8 E M I - W E E K: L. Y. I'AYiyrTFAIIJ^E, N. C.. DECI.MBKK :>. 1853. pkinti'I' hy .1. n. XKwin* ^;i)\V\l{l) .1. HALK & SOX, l-;it]T"HS AM» I'KOI’RIKTOKS. jh.->'nii-"'okly OnsKUVKH i,M> if paid in >■ ,i" il'pui'i ihirinn the veiir of sul>si rii>- .. sj r tin' vi'iir hus cxj>irod. \V , iin'KK\Fit (lO ]H'r ui'.iiuin, if jirtiil in s:' •>n it' ilurin^ tJio your of sulxoriji- V , ( o ;ituT the year has expired. rs iusfrtod fin- sixty cents per = !•; he first, and thirty eents for each Yearly jidverfi.«ernen(.'- hy .'pe- nt reas'iniible rates. Advertisers are r state the nuniber nf insertions clesired, or .0 , untinued till forbid, and char^red aeeord- Letters to the Kditor' must he post-paid. Thomas J. Joluisoii sale Ha 'U't received and offers for Pnri- Lend, ; X iTul *' X l'> indow Glass, Fiittv ill canisters. Tnr]ientine :t'oHins i Co.: Axes, •• Tini!>er do. Mi" and i-r. -s-out Saws (cnst steel. ]ii tons lri>n. assorted. ■■ a«t .■'ti'f!. I'or drills, n r-^e Nails. \e.. «:„ k« Salt. . Seed PiVf N! ilasses and Svrup. THOS, .1, .TOUNSOX, ' "lo. l2(.. 1S.j3 4>'-.iw A. J. O’llanloii, (ictiuiit'er and Coinnus.>sioii Merrliant. Ila.s on hand, for sale.— ■; hi; I? P. K. Snpar. ^11 HV'.s. Coffee Supar, •• prime .“^t. Croix ditto. _■ ' >ics Ki" Coffee, ^ keg« Xftils. ■2'- hh!s. Xo. S Mackerel, large, half-libls. Xo. ditto. •• Ni'. - ditto. .'xes as.sorietl ChuJv, ■■ Soap. '■ •• Candles. ■ Isalf-bbls. Snuff. —ALSO— i:r.r>-1 Tails. Brass bound ditto, ln>lijro. Saleratus. ■T. Spice. (linger, Mace, C’oves, Nulmeds. Tea. ! ;ii^ Paper, Sai-k SftU. Kope, Happinir. Xf. .■-rteville, Nov. 2.''. 48-lm KAYXKIi cV (ilLMORK, Com m ins i on • Her eh aiits. No. lot WATER STREET, liEW YORK. .nr.EV G. R-WNF.R.] [J.\ME R. GILMORE. •■••;reiices: M.i^si'5. Francis Skinner A: Co., New York. Lord. Warren \ Co., “ E. Kidder. Esq., Wilmiujrton. N. C. ■T. IL Flanner. Atii"S Wade. Esq.. Newbern, D. .X W. McLaurin, Fayetteville, tori M't'im»rv advances made on Naval Stores. vVc. \ ^ 1.4Stf niiJ.iARi) 'r\i{Li:s vo\i sali-:. ^S^riLL be sold, at the Market House, at 1‘J o'clock. ▼ w on Saturday, Hhh l*ecemhcr tiext. TwotidOil lii'iliard Tables. wltJi Fixture'*. ,Vc.. cmuplete. Terms lil.cral. M . C \ M PI',KLl„ .\ucir. Niiv. is. 18');>. )()-is. RI:M()\ AL. J. N. SMITH, Chemist and Druggist, H.v\ l.\u n'liuiVi'tl ti) tlio Sturt* TKirtli- west eurnei' of Nl.arket Sijuare. recently oc cupied by P. Shennvcll. now oib-rs to his friends .and the ]iublic irciicrnlly a laree and well selected stock id' Dnivzs. Clu'iniciils. Paints, Oils. Dye Stulls. Medicines and PcrtunuTV, consistiiivr in I'art ot the tollovvinp; Potash. \\ hiti' l.ead. \ e'u tian red, S]iHnish brown, copperas, alum, '•aitpetre, sa soda, bi carbsoda, s.alcratus. i!)>>ddcr, indi^^n. sul]>hur, .psoni snlt-i. ye!l"W ochre, Pilakc's p nnt. idirnnie yellow, uui- bcr. cltri'nie irreen. Pros. blue, c^alk. >;pii‘c. i'c]>pci-, iiutnicps, clu\cs. starch, umiici'. biirax. vi'ust powders, essence-, uuist.ird, n.:_;\v ij. ink.-. v uipi ( ss wat-T. salail "il, window plass. putty, varnishes ;ali kinds, , lip.'t'cd. t;inuers'. castor .and livi- iiil, alcohol. sul]di. acid, burning tluid, Canipl’.'iH'. imint vnnil-’i; tooth, flesh, nail and v.liite-wash bri’.shes: j_:ilviinic batteries: suriiic.al. tooth and cupjiiiiji instruments; American. French and Euglisli clicmicals. pat -nt mcdiciui s, ,vc.. >xc.. all of vvhicli are ot tirst raN- j,> '''!ty. and will be sold at a small adv:mc(' on cn-i. • •rdv-r-; solicited tVi.in counti’v icians, merchants, and others, who are rcspectlu’ly inviteil t‘> call and examine my stock oefore iiurchavln^ e!-. uiiere. as they may depend on procuriiiir I'resli and ‘jrennine articles. No pains will bi- >pared to ;4ive satisl.iction ' vth in quality and pric>'. The subscribvr h"]ic.s. bv sti-ict at tention to business, to merit :i -iliar.' ot th,' pub'i,- j.nt- nmapc. Medical j.iv,criptioii: r.iit-fiiHv and accurately prepared. .1. S.M 1111. North->rr'i (.■•r;ier ^l.'!vkef .'^i[ii.'irc Oct. l-tf $Hh) Ri:\N Alii). .V.N’AW VY from the :b~,-ri’ t^^^ Ncj:ro (i;r!s ■ % and four Children, vi/; M.VKTH A, m l.riuht mn- altto, five feet four or fi\t> i ii-h - hi; h. t ■ '.''h her two pirl children. Frances and Ann: HANN.Ml. ci.ppt-r colored, about the same Iv iuh' of Martiia. ll:;>.iuali took with her two male chiidrci.. Lewi.