SEMI-WEEKLY. \()|. 111. I' AYKT rKVn.LE, N. C., I)i:CEMBf:R 12. !853. [NO. v»r>2.i l.|>INTi:n liv A. p.. XKWMY. £D\v\ki) j. haij: a sox, AM> I’HorniirroHs. iiii -iiti W, » .'kh I liisr.iiVKi: S:‘. ^ .11 it iciiil'hu in;j tho veiir .j :ittor till' \ fiir li;i" c\]iii'e.l. Oli I'tT tlllMllll. if j.aid ii. ^ ,• ■'.' ■''' i' i'-'ii'l iliiriiiu Uin‘ vviir i>l 'i'lHst riii- , V : iiii it'ti'i’ tin- vo;U' lla^ I'xplroil. \ '\ FKTlSlMl' '' 1 sixty cfiits ixT . -ri -1 t"V i'll' tir^t. :ni4 tl-.irtv . ont-' for l ai-li ,, , . . ^ 11 IvoiTisoiiu'uts li;. ju-- i ato:. Vdvfi ti^ci ;u «' . i t tlio imintifr "f ii'sortious dosiv-.'il. or’Ui''! till -inil clKiiireil uocoril- • l.ftti'r." to tlu‘ r.iliti'i's nm.'t In-^^.sT-l.;lil^ The American Seed Garden, tt •#.’ TilH Itst'l §■' I. ##. i Oil n. JOHNSON, ROBBINS &i CO., ri: >i^ini:ToRs ;i; : ^ '■, tliroii^li -'o' 'I'U'-'i I' fu , ’-t ! N ’rtli I'nr. 'iiui. :i full. I'ninul' ",' r i ' !! 1‘i.t .1 i\in»KN. riKi.i'. fil l I' l.uu i;i: • . ' ui 'N%tli I't *iu ’ I'll' 111’ f\ : ; -' .h Mi!irk‘t The ri ]>i!tMt' 'n "f l!i(> •d-t-' '- • W.'thfistif .i hn' PMf'intt'il lnr :aul iviM 1 ri-p;it UIiriv;tllt‘i| ill '.ItiitV SM'’ i i •'.Hi''IllfS'i . : :: - 'iii l oHinn'i -j. Ti t* Tirojirit't'ii ' nrt- .■\-'fi'.t‘in‘f'l viar'lonei-f, nti'i I'l'iiiiiiiit^ :i- lii-'v Peru's ot yo'ir' t" iiny tiiO;r 'in li- liJiv iiiiil curt' I " tiio i'ii!?ivHr 'II. t'liii*-; iiiil. xoTici:. ^BIHK siibsoritier ofFors I'or s -le liis six inili's North of l'’n_rt‘ftovillo iinil nboiit ono inilo t’rom the l';i_\('ttovillo Hiiil l!nli‘ipli Plunk consistinix of j about 1suited to the inn- I kill*: of Turpciitine or Timber. There lire on the jire- ... ' niises n gooil sinv uinl urist mill, sill in irood repair iiiul it imiil ui ■ Ill,- 1 1 ‘ ' I now in i>;ior:ition: also ;i ihvelhnf!;. nnil nil the neeosHii- ! i \ out li"ii('s. in ^>:ooil rejniir. ^ Also, nn''ther triict of iwo linmlreil anil fifty ncrrs, I on tilt' heail waters of ('urver's ('reek, known as the I * I Ince, oil whicii tliere is a siiiiill tnnii, :i ilwel- j jvooils; all (>f wiiieh have been jiurchasecl for cash, by ^ nil- hi'ii>e iiii'l otiier hmisfji. Packajre, ami will lie oti'ered wholesale or retail as till the first iiamC'l trnel theri- :ire out .nbiiut twenty- five tliiiii>>rinil Tur]>«ntine Ijoxes, from tw'i to four years oM. All the above laii'i.s will be S'>M on the most accom- moildting terms. I’ersnns wit-hing to pnrchnse will plea';! ■«':! .in the subsrri'ier. who will take pleasure in “huuiiii; tlio above lanii> UM U. BOLTON. ''-r. 'J7, ls.>:; Jtiif FAJ.T., i8r>:t. 88 now receiving a very large aud jjenernl as.snrtment of DilV (iOOltS, among which are l.oOO pieces new Rtyle (Calico; M. l)eI..Hne; 17o French iiii'l Knglish .Merinos: li')0 .Vljmca; Plaid 15r:>- l ade and utlit'r ."^ilks; Merino and Crape Plaid and plain Sli.'iwis. assorted: Hats, 'aps and Honnets; .'^ilk and ('otton H’dk'f.H; Hobinet. Lace and Edjrinn^; Boots an'l Shoes: P.oltinp (Moths, No. 1 to 1(1. With ntanv other Dk. V. ( . HAIJ. A.S reinove.l to the well-known stand of the Drs itobinsiin, ‘iiriier of (ireeii .‘iiid I!ow streets. April IM, HTtf J()Si:i‘ll IJAKER. Ju., ATTOK.\i:V \'V LAW, -VS taken an nlVice ue.xt door to Wni. 15. \S l ight’s Law otiice on (.!rei-n .Street. He will attend and practice in tin* ('oiinty ami .Superior ('ourt.s of ('umber l.ind, Itladen, llobuson and .'^aniprjoii. .March 2:;. 1H',;J. 79-tf 11 lo w as possil'le. Those wishincr to purchase goods will jdcase call and examine. | Sept. It), 18.');}. li'Jtf ! I tttn9 Team for sntr. ONT. large Hoad NVag.m and 4 Hordes, 2 Hugjries. ami 1 Carrvall For •'ale ciieaji by | .IAS, (i. ('OOK ' Nov. I L IH.'.:!, Utl 0 i !\K I'ui 1 T' i i.n;; i itriTi .\pp!»*‘ I'roes of the finest kinds. B 1 ’■••niiu ill iicc>'^.si"ii. fii-m the earliest to the ’■ire--'. I'pii ri'inis.iiid Pi-.n il Tiei-'i i f the tiPOSt kiU'ls, l i I '- 111; in ‘^iii'i i'-'.i'iii, fi"i!i early in .Iuim' ?.> N'neiu’m.r. • Ine 1 Iriii'-an'l ( ln'rrv fr. t - ^.i tin* I'misl kiii'i.-;. in eii- iiiu .11 iii’ct"h'ii, tioiii the tir>t .'t 'lay to .Inly. aU", ri fii.e assniTiiicii' of A]'ilo't>. N eii'i ri 11*'-;. PHni’';. Pe'ir« atiil '’rM V, !)i-riy pl:\iit>. for -i ' at the Oar d*ns ait'i Nurseries, jit ('ane t reel: h'.'h'im i '"H)’y, Hi! I New tlar'le-' i''HUt\ ‘Ir iers for treen -''. ''iM bp suit ill erriy (''it;i'05110? wid t.'C ■lent i., ;■ ''•■lilt';. 1>1.Ii \ fi'-I i;. f ;;i\ 1)1' !hc!'. 0«t !1 L'li Iley, will drliv i I’.