S E M I-W E Fi K I. Y. \ ni.. III. FAVETTFA ILLE, N. C., (K' FORKU 3, [NO. ‘232.] Ti:i' ,1 15 NKwin jl'A \i!l) HALK cV SON. I I'UmI HIK nil I Mi n; \ 1 H » lll»‘ \ I'.'ll I 1 >ul.- .1 i) 11 1 - 1 Kp;ri''l (iOOhS, .Suti;oi'iliev is uow voi’oivlui' lii« KAU. A\!> ; 1 \V]\TFH STO K OK I Staple !Uii raiic\ IHiN ;00|»s, i (iii.l otl'er‘1 tliPiM to ilio Itmr' m"- p'I*;. mi.'i ; {'li.’oc (IS liiW. ;\s :uiy ‘-ti^ok iii Nortli (':ii.-iHiin he l. ii'l in i: ilotermiued to sell t'ur :i sin:in [«roiit. fitlior t'ni ca'-h I 'I 'liii ill)' I It it III ’ -iili-1 i|. \\i ■rt- I i"i- Vll t ;■ til t :a.'l 1 liii IV oviit ii>r f I 1 Nv'ii!'. !>'. I • ii !> II' \ 1 nuinl'Or vl iii-ei lions ile-ir. 'l, t 1. i-iilil. i'il.il'ui-'l :ii-cu |. I!l. ): ill.a-- lilU'-t iti' ).;ii i ! ( )\ 91. ro ru‘x\i:lij:ks. i| vTii'N I.IN!-, trniii K i\• tii \ ii’ii- II- w |'rr|i;»r.-l 111 c ;ifry ]i |- . ' 11 r'HMO« r v itli tin' iiii-niiiiu' . n-'iii .•'•mu '-t- with thf t’.'Vt'-- \u' V Wt'lilnH. i ui!\ iiiiikf iMM'MS iiU'ii' th-.ui th‘ ' t. n'. W ■ If tvc on ;ifl i- ii . :i li-'III lln‘ N"rtli. I .1 i: vsKKU. ■J'vtt AlM'M'.Usmi'. i .'v, , ■ ti> 1 lli.-in-iUf- ill :» : til' "I ttail-- li tirr- tin' : : I' l tirin ninl '•tylt' nt liiillcrloli A; 4'o. n- 1 t'l'Vtitorly I Cl ' 5'i-'l f>y I' S. I ot llayiiii'init. \vhfii“ wi> will :'!i Ilf vU'-td.iioV';. W »• will ■ the i’.:irtt'riiii: hiisiiif's. :in‘l kiii i' : •'i iintry I’r'iliu-o. St I - :i "I ii-'orttnciit lit'Vir.'i-erii'' iM'. 1 >, n -vMuitU> Tiiols. Ir >n timt' III pimctii il cu-toiiioi •, nil w.ml.l li.. well to cnll nuil «>0f his =fock hofuri' juu'i-hasiiij.- H\t of his stock, hr ontiiiUT.iti-- a fi-w tin' l.-.uliiij! articles: rich hro‘n«lf> an'l M Silk- ]'l:iiti hi k irro di* i'hini- i!o.: solli'l Mu'sUn JeLniiii- of (-Vi-ry in-ioo atut 'tl- of. all Wiiol; l.iii'f, \lii-rliii ;iiiil .lat'uiii't Sit'ovjs; ('henii- /•■tti - aii'l ('I'llars', l.ra: aii'l ( ui jeil Skirt - liiilie- 'aii'l iri'-titlf-iiH‘ii '= Kill. .''Ilk aii-I W Mj-'-ti'il (ih'Vt‘-: i.iiion (,’am- ■V I hrii- H .Ik'fc; an a.--Mrnn.'iii of plain. .h ttPil an! I’lu-.'k 1, : O'l S\vi>-; Muslin; Camhric anil .Jacnnoi: i’.Miiili;i7inc ; ‘ aiiij Aljvn'a': t’:uiilirii‘ tinil .Swifi? Kilr n' aiul lii'^oi’liiii:; I rt'iiili MtTino III t very oolor; hi'lirs Silk aiiil Mc'riU" '■ \ f'l ('.■r';(‘ti>: w hitc (’rape i'haw 1 v ;ini"iifr oi lirr ivl‘-. ■ r a -Ti'ftt \ari‘‘t\ . f l.a.lios' Dro'^' C.i,..l an.l Triiiiii’iii- . \ o\ir aitcntiiiii i- jini'tioiilarly i all‘'l tu hi- a-'.irtimaii ' ot taiK'y tlcl.ailH'--- laiiit"- aiot lin^-,0-' white aii'l I'.il d I .S|lk li'Uiiier ; lli-hop l.awn^ aii>l Iri'-h l.imiis: yu>"t a-- '-oi'tiiient ia'lic^' Sh'us. .''lijipei'-i aii'l (iaiter-. aiiioii;:: tlii in ;i l.i-aiitifiil arlii ie I'l uliili’ i\i'l .Clipper alnI iai- ti'r: 111 k an I i "l 1 I'ri'iu li aie! iiieri> aii I'pilii-' aii'l (’a>iiner(--. lot Koa'Iy Xl i'le riuthin;j: an a> itni. iU nf !• tor iiegrc Wear, svieh a. Kev-cv- anil r>laiikei>. r’Tii-.aii l;iiiit^ aiiil .'^liii* ■ kept in iiiv line. Sept. 11. i.s.-,;:. wiili ail iillna n-iiall'. 1 1' a M. M. .1 >i\. ,\e.. fri'iii the N.irthern •very artiele in the -Vi'.. which we tiar*"!' -'ii .1' ttf \ i'.le. I'.K-ir ailvautaue t'> I 1.1 rn;i{i.ni!. i: \Msi;v. l AIJ.. is.-sa l eceiviti^ .1 ery lii'ue aii'l ireiifval a'“'>rt?ueut Ilf lil!\ ;inii'lig wLi.’h are l.'iiiii ]iieics ni'U '•tyle ( a'ie : 7”ii* M I'el.aiii-: l i • Krt neh aiel Kilfrlish Mfi iii' -■ l! in Alpac.i: I'Liiil i{i.> ea.te anil utlier Siik^: Mi-rim■ ainl t'i a]if 1‘l.aiil riii.t plain .Shaul'. assiii teil; H: t^, ( aiel I’ntiiiel^-. Silk aiel (’"ti'iu 1! ilk'l’s: Uiiliiiiel. I.ai'e aii'I lM^inu>; I’mi.tv an I .'•^lioe.-; Uniting ( liitli'. N1 !•> iH. With niiiliy ntiier >T'iuiN; .all Ilf which have heen piiri ha>eil ti-r i \>ll. tiy the I’ai-kage, aiel will lie i.ll-re 1 \, jii.!e-:i;i- ■ i n tail a^ l>.w u>. pii'—ilile. 'rimsf within;; t i ]'nrcha'ir 1- wi’! please call aU'l e\anuiie. Sept. ]i;, l>'i:;. '.^'itf S. !V\NKS. Fayetteviiie, N. C. Si-pt. I '. Is I 7b thf lil-.ithCM-' / '/'( i .''tc nil liii.i: I •pan Stor(‘. ( ■ rei i'ive.l a new >upp\v ■ ■•■t MK1»1‘1 Nl-;.''. t'.^'■t^t•l• wit'll !f "1 I'rench r>ranily, choice rl. Sl:iTi-v .'in'l Claret \VinP:. ii'i teil f'lV ti- '>y a jiiilu- 'hihi !*'lp!iia, f.ir nieitii'; from pur- I're- V. I f-. ■.ni^.ht ita a ^ i> i .itli. !•' V . keep I'aiiii!'