SEMI-WEEK L, Y. Enans^aasan [VOL. III.] F VyETTKVlLLK, N. C., SEP'J'i:.MHEU 5, 185.1. 1»1JINTH1> UV .1. B. NKWBY. !:i)\VAlU) J. HALi: it sox, I'.prrcus AM> rHoriUF.TOKs. I'l t',.r thf *»'kkvk.k 00 it'paiilin ■i Imhuo: ■'T^* •’»'* if (luring the ycjir of sul>scriii- t ..u; 'f >•’ »'x)iiroiL ' \Vo«'klv (>n>KU\Ki; >> ]>or ainnitn. if jiuid in i . if 'inriiia: the yiv»r of siihscrip- ,,,• n:’. OO .tftor the ye:ii- ha^ o\i>ireil. \lt\ I'IkTlSKMKN rS iiiserteil for >i\ty cent# pi-r ,i ,1' li’i linos fur the tirst. ami thirty cents for oai-h , ,.. .■•lini’ jiuhlii'ation. Yearly :ulvertisenieuts hy sjie- • ' > utracts. at reasonahlo rates. Advertisers are r, *»' *1'*^ niiniber of insertions desired, i»r jlir' i':l he I'i'iitinued till torliiil. anil » har;j;eil tieecrd- i'l ^ t" tl'*' I'Mitor? nnist he jiost-paid. It \':-' 15 V!i(.'AINS! HARdAlXSl! ilefrrminoil to ijnit si'llin*^ l.i-.i'iors. we now •ViT a small h't of Fine I,it|uors at New York enst : jiiri "; such ;’s l-'reiu'h Itrandv; .lamaie i uiiil St. r.iiiii; Tort. Madeira. Malaga and Teneritfe Wines; - = •» !'li;ini(>ai:ne, \in‘h.>r I'lrand; i riiainjiaiine \. wisliiii-j. to |.nn has«> anv i»f the u\>iiM ihi w«.-il III call and ^e^• ns. TI’.oV \ MM’.SIl. I'-.-tf II \VK han 1 a lar-^e aniuunt of l.nmluT nf iVerent kinds—llo>fin>r. wide hoards, weather- r i'. ititlii.a. laths, \c.; sme of whieh is ]' vitly - 1. .Xl.'", a Ir.rvre us.->iMtlnent i f refuse; will h'- lids lif h-- - It at >•'1 per 'I . sc.-intlinjr :it 1 L.’ -d •■•Ised boards at Sav ed sta\e.s, sea- ; !;•!!» !;!h'.l .'U “liort lloticO. W t‘ tnr s;jlt‘ :t tract *>t l.antl \ i -firf I’h.iik I’, I'^.l iui’i ? tr''U> FaN etteville. J ti re-. i' f^iie TnviKMitii;e land, in the vir «:,.ii-; .T u ^*d st.aiid fur a Slill mi l St .n*, with Ik'U- ■it.'ri* h*io>e. stahh's, \e, W i* wiH low Kir . r IK or K/ii tiiiic. .)>Ni:s \ nviM’.rF.. :n i i. ('nnjherlaiid. N. Aii;,r. Is'^i. [ITtf ,Yitr Stork St‘aso}taOle iitwds i; 'iit.. r!t»«*r res[iectfn'd\ hejis ieuM- In ’iiffMn his ■■ 'T'liinT' and the lull.lie pi'ner;ill\. that he has r'-ein\fd hit Stock of i;ri{iMi nil sni^ir.R cooiis. Knihraoii;'.; a (ienoral As.-i'rtnu-nt of S'aii'l I'aiu v Ih v ('idihI-. ll.itiiu ls. Mis- s' aii.l riiiUlr>‘ir> Mats, Worsted Tattt rijs, I 'ni- brcl!;:s liiii! l*ara.s')N, liont.s ami Shin.‘s. Al.St). SICAU AM* f(»FFi;K, \e. \e. 1*. shkm'.m:i.l, \«'rrh-v.est ’iirn''r Market Sijuaie, (irei-n st. F i\etJev .i;e, N. .Vji'ii !. S.’.tf (\\ssiMi:!{i:s, ('AssiMKin:s. fllVVF. jn^t received a fn sh snpply nf that cehd.ra ted SAI.KM t'.VS.'^l MKIIF. to v.lii h 1 wi.n'.d eaU iiiteiitii’n uf iiiv friends uud tin- (.uli’ic in irenciai. !•. si(i;M\v!;i.i.. M :i. l-VI. '-'Itf riiiiM’uool' iu)oriN(;. t'rmiris Shciitoti^ SLATK AM) MKTAI. IMMH-KH. \c.. r»^n WKFl'l. for n-i-t i.ivnrs. I,.-- t.. c.ill j.iiMic at- a. ’■■ ■ II I ' SI.A I F. IktiOl'lN'ti, d"i;c tin the ni' St ■: ■■■ I I'l^ii' iv’e. tiiakin;! n-'f' lighter, tiul.t* r. an I r" itii than flu- '!‘l w.y -.t' -h«‘*-tiii^r. ctlectiii^ a ii, Ininlx r. and ;zre:iter '•■ri.iity ai'riinst tire. ■' i\\ ]'vic- at wlii' h Siat** :ire n.iw .flV-red wi'- I !ii|'ire f.iV'irahly V'llh any other kind of tire-proof .\i:w FAI.L GOODS. STAKU .V WIfJ.lAMS H AVIC now received a jmrtinn, and expeet to re ceive this week their K.N'TIUK S Tttt'K «>f F.VLI. (i(X>l>S, conMi.-^tin^ of Staple and Taney Dry (loods. Shoes, lioots. Hats. C'aps, noniiets and rinUrellas; with a hir^re lot of ivead \-niatU' ( lothi 11*1. 1 he fihove Stoek is the Iarrest we havt* (m ej- otlVred in this iinirket. ami will he sold at W lloLKSALI) for ('ash, or on the usual time t’or approved notes. •Mcrehants are invited to examine our tioods. ' 15. ST\HI{. .1. .M. WILLIAMS. -Vtiirust l '>, ls'>;'. I'.itf SAhi:. OF LOTS ON neaniort Harhor. ^I^IIL ( aridina City Land Company will sell to the ' I highest bidder on their premises, at White Mall. ' on Monday the :llst day of Octoher next, a lame nnni her of valuahle Lots. ! 1 ho Lands ot this I’oinpany front ahont twi. miles on ‘ the most aci'e>siole and part of the 11 irhor. and ^ are consiilered llie most v.ilu.alile on it. I'hev ar»‘ in ; tull view oi the t)cean. and viill he handsonu'lv and ■ ci'ii\e:iieiitly laid out for hu.sine~s and pleasure. No imi>ro\iinent can he m;ide with Central or \\e.