r A T~ VOL. m.] FAYi'/rrKvn.Li:, n. c., dkci:mp>i:u i. \s7h\. [NO. 219.] !'R1VTK1> by .1. K. XKWHV. KDWVHD .1. H VLi: & SON, ANO I'HOPRIETOKS. for t!u'Somi-WopVily Ohiskrvfr n3 00 if jiai.l in IvH’u't'; '* tlurinji the vcnr of Pu)Kst“iiji- ,1- ,ir ;»!*''*■ fspirod. f , till* 'ViVilv Oi’M'.kvku 00 per annuiu, if paid in A 'lu't': '* r'“ * iJ"' vt>;»r of . s ; (»• aftor the voar ha^ oxpirod. Tt' insrrtod for sixty cents jier ,,t' I'i lines for the first, aiul thirty cents for each ..ei'.iins: ^’uMicntion. N early advertisements l>y spe ll ci'i'tracts. at reasoiuihle rates. Advertisers are ,U('-teil ti' 't ito tlie nnmher of insertions de.sired, or !„n- vill O'lntinned till forbil. and charged accord- l> Letters to the Editors must he i>osf-paid. HILIJAKI) I'AliLKS SAU:. he sohl, at the Market House, at TJ o’clock. ▼ ■ on iSaturday, 10th l>ecetw'ocr next. Two (!ood I’dlii.-ird T:d)lcs. with Kixture^>, i\c.. coinphtte. Terms liberal. A. M. ( A.Ml’UELI,, Aactr. Xov. 18. 18o.‘5. ](;-s. LAVRIXBI fUill nSdll S( ilOOL. niCHM(JNl> ('Ol'NTV. MHtTi: cMtoI.lNA. rplllH 1 arire an;l rtoiiri'^hinjj liistitiirion is n:)V.' iier- I :ii.iti(']itly estnhlished. nnder a fidl c..r|'S of Vf ll ■ jitnlHied Insh'nctcrs. and v. iiii every Ihin? re'|uisite for a first class Seminary. h{‘int!; veil s'ippli’d witli Majir;. (iCoprniiUiviil and Astronomic:;]. riiiloF;i]ihica' and (■iic.niical Apparatns. Till' Semi-Annual .Se:'sii,;is iif five months coniiacncc on the second ’.loudiiy of .Tnni\iry and -Inly respectively. Circnl'irs. containinu: full p;ii ticiil-. rs, will l>e fur nished l>y applyin'.r to F.v'.. .i. .loue> Sm\tli, A. M.. I’rincii'a'.^ 1 aniel liill 1’. i'.. lUeli:iiii;;d C 'unty. .N. or to 1‘. \' d NTV !> 11. Secretary. October 1!, .'luV i-AM"; j''llL .''iiiiscriinT is \\ 1 V. lMi;il ST'Jt'K - his TAl.l. AMt '.Y Tlionias .1. .Tolinsoii !(;»' just receivcil and oti'ers for sal ■ — I'll re AVhite Lead, 10 \ VJ and S x 10 W indow (ilass. !*utry in canisters. 1(1 >l"7cn Turpentine (I'ollins \ Co.) Axes. ](j •• Timber do. Mill :uul cross-cut Saws (oa«t steel.) lo ton' Iron, assorted. v n>t Steel, for drills. Horse Nails, v'^c.. ■jon sacks Salt. \'r Seed l\vc. Molasses and Svrup. THOS. J. .10HNSON. F:iveitoville. Nov. 20. 18-*>3. 4S-;'!\v A. J. O'llanloii, Aiiciioneer and Coniniissioii Morcliant, Has on hand, for sale,— .') hhds. r. It. Sugar, •J" bills. Coft'ee Sugar, 10 “ prime St. 'roix ditto. •j.'> bags Uio ('offee. ■'!ii kegs Nails. L’> bhls. No. 3 >Lackerel, large, I'l half-bbls. No. 3 ditto, l'» Xo. 2 ditto, boxes assortetl Candy, I'l “ Soap, l-‘» '• Candles, •'i half-bbls. Snuff. —ALSO— Painted Pails, Rrass bound ditto, Indigo, Saleratus. IVppor. Spice, (Unger, Mace. Cloves, Nutmegs, Tea, ^ripping Paper. Sack SaU. Rope, Bagging, xc. F;iyetteville. Nov. 2f^, 18-53. 48-1 m UAVNKR vV GlLMOUi:, Commission • fterrhants^ No. lo4 WATER STREET, -\K\V VOKK. WAKKEN n. R.VYXER.] [J.\MF.S R. ;il.MOKK. References: Messrs. Francis Skinner & Co., New York. Lor.l. Warren & Co., •“ E. Kidder. Esq., Wilmington, N. C. .L II. Flanner. “ ‘* Amos Wade, Es^., Newbern, \j. k W. McL.aurin, Fayetteville, jf^'t'ustoniary advances ma le on Naval Stores, i:c. N .r, 2-1. 18.'.3.' 4Stf HI.MOVAL. J. K. SMITH, Chemist and Druggist, lI.WiNT. reinovoii tn the f^tnro iit vlli- i we.st corner of Market Souaro, recently oc- ; 'iipied by P. Sheniwell. now offers to liis friends and the ]inblic generally a largo and . well selected stock of Drugs. Chemicals, Paints. Oils, j l>ye Stull's. -Medicines and Perl'iimery. vonsisting in I part of the following; Potash, White I.c:id, \ enotian i red, Spanish brown, copperas, alum, s-altpetn-. s;il s'.id.i. : ^ bi carb soda, saleratns. madder, indi'jfo. suljdiur. c]i •(•m salts, yellow ochre, Blake's jiaint, chrome yc'.low. r.!.i j bcr, chrome green. Prus. blue, chalk, spic.s i>epper, I nutmegs, cU.ves, starch, ginger, V»ora\, jeast powder.