- and J-d u. The above neprocs i'ornn‘rly bi ’ n ,■ i t‘ tl;c o't.iti- oi (ieorjre T. Barksdale, and aii •''ip|i .. 1 t. ' i lurking ubout the Cape Fear. .(b.ut ,'Ir. AVius’ow'- plastatiiin. The above reward wiil 1st* paid *'or their conlinement in any Juil so that the subx ii' tT c:m c*‘t tln'm. or for their deliverv to the suiKcrii f-r in .'^aiupson coimtv. iLKF.T K. pi;ti;iis'»n. September 1S'>:'.. 'Ji’i-tf 13. . C. B('iil)ow. I'FNTAL Si IS located thir'l door iu l'.w in need of thi^ scrvii'cs ot' inviteil to call, lie ^-uarante' rntion.s. N. B. Those tor whom in* please call int' liis 11..nus at t •ctober 1(1, l^o;:. UiiLfN, tlif M:irk • I i-it rin ■' -atl-t'acli. .Vll wL-- ^ire M'i]i(*ctt'uily ai in a’! opc- qicratC'l last >ea.'on wi'.l nu- c.'uvenient time. Stf 1 .Vi l ll.l.i: ]\m\i i,\sr!H\ii: himpiw. T Coni]>any is imw ceive applii-ations t'' terms as other (J.'mj'unies. D1KK( TuH rj: \nised itid prepared t' Insurance, on : fav r; tU' A.XO. TdNS .f Peruvian (luano—fresh imported- e.xpccterl. For ale bv T. ilAIilH M SON. :. 47-tf AVk.N 1]. II.VLL. .1. 1. SllLl'lIKKl). Wm. \VAlUiK.N. T. Hawlkv. .Ii'HN 1). William- ('. HkN!5i:\V. Ml Lai KIN. \V.M. >1* Imyuk. car. \r Plus I Itra BI nxfsif. Subscriber, a j'racticnl Boot-maker of someex- r ;;ve. ha.'- for some time been sensible that - . A /- 'ir- .- t" be yet supplied to the publir in y ■! ;i suitable burnish for boots and shoes. Most ar'ii'les n^iw used either injure the leather or fail ,rr that lustre so necessary to give to man's ’■ ^:i proper finish, lit-has therefore, dur- ■ '. I't twelve months, been dev nin" himself ti, ! preparing; an article free t'rom these objec- .:i 1 has at length after much inve-itigation ami '! ■ :it '.,mp!etfly succeeJed. The resuit is IJ ru-‘h." He only wishes that it may be ii. -ir'ler to establish its sujieritirity over all ' - ' -.ii 'U him at Mr. Nathan Sikes' boot and • :'t-.'s’ishment. on Person street, and be supplied • xce’lent article at a cheap rate. THOMAS GILL, 'o... 47tf To LIMBKR AND 'rrUPKN'riNE MAKl'JiS. Subscribers off'-r f"r sale lOII .\cri-s 'f well ci.’.i'ubi'f 1 for the Lumber an.1 Turpen- 'ine-s. The Land is situated in the Fayette- i’.alei^di Piank ;.V...ut eight mil*-s from ville, two miles from ( ajii- Fear Kiver. and ;.s froni u Landing l)elow the lowest bam; n it at the junction of two constant streams a ii the Improved H.dchkiss plan; also, L»weil- . ‘, Kitchen, liurn. Stables. Acc. To tlmse de- ! iiibnrking in the above business it would be a • at; Ti. Inquire of John H. McNeill on the • - r D. McNeill, Fayetteville. I*. & .1. II. .mcNp:ill. r II McMlLLAN. S 7. H. S. on hand a b AH i‘'A 48-tf f. \ \[) AM) S'l'KAM FOR SALE. ■V i requested to ; ' cupied by •'S. iive him a call. •J. Hinsdale, - at tlie lUth wi ■tan we des'.ff to concf‘!it’'uie our business, we offer I Square and (lilleypie street for sale our Home Place, 'ireenwood.i This consists of hb.rut 'J.ifMi acres, is miles from Fay'- and 'J from the ')ipe Fear. Nearly all of it is .1 pentine and Tar hinil. the boxes having been wrought m c; to *1 years. The he.avy .Mill Timber has been ' off of about one-lialf of it. e also offer for sale our Steam Saw Mill, on this 'in‘1. U"W in good running firder. The mill has two - ir. : ircular Saws, and will cut from l.iMKi to 10,()(M! 'f [.umber per day; also an edging guani. a grist , aid Smiths’ tools. This Mill was put up by S. I' : Kscj. of Raleigh, and is inferior to none. If v.i -vll US above, we offer for sale 4 teams of .Nlules. * ■ .1^: jn>^ and Harness, 2 yokes of Oxen, nnd '1 ()x .rts: C.ittle. Hogs, .vc. 'Vc will sell on accommodating terms. .'iress, Fayetteville. .JONES & BARBEE. >:-*-nwood, Nov. lH;'j.3. 4(tl.T NOTK K. n AVIN'i purchased the interest of T. R. l'nler- wood in the firm of d. W. Lawrence \ Co., I will ‘titinue l)usiness as heretofore at • fWfi ry ’ s 4m arrtett. I luive from t\v.--lve to fifteen Coopers constantly nt '•.irk jnanutHcturiiijr Spirit Barrels, at the rate of H)(i 125 per week; have now on hand 4(M) P>aiTels for ■! il*!, at •'i'J -o, cash at the Shop, >r iji! ;{.> delivered in Town. 1 shall ftl.so continue the Distillinjr '1’ui‘pentine. and will pay within 15 cents per barrel r,f t|,p Fayetteville I'-ice in ('.ASH, or Goons at Cash nrices I'KNTINL wanted.