-tein Carolina, or the water- conntcted with the llarhor, without benefiting these ls. The C.irolina I'itv Company, aw.ire uf this fact, bco leave to-:iy t!:ai the'\ ; h.ive no ••a;_MMits oi-di-umm.M- in the Wt>tciii part of. the St.ite” oi an_\ w iiei e else, ofleriu" to sell Lots at a low rate to scciire iiitlnelice, but tiiat all the sale- ol ! their land aie rciuired, by t!ie article- of .a-rcenicnt, ' to bo to the hiiiho-! biddi’r. 1 he :^i-ntlemeii w ho conjpose this Cnni]Kni\ h.avo made arrali>:ement- t.. imiu'ov.* their lands to the amount oj .about iMiriu^ the w inter and eii-uin>r-I'riii',:. :i l il'ue Hotel T.ill be built, Wharve-, riirpentiii*' IHs- tillerif- and a .'-toam Saw Mill will lie put in op. r.ation. There i- excellent clay on the premise- t..i m.akiiiir brick and also on the adjai'ent water-: -i- experi ence ha- proved the ini) ortance ot firi- pi ' l.iiildlii^- in .a eotnTueiciai pl.a. e, tiu- I'o.inl will not ;i!!..w .mv but .“‘.ibstaniial tire ] roof bllildin;.;- to be j.erniaiiently elect ed on any hauls thev loay -ell. To pel son- V. ho iiia_\ pi efi r. tin- bi.ard wiil b'a-e lot« tor .a tern’. . f year-. Tliey respectlully inxite a!i per sons in any \> a_% intere-ted t- i'e )irescnt .it the s iie and see I"i' tlieins'‘l\IS. L-peei.illy meidianic-; siii|: c.irpentei>, brick ma-.o,«. \i.. ;i> iln-ni i.o richer hai\c-t c.-iii |jf pi. nii.-e.l iliaii l!.e I'ufi ie j t sjie. ts .1 arolina t ity. J ‘S'i’i . thie foiiith I'.i-h the balance ili'taliiuMit-; at 1 L’. !^ ai d Jl n AH letter , M i:. I'.v oi-.icr Vii-U't 1- in uiti. any ]iatTP!Ti. ■kinj ehii:i!ie\-, .si. \TF, I IIIMNIIV I’llM'S nia l. . ;ir'- .III I .'.r 'l^M.t reii;ed\ for s;n i -ei t'lil t‘i etieet a cure. r. I n aa I C. pper (Jntters, I.e.ide'- 1‘ipes and I . made t.. ;iny p ittrrn. aiol every kin 1 of fire- ■ r ro 'tlncr j'u: un or repaired in tb. best manner, oii I- na':'e terms. I S.. in - ili' iliii" vour patronage, feels c.,i,?iilent of : entire s.iti.-;!'action in all e.'i-es where a thoi'iuph . '/e his bu-'.::es.s i- rc(;uired, 'rTevill,-. Sept. 7. 1H.')2. IIIV 1"'" ' -• plllellU', \e. l/il'::' ii:in ■ 1 ! I mis. 1 * 'Wi! 15a-, Ve. A - .1 oil- itli- T kil.'i' d' IT lot : t' W.'ll I'i.lsks. .''il 't ■ 'rttr.' iif id' I': Fiv. ■; ■ct \i:u DIK (i .'I STOIll'. ^JIL sub-eriber havin;r taken the Store ■in titeen street, known a» the Me-, I’herson Puildin}:. ne.arlv oj.jiosite l)r. 11-.b- iii.' in's .'shop. 1; iiow receiving u fiesli and W!il,rted -took o{ ( luMuieals. MedieiiX's. Paints, |)\(‘-Stnils. and I’errninery. r with !i po id a-’s.irtmcnt of Hair, Flesh, 'I ooth, nd Whitewash r.rushc"; (';'. Tooth, anl Si.. . a! Iii.' ti iiments; (ialvaliie r.atteries, vVc. Ac. .Ml 1 ii he ofiers low for Cash or on time to punetiial Mr I r- respc etfiilly solii'ited trom Country I’hysicians ' ‘ I '. w ho may depend on proenrin;! Iresli tiiid . • .lrtiele^, .'in'l that no pain.'; will be spared t-» ' .t;-;'a. tiuii both in ]Uality and priee. .'Ikiii* \b riiKsrnipTioN.s carcfully iiiiil '■lati .x [.repared, J. N. S.MITII, •1 . -L b-tf HANDS, f;|ii y stretched. -enieiited, and rivet-d. B- rit- above l!:indf» are sold ”() )ier r-ent. less than .Vi-iv ^ rk iii.iiiut'aeturers' juices. Cash will l»c "e- (Uired ill everv instanc,*. For sale bv W, n. LlTTLKLon. f’.iycttevi'.'.e, V(,v. 1 fi, 1 S.'i'J. oltf kiii'l ■d'(’!'" k-; AV ilkiiij: (’.ni! -. .\n I various other i .tion-, which I ver\ . \v. .Xn-u-t 1 ■•.. : '■ J. M. M A R l{f;i: 1' ACTOll Y, (iroceric‘!« niifl Dry (hOimIw. ' /■jlllK suh.seriher has taken the Mast end of the Store M. lately oeeu|iied by Cook \ Taylor, where he would he plea.sed to see his old enstomer.s and others. My stock of (i I’OCMl’1KS w ill be lar«re and full. I will take in payment any kind of Country rrmluce. Cash will not be refused, or credit to cus tomers. Mav 1 .IAS, (i. COOK. '.KItf ■ J' liy ;M0. L.VUDEU. T\m wiiiiis ii!iini r. T. iiiitii ,v siin's stiire. I'ayt'f 1(‘> illr, .lan’y 20, IS.V!. t,I-lVpd NOPKi:. iC i:\VAIiD. 5^ \N.\W .\^ tVom the subscriber, about the l.'ith of ! (\ihiiu'f Fiirnlfitrr, ('/mlrs\ t,\r. subscriber is reeeiviiiLC the larijest assortment I in his line ever before iiiirchased iit the .North, I which, tonether with his own mannfai-ture. makei his I Stock very eomplett-. consisting of I Clutir.'^, 'I'alilcs, Sntas, IJiMlstriitls, A\ a.-ji St:i!Kis, IJurfatts, Luokiiiif (! l;s.--i Siilc liiKinls, Situ laries, \r. .\11 of which will be .sold on the lowest terms foi ('ash. M A .Inly,, his ne^ro *:irl Sarah. Said nej;ro is about lfi \ealsof ;i;ie, bl.