SEMI-WEEK I. VOL. III.] ■ 1 y iiiiiirniTwiT!rwBniBTffwwnMwriTTBrirTWOTTiTiTTiwpiTfff^T|[^'^~w~if'p FAYKTTEVTLIJ^, N. C., SKPTEMj?El^ 8. — I I TT—rTryrrwijWiii ^mt itwufi ■■ [NO. 226.'] rniNTKD UV J. H. XKWHY. KDWAHI) j. halk & sox, KIMTCHS AM) IMKIIMUKTOKS. . I V tl.i- Scini-Wooklv Oasr.nvKU ^4 00 if paid in ■ilv:r.M': i!'{i.'iid (Innnj; the year of sul'scrip- ,, I- s.'i r tli> year lias oxjiin-il. ;V>. Wf. kly KU (M> jicr anmini, if paid in ,h.!in''; durinp the year of subserip- •i- n:’. :»■ al'ti'i- the year has expired. , ;:UTlsrMt-''T'^ insortcil for sixty cents per ,,, I’’ tim*.' for tlie first, and tliirty cents fur eaih vcfliii- 1 u'i!ii-atii>n. Yearly advertisements by sj>e- ,! i-i uirui'ts. at reiisonalile rates. Advertisers are !U"'. '! t'> state tin* niiniher of Insertions desired, or . V ni;’ l'>' - '>iitinued til! forliid. ;ind eh;iri:ed aceord- {■ / Letters t -the r.ditiirs lie [lOst-paid. nr Oh in on ’ s tmpvorctl N()\-]:XlM.()Si\ H LAMP, FOU lil UNLNC I'Ll II) AM) I’lNIi ()IL. I'atented .lanuary (ith. suliserii.ers havinjr just received a lot of the aliove call tin* attention of the pnhlie to the same. 1 he rij;ht to vend the L:imp in tiie diiliTent eoMntii-s of the State will 1>e disj.osetl of at a rea.'"i;a- ble priee. Call and see them. -Vlso, loo kejrs White Lead, nine, .hist received. KOII.KS X MArHAl’. An;:ust ‘JO, 18');!. jjtf 07. Snljdiate of i*iii- liiv(‘ry Stablos. Tho iinik'r.siixiio] coiitiiuie to carry on the LIVEUV HTSI- N1'..''.'' at this place. 'I'hey have lately hirn;cly increased their Stock and can now oU'er to tlie jmltlic as frood llor.'^es, (.'arri;i”c.s and l»ri- vers as c:in be found in the South ern country. 'I'liankful for the lary:e j'jitron- Dr. T. (\ WWA. vs reni'.vd t i the ;vell-].nc>wn .' I of t'le Kohinsoii. coi’iicr of (Ireeii and Dow si.'cets ■\piil 111. is’,;;. sTtf R. M. OiJii!:!.!.. ' i'(ii{w\i{ii!\(; (’!niiiissi!!.\ »!i:!:ciinT at Urs. The Jjfirmest in the South I I'a VG‘i Alarch 10, IK.-.l. i'. MI'.Al' (>l AKI'l'It.'^, ■! rn IlaicMu;, ) Si MMi;i!VM.i.i;, N. I'., Aiii-u.-t I’O, IS.'):;. |‘ rBiiir. t’oinniaiidants of Keyiment,' Krijriide. are hoi'i'liy spcctixe coinntatid.': at t!ie h' Pilot Mountain. (.I'.Mi N.itural Curiosity is situated in Surry ,;ity. C.. tw.i miles west of the Stokes line, r. ad Uinlinir fi 'im Salem west—distance (i rinaiifi'n IS miles. Kethany 17 miles, and iii; : ' >■:' tiie .■'ta;re line tV ini tiic a?>i>ve ji^u cs ; . 1 ^ic r.i l^>’ by .Mount Airy to the Sulphur 'I! The l eifiht of theri'i.'t Mi'Uiitain Ca’..l.'. :i foot above the level .d’ ■; -k. wliich tin' neare.'t sti*-:itn. Tlie viow i ;;ui:i. 'i' is >aid to be tlie (irandcst ;>f any ,:iJ in i\u' S.iuthern States, niil>raciii;.r Kir.irs i; V \.irk !>ist.. S. C., rai-i»is M'untaiii in C.. the 'i'.-ible Kock in tireenville all t'l are li'O nii’t-j nr iiKjre dist.-int: .if the l>iui‘ llidu*' fi'"m N. rMi Last to South, i the A’lcjranny as I'ar as the e_\ e can reai h, 'f t'tter, the liutialo Hump, and ui.uiy i-tlier . \'irL''i!ia. A view into four States can be had constitutuifi said «iuiicd ti have their re- tnlbiwiiij: tinu-s and |'l;ut-s. armed and Ct|uipjn.'d acc' rdiii" to law, for re\icv. and inspectinn. vi/; Hth l!e}iiment ;it Carti.a-e, .Moore county, mi Tiiesdav, 1 i tl» fth lie;ri!iient at Summerville, Cunil.crland county. I'li ’I'liur.-. lay, l:Uh O ti)ber. ■''•Id r>c!iimeiit at I'.iyi'ttiMille, '• *• cn S.-iturday. loih O-t' ;!-d Iti-jrimeiit at Clinton. S.mij son c*iuiit’-, on Tiies'lav. ISth ttctober. 41 St r.e^'imeiit at Kli/;i!>ethtown. r.lad. ii Thursday. L’Oth O.'t iber. S.'ith r.ejriuient at \Vhite\ille, Co'iiiniluis .''’alui'lay. 'Jl’d c. t >bcr. A. 1>. .M.LKAN, r.ri- CenM. lt!i i’.ii^a.l'c N. C. ,\L '11 lilMvN'l'iNi: W \N siib'irit'cr wiil jrive the lii;:hi'.-t M -M. 1 r .''j'irit;- pi-ther: malt rial. •lUli.N S. r.ANKS count 1 Count'. ajje heretotore extended to us, we solicit a '>ntinuation 111 the public lav»ir. We a satisfactory tiii) to all who may wish to travel. Stables at the West end of Mumfonl street, wiiere one d the Proprietors may .