mm : KNSio.N.—Wo are indobted for copies of tho (iw)nn, of the Survey M -rosi'd R:iil Ro;ul from Mil '.•"•’0 liiuv It makes ji . .. ilirnuL'li I.ips iti the >, ■ i .V V-M' ls.iiis why two if ! iv i ifi li inii I.invillt* Gap rontt"s, t r I I'.iii TIu' Siirvoy- ! ro r!u‘ Watauga Gap auti , : r '1' -trikt's the State lino .. W . ■ i_ rivi'r. alxnit 40 uiiK's i_! . T i,,... at ail olijriMo p.iiiit n 'vi^h till.- Hast Tt-niiossoi' . ; fi i. Ich Iftifrtli from Salisbury Tilt' surveyors mot witli tm ! ;iffi--a!tios that tboy dil n>»t -1;\' V 'if a small part of this ronto; ; tliat s. ftioii. the cos*^, iiitluiliiij; ; r ni' ur>. is stated at 87,15:?,().‘54 , t \. i I’Tij i!’ifa\orabl(>, aboundiii;: . v'.". '■ i irrados, heavy excava- ■ ‘,v !!•', :uiil tuinii'ling. I; i' ':-iti-l to bo far more , 1 sCj itj;],'s long heforo reaefi- ' ' : tilt'Paint Koek, th.-fu- more than the 1:21; iiiilos. Its grades are loss. ■ I; 1' ari' ii>nrilly ovoroomo; it> ■! .• lii-t* p.‘(iiir:tig less i-tiihaiik- bridging and tuntieliiig :-r S. .-ti.m of the road, from tlio ' • . 1' a ' rt fk. n>' miles, is estimate i ' Tlio ‘Jd, across the l^liio ii 't iiiiks. will n-tiiiiro seven tnn- - ■ ' ' r, -J.-JOO foot, l.oOO foot, SOO . ' tV \ aud ‘JOO feet. Of courso f . ' > 'ti. n will be euiirraous, >ay , r :il lit ?lo'\UOO per mile. The !. ' rn tlh' mouth of (’rooked creek tu ; Wanl's branch, 37 miles, will cost The 4th, from Ward’s braueh to ,. Ti mib's, will cost 81,4’2'^,’JoO. 'f the whole road, IMU miles, iuclu- ;■! (Mi'i f.r o.juipmont.s, is ?7,o'2,l♦).'>. ' i\3 Maj. r,wynii,'i as this aggregate u. t. persons uiiaccu.stoiuod to contem- •tiT}ri' Si.f siu-h lu-.igtiitado, iieverthe- and liberal policy, the dictates of a rational self- interest, patriotism and State-pride, all unite in oalliug upon the State to embark in this entor- prize, and to move immodiatelv in tlie grand ■v> rk of improvemeut. It tuust be evident tu ’ V 'ry Olio, tha' this work, if built at all, must bo t'uilt mainly by the State. It wore a mockery i ir tiio St:ito to ask th.? country, inimediatoly niterostt. 1, to m.iko this ImprovtMucnt, or any lurgt* subsiTiption thori to; she well knows that tlio Wealth tlien-, pariiiiil irly iti the uiountian ;’ogi')n, tor want i>f an outlot, such as is now pro posed, is not t) be found in st icks, nor i^reat pojui.iaiy ajTLCivgatos. it eon>i.sts in lands, houses tnd 1 b' ur. ditfu^od fhr thou.sands of feeble voins, noiH' of whioli can part with mui h without iiibarrassmont. 1 iio slender surplus, in many instances, amcuints to but little more than the taxes which pass into the coffers of the State. \S ill she. thort'fore, witJihold the aid necessary tor the rapid progress and spoc'd}’ completion of a wi'rk, in which her honor, her rank in the ( nion, aJid the properity itf her citizens are so deeply involved'::'” In Wiimington, on Wednesday afternoon last, M--. Thomas, Senator from the Chemkee district, addre.ssed a public nu'oting on the subject of tlie Western Kxtonsion of the X. C. rail road. Mr. V’aldwoll. L’omuionor from Guilford, followotl, on Internal Improvcmoiits and his piopused system >t lianking; and Mr. Ilaughton, Set itor from Chatham, spoke on the I>oe]' Hiv(>r Improvement, contradicting the rumor that the work had been abaiidoiu'd, stating the opininn of th- pri'spnt Hngiiieor, .^lr. Dmglas, that its ultimate suoi-‘ss is uiii|uestionabie, at an a Iditimial expense of be tween two uiiil throe hundred thousand dollars. St FFK.viiKiN North rAKtti,ix.\.—The National Intolligonoer a few days agt> copit> 1 from a North t’ariilina pap >r a statement that under the consti tution Ilf this State and the receiit free suffrage ainondmeut, ‘*au) person who has been a resident of the State and paid taxes, whether naturalized or not, would bo allowed, to vote.” la its next issue the Intelligencer say . ; ‘•This statement, it appears, is incorrect. A citizeu of North Carolina informs us that an elec tor for Senators iu that State must be a citizen of tui* I'nited States, a nsident of the State for one year previous to the election, have paiil a State tax, a?id be the owner of tifty acres of land in the county in which he resides and votes; and th.-.t the ({ualiticatious for electors of members of the House of Commons are the same as f>r Senators, y u r U^..el :r s.. -mall an expenditure.