-icl-;, with lar;je white eyes, laree limbs, weijihs about I^Hi pounds. Said ”irl is supposed to be Inrkiii;: in the nei;:hbor- 1 '>'■ short time to punctual cu^toniers. hood III Mr. ls-i;u- W ri;xht's or ieii. Me!\ay's. in Uladen I .lOllN W eonnty. 'I'lie above reward will be jiaid for her delivery to me, or lo-r eontinenient in any J.ail in the St.ate of North Carolina, ’w ‘\l. ti. IJI TLI K. Clinton, N. M.ircli LL !>^’>-'i. TTtf I Oct. :!0, 1S‘)1. r.AK Fi:. ::--)tr A M:\\ LW IvN'l'lOX ^ I! r. iindei -iuned h:i fi .NLu liine, \*iicli In i made an iinention d' a .Smut will in-iire to be perfect in the e .lr ictioii of smut in whe.-it, :ind « i.-he> to inform .Mill Owners that lie i- piittinjj up machines .at 1 nion Facto- t"l'V, on l>ee]i liiMT, ei;lht miles North of \-liboroU’zh. ,M y machine- .ire compo-i'il uf three distinct princi- (ib--. centi ifiijral. -cow el irjr and reaction. It lake-the whet: throii;:h three operations in jroiii^ throujih the machine once. ,\nv ) ci-oils buvinjr a machine, att>.r trv injr it. if it does ii' t clean d inip or dry, I will take it b.ack. I’lic!* .■'event\ -ti\e l>ol!-ir-. •d to N.'W .'-:;lem I’ost Hlice. !•. 1. FUKLMVN. I'mirtti rlllr ('atidif Mmuifaclorif. f ■^IIM subscriber still continues to manuf.iettire a s’l- M. perior artii le of plain and faiic^ CANl'IMS, at the old stand. i No. (irceii street, .'i doors North of the Market llmise. ■ when' he would he lia »py to ^ee his old fiiends uml customers. CILU’.LLS I’l.VNKS, Mar. h I, is.'i;:. 7.:tf M)\V fj^^lin Sub-1 riber ii nAKl'JlV S estii!ilisll 11 Ml letter- 1 |ih ciiiiit \ . l-_', 1^ ddr. ;;»Y siii\(.u:s. ‘A V? vhicl. 1iiit,ii':i .liiniper S111 > i LL.'s. i'l-i t!;e 1 - St price v i'l be paid. .L \ T. W ALIM LI,. Ai.r-l i. is.'.:;. ," ;tf inth'. iaterv st fr..m date. on b\i-i||. -- i f ti;e ('. IIIJ nv :i I'lri S> i.^ e. 'y. I’.IV ctte\li'.i . N, C. ■t tiie r.oril.l. T. K. I NllLllWddll, I';,!, . I'-;. l.---Jm atclH‘s and Jj‘\V(‘lry. ^I'^IIL -ul.-eriber ha- recently re- ' I turned ti' iii the N^.rth, with dcci'ieiilx a ver_\ rich and well -e- ! ft. d -t c\ WaU'lic^ A. '■i llm!'i a. iii;z 111! the late- -i_\ le- and !'n-iiioI..'. 1L\1:K WAKK; Sp.M IIS, S up 'Uo;ir 'i'.'iio-, I>i!iiiiir -iiul Ibs-cit l'’.iik-, I !.. :iii'l llriiiiswu k I ittorii-, s; .'111:.-; S:ilt, CiiMiii mill .'Iir-t.i: 1 iMii])-. ri itrii (I 'liiK: 'I’ca S. ts. (' lire I’nis. ('inuiiLi r an l 1'r (' iii>ll -til l:-, ':i - r r.. SiiL'ar l*i-li, SimiVi r and 'I'r.iy, l/i !i's’ \\..:k l»'>\e-.— l-’iill a —'1 tihoiit 't‘ .'Iilit,ir\ (I (1 II i"int-, I'l Is, i lilt' s. Fit -s, .\| 'M.I. iili-. I lurili:!-. kuL'oalld -III. 11 .'jll-i'- IJ >Xi '. .si lllo Wltll 1*! Ih'l act'tii|i:i;iiiii.'iit. ' \ I iliii', I- ’tile \t'i_v line i.ui. \ V 'i s ('"II p.l--i'.- a:i'l ( 'lialll', .'I.ltlii - iii.ntieal 1 ii.strtuiiitits, I ]\e f; i - t'l r .'iiini-, \ ry !ii!v lt:i/.iii - -, tin-- Si i —n >. I, l..t i* ( k. f :iii'l 'i’lM - Cut'- ry, s uii" in -i'‘s i.f ,il k't witl: sj i:in, f il; li! h'.. . A s the nndei -■•_'>iei| ha- .letiTinined to remove t.i the . m W e-t, she Iilb-rs for -a'.e that ConimodioUs IL'U-e. wi.icli -he liow .•■ .•upic'. in the \ ilial'c ot'.^iimmervil'e. !.n.| :i.l appurten.-iiice- thereiuito I elon;;iiij:. .A1-... IJ'i ■icies i.t I.ind at tlic nn.u!!i . Cj-. «« I'n ek, in the I .wn ■1 Fayetl' V ille, a sliort di-t.mce :ib.i\ e the (Mai iiidon l’>;e. Terms c.i-li. or Jiajier neuotiable at either of the H.'inks in I'.iyetteviile. Ilefereiice. n- to the Cross Creek l;;nd, is ma.|e to .Limes Fs'|.. ot Favette- ville. L. l!.\M.i,V. Snmiiierville, N. ('.. .lune u. Is' i . ! am srUlNfi ami .si aiid t leiitleiin ii's \c, \c. 1 .. is,-. Itf «toek ot lied a I’l.ikery on I’.ow loors of l*tine:iii McNeill's t'ablnet Shop. lie is prejiai'ed to furnish F.iiiiiliis, I’oats. and the public jieiierally. with itrea.I, l!i-cuit, and C.ikes ot \ arimis kin.Is. ot tiie best ipialit v. as he has proeiired the services of one i.| the bi-t li.akers in the State. I’rices reasonable, (iive me a call. Cll A S P,\NkS. Fayetteville, l>ec. 'J.s, L's.'i'J. 'I'l-tf W \\'\'\'A), lail.S TiirpentiiM', deliver.' I it my nistilleiv in this pi.acc. for which the hiirlo'st )irii es will be |i;iiil. I would also employ tw.i or three ;^ood turpeiitine- barri'l Cooper.-. 1*. W. !’,im;k|;. L imbert.iii, N C., I'eb'y 1>, Is.'.:;. i stf Hills. 