*^ ■ I hav? now in Store a general assf)rtment of (;H)!)S •'o- sile at Fayetteville prices. All kinds of Country l'rohice taken in exchange for (ioods. ('all an«l see. 0. W. LAWRENCE. 17, 46(f Oct. 1, 1- IIknkv ]>illy. H. L. Myruvkr. Th»s. s. Luttkrloh. Joil.N II. Cut»K. 1>. A. Kay. A. A. .McKktha.n. Gko. McNkill. Nathan A. .'Stki>man. Ja.mk' Kylk. i (iFFICFRs; (,ir]». .McNEli.L. Prf-iiicii!. H. L. MVi:nVKK. Vi. . i r -i.hnt. J. i. SHEPHERK. Att..rncy. ('. .V. M.'Nl 11,1, A N. Secrvr:;rv. (iEO. McNEILL, ) .InllN H. ('"'K, V Exfcuriv*'C.jiiimittee. JAS. KYLE. I The plan of Mni vi. I.n-i iix " ^ must • .imiiiend itself to ;iur community, t- r it c mi ■ h-tioin-tratt d that wc have saved within tlic 1;-t "ix.' '• r.i-. .f in liv insurance in the N .lio (':■.!'. in:i .Mu'')al C .uipany; that i'. we shiiuM h.ave pal i t: o i. k' pr the s;inic in- suraio'e in the foreiizn j .nr -!■ ck I'oiiii' inlcs that sum more ti'.-in we h.ive acruaii;. .m i \ft :iif N .rth Carolina .^l\ltual ( ^.uip ny !; : rc ■ i-. • ! and nupre from i or c .iun;:-nity thMii it has paid out for looses her*'.—sh..wimr that wc are t:iv..rably -it uated. as comparel witii .oher ]iia'cs in the .-tat*.', I'or Insurance. (Jur Company has g.-ne int-> ■qu r:: :i. 'U favorably, ha\ - ing the day we organised applications to the amount of ^1 l').(»'t(), and the ('omj'any is n..w placed up in a fiiwi footing. .\ny L*irector, auth'iriM d Agt.nt. or .'^ei'ret.ary, m.ay receive ,\pplications, out tii'.y v\ii; n- t be 'i. ling until approved by the Executive Cniiimi'■ c- cr the IJoard. jjSr^'GKo. W. L.\WRK.'m J. i .ip int.-1 (leiural .\gent of the (_'om]mnv. We incite .-i: !. ■ 'ati. os. Nl.lLL. i'r-s T I.Al KlNlil HGII IIKlll SCIIOOI,. ItlrHMIINlI ('Ill'NTY, .NdKTH 1’.\1UII.IN.\. ^I'^HIS large nn.l flourishing Institution is Jiov^ per- I manently established, under a full corps of well i|Ualified Insiructers, nnd with every thing requisite for a first class Seminary, lieing well supplied with Maps, (leographical and .\strononiical; Globes. Philosophical and Chemical .\iiparatiis. The Semi-.\nnuftl Sessions of five numths comnietice on the second .Monday of .January and ,Tuly respectiveh . Circulars, containing ftill particulars, will be fur- nisheil by a])]>lying to Rev. .). ,1ont‘s Smyth, M.. Principal. I.auiel llill P. o.. Richmond county, N. C., or to 1». C. MelNTN'RE. Secretary. October 1 L lS-");{. MtiY I'WC'V c;o(7i)s. rpiIE Sul iscriber is now receiving his F.VLL ANI' I WlNTEi: ST(»CK (»F Sl:i|)l(‘ and i'ancy DRV CiOODS, ;uid oflcrs them to the ]>ublic upon terms as easy, and prices us low. as .vny stock in North Carolina, .^s he is dclei mined tt) sell for a small i>rofit. either for cash or on time to punctual customers, all woubl ilo well to call an.I see hi-i stock before ])urchasing. (hit of hi.-i stock, he ('numerates a few of tiie leading articles: rich brocade and fig'd Silks; plain bl'k gro do rhine do.; sollid .M\is]in deLained eveiy price and col or. all w.iol; Lace, .Muslin an..l .Inconet Sleeves; Cher.ii- zettcs and ('ollars; Crass and ('or led .''kirts; ladies' and gentlemen's Kid. Silk and W or-t'.'d (Ib'-ves; Liiu-n Cam bric li'dk'fs; an assortment of plain. I’lOtted and check ed S>\is- .Muslin; Cambric and Jaconet: Bombazines ami .\;p.’ic;is; Cambric and Swiss Kdg'g and Inserting: French Merino of every color; ladies’ Silk and Meritio Vest Corsetts; while Crape Shawls: among other styles, a great variety of ladies' l»ress (Ioods and Trimmings. Your attention is particularly called to liis assortmeiit of tancy deLaiues; ladies' and misses' white ami col'd Silk i’.oiuiets; Bishop Lawns and Irish Linens; good at- sortmeni ladies' Shoe.s. Slippers ;i'.d G.iiters, among them a benutiful article of white Kid Slipper nnd Gai ter: bl'k and col’d French and A;'ierican Cloths and I' l'imercs; lot lleady-.Made lothing: an assortment of Good- for negro wear, sui'h ;is Kersevs and Blankets, BroLiin Boot- and .Shoes: with all otlier goods usually kept in my line. .1. C. POE. Sept. 1 L IS.'.:;. ‘J.S-om rV(‘\v Fali (m)O(Is. f'B^HF. sutiscribers have just received and opeae l, at Jl their *id Stand, 'i vt-ry large and han lsome Stock of Staple mni M'anctf IPrif iioods. Embracing every style and i|Uality I.,adies’ Dress Goods. ; Also, nil styles of (Joons lor (.ientlemen's wear: Fine Moleskin and other styles fashionable Dress Hats; Satin anl .