-liways be tound, or at tiie .''tore lii'.-^t door Last of Mr. Lutt'Tloh. .L w. I’ow i;r.s \ CO. l'a\etteville. I’eb'y IN'^L 71V un lersiir.ied. havinr purchased .Mr. Thos. S. fl Luttei'loh s Itistillery and t'ooiier-shojis. li.-ive t‘n- tered into t'opartner^liip uniler the name of Mcl.:iurin \ Stran;j:e, tor the })Urp'se of carryin;; on the distille ry (d TiiijX'iititie, and tiie maiiiit'aclurc of Sjiirit leis. 1*. .McLAriMX. WM. McLAI i:iX. JAS. W. STUANti!’. .u)s{:i‘ii i‘>Aki:i(. .lu., A V O II 2': 1' .% T I. A W, \S tak>n an office iic.xt l.a^v ofi'ce Oil (ii-ci'ii pi art ii-e in tiie ('oii iil v and land. Hladen. Ib lieson an.’ -Marcli li;;, l>- o'.r t.> Will. li. ^Vri;rl.t's SH ( ct. Ilf V. ill atti'li'l and .'Superior (‘iMirts of Ci’.iiibcr- Hi j i^uii. T'.i-ir C'!lAi{Li:s liANK: f'o.vrs-i U l!!)id>'Al.K ,\ Mi I'nii iijii /'/ tti/s, Ts o cVs: in, ::i;TAii. i.LAi.i'i: in T' /.I nin^ S'//iti" l el.'v IS. iutf j^ill’ lii-_di.s I Oak .''ta\ t W. .'tr.iii:i r. 1'^. l«o ca^^ii price paid for Tur|n-ntine. White and 0;ik or Asiie !leadiii}r. C.-ill on wl;o c;il> alw.ivs be found :it the .Still. McL.U lllN \ SlH.\NCL. 7(^tf M.ircii 1, w Fayelt;jviiio, W. C. M. ( ARM i. ket prire f has been mucli visited ■ o* tlie I nit'd .''ta*»‘s. 'lli>‘ i‘ i> now ,-:,fc l)v ,'tep‘ and kept by the Sub^cribe^. one the M'liintain. ,\ ^roi 1 car- 7 ,hH‘ l:>!ie. . ■ )..r ti- bi't ?ea« l> h'oin -d': pa ■' o 1.1 tlie I’inrii :i‘ ir r tiiC lb>u>e . ! : ndies . -ulb of ,= i; d witiiiii •■six iiutnlred yaiils id' the rinnacle; ;'i- ^';!i alw.iys be rc.-idy to w.-iit on ^tranfrer,-;. - V ■! Ii.' -p.ired to wait on vi.'itor> and make i’.':,- witli every tbin^r the countiy atli.rds. .s; UV wi'l supj.iicd with c irn. fi-ddi-r and N :!• tin- IL'ii'v' i? a tine Miner.d .''priiij:. tiie ; ' ' ■>; which ar.- .'''ulphiir. Ir 'li and .'launt.-ia. . ; : .0 .'^^u>". rilu i■- M |u> j,.. t!u- ■i.i’ I :.nd own. i 'f the I’tli t Mo'intain. WM. C.ILLVM. 1 1''^':. V tl' ])ish Ucr.s 4.y Shipjx r.'^ o/ 'rurprnhnf. LI. uniiersijrnetl lia\in>£ compielel liis l.irpe and uini' dious ^Varehou^e. situat^d on the Hi\t.r ■ t l.ower Faetteville, is n 'W prepai-ed to r. ccive i'tirpv'Utine on St> va^e. He i-xpei-ts t.> di-votc •■"litioii t- the lii!>ine-;'. atid tle'se wl-,.. :-t"i-‘ 'f'!'' witii liiii;. i:: ;■ di'pend upfi his bein'.: in : ni>e .'Very ' ^o as to 'lete-.t an_\ leak.i;re'= I'l-ciir. Havinjr a iroyd »'■ .p«‘r always in the ■ i " will be .a’lle to m.-ike ic un ol.jcct to '• en:rai:e in tho nianut'acture as w ell t" • t. patl•••n■;^t• him. Ail .'spirits received in ^M,,d . ., ill ' •' kept ‘.r- free of char^'e. .M'-b rate ehar.^re ■ T' r '11 li as i-; received in b.i.l c.ndition. . !i\ ii;- die ar:;. !- w -'l ^ ve much ti‘ uble ,p ! - h ■ seii iiiiu it dir to the W :• rehou.'.* r...I,, ' . '.ti'li.’.i._ in no wise interested or c->n- ■ ^i:. t the !’■ .Its, v.ill iu a’l ca;.e.' shi]. as di- i . ? ■ '.M.-'r or >'dp'”T. 1S!I.\M LLAaL . 1 ii'-'Im W. li. MrlvAV, Wholesale and Retail Grocer, ‘ri! r.i! I'diniiiiNNion u For wan! ins ^Irrrliiiiil. > ,'!i W ',T,f >tr-‘i *. • ' ors l.ebiw M.-iiket, i’artieiilar .ittention p.-iid to the sale Ak;-. is. ls.-,.;. LN W A 1.1. i»i:i’.Ts » be paid, a.' l' (> iiie me pnor t '.oii;4er induigetie U. A.NDltLW.' « . .\u:ru.'t IS. ]s.' L'li-tf MONKV. t!ie l!jv .Inly 1,^.'.:; mu.-t ■aniii.t lie uivtMi. ' ivt t .''.;n:ire. I'OK SAU:. 'II i: snb>. r;b, r -diers 1. r -ale his v.duahle I'LAN- I r \ I 1).N in Itotic-ion county, on Kotii sides id the I-oWl ie Koad. miles .South Wi'.'-t of I'a\ i-tte\il'.e and witliiii half a mile of l.ui.dier I’»ii bjie. ih- teruiinus of tin l',iyettevi;!i' and ntliern riank ll..:i L .\n .pp..rtiinity i.s n..w i ticr.''! I'.ir an investment, uliich caniio! lie ei|ua'.lc 1 in tliis part of the country. Tlie land is in‘a\ily a;i.| dei; -e!v covered 'vith ]'int-', otieriiij: a jrient indiici nicnt t'l all | t i'on." en^a^'c l in 1 Dnj (looi/s. ;!d il'.or IVoai I ice It I (>ri'-cci irs. ___ I'lCTITId^'i' inforiiis !iis friends and tlic jiub- 2ft lie. he has built up lar.ire siib'-tantial Lrick l’.ui|i'i!ii;.:s ;it iiis ()1 1 .''t.iud. expressly for nianut'a.