-. i .;ud oiter tln-ni ;■> the o,tt'.ic u, -’U ter,us a^-. easy, ai.d e.ssences, must.ard, logwood, inks, soaps, congress water».j salad oil. window glass, putty, varnisln'^ (all kinds,'| linseed, tanners', castor and olive oil, alci>l>ol. snlph. i acid, burning tiuid, caniphenc, paint \avr.ish; tooth, tlesh. nail and wliite-wash brushes: gaiv.anic b:itierie--: surgic:il, tooth and cupjiing instrunn>nts; \nierican. French and English chemicals, p-itent medicines. \c., \c.. all of which are t'f first r.ite i|U:ility. and Avi'l lie Sold at a small advance on cost. Orders solicited from country 1‘hysicians. nuTrh.ints, and others, who are respectfully invited to call and S'VVVV. ()]• NOin i! ('\HO\AS\, Cr ,M P.En LA \ 1) ’(>l'NTY. 1/1 thr ("itnnlji (’otnt. .loliii 'vV. Pearce, .\dministrator of .John W. ilowell, r. the Heirs at l^aw of said .hdm W . Petition to sell Real Estate. OTll’h is hereby given to the Heirs at Law of .lohn j T \V. How«‘ll, to be and appear bel'ore tlie .1 ustice.^ of our Said Court, at Fayetteville, on the 1st Monday of liecemlier, to answer to the said Petition, or the : :ii;ie will be heard ex ]>arte. Witness, .lohn McLaurin, Clerk of our said t'ourt. :U Otiice at Fayetteville, the Jllst of October Ibi-"):). Ktt8D] .JOHN .McLAl'KlV. .1. 8. TiAXKS, Fayetteviiie, W. C. is.v^. IIOTKL. r|^’l E sni'scriber having purchas«fd the Hotel situated 2f*tf !i the South-East corner of Court Huuse Square, 1 anti late ly known as Stuart's Hotel, would inform the ■ pub io that he is now :eady to accommodate boarders ' bv the d;iy. week or month. Having made con.«!idera- bie outlay iu furnishing and refitting the Establishment, pillK.KiH from A. We.sscll’s wharf in Wilmington. hopes to be able to give satisfaction to all w;ho j.a- 1 t,. l.er old wharf in Fayetteville, with a suiVuient troni/c h.m. Ihsi able shall be turmshed vyth the number ol 1 hits to accommodate those wishing to ship . the market atloid.', his l.ai with the best o - through or wav freiffht. R. M. ORRELL, and Ins Stable with a plenty ot good provendet Sept. 1'.' "s'n.AMKU ilKNUiiyrTA, Aaent at Fayetteville. 27tf and iaitli’M’ Ostlers. .1. A .1 uno 1K'>2. (JILCHRIST. 3-tf priccs as hiw, .ms any ;IO'K in North Carolina. As he is d»‘ierniiin.d !o seil lor .t tiiiall profit, cltlier for cash o: (.11 liiiie to piiiietu;ii cu.'iiiun'r.'. all w«iu’id .Ui \\'cll to I '.xW and :-.-e his ^;ti'ck before jinrchasing. Out of ids stock, lo- eninacrtites a lew ot'tli-'“ leadin;: I'.rticle rich broctoie and i'g'd S'llv.-; plain bl'k gro de rhitie d^^ ; sollid Mnslin di !.;iin--of cveiy pri.-c and i ol- or. ;dl wool; l.ace, Mn.-lin and .Jaconet Sleev> >; I'hcm'- /ettf'.Mid Cidiars; (ir.'s.v Mid Cm-led ;'kii ts; ladies'and gentlemen's Kid. Silk and Wi r'tvd (iloNe-^; Linen Cani- bric H'dk'l's; ;in as';.rtn:eni nt'idain, dnM'Ml .and (dieck- examine my stock 'ocfore purchasing els 'vlierc. as they i ed Swiss .Mnlin: Cambric :ind .la( onet; I’.ombazines may depend on procuring fresli and genuine articles, i jind Al[>:ica;-; Cuid>ric :.ii l Swiss l’d';'g and Inserting:: No jmins will be spared to give satisfaction both in ; ^luality and price. The subscriber hopes, by strict at- j tention to busines.-s, to merit a share of the jmhlic pat - | ronage. Medical prescriptions carefully and accnniiely prepared. .). N. SMITH. North-west corner Market Si|uare i (tct. 8. 18.53. 3i-tf ; $100 lU'AVvin). Q2 ANAW VY from the snhscrihei-. two Negro (iirl.s ■ » and four Children, viz: MAiiTIL\, a bright m>i- altto, five feet four or five inches high, toi.kwith her two girl children, Frances and .\nn: H.XN.NAH. copper ; colored, about the same height of Martha. H.-innah , took with her two male chihiren, Lewis ajid .lohn. The above negroes formerly belonged to the e-^t.-ite of ‘ George T. Barksdale, and are supposed to 1-e lurking | about the Cape Fear, abmit Mr. Winslow's plantation. The above reward will be paid for their ( ontinement in any .Tail so that the subscriber can get them, or tor their delivery to the subscriber in Samjison county. FLEET R. PETERSON. ; September 0, 1853. 2(l-tf I D. W. C. I5eid)()\v, DENTAL sritUEON. ^ IS located third door below the Market. .Ml who are in need of the services of a Dentist are rcsjiectfully ' inviteil to call. He guarantees satisfaction in al! oj e- ration,s. j N. B. Those for whom he operated hist season will please call into his Rooms at some convenient time. October 10, 18-j3. 34 tf FAVbyrn:N ilu: MiTi iL i\srR.i.