s E HI 1-w e: f: K L T. \0\.. IV.] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. JANUARY L 1855. [NO. 362.1 , \l .\1>AVS ANli Till HSDAVS:. .•!)i\ \!n^ j. nwA] SON. •u.' AM> i’K'»l’KlKTi»i:s. ■ W II ld_v "i!i;n\r.ii >0 it pail in ^ -t | :iiJ'luriii;; the year of suhsi'i'iji- ^ , : -'m' r;ir tid^ oxiiiri'il. V, i!\ li I'»'r iiimnin, if ]);u.| in ' .hiriiiij: tlu' vt'nr of sii>iscrip- . V ' .i:ti r \ >‘nr lias oNj'iro'l. iii>r'rti-l fi>r sixty coiits j>rr : — •'.•! tho ;ir't. ajid thirty ci-ius for onrh . ,t- V .irly a lviTti'SoliK'JUs >>y spo- -it ;o!S '!ia''lt‘ rati's. A'lvonisers a'T ,r. ;iif nuiuluT nt' insertions (iosiroil. or i till t 'rhi'i. and cliarjroil ao('t>ni . .1 t. viif I 'iit 'Ts must lie j)Ost-|i;ti>l. , ;i.k1 Soiilln'rn IMaiik Uoad. ::;ii'ti!i;r or' tin' Stockholli*rs of tin* \ >outlieni I’lank I\oal ('oin]'aiiv ' T- wii Hall, in this placo, on Tluirs- ■ f.itury. Mt r_* '.'■■lick. M. V ’Hif rP'-i'ivo 1 for Toil K-t'pors—I'v Til r.'!l houso.s, W. McL. M. KAY. Sec’y -Jii. titt-tni XOTK'K. "■ I r iosisrns ohanirin.^ his present l>usl- tiki-- tliis inetho.i of notifying nil th^'se .1 t . 'mo t rwar'l an I i-en'i-' uji !>y note r ;Lt y will fiii'i tiifir aeooiuits in tho . : : iin;r olficor. 1). S. TAVLUll. ' V 1 "•')}. t;o.;)t NoricT:. ii 'I I ifttT this liatc tiie L’rothers' Steanil'oat » W ill ij.it ho ro^ponsilile lor ;iny ilaina:ies ■ ■ :i ly Froij^ht. unless the 0'insi>rnoe or his - • 'M- river hank when the goixls are ileliv- . .■ hi' or their oljeotion or elaiiu. A. 1>. ('A/Al'X. Ajrent Urother-' Steamboat (’o. l>‘>t. f,U-ot nKlll\(; off at cost. . ' itor "Ur entire stuck ot (tooJii ut L'uit: non- roci'iutf. SIf tt, Hats, Caj>^, A;. 1 rtt r t’.'r salo a oo JJI>1. :till and tixiurws, . ■ '«ry or'.iwr. JljSSL T v\; Co. ^ j'J-lni . ; V' Us iuili-btcd to US umst settle by Casb ■. I"'!. NOriCE. I \ irtuo of a jiower of Attorney to me exe- cutcil liy John Mel’herson. Neill McPherson an*! ! I honias llhotles. 1 will procecl to sell, at the ^larket House in the Town of Fayet‘i‘ville, on Mondnv, tlie . 1st .lannary, the following propertv: ' IMantaiion atcl I’riek \anl, containing AS acrcs and : .iiiiiiini: Harire ;mil Kyle. ' I (*ne {.ot o.ist side U.anisey street, containing ahout i II aoresi. I iHvelHnir House and Lot north side Person street. ' ili'use and Lot itiinin^ last mentioned, on the west. ' \ aeant l^ot oftposite last mentioned, containing one- litilf acre. forty and one-hiilf acres, two miles sonth-we.st of ^ Fayetteville. I’ow No. 14 on ^fi'und floor. Presbyterian Church. ' H.ind with aj>jM-oved security required from purchaser | upon a ereilit of six months. j CHAS. A. McMILI.AN. j Hocomber 11, 1s.')4. oti-ts ■ rAYi’/n'!:\ iuj: book s roRK. ■SV A. K. TAl l.OR. £ av.nir ]:urehasvd Mr. WliitaKcr's interest in tJse B 1-ayi ttoville r> )ok Store. 1 will continue iho ‘ l.ui.ino'.'' in niy own name. 1 have just received a large assortment of Buoks of ■ all k.ii'is. To thi’sc favoring me with their patronatre ’ 1 will endoavoi t>> ;_^i\i.‘ sjwisfaction. All tlie latest publii'atious i.if the day—Ma^a/.ines, Periodicals, works of lietion, \e..—can i.e seen ujion my table. 1 have, rajip'iTienrs by w hich any book, not alreatty on hand, c.in be su].plii- 1 at the sl. irtest notice. All I ask is a ciiaiue »o prove my promptness. -Anionjr my H-k may be found larpe Family iSibles ^ from *>1 lTj to.'^l j; Presbyterian. Methodist and Hap- ; tist Hymn Hooks: J’piscopal Prayer Kooks: 1 other reli^iou." books. -V iTood snjMily of SCUOOIj UOOK.S always on hanil, Kuch :is lireok and Latin Readers; French, knfrlisli and L.