S K M I -W Fi K L, Y. \0\.. lll i l» \]\)\\ \l‘i 1 >;,-.'KS I AViyrTFA iiJ.E, c., X(>\ i:miu:r it. is kj. [NO. t \ii:\ I: .1 I? M:\vin IIam: .V sox. \M> PltopillKTOUS . . » Mi'i I.VKU >• Ill' if in I' iiii iluriiig tlu' ycur o*'rip- . • f ii- ; c\|'in'.i X . I 11(1 Mniiuiii, if I'.iii) ill '■r i ■liirilii: rtic '‘t’-ii'i ii-rlp- ;\ (■: ; h;i >. f\]iirc.l rvti-'i I’d- siM_\ I'l'r !-t. • t,.l thii tv I'out'; i'i«r t'iU’h . 1\iTtivpin,.|it'; l.\ sin-. r.'Uo- Viivci'tisi'iai’f tiiuii: • r iii-fvtinns ■li"^iro>i, of 'f ! ! ; ■! ! ili-iTu' i (lOi'i'i'l- - ' t!i.- r. iir .I'-inilst l't‘-I'.'li'l i> A w'. M. K \i i:i: 4 lU: m'l-ivinj; n stccK ofiliM. .• *m Itoiits iiii.t Slioos. uhii'li uvi* .'iri'ri-. •:ui Jio lidlicrli* ill jIh, :ct wil ‘lo- '•i-t. i:;. , :il i' low :l'- lllt'V I'V ii't'iil. s'lw ri: or Noirrii ( vko! i\ v. rnrN'l"» In lid- f >'-hlt .lolm U l’(>:irct‘, A.lniinistrutm-'if .l,.lin \V ll. wv't. rv flic Hfir-^ lit Law ..f ;.ii,l .lolin U . rotitioii tti si‘11 lU‘;il i'.- tatc. i> hcrcl.y Jiiv,*ii t. tl.r ncivv it 1 ,v, ,,i .l.vliii •i- » Mowoll. to lie an.I apiu ar I'ct'iifo f lio .1 nsti >1'our siiiii ('oiirt. at ra_v('lt.'\ , ii tlic l>t .M..iiila_\ Ot DiH-oml'i".-, to r.llsWt'V to t!o' -ai.l PotiticM. i l iliV satiK' will h(> lu'ard t'x I'aric ''•itiH'ss. .lolni Mcl.aiiiiii. ..four (’,,uii. at Otiicf at KayottoviUo. lUv :'l-t oV (>.•!, Ihm- is'i'.;. •ioilN \|.l.\ri;iN. II NO TlCi'., •liM . il till' ~t.H K ' I'.iriufrlv owiic'l \VA\ri:i), 1’>1!LS. 'rurpputiiK*, il«'livor«*il at niy iMstiliery in this iil:ic>‘, lor wliioli the lii.jliO'if prii’t's will he paiil. I wouM al'o onu.ldv t\Vi> or three jrooil turpentiiH'- l.arr. l ( .I--, ‘ D. W. r>( IC Luinh.Tiou, N Fcliy Hi, OMf :nl \\ Stock l or '1^ II i: iil'-ci i!ici- ha« jiiHt received uikI opeiietl. at M. *iis \(Mv Slorc ^11 llie I'.Mst silo nl'iJrcorj stroet, u lew iloors Iroiii the Mai'ket llous** ami nearly opj'nsite ' ,)| ST |\ l‘'j^ ’ I \ l‘'P VNlM'OlvS his >ld Slaiicl. a larj^i* Sicu-k of and raiici DRV I’.tiiloai iiiir a i/euer.-il assortiii(-iit of l,mlies’ and (ientle- nifii s I>re."S (ioml'., con-ii'tiiifi' in part ot Sli.iwls, Cliiaks ami Mantillas, s.iuie very tine; auil nlso a {looil nssort- nieiu lit Sll^»l^'^ ANI> 1>('K»T.'^. for Ladies, (iolitleiiien. \ i?\U(;AIN oi l i:iii:i). A the uiidersioneii has deteniiined !.• r(Miiov?‘ to the West, she oti'ers tor sale that eoiniiiodious llou-^c'. which she now ocoiip\* s, in lUo Yilliij^e of Suninier\illt'. iuid all uppnrten.ance' thereunto lielnngintr. Also. ll!ii acres of Ian.1 ,'U the niouih of Cross Cii'ek, in the t.iV.n ot Fayetteville, a short distAUce aliovo the Clarendon ! I’riiifje. 'I’enns lash. .ir itaj.er nec;otia1il(‘ at either of the r.anks in Fa\cttfville. lleference. as to the Cross • reek land, is niacie to .lano'' Hanks. l'.si(., of I'ayette- ville. i;. r.AlLKV, Siiinnierville. N. C.. .lune t,. I s.').;. Itf AliCi; No I'n'sh Mackerel lleriiu;j.. liinie. I'hister I’ari'. Ccuient and I’iastiTinir ilair. .1 W. I'OWF.l!.'^ XNl'i v.OOl>S. • .-r ; n- u r. . eiv.n-- hi I-A 1.1. Mllpi K t^F !>UV I- (iOODS. n tel ni-- a' easy, I:; «':i! i.'ilia A mail jirotit, either for 1. up iu N an.l he asii well to Mus : . . Mu uiur'. all Would t r*- p-.u-cha--ii.i;. huiio-rates a tew ..f the lea.lint; n.j tii:M j.lain t'l’k irr.' de !■ l.rii. !■ .if eveiy ]irice and col- :n an i .la. ..n i .''ieeve-.; Clu'nii- r:-'' ■ n ’ ( r led .•'kirt'. ladie-' an.l . .11.1 \\ ..v-^tk-.l il-.\e-i; Linen i'ani- i::;. -i.T -1 ].laiii. .Iclte.land clieek- iiii*'rii' ati'l .lai-.'oet: H..nil'a/ines . :'.v. I >wi'> K'.)i iT and lu'ertinvj; cry ■ r; 1 oi.. ' >i:’: an.l Merin. 1 r-,; -'i.-iv. ’ ; ai'..in;j: ..tin r styles, i;.'s iHc" ti. is and 'I’ritumiujj' t'; isiarly ca'led t ■ hi' a>s. nnu'tit i.ii' -' I mi — i '' white an.l c .i'd •: a!. I Irish Linens; ^..o.l as- ■ippei' au'l iaiter'. ain..ntr f wliire Ki'l Siipper and iai- l: an’. \;iicrii an (”;.th' nn.l le aU :i'S:TtUielir of ■ h > Ki r'cy-- and Fdanki ts, with ..tl'.er . ds usuallv ,L C. lM»i:. ‘ ■J''-l!n \ \ 1 Ni i pill at the ,''li.. and having; t*n^:tfred the ^ wliose Work {rives sudi ^enei-al and 1 am now prejeire.l lo e\e. ui ill Watrons. luiad UaL'’.ns. Cart-, IUmv -. 1 have on hand an.l will cii ■t'lntl.v ke I'ly ol Iron A\U-s. t'hains, llolt>. and thiiiLjthat the auonmaker i an n> ‘d 1 imtier \\ a^on>. wilh the inipr.M'.i Ii t.. or.ler at ihe .«lu>rte-l iioi';. i-. 1 ha\e lit iiood and conipt teiii V. ..rknien at ilie luisi neS'. aii.i w ill uive it niy w l...le an.i un.li\ i.If.l jii i,'niion. My prices shall l.e as m...l r.iti- the time>- will ;i.l- mit. and 1 '.vill challeioje any W :i:-.n-niak« r in the I ni- tc'l States lo o.