. Mfii- . I-^. \11 -• Nl-'MMie- r . li 't ile. t kiu'i. 11 M.l. .. lIolUNSiiN. • ; li: i:. . r.. \V. IIi;’iin-- n. . - r 'I'-l an'l iroeu 'trfi t- 11 v aiK.i a iiratelv i>ut up. H‘, .V I!, \1 .1 ‘ nolm^ iiitl lllll' l5v"thoi '' .''tc nil lio.i: r... i i; pi with t)iP foliowinu r.i' ii'^: Sir l)t H'dl.ASS, str. lUltiTllKKS. Ti.w Hunt STKVKNs n '\. I'. I.i:\vis. AI.Fltl'I* i;i.Lis. MS. ^ll»in . t;iM;sr.n;v. aid I'.LIZA M.-l>AMi;i.. to tr.in‘-|.i I t al' \;i\al .''toieI’ro luce .anil other I'reiiht iiitrurtPil to thfii- I are, with niiifli 'ler).:iti-li a- any ■ ther line of !'■ at- iii tlie Hiver. Tl;*‘\ ire pi,.\iiteil with :nita>i|e Wharf aiel Ware-H. . -*• .'icc.inimo iation- ■h. thi' 1 genera iiitfi ft in*-'-, iii'l -hippor--, t- ...p.' Uie liy 'iri. t t a shave i:.vNKs, I 'll v i: \NK.. ;it'i nlion ■ f iiuMic itfviiif, Se]it. 1', 1’ it Wilniinpto S.\1,KS OF LC3TS ON Heaufovt Harbor* rarolina City l.anil Cotiipany will sell to the hiKhe.'.f hiiMer on their premises, at White Hall, on Monday the ;Ust day of OetoVier nest, a birfce nnin- lipr of vnhiahle Lot?. The lands of tlii-; ('oinpany front ahuut two miles on the most accessible and best part of the Harbor, and are coU'-idered ihe most valii.ablo on it They are in I'lill \iew of the (detain, aiul will be handsnmely and I onvoiilently laid out for liiirinesa and pleasure. No inijivovenient ..an be mavle with Central or We.-.tern Carolina, or the waters va^uneoted with the liavbciv, without beuflitiuii these lands. The Carnlina ’ity Company , aware of tliis I'aet, beg leave to say that they h.'i\e no “afients or druinniers in the Western jiart of the St.itf" or any where else. ofVeriiifr to sell l.ots at a lo\N rail' 111 '^eeure intluenco, but that all the stiles of their laud are vciiiiired, by the article-^ ot’ ajirerment. to lie to the hiplie-;! bidder. The trentlenien who compose this ’i.mpany havema le arr.iiiirements to improve their lands to the amount of about N'lo.ouo, liiiring the winter and ensiiin;: spring, a larjre Hotel \n111 In- built, Wharves, Turpentine l>is- lillerie', and :i .Stcaiu Saw .Mill p\it iu viperatiun. There i-- excellent elay ou the premi.«e-; 1‘or mnkinjr I lii'ick and aNo on the adjacent w.ater'; and a-- ex]jeri em-e has pro\ed the importance (if tire jiroof biiildincrs ill a l oiiimercial place, the board v.ill not allow any but ub'taiHiiil lire jivoof liuildiiiL's to be peniianently ereet- ed on .'iiiy lands they may sell. To pe)'soii- Avhn may ]irefer. the Imard will leas* lots for a term of year-^:. They respectfully invite all {i»*r- srii' in any way interested to be jiresent at the sale and set- lor tlieiii'n'lves. Kspecially mechanics: shij> carpenter:^, brick masons. Xc.. as for them no rii-her harve-tcan t.e promised than the future prospects ot (’'ironna 'ii \ I'l riiis. of' Siitr. I Mie rmn til cri'h the lial;in* e in iii'talinent ^ at l'_’, is and J 1 iiioiith'. infere'-t fmm date. .Ml letteis Mil liii'^iiii'*-^ of the Company aiMre--s to .li.lm .M. Ili'se, .''ec’v. Kayetteville. N. C. Uv order i.f the l5oai‘d, T. I!. I N1)1;HW(m>1), rresideiit. \u;.iust l;’i. l'.i-2m A xi:\\' ixvi:N'ri()X. uiidersiiiiied has tiiade an invention of ;i .'^mut I. ^laclline. which he will insure to be perfect in the i-xtractioii ot’smut in \vhe.at. and wishes to inform Mill *«iii'r' that he is puttiiif: up macliines at I'nioii Facto- tory, on l»ei p Uivor, eijrht miles North of .Vshboroujih, My niaehiiie-' are v'umpused of three distinct princi ple'. centriliiual, s. oan eriii;.r and re;iction. It takes the »heat tliroueh thvec oper.-itioiis in noing through the iiiachitie once. Any person- buyiiiL: a machine, afttfr iryinjr it. if it does not cle.in wheat, damp or dry, 1 will take it liaek, ' Price Se\eiity-five llollar-. All letters ad Ire-si.il to New Saleiu I’ost Othce, lian- j dolph coiintv. I’. I’. FH1!K.M.\N. Oct. 1:.’. I"-'.--'. -liV A liAKCAlN ori'KKKI). A S the undt'r-icued lias determined to remove to tiie We-t, 'he i.rter' for s.-ile that commodious House, whicli she uow occupies, iu th»‘ villape of Summerville, ind al! appurteiiaiK’cs tliereunto beloiininp;. Also, ll’'i .ai ies iii lati 1 at the month of Criiss Cieek, "'n the t iwn -if Fayetteville, a short distance above the (’larendoii I'-rid-e. Tcniis cash, or jiaper negotiable at either of the liank-' iu l'a;> ettevillc. Ueference, a' to the Cross ( re»‘k laud, i- made to .lames IV.iuks. F.sip, of Fayette ville. K. 1!.\1LK\ Siimmervin.e. N. c.. .lune l''-'i'l. Ifl' lAYETTi'.vn.i.r, MiiTML mum cd^iPiM. ' j'^HlS ('oni]iany is luiw >rt;!iui.sed and j>repared to re I lertus ns other Companies. i>iin:cT(niS: HenHV lill.l.Y. n li. M VUOV KU. 