-itin tiraiuHiars: Webster's unal>rid}ied I'ictionarv: i various kinds of Oeosrraphys, by dilFerent authors; all the dirterent kinds of Arithmetics. Spelling Books, , Headers. \c., \c.: Historie.s of the L'nited States. Kng- Iti fact all kinds of school books j NOTICE. I DESIRE to inform tlie puVdic generally, that my facilities for manufacturing Wagons, Carts, Hruyp, &.C., arc greater than they liave lieret^'fore been. 1 liave a very good stock of Material and a number of first rate workmen both in mj Woodund Jilucksmith Shops. 1 will maimfacturo to order any kind of vehiulus for he.avy draft that may be rciiuired. Repairs will be done securely, neatly, and with iliii- patch. and the usual oredit will be extended to regular customers; but those who liave a job done occasionally will l)e expected to pay for their work upon ielivery, as it is dilVictilt to keep so msKi^’ small accounts. 1 have on hand a few wagons and carts which I will dispose of on reasona’ le terms. THO. C. FULf.ER. Oct. 27. 45-tf iturS.ilroji C'KNTUH [\ ROAD. irFKU our tract i f Land. ''iOO Acresi, on the ' ■ /rv I'iuiik lioud. eighteen miles fmm Fay- 1 j ’:i e f'T a PL'BLK' Turpeu- ■ y. >iTo. \o. Will sell low wn aecomuio- —ALSO.— , I Mu'.os. \\ agons and Harness. JONES vM P..VKP.EE. Deo. 1*'. .O'j-lin DOiUJIX HOUSE. m STREET, FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. ILL be open for tho accmniodatioii ol' guests, on Mond'iy, the first day r’.bai'iary. l."'o-3. "itu.ito 1 ..n one of the pritu-i|'al Streots of .1 wit' ji ;i f. w minutes w iik «.f the Pus* !■ | h uriioe. Banks, and oth-r businos* i.ft 'iitiioiently reliie 1 to be clear f the' 1 ''U-tle inoidoiit to u tU'ire oentra! lo- ' ; ■ '•od. handsomely furni.-shoa. and caro- ■ J with o.-peciul view to the coiii- ;:t;.iohed, and experienced Ostieri) >' 1 t’O in w.-iiting on arrival of Steam i ■■iiini"datii-n (if passengers. ' ;ii'.- ! :itr"n.ige is rospe.-tful’v »' ’ii-ited. p^u t:K.^ (’o. ' '•'L 5‘.'-om runr trees. t ;iooiii,n now ready for delivery, tht* • 'i.i t: and thrifty, and uf s-i' h variotit. s :ti this climate. fho .(tiaiity of the ^'ijiorior, an many can testify. ^ i’oaches. per li:» jjiln.fM) d‘i jior I»oz. 1 ~,U “ I, «M) •• •■ ;; nil : u(‘'. *• “ till s, •' *• iM) • • • • : ; I II I li-'iriii'/ n sujipl;.- h ord -.•n I thrir \i . and those wi.o Slave ongajod troos will • ;i .an i ^ot tin' i.i. Lf'TTKPiLoH, Nur-? ryiaan, Fayette\ ille. ■ ■ 'JTiLLS ot . •irinij age for sale low, tli'* _• • ii.ti.d for other jiur;)' -v.s. ' -tf M liSE W \N i'lA). a. it i-ati l ome well m o -iiinii'ntled. a liber- ■ ■ r the n"Xt year will be paid, lii'juire lanL France. iVc tisually called for. A large assortment of MISCLLLANEOCS BOOKS i kept constantly on hand. ST.\TH *N r:KV.—White. Mue. ruled nnd unruled Foo’- . aji I’aper: Letter Pa|ior. all si/os and colors; Note Paper, lanoy and jdain; Envelopes, large and small i si/e, selt-soaling: lU^.VNK BOOKS of every size, ijuality and jiriie: Pass and lime liooks: copy books; ink stauds; I'eiis and Pencils: slatcs and slate pencils; seal ing wax. tissue papi-r, \c. | I will sell l.iw by the wh ilesHle, and make a liberal ' discount til schools fir merchants. ■ 1 rospootfully ask an cxamuiatioii of my stock. .\ny P.' iik not on hand can lie procured in a short time. A large lot of Mus'.o for Piano and (iuitar coiist.intly ou hand. largo supply of Melodians. Cuitars. Violins, Clarioiiot'. Flageolets, Flu'i's, Tamborines. and In struction lio.iks. My st'iok shall lio increaseil with the demand. Country merchants would fii I it to their advantage lo ' give me a call, as 1 think 1 can give satisfaction. A. K. TAVLitH, Oppi.'ite th« new t.'ollege building. Nov. li-'i. 18.j4- .VJ-tf P. — 1 have an e\-cer..‘nt lot of choice ."