-tiii in;r • a:ri^.jies. 'I'li.aiiKful ter tiie very p;itrona):0 he , lias receive 1 for the I.i.'t ’J1 years, he ho]iC:i by strict I .itti'ntion t.) biiiiness, with a desire to jrive satista»-tion. I to niej'it a continuanee of the s.inie. lie wair.ints his ' Work tr be made . the be.^t matei i:il .•inij by exj.erieia-cd ! wr.rUmen in each l.ran. h of the bur>iness. His work V ;1 c nip.ire I:ivorahly with .any made in the Cniteil; s. ti r neatness !ind durability. lie i.~ ileterniincd to sell and do any work in his line ii: a.- ;j;oi I teiiu.i as any wurk done (dsewhcre tliat is as V,. ;; done. He now has on h.iiid. ri.MsHi;i>. the L.\U Ci;,'!' ST(M'K of J'l lirHM'lXK. r 1' have a convenient ware-lionse near the steam boat w harve.'s, in whiidi we can receive and for- w.ird Spirits Tur]'entine for our friends, ofl'ering them tiic eiistoni.ary shi|i]iinjr facilities. W e also jmrcliase the article on >ur oAvn account, and kei p lor sale sucli ariicles as arc usually wanted by the tiwpentino operators. May li, l,s.-,:5. J. & T. WADDILL. non:?.. ^jj’^ilL subscriber havii;^.r iiurchasvd the Hotel situated on the Soiith-Last corner of (,’ourt House Square, and lately known as .Stuart's Hotel, would inform the public that he is n.w ready to accommodate boarders liy the day, week or month. Ha\inj: made considera ble outlay in furnishing: and refitting the Lstablisliment, lie hopes to be able to eive satisfaction to all who pa tronize him. His Table shall be furnished with the best the market afi’ords, his I’ar with the best ot Li- (|Uoi-s, and his Stable with :i plenty of good provender and faitliiu! Ostlers. J. CilLCIIinST. .Tune IS-'j'J. «]-tf oi'ier rv/ ■ t ila( rAYF/lTin iLhi:. N. ■\ il kinds of I’r. la. e ta’..i-;i in cxi li.ui ;:>- *. ! 'y M. !!l rsiKX. ::ire, ;n \t to I ('. Baronrlus, hlocLiui'dijs, a/r ihfsn', cs. pbiei-. and a very lari''e ‘-tock of ■!icd. wliicli wiil be tiuisln d daily. .\11 j^.ild very low l>>r ('\~u. or »ii sbovt cu.'touiers. Ilcliasou liand more ’ayottevillo, IJ 18 5 3 riLL i\!i \ii\Ti;n liiMiii!;. Timli 'r a;. 1 Tiif|..,.nt'.n :ii’ic.' . and in I':u t all in tliat country. .\ l ar^ain mav he b Ma The clcare. p!o.lurti\c Terni' VO .\I!H'1» l".v. el about IDI) i crior t" any ■r il. .\. '1. SMITH. 17tf h _ '. iso.;. WOlil il V.V (si •{ css.oi's ro I). \*. ! I.t i *. liver otVcre.I in wo|k iicai'v tin: ..t wlii. h will be lime fo puiii'ill:! lli..n ii.'.r, !! I' 1) K I i 1) .\N1) I'il'fV X'chicles linis'oe[i and i:i i-iiurse of coiisti"i‘'tit,n. i, \vi rk nni'le l y him is w arranted 12 months v. il!. f:iir U'M;;e. and --hoiil,! it f'aii by li.-d w orkiaansiiiji or m ill ria! v. iii l.e ri ].,iii I’eiM'iis w i.-iiin;: t.p e\:i;.ii;.e for t !iei:;M-j \ i 0:dei> li, inkfuiiy rec i\ed and ] I:.') :;i;i;;-' executed .".t >!:'irt. !;.'t ' .|:::!.le t' li;;.':. .M. > L'S. l.S.Vi. d free of liiiv Would il bar; ■II to call and ij.tly attend'.- ai.'l on vcr\ 1 t'). rca- I'Stf j'HL undersiirtic'l are 1 STtx'K OF cot til r , !l\ red t'' tlic Tiie ■rtrii nt .f now rc.--.'i\in^ the L.MICICST ' in their line that they have c :i?:'tiiij: of ,i \ ci\ ».\uii.'l\c l>ISY C;OOS^?4, !:i!'tl\\art*. !la1s. C'ap-. iJtmts. Sh ai.ii Ivt'atiN-madf C lolhinii. ■ t tlu-ir oi.l Cl wiiich tiny iinitr tin- attent^ • all'l V. !j'.1c^..1c ..IMir.i >,elU I: ilAI.I. i Fr;\ ettC' .\ll;;U>t '2'K I''-' ivL'i r. •J1 tf EDW l.\ 5:K. 15 \'t frit maker ii.w sTi;i !ir. I'.vv A.^ (Ilift ,!fetrefer iTTLVIl.LL, N. C . ra_\ ette\iile. .Vnjrust \\\A \uia: lands roii sali:. Sol I'liK f.-i .-'.lie my j.lant.itiou. ^ituate.l seventeen miie.s .Soutii w .-.t il l.unilierlon. aU'i eii:hteen fi '-m f’ '• llai! i'.oa'l. ai d nint- Iroiii ll.-u lie' -^x ille. cntairiinjr ."'even Uun!rtd .'vcrcs of the bc't > otton and j.r- \i.'ion iaiid' in the i-.'unty. with fiiii- iliipr.M-iir^ wll wn- teietl. reniarkflli'.y hea'.tby. aiel the I.e.'! st.ind f..r a .'