S E M I-W E E K L. Y. FAYETTKVTLT.E, N. C., DECEMBER 15, 1853. [NO. ‘253.] 1>KINTKI> HV J. H. XEWHY. ,;j)\V\HI) J. HALE & SON, Ki-H't»KS ANl> I’KOl'UlETOUS. , the Sfini'" (Miskhvuk $8 00 if puiil in iviiu'' it ft swbsii'n)- j ,1 ultorthe year 1ms expired. , J. W. i klv i)nsKitvK.n >i; tHJ per anniiin, if paid iu „ sj it piiid during Uio year of subserip- .s:; iMl 'it'ior tlie ye>ir has exp_ired. ^..Vi^ini'^KMKNTS iu-Tted for sixty cents per ^rt'. 1'' thirty cents fnr each Yearly advertisements oy s]>e- .. Vfas^nalilc rates. Advertiser:* are . t, .| f stutf tlie number of insertions desired, or J ' t‘*' >iitinued till forbid, and charj^ed a-’cord- (.lA-tters ti> the Editors must be post-paid. SlMMEin ILl.E iV l%Mnah‘ S(‘miiiary 'f tlie Spring J^ession of this Insti- ; wi.l bo resumed on Tue.^day, Jan'y o. Ihot. ^ , V , j.liasantly situated in the Village of -.utorinediute t'etween Raleigh a'ld Fay- >•, it ai*'e.'S in a high and healthy region , ri ni t- fr^ni all thi>se vices and temptiitinns ; r ! . .'iii'i iarge towns, and iu the midst of :v .11 "i!i rink with any in the State. Kvery the School will be so tilled as to place \t-. u '.11 the highest grounds. The advanta- ; i K lucatiuu oti’ered here are rarely to be c h. .-v.u 'u Institutions of the first class. Hoys i rri : :ro I. at this School, to enter creditably ' . .:o in the United States. No pains will be | , ; .TttMU^.'D to th“ mor«I as well as intellectual ■ I it’./' f t-"-* Students. Uuard in the Village at 1 ■ iitli, exclusive of lights. Some 20 or lio >;irls ; vr V’ led with Board in the family of the I’rin- ■ , ■■ t’’ ■ ahovf rate. ; r, I i’> >arding House for Roys under the imnie i ' tr. - and supervision of the I’rincipal. whicli ! every evening by him. I’K.B SFSSloX 01 FIVE .MONTHS: • '.i.iiry t^nglish Studies, 1 . and higher .Mathematics, In .jO KXTB.V. ■! ' II Piano, and use of Instrument. 17 r>0 ! :■ ; L .:i_'uage, 10 dO , : : ,.g, i.Tiwing, \e. Xi A. D. .McLEAN, I’rincii'al. ■:.T' N. Pec. (3. lSo;J. olto.I \i)\llNiSTKA'l'oirs NOl'li'i:. 1 i I‘ i rmher Term. IS'3, of ('umberland County i Y ;rt. ^he umlersi^ned qualified as Administrator . Fuller, dfc’d. All persons indebted to his in- .re required to make immediate payment: and - . iving demands against him are hereby notified ' nt them within the time limited by Act of A- • . or this notice will lie pleaded in bar of their EXE( I 'l'Oirs SAI.E. ILL be sold on Monday, January 9th, IHo-1, at wW the Court Douse Door in Fayetteville. Twenty- tonr shares of Stock in the Fayetteville & Kaleigh I’lank Uoad. Terms, j month’s credit. JOHN 15ELL, Kxecutor of Ilarp^rove. Dec. 10. r>l‘-ts Gl ANO. TONS of l‘eruvian Guano—fresh imported- daily expected. For sale by Nev. US. T. HAian & so.v. 47-if (;ars i\e Plus ritra HI HMSi}. Subscriber, a practical Hoot maker of some ex- M. perience, has for some time been .sensible that there is a disiiieratum to be yet supplied to the public in the way of a suitable burnish f»r boots and ■iiin-s. Most of the articles now used either injure the leather «>r fail to impart that lustre so necessary to give to man's "unileristiindinij" a j>roper finish. Me has therefore, dur ing the last twelve months, been devoting himself t' the task of preparing an article fre»' t'roni these ol.ji'c- tions, and has at length at’ter iiiiich investigation and experiment completely succeedetl. The n-sult is ru'plux ultra Hurni)/i.'' He only wislies that it may be tested in order to estahlish its sa]>erionty over all others. Call on him at Mr. Nathan Sike*’ boot and shoe estahliahment, on I’erson street, and be supplied with an excellent article at a cheai> rate. THOMAS C.ll.L. Nov. l^^o3. 47tf I'AVi'/n'Kvn.i.K ^l^niS Company is now organised and prepared to re- £ ceive applications for Insurance, on us favorable terms as other Companies. DIllECTOKS: Hknkv Lfi.i.v H. J.(. .Myrov KR. Tnos. S. Jil'TTKRLOH. .loHN H. Cook. L). Kav. A, A. McKktiian. MtNkii.i,. N.\th.a\ a. StkI'M.an. •Ia\ik 1\\ li Avon K. Hall. J. G. Shkphkri). Wm. Wardkn. S. T. Hawley. John I> Wu.liams. C. Uknhow. Wm, M«'L.\rKi\. Wm, .^^'^^’TVRE VO LlMIiEK AND rrUPEN'i'INE MAKKKS. /■ini; Subscribers offer for sale lOll .