|Ual niy work either in point of stvie or durjiliility. !llo. FI L!.i:i; O. t. I'*.. 1^'.:;. ■ ■It ^iate^iel on hand liv Mr. I^ Fuller, ■f' Mr. .1. C, Lally. entire satisfaction, '■rder' t..r 'rinil.er ■arrow-. \c ;1 cj.o.i sup. -'h'.it everv \ xle-, nia.le Iir:-. l!..ys and CluMrei .^ilk and other •^tyh*- .>f I'l the pul'lic. .'^u-ai, C..|l'..,>. ’I’e i, 1’ finr .-'.rt ll ie I li'lol.er 1 And the host .assortment of I’.ON N F.'l’.'s he l as ever otl'erod L‘p)ier. .'spices, and 'I’oliacco. a 1’. Slili.MWFLL. ••’.‘’.tf •lulv I.- : ( ». ;-tf M AlliiLi: T \\ I'cr- -f WrM I.ArUlMU U(.!i IIICII S('llOOI. F.lCllMOM) CiilAfV. Niiin i! i \i;)|.INA. 11 l.'J larjre an i tl.iuii hin- In titnii .n i- n manently estai.lishe.l. un Icr a t'li" crjis nualitie.l Insfructcr'. and with every thin>; n'nui-ite in a first clas- Seminary. I’cin^r 'veil -uppiie i with Nla] -. (ieojtrajdiicul aii'l A'tron..mi.'al; tl’. 'n-. I'hil .-..phical and Chemical Apparatus. The .'^emi-.\nnvial Sc--i-.ii- ..f fi\r ni .ntli- ...r men.', on the sec.'nd Mon.lay ot' .laniiarv an 1.1 o’.v rep.a tivi ly. NO'i'ic'i:. •Cf(*l{. Mallctt \ .Mc.'^wain having: left their li.ioks .in.l papers vvith \\. .McL. .Mclvay, who is anlloni'-e i to ifccipt lor the same, all their cus- Lviujr West of the (’njie Fe.ar Hivor, wlio in»y arrcar'- either hy note or iiecouni, will confer a I'v caniiii', .>n him an.l settling the same. W V. mallktt 11. A. MeSWAIN. c t:evi’le, .\uir. l''-’>o. -Itf Nf.W STOCK OK 1\U Sl.MMIS (iOODS, ''HI. --iilisi'rihcr i- now rcct'ivinp a Inrjre and well -.■lerte.l -ti \"..rtmeni of '! ck of (iO(il)S, com]'rising r (ieneriil Fri •,-M Circular';. c..ntaininu full nishe.i li_\ appl.vinu: t-. i;e\. l’rinci|ial. l.auiel 1 ill 1’. .ir t- • »ct. I*. ( ■cr n. 1' pa’t;.ii;-irs, wm I'ur •I. .1 'lie .''my;li. A. M Flic! luoii'l I'. Ill\. N. C MclM'i KL. Scn-tar',. ■ l'";ivr1t(‘villc Mrtalirk )N F in the .lOUN rT:it HARMAN y int.ini'i- hi' frioiiils uinl ,t lie lr; rt*n\.i\e.l fr.iin the "t •f llaMiumnt t'. tile larLier 1; .U' 11 .te' ih the .•••ntre ..f ■.!;'e.l l y Mr-. I'roVMi. an.l v.el! 11' where he willt>ehap- i\•■I'ei-' an.l F. ' ir h-r'. N.' o\- atip’y w:'l ' e -p ircI t.> rpn.jer i!i i\ f .-. r liim w itii their c.m- .I line ' 1 ? /iooA//” (ifu/ (ilit(i r> . t'C't manner. ;U r. hici-d pri. es. C U. .\NI>KFU. M'.rket S juare I iN, \ N. I , .hine o, i •JllUtf r A(‘\\ I'ail (iockIs. - li r • 'U't n d and and ■ p.'lie 1. at hand'..me 7'o t fi( I 'n iii litihi: lIli: I’.r.ther'- Steam F t I with the f. il..w;! !’•' ■ - lMtFCL\SS. .-tr. F.lMTllFtlS. T..V, i:..at ."Ti;\ FN.' 1» LLWIS. .VI.FIIFI* FI.I.IS, •t AS. ( \SIIUA . KINCSF.FF.'i . an.I F.LIZ.X McDWir.i.. rt ah Navai Si-.r. ', I’.- ■ lii.-e and .^ti:e|- l i t.. their l are. wiiii a- inii.-ii .li -patidi a~ any !■ Fi’ver. 'ri;«\ are prov Il’o-li 11'.' a- .■i.mii; i lai i>l\^ (iOOl>S, Uoady-inadr ('lotliinii, Roots and Sli(»(‘s. Hats and ('aps. Hardware anti (.'uIUm'N . (Jroccrirs, Sald» Ir\ vVc., ^.Vc. U h; li will Le '-oM low for ('a'-h, or exchanjretJ for Tur- peniin*' an.l C iiintr\ I’ro.luce. He i.‘turii-' hi' warme-t thank- to his old friends iiial i n tomer> f. r the lii.eral patronasze heretofore wxteiidiMi to him, and hopes i., merit a CoiitinuHiice of tlie same. N. KlNti, Kinir'tnuy. .\).rii 1'., 1 >•'>:}. .‘'H-tt' 1 am: iH.LK }\m iL i\si iMM i: ni.MPA.w. ''lli^ C..ni].anv is now orjrani-i'.l aii'l I'repared to re- r!:moval. J. N. SMITH, Chemist and Druggist, A\ i.Ni; rctiKivod to tho Ston* luirth- wfst Corner of Market S.|iinre. i-ecently oe- i-iipied I.y 1*. Shrmwell, now otVers to liis friends and the puhlic renorally a l:irp;e aU'l well si le. to.l stock ol' Drill's, ChiMiiicals, Faints, lils. Dye .'-Intis. Medicines and Fcrt'iiniery. consistinji in I I'art ol ihe follow injr: Fot.'ish, ^\hite Le.i't, Venetian I rci!. .''Spanish Lrowii. copper.is, .alum, salt|>etre, sal soda. lii c;irl)Soda, saler.itus, m.adder. indif^o, sulphur, cpsoni i salt-, yellow ochre, lll.ake's jiaiiit, clironu' yellow, um- liei-. ( hi'iune jrreeii. I’m-. Mue, chalk, spice, jiepper, niitme;is. elovi-s, st.arch. ^iiijjer. hor.ax, yeast powder.-, ( ssciices. iiiUslard. loowooil. inks, soaps, congress water, salaii oil. win.liw “Lass, piaiy. v:irni.-hes iall kinds.) liii'^ee.l. taniK icastor ;iii.l olive oil. .iloohol. t.ulpli. •ici.l. Liiriiiiifi tliiiil. campheiie, j.aint v.arnish; tooth, llesh. nail an.! wiiile-wash Lrushi's; {;alvanic Lalteries: snr”ic.al. tooth and riippiiij; instrument.-; .\merican, I’lcncli ,iiid lin^lish cheniical^. patnt nie.licines, iS;c., I've., all of vvhicli ur»‘ of first rate ijuiiUty, and will Le I : ol.