■‘ti ic in the country, there havinjr been one on it oci-a- rl...’ial!\ for the i.-irt tiiirty _\(a!.-;—\Mtli aln.ut one l;un- ‘L'd and citii.ty aci'o uf clearol lami in a \ery hij:li -•Mtc o| cultivation. 1 will j;ivc the l.iii'N for the v:du.- I pro-eeds of tln-m for tw' ve:ir. with the W'.rk ' I M-\en haU'Is. I will live'e the l.iii'ls it' dejiri'l. oi" f a lai.:er tr.o t is .b - •'ii. li. tln i'- is a^c tr.n t . ! .aiel .o.joiniii;: it tliat r:i!i be b. li^ht oil \ . I'V 1'■ i''.nal i'- tern.' liaiU :ij'l.lleatl..n is 'ie>ircd. /.M il. m.MoKL. I'()U\VA!.I»1.\(; COM \ii> 'IKiM'll ANT.'^ V \ > lifl i.Vii Lli. r. s rA .\ I) II,*-- II.\ I.!. ,■> V. ViOifl'.!.] F. I rii.ii v r •!i; '[1 )N NO'l'K'i:. i' who are iielebti-1 t' me pli-.ise settle tli'* s.iiae. lie- M". -r t. ..ise the 1 ■' of .! canie t be by Note or .\ccount .\nd all 'lebts iliic Ml 'T be Settled, as A. A. M. KLTIIAN. ‘.(Stf S'r.M’U .V \\ \IAA\^\ -. W HoLL.SM.K Id. M.n:.'-' IN f 'orei^ te itifd s!:f S?r;j fioods. Fayetteville, K. C. iio tvoc'Id h:tvr iSf I!. i.r \ 'i IM.l.V.M.- '-.'If ('dr. \ rtb, ; . d> ■r» l l.y • k ma \ ju-; re;u;:u-d !i 'n il .1 niii. il I if:^. r • 11; iu his line th:in ever !'Ct..ia- him in tid' .\nioiiLr iii- lie found — \V A'l 1111.'^ d’ al! kinds :in l ]'rieiI’li'iii tilI ' t iii'i.1 »’!oii:i', Seal.^ an.l I'v'V'; l>ic;i.'t l’iu>, Kar-i'iii^". l'liii: r-iiiiLf'; a tiiu- sf. ck ul' IJracc- li-t^, (I >M L''tr-, ('iifl' aii'l iHitt'.n-; (i .lil. .''ilvcr an.I >(■ i-l .''p' i.laclc'; S;I\cr I’.r. l>iitt r -. M:,y : tl;. W OiiLH'S ••_tf n. I.. iioi.Mi.s. Attorney at Law, Wilniiugtoi (,'in r\iu. f r 1/ .s tat f* ft 11! r e. ii.Si i>.-' '...'itin- Ne'., \ . rk . r ti tiii .u,uh N .rtli Carolitni. >ii'aiM j'iep;ire tiiemsclxes b_\ e.diin:: at M. .\. I’AKKlt'.'^. .si_'n "f tiie ili;_ Can. ' p]- •- >it'- t!ie I’o.'t t'iVo-e, wiieic the_\ will tin>i ,-i larL'e n ■ rl- me:;t o' d..iii :e .-.n l .-in^le-'u.irrel .''i;. t Ca'i>. iiilii - a’., i i'i>l..i'. of :di ,|ua’iti‘'>. C,,U ^ il.-i-catiii;:. Viien'^Ke o ri il L undi I I--’. ■f I'l rj. c. i''S .'tr ll^UtL’ii.shnient on thr MUittin/ it‘‘ tin- Mtth nhst ( 'hnri li, ’ "ll I III /ll/'l/ S/y ( ( /. j K ni vc Cb'ck.- An 1 kiial. V. 1.; 11 »IH* t I»' 1-. ■ w Uu O't '^*1' i’iat- 1.1 i'c' ah' I Wire; 111'.-. Miiitarv C '■verv he ill !■ W il" ’ 1:.-^ I’ ■ is-'.;; il;' • •i^io^. Wes- .n': 1’. w 1 r I'i.i ' - f I r'-ueh all'l li: i.imiii',: lixtiuc'. Lepe.iter all.l >• .'h- t .lU'I lann I h make; aS" kvl'icli A iii be > . il-priniin;: I'i't. i-^. I’eicu -.-i- n t'ap.- I i-.j-e a".irtmeiit of 1 al tlic lew e t C:.'il J|j.Si:i*ii i{. BLON.SSilL H n i S 5 *. N I > i'v)U\\ A!:i)i.\(; A.\'r. (.uiiA'i' i:\ ri'.KPiiisi:! ill* !** to ^^Iieik'!! ''I'':ir .'^nt!'-; ' w.aM r. .-pec I fully inform tbcrl I fi icnds all'l tl.e piibli' . tiiat tlic_\ l.avc i'i;terc'l into . p:.r!ner>hip fi i tl:e j.urpe.s.j ol coiiduetiiijr th>- "encrai ''.\ 11 U 1 ; ii liCSlNLSS in all it> various )iarts. .\ii'l I'i i:.-. I '.th practical waa kmeii. fiilly iinder'tan'linj: their I Kn i;.''.ne>'. tia-y li.ive i;o In^itati. n to c..m|iare work with I V I .ii>iiinoni in 1';.' . tte\ii!c aj to slvle .-ili'l dulM- llV- ( nie ■ K-:ip ill'll till 11 uii'-iiiitll line w id manner, aia! 1 .r a •lit?:. r-i.. 1 Libera rer t if all kiti'is s iiia-le on V Nt'.W a Ci'i'-rie in I Cn-v. l.v !’.()()!vS. .1. i;- 1 I' H f the Hank Cadi'r. 'lo, 11\ 1 : Tr F.-i vcttev ill*.. ■ a l:'. . ■r, K- _ i; a: Taylor, i\ \ -lohnson, I :;id .V Ch.. Clint'.n. S.amp'on county. I' .1. M .ri'ey. Lsij.. Lundierton. : A ti. Ks.|., c.-rtbro.)k“, IJladen. . l-.'.J. n:',Ypd nn: si iiamhr “ALK i:*’ "lid. i-.immence her re;r«l:ir tri[is on Weilne^.lay. ' ’ '...-n.-t: v\ili leave I'avctteviile Wiil)NliS- : -I ri i: l>.\ V iiinrniiijr.'^ at 'i o'l-lock, aii'l i:.' h 111 .\]oNl».\Y and THL'KSD.W mornings ■'.A . O.' l.aiin I'icti. . I,. .'..1 CSKK, \'i\ iali (I r*-V, l.y 11 I >rae Hums, by ('lia'111' tii*-|i e- 'fa chaiiii ' f'.i' \ii;.V. 1 i-il:\! ■! iiii.:.' i-ra’ .\' lyiii!: an 1 Minii.;.'. .\.lalO.'’> (i.-..!o;;\; - ,•!'