN- I T.VTlON in llobesoii county, on botli sides of the public that he is u-iw remly to iiecommmlate boarders Lowrie Uoad, 1(>.\ miles South \\'est of ]"a\ette>ille ami bv the ilay, week or month. Haviiift maiie consiilera- within h.alf a mile of Euuiber hriiljje, tlip teimiuus of ble (Uitl.-iv in furnisiiini; ami reiittiiifr the IkstablisliiiuMit, the Kayettcyillc anil Southern Plank Kouil. _ he hojie.s’to be able to ^ive satisfaction to .ill w ho jia- An opi>ortunity is now ofl'ered for an investment, troiii/.e him. Hi:. Table shall be furnished with the which cannot be equalled in this part of the country, best the market alfords. his l?ar with the best of Li- T he land is heavily .‘Uid densely cohered with pine;?, ,,uors. ami his Stable with a plenty of ^ood i.rovender persons cnpaRed m and faithlul (tstleis. J. A. GlI. June 2's 1>'.")2. HU 1ST. :’.-tf Kii> c An- 'imii. '. liii/al'ethtown, llla'h n C..initv, C. t-r-m ,:!> \ r.K. lyatttf ,9iiri'h’r. 1.1. rAVKTTKVll.I.K. N. C.. 3 Q A.'' iii't returned fii'in the N >1 St W Itii T:..;- US.iLi', ■r laa'eri-v' w;'; I'l I' w i'liif ': e.xamiiie t'.r then;'' ('rdei ' th.ilikli; ' lU-i ^ii ii.^ e\ it tail liv !• rep:, ir^e. V.,'11 \ eii !iii 1 ii; "'li; 't i\ :i 12 lli"!ith' rkniaiisl’i I eall aii'l • irel'.'lf' ■11 \ . r\ Cli \KLi:s liWKS, 4P,vi'g: 4' Tffo,vi: w lit >1.1 >\!.i; AM> IMiTAll. i>i;.vi.i;ii in //; I', f' I KTs:r:i:’s\ Fayetteville, N. C. itb. M: h 1. 1' ;tf n uell l::r.;.:i .ill i\er I ii-e. Anil 't'Tr ail kl 1- V. :n aiiil S '.il' and K a ilii* 't' I lbs lV.ittill).'; (I .. s; SiUt-r .'^j' ‘!-,s, 11 ii.l ruj:s. \i iiitar} t i t'leir '• i U-in'.. 1- k ' ‘T (i • ■ " XO TK i'. ' 1'tiered I'V F. w!:'i a’ e in iebted t' ■ I V N 'ti* 111* \i', nUll ,ss:ck.i.: 1 , I*. :.. I'i.'.i'. -etli.' t!ie ' I'l; . .\.1 1 'lei.I' io. liic ] ri "I- I the i -t "f .! i:i'\ I ■■ ■., 'i ^e s.'ttie-i. ', iVi'in i.^cr i:.'.. 'J.C11.-V V t ' - \ ^ i;. V': r-;- U't .\. A. M l^r.TllVN. k 111 llrac.*- > w I!. r \i;\ !:r, tv !)r C. ■ r !h IT; N r;. (I/I(I rorisiaii' i.1 t. !■ ■ Ii4> t\ 4Hiil Ii:m I* iH --'J r M ivkvt S'lUari-. C.-i - Hat Sti r . (iifi ii ,'ti. .-t. r WKTTFA'II.I.K. X. Is I'f I’l "lure tak', n ill e.xi'lianiri io-\t t.. It. M. in rsoN. Si in s: s^, a s. 'Ts: Fayett^‘\'ille, N. C. ANA^\ A^’ from the siibserit er. abuut the 11th .lune last, his ne_!:ro man 1!KN. ileisabnut IS years old. rather s]iare made, between •') fei t iiielies and (i fei-t hiiih, dark eoni|>!exion, hi^di forehea'l. jromi ti'eth, shows a good deal of white in the eyes, and r.i- tlier slow in speech when spoken to. S.-iid ne^ro was ]iiiri-hased of Tlioiiias Mcl.aiiil., in the upper j.art ut Sami'soii. and it is fuppused he may be lurkinir about the nei;:liboihood of ( has. A. llairison. 1 will jrive the ab.i\e rewai'I tor tln' appii'lu’ii.'inii and delivery o! : said ne{.'iM to m.‘, or I vveiity Itollars lor his continenieiit in any J.ail in this St.ite so that 1 can j^et him. I m::i.l w.vtsoX. Clinton, .''.imj'.sun Co.. N. C.. .Iii!y 2-!. 1S.>^’>. 1-I-lm Ki:\\ .\ui). : EWII.I, ]'ay the above rew.-ir l f'lr thi* apiiiehension i and safe deli\cry to me, or lod_Miient in Ciintuii I •l.-iil. So that I Viet iny iifirio uirl .IM.NNA. She is a likrly ;,iirl. of li^dit ci>iii|ile\ii'n. >iiiili's when spoken to. abiiut live fi et six or sivi ii inehe.' iii^li; is supposed to be luikii'.'j a! ,lilt Faison's I't p 't, or Co.-rln'Ti. \\.M. P. HOl'.HS. .1 Illy 27. 1 i-tt ^ woinjrs I'AiK. ' r tf s tut 3* it I ti c €. PI'I.SiiNS visiting! New ^ ork or travelling: tlirnu;.di North ('ariiliiia, .slioiild ]'re]'.ire t heiusch cs l>y e.'ilUnu at M. A. P. A K liU'S, Si;:n nf the I’.i^ t lun, opp.i- site the P"st Utliee. where they will find a lai;:*' ass rt- 111'lit Ilf diiiiMe ai.'l ^ili;.:le-l'irri'l Shot (Ians, Pities ;ili'I Pi'll'!';, of all i|iia!itii's. Cult's Kcj'e.itiiiL'. Allen's Ite- \iil\in;;, W i-s^on's llepeater aii'l sell-iiriniiliL' Pistols. P W'ler Fi;isk. .'^iii t aliiHiame ii.i;:.', Peri:;ssi.in (’.ijis lit j-reneli aii'l li!i i!i>h make: al.-i'a l.'irjre .•is-'irtniiMit "t (iaminj: ti.\.tiu\‘>, whieh will bi' fold at the lowest eash j.riics. P.l P.MP.INCi of eM'iy thin;: in tl.o Ciiiii.^n.ith line will lie il.'iie at shurt ii"iii«-, in the best m.-inner. and for a ~aiall ehari:e. llitlesofall kiii'Is constantly on hand an l maiiiifae- tur.'d t'l oi'li-r, :.nl wan ;t iil'’'i t" viiiml ti 'in lliil tu t'OU \ar is. Pi Is. i;.' vishilm to piua ha-e .any I'f il.e ahoxi'- iiaMi '1 .■irliele. will do well t" ”i\e ir.e a trial. M. .-. p\Ki;i:, Si:;ii Ilf till' \V..(.d-n t.iin. llav stieel, .M'pos.te the Po>t nfi.ee. ]2tf Jnlv :i IS" -1-V M'.W l{i)Ok.s. P: e ali'l ■: ! ei-) : I’!- . iTi-: I 'i; I;; I.-if I-:- - .1 I. .r . .! -I 1 \ li ' l- .r:- ■,s. . Jii-t r> J. HAI.i: .V , i.r'.w lie: A 'fU- .'t ■ M ■ ■' :;1 M-:i- .-ill I - . M .. ”i‘r ■ lit on h>t : .V', n,. M:r> W OlM'll v;. v! ‘ *, !:ss:i;s r.i 1 n!;w Ai:i>!\(; i'J.LiO'l'i', !. M. \\ ! 1.1.1 VA:s. .V (• t>i M t.\ MKKCIIA.N i' !;i:a r •tU’i i!!«‘ I !> >• I'.VM' i i.\ ii i,i: nr ii.\i I. that ■nt ii J. • artl.f!' .KUl M. i;i ■mi;: A:. liiir.i- V. rii.J '•■I'l IKlI V 1 I'l. 1 [». NO'i'ICI',. 'Sim: Siil's-ri’i. r h i b.-twei M H;s. .M; ;,11 1 i;. . l.-> > Pri'L. . can \ M'.S: shi'ii s t.aken the !ett \ .MeSwain V here lit- iiit.'ii'I' .,11 the T Mi.niiiNt; la Sl- all its branches. H.i>iii.rha 1 1*. ! i. M:;ivh 2^^. 1: ■ri. f\p» rl' iiii' in iiii'st I'l tiie \t- litii,'. hi' li-cls a.'siirr l th.it i.e •a'l' t!o' ni"'t ta-tidii.ii' !> wi:! I I' e\eei'ti-d with tic it- P,. Mt»N.\;il.\N. M-;f 'roKACCo. rjj^HE subscriber continues to receive and sell, (>n Jo maii'ifacturers' acc ant, .ill ”i-ades ot ni.inul.ac- tnri'd Tobacco. J- L I . .May ;n, IS.-,2. i'-'-tf I Dll. STl’iOXd’S rOMPOTNl) SAXA'l'IVi: IMI.LS. B'illS ar* «*5ilir‘!y I :i iM* :i in the cine of all liiiioiis Complaints, Chills .aifi Fever, I>vsp.'|isia, Costiveness, Liver ( omplaint. .I;iiindie>‘. .^iek lle.adaelie, Seroi'u'.a, Salt Ithenni, Fevers of all kinds. Loss ot .\]ipetite. (»bstiucted an'l painful Men- .'tni.ation, .aii'l all lingi'rinir disi'.ises. As .1 Female Medicine they act like a cii.irm, an'l wlo-n taken accordinj: ti> the directioiib, they ni‘\er tail to cure \ery worst c.ises of after all other rcnii-ilies fail. Tiii>y piii'ik'v tSii‘ bl«>0(l, lli‘ and l> a ii‘aitliv ami as an .\nti-P.i!ious Family .Medicine they have uo equal. Price cents }ier box. — A/.SO— Dll. STIlOXVS riX'rOKAL S'i'()MA('![ IMIJ.S. .V r-medy fur Ci.ii;:!is, ('-ilds, C.itarrh, fb-om hitis, Cnmp, \\ hoopinp: Coiii'h, .'.sthni.i, Cunsiimjition. Nei vous Hisease'. 1 >\speji-i.i. '..>tiveiie.-s. lOry.-ipt las. l)is.“a.'e of the lli'.ii t, InHamni.itioii and Pain in the Chest. P.ack ;ind .“^ide, and ;ill di'c.isi's atisini: from a de- r:.n;:ed state nf tlie Stomach, and to relieve the dis- ti' ss and bad feeliiij: fri.in e.iting too hearty foo.l, in wi ::k aii'l d_ s]" ptic h.ibits. Warranted to be Purely Vegetable. rH\;ll'.''L I'il’is act as an I'.x].ectiir.ii't, Tonic, atid Q 'erii i.t ( hie cent li.ix possesses three times 111' le power til cure di'e;i,'~e,s th.in a one doll.-ir bi.ttle of an;. i>l the Syrup'. Paisa;; s, or S:irs;iiiaiillas, that was ever made, aii'l a simj>le trial of only one bo.\ will prove this impiii'tai!t truth. 'G'ix'V CAim'C'I {ii{‘ utti, isiis! t!i‘ and 4>lii‘r of :ill aii'l there i" ii'>t am.tl.i i n nicly in the wliiile ,Nl;;teri:l .Medic.-i capable Ilf imp;irtiii;.i r->ii'b licainiiT ' I i i perlies t.i tlii' Lun;:s alel Vital I'i L'all.'a~ these PilN. ’£'£ii-V t a aocui r«'i:nfa»- .%a^id t!i' Price 2-'i cts. per box. ci'ntainin;: 2."> d.ise.« of mei!icine. t all I'll tiie A.-elits v ho sell the Piiis. aiet :et the ••l'!:inti rs .\ln,aii;ic ' ITa’ is. ^'ivili;: I'u'.i ;.:ii tieu'.ars and cel tilieates oI eures. Pi'.th kinds i f the abi.\e-iuiiued Pills e.re f‘>r sale in ray, t'evilie ly S. J. Hin- !ale. and.!. N. Si.iith: who ■ lls ■ k.e;i sup] ly of -S’ ' I .V /‘if’''. ,11 I /). . .11 1 I'ever t!;;- first ■r ' pel :i'e on the b ii! w liieh s'lij' the t’hills an l 1 I m t sicken the T-tono.eh riii-VT X]r l*i>:’cssor .\it'x. C'. l>arrv's 'i'ri- 1 A\ (.F: 7tf \| >L \SS!'S. e t.' A. II. • t! :i f' r w ; r ea-b. !. WIN. ' Pi; \M\. i'2tf ' ! ii: AP p. J iilNr nil Mr;-. Walton li.i' t'l*' ' Siinm, i.d '• •I'i; ' i.'iNNLiS 'I v’ Ki rn T ' Tl:!.; in t; •• 1 iir'iai't:; n-aiP t -t 'ivie. 1 ti 1 \\ i: ox 1!AM) It- 1 t Li « S l AliU .V W IIJJ.\MS. V iiMi.i.s\i.i; i»LAi,i:i;s in S'oreiii H tatt! H9otti(k!ir SPrtf w.vf/.s, II \\ ^’E'acc:::'B\ Fayetteville, N. C. .1. !;. I' •,!’!! 1 [•' "■ WII.I.I.VM". \i'i 2'. !^''2. 11. !.. llOi.Ml.S. Attorney at Law, Wilmiagtou, N, C. i n . "lih.' -. r\ ;■ ,i! I't. I’."l01ili . (ili. ri II • liMM' ;ji !! ir\, t Ft" r .1- mn !{. i' > 13 TI ! s •«; I o > \M' I'OliW 1-ii!:i(.irriN(J on ( aim: fi:au. rHllll'. siib'cribcrs hiving ]'iir.ha'ed the Steamers B Lvei,_reen ;iii'l .'^i'U11 enier nii'l Tow P.iiat^, hitely tiie M-. pcrtv .,t tl:e IL-nriett.i Sie.inri.'.it C.impaiiy. are i,"W pi'i'pai C'l t'l I'lirw ar 1 witii ilepateh, between W il- lnili:.li'n .il;ii F.iyette\ie, a!’ triiulit' "T ^ "!s elltrust- 1 to them. V. \ k J. H. POPI’P.TS. Fiietteville, Feb'y 1 L 1 '""tf IV:V I> a’!eiiT;..i, ::ueii ti I-' 111 oie iiii Pi-' Ini ■i in this market. all Consii.li- e t'l be sl.iii- oLD im:. ^II.LI '.MS'S i-M Itectiiie l P.VP, J. .V 1 line i, 1 S.">:'. house repair. COMFt>P>T \P)Li; dweilin 'arv niit-ti 'iis'' \viiis;;fv. r. WAM'ILL 2nutf with all necis- t";:etl;er with r.iii-.iir \l.'d;r:iU'il ■|'lti|i"e.n.l, I'l.r I'..'.iilir\ in". «'urriiL'. I’le lo'-Inr,'-" :inil >lrr, ;;lh. iiir ;; llii- II .ir. Hi Hi', m'i-s Skill. IIram Uln iim il;*' 1';'.;ii'. ;onl l!."iiin'j I',\teriial i\mipiU. I. a I.) II" iii;r I I'hi' .1 oiu'. ili.- r.-piil ilii.ii il lt.irr\V ’I'rii'i ule- the I riiiii. Tlie ..I lie-:irt''le ..r i.'iif yi'.o> •il ia a r ili" ill it a an 't i • i il- li.-liel'. rr'ili‘"i r ( -irel'ul evoiiiii ili.'ii I't lii' ' :!i‘'' li.u k, tind' lhal Ilie illf- il, iiM-re.l i.i iirtiiT. ill i|ii mill I’'lit t'r"iii ImII h ^r: I" 11 |.\x .1 ril i; arlar I I.e \ .'a r I w ' i\ 11 h i ii -'i Ir.T**- i 'I !»..lMiiMI. ~ I r 1' I'liii I I "..rv i.ri-'i nl ;i! I i.'jlli llie e\ iili in i ' nl the eM- i|. tilii :'ni|>erln-'III llir'I'ri. i'i'lii r wln ii llie | ul.!;.- ii:tvf liir- ii.'lir.! ^11. Il "I; 11 ili'f'. im i.l a' llii'. 'I iir ( iiiie*^ nl ili»* '.r;;.*ie Mi.il I'v I'.J'.:oi;-'.i 'V.- II I’l' e.'i !n'iiii' ->> .i the !\-ur- ll..- 'T lip. 01.1 ia Mil i-'i'i ' 1.1 'a|.i rliri:il irr;t:il;.ai. tir'l r '(.iiiiiiKml' eil II I.. l!il I tin' |M i |'le. Tli.' W:i' .'.II lll.H liie illM'Ilt r iji-'.n (1. i'.\er\ liiillle ;iil\'eii''i •! i'.'t'll. I In e lt* i I' nl lla* tliiul .'\i I eileil I \|"'i l. lien. Iihi Ii iI I k.' rliHrm. The I'ilies w im!il pul I..' w lUi'.lil 11 r.iiiiilry iIimIi T' i. eii r\ i ii. i; "f lie' I nileii I .lo.il ili.'\ imi'l li.iw il: ;uui lli.i' w •' l.il!'! up a w In li '..le It I'll t :in I'Meni lollierl I Iiiit.e;iril .il a* reiiiril' .irilrle' uf Iliii kill.I 'I'l.- lii'.:lu''t pi.iiil 11 1' H"I yi t !•. i ii ri .n tn'il. lui.l il ii lie li. \ I i! I a.'i I I lie s;ile' ilii~ \ I I r w III l.- .i iiiilliiin a i.il :i lail! nl' l.i.IlleJ. 11.'11. I :ttill M:.nui'ai lery. Ni.. ilr.--..iu ;i}. ''■.ew \ tirk. Kelai! prire. I i'ii!' !I hiree linllle I. a. fal lii'i'naal In |iuri lia'iT'liy tlie i|ii:iiility. .'nlil liy all llie (.riiii .(lal iiierrli.iiil' iiii.l ilrii;;;;i'I' liir..|i;:lii.m lln I iiileil Si.-iIe. ii!:il (■ 'IK,il l. Mexii i.. W i''i li'ila''. i.re.-i l!r t.mi. I'raiue. &.i'. \ial liy .1. iii.Nsii \i.i'.. r.iieiie\ii:e, .\ ('. 'Hi-r.iii|i.)j A IjiU'F to !i(‘ Ufiiti and Tlii)!i,:;!it ii|on. public t!i:it he i^ ” I'll ti.e "\( t!.:.Iiks f"i- thi ' t;t; ( '•m ft't I'nirl n/^ d - .1 I!., '.iJii II tei'i: 1. ..I i!ie 1. i k’.in'!’..- -h.i \ '.n; he tlatteis llii iiiv m.i'le in the t ma il li;i'le I'cif th.it St.ite I'.ir r- i ’luetjl "i I. i . ;.re an' at ! i i^’'- .'I.i'i'ler, .Sp.nn .. M . I . ( ioves, ^ east ' and Ta'!"VV (':iii'iles— Pi ' . i i"'i.', l»iy i.iods. 1 i ut'.eiy, I I'jekery and ■ w prices fur cash, j:n'i 1 TPOV .M.MISH. '.'7tf iiiv(‘rv StJihh's. '1 ll(J tl!lllersi_ri;i.i> to carry on the Ll\ KHV I’.i'SI- . NF.SS :it this plare. ('....x ),;ive hiteiy larjrcly increased tin ir Sti.ek ( aii'l I an now offer to t!.e pul.j.i- us ! ^ " i li uses, Carri;i;:es an I liii- , vc!-.' as; ciiu be fouml in the Smth- ; ern e. iiiitry. ; liKiiikful for tlie larpre jiatnm- e I ’I'li b 1 til OS. we solicit a coiitiiiuatioii ;.i\ ,r. W e jiromise ti satisfactory trip to ' '.vi'.ih t" tr.ivel. I I'- at the West end of Miimford street, ■ till- Pri!]ir;et'irs may always be found, or ‘ t duol’ i.ast of .Mr. Lutterloli, i J. W. Pl>\VEKS C(J. e. Fel/y 22, l-o:!. 71Y r '.nil'.I, h vin;r [lurcharfc'l .Mr. 'i'lios. S, j :i ' l)i. tiliery iind Coo[ier-sliips, iiave eii'- [ : . I'tiii : iiip under tlie n.iine of .McLaurin | I' tiie piirp se of carryinjr on the Distille- ; maiiuf.ictiire of Sjiirit Ear- ' ]>. MiLAFinX. I UM. Mel,.\l Ul.V. 1 JAS. W. STlt.vNCi:. i 70tf Walrall^^ ,'lli his v.-.ri-, and by eXpcrieiic '! hi' W'.rk will ("iliijiete with stvle. e!eL':ii:ee ah'l duraliiiity: .'.n'l slu.ii’'! any oi it l.ii il! t w el\I* no .nt 1. w;tii I.i;r ii-a':'-: eitioi in v. .i;\ m.iii !lip or m.lt'-l-ia’, lie wi.l l,"..air it liee .f e!i;|.^.'. ] ‘,'|.i .ri . V. i -1.' ’ t ■ ■ buy. w ' -11111 ■!" '.vi 1; I • i e aKii’:' hi-' W'.rk a- he is deti rmined t" sell b or "Ii .'-^oit tiii'.e. (li'ii'i' th.l Ilk fully 1 eceiv eil ;il!'l pri'Iilptly i:i;P.\li;lN*! ne.;tly e\"eutcd :;t and iowe't p^e 'il'le prices. J'a \ ette\ilie, -Ian. 2'i. 1-..i;;. I'l I \- I e:i'h ittell II li'itice .;tf W ILKINSOX V.V i:SLi:!J, JiLALiiPS IN Fiii’ti'in Frmts^ Inhnrrn^ in,:! \N1> IMI’oi; I LKS 'l'’ SC i>i:ikSOi: \ A f W in-LKs V!.!; A.\!> IIJ IAIL. IVI?.rket St., Wilmington, N. C. .Vii;r. 7, I^-'l. ll!f MALij rr .V I'Ai L.Mii:i;, ironrs ami mission rlntnis^ NEW YORK. r.i. ten acres of himl. The abi.ve minie'i land is adioiniti^ the Si'iith.rii limits of town. .\ I'ar^Min may be Imd by applyine si.oii ti' tiie sitbserib.er. WiLl.F'i.M P July 11. 1.' .MALLl'TT. intf I 'riirpvnlsHt* \i\ |'»1IF. uialersi^'iie l will p.iy cash fi.r Spirits Tuipen- linc, (ili ^ood ordi'r. 1 ;.!low;iii: oiil_\ a t.air m;ii'j:in to ]iav incidental expenses in semiiliL' to a i;.'iier;il market. When parties ]'refer to the i.ndcr.'iuned will iiiaki the iisii:il conimissioni on :iil in their li.inds b'r ;-liipmcnt. >lii]> on lil eral tlu'ir own account, ca.'ii adxances |!i-r Spirits and Itosin plac:- I ”i\in;i the owner always till- I ptioii to sell in Wilmiiietioi or ship ti. New \ ork. »;K0. W, Wll I.IA.MS \ CO. .'■'tf Juh IS.- , MALI.K'l Au;:;ist Ii ■T.I 1' PACb.MIKlt. iMf A 77// LWAVS o sTdV i:s. AX!)Ki:\\ S'S If///•/’ (t/id Sforc Dcjtof. .tMjJL Ki.VMPS (»f f'\ ■I WllKAT, CORN. SAW MILLS, tb- ' , _ « ( » • .ne. > A.\l; -yjji, •rs^pV'' HIST .Mill Spindler lialaiice Iron.s Jind Drivers, IK Inks .and (iud^eons, Hotchkiss Water U'heels, Piaeks and Piollers, kept constantly on ’land, .‘iiid for sale. AVe also m.ake leMiin;: and .^haftinj: for Wheat, Com, .‘'.•iw Mills Jiml Factoiies. .^teain Fi;;:ines of any aower repiiireiL (irate l‘>ars and i’urnace 1’i‘onts kejit on hand. W e wish to make additions to our machinery pud tools; to enable us to do this, those indebted by note or account will ple;ise come forwai 'l and settle. ILVLL i'i P.(H,L1N(;F11. March 12, 18.-,.'’,. 7t,tf T. C. VT’ORTH, CO.’iniiSSKA AM) rilHU \l!lll.\ti 1ii:iiC!l.\M, w iLMiX(ri'0X, X. c. Feb. 1, IS',::. '-‘Hf A. .1. .1. \\ .l()Xi:S, General Agents & Commission Mercliants, u B ,'V' Particular attention jriven to tlie sale of Tim ber, 1.umber, and Naval Stores. on con.-ijiuments. i.iberal c.ish iidvances ■f;:tf TriiPKxriXi:. X. 15. S'I'AKIU ( K, HU)N FOrXl>Ki; axd macmiixist, Mtntiiftn liiru-i>/‘ Strnni M i/fs tnuf liuih r>i, M ill (tini intf of oH L imhj /*/ou/hs, l’f. undersigned, us the Ajrent of the iibove Est:»b- B lishment, will order any articles which may be wanted, on application to liim, '"he Steam .Mills manufactured hy ^Ir. Starbuo\ have been tested, and are liighly approved oil the I’lunk Uoiids about Fayetteville. EDW’It LEE WINSLOW'. Fayetteville, Sept. 4, 18oo. A v;iiied ai ■t.iil. l!y June I), IS’ hand, Cookin;;, Pox, and I’arlour — ALSO— ortnunt of Tin Ware, at v.ln'les;ile and C. W. ANDPl'.'iVS, Markit .'^i|Uare. ^ 2iiutf M( I III irk (ind (> ullcrl ONE in the best nianner. ( .lune (j. IS.-,:-!. at reduced prices . W. ANDREWS, >Lirket Si|uare. 2H0tf bv -II r. r.^i'l. VVe>l anil .Vi.rill li . \ .ken. ri. .i\ ,'pe:i k.'I lie .« .lOli — .. -■ 'aim-. Sniilli —I le ir till* ir i'iii. :;iv. n In one oi In r '"ii' in lii' ■ Mil \e:ir. 111 Uiere lie any iiiiril I'ri jiiitire.l ii.il In yielil In >IU II I.i;i'-- .It li 'l.iiii'iiy ilii.iy !;ii. ii in I iM.r ul ll:iiiiiitntr' \ e"e- I .lile 'I'iiirliire. in ever\ li.O'ilei. vll 'Ue aiiil : ily. w here it h.ts lollliil il> w;tj t.r.ilel'al lie;irl' .'p.':ik il |a ( IIKS TEU Itl'TRK T, Si.alll '.Ifi'1 ilia. .1:11:11 iTV llll. Ir.-.S. M.'-'rs Miiri.ii.er it .Mnw !ir .y-liit'. iiie.. I'.ir ’.lie 1 .>l li\. \e ir' I li;i\e lieeti a 'eiere Mill'i r. r Imiii Itlieiliii .li'iii. 'eeiii:; y.iiir rfr..iii III. IIli.O 11 IP 1*1 i 1.1 tllpl.lll’> ^ I ' llie I 1 iir Hi re. I pll 11 li:i 'I'd 11.t. ■ !e .•111.! Ilie lir-l c|..'e li.u 'ii aim 11 r"':'e\eil me ili il I ii.ii'iil. r it l ilt Ji: ece 1.1 L'lVe 111 the 'llir. rifl!; Wiirlil llie le^lllt nl III - .ll.plir..11.111. .'line w..' acnl.' i;h. iliii'i 11'ln in ihe i--i''k — n ii'ni lli;il I wii'Cna- 111.1 il 111 iii\ Ill’ll liir Ihe lU'I 'i\ iMMlilli^. The tlT't li 'llie ;ii leil like .1 I '.cirm: Ihe '■'[■ni.i! ri 'lnretl 'ireii”lh In iii\ pn.ir ;i||lirteil lim k aiul 1 :uii 11.iw ;i' v.eli iiiul t' l i .i' \i.an:: ;i.- when 1 w:is >.i\!een. I am ii.iw '.'iei tv !.>ar ye.ir-i lit :ii;e. I . nn-i.ler \ .ii;r I'iik lure llie lt.'.te't ,lirnvery ef Ihe I'L'e: »pil pi.nr 'iilli riiii; liiiiii;oiil\ m.tlil Inererl ;i iiiinoimepi in l>r ll.i'nlitiiii whii h;i>';.\. il iliiMi'Hi.iU Inna paiii. .\mlyoii. tii iiileiiiep. Ii.iie 11111.1 llie p;irl III piililir lirm'|:irl..r' 111 ili-'eniin^iliii" tin' lieiiclil' V. h;i li li.iie result, il Innii vnur im.iluil.le'i'iin inre. 1 :m ;i phiiii I .iil'iii pi.Oiler ;o;il h .i.' ii.-i. r vm ,!len t'nr liter iry Oiiiie; I.Ill ii'iien m\ I'l'linw hein::' re :.I*i.i I.'.I. 'h-'i.l I he'ilMl.'. .ir I hi I a;;li m.ile-:'.. w ilhln.lil :iii\ iiil'i.rniii ii.ni \ ilieiiile t.. ai\ lelii « ■ m ill! So It you iiiii'i'ler ilii" wi.riliv oi a place in iiiiy ol juiir iiei\ 'iiain T'. \i’U ;iri at l.lieru tn 111:.kc li'C ol il ■ A1.\AII K1..M!’.\l.l.. Il;iliipliiii’> Vejrelalile 'ritirliire liv it' liiilil ;iclioii ml tlie .'li'liiai li. ■ !,i\ir iipil llie Kiiliie\'. will I'l.!.* Ilv'j*ep'i:i. .'ii*:h. X^ihnn: : i;r..iii hi:il anil l.iiP'.; .\il.'i ti.n': I’:o:i' in Ihe r.:.rk. .'^iile miiiI lire.i'l ■ i'.■M'limpli.in. Scr.iliiht. It lii'iiiictii'nt. liinil. .\eiir:tli.*ia. I i'tnln: ! I'ilc' I'M'timphiint'- Wi.rni.. .Ntrvna' I;eli;ii!\—with nil ilis- I e:i'rs ari-^lni Iroiii impiirc hlooil. ami i> the "rc ili >l I ciii:ile .Mcilii'iiie I ver ki'nw n. . . . , ' l iir ( 'hiileri Miirliii"". 'h'-lir. lli:;rrliii*a. Hii.l .ill ili'cases inciilont to the liowi'N ili ihe Miminer 'c.-^'un it h i' i.n ei;:i il. Sc.lil Wtiiili*':.!.' niiit rtMil hv S. .1 lUNSDAl.l'. l’;iv.'llevUI : ('. it It linria:. WilminiiMii: Ml iK I IMI'.K Mn\'. 111! H.illniiorc, uml liy lini:ri;ist' cenernlly. •' ^ liAliCJAlXS! liAliCAlXS;! K p KlNti determined to duit sellin,!: I.iiiuors, we now Q 5 ol.er :i small lot of Fine Li.p.ior:-^ at New \ ork cost and char'.:es: such us i‘'rc»u‘h P-r.'indy; .Jamaica tnid St. ('roix Piim: Port. Madeira. Malai:aand I enerifie W ine.s; b;iskets Chami>a>:ne, (Anchor P.ratid:) Champa;:ne Cider, I'ic. Persons wishin^r to ]iurch.ise any of the abo\e Liijuors wou'd do well to call aii.l see tis. Timber jiml Turpentine. 'J'he cleared land (about 1(M> acres), and in fact all i.s \iroductive—suj>erior to any in tiiat country. A liargaia mav be had. 'rerms liberal. AKCIFD A. T. SMITH. Fayetteville, August H, 18;->:J. 17tf CASH. E WANT to purchase voung Negroes. J. Jc T. WADDILL. August 1, 1 S-3o. 11 tf TO I I11: lU J}LR\ H N or'ler to make a clean sale of my present stock of m Spring and Summer (ioods, I will offer them at re- iliiced prices. Persons in want of Ueady-niade Clotli-. iiig. Poiots and Shoes, Straw Hats, an'l other articles of men's w ear for the season, v. ill find it worth w hile call ing mi me. (JEoPiCiE iniANDT, P.etween the Market House and Fayetteville lloteK F.iyetteville, July 7, IS-j:!. S-2m \ Al.r.\l{LK I.AXDrTroU SAI.K. SoFFEll for sale my plantation, situated sevcnteeii miles .South-west ;>f Lumberton. and ei;rhtecu from the li.iil Poail. and nine from Harlleesville, containing .''even llundrid Acres of the best cotton and jtrovisiou l.iii'ls in the couiitj-, with fine iuiprovemetifs, well wa tered, remarkably liealthy, and tlie be.'^t stand for a Store in the country, there having lieen one on it occa sionally for the last thirty years:—with about one hun dred aii'l eighty acres of cleared land in a very high state of c.i!ti\.itioii. , I will give the lands for the valued jiroceeds of then* for two years, with the work of seven hands. 1 wilt divide the lands if doired, or if a larger tract is de sired, there is a large tract of land ailjoiniug il that can be bought on very reasonable terms. Early apiilicatioii is desired, ZACH. FULMOHE. .Mfnrdsville. May 0th, IS.',.*]. l»2tf .\ r TllK RKI) sk;x^ & 15c-Easier \\ F. .just received a full and couiplete stock of ilPOCElllES, PltOVlSlUNS, lie., to which they would invite the attentioti of the citizens and surrouml- iiig country. 'I'hey will sell low for (.’