\ci-e> of ■- Land well calculated for the Lumber and Turpen tine nusine-js. The Land is situated on the Fayette ville \ Raleigh Plank Road, about eight miles from Fayetteville, two miles from 'aj)e Fear River, and three nii'e«> from a I.anditig below the lowest Dam; there is on it at the junction of two constant stre.ams a S:iw Mill on the Improved Hotchkiss plan: also. l»well- ing house. Kitchen. Rarn, Stables. \c. To those de sirous of embarking in the above busine>-' it wovtld be a desiraMe situation. Inquire ot .I.din H. .McNeill on the premises, or D McNeill. Favetteville. ' l>. \ .1, 11, McNFILL N'>v. ‘J.'i, Is.':^. IK if 1», V. fvi’le, Dec. U*. IS.'):'.. SEED J. A: T. WADDILL’S, I Flay St. 51 tf L \M) AM) > rr \M S \\\ \41LE FtU{ S,VLK. we desire to concentrate our l>nsines>;, we offer fur >>ale our Home Place, , (ireenwoO'l., This place consists of about acres, is 0 miles from F.-iy- etteville and S from the 'a]^e Fear. Nearly all of it is Turpentine and Tar land, the boxes having been wrought from ;•> to tj yvar-i. The nr.\vy Mill Tiinl>er has lieen cut otf of about one-half of it. We also otfer for sale our Steam Saw Mill, on tlii'; land, now in gooii running ordt-r. The mill has two ">'i in. Circular Saws, and will cut from 4.to lu.UtMi feet of Lumber per day: also an edging Saw. ,a grist mill, and Smiths’ toi>ls. This ^Iill was put up by Hums, Esq. of Raleigh, and is inferioi' to none. If we sell as above, we otfer for .sale 4 teams of Mules, 4 U'apons anil Harness, - yokes >f Oxen, :in>l 1’ Ox Carts; C.^ttle, Hogs, \c. We will sell on accommodating terms. Address, Favetteville. JONES .V BARBEE. Greenwood, Nov. H*, isr>3. 4'.tl.I ;iii Engines—Fayeileville .Muniit'acliirc. ' E lire now prepared with all the necessary ma- J.inery for manufacturing STE.\.M ENtil-N K.'', 've t sixty horse power, which we can furnish ■ I'a’iie terms as any Northern estaVvlishment ' in want of Engines for Mills. Boats. .s:c. «ill vt- tiie advr.ntage ef having them made near home. Knirine >t our own manufacture ean l>e seen -i’' r. at the Foundry. ■ HALL B»LLIN»;ER. ', ’-■•x. .">l-tf NO l'K i:. ZNIX Lodge No. H, a. V. NL, win celebrate • -VtiiiivtT'ary of St. John the EvangeL.'t on the Ir* -- will be delivered at the Bapti'^t Church, at , >y Br... W M. K. BLAKE. .V. M. The pub- d to attend. : ■ ,■ t‘rs of Phitnix Lodtre and all .Masons in art- re>juired to meet at .Ma sonic Hall ai /s. ' ni. By order of the W, vi, J. B. FEltGLSoN. Secy, , ' ■'•v; -'i2-ot rou s.\i.K. ' '• •• S )ld :it the Market House, on Monday. - I .J inuary next, at 10 o'clock, acre.* good undt'r fence, joining the P>rick V.ard lands t’i’terson,—10 acres cleared and under culti- T -ere i.-, on the premises a good house. ' ,,!i-ral, A. M, C,AMPBFLL. Aucf- '. ■ '>:its K \\ illiams's |{y' W Iti.-kov ;it 'r retail. MCDONALD \ McMASTER. ^ ix.-)^. .VJ Cartilage lioif‘1 I recently purchased the :ib ive l!st;(H!ih- tVi'm ,\Lilcom Kf'lly, E,-'),, I am now pie- •rtain in a coni‘’or[:ib’e m is: i ,■ ■■ . Havinir anij.' - , : ■ > ■ - ; T t'^ ;o'i-omiiioda'e. I tni 't 1 I, ^ i entire satistMctioi! i . tlio,--e wiio may tli.-ir p nr II, , M.-Li; \N , D*"- o, i NO l'K E. nAVI.N'G pvirchftsed the interest of T. H, I'nder- wood in the firm ot'li. W. Lawrence .V C,i., 1 will continue business as heretofore at • Ha rif ’ s im a rtlfn. 1 have from twelve to fifteen Co opers coii'^tantly .it work manufacturing: .'Spirit Barrels. ;it llie rate ot l»i to lll.'t jier week: have now on h.ind 4n(i P)arrels tor sale, at -'k cash at the .''hoji. or delivered in Town. I shall also continue the Distilling t>f Turpentiiie. and will pay within lo cents per burrel of the layetteville price in ash. or ioi>i>s at Cash prices. Tl K- PENTINE W.\NTED, I have now in ,tore a fieneral assortment o) (lOODS, for sale it Fayetteville prices. .\U kinds of Country Produce taken in exchatige for G .od-. Call and see. (i. W. I. \WREN F,. Nov. 17, IK)^. Pdf KI:M()\ AE. J. N. SMITH, Chemist and Druggist, H.wi.vo reriiovod to the Stnn- iuMth- west corner of Market .''quare, recently oc- rupied by 1*. .'sheniwell, now offers to his friends and the public >:enera!ly a Large and well selected stock of Itrnps, Cliernicals, Paints. Oils. Dve .''tuffs. Medicines .and I’erfutnery, consisting in part of the following: Potash, Uhite Le.id, \'enetiaii red, ,'s|)ani'h brown. cop]ieras, .alum. s;iltpeti-e, s.il so.