“Haiid-mill;;. similar to those tloscrihed, li:ive boon t'oun l .seatt>''r('J tlirou.Mi all the iiiiniiiff i‘«'- ^rioiis (tf the Stafi*: oollpptioll^ of thoiii, lnir ip th(‘ "t'an li lor cold, may he sern in almost ovory accounts that have o«niit to 1y the last (’alifor-1 miniiiir ‘amp. W.- remember to have seen two, I takiMi in one day, on tln“ bank o!' Hk' \ nba river, i tVitm a distance 4’ sixti-en I’eet below the surtaee FROM THK NKW VORK KXl'RKSS. A LAND OK MYSTEKV. We have read with the deepest interest some nia stian)er, relative to the dieover\ of certain ruined eities in a traet ot' eountry known as the Great Bnaiu,—which the rentiers will lind l:iid down on anv uf the lute inaj.s, 1 (nin.i th. the !utt north bv the Wah.sateh Moiuitaiii''. an 1 th. tlements of the Mormons in T’tali. on the eu' t by the' Hocky Mountains >-kntintr ilie r;dii b:mk of the Rio Gratule, on the 'Outh by tin' (lila. :nid f(je west I'V the .Sierra Nevada 'Ihis trai t I't j eountrv is an itnniense table land,, liroken tov.ard-- ' the Iila and the Hio (!ramie b\ detuchei! nii'iin- tains. Tiie coiintry is barn'ii and di.'olalf. ainl ■ tMitiroly uninhabited by tiie lowest onit r !•!' Indi ans. Tra]i|>er' anil mountaineer'^ have |ia>sed all around the iuner side of it' rim. biii none have « vor crossed it. with th»“ excepfio:! nf .Mr. Beale, who traversed on hi reient triji i!' norrlie'ii sloj)C, and ('.-'.pt. \V;»nci r, the lam^u- iiionnt- ainoer. who ]ia>.-. d nearly thr.iiiL'li it> i • litre in the winter ol 15ut lhoiii;ii now • bK'ak and fi-rbidilini:. 'Tewn all aroiuid may be sei ii the eviderice«; that 'r was onee peoplrd liy a civil ized and thickly st-ttle i fiopiiiation. 'I’hey have loiiu' since di^appean d. i'lit their hani!iwor\ -till rcUKiiiis t- atie>r their firnn r iin atno.'. 'J’he I .iptain \\ .dker alluded tn h:is iii:i It liii.lily inter'.'!ii:!i revrhition-; of wii-it h- .-av. , i>n hi> travel.' in thi> i>ol;it. jmriiou of i.ur ei untr\. which are of a nature to ;ittrart uii!ver-a! alfi-n- tion. and to .-tiinulate further e.\pli‘ratioii> int . a land which .'Oem.', so far. t^ have 1-eeii i Xi iiipr from the inroad" of our adventurous , men. ready a.-- tiny are to uverrun ami t .Npl' i’i about all tiie rest ot the \orth Ann'rieaii . onti nent ot^eriiii; It" iinliicem-: iits |cr I'c.'t art-h all'-; investi^^atii'ii. Kefure *rivinti currency te^ the ex traMrdinar_\ 'tatfincnt.--. , wiiicli thi- ( 'aptaiii ^V:dk er i' rc'p 'ti'ible for, hoWi \tr. ■ ir i- iKi! piep. to a.ld that hi- veracity i- t alicii in ip;! .'ti.'ii 1 \ M'tne of mir (’aliforida c"iitein| "r ^vii >. b'lt iij'i ^ no oilier ^M-oiind than th if « !' fi., ::p| areni m pn habiliiy of the '* >ry In tcl!' ,\> •. man (•: truth ami jreneral reliabilii\, hi'Wi'V: r, ):■ . iii to be a man wifhvut repr-'arh. Aecordinpr to this authority, th-r., tl' wi’"' c-iuntry, from the roji.n^io to the llio (iIc. between the flila ami S.in dnaTi, i- full o’ rr::i. ! habitation> and citii -. ni"'* d' wbi. h 'i t’- table lanl. Cai't. Walk. r -tat.■' tl;:.t. ti, \ r-- iuj. this d. sert. he had frt ijUctiti'. n.. ■ v- l'b bliuiT nia-si,> .'f ma'^nry aiid nr.i./: rl n]C!i> tif antiijue ]i 'tti ry; ir w;i' li. r. h w- xoi. until his la>t triji acr".-.', that he . vcr >.iv ; >tructun‘ >tandin:r. \W ipi.ite tien Li- e. niiiio- nieation in the .'^aii IVam-i.-co IferaM: *• >n that '>ct a.»i"n he h:i' miilwav fri'Ui tin I ..b rad:. i>f the ^nnind Tht'V are all mule from a jit'cu- liar kimi of .'-tom*, whit h ha- the appearance ol a i ci'iiibination t>f j^raiiil'* and bnrk stoni.'. ihis; sl()m‘ is hllod wilh -mall crlls, but tlots not al> ^ pear to be pon>U- 'I'he pe-tb''-!, when tound with I tln- e nmrtar- or mills. :iri‘ naially of i.^ieiss, 'i'here are two tit these mortars in'ai the 'ourt {iou-e do,n- ill thi- city (S.icraiii''nio-, pndiably li!dU;rhr a-; cni iosirie- from -"ine J'art ot the mine.«. These nii'rtars .an* thi> only evideiict* ot the work of man that we have heaitl of being di-eoverctl in rlie ibluviiim t'ontainiiiir the irehl depn-its of ('ali- fi'rnia.” 'i'lie [iiiMic.ition of tht'st' t*iirious ili^eiivt ries in the iicW'papt'r.-, i- tlrawini;- out others, and mak- iii>_;-ties el ipinents. ill the same connection, etjiially >trai>tri'. V e.trrt.-pmidoiit of thi' I’lae' i'vilh' Her ald. writing;' from the .''an Hcrnanlino \ alb'V, under date nf .''eptiMU l)cr I'hh. irivfs fht> tVillowiiiir uci-.Miul of ail immi use stone liiidiro -aiil to have btH‘11 i'oinid i;i that vicinity; •■|''roill oi!f ot' til' tliree ad veil 1111 ors lio in.ele :Iif .li'l'overv of the (Jr'-at I’yramiil. between the orado, l^y tiu ir ha/ard- rt. siMie time a:io, ! :itiii r tilt' t'olb'wiiii;' intcre-tiiiir a''etniiit nf their furtiier ili>co\i ri > in tbf vicitiity of tliat pyramid. In a ii.irlh-we-tt'rly din'. ti"ii. distant abmt thrt'c miii thi N ili-ei'\(-red the ruin-m{’what appi'aretl t I have i" 1 11 .1 !)rid;.'e, tin tound:!titui- t>f whitdi w-Tc ol >rom-, and nearly -ix hiiiidit'd feet frtuii o'li- "f the oiitiT abutment- to tie "ther. while l>i*- tui ■!: th;' two are no hs- than -I'veii ili-rinct pii !•-; Tic-\ wero all appart iitly i.t'f.pial hci-lit. tl;.iUwli Iii:ni_\ of the t.ip. -lune- are ll"W dislodiretl '!'h. -:- p ■ w. r. .ippareiitly all o, the -aiiie ,-i/.e, and, at tie i.u. nr.^-t liavt' been il mt -ix tci t !.\ t\\. ;.tv !/i no pi i.'c all ili"\ ele\.iti .j ni'^re thaii I-i,' a^'.'Vt th.- p;-e.- nr ]i-\r\ .ii ;|i. .-inti tin- ca:, :n' -.aid .'lilv ;>t flic I’f the pit r- 'I'hr tw. ^eaii-r .•.