-i ' -v > -".r !'!•■»;., N . ’ ih\ ‘ \M.ert it. 1.^ lit N,>W li.irlen. .'OMl'l \ I : -DLrV New ( arib'n. (.I'l-' 'lie 11th of f.;' ,1 t pricking Ilf 'ood' th-_\ otl rtinent 0"r.s- -ts in part ..if the t ^r, A«nara;_n-i- I'WMri nn 1 PoN*. ev(>ry v?, iotx- Bv !.‘:lbb;igc, •■.■r—K.".r'.y I., p. i .'.i -tn 1 Ljirjze 1 '!• ' -riards, I’orn s-iV, 1, I'ro-- ■•'V. Ktru Psaut. every vnrii'ty. ■ ’ \ 1 e^'ry, every v:(ti. ty. ■ ”11 Kar'y Sv ■ ‘f" F’int. Karly Ttr:.'\■•■.■r;. i'lieen. f'.irle'), toh. ■I'. Mel.^n', N!'-''t'ir!- iii' '1 ■ ■■ ■; *’re-ii ati'l W' ^n' V- P''. J, ■ ; -’’.•IlHni'll 1'" 'T i CL'Unty. I -'th nn\. 1 or >'t w iny 1'et I’.f N V !>■ N. ('., I -.'.a i o'—Sm;. .'liiso^ :i(k1 ('nr- '.MMF.IIO \ fi) ' 'tf Sim-!': and I'ohio iiiamiiacf iirr WlHFivO . 1)N is,- L’.if 'A . W (.AiriKll. r,1:1? » I. \ 1: X T !tl( >-.•/'■ -i/' Pr':!hl \v!j \i;vr, ro\. 1^.'.:; t.-. •m ■V'^iy v;ir»eiy f. Pnir.pkin. K-vlirii. llh:;'-:r- - ■|'1\ "1- \ e^etii^'ie ( ;idi. T iinntoe. Tiirnip' llert's—Sa\'V |:..:Yq, ,Vv. .'si'. '.!l order^* a^l'lre'-'C'l t'- ■\e;y ■ Thvnii r uj’.p'l 1. hi 7'o 'i'unl^er (lutl Liniihir }laLrs. IIIL .u'= I'l-r-e:-. I't I.’ r rer hi- thank: t ■ hi •Vieu'ls ■! id he ul.'i'- t;i'ner:-''y for th''ir r’lOr'il :-.rr ni'.'l ]"itro:i:i^'e In-t’C- ;mp. w'l-i’li :'!''i(’e w.->) f. ro*--i to re, ii jU.'h - r: iic’^'iiiit •''1 hiS hi-:ilth, 1 eft;\i’'v int' rn. tl.i'in he i» u'\,n "H l,::Sjd. n IN 'le!‘r ■ .\irent in Fm\ettevi'le. -n'. i S. \l. Wf'-t, r.>- •iiington, Ari’l me- ■ 1"-^L ;rh prompt attent - U K PP. V..'l;!'t II :iK i wil’ atteiid li troin hi- k:i"'» .i dj.:e t" I'.'ii iill'ini'-*' elitl'i i'^iact'on aii'i mei"' \' iiliiilli;toli. -No\ : ii'; o; eitlier f.e :iVi"\e; 'f t' ■ ;;;.■l•^er. :l;i I Sir 1 •itienti'.ii -le.t t. hi: c^ire. i: .pr« t- e "h’lre ■!' jiu't.'.M- ]) itroiiage. w, li c.ArriKK 7. '-'.a. P-3m MK» -.n-tf r/if ^IlU timt tnok' tin PI't Himm ' ri^ilK under.*-!^neil iia.- tlo' plea-nn-i'i 'uuiouiicaiL't. M. the citiier.s ot ilnhes^iii aiei the M'ijninin^ I'oim t*:st he has purcha«e'l the entire iiiteren of Mess rv .V Roger- in the .'■'tmni .>;iw .in i (iri'«t M 11HK Sut'-i i i''fi w in re.-elve pr r.f r 'ttoti P.attiiijf ,11110.(HIM rhret' nnlli''n‘- ''f 'l!i;. ai-o, l:i,:iil'i '.'ii t ('' rn i'lCr ace: and is now jire]' ■re 1 t- li.. I r that may lie M-nt in. Having ■' Timber to -n\v, oe "s confident - -iuT,i--*ed. ■;i - t-.r F>”'rih^: aid Weaihi;-- :ii Illi ll III ard'. I'eililli: .''' lioiiKhafre half price, .'..j I-••u'li iU invarlalil v i'c ii-.mrel ■lil i.r'le' ' for uperii'r ipi'ii- Imnt'er i^-in- in deli\erv .jt l.Uil i lOr. ■■,“ the uii'ier-^i-., - r 'r th:»t j'urpovi'. I he t': 111 iill C.i-Se>, iiiteii'is keeping n- e term-' Will ^e strii'I vrt"ii. l>> 1> \V. ( ilKllP >. It. V w. M R«m,L1;s, .'.I It I el AI K IN f'tf jiarf'-nlar in I'.ure I'■ vi'ttev;!!/', N V xo i'ii 5 ® .\ N \ \ ^ ll'^'lil th Si^ . i N 'M ii’.i" r in i 11N F'i , w t ii F ' il F IT' 111 their iii‘i>iter. hij;n, mplexi-'n \ ,it>.-It year- ' i' a. with a ‘-car which feet t' iti.-iie- ii'; ll eye--, liir^' 1: •'e. ■, e; i- :it'^^:t ■■'J \ I 'l! : ' N C. ! wi!' ; t) : I; i;\ . : d -■ t fi ' I t; et f.r lOO.iMMi ■ r W.-oi'liiig. for fr')m " to feet ;,|, I...and- "t J'-- ' 1 .runit^e-i I'. r furth> r H W. HFN'in .1. in-NRV ■1 >-tt I'dK ami Winter Stock for JH;”);?. ™TAl.l; .\ WILLI..'tie now receiving their .‘^K- ( tiNI* Stocl: *or ^lii-i ,-ea.son. 'd’ and l-'iiu-y l>iy (Jond'^; llats. ('ai^, SIhm's, H'l. t-; Silk. S:itiu .iiui Stfiuv Hontiots; I'liibicl- las, aiiil rii':i'.ly-iii ule 'lofliiiii;;—with a lar^o 'rrniriit id' llnsii-rv, (ilovow, Silk and I ''iff'iii ll:inlkiT(.-Iii*‘fs. The a'io\e Stock em>iracf-« a variety ot Sen.»onable (ioods not eiHiinera'ed, conipris ug one of the largest assortments we have ever otlerpd: r.nd having recently bvcn p^.ii. ii;»-ed by tile Paek.-ige, ■ :i reduction from •he prii'es of the lir-t of the sea^'^u. they will lie ofl'ered f,' Whi.ieK;;!,. Huver-' on o'lr u«iial terms. .1 P. S'l VKiL J. M. WILLIAMS, o.'t, -J. 1.;'.-tf ^ (;Toi)s \t thr ok! stand of II. iirnnson ty Son. fH^HF. l'M>FRSIGNKI> have just received a L.\KOE i ST.)t'li (.*F G.>ObS. embracing n general assort- i mem recently bought in the northern uiurkct under i'.ivorati circunistnnct".. They have L'lif, cnishe.l, powered and brown ’Ugars; Jiiva, Liguir.'innd Piio (^‘lee; popper, epiee, ginger, cloves at:d nutmegs: nup. 