| ;,t a siiiall adv.ance on i ost. ' Orders solicite.l from country I’hysiei.ans. moridiants. ; an.t others, who are re-pecttully invitel to call and ; i xamine m\ slock fiefoi e pundiasiiiji elsew here, as they I iiiav .1' pell.1 on jiroi iirini; fresh and j'cnuine firticles. ■ .\i pains will tie -paie.l to jiive satisfaction Loth in lUality ami price. Tin- -uliscriLer ho]ies, Ly strict at tention to I'U-iness. lo merit :i share ot the juililic jiat- ronatre. ■ .M'-.Iical j.rescrijiiions carefully an.l accuratelv pivpared. .1. n! smith. ! Noith-W'est corner .^Iarket S.jUarc ; »let. s. 1 ;; 1-tf liivcrv Stahlos. Tlu- lunlersiirnod contimic lo carry on the LlYl'RV lU'Sl- NKSS at this place. TIk'V have lately Lirjiely increased their Stock and can now ot^'er to the jitiLlie as fTood Horses, Carriajres and Ltri- \ers a.s can Le fouii.l in tho .'^outli- _ ‘ni covmtry. Tliankl’ul for the lar^e ]iatron- ajxe heretofore i'xtt‘Uied to us, we .solicit ;i coiiiinuation of the puLlic t'avor. We promise a satisfactory trip t.. all who may wish to travel. Statil.-- at the West em wliere one of the Froprietors may at the Store first door F.ast of .Mr. .1. W 1’avclti‘ville. FcL v 'Jli, |s >:.. d of .Muniford street. .ahv.ty iiUtterloh. FOU Fits Le loiind. or CO. 71 V Rl-:.i)r('Ki) i'AR!:. 'rhrough 'rickets Wilniinfrtoii. .N. C., and I’.alti more. l■'are^^l•;. Via Weldon. 1’eterslnir;.r. lln Liiion.l. .V \\ a^^h inirton City, or via Wehion. I’ort-- mouth and Norfolk. For Tickets a]']>ly at the OlVu-e gof the Wihniiijrt' ii and Itjileifih Uail It IComii.any at Wilmint; the Otiice of the I'.altiiuore .''team Fackei an.l of the Baltimore and (thio F>ail Hoa.l ton, or at ('oini>any. Company. I’riitt Street. F>altimorc .Ian. 1, IS.'i'J. It Bv (ill'J). I.AIIDKII. Tivii fiiiiiKs \iiiin: I . T. initiii .\(iv.s sTiiRi:, ray‘fl‘\ .lan'y-L Is'i-'.. •il-l'S'pd M i ihm:n riNi: w an ri:n. K will pay until further notice, the hitrhest cas II prc .Vuirust 'J'.' fol' Tui’peiitine. McL.VFlMN ST1F\NCF. •_':;-tf I'OR SALi: OR IHvN'r. fB'^HF fine SFMMFi: I! I J. Mr. F,. F.ryan. tw. session given imnn-.liatfiv . or- C F. I.eete. March 1''.. 1 rj^HlC highe-it cash price s. anvl ('ak «■ appiic.iti.ilis t..r ■ ther C.iuipanies. i>ii;i:« 11:nu\ l.ii.t.v to tr ui'i intrustc other line ..f iV’.its • with -uitaLic Wharf t.. .| 11. L. I'll..-. .I..IIN .'L A. A \. 0 K.o. >h l!o\ Kit. 1..1 TrLUl.>IL 11 ('ooK. i: w M Kcrii.vV. .^l. N 1.1 LI.. I.. I N A I ll.\N A. .Iamks Kvi.k r LI>M.\N. Insuraiue. on a-; tavoraLIe r«tFiS: Avon K. Hali-. .1, (I. SlIKlMlKKK. ^V^L Waiu>f..\. s. T. Hawi.kv. .JoJCN i), Wn,I.L\M> HkM’.oW. W'm. M( Lalhi.n. \Vm. .^l^i^T^ HF. >ak Stav e IS. ^V. Stranjre Ft'L v IS. is'i SlliF.NCF now o. i upicd Ly mile- Wi -t of t.iwn. Fos- \pplv t.. .Mr. .Ldin li. C,,..k S. ,\. LFHTF. TTtf pai'l f.*i Turi.“ntine. \\ hite ■r .\-he IKa'lin-.;. t'all on $HM» i:\V ARI). \N.\W W from ihe suLscritiei', two Ne;'i.. (iirls anil tour ( liiMren, viz; .\1.\I1T1F\. a LiiLiht mu- altt'.. live feet loiir or five inches high, took with her two {;irl children. Frances and .\nn; H \N.N.\11. copper coloi'e.l, aLout tho s.'ime height of Martha. Hannah took with her two male children. Lewis find John. The aLove negroes formerly Lelonpe.l to the ost.,te of (leorge T. ILirksiiale. an.l are supj. .se>! t i tie lurking aLout the Ciij.e Fear. aLmit .Mr. Wins! w s plantation. The aLove rewar>l will Le j.aid for th. ir contineinent in any .lail so timt the suLscriLer can gi't thorn, or for thoir .leliverv to the suliscriLer in .'-ampson countv. FI.l'.KT i;. FF.TFRSt'iN. .''OptemLer li, lS'>o. :!''>-tf l.KA'rHKR liAXDS, lOI’Ol't: H lA’ -tretclie.l. i-emented. ami riveted. A The at.ove F>an.ls .are soLl 'Jt j.er cent, les- than New \'.rk manufacturers' prices. Cash will Le re- juii'ed in every instanc.*. For sale Lv W. H. LLTTFULOH. Nov. 111. IS'i*. ;’>ltf DC7^ Air\. C. i»ari\‘s 'I'n- r.iplifrdii'. or Vlr.liivilfd '111111111111111. for Hi riiilil'. Ml". 'iirliii!; I’r.- lli*'.I*.riiii! an.l Slreiiiitht'iiiii!: Uh- Hair, i'leh.xini; l)i-rasi- ol ilii- Skill. ( iiriim Itlieiniinlir I’aiiis. am! lIc.'iliiiL; r.vterii'il wo.in.L. 11'aiiitled hy no “«'o»:raitlii(’:il liii**-. llif rcimlalion .'! H:irr\ - 'i'ri.'o [ilieroiH (icrvaili’S ilir I iiimi. 'I'lie -aies i I tlic article ol lair year- liH\e iiHTf ix’il ill a raliii Uial almost i*\ia‘C(K iiflit l. rroli'-'or H:irry, after a carrful evaiiiiiiatinii of hi- >ales' hm.k. tiiiiN llial l|i>‘ iiiimi.ir ol l.iilli. 'ilei.vcrcil III onler. in iiii.iiililie i l fi piii hall a i:r.>- iipwrtnl. iliiriii" llie year l-.VJ. was wilhiii a liitlf o. '.i.Mi.lHMl. U is niini ie-isary lo pri'si nt at lenuUi Ui>‘ c\of ..»