- . is perm.ttei_ to vote, n ‘.I .V, . rii.Mto embraces every item if j .re t;K,t ,s iik. iv fo occur, and'is carne-l except the requirement as to land. The Coiisti- ' . r*'i:u that with but ojie exception the ; tution limits the right of suiirage to citizi'tis of ■. 1 I . . I ^ : the I’nited States, and of I "urse no unnaturalized ..••^lianv rai;:^e has no wnere been pene- ; . , . . , i i • pertnittel to vote, nor can the lietri.s- any uch resident. N. (’arolina has always eiaif'•'tned strictly to that of, under the exjire.'s pi>wer coiiferr.- l upon it }'V the Constitution "to estalhsh a uitiform rule of nutu- ralizifion." We think the Intelligoneer’s informant is in error. Our con.stitution does limit the right -f .suffrage to V. S. citizens, f.r at the time i f its adopti- n there was uo ‘I'uited rotates,’ and at its ameiidment in that particular ji.iint does not 'cem t ^ have attracted attention, riie eonstituti inal provisions on the subject are ITS defaiU on the most liberal .scale, bo- t" be bettor {’• r the interest of the State lid '^.er fs’lniate than under estimate Til. pn-'eut high price of labor and ' i- as-'.ir';e'l the basis. The tunnels • 1 at twentv per cent, more than the r m the country have cost— ’f tie- r>a 1 at per mile, " e. nt. a b!'d f •- turnouts; tor engi- ' riiid _'enerai 'Uporiijtenlence, I : T.f mill'. for land . •' r IV .V !i Uses, overseers’ h.iuses, • ^ ‘"i' per mlie, and -?lo*i.OuO i ii:ie.;iiu sh> j s aud Warehouses at ; t' h" ro'id; to the estimate for exeava- • t and ma-onrv, I have added GENERAL ASSEMBLY. There was no quorum in cither on Tues day, W^ednesday, or Thursday, last—many of the members, who lived near Raleigh, haviiig goneTiome to spend Christmas, and others, to the number of "J5 or ‘50, having visited Wilmington. In the Commons, on Friday, Mr. Vance intro duced a bill to abolish the militia system of North Carolina. [Pray reform it, not abolish.] About thirty ])ills, part of the Revised .‘statutes, which had passed the Senate, received their first reading. A bill t« emancipate Lewis, a slave, property of James Dunn, on motion of Mr. l>ortch was laid on the table. The vote by which the bill regulating the num ber of Justices of Peace in the 0)unty of Ran dolph was passed, was reconsidered, and the coun ties of Alamance and Cumberland inserted in the title of the Hill. Several other bills, &c. of uo particular impor tance, were acted on. LA ri:sT—h 'rom our' Ralttjh C'urrtAponiitnt. ^lALEKiH, SATURl»Ay, Dec. oO. Mkssiis. Editors;—Tiie reason you h; "e not heard from me for more than a week, is that 1 have had nothing in the way of Legislative news to commuhicate. L"p to yesteruay there was no business done in the Legislature si’ice Friday of last vvi'ok. The Senate has not yec been able to raise a juorum, but the House on yestt'rday and to-day liad just about enough to transact business with the most pleasing lospatoh. The greater portion of tiiis morninir’s' session w is.consumod ' reading engrossed bills from th.' Senate—Jleviset Statutes—the second time; and if a few more ilays are as well spent in that ardu ous undertaking is were yesterday and to-day, the tiiuo will come when it shall be said tlie work is done—l.'ie we away to our homes. The bills are very long, notwithstanding the abbreviations, yet the House manages to road and act on more than thirty per day. The (.’ommittee of Arrangements report.*d a programme for the Inauguration of (iov Jiragg, and 1 presume the ceremony will come off on Monday next with groat d'hit. A few bills were introduced for tho fust time in tho House, among which I hear the following spoken of as the most important. liy Mr. McKesson, incorporating the Laurel Turnpike (’ompany. liy Mr. Stubbs, amending the charter of the Rank of Washington. Tlie same gentleman introduced bills concerning en dorsements on bills of exchange; and, also, con oerning fishing iu Tar and I'anilico rivers. By Mr. Hlack, increasing the capital stock of the Hank of Charlotte to 6’»iiO,oMu. Ry .