\(i; m\n\\. ^ I''Ills Company is now orgaui:H“d and prepared to r«-- X ceive applications for Insurance, on ;is f;ivorab!e terms as other Companies. DIRECTORS: French Mcriuu 1 every ulor: ladicr>' Silk :iiid Merino Vest ',.riptt-; wliit,- t’rapi' Shawls; among othi'r styles, a gre.it variety of ladles’ Dross Uoods and Trimmings. Your attention is parti''nlnrly calh'd to his assortment of fancy deLaine=: bidios' and misses' while .and col d Silk Ilonnets; iiishop Lawn', mid Irish Linens; good as- sortnient ladies' Shoe.-. .'^Uppers and ti.aiter.-. aniong them .a beautiful article of wliii-- Kid Slipp-r and (Jai ler: bl'k find col d i'rencli :mil .\merican C'otlis atid t'.isin'.eve'; b't IJea Iv-Made « lothing; an ass irtinent ot tbiods i'T luirro we-.r. su'di a« Ker'i ys an i Blankets. liniLran I>o>ts and Shoes: wi;!> :iU othtT iiimds iisuail\ kt'pl in my line. -J. C. I’OE. Sept. 11. IS.i'.'.. 2S-:‘.m Acw i all iii(»K!s. ra'»HK subscrii'l'rs have jus! reedve.l and opened. :it 3. their t»id Stand, a %ers large and hamlsome .''tock of Stapie atui I'tiursf BBt'if 4mootfs^ Emhracing every stvleand ijuality L;idies' Dress Ooods. ,\lso. all styles of Ciood.s for (ient'emen's v.ear: Fine Moleskin ail'! other styles fa.diionable Dress Hats; Satin and Straw Ib.jinets; IhA't.i .ind Shoes, etc. Wc call particuhir attention to a sj lenili'! assort ment of t >f the very 'oest tiiati ri.i! and \w.rkniansiiip. In oi;r stock max be fvund a’.l io >d' .-^uiied to the ■■ieason, at the ve' ji iowes'. mark't priees. .Ml in w.int ol (ioods in our line will ple:ise give us a c.ail. i;. L. .V .1. PK.MP.ERTON. Hay St., Fayette\illc, Sept. 2''.. “Otf jrs r uix'i'js i:i), PRIME lot Mountain Butter. Ntw Or’e;;iis and ( uba Mida^.'Cs. •lava. l,afrnira and Hio t'oti’ee. Sugar. Rice. occ. WOlVni \ ELLIOTT. 7'itf NO'l'K’i:. y K AVINt! ]itirchased the stock of .Materiel on hand S E, at tlie .Shop formerly owned b^' Mr. ]'. Fuller. :iud having engaged the services >f Mr. .1. ('. Lally, whose work gives such general and entire satisfaction, I iini now prepared to execute all orders for Timber agons. Road Wagons, ('arts. Dr.ays, Wheelbarrows, xc. 1 h.tve on hand and will constantly keeji a, good sup- pl\ of Iron Axles, ( 'hains, l5olts, and in short every tliinir that the Wagon-maker c;tii need. Tiinher Wagons, with the improved Iron .\xles, made to order al the short(*st notice. 1 have 1(1 good and coiiipetent Orktuen at the busi ness, and v.ill gi\e it my w hole and undivided attention. My price.s shall be as niodi'rate a.s the tim‘s will ad mit. and I will (diallenge any Wagon-maker in theUni- te>l States to equal mv work either it\ ]>oint of style or durability. TIKJS. C. FUI.LKl!. Oct. 20, lh.')3. 3Vtf an«l ^Vint‘r Stock Tin: S'lKAMER “Sr.N.” rg'^IIIS new ami very light draught Steamer has com- K, nienced n'uniug, though not t)uite finished. She is taking freight, ilrawing only T> inches water She possesses stijierior advantages for low water service.— She has also ,a large amount of warehouse, shed ainl vvlmrf I’oom, where Ntival Stores (.r other freight may >11' stored with safety. R. M. ORP.ELL. Ag't. Sept. 10, 18'»3. 2/tf ^ iEl>.\R FALLS Cotton Yarn and Sheetings, for sale V at Factory prices, bv TROY M.\RSH. May 3-1. : sr,:5. ' c,8tf I TMHER! LI MBHR!! i; H.VVE on hand a large amount of Lumber of w w ’.illerent kinds—flooring, wide boards, weather boards, .‘^eantling, laths, &c.: some of which is partly se.'isroned. Also, a large assortment of refuse: will seli refuse boards ut the mill at .$1 per M., scantling at •S2 ;iiid - >(,d edged boards at Sawed staves, sea- soii.'d. l':llii filled at short notico. .lONES BARBEE, (uceir.votid. ('maberland, N. C., Aug. 4, I80.S. [ITtf 'The Carritt^e Ftfrtortf in fhe Sontit ! ?'oa* I ^SJ'^IIl' subscriber has just received and openeil. at j J!,'i"*toThViir B- his NeAv Store on the I’ast side of Oreen street, a I few doors from the Market House .and nearly ojiposite I hi.s Old Stainl, a hirge Stock ol 1 I I'aii4*y IIKV | I'mhracinp a rener:d assortment of Ladies’ and (ientle- men's Dress (ioods. consi.sting in part ot Shav. ls, Cloaks and Mautiihis, some very tine; and also a good assort ment of SHOES AND BOflTS, for Ladies, (ientlemen, • iirls. I’oys and Children. And the best assortment of Silk and other styles of BONNETS he has ever offered TO the public. rUEKiHTlXG OX CAPE EEAIi. ; rjE'^HE subscribers having purchased the