• w on ih-rfiil iin.piTlirs C V ihi' rrir..i)hiT.M>. w h>-n llii- piililii li.ivr fur ni-hed Mich .111 inil.irseiiieiit as lli'.-. '!'hi‘ i hi':.|.iii—• cl the ■iriicle aiitl the i‘\i-lanaliuiis {£i\ell ol ils .‘hrliii.'al a.'lioii upon the hair tlie T-i alii. aiul in all chs - ut siiiicrlii ial irrilalinu, !;r-t rri i.mmeiiil- w(i ii lo llie ail*auiiin ol the pceplr. 'I'hi- \ia- all that itii- iiivi-iit> r ilc>ir«al. lUerv hotlle mlvtrliscil ilsell. The eMeci- ol llii- liiii.l evi feileil liiliiiii. It acieil like a chariii The lai'.a-woiilil not lie w ithcnil it. Country dealers in evcr\ -i rlion ol' ihe Cnile.l .-^lale.s foiuiil they laiist liave it: and thus was hiiilt up a wli.ilc.«ale tr ill.'til an evK iit hilhcrlii iinhearii of as ri-iiariN nrtii’le^ of th:.* kinil. 'i'he hiilliPst |ii.inl li.is not yd hi cn reached, anil it is !»■- lit'veil that the sales this \f-ar w ill In' a iiiiili.ni and a halt' 1 if liottles. llrpiit anil .M iniifaciory. .No r.i‘ llroadway. New \ ..rk. K. tail price, -.‘."i cnit- .a lar:;i' Imttii. I.ilM-ral disroinit to pnrcha-.T- |.\ the .|iiantity. tiy all the principal iiieri liants and drit"«i-!> tlir.iii!;hoiit thi- I iiited .-!lati'? aint Canada, .Mi vico. Wc't Indies, tocat liritaiii. I'raiire. A-i-. .\nd hv S..I. III.NSli AI.I:. I'ayetti-ville, N. r r.Hir.nipd: an alw,iv- Lc foiin. .Mi I.a'CKIN .V 1 .at the Still. TFiANCi;. 7i>tf I II \ \ F receive.! ,iti I o[ i)i:v cooi».', CKoci; for -.lie, all of which I will this place. My frit'iids aii'l i ' l.;.iuds. .ire rc-iiectfiilly for them-el'fs ■ned the larirost .'^tock of IlFS. 1' ever oILt.'.I si-11 as ]o\\ a-- ;iny house in i cU'toniers. and all in want invite.I to rail ,an.| examine FF.TFi; F. .loHNSoN. I Fav I Itf V i le. N. C •j.teniLcr 1' a ircner.al tm- nil and h Staple tiHti Faticff ifrif imootls. _ .•\--rV sTV: .1' f. r 1;.. !- an •liU'tl e I'f. et.- I»ri - II Fine Sathl t" the interi paTr.inai.e. Sejit. 1'', l!'-' -Irip.-r- IN''. tr’. •! -h:. ANK.- F . .■f i-uL \_ t. ;te\;".‘. t-- -1 len.j: J. s. li :.U 1 . ’ tl'll'l.. ; I . d -■ .’ed t-. rri'*--- " .1. \ FI \ii;f.i;ton I IJANkS, Fayetteviiie, IV. C. t. 1-'. I' l- I''? s ri: \NH:R hi:nih!: r r .us !■’; All' t M ■ ' _ K. -. ‘CC ;hh! iii: i:i\ i:i). nmioi i;h fr 111 A her ■ I wharf Ilill;;' . r ■ .f F! ' • ' T a.'.' fhr.oli:', -r w .v :V. \ .it v! oKFFi I, Fav, :!.■%; ept. k: ( ,c l.l.LloTT. 7 ‘'tf Si ()c k. I'Hi: s'ri:\\H:R fBlHlS new and \ t-ry ';. hi ir .i, liH-need reiinin.;. th. iT i- takiti'.r t'reig’.’t -Ira'.v' . ' p,siq.iri-.r n lv ’• She has also a i.arj.:..' am. 1 v wharf r. iin, wli.'re N'lr 1 • Lo stored with siifi-tv. •SIX.” .•FFICFKS: CFO, .Mi NFILL. Fre-ident. II. L. MYKoVFF. A icc Fresidenl. .1. SHFFllFUlt, Att irnev. C \. .NLMII.i,.\N. Sccrelan. tiF.o. yLNF.lLL. I .ItillN II. ciiiiK, V Fxccutivi-C.inimittc.', J.\S. l.F, ) T’.e ill ..1 .^II II VI. l\s| i:\Ni K must commend itself I • . iir • • amr.iiiTy. t. r it • aii Li- .h-iin.ustrate.l that wc : ,\o - i\. i within tin-!a-t >^ix years upw.irds o! .■^•;ll.lMMt ’•y iii-ut iii.i- in the N. rtli C;ir,.lina Mutual Comp.iny; ha: v.i' 111 ! ha\i- p.aid to liavi' kej.t the ~am.' in- -111 i i. I- ill the foi.'iiin Joiiit -tock I'omii.inif^ th.it sum i.i 'ie than we ii-.vf ai-tii.a’ly paid; !uid yot the .North . ;r' 'in ; Mutu,a' C .mj aiiy lias r.-ceive.l lietweeti iii 1 .>'.(iiHi more tr..ni ^ ur .• .mniunity than it has j.ai.l .r.t f.-r |. --I-- hi I-.', -h'.wini: that we arc lavoraLly sit- .lit. I. a .n.j .r. I witi. - rl.er pi .ri in tin- St.ite. f.r In .1 r iiii i‘. lur ' nip il:_f I'le .1 IV ' l",^'^"' ' =1 t. ■ • |._ \l N 1:\V “ Viirloli: thut tin S(ui/iiii. (if'! Itiinijt Mil// h imliili/i •!." n' F have received our F.\LL conq.rising a Letter solectc' as'ortment of \\l» I Thau ha> over Leeii otVered in thi-- market. I tiir stock '.f il.a-s. ( diiii.i. Cr.'.-kerv of every .irs.-rip- tioii. is i-..ni]'lete. Als.i. Carj.etiiig. Fugs. TaLU> ami Floor oil Cloth-; alnio-t «>verv .article in the hoiisc fiir- (iOODS. llli nil i,f' siillni'i/ mini, anil !/ 1^11 / I'Ufl, //.,/, 'ToCK of COitliS, d aii'l more ieneral Fayett“ville. I). W. i\ Hoiibow. liFNTAL SFlltiFoN, located third door Lelow the Market. .VI! who .are in need of the services of a Hentist are respectfully invite.l to call. He gnarnntees satisfaction in all ojie- ratioiis. N. 1;. Those f..r whom lie oj.crated last sonsou will please call into his I’looms at some convenient time. OctoLer 111. IS'.:;. :!ltf ^ iFD.Ml F.\LLS Cotton V;irn an.l .'^hoetiugs. for sale I at F,actorv jirice; Mav ;ii. t.y TROY .MARSH. Itstf y\ iiishing line; kitchen fiiriiitiirr. taLL Nai'kins. m iy L.