■'traw Bonnets; Boots and Shoes, etc. gr2!f"\Vo call particular attention to a splendid assort ment if I Keacly-iiiade Of the very best material and workmanship, in our sti'ck may be found all Goods suited to tiie . season, at the very lowest market prices. All in want j ut (i iods in otir line will jdease give us a call. j E. L. .V J. A. PEMBERTON. ; n.'iy Fayetteville, .'^ept. 'J'l. ; .11 s r RIX’KIN Kl), ; 4 PRIME lot Mountain Butter. New (irleans and Cuba .Molasses. •)av:i. Laguira and Rio Coffee. .''iu.'ir. Rice. iVc. WORTH & ELLIOTT. March 7. ls.’»o. 7'i.f l''all iind \\ iiit'r Stock. 1H.53. f B1HE Subscriber calls the attention of his friends M. and the public to his recent purchases of HATS, CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, | Which is one of the largest assortments that he has ever c:illcii the attention of his friends and the public I til. He has niiw in Store nearly every style of ' Hats^ €'ftps. Hoots and Shoes II.,w in v.igue. of all prices to suit the times or the cus- ' tomer however f:4stidious he may be. He would say to | a’.’ -ach a- wnnt the worth of their nionev to call and I examine hi- -f. -k of H ATS. CAPS. BOOTS and SHOES. hs he is desirou-i to exchange the same into ("v^uas S'on as ]io->ible. in orde) that he mav replenish. J. C.‘ THOMSON, Market Siju.ire. .''ept. li;. l^o:;. 'Ji-tf A(‘\v SN)r* A‘\v (aoods. faMlE 'u:.s,.ri ber Would respectfully announce to hik M io-.pmiiir;ince-i .and the public gener.aliy. that he hii taKcu a St 'ie ..n tlio South side of the Market S-jUiire, iiv.t di r t" .Mr. Draughon s corner, where he will be ji’c.i.-i i at any time t.i see them. Hi> St tck cuu-i.-'ts "t .-'laplc uml Fancy I>ry (fuods; :ii-'i, a fine' ;i" irtnient ot' iJotiiiCts, Hats, Cap.s, Bi'ot.s aiiil Shi'cs. Kc:uiy-inu(lc Clutliiug, \nd manv oilier articles too tedious to mention. HENRY N. MONROE. Oc‘. li!. i -'i... o'.i-."m I St FFI.V Of Mctlici/ir.s, O/Li, (uul \\ o an' now reouiviiig ^ > ^lin addition to our Stock — ^ ! which we opened in .\pril i-;" j S PA ri: OF NORTH CAROfJNA, ('U M BERI-AN U COU NTV. In the Counti/ (’unrf. John W Pearce. .Vdministrator of John W. Howell, c..f. the Heirs at l,aw d' said .lohn W. I’etition to sell I’eal Estate. 1*1^OTICE is hereby given to the Heirs at Law of John W. Howell, to be and ai>pear before the Justices of our said ('’ourt, at Fayetteville, on the 1st Monday of Decemlier, to answer to the said P('tition. or the same will be heard ex parte. Witness. John .McLaurin. Clerk of our said (’ourt. at (.>flice at Favetteville. the olst of OctoVier 40tHi»] ■ JOHN Mcl.ALRlN. xorici:. H.W’ING jiurchased the stock of Materiel on hand at the Shoji formerly owned by Mr. E. Fuller, ;inil having engaged the si'rvices of .Mr. J. (’. Lally, whose Work gives such general and entire satisfaction, I am now prejiared to execute !ill orders for Timl)er Wagons, Pioad Wagons. Carts. Drays, Wheell)arrows, &c. 1 have on hand and will constantly keep a good sup ply of Iron -\xles. Ch.ains. Bidts, aiitl in short every thing that the Wagon-niaker can need. Timber Wagons, with the improved Iron .Vxles, made to order at the shortest notice. 1 liave 10 good and competent Workmen at the busi ness, and will give it my whole and undivided attention. My prices shall Vie as moderate as the times will ad mit, and 1 will challenge any Wagon-maker in the Uni ted States to equal mv work either in point of stvle or durability. ‘ THOS. C. FULLER. Oct. L’tj, IS.-);:. .39tf I'ali and Winter Stock For fB'IHE subscriber has just received and opened, at his New Store on tii‘ East side of Green street, a few doors from the .Market House and nearly oppo.site his (Jld .Stand, a large Stock of and Fancy OKV Embracing a general assortment of LatRes’ and Gentle men's Dress Goods, consisting in part of Shawls, Cloaks and .Mantillas, some very tine; and also a good assort ment of SHOES AND BO(>TS, for Ladies, Gentlemen, Girls, Roy-^ and Children. And the best assortment of Silk and otlier styles of B(»NNETS he has ever offered to the public. Sugat, Coft'ee, Tea, Pej'per. Spices, ainl Tobacco, a tine