'J'mtS S lilTTKKI.uH John II. Cook l» A Hay. A. A. .McKktiian Gko, MrXr.ii.i. Nathan A. Stkhmas. .Iamf.s Kvi.k Avon K. H.vi.b. J. (;. SuKT'Hl'Rl) Wauhen S 'I' IIawi.ky .loil.N h Wn.I.lAM Hknuow. \Vm. McIjAirin \Vm MrlNTvrtK I UFFICF.llS: .McNFlLL. l’re«id‘Ut, II. L. MVH)\'KI^, \ ire Pi-esident .1. C. SHKl’HERl*. .\ttorney. C. Mc.Ml LL.\ N. Secreiarv. tilltt. MoNKlLl., I .1 \S. K\LF, I 'I’he plan of Mi it m. Is-i ii wci. mu-t counneud ilsel to our commiitiity. for it can be demonstr:ited th;it v\c h.ive saved within tiie last sis years U]iw.ards of | by insurance in the North Carolina Mutual Comiiany; that is, we shuuld h.ave paid to have kept tlie same in- , suraiu’e in the foreien .ioint stock companies that sum more than we ha\e actually paid; and yet the Novth Carolina .Mutual Company has reoi-ived tietwer-n .and NiitMiO more from our community »h.in it has ]>aid out fur losses here,— showing that we are tavor.ibly sit uated, as coliijiared with ntber pl.iees in the .State, fur Iusur;ince. Our Company has pone into operatiuu favorably, hav- iiiir the day we organistal applic.atioiis to the amount of : ■SI 1 ;iinl the Company is now pl.-iced upon a firm fiKiting. .\ny Dii-ectnr, authorised -V.L^eiit, or Secretar_\. may receive .\])]>licatious. Imt they will not be liinding until .ipproved by the F.xeciitive Committee or the I’.oard. W. L.VWHFNCF is apjiointed tJener.-il .Agent of the (’omiiaiiv. We invite applications. CKO. .Mc.NKll.l., 1‘rest. C. A. McMlI.l.AN, Secy. Feb y 7, ]>^-'i:’.. 'I'ltf (’()PAirrM:usii!P. raiih; uttdersigueil have entered into a copartner- M. ship iindfr the name and style of Troy .M.arsh. lor the { roseciition of a (iener.al .Mercantile biisines', l.ocation the .-aiiie as formerly occupied by Messrs. H. 1.. .Mvrover vN; Co., font of Hav Mount. ‘ * .1. W. TllOV, .ht. .1. F. MAHSII. May I’-, is-'io. !'7tf i TIIOS. .). .lOMNSOX —HAS .jrsT in:ci:ivKi'— }’.r.T,S. NKW OKI.FANS MoLA.ssKS, 1(1 do. large Yellow 1‘lnntini.i I’otntoe^, • lUUU llis. Northern llacou. • ItM'xi lbs. N. ('arijlina do. 1Mm» l.u.shels » »ats, I'longhs ami Cabting-, I'llacksiuitils' Tcols. 17 hhd-. Cubn Mo’a-.ses. —ALSO 1 light foiir-iiorse Wagon, and I Hnggy. 1 Harness iifse iVc. Tllos. ,J. .JiiHN^oN. 1’. Fayetteville. Feb'y 28, l>'-'i:]. c.\M1M?1:LLToN' I’Hol’KKT’k FoH W ANTKD. 1WO CAHKI VCiE PAINTERS will tiiul - tendyem plnvniPnt nnd p-«od wnfre« by npplying to V \ McKF.THAN Sept. 1853. and VV (iloods ■^Hi: undersigned are now receiving a LAI>.iF s|u of tioods, con.sisting of a full assortmpnt of Ladif;’ and (ioiitlr>ineu's 1 >ross (Joocls; a lara't* su|)j>ly 111’ luadv-niadi* ('lothinif; Hats, (’ajis, l»omu ts, lioot.s ami Shoos; SaiUllerv; Hanl- wai(‘; (JrcK'Ovifs; l)nijis and .^lodi^illOs; With a great many other kind- of (li.iods, which \\.e will sell ou ac‘ommodatiiig terms. ,1 T. coi scn. X CAIN. Sept. I, Is.').'!. lil-l’m P. S. Per.sons who have lieeii indebted to ii^ for one year or more will please pay up. LKA'PIIKU liAXnS, ll» UiOl'CUl LV stretched, cemented, and riveted. I. The above P>ands are sold ‘Jd per cent, less than New Vork manufacturers' prices. Cash will be rc- ■piired in every inst.anco. For s.ab* by W. II. Id TTFHLOll. Fayetteville, Nov. Ui, lS-”iL'. Mltf SADDLKltS’ AND ’OA(’l[-3iAKKKS' n,i K MM If.t te t' A'r. K .$1011 BF.W AIM). ANAW ,V\' from the >utweriber, tw.i Negro Uirl2 nnd foul' ('hildren. viz: VRTHA, a bright mu- altto. hve feet four of five in.•he': high, took with bei two girl ehildvcn, Frances ;u\d ,\nn. H.\NN \H, copper Colored. al>out the .•^aniP height of Martha. Hannah took with her t\Vo ni.ile oiiiMren, Lowis and Jolin. The .above negroes formerly belonged to the estate ca 1 (iuorge T. rSarksdale. and are ‘■■iijiposed to be lurkin|t i n>ioiit the Cape Fear. ali»ut Mr. AVinslow'.-^ plantation j The :»V>ove reward will be paid fnv theiv continement in i an\ .lall -..i that the sub-criber can get them, or toi their delivevv to the snb'criber in .Sampson county FLKFT I! PFTFKSON .'-entember li, Ih.') ’,. iJti-tl 1 to II \l . i: .1 - ^ liSyinp ir; Oil. ■ I h '!!. 1-liver • 'i! :llingt..ll - H 1 r Soap. I;i »1;:Nm >\ ! I ' ip’ii :i.a. \[ ' I;, iiiientiiiii T' i ir \i.l. i:oi',i i;N ■J 1 ’ t ) ri( i:. 1 ill ■ I'iriio-r bn- me >, .-r I'e 1 ti N irih-F.'i-t . orneriif 1 iipie 1 * y .Mr Hugh (iiaham. i ii i ■ re • irne-;!iv reijUe'ted tu r- itii 1» Ci.\P,K 'iipiirtiiei • h.p. nil ; \ W ... Iward. for •rina P.nsiiie^-i. in i . Made Csiiiiin;:. WAV 1/ /Ilf ()l(l (>/ II. }h'fiihsiiii i.\ Sun. nil. I Nl)Ki:SI(.NFI» h .