■'■u'.meiit- ari- ne;.rly p> rp •miicula.r iip- I'li the sill- - facing" inward, while tli.-oiit.'r L'radu- .dly -I 'pe to th ' le\td and eveii Ik io'.c tilt' >iirtai i' —I.-.'U t:;i' b-tdl'W. \va- nor ascertain' 1. it i-("ii- ehi'i\ ’h, fon*. that the bri'l;:e w:i 1 i:-' !-. lab''- ll:'ii;ht abrl “Many of the women are beautiful, with tonns of faultless symmetry. They arc very neat and clean, and dn*'ss in iuite a pic(nre«jUO eostume of their own nuinnfaeture. Tliey wear a dark robe with a H'd l)ordcr, :raeefully draped so as to leave tiieir ri^ht arm and shoidib'r bare. They have most beautiful hair, which they arrange with ^i.'at care. Th* 'omlifi«)n of a female may be kii'iwn tVom the manner of dressini’'the hair. 'I’he vnein-; pul iheir hair in the middh* behind, ami twi-t I'aih paieel around a hoop six or iiiche- in iliametei-. 'I'his is nicely smooliied and j oiled and f;i-tened to each side of the head, .some- I thino- liki- a larjre rosetti.v The effect ver\ strikiii”. 'I'he marriid wom.-n wear tln.dr hair Till'] AiTTlT.MXAL 8KAHON. KitoM TUK r-oi r.'^vii.r.K .ioi knal. riie hills and plains have for a fortniirht been clothed in !i manth! of be.intv. 'I’he rich lm’ccii foliage of snmiiK'r was breafb‘d mi a mouth .ajr'i bv the J'’rf>'t .''pirir, ami chaiitteil inh' a tnativ colors as are ever pro ;enlcd in th.- bow raid the cl.iuds of Iii'aven Tt i- :t I'eautiful jirovi-imi nf a . bonnteons I’rovideiice that the ni'>-t ;^ori/,.i.u ight I eidorin^ the toi'c-jt^j sfionld iinmeiiiati l\ tueeede lation. Tbf tree-; arf liritrlifi'^t -i( ibe ost‘, and their beaiiU i^; ne\er - > brilliant a wluMi thev art >ibout to In- strippfil. Thu . .ils i. i'^ it with the soul of tlie eliri--fian about ! > jja-s II- hr i-; refl- liiiiTs ;hf '. lor in it. Iwistctl inti' ;i eiiib liehiiitl. away. Its elosintf inouifiit- ai 'i'hcst' n'Vclatioiis outrht !•' -timul.ite (as no j d,, n d|,» li^rhf of'a iietfer w’onl doubt thev will) iifW exertioIl^ to linve some fnr- jam! all its thoiiiriits ami fei ther liifht npnii a eoii.itry and a peoj)le o shroud- jtmnortal radianei-:in'i tj;|nrv. .■d up in mystery, past aii.l pre.'^ent. .Meanwhile, | ,,f this earth triilv wi.mh rf.ii w -e. the s/r,',///.. of California are "rteniijr all j ,p., S'irt,- of >ui^i.ct'-iions a- a kev lo this pu/.zle; but ( j)Kmoci;ati(' instincts. Aninnjif the many extravagant notions which have flowed from wMiat the f ulon calls the "rude democratic instincts” of the present day, notiiiii;.' has fallen under our d»servation ni'jre evincive of j ministered the htdv riti the Insatiate spirit atnl tendency of rho.se in.sliuct-| vounir ladies at .'^t, >1-! th.in the fidlowin^ resolution, >ne of a .erie.s ' the -.leretl a't wiib a unanimoiislv adopted at a “tfreat ratilicafiou | i]i-erii'v^-. I*"niii,'ratie meelintr” at I'atieiiii H.all. in I’o-tiai. oil tiie I I th nltinio; "/>(/, 'I’hat the atimiyance'. to our htird\ :mi! entftpii~inir li-ht-nmn .at tin' b'a-t; the •i i llicnit ie- a lid e\- pen-,' and riinnin / lim- at th. di'^ret'anl ->f irt-:!t\ oldiiratinn- i»v lavt* traders in ti,'- tlnlt ol Mexiin, imlii-ati' that thf happine-- aiid pi'o-pi-rity of the v.!nih> p.tople w’ould be tn-eat ly a'lvaiici-d by .-pre.adini; t he stars and stripe- of th*‘ 1 nion and the shield of our 'onstitution •rtii r Efjisropaf. —'1'he lit. 1). 1)., the ne-v Tii'^hop d ed at ('iirist (’hureh in niornint/ and aftiMiioon W'f art' reijno-ti-d . j- of Hishop Aikin-iin's ,■ i.>, liiitn,, with the Cbureh in U'ibiiitert,,,, November -Jtttb- in i.f,.!t.\i r e>lablishin{j‘boundaries Ni'veniber L'Vth; in W’.irr.-iiiMii .Ntiilli and We.-t; ami the Nnvember :;ttth. and 'riiur-'| j, Hentler'jon. on I ridav. I •t i-'.|,]i„.i Ovfiird, on .''’nnda\, I *' i-.mi,,., Sierra Ni'vada and the (' OKS nip aer.'- tb> !>'■ thf mo-i pian-ible we have >een, it occurs lo us, i-. tiiat ir wa- heri' that tlu' aiiei'siors of the Ai- tec- liveti—the s'lnie A/lecs (.'ortez fonml in Mi'xit i'. — for they were kni>wn to have come frmu tlie N'trlh. There i.-a tradition that they sallied out Irom their ho;m's, dirt'cled by their prophef- ii'if tiv ,'e;isf tlifir mandi till they came across an ea^d'' >ilMn>r upon a cactus, with a serpent in it- flaws, 'i’hi-thev Ibniid wdicre the ('ity of .NIexico ii.w stand-, aiel here tln'v estaldi-heil flu'irtlo- niini 'ii' i'iii.- leiri'ud i«i still preserveil in fin' device upnii the Mi'xicaii dollar. W’e acee|'t this as the be-t hypothesis of the pi'iiii.ible ori'iin of the discnverit's in tlu' (lre.it Wi-in. If tlie lli.'torical .''oeiety, or anv other le lined !iod\. t.iuadv.aiice a lietter, wt'-hould likf I ' ii.i'.f it. w ith Hour o beaut V eael as i^ thf man. ni;rht •f 'thf ..th.'d with over//-' irlifti, ft fill I 111 ! 111 in our -umni.ition devoutlv to be wi'hed. I lliif'.. .'\t every !"1> imp.'--;bl,. I wiiii'i'i- tl:e I bir "II a r.ir par:y. n pre -hit it- liiii: th. 77 11' near autl had enoziiiip with the Siena lllatica when he notict •! -t a little iiiducetl him t" examine j'ro.ached. hf fMuid ir f. ))er:ftrat- i '!:• int.' th-' wil. tilt l.itth K. 'mill- u}' in t! di'tai.. '- an flirt h>r. A be a k:u; around whit-h lay the ruin- ff a i it\ i. a mile in leiiL'th. It wa> iiicate>i "H a c i-Iivity that .-I. j.cd towai'i- Ketl lli\er. line- "t the -tri et cniiM bf di-fim tiv tr-i nitiir le^rnhir'y a* riirht aii-l' S w;ih The hou.'t.' had a’! n rt-'Iut- d nii actit)!! I'f .- •me urcat heat, wiiich b-t ; , t 1 i: atl;. rll.t! ]■ \t :!!1- t.ic -uri"iin'iini: i i'ini- ■ri.in.-.I f'!ni'lat:"r.- ir-' n 'W d by th'- uv -uniu: d -an !- /• -V. . . 