article. P. SHEMWELL. October ti, 33tf IVlio would have flioiig^lit it? J. S. IWXKS, 4'oniniiM)i«ioii .TIrrcliaiit, Fayetteviiie, W. C. Sept. Ill, IH'»::. liftf s r i: A M i : R 11 k n r r r a , rilllliOCGH from \. Wessell's wharf in Wilmington, J[ to her old wharf in Fayetteville, with a sufficient number of Flats to accommodate those wishing to ship through or way freight. R. ^L ORREIJj. ,\gent at Fayetteville. Sej)t. 9, ‘J7tf TIIK SrKAMER “SUN.” TH'^HIS new and very light draught .steamer has com- -M_ menced n-nuing, tliough not quite finished. .She is taking freight^ Jrawing only lo inches water. She possesses superior advantages for low water service.— She has also a large umoiint of warehouse, shed and wharf room, where Nnval Stores or other freight may be stored with safety. R. M. ORRELL. Ag't. Sept. 10, 185:;. 27tf IIOTKI.. fl^HE suliscriber having jmrchasgil the Hotel situated on the .South-Kast corner i>f Court House Square, and lately known as Stuart’s Hotel. wouM inform the public that he is now ready to .iccomniodate boarders bv the day. W('ek or month. Having made considera ble outlay in furnishing and refitting the Establishment, he hqies to be aide to give satisfaction to all who pa tronize him. His Table shall be furnished with the best the market affords, his IVjir with the best of Li- • juors, and his Stable with a jilenty d'good provender and faithful ((stlers. J. .\. (JILCHRIST. June -•i. 1S.'»J. :i-tf lED.VR F.VLJ.S Cotton Yarn and Sheetings, for sale " at Faciory prices, by TRO^’ .S: .MARSH. May ::o. is.-,;:. ' .tstf LIMJJKR! MMliKR!! li 11.WE on hainl a large amount of Lumber of different kinds—flooring, wide boards, we.'ithei' boards, scantling, l.aths, \e.: some of which is ]..artly seasoned. .Vlso. a large assortment of refuse: will sell jefiise boai’ds tt the mill at per ,M.. scantling at •S2 !ind go(td edgeil Ixijirds at •'So. Sawel staves, sea- soncij. P.ills filled at short notice. JONES vS: ISAR REE. (ireenwood. ('uiiiberlaiid. N. ('., Auti. 4. IS"):!. [17tf The Ijar^esl Carriasi'e Faetort/ hi the Sotttit! W l'UKI(;HTIN(j ON CAI’E I'KAI!. rWlHE subscribers having purchased the Steamers M. E^vergreen and Southerner and Tow Bo.'its, bitely the property of the Henrietta Steamboat Company , are now prepared to forward with despatch, between Wil mington and Fayetteville, all freights or goods entrust ed to them. F. N. \ .r. H. ROBKRTS. Favetteville, Fcb’v 1 i, ISolL tiHtt A. A. KiyriiAiX ||9 ESPF]«'TFL'LLV informs his friemls and the miJ>- 5 » lie, that he has built uji large substantial b ick Buildings at his Ohl Stand, expressly for manufacturing Carriages. Tii.Tiikfiil for rlie very liberal jwtronage he has received for the In-^t 21 years, lie hopes Jiy strict attention to business, wit! li ilesire to give satisfaction, to merit a continuance of the same. He warrants his work to be made of the best material and by ex|»erienced workmen in e.acli branch of the business. His work rt'ill comjiare favorably with any made in the United States, for neatness and lurability. He is determined to sell and do any work in his line Agent, wiU be promptly and carefully forwarded, as on as good terms as any work done elsewhere that is as .Notice to .'flerchant)^. rUROl (^H BY DAY FJGllT. ^■IHE swift and commodious Ste.imboat Alice, C:ipt. i Sam'l Beery, will commence lier regular semi- weekly trips between Fayetteville and Wilmington in a few days. Those who desire their goods with certain ty and despatch will obtain them by shipping by her. Due notice of days and hours of departure from each place will be given. Goods consigned to J. R. Blossom, usual. August 1853. IStf CHEAP (iOODS. I am now receiving a much larger stock of Fancy Dr§0 Goods^ than I have yet offered in Fayetteville, consisting of Dry (roods of every description. Hats. Boots, Shoes, and . , , i Ready-made Clothing, which will be sold as low as any n> U' ('arrnKj'- hstiihtisUnient on the 1 goods in the State. I will be glad to have the ladies call and examine mv stock. W. F. MOORE. Sept. 17, I Si;} 31-tf lit n, till Mt i.( Church, f'nmtinij un Mumjortl Streit. (;RHA r KNTKRPRISK! FHy‘ttevill«‘ iis l>oiiiid to Kliiue!! ^■"^HE .Subscribers would respectfully inform their J friends and tlie public, that they have etitered into copartnership for the purpose of conducting the general C.