Steamers ' M- Evergreen and Southerner sind Tow Boats, iateiy I the property of the Henrietta Steamboat Coniiiany. are I now prepared to forwanl with desjiatch, between Wil mington and Fayetteville, all freights or goods entrust- F. N. & .T. Fayetteyille, Feb’y 14, 18-">3. H. ROJil'.RTS. 08tf iTIlAX iNotior to rHHOr(iH BY DAY L[GHr. ®HE swift ainl commodious Steamboat Alice, ('apt. Sam’l Beery, will commence her regular semi- to merit a, contiimanee of the same. He warraiits his Sugat. Coffee, Tea, Pcjiper, Spices, and Tobacco, a ] ^veekly trips between Fayetteville and Wilmington in a ','ork to >e made of the best material aiid by experienced ! .• 'Pi i.„ .i„„:_... ii-ItVi nor.t.iin- ’.vorkiiieii in eadi bi.-inch of the Imsiness. His work ES’ ECTFIM..LY informs his friends and the pub- lie. that he has built up large substanti.al Brick Buildings at his (Md Stand, expre.ssly for manufacturing (Varriivge®. Thankful for the very liberal patronage he has receiveil for the last 21 ye.ars, he hopes by strict .itiention to buseiness, with a desire to give satisfaction. 1*. SHEMWELL. line article. October*;, 18-'>3. 33tf Wli» would have I Gt ANO. ^ TONS of Peruvian (Juano—fresh imported— daily expected For sale bv C. T. HAIC.H SON. N 23. 47-tf cill's \e PI„S I lira Bl R\IS/I. ^P'^FIF. Subscriber, a practical Boot-maker of .some ex- M perien';e, ha.s tor some time been sensible that ■Te 1- a •h.irhratum to be yet supplied to the public in the way of a snitablo buniish for boots and shoes. Most f thi' articles now used either injure the leather or fail } ■" impart that lustre so necessary to give to man's I ■ '/.. tiindiiiij" a proper finish. He has therefore, dur- | IIknky Lili y. n. L. Myrover. Thus. s. Lt'ttkrloh. John 11. ’ook. I). A. Hay. A. A. McKkttian Gko. McXv;ii.t,. Nath.vn a. Stedman. Ja.mks Kylk. OFFirERS: (iE(J. McNEILL. President. H. L. MYROVER. Vice Pici-lent .1. 0. SHEPHERD, .\ttorney. C. A. McMlLLAN, Secretuvv. (iEo. McNEILL, ) Avon K. Hall. .1. (1. SnrrfiKKi*. Wm. Warden. S. T. Hawi.ey. John D. Wii.i.jam- ('. IfENMOW. Wm. MrliAi RiN. W’.'. Mri.NTVRE. .\L'irch 7. IS." few days. Those who (I’esire their goods with certain- 'xorkmen in each branch of the business, ty and despatch will obtain them by shipping by her. vill compare favorably with any made in the United Due»uotice of days and hours of departure from each States, lor neatness and durability, place will be given. Goods cotisigned to .1. R. Blossom. He is letermincd to seU and do any work in his line V-'cnt will be promptly and carefully forwarded, as on as good terms as any work done elsewhere that is as ■* o ’ I 1 ,1.... 11^ 1.^.. «t .1^ T A I.? usual. August 18.53. 18tf iKic Kutahli.-ihment on fh>- Mihfaitj Gma, the Methodist Church, fruuthnj on Miim/oi'tl ,Strr» t. (UiEAT EX rERPRlSE! Favollevillt* i>* boiiiad t« CHEAP GOODS. I am now receiving a much larger stock ol Fancif €K00dH^ well don». He now has on hand, Fixisiikd, the L.\R- GKST S CC'i'K of Carri'focfi, Harouches, Rockaways, ami cs. Ever offere 1 in this place, anil a very large stock of work ne.irlv finished, which will be finished daily. All I than I have yet oUercd in Fayetteville, consisting ot will be sold very low for Cash, or on short , Dry ('oods of every description. Hats, Boots, Shoes, and to j.unctual customers. fis^Hehason hand more i Ready-made Clothing, which will be sold as low as any HUNDRED AND FIFTY Vehicles finishep goods in the State. 1 will be glad to have the ladies call and examine my ^tock. W. F. MOORE. Sept. 17, 18^3 31-tf REWARD. fi WILL pay the above reward for the apprehension and safe delivery to me, or lodgment in Clinton is all aii(i SuK*k. HE Subscribers wouhl respectfully inform their , ^ my negro girl .JENNY. She is a I friends nnd the public, that they have entered into jight complexion, smiles when spoken to. copartnership for the purpose of coiiducting the general . gjj. ^j. gev^n inches high; is supposed to .lOHN H. COOK, vExecuti e C, uiniittei', ! J.VS. KYLE. J The plan of .Mi ti al Insi i-.aX'-k must eon;menl itself the last twelve months, been devoting himself to 1 to our community, for it c.an he deniMU'-trate i that we t.'isk of preparing an article free from these objec- , have saved within the last six \ear> e].