- Ilioirs d' I 'il.iri. : 1'. \. b a_v l.-m.l's 1’. idicaI ii. i>". I'urtlicr supplies of I..-, i r-"' L. .\ui:u't 17. l''".'I. Ihijfortn/i( Ao//'v (i) ('t)iiiilni Mi B .\ M ii..w selling: la'll -.e I-;. - II.t sale .‘IS ch'.-;;]i a' t|ie\ ean l.e l.ou'j^lif —^ I’.r. wi.e: 1 W..rl^s . : rinali ' M.' ..■:i'-Mi Mi.: i.r.i; .11.1 :ar\; .\Ie- . ifn i; !i!“ \ 11; 1 ^ ■ i i f e\ 11y tl di;^ in t i..- ' at > 1. tice. in tiie be iii'. • 'd. ir'jre. Lit’; al! idn i eoii't n.t!\ 111 1 an l m.inufae- t'M. d I ■ .'1 and w.irrani' I to slioot from to '.'i|i| \:,i i . rer'..n> wi>hin>.i to ] urcbasp any of the above- i •; I w(-ii t.i "^i e n>e .1 tri ll. I.- i nil lit pvl t • 1'. 'm..t :• '. ali'i I ..>ii a' ■' 1 iher p .1'.' il. ii:. 1 -'... 1 in ^lli^ ,'hi f ta" tirm ni.-iy be kn..wn :>y W l'i::ieM'' iron woik I'.r ih.- 1: >t tw. W e V. :;;-! ant .dl W oi l. t'. jjivc p' i;ci twelve III 'Utiis. Lepairio,. in tin' neat refi, rcnce to A. II. .ili.'factiun for a I t icl'- ■lulv -2\ IS.- .M. A ll' tiie ILiy stre. t, op W oo n n Cun. e ti'C I‘i >t Ifli.-e. rjtf A' ii.i.:;'-i| f- r V '■. .1 ll:-l t. .1. II.Vi.L .V oit'.ieni cities. •J .'.0. dune 1 S.-,: Ucta.i.iiu tiiic IMc; i'( hauls. - at wdi..’e- in any of the llal> at 'lO t i'.VVlii CiiL. W ILK!.\SON iV l'!i M.iiliS IN . F. . - . IIIII/ S 'I’", AM» IMl'idi fiil.S M ill’, AT \VHi:.r-Ai.i; am t nianiiei- h.w I'.ir cash. i’lLU r.K.\MN. .IvMis !I. rii:!:. ,1\?:!.> i!’:.\xiN. i'.i \ e;:e\iiie, .laii'v 2i. IS-'.-'l. T.l’tf ' IM' A I! 1. r.\ 11.. Market St., Wilmmgton, N. C. .Vo-. 7. l."-''l. 11 tf -u|>vri*»r ;iL*Minnu' illations for jiassenpers. T. S. LUTTLHLOH. Aj:eiit lit Fayetteville.. J. K. BL0SS0.\L Airentat Wilndn^ton. •J.'Mm until further notice, •'5!2 f«.r Tur- .McLAl UlN STIlAN(iK. V -'d-tf .Vi'XillOES for Sale. ini'ler'-j.^iK.,!^ virtue of several Deeds of » I ni'f f.i them executed, will otler for sale for '■■I. "II .Mi.ii'iay tlie 'Ji.tli .'•ejiteniber next, l.> Valuable : wh'»m are a fir.'t rate I5L.VCKS.MITH luid 8cve- ' i House Servantij. JOHN TAVLOll, U. K. Tl'.OV, JOSLl-n THOMPSON, Tr-istees. i.uiiibert'in, N. .\ug. -*’>1 l^'to. 2dt*« \ \IA M()i..\ssi:s. 'fl IIllL*.'^.,—sujieii ir iiu.i’it', . —also—* (''dice, Su;.Mr, Iron, iVc., fur sale ('mkai*, liv i’LTiiH 1’. .loHNSiiiN. March P'. 77-tf )IILLI\!-;ilLl\l!)ll\TilMliKl.\li. Mrs. Walton lias just rcciveil the sci i;.'l st'iek ot .Sjiriii;.’' ail'! Summer LON.M. 1 t-.-n^istin;: ol .''traws of a new an l bc.iiitifui .'tyle. aii'i various pi iec.': I'loweis, Kibbons. ile.-nl-dre.'ses, ■Mantillas. loii;r :ind sliort Cloves. Lilfrinps aii'l IiiMert:n}:s, i nder-slei-\c.^ ( oilars and Cape.s. Dres.s I'ap-; and Uress rrimminjis. I)rcsscs and Mantillas nni'lc in tiie latest st_\ie. .All oplers frnn th'- country promptly attend* d to. !'Ki:i;irr!X(; os ( aim*: fB^Hli suli'criliers iiavini: purcha'-^ed the Steamers S. liverureen aii'l Sovitherner and 'I'ow Lo.-its. lately the pr.i|icrty of Iiie Henrietta .Sti-.-imbojit Company, are now pi e|iared to forward witli despatch, befun-n W il- niin>:ton and l':i\cttevillc, all frei^lits "r goods cnlrust- cd to them. F. N. .'i: d. ii. itom-llTS. F.'ivelteville, F«-b'v 14, l''.’i->. li.'^tf w ILLl.VM.' IS.' OLD UVI-:. ; ol.l Lectilied KVL W HISKLV. .1. \ T. WAHldLL. •-iO'itf Mav is.‘>d. FOR SALI-:, VCOMFOHT.MILF. dwellin)i; house, with all neces sary out-house'i. in jroo.i n-pair, to^ethi-i' with ten .icres of l.-in l. 'I'ln- above named land is .nlioiiiin;: the Southern limits of town. bargain may be by app.lviiig soon to the subsi-rilier. W lId.lAM I*. MALLLTT. dulv 11. I'S.Vl. ]:itf 'I \lil,E I’l.A-NT.VnoN roll SALE. 1HL sidiscriber wishing to chancre hi.s bu.siness, of fer - lor sale his I’LANTAflON in Uobeson, 1‘2 I- ‘ ' from Lumberton, on the Harllee.sville Koftd, situ- '• '1 on .