"mm I'KOM TUK Un.I.'^r.OUOl (ill RKCnIM'Klt. .\n‘(HXT.MKNTS Or' thr AiiniKil Cun/.n iirr „/ thr MclhfHh'st l*r>- fi'^tiiut Chufrh, . (’. IhMi i' t in' I’vosiileut oloft. I”. Harris. Wihninixtoii Station—H*'- Siipt. AlluMiiarU'—I. !•’. Sl>‘‘igl'U I'. N*n".in, asst. , IJoauoko—\\ H. A\ ills, su|'t.. (». A. Whitaker, asst. Hnlifax—1>. L. Htvkius, Mipt. (iraiivillo—»1. Ti. Mi« siijit. Oraiiiie—Dr. II. T. AWatluMly, supt. L. (’.u.- \oy, Tlionias (V Hayos, J. .V. Noi*st>. assfs. Haiulolpli—A. W. Iiiiu>l)iTry. siipt., .1. (’aiiM'V and • ^Ti'atli, sissts. ]>avicIson—Alex. Uobbius, supt., J. (Juiri*, a>st. (I’nilfonl—Alson tJray, .■upt., IJ. 15. IVathor and N. Uoldiin, assts. Yadkin—l>avi«l Wosuor, supt.,'I' II I Viriain,a.''.-'t. Mocksvilli*—Qulntoti lloltnn. ."Upt.. *1. Kanott, asst. (Mcvoland—-JaiiK's IVans, sujtt. Hnucoinbo—l>r. -I. Cnunly. supt.. I‘ '»■ clieaux, a.st. Fayottevillo mission—H. 11. supt. ^liinroo—.l(>sop!i Parkt'r, siipt. 'rahornaclt'—to bo supplied. Left in tin* hands of t!\o President, lleid ('oeli- raiii, ’f- ^V. liockie, Daniel Thompson. Left without appointment, at their own request. W. -i. Ogburn, A. Harris, ('. l>raUe; -I. Itenshaw. 'riie Conference established an institution »'t Learning, to be under its immediate .'•uperinteu- dcnee, and Dr. II. '1'. Weatherly wa^ appoiuteil ajjeiU to travel and solicit funds. It is known as the “Zadkin Institute.” A Nonrii I\vknth>.\.— 1 lu' New Vork Kxpress has the followiuir noti-.v of I’ALMl'.US UOTAllV SKKli \NU (lllMN Tlir.KSllKl!. We had an opportunity, in eoniUMn with n!aii\ others, of .s‘'(‘intj this maeiiine in operation .it th(‘ manufaetorv, in (>I‘I Wafer street, on Saturday last. From what wi> Know of its prineiple «.f .-on- struftion and niethot! of working, wc arc 'atisti. d that .'Ir, 1‘aluii‘r dot'.'i not o\. r.'tcji the limit'- ot laet whi*n he >avs that it “4‘lean> the i:rain trom smut and >-imii:ir imimrities ar the sime tiuii' it i' thveslu'd, and a vi'ry irreat srsviiiu; "f lal>. r i' I'lleetcd bv its \ise.” 'riieai tion i.'-ralhi*r eompli- eated, but we nuiy attempt to deseril>e what aj'- p. ared to us to be the mi-re ]>rcmineut aiii! p i u- liar features of the invention. 'I’lie imrse power by wiiieh the maeiiine is wroiiirht. aofs iminedi- .itely on a wheel revolvinir within a woot!«>ii t-ase. which .Mr. l*aim r ealis the trouirh. Tiii wlii'el is furnished on its eirriimferenee w ith four ryliiid- rieal iron bars, e.ieit about l.> it\cbes louir and one ineh and a i|uarter iti diameter. I’he-e arc the dail=. The nnthreslied >:rain pas-^es info :h>* trough from two ho]>i»e;s. ouo of wliieii i> lived on eaeh side of the former. 1‘rovision i^ made in the hoppers for tin' remova! of elavev or other foreiirn matter trom tin* t;iaiu li.'fore if pa-^es into tlu* threshiuir ma« hine. Tht* flails n-volvi i>etwe.'u ‘‘rubber^’’ within tli.* e.is( . whit h—(we nitan (hr rubbers)—ean b(' adjnsJe.! to 'iiit an\ kiml of grain from riee to wheat The flail- e.irry the i^rain around with them and betvM-en the rubli.Ms. totally si'paratlnt: tin* coni from t!if --traw. and dcjtO'iirintf bftth on :i i>road woiub'U jdane, placed riidit in front of the trough, atttl pierct'd witli eir eular liole Thi board is t-nclosod witiiin a l.ir^f wooden frame and is eonneett-d with tin* threshiiii' machine. It ha^ a rectproeatiuir ri*(‘tilineal mo tion, by means of which ttie corn, ■'traw, and hatf are pitched forward on it at t'very movement Underneath the middle of it there is tixfd a powi rful blast, whiih by ai tinir on tlie straw and corn, through the holes in the Hat inovinir board. fonjpletcl_\ drives ofl the snmf and dust throiii'h ;i \'cnetian ventilator x>f in tli.* the top of the frame work, and 4-arries these impurities up a funiie! to any height rerptired. Tiic nioinentum tliat the prMlucts of tln‘ threshiuLr apparatu> had firt :ie- *iuired from their bi*itig subjected to tlu* action of the flails, added to iln* new impetus thev ri'rcive from the under blast, now drives them still fartht'r onward on the moving board. l>ut beiore the materials have proeeedei mueh farther on it the entire momentum has been ex hausted, and tlieir carriage to the outt‘r end of the machine depends entirely on the alternate motion ot the board. This motion is sutUcieiit to throw off the straw, but the grain and ( hatf beini: smaller and heavier in pro]>ortion to their Imlk, are jerked dowti through the circular holes in the bf»ard itself, and received below on a wire screen. Hy :i peculiar actit>n of the blast the cliafl' is blown ofl this screen to the extremity of the ma chine. Here it meets witli the faHii'ig straw, and both drop on a bmad itr lined canvass belt lifted with small narrow ,'^lips of wood set atro.ss it and inclined towards the surface at a sharp angle, not luiliko the arrangeinent in a chain pump. The belt slope."