\RRI.V(iE BUSINES.'^ in all its various parts. And being both practical workmen, fully understanding their business, they have no hesitation to compare work with any establishment in Fayette\ille as to style and dura bility. (Ji'ie of the firm may be known by reference to A. H. Whitfield's iron work for th* last two years. We warrant all work to give general satisfaction for twelve months. Repairing done in the neatest manner low for cash. PIER X BRANIN. J.\MKS H. PlEU. J.\.MES Br.\X1.N. F.'ivetteville. .Jan'v 24. Iho-'L (llitf wsm ■\S on hand a beautiful a.-j.soitmeju oI I'.VLL .\.ND WINTER (iOoDS. He desires X i n turn ih.tnks to his friends and the iiuijlic lor the liberal patronage which they have bestowed on him; and S'llicits a con tinuance of the same. Hi-» frien I utiiI the oubiic arc ?!'TCINES1 formerly oc. • rner .\Iarket last) a large and v.-ell select- s W AN’n J). BBLS. Turpentine, delivered at ^ sr K p' my Distillery in this place, for which the highest jirices will be paid. 1 would also employ two or three good turi>entine- barrel Coojiers. • ROl'Llt.S. Lumberton, N ('.. Feb’v D'. 1^03. A liAR(iA!N orr'i:Ki:i). tS the undersigned has determined to remove to the West, she offers for sale that commodious House, which she now occupies, in the village if Summerville, aii'l all aj>pnrlenance.s tliereunlr> bel-.nging. -Vlso. I'J'i acres of land :it the mouih (d' Cross (.'reek, in the town • of Fayetteville, .•» short ilistance above the Clarendon ; Briilge. Terms cash, or jiaoer negotiable at eithi'r of i the Banks in F;i_\ etteville. RelVrc'iice, as to the ('ross Creek laml. is mai(' to .James Banks, E-i|., of Favette ville. K. 15A1LEV. Summerville, N. C., June l^O;;. Itf I .1 rs'i' R1 :c' I: \ \ i: i > \ i > vi > r s a l i 1.\PiGE No. 3, .Mackeri‘1. J “ “ Herring. Fresii Lime. Plaster Paris. “ Cement and Plastering Hair. J. W. POWF-RS .V (’O. .Inly i!J, IS.'):;. L'.-tf Mctalirlx Ruofhir and D(JNE iu the best manner, at reduced prices, by C. W. ANDREWS. Market Square. June *i, 1H53. 200tf Blank Warrants for .sc/e !u re. ed stock Ilf I»rugs. .Medicines, Paints, oils. Dye-Stuffs, En glish anil (ierman Crucil)les, Paul De Vers i: Co’s Vege- Sp" | table I'.xti-acts for culinary purposes; Yeast I’owlers. i Delmotiico's and other brands; I,yon’s Katharion; Bar ry's Tricopiierous; .\yer's'Cherry F’ectoral; Witheral iS: Bro’ White Lea l; lUirniug Fluid and Pine Oil. Also, DeCuinon's celebrated Non-exjilosive Lamp, the liuht fi'om which, in point of brilliancy and econo my, is unequalled. Buyers would do well to give us a call before niaking their jiurchascs, as we will sell at a small advanc** on cost. Particular attention given to packing. FOULKFS .V .MA'RAE, Corner of Donal.lson and Hay streets. Next door west of H. I’. J. Lilly. October, 1S.'.3. 40tf' ~ I). cV w. .McLaurin till', receiving a large stock of Groceries, Hardware, Bi.>ots and Shoes, which are offered as low :is they can be bought in the iaarket, at whtdesalc or retail. Oct. ]::. 35tf 7o /Ac i'rdi^hlitm; Buh/ic. TB^IIE Brothers Steam Boat Co. is now prepared Jl. with the following lioats: Str. DOUGLASS. Str. BROTHERS, Tow Boat S TKVE^NSTON’, D. LEWIS, ALFRED ELLIS, JAS. CASSIDEY, KINGSBURY, and ELIZA McDANIEL, to transport all Naval Stores, Pro.luce and other I’reight intrusted to their cnvo. with as tniich flesp.atch as any other line of Boats on the River. Th«y are i)rovided wiih suitable Wharf and Ware-House accommodations to do a gener.il business, iind hope by strict attention to the interest of shippers, to meet a share of public patronage. J. S. R.ANKS, Ag’t, Fayetteville. JNO. BANKS, Ag’t at Wilmington. Sept. 19, i8o;i. 29tf »M/'oULI> respectfully inform the jiublic that he is W w still at his old st.ind carrying on the above business in all its branches. He returns thanks for the liberal jiatronage he has received, and hopes by a strict attention t>> business, and a desire to please all and give general satisfaction, to merit ;i continuance of the Same. He warrants all his work to be made of the best ma terial and liy experienced workmen,—having a more fxpi'ri- nci'il ;ind pi ji'iirii! Smith, he flatters himself that his work will com)u‘te with any made in the State for stvle. elegance and durability: and should any of it fail in twelve months (with fair usage) either in workman ship or material, he will repair it free of charge. Persons wishing to buy. wonhl di well to call and ex amine his work as he i.