- t.iun 1. I'in.’ t.i a tine stock Hardware and Cutlety. country trade. .\LSo (Ir-.i-ories of .all kind-, .''ugar. ('..tl'ei-, dies; Ity.'-.'^tutVs atci Itrug-; l ine I'ea- have Leen iii.iu-trioiis t.i make our ,i>s ciiiiiplet.'. Wo invite the puLli trust they will tin.? g.....l articl and lit'd Linen. ■:e t iitlcry. w ith -iiitaLlo to the lA \HU:R! I.I MUKR!! r F H.WK on hand a largo amount of lifl'erei't kinds—flooring, w ide hoards, woathor- L.i.'irds, scantling, laths, vKc.; s.iiiic of which is jiartly sea-oiie I. .Mso. a large assortment of refuse: will sell refuse Loards t}f piiU at j.or M . scantling at ami LTood e.lged Loards at Sawed staves, soa- - inod. Filli; fillcl at short notico, •loNFs \ f,.\riu;f. iireenvvood, CnmLerland. N. C., ,\ug. 4. ls.'>:l. [17*f Thv Mjar^est fUirria^^e Farlortf in the Soifth! ■ither at whole- I"' ill- or rt-tail. SAM L U. \\ ine- and F.raii- v'cc. In f,ut w.' irtmeiit of »! o.l- cxaniine them, an I it model ate Jiriee-, TII.LlNiiHAST .V t I. tf Sh. api r L. .\^l !! {'. Ill-: ." \i.pi, I M,.''. ha -■.n- iut . opiTati'-n favoralily, iiav- v^.air.'i' 1 applic.atioiis to tiie aiiioiint of ; . i J.at.y I- ti'.w pLace.l u]..in a fniil ■lUtliori-" 1 Agent, or .''ccret.ary, tnay i'.ti-. Lilt ihe\ will not tn‘ Lin.iitig untd ■ u:;-.I ..muuttee or the li.iar.l, I I, W' 1; I.-NCF is appointed Ccneral fllHF -u)i'.-ril i manutai'tur ture.i 'I'oLacco. M.iv ::i l^'.L’. 'r0RAC’('0. er r .ntinue- to rei eivi .-r-' account, .id ura'l. ii|.| -ell, oil if nianiif.tc- FTLFY. '.'•'.tf A. A .M( KK/rfIA.\ .nip !' ■ n F • FF.FI I. ■t.t. Ut. ]' A •J7'f \1 MiLl.AN, 7. 1-- :. \\ e in V ite applicatiiiiiv CFO. McNHlLL. Frest. a'v, I'llitf 75 l!l I" FIFKINS M ' raiiLerrit-'. ri,R. .lint lin Flitter. (iFt). .MiNFlL HATS, CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, .rtliietits •ii'lt h:‘ • : - nd- a:i i :iie ] ui. : n- -:vL I- Wnlit till- W' l! Ill- W .1 11 lu-.n. y t rgtlli. 'U * ■•Ulll. i p.F-Ill : •.y th.‘ li-iv i.ie llti iV he )l t II \T,", 1 AF,' , !',oi 11: me II,d Silt IFS. -II Tilt t\|>. >N. I i;-;,.-t .■'.nial-e, -7-tf A CW '’f? iHF - •ki ■ liiK A‘\\ . ^ I. -|.eet! 111’y .'ilin'Uriee to lii- • • •••■ !! I i‘;e I '.i.F;.- geiier.-illy. that lie • •I. ■, ti.i .-l ie of the .Market 1 t \lr. I'! n s c.mer. where he — 1 it t , ;r,e t :: -I-.- t lO-m. '"11 1-!- if St |ile aii l Faiiey lU-y iouils; •r'liii ii' •t' Ivunirt-, II its. ’a)i.-, aii'l SI1..1 -. !I. ol\-iii;ii|(- ('liitliing, •ther Mi-'i- :>■- ’ • li..;!- t mi-n’inii. •i!.\!!Y N MoNFiOF. 1-Ri:i(.H r!N{; on ( ari: fB^HF -iiL'.criLi-r- n.-i\-i:u ..iiiii -..l t! M. liyergr*-eii ;ii;.l .'^outhei ne!- :in ■ T..'a the property of the H-‘nriett,i .''ti-.iin*. -at C now prepared to forwar 1 with li p .t ' liiiligt. Ti aiei F-iyett.-vi!li-. |1’ iVi ' .-. > ed to thetii. >11 pan \ \R. Li-.t th. H()i’i:L. '• l iLcr having piirchasvd the Hotel .situated ' r.'Utti-l. i-t i-..i ti' r i.f Court House S'niare. ' kn-.wii a- .'stuaft - IL'ti-l. woiihl iiif.irni the h' i- iio\' ri-a.lv t. .1, i-.iiii!iiodate hoarders '.veek .]■ month. Having made considera- I in fiirni>hinu and ri-titting tin- FstaLlishment. I . Le aide to ni\e s,atisl.K?tion to .-ill who pa- • iia Hi' I'aLle -iiall Le fuitii-lie.l with the market alLu'.Is. hi- F.ar with the Lest ol Li- a.| hi- .'-taLle with a j.lenty of good pro\etidi-r pect t.» r .•isS- and enatile 11- t.. fact.iry price .''c]it, Ih-'io I'OR SALi:. I!o.\F.. M.tniif.i.-tiir--.I T. La.-e. in -rore ,-i large st. e': ,if ToLac five I ther 1 . -ii ri.--. to Iiirnish pill .V CO. :;r,-tf We hav. . .ind e\ n--tan!ly fr.iiii .1. W. lleid and 'I'hi.m- III assortment if |ii,ilitie> to ha-er- any .(iiality ,-it lowc-t KB F.SFF.*'TFFFLY informs his frieiKls and tho puL- S ® lie. that he has Liiilt up large suLstantial l?rick lliiildings at hi- (lid .''tand. expressly for manufacturing Carriage-. Thankful for tlio very lilieral patronage he has rcceivcd f ir the last _;1 years, he hoiie.s Ly strict •ittentioii to Liuinos-^, with a desire to give satisfaction, to merit a continuance of the same. He warrants his w..rk to Lc made of the Li'st material :ind Ly ex]iorieuced wi.rkmen in each Lr.uich of the hiisiiiess. liis work ivill c..niparc t.-ivor.-iLly with any made in the I'nite.l .■'tate.-. lor iicatne.-s ami diiratiility. lit- is determined to sell and .lo any work in his line on a- g.i ..1 terms ;is any work done elsewhere that is as well iioiie. He now hus on hand. Fim>hf.i>. the L.VR- CiFST STOCK of Dll. e^TllOXG’S CO.\HH)lM) SANA rivi: IMIJ.S. PillN ar«^ siiid av‘ :i iiioM in the euro of .