\\:u"t ■ and has at length after much investigation and by insurance in the North ('arolma MutUMH ..mpa;. : St • riiiient completely succeeded. The re.siilt is | that is, we should have paid to ii i\^ K'-pt the s.mi" in- ‘ iilira finriii‘>h/’ He only wishes that it may be | surance in the foreign joint sto. k r..mj aiiie tsiat sniii ‘-ff 1 in order to establish its sujierioritv over all | more than we have actually ] :iid; and yet theN-r:.. tlK'i-. Call on him at Mr. Nathan Sike/’ boot and Carolina Mutiuil Company has rec*-ive l i..-tweeM -S .inHi establishment, on Person street, an*.l be supplied | anl more Ironl our community, thiiii it i..*> ■"h in excellent article at a rheaji rate. out tor losses here,—showii.g th:it we .'i-e ta\ ‘r,ibl. s > THoM \S filLL. ' uated. as compared with other pl:\'-e- in the Mate, lor Nuv. l^.Ti'.;. 47tf : Insurance. Our ('omp ,ny has gone into oj>er ition tavorably, hav- •'E^HE Siibs'.riber calls rhe j.ttenti m of his friends :in I the jiublii- to his recem iiurchuse ol HATS, CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, Whieh is ‘ le -f tli-' ’. a^.-t as.'«»rtments th.it he has ' ever called the nttention of his friends and the public ; t.i. He h:is now in St'ire ne.irly evei v style >1 1 Stoais tmd ^hofs U'’W in V gne. ..1 ali price- t' the times i,r the eus- t.mer h .wrvr-r f,''t= !;■-.i- !-.o '-e. He would say to till s'udi as w.nnt the w^.rtb liieir money to c.ali and e: iiiiinc his stock of H \ 1 . BOO 1 and HOI..’', as b‘ is .iesiroU' to e;;ch:inge thr- -•.me inti^ ( »->n as soon ti."* po'sible. in order ih it he mav replenish. .!. C. THO.MSUN, M: i-ket Si|ioire. 27-tf hi^ . C.\KKIA(iE P.USINESS in .ill its various parts. .\nd i Ijeinir both practical workmen, fully understanding their ■ business, they have no hesitation to comp.are worn with . any estabiishir cnt in Fayetteville as to style and dura bility. One ot the tirm ma^- be known by reference to A. H. Whitfield's iron work for thf last two years. We warrant all work to give general satisfaction for ' twelve month«. Repairing done in tiie ne.atest manner low for cash. PIER cV BRANIN. J.\Mi.s IL Piv.r.. Jamus Bkams. Fayetteville, .lan'y 24, 1S.')3. 02tt be lurking tibout Faison's Depot, or Goshen. WM. P. IfOBBS. 15-tf .)uly rg'^IIE highest cash price paid for Turpentine, White 8 f)ak Staves, and C)ak or Ashe Heading. Call on .Jas. W Strange, who can always be found at the Still. McLAURIN & STRANGE. Feb’y 18. 1853. 7>tf ani in c .ur.^e of construction. ill work made by him is wairanted 12 months with fair u.-age, and s'nould it fail by bad workmanship or material will be repaired free of charge. Persoi's wishing to buy would do well to call and examine for themselves. (Irders thankfully received and promptly attended to. j.lepaiiin^ executed at short notice and on very rea sonable terms. May -8, 1853. 08tf M.A iiBLE FACTORY, ^j- . O •12: Sept. 12. f '■•!!]; . lb-.erib. ;• 4i -O’ ;U'iin*:iIH-e ba' :‘i Store .'>i)U:ire. 111‘Xt door t 111! I re-*p'- tfii’’y .inn .’ne-e t n 1 the piiMie tJ' ner:lily, tiiat he ' :i tb. S' at!' ide ot the .Market j Mr. Dr!iU;;hon s -'orner. where he | w ill be pie.'.'Cd at any time t‘ see iiiem. | His .''t'lck v-'Ut.'^ists li ''laplc-Mid i'ancy i >ry (loiuis: j :il.si>. :t lint' a'-orimcul id I5iiiiii'.;t>, Hats, ( a} '!'( i I F\I UI-' K* \ V!> 'n 'li PI-' i iiiji ‘111; >J:‘V "■' frgani.scd application- t.. tiie amount o. ■* * ^ and the ('ompany is nnv.- idacei] iipfiu a tiini MAlVrjRJ>. i footing. t:irv. m.iv i footing. |1HE Subscribers offer for sale lOII Acres of' Any Director, authorised .Vgent , , . 3 Land well calculated for the Lumber an.l Tnrjien- ; receive Applications, but they wid not !>• unt lie Bu'iness. The Land is situated on the Favette- ajiproved by the Executive ( ommi.te.- , i the l>'..ii 1. Buot umi .