|a. l)i carb soda, s.aleratus. madder, in>lii.'o. snljihur, epsoin salts, yellow ochre, Blake's ]riint, chrome yeilow. um ber, chrome green, Pi us, blue, chaik. .spjce, [.['er, nutmegs, cloves, starch, ginger, bornx. \e:ist [M.wder,-, essences, mustard, logwooii. inks. s.i;ips. coii;ress wMter. salad oil, window glass, putty, varnishes ,:i|| kinds. i linseed, tanners', castor and oiive ,.i;. su'ph. ncid. burning fluid, c:impliene, j'aint tooth, tlesh, nail and white-wash brushes; g.ilv-mic oiit 'i’.r--: oFFiCFK.'s; t;i;u. McNEILL. President H. 1... ,NI Vi{ tVl.R, \ ice I’resiilent. .1. (>. .'sHK.PHl’l’l*, .Vttorney. • .V. .McMlLL,\N, Secretary. GEO. McNLILL, | .J(>HN H. COOK, V Executive Committee. JAS KVI.E. I The plan of Mi tcai. Insi rancf. muht commend its>'lf to our ciiinmunity, for it c:in be demonstrated that we have saved within tlie last six years ujiwards of by insurance iu the .North Carolina .Mutual Comj'any: that is, we shoiild have paid to hf'.ve kejit the same in surance in the foreign joint stock companies that sum more than we have actually {>aiil: and yet the North Carolin.a Mutual Company has received lietween and NtitMiu more from our community than it has paid out for losses here,—showing that we are favorably sit uated, as compared with other places in the State, for Insur.ance. Our Company has gone into operation favor.ably. )iav- iiip the clay we organised applications tt» the amount of SilDi.oiMt. anl the Company is now placed upon a firm footing!. \i\y Director, authorised .\gent, or .Secretary, may receive .Vpplii-ation.s, but they will not be binding until .approved by the Executive Committee or the lioard. gkj)"‘ ';Eo. W. L.AWRENCE is ajipointed (ieneral .\irent of the Company. We invite applications. GEO. .McNEITl. Pres't C. A. McMILLAN, Sec y. Feb'y 7. L''o.‘^ tli'.tf SHM) in:\VAI{|). 89 AN.VW ,\V from the subscriber, two Negro (Mrla ■ % and four f hiMren. viji: .MARTH.V, a bright mu- :i!tio, ri\' fe-t four or fiv‘ inches high, took with her two gir! children. Frances and .\nn; H.VNN.VH, copj'er colored, about the same lieight of Martha, Hannali took with her two male children, Lewis and Joiin. The above nerrocs formerly belonged to the estate of (ieorge T. Barksdale, and are supposed to be lurking about the ('ape F’ear, ab««ut Mr. W inslow’s plantation. The above reward will be paid for their confinement in any ,)ail so that the subscriber can get them, or for their delivery to the subscriber in Sampson countv. FLEET R. l’ETERS«**N, September 'i, If'oli. ‘Jt>-tf A nwiiiws ori'EUEi). tS the undersigned has determined to rei"Ove to the West, she oflers for sale that commocFious House, which she now occupies, in the village of Summerville, and all appurtenances thereunto belonging. .Mso, 120 acres of land at the mouth of Cross Creek, in the town vf Fayette\ille, a short distance above the Clarendon Bridge. Terms cash, or paper negotiable at either of the l?anks in Fayetteville. Reference, !is to the Cross Creek land, is made to James B.anks, Esq., of Favette- Nille, E. B.VILEV, Summerville, N. C,, June >, ISo.J. Itf i.m rexburctU hk;h school. RICHMOND COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA. ^IHIS large and flourishing Institution is now per- J maneiitly established, under a full corps i>f well qualified Instructers, and with every thing requisite for a first class Seminary, being well supplied with Maps, (ieographical and Astronomical; Globes, Philosophical and Chemical .Vpparatus. The Semi-.Annual Sessions of five months commence on the second .Monday of January and July respectively. Circulars, containing full jiarticulars, will be fur nished by applying to Fiev. ,1. Jones Smyth, .