1 ■ ti '•I'-, but fr"!ii ;hi t.i-f that thi' '"Ilf'rill I'l i-:t!i';• ii'inh '!' ith. .’I- -■■'-t 1-!' ut-f. ! ut lath, r li ■ in ;i n rtii- -t aii.i - •ut hw.-t ‘iiri, ti.-j. w ■ 1 I ! li; ;ii, : rli:;t -'iii an. ifiit ri\t r iV 'iii tin N irthwf-' ■ i ’ ft\'. - n it- w dl-: ami pi. i - ! r.v... ii' t - r " ht-r -tnirtuif- haviii- \.i-r,^ i '■ apj.a'.i lit in ;n;m. r'».i- ]• t;i. w- -■iii-^‘ iiii’pn -t^'iia! ''. tie -. aii l a- till '! I \tfiel I '!' iii"r. ii t'vt rv dir'-fti^'ii. fX' p’ ti,. Hi:; ' .nit fl V .\ t i lilt; , iciiiK V a ' •!' w ha ’ I'ldluiiu t 11 I I ).• I f -.'^cf min^rly. -ay- bii'ly i- tTfttintj; so \ t-rv polite to 1' that it i> iiei:inninir t" be -.ilmost two nr thret- per-^i- tn fft tn^'cther 1 nii-' tiiitr nf two being gni up t'> presfiit i with a ft stinioni il. If a .-tt aiiiboat fiH - I I’ b nuth_\ voy.-igt'. then' is .sure to be a i-'er,-i| to p.i-s li.itteriiit; resnlutioiis i-.\- siv^- I'! I . nii'leiiee ill thf c.iptain, altlnmgh the I may have unne -fver.d hundred miles out of Wiv. :'i ! tle-.'f may ha\f bi-i'u a varifty nf I;- IL'I'f I I bif initi ir.;i:\ f :. -timniii.tl i:i\ing has rc.n li- li a In tli.it Wf ma_\ -xja-rt it t'l still I'!-! >if ;t till.II.t"ppl.,,- n\.-r. aiel we -hall -r I ti> hear that twn per—dis riding r ill iiaii i- 'ine i-ab h.r. • f'rnie i th. m- int ' a 111. ' tin- f >r tin- pur]m- - nf prt--t-n;- ' 'ii'V-r with a ii.-w la-h t:> hi- whij.. nr ;le 1' ,1 [ pmpriate ••ti--t;innnial.” \\ hen v\t- \ >tf- i.f til.ink- ha\ing been pa-.-cl in f tl; cninm tndt r nf a -tt-aint-r acrn-- tbf •1 th.it tilt- tiiitii-ult n.-ivigatiou f>f lid waii.iiit thf pr.-sfniatinii nf a •av a t 'othpit-k — tn the cajitain of' nnv 1». I-. or the j strength. 'I’lifr.' are tiie coie ti Hali.m ■ glilteriug ' in their unsoiimlfil depth- Inreve:' :int! tli.' monii : in her m.ijesty to m.ikt' tin- night "b.iiini.; ami then'are the mountains :iii'I ;!ie j.lain.-^, old oee.ii! ■and the riinning stream-., bird- and l!ow. rs witii- j out number I'l slnju delight on tie- da' , iicl ibf 'anointed I'ye turn wiier.' it will, ami .-i world full , of the f)rni of b'':iiity awal'ens its rajtfnri's, I |{eaut\ is th'-oiied in every li;::ht elomi (hat lin;its ! within our atmn-pln'if .as ,velj ;iv in everv objfet whifdi thnse cbiud- bmk .he.vn upon. It is at ihi- ; period of tiie ye;ir. wii.-ii .Hituiiiu i-fi^ins snni-fni,-. that tm- \i-ible b('‘iu'\’ ol e.iitli sei-in- mo-t inar- v.-llou-. tin.ind st.-in 1 wji.-.-.- lie- mi:_dilv t'l.ffst stretches out b«-fnrt'you. .ami win'i.'cc vnii c;in hck ibovn nu it- \ari.^^ ‘ft f.;, -n-i - i/f ..n tie- in:.ni ftilni' bi-liiii- V I. until tiii'ir iichii' — and ihtii biiylitn- - inipi.'-- thfin-flvi's fnilv iipnii vm, and th n -:i\ it' n;iii:!i- i- i an ! law- O,,./ //s . tin.- I- a \Vf i/|b.Tty p:itit'. It] dill not ri-e up to ndnikt' them ft.T -uch t"..neoftlie ijifai princi|ile- fiiibodied Jii/nii Ilf npiiiion “con 'uld almost wontit-r that the .d 1 Craiile td' diti not topple I'll the he;id- id' its ncfii- ■ the gho-t.s of their rev.)liitioii.ary f ithers aii insult in their own I>1-1 l.'iratioii of Kights. ablv asserted and maintained in th.at time-honoreii temple, which w IS, iifVi'r on any orcasinn to fr('~i>ass on tin,' i-,'-/!i's nf nf!,, r.. It was upon that sacred priiici- 'p p!f that our Io\frnm*'nt was administered, from lilt iiioni'-ni id’its iiicfptii.n df>w ti lo the period ]\: a- A' f.\ .V. / - -,i , , st'hl at piiblif -:ilf, on .''.itnr I-o, i ,,-' Wilmingtnii and Kab'iif!; I|-iibr,.„| ^ p.-r -hart', n ll' month- '-iv.|!f, intfrest added; ah-. I'J -h.-ir-. tl,.-,j.! ? ca.-h, tli'.ith-nd nt’’. Tin--- ,t ' l‘t- eon.-iilfre«I ,il par. .uei , .-nrpri-ed if thf_\ . n- \v,i tl, time. — I! i/. ./nil/-. The .New V..rk 'riibuiif viet*, misery, and .-rim. t-xi-riij . N( w’ ^'ork, .‘■nrpa>sii,;^ in iiirined could be fm.nd in anv nl-i,-.. improve and corr. t t -in ii •, „ oil'jht to oeeupv the Ifti'I't i.ii ,,(■ in !t, throjdst. How mu'.-li (.eft.r ■ mt whfii It cam.' to b'- rrganle.I by a President as jjie 'I'ribun ' I'mm that tiiiif tlit* prim-i- it- inllin'ncf. until a. weak ami .supposeil whifh li’.’iVf such an " III >/ ( ph.'be w .-ir o\ eriimi'nt. i'!.:an ur".ilual!y t.> lo-f of agiri'f-sion up'iii ; I S.', iieitihbor fnllov.eji. How and It' (iho/isli the evils of complain, at tlu'ir own dn'.r- 1 ffi'ti'!- >>: , which riifv 'leu, skilful .-irtis!. .iiid win tl;. r iln r. gr.and a- In'i-. 'I'b jii. li r'' b, w hich art may 't i; 'j. t -i sti'ikintr and a liiur.ibl ' .n ma i\ i-r .ili'iiis, iiut their b the cl. .-. Ilf-' ;in.! f C"p;- 1 iiatii;.'. Hut .hifli :.rt •. mi i;._\ si'b . bii: in it- :;iii ,imi I- an\ a most ■bool . impul-f -tructi.m I- jar-1.-1 \ iiif 1 it-a t'l the h“iiiocracv 'mpi.fei 'I'in- natural viiri)' "f nnti a-; i't Imping exi-Uisiv,-i\ to -\i> nlbt-r pc 'plf but tii —f 1 niidfi s'lni'- Oil.' oi' ofli.-r td t!i it> 'I'f n.'lt II: ' by th. ci it hf r' pres bar I 1.,- , . I. 'lit \,'ri- M. .- Limiter S' -• in. n :i;fi ;li. i . f t.iet tl r.| by •tra'. let p tl'". iii'l' i 'i-t. , .'11 •1. > \ iiann - I. ni.v I nk. 'I ; ri: I. rill . - : an-I I'm- that ileil.-at. t . hav.- -’ 'r,;ii-' th. -up - an ! '.bitfui'-nf :.t, .all.';' ;i: br).i- ::.r -t imi!'--iM'^i! til. -it; th .! It W It-; if \ .-r'' h-.\'f 1 r^,■ ])as.-ctl over the wled.'cniinrr\ ry conflaL'rait.'ii. but must havi- l.et-n s in. t' furnace-like blast of lire, similar tn th-.r i^v from a vnlcano, a- the -i-.iies w. ;•■ ail !,: some of thfm almo-r finib r-.l. .rhfr- ui.