'I'lii’iK IIImr H iitil I, ITtMl which the hijihe-t la-h prii'iswi’l be jiai.l. .M. I.L\N i\: .loM S, .Summerville, N. (’., M.iy Ls. I ''.'itf i*K r.PA K i:c> SI i‘i:u riiospiiA'n: or ij.mi: novF.ii ,irM l I V, >. I//;./ fl’i A’.....' ' O".-. FISlAtll IIIIUI ^H!iLSTI)M:S. ' liiroat eis !:(;i:.\'ro.N, moukis a: co. f^ONTlNFF. to make to ler, and keep coir-t.intly on iiand i'msch MSttrr •Jiit/sfoitrs • •fall dimensions, w:irranfel t'l be of be-t ipmlitv. bp- injr made from liiirr blocks selected b\ them from the best iiuarries in France. They keeji for s;ile (’oloiriie, (’oeahea and l\soj)iis Mili- stoiK's; liurr IJIocks, lloltinii' ('loth, Sere II \\ ii(‘. Caleint'd i’laster, llythaiihc (’cnient. (,Ve. (ii'.lei's fioin aiiv part ot thei-ountrv promptly attend ed to. es. 71. ,\"ent at Fa_v fttcv ille, N. ('. March 11, ]x.V:. ‘ Till-: L.MICKST SILK. IMHHOV. AM) TIMMMIXG ijorsi: ix m:\v voHK. (m\ Sfcartts, iMi’oitTLii .\Ni) .!(»r.ia;i: (»f SILK.S. .MlLLl.M'ilY. AM) F.VM'V (iOODS. 1^ A>7 f'ny/t l‘riri.1 i/rniiti’l J;/ mlithii/ iutrrtf'. 162 Broadway, W. Y., D E A.s now ill .'-ton an 1 is daily receiving and offrr- B 9 iii'r at tii;- Lowest Prices, a eoni)dere :issortment lif (i( >( »|i.-: IN lU.'- I.INIl, coiiiprislii;; all thevariou.- stvles and desi;..:ns, c li-istiii'i of iUack and i’anev Mli;s; Aiareclines. l‘'|f»r« nces. Shaw is. 'rriimuin'js; lion- net !{i!)!)0!L; 'I'alleta ainl Satin Ki:)- 1m»ms; ! )r(‘ss'rriininiiiLjs of all kinds; l anhroid('i ies; I'reiieh and iMiirhsIi ('rapes. (’rap(‘ Lisses. Silk ('ra- \ats; (ilo\('s ni‘ all Ivinds; Silk Lace MiUs; !>.ir'Ljes, I.aces; \\ iiit‘ (ioo'ls, ll«»sier\, L. ('. I iandkerehiefs. undersimic'l v.oiild invite ,Mi reliant HOOK HINDKUV. 0% W. HA HIM K has resumed the l>ook riindii'S B V • linsiiu'ss at the new .Store next door to Mr. r.e.'is'ev, .lewellcr. win re he will receive and execiitc bindiiiir in .inv style ue.-ired, Au-iist I. ' * 27tf i'.v\KT'i'i:\ iTT-T', ^liTnii i\NiiM.\n; ^0MP^^v. T Av(i.\ F. Hai.l. .1. C. SlIF.rHKUl). Wm. W.vupkn. S. T. Hawi.kv. .John D. Williams: ('. HlMUtW. Wm. MrF.vLT.iN. "W.M, McIntykk. Thi Oltl from • util. L.isi aiol \V e-t. when ill the Citv. ti \ .r him with iliasinir. caii iMul i xamine hi.' THOMAS (; the fa- belore pur- I'l tv.. I V L'l. Ill Libcitv i.s.'.:. STFAllNS. I'.’i Li'itidw.iy. treet and .Maiden L.irie, N. V. i.l-Yiid .)AMi:s KVM-: 'HIS Com]'aiiy is now ortranised and ].repared to re- •ive appliiatioiis for Insurance, on as favorable terms as other Comi’tinies. ■ 1)115 i:cTon.«; Hi:m:v Lit.i.v. II. Ii. 31 VK(iVi:\!. 'i’ints. lit TTKKi.on. •loMN II. ('onK. I). Way. A. A. .McKkthan. ( ; KO. ,M N Kl 1.1,. • a. Stli.:vl\n. .Ja.mks Kvlk, OFFIcniS; CiMO. McNLlLL, Fre.siKnt. n. L. .MVHOVLl!, \ice I’resident. •L C. SH Ll'H 11K1>, .\ttoiney, C. A. McMlLl.AN, Secntary. (;i;o. McNKll.L, ) .ItfllN II. CO()K, ■ Kxecutive (’oniniittcc. J.VS. KVLF, ) The plan of Mrrrvt. 1nsi-i! \n f, inu.-t cninmend itself to oitr coiiiinniiity, for it can be demonstrateil that we have saved within the I:ist six years upwards oi i by iiisuraiic(“ in the North C.-irolnia .Miitniil Companv; tliat is, vve should have ]iaid to Iiave ke| t the same in- ■ sur.'iiice ill the foreign joint stock comjiaiiics that sum more than we have ai'tiially jiaid: and vet the North C;iroiin:i Mutuiil Company lias received between ami NiiOiC) more from our community than it has ]>iiid out for losses here,—showinjr that vve are favorably slt- ii.'ited, as compared with other j.lace.s in tlio State, for 1 iisuranci*. Our ('onipaiiy has jrone int-i operation fuvorubly, liav- in«r the day we orjranised a]i]illcations to the amount of >il 11'l.tMiu, jiiid the Coiiipanv is now placed upon a firm fi; itimr. .\ny Uirectfir, authoriseii .Apent, or Secretary, may i-. eeive .\pplieatioi.s, but they vvill m.t 1)0 bindina: until a]'firoved by the Kxecutive Committee or the HoanL |>-/v 'illo. W. I.AWUi'2N( I'l is appointe.l (.ieiuT;.! .Xgent of the t'oiiipanv. We invite application.s. (,;Et). .McNFILL, 1‘res’t, C. .\. Mc>IILL.\\, .Sec'v, Feb'v 7, is.'.;!, ‘ bbtf N\ ,M. il. MeliAUV, Vontmissiott •ISrt'rhant^ wilml\(;tox, X, c. i;lar attention wiil lie jiai'i to sellin^r and ship- :i lai’.:e ;iiid srerier: ;ssortmei!t of S.-. 1|"V. receivili;. ESSQS'^ «S SBd n all of vviiich have been purchased tor C \.'-H by the Package. / OF T!Ii: MOST .\r iiilhi 1,1 If liriiil h Tm iii ('. n-.itry teie-t t. ,M:;r.'