\. .M., I’rincii)al, Lauiel Hill P. O., Richmond county, N. C.. or to D. C. MclNTVKE, Secretary. October 14, 18"'; -hiV SiVVWW. nAVINfi purchased the stock (^t' .Mfiteriel on hand at the Shop formerly owned by Mr. E. I’uller, and having engjigeil the t>ei'\ices of Mi'. ,L C, l.ally, whose work givi-s suidi general and entire s.atisfai'tion, I am now prepared to execute :ill orders for Timber " agons. P.oad WHjrons. C.irts. Diays. W heelbarrows, iVC, I ha\e on hand a'l l will consi:intly keep a good sup ply of iro)i .\sb s, Chains, lioifs, and in short every thing that t!ie Wagon ni.aker can neciL Timber W'.-igons, with the iniprovc'd Iron .\\les, made to order at the siiortest notice. I have 10 gooil anl competent WOrknien at the busi ness, and will give it my whole and undivided attention. My {irices shall be as moderate as the times will ad mit. and I will challenge any Wa^on-maker in the I'ni- ted States to equal my work either in )>oint of style or durability. THO.'s. Fl'LLEPi. Oct. I’b, 1H',;5. :v,ttf Fall and V\ iiil‘r vStock For I t'I H E subscriber has just rei eived and o]iened, at his New .'store on the l!,-ist side of tJreen street. :i few doors from the Market Hu\ise and nearly opposite his Old Stiind, !i large .'stock of aiifl r:iiic‘y IIKV Embracing a gener.il assni-tnient of L.adics' and (ieutlc- men’s l>ress Gooils, consi.sting in part td Sli.awls, Cloaks and .Mantillas, some very tine; and also a iroocl .assort ment of SHOi;.'^ A.ND B( »OT.s;, for Ladies, GeiithMnen, Girls, Boys and (’hildren. And the bt‘st assi.rtmeiit of Silk .and other styles of Ho.N'NE T.'^ he has c\er (.ffcicd to the public. Sug.ai, Coffee, Tea, Pejq'er. Spioes, and T(diacco. a fine article. P. SH EM WELL. (tctoberb, lS-'):^>. ^Ultf MAKisLi: I \1 iOllV. .1. S. BANKS, 4' o 111 III i wMi o II Hv rv li n ii I, Fayetteville, N. C. Sept 1','. 1X5:;. 29tf Wlio would have llioii^lit iff lU'tc Vanuiu/r KutahliAknient on thr Militon/ (trfcu, t]ie .Mrfhot/isl (’Jiiirih, t'l'oiitliii i>it Mmntorl■ Stn'rt. CKl.A'F E.N'rEliPRISi:! is Uoiiiid t» ^kliiiio!! N E(t1 RO C )'n 11N (\—Hcndii-made. 4 L.VRGE SUPPLY on hand and for sale ciieap.— ■\ All orders from the country promptly executed. GEORtJE BRANDT. Nov. l», 185:5. i:’,tlJ w •1 [-D res]icctfully inform the publi‘ that he i.s still at his idil stand »'arrying on the above „ . . , . ^ business in .all its branches. He ref urns thanks for the r p H E Sub.scnhers would respectfu ly inforni their patronage he has received, and hopes bv a f^trict 1 friends a.wl the public, that they have entered into . j,, and copart.u.rship ^r the purpose n the genera | ^ satisfaction, to meri. u continuance of the rAHIU.VOh 1>1 lu ;ili It.-* \ani us parts. And ‘ f tjeing both practical workmen, fully understanding their liusiness, they have no hesitation to comp.are work with any estiiblishment in Fayett(‘ville as to style find dura bility. One of th« fii'tn may be known by reference' to .\. H. W hitheld's iron work for the Last two years. We warrant all work to give general satisfaction for twelve months, Reji.airing ilone in the neatest manner low for c,:sh. PIER \ BR.VMN, ,L\mks H. I’lKit. ,l\Mi:s Bi:\MN. F.ayetteville, Jan’y 24, ISo:!. ' 2tf AT llOMf: A(.AL\! \V, |)KAl (illO.N Bj ■ \S the pleasure of informing hi- customers and B I the ]iublic. that he has moved his Sf.ic* of Goods into his NEW Sl'ORE, at the Oi.:> Sr\N . His recent [uirch.ases in New York :iiid Piiiladulphia m:ikes hii Stock CoMPL1;TE. 1U‘ ims on hand, for sale at b.w prices^, a full stock of (irocories :iinl Dry (i Kmi.s. Boots :\iul Shot's. H;trhv;irc atnl (’titlery. Crockery :iik1 Ilas.s-waro. \Vin(lo\v (jlas.s. Clocks. I’lirc l‘'reneli l>r:iinly. Hill;iud (Jiii. St. ('roix aiii{ Md Juiiiaica Uuni. I’ort. Mak'ira, Browii and Goldoii Slieny, M;ila- ga, .''icily, and Souppernong Wines. Old Itvo Whi.skey. same. 1 He Warrant-^ all bis work to be lande of !he be.st ma- I (’erial and by experienced workmen,—having a nuirc and )>ntd,rn! Smilh, he Ibitters himself that hi:5 work will compete with :iny mad(‘ in th' State for ; style, elegance and dural'ility; ami should any of it fail I in twelve months (with fair ns:ige) either in workman- ‘ shi]i or malerial. lie will re]>air it free of vharge. Persons wishing to buy, wouM do well to call and ex- , .amiju' his woi-k as he is iletermined to sell low for c.ash or'on short lime. >i ilers thankfully received ami promjdly attended to. j(ir^ REP,\ 11{ !N(i neatly e\»‘cuted .at short notice and lowest })ossible price*;. Fayetteville, Jan. ->>. IS-'i:!. (i:!tf i'all 'i'ri!deriH.