'sr''. s'''da: ind'go: mad'ier: borax; eainplior: alnm: epS'»in salts: saltpetre; niolHSses; wyrup: iron; sad llos, brlillesnnd martingaU; oollarF; wagon MH'i t'ugjiv wiiips; ■sjiade'*. "hoveis and forks: traee, dog, longue. I renst and halt«r chains; coll'ce mills; wagon b xes: ini!l, cre-^s-cut and hand saws; cut nails and “pikes: H g'T'Oil .H«sortmei'.t of pocket ami table .-utlery: lilack'.iiiiti. tool-cmi'lete; turpentine hackors, porapers, u;i'pers and n.\es: hroa-l anti chopping axes: guns; win low gias.: rivet-:. A large stock of r«ady-made (iotliing and stujile 'Iry goods; gunny and hemp bagging; rojie ;iud twine; Swede>. .\nierican bar and lioup iron; ‘ qiuire and o.'tagoii steel; (ierman and blister steel; I’h’fiiTiij ffU'hr; hat«. caps, l>oots and shoes, western and North Carolina bacon: together with alino'-t every aiticle hold in this market, all of which will be sold at fair prices for cash, on lime tu prompt customers, or country produce gener.nllv. O, W, WILLIAMS \ CO. luly Is.'i:',. lij-tf Jt^.'r Tlie iiftice of the Cape Fear .Steambnat Company I kept in the iifiove building. .1. 1). WILLIAMS. Agent. Ai:\\ irvivi^RY T. C. WORTH, ('(nniissiox ami fiikw aiuii.m; herciiant, \\ II.MING rON, N.C. Feb. 1. lS;j:i 'H)tf SrAliK cV WnTriAMS. WIIOLKSALE DEALERS IN Foreign ami MPomestie IPrif Goods., II.\v HTKEirr, Fayetteville, N. C. .1. 15. .■'lAKK. 1 [j. M. V\ 11-ld.VM^. .Vpril 2h, lisrili. siitt O II. I.. IIOI.MKS. Attorney at Law, Wilmington, N. C. FFICE on corner >f Front and Princes^ -treets. under Juiirnal Dec. l‘_’. dlice. is-t* li i:\v.\u I). ■ -ri'ii'er. ri Thnr''I:iy tl'.e .. !W' ne^T' e.:. I il.VRLl .'s rll'.'l iirNl>i;L'» !:!L1.\R.-' -I'len 'iiar’i"' i '1 ! lit ■ feet 7 inch.eJ I,': ■■ '•■:. ’>ig white eye^*, he '.x lie "1 his unii-! iiii: liccii i.iunt '1' .w vf-r^ 1'. II. T"ne_\ i-i aK iit =.i-ry . irk .' 'ini^U'xi' ii. -::;.'ill ii'ig i'f iii :' till' 1-hi ,;■ int-' 'l . ney :, I . iitiht ill Mo'i-e County, ii’nuve rev.:ir'l ! r the r 1- Igmeiit raillL Siih^crit'er has .''treet, ..n the L"t \'.-N'i‘l I Cabinet Shop. 1 • nil: les, I! .:i r . ;li'l rfle Ris.'uit, an 1 Cake- of -.nn as lie lias proi'ur* d the I’.iiKers in tlie.'^tMte. F •tte- 1). tablislie'l a Hakery on Row iW'j dours East of Duncan He ii prepared to furnish :.v. 'ill- ecner.nlly, with Bread, ioii» kinds, of the liesi quality, ■ :..r\icf-j of one of the best 'e> re:isona>i>. (.iive me a call. CH VS banks. iNo:;. r,ri-tf .f'li. 11' •hilv Kocki'isH sih:k'1’l\(;s, the oale >r half >iale, for sil»» by C. T H.UOH .V SON 1... 1..‘'tf .lOMJMI II. BLIINSO)!. V o n mssi o \ and rOU\VARI)IX(J MKK('IIAN'1\ Proiwpt personal attention given to all Consign- mentH, and Cafh advances made on Produce to be ship ped to other ports or sold in this market. Feb. 12. iM.'ia. i'~y WILKIN SOX \ KSLKU. DKALEHS IN t'i'ixiijH Frtnts, AND IMPOKTEHS OF SI |>|^:iCIOR IIAV.Ilf A lii.\R*», AT W lIuLKSALL ANT* RKl All.. Market St., Wilmington, N. C. Aug. 7. !H.',l. lltt MALLKi r \ l‘Ari.Mli:K, Hrorers ami C'omtniHHion •IMrr- rhanfSn IttA Front NEW YORK. J'. MAI>IFTT.] .\UgUSt ll'i, IH.'i'J, W. li. rAUVKR, HKALKK IN Drij (ioods. (ir(;Cri(.'>, anil l*roi'isions, ;'.'l '.toor Irum N. E. corner .Market .Square, next to D. (iee's Hat Store, (Jreen street. FAYm'HVlLLH, X. ('. pfX^- All kinds ot Produce taken in exchange toi (ioods Feb’y 5, L^oa. '’bV M. iirrsoN, itorSE P.ti.YTEMi. Fayetteville, N. C. •h 1 \10Ri: A: G XLLACHKN, inifl C’iKtfrs Sfii' t, lRu\ Foi NDERS AND MANF FA'Tl RERS OF RiU OUT and Cast Iron Railings ainl .all kind.-' ▼ ¥ of (irnamental and .\rchitectural Iron Works, lion L.iiliii'.is for putdic and private (>round->. Veran- ilah'i. .''eiiei-v. (’hairs. Tables. .Vc. Partii iiImi :i(ientioii pai'l to the ett'-l(j'‘iire ot Burial Lots. More \ O.-dlagher'.s Book of Origimil l»esigii3 and Li.-^t Ilf Prices sent to persons wishing to make a selection. Nov. 1, IS');;. 42-‘)inpd FIM; TIMirTl:lU»OTl\^ Eii F iRtii.M; m) FOR SALE IN ROBESON COUNTY. rglHE .SUBSCRIBERS on the 1st of March last, pur- ■ chased of Tho«. .L Curtis. Esq. his interest in the Land lying in Robeson ('ounty known as the Dubois land. They have had a portii'm of the same siirvt'ycd. and now offer for s.ile the fi.dlowing tracts: liitO .Xcres lying mi ‘'Back Swamp.’’ about three miles friiiii ‘‘The Red P.unks." and two mile.s from Lumber River. adjMininj; th«‘lauds ot John Drake. F.S'j.. and otheri;. Thi- Tract is well limberi'd and valuable for Turpentine. 