! Mcrch.'in:- and i.thi examine the Stock. rs i ill find it to their in- 7f,:f now rec( n nin in\ d^lLll (illtlli.'- suitable for Ladu wear. .\l'o. Ilat.'. Itoliliet-, ,S|ioe I’LI L!: i-. .inllNSoN. 77-tf / '.ncniirn^ r llnni( Mann f arturc. -t -I vie, • r-e pow- Mll- d I- luldi'- 15 ■its, 11.lino It's ;ili'i \ .;ri- s’;.\ liitl rciit lid like t.i -I 11 la; \.si.FV. e.'-;;m :\oliro lo reliant'*. 'I'llKOrcill !’.Y l).\v LK.iir. rjJTHK swift and conimi..lions'' .Viice, t mjii. fl. .’-.'IIII 1 Ileerv, will eor.iiiH'nce 4o'r reiruhir seini- w-eklv trips between Favett -ville and Wilmtuz'oii in a few days. Those wh't disire iheir o.nei^ with »• rtain- tv and de-patch will obtain them by shipping b_v her. I'tue m ti. e of .lav- and hour- of departure tr..t;i ea h will be ;ri'.en. (biod-i c n-i;_'iie.| to .1. It. Fil "s--..m. rHUlF -w ..Mi]i 'dauiifacturirir C.imp'inv M. to manufacture, in the neatest and In Wheat Thre-l.iii'j; M.ichine-. Ir.imtwo to>i\ h. er; ('llttili'l M:icl.i>ll:- 't i.iilcient s'/e-: {(oilblealii '.^le W'.i.l ('Nr.r.iic M.ichilies; Mill Jili'i hait.'iy ie:ir S iw .-in 1 iI i.'t ^Illl lions; Ld'.:e Tools, C .tt.iii ^ .-irn and W....1 i;.."-, ••cc, .\e. I’ei-..|i- v\i^hii.;_ to piin ha-e v.oi.M I'o well to jri\c I.- .1 I I ! bv|,,!e'h-i-iii'j elsewhere, a- we are de- tern ii:* I t" i h" ip l. r e.i'li i.r i-n tiiae t.. punctii il • leab r-. (tiir h ii;; expi'iicnce i>. the M irmtactni';nir bii-iiii-- enable- 11- t'l !V.l in. he-itatii.n in siv in;: that our Work -Ii.ill li. t be sur|iri-'ed b\ ;iiiy .shop in the .s.iutii. 'I'h ilikl'ui I 'T the lilieral pati .ii.i'ic 1 . vve.l. v.e I'l pii tfuliv it a coMtinuaiK'c i f the aine. Mi le'ters :i |.|i' --e.l to the .\"eut of the ('.impanv, iit Snow .imji 1‘. t*., .Maiirince county. North t'.iroli- ii:i, will rccei\c prompt attention. I'.VVII* ni.XoN, \;rent i t tl,.' S C. ^^lmlflct,ll il;;.' CiiinpaiiV. Slo w C;im)i. Feb'v 1'.'’. 7 I '.m si'i:i)M\N v,v iiokm:, Dru ( imtiis, Ihti'tln ft/'f, (ir>c(ncs, B* i 1 in Ti:\ iiiiii:, y. i\ Il l.l> re-j'e( Ifni! public '.renei' illy, tV'.m New \ ork, ;iiid are lit I loods, coll-istill;: of ( ! rm HOYT & CO , AC-EWTS, \o. .2)1 Water .'MrcH. mid lii Wrsl Si reel, riiriii’r of Ihy .Nlrffi, MW V.iKK. VFF.K’l I I.1/.LI5 jir'idnciiij: all the imme !i ite etle. t o: the be-t l‘eruvi:in with I ;i I v ant a;; of bein;; much more lasting in the soil. Thoroiiuli.v U'Ste'I, and f ".ll;il t.i Iilor*’ tli.itl re.ili-e ti; ' expeet,it;oii- of all th. se who have ah' tric-l it. The -t e>i deuce ot this is the lar^tlv increase.I demaii'l t)i'- -. .i- -i.n over the pa-t vear. I'nt up in ba;,:s of li'.O pnun !-: b;l! rels ‘J’.n ] Iiil|:d- :'aeh. Ill'Vil's will plea-' ! (■ p:.l- ticular to ob-erve our brand iipi ii each teiir or b:irrel. .Mso. s;ile, American and Foreign FicM :ii. I ti:;r- Icii , F.ll'jlish Lav (irass. Foul Me;i.h-\\ ti; tine mixed Lawn tira--. White Clovir, (('iii.^". .\c. .1 une It, 1 ' -111;. 1 SKW »OOl>S 1/ ///' dill slfinil nf II. I) rtinson iV ’I ;aen; i .■nC, LAL.'iK t under I'I'..'-I! N III» li.ave iiis( receive. 1 ; ((I (11 emiir.'icio!' a ui ill i b iii;.!it ill tiie n.irthern . . ’ ' e ci I'l um-t .. cf-. 'i'hev have I. • if, crii-io-i, I '• ■■re.l an 1 biovvn s\ .lav.i. La^irr i ;U;.i !li . Coilee; ]'"pj er. spice, uili'.'er, tdoves ai..i iiiitmeti.-; sup. -arb. so.l.i; indo.r'.; nia Ider; bor.ix: c.iiiiple.r: aii:ii;: ps .m salt-; -allj tre: molasses; -vrnp; s I't; ii in:'i'i's, bi i'l'es and lov.i tiiiLrals: collars: w ;i;r''li all I bii;:'.^y v\hi|.-; sp.-iib'S, '■eis aii'l fork.-: trto-c. d"::. breast ai.d halter chaii.s; C'.tKe mills; v\;i..:ou r; n.ill, I ro--eiit and haii'l s.iv.--; cut nails aid es; a L' '• .i a--' T tm.-n; of |.. . ket and t ible cetlerv; k'liii t h toii' - .Ill ji'ete; t urp; -.ine'rs. -.•r;i}.c: s. •ii'.ri I’ll ri: ].iii>.' Nav.'il .St..res ai.d I’rodnee, and also to the For- wardinir of (i.mds. .Merchants who consijin their ( to him can rely on their beiiijf forwarde'l by llrat b. j.t after they ar‘i • li.-charjr''.! from v sse1. iu;fi:iu-nci:s: F. Flies, 11. .\. X'.ifrlcr \ Co., .S;,leni, .N. C. T. .M. Youn;r. .Mocksville, iiiiiit Vd'icrton. l.exiiijrtou. .loh'i !'. I'.ro VII. .Salisbury. .1. 11. ."c •). M.-utlne, Fayetteville, •L.n'v "J'l, iJ'.'io. '.”tr rorTiri'M'KSHIMy i.ii'Iei-si;r:i-d ha.e entei-vd into a cop.irtner- H ship under the name and style of Troy ik .Marsh, f>r the ].rosi'cutioii of a tleneral Mercantile business, I.oe.itioii th“ same as formerly i.ccupied by Messrs. H. L. .Mvrovir ,'v t'o., foot of liav .Mount. ,L n. THOV, .Til. J. r. .