>:L 1 h.'ive received my Fall .^toek of i^rtf \ My .'stock is large, and well worth the .attention of (‘iir- ■ chasers. .\nv kiml of I’rodnce taken in exchange. ' ‘ JAS. G. (’OOK. j Oct. :;. IS.-):’,. ;’,2tf 'IMk' Southern I i:iriiu)ii\, :hk1 .\liLi- I cal Companion. A further supjdv iust received. i;.’.l’. HALE \ SON. 1 »ct. It*. .11 S’l' RI X' Ei VI: I) .\ M) [■()R S A LI I,\RGE No \lackerel. .J " Herring, Fresh Lime. Pl.aster Paris. Cement and Plasteriiiir Hair. .1. W. POWERS \ C(t. •luiy 2'J, 1L'l-tf M(t(tlirli iKOo/ntiS H^ONE in the >iest manner, at reduced p-ices, by W. ANDREWS, ,^lHrket .'squ;ire, •Joutf I IIOTKL. ^HE subsi-riber h.aving |iurchasvil the Hotel situated on the .'South-E'ist Corner of Coui t House .'scin.are, and lately known as Stuart's Hotel, wouM inform the public that lie is now ready to .accommodate boarders by the day, week or month. Having made considera ble outlay in furnishing and refitting the Est.ablishmeut, he hopes to be able to give satisfai^tion to all who pa tronize him. His Table sh;ill be furnished with the best the market affords, his Bar with the liest of Li quors, and his ,'talile with a pletity of good provender ani faithful (*sf]f>rs. J, GILCHRIST. :}-tf .I line 2ti, 1.'''>L’. fED.KP> F.\LL.' Cotton Yarn and Sheetings, for s-de at Factory juices, by TROY Ot M.\K.''H, May Is'i::. ‘.*Mf 'Fhr fjfrr^rst Par tor if in the South! s* .„v. -5Sar By (iKO. I.AdDKK TW'd rmiiiis iBdVE r. T. iniiiii siin's store. Fayellrvillr, Jan’y 2o, IS.'ia. f.1-1 Ypd sTs71\Ti i:v »A.'s on h.and a beautiful assortment of F,\LL ,\.ND Wl.N'TER GOODS. He desires to return tlianks to his friends and the jiublic for the liberal ]>:itionage which they have li«'stosved on him; and solicits a con- ^;nuance of the same. His friends and the |niblic ar(‘ requested to give him a call, at the stand formerly oc cupied by ."s. ,1. Hinsdale, south west coruer M.arkct S.)uare and (lillespie street. Oct, I. I"'.;}. :U-tf .XI'.W STOl'K Ol' sprim; i\ii m\m liooiis. ^■''HE subscriber is now receiving a large and well I selected stock of GOODS, comprising a General .Assortment of DRY (iOOl)S. R«‘M(ly-ma(lc ('lotliiiio. Boots :tiul Shc>(‘s, Hats and Caps. I larduan* and i'n\Icrv. (Jroccrics. Sadtlcirv \:c., vS:c. Which will be sold low for Cash, or exchanged for Tur pentine and Country Pi' duce. He returns bis warmest ih.inks to his old friends and customers tor the liberal patronage heretofore extended to him, :iHd hopes to merit ;i eontinuaiiee of the same. NOriCE. I|»CT(|RS M.-illett \ Mc.^'W.iin h.aving left their W liooks and papers witii W. .McL. McKay, who is With his nsn:il larirt* stock of rbjinostio Lijnor,>i. ' tully authorised to receipt for the same, all tlieir cus- ,\ESO tomers living West of the Cape Fear Piiver, who may be in arre.ars either by note or .-icconnt, will confer a favor by calling on him and settling the same. W. P. .MALLETT. H. A. McSWAlN. Favetteville, .\ug. "0, IS-'):!. 24tf 20 dozen Wolfo's .\romati; .Scheidam Sdina['ps, loO,(MKM'ignrs. (very cheap.) 2’) liaskets Champaign. Hock Wine, (^six v.arieties, i Sardines; Siierm and .\damantine ’amlles. W. DR,\riHON, Market Square. Nov. lH.')o. 4:!-;Jm l’ilL\('ll iHini ^>ji’cat iS4‘‘4iii(‘li»ii ill Pi*i4*“. E(iE\ rON, MORRiS^.^~('). J loNTl.M'E to make to order, and keej. constjintly ^ on hand t'^retirh tiurr *fiiUstonrs (,)f all dimensions, warranted to be of >)est quality, be- . made from linrr blocks selected by them from the \ quarries in rr;snce. They keep f' ! sale HW’E now in .''tore a f'ull assortment cif (i RO- C ol()ol|(‘, ( MCalx'a ails! >j)U.'' .Mlji- l)urr Blo'/h.-^. Bol;ih:X i iotli. riMEI.V NO'I’IC'E. A LL persons indebtecj to me, either by Note or .\c- /IL count, will please call and settle before the 1st of .lanuary 1 S-'>4. otherwise their claims will be placed in the hatids of officers for collection, as further indul gence cannot be given, GEORGE liRANDT. Nov, ;i, l.s.