^Ir. G. M. White, regulating tho sales of grain, uu al, >alt, i^c. by tri l'jht, instead of niojsure. All iheab ive nam-'d bills received apiimpriate refer.'iice. Mr. G. Green introduced a rc.solution iustruet- ing the Committee on Finance to infjuire into tli,. expodieuey of givin>r County Courts power to tax, I for County purposes, such property as may be I exempt from taxation by the State; which wa- ; adopted. I On motion of .Nlr. Horteh, resolved, that the Committee on Finance iinjuiro iiito the jiroprietv of levying a ;.x on F.xpr'. -s ’ •nipani. ; A ros .lution in favor of 1). A K ly kV ('o.; and a bill iiicorp'.raf;ng th. I iiioTi Aead. mv. New H.Ui 'vor County, parsed tiieir thini readings. Mr. Raxtcr introduced the folloAing re '.vhiidi was ordered to lie on the table fT the Rank Taxk.s. &c.—Tlie reader will notice in I Munif>r mul Arrett.—We learn that a man the Legislative proceedi^u^s an iniportant propo-| named Stricknor was arrested on the ‘ioth inst w I, ..r. , I at Weldon, >1. C., for shooting a man at a cock sition ot Mr. Raxt. r. W hust.we trust that the same State. He con fessed the deed, but alleged that he had just cause. The man shot died immediately. Peterahury Democrat. ALMANAC, FOR 1855. Legi-la Mart! will esehow all experiments in bank- itig, we think Mr. Ruxter’s idea of a bonus, or som‘t!iing of tliat sort, a.s a fonsideratif.n for a charter, is right. Heretofore bank stock has paid a greater tax to the St.ite*any other species of property. Rut we have befors us a prosp>ct of higher taxes upon every^thing, and the banks shou'd come in for their share of the burthen.— We think a reasotiable annual tax would be bet ter for both the St .te and the banks than a bonus; but oiic or the other migiit \ery properly be re quired. Whilst on the suVject, we beg to call attection of the members to the following extract from a letter from New York, published in the Richmond Dispatch: ‘‘If Virginia wants to keep her stocks iu good repute, let her stop chartering stock banks. They ar‘ all wrong. 'J'he world has tried everything as a basis for banking; yet nothing has answered but moitri/—the “hard money.” This stock fea- tiin; is the last phase of the old scheme to issue paper ni.inoy and bank on something else than money. It won’t do. When the banks get in a strait, the stock is forced upon the market—is .sold Ih'Iow j)ur—and when the of wind ing up is included, there is not enough to redeem ci.'f Ill'lltifiii This is the result of experience in other States. Why we shoLiid expect to fare otherwise iu North ('arolina we cannot conc'ive. These stock banks are like the present duty on iron: at the very time when our own iron makers most need protecti.)u, is it withdrawn. So at the time when these stock banks most need strength, is flu ir Ijifiudation swoj>t from under them, by the uiiivcr.'al deprociatiou of every thiug except moitiy. Thk Mails.—Roth of our cuutemporarie.s, the Argus and Carolinian, are down upon the Post Master General with merited censure for his in difference to our mail nuisance, it does not ap pear to have occurred to them that any body else is to blame. They gaze faraway, to Washington ('ity, altogether over the head of the contractor, and of the community, which makes uo effort to soe itself righted, to lay all the blame upou one who "ain’t got uo friends.” it is uot pleasant, certaitily, to lay blame on oue’s neighbors; but it is s,,mctinies right. Til.’ Stage di.l uot anive yesterday till P. M. IV-dav, at ’Jo minutes before 11 A. M. The COMMKRCIAL RECORli. ARRIVALS. Orrell’a Line, Dec. 30. Str Sun, with T> McLaurin in tow, with jods for J G Cook, C B Mallett, P P Johnson, McDonald & Whalej’, E J Hale & Son, J M Dick, \V Mclntjr^, C Harrison ^ Co, R M Orrell, F D Hroece, H MetJregor, Willkings & Co, M Brown, D ^ •V Mcl.auriu, I'nion Mill, Fayetteville Mill. Lutterloh & Co’s Line, Dec 30. Str Fanny, with lioat Brooklyn, with passengers and poods for Ray & I'ea’ce, D & W McLaurin, Beaver Creek Co, J H ^ J Martine, Kev Evauder McNair, J W Baker, Rockfish t o, jr McNeill, W R Valentine, S Wishart, Mrs S T Hiiw]ey, T J Jones, E H Wharton, C T Haigh & Sons, H C Huske, T 8 Lutterloh, Troy & Marsh, Win Bow, H H Haird, F Slienton, L Beneini, Hall & Bollinger, Dee. liHr- ARRIVALS. -Br Brig Pomona from Demarara. CONCEIT, r|'lHE Messrs. JOHNSON, J. G. AREY, and J. B £ FEIIGL'SON, respectfully inform the citizens of Fayettfville, thiit they will give a Ct^NCERT of Instru mental Music, at the Fayetteville Hall, on Wednesday Evening, Jan’y 3d. For particulars, see bills. Jau'y 1, 18'jo. It DANCING SCHOOL. fOHN WORD respectfully informs the inhabitantii of Fayetