n" Ml' iiiir^iLMa^j iuBi,.Mi.>jugi%ii''.ujji,tfa!K.-aAMaMuii»j». j«»M« K r \(>I.. 111. 1-AYi7r'i’i-:vnj.]:. n. c.. ai (a st 29. ]h:u]. trf^l3ifle^^.a.-JtCTijCawPBagK»riTBrriTTr«n--Tt->Tr ■ ^ ^ --»» Mgiu.-»»rTig^"« ■.-g■ Y-nW-f--nnillTi' r ~i T ' •, ;:iMi:i> 15V .). 15. NKWr.V. i:i;\VAil!) .1. IIAM-; A- S(l\, I, ;; AMi n:iii’un;riii;s. >, ■ \\ , \'i\ Or.>i i!\ 1:1: .'s } (H) iCi'.-iiilin ^ , - ! 1 :'. i iiiriiiu'tlu'_\ t'.ir "f suliSiTiji- V !’■• • lias i'\] in ■!. 11 ': UN i i! jH'r ••inmiiu. if pMMl ill ■ j'ai'i (liiriii^ir tiio _vi ;ir cl su! ■;> l ip- . ^ ; ! .■ u-r tlio yo:iv ii:;': t'\i'iri I, ! ;'; \irNT> ii'.scjtc'i fur ■-i\ty ci'iit-j jht ' ' tin tlT'it. :Ui I tlr.I't OOIlt' t.T I'JU'll ’ it; n. A f;ir!\ aii\orti'^oni, n:> t'v >;]h'- • r.' ' ;.:iii’.o iMti";. Ailvt'n'.-i'rs nro Thf I^criicst f'ftrritf^r H'artortf in the South! A. 3icKS;TglA.\ I'.Sl’I.(”rI 1 I.l.V int'‘inn lii fri"iii' ar'l tlif> ]>iil>- lii-. tlii't Ih> li:i l.iiih 11)> laV::!' •-illi'it fiti:il l’>ii.-’K !)i?. ’\\ (\ I!AM. ) S AS rt'iiun I'll til till' wi'll-kiiowii st.iivl of tlit* I'lv I u i;iliiiisin. ciiviivr III' ii\‘vii ;ml llmv Mrccfs. Al ril -Jl. 1 }7tf II. M. roiiw’.niiiMi (inniissiON 'iii;K('ii.\\T at S'ayriJoviSh*, i\. :\i:;l-.h TO. IS.')!. (•,-J-tf S\’. \\ Hri'i'JllvM), \\ 1 r 11 KAYXi'ji cV (aiAioi^i:. B'»2 m:\v ^()j;k. riivliiiinry iiiUancrs on ,\;nal Slorrs. \r. M ;vi li 1 S'-. 7 1 RocKi-'isii till' tiillp or half hale, for Hale liv C. T. IIAKIH S(tX i;’., 18.'.L>. Mf .irs'r ui:('i:i\ I'.DANDFoRSALi:, f.MKIK No. Mackt-rcl. i “ llcrriiijr. I'Vosli I.iiiii*. Plaster rar;«. “ t'l'iiu'iit iiiiil riastci'iiitr Hair. .1. w. ri)\vKi:s .''v CO. .lul.v :J-2. is.-.:!. ];;-tf HO'i'KI.. iaviii;r [’’.irclia.-i', “ rill the .‘' ii!t’i-i;.'ist eiii iicr i.f '(juvt llonse S jiiare. :!ii(l l.-itely kiionn n> Stuart's lintel. v.nuM iiifdi-ir. the jiiililii' that lie i*; ih-w ri'a'ly ti :u-C"iiiiii‘':|ate lio.irilers iiV the (lay. Aveek or Iiiontli. Il.aviii^r iii:m1;» e(ii.si>'.e;:>- l:io otitlay in furi’ishiii;,' ar.'l refiltiiijr the K'tahli-ihineiit. lie hii|'es to lie a'lle to jrive sa t i>l'a cl ion to all who ]ia- I roiii/.e'him. llis Taii’e shall he fiiriiisheil with the hi‘s;t the iiiark'.'t ail'ords. his liar with the lie-t ot M- iliiors, :iiil hi.s Stable ^vitii a jileiity of j'i-o\euiii-r ali'l iaithlul ( Istlei'.-;. .1. A. Cl i.CHIUST. .Tmie ur,, Ks.-,_>. ::-tf ■|'( »i!ACCI). ill, rny r>uihli:i^s at hi ( Sta’i'l. e\]ires'-ly I'or iiiamif u'tiir::;;! Carrii.pes. 'i 'nv.iikful for the ver;, lil-er.-.l i.atrona,;:^ h-' has i-'v-.'ive i l'..r the o] y,liy .'•triet r.uiil er ol insertions .;e.',rf'l. ov .!ttmii'ii to liiuii.i \\idi a ik s'.ri t.^ cive >ati,--ia- tl‘.ii. to merit a •■i'!;t!inia!u-e I'f tin' sniiie. i|e warraiits 1 - NV"rk I : he in:;ile ot’ the i'o^t I'Mterial .'il'el !'y e\]ieriein-e I « rl^iiun i'.i e.ii 'i t.r,ii;. h .if tl; - !lis ik lii e":ii|iare f.'.vi.r il !\ n th any r.i . ie in the I nite.i .'^t.ate'-, lor ne:i;-;i'.«s ;;n.l >1 iira 1 >iiitv. I!'- i.' '’; :eniiii;e.i I . I-,'!! :n.i ;i;iv -w .rk in his line .... , . . , I’raeliee ill Ilie ( i.iiiil\ ali'l ^IM eii'.r onrts o lOi ;is :i. t‘l";: ■ a- .".’iV V, ,.rk i|..Ill' ;l,a! IS.a-: , ... ■ , . ‘ I , .’III. '••'ni. |.:.I .11:. .-Mn anu >aiii''Sii. .^l.•.n•l, -J... I, '.•-t i ti'.l f. r^‘ 1. :!ii.l eh.ii Lr*''! ai v -T'. - ' t!u' IMit. I S must ''e [Msi-j.ai.l "13 5 3 ni)' \1 IM'i'.ii iii'iOiiS. .H)Si:i‘!l !’.AKI:K. .iu., % T ’5' O 35 \ 2: V I T fj ^ W , taki'M ::n oDiee i!iihu r tn III. !’>. V. ri”ht '.^ l.aw i l'ire I^n (iii cii .^ Ireet. !!•■ V ill atte-nl miI'I f (’iiinher- 'l-Iie ' -e '.ii'U . . ., i\ir.pr tiie 1. A Hi; I'S T * ill their 'ine llia! the\ h.iv I’i . ’ . . of a m •"» « \■ I'l!-'\ I He !i.'\v l.us on h.'iii'!. 'K of \ N'\ W \ ^■ fi ' iii the si:lisi-ril)i'r. alionf t]|o 1 Ith iA®. .liitK' la>t. hi.i ii“"ro man l’>KN. lie i> a'lout I.'' _\ears oM, rathi'r s] :ire ii:ai’e. t.ct-.vei-ii feet inelie.s ami () fei't iii;^h. il.irk coiiiiilexinn, hi;jli forehe.i l. ^oo.l teeth. shi'W-; a jroo'i h al of white in the eyes, anil la ther slow in sjieeeh w In ii .‘^iiokeii to. Si.id n ;'ro was jini-i'haseil of 'riioina-; Mel.amh. in the n]i]>i r j.art ot .''a!iijison. atiil it is '.•ii] ] osecl iie ii;ay he lnrkin'j' ahfmt the nei”hliirl ot ( h.is. .\. llanisoii. I will uive tlie aho\e ’ewa:'.’ foi the ;i]i|.ri heiisi.ili ami (|eli\ery of saiil netrro to tiie. or Twenty 1 loll.irs lor his eoiitiiieMi'Ut 1],,. l ure i f all r.ilioii-; (i;,;]i!ai!its. ('hills ajiil I'ever. ill any .)aii in ihi.s so that I c:iu ^'ct h:m. I-j.i'tisi.i. 'osfen's, i.ivi r ('o|iij.].i ji,f. .I.iiiii Jic.-. >.I.II,I, \\ ,\'!.''(>V. .'-iii; lle.iiiaehe. Serofula. .''.ilt Klo'um. levers of all ( liiiloii. .''ami'Son I o.. N, ( .In'y L’-'I. o. l-’.-Im ' kiu'!'^. Loss of A]’]'et:te. )i.';ti ';cteii aiel ] ainiul Men- — ! stru.itioii. aiel all linLTeriiicr 'liM-.ase-^. suhserihcr continne.s to receive aii'l t;(!l. on B. iiianufaetiii'ers' a-‘.‘i unt, ail ;:;iailes ot' nianiilai-- tur.-.l 'l ohaeeo. m.liV. May ::l. '.‘'.tf !>i:. S'J T.ONC'S (OMPOIM) S \\ \'riM', iMfJ.S. 'S’’5! a'-NE' S*;I3si ;;r«‘ ?>!*, EJIIY . .'1. ( MMS. Slu>» S i,i\ -'indt' (’iol hiiiif. ( Udrc^n'Jn . li icl.'t.'cniis. /> l'\.'r • =•. ] V r'; to-arly ■ t w i -h I"' ■ M iMiii- t- i nii:-' rii-t t;-.n (.\i; liiM’i;!' Ai Kt, i'T. [I'K s. ■e. ;n;.l a ve--v '. • ii ! 1 oe till!'-! e.i li li !y ■; v 1 w i' V - II. . i|- o'l ••r. 1- lie irl^ .11 h^--: \ N 1 • 1 I i I' I \ eiiii ’i > 1 ; ^ ' mi; ; w irr :' -e 1 ]'2 y. : .'1 li-. 'm'1 \v..rki!i:; f\Vi\ Mi-r r> ■ ■ i II, n. ;; k' in 1 r-n;' j-; ;i iin> r.o- ; , , .1 211 f ■ l:' .:1 w il 1 ■ e : . A ’ I'r- • • .; . !,:ir 1'. iw r hr, v w ' ! 'i.' \^ : I" 1 :i'l •lIl'l ■ ' 5 » e\- . I •; li: a - : ‘ . 1 T.;. : - ;1.-. ■ :: y r.'iA'm 1 .i-' • 1 ■ "‘•'■b ^ ;■( ter. U. . . . ■■ ■ .1,1 . :. i •. . ^ .r\ ; . N. c.. M.iV '■ Ill t: '• N ri’i. '* ’ - I.’ 1 .. n- r'3^!'‘'Si' w^.'. :i'.' il, 1.■ n.H : , N \. . - : i '' st' .1: 1.: . . 2 : 1 ]'■ .IS'- >' It.'.' tiM- - i;ii .e. \M i :.il '!• • . .. : ■ Ml ' i . -l it'..- i. - : t'' til T i:e!'.'u* t- 1 >1. \ ys; }>r.:i--' \. \. M Ki'TIM.N. 11 1 Iv ' i I > r il 1 ‘ - •'i;* (i '! 1. : itf 'i- m:u iiooivs. : m; . it n 1 •! t. . I-. .-rv Ir.er' ii iii; ' ■ r !,i-ti'ilrl I" .1 ■ :: V ■ i !• V \!o : M. \!' !:n l':s > «‘t i«‘\ i■ 1‘ is to SScii3‘!! ( L. .1. il.vi.K ..V H/nfni Ml ri .V. Pr.'— !l-it rit wl,..; r c in I .’ i ;n ;,!:y ■ I t! I..: r-iii- l>re-> liai*. •'1’ •' I'AVll* ill Ttf ill it :io V i .i\ e I Mt' l . 1 . lio' ; I- \i:i;i \i.r. rr'iM..- - ' ■ ■ ■ i r.ii •; • r-it-i'-n t;r\ i'.e ' I tiri'i lu-.y ' • ..II' w n ■ M 'i k t'"r 1.11“ '.i't \! 1 1:^ till • n ' •!i I .t’-.l 1 ,\. il. Mi )L I'il.i: ..•i ■••■f •: t.:tv, — A I.-' •— ■ . iV' .. f T - lie I 'n!:.\r. ) v im;ti;i: r. .i'IInsm\. .1 on • 1 ’ '■ '!■ , -is), v.i: \ \i\. ' i'.i ' \ IS. r.iiNNl.T: Ml'S. Walton !. ; i: -' ,.M '■ ali’i >' i.! ; S'; a'V - ot' a : u ; ' ’•> iitifiil -ty''. ^nd Vari. ] ri'-' I ' '• .-I Ki!.' ti'. ili a'i .Iri ' M ; n:. ■ 'iiu ■ 1 ' I't i ’ li ' !t;iiv:. I n h ;' ( .;ia ,r. i |‘;i -- Tri ni Mi is. t.i- nia.il' in the i.'ite-r -tyle. . I '■ 1- ! * v\ i: li w 1: ON ila.M) -. (ii iI,' ’-.fei! li.i. . - i:io i'. r!i-i'. ''larii'ai-o ilo. as ',i!;_’;-li Iron. ■' N !• an l !• X 1 '•!, II- M'- , t) j.r-l '' -• f ';;iif.. In ii'jo. M:iihl‘r. .'')i:ni ' ' . ' .• tatns, .^^.■ll■e. Cloves, ^ east .'. ' i iairintine ami I'allow i'anilles— ■ - • lit . f I’l '.'. i'ioi:-;. I t) v ioi.-ils. 11.11 .W il l- ..iifi Ciitlcrv, t ioi;iierv jui'i h'V.e't ]io---i .1 jii let s. 1':. vett* \ ille, .Ian. 1 “ " 'a* lou- iiiii i i, f.,r eash. irooil ';:;tf TIKJV .V M.MISH. '.'Ttf liivery Staiili.s. lilt: uiiilersi|_'iio(] cniitiinio to eaiTV on the l,l\ |;i;V KI Sl-' NKSS !lt tllis i.'iare. '11,. ,, lately larpciy inereaseii thfil Stock aii'l ean now offer to tlie (ml,lie frooij Ilorse.s, (,'arriatres an.l Ini. vers a.s ean In; foiiml in the .''l utli- ei-)i country. 1 iiankfiil for tli«! ]ar;r(' jiation- ,re extenileil to 11s. we solicit a continnation favor. We jironii;-.i; ii satisfactory fiji to y w; !i to travi'l. ■.‘It the West eii'l of Mmiit'orl str(-(t, ' till. l’ro|,riet .; s may .•iUvay he foiiii'l, or • lii't il'i' r ),a^t ol .Mr. [.ntter'.oh. .1. W. I’iiUKKS .ii; CO. I'l’ v liii, l^^V!. 71V f »- * '■ »^ »- ■ * .i- t Tr ,HjM. m.vips FOR iH WilK.\T, CORN. ',•5 SAW MILLS, » > A.M) >■ ' '-iKn ■y'i,-'' ui:\\ Aiii). > ■ :-.!;tH .^.^ire:... Mar !i 7. lOIlN \. IMC'llAiiDSDN, E\\ n.T, ]*:iy tno rc\v;i]>l t- r tb‘ n]>].iM i;rns.un aiiil s.ite >leli\cry to me. or loiU’tiient in Clint in II.1. aft'r .lntii> nc-',i .atteii'l tin- (’oiiits of .Inil, s.i fii.at I '_'. t m\ iienro viil She is ;i \ii'' n. l.ieiiiiioii.l. r.!.i'’.''n. anil I’..linii- !ik(!\ uirl. of ii^hi coiii|.li.\-.,n. viniie-- v. hen sj'oken t... at."lit li\e feet 'i\ or seven incho hi;;h; is ''ii j.' seil to he !uir.;li;r ahout I'aisoii's iK'f.ot, 1 r m.>1h !i. w.M. 1'. ilonr.s. •Iiilv '-’7. l-'-tf ti iown. lil.ii’en i’oiiT!ty. C. 7 1-1 III ('!! \!{!.i:s i’.AMvS. f. v-r 3: ’ T S Ct .V s: Fi . -i.i s \i 1; \ Ni> TA n. m:M.r.it in /’ •• / ' . .\ (/' . '' 7' A . . .. Sni;Jf, li Fayettei’’illG, N. C. M. I 7:’.ti’ w. t{. (• \K\ r.ij, i\ ( > r>C' : !■ HnI / •I rc. r.c'.t t'> 1 WOULD’S ^' r t; s I ij f £* (f f (I r 1'. 2 i I \ is!t;n;r \ • r'. or trav. ll-.HLr 'I:r..’i^h North • ar.'lina. shoiiM |.re| are thelii.'clvi'- liy n T tr 'at 'C' : h r ••01-i'er 11 It M I'.-, il' ■): s:;!-"'. I'Wi' TTKN ll.i.K. N 1 t;. I ■ V M r M. ill 1 t\. rxg: r,is, ytsibs. Fayetteville, N. C. w I II vv i'.Li.K* i r. 'SI i ( : ■* .1. o. ^\ !! ! I r« a i\i\ns.-in.\ 'IKK'li.WT.'. 1 \'i i;i n.\ li ! i:. n i\ 1 : i> - r •. M> iK ii.\ !.i. .. .11'!:N•!.. Il: at M. A. 1’. A K i! It’S. ."-'iL:n of the Hi'/ fliin. -■•Itc till I’, 't '!Vue. where flii \ wili tii.'l a lalire a -. rt- meri' I f iloilSi'e aiel ;^'-l .irrel .>11.’’ tian-. Killcs aii l I'i--,;.', ,,i :i'i i|u,i;';ti.-,': ' ..'t'- llei.e'.tiiiir. He- N. iviiiL'. '.Vc-li’' Ki'i 1 .iter ai. 1 s.'.f j.rimiiiu l ist'.l-. I' •• .li-r I .a'-k'. .■'ii.'t :i!i'! i oiiii'- i>.i:;s. rereil"ioii t j ol I'reriiil ;i'|.l I’ll', i'h la.ai :,N.ia I:i r;_'i' ;i -■'i't III';, t of ti.iiniiiu tiM'il't'. N^lliih v.ill he noM at tile loWr.Tt ea'-h 1 i: I’.i’ \ 1!! 1 : ..|’ c\ • l y ihli ^ ill ti ” (i lai^ns.th i;ne w In I...lie si ..I t iiotic-. ill the hesf liialilier, tinil for a sn;:ii' eh:.r^.‘. Kii'.i s I.; all kin coii-taiit'.y on h.'.n.l r'l'I mae'.'.’ae I wariai.'i .i to fi'. ::i iim I . '.-I'i' ri.; to i'.iri'l.:;se any of the .-ilii.Ne- :! li ' Wi'l! t 1 ;;i\e nic a tri..!. '.M. \. r.Aki'.r.. .'^:l'ii o* >',ii' Wo .ilcn Ciin, lla\ “tleet. ojijv >it.' the I’o't lifu e. ]Jtf t ;;ri ; t.. iT.ii \lilis. I’er'. I.all-1 1 allii’t • Inlr -J' r .VO'i'K 1:. \M)U : il. !.!.! lO'I I 1;. ,MoN.\iiII\N. ."1-tf March ’J"- ,\s a I'emaie .Meilicine they act like aehari:^. an.] when taken ai eordin;.' !o the 'iirectii.ns. they never f.iil to I'liri' \eiy Worst e.is:s o f E®i2"«i. after all other remt lies iail. 'I'£u‘v {»!5v:l'y 5i* y,‘ I5m> «'i !••»? i;jl t«Ji. J2;e S-i !S ist* vh. :ik33i >£!i“r t i!». t :E?lf3 ami a-; an .\nti-r.ilioii.s I'amily .^Ieliici^.e they have no eipril. I’riee -'1 e(-nts jn-r box. _.l /,.so— Dll. S'i'iloXC S PiX'i'OjiAF. srOMAC'll PHJ.S. V reiin 1\ ;'.r t ’oii;jrhs. ( . :ii>-. i '.itai rh. I'.r .nrhitis. Croiiji. l.iio].:i:^ i'..v,;:Ii. .'..'thii'.a. Co!i^iuii].tion. Nervous lli-.a-is. 11\cj .'ia. i i..~;:\.'i;,~~. lii-y^ijielas. Iti't.ise I f tl;c Heart. Iiitia:i.i;,;ttii u mi l I’ain in thei'hest. Il.ick an i .'^i'le. .aii'l all iii-^'’;i>'> arisili" from a ile- laiiLici .‘'l.’ite of t!ie ,'siom.ach. aiel to relieve the il's- ticss .iml li.nl feeling from e: tiiijr ti heaity fooii. in weak ali'i ii\s|.()itie h.il.it-i. Warranted to be Purely Vegetable, fE’lli’.''i! liii' act ,Ts ;in lixiieetor.iiit. Tonic, atiil u[ .\lilielli i •he L'» edit h . \ |i. .?-'C>vi.> t h ree t i ilies 111 ire I', w ev t" cure ili.-ea>. s linn a one ih'llar hmtle of al!\ o* th" .'■'yrii] s. Ikalsaiii''. or S;ir.'-a]'ar;lla.«, that w.a- I \'-r m.aile. .aii'i a siiiq.ie trial of only oiiel' -x will i.rove ti:i' itiij' .rt-iiit tiiitli. 'iii'Ji;‘V ic-ss. file ami (!i«‘ aiiii th. re i.- not another r* :.ie.ly in the V. h' ■■ M ater'.a ' 1‘ 'cm i ;ii ;i'i’,c ■ f iIII].art iiiir ■'Mcli liealin 1 1 l oj I 1 t;cs t' llie l.'iiiLrs an I \ ital • I; L'ao' a- t' e.sr I’il'.s. »!(he 'i'r:i ■ '2' ct>. ]vcr ’p..x, 1 .n;:iiT.:r:.r :1' ■’ -^■■s ' f n;e-lir;!::'. ' •! i-n ;i,i' ,\::e:i;‘; \'hi> m-V; the I’ii!-. an 1 i_et t!;.- •■i’’ ^iit :'s .Mtoaiiae" j;!:!!;-;. ;:i\i::;j' lu!! ;--.rlici!!.i;s anu cel ti:lc;ites of eili'i '. I’l th l.:n.l o!'t!;e al e-nar.n-I I’ill-i f.,r sale in l'a\ I!i-\ir.e hy 1. 11 ii:.>..la’e, .iml.l. .N. Smith; win. kcet) ;i iij ;!v iil /•'.■. I . .. a;:i /;■.'/'■■■ ' r- / /• v. whi.-h r..i. t!ie Cliilis Mill I c'er tiic fir.'t liay, an 1 ilo ii. t si-ken the stoma,-li r I"latc . il the li.iwi'!^. [ |r,-\ j ii.J >rAin: \ wiijjam.^. Wlli'I.I’,.':M..\l l.i;s IN utitf SPonu'stir i^ri/ €iotniti. il \ V N’2 Fayetteville, PJ. C. .1. 1;. T AKi: ; i-I. >!■ WIl I.; AMS. ' L". . II. L. IKHAii:.'-. Attorney at Law, Wilmingtcn, N. C. ^ TM i I'T ..;i e. ? P n. I. r -’. rL\(,’ ON ( \!m: !'i: I ra^iii ■Hr. vhM-.-l t': 'tea! •r- it I't-iiit aul I’lilice street-, ..,r |L I,1> ri :ie. :f ..!\ inl-.rm t'.e ] nl>r;e that he is -ril; lit o'.l -• :,1 c:irr\in-_r >.,1 t!ic al"-.e 1 in ai] it' lir.a:. 'h.-. lie rctiu. - 'li.uiks t’.ir the . ; .e- I ]..itri N>- e |.:i \'i. ;iI.'1 ii..jc I,;, astri.'t :.tteiil . II t . 1 II ' -. ar. i a :li - I" t- •• 1-c all alol L'l-e ^'■■•ii.r.il sali'facti '1, to merit a c..ntii.iianee ot the same. lie warra!:;- ■ili iiis V. .lk to he 11; i.le -.f tile hot ma teria' ar.'l l.y e vi.i'rion.'i'l woi-knic!:. l.asiiir a ni'i'e all'l y. --. S/ii-'/i, lie t'atter-; himself that his V. rk V. iil coiiijiete with any mri'le ii; th.' .'•■tate f. r .'‘tvl". elei.i-alic' aiiil I'l.;raIe'ity: : a'l si' n;''i anyof itf:iil ill f.wlve iiioiitli' -'vith t'ai'' ii'.i'.:i" c-.tl.cr in '.N.nkiiian- -liiji or mati'rial. lit- wi'! rei.air >: fre.- .4 :har-e. I’l'l'oii' ' - hi II '.1 i.. ’iiu'. w ‘ ;iM I III Wi'll to c.i il aiel ex- amii.e h'' W..1-1; as he i lietci tiiineil to sell ]o\\ t. r c.'ish ir on ‘■hort time. ((i-'lers thankfiilly l i'cejvoil aii'l pri'lil)itly fitt‘rnl(>il (o. ‘ ft 1-i‘A 11* I'''' ne.itly e.\eeute] al .shoi t notice nil ti ; "iie'l. haviiiir pnrelniseii Mr. tr.Tl'.h’ ■ Th. ^ illl.'-F Mil! .‘^|iiinller I’.ahinco Irons nml Drivers., Inks aii'l (1 ii.||.(.otis, Hotchkiss Water hi'els. IJiM'ks tili'l {toilers, kejit eonstiintly on ham), ami for .‘-.'lie. W (“ also mnke (teMi in^ anl Shnftiiifr for heat. Corn, Saw Mills ami factories. Steam I’njiinc.s of any aow er rejiaircij. 'Irate I’ars ami I'nrnaee Kronts kept on liaml. We wish to make adilitions to our maeliiiiiTV tr.Tl'.h - Il .-tillery nnl Coi.per-sliops, liave en- 1 pnil tools: to cniilih! us to 'Ifi thi.-, those imlehte.l h'y to I "partiier-liip ninlcr the name of MeI.iinrin ! note or account will j.lease come forwanl ami settle. '•, lor the [iiir]i'i>e of carryinp on tiu* D’stilh*- | ■ . iitine, anil tilt- luaintfa.-tnrt! of iSjiirit l?!»r- | Mar.-ii I'J, 1R-'*.']. li.ALL iV i:oi-LlN(;i;ii. n;tf 1>. MI..\I'1UV. w M. \icI-ArUIN. J.\S. W. ST I!.\NCI’. 7»tf .iiiM.i’ii !i. \^mm. n yz 8 5 > AND I’OilW \!n)l\(. Mi.iU il \N'I\ I‘r imj'* I” I '.'tial ittent: 111 ;.;i\e’i to all C insii;ii- meiits. aiiiH'ash aii\anc.--ni.ole .11 I’ro iin e t') :>v ■'hip- pc'l to "tloT port.- or soiil in this market. l et., I’J. 1 -.o. '■7y W ILKINSON .V i:.SL!:il, i.iiAi i;i:s IN ( 'utl ry, /•'.;• A/,-> Fruit:^. T'‘fill •■>, llllll Sniff', \Nii iMi’iti: ri:i:s of M II %>\ Ei\sC«, A f wuiii.i; .\i.i. .\M' 1:r.i Aii,. !VI.:irket St., Wilmington, N. C. .\n^^ 7. i"'-!. 1 itf MALLi’/i' i' vV l‘.\l LMIi:U. 4iirom’s auf( f'oimnisseott tJirr- I:tr» s'i-4»iii NEV7 YORK. p. M.M.l.KTT.] [.I. l-.\l [.MII'.i:. An.'rr.st I'k ls.',l2. istf T. C. V/ORTH, ('(r.niissKiN WIl niii’vWKDi.Mi iii:i!rii\\T, \\ iLMiX(rroN, X. Feb. 1, l.'s.".:’. 'ifltf A. .1. .1. 'I'. .i(isi:s. General Agents k Commission Werchauts, \vsi.7B3\«;’ro\, ' I'articnlar attention p-iveii to the sale of Tini- her. i.nmher. ami .Naval .Stores, i.iher;.] ca.sli .M.lvances on c.iiisi^nmeiits. 4;!tf X. W. S'lWUlUA K, Trosfn .Vcir Wtyh'^ IKON For.\ni:i; and .ma(Mii.\ist, Matuil'u l}(nr of Stnnn Mil/s iiinf Jioih rSy Mill (iI II! )ti(j nf nil iiiiidsf I*hitiiflis, «(y. rj'^IlK nmlei ■si;j;iieil, a.“ the .\frent of the ■ihovc K.st!il)- JL li.shmeiit, will oriler any Jirticles which may be wantoil. on ajijilicatioii to liini. ’■’he Steam .Mills luaiiufactured by M.-. Starbuc'i have been testeil. ami ar«‘ hi;.fhly aiijiroveil wii tlie J’ltink Itoail.s about Fayetteville. MbW’I* LKI-: W1\SI,(»\V. Fayetteville, Sej't. •}, 27V rroli ssor ,\!o.\. (’. I>;irr\‘s 'I'n- ro;-h.T. u^. IT j’l-r ir^'. i iirlin". I*r" 1\-j ir. ;..ri' 1; i!.t- IIm r. Kt l. \ ins I ihf ^kir». urii'.L' IMifiuu >\ v P .;unl K\i»*riiMl ii\ v.'t tplrc il liii* >. ili** rcj»ui.»i'un * I' !*."Tr\ '.■» 'I'rirn :-‘.t r. I!' (n r\ tt'i' l!i« I in. (I. Tl:* ' .!«•- i>t t hr ;t rl r!*- . tf \ c.ir'- li - \ ♦ * fu r. .1»l i p •» r iti.’ ib-M ^ iM-l'r. f. l*r«‘frv^or I' I rry. ;* I'l* r .t t .1 n i n’ t \ * in !ti' t ' n • - I h!' k- find- 1 h.’t t t lu* n•T ••Mi-.itu-'. li ■!-N f rr.l t» iT*lrr. in »;n • r.M *•= *•» iVofu lirjJf.'i Mp'v r«!. «lur::’f ■!»*• \» ;ir !“.»■.*. w .Mim* ;» ir.ll** *»f It IX u!ip« ri-'-vnrv l» pr* nt • ! '( nL'tli tin* » v ♦!« n* 1 •* iti: \\ 'in- ji.rl n' (>i Ur-ul Um‘ 'rr;r..j‘:- n-.'i . \\\,i-n tl.* | nh! r »i:, \ o I'ur- -ill il »’n in»t"r'*'iu* lit .«'• tl: *ri;r ht « t I’u* .mhI l.K • L'i\»Mj I'l' nt r-'l npt»n W.*' li^'.r- l)j*' '•f.i’j*. ’ui.i in -til ••!'» ' nt -tjjH rf’uM-tI irr trilinn. Pr-l r»T*'iiiinrn*l‘ : j !»• u«‘j him «•{ Jli»* p* * ;■!»•. 'fJiiN w r. ■! thr*! l!;* in \ riM«'r | \*T\ ‘ it-r !. 'I'h** «*f iIm* Hnili r\ «•. .1'c ♦ \|. It : fl» i| | Ki‘ :t rharjii. I‘h»* I’ •! 1 -» U Miilii 1.-.1 1..- \\ I it t -o;; «:« 'f-r^ n «-\rry ••n •»!' il;.* rni!*'j .'1 ^ I Him ilii V li:i\c if .'ind ili.i' u i.iiilt lii* -i hulr^ -Ic ir .«!** t" -in rMrjit *1 u; «*l rrjur.i' ;irln-li*' 't' ihi-* k’T'.i 'Th* li!i:ii'’-t Ir ' ;.**l V’ 1" mi m :in*l il lu lu ’ ril l*r« t I !»»• V , ir'* I h*' \ f ' T w it! !-r m Mi 'II ion :u:«l :i h:»ll o|' li« M.innlai !r\. .\o. IIK Hr ;i y. \t.\\ ^ f>rk. Ilrt:iil pr"*»-, *.*"» ri‘u!' ;i l.-iTi:r l.Mnl,-, I. o r;»l jli'C^Hinl t p'.ir. li.i't T' I'V iKr i|ii *nr.ty. SoI»M>y :»11 ihr pri»'« i»al ni«*rrli ■uX'^ -.i:'! »•'* th* Siiir'-anfl I M* \ r >. W » -I hulH '. Ur*‘ M r*r run, [ ranriv 5.:r. Ainl Uy S, J. n l.N>i» M .K. r lytifX .! c. \ r. m: t'.inp.l ' ,\ Lrllcr lo he l!r;id aiid Thi)!ii!:!il iif'nn. ' I '*111. 1'. I't. \\>* t nni! > crili h:t\ • '|.ok« ti. n' W -tk- lli«* .'^•iiiih— ® tIm* '‘IInn\ Snnth — llr:»r thr trir*- *.■ I\ rri I y i>ni* *)t h'-r '»>n in h Hlh \r:ir. tn ihrrr hr nj \ iniitil '» pr« in«iH rtl ;i' n*»l l*» \ irjij to '.tirh ni:i^' n! in«'r\ iii I iv *r j»i If iinnion’' \ rj:*’ !:»h’r 'I'lm lur» . in r\i r\ h:n »i» i. \ illnt-r iiiul ♦ »t\ . w li» rr il h;.' loiinl ilx N\.t\ ! i.ralrlul lir.iil'- -p.-ik il* pr.»i'*c. *!’kti:r I t. South (’.ir ’linn. J;'.v.nnry !M. MtutiihtT ^ hr iv—^ nl^rtiM'n: l''»r iIm* I.***! tur y;.r tV'-ni IMn iiiii -.Ij'ni. xorini» ynjr rM ^in incn«l:Ui..ii ol ll.iiiipl.in*- \ r-. I il.h- 'run ;iir.' I piir» h .'* *1 a I.otflr :u!(! ll;r lir-I li;^ inu' h r. hrx-d m* tirti I r«m-idrr it hnl jn-t'* » lo uMN r li. tin ' nil* Tin*: n orhl tlir of I hr applira tion. .M :jir u 1- riilr IMk uiti'M 1til in !hr hark—h.»«l llril I u ;«>* c -mi- Ii!i* (I It' i!i\ hrtl tor thr viv timi'th-'. 'I’ln tir'I hoiilr arlrii lik*‘ — ^ .1 r!r«rt.i: ihr ^r« oinl rr'! rra 'trc iit:lh l«» n»v poor nrttirinf tiark :mh1 . I :'iii I i.w :i- \>i'll mill t’ .'l :is M'liii" :i,- \x In'ii I vx i- -.iM. oa. I .iln ■ hi.u i.tv !"iir \ :ir-lit :i'_’i-. r j'T H I', nti'lersitrneil will ].:iy .ash lor .''I'lrit' 1 nrpeii- | , ,.ii^nli r Muir Tiiiinncilie L'rc.itc^t ili-.-.iv. r\ ..|’ tl .■-i".-: mm! I tine, lin e.’ol oriler. i al'o\'.in" .lily a f.iir niaiL;;!! p.mr'iitl.riiiL'tnnii uiity iin"lit t.nn il a iiHT.inm nt i.i I'r ll.i.'i;)i..ii U r.vcr^rceii aii'l Soiitl.eriier .mil |. « l.oat-. lately the I r 'pert\ ot the Hi jir ett i .■'!c::m'ioal t ' nitiany. ;.r.' i.-.w j ri pan 1 •.> fm '. ir.l uith lic-patcli. l.e!'.\een S\ il- mili;;Ioii .■iii'i 1-.'lyettevilb'. all Irei^zhts . r jr.'ii is eiitru--t- C-, t . them. r. N. .1. II. uorr.iiTs. rIN.ttcvi'.’.e, r.i.'y u. i^'.a. '■■>'tf OLD lili:. II.I.I A MS'S oM llectitieil KNl’ WHlSKr.V. J. \ T. WAl>!'li.l.. .I line '.. If'-’iii. Ill'i'll \ I-’OK s\u:, (■( »M I'i >1'. r.U’.l.K .Iwei'iiiiL' h'.iis.-. with .-ill neces- •iry oiit-h"ii-fs. in e,... I repair. to;r.'ther vith •ime.l h; the Soiitl'ern liirits 1 i town. 1 areaiti ma;. he li.-i l I Icivc I.e. n .i-. vt r.--iiii. ten aci. ■ i! laii'l. The al l V.' inme.l latel is a'lj.'inin;. s I f town, liv ai.|.l\in'j soon to tl.e .'•iil.-. ril'.-r. ■ ■ WII.I.IAM 1’. MAl.l.r.TT. .Iiih 11. t' p.iv incilcntal ixpeiise.- in seii'liiii: to a {rciier.il market. W hen ]iarties ]tr>“fer to ship on their own account, the un.h rsiuiieil will make lii eial cash a lvances i lor the Usual comniis";ion i mi all .'pirits ami Itosiii placcl in th. ir haml.- fm- shipment.—^^ivin^r the owner always the option to sell in \\ ilmimrtoii or ship to New ^ ork. (.i:o. W. \MM,IA.MS \ C(t. ■Inly I''. IS.'.:’.. Mf AXDKIAS S’S 77// Ware and Sforr Dr/iol. 1A\ A vs -TOVF.S. - Al.SO- \ varieil assortment of Ti i W ai'e. at wliolesale aii'l r.tail. lly w. ANDUIiWS. Market Smiarp. .lime i’., IS'.:;. -""tf Mclati ck and i Ii/f Irrinsr, (»N1'. in the best manner, at rcilucoiJ ]'rii‘es. by c. w. ANi»i:i;ws. .Market Siiuare. .June (■., IH.-,;;. -""tf VIA\ A ST( LrMiJKk! i.rMr,i-:ii!! FOU SAT.K. looo or rgvn: s'ibscribor off'c'f-s for s:ile his valnaMe i’l..\N- 3 l’.\’l’li>N in Itobeson county, on both .si'les of the I.owrie It.ia.l, li.^ mile.s !>outli West ..f Fayetteville an.l within half .a mile of I.tniiher liriiljre, tin- tei minus ol* the Fayetteville ami .'^.luthern I’lank F.oa.l. -\n o]iportnnity is now ..'fereil for an investment, 'vhich cannot he er|ualleil in this part of the country. The lati'l is heavily ainl ileiisely eovoreil with jiincs. olieriti" a irreat in.luceiiieiit f'’> all persons eniracreil itt I'imlicr ati'l n'lirperitine. The cli'arcl laml lubout 10i acre-;;, ami in f.ict ail is pro'Iuctlve—siqu'iior to any ill that country. A bar;^:iin may be hail. I'.avettevilie. .\ni.-ust 8, T. rms li'oeral. .\i;ciri» A. T. .sMmr. IS.'.;!. 17tf (WSll. RK Vi'.\NT to jmichase voiini; Ncrroos. VV ' .I.\v f. WADMI.L. .\nei:.'^t I. 17tf 'ro 'I'lii: prnLK'. n N nr'ler t.i make a clean sale of my present stock of 5« .S].rin'_f anil Summer Coo 's. 1 v.ill ofler them at re- ■ Inceil ]irices I’ers.ins in want of F.'aily-nia.le Cloth- i;i;.'. Foots ;iml .'^hms. Stjinv Hats. !;iiil other arl:clrs.>f men's wear for the season, w ill fin.' it worth while call- i’l;: oTi me. CFOltCi; F.i:.\Xl»T. I!.'tween the "Market House ami Fayetteville Hotel. I’.I\ ette\ille. .Inly 7. IS'.’.. S-ilni VALrAlUJ: I.ANDS I'Oli S\FJ:. P '(FFI’.ll for sail' my ].!;nitation, .sitiiati'il sevcitecii a2 miles South-west of l.nmbert. n. :iml eii:hte.*n from the I’.ail l!o.i.|. am! nine froin 11: rlleesville. eont.iininij Se\cn liuiniiMl Acres i.f t.he Iiest cotton an ’ ).rcvis'.;u laii ls in tiie comity, with line improv^'iiients. well wa- t' led, rciiMikab'y healthy, aii'l the l.i 't . t;'mJ for !i Store in the country, there havinc been «.ne on it ocea- i-ii.naliy for the last thirty years; — with about one hun- .Ir.'il ainl ei;.ihty acres of clearcd hiii.I in a very high statt- .t eiiUivation. 1 will ei\e th'e hiii'Is for the v:iluei ]irocee.Is of (liei>t i'or two yc.iis. with tiie work of se^en liamls. I will ilivi.h' tiie ian is if .h'^ireil, or if a lar;_'er tract is .le- sireil. there is a lar;j;e tract of laml uiljoininp: it that »-aii be bou^'ht on very reasonable tei’ias. Farly apjilic.-itioii is ilesireil. ZAcji. Fui,M(*r.i:. .Mlor'lsville. "Vlay !tfh, IS.':'!. Vlltf A r i iii: iii:i) su;n. 11V ai o II a I (I A: v 1! a «I c* r .W'F. just receive.] a full ami complete stock of £ * 11{( M ■ 1'.i! IFS. I’U(>\’l.'sION.'^, i^c.. to which ther wi'uM invite the attention of the citi/ens and surround- ci ill.try. 'I'hey will sell low f..r C.\sii. or on tinu* to ininctiial cnst.liners. Tliey jiurcli.-ised their !ood« for cash, and tliis will enable thi ni to ..-ell i.dw. 'I’hey have facilities that many houses liave not: they have* a;rei.t> e.-t;i1>ii-lied in I’.altimore an.l New York, wlio alwa\s ad\i>e them .f any chan;:e in articles in their line. aii'I who jmrcliasc (.nly v.h.'ii )i;ir:iaiiis are to I.e had. We keej. .‘ilways on Ii.aTid :i sjilpmlid !i.ssoi tinent of f( reifrn and .lome-tic I,i )U.>rs: Loaf. Crushed ami Itrown .'^i;;r:;rs; llio. .Uiva ar;d La^ruira (’oft'ees: f’lreeii, Hys III and lllack T. as: New Orleans anil ’uba Molas ses; Table and .Sack .Salt; Hacon. I,anl. Mess I’ork, Mes liecf. .''moked F.eef. I»rved Venison; No. 1. L’ ami Macker.l; I'.i’tter. (’lieese. Flour, .Meal. Coin, Oats. Ti.Viacco. Candles. Cnpper;is. ratus. Indipo, Mad- icr. Spice. I’i-pper. Cinjrt.r, Nntme;rs. Cinaiiion, Fpsnm Salts, .''’.iltpetre. llardw.ire. (^itlery. Crockery, !im? Clas.'W.are; :iml a variety of other ;roo.ls. They take this method of thankinp the cointnunity iiml their co”.ntiy frieiuls for the very liberal patror.a;re he;:foived oil tlieiii; !Uid inten.I, by selliiiir ^r.ioiJ-s i.iiw, t'> increase their former trade—always keej'inji in view tli.it a nimble six]>ence is worth a slow shillinjr. ^'eilow I'.ui'din^r. between the Market House ami tlu* Ihink of tlie State, (lillcspie Strcot, Fnyotteville, N. C. March 21. ISO'!. 7Stf !•:»*» thousainN iVrm pain, .\r.4l \«*n, rrnilrm**?!. h;*vr ;>ri"(l itir pari oj ptihiir in nri. i J'T' in ili'''rjiiir'.;*t *iU ill’’ In ;i« li:- u II !i \uw r n'MiUril Irnni v«>ur in\ alnahlr 'I'lnrtnrr. I am a plain i i*U »n pianirr ami li i\«* i-rvrr wrills'n tor lii*rary l-iiiir: hiiJ w li«*n iii\ !'i l!o\^ hrin*.'- rc atH.rtrel. -liall I hr^iialr. nr ihroui’h niodr-iv. v\ IlhlmhI am injoriti *'ton v ilualilr to niy It Ilou - man? «I V'^i om-nh r ilii \vorth\ ol a plan* in any n! \nur nr\\ •'pat't r'. \“ii arr al lihrri\ make nsf ni if ' \\.\ All KKMU.M.K. Hampt 'ir'' VrL’' l ihlf 'rinrtnrr. l.y \\ mih! rtrtion »m iho StMniHrh. I.ivff :**i!l lh*‘ Kiilnr\'. will cirr l*\-p«p-i(. i .'i*:h. \-thm:; Itr.inrhial and l.nnL* .\lirt lniii': Tain^ in tin- Tat k. Suir and on*-u 111 p» M »n. f'rrojnla. Kiiriiiirtii-^m. (•■•lit, ,\«'nr-j I |:,iu-.| ('.»nii'laint'. W. .Ill' Nrr\o*.iv j >»‘i.ini v —u i t h a 11 ra*’s ari-ini. 1 r**ni impurt* hlord, und .*» Utr i/rra jr-i I «‘ina!r M« ilirin«* r\rikMo‘An. litr I hnlrra Morl>ii. rhn!ic. I »ia rrhci'i, and a li di't as* inciilrtil hand. Cookiii'f. F.ox, and I’arhmr to Hi.'l..i«--N in itic Miiiiiin-r ■ x.n ii h:.^ i... • ipnl. ^ Siilil V\'tiii|c-Mlc anil ri'Iail liv •! I• i X:-!) \ I.I- h riyptle'HI.': . fc II |iiil’i:i:. \\ iliiiin;;tiiii: .Ml.K l'lMr.K .M'lW liKAV. ll.ilMm.r.-. iiiiiMn Iirii..'!;’!-!'t'l ni r«lly. '* ' HA !U; A INS! r,AiU;AiNSi! W?>i’.'N(I detrrt.iineil to ipiit scllinir l.iii’iors. we now ii offer a small lot i>f Fii:e l.ioiiors ;it New York cost ami ch:ii;:es; such as French !:r:iiidy: .lamaicn an.l St. Croix Klim; I’.>rt. Ma.h ir.i. Ma!aL.:i and Tenerif^'e Wines; ;i ba-^kets Cham|iai:ne. lAncl^r I!r:iud;) Champa,irne Cider. .'c. I’ers. tis wishin^r to purch.n^^e any of the •ibove l.iiiuors would do well io call and see us. T1'.*V .N MAItSIf. Auir. t. I'"'-’.- 1'’-”' Tl UFI.N'nXE. r 1' have II convenient ware-housc near the steam 7"tf w V boat whnrv!.s, in which we can receive an i for- - ■ wanl Sj.irits Turpentine for our frien.Js, olferint? them ! ^ !"i.l after the fir-st of .luly, the uu(lcr,signed will ■"•s; ca-h [irice pai.I for Tiinx-ntine. White t (1,^ customarv shippiiifr facilities. ^ " '"’t I>'*.v niore than (K( for Turpentine, until .VC, ;,,„i (,.,k ,,r .V.she ilea.liiifr. (’all on \\ c also purchase the article .m our own account, ami | further notice. Wo are compelled to .ndopt this course ’> iii^re, who ('1,1, always be loiiiid at thi‘ .Still, keen for stile such iirticlc“ hs tire usuailv wanted bv tiie i owin{r to the scarcity ot water. ^ McLAHUN .S: STIIAN(;K. l turpentine opemt.jrs. ‘ ‘ ' McLAritl.N ^ STKA\;F. 7"'f !'• V 1' :S; ', J. r. Zl W'ADl'ILi. ;nr’J'f, .if Hi«. or Wanlrtl. j fW ILF pay M.t cts. jier poumt cash for nil clean cot- i ton an.l linen lt\«iS. .lelivered to .1. 1>. Williams. ' _ , ill Fayetteville. I am nearly ready to put in operation : Inin l a l.irire amount ol Lumber of il I’aper Mill in this neijrhboVhood,'iiml am desirous of j V V ditVerent kinds—flooring, wi.le boards, weather- Kettinc mv ran-s in this^market. Mv object is to j.ay ; boards, si'aiitlin;,'. laths, \c.; some of which is partly as much for r:I)rs as 1 can atfonl. ami hope that 1 may seasoned. Also, a l.-ir-e a-,s..rtment of refuse; wiil not be f’orce.l to distant markets for my supjilies. I ;.ell refuse boar.ls if thr mill at >il per M., scantlin.!: at have .■irr.'iiifre.l with .Mr. W illiams to receive ;ind pay ,iu.1 iroo.I edred lioards at Sawe.l staves, sea- soncL F.ilh tille.l at short notice. OCrW'o otlcr tor sal(‘ a tract of l.aiul on the Centre IMank lloa.l, IS.l miles from Fayetteville, ; of ol'.- acres. This is fine Turpentine laml, in the vir- ith lioii- low for cash or nejrroes, or on time JONKS & p.akhef:. Grcenwoo'I, (,'uinberland, N. (’., Auj>;. 4, ISo-i. [ltf for till ra};s delivereil to him. ML1!I’H\. Fa vettevilie, Feb’y IH-.U. (»S-tf Iwporfant to Wruron Makers. WE nre now manui'acturiii}' .1 superior nrticle of | ”j,,'^7ate-'a irnod stand for a Still ami Store, w WAUON AXLKS, from one and three iuarter.s | stables, .S:c. We will sell to three inches. HALL & llOI.LlNtJKIl. June 23, IS.'):?. I'ou SALE ou ri:nt, fine .