^HliAPi.S and fine chewing Tobacco, for sale cheap. Equity Sale of Land on Upper Little River. JJJCHSlWNT to a Ueoree of the Court of Ei)uity, in the case of Il«nry Evans and others, (ex parte.) I v.ill sell at the t'ourt House door in Fayetteville, i n Friday, the oth January next, acres land lying on tiie ."south East sidv of Upper Little Kiver. known as ttie U///..• '. /. II,adjoining the lands of Sam'l i’ipkin, .lames C. Dollar and Josiah l‘arker. and others. The sai 1 land will uo sold ujmn a credit of I'J months, the purcliA-or giving bond «1th approved security. W. A. IlLSKK, Clerk .and Master. l>ocember 1, l'o4. .')l-ts STOW ^ SMART, .'I I E.'SiiKs Til — TIKITIA: FKAAKI.I^, CUM.'1 iSSl()X M HKC} 1 ANTS, .\ii(l Dfiihrs 111 Fort i"ii ami Doiiicslif Hardware, No. l:.;s Pearl .''treet, and '-'I Water Street, ->ii:U VOKK. July l:J-t;mj'd j)issoi.r'ri#)N. rg^HF. firm of *i. W. 1. tioLDSToN i: CO. is this lay -3L dissolved 1»3' mutual cnsent. (1. W. I. COLDSTON. K. W. (;oLUSTON. Nov’r 17,1 S;34. TH ^ 11 E sut'scriber having jiurch isf 1 the interest of R. JL 'V. tio, i-'oti in tiie late firm oft;. W, L ioldston is: Co.. will '-till coniiniie to carrv on the OIKK'ERV A.ND HAi;i)\V.\RF. P.LSINESS at the old stand. He invitO' all his friends to call on him when they come to market, and he will^try to make himself useful. 0. W. 1. (iOLI»ST>N. Nov'r 17, 1H.->L oOtf C. T. ilaif^h tV/ Sons lieiiioval. FRANCIS SIIENTON RE(1S to inform his friends and the public, that he li.as removed to the Store adjoining lleorge Mo- Neill. F.sii., llaymount, Fayettoville, N. C., where he now offers for sale the largest and most varied assort- meJit of aiifl llylraiilic :Vlacliiiie« and Fixings ever ottered in the market, comprising Hydraulic Uams; Brass liibb tJunge and Stop Cocks, to suit every kin'l of water works or Steam Engine.s; Sheet Lead and I’iping of various sizes; Lifting and Force Pumps; Harden Engines; Shower Baths, iS:c., of his own manufacture. .A variety of articles for house- holil use, such as Brass and Plated Basiu (’ocks. Plug Basins, &c. Also, A. BAUKEK'S PATENT double ac tion Lifting and Force PL’.MP, working in a single cy linder, without reaction of water. This Pump is made to work in Wells of any depth, and of sizes to raise from .'iO to 1(MK> gallons of water per minute. It is un doubtedly the most simple, duruble, and eflicient I’ump known to the world. Sept. 4. 1S.‘>4. 28tf J A E S IiTy L E Is now receiving hi.s Fall supply of Boots, iShnPii, Hats, rnibrtlhis, ttc. Among which are: French and English Merinos, very cheup; Muslin DeLain and .Alpacas; P>rocade. Plaid and Plain Silks; Muslin and Bobinet Sleeves and Collars; i Merino and other .''hawls, long and square; ’alico aii'l (iinghams; i Silk and Calico Handkerchiefs; Best make of B.ilting Cloths; Large stock of Head_\ -Made Clothing: With many other i;iMiiis. All of which having been : purchased by the packagu at the late reduce i jirices will be offered wholesale and retail at ver}- low prices. Sept. l-'i. 1S-')1. :!2-tf Soinvl]iinr ^(jr uinh r the Snn! KH\ PIIOT4M.^KAI*ll V. JXlr. J. S. WEAR, Photographic Artist, OCLL> respectfully announce to the L.a lies and Ww (lentlemeu of Fayetteville and vicinity that he has returned from the North, after having spent much time assiduously, in tho advancement and progress of his art, and at consider.ifile expense in getting uj> ap paratus. \c., tor the prosecution of that beautiful and exouisite Iiranch of Photograjdiy, wiiich he will now present to the inspeotion of his former enlightened and discriminating patrons. The science of Photo graphy, or as nmre commonly known uiider the appel lation of L*aguerreotyping. has until very recently remaiue l in its infancy, but from the persevering .ind energetic researches in Actenic Chemistry, of many of its numerous and eminent votaries,—gentlemen buiii of this country and