1115 Aeres on “The Rrnad Ridge, ' about l! miles iVom Lumber River and ll! miles trom the W il- ininu,ton and .NLiiichester Rail Uoad. fhia is the tiiiest body of Turpentine Landin the County. There are in thi' Tract some very eligible “■•u- atiiins for farms of ffnoil luntl. -\cres about half a mil*' from .Vltordsviile — good Turpentine land. Acres near Ash-Pde. adjoining .b-hn .McCii'’ui!i. Esq., and others 104 \cres on Wilkerson sSwamp, adjoining 'b l.e.-m. Leitch, and others. |0 I \cres on --Back Swamii, " adjoining Pen i \lun- Neill Leitch, Esqs., anii others. IMIRI'WS i Jl'SrP, No. 70, PINE Street, NEW YORK. I «nni.ssio.\ :vie:r€hai\t« FvV’ THE SALE OF ALL KIND.S OF AM) WIMILLFA MAnilM'.RY AND II a cs n l*a f t « i*c I* ’« Article OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. 'oiii|)ri.''iii^ nf'itmii, C’tU'd ( lothiii^, liohhin^. Shuttles, Pirkor.s, Rollor Skins. l\o!l«‘r C’lotli, Oils, &c. Dec. 1 ly-J. 5-J-ly .]. \V. liAKKK Is now n*i »-iviii^ i'mni tli»‘ N»»rth tlu*,, ;iihI niO‘:l (Mrofnliv lected stoi'k uf irK.MTlKK ofl'ereii in tliis market: which, added to hi« own manul'acture. makes his assortment complete;—all ot which he will 'ell on the lowest possible terms for rash or on tinii' t'i punctual cnstonier.s. i'inc Roso Wood Pianos. i Rennet .V Co's. ol Broad- w.iy, .Ne'v N ork.) lashionablc painted cottage bed-rooni Furniture in setts: curled hair and shuck, and cotton Mattresses- Looking Glasses; Willow Wagons and Cra dies: Patent .Self-.Swingiiig Cradle.s: .Side Boards; Bu reaus; Si-cictaries and Book-f’ases; What-Nots; Table.s, all sorts: Wash .''tands; Candle .Stands: Wardrobes: Pir- ture P'rnme.i and (; Wimlow .Shades; Cornices; Cur iJOii .\cres on both sides td'"The First .Swamp," ad- | tain Bar.ils, .Sol'iis in .Mahogany aixl Walimt; Tet« u I'linine the Tract where .lolui W. .Mt'ord. Estj. | Tetts: ('tti.'Ui'ins: Divans and Stools: ("hairs of every now resides. I variety. 1030 Acres i>n ••.Shoe-Heel.' adjoiirnr. the Lauds of I September, is-') l>r. Edmund Mc'Jueen. .lohn M •' a \im. Esip, ;5otr l*.\i I.MIKH istf and others. 50 .Vcres (‘11 ••Ash-Pole, adjoiii'.ii;. .Ldin Mc.Nair. Esq., and other.-. Acres on --.lacob .Swamp." a'ljcining the Lands of Thomas Townsend, U iiliaia l.n ry Thomi'sfin. ,.nd John B. Thompson, Esq. •225 .\cres on ‘-Tin- Little .Mnrvh. ' including a por tion of ••The (ilass Poii ’.' adjoiniuK the Lands ol .1. i’.ethune, Thomas .Jon.'", Estj.. and others. MJO .\cres known as •‘The Big Desert. This is said to be as valuablf Swamp Land as any in the .State, and can tie reclaimed at comiiaratively little expense. I I ."V .Vcres ai.ljoining the Land of ,\ rchiViald S. Currie. Esq.. and other.-. 150 Acres adjoining the Land of .lohn Mciioug.-iii, Esq., .Mrs. yrown. and others. The above Lands will be sold on accommodating IVrms JOSEPH THOMP.SON. ROBERT S. FRENCH. Luintiertou, No\. 1. IS.'io. -Il-tt We h avf' at th*' refiuc^t of Joscjih Thmupsnn and Robert S. French carefully examined the title to the Lauds purchased by them of Thomas J. Curtis. L«q., known as the DL'B(’tIS L.VNDS. lying in Robeson County, and we say with-jut any hesitation, that their title is pertewt. .f(>HN WIN.SLOW. J. G. SHEPHERD. ROBEUT STUANOE. Fnyetteville, .Nov. 1. lS'»o. Mar. Sl-V kirk. .'-i. c .ii iHN '!■; 1 'I U I \1 D t •. -t: N. C. r»A('()N. iO.OOO LB' - il'te'l W. H F ' r sale liv H I TERI.t Wl •O-L’lll •ill Imi.\«‘S - R.M'-^INS, whole. IimIi :!ii(i ([niirii r .1"“ 1 \l RIN. .Mtf ll'!'VIIIL ici:. . i ; .cr i: I*, lakell li e dl"p :i i'l '. '.liillett - .\I' Sw:iin - Bi'i'!»e. where ln iiilen is . t,.e I \iL(»i:iNo r.isi- '.t- l.faiiehi- ' H:i vir,:r h-rl p. rici : in loo^t ot the At- ■i. he fei-N assurc'l tiia' h(> . a-e t ; I!l'- I laslidio'is r i'T- w 1" • ■ utc'l wi:'.; ne it- in FIRKIN." M H N'T \1N ■li'M, B',, , . . SI rrI/) I; TTF.R, I.I'l*. M' Ni:;i and 'lesp M:.ivb 1^:-. New Goods for Fall &t Winter MON \(iHAN. si-tf NO I K K. N the .? .laiiu.iiy !'' -L . ! tlie rc.iii ti:e lute .''tewart Pipkin. I ppei’ Li'tle Runii -■ Level. I ^hail I'locei.-'. ■' -e,' ■! tii' 1' sai'l Pipkin, up. ii a ■ leillt . : ■ 'i"i nii - to 'Iraw interi's' from A. 1 . SMITH, t i-riv ;ui'l M- . Ih .r'r cV ( (h iiivt r. i/uil- Cl w' r> ccivini;, a larue a; :i - .na' ie (iood-. em'n in the Itry (’ood-. H'le. :.rt I'l/I AM)Ui:\S .S > H ar( (i/nf Sf(,i-r ■me Pc .'.S \VS I. 'Vi )VES. 1'.-. h.'iil'i. C'loki j,u an I \ LSI i .) Tin W u'l at wiioii'sale ANDREWS. .;.-i|ket .''(jll.'ili JIHItf NOl'K K i() i’r/NS|()\i.liS. r|’!HE undersigned coiitin ie-' to ai t ns Attorney l ir M. drawing Pensions. p,'ivii'‘!e jit t!i;. .