.vsii, or on time, to punctual customei’S. Tiiey purchased their Goods l,,r c.ish. atnl this will enable them to sell Low', 'ihey have facilities that many houses have not: they have a;:eiits establishcil in Pialtimore and New York, who ■•ilways advi.se them of any change in articles in their line,' aii'l who puvcbat'C only wlieti bargains are to be had. A\'e keep always on hand a splendid assortment of foi'tign and domc*stic I.iiiuors; Loaf, Cruslied and P.riiv !i .''ligai's; Kill, Java and Laguira ('ofl'ees: (Jreen, Hvson and lilac!; Teas: New Orleans and Cuba Molas ses: 'fable and Sack Salt: P>acon, Lard, Mess Pork, Mes- l!eef. Sni'ike'l I'eef, Dryed Venison; No. 1, 2 and Mackerel; Putter. Cheese, Flour, Meal, Corn, Oats. Tobacco, Candles, ('opperas, Saleratus. Indigo, Mad der, Spice. Pepper, Oinger, Nutmegs, (.'iiianion, Ej)Som Salts. Saltj'etio. Hardware, Cutlery, (’rockery, and (.aassw:ire; and a variety of other goods. They t.ike this method of thanking the community and their C'lnntry frieii ls for the vei*y liberal patronage bestowed on them; and intend, by selling goods uiw, to increase their former trade—always keeiting in view that a nimble sixpence is worth a slow shilling. Yellow Piuildiiig, between the Mtirket House and the Eank of the State, Cillespie Street, Fayetteville, N. C. March 21. IS.-.:’.. 78tf Pilot Mountain. rpillS Cre.at Natural Curiosity is situated in Surry j Ci.unty. N. ('., two miles west of the Stokes line, nil the mnin road leading from Salem west—distance 2"> miles, (ierm.-inton IS miles, Piethan^' li miles, and w itliin mile.s of the Stage line from the above places across the Pdue P.i'lge by Mount Airy to the Sulphur .springs in Virginia. The height of the Pilot Mountaiti. says Prof. Caldwell) is 17-jO feet above the level of • iiMs.-^y Cieek, which is the nearest stream. The view tri'Ui the Pinnacle is said to >ie the Grandest of any other jioint in the Southern States, embracing Kings Miiuiitain in York Dist.. S. C., Parissis Mountain in .''p;irtauburgh, S. C.. the 'fable Uock in (ireenvillc Dist.. .S, ('., all of which ai-e KK) miles or more distant; a full view of the Blue Kidge from North East to South West, and the .\llegauny as far as the eye can reach, the Peak.s of Otter, the Ibiflalo Hump, and many other ]ioints in Mrginia. A view into four States can be had at the same time. ’I'he Pili't for the last season b.*is been much visited bv strangers fi'oni all part.'s of the I'nited States. The ascension to the Pinacle is now safe by step: and lad'Iers from the House kept by the Subscriber, one and a half miles south of the Mountain. A good car riage lloa l w ithin sis hundred yards of the I’innacle; a good (iuide will aUvays be ready to wait on strangers. No jiains will be sp.ired to wait on visitors and make them comfortable with every thing the country afl'ords. 'fhe St;iblcs are well sui>iiiied with corn, fodder and hay. Near the House is a fine .Mineral Spring, the ]>roperties of ■which are Sulphur, Iron i\ii>l Magnesia.^ !ni[ii;re for the Sub.seriber's House, as he is the sole iiroT'i ietor aii'l ownei of the Pilot Mountain. WM. GILLAM. June 2.',, IS-j:’., 7o Distillers \ Shippers of 'J'lfrprn/inc: r I ^ H E undersigned having comjiletc'l his large anil J comiiiodioiis Wareli'itise, situ:ited on the llivei_ bank. ;it Lower Fayetteville, is now prepared to receive Sjiirits Tuipentine'on Storage, lie expects to devott his sole attention to the business, and those who .store their Spirits with him, may depend upon his being ii., the Warehouse every day so as to detect any leakaces] , that luav occur. Ila\ing a good Cooper always in tlie^ \\ ;ireiii'use, he will be able to make it an object to^ tho«.‘ who engage iti the manufacture as well as to .'