\L\iiSll. liLi'. -j:;, Ls.-.:L ti7tf xe IS iVc. inform t!ie citii:eiiH and the that thev have ju-t returned rei'.'iviiij^ their Spiinj: .Stock lil'iW \U!). *.N \W'\\ from the subscriber on the 'J.stli of Mav la-^t. a neirr.i bo_v calle.l ‘.\L\ IN. nii.eteeii vearsold, heiiiht ab..iit ■> leet inches, weight abi.ut I'.lt lbs., a bl o k i.e 'i'o. I.iide ir rini;- in e:o h ear when he I'-ft. no cb thin>: recollect.-i except a iark blue.ivtr coat. This bnv v.:i- piircha-e I of l*r. .L.hii .McNeill i t Uobesiiii count v, about thr I-t o( May. 'H;e ;.li..\e re- vvani will be pai'I for his delivery to me or if linl;red in a .lail in this .State. It is very piobabie he is in tiie i'ci'.^lib' rhooii ot his former owner. .lt»HN W AnniLL. .Ir. Fayetteville. N. .Iiiiie o'l. 7 tf .irs r iiii('i:i\ I'i!), A I’KIMF lot Mountain Kiitti r. X® New OrU'.ins aii'I Ciibri Mola--cs. .lava, I.airuira aii.l Uio Cottee. Su;:ar, Lice, v'. ij. I,, pplli-- axe-; j;i|l -: ii-e -t'i k '! rt idy-m; c'.■ th 1 all ! -la;le drv ^'oods: ;jiinny .'.nd hemp ba ri ;.c aii'i t'vin.,-; .Sweii. -. .Xiiii ricaii bar ai..l lu.op ir.'ii; -.piare and octaeonca-t -leei; (lei aiel bli-t. r steel; • ir,-hais. ca|.-. t.o..tS:ilid -hoe-, vie-ierii and N .rtli Car. lina bacon; together with ahii' -i every .-irticle soi.i in thi- market, all of which vvill le -I.Id at lair ] rices )..r c- sh, on lime to prompt castoniers, or coiiiitrv produce ..^einTallv. tl. U. W II.!.i VMS \ ('O. .Iul\ I.--,-;. \ I'l H F. Steamer Fannv Lulterljh is r-uiuiiii'r as foi- hm-: Le;.\e Fa vetlev iile Momlav jind Thursday nt •') o'clock. and Vviliiiint Las.a;;e :SL toll Tiie.s I., •liilv L^^. is aiivl Friday at 1- o’clock.— T. S. LFTTFlU.Oir. 11 -:iiii WOIlTil ;:ei,t, will be iiroiait.y an! carefully f.rwar.led. >iiai. .\u}iii-t Is.'.:’,. rii. Istl I .\ew (■()()(I.s lor 1H53. J. c. 'rnoMso.N ' now reeeivinr a hir/e an.I well f'dected Stock o .''pring and Summer c; > o i> s, C..n?iistin^ of (ie’itleincn’.'i fine Fashionable Moleskin, i".iii!i re. Panama, I.eprliorn, iiiid n lai'tre variety of otlier : tvb'.i of II.\TS and C.Vl’S, wliich will he sold low t'.r . 'I. a general assortment of fJentlemeirs, Ladi«'s'. ' Ml \ onth.s’, Ibiys’, Children’s, iiiid Infant-' tine ! dll (initer-. Operas, Oxlbrd TicK, lUtnkiii8, llOOTS and SII »L.S; whii-h he is willing and anxioii.s to ex- ch.'iiijre for Cash, on liberal terms. .1. C. T. Market .^iiuare, ?darch li'.t, 81 tf Fa \ llotol. .ioiIN llAKMAN llespcctfully inforiii.s his friends and the public that he has removed from the Motel at the foot of ilaymount to the larf'er “'*‘1 niore eommodious Hotel in the centre of the lown, recently occupied >>y .Mrp. IJrown, and well known as the FayetieviH(i Hotel, wh(*rc lie will be liap- py to accommodate Travellers and IJoarders. No ex- ertioiis> of him^^df and family will he upared t) render thoHe comfortable who may favor him with their com- pany. FHvetteville, N. C., June 1«03, 2fK)tf IJUANDV. 4 FKW bbls. verv tine 1’,1{.VNI)\^ suitable for W itie n;:ikcrs. J AS. (L C(»>K. Au;-i!-t 1.'., IS'i.'l. I'-' Iw I’OK r W’O .“Stores on May Street, convenient for business, M. and at pre-cnt occupied, one b_v M. McKinnon, and the other by Me--i s. .las (». lloon X Co, I’osses- -ioii dven 1st Sept. For further particulars, apply to ALF.X. .lOllNSON, I’liM'tteville, .\ii;:ust !•, IS-'i!!. ls-ilS \\ MilJA.M A. (;\V vi:u, F(HIW .\i;i»INO .\N1> C0,MMISK»N .MFia ilANT, Wiliiiiii^toiii, f®IlI!SON,\L attention j:ive. to the sale or ,'hipment of Naval Stores. I have ample faciliti(‘s con- diictiiitr the business; larjre wharf and store sheds to keep sjdrits from exposure. stores vvill In- shipped to anv house in New \ ork, >v to other markets if advi- sablel niid liberal cash advances mailc on consijriiinents. I refer to the following: distillers: 11 Haiinum, \Vavne county. ! K. II. WOodard Co., Larf>sboiou"ti. W . Lar]», .\. (L Thornton, .lolinstoii county. Ilridfres \ liurliam, •* “ 1*. Mocatt, “ “ Spencer Fountain, “ “ H, K.atmau, “ “ Smith, I'li van Co., •* “ 15, K. Hiniiant, Ksip •* “ Lovett I'eacoek, Columbus county. Me.ssrs. Jones \ Leach, Favutteville. May L'O, ‘ 1»C.V IKDAK F.-\LLS (’ottoii iarii and SheotiiiftH, for sale TKOV & MAKSH. Hbtf . li e. .