} upv.ards from where it receives the ehaff and straw to a licight of son»e ten or twelve feet. I>y its revolution it bears up these materi als and drops them into u wagon, iSce. jdaced un derneath the elevated end. In the meantime the corn, dropping through the wire screen instead of being carried along with tbe cbaft', is thoroughly winnowed; after being winnowed it falls into a trough \n which tin endless stnew n'volves and b}’ which it is carried alojig umler the machine to the side opposite to that into which it had fal len. When conveyed to the other s:ide the grain is taken up by a chain of buckets and deposited in a receptacle at the top of the frame called the receiver. From the receiver it drops into an ob long box under it measuring precisely half a btishel. As soon as the measure tills it can be emptied into a sack, i^c. by removing a sliih; ]i,l at its bottom. l*rom this dc.scription an attentive reader may gather a tolerably accurate idea of what .Mr. I'ai mer claim.s as original in hi.- machine. 'I'ho.M* who wish to acfjuire a minuter acfpiaintance with it, can .see the machine itself at Mr. 1‘aliner's manufactory. Cniws of f'n'mc.—Of :i Kt convicts coiilincd in the Tennessee Penitentiary, :5S wore temperate before sentenced, and intemperate; and liiT were drunken when they committoil crime. 'I'hon- are 18 who.se fathers were temperate, I!»7 wln.sc* fathers were intemperate, oi' whom Tli W(‘r(> eom- mon drunkanls. 'rin'rt! are tliree who have had a clas.sical education, 7 a common Knglish cdii. ation, 105 who can read and write, who can ren.l only! and >:; who can neither read nor write. 'I’he'se •^tatistic.s show very clearly that intemp(‘rance and 'be want of education are the two most fViiilfii! ■'ources fif crime. V' iift/jir III AV/r 1 «/•/•.—'I'hc \ew N ork Irdmne siaf-s that the wholo numb.-r ..f jdaces wheiv alcoholic li(,uors are .«old in that citv Vrrl •* reported disorderK', shops, l,(ISK; e.xclusively wholesule, js;; ' )f the taverns for travellers there are only ,t,(. whole number r>,S94 sell three ccit .iri„'k.- 1 *>1 I are clo.sed on Sundays; ICJO hav.* gambli,,;/- To t;; are kept by Anu*ricans «»r persons cairupr thom -Ivesst.ch; :j I'TO by (i.-m.ans; bv Irish- by other foreigm-rs; hy women, and l»y colored people. Oj.en on Sunday AM.- imshand “my dear” in ).uW,0, »nd “you in tlv LT. .MArnV’S PLAN OF X.VVK!A'l'IO.V. tradin-r iittcre-i. so pr.' KROM TUK M».N1>ON .VI’HK..NKrM OF 0 T. I. j ^-'dts. fjiVitf. J/(ti>r>/'X for IiiifU'oriHi^ ^\in‘i;/iif*oii, '|’h(* New ^ ork 'limes ;ind the Kv’euing • ost, ii'iffi snnn' /iiniin'/i! >>n (hr ai/citiiho/f in’ixiiii/\ .j curious fact, are the in.iin defender;'in this /'I'om th(‘ l*ursiiit of' eitv •! the J*i‘i'e*^ mixed .Vbolitiou anil Seces.sit)U The pres‘nce ..f Licut. .Maury in Kun.pe; the ! .\dministration, which, (’ustom t'on-ressof .Meteond..gists just hehl in m-ussels; • llou.se patronage, has not 10,00(1 votes among '■ ’ fity and Its suburbs ientific re-1 'I’nK S.\Ni>\VJrii lsi,AM>s.—We oecasiotially .MAX IS PPvOXK TO KPvllOK i The Xr»- ' 7/»,W.- T!, , ,1 .• * “‘\Vcli, I’ll fell you,’ resumed the doctor.— huiw Kpiscop;.! clnuf Is i litj,.,. ,, u( sound and comwM yative sentiments in the ^ i i . i> i • ‘Some years ago, I was at the races down at Lai- ; on iMouuay aileini.on. ^ (_’harlest(Mi Mercury, which thus now tjjjjor,. about the time the (’entral Club was in j ndigious serv.ces by thi !;• o breaks thriuigh its ])arty traminel.s. 'I’he follow- heydey—before racing Inid died doivn in thej D 1\, IJishop ot the Pior iiiffi)arasraph is particularly worthy of -oninienda-1 eounty. Stevens’s “lUaek .Maria' had beaten ' in the Diocese of \o: t!i t ' ~ ‘ ’ tho Southern hor.se in the great race of the .M'ason. Ib'V. II. P>. !>rane. h. i». tion:- 1 the arrival of the Dolphin at Southampton: and j the million ot people in this city and its .-uburbs^ ,1,,. pnl.lication of the c(.rrespondence between I he antecedetits ot tl.e •• I imes ar.M^-corded and (’ d. Sabine, Dr. Ilache, ami the Knglish .\dmi- ean be e.s.ly km-wn. _ I he eu.tor started here ;raltv, combine t. render a l.rief notice of the , muhM- the auspues ot t.ov. >eward atid his fr.tm ' oronosed ioint investicaf ion of the oeean desirable, in tin- ‘w..ol tra-le; )mt t hat bran.di of busine.ss I - ^ ^ ^ , failing, after the ( omin-omi.se Hills lK>came popu- j ,as IS4-J, conceived lar, he .liverg.-.! oil into “cotton and • wor.’^ted, three thousaml miles from •ience if the masters and is now in the Adniini.-tration line. He it bv tlie whalinir crews be imlueed to keej) , wa.s, who, in the dark and trying I lines oil. „f all nations, inhabit.*d by a ,'d fa.shion. Practical ' as Speaker of the As.semldy of this Estate, framed ' , Polvnesi.ms. :in.l so proposed joint , if not nece.s.sary I Lieut. Maury, .so le.ig ago a.- i that it would be useful to scienc» i of .Vinerican vessels could 1 their hf>-books in an improvet . ..... ^lIen shook their hea.ls at the idea. He wished the Wilmot Provi.so llesolutions of instructnms, i them to rec ord the set of euri-ents, tin* lej)tlis of i the (dijecf of which was to prevent any .\ew : the ocean bed, the heat of the water. 'I’hey Iid Vork member id' (’ongri'ss from lending any sort ' not see liis purpose, and for a long time they gave i of sanction to the settlemeiit proposed in C(»ngre.ss i him little assistance. Materials r.everthele.ss by Henry (May. and tloMi re.-isted by W in. H. I slowly grew in bulk under his eye; he oomparel Sew'ard. , . 