-ill i5ilious Complaints, Cliills and Fever. Dyspepsia, Costiveness. Liver Comjtlaint, .laun.lice, .'sick Headache, Scrofiil:i. .'^alt Rheum, Fevers of all kinds, l.oss of .Vjipetite, OLstructed and painful Men struation, and all liugering .liseuses. .\s a Female Medicine they act like a charm, and when taken according to the .lirectioiis. they never fail to cure very worst cases of after all other remedies fail. iMirit'y llio l>iooil, «‘|iialix> llit' i'ostoi'o llie Livvr, and otlK‘1' Orj^aiiM lo a li‘altliy toiK' and a«‘tiosi; and as an Anti-F.ilious Family LumLor of Medicine they have no Ciiual. Price -0 cents per box. DK. .STUUNirS RECTORAL STOAIAC'H RH.I.S. ,V remedy for Coughs, Colds, Catarrh. Uronehitis, Croup. Whoojiing t'ough. Asthma, Consumption, Nervous Diseases, Ityspepsia, Costiveness, Frysipelas, Disease of the Heart, hitlamniation and Fain in the Chest. Hack and .Side, and all diseases arising fnun a de ranged state of the Stomach, ami to relievo the lis- tress and La.l feeling from eating too iiearty food, in weak and dyspejitic liaLits. Warranted to be Purely Vegetable. fB^HFSF Fills act as uu Fspectorant, Tonic, and J. .Vperiont. One lio cent box pos.sesses three times m.iro power to cure .liseases than :i one dollar bottle of any of the Syrups, Ilalsams, or Sarsaparillas, that was ever matle, and a simide trial of only one box will j.rove this important truth. Tli‘y pi'oiiioto £xpt‘('toratioii, iooooii tli‘ aiKl flit* and ^»(‘«‘r(‘tory Or^an«i of :ill inori>id i lliatt4'l> aud there is not another remedy iii the whole Materia Medica capable of iiujjarting such healing propcrtiea to the Lungs ami Vital Organs as these Fills, Tli«*y -ur«* Co«*livoiic>*«, prodjift* a ;;ood ' i'‘Kiilav Api»c‘titcs and tli«‘ I Sy'>teni. Price 25 cts. jier box. containing ~o doses i^f medicine. Call on the Agents who soli the Fills, and get the “Flanter s Almanac’’ gratis, giving full particulars and , certificates of cures. Doth kin.Is of tho above-named I’ilLs are for s.ale in I Fayetteville by J. Hinsdale, and N. .Smitii: who [also keeji a siijiidy ot /*/. /n Vnjitahh' \ aud Ih'. Hull's (.'ilrhnili'i /'illi^, whicli stop the Cliills i and Fever the first day, and .lo not sicken the stomach I or operate on the bowels. [1'"^] I>. \ AV. M. I. VI RIN ilotf (irn f/'»v i:v ■iii.ii'. ami faili;'iil t-t'ei -- .1 iil'.i -o. 1 .1. A. (ilLCHFIST. F \. ■tleville, Fel.- I'HROl (.11 111! F 1. .1. fl lloLI.'lT.' e^if Jl. 1' t(» n\ \)\\ LK.H'r. wift :iiid coiiimiii|ioii> 8. Sam'l Reery. will . weekly trips Letween Fuvi I in LtDitiKiisJ o 8 Ki:sn i s Di'iiii's, M((ltci/i( s, l*iiiiii.>, (his, f)l/( -Sfllj/s. W I are- iH'w ri i-civ ii)o- in a'ldition to our .''toek — which we .ip(-ned in April ast I a iar;..- and well -fleet- (-dsto. k'o iiiiiu-. Mi ilieiii(-s. F.iint-. t'i' . Ii', e Stntl-. Fti- gli-h aii'l ii-riii.in ( rm iLles, i F.'iiil I»c \Cr- ,V \'fge- j tal.'e F\ti-.iit-. L.r eiiliiiary J lairtiiise-; 'I e;i t i’owdi-rs, ii;.-. ni l ot'o f Lr,mils; Ly.iii's K.-ithai ion; ILir i :e.,|,i,i II 11-; \yei'- ClnTi-y Fei loral: W ilheral \ \\l;.te 1,1-,.L I’.iiiniiig Fluid and Fine (til. 1 I'liiioii - • eleLral.-.l .Non-exjilosive l.aiiiii. ■ ^ U'' ii wl; i li, in p ,;.it Ii'illianey an.j ecoiio- iiTn'.pi I'lli- 1, " ' I ' - •M ' e.,!l lieior.' making 5 a ina 11 a lyall.'.' oil ittenti u ;;;■ .-n 1.. jm. liin-'. I ' •! i.K F,- \: \; \c p, a f, riK-r of Donald- .n an.I Ha-, -treet-. ii-li.- irti ■illar Next .1. or wi >f ii, i: .1 T l^^.j I.i’il; 4Ulf' iniLo.'i; \lii-e, ('-Ipt. •otiimi-i.i'.- lu r regular si-nii- ■tleville aii'l W iimihglon in ,-i day-. Those who d. sire th ,r "oo.l- with i i ita;n- ty an.l ile-|.alcli will oLlain llieiii L_\ -hipping tiy lu r. Due noli. e of days .itid hour- of de|i.iiltire Ir..ni .'aeh place will i.e given, Coo.N consigned t.i .1, I!, Fd'iss .ni, Agent, will Le ]iro|iiiitly an.l c ircfully f'.rwar.Iw.l, a- iisiial, .\ug;i-t l>^')o, I..11. L'^tf chi:ai* (;ooi)s. 1 am now receiving a much l.irgi'r -t .ck of f'Vfiir#/ IPrs^ Uootfs^ than 1 have yet olfered in 1 :ivettevilL-. consisting of l)ry Cood'; of every de-criptiin. H its. lioots. Shoc-s. and l!.‘ady-nia.|e Clothing, which will Le soM ,-is low as any goo'Is in the .''t ite. 1 will be glad to hav.- the hi'lies call and examine mv -tock, U. F. MooKF, .Sept, 17, is-^o :;l-if Noric i: I'o 'n^\\ I'jjj'jis. IHF .\CCO.M.MOD.\T|ON LINF from Fayetteville to Wars.iw is now prepar.-d to i-ariy passengers lespatch. They will conncci with ihe niorniiig train going .North, Thi,s train coniieeis with the I’orts- iiiouth ati'l Fetersbnrg route at Ueldon. i will m,-ike the colilieclion both wa\-. ri;nT.vi- more than the stage has done heretofor“. We leave Warsaw on ;irri- v.i! of the morning tr.ain from the North, Fassage ->4. .1, R, ASr.FW. Sept. .5, 1853. L'otf sj:, \Ri). a W ! 