\aron's Swamp, containing 70) acres, of which ' 'i! l‘iM are under cultivation. The situation is ' ' 'iiy all'l the water e'lual to any in the county’. Tiie '■ ■■■ oii^ ati-i all necessary out-liouse.'j are in (Tfiod re- ]' • 1. The best i-econimenilation wliich tiie fertility of I i' - can receive is to be fouiel in the crop of Corn ■ ':,tton now j:riwin^ on the I'lantation, wiiich all 'Ml , .le-ire to piirciiasc are invited to examine. There "iiliin half a mile of the house a bold Hush Sprinp;, ■ to contain valuable mineral properties. 'I'liere ■ -1 ■ . within Intlf a mile of the dwelling house a large ii'-'v .\cademy, in w hich a ChiSHical school is constantly "''pl. Terms casv. JOHN' A. KOW’LAM). .\'itiist L*fi, 185-3. 23tf S2'j REVVAUl). I W ILL pay the above reward for the apprehension i and «afe delivery to me, or Imlgnient in (i'linton i. .so that 1 get my negro girl .JENNY. She is a .'•ly ;_dri. of light coniple.xion, smiles when spoken to, "lit five feet .six or seven inches liigh; is supposed to '11 kin;; about Faison's Lepot, or (Joshen. WM. 1*. HOr.HS. •’'•'y-"- lo-tf WE IIAVI: ox IIAM) 10 Hhds. Su;rars, I’.bls. Clraiiulateil do. L'l I’liigs Itio Coll’ce, j *• Maricaibo do. iJa^jiing aii'i Hope, Swedes and Lnglish Iron, Windoiv (.Hass, H x 10 and 10 .x 1-, —ALSO— Loaf and (.’rushed Su-jars, j IJar and Fancy Soap, | •JO Mbls. No. 1 Herriii'is, Spice, I’, Ciinger, SnufV, Indigo, Madder, Span | ish l>r)wn. -Saltpetre, Saleratiis, Ma-e, Clo' es, \ cast : Powders, Nutmi-jis, .Vdamantiiie and 'I’allow (^•lndles—j with a general assortment of Provisions. l)iy tioods, 1 Boot.'i and Shoes, Hardware and (.’utlcry, Crin^kery and j G ass ware. | We offer the above goods at low ]>rices for cash, good ! paper, or produce. TROY & MAHSH. ^Iay 2:}, 18'»3. l»7tf iNOTlCK. ^■IIIE Subscriber has taken the shop J1 between l>rs. Mallett & Mc.Swiiin and Eccles’s 15ridge, where he intends carrying on the TAlLCHilNd 1$USI- iNESS in all its branches. Havinghal practical exjienence in of the .\t- luutic cities, he feels asstired that he Clin please the ntosi fastidious. All orders will be executed with neat ness and despatch. 15. MONAOMAN. March 28, 1853. 83-tf 1 T9ir|>rii(iii‘ Waiifrd. ''HE undersigned will jiay cash for Spirits Turjien- ■ tine, (in goml order,) allowing only a f'.iir margin to pay incidental expenses in sending to a general market. W lien parties prefer to ship on tlieir own aecount, the undersigned wiM make lil eral cash advances (for the usual commission) on all Sfdrits and Itosin ])laced in their hands for shipment,—giving the owner always tlie option to sell in Wilmington or ship to New York. CEO. W. WILLIA.MS \ CO. July ti, lS.->:!. Stf AM)Ri:\\ S'S 77// and Store Dc/tot. VLW.\^'S on hand, Cooking, Dox, and Parlour STOVES. —ALSO— A varied assortment of Tin Ware, at wlndesale and retail. 15y C. W. ANDREWS, Market S«|uare. .lune 0, IBoIL 200tf Mctalick Jioojing and Gutterinfr^ H'KONE iu the best nianner, at reduced prices, by JLr • C. W. ANOKHWS, Market Sqinire. •June fi, 18'”);L 200tt MALLI'/rr vV l\\LLMIi:iL imi'ocers an ft foinmissitfn *Mer~ rlt (tuts. I ;S'» S'j'oiit iVEV7 YORK. I*. M.M.i.i:I'T.] [.I. r.\! !.■'! ' Au^ii.'t 1 '. is.'.j. i'tf T. C. WORTH, (■(nniissKiN A.Mi roii’.winii.M. MKKriiwT. \\ ILMLNcrrOX, X. c\ Feb. 1. 1''.'.:: ('.(Iff ■ G ^ E3& ca So .L\S. ('. SMi rH iN ('()., * t'artors^ j WILMIXCTON, N. (V ' Particular attention ].;ii'l to the >:iic of .Sjiirits. Rosin. ' Turpentine. Lumber, ai. l other Pr"dii(-c. .Inly lM, IS.-,;’,. i'-i -m \m\m & m\\ No. 70, PINE Street, NEW YGRK. na:!: as A.\'E>4 r,"'’-’. THE SALE OF ALL KINDS (*F niTi’ox \M) \V(i(!LLi:\ M\riiiM:KV .\m) ;s IS u i'a c I :i rc‘ r - « A r t i c I o OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. (’oiiij)risiHi^ iJc'ltiiiiT, Caril (_ lolliiiig', Bohhiiis, Shulti(‘s, l^iclvors, Rolk'r Skins, Roller C'ioth, Oils, &c. l)ec. Id, IS-jlJ. *>11-ly I ;>0.,000 II»i. ol* S5aj;«>i Wai»J*«i. I^VILL ]iay .‘H cts. per poiiinl cash for all clc.-in cot ton and linen UAGS, delivered to .1. D. \\illiams, in Faj-etteville. 1 am iiearlj* reaily to put in ojieration^ I a Paper .Mill in this neighborlioo'l, and am desirous ot getting my rags in this market. -My object is to pay ’ as much for rags as L can attord, and hope that 1 mav i not be forced to distant markets for my supplies. 