-.e jii t receive I •, L.MKIF 'TOCK OF iOf>l>S. eTul.r;icing a general a-- 'ft- nunt recently bought in the northern ni:iiket uiiib'r 1 \i.rable circiiUl-iall.'C' I n y have Loat', crU'licd, p.iweiid all'' lu-'iwii Mig.a-. .ia\.i, Laguir.i :nd Rio Ci.tVee; pej per. pice, "inger. ,■ .w, :ind nutmeg-: ‘-up. .-Mrl' la: ind:^ i. ;nadiiei: b ra:\: camphor: a'lilir.: ejisoiii s-i';;-: - -Itpetie: iiiola'Sc..;; •yrii;': lit: iron: sad'Ues. i'ridleti andmarthikL.ils: collars: wagon aid buguy whips: sjiades, r-hovels atid tork^: tt ace. dog, t iigiie, breast .and luiitei chains; '.utiec mill.'": wti^ou i; ixe-: mill, .t; - -eat .•la l haii'l s.iw-. . u'. iiKi!" .iiid jiikeu; M oi'ioil a^s^'rtment of pm ket aid tal'e cutlery; lilacksmith t'l ils complete: turjientine hacker -, scrajiers, a\es; i.ro.d and choj.ping axe-; guns- rivet-. large -t^ck of ready-nitide -tajiie ilry guod': gtuiiiy and hemp bagging: r.'jie aii'I twine; Swe le-, .\mei-i. an bar iiid ho._ip iron: -' |U:i re :i lid 111-1 ai: "II I I - I lee', (!ei n;.i ii n Ii' i OM - i er ••I ee: j,liat"-. cap-J. liooT-atid -line-, we-ti-ri' atid North Ciirolina ba.’ n. 'o^ether v^ith almo-r everv ;irticb“ 'iuM in thi* market, all ol whi li will l.e ,.^id at fair prices foi c-i-^;;, r^n time t.. )ii'"nipt 1 -Upper' !tn>l window gUt ? elothing and Stork Seasonable fmootls ■'UK sub^ciiber respectfully begs le;ivc to infi rm his customer' and tlie jmblic gener.-illy, that lie has ' iu't received hi- St. ck of m\mi i.Mi sni.iii:i{ i'.mbi.i.'inu a (itaierul .Vs.sortnu-nt ol St:i]ilc and I'aiu v I'ry Iuods, liouiicts. Misses’ uttd 'liildieii - H;it', Worsted I'utterus, I'ni- livellas and l*aias'>ls, li^lOt^ aiul Shoes, \I.so. sl'tiAl*. ANl» COFFKK, -vc. -'cc. P. SHEMWEKL. N'li th-we-t Corner Market S.piare, Green st. F.iyetteville. N ('., .\pril 1. S;Ut ( A SS1M1: li KS. (' A SSI \1 VM KS. IH.VVL ju t received a fre-h -upply of that celebra ted s.VLK.M C.\.-'S1MKKK. to which 1 would call the iitfentioii of mv friends 'ind the public in general. P SHKMWELK. .Mav '. I*'’. :. ''!tt rson M. 7L’tl SALK. T. .1. .1. \o. 2U Halfiiiiorr SI., IJiilliiiiorc. MPOI'TKK.'n .-nid Dealers iu Hog Skins, S.iddle Tri-e. , F.ugli.sh Heads •■ind l.eins. tiirth Webs, Stirrup-. Hamt'S, Piitts, \c. Sjn’ings. .\.xles of all kinds. C.i.aeli Lata-. liKN'r FKLLOES, Hubs, Spokes, Carriage iind Tire I’.olts, Patent Canvass, Cjirpeting, and every arti cle connected with either branch of the busine.ss. which they are prepared to ofl'er to punctual eustomei's ou as good terms as any other house in the I'nited .'^tates. Agent.s for the .sale of Pope's .Self-.VdJUsting PADS and Spencer's CilG TllKKS. Order.s j.roinpily attended to. Address T!!IIM.\S M\rKi:.\ZIF: \ SII.\S. No. --- P>:iltimove Street, ■MtV] P.ALTIMOUK. FALL AXI) W IX'FKR COODS. E are receiving the largest stock of ttoods ^ve ever oti'ered in this market, consisting in great varieties of H.its and 'aps. Hoots and .Shoes. .Saddlery and Leather. Jl.irdware and Cutlery. Wood and Iron Hollow Ware, llagging and UojiC. Cotton and llemp Hope, to U, inche-. Cfirpenters', Pibick-'mitb-'' and Coopers' Tools. Nail Iron and Steel. Keady-.Made Clot hint;. Staple Dry (ioods. .\ud (iroceries. All these goods we want to exehnuge f>>r Produce. Cash, or t.i !:K'1>h.\'IRI.k mi.n on time. .1. .V T W.VDl;iEL, Hay Street. Sejit. 18, -‘.'tf Country Mercliants ■>vill ple.ise call and examine w i»K, sruox;’s (OAiporxi) sAXA'riNi: imi.ls. I'illS ai'«‘ I :iv4‘a in the cure of all P.iliou> Com[i!aints. Chills Miid Fever, Dyspepsia, Costivencss, l.lvcr Complaint, .laundice, Sick Headache. Scrofula. Salt llheiim. Feveis of hU kinds, J.oss of .\p]ietite. nlistructed aiul painful Men- •aruation, ami all lingering diseases. .Vs a Female Meiiicine they act like a diarm, and when t;iken according to the directions, they nPVt*r tni! to cure very worst cast'- i if .liter all other remedies fail. T|i«>y purity 11i«‘ I»i04»(t, lh‘ tlie ofiK't' .'«4‘‘i'‘fory Ortfati» l» a f4»ll4‘ ail4l a4‘lioii: and ns an .\iiti-itilious Family Mediciiu* they have no eijual. Price L'-'i cents per box _,IA.SV>_ 1>1{. STROXfrs riX'roRAL ST()\L\(’H PILI.S. \ remedy for ('nuglis, I 'olds. (’.•itarrli. ISi ouchitis, Croup, Whoiiping Cough, .\-thm.i, ('onsumptioii, Nervou- Diseases. Dvspejisia, Costivcness, F.rysi]ielas, Disc.ape of the Heart, 1 ntlamniation .uid Pain in the Chest, liac’ii and Side, and all diseases arising frora a .le ranged state of the .Stomach, and to relieve the dis tress and bad feeling from e.iting ton hearty food, in weak and dyspeptic habit.s Warranted to be Purely Vegetable. ra'SHK.SK Pills act as an Expectorant, Tonic, nn-t B .