\gei cv. Claims for Pen';"ii, Roo.nty L-iii'i, or fiir. otlur \1: 'tary claim ai^aiiist ilie I’ni'ed .States, secured, riie highest ra.-,!: j :,f, for a'". Laii'i Wai iant- for X '-fhirn ci7irfiii. ■INd M. ROSE. Fvvetteville, (>ct. lli. 1.''.^ ’. ."•'>-..;iii I.AM) BII.WE so many ini.;uiries ab"Ht fnri.iiiJui.* Lands, th it I li.'ivi corclii'led to ofl-r my s* rvieov i.. ■■.\y :. l Si-'.I. iliose hnviiiL'' Lunds for sale will fnrnish lae plot - and •untity, t'.gether with :i fair descrij>ii«"i and price. '1 . cr iniill--I'lll- ?hall bo ino'leiate .i \S. r. CdOL. . . ”1. ■l''.tc llAlli l)K»:SSl\(i A.M> SI1A\ S \ L()(‘ N. «* .'\MTII ; ; (‘ctfidly infoiia t'le citizen'- of • I-aye”e-. i 'e, m l the siirrounuinii I'ounrry. that • ha niov.^.i h - ll'iibiTing e'taMishnii iit to tiic' llotil •’>' Idin^. Hi' I'ooiii iiia\ iie now found 0)ipoKiic the new I-asetteville Hank, wliei e he is ]irepal e.i to >ha'.e aii'l 1 riiii oil a. i 'iiuiii'idating terms. He ver\ lesjiect- tully returns thanK ■ to hi-, old cusIomcr^. an^i ihe pub lic generally fir their liberal patronage, and hopev that his custom will be (IRE.XTl.V I\i p.i:A,^LD. ii> lie has '■een to a C'insideraKle exp. i-i- tittiim- ny. lii.s Shop ■ the eonifort oj hi.s ciHtoiiiei would invite the ■itiention of the citizen- to hi^ RE\DIN(i ROOM, in re;ir fif his .Shaving Establishment, wheri- the\ will lind d the leading Political f'aper-' oi' the day. •\11 kinds of Perfiimi 'fie- and Hair Mil.-, .^h:i\ing S- ap, Hair and .Shaving Brushe-,, aii l a xtiriety of oiht-r rticles in his !ine, for «ale. Fayetteville, N. c., Oct. 2\), Ib-j::. i'.K-bni ived and .re I . e'i ■ e.| stin'k ol iiosf I'V^'l v al ti' le kep’. Th. ir ! .•o,,'--t- R--h I'laik tl^M S; Plain tilack ('fo le Rliint' Rich P.roca'ie miui Plaid .''ilks, l^tesi *t_\le Plaid Silk tor Aj rons S'llid col d Silk- 1 r ruin-. .\c .''iiper Frein h Merinn m'1 c.ilor . Printe'l .S. plai'l .''I'.tin C imere. '.cry line a, hand- Plain, prilitcl n): ' '^olid c.'.r mU-woo! De Laiiif- .\lpai, as of sar' -ll- coloi-. fini di ;in 1 price Pio’ amines a'l'l Mci 111" . a tiiiC ;i - irtmeiit Collars. I'li'lersiceve■-. Chemi-ct!'. enibroiderci Hdk!- Muslin Ed-iii^ ind In ting- a/i kind'-aii''- ijUalities .\ l.'irge 'orimeiit i.TThrea'i. Liiu n, I/t -b-. .'•'wis-. ('ot- t .11 ail‘1 .lac'iliet! I.'iuii'-' llltd I l.-ertlllf S \ 1 ige a.sS'.itiiieiit .f il. h .-loth. \.-'\et. meriii'., -miIii ;i!i'l silk C;o;i’;. . Vir.cttc-^ ilid Mailt'.la's, of tiic ’ati -t stvV" . ruii’iing 'n prb'e fr'iiii ■'S} to Sl-'’> A I'irge and /('('•■' ’>>■ a- 'irtmeat . f ( ■ t' Cas'lmercR aiul Vc;tiims; Tweeds, .leans. .Kcr-a'ys, Liii.-'cys Mariborii' .'-triin - nnd l’i:tids, for .servant s wear Fine Flar.m l, p’-ii and printed, for cliiklrcn Blankets, a bir-e varieiy A hu ll' Stnrh ,//■ f'ljir. lit nh (*.• S/IO'S. 1{| ;!(iv-iii:Mli' Cl ifiiiiijr—Coats, I’aiits, \ 'is, frotn very fine to i.rd'tiary (iiir stock i too .’tCe an'l varie.l to note do w every p:irticular art'-: le. but our a-sortmenl is a v ry des.ra- iiie one, and cannot la;’ t.i please. We woiilii -olicit an cirly call from all 'uir . Id frieii'ls, cust'Oiiers aiel the pub:l'- jjciierally. W r* arc reii'ly at all times to sh- ".' o;ir g' I . ‘iii'l pii.'es, as v.e exijci t to “ell 111 as re.'i. .iKibb- t-v.^sa- any other hoii'-c in our line. W e I'la;. be t'^un.l at our .Stor> No 1 (ire n sireet, N-irtli ea: t c ii'iier .Market Si.|Uare. ,\L1,a R .roHNSoN .“s CO. F;; vlte\i;b , S-oi 2o. I'-'.-l ‘'I-tf S'i'A'I i: Hi' NCli'rii (■ vK()iJN.\,i K.\.N!XUJ'li (OI NTV. ^ Sti|n !i"r roi’.rt nf Law, I'nll 'ionn, l^;»!i. ^ LmIim iliissi-.. .lease Hussey. I'etitioii for Alimony. f.N' I his ca.;.‘ it appeariii^i to the (Viurt that the de fendant in thi.s c.ise i^^ II,,t an inhabitant .it tiiis Slate: it is there'ore ordered by the Court, that publi cation be nnde for three month- in the Fayetteville (»!r-i rver, an’l (ireensboro' Patriot, for ^'lil| delVndani to ippi'iir at our lU'Xt I'ei in d thirf C.oiri, t.i ).c held for the I omiiv I'. Randolph, at the t'oiirt House in .\sh- bor.i', oil ihi- foiirih Monday of March next, iii'l plead. an.-'Wer or dennir lo th(: jdaintiir 's petition: otherwise, j the same will be taken pi'o and set lor hearing j ail'l heard ex ]>arte. j Witnes', .\d'lison .1. Hale. Clerk of our said i'oiirt, | at Office, this fourtli Monday ol' September, A. D. j I 18.'.;'.. A. J. n.