1 I have arranged with Mr. Williams to receive and pay , ft>r all rags delivered to him. 1).V\ ID ilLUPH\. Fayetteville, Feb’y --4, ISiiti. 08-tt wm S7 OI L') rcsjicetfariy inform the public tiint he is ■57 * still at bis old scaiel carrying 011 the above t.usiiic^s ill all its V,r:iiichcs. Hc returns thanks for the lil.cral jiationagt' In- receive.I. aii.l liojies l*y a strict attention to bu>incr->. anti a desire to jdease all :iii'l ^ive geiu ral satis'actiiui. to merit a continuance of tlie siiiiie. iie warrants all his W'lrk to be made of the best ma- tcri;i’. ai.'l liv espcrienccd woiknieii. — ii.-iving :i more , anil I'liidiriil > i,illi, lie fi.ittei s iiiiiiseif Ids work will compete with any made in tiie St.-ite for st\i;'. clcgaiici- and di.rabiiity; and slmttld any of it fail in tv. elve niotitiis (witii fair usage) eitlicr in woi'knian- .'iiiji or material, he will re].:iir if free of charge. I'crsoi's wislnng to Imy. wonbi do well to c.dl and ex amine his W'.rk as he is di-termiiied to sell low fi rcash or on short time. Orders thanklully received and proni]it1y atfeiided to. . ■ R li l’.\ 1 it 1 N(i iu-:itly cxcciit-d at short notice aii'i l"V.i-st pos.-iiile prit’cs. Favetteville, .Ian. nil',. IS.,:’.. I'OSiACCO. HE sidiscriber contiiuies to receive and sell, on fi. man-.ifacturcrs’ account, all j^rades of nnmufuc- turi-'l Tobacco. J. UTLEY. .May di, iJ^oL'. l'-3tf AT 'I'il!': RKi) SKLN. TI V l> o SI a S il Sc V .^2 a s I e r iVE just receive'! a full and complete stock of CUOCERIES. l*RO\ l.sioXS. &c., to which tliey N.'iuid invite the attention of the citizens and surround ing C'liiiitry. 'I'hey will sell low for C.xsii, or on time to pi.nctual customers. They purchase'1 their fioods for cash, and this will enable them to sell i.ow. They have faciiitics that many houses have not: they have agents esta’iilislied in I'aitimore and N'ew York, v.ho always advise them of any change in articles in theiv line, and avIio jmrcliase only "vvhen ii:irgaiii« are to bo bad. We kei-p always on han.l a sjdt-ndiil a.ssortment of foreign and domestic Liiiuors; Loaf, Crushed and I'.rown .Si;;;ars; Rio, Java ami Iaguira Coffees; Green,- Hyson and Itiack Teas; New Orleans and Cuba Molas- M Table and .Sack .S;dt: llacou. Lard, .Mess I’ork,- Me>s llecf. Smoked lieef. I>rye«l Venison; No. 1, '2 and d .Mackerel; ISiitter, Ciieese, Flour. Meal, Corn, Oats. Tobacco, Cainilis, i'opjieras, Saleratus. Indigo, dei, .S]iice. Pejijier, (Cniger, Nutmeg.s, Cinamon, Epsom .'^alts. Saltiietre. Hardware, Cutlery, (Jrockery, and (dassw.-ire; and a variety .if other goods. 'I'hey t.ike this method of thanking the conininnity .■Slid tlu-ir country frienils i'oi-the very liberal patronage liei-towed tiiem; and intcn.I, by selling goods l.ow, t(/ increase their f.ii-mer tiaile—alwavs keeping in view tiiat .1 nimble sixj-ence i.s worth a slow shiiiing. Yellow r.uil'liiig, ln-t'.vcen the .Market House .nnd the Rank of tiie State, Cillespie Street, Fayetteville. N. C. March-Jl. IS--)::. * 78tf I CASH. T’L ^^'.\.NT to purchase young .Vegroes. J.\v T. ’.VADDILL. AiiL'ust 1, Is-’,;;. 17If Fire lisssefffiice. rH^l'E ,1->TN.\ Insurance CoiupiMiy of llurtfor'I, hav- B. ing pai'l the tax inipofed by tiie Revenue Law "f the late Leiiisiatlire, will continue its Ageticy in I'ayettevilie. tinder the m.inagemeiit of the iindcr>igne'l, w h'i is preji.-ircd to i.-;.'ue I’olicies of Insurance on Ruild- ings or lil oils, either in this Town or in any part fd' tiie .^tate, on jiropcr ap],lication, 'lescriptiou of tiie rrojierty. 'i:c. The ,KTN.\ COMP.VNY has ),een in operation ahout ; :;> years. Its capital is !!i:s00,000. The Hon. Thos. i i\. Rrace was its tirst President, and he still Iiohls that ■ oliii-i-: .-iii'l several of its tirst Directors are still activ(> I ;iiid etiicieiit members of tiie Hoard. It has at all times I sustained the highest charaeter for the prudence of it.' management, anrl for the liiierality with which it ; h:i.