*/- •! mehfd. '1 his appearatici wa- vi-ii'lt wifi > ruin he met with. A storm of tire- • 1 -wept nver the whnle f;ice ..f the inhabitants nm-t have falien I-f centr.'ofthe ciry we refer t.,'. i-'^ rock twenty or thirf. fi-ft Iiiidi. e.i wdiifh -food a porri"ii "f the wal’- once been an immfns,. (.uilding. '1 the building Was -ri-I t]j»fifn^-f, a’f}!"';_'li ■ ?iorth-.-rn angle, witii wad- liff.- -n -r t i-_bt It'.njr. an'l t.-n fr,-* hi-li. wa- -tamlin::. walls were ct-.n-trueted "f -t. ne. w-ll .piarr;* .! anti well built. All thf s,,nth .-n.l ..1 tin- bnii'i- V. _ in \V 'I !.:• u H- a!.- b-i- . ; ri.f .'I tl: t:u--f : if.t; ■ riei-f f r*;. il n a'lV' iia.l t . t W' I ' . rfif :d'!' th , t 'it f ih thf half- :/ n. If -tfamboat pass.-n^rer- ar*- iiplini'-nf.iiy v r what rt-.i-'ii can "lunii'u- p:i--t-n.;cl- sh'iuhl leit V"tf "-i\ ini', till' (-hair, ami rt-c.irii a p.. WIT -11.-ll -had;.' vs ith \ izftl o in th-- ■r ur. - nf ._rr--: si-Jl!-' of thi- -i'l ,i .'^.-n.-. - f \ vviii. tl.'T, .-lutuinn tini.' am i f •:■ • 11- %iitl! \v .mp rtial in ll . ill'lu.- "I'i- icr f f hf iriver f"r '11 tb 'lri\ ill: n hi- 1 1 hi- -e.it, or .ib..ar.i;' g|tT_\ ill-!, ■ it- f tin- . ■ -I f.. I'V b: '.ur V t i- .it thi i\ n- llr 1. 'W tfi; tle:t •11.i .iV'- 'll'l ll. ■ 1 Cf-Il at p. i\ '-Vfti ll t. d -V. r : 1 in thf ;I't '.'f time -.1 Hi-i tlri -i^ni "T tr.i,-.- "f th.- .-li.r. \m ! i * • j ^ ' ri;‘^ thr.^ xp' 1 ‘ '1 // : ;n\ up. ' . niii.; pr. It - i riif f •!! .u.Hi Ir th' -ubj > : ■"Tl ..jfi'-.-T n 1 nifll. aiei re_'ulati,'ii- ■ f w .n prep in 1 - an.l , 'nirifiit I'.iv.- r.-.'.-nflv I lilt thf 'iin. 'iitlin, ■ ,d\ ’ ‘Cll f Til t n .r—wb ■ -I'c ■ - ,,1 i 1'- 11 -t"ry, -iipp ll- ir- ipplif.i if rhfv -d. h. uniti ha "*y -•> :is t l If.-n rh- -I,:.- fftur.-d. b'Ut -in ’■ i-'Unk tn tin- liiml -ll thf "U'-i'lf hff ^^■f 1- .1 -V .■!!|.i h- g. '• lit - :l - -t th.' t 'Mil r.-pr--f nt.i; m- ; ■ f til" a a ;• V 'hi- 'I ,-i I't i;.f!l.'-r "1^ i^ n-y W-' . w: dl" ii.i- I'. :'f il, ; r. thliiL's ill O' ^ r p T?r:i;.. ■ T!. ■ fi ,W. : let ' !i ^i-;iii 1 ■- ' I f irt -1 tr."- I li 1 , ni.i V •i. t-iir i: i V '1 ll ll il' fV - 1 ' i art’- '1 .iiiij , ! ‘1’. '.1 ' ' ■ ; in ai; ;- . w:: ' , .V. I'V 'b;;'- b p- 1 * a 1 i - j't - - • 111 iriv '/-V 1. ' V ‘ -nllil .' ^ ‘ ■' - i: : _ 111 --- r.i.. ., !' 1 . r' Ti. 1 ^ ■ -1 ! prli .-f i '!!i, ii\ in ti,!- ui w:'!i tl. - ighi - a>, I T ] . . , - ^ . If. .'Ilf!i ll, n ■; I' - n il- -tV-'" W ■ 1 ■h '1 1 i.' ■ a; - If' !■■ ■'" ■ i , t ■ t! - : ' -I* t !i r j: w a - ■; piivib , f r I; ■ - 'i,' ll tb- . a ' " , n : , :.■ '. - t 'bf r ■Miiic'y.iii.-es j'llng fr.'iii tlieii t: '1' nr ll tin- ( illlf I tiir.'f ill ! i'i_!it t 1 It ie.i-r.lf\ a 'it b'-r 'li li fill- li-h iiwn tli-rrg bf I’fUl l\l la Vi 't, mii't be It ui ivc'l; tin 'f .Nl'-xit-n, whit:h wa-hes the •p.-ifb-nt iiati'.ii'. all havinf - li'f. na'. i_'iti"ti. mu-t b.' I»r •the 'r.lh'-iilti ■- now •V"un^ h» t-aii varioii- |-.' -ilpp'-.-.-d tn h.r. ■ • ■ nr prnj.'Tty, 'rii- men. wh-fht-r thev ird of tre.ity r.;.-trie- tr.nle mi shores of an efpial np; ami iii.--tui bing the [.nbl;.- pf;,, .-ig.-iinst -laveryl N-'fhitii/ |j ei|Ual f.) m- can (-ompar. \\’'li t'l.- tli-m«e1ves .'iil’iiit prt-viil ii. ti, i, tlii-m s]„-n.] tht'ir tim - aiei Ni-w Voric (-rime, •iinl rhev '!• I , I /- rH-J’fi’ Ill r. 111- -V' f- Kiiiil o/'J////V ^ :i 1‘f'tiirist^‘r .-,f f •' L'tiidmi rniif.,-. V. !s \ ;••. emptying ..m- of thf n, li! I.. se- a nict* little kitten -prin. nf letters ;iml frisk ab..ii» - \ tiji u- am t-xp.-i. .'f: am to ken f s trliiiir b'.iiii- accnmitlisii tin a- 15 I, mu-' frainjde iin.ier - .vliifh st.in I ill r :- t,) I'aiiaina. i iL'lit- ir"in thi '11..I 1- .V "T \Vi.i 'S . lit i"'i! till- t ll • W.i \ !>iit '.V ill -ill j •- ■ ' i -'i I! 1 t h lie-;. ' 'I i I, ^. -1 '.;l;. .u Ic- .Ol V 111 >: f "i i't 111 ■' ^ :n ^ i f i' , il ’ ii V I- ll ■'v' iiiii i' pr ". t- liiiiii t I tn -pii i: "f 1 ..__raii.li/.--ne !it:' A-, .,ii.-it i‘.n ij th.' •!.-;re f.ir further .icipii-ition. \\f • ■• n > I..-•ter -atisli. .1 with the whole nf .\nifriea than W‘ are n iw with th.- half of util Aiiiffifa niU't cn'ii ‘ along with it ii|f-' ■’?: h"'. aU'l ".ili if; :i.ijif'-ni island-.” iiig i>-iiiifi within ‘he wt-ff rn Inlf nf r! 1 H' '.V I. nit Mil;.' .-! pr '-p.-ft t.. rhe "in- • f I *. iiiif;'.'!fy! Th(‘ empire nf ani'ii-nt . le t .i fir iim-raiief t-' tin- empirf >>f tlie 1 11 o.',’ ; lull v.e trn-t thiif b'-f.'n; all kittens art- ; -'•rij.’i'.n u>' it, biii is I kimck it eral m-rt.-r."- f'. I't / ■- >11 it. A- h. is in thf hf-i'l. atel f. Olfif,- wirii hi- S Ml F- .1: -i-,- h le I'lM. Mr ir- print.-r di Nt-w V nffi for M. --rs, niiif Vf ,1' .1-^0 he arrive, fst. A t-rownless hat -Mr 7. ill liapp III II tn- iV !■• ' will bf (di.'tn tl'-! jiiir-- f:m J’--'!. iti.it Furti,,,-- . h - Ml I- I>-" 'iiriti V. a- 1 p i a;, ' :'k. and w.'ik. '1 ill ti...]; H-dfotl l/.VlIlg'T 1: in .V.-w V r’^ :'r with .-"at It': I ti'iii iblf- to m.-if'-h w.-r.' iii't vi-rv pr-1 . rfe-.nimfiid iti'.n- f.rtiie leivi nturt-r. ii V'-r. -Ufc'-e h^ti in j iining the New V -I; nfrh'- .^l .rimuis. arnl l',,f nmre than -, fi.'it"!' ol their papi-r Br.-innan. w t- ■ f"nr hiimJi-ftl nriier^ .,f fin- per-eciifetl - came attre-r-l !.y tin- -I 'wii.L^ -Ifsfrij.r by !-'itm.inf an.! ••.tlier-. nf t -dilnrni eiiartered the ship Bm iklyn. ami iiiiiii- '!ailei'i tnr the I'd 1) .ra.b.. wlieri- Mr R ann-'-'il jiii immfii- f"rtum-. — Br'- i- I'l. - ■XCItf- ■^■ichu- fiift. -r n •' b.. O: , ; . . -1 p- "plf th.-r.—.1 b '' ar- m ithfr whitf- n tie Ali-ili-i It ;- n-.t wii ) kiiitw anv thiiiir > th:.-k. ii'- l . i-iL. Ill liiif. - Wav M "r lii'i i'l.lim- ■! f 'lifin. t'l ih. h '■ 1- ai t-.'i iiiii: t' in pr'.pnrtinii ■ b. lr..m tWflve tin sizf nf tln- a un.:' au'i 1 ; -TK!