\perieiit. One li") cent box possesses three times more jiower to cure diseases than a one dollar bottle ol any of the Syrups, P.als.ims, or S;irs;ip;irillas, tiiat wa- ever made, and a simjile trial of only oin* liox will prove this imporiant truth. Tii4*tk i»r4»ii»>4‘ IXiK*4*l4»rali4»ii, 1o4»m‘ii tli4‘ I*isl4‘tfi£i, ait4l 4‘l4>ar Iii4‘ lasiitfs aii4i 4itli4*i* >>4‘4’r4‘t4»i’y 4>l' sill iiiorl>i4l lliatt4‘r, and there is not c.nmlicr remedy in the whole Materia Medic.a cajiable of imjiarting such healing properties to the Lungs and Vital Organs as these FMlls 'I'hey 4‘iir4‘ Cu«tivoii4‘v>>, |»i*4»4lii*4‘ a ;;4>o4t i’4'$;ii'lar .%|>|»ctil4‘, aii4l ofi‘4‘ii;;rii4‘i( fli«‘ Price 25 cts. per Imx, (.•outaining doses of medicine. Call on the Agents who sell the Pills, and get the ••Planter's Almanac ' gratis, giving lull particulars nnd I certificates of cure'. ; lloth kinds of tlie aIiove-ji;imed Pills are for sale in Fayetteville In- J. Hinsdale, and J. N. .''initli; who /y,'. >■ V'" Yii/i filhlf PilU ottr stock. •I. \ T. W. .irsr HKCLivFJ), II KKW AKl). ANAW.V^ trom the suliscriber on the L’^tli of May last, a negro lioy called C'.VLVIN. nineteen years old, iieight about o feet s iuche.s. weight about D'lt* 1>)S., a lilack negro. h:id ear rings in each ear when he left, no clothing recollected except a dark blue over coat. Thi-i li'iy was ]iiirchas«‘ l of Dr. John McNeill of {{obesiiii .•iiiiiity. .'iboiit the 1st of May. The above re ward will be pai'l fi.ir his delivery to me or if lodged in a Jail iu this State. It is very jirobtible he jv in the neishborhood of his former owner. John W ADDILL. Jr. Fayetteville. N. C., June :’.U. 7-tf 1^'^RKSH TF.AS.—Extra Fine “Hyson. Finest “Imperial." Very good “Voting Hysnn. " .Superior “Oolonc. ' —ALSO- '')0 ounces tjuinine. “(lOO Uis. White Lend. For sale by S. j 'HINSDALE. .Sept, I'.i, ISo;:. MAUBI.K I Af TOR Y. nsH' I'isiiii MB ACKKHKI. in h'llf and whole Ham PKTFH !■ .'iejit. 11 Is, for sale Jt HINSON JStf u •tomerv, -.r roimtiy pi’i dll' ine w .lllly -111. l''-e |„^iif^TiiP ortlce ot tiie C'ljie I-. k'pt in the all:i\e • ■;'ldin^. .1 D. • •iHTaii’. WILLI \ d.' ir Si.-^iinli I 11 1 i-ti at Cotvipany Vc'.-;.r .Iv for U ILI.I \\\ ntclM\s :inl .h‘\\‘lr\ ?i 11 N I A P. I . WtvojiW M,l> - 'i-'Jni N^.rth. with iii'l well - e \ > I K M. Mi L. Ml F 1 - li. ! t iii i I Kay, who i tiiic. :il! ’iicir !'i> - r |viv(^r. vrho inay ■ :icci.iint. \v;:i c infer a ttliiii: 'lie 'ame W I' \l\LLEil II \ Mi--W.\l\ •Jltl > N' ’’ V* ' Kai'ijo l'if •'if l/idli s, Sii£r;ir ; jilcin, ihreadod, •( ■ Blitter Knive-; .’'‘lug fB'Hi; nil .1 iiier h.i I lurne.l t'ront the •leci'Icdlx ■ very i i'li lectf-'l 4o. I-: it' Wafclit's A the I iti- tvle ai Linbricinf,- f:i-'hi'-n: SIL\HH W'AKK- Spo^iiS'inj. '(iiig-, l>ininr' and I>issort Forks, and Brunswick pattcni'. ' S:il*. ('roaiii and Mu-'t:ird \ia\ Diirc; stoiik. 1 III K siib'Criber having t.-iken th- .Store I -n tJreeii street, known as the .Me- Pher-.iii P.uilding, neatly oppo'^ite Dr. Eob- iiiu'iii— .''hop, i- now receivintr a fresh and v.ell assorted -^tock of |)ni!i. ('lioiMicnls. MMlicnif‘s. I*:imts. Oils, Dvc-Stiif]’'. :m(l Pcrtuinon. f. i^ether wiih a good a.-'ortment of Hair, Flesh, To.,ih, Paint, and Whitew'a-!i Erushes: Cupping. Tooth, :ind .■'iirgical Instrument'-: (.lalvnnic Eatteries, \;e. .V.'. All of whii li he otl.Ts low for Cii'ih or on time t.i punctual CD toliier ordvr- re-pe. itully a.licited f^Min Country Physician-; j iiid i.th.*r-- who m;iy depend n procuring fresh and , Vuguat ‘J« genuine .'irticle , an l that no pains will be sjiared i > ; give snti-f:iction both in .juality nnd price. .Mkhk .\i, IMty.'^i RIPTIONS carefully and accurately prepared v\i.i AliLi: PL\xrA'nox FOK SALE. i ^HE Mil iseriber wishing to chatige iiis business, ot ters for sale his PL.VNT.VTJON in Hofieson, 12 niiles from Lumberton, on the Harlleesyille Uoad, situ ated on \aron'-- Swamp, containing 7iii acres, ot which jibout 1'*'* are under cultiv;ition. The situation is liealthy and the w;iter e,,ual to any iu the covinty. The dwelling and all neces-ary oiif-hou'es are in good re- )iaii . The best reconimendafioii which tiie fertility c.f the pl;ice can receive is to b‘ found in the crop ot t'.irn ;ind ('otton now growing on the Plant.-itioii. which all who desire to purchase are invited to examine. There i- within half a mil*' of the house a bold tlush Sj.rlug, believed to contain \aluable mineral propertie-. There is also within half a mile of the dwelling house a large new .