‘^l .MMI'K KKSH)ENCK now occupied by fl Mr. .1. F.. nryan, two miles West of town. I’os- session given iiiiineiliately. Apply to Mr. .John II. Cook or-(’K. Leete. A. J.hh’ll.. IbvC. • • Auf-. ’K Pilot Moiintain. ri'^Hl.'^ (ireat N:itur:il ('uriosity is situatoil in .''uny I ('ounty. N. C., two miles west of the Stokes line. .11 the m:iin nci.l leadinsr from Salem west—distancf* •J’l miles. Ceri:,ant.'ii IS miles, llethany 17 miles, and within miles of tl'.e Statre line from the above jilacs acro-s the Illue Kid^e by Mount .Airy to the .''uljihiir S].i injr'^ i:i \ irfrinia. The heip:ht of the I’iiot .'Mountain is;i\s Fro!'. Cahlwell) is 17')H feet above the level of* 'iras-y ('reek, which is the nearest stream. The view troiii the I’innacle is s;ii'l to be the (Jrandest iif any other ji.iint in the .Southern .states, embra.tnjr Kinp:? Mountain in V.irk Dist . C.. IVirissis .\Iountaiii in Spiirtaiibiirirh. S. C., the T:ible llock in ('ireenvillo I'ist.. .s. (’.. ail of which are l*in miles or more distant; a full view of the Illue Hidire from N'.irth Fast to .''outli We-t. ami the .Mlefr:tnny as far as the eye can re.acli, the I’eaks -if Otter, the liutfalo Hump, ami many other" jioiiits in ^'ir^iIli;l. A view into four .''tates ctiii be had at the same time. The I’ih't for the last season has been much visitC'l liy str:ui;rers from ai! jiarts of the I'nit.'.l .St:ites. The ascension ti> the I’iniic'e is now' safe by st‘p* atii{ la.lders from the House kept by the Subscriber, one* tin.l a half miles south of the Mount:iin. "oo.l car- ri;iire lloa.l within six hundred _\:iids if the I’innacle; iv C'lod (liiide will always be ready to w;iit on stranjrers. No pj.ins will be sp:irel to wait on visitors ami nmko them comfort;ible with every thinjr the country aflorils. 'I’lie .StaMes arr well su].plied with corn. fo.Mer ati'l h;iy. Near the II..use is a fine Mineral .Sjirinjr. the* properties of which .‘ire .Sr.ljihiir, Iroti an.l M.apnesia- lm|uire lor the .Subscril>er"s House, as he is the ko1* proprietor ;ind ownci of the I’ilof Moutit:iin. W.\l. (ilLLAM. .!une 2'). is.'i.'l. !'-tf To liisllllrrs tV Shippers of Turpentine, rpilF undersif;ned liiivinir ci.m]ilcte.l Iiis large an't £ commodious V\ :irchouse. situate.l on the Kivel’ b;ink, at Lower Fayetteville, is in.w prep;ired to receivt' .Spirits Turi'entine on St>.r;i;.re. lie expects to de\ot(? his sole attention to the business, and those who stm-i’ their .Spirits with him, may depend upon his bein'; iii tlu' Warehouse every day so as to .letect any le:ikajre;* . tli:it iu:iv occur. Ha\injr a gooil Cooper always in the’ ' W arehouse, he will be able to make it an .i^'ject t) those wh.i enjrace in the i.ianufacture as well as ffi shipi.crs to yiatroiiise him. .\11 .Spirits receiveil in j^ooiJ . order, will be kejit so free of charge. Mo.ierate chargO made for such as is rec.Mvi'.l in bad comiition. Merclmiits buyin”^ the article will s;ive much trouble ami expense hy seiuiii'.;.: it directly to the W'ureliou.«»‘ fi.r inspection. The sub.'criber bein*r in no wise interested or con- ' cerned in .•iny of the iioats. will in all cases ship as di-' rect.'d bv t!ie owner or shipper. ISHAM HLAKK. .lune 2-'j. is.'.;?. ''-='>m ^ ~ W. Ii7.McKAV, Wholesale and Retail Grocer, Gpiifp.il (’(imiiiissioii X ForwunilM? Mcrdiiiiit, South Water street, ti doors below Miirket, . !’;iriicular nttentloti paid to (he sale of ailkin.H lofCountrv I’rodiice. Lif>eral cash iidvances male ort eonsi!.riiments. j Ueference- ' .loliii D. Starr. Ksip, Pres't of the l^ank ■] i of Fayetteville, j I Will. liroailfoot, Cash'r, do, I Klijah Fuller, Ksij., ; .Messr.“. ('ook & Tiiylor, I “ (.'ook .t .Johnson, | ' I,. C. Ilubhnr.l Co., Clinton, Sampson county. I Thomas .J. Morisey, Fb|.. Luniberton. llobeson. i .1. 'B. Hrown. Ks.j., Westbrooks, liladen. : Oct. i, ix-yj. 3nVpd } Fuyettevillp» I I rI'KrK.NTIN I', wA N’l'i:I). subscriber will jrive the highest Market pricc H for Spirits or the raw ujaterial. J. y. BANKS. 20-tr 13I.ANK IJOOKS. VN Rssortmcnt of Biank Uook.« of .nil kinds, ju-*t rf ccivefi at the Fnvetteville Bookstme. r J. JIAf **' S Arri: 3 \ :s:3.

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