- ing wit h w.irmr b -i! ’ . b'-.iV u i- -r,;!!-! T ha- ■! •■''1 bu; :,n' --, ,1 -U'-b h: in:: .ny tiiat if. ■ v prc-m- .• I'f tin- III - • .--1-. I'.giii- Tb.-If : - a: r!.:,- uiiitv !' . t Wt -!i b.-av. -1 ai: .i; 1, IV' rm- •m i-r-. am Kv : . hav- • lia'. •• r -k par- i'Al. jng 'oeineti sunk r.. a mer'> nil. -f nir.bi,i on wi.!'-h ir wa- built np[..'ar. I tiaily fu-. .1 !y th-- hear." What m.yerial here. now. f,r anti.iuariui r- search. W hat a tlioiiie fnr the ne'iali-' ami tii Historian: All hi-t;.ry. is at fault, i . thi- ca-. for the oMe-t n-t-nr'ls we have ar.- a- sib-nt a- th gr.ive. about tln -f new f aiml i-iri.- ..f th and the terrible plien 'in. tia which i.- ipt,-.-. ’ t have wh'lmL'.l them in ruin. \V. i-;n : !] ,,1 aVxiut the Phi-nician.-, tin- A'-vriai,-. rii,- iii- - '; and Ib'inan-. ami nativts. an-I p -i.pl. , . i, t’ - flourishe.l a- fir back as the dim r. .- -i.'- ■ f tin past. ■! tW" tli.iu-aiitl yt-ar-;—but v. r. a 1 US the recnrd.s of the p.-nj,!,-. wh-.. If •: nn- eartln d rt-mains un an ,-inythin;.' at aii. :it '"lu'- early ;ige nf the W'.:'!.|. .-xi-ted in the vt rv h.-arr ot tin- iami Wf iinw ivhal.it!'' W. a-k a:i ! l""k for an int.-rprt-- r in v.-.mi, .^Iy-t.■ry. -my-t.-r>*'. —my-ft ry. i- writt- n "ti evt-ry st''iif.—.Mni thf wdldt-t r .iijfctarc-s wc t-;in vinturf di-^sat.-li.-l a'- ever far as th- ii anl lail, are concerm-'l. Hut f.i tin.- -f' iidant f th di"vv. mu-t hiivt ;- silt h .ill air .uii'-t l'ir!:f:.r t|m tl. I'it tljat wa- In: M 'brt. y-,-ir- -im-t ' in '!n- S mi Fra r;ie, thiit ti,'- i,-. neciipi.'.l th"-- r. _ f m_\ ' I V d, .ir r dug a r-iuian’ia'-. V a t liif Tir’a!i tr.i it ju-r ; i. — fiin; t'l sh "d with mif h -s than -ix an l - Veil in tin- hit.'l -li .f; n..r att.ichf'i vv :th li--s than thr;'.- b Wf fl-r.' iF. l!'. ' tn. liif -ib .riii_' tln- ■lil'i I". ' f.iifiiif. I d" >■ V"l,' ■ ' tl.a '■1. i' r- .. ,'is a J h p' n.i'-ii iip-.jn:- ■'l a'.' 'iv^.iv. 1 if .e; Wat i - ■i tr- j.p'-r 1' ^ h:-n I 'i-fy ' fil l? 1. - i- b- ! '■vitli th - intri til.-it i..'•■ tli.-m-1 ;Vf- trapj.iii'j 'tl th- trib Mi'liaii "ff r'd t ' ^ui ntif man wdn — ' > "III tie t ii: •III' nt- iiiav tin .''^"lith i’; ■t th. i:!a riv.T, li'.. th'- j.lain- aii'l iii"Uiitaiii- il- 1’ a'imi't d ;i! ■■ r iiftiU-Mlit. '1 t!:,aii .11V ii •1. - ',1 all :ln- 1 th.- :.irie- .Mr ' livin. art. r. fir in tin- I> til i- Jilel ll ir.-a’ H,.-in "f the C.'i Ilri.l-.-r ;imi ji.irfv f' '■ rt. With vvh'iiii tln-v . n tl; Hri.!_^'-r. tor III":-'' traj'pr- iii'j- 111.III, ■ -f r.-a111 - WIiil.. mb 11- -:i . i. iibl tie f I. • "iiiv 7 1! i’‘ th. f'P .iii'i liiml witii a Mi_! flip at the t".'- 1 if nil - m:iy be of - tiiith- :in.l hnr-f-nwiifr-. F f"'t f.r the sln.t'. a I'lr'd "Ut: ami thf t" tin- t xf'li.-iting p little >p. ra- irt.' "f ■rh -r .iiei -- t;.- -1. -- .'ir.' t' aim- t bf matlf ' blat-k- :ill , I'-.ive u- a- '■riLrin, ri-i narr.itiv.-.— ‘'Ca[it. >\ alker spent stiriie time e.\ itniniiiLT this intei-or^ting spot—he tracetl many t>f tin- strret- antl the outlitK'S of the hou-es, but could fiml no other wall standing—;is often a- In- had -.i n ruins of this charucter, he hail never, until this occasion, diseovercil any of the imi'b iin-nts of tin- ancient people. The Intlians havt- in. tra'litir.ns relative to the ancient people rliat ..nee thicklv settled this region. They look with womb r up on these remains, },ut know nothing t>f the ori-in. (.’aptain W alker who, wt: may n'lnark, is a most intelligent ami clo.se td.-erver, far snperifir to the generality ot the ohl trapj.ers, atnl with ;i wfiinit.-r- full^ ictentivc memory, is f,{ opinion th;if thi- li.i.sin, novv so barren, wa- once a i-harmiiiL' coun- try, sustaining millions of peopl,.. j,., pre.sent de.solation has been wrought by tlie action of voh'anic tire.s." The fiicts .-tateil by this Capf;iin Walk, r, w ' find in a further reatling, do not rest exclii.-ivt Iv upon the te.'stimony of one man,—for we are tohi, that, leaining then' wa- a dispfisilion to iin[iu"’ii the Captain's veracity,’’ Lieutenant Heale.-wii.Ms very generally known as a gentleman ..f unini-1 peaehable probity, here, a.s well as i„ California, i .states that— ’ . ‘‘On hi.s first Iriji acros.s the ('mitinent, he dis covered in the midst of the wilderm s- of (iiP, what appeared to be a ^trmg fort, the w;ills nf great thiekne-s, built of stone. Hr- tra vermeil it, and found it contained forty-two rooms. In tin.' i vicinity were met with numerous balls d' hanl cla}, frtjin the siz.- (,f f,, ' .>^hot. What was singular about them w;is the tact that frerjuently ten or twenty of them w. n- ■^11.'*''^'^’“'''’ fuml.er of hullcf. run out of halt a dti/en connecfiufr moultl-, ..r like a whole ■ baking of mils. It is difliciilt it, .ay what the.se ' were intende.l fnr. 'I’iiey wi're so hanl, however that the .smaller ones could bo disch;ir.r,.,l , gun.” ‘ in further curroborufion of Cajitaiii Walker’s account ,f the impleruents he discnverod in the ruined cities of tlic l>c^ert, tiif rivlif,,v„i;i Estate Jouruul sav.'i:— •' pf‘d' Cnlll.l 1 •■Thf prnpn-itinii wa- ;ifffpt.-d, ami aft. r pr..- vitliiiir till ni'.-lvt-s with .Iri.-d m. at- ;in'l w:itt r. thfy 'truck ri-ht into the lifiirt ..f th;it (.'reiit I*.- rt. wln.i-f ii.> white man lief"r.- ov -ini-f has tr.'.l'leii. ami which the har.iv m .'iintainefrs will only vt-ntun- tn skirt. Aftt-r tivf t’ays’ travel, th.- paity arrived at three mountains, or Huftes, iising in gnuideur in th.it .-o''t;uy w;i.te. Thest' mnuiilain.