Europe—it is n..w >hiriing f irth in all the refulgence of the mo>t sanguine imagina tion, and is destined to contribute much to the :id- vancoineiit of the arts and .'oionoes generally, as weli in laitiifully .and trutlifuily dolinoating tiio Human face divine. Pictures by this proco.'S aie consi b rod far superior t ^ HagniTieotypes. Haguerreotyjies. rrystaltypos. Amlirotyjies. Paiia- types, Calotypes and all the other types taken at my Koom.s in the greatest jierfectioii of the Art. Laiiies and (ientlemcn .are respictfully invited to call and examine sj'ooiinens ovor tlo* .lewo’ry .''tor? of Messrs. Bea-ley \ Houston and Hr. Hins lale's Mrug and .\potheoary Store. Hay Street. Fayettev He. N. B. Persons having l)ai:uerreotype Likenesses of absent or decoased triomis or relatives, can ha\e them copied of the same or of larger dimensions by the new process, and as .a picture, greatly improve 1, Pictures copied Photogr:»phica!ly ufi'iu Paper, unexceptiniialile as !i Likeness, from n sniall iin l indifferent Hagiierreo- type, fiirni.'hing them either in JJght and .'•hade or in Colors excelling the finest Engraving in Water Colors. Prices varving according to size and finish. Nov. 1.* 45-tf A CARD. ri^HE unilersigaed have asaociHted themselves toge I ther for the purpose of doitig a gener.al Boating lousiness on the (’ape Fear River. They would there fore give notice to the ptiblio, that thej' are now pre pared to nccomniodate then> at all times with a Steaui Uoat .at both ends of tho Lin«. JAMES E. METTS. M. J. UAMSEV. N. A. UAMSEV. FRED K C. MKTTS. Oct. I'i, 1854. 41tf r Exprc'ss Steam Boat Line. STP.. SOL'THEKNLR, FAIUV, for Passungerg aud Proight; Str. EVEIKJUEEN, .ind ELIZ \, for Freight only. Lighturs—L II. Bi.osso.m, El.lZ.\ MobLljVI.D, F. Fbiks, Rkd Fox, (Jov. Mokkheai>, Exi'iik.ss. Noktii St.\tk. A. B. CllKSNt TT. UAMSEV .S: P.KO., ) r W. H. McPiAUV & CO., -Vg'ts at Fayetieville. j ( Ag’ts ut Wilmington. All goods sent to the care of the “EXPRESS STE.VM P.(L\T LINE” will be taken on Freight, and forwardctl with the greatest despatch. .\s iur facilities for accommodation are greater than ever before ktmwn on our Hiver, it will be our greatest pleasure and effort to give still the more satisfaction. JAMES E. METTS. M. J. RAMSEV. N. A. UAMSEV. FUED’K C. METTS. Oct. 1*;, lHr,j. 4itf JOSEl‘11 |{.\KER, Jr., ATT€»K.\KV AT A W , H.\S taken an office next door to Wm. B. Wright’s Law oflice on (jreen Street. He will attend and practice in the County and Sujierior Courts of Cumber land, P.laden, Robeson and Sampson. Misrch L'.'i, 18.>3. 79-tf I!. L. HOLMES, Attorney at Law, Wilmington, N. C. o Front and Princesi streets under Journal oflice. Dec. l‘J. 4y-tf Jf. ERAMRERT, Confectionery and Variety Store, L ndcr the Fii/cfttvi//i; Ilot^l, Ihiif St., FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. Dec’r .31, 18o3. 68tf 1 8.T1. Fall and Winter Goods. Our Fall and Winter Stock of DRY GOODS, 11 A RDWARE, lUHVrs, SHOES, ILVTS, CAPS, BONNETS, Jiiid READY-MADE CLOTHINCi, Is now in Store aud ready for inspection, etnbr.icing by far the l.irgest and njost exten.sive as.sortnient wo have ever offen'd to the Trade, and is well worthy the examination of every Merchant visiting this place. Particular iittention paid to oi-der.s. HALL & SACKETT. August n, ISoL ‘Jlitfilm Fall, iJsi.Tf. .^V#r Firm and ,Vew imoods. 1‘EARCE vV TERia SON tUE now receiving their Fall and Winter Stock of Foreign and domestic Staple and Fancy llat.s, (’aps, lionnct.s, rmbrt'llas, I*ara.sols, lioot.s ; ami Sboos, I'ic. &c. ! \\ith an extensive a.ssortnient of Ileady-m.ide Clothing. I All of which they ofler to purchasers at low prices ; and ufion accommodating terms. i Frotn long experience, and fiy strict attention to bn- ‘ siness. they hope to merit a share ot public patronage. B. F. PEAUCE.] [J. B. FER(:rS(LN*. ! Fayetteville. August 1:!. l.''