^ determined to sell low for cash or on short time. Orders thankfully received and promptly attended to. neatly executed at short notice and lowest possible prices. Favetteville, .Ian. 2i), 1853. (>3tf .HjMj ki.vds ^ WHEAT. CORN, SAW MILLS, \M» ^ 1 Risr Mill .SpiiiJler Balance Irons and Drivers ® Inks and Ciudgeons, Hotchkiss Water Wheels, Racks and Itollers, kept constantly oti hand, and for sale. We also make Gearing and Shafting for Wheat, Corn, Saw Mills and Factories. Steam I'ngines of any aower repaired, (irate Bars and Furnace on hand. Wc wish to make additions to pnd tools: to enable us to do this, those note or account will please come forward and settle. HALL .S: BOLLINGER. March 12, 18.VI. 7»Uf *•25 REWARD. 1WILL pay the above reward for the apprehension and safe delivery to me, or lodgment in Clinton Jail, 80 that 1 get my’ negro girl JENNY. She is a likely girl, of light complexion, smiles when spoken to, about five feet six or seven inches high; is supposed to be lurking about Faison's Depot, or Goshen. WM. P. HOBBS. July 27. lo-tf TB^HE highest cash price paid for Turpentine, White M. Oak Staves, ami Oak or Ashe Heading. Call on Jas. W. Strange, who can alwavs be found at the Still. McLA'URIN & STRANGE. Feb’y 18. 1853. 70tf WE Have on hand 10 Hhds. Sugars, 5 Bbls. Granulated do. 15 Bags Rio Coffee, ') “ MaricaiJ)o do. Bagging and Rope, , Swedes and English Iron. Window Glass, 8 x 10 and 1(* x 12, —ALSO— Loaf and Crushed Sugars. Bar and Fancy Soap, 40 Bbls. No. i Herrings, Spice, Pepper. (Hnger, Snuff, Indigo, Mailder^Span ish Brown, Saltpetre, Saleratus, .AL-ice, Cloves, Yeast Powders, Nutmegs. Adamantine and Tallow ('andles— with a general assortment of Provisions, Dry (Joods. Boots and Shoes. Hardware and Cutlery, (,'rockery and Glassware. Wc offer the aliove goods at low prices for cash, good paper, or produce. TROY MARSH. May 23, 1853. '.*7tf DU. STIU)N(rS COMPOIND SANATIVE PILLS. sire eiitiroly Ves«?fabl«‘, and are a nio>t «ii|M‘rior .Tledieiiie in the cure of all Bilious Complaints, ("hills and Fever, Dyspepsia. Costiveness, Liver Complaint, Jaundice. Sick lieadache. Scrofula. Salt Rheum, Fevers of all kinds. Loss of .\ppetite. Obstructed and painful Men struation, and all lingering diseases. As a Female Medicine they act like a charm, and when taken according to the directions, they never fail to cure very worst cases of after all other remedies fail. Tliey piiriky llie blood, equalize Hi«* cireiilatioii, r«‘slore tlie I^iver, Kidnt^ys and other ^ieeretory Or;;aiiK to a lieaitliy tone and aetion; and as an .\nti-Bilious Family Medicine they have no equal. Price 25 cents j)er box. —A/.SO— DR. STRONG’S PECTORAL S'['0\L\C’II PHJ.S. A remedy for Coughs, (’olds, ('atarrh. Bronchitis. (’rou]i. Whooping (’tiugh. .Vsthma. Consumption, Nervous Diseases, Dysjiepsia, Costiveitess. F.rysipelas. Disease of the Heart, Inflammation .‘ind Pain in the Chest, Back and Side, and all diseases arising from a de ranged state of the Stomach, and to relieve the liis- tress and bad feeling from eating too hearty food, in weak and dyspeptic haliits. Warranted to be Purely Vegetable. ra^HF-SE I'ills act as an F.xpectoi'ant, Tonic, and ■ \perient One 25 cent box possesses three times more power to cure diseases than a one dollar bottle of anv of the Syrups. Balsams, or Sarsaparillas, that was ever made, and u simple trial of only one box will prove this important truth. Tliey proni»te l'.\|>(>’toi*ation« Ioommi tlie PiileKUi, and «*lear t!i‘ l^nn;;s and otlier ^>4M*retory Or;;aii«> »i all morbid inatt(‘ry and there is m>t .anotln'r remedy in the wh(de Materia Medica capable of imparting such he.aling well done. He now has on hand, Fixisiied, the LAR GEST STOCK of Carrla^c.s, BnroiicJics, Rorknuuii/s, and Btfr^l cs, Ever offered in this place, anil a very large stock ol work nearly finished, which will be finisheil daily. All of which will be sold very low for C.vsii, or on short time to punctual customers. than ONE HUN'DPiED -\N'D FIFTY Vehicles finisliep and in course of construction. ttir All work made by him is warrantetl 12 months with fair usage, and should it fail by bad workmanship or material w ill be repaired free of charge. Persons wishing to buy vvould do well lo call and examine for themselves. Orders thankfully received and promptly attended to. Repairing executed at short notice and on very rea sonable terms. May 28, 1853. '.8tf 3IAKliLE 1 ACTOliY, vy- W !iv Ji:0. LAUDEU. T\V(I iillORS ABOVE C. T. IHIGII .V S(I\'S STdlit, Fay*ttc*vi!it', i\ Jan'y 20. 