- 'vVerf i-ovi-rt-tl with a diver.'itv of fnrest aid fruit trees, with -treimis of pun -t waft-r rip- plin- tlnwii tln-ir ile,'livitie... At their basf w;r- ;• in'.iin n.ii-agrieultiinil iicople, -urrounde.l uith w.avinj: iiebl-of ft.rn .md a profusion of vegetables. 1 iie p. "ple Were dre-.-cii in leather—tln v knew nothing of lire-arms, using mdy the Imw and ar- i'nw; ,-iiid lor milt, ;ilft'r mile, circling tln-se IJiittfs, wt-n- a-dfbt- h"U.-es, two and three' stories hi^Mi.' .^Ir. I5ri.il. r w,i - not idlovvetl tninteranv nf th'ir towns or Iiousl's, ami alter n'mainiiiir three day-, barffriiig sc;iilet cloth ami iron for their furs, he li-lt them, . et ii'iwi'ver, belore being tiiven to un- tl( rst.ind. th.it thfy''hcM mi (-miiinuiiicatimi with any peoph' beyond tin ir ile.-ert limiif. That these are the same jieoj.le that mice inhabitfd the b;mks ol the (lila :ind the Colonnlo, ami left those niniiniiieiits of vvomh;r, the ‘Casas (Jnimic,' which so d'-eply atti'icteil the follower.s of Fri nioiit ;iml I>oniphan. ami thfii v;inishcd as a dream, there e:ui no longer be a tlmibl. “.^I'Uiths after this t-onversaf ion with .Mr. Jiridg- cr, I h;nl another ■.•.ith .NIr. Papin, the aient Hf thf American Fur Cm..p:.ny. Ih, told liu; that ■'";-'“er td the party, .Mr. Walker, the moun- tinm-er, aitfr wdiom one of the .'Mniintaiii Pa.sses ' IS iiam.'d, and who is known f had given him the latcil people—ami -h.atiovv 111 a tinubr nf their e.xislentf. I he aptain Walker who tli.seoveri'd the anti- • piities mcntitme.l above, it seems, has some know- l^.lg" td' this slraiige i-eopl,.. al.so. {h, knows l>rit|;:(.r and he knows wion'ovrr, that what he s;iys is true. 'I'ln^ Captain adtl 'I his i- iindoiiblc'dlv the Connlry tpiis. • the I .\H: INFKIIKNt K. \ .-nte.ii uieler tlu' •.^!aine law. wa- ..n trial Thf •.''tat-' Allonity.’ whothnughf he was a 'eiii. •■ b-ip.' vv.is tryitij^ tn iii.ike out iiis i:ase thr"ii_'ii . Ilf iim-t iiitial t.'Vit:i-nee bv showing that til'- d' It-n.|aiit h nl tin- iii'-aii- of crime in hi- ii'ii -. !!• aiifi an uii'l"ubtfl •eustmiifr’ t'> til' st .mi—a m;iii who vvouhl know a jug ‘.it -ight,’ ;iii'l lit hi the fnlloVTiii;, cdb (piv: Liwy. r. .^!r .''argi iit. w.-rt' y iu ever in Uen- j iinin I'viniball’s b.ir room.' Witii'---. - s-i-r! L Diti vmi set' anv liijiior thi'rt'I' W. No-i-r! h. Pid you sfi- anvtbiiiiT lu t it t iii/ lin ! 1 :i - ! r!i v\ f it. 'l ilt- ' !' u.i . ,il - ; . tin f ^r. f I'f tun.- a ni:;; r>--p Tb. ;' nf tin- -kv fiii- up .11 'il. J i I. ; i , . M ami liv.-r ami -kv ■ • ;u ■ 1, , f'tiimun; t. with “:e-li ry fell - fr ’iii !. iVfti. bn-ti beneath :h thick »-t:ir' cnim' "lit t ■ r. pi ; ami -'."11 tile ll. ;iv. n. whi--h nf f-rv "r ami gr:imb ur. i- ! . "1 thirkm --. ami niglir r. -i. --ntiiiel -t.ir- t" - •• til.I' a- til'- h all goes VVt'll nil e:irtb. 'I’here i- a pe. ;iii:ir fitin -- f'T the sceiit-ry at lid -, ,-i-, brigbtUf.— nf the W"ul.! bt- • . it not snttcm' l by the h.uiui --.if th nit-r. 'i lie -mnkiiic— f thi- sea-- li' '■ i-..’i l b 111 i\ ' t'i^ f.r. ■ - 'Il '’..'d ' 'I 'il'- riv.': .i:_r Ill I" b.' n.' ,-ii.atfnn-nt in the i :.:tii ,!iL' fh.' Cn iliti.-'iii-t, 'ff Ma y A’t irm-y-l .'fiit ral Cu-iiini:’s l,-;r. b: l- I’lir t-vt-iiMially to riv.-il thf war in this b-TW. fii th" H-M-'ls r.nd tin- S'lfts, A h in niir rolumns. tlii- niorniiiL'. from Ho-- "i. i;it' rm- .i- that tin' C.ialitim p:ipers are now i!i_’’ an fdit'iri-il article vvritti-n for a .l"iii"'-r:it!f p:.]". r in 1'••)•./.fahiu-ly atlvo- :i'- vt-ry f":ilitimi which .'Ir. t'ushing now b'liin-. Tin :irtifl.- in 'in. -tinn. the Coalition- :i'-t rt. c:in i-f pmvc'I to have enianatel frmu Cu-hiiiL' s ].t n. In this eonnei timi, we find f"H"wiiiL'rich lftt;-r. allmliuir to the niis.-lve • I It :it.-. 'III. 'f Art. i: -i; !l 1.- ■f tivii^-':r. _d'-ry '.f t In it.-iv w:i- - ! ;n teiii ipi’.-nif wit] ir- n: Th. -kv. ' fu'il •r.n-. 1 her I wav ill ti.f "f tin th. at 111 '-p.lii-r ■ Vt ;ir. 'rile !iluriii:j: Wfre Indian .-uin- • ilf'Pls thf l-i ::iV ■1 aliruiiiii- _fnii:iin ar- the .jiii. t i:i_\ - t" till' 111 ni > r- w;irni b, am- ,f tin- siin ■n :iir. :in.l the hu-h In t" ;i -.itisfiet"i v '•■iifi.i nit everv tllat th'-ri W i.. then W Nt)t a- Ditl yo knows of. -ee ;iny tjuor' deciinters or tumlder- -No s-i-r. L. IHiI you s('e any barrel« or kegs there. \V . \ es: 1 sC(' si'ime there.' L. Ah. yes, (exultingly.) you i/iJ then, see snine kfgs'r Now, sir, teil flic jury what there in tho.-c kegs! I ilo'mi; I didn’t h)ok in. !... ^ t s, sir; but were there not marks upon the oiu-iib .'—tickets; or labels, or jirinting, or writ- in;r of snnif kimiy \\ . \ c- w.'ll there irns; I remember it neow; I veow I ,-houhI Inive forgot it if you h;idn’t put me ill mimll , lie sei:s the poor erciitui Ii. (>h yes. you ih> rt'tiiember; just state sir, be- | " limbs rigiti ami ids eve lort'Vi*r fore you torget, what thi'i'c w.is jtrinted t>r written, j noo.-e is soon umlmie, ami tlie n.irt W. It was dillerint on all of’em; none on ’em I •>'*P‘‘ "ther raid.iis may also iiatl it iiiik.'. j place their necks in jei p.-mly, an-I lie picks up his L. Well, sir, tell us what it .said on the j “ I-'it-v Ne;d" or "d’he I >.i vs finest of baek-gri'Uii'is f.r al pictures, ami then h v iile I the w :irmt h : .f t hf - ■ viition t.if the f'rt -tl Tin invite you mu int" tlie "j the atuin-i'licrf is m - m fiv.'rai stmly of th-' entrain'iiiL' scene baml. Tln-s.' .-ire tin' .jualitii iliat niakt' the Imliiiti summer the iii"s: .ic'i. ; seiismi of tlie year. It i.- very iu'n].er th;i; Naliu'.' .