'the infVu-mation which he (d>tained with older 'I’he anieei'deiits .»f the “hvemng Post are so i loixs; and at the end of six years he announced well known, that he who runs may read them. his first i>ractical di.scovery—a new’ route to llio. I’rofessing anti-slavery principles, and constant- ' Practical men still shook their heads. They ly repudiating in theory all pro-slavery jdat- ' who hail cro.ssed the line a hundred timt;s were forms, it yet sujiports ('very luan of its party who not to be tau«dit navi'Mtion by a person who spent stands upon them, In sentinient |iertectly agree- liis days in star-gazintr or poring over old logs, ingwith Hale, Sumner, and Chase, am “We have niortf than once expres.sed our opin- this project, wh*n it only glimmered in horizon. We are sorry to have to I thing near at hand. It certainly ittraction by propin|uity. It is an ngly and a dirty affair. What jtossibh* motive have sickly and withered tribe of Polynesians, and so cut up by sharp ridg(‘s and gullies that all tin* science of ('hristendom conld make nothing big- fer than kitchen gardens on its soil. ^Vhal can be made of the Sandwich Islands? 'I'hey serve nt'W as th(‘ Tavern of tin* I’acifu- Oci‘an. ('an they ever become anything lietter than that':' W (' see no possibilitv f>f it. What sort of material, Hut a ra-e was made by Colonel dohnst.n, to run “Trifle” a'fainst the .Xorthern mare the next ilay. / “'Prifle” was then young, and pretty mur-h nn- * ' injnni, „u n known. “Trifle” beat the race*. I here was a great dt'ul of excitement about, and a good deal ot money lest and won. After the race was over. I walked uj> to the hotel, where there was a great crowd, and a good deal of bmd talking, laughing, and paying over of money, going on. In tin* midst of all this »/'A'e, Davy's voice sounded high j _ above it all, and compelled attention. if .seems We learn from the Wat. that the mo.sf of the betters hal slaked i‘iw‘' the Synod (»f Xorih (•••r ' “Pdack Maria”—and very naturally too, for .>^he I ehan.red the i.oui; I ii • crci-ted a new Sii-ani Sav 'ii, as ('aliiori’ia, ;;:!! ii h:; - i some time; and ^lessrs. p.,,, hav(' very rec(‘iiliy lii!!sh.‘il ;i superior «-;ipac!ty ne.ii U-l:-,; .Mill. -V Planing Mill Is i I l.itter.— ]Viliiiii>iilnii Il.tul.l, I-,. ‘•'.V liiii. ------- . . . . »»!' * M HI i ,1 J-J J'Y j.j had won the race of the day before against one o j>;.^.j.ijyfj.ries of Fayette\ill, ',,,,i .lohn.son’s best hor.ses—the “Donnets of Line I ,v„.„„.iy ran betw. cn (i.,1,1 believe. Davy, however, had bet on “'I'rifle,’ and of eour.st- lie won. IL' was .-tci-ordingly in hiirh spirits, and was consoling the lo.st'rs by ex- , M- t -• o. . -I'l -1 plaiiiinir to them how prone man was to as thcji, do they nllor.I lor a Staie.'^ I lie very idea , if_ —so as to includi' I lolii.-'linruiiir!, I- II . -nil 1 "'Uiiij • it I-ayetteviiie Pn'-byreiv.— ///// ', ->K\v It was not easy, therefore, to get a .sailor bold /in/.-// ]>hi]iw>j)hers, it votes for Po.k and the an-i eiiouiih to vonture on the new route; for seamen, | nexation of Texas, with tour slavehohling States! more strongly wedded to trailition than perhaps in its l»osum. Denouncing the lialtimon! j { any other body of profe.ssionals, were afraid of form, it advocates and votes for an .Vdmini.stra-j . In realit v is I the .’reat IJelt'of Calms near the e.,uator, ami of tion which, tlirou^h .Mr. Cushing, savs Pre.sidcnt | a bngbear of a current .setting on Cape >t. Lo,-he. Pierce intemis to pt'rsecute every body that does j \dmiuistration to a There was an imn!t i;>-‘ I!-,,, “‘dentlenien, I tell yon, you neeiln'i thinl; any the .Metntpolitaii H ill last niol, wor.se of yourselves for betting on the wrong yelt ](residing, with '’gii'y-ci;r||! \: y ,1 ,, I-.- 1 • e mare, for I wish I may nev‘r see another horse An .\ddre.ss, siiriud bv tia- h,.,., , (’onfederacy, and from all the political maxims of i . - ^ oi ii\ ' ‘ I other *, I til I I race il man a 11 t always coinmittinir ai tai in some ,'^hel!) State ( ommittcc, w.,., ,, I, II II ' our .saii-es. .Vnd as a i-olony, these Islands (ould , , n • . ■ ■ " Polk and the an-i , ^ , i . i-. . | shape or other. It a n r in his nature to a\oid it. Hastings, siistainniz omii .oii is half disgusting, half absurd. l>ut the I niti'd States cannot aciiuire them as :i permanent C(d-j ony. without dejt.irting from the very spirit of our * .V po.-^sible use but as a military jiost—an from in South .Vincrica. .Vt length a boliler than tin re.st proposcil to sail under Lieut, .^laury s diri*c- tion>; and the eonse(iuonce was that he reach(*d the line in twenty-four days instead •! forty-one. He had sailed nearly as tiie crow flies, in-tead ot running .seven or eight hundred miles out id‘ the ilirect i-ourse to avoid iiuagiiiary dangers. .Vtter this Liri-at discitvery Lii'ut. .^laury h:id little trouble with the seamen. To use hi«* own words: “X’avigators now for the lirst fiint' appear- eil to eompndiend what it wa> I wanted them to do. ir/i//." it wa- thi> ‘-why" that had ni.ide them indifferent. riie\ c luld see no ad- \antai.;es in recordinir the minute detail> a-^kt'd t’or by the a-'trouomer. and they failei in many case, to xi\e themselv*s the trouble, l/ieut. Maiirv's next •^erviet* wa> shortening at \ariou> ]..iints the route to California. IL‘ .succeeded in rednciiiij the entire sea \oyage trom I''0 to lOO ilavs. It i-- with s\ich pr.ietieal recommendations in hi' hand th.it the .Vmeric.in astronomer h.is now come to offer to Kurope a share in the gloi \ :ind the benefits of a larirer. more systt'inatie. and more minute ocean sin vi'v th.in h.i'- ever before bet'U made. in tiie pamphlet now before us Lord W’roties. ii V has put the case in a ver\ lnei«l and inierevt- ing wa\, adducing some facts in proof ot the valu»“ of .seientitlc knowledge even when it would not seem to be praetieaily available. The «.tor\ i f Franklin and his thermometer is a good instance ot'tbi kind. I'r.anklin. as every ImkIv know>. wa' gre.it at experiment -. He had a jiassion for a.