1853. il-lYpd Tl RPEN'l'lNE WAN I'ED. E will jiay until further notice, the highest cash W w price for Turpentine. McLAURIN STRANCE. August 2!', 1853. 23-tf 1H.\\'E received and openeil the largest Stock of DRY (i()ODS, (i RO(’i;iiI liS, \'c.. 1 ever offereii i'lT sale, all of which I will sell as low ;is any house in this place. My friends and customers, and all in want of Goculs. are respectfully invited to c.-ill and examine for themselves. PETER P. .loH.NSON. Favcittvi le. X. C.. September 1S53. 28tf NEW (iOODS. ‘‘ \(irif)ii.—fhit fhf" liiiiit/ of' tleaiiflorj/ itKin, S/iiifio)is of u)u/ irith U'trdfi/, M!>/ b' i J E have receivt'd imr F.\LL STOCK of (iOOD.'', comprising a better selected .and more general assortment of STAPI.i: \yn FA.^4 % €»OOI>S Than h:is ever been ofi’ered in this marUit. Our stock of (Jlass. China, (’rockery of every descrip tion, is eoiniilete. Also, Carpeting, Rugs, 'Table and j Floor Oil Cloths; almost every .-irticle in the house fur- I nishing line; kitchen furniture, t.iide and bed Linen, Najikins, ,\c., may be found. Fine table Cutlery, with j.-i fine stock Hardw.irc .and Cutlery, suitable to the ' country traile. —ALSO- (l'roceI■it■.' oi'ail kinds. Sugar. Colfee. \\ ines ;ind Rr.ati- ilies: Dve-.StuIfs and Drugs; 'Fine 'I'eas. \c. In fact \\i- have liei'n industriour, to make our a'^sorlnieiit ol (ioods coinpb'te. W*- invit^' the public to ex.imine ilieiii. .and trust they will fintl good article- at modeniie prices, (‘itlu'r ;it wholesale or retjiil. SAM’I. W. Til.LI Mi il \ST \ CO. o.-t Cl. i.'5:; :;;’.-tf rORACX'O. rniiiE subsciibei continvies to receive nnd sell, on JL manufacturers' account, all gr:ide« of manufac- turei! Tobaccii. J. I'TLE^ May ::i ]s.52. ‘»5tf .N I'A\ S'rO(’K ol \nm VMi u mm i.iioiix. ^ I H E sub-cribT is now receiving ;i birf.- and well I selei'ted slock of (iO(’H)S, comprisint; a General .Assortment of ice Fronts kept properties to the Lungs and\ital ((rgans an these I'ills. (i()()DS, ivl'i'uh-lliildt' (.' i( ! 11 our machinery I They eiire Co^itivene^S |>i'odm*e a i{ood I d , , . i se indebted by I’etriiiar A|»sM“tit‘, and *tr‘iiKtlieii tli* i>ool.’> .Ultl r^iOCf, li.iis lli(i I NO riCE ro FRAN ELLERS. ACCOM.MODATION line from Fayetteville to Warsaw is now prepared to carry passengers with despatch. They will connect with the morning train going North. This train connects with the Ports mouth and Peterslmrg route at Weldon. 1 will make the connection both ways, ckkt.mx—more than the stage has done heretofore. We le.-ive Warsaw on arri val of the morning train from the North. Passage !j4. J. B. ASKEW. Sept. 5, 185.^. 25tf I’egiilar A|>]M‘tit«‘ MyHteni. , Price 25 cts. per box. containing 25 doses of me(licine. , Call on the Agents who sell the Pills, and get the “Planter's Almanac” gratis, giving full partii ulars and certificates of cures. Both kinds of the above-named Pills are for sale in Fayetteville hy S. J. Hinsdale, and J. N. Smith: who also keep a supply of />/•. Spennr'K Veyftnilr and iJr. HuH'x {Jelcbrntfd I'llU, which stop the ( hibs atul Fever the first day, and do not sicken the stomach or operate on the bowels. [1**-^ ] Randolpli Sheeting and Cotton \arn, For sale by WORTH & ELLIOTT. April 1853. 87tf Hard\v;ir«* iind * utlcrv, («r(»ccrics, Saddcii V \'c., cVc. Which will be sold low for (’ash. or exchanged for Tur pentine and Country Pro(|uce. He returns his warmesi thanks to his o'.d friends and customers for the liberal ]i.i(r..nage hercto.’on- exlcndcil to him, and hopes to merit a continuance of the same. N. KING. Kingsbury, Apiil I'i. 185i!. S'-tt .\L.^LANA(^S! HE Farmer's and Planter'-!. •i>‘d 1 urner s N. ( . Almanac, for 1854. \\ holes:ile and retail, by E. J. HALE K St)N. T'

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