\LE. C. K. C. j I 87*3mfi ' LKA'rHKIi liAM)S, 11 H( iROl't. HI. V stretche.l. '-emente't, and rivet»s]. The :ibo\e P.,-in.U are ' !;(> percent leis than New York m .nuta. turer' prices. Cash will be re- jiiire.l in evcrv instanc ■. For sale by W. 11. LLTTERLOH. Fayette\ille, .N'ov. l*i, 1>'-'.1.’. oltf f I''1111 undersigned will pay cash I'or .Spirits Turpen- tine, I in g'jod order. ) allow ing only a fair margin t" pa\ inci'lental expenses in sending t" a general market. \\'hcn p: rti('s j'lefer to -hip on their own account, the iin.lersigne'l will make lit.eral cash advances ; tor the ' coinmis'ion I on all .•^jdrit'' and Bosiii ]>laced ill their haii'N for shijiiuent, giving th(> owner always the oi'tioii t ' sell in Wilmington or ship t.i New York. (iL(». W. WILLIA.MS .V CO, July Is^V;, Stf TllK LAHCKST SIIA. IMBBOX. AM) HOI Si: IN M:\V VOHK. 1'Ikhh(is Cm. Sfcants, IMPORTER .\ND JOBBER OF SilAS, MILI.INEHV, AM) FANCY CDODS. 1/ ' / '.i.v/, I'ru rx—ten- 'irntitiil hy uddnig iiiU ii)/. 162 Broadway, N. Y., B 3| ,\S now in Store aii'l is .laily receiving and oH>r- £ fi. iiig at the Lowest Prices;, a i-oinjilete a.ssortment ofC001>.s; IN HIS Ll.NE, omprising all the various st\les aii'l 'iesigiis, coiisi»(tiiig ot itiiick ;nj(l l':incv Silks; Marct'lincs, i'ioifMiccs. Sh.'iv, Is. 'rriiimiin^s; Bon- i'ct Ivihhons; 'I'lill'ela :in(l Satin Rid- bons; 1 )r(‘ss'I'riinniings of all kinds; I'jiibroKicrics; l-'r‘iicli and I'Jiirlish C'ra|j»‘S, C rape Lisses, Silk ('ra- vats; (ilo\«■.••• oi’ all kinds; Silk .Milts; Itaro^os, Lacps; \N hit*’ (ioods, llosirry, I., t'. Handkt'rchit'fs. The un.ier-iigneil would invite Merchants Irom the .North, South, flasi and West, when in the City, to fa vor him with a call an.I examine hi« stock before pur- 'h!isiiig. THOMAS (J. .‘^TEAKNS, IG- Broadway, i'.dwcen Liberty slreet and Mai'ien Lane, N. V. Jai.'y I'l. IS.')3. ' ';i-Vpd > r {: I) \TA N Ti() u n i Drij G’onr/.s', Ifarfhrorr^ (irorrrirs., i\c. i AVirrTi:vii.rK, li. c. /■((I'LD respectfully inform the citizens ami the jiublic generaily. that they have just reiurne.l woirru vv i:LLi(vrr. (si C't K.SSOKS TO J. 1>. AMI,LIAMS,) FOinVAKDINd \ ('()MMI.''^.S1()N MKl{rHAXT., FAYETTEVILLE, N. (iil.D STAND OF HAl.I. . .fOUNXJli.j J. A. WOKTII.] [W. V. IILLIOTT. Februarv Di IH.'i I'.'.l-V ( llAKLKS liANKS, r f' Tio,vM: k , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN F") i iif7i Fmifs, '/'ofmi t ii, - Fayetteville, N. G. March 1, Is-'*:’. '•"•t .1. E. LAWKKNC K, jR.lI.VT£:K, Fayetteville, N. C. .■September, IS.'i;; ;i(i-(ini \{. M. OKllKLL. RiiiWAHiiiM; ('(nniisMO.N >iKi;riiAM at Jfvilli*, i'. March l«'. IS.'il. fi-J-tf \VM. II. McKAin', f 'oiH mission • Her eh ant., WII.MIXGTOX, X. C. A'v rm: hfj> sk^x. .^11* D o II a I d X -W V a N t e r HA\'E received a full and com]>Ieie slock of (IROC'ERIES. PliO\'lSlONS, vScc., to whi.r h tlie.v | would invite the attention of the citizens and surround ing country. They will ^ell low for C.vsii. or on time to punctual customers. They imrchased their »tnois for cash, .and this will enable tlient to sell L(iw. I hey have facilities that many houses have not: they have agents esta>dishe'l in 1‘altimore ami New York, who always advise them of any change in articles in their line, and who j.urcliase only when bargains are to be We kVep always on han.l a splendid assortment of foreign and domestic Liquors; Lo.iL (.'rushed and Brown Sugars; Rio. .Uva and Laguira Colfees: Green. Hyson and l.lack Teas; New Orleans and Cuba .Molas ses; TaVile and Sack S:ilt: Bacon, Lard, Me«s Pork, Mess Beef. .Smoked Beef, Dryetl Venison; No. 1. "J and ?, Mackerel; Piutter. Cheese, Flour, .Meal. Corn. Oats. To>.acco, Candles, Copperas. Saleratus. Indigo. .Mad der. Spice, Pepjier. (iiiiger, Nutmegs, Cinamon. Epsom Salts, .Saltpetre. Har.lware, Cutlery, ('r.ickery, and Glassw are; and a variety of other goods. They take this method of thanking the community aii.l their country friends for the very liberal patronage bestowed on them; and intend, l>y selling goods LO'.v, to ^increase their former trade—alwa\s keeping in view that a nimbi*, sixpence is worth a sUiw shilling. Y ellow Building, between the Market House and the Bank of the .''^t.ite. (iillespie Street. Fayetteville, N. C. March :il. IS.-);:. 7stf .