-Oi‘rtainiiiir facts, whether isrdated or i^ther. When crns'inc the .\flantiv he had been in the h.ibit ot dipping his tliermonieter into the sea and notlui; the record. 'I'hese simple «*X]«i-ri- ii’.eut'. though he had no notion of their special impoitanee at the tini»*. caused one of the great inti rnal revolutions in America, transt'erred the tiadeami wealth of CliarlestOii to .New Vork, from the South to the Xorth, from the shive .>tates to the free This im]»ortant transfer was I'fU'cteil thu'-. ‘•When Dr. Franklin was in Kns^laiid t!ie mer- not stai'.l upon it. Having principhs in its month, in short, it always belies tlu-m in its act,';, and constaiitlv doe.-' the very thing /// th e nuiiii that in tlu* .-ibstraet it prtmounccv alroeioiis or wrong. — X. ). /.'.ijiifxs. Iion nt Ti'oi/ !iirirol nj the \~i‘ii /til,'11 j>riiirifj//.iiiif I'rnclIll's. —I iider this caption the .N’ew Vork Herald .^ays: ‘-We have >eeii let?, r- from 'I'rov. in this State, and some extract' trom them iiiildished. stating that the d post, three thousand inih ! thiii^ worth defi'iiding! but one argument in that it is necessiry \ery Admiuistration to annex something, and that th'“ Sandwich Islands in the ord(*r of Provi dence, hav«‘ fallen to tln> lot of I’resident Pien-f-I W'e heartily wi'h him a more prolirable adven ture.” Why, sar, let any man—any Intelligent man— Soilism, and congratui;.tiii- ti|, not tint ‘I military ‘“*y fifi'tlemen around—any uiau, .sar, who result of ihe recent Ouciiuis. The hypocrisy do(‘sn’t know the geography of thi' country ii(‘’s a son with the address v»t re riding in, conu' to a pla.ce in the woeds where the Senator Dickinon, .l iliii !5 roads fork, and hi' s sure to takt' tin* wrong lork ' wore read, ru.'t-iviing tin ,. —he’s sure to do it. sari .And, gentlemen, if Sj)oeclies in the ■^anie vein v. ri 'l" there’s a cockfight a transjiiring any where, the Senator Stockton. (I'-n. W jj most of tlu* betters are sure to pick out the fowl (’utting, and Hon. lienrv that's whippt*d—1 m*ver knew it otherwise!— qmm—if«i n Pitcii up a handful of eopjiers in the middle of .\o!ir> fi’siri-:**!-.. Ti.-i ui„i,,. f the administration, in its a bar-room that’s full of people, and some two or, nil Society wiil nieit :n tin li ,u... preteiuled desire to ernsh out abolition in .'lasSa- (lui'ett^. has been once more exemplilied in the recent a]ipuintim*nf of Horace Lyman, a proini- iieiii I'ree Soiler in I’ranklin county, postin;ist('r in Siunlerland, in place of Horace Henderson ilfog(‘ther b\ chaiiC' the n -will say, Po-tm.ister oi' that city, a distinguished politician reinove.i. Lyman wa.s the Free Soil re).- of the .M irey and Nan Ibiien.scho.d, i.s there di.'- i„ The fact is, the Cushing covered ti in* ''tiinwhat a detaulter in hi' money , atfaii', and the 'ioi v i' that th.) ilcficiency or de- ; talcation .amounl- to •'‘^.lO.OiWi or .■'iIO.OOO already. ’I'hc name ot the I*o>t master, we believe, is l»i>s- worth. who. have learned, wa- a highly re-j 'peetabh' man. i iig.iged in 'onu* eoniiaercial ^ operations. He wa' taken up by the Vail Huren party oi Tro\, who made him tiisr Vlderman. and then Mavor of tin- eit\, and recently, by their influence with tht* »'■ pmls Caliiuei, at Washington, j he wa' appointed Postmaster. I hese are the { tact" in thi curiou' a>e, as far as they ‘au lie asia-rtained with ac. iir:ie\. They present a 'in- gular and atlractixe illn-'tration of the revival of the Van Murcii p.'irt\. the \'an ibiren pidiey, :;nd the \'aii l)urcn practice> in tlii> State.” nk:ise was not intended for Ma.'-sachusctts, but to three, by chance “Heads,” but all the n't of them will -ull out “TailsI” and when you come to pick up the cop- l»er.>^, its heads they all are: I never knew it otherwi.se, unless thar was some elieating going on. .\nd now, gentlemen loser.s. I’m going to take th‘ lii.erty of giving you a little advice—1 always practise on it—and I don’t know that 1 of I)e**inl)pr ('nurt, at I I iiiiport.-int hn.siness hel'ni, an A'Mress will l>p ildi-.i ' Niiv. 7, IH.-,;;. Tiii iONi"' oi l'---riu:.oi ibtily PSj.i'i tc'l. i . 1- T. opei.ate Upon the .Mississippi election. 'I'he papers ever lost any money except when I’ve been f’ool- of th;it St;ite announce that a letter was t’orward- hardy enough to go against it: and that is, aiway.s ed to Mr. .Nicholson, of the Wadiington I nion, to bet against the majority; for i’ll be d—d, sar, int|uiring into tin* Free Soil aflinities of the ad- if [ ( ver have known ’em to be right, e.xcept ministr.aiion, and that it was answered by enelos- vvhen it was clearly by ehai’cel You see it must ing ;i copy of .Air. Cushing's lett r, with the re- be so—for, seeinir as how man is prone to mrKr, ijiii't that it 'lionld be spnad before the people the majoritv of ’em must iro wronu; and the ma- of Mis'^issippi with :tll jiossible dcsp;iteh The letter Was undoubtedly written puipo.'t' alone, and is not t* be too literally ob- ority being neeossarily wrong, whenever yon iniparl th.