\cademv, iu which a I'lassical school is cou-^tantly kept. Terms e;is\ JOHN \. HoWL\ND. ¥ •ii’.tf J N. J:ui v J I. 1''’ SMITH. li'itf I ri)‘ \M> .li'w !:Lin ^ fiOODS. ■>n!i-cnl)* I I- now r*‘- . : i-r U .ti-l,.- - .'iii'i .lew elrv - - : s,/.., -I.-/ V ■ '.. I' t .-’I-I ; I-I:ir!e-: II Kl;i\C': I riniient-: p.iel.el ali'l P ;llli ;lii . -. : P-i- 1 1, illier III : Cl:iri’ 111'-1' I .-liiall dii f'l -1-1.lie- lie t : ;.‘iiiie P.ajj': ■ t 1 i-t'.'-: W .ilkiii- ' iir_ Cl,lull : 11 nil-. ‘."I" i -I urtiiient 111 • ii 1 ■: l-'luie'-: |'ile>; l;o:\e : \ ii.!;ii :illd is.--e.--: Ladie- \V..i> Uiie-daV Clock--; v.iriety ui ui'l in I !ic-; ! : Fl r-c .M llsie .Spy • t \\ i;. ;.iiii clue!; cleaned aiol w. PEioi:, J t-iiii ii.DMW ^ iioum:, . i 11n'iIi/'fii'c, (I/'()('(I'K . iVc. . \ - ti.ii.i:, i . 1,. !• .nil the citizens .'ili'l I lie . tl:-i’ ill' . have just returned ! _ thi-ir Spring Stock .: V. . ■■ :.• till ,ii.^ .,.:u-i ;; - ' . >L..e^ :i;c! r-iippev- ■ i.' CS.i !i ^i;i: ;i grcilt him III 111'! we V.ollld lie ]ile;i-i •1 ■ "T . II ti.' fur thein-flves. ■Ill 1-: .'111- e:ire from ourflieiii pr itai tly alien.led to. : Ladle-' iar^e as- l_\ llllirle- 'I to iia\e Hltf .'-■pfiiIlls. 1’laU‘d (iiir>il~: lea Sets, ofte ('hainliiT and I'.arl.'ir '•indle li. k , 'a lor-. Sugar |)i'li, .'^nnlVer and 'I'ray, l/idii nvk Biix> -.-- l-'itll assnrtnient of Military tliinij . 'lnrinni-t , r'laffeiilol', I’liito', I'ifi'N. Accord'oii , I'lnliiia . l:irjr«- anil :-iii.'ill Mu ic Bn.\i- , • inr willi r::iiin aci-iini ji;iiiiiiifnl.) \ inliii , ■sonic very line |t;i] i:m. ) .'^iirvevor-’ (Vunjci -e- and riiaiii-, 'hitln' iiialical In-drmnents, Kye ila--r- fur ^liners. vry tine liaznr- and Straps, iiin- Scis-.ir L:irg^i- l-.t I’nckel and 'lahle Ciclery. sniiii' in i f- of .'»1 pieces. I’lickri i\nivi'.-, with s]ii..ni, iork. I.l.-idr, phlenie, \c liarg"’ Int of \v ■]! sch.clcd dwuldi'- Icirii'l (lulls, powder I'lasks, B'it.', (i.uiii' Baijs^ iVc. Kood a -"rliiM'til Ilf ('oil s ;iiid vari- iiU' other kinds of l^isfoj . h’ivi' or six diilcrfut kind of Clocks; W'alkiiig- (':iui‘>, \iiil v.-irioii- other nolioii . \\hieh I would like to ell very i w. -1. .M. 1:K.\SLEV. \u)jii-t 1:;. is.',:;. I'.i-;;m lUUCAiXS' liAIUJAlXS!! nftl-lN'i 'b-tn-iMined to ijuit ‘^elliiig LiijUor . we now jS 9 otier a i-;ui;\U lot of l ine Liipiors at New N oi k eo-^t and charges; such us I'r.'iich Piraiidv; Jaiuaici and .St. Croix Euni; Port, .Madeii-:i, M:il:ie;i mid TeiierilVe W in* ;; b.iskets t'iiampagne. .\uchor P.raiid; ■ Ciiampagne Cider, .'cc. Per-oi; - wi.-liiiiu to purclinse any of the ;ibove Lii|Uors would | O well to e:ill .•iiid See US. 'I I’.OV \ MNP.Sll. I, IS.',;;. le.-tf nMiJi:u! !;r.\nii:ii!! I-; II,Wi; on hand a large amount of Lumlier of ditVerent l;inds Hooring, wide board.'-, weather board-, scantliii-. lalli-, \c.: some of which is ]>artly 'e:i'i(Ued. .Mso, :i hu ge ;tsSoi tiiieut o( I'eluse: -will sell refii'C boards m Ih. mitl at !Sl pei- M., scantling al ^2 and good edged boards .-it Si;l. S:iW(*d st.aves, se.a- soned. llillii tilled at simrr notice. JONES .Si P.AEEEE. Oretuwoud, (Jmnherland. N. C., ,\ug. 4, IH')}}. [17tf I'jn ill" John harmax llespcctfnlly informs hi.s friends and the pidilic that he has removed Iroiii the Hotel ai the foot of Haymoiint to the liirger and more commodious Hotel in the centre ot the Town, recently occupied by Mrs. P.rown, and well kiiowii a- the Fayetteville Hotel, where lie willbehap- p\ to aci ouiuiodate Travellers an.l Eoarders. No ex- ei-tioiic fif himself :iiid family will be spared to render those . oiiifortiible who may favor him with their com- pilllN. Fa\ etteville. N. C.. .lune 2H0fl The n li \ \ F. received and opened the largest .stock ol la Dl:^ (iooDS, »; HOCLRI KS, kv.. I ever oti'ered for '-iile, all of which I will sell as low as any hou.se in this place. .My friemis and customers, and all in want Is. are resiiectfiillV invited to call tind examine for themselve-. ' PEl'Eli P. JOHNSttN. Fayetteville, N. C.. September lS-'>:’.. 2Stf TALL (iOOnS. ■ i STMill .V WILIJAMS y\\ l-; -Sow rei eivc.l a portion, and expect to re- cei\f this week tlicir ENTIRE STOCK of FAl.L (;o >DS, :-o'j -i.'ting of Staple aiiii^. i'';mcv Dry (ic»o(is. Shoes, liools, ilals, (’ai>s, Hoihm'Is and I iwhrollas; with a luri>e lot of Ut'ady-inade ('lolhino-. The :iliove Sto.-k is the largest we have ever oflered iu this ncirket, and will be sold at W HOLES.VLl'. lor Cash, or on the usual time for aiiproved notes. Meich:iuts are invited ti> examine our Goods. J. r,. STAEIL J. M. WILLIAM.^;. .