-'>4. i';itf S. S. aim:Y. —UEALEU IN— I'aiicv I'ry (jtKxis, Hats, ('aps, Bools, Siiors, aiitl Suirar autl Coll't'o. l iie public are invited to give a call at the Old Stand oeouiie t b\ S. J. Hinsdale, south-west corner of .Mar ket .>iU are. Oct L's, is:.-. 1. 4.;tf Worth & Utley, Forwarding a ml General Commission MERCHANTS, FftffetierUie, .V. f. J. A. WORTH. (72tf) JOS. UTLET. E(). \\ 7\M 1.L1 AMS A: C(T7~ Who/e:;a/t' Grort'rs and CommissfoH Merchants. JL'ST UECEIVEH. a large assortment of GOODS in their line, for sale on favorable terms. July^i;, 18i4 17tf ~ JAMES E. MET'rS domtnity I'orir(irdhti>; ^lerrJiant^ WILMINGTON, n! C. .August 23, 18-34. 26tf “ PmRli: & FKRIil'SOiV, “ WHOLESALE DEALERS TN Foreign anil Mfomcstic DR Y OOOUN, HATS. CAPS, HOO TS, SHOES, (Jnihrt llas^ nnd Rcailt^-tiKtde Clothing, HAY STREET, Fay«*IU*vil!!i', .\. € . jjgf*'Strict attention j)aid to orders. B. r. I*K\KCK.] (lo*t ) [j- n. FERGl SON. r.Ti. orrei.l, fouwakdim; ciniiiissin.v meri’ham at Fayetteville, I\'. March 10, iyr>l. »il!-tf ~ r. C. WORTH, OKNEUAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, WILMLNT.TON, X. C. Usual advance.^ made on coJisignments of Cotton. Naval .''tores. anl other Produce. Particular attontion sriven by (5. W. DAVIS to pur chasing Cargoes, procuring Freights for Vessels, ,S:c. 17. It'-'.}- Biitiard Tabtes for Saie, I HAVE two good Billiard Tables with all the fix tures, which I will dispose of oa reasonable terms if application be made soon. JAMES HALES. Aug. 21, 1854. 24-tf McLAURIN Are rfCfiving a large stock of Groceries, Hanlware, Boots and Shoes, which are offered as low as they can be bought in the market, at wholesale or retail. Oct. \A. 36tf TEAS! TEAS!! Hyson, imperial and Oolong, all of first quality, for sale by J. N. SMITH. 47-tf for sale by Nov. 8. ]\orth Carolina Cass'um res. 11. J.VMES G. COOK has on hand a full stock of Rock Island Cassimeres, manufactured by Car son, Young & Grier, at their Mill in Mecklenburg County. N. C., where consumers and merchants can bo Buppliod. The manufacturers recommend their fabrics as being equal in durability, and as permanent in col or, as any goods of similar character manufactured or sold in the U. S. They invite the most full and thor ough tests of them, and only ask to be patronized in proportion to their merits. Sept. 9. 27tf Sieam Ensfines—Fayetteville Manufacture. WE are now prepared with all the necessary ma chinery for manufacturing STEAM ENGINES, from five to sixty horse power, which we can furnish on as favorable terms as any Northern e.stablishment. Persons in want of Engines for Mills, Boats, &c. will perc'ive the advantage of having them made near home. Ife^An Engine of our own manuf:ictur«» ovx be seen in operation at the Foundry. HALL i BOL...AGER. Dec. 7, 1853. 51-tf Fall and Winter Goods. jr. 4* T, n*addm^ HAY STREET, Are now receiving their Fall and Winter GOODS, consisting of a large and well selected stock of Groceries, Hardware, Cutlery, Blacksmitht^ T ur- pentine Tools, Agricultural Im plements, Boots and Siioes, Hats and Caps, Saddlery and Lea ther, Heavy articles in the Drug lint*. Ready-made Clo thing, and Staple Dry Goods. This Stock we are prepared to Job or Retail. Fayetteville, Oct. 24, 1854. 43tf We ask the Planters and Turpentine men to ex amine our Kerseys, Negro Blankets, Hats and Shoes. •Ian’ RE\IO\ VL. ^I'^HE Office ot'the P.n'thors' .''team Roat (’ojnpany is ^ romo\ed to the Hu?ke Ruilding, on (iroen street, iio\t d*.ior 1.1 P. I'ii^ljr's. J. S. R.VNKS, -Ag't. Nov. '1. I''.')}, i»;tf !S —OFFER FOR sal;:— p4irto Rico and Cuba, in hhd.'