\orflt (.'nrol'uKi Casshncrca. JAMES G. COOK has on hand a full stock of fi. Bock Island Ca.ssimeres, manufactured by Car- ■smi, ^'oun;.: .V (irier, at their .Mill in Mecklenburg County. N, c,, where consumers and merchants can be 'Uiqilie'!. riie mantifacturers recommend their t'abrics as being ei'iual in durability, and as permanent in col or. as an,v iToo Is of similar character manufactured or sold in t;ie I'. S. They invite the most full and thor ough te.sts i.'f them, and only ask to be paironiied in jiropoi'tiou to ilieir merits. *^ept -”*f I'AMIi.V TLOrU. ± FEW Bbls. of Brower's Extra. j!m. 'I'his articlo is as good as the Extra tienesee. It is rccoiiiiiieiided with great confidence. (bi consignment and for sale by H. L. MYROVER & CO. Sept. '2t, lhi)I*. l.l-tl ill‘ Jlot(‘l. .ionx IIAR.MAX llcspi.'ctl’ully inlbrms liis lVifn«]‘ ami the public that he has remove‘1 from the Hotel at the foot of Haymount to the larg*>r ;ind more comniodioiis Hotel in the centre of the T'owu, recently occupied by Mrs. Brown, and well known as the Fayetteville Hotel, where he will be hap py to accommodate Travellers ami BonrderH. Se ex ertions of himself and family will lie spared to render those comfirtatilc who may favor him witli their com- 0 I p>niy. j Fayetteville, .N. (’., June liUOtf i in‘-3^ioof’ Rooting. I’RAXCIS SHEXTOX, Slate ami tHela! Roofer, rpii.\NKl'l'L for i>ast favors, I beg to inform my J[ fri. n'ls ami the jmblic. that I am now prepared to coutract for and execute, in the best manner and on reasonal.le terms. .VLL KI.NDS OF F IKE-PROOF ROOPINCi. Gutter.i. Leailer Pipes and Heads, of any st\le or pattern, made ;o order anl warranted for any S])ecitied time. .Slate ( himnoy i’ipes made to suit any stylo of build ing or situation, without danger of lightning. from New Y'ork, and are receiving their .*J]iriiig Stock | of ( mods, consisting of ■ />/;/ (j(ii)ii’s. (t riK'f rii S. llariirtr>, d'c \ variety of Hats, suitable for the Ladies' and Ctentlemcn’s Perots. Shoes and Slippers: a large as sortment of ready-made ('lothing; a great many articles in the ladies' line, and we would be jdensed to have them to call and e.tnmino for themselves. \ll oi'lers sent to our care from our friends and cus tomers will be proin]itl,\' attended to. March ii(*. IS.):;. I'^WiM-'TsTni VCKERE1.I in half and whole Barrels, for sale by PETER P. JOHNSON. Sept. 14. V 1 1 ■ i at nricps rorrespoiiding with the times. Particttlar attention will be paid to selling and ship- , ^„rtheni-m'i.le FI KNITI P.E. ping Naval Stfircs and Produce, and .also to the ^or- warding of Goods. Merchants who consign their fioods to him can rely on their being forwarded by tirst boat after they are discharged from vessel. REFER EN('ES; F. Erie.-.. E. Vogler & Co., Salem, N. C. T. M. Young. Mocksville. Hunt Adderton, Lexington. John D. Broivn, Salisbury. .1. 11. i't .1. Marline. Fayetteville. •lan’y IH.'):’.. *.-it W ILLIAM A. (iW VKH, FORW.VRDlN(i AND COMMISSION MERCHANT. Wiliiiiii^toti, I'X’. V. F.R.SON.\L attention given to the sale or shiiinieiu of Naval Stores. 1 have ample facilities for con- ducting the business; large wharf am! store shed* to ■ k(‘ep spiritn from ex])Osure. Naval stores will lie shipped ' to any house in New Y ork, or to other markets il advi- I sable, and liberal cash advances madt* on consignments, i I refer to the following distillers: E. Hannunr., Wayne county. E. II. Woodard ('o., Ivirpstioroiiyn. I U . I’arj), ! G. Thornton, .(ohiiston county Bridges \ Durham, 1). Iloc.alt, .spencer Founiain. “ “ H. Eatman, Smith, Bryan \ Co.. “ B. 11. Hinnant, E.sq. “ Lovett Peacock, Columbus count\. Messrs. Jones x Leach. Fay«tte\ilb'. May 'rh(“ Suhscriher still con tinues to carry on the C.VP.INLT Bl .''1- NESS ill Fayetti-ville, and in addition to his Establishment on Bow Sti.'-et. near Fk'cles's Bridge, has o]iened a larg'^ N'l \LL ROOM on Hay street, nearly o]>posite the FayetH'viile Hi tel. and one door East of ,\lessrs. iiai.^h >V Son's, wiierc a ircneral assortnient ol !'i R.M I'i Jis:. ' Made bv couipetcnt and faithful workmen, may be had '■ -1 \lso, an as sortment Ilf .Nortneni-ni'iue ri ‘i ]ected by himself which will >>e sold at a ver\ moderate advance. Di Scan McNF.ill. Nov. 1\ -J'tf V' keeps on li.ind an assortment of l isk's celebra ted MF;T.\LLIC Bl'P.I.\L CASES, which ; been highly rec.>mmende.J by Willie P. Maiigiini. Hcnrv Clay. Lewis Cass. Wn,. R. King, and many other il lustrious characters. wh(> have examitied and witnessed 1 thoir utility. Corn M('a! and Honiins conslanliy ! on hand and for sale at the Mill, l.ite E. J. ILile’-. ! (irimlir.i' of Meal ami Honiinv done promptly. \\M. R. C1,.\RK. No\. Ji. is-v;. M.