-Imuld be brigtiti'st befori' sin- a.-smin - the eiiurlishness ol winti'r. It is excct'dingiv !• .■ ,i;ting in her to make In-r exit in a bhize t.f- jnrv. The fanner's boys are vny h:i|'py at this period, for tile'll' an' the tlay- in wliii-h tlnygna nuttin._r, auil when they strive to eiismu'e the f.t,dish rab bit ami cntrai) tlie pn-tty p;irtri.|go. Karlv t'.ieii morning, while tin' town i.oy is dn'iimini: of tin' party lie attended hist nitrht'. hi- happier~bn'ther ill the country buries hi.- Iiamls in tiie lieptlis of his breeches pockets ami st:irfs olf mi a trot to .see what luck has bilhileii him tlurin^ tin' night. Onwanl he goe.-, (-rushing tht'er.-icklini: gra.ss beneath his foot, until he re;ichfs tin' strip of vvootls beyond tin' cornti.'bl, and tht'n' eoim-s within .-ight of the ci in-1 sii;ire wnicii in* i_*nntrivi-d riiddt. llib heart -wells with pleasure as hiiiiging like a t-riiuiiial lixed.— is aif.iin 'riii-y-t I' iit-ral ( 'u-hiiiL', iroiiiir the rminds. I' i- fr"iii the ]'eii of ,'\Ir. I-' A. Hildreth, the r-'ffiitly ap]ininte'l P.^stnia.-ter ..f L.iwell. ;ind i fir 1 ••y.'ii'l .iiiything in the lettt'r of Mr. lir.'tison, wii.i'h c:iii'.'.i lii-. rt iii 'val:— •• riii' writfr is an enormous Iijpncritt a'ml >• ami tilt' jioi'son he writes to is a paltry, }"'diing, hm k-ti'ring knave. int. rterein-.' with .''t.-ite legislntinn. is a matter whifh niust hi; iminediiitely corrected, or tlu're is n I imb-pfmlence likely to bt> h'lt. e are ready t I '-"per;ite with shi.vehobU-rs ami abolitionist-, Inar'ls :ind s"fts. iinybodv ami everybotly. to get rid "1 -Uch ;i mmistrnu- tyranny as this. ' * I5ut f'l sliiihj ,'s ,r }iijpr,irit>' f/.s' ?'•'// ff.s- a fi/ratit. 'I In re i- not a tlfmoerat in the .^tate more tieoplv ini].heat.'d in the coalition with freesoiler'^ than lie i-. He with the hunkers on this verv gmiiml." \\ e -njipost' Mr. Hildreth's head will novv come oti. — . }. h\i j,ri’.s. In-fanct's .-in' iVetpn'ntlv nn - tin- -u: tin- H.-iltirnm-f .''un. of har.i-liip- i-ii.iur"i ' tiv" shives in Canada, witii whi'-i,. tli.‘ -tilt, iiifnts of the fugitivts rlnihvi^- was 11" par.-ilb'l while tht'V were i;, ,t -ervitude. For the btiuefit of th-,' n;':... tiu' ‘•under-ground rail roail,” we pui ii-i, lowing e:t-e of the kind, the acc,.ui.r .* tiiken fr"tn the Napanee (^C W There is a negn> re-i.IinL’’ in thi- pi . u:: ol fifty ye;irs idil, who ran :iw,-iv fVi'tii L:- in MarylamI last April, and cam- thr i'V the umlerground rail roa'l. , b.' gl:id to return to hi- "Id ma-r.-r b-, • ground roa'l, or even .'>n f>.ii. if in ■ .i. . ha- expiericnced more suHerim: duri:;. L ■ ■ live nionths in (’anad;i, than he h.i' ■' whole life in slavery! After nine ballotings, the niojit, yestenlay, succeeded in eh'-tin.' ' Senator in place of Mr. Phelp-^. Wiii.- Kellogg (Homocrat ^ i- the sucet.-sl'ul i.:.. ami was electei.l by f/irrc ovt-r his ^\... petitor. Judge Collanier. The tU-L-tijii v hiive lieen efteetet.1 bv a coalitieii b-’^r- Free Soilers .who held the balance ufi 'S- tiie regular J.>eiuoorats, in the s:iuu- m--- the election of the Democratic Sp',uk-.r^-- ’ ‘d. A. } . A )/■'.".-.s. a Very belligerent Admiristration. 3Ir. .-lays Mr. Kron»;on and denounces the Thi- i i utlirie H.iril I)cniocr;icy—."VJr. (.'ushing makes war upon th.' Soft h.inoeracy—anti 3Ir. Jefferson l>avi.s rear- at iiml pitches into 3Ir. Tooinb.s. F'rom i'l.aine to (leorgia, the members ot the Cabinet s'n:i)\iAX iioiiM.. (fuo(/., IIftrihciirc. ( '• roct ri", FA Vi:TTFVii>i.i:. r. Ol 1.1> respectfully inform tlio ;r: put)lic generally, that they have‘ from New \ ork. ami are receiving their .':.' . ot Uooils. consistiiijr of Ih'i/ (njuih, (r ran rn Ilarih ■ A variety of Hats, suitable for the -e::* : juitl ('lentlemcn’s Boots. Shoes ami Slii'i ir>: • •ep a w;itchtul eye, and fire at, if they do not fitment of rea.ly-made Clothing; a *: h"ot tb.e ri'fnictorv pn'vioiis to tht' i.'ist Were t"bl. vv;i- •'t-omiinr 1 his is the >rood time tlnit l;niies li Presi.lential eb.vtion, vvo : «. J . A'l y>V''A‘vs -> • t '1 y. fit* , t oin IV m » 111'’ trcnn'nd"iis l)imocrriric- niaji rity i>f P.'nn- .-ylv.-iiii i does not -ecni to Ix' all IeMl." In I’errv foiuity then' vv:is a great fniml praeti.sed. Jyist yi-ar tin* eountns pniled vott's. 'I'his vear it polled (, iiiid td' this increase •227tt w;is th" I •' inoeriitie vote. lino, an.l we woiil.l 1.' ) . 1 examine for theiiiSf!vt-. ent tt) our care fniiii ..urn tonn'1's will t»o pnniiptly attemle.l t . Man-h liS').{. in f "'nn/i/nih „f,i,y am/ .r//-(inii/i,,,f.—The Free- imni's Jnuriial of New York, in .•I’niiounfiiiL^ rhe fh .-tioii of Mr. Peter l);iw.son, the DfintH'ratic member elect m’ the Assfuiidy for the twelth dis trict, siys, ••W'e cmigr:itulate Mr. I>aw.'on on his- elect n 111, fh,,;},i, a luosf n/inhf,- ll III/ I'.rrt //i Ilf i(ii'ri) r nf unr puprr." W'ry Iniml-i soim.‘ly tloiie, is it notir ' j one you saw.' . Well, I mostly forget neow, but 1 believe it said Ciin mi the fust un. i't. tiin!! 'riien sir, I what then' wa in. Novv, sir, tell oney ^Vcll, on the nc.xt one il said ‘IJen Kim- •I III,in nj tiutn, },ut I ihiulc lim Klinhdll iras iiisilde thr Icdij'. — A n idu I'hinki r. sir, 1 guess we cati find out in those ki'gs if you iliihi't look us what it said on the nr.rt a merry 1 i:i viiiii: he.irt ami ;i sccui't'd ail in tinit' tn h.