^., VMilie. (iraiiulate l and Crushed, in barrels, Ri". l. i;:iii::i. and Old Jav;i ('offec, I>a-;.:iiig, I’l'.jie :in I Twiue, Starch and Soap, M« 'S I’ofk. Fish, ('heo.ie, .\.\os, Hoes, .''i»ii'ies. Shovels, and Trace Chains, l^.acksniith Tool N‘‘'v Oi'!oaii.' Mola-scs, in barrels, W hite llitvana Sugar. Hoop lion for f'ofton, or for Turpentine barrels, Le.id. Shot. Nails and Sjiiko', Sporiii and .Vdaniantine f’andles, Tanners' »iL Nov. ;l. Ih.'iL 4*itf li l.OOK VV TIMS. 'if I'lijn f I itr Hnnh'. llOi STO,\' A* 1' III l.I.V ri'turn thanks tithe citi/ens of ^ ■■■ ' I ail i surrounding country for tin- I. i-.-1. I’.e r^-oeivi-d, and hope 1>3 .-li icl ■ ' ' t I moi it a O"iitinuani-o oftlio .'aiao. H hand the folhiwing articles, vi/: * tilorcnt kiinls, ainl Carri:i;:i“ t ilitii i'.-ijt (jUalitic.', ll'iail \Vao;()ii ' m il -1 iirt I'ciiiiijr, iVi,-. ’ liiM!-' Ilf diiV'-ront stylo-: ai. 1 ■ ‘ . n 1 ■.•r- and HaltiT !!r:d!os: a largo • ioi-.y .also drovrr's, dray an 1 . ; I I artiol‘; wag'^n i’.ii Mo^, Collar^ : !!i- vi iy 1,1'st luaieria! an I workman r.:.;;-, 'i riuiks. liutlalo and IW'ar .''kins f. i- ■ . c Hor-^e lll.uikets, and a goo 1 ■ i r.uit I'll \\Mi k to be of good W“i kman- -V .‘irtiolos III i.iir I ni-. ;'.:'o ro.jiie'ired to or't >ck bi t irt.-iiiin:h;..--ii!g olsewh* re. ■ ii'o. J, l>-jL ;ni I ■ ' ..ar.y rcjuost all tloi.-i' in lob!* d to ‘ • IT i an i settle, as we nrv in i..-i d ot ‘ a.ii'l liave It. Houston .v ovi:iti;v. A CARD. I .' T ti'n lfi's his i-rvioes to tho citi/ens ' :i'i I the Mirri iiinling r.iuntrv, as a ' - i‘ kL \ » Li; A.M; aii'itgi\es • ■ . H a ly to l ohirio t for work in his line, ■ ' ">• I'l'.oos. S. F. DK Kx.N. .•'-•ti'.-ville, Oct. j, 1854. 3btf WOOL ROI.LS. n7'0(»L car led with dispatch at Blount'ai Creek Factory. SHEETINGS, { fr)snaburgs, Cotton Yarn, and Wool Jlolls. for bale GEO. .McNElLL. June 15'^jI. 7-tf NOTICE. rpilE late firm of JAMES & JONES is dissolved. f 'I’he -iubscriber will in future conduct the busi- inv" in his own name, and is prejiarcd to do all kinds of lliick Wo! K, Wliite washing and Plastering, in the ni ati-s! '•tyle and on the best terms, lie keejis con stantly on h.ind :iri excelletit article of White Lime, I an i the best Plaster of Paris. Persons wishing work in niv lino will please give me u call. F. -M. JA.MES. o, t. ;;o. 45-tf y LI)All F.\LLS Cotton ^ arn and Sheetings, for sale * ^ at Factory prices, by TIIOV K .M.VRSll. May 1>.');{. 98tf Nor:cE. ^•^H L ,^L I5.S('1{|removed to SHAW'S NEW P.CILDING, Gil- le'-i.ie Street, where he intends car rying on the T.ilLOKIKfji Rl’SI- NESS in all its br Havin, had pr.actical exj.erienco in most of the .Vt- lantic cities, he feels .a«siired tliut he c.an please the most fistidious. Ai; orders will >ie executed with neat ness anil despatch. B. MONAGHAN. Maroh 28, 1868. 81-tf J. \V. RAKER is now reocivinj' from the North the largest, finest, ;nid nio.st carefully se lected stock of a i R.MTI KK ever ottered in this market; which, added to his own manufacture, makes his assortmont complete;—all of which he will sell on the lowest possible terms for cash or on time to punctual customers. Fashionable painted cottage bed-room Furniture in setts; curled hair and shuck, and cotton Maftresses; Looking Cilasses: Willow Wagons and (Cradles; Side Hoards; P.ureaus; Secretaries and ]5ook-Cases; What- Nots: 'fables, all sorts; Wash Stands; Candle Stands: Wardi ofies: Picture Frames nnd (Jlass; Window .Shades; ('ornices; Curtain Rands; Sofas in Mahogany and Walnut; Tete a Tefes; Ottomans; Divans and Stools; Chairs of every variety. Fine Roscwooti Pianos, one with yEoliau At tachment: Rosewood M«lodians, from the bet manufac tories in New York and Ro.