-.siii von saij:. PjONES Maniilactnred ToIi.ic ... Weha\e ? in store n largi' stock of Tobacco, and ex pect to receive constantly from .1. . Rei'l and Thom as's and .)ther factories, an :issortment ot qualities t>i j enable us to furnish jnirchjiser' any quality at lowe-.t factory prices. Force, Lifting and Suction Pumps, adapted to any situation; Hydraulic Rams, and all kind.s of Hydraulic .Machines for supplying water for any purpose, put up ■ind warranted. Sheet Le:id and Load Pipe, of various sizes, for sale. Fayetteville, Nov. I'), 1S.>;'.. 44-lY corrox ii\(UTi.N(r. 1H.\\F, a plentiful stipply of C.unny and Dundee Cotton P.agging. Bale Itupe, and Bagging Twine. Send in xmir onlers and they shall be supplied. JAS. G. COOK. Oct. l>'-'io. '2d for the I'all of /a’.HE un'krsigned would notify their customers an.i ■ al! others buying in this market, that they are now receivMig their second Stock of F.VLL GOOD.S for sc.eci.e'1 by oi-e ol' the firm persona'.ly. consisting d u genei'a’ assortmen: of l), j Hunhi nn. Hdf'-, ( ^oots antf .N hur.. .\i,Mi. iaii^c a.i'iitioii lo itieir ntock ol Rcady- .Ma le ("■.:!.lu.u. ' .Ml ot whicii they ol;ci to the trade upon their usual i acconimouating terms. i’urciiasc-s will find it m their iiitere.-t to give our stock an e;v.iniiiiation belbre ni;iking their selections. HALL \ SA('KETT. Oct" i r C ()l‘Ain’M:KSHIl\ fjjSTlMl nn' lersigiM'.l have entered into a copartnei'- jL -"hip iindrr the name anl style of Troy A: Marsh, for the [iroseoution of a tieiiei'al .Merca'itile business. Loc.ition the same as furnierly occupied by Messrs. H. 1.. Mvr.iver .V ('o.. of Hav Mount. .1. B. TRoV. Jn. .1 F. MARSH. .May IS-');:. '-'Ttf ,V Lclicr to l«‘ Kt'iiti ami Tliuiigiil uimjii. ' I 1 K t . * I. \V •> ihI Nortit h:iV4‘ '>pok*n. >p * t Ih* 'iinn\ :ir Uir 2iv«*n •*! I»* i' ih** D. \ W. Ml Sept. IK.');!. L.vrP.lN ;'.(»tf T4il» \ i "Ijcji ;t Ml.ic 'i uih * ill tiN ( m itjt Tf any itiiini }>r*.|tn{u i • J t‘* yiHii • tiivi II ill lx\ur i*l I! ** N f’iJC iiU'.. til r\cr^ vill i*;#- ;nnl ciiy. u u lr«' ' Ur.urhit 'jt.’Jik il- H r- T KK I ^i>'i KI* i. Sou11> ’.tr*- ilUil. ,l;\nii «r) I .Moruiufr Ac. .M»*u hru\ —*.futlrnifii. J it Uio ly>i li^o > I iiHH iM’(‘ii ;• ^iiil* M r i'm-i.i Kit* uiiiHh'i.i, -^r. iia* Iiien.hilli.a ol llMM|.i..ii \ . J. ’I inruir. . I [iiirf le.-ei -i l».ittlf :iiil itu' lif'l .i'i'i- ii'i' Ilia 1. r^’llncit uc ili-:i I i .m-iiicr It Iml jii'l'. r 1.1 ■ u.- 1" Ui'- ‘Illil l in;: worlil lli*- n -iri "I tie’ h(ipllrMioo. ' .Mini u" .. 'i:. K i'.-iiiti >ii--iii in 11..- Iim t.—o l.:i.l Iliat 1 wn» run rii',. ll II' iii\ l.cil I.'! li.' 'I' I lie nrsi l.i.ttle like I ' IciriM Itic ' "ll'i rt '1'’reil ^lo-i.t'lii !■' m> l"">r :i1t1irti-il K.nrK am' 1 -.111 U">\ ’''11 anil I. ej .i, \.'iii.s; w hen I wa« 'iMoen 1 >n-- •r \ il* . WXi: FOR SALi:, A YOUNG and gentle h&rne.s.s Horse. J. it T. WADDILL. Oct. 1.1863, ! AUi:. 'riiroiijili Tickets lii'twei'ii Wilmington, N. ('.. and Balti more. Fa)e>tlo. \ ia Weldon. Pet*-rsburg. Richmond. Wash ington City. or via \V«ddon. Ports mouth and Norfolk. For Tickets a|>i')l,v at the >fliee |of the Wilmington lui.t Raleigh Rail Road (’otni>any at Wilming ton, or at the Office of the Baltimore Steam Packet Company, and of the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road I"' u ll' li:i- -:i' •iriiil lie |.'.i V. Iiii lt ti:. *' I 1 Compnnv, Pratt Street. Pinltimore. Jan. i. 1852. o8-tf \ ♦Mi * •*: -.i:**- .*ur ilu' *!»•« o\«'ry oi iho ‘tiNl Mi{:lii t rrrt a iiionnifii'ikt tn l»r lln**ipu«n. Iri.iii pMiii. .\hil V'Mi. ;;eMt!fiii*‘U. hnsr 1 Im'iu ^innr' iti li"f*niiii:ilifit' Ui«- tt4 III \ Ml itiv.iinultl** 'ritiriiir* li ?t ;ml h.i\t* ni-v«*r \vniUMi h»r lii#*r tr> fii L u )i n iit\ I'i'l Im'.iiU' I’*' ■ ftlioU'il. hnll 1 ht-'-iluie. or, llirauiiti h.i'ili'viv, wilhh'iUl ai;\ iiil. iin ili'Mi valii.khii Min> rr|Ii*w- nmn’ Si. il r thi- wi:r(h\ ol h itlrtri- in unj ol'\nur J'*"** Uln ri\ il il. AIA \JI KKMliALI.. IIiiiiipliHr- 'I'lti* litrr. hy \\> iit:M on lh»* Sloiiinrh. I.ivor anil X\w Ki.inrN^. cu.-.- Uronchmt nr.ii l.iiiit Mi. ■ > m ''>■ ■f>'- f.ti. ronsuifiplinn. i Uhrum ..i-m. linni. , Piles, l;.iwi |'I1II-I ■iiii'. \i'..riii' \i rv.'ii' I'eln.iiv w ilh all ll>. ease« ari'iiiL ir.'iii iia(iiire l.loi.i!. : lie' !.'r>- iie'l 1 enntle Meilicine **Tor''ii''.ler M. rha-, l )ir.;i. . iH iirii.i-1. »nil all ilisense- iiiri.lfnt lo the I.owpI-: ill llie siini'.ii r'I-> im eiiu.Tl. solil U holcMlf nnil ri i-iil »..\ 'S J " ■ t U UuPRK. '.Vilmii.!;C"» M» >ll l l\lLR it Mi>\\ UR W lumuiff . iinJ by Drugi;i»i' (feneTiiHy.