\ varietv of Hats, suitable for the seaKoii; Ladic*' and (ieiit .eiiM'ij's Iioot-. Shoes and Slippers; a lar;ie as sortment of rea lv li. ide Clothin;:. a ;rieat many articles ill the ladies' line, and vve wmld b(> pleased to h.ive them to call aii'i examine themselves. Ml orders sent t.i our care Irom our trieiids :ind cus- , tomers will be pr. nij'tly attended to.'li Is..:;. ‘ Mtf Kandolpli Sheelinu and Cotlon \arn,, I'orv.ilebv WOKTII .V MLLIOTT. .\pril IS.-,:!. ‘ S7tf m:\\ s ro(’K or spiiiMi i\i) M.inii'P. i;ooi)!i. March 7. IS.') FI.LI«*’fT. 7'.tf f tl e I'a al ( oi.i.ianv ir .steam I.- bll'.l l W M.LIAMS I at Factory prices, by May ;i(.l, 1 IIACON. orth (Jiirolina Bacon for sale. July 10, 18ul. J, k T. WADDILL. I'tf * ^ 11K subscriber is now receivin;' a hir;:e and well selected stock of taxiDS, coiiipri-in;!; u (ieiieral .X.'Sortmeiit of l)lv\ (iOOI)S. lieadv-inadc’ (’iolhiiii;. Hoots and Shoes, llats and ('aps, ] lard\\ are and (’ntlerv, (Jroeei ies, Saddh'rv, \e, *\:e., \\ hich will be sold low for Cash, or exchaiif^ed for Tur pentine and ('ounlry I’rodiic*'. He returns his warmest thniiks to his old friends and customers for the liberal patronasre heretofore extended to him, and hojie.s to merit a continuance of the same. N, KINC. Kiii|rsbury, .\pril l(i, IS.'ir!. Sbtf i\rw Dru^- fStor(\ Fonth'cs 4V llae^ Din’CClSTS, ('tnmvnf JIn!/ (Iff/ DoiiaIJsou Sfr(fs,Iimfli/ lumt of the Fii/(-t(i rHlr Hotd, FAVKTTFVILLK, N. ('., VllK now receiviiifi a larfre stock of liKFti.S .\XI> .MKI>1C1NF..S, directly from Importer.^ and Manu- ‘'actnrer.s, whii-li they will sell to Physicians and (’oiin- try Merchants at a very small advance. They will keep constantly on hand, of the best finality, ,;very varietv of articles in their line, having made ar rangements to that effect with established houses in New Voi'k. Their Stock having been very carefully selected, and purchased for Cash, will enable them to reconunend confidently all their Dings, and to sell them at very lo-v' rates. They solicit a rcasonaWo slitire of the patronage of the public. i\pril 22, 1853. S8:f irvcs: I.r.S. KAtiS WANTM!', for ^ F ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ which the hiiriiesi m.irUet }.ricc v.ill oe jeiid by F.F.NLoW, LII CO., Ajreiits for the ,M.uitco Paper >iill. Kaleij.di. N. ('. Fav etteville, M:irch L’1, 1S.'>. 7S-f.m Ki:i)r('i:i) I'Aiii:. 'rilMUloll 'i'ickcts IxMWcOll W ilmiii}rton. N. and P.atti- niore, Fare^Sl:*,. \ia Weldon. Petcrsbui'jr. Kichliioii'l, .V W a-h- iii”ton ('ity. or \ ia W eldon. Ports mouth and Norfolk. For Tickets apply at the Of’iee ii^*ig*ge»of the ilmin^toii aii.i Kalei;rh llail Uoad Cenipany at \S'ilmiii^- ton, or .at the 011i'e of the I’.altimore Steam Packet Com]>anv, and of the I’.altimore and diiio Hail U»iad Company, Pratt Street, l'>altiniore, .Lin. 1, 1S02. '-o-tf 1:00 M Sn'b-erilx r slill the CAl’iINMT SAI)l»liFii{S’ AM) ('OAl’ll-.M AKKliS’ Ii,i K MP II*.f it tS'r. fr 'i’he tiiHies 1.1 carry N1..SS in Fa_\ cttcvillo. and in addition to his F.,-t.iblisliiiieiit oil Pio'vv .Street. Hear L.clcs's llrid^.’, bus (>] eiied .1 Iar>j ‘ U,\I1F. n liav street, iic.irlv o|ijiosite the F.iyetteville :',.| (li.e door F-'-t ot Missrs, 1!:;i;_li .Son's, •^elielal a--' itll.cili ■ t Ft ii.M'rrMiv ,M.ide bv co;.ip«'teiit :uiii fiithfiil wor! nun. m.iy be 1 . .I at prices C'.ircs|ioiidin;Z with the times. .M-o, an as sortmcnt of Norihern-made FI ItNI'i I llli. selected bv liiiii-elf which vvill be .soM at a verv moderat*'advaiicc. ni'NCAN .McNKILL. Nov. 10, IS.-.l. or>tf II kei'|.s on hand an a-s. rtnirnt ot Fi-k’s ceb-bra- tcd ,MI1T,\LL1C i;n:i\L casks, which have been hiirhly reOommendc'. by Willie P. M.inrum. llcnr.v Chiy, Lewis Ca-s, Wn.. 11. Kii;;, and many other il- Iii-trious characters, who have examined :ii:d witnessed tlieir utility. TMOX Ll\ I'iliV S'l'AiUiKS, F\YF.TTMV1LL11, N. C. ^B^HF, Pl'iOPll I F roll.s ;iie jireparcd to furnish the H- Public with ititrsvs^ ('arrite^rs, an ft M'OEi SiKtSSi. ’I’hey are als.i ]ire!>are l to carry l’.i-sen;iers to any 1 llarnes.*? 'i'llOS. .lOllNSON -H,vs .irsT i:f.( i;ivKi>— F.P.LS. NHW' OIILFA^'S Mol ASSFS, !• do.;jrt‘ Yellow Planiing PotatoC', •OMIibs. .Northern llacon, ;.i(i»i Ills, N. Camrui.-i do, 1(1(10 bushels (tats. P1oUu:hs and Ca-tiiiys, lliiicksmitiis' Tools, 17 hhds. Cuba M„la.-ses. — LSO— I li-iit 1. iii'-iiorse Wa^oii, and 1 Huj _ Horse, >';c. TIIO.. .7. 