‘it (iill's .\( t 11,11 Hi j{'\Is,] Siiliscril.pr, li M. itcrienco, li.ns f,»r soaic fiii.,. i tlicre if a fh-sidfrutuin tu he v(.t sii|i|i!i(-i i,. | the wfiy of !i suitalilc Imrnisli inr 1 ’ •>'. tin* tirttclcs now «,ii'>l eitlirr i'.jtiii'tiif Va*’. The letter Was undoubtedly writtt'ii I’or that want to bet your money npini a nice, or cock-fight nuilfrxtauiun^ .i].roj.i at faro, or tjccf-'Miv 1,1 . ill- li't' . , . . ing tlif la't twelve !iit.iitliK. ),•.•!! ,ii or anything the ta.*k of prc|.ain-an :u ti( i.-fr. .- W ~ ! served here, :is such appointments a' that of ;,t all at which gentlemen pleasure themselves— tii.ns. am! La at Icnirtli Fislicr Hihlreth, at Lowell, and this at Sniider- , land, .ibiindantlv show.—lio.-itou .l/A/s :iii'-r iiiii.-h i •vi-'t;,;.. find out the general 0|)inion, and put tip yonr «-'ipcriin.-at coinj.K-tety s!u-ci t'.|(.,i. j n-’. .f;,,,:, money airainst it, as I did r>n the V’iririnia mare, nf j‘lus u’t/n LurnixU. Up . nIv «isht-liir:;; on principle, and you'll doublo your pilel—you "Vill'rln liiin ' It is pvoposf-d to carry tin* mail from N«-w Vovk to llo'ion in a tube at tiie rate of fittecu mile.' a minutel A eollision of mail bairs, im>vinir with may depend upon it. as sure as my name’s David Waddle, at your service'.’ ”—lihfrhirtU* r ('fnuii. Mrs. dailies contradict.s the statement of the r.'-rr\ it .Mr. \utli.-!!, Sikis vle.c r«tat>lisiimcnt, oti I’l rhioi :mil K witli an excellpui article n ciipap rat,-. THn'ili.- Xiu. l>'”t-I. \ofIiiiiif Xi'- tiiiifif lU> Sun."—.\lthonirh this sa_\iiig is scat-eely true in an age of progress liki* till* jiresont, the age of ste.iin and of tele graphs, y,‘t it is str.ang" how many things seem to . ... . . , be coming anew wiiicli were whollv or partiaMv Delaware Gazette, in relation to the discovery of veltK-ltlC' ill opo'ite ilireefions wonj.f ( It the tiling 1 . .1 • . i’ i.* ‘ i * -i i - t i i i i i . X I' I ,1 ' 1 .. .- known to the ancient.^. olt s l\i‘vdver, for »‘X- evidence by wtnch she has induced those wno .>v^ Will po."i I » ) 01,1 t \ I Us ra « '* ' *•' " ;,iii],le. is cried up as one of the greatC't inven- iield the large estate in New Orleans, to which .Magistrates of Cuiaherian I Cnuiit} nr- tions of the day, yet the original hint of it seem she laid claim, to eouipromise with ht'r f>n liberal , to nioet at the ourt Houso iu - to have been stricken mit near two centuries u^o. terms. She .says there is not a word of truth in it. ^th .lay of Dec^mWr n. xt, 1, . n- • .1 I 1 • .1 • " ' week of iiur (. ountv ( oiirt.i tur the 1 epV's l>iarv IS rather a .scarce oook in this «-o!hi- • ,i a- v • I \ i .i i , o- -11- /• 1 1 • /-» i-/ • ■ the filnce ot r.ecfister. niadc vacnnt Lv the lie, try, but It IS familiar to tlie antiiiuaries of Lug- _ >ince tiie di.'covery of gold in ( aliforni.a, six i;„kor, Ksouirr-.' lly oni^r of tin-( k.irman inertia, :md te.'t tiieir power- of eoliesion l»ut 'ticii all accident i' impos'ii.l.*, for tlie pre"Ui-e of the atmosphere i' tin- force that car- rie> the* contents of tin* tnl»c. and when the ;iir is exiiausted from f: th eiid of ihe tube, the ■‘plungi r” will remain at r.*'! It i: seriou'ly proposed to carry express matter, and evi-n p.is'enger in tiii>5 way. if any olijeet to this project, tlie daiitrer ol losing tln'ir breath, it i' suirg“sted tiiere may be lVc|uent stations le ‘j^tjtli Jiageofthe ]t volume of the hundred ships have gone ro’.ind Cap(* Horn into edition, we find the author, wlio was which liave not returned. .Some were , .. i« -1 i>i 1 I I I ■ - , oceunvin*' but a minute in the transit lietween haiits of f rovnlenee, Ivlioii.* Island, petitmm*.! . i ■ .i ii i i i 1 . r ..1. .1.^ 'I’l 1 !■ . .1 tliem. so tii:it ;i lotitr rire:itii, Weil lield on to. at 'acii 'tation. will sutlice tin- traveller. the Lords of the Treasury i it wa-^ before tlu recognition of independence) tliat tiie doyernment p.ackets that usually sailed from |-'almouth to IJosfon. I iiited States, might in i’nture sail from liomlon to Piovidence; atni they supported the pray *r of tlieir petition i»y the allt*gation that the avi-raire jiassage from i^ondun to l‘rovidcnce was fourteen days less than that from I'almouth to 15 iston. Now, Falmouth and lioston iicing Im>- tween London and Providence, tiiis statement seemed ratli(*r startling; and Dr. Franklin, who wa.s always on the alert when his country’s inter- e.'ts were at stake, hearing i»f it, seiit for Captain Folger, an old New Kngl; nd w haler, who hap- jieneil alsu to be in London at the time. Tlu* old , I • • I 1 I II brouglit to Sir It niav occur to the tiniiil that the suiluenues., . I 1 I • 1 , ^ > (lit of .staitiinr and stoppin.', tiv this iiietliol. wil j I I 1 I I .. ' niitf ftr jeop.tnl e\en more than the loss of lireath pie of ioo'C te.vture should not try it. Wi- iiav* licard befina* of “goiu*r as if sb*»t »>ut latnl. In tin la't London Secretary to the .\dmir.ilty in the reign «.if Charles hroken up at San I-rancisco, and some found em- Seeaiid and .lanic'i Si*coiid. '•fating the fbliowing idoyment in the Pacific. The abstraction ot this circumstances: large fleet from the .