\nd many o!';er Oct. 21, i i»t :idv-iu:nl: \VK llA\i: ON HAND 10 Hhds. Sugars, 5 Bbls. Granulated do. 15 Bags Rio Coffee, ■ I •• Maricaibo do. Bagging and Rope, Swedes and English Iron, Window- tJlas.s, 8 x 10 and 10 x 12, —ALSO- Loaf and Crushed Sugars. Bar and Fancy Soap, 40 Bbls. No. i Herrings, Spice, Pep\ier, (linger. Snuff, Indigo, Madder, Span ish Brown, Saltpetre, Saleratns. Mace, t.'lovi s. Yeast I'owders, Nutmegs. Adamantine and Tallow (,'andles—- with a general assortment of Provisions, Dry (toods. P.oots anl Shoes. Hardware and Cutlery. Crockery and (ilassware. We offer the above goods at low prices for cash, good patier, or produce. TROY vX MARSH. .May 23, 185:;. '.'7tf Raleigh Plank Hoad, about eight miles frnm j I- . tteville, two miles from (’ajie Fear River, and j e miles from a Landing below t!ie lowest Dam; ' di' Ve i'l on it at the junction (d'two con.stant streams .a > iv. Mill in the Improved Hotchkiss plan; iilso. Dwell- •Hi iion>(.. Kitidien. Barn, Stables, ivc. To those de- j ir 11- ■ feinliarking in the above business it wrmhl be i; i leMi".ibie situation. Iii'ptire of .lohn H. McNeill on the l'i(-!iii'i--. or D. McNeill, Fayetteville. *D. & .1. II. M -NEILL. -V-.v, 1'.-,, ]K.')3. 48-tf W. LA\\ HENCE ni'.i.oint' M C.ei;er.il Agent of the Company. We in\ite appli'Mtion- liKo McNKILi,. 1 re.'t. C. A. McMlLLAN, Sec y. Feb’y 7. 1853. ‘i'-tf ■ ii IS Of jh.OK'ui ihii- ■I teiiiou.' t HF.NK'l - >. i'ai/i! ) I'leiition. N. MoNKOL. d DK. STKON(v> i COMPOl XD SAXATIVE PILLS. :ir« «*iiliroIy VoselJil>ltS I Hjid :ir‘a iuomI xiijseriof in i the c\irc of all Bilious ( oiuplaints, Chills and Fever, S. S. AllBCY l.\.Ml AM) STEAM SAW Mil,I, F(Hl SALE. VS we desire to concentrate oni bu.siness, we offer for sale our Home I’lace, f(Ireenwood.) This i l;ice consists of about 25tMi acres, is miles from Faj’- •■tteville and 3 from the C.ajie Fear. Nearly all of it is Tnrpentine and Tar land, the boxes having licen wrought IV'ni 3 to 0 years. TlieitKvvv Mill Timber has been cut off of about one-half of it. We also offer for sale our .Steam Saw Mill, on this '■■ind. now in good running order. The mill has two ’■J in. Circular Saws, and will cut from l.iMiO to l('t,llO(t t*'ft of Lumber [>er day; also an eilging guard, a grist inill. and Smiths’ tools. This Mill was put up by S. burns, Esp of Raleigh, and is inferior to none. If we sell as above, we offer for sale 4 teams of .Mules, I Wagons and Harness, 2 yokes of Oxt‘!i, and 2 Ox ':irts: Cattle, Hogs, kc. We will sell on accommodating terms. Address, Fayetteville. .lONES & BARBEE. • !reetiwool, Nov. 10, 1853. 40tl.I ~ NOTinZy HAVINfJ purchased the interest of T. R. Undei- wood in the firm of (i. W. Lawrence iS: Co., I will continue business as heretofore at •Itary^s Ont'den. I have from twelve to fifteen Coopers constantly at work iiianufactiiring .'pirit Barrels, at the rate of KiO to 125 per week; have now on hand 400 Barrels for Rale, at ijij 25, cash at the Shop, or !i;2 35 delivered in Town. 1 shall also continue the Distilling of Turpentine, and wdl pay within 15 cents per barrel of the Fayetteville I'rice in Cash, or (ioous at Cash prices JteiV^ TUR- I'KNTIN'E wanted.-^ I have now in Store a general assortment of GOODS, tor sale at Fayetteville prices. .\11 kinds of Country I'roduce taken in exchange for (loods. Call and see. G. W. LAWRENCE, Nov. 17, 1853. 40tf a B AS on hand a beautiful as.sortmcnt of F.-\LL .\.M> I 1 WINTER (iOODS. He de.sires ta return thanks to his friends and the public for the liberal patronage which they have bestowed on him; and solicits .n con tinuance oV the same. His friends an i tli*' putilic are re'juested to give him a c.all, at the stand lomierly oc cupied by S. .1. Hinsdale, south west corn*T .^I:lrket Siiuare and (!illei>pie street. Oct. 1, 1853. J V\ V. :iik - . in a'i'iiti' I which we bi-t!alur: 11' I '..I (iiir ?-'Ciek 111- ,'ie.I i.i ,\|iril • -ind We !i sel.-.'t- -tf ed stock of Orngs. Mi dicines. Paints. Oils. 1'ye .-toils. Kn- ^ I jrlir-h :iiid ;er:u.in Ci-Ui-ihles, j - I Paul De Vers \ ’o’s \'fge- I tah'e l'.:ctraet.s for culinary j.urposes; \ e:i.-t Powders, Delnn^nico's and other lir.mds; Lyon's Ivatharion; !';ir- rv's Trieopherous; Ayer's Cherry Pectoral; Witheral K liro'.-i White Lead; Burning I laid and Pino Oil. _J ^^►ULD re-]iectfuHy inform the public that he is till at his old stand cm'rying on the :ibove business in all its hranches. He returns thanks for the j liberal jiatron.ige he has recei\e l. and hopes by a strict attention to business, ami a desire to pleas** all and j o-ive rcneral s:ifisf:iction, to nn-rit a continuance of the same. He warrant-' all his work to be made of the best ma terial ami by expcrienpl worktnen.