-is just is a ill HI I siime description of lin^se i.so- in my mind there is not a Swamp Lands have bei'u .lonatetl bountifully by recent Congresses to the Western Stati's. As the public has probably very little iih'ti (d' the extent ot lilt' nafimnil generosity towanis the vigorous * I young eoininoinvcalths td tin; West, it niay be of I interest to many to know that, according to the ' ot flit' M.'S- j icport of ihe I . i«s. Surveyor (icneral for Missouri an 1 and Illinois, the loiaj niuuber of aerc.s of swamp _ imen ' lami given to .Missouri is 2,7«5r.,'S71, and the toh'ial.l) fail. 111 eon.se,(uencc of not being so number given to Illinois is *> ;i7(l (385 \ocord- niut' 1 expo.s,'. to th.' sun. Among them, ('«pt. ■ iug to the St. Louis Uepr.bUean,’ much‘of this 1 ami litrlM''" *' "‘1^ ’•f' ‘-- ' I ilmetl, ami, in general, _ht e^cs. j the >*oil IS so rich ;ts to imiLo it very valuble. -Vs a nice, tlu'V ari' tliaii- of ('alifnriii.'i. lighter in cohir Imleetl, tin; wn td .-Vbst'iice, jii'occt'tis with liglit step to niln-r sii.ir his giime. In' re;ieht s tiie li;irn-vai drive tin' lowing heni ali.'hl, as Jenny concluded her labor mi the last cow am leaving with her p.iils for tln^ hmi-'. The vmiiiL^ Hodge returns in tinu' for his bn'iikfast wliit'h is smoking on the table I.efore him, ami he wattes a war of extermination on bi.seuils, mils, and lo.i- gers, on cups of hot eidfec and gla.sscs of ctiol milk, until his stomach is sati-licil. Hi* performs all the work he ha.s to do I'het'rfuliy, ami then startes to gathi'r the ritdi brown chestnuts ami vvhiti* hicktu'y nuts for the winter nights tlnit are apjiroaching. Tin* nuts fall ontheciisp leaves, ami in their fall ni.ikc music to the hoy-farnier’s ear sweeter even than the songs of s[)riiiir. lie- fore night elo.ses in he lias .sot-uretl as many nuts a.s he can carry, ami goes cheerily homeward, while the indignant si|uirrel.s hark at him from a dozen trees. Happy, indeed, is such a farmer- hoy, and hapjiy are fhe iiiHnonces of such a boy hood tin tlu* -troiig iiiiin into whieli f! in a lew years rtipidlj' mature. •ndolcnce with Noggin (hanl) of! ( ustmii House; :ind Brown (stdt) ; Liik '■— 111 the New Vor oi the Boston Custom Hou.se. ^le time is ..ut of Joint:—0 eur.se.1 spite! lliai ever 1 w.-is horn to set it risiht. ill Starr,',1 inspectors; justly may ye curse, 1 lit' .loom .'issij;,K>,i ye hy a ehaiice perverse. Uliy eiuiM not Fato Inive ehanpe.l her ruthless car.! lave softene.l .\t.,2srins. an.l our l:ro-.vn nia.le hanl’.'’ ^r it uiK haiiffeil lit'r fell decret's must work Phieeilln're her .XoiruMns. an.l her Hrown. i,i Vork'/ hettei still, haii we lit'en (lutiirie's care. .\ii'l t'lisliinfi's iii.'iifhUes been ilireetoil there.’ /ioffllll The l|iscoverer of Cold in An.stralia is to be n^w.inh'tl by ihe British government. Tln> Colo- niiil iiuthorifies of Aiutndia propo.se to give to Mr. il.'irgnives, the di.scoverer, .i'IO,O(i0, but the Duke of N’ewca.-tle, who is the head of tlio ('olonial l)i>- partniont in the .Ministry, ofl'ers him only half that sum, wliicii Ah'. Hargraves objects to. _lu the city of Houston, Te.xa.s7it is said that - l''/ spent for intoxiciifing licjuors. le loj vyi J 1,. pojmlation consists of about three thousand I white iuhabitauts. I ilU'I.Mil llliUI l!ILL,\Tini' in Tiift C10NTINUK to make t.. or ler. an 1 on hainl t'rviirli MSitrr Of all tlimensions. warr.-uiteii r . lie -t i v't , inj: mat.le from Hurr liloeks selecte.i I'v tlu'i ■ " liest quarries in France. They keep t"r -i I'ocalica and " sloiu‘.'«; Hurr lilorks. UoIihil'^ " ScRHMi W’irc, C'alciiK'il I’lii'lir- llvdraiilic ('riiimi. vV*'- .)riiers from any part of the coiuitiy I'r "n ’’.' ed to. * K. yt, .A{Tent at Kaypt'i ' _ March 11. l.S-^o. 1 M'V-.V li.AJvKlO ^IlK Sutiserit>er has estahlisiie l fi McNeill’s Caliinet Shop. e is pr I'.-iinilies, Boats, ainl the puhlic geiier liiseiiit. antj Cakes of various kin.N, of thf I' "' as he has j>roouretl the servit'os of ' Makers in the.‘-ratt'. I’rii'es reasona hie. o:m'- Fayetteville, Dec. 28, 18.’>2. KocK'Fisii sni:i: V the Iiale or lialf tiale, for s.-de t'.' T. H A’ltill V .luly 1.”). (orro.N IH.WE a plentiful supply of Gunn.'' Cotton Haspiiiir. Bale fti'jif', -ui.l "Mpt''' - .‘'entl in vour oniers aic! tiif'v shall hf i JAS. '■i ' Oct. !| Oi Sf" j-A The Supei sespif"*' The ’nui trying tw«cn l>nnc= roe. Strit'ii-'^- Bank-, ami the 'Icfcmlai B, Wright, verdict was On Mond. elecfctl hist Rac a- aod eiitwred' There is : this tlay tht wUl be but B»tra !oui : on the secoi barn. Pocket to b money aii'I The cast Horse steali ty of Richuj have been j i-TfiK Ma| the failure tion. cvt'U TLricc sue] field, Ixichij inquiries mail bag h: Chcraw wit other fiilui 'Phi- wet Rii-hui'ii 1 Oct'd'.-r an not n ai-b t Po-tin isit r Hill is in t thr ri'Ufi- A thr irni/ ;/' Thi- nioJ last 'riiursil Store, also Wt' ‘an»| ure.‘. We call out all as to see tij Exfk«'ti papers ajiO' bflieve th.ij Pierce’- 'aj bt turned I fliipjiosilit »f War, li avowing hil seat in tlie camt' a can The electii adversely be sent to But Wf Cabinet vvi one of its j vitletl he cl nieti who ij who can al prfvioiislyj S«'rt a sinlJ political r.j refuge. 1] take to thi Prcsitlent'l by discarJ them, amil ■well a.s thj TtiK Nl Union, aiij the Soutlj the di'ft'atj party, ami that bravil to iis tliaTl floort'd. aJ It i«; trii' th> Snutll the Snutll the dentil tained tol unoxampj agf whici Yirk, in .struf-;.de,- are luonl the intluti rally siijl omen. it IS shown m p'.setl tlia }>Ut 111 id them, inj tllcreb other' they wi Guthrie’] this was The etj at Wash coniph'td ami whej Was wonl niuit'iati call- for Iiearaticij they not etl ;iml Ij son was rather have trii Tile Wf havel S.'it-. e!l ed; ami I lower Id

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