\tlantie Ocean, is on* of the “ Dif.l!. July ::d.—Dined with the ofhcers of the t ^iuses of the activity which has prevailed in ship- Ordnance. where Sir W. Compton, .Mr. O'Xeale, during the last few years, and other great ju*r.sons wore. .Vfter dinner, was Nov. '21, mil/ LL.n.'s.—It is stated that the lfo!(i lip tjoiir (muk! WM. DETTMAR, GUN AND LOCKSMITH Tirf) Door^ III loir jli ssfx. ,/. U. I*nr,.. St rrn t'iihlf, iiuif not It l>inif)h\ f’or it i ' i mu(-h approved of, and in:iiiy tiiereof made.” lu.'^riX'TFl'LLV infiifiiis tlie citii!.-!i-. \ ille iiiiil the .surmundinw coiintrv. • opeiioil a Shop for the purpose of .Nluiuil.ir:. r » L'u,,.- Tliis l„..k> lit.- » u,.pmxiu»r«N. | to it. We liMik forward in immagiiiation to .see people crawling in to a cylinder six feet long by two in di.imeter, to be buttoned in and shot through a tube from city to city in less than no time. lJut we don't imagine tliat we see our selves doing it! We sav, with tin* old lady as she s;iw the 'I'el- i:;- . J- / i’.i’. juj.i'. *. —11 IS siaicu iiiai ine to >ir >\ . ( uiniiton it i/iiu to ilixrhaftie , , .,1 .... r\ 1. 1 1 ,11..- }, t ■ .! . / ■ number upon whom tiie title of D.D. has been ».«; tin tftst of uH i/ri i,i. ftnif mr / .. 1 1 1 » • n 1 • ■ il' I , , ,, ... coiiterrea ijy tiie .American (,olleges this past year is ninety-eight, Bishop Davis, of South ('aroiina, w'di as Kep.nrinr all iorts of having received it from two different sources, tlmt he i.s amply supplieil Aritii ineans .ni-l n. • Tin* number ble.'sed with tlie LL.D. is iiftv-one, execute ju-nuiptlv the >»vil-!-s tli:it a President Pierce, (Joy. Clifford, of Ma.ssachusetts, and Judge Campbell, of the Supreme (’ourt, be- —' " ing thrice Ides.sed. W'e have no doubt that sjieciinens of tlii> gun j :ire jirc.served in the '!’.iW(*r of London, but i.s it I proved of, and of which .so many were then maile, should have since disappeared, instead of being mor*‘ highly improvt'd, as it is at the present day, under the 'kill of a Xew Knjrlander'::' NOTK'i:. HCLLtX K. .Ir. .V ('>. m.-iili't !■ ahout the -J.^tli Oct. lasi. :i IfU'-r blank note for renewal of tiieir n.it*' .‘it ' • • r . I . 1 i- .1 I- . .1 . eirraph wires when riding for the brst time iii the caittain immediately accounteii for tiic fact that ‘ , n 1 1 1 1 . , , 1 1 .1 M . i'ri I 1 1 . • cars. “It was all tiiey t-oalJ «lu to wt me into half puzzleii the Poctor. ‘ihe London packets, 1 , .. 11 i r 1 .1 m •1 1 . 1 1 I V L' 1 1 tiie.se pc.'ky cars, said siie “and I know they 11 said he, ‘are connuandeti liy New hniilaml mas- i . ’ . , , .1 ■ 1 . .1 .' u- . never lict me to ho on them strings, no they ters. who know .something about the (iulf stream; the Falmouth by Fnglishmen, who know nothing about the matter.’ This hint was enough for Dr. Franklin. He had either previously or subse- (jueiitly taken the temperature of the (iulf stream, and hal found it considerably higher than the surrounding K-ean; dipping a thermometer into don t! " — Ih'troit Ti i/nnii . .1 t'oii.-n ii iilioiis Mis> r.—.\n .\n>anv paper meiiiiou' the death of an old Dutchman, natneii | Sliunim, who has for a number of year* resideil j in one of the mo.'t wreteiied hovels in that city. .,1,1 ^ x- 1 • . . 1 1 , , i.1 1 .1 .1 11 1 i.i'.l-Dti of Noveniljor, instant, be ouseryed in the Alter the death ot the old man It was learned that ' . 1 1 • • ,, I . . . I . . 1 State as a (lay ot 1 iianksfriyin£r. about twenty-live years ago he w’as a porter to a Short, rrry.—if “brevity is the .soul of wit,” dov. l-'arwell, of Wisconsin, is the wittie.st man alive. His Thank.sgiving Pro‘lamation, diyested Fayetteville, which letter .-mil blank of the “great seal” and the official names, runs as follows:— It is hereby resonmiended that 'I’hursday, the is invaliil ainl of no value. Nov. 22, l.s.'>;'. T(mi Dollars ilcwani .V T. « llii' i:-. the .sea, therefore, showed when you entered it inanv of our readers. Kle and left it. He and the .'d captain laid down its in^^t' iK-tion in I urkey is m.t only fre^ limits according to the best of the existing infor- ohlhjatorj/: I’iie law re.,uires every citi/en, mation on tlie charts, and the result was a com- as lus sons and daughters have reached plete ehange in the course taken i»y vessels ^heir sixth year, to ui.'i.-n >e iii.s name in the trading between Kngland and America.” schools, unless he fan l>y using or avoiding the (Julf-stream as cir- means of educating them at home, cumstances rerjuired, for which the thermometer Constantinople the most recent report shows served the jmrpose of sextant, the distance be- existence ol eight hundied and niuety-si.x twt*en London and New Vork was shortened from li'cc schools, treijiunited b} twent}-two thousand sixty to thirty days. In tiiis way New York j hundred children of both sexes. After live became nearer to Kngland than Charleston. It ! pas.sed in one ot the.sc schools, the pupil grew into the point for all ves.sels bound to the st-hool, where instruction New W Olid to touch at, and so a.ssumed the im- points is also gratuitous. Ihere ai‘e now portanco of a great commercial depot. Charle.s- tlie.se schools, with about a thousand pupils, ton lost its chance of ever growing into the me- ^ here is al.so a high school for young men iutend- tropolis of the Uepublic; and, to u.se the words of cd to till public appointments, a college founded Lieut. .Maury, “all the.sc results are traceable to "ith the .same view, a normal .school for the cd- tln* use of the water thermometer at sea.” 