^ton, warranted as good as any made in the country, and will be sold at N. \ ork prices—freight only added. November 2, 1854. Book-Binding. ^■IHE subscriber respectfully informs the citizens of M. Fayetteville, and the public, that lie has resumed his Rook-Rinding business, at his old ttand opposite E J. Hale iN: Son's I5ookstore, on Anderson street, where he will recede and execute any style desired, plain and ornamental. Music, magazines, pamphlets, newspapers, &c. bound to anv jiattern desired. Old books re-bound. Th.ankfiil for the patronage he has heretofore re- coiveil, he hojies to merit a continuance of the same. Orders from a distance promptly attended to. THOMAS H‘. TILLINGHAST. July 81, 1H54. 18tf HITS, UPS, BO()TSl\rSliOES, For Fall and Winter Trade. C. T110.'ISt>N is now laying in his usual assort ment of the most F.-\SHlON.VliLE GOODS in his line, which are offered 8*^Chk.\p for Cash. Pleaso call and see for yourself, at the old stand—Mar ket Square. J- C. THOMSON. Sept. 26, 1854. 34-tf .1 SIlivMWKI.I, McDON.M.n, (Successors to P. Shemwell,) DK.M.KKS l.\ STAJ'Ll-: AM) I'ANCV DRV GOODS, ROOTS AND SHOKS, HATS AND CAPS, .\l.-o a general assortmejit of Straw Silk RONNET.S. In addition to our stock now on hand, which is very good, we will in a few days recoive a new supply of SEA.SO.N.ViW.E (iOODS, which we will sell lojn' for cash yr on reasoniible timo to punctual customers. W. B. SHEMWELL. A. N. McDoNALD. East side (jreen Street. Fayetteville, .'^’j>t. i!-!, '“>J-y HOTEL. '■HIE subscriber having {lurchaswd the Hotel situ- -■- ated on tiie .'^outh-East corner of Court House Sijuare, atid lately known as Stuart's Hotel, would infoi'iu the public that he is now ready to ac;omnio- dato lioaidors by the day, week or month. Having made considorafile outlay in furnishing and refitting the Entabli»liment, he hopes to be able to give satis- atr-tion to all who jiatronize him. Ilis Table shall be furnished with the best the market affords, his Rar with the bost of Li.juors, and his Stable with a plenty of good pritvender and faithful Ostlers. J. A. GILCHRIST. June 120, l.So^. ‘i-tf A. N. McDONALD, (Formerly with James Kyle,) f Wl.VKES this metiiod of informing his friends and -B. acquaintances, that he has associated himself with W. R. Shemwell in the Staple and Fancy DRY GOOH.S BUSINESS, in tin* Store formerly occupied by P. Shemwell, in the Shemwell Hotel Building, where he will be pleasetl to see all who may favor him with a call. Fayetfeville, Sept. 2??, 18;>L H»-tim .1. G. SMi ril, iniu DftKSSlMi A\D SllAVINIJ SU-(IO.\, Oj>ftasi'r thr ci7/t‘ Hank. 4LL kinds of Perfumeries, Hair Oils, Shaving and Toilet Soai> for sale. 1 also keep a good supply of choice Cigars and To bacco. Oct. IH, lS.-i4. 41-Y Hcnrv’s C’oitHMontarios on the Jiihle, in ■> volumes, Hvo sheep. Scott’s P.ible in f, volumes, and the .same in vol. E. J. H.VLE & SON, Oct. -J7. RAMSEY i BRO., (wciirral €omiiii!!>«ioii and f'or- wardiii^ .Vlc‘rcliaiit««, Wilmington and Fayetteville, .\ml Agents lor Express Ijiie of Steamboats r. vv n. (i. woR rH, Commission vV Torwardini; M‘rchants, RKoWN S nriLHlNG, WATER STREET, Wiliiiin;::!**!!) C>iial advance** made on con'-ignments. .lan’y 17. 1^')4. ♦io-IY C HARLES liANKS, f' FVTiO.XER^ WiKH.ESALL .\M» RETAIL DE.VLER IN Foi t iijn Fruits, Xnts, C'i;/ars, 'Tuharct,, iSn ujf, d'C. MTKi:irr. Fayetteville, N. C. March 1, iNj.'L 73tf .). S. RANKS, C'omiiiiKwiiii .flerchaiit, Fayetteville, N. C. Sept. I'.t, 185.>. 20tf STARR WILLI A MS, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Foreign and iPomesfir tfry €Soods^ II.VV jiiTKilCT, Fayetteville, N. C. J. B. STARK.] [I. M. WILLIAMS April 28, IS.')--'. HOtf W. I‘. EfJ.lOT'r, tfvnrraJ (’nmniissinti and VanranhtKj Merchant, WILMINGTON, N. ('. June 10. 