1,1, I ty the aLove rewar.l f.ir tho a|iprehension 8 .an.l -.ife lelix el y to me. or lodgment in Clinton .l.iil -ill that I get my negro girl .IF.N.NW .'she is ;i ikeiv girl, ol light eomplexion. smiles when spoken to. ;iL ,iit fiM- feet six or -even inches high; is sii[.post d to tie liirkin-. iLout t-nison's Defiot, or (ioshen, W.M. F. HOF.RS, .luly 27. 1-Vtf S. S. AIIIOV y\S on haml ,i bi-aiiliful assortment of F.\L1 ,\ND W INTFR (i.tiiji.s;. lie desires to return thaiik.s to iiis frieiiiN an.l tho public for the liberal jiatronage whii h they have bestowed on him; ami solicits a con- iiniiatiee of tin- satii.'. His friends and the public ai'e reijiie-ted lo give iiini a lall. -U the stand formerly oC- •Upll'.l ■'Hiiai'i I tct. ,1, 11 iii-itale. and t illc»i.ie -^11 ‘ i , 1, 1"'.:;, il'o -.vest corner .Market ;:»-tf I with w i: II \vi: ON HAM) lU Hhits. Sugars, •'» libls. (; 1 ,-iniilatc.l do, 1 •') Rags I’lio Cotfi-c, ■> •• .Maricaibo do. Rugging ami Rope, .''wedes and I’.iiglish Iron, Windoiv (ilass, S x 10 and 10 x I'J, - ALSO— I.oaf ami Crushed .Sugars, F.ar an.l Fancy Soaji, lit lUils. No. i Herrings, S]tice, Fepper, (iingor, Snufl, Imligo, .Maihler, .Span ish Fii'own, .Salt]ietre, .'saleratus, .Mace, Cloves, Yeast Fow.lers, .Nutmegs, .\damantine ;inil Tallow C,-111(1108 — with a general assortment of Frovision.s, Dry (ioo.ls, i’oots and ,'hoes, Hardware and C'utlery, Crockery iiml (ilassware. We ofl'er the above goods .-it low prices for cash, good l»a]ier, or produce, TROY & .MAR.SH. May 2:{, 185:J. ‘.»7tf J. \v. r.aki:r is iiiiw rcci'iviii!! I’mm the North tlu' :ir;z.'sf, liiiosf, an.l iim-f i-arct’iilly sc- lect.-d slock of 5'r«.\ri 1 i:s: ever ofl'ered in this market; which, .-nl.led to his own manufa.-tiire, makes his assorlnient .-ompletc;—all ot w hich ho will sell on the low i-st possible t.-rms for cash : or on tim‘ to punctual customers. Fine Rose Wood Fianos. (li.-nnet \ Co's, of Firoa.l- wav. New York. i fashionable ]iainte.l eottage Led-rooin Furniture in sells: curled hair ami shuck, ami c.itton Mattresses; king Cihisses; Willow Wagons .-iiid Cra- .lles; I’atent .''elf-.'swinging ('ladles; .'ide Roards; Rii- ri'aiis; .Secret.iric-ami Rook-Cases; VVh.it-.Nofs; Tables, all sorts; Wash Stands; ‘andle Stands; Wardrobes; l“ic- ture Frames and Class; Win.low .'-'hades; Cornices; Cur tain F.amls; .'s.ifas in Mahogany and Walnut; Teto a Totes; Ottomans; Divans and Stools; Cliairs of every variety. September. iS-’io. ^’.Otf am)Ri:\\ ss 7V// Warv (tnd Store Dijmt. !jW'.\Y.S on hand. Cooking. Rox, an.l Farloiir STOVFS, -,U.St>— ,\ varie.l assortment of Tin W,-ire, ,-it wholesale and retail. l{y C, W, .VNDKFWS. .Market Sijuare. .June t>, ISoo. liOOtf v;//(7/r.v. liockiiWdijs, ihiLin'i fs. llt-rcd in thi- place, an.l a vi-ry large stock of Work ne.'irly finished, which will be fiuishe.l daily. .Vll of wliich will be sold very low for C.vsii. or on short tinu- t-i luinctii.il eiistouier-i. He has on hand more than ONF llFNDltFD AND FIFTY Vehicles tini.shep and in course of construction, i:-;-' -Ml work ma-le Ly him is warranted 111 months with lair tisage, and siiouhl it fail by bad workmanshijt or material will be repaired free of ehargi', F-rsons wishing lo buy wnuM do well to c.-tll and i-xamine for themsolve-;. (trders thankfully receiyed and pmmiitly attended to. l.ejiairiiig executed at short notico and on very rea- | sotiable terms, ,May 2S, L-'.'.::, ',tStf NO'l'K'K. fjS’! no.'s!’, who are indebted to me by Note or .\ccount I. will jilease settle the same, .\nd all debts ilue me ])rior to the 1st of .laii'y lS-'):i. mi st tie settled. :is l.itiger indulgence cannot be given Mav :‘,o. IS.-,;:. ,\ J.etter to Head and Tliuuglil upon. //K K:i't, \\ est and North h.i\i- -poken, imw speii'vs ihe Soillh — siinny .■'imlli—Hear the trihuie ^iven liy mu- .it her sons In hi> 4th vrar, hii lh(-re he any iniml m> prejiiilii ed a- not tn y'lchl l" Me K FT II AN, '.tsif WORIJr.S I'AIR. 4' r tf s t a ! t* a ! a r e V NOTlCi: ro IMvNSlONKRS riiHF un.lersigiK'.l c.intinues f.i -ict as .\ttorney fbr .B. drawing I’onsions, ]i.-iyablo at this .\gency. Claims tor Fonsion, I’.ounty Lan.l, or any otln-r ; Military’ cliiim against tho Fnitod States, securo.l, | The highest j‘ricv paid for all Land W.-irrants for j a Xortheni concf/ n. | •JNO. M. ROSi:. j Fayetteville, Oct. 12, 18-j3. Oo-JJm JFRSONS visiting New 'I'ork or travelling through il .North ('arolina. should jireparo thonisolvos by calling at NF I'>.