\ugust l-">, IS.');;. I'.uf lUuAXKS lor sale at this Office. Suh'^evilu'v still con tinues to carry oi. the C.MUNET UL.si- NES.S iu F;iyett?ville, and iu addition to his Kslablisiiment on I’.ow Street, ne-ir Eccles's Bridge, has opened a large W ARE HOoM oil Hav street, nearly opposite the Fayetteville Hotel, and Oiie door East of Messrs, Haigh Son's, where a general assortment ol Ma.le by coni]>etent and faithful workmen, may be ha.l at prices eorres|)onding with the times. .\lso, an as sortment of Northern-made FI K.N ITT HE, selected by himself wiiich will be sold at a verv moderate advance. Dl NC.\N McNEILL Nov. lt>. lisol. nE keeps on hand an assortment of Fi.sk's celebra ted MET.M.LIC P,IIUI.\L C.\SKS, which have been highly recommended by W illie P. Mangum, Henry Clay. Lewis Cass, Wui. H. King, and many other il lustrious characters, who have examined ami witnessed thoir utility. Hv f.KO. LAITDEK. TUII lillliRS llinVR r. T. ItUIIII .i, SOV.S STdRR. Fay«‘ll*vilh% X. V. \ Jau'y 20, 1.^.')::. i.l -1 Yp.l NOTK i:. !S«»0 KRWAKII. K.^N-V^V.\\ from the suV)«cribcr, nbout th.‘ l .lh of July, IS-jI. h’s negro girl Sarah. Said negro is about D’l years of age, black, with large white eyes, large limbs, weigh-; about ir!(i pruin.l«. Said girl is sujtposefl to be lurkiii." iu the neighbor- hood of Mr. Isaac Wright s or Gen. McKay's, in Elailen ci.iuniv. The aliov e re ward will be pai.l for her (.lelivery to me, or her c.iiilinement in any .jail in the State ol North Carolina. \VM (,! P.lTLEIi. Clintoti. N. C., .March I I. IS.'i". 77tf Jisr KIXHIVKf), A PEI ME lot Mountain Eutter. New Orle.'iiis and (.'uba .Mola.sses. J;iva, Lagnira and liio Colfee. Sugar. Bice, .S:c. WOIU'H Cx FLEIOTT. M.arch 7, 1S'>;!. 7;>tf KLDI ( ED FARK. Through 'J'ickets helwecii Wilmington, N. C.. and Ealti- niori*. Fare^lo. \ ia eldoi». Petersburg. Kichmond, tV ash- inglonCity, or via Weldon, I’orts- mouth and Norfolk. For Tickets apply at the OHiee iof the Wilmington and Haleigli Kail Hoad Company at W ilming ton. oral tlie Ollice of the P.altimore Ste.am Packet Cou'i]iany, and of the I’altimore and Ohio IL-iil I’oad Companv. I’ratt .Street, Ealtinmre. Jan. I. 1S^')2. •^>--tr e, delivered at this place, for WAX ri:D, P.I5LS. Turpenlin my Distillery in which the highest jirices will be ]>aid. 1 would also enijiloy two or tliree good turiientine- barrel Coojiers. _ !’• '^ • E>*EKS. Lumberton, N Feb'y KL IB-):;. nHtl Fail (ioods, 1853. lOOK & .lOIINSON are now receiving their F.\LL ® y STOl'K. embracing an extensive assortment of llii(hrn nml (Iroariea, ('rnrl-t'ri/ Points, (h'f.'i and l)i/e-Stiijfs, Together with their usiwl .supply of other to wldch they invite the attention of country Mert'lrants visiting this market. 3ei>t. .15, ItiuS. . At Rv^fliiced Rifles.^ Shot-(>uns, PistnJs^ yr. EDWARD K. TRYON, i:il \4>. 2ii4l M., PIITT.AI>KLI>lll-\, ANrF.\('TrP.EK and Importer of Eitles, .shot- Ciuns. Pistols, Flasks, Shot Pouches, Rille Locks, ISarrels, and materials for (iuu Makers’ use. Detilers will find it to their interest to ex.imine pial- ities and prices of my goods before jmrciissiug else where. July, 185:;. 11-Kit .1 rsr K\x I:i\ i:d axd iou saij% I .XHOE No. Mackerel. J “ “• Herring, Fresh run»‘. •• Plaster Paris. ' . “ >4»ent hivl Vl«?»^>ng Hair; - ( J.. V\^ WWF.UK 0>. also kec]) a supply of and Ih. Unll'x C' ii'hriili'il rHI. which stop tlie Chills and Fever the tirst day. and lo not sicken the stomach or operate on the bowcl.s. ] A Letter to Ite Kead aiid Tliuuglit upon. 'I’lIL K;tsl, U'est and .N'urlli liave >[)»kfcn. now >[K.-!iks the South— * the sanay South—Hear the trll.iiie "ivca liy one ..rher sons in hi- T lih \ear- ':in there be ;tny iiiinil so prejuiiiceil ;i' ivil to yirlil to >ach a mass of testlanniy ilaily jiiven in lavor of llaainlon’s Vepe ihble Tincliirc. ia every hmiilci. village ami city, where it h:i.s foiin.I its way.' Crutei'iil hearts sjifak its (iraise. CiiL'-fKR iJi'TKitT, .•^oiith Caroliiiii. Jaiiiiary :id, lr.‘.;i. .Me>»r>. Mortimeri. .Mou hr.iy—i;entlPii)en: J-’or the la.«l five year- I have heeii a severe sallerer I'rom KhoiiiiinUsiii. seeing your recoin iiieniliitiiiii 111 llaiii|it.>a's \'e"etaliic Tincture. I imri liased a hmtle and the lir-t dose lia.s so niiii h rplieved ine iliat I consider it Inn justice to cive to the sali'erini: world the result of liie npiilication. .Mine wa» arate Hheiniiati>iin in the liack—so had lliat 1 wascoii lined l.> my lied for tli*» Ins? si\ month-. The lir.