18:)i. 4tf JOSiJ'li R. BLOSSOM, ' € O .11 I « 8 I O \ AND FORW A RDIXG M ERC11 ANT, n^itmingioH^ .V. 1^1^ Prompt personal attention given to all Consign nicnts, and ('ash advances made on Produce to be ship ped to other }iorts or sold in this market. Feb. 12, 1854. G7j WILKINSON & ESLER, DEALERS IN ('onjlrtiourtry, Farehjn Fruits, Nuts, Tobacco, and Snujf, AND IMPORTERS OF PIIRIOR iiava:¥.\ cigars AT WHOLESALF: and RETA1I.I. Market St., Wilmington, N. C. .\ug. 7, 18-')l. 11 tf K. .\L Ml RCillSON, (^nninu.s.sion and Forwarding Merchant^ .n c- July .'5, 1854. SAMI EI.'^V. PEPPeT^ SfCC'KSSdU TO HENR\' I. PEri’EK & SON. Watches, Jewelry, and Silver Ware. Xd. 175 Ch*stint St., (^oppositf- the State House,^ PHILADELPHIA. May 22, 1H54. 4Ypd Fall Trade, 1853. I have received my Fall Stock of D nj Cfood.^i, Groceries^, S^c. My Stock is large, and well worth the attention of pur chasers. Any kind of Produce taken in exchange. JAS. G. COOK. Oct. 3, 1853. 32tf N()fTcir¥(nYh:i3T(^^ A 1-L persons indebted to the Subscriber by note or x'm account previous to the 1st July last are earnest ly reijuested to make p.iyment forthwith, as it is very inconvenient to give any longer indulgence. It is hoped that this notice will be sufficient. Having made some change in my business, it is important that old accounts should be settled, and thev must 1»e settled. P. SHEMWELL. P. S.—I can be found at the store of Shemwell & McDonald, whu, in my. absence, are authorized to re ceipt iii m}- name. Oct. 7. 1854. 38-tf iirai BIRR millstMs.' f«reat Reduction in Price. EGENTON, MORRIS d: CO. tiONTINUE to make to order, and keep constantly > on hand Frenrh Burr ^JiiilHtones Of all dimensions, warranted to be of best quality, be ing made from Burr blocks selected by them from the best quarriea in France. They keep for sale Cologne, Cocalica and Esopus Mill stones; Rurr Blocks, Bolting Cloth, Screen Wire, Calcined Plaster, Hydraulic Cement, &c. Orders from any part of the country promptly attend ed to. R. yi. ORRi:i.L, Agent at FaA etteville, N. C. March 11, 1853. 76tf AT FAVETTEVILLE. M. J. KAMSKV.] August 29, 1854. [K. RAMSEY. 2(itf MALLETT & FAILMIER, iwrocern ami Coinmission JfMcr~ rhantH^ l*.t5 Front street, NEW YORK. p. MALLETT.] [J- PAULMIEB August 16, 1852. NOTICE. Doctors Mallett & McSwain having left their Books and papers with W. McL. McKay, who is fully authorised to receipt for the same, all their cus tomers living West of the Cape Fear River, who may be in arrears either by note or account, will confer a favor by calling on him and settling the same. W. P. MALLETT. H. A. McSWAIN. Fayetteville, Aug. 30, 1853. 24tf The Virginia Comedians, or th«* old lays in the Old Dominion; Easy Nat. or the three ,\p- prentices; Scott’s Infantry Tactics; »S:c., ,S:c. Just re ceived. E. J. HALE M SON. Oct. 4. PUMPS. Force ami .suction Pumps, Sheet Lead and Lead Pipe. For .sale by March 30. C. W .\NDREWS, Market Sijuara. H3-tf REDUCED FARE. Through Tickets between Wilmington, N. C., and lialti- niore. F}ire^*13. Via Weldon, Petersburg, Richmond, Wash ington City, or via Weldon, Portimoutli and Norfolk. For Tickets apply p.ttheOttice of the Wilmington and Raleigh Rail Road t'ompany, at Wil mington, or at the Ollice of the IJaltimore Steam Packet Company, and of the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road Jompanv, Pratt Street, Baltimore. Jan. 1, lS.'-.2. 3«-tf Goods! Goods! We have opened our Store in Camp- bellton. We offer low for cash or barter, DRY GOODS and GROCERIES. JESSUP & CO. March 1, 1854. 20UO Spirit Barrels for sale hy McLAUKIN & STRANGE. June 12, 1854. 4tf 18tf Staves! Staves! lO" We want to buy Spirits Barrel TAVES. March 1, 1854. Will pay the highest Cash prices. JESSUP * 00. 76tf

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