\ K Fli’.S. Sign of the Rig (Jiin, oppo site the Post OHico. where they will find a large assort ment of double ami siugle-bai'rel [shot (Inns, IJifies and Pistols, of all i|ualitios; Colt's Repeating, .Vilen's I'e- volving. Wesson's Rojieator ami self-jiriniing I’istols. Fnwilor Flasks, Shot and(Jame Rags, Fercussion Cajis of French ami Fnglish make: .-ilso a Lirge assortment of t:timing fixtures, which will be sol.I at tho lowest cash pric(-s. RKl’.MRINCi of every thing in the Ounsmilh lino will bo 'lotio at sh.irt notice, in the best manner, and for a small charge, RifU-s of all kimls constantly' on haml an.l manufac ture.I to onler. an.l warranted to shoot from lOil to '.'oo yard.=, Fersons wishing to juirchase any of tho al>ove- ! named articles, will do well to give mo a trial, M, A, RAKFlt, .'sign of the 'Voodeu (iun. Hav street, ojijiosite tho Fost Oflico, ; July-Ji, is'>;i. ■ ll'tf -iifh a mass of lesliinnny daily mvcii in lavur i.t llamiiton’- V cue lalile 'riiiciiirc. in *-\i r\ hairilei. vilhiue rmd i itj, w hi re it ha- louiid Its way? i.raU-fal he:irts-p-.-ak It-praise, i i'lIK-TER Ill- I KK l\ >1111111 '■ir.ihli-t, .1 ‘.llll.lf> Sd. ls,);i, Mi-ssr-, Mortiiiier &. Mn« hray—Ceiitlenieii: for tin- la-t li\e y-ar^ 1 have hi-en ii severe siitiirer truiii Itlieiiiii.Ui^iii, -ei-inii ymr r.-c.m.^ iiii-ndali.iii of llaiiiptoir- Vei:i-lalile rincliire. 1 (iiiri U .'. d :i Imllii- and ihe tir-l .hi-e Iva.^ m> iniii li r;-lie\ed me Uiat 1 con-i.I.-r U Imt jii-li. t- 111 (live t.i till- -ilHi-riii!: World tin- re-iilt i.t th*- ;ippoc iiiuii, ,Miiie w -t- :;ciiti' Kheiniiali-lii ill the lia' k—-■ I-id III it I Ha>iCiiii tini d to my heil tnr the last -i.v miintli-, Th- tir-t ln.itle acted like a chaiiii, ill'- -ei oiiii testurvd -lr. ii!;ili lo mv po..r •iilUcled hack and ■ 1 am now ;>s well and teel as yiiiiii:.' -i- win ii I w ,i' -ixleen I -in. now -evenly tour year- oi .-i:;*-. 1 coiisider yoiir Tinrtiire tin- L're,.ti-s| diM -ivery ot the a:;e. and j poor MitVerinc liumaiiity Oiiulit tot-rect a monument to llr lla"ipt..n, I who h;i--a\ed thiiis;inds Iroiii pain, .\iid you. ‘•entli-iii.-ii, have acled the p.trl iifpiilili.' Iieni larti.r- in ili'-eliiinaliiii: tin- henelil- which have resnltfil Iniiii year in\aliialde 'I'lMciiire, 1 ;iiii a plain ciiti.m planter anil li ive never wrilteii lor liieiary t'iiiiie; l.iit w hi-ii ni\ telhiw lieinc-a,re atllii ti d.-hall I In -iiati . or, ihi'Kinih mi.iie-tv, wilhhi.ld any inl'oinialion \Mlii.il.le t..n.\ tellow man? .~n it \oii c.ni-ider thi- worllu ot :i pl.ice in ani nl yoiir row-tiaiier-, ymi are at lilierl\ to make use i.| il Ai.\ All ki:mi: Ilaniploirs \'i-i:etahW- 'I’in.-tiiri-, hy il- mil.I rtclion on ilie .-^t^aii-ich, l.iviT iind Ihe Kidne\s. will cure le,-pi p'i;i. i'..iith. V-ihiii;., I!riiiicln:tl and 1.1111(1 .Xtl'ei lions; Tains in tin- Mack, .~ii!e and llr>-a-t: I'.iii'Umpii.in. Si rotula, lih iim iti-in. i.iml. .Ni-nr.iliiia, I'l'tiila I’ile-,, !!oweM'..mplaint'. Wi.ini- .Nen.ai- I lehilit^-n ilh a il d-. eiisrs ari»iii£ In mi impure him id, and i - the "ri-'it.-l f e:o tie ,M .In i ne ever kiiiiu n. For ( hi«ler,H Morliii-, rli.ir..-, Diarrhu i, and all ili-i*a.-es ini nh nt to the h.iwels in llie -iiniiin r sea-on it has no i-i|iial. Sold Whole-.ili-.Old retail by .-s, ,1 1II .\S 1 l.M ,|;. la), eia\ ilie. ( , t l> liiiTKK. VVilmii!);li n; Mo'K'ri.Vir.K .M IW 1!KA \ o.iliimori an.l hy liriiL'uists generally. '■ \ I'l.sii: I'lSJi!! .\CKKRICL in h.ilf and whole Rarrols, for sale liv PETER P, JOHNSON. ' Sept, 14. 28tf 'I'Im' Soiitlu'rn Hani)>ii\, and Musi- c;»l Companion. .-\ further stijiplv just received. F,‘,L HALF \ SON, Oct, 10, VAM AR.U: RLAN'j'A'nON FOR SALF. f H^HF suLscrilier wishing to change his Lusinoss, of- Jj_ fei's I'or sale his pL,\Nr,\lloN in Roln-soii, IJ miles from LnmLerton, on the Iiarlloesville Fvoad, siiii- [ :ited on .Yavoii's Swani]>, eontaiuing 7oo ncres. of whi.-h aliout l(t(t lire umler cultiv:ition. The situation is lioahhy ami the water e()ual to any in the county. The dwelling ati'l all necessary out-huiis*-s are in goo.l re pair. The best rocommendatioii whicli the fertility of tho place can receive is to iie foun 1 in Iht' cro]i of Corn ntid »'otton nov gr.iwing on the Flaiitation. which all who desiro to purchase are invited to examine. Tlien- is within half ti mile of tho hoiiae a b.dd flush .'-^jiring. believed to contain v.-iluable mineral pi-operties, Tiiere is also within half :i mile of the .Iwelling house a larg- new Academy, in which a Classical school is constantly kopt. Terms oasv, .lOlLN A. ROWLAND. August 2b, 185-L 'J -tt