-having ", I""'-'; ' i,V,pepMa Costivetiess. Liver Complaint, Janndic.. aiid I sick Heu^^ Scrofula. Salt Rheum, Fever, of all ! i" . •1 I ship or material, ne will repair it fit, . j ,according to tiie directio-is. they never fail porsi.iis wi.-hing tobuy would dowelltocall ami IX-I ^ ^fter all other 1 I amiue his work as he is determined to sell low toi ca&h j j i or on short time. _ .1 1 1 * 1 TJi*V piiriS’V Ul* 8>Iood, tlu* I Orders th:uikful1y .•oeeivcd and promptly attended to. - llie | I I REPA1K1N(J neatly executed at short notice | St vrvUn y Ori.'»ns iu a iiraftgiy j and lowest pos>;ible ]irices. _ |oi»o a*lil a«'Iiois; nnd as an Anti-Bilions Family Fayetteville, -Ian. 2>. 1S;>3. (»ott Medicine they have no equal. Price 25 cents jier b>x. . —AASO— w Axri:i), BBLS. Turiientine, didivered at my Distillery in this idace. tor which tire highest prices will be paid. 1 would also employ two or three good turpentine-, ' l>;n-ticular attention .^iveii to p.icking. liarrel Coopers. "• BOiiLl!.''. , i()l I.ivl.S K.il-. Luniberton, N C.. Feb’y 10, 18-)3. .Mso, De>ninon's celebi:!U-il Non-e.'.plosivo Lamp, the li^ht from whie’;, in pidnt of briili-iney aiid econo my, is nncijualled. Bnvers would do well to gi\e n^i a c;ul betoro making their*i)urch;..ses, ai wc will sell at a small advance on r.stf A iiARGALX OFFERiCU. i A S the undersigned has determined to remove to tin' i * » West, she ofl'ers for sale that commodious House, which she now occupies, in the village id' Summerville, j and all apjiurtenances thereinito belonging. .\lso, 12l> j acres of land ut the mouth of Cross Creek, in the town | of Fayetteville, a short distance above the (Jlarendon | Bridge. Ten:is cash, or paper negotiable at citiier ot | the Rajiks in Fayetteville. Reference, as to the Cri>ss | Oeek laml, is made t.> .lames Banks, I^sip, of Favette- ( ville. E. BAILEY. j .Summerville, N. .lune (>, 1853. Itf j .ICST RECEIVED AXl)H)RSAl.iI I Large No. 3, Mackerel. ! “ “ Herring. | Fresh Lime. Plaster Paris. | “ Cement and Plastering Hair. J. W. POWERS & CO. .Inly 22, 1853. 13-tf Met(tlick Rooftrtia; find (hitivriua;^ Done in the best'inanner, at reduced prices, by 0. W. AN1>REWS. .Market Square. •lunc G, 1853. 200tf Blank Warrants for sale lure. Corner »d' U.UKihl.son and Hay street,--. Ne'\t door west of li. ,V I]. .1. Lilly. October. 2.'^ is.'i:’.. bdl _____ >i,.i,Arin.\ a I'll'i rtci'iviiig a large stock of (iroceries, Hardw.are. Boots and Siuies. which arc offered :is lov,- as they can be bought in the market, at wholes.alc or ret.ail. Oet. 13. 35(f 'I'o the i f( Pnhiic. 7'S'^HE Brother.^' Steam Boat Co. is now prepared 1 jl- with the following lioats; I Str. DOLGLAS.S, Str. BROTHERS, ! Tow Boat STEVENST('N, i D. LEWIS, ! ALFRED ELj.rS, I .)AS. CASrSIDEY, KlNGSBl'RV, and I FLiZA McDaniel, I to transport all Naval Stores, Proauce and other Freight j intnisted to their care, wi'.h a.s mueh despatch as any other line of Boats on the River. Tlivy are provided I with suitable Wharf and Ware-iliiUse accommodations 1 to do a general biisiucs.s\ and hope by strict altenlion j to the interest of sliipju rs, to nii'Ct .a share of pu'olic patronage. .1. S. B.\NKS, .Vg't, I Favetteville. i .JNO. BANKS, Ag't 1 at Wilmington, j Sept. 10, 1853. ' 20tf .ii, Mj 1a i^ViPS - ^ poa I Cr* >•» f WilKAT. CORN. ^ SAW MILLS, ' NLi g 1 RIST Mill Spindler Balance Irons and P Ite s Inks and (iudgeons, llotchkiBS Water Whee -t Racks and Rollers, kejit constantly on hand, and for sale. Wc also make Ge.iring and Shafting for Wheat, (ill'll. Saw Mills and Factories. Steam Engines of any aower repaired, (irate Bars and Furnace fronts kept on haml. We wi.sh to make additions to onr machinery pud tools; to enable us to dr. this, those indebted by note or account will please come forward and settle. HALL & BOLLINGER. March 12, 18.53. Ttitf Mvric}-: 'I'o 'ruAVELLERs’ r^IHE A(,'C0M.\P>I)ATlON LINE froni Fayetteville .M. to Warsaw is now prepared to carry passengers with despatch. They will connect with the morning train going North. This tniin connects with the i’orts- mouth and Petersburg route at Weldon. 1 will make the connection both ways, ceutain—more than the stage has done heretofore. We leave War.saw on arri val of the morning train from tlie North. Passage ^ L J. B. ASKEW. Sept. 5, 1853. 