'J'his of professors, the imperial college ot me- mercantile house in Hami.urg, and was frequently j Vt the average price of the 1-ist twenty years -i S? snhscril.er imTliflli iM.iw-vTinv ivTl-Pi'PV lontrusted with considerable sums of money for , ton of corn is estimated not to‘be worth haulin- mv negro'voman ANNi;. Sho isiai.; KDl (. .VI H )N IN 11 UK K\ . , eonveyance. In an evil hour he violated hi.s trust, ' by waf^on when 170 miles from market- whilp -iT i \ P 'I'he Uoston Atlas gathers from a late Kiigli.sh ; and abseomled to this country witl. a large sum. , tl'ie same distance upon a line of railroad it would eTaVSh-J«e« ^^ work some facts in regard to the diffusion of | Havingarrived iu .Vlbany he purcha.‘;ed two houses, l,e worth §!i?‘2.I0. .-V ton of wheat miles jiopular instruction in Turkey, which will proba- wiiich, before lie could effect an insurance on them, I fVom market is not worth the haulier by wagon were destroyed by hre. (’onsidering this a judg- hut by railroad it would be worth 84-t.r>r) ’ ment of Heaven, he determined to devote the re-: . - _ _ mainder of his life to a .severe cour.se of iudu.stry and parsimony, with the vlesign of making resti tution to tho.se whom he had injured. He adopt ed another name, and commenced busine.ss as a tobacconist, ami in five years he had accumulated ^14,0(10, which was ecpiivalent to principal and interest ot the sum wliich lie had embezzled. Thi.s sum he paid over to a branch establishment of the Hamburg firm in New Vork. The interest, however, was generously returned to him by the son of one of the partners, and this, with some further accumulations, amounted at the time of his death to 80,700, principally doubloons, which is an answer t> be pondered by those who efi'ect to sneer at the temperature registrations of the Dolphin. The (julf stream—Franklin’s observation of wliich led to such imporfant results for .-Vmeriea —is still a comparatively unknown ocean current, ^'ct it is on* of the most interesting streams in tiie world, and for European .\merican commerce it is far the most important. Heine, a military, a naval, and an agricultural school. The Sultan is himself the superintend ent of the.sc schools, and visits in person at their examinations. The jiupils are .said to be devoted ly attacheil to him. The public libraries of (’011- stantiiiojile contain eighty thou.sand yoliimes. During the reign of the present Sultan protection and toleration have been extended to all religions, (’hristians have been jx'rmitted to take their posi- “This fuviTiit r«iv» i,oni Wrott, s- ‘""","8. 1. V] i, Miinvs fmm s- to ll,a„ tl... i !* P"''"- have .,kI il in,,,.,I., il, ; 'r'" .. n..porta„t emha«io.>. OW III th.-.•.ujit'riiiriuiilii'iil aliiio.[iln‘n-, thus ^piipnit-1."*1^* ^ * k. i\ . yuu away lilL- I'.'arlitl slcnns, H„l am.tli.T an.I vorv . mi- 1 A l.al,.,,,. ai iiaiik has been esfablishetl, and is now’ in suc cessful Operation. Uailw'ays are in course of con struction. Polygamy is on the decrease, and slavery has been suppres.sed. oils purjtose ajijiears to be an.swered by this extra ordinary stream: in addition to tin* benefits which accrue from its transjiorting as it were on its w:xyes a mild and genial climate to the shores of F.urope it act;, as a great thawing laimratory for all the ice that eomes down into it in two streams from tile inhospitable shores of l>aflin's Hay and dreen- land it ia pussil»le that the weed may help to arrest tin* course of these frigid mountains till they are eomjdetely dissolved in nature's furnace, and while their course is so stayed they gradually disappear, and are prevented from intruding on the more genial climes of the South.” Loril AVrottesley very properly adds: “Surely ji current which seems to exercise such an impor- 'I’lie following anecdote is told by the Chicago Journal of (ioy. Heynolds, whom they call the “Old Kanger” in Illinois, when for the first time in his life he visited th” seaboard as a represnta- tive to C’ongre.ss from fie iiack settlements: “Cnon reaching Bahimore the dovernor rose early in the morning and paid a visit to the ship ping at the docks when tiie tide was full, and again at noon, when it w'as at ebb; and, not sati.s- lied with the sudden change that had taken place, ♦ • *- 1 ....i-w- again in the evening, when the tide was in. taut m«i.cno.. upon n.aviKal,o„ a.i.l „„.t™rolo». i, flerrtofoiv hn ha,I rcsolv,-.! t.. I,™., every tl.iu, tool.’- "" I’urs,tit,. » • • I ,. , ... I difficulties on his own hook; but now his astonish, llf t jrrc'at work. ^ meiit hrokt. over its b.uiii.ls. An lie returned'to MWV-, I'll; " I that litis fn'm I .n^ an* >onI.i not keep j the “ouriosest country lie hail ever seed in his life ,fr„n. 3„ol, an enterprise, so ,n.,.ortanl for her | I will pay a furthei- rcvvar.l of f'-r I'r ■ cient to convict any person of liarliunn? her ■' her to e.scape. .\Li:.\'i; M.MILL- Doiiilarroch, llohpson (’o., N. t'.. ' -vfij- ; Nov r22. l.'