10HNs'()N’, Person St. Fayettevi 'e, Fi'b’y ‘JS. IS.',:',. 7l2tf ('AMP1'LI.LT(>N PIK'FLllTY FOP. SALtl. T. .1. .J. f H^Hl'l .Ll'N'.V lnsur;!iice Company of Hartford, liav-' M inn paid the tax iiiipo.sed by the Keveiine Law i.f the laTe Legislature, will couliiiuc it.s ApMicy in' Favcltcville, iiie'er the malia;.i'eiiieiit ofth;* nndeisi^lied,' who i- prep:;red to i--ue Policies of Insurance on lluild- !!i'.;s or Cooiis, either in this Town oi' in any jiart of the State, on proper application, descrijition of the Property, ,\;c. Tiie ,l"i’.N,\ COMP.\NA' has been in o])cratioii nbout years. Its c.'ipital i.- The Hon. Tho-. K. P.r.'.ce Was its lir-t President, and he still holds that oflice; ami sever;il of it- first • Lirectors are still active' and ethcieiit members of the IWiard. It has at all times st;stain-d the liij_diest character for the pru.lenee of its maii:ii-'ment, and for the liberality with which it I..IS ever adjiiste'l il^;s. , K. J. HALM, A-ent. M.'irch 10, IS'il. ti‘i-tf soiiable terms. the St.'ibles formerly Wooten, a few doors of the in'i;rlii(orinji Tovvi.s, on Their Slock may be tonnd occuided by Messrs. I'liili|i.- W est of the Teleuraph Ollice. j 'I'hev always h.ive in iittcndaiice }:ood Ostlers and I Pieinsmeii. - > A Fori’i-IIOHSM ('Ai;itIA(;i: will be in at- I to and 1 ki .11IIiiiii^/iHi UL I \i). Ill lliiltiinon’ St., Iiiillimon’. tMPOllTF.Pi.S and l>ealei s in Ilofr .skins, Saildle Trees. Fnglish Hcad.s and licins, (iirth Webs, Stirrups, Hames, P»itts, iVi-. Springs, .Vxles of ull kinds. Coach Lace. 15KNT FF.LLOKS, Hubs, Spokes, Carriajie and Tire 15olt.s, Patent, Carjietin-r, and every arti cle connected w ith either branch of the business, which they are prepared to otti'r to punctual custonier.s on as tendance, at short notice, lo convey i’assciij;vrs good terms as any other house in the I'nited States. Agents for the sale of Pope's Self-Adjuyting PADS and Spencer's (il(! TKllMS. Orders promptly attended to. Address Tiio.>ns >iArKE.\ziE & i':n\s. No L’22 Ibiltiniore Street. j«(V] HALTIMOUK. ki:movi:i). Subscriber having removed to the stand for merly occupied hy .>lessrs. Starr \ Williams, on Hay Street, offers to the public a general assortment of 1 'MM ANl'FACTUKEIl and Importer of Kifles, Shot- ST.Al’LK .'VND F.\N(’Y lUlY (itJODS, and would be ! i.T■ Unns, Pistols, Flasks, Shot Pouches, Kiflc Locks, liH'i: INsrUANCK. §MIF rndcrsigiic'l ha.'^ been apjiointcd .\gent of the' North Carolin.'i .Mutual Life 1 nsurance (’i.mpini. Kvery member lorlit'c participates in flie profit.- of the Compaiiv; and tlo- annual jiremium for life men.ber- shij). whci'e it jimounts to or more, may be j.aid one half in cash, and the either half in a note at lli months. Pebtors' live;; may be insuri'd by creditors. A man may insure Ids own life for the exclusive benefit (d his fiimily. I 111 lives of slaves may be insured. This s> su'iii is rapiilly growing into favi.r. all over . tl... st»...,i 1*,...*^ ! (>'*• eivili’/ed world. It is one by which a family, for a Iroin the Steam l>oats. 1 ,, 1 • 1 1 *• . ,»■. *1 ...1 -11 i 1 11 I- . I . small sum anntialiv, inav he iirovided for. after the 1 hey will take Horses on Livery at reasonaiile terms. . .» ■ i . . They hojie, by strict attention to business and a le- ! termination to please, to merit a share of public pat ronage. J. 1>. -\SKKW', .\geiit. i l)ecember 1-5. IS.")!’. oiltf I AI iCcdiiced liif/ca, S/iot-(iu/is. l*i.sfol.s, EDWARD K. TRYOW, 1:11 .>». 2ii(l pleased to sec all persons in want Of Goods before they j Uarrels, and materials for Gun Makers’ use. purchase, as he is determined to sell for u small profit 1 Dealers will find it to their interest to esan.^-,- for casfa, 01 on timu to punctual ouetomcrs. itios and prices of my goods before purch-sing 0 J C. POE. where. May fi, 1853. 1&35 death of its head, on whose exertions they may hav. I been dciieiident for a .snjiport. It is a good inveiitment I of money, even if one should live long after taking ■ out a Life Policy. Fxplanatory pamphlets, and the neoessarv I'lanks, furnished on application. !•:. J. HALM. Fayetteville, .Tune 18.'>0. 7:i Tl K1M:NtTnE LAM) I'Oli SALK I'lOR sale, "03 acres of LAND on James Creek, and G4(l .icres on (,'ypross ('reek, in (’nmherland, i convenient to the Western Pbink lloud, heavily tiinbtred, j.and iidniinibly adapted to the making ol XurpentiEe. I Ap[dy at this Office. 41tf Blanko for safo here.