-,;:. 4:;tl.l now in .''tore a full assortment 8“CER1F..'s, PIU •\'1.'^10N."^, and other (iooils sviitable for the Fall and Winter Trade, and which 1 ofl'er for Cash, or in exch.ange for Produce of almost any kimt. I have always on hand—Flour, .^leaL (’orn, Piicc, Ba con, Lard, Butte!. Cheese, (’rackers. Salt, white Clari fied ami Brown Sugars, Rio and -Lava Coffee, Tea, .Mi)- lasses. Vinegar, Fish, ('igars, Tobacco, Snufi', Caudles, Soaji, Starch, ,'spices. Candies, Pepper, Buckets, Brooms, wrought and cut N:iils, Powder, Shot, Percussion Caps, ami a good assortment of Dye Stuffs: with many other things in the Grocery line. __ALS0_ good assortment of Diy Goods, Boots atid Shoes, NegiM Bl.iiikets and Kerseys, and a good assorimentol Beady-made Clothinir. Jgisy* ’all and buy cheap. W. H.‘carver. October 2”', 1^5:L ;V.>-Om Scvct'H \\ iro. C'aiciiu'd I’lastcr, liydraidic v,Vc. Orders from .mv jiart of the conitrv ]iroijiptlv attend ed to. K. .ri. Agent at Favetteville, N. (' .March 11. !M.3:L ‘ 7btf N Kin;rsburv. 1“'. l^i ', 1>, A W, .McLAl lll.V till' rcceiviliu a lariTe sti P.oots and Shi ( S. whicli an be bought in tlie market. ,KiN; Si',-tf o.-t. l: ; of Groceries. Hardware, ire ffere 1 as low as they at wholesale or retail. :;ri{f LANDS AT Al criON. ,2% TI ESD.VV, the 27tli day of December, at the Lumber Bridge (.'hurch at 12 o’clock, will be of fered for sale looo .\cres of Land, Dii miles from Fay- ettevjlle. .J. mile fVoin the terminus of the Fa\etfe\i]lc ,s; Souiliern Plank Boa'I, 'I'he land is first r;iti' for all kinds of f.irmint;' puiposes, and well lind)civd eirher lor T'Oi 'iiiub' i- or iiirpentine. I'liose wishing to purt hase w.'ulil clo well to call .-uid examine the laioi tor themselves. Terms of' sale; oiie-third cash, and the other two-tliirds i'. ;uid 12 months credit, with ajqu-oved security. .ARCH'D .\. T. SMITH. N‘tv.l4. Il-ts Livery 8tabirs. The undtrsigncl coiitinue to carry on the I^IVEBY Bl’Sl- ^ NESS at this place. They htwe ^ lately largely increased their Stock .-\V and can now otfer to tlie ]>ul>iic as \ \ giod Horses, Carriages and Dri- ^ jf vers as can be found in the South- ern country. Thankful for the large ]i:;tri n- age heretofore extended to us. we solicit a c(.ntiin:arion of the public tavor. We ]'roini>e .a s it'tor\ trip to all w!io m.iy v.i'^li to travel. Sta'o’.es at the We.-=t en( where one of tise Pi'i.jn iet'a- at the Stoic tirsi door ilast of '\lr. .), W Favetteville. Feb'y 22, ISo:’.. of Miiiiii'ord : freer, all ; y.- found, or i,uJTerI,ih. PO\‘. i:i:S CO 71 Y •V surirical, tooth .-ind cupping in Freiii’h and I'.ntrlish (diemiea!s, \ X.r,. all i f wliieli are ot fir^t f i sold at a small adv.-nice ou c..~! Or'lels S' leite i fl'i.Ill C itllltr, lua it- aii'l nr;i .\no-i, will I- A J ii ■ !)H«‘f‘i’aiHl (.ciHiirii.'Sioii Morchaut. Has on hand, for sale,— 1 hhds. P. R. Sugar, -•> hblb. Coffee SufjT.ar, •• )/rinn.' St. roix o ti I' i^rs liio Coll'ee, ' keps .Nail' - ' ■ 'is. -N'o, :5 .Mackerel, large, • ’’jbl.s. No. ditto, No. 2 ditto, - • xes assorted Candy, ^ ' ' •• Soap, Candles, o i.'t'.f bbls. Snuff. —also— '1 Palis, liras'? bound ditto. Indiiro. S.i'erafus. ■ 'e. (i,ni r. Mai'e, ('Inves. Niitme^iS, Tea - pMjier, Sai'k ."sab. U.ipe, l‘>ag;iiiig, \c. ■ e. Nov, 2.'', is.'i:i. 4«-lm i’ \ ‘ Nt'.iv vV C '^ysioii • llvrehauts^ No. 1',} water STREET. vi:vi V02&K. ' ’ [.I.V>tK.4 P. OlLM(*HK. riMice.T; o-M-s. Francis .skinner r., , x^w York. Lord, .arren v 'k, •* I... Kidder, Esq,, Wihaiiifiton, N. (\ J II. Flanner, *• Ani’ s Wade. Lsq, Newi.ern, •• I' U, M -I.aurin, Fayetteviile. i-’om-iry advama-s tn.ide on ,Vav.al ,'^tore-. 1^—■■ l8Ypd -|.i ,r. and Of Dru^.'y. Ml uicinf i*i'nils. Oils, i)iii-Sctnl\. W (■ an- iii'W ria'fiviiigf fm addition to our Stock j which we o])ened in .Vpril I last} .a large and well sele-t- edstock of Drugs, \ledicines, .uic Paints, Oils, Dye-Stnll's, En glish ami (ierman ('ruejbles, Paul De Vers X o’s X'e-e- table Extracts for culinary jiurposes: \ east Powders, I Delmonico's and otli- r br.in ls; Lyon's Kathaiion; l!.ir ! ry's Tricopherous: .