^-V:. , The Wiliningtou {Weekly) .lourn:ii wiili ;,' times aud send account to .V. McM. The “Economist” states that the ('uitod State.s now consume as much cotton, in as Eni^- land did in The Fnitod States arc now where England was twenty years ago. State of €'arolum [ PiICHMO.M) (’OINTY. J HKHK.VS. we have seen in tliP •^hers"'■ w w of Nov. ftith (in.st.) an a.lvertisen..:.'• IF' have 42 arrivals and departures by railroads Hrittain ilart, ofleringa rewanl .'f ^'l■’"^■ to which additions will be‘made as soon a.s'the woman and cl.iM. alleges were STOi.KN-from him bv ll-iMt!0 Rai/ruads.—They have *JS arrivals and depar tures of railroad trains daily at (’leyeland. This, good as it i.s, comes hardly up to liuft'alo time. IJrantford road is completed and al.so the IkifTalo and Corning.—('oiumcrcial. Anothrr Boher.—It is as.serted that Senator .1 liiiifroiii/ Sfnppa;ir.—The Poi'tland .Vvgus, in an .-irtiele relating to management upon rail roads, and relating some personal experience, remarks: We waited—time flew—a quarter of an hour— a half—three-quarters—still no train. The pas sengers wk're uneasy. Aj)peals were made to the conductor; he politely but invariably answered, “My orders, gentlemen, are to wait here until the other comes, and here 1 wait.” liy and by a self-appointed committee called on Ackerman, and insisted on going forward. He maintained his imperturbable suavity, but declined. At last one of the numlier, to bring matters to a point, said— ’ “Well, Mr. Ackerman, how much longer shall you stop it you don’t hear from the train?” “I sliall wait a week, sure,” ho responded; “at the end ol that I shall leeide w’hat is next to be done.” Just then the train came thundering along at the rate of twenty-five miles an hour, to make up for lost time; and had the solicitations of the pas sengers prevailed we should not now be telling this story, for an inevitable eollision would have sent all of us into the other life. Now. for the purpose* of i-cbuttiii,^ tl;:' certify that we are the subscribiiijl witiie>>e- ■ - triiineut of writing, dated 12th Nov'r I'-'". aid negroes to llol-atio \V. W.-nU*. aii'l l»rittain Hart. In witness, we have here iilat-ed ..nr ii:iu'‘' \VII.L1.\M I’. Nov. 22, 18.5;;. *'• ' The above was prepared for the ^ witues.seK. but one i>f ehildren and grandTndren', ttidinV'i.r X«v i^n'.l'd’u °>V‘‘l York and .\lbany. ! I- , attend tho meeting in New loik, this evening, coming out plainly aud uue- .|uivo,'ally h, Ueletice of the mtional dctuMracy, anil in opposition to the course of the administra- and his signature could not be obtuintil is tion in the matter of appointment.s, aud, in their - — recognition of the Van Burcn frecsoil faction. , .\LMAN.\CS! , [^HK Farmer s and Piautoi-'s;, aiiii i'un.''- L Alm.'inac, for I8ol. W holesnle .'iH-1 rfi*" i;. 11 AIL rii* Koad to Elrn**'*’ Si(/n(fiaut.—A (’onnecticnt minister haying walked through a village church-yard, and ob served tho indi.scriminate jirai.ses bestowed upon the dead, wrote upon the gate post the following line: “Here lie the dead, and here the living lie!'’ On a recent trial, an Irishman, with character istic obli({uity ot speech, after scratching his head, said, “Plase your honor, I do not remember, —or if I do, I forget it now ” l>ook borrowers, who forget to return the vol umes which the kindness of friends enables them to read, should peru.se the following lines, which, it is said, were written more than sixty years a'ro. They arc as apposite, however, now as they were at that remote period.—Harper's Maffnzuu\ “If I thi.s hook do lend lo yon. Or yon of me do borrow," So soon as you have read it through, Pra3* bring it home the morrow. “Then after which, if yon do want To borrow yet anotii'er, .lust conao to me, and you shall soo That I can lend the other.” FOR THE OBSERVEK. .\TKOCITV OF SCFFFLETOWN. On the evening ot the iJlst inst. an outrageous murder was committed on the person of J, (\ Me- Lormick, who lived about 12 miles from Lumber- ton, near ScufHetoicn. H’k Milt IIOLLDWAVS /Jolloicai/'s Pills a tped.tlc rtnifJ;/ j- 'J u'hich Females are liahle.—.After the years it is incontestibly proved tbit diC*' cine etjual to Holloway's Pills for tin* incidental to females. The invigovatiii? 1 properties of these admirable I’iils ■ and infallible: they may be taken bv few ■ (Jn the 23d the body was age.s: any disorganization or irregularif.v found iu a branch, and a jury of inquest was held speedily rectified by their use. and on the 24th, whose verdict was murder, and by a ! '“n n'"'* * un^P I • • , « .1 . for family use Holloway s Pili' po6t morU m examination his cranium was iound „„.i mav be taken for bile, sick lioada. l.e^. o« '‘^ broken into halt a dozen pieces. Supposed to ness. h have been done by Enoch Cumini's and two of his '*v ‘he rmpriettir, *2i4 i^tnmii. sons; the former and one son are in prison, the ' "rS “ii "►!' other otje ran oir It was n.ade to appear that J’iJ,?’;; lus tieau was laid on a large root and mashed into New virk; an.i Mr. .i. iioijskv, s4 .M.«iien pieees vtith elubs, like eointnou people would do. a viper. Respectfully yours, J. F. H. I pot or box. „■ i inpi.m ‘ T M.t.V.nvtrv.-, or. • 1 utQ Wholesnie, hy S. It & T. .\ PX.\S>}. L.J.Tll3ert0n, .Nov. 20y loyo. | For».Hl«»hyS j. JIIN>»n.\LE Faypttevlllp, n ’ »5-,

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