.hipi'ers to patronise biia. Ail Spirits »eeeived in good order, will be kept so free of charge. Moderate clmrgc ■iiade for such as is received in b;iil condition. Merchants buying the article will save much trouble^ and expensi' by sending it directly’ to the Vi arehouse for inspection. The subscriber being in mo wise interested or con cerned in any of the 15oats, will in all cafces ship as di rected by the owner or shipper. ISIIAM r.LAKE. June 2.->, Isi.-):^. tl-iliu '81 It WE li ive a convenient ware-house near the steam boat wharves, in which we can receive and for- , , , , . i -n ward Spirits Turpentine for our friends, olVering them ^ JN iin.l after the hrst ot .luly, the un-lersigned will ' price ]iaid for Tur(ientine, White the customnrv ship}iing facilities ■I Oak nr .\she Heading, (.'all on , We also jmrchase the article 011 our own account, and I e::ii always be found at the .Still, j keep for sale such articles as are usually wanted by the -MeLALIllN STIi.\N(iK. | turpentine or,erators. TOtf M:iy 2, is.v:. J. T. W'ADDILL. not pay more than !ji2 (Ml for Turpentine, until further notice. \Ve are compelled to adopt this course owing to the scarcity of water. .McLAl’P.lN & ^TPANC.K. June 2:1, 7tf .10,000 Ihw. or ECa;;!* Wauled. I WILL pay •>\ cts. jter poiinii cash for all clean cot- j ton and linen IlAti.S delivered to J. D. Williams, j ill Fayetteville. I am nearly ready to put in operation a Paper Mill in this neighborliood, and am desiror.s of getting my rags in tiiis market. My object is to j'-'i.v as much for rags as I can afford, and hope that I ni.-iy not be forced to distant markets for my .supiilies. 1 have arranged with Mr. Williams to leceive and pay for all r.igs delivered to him. DA\ ID ML • Fayetteville, Feb’y 24, 18-')2. Important to irz/^o// Makers. W E are now manufacturing a superior article of AvAGON AXLES, from one and three ijuarters to three inches. HALL & BOLLINGER. June 23, 1853. _ von sArex'i\ f I’^IIE fine SUM.MEK RESIDENCE now occupied \iy JL Mr. J. E. Bryan, two miles AVest ot town. Pos session given immediately. Apply to Mr. John II. ( ook or- C E. Leetc. l-IjKTE. March Iti, 186:C TlUiV MAP.SH. Aug. 4, lS->;. i.UMiiKii! Lr.Mr>i’:u!! « *7" E II.WE on hand a lar:e anmunt of Lumber of ¥ W different kinds—flooring, wide boards, weather- i \V. II. McKAV, Wholesale and Retail Grocer, GrntTiil (’onimission i*^ Forwanli.ns .Mcrfhaut, iSotitli Water street, (i doors below .M.i.rket, IVtliiiidtftoii, boards, scantling, laths, S:c.; some of which is partly i r.-irticular attention paid to the sale of all kind.'"^ seasoned. Also, a large assortment of refuse: will of i’ountry Produce. Liberal cash advances made on sell refuse boards tin mill at per M., scantling at . consignments. *2 and good edged boards at S:iv.ed staves, sea- i Rel'erence- soned. P.ills fdled at short notice. ! John D. Starr, Esq., Tres’t of the T?uiik') OCT^W e oHVr for sale ;i tract of I.aiui ^ ^vni.^fL^'boadfoot^’cask’r, do, * the Centre Plaiik Road. 1S.\ miles from Fayetteville, on . . . . . • of r>ii2 acres. This is fine Turpentine land, in the vir gin state: a good stand for a .Still and Stcre, with hou ses, store house, stables, &c. We will sell low for cash or negroes, or on time. JONES & 15ARREE. Greenwood, Cumberland, N. C., Aug. 4, 1S53. [17tf Tl'Ul’K.NTINK WAN’l'Kt). fa^HE subscriber will give the highest Market price T , ,, „ I* Fayetteville.' Elijah 1-uller, .hsq., 1 Mes.jrs. Cook & Taylor, j “ Cook &. Johnson, J L. C. llubbHrd & Co., Clinton, Sampson county. Thomas' J. Morisey, Esq., Lumberton, Robeson. J. B. Brown. Esq., Westbrooks, lUaden. Oct. 8, 1852. 3oYpd for Spii its or the raw material. 3. S. .Auaf. 18, 18515. BANKS. 20-tf A iiLAXK KOOKS. N assortment of Blank Books of all kinds, just re ceived at the Fuvetteville Bookstoie. E. .r. HALE k SOV April .30, I85H.

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