\.ver'i) I'herry Pectoral; Witheral >v j Bro’s White Lead; lluining Fluid .and Pine Oil. 1 Also, DeCiuinon's cciebrated Non-explosive Lamp, I the liKht from which, in p(dnt of brilliancy and econo my, is unequalled. I Buyers would do well to give us a call before making i their purchases, as we will sell at u small mlvance on I cost. Particular attention j;iven to packing. FOl LKES .S: MAC RAE. ; (yorner of Donaldson and Hay streets. Next door west of H. &*E. J. Lilly. October, 28 18'3. Bttf WANTim7 BBLS. Turpentine, delivered at my Distillery in this place, for which the highest prices will be paid. 1 would uLso employ two or tliree good turpentine- barrel Coopers. D. W. ROGERS. Lumberton, N C,. Feb’y 10, 1863. »8tf ^ u- - ^ ' ^. i • ,’s ’l.' I 11 !,i.^ iii^oiiiis iiis friend.s .and the pub- lir, that li. iias built Up lar;rc substartial Mrick I'll "ii:ii;s at hi~ Ojd .'st.ind, expressly tor manufacturing; • arri:.;it‘s. 'I'li.ankful for the very Ijlier.il patronafre iie has ria eived for the last 21 ye.irs. he hopes by strict • ittention to bu>iness, with a desire to give .satisfaction, to merit a continuatice of the s.ame. He warrants his work to be made of tlie best material .and by exfierienced workmen in each branch of the busine.ss. His work ivill com;>are favorably witli any made in ihe United .'^tates. for neatness and ilurability. He is detei’iiiined to sell uiid do any work in his line on .as (iood terms as any woi-k done elsewhere that is as well done. He iiow has on h.and, 1 i.nisilkk, the L,AR- ;LST S TOCK of ' nrrittj^ rs, !{itr')i/rli s, liorhdiraifs^ and ii-iilll'i r.v. Ever offered in this place, and a very large stock of wvtrk nearly finished, w hich will be finished daily. .All I ol which will be sold very low for Cash, or on short I time to punctual customers, has on hand more than ONE HUNDRED .\ND FIFTY Vehicles tinishc[i and in course of construction. All work made by him is warranted 12 months with fair us.ige, ami should it fail by bad workmanship or material w ill be repaired free of charge. Persons wishing to buy would do well to call and examine for themselves. ( rders thankfully received ami promptly attendeii to. Feji.iiring executed at short notice and on very rea sonable terms. May‘28, 185:L U8tf s’n:AMi:ii iienrieri a, '^HROUtiH from .A. Wessell’s wharf in Wilmington, to her old wharf in Fayetteville, with ,-i snflicient niimbtM' of Flats to accommodate those wishing to ship ihrough or way freight. R. M. ORREI.L, Agent at Favetteville. Sept. 9, iM.-i.j. ■ 27tf 7’o t'n g IIK Brothers' Sieniii Boat I’o. is now prepared \v : ii tac ;ollowin;> iioiits: Sir, i)o: (;i,,\.'^s. Str. BIIOTHERS, Tow Boiit ,'sTEVE.N.'sT( >N, D. LEWIS. ,\1,F1{ED ELLIS. JAS. CVSSIDEY, KlNiSlU 15Y, and ELIZA .McDaniel, III tr.ins}>ort .all Naval Stores, Pro luce and other Freight intrusted to their care, with as much despatidi as any other line of lioats on the River. Th«y .are provideil with suit.ibie Wh.irl and \\ tre-Hiuise .accommodations to do a general b isiness, and hope by strict jittenlion to the interest of shippers, to meet a share of public fi>r the w.iim e to c.all ])atron.age. •Sept. I'.i, IS.'):!. ■L S. ■ISO. B,\NKS, .\irt, Favetteville. B\NKS, .\g'i at Wilmington. 2','tf I 'I'iii-; .s'n'.wii'.i! -s! \," IHl!^ new an.* vei v lijibt dran^lit ,teaiii'T has com- menced ri''I'linj;-. thoimh not iiiite finished, .'she is taking freijfl't Irawing only 1:’. ioche.- w.ater, Shi- possesses superior -i-lvantagcs for low w,-itcr service.-- She has also a large anKuint of warehouse, shed and wharf room, whei-e Naval .‘stores or other frei.iiht m ,y be stored with safetv. R, ,M. ORI.EI.L. Ag't. Sept. 10, 185:). 2t! i.ool) A i EN 1 LEMLN wi&iiing to supply themselvt',' ^ W .approai'hing (.old wiatiicr with go id an liarments. will find it to their great a iv,int on me before jiurch.-ising elsewhere. .-;s I ha\e my .'stock Complete and cmphat;L‘;i!ly the largest, ( li(-,ipe>:. ;ii;d best selected a>s ii iment id' t-fniulf' i/iol E\er tdfered in this market, .VIso, a l:ii-”v' and choii-e sel.-itiou of Gentii men's I iirnisliinjr Is. Fancy M)o-is, ilats, (.‘.-.ps. l>,.i'ts and .'s|;..es, I r.i\ ellinu; ;ind Packing Trunks, \’alises, C.