-> cvi-r adjusted its hisses. E. J. HALE, Agent. March 10. 1801. Gl!-tf I IJl'K INSI RAXC'E. f HE rndcr.sigued has been appointed .\gent of the' -it. North ( arolina Mutual Life Insuratice Company. li\ cry n.ember for life particijiates in the profits of the j Company; aiul the annual iiremium for life mendier- I ship. wh»-re it amounts to ,.r more, may be pai'l I oiu--li;ilf in ca.'h. and the other half in a note at 12 I months. I Debtors' lives m.ny be insured by creditor.^. A man ] may insure his own life for the exclusive benefit of his t'.iniily. 'I'he lives of slaves may be insured. This system is i-ajiidly growing into favor, all over tiie civilized world. It is one by wiiich .a family, for ji sm.-ill sum annually, may be jiioviiled for. after the dcatii of its iiead. on wiiose exertions they may have ticcn dejiendent for a siipport. It is a gooil investment of money, even if one should live long after taking out a Life Policy. Explanatory pamjihlets, and th(; necessar\ I’lanks. furnished on ajijilication. E. HALE. Fayetteville. -Jujie I80O. 7-j ri RRHXTLNK LAXI) FOK SALiv LIOR .«ale. L and Clio •‘I!*:’) acres of L.\NI> on .lames Creek, ! f and Clio r.crcs on Cypress Creek, in Cumberland,- convenient to the Western Plank Road, heuvily tiniliercd/ and admirably adapted to the making of Turpentine.- Applv at this )llice. acN'iv. l’.s. IS.'il. 41tf C.;’,tf OW cf^\ L liitl ;5. WllKAT, CORX, SAW MILLS, '-y? s/ VII ^ 1 RIST Mill Spindler Ralaiice Irons and Drivers, Inks and Gudgeons, Hotchkiss Water A\ heels, Racks and Roller.!, Itept constantly on hand, atid for sale. We also make dealing and Shafting for Wheat, Corn, .Saw .Mills and Factories. Steam Engines of any aower repaireil. Grate Hars and Furnace Fronts kept on hanil. AVe wish to make additions to our machinery pnd tools: to enable us to di. this, those indebted by note or account will please come forward and settle. HALL & UOLLINGER. March 12, 18').1. 7t;tr I “The €liiiri*h ol' Rome, or the lia i bylon of the Apocalj pse,”—three Lectures >iy Rev. Dr. I Wordsworth, with an introduction by Rev. Jarvis Bux- WE are now manufacturing a superior article of | ton, of North Carolina. Just received bv y,v WAGON AXLES, from one and Uirec (juurters J- May V2, 1853. Itn/jortant to Wagon Makers. to three inches. June 23, 18o3 HALL & BOLLINGER. o-tJm BLANKS lor sale at this Ollicc. FOK SALF OR RFXT, rB’^HE fiue SUMMER RESIDENCE now occupied by -1- .Mr. J. E. Bryan, two miles "West of town. Pos- se.«sion given immediately. Apply to Mr. John H. Cook or- C E. Leetc. S- LEETL. March IG, I808. "7tf HARPER’S magazine, OR September, just reooived by Jr E J IIAJLE & SON JFomih'cs 4V Rfie^ DUrCJGISTS, ('nriti!' of It^'U Duiuthlsou Streets, fJlfccOt/ Knnt >•/ the Fiiijetlccillif Hotel, F.VYETTEVILLE, X. C., VRE now receiving a large st( ck of DRl'tiS ANW .MEDICINES, directly from Importers and .Manu- lacturers, which they will sell to Physicians and Coun try Merchants at a very small advance. They w ill keep constantly on hand, of the best qitality, every variety of articb .s in their line, having made ar- ratigements to that elfcct with established houses itf New York. Their Stock Iiaving been very carefully selectcl, and purciiascd for (.’ash, will ennlde them to recommend confidently all their Drugs, and to sell thent at very low rates. The\ sidicit a reasonable share of the patronage of the public. .Vpril -22, 18');'>. SHtf m;\v stock ok m\m 1\D (iOOBS. ^ ri'^HE subscriber is now receiving a large and welF \ selected stock of GOODS, comprising a General- Assortment of DRY GOODS, Reacly-r.uide Clotliin^y IJoots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Hardware and Cutlery, Groceries, Saddehy &c., Scc. Which ■will be sold low for Cash, or exchanged for Tur pentine and Country Produce. He returns his warmest thaiiks to his bid friends anI customers for the liberal patronage heretotore extended! to him, and hopes to merit a continuance of the same.- N. KING. Kingsbury, Apiil IG, 1853. 8t>-tf Blank Warrafits for sale here.