-t holtle arted lik'- ’ a I h:irni: ihe second restored s.lrfn2th in my (i.x.r affji. li d um k an.l ) am now as well and feel as yminu as wh.'ii ! was sivK ru. I .'iin ! now seveuly-t air ycar> of ace. I I on-iider yoiir 'J'inciure the }!reate»t distnvery nl the ape. and l«.or siilt'erin" humanity oiiphl to erect a nionanient to Dr. lla'.iiiton, will) ha-- saved ihoii^ands from |iain. -\nd you, penileniea, have aripil ilic part ofpiildic l.cnefactors in disseminatinfi the lienefu-. w liii U have, resulted t'rom your invtilualile Tincture. 1 am a jilain cottun planter and have never written fur literarv 1 l.ime: but when my fellow lieini;-. are afflicted, shall I hesitate, or, [ ihron;;h mndesty, w ithhold any int'ormation vakialde to my fellow man? So if voit rnnsider this worthy of a place in any of yoiii 1 newspapers, you are al liiirrty ti make use of it. i AlA AIt KK.MBALL, ] Haniptnn's Veiretahle Tincture, hy its mild action on the Ptoinach j l.lvcr and the Kidneys, will care Dyspepsia, Cnneh, ,\sthma ; Broni-hial and I.iinc .■\fieriions: I’ains in the Hack, Side and Breast: ; ('nnsnmption. Scroi'iila, Uhciimatism. (lout, Xenralsi.i. Fistula' j IMes, I’owel (.’omplaini>. Worms, Nervom Deliiliiy—with all di« I ea«p- ariins trniii inipnre iditfid. and i« the ercatest Feiiiale .Me.licii.e I ever i.now n. I for fholern Mortiiis, lii.lic. Diiirrho-a, and all diien-es Incident ! Ill the Ixiwels in ihe Minimer season it lias no t.pial. .'^old \Vhole"i-ile and retail l.y S. .1 HINSlt \l,r,. I-’ayeiieville C, ii I) Ilnl’Ki:. Wiliiiini-ton: .MoRTIMI’.R k MOWRR \V llaltiinore I ml li y UraL'j|i'ts i:eneniHv. i-V j QC7^ !’rt)t’fssor Alo\. 1'. liarrv's Trj- I l opheroii.s. or .Medi. uted ( otiijioiind. for lleaiiiifyin", f'lirlinc. Pk I servinp. Ilesfnrin" an‘1 .'^trpnetlu-nin" the Ilair. Kelievine Diseases 1 iif the Skin, Ciirin>.: Uheumaliv I’aias. an.l llealina F.itemal w onnd.i I Itonnded l.y no yeoaraphi.'-il linej, ilio reputation of Barry's Trico i (.heri.us jH-rvades the I'nion. Tlie ^ales ofilie article of late year. ' h ive iiirrea'ed in n ratm ihal almnsi cvceeds helief. Professor Itarry. -.rier a (arel'iil exaiiiiii.ilinn i.t Ms -.lies' li.ic.k, linds lhat the luuiilier ot' lioiil.'-i delivered lo order, in quantilies of from half a I uross iipw.'ird. diirina the year Ic^Si, was within a tnlle offc'id.OOO 1 li isiinnecr^sary lo present at lenath the evideiR-e? of ihe won detfat propertie-i of the Tricophcrous-w hen the public have t'nr nislied such on indorsement as thiv. "J'he rheapness of the .nriicle and ilie c.vplanations civen of it« rhemii'al action upon the hair the scalp, :in.l iu all cases ofsiiperlii inl [rritaiioii. first recommend ed it to the attention of Ihe peeple This was all that the inventor desired. I'.very bottle advertised it'elf. Thp elfe-ls of the fluid exceeded evpectation. It acifd like a i harm. The ladies would not l>e w ithout it. 'oiintry dealer* in everv section of the t’nifed ?=ia(es t'ound tliev must have it; and ihiis whs l.iiilt up a wlif.lesale Irade to an evleni hilherto unhenrd of ••e. re;.>:iri!s .•irtirles of thli kind. The hii:het point has not yet been rearheil. nnd it is be lie\ e.l th.'i 1 the sales this } ear will l»* a iiiillioii .'tii.i « hall of bottles. Dep.it and Maniifartory, .\.i. I3T ftroadway New \ ork Retail pr'.i-e. cents a larae bottle. I.ilieral disc-iiini lo piirrliasi-is b\ ihe iiuanlity. H.dd by all the principal inrr.-hanis and drii>rcis!s ihrotiphout the I'nited f>t,lies and Canada. Mexico. West Indies-;reat Hrilaiii, France. &c. And by B. .1. lll.\?-'D \l.l: r.i\ei[i-w!le. N. I’ f‘.if,-f>nipdj THK LAKGKST SlLk. lUHBOX, ANM) TIU^JMING HOUSE IN NEW YOKK. 77/omas fw. IMVORTER AND .70BHEK t'F SILKS, MILLINEKY, A.\0 FANCY GOODS. .1/ \ti/ Cil.oh P/-ir,y—/iini’ i/f tihln! ht/ tlffdiliy 162 Broadway, N. Y., \S now iu Jstore and is daily receiving nnd otl'^r iu^' at the Lowest Vrices, complete assortment of;oOD.'s I.\ HES LINE, comprisinic .all the various styles and ilcsigus, consi»iting of l»l:ick ;ml y Silk.-; Marct‘line.>^^, I’MoiH^nt os. Shawl.'^;, 'I’riiinniii^?^; I^on- iict llil)l)()Hs; 'I'jitlota :m(l Sntiii lim- hoFis; Dr('s> of all kinds; l’'ml)rf)il('ri(‘s; i-'rciu li and I^n^lisli (’i’ap('i', Crapt* Silk C’ra- vats; (ilov('.s of all kinds; Silk I.act- Mill>; l*»aror('S, Larr.; \\ hit“ (Joods. Hosiery, f.. C. Ilaiulkcrchit'ls. The undersijrucl w'ould invite \lerchaHts Ir North, s..util. Eu'^t and West, when in the ('ity vor him with a call and examine iiis slock before pur i-hasin«r. THOMAS (I. S'l'KAlI.NS, D>- I'.roa.lwny, UctwtH'U Liberty >=tvc>Pt nnd Maiden ' I .lan’y J -'), XKW MI SK 111 the to fa- AFUESH • . V- Seyit-.-16; Trtii'5.

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