-irpet B.igs. \V.-i!kiii;i C:>mc.s, i.ookin;; (Jiassts. 1 iiil.rellas. India Ku’ober ()\i-i cii i.cgginirs and ()■. ci sii.'cs, lmpu-ted ii.iv-in.-i. lie .alia. and I'l-incipe ( jli.MI.’s. ,ic. (iE-)l!(i|-; Blt,\N[.j’. Hay strio't, F;i\elle\iilc, .N t .. RelwC'cii ttie \iarkct House ale! Fa\clN-\;!le Hotel. Nov. '.I, IS,',.;. ■ LIti.l \o ^•>0 KSCW%ISg> ,\N.\W ,\\ from the subscriber, about the |.')th of .Inly. 1S')1. his nemo i^irl .‘sarali, .'said negro i^ about Wi’yc.-irs of .-ige. black, with large white eyes, l.-irjie limbs, weijih.s about l::o puiinds. Said .uirl is snjiposed to be lurking in the neighbor hood oi .Mr. lsaa( Wriglil .s oi (ien. McK.-iy's, in iSladen connfv. The above reward will be paid for iier delivery 10 me. Ol- her confinement in ;iiiy jail in the Sl.-ite of North Carolina. W.M. (i. Bl TI.LR. ( linton, N. C., March 11, lSo:>. jitf t'ajftlli vUh ('(indij Mannjnvlont. •.^'-HE subscriber still continues to manufacture a su- A jicrior .irticle of plain aioi fancy C.\Nl.'l E,'', at the oi l stall i. No. •'), (recn street, :i ibiors Nortii of the 'Iari,( C Houbc. ' where he wfiuM be h.ijipy to see his rllAill.il.s i:.\NK.'. 7:-t i' tf11 I i iiin N D IWiltou WvijnJVS IWWi. 4' I' if s i if i a i if c f. ' ^ IWL'^ONS visitin,:j: .New York or i i-.i\clliir.; ;hii i:" id North Caroliiiti. slioiiM prepare t ;u‘i,i>.-ivi- I. c.illing at ,M. A. B.XKLR'S. of tiie Bi" itiii.. pp- site tiie Post Othce. wliere th.ey w.ill find a tariic ass.,r ment of double ;ind siii;ri(..i,arrcl ,Sln>t Gui;s. l;;rics an Pistols, of all nialit;es; Colt's Uepeating. !’.( volving. Wesson's Kepe.iter and seif-primin^ ! Powder Flasks. Shot anti Game Bags, Pcrc-,:-siini r.ij of French and English make; .ilso ;i large .is. ■ ni i Gaming fixtures, which will be si.bi at th ' lo«. r ..- - prices. PiEP.\U>ING of every thing in till-Giinsmirh iiae wi be done at slmrt notice, in the besi m.inncr. roid !or small ch.'U’ge. Rifles of all kinds constantly on hand an ! nianiil;: tured to order, and wari.-uited to shoot f;-. m >i‘(> , yards. Persons wi'hliii: to purchasj- any i-f li , named articles, will ilo well to ”ive me a 11 ,M. i, P,-iK! !;. Sign of the .>■, :ck uii. Hav street, oop.isile I'- s,’ i ll’',, e July 21 , IB-:):'.. ‘ ‘ l -i: I ‘J.OOO !tf)ls. 'I'nrjjcittUH U *■//.'"i , . I which the lii^ilu’sf cash jiric. .■ wid !.■ | Sutnmervill, N. C . .Ma Ml 1'^. U- LE.\N .loNF,.- 11 I .“iOiOOO ol* ste^ivd. i^ViI.L pay cts. j.er }ionni c.-isli foi :ill (de:m cotton and lin-n K - delivei ed to .1, 1). W il- ■ Hams, in Fayetteville. ! im ii-.-ar,;. re;;dy to put in ; operation at I’ajier .Mil! ii. this i, -ii;!ibor!,o.i- . ;n;ii .-im 1 FREKTHTENli OS CAl’E FEAR. The subscribers having purchased the Ste.imers Evergreen and .'Southerner and Tow Boats, lately the projiertv of the Henrietta Steamboat Company, are now prepared to forward with despatch, between Wil- minsrton and Fayetteville, all freights or goods etitrusf- ed to them. F. N. vV- J. H. ROBERTS. Fayetteville, Feb’y 14, 1853. ''Stf £ ,S now receiving her Fall .-snd Winter MILLIN1'HI\. & consisting id' r.onnets, from one dollar to fifteen: Dress Cajis; Handkerchiefs: French .\rtificial Flowers ■ind Feathers: Swiss E'lgingsand Insertings; Capes, ('ol- lars and Undersleeves: l.alies’ and (Children's Wrist | Gloves, and long and short >Hts; a new and beautiful ! stock of Di'ess 'I’rimmiiigs of the latest style; \ elvet . and ."^ilk Mantilhis; Railway Coi-sets: \\ hahdione Busks. Dresses, ^lantillas, and Clo.-tks made in the latest i Philadel])hia and .New York styles. 1 .Ml orders from the country promptly attended to. Oct. o, 1H.5;>, 33tf .gs in th- a, ' as i desiror.s of ing my r is to p-iy as iiiui ii Vi,r ra, ~ as that I may >; -t be iorcc-1 to 'i supplies. i have arranged v,. cei\e and p,-iy for all r.n^s .1.-)i y li:..i l;', i. ,'';y object call :i!lorii. :inii hop*- i .nt lo.-irk.'l- for my ■Ml ' . , 'a 111' !■ i'- ! t; ll. iiiiii. Ml iJl'IPi :l Vetf . ll!C 2 t. MHi; Fainu-i's L .Uma?i;ic. for .l:M IS.- W hi nici's N. C ,Mi.i ;eiai1. by H.U E .so.N,

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