2otf DK. STRONO’S PECrOliAL sro.NLVCii PlfJ.S. A remedy for Coughs, Colds, Catarrh, Bronchitis, Crou]i. Whoo'iing Cough, Asthma, ('onsumption, Nervous Dise.'vses, Dysjiejisia, ’ostivenes«, Erysipelas. Disease of ihc Heart, Intlammaiion and Pain in the Chest. Back and Side, and all disease.'^ arising from a de ranged st.-ite of the Stomach, and to relieve the dis tress unil bad feeling from eating too hearty food, in weak and dyspeptic habits. Warranted to be Purely Vegetable. ffi’^HESE I’ills act as an Expectorant, Tonic, and la Aperient One 25 cent box pos.sesses three times more power to cure dise:ises than a one dollar bottle of anv of the Svrnps, Balsams, or Sarsaparillas, that was ever made, and a simple trial of only one box will prove this imjiortant truth. 'ffliey pi'oiiiolc ioOMUi ISiC! aiijS «‘Ioar Hit* aia«l otiioi* S‘C‘r«‘t«>rv «>f all morbid liaattOi> iH‘d there is not another remedy in the whole Materia Medica capable of imparting such healing A soi tme; n Hi LAUJ>ER. TWiI lillllilS .\lillVJi T. H:\IGH & SON'S STORE. Favi'ttevillr, 1%. /. .Jan'y 2;, 1853. Gl-l\pd rruPEx rixE avaxted. L \iill pay until further notice, the higliest cash ¥ V price for Turpentine. McLAURIN & STRANGE. August 1853. 23-tf £M A'. {■; received anl opened the largest Stock ot DR'i GOODS, (JROCERIES, iVc., I ever offered *'er sale, all of which 1 will sell as low as any bouse in this place. My friends and customers, and nil in want of iood‘=. .’.re respectfully invited to call and examine for theih-.-ives " PETER P. .lOHNSON. Fa_\».i‘.tv' le. N September 1853. ' 28tf XE\V GOODS. “ ]'i—that the viiiid (tf thanUuyjj man, Slvttl ’iiii of chauijc iintl plciwd infh uoLulij/, Ml’;, I' inihiJiji'il." ’^■^7 Si have received our F.\LL .STOCK of GOODS. V W e..mj>rising a better selected and more general a; ortm 'iir of i'/ii’FASi€::V Than h i.^ ever been offered iii this market. Our stock of Glass. China. Cro'^ vcrj" of every descrip tion, is c.;mp!ete. Also, Carpeting, Rugs, Table and I Floor Oil Cloths; almost every article in the house fur nishing lin:‘; kitchen furniture, table .and bel Linen, Napkin.'--. ,W-., may be found. Fine table Cutlery, with a line st->ek ibirdware and Cutlery, suitable to the countrv (i- ’.de. —ALSO— !n.i evie- oi' all kinds. Sugar, Cotfee, Wines and Bran- I'lie-; IKe .'tiilfs aioi Drugs; Fine Teas, iSic. In fact we h:ive b»rn industrious to make our n-ssortment ofcjoods c.iiipli l'.'. We invite the public to examine them, and trust the^v vill rind gool articles :>t moderate prices, either at w:iole:';de or retail. SA'l L W. TlLLlN(iH.\ST Jc CO. Oct t). ii'-i-'" 33-tt rOHACCO. fK'^HE -'Ii.-criber continues to receive and seli. on manv.facturers’ account, all grades of mainilac- ttired Toii:t('CO. -L ( TLE^ . .M:iy31 1-S52. '-^''tf Xi'.w S'i'OCIv Ol' ul'lliAti .nil MMM i'HE sv.bscriber i.-! now receiving a large and well il scleeiJ 1 stock of GOODS, comprising a General l»!vY '-OODS, {{cady-niade Hoots aiul Shoes, lints aiul C aps. Haniv.an* aiid Cutlery, tJrocorics, Sadiieii’V 6cc.,. Os-c. properties to the Lungs and Vit:d Organs as these Pills. 'I'lieV i*nr«* |>i-odii(‘e a $£>>1 i(o, uiid lii* Sy«to»«i. Price 25 ets. per box, containing 25 doses of meaicine. Call on the Agents who sell tlie Pills, and get the ^ -Planter’s Almanac” gratis, giving full particulars and | \\hidi wi.l be sold low tor ( ash. or exchanged for I nr- certificatesofcnres. | pent.ne and Country Produce. Both kinds of the above-named Pills are for sale in i He returns his warmest thanks to h.s old Inend.s an Fayetteville by S. J. Hinsdale, and J. N. Smith: who j customers tor the liberal patronage iMMeloiorecxiei .hd al.so keep a supply of Ju. S^>eMCtr» Ve^etahle I’.lh, to hnu, ar.d hopes to inerit a continuance ^l tlK .vuiK. and /M 7/tf/r.,- /W.V, which stop the Chills , '"srlf'’ and Fever the first day, and do not sicken the stomach kuigsl ’.y. Api:l lg-». J. " or operate on the bowels. _ Randolph Slieetiii*^ and Cotton \arn, For sale by WORTH & ELLIOTT. April 1853. 87tf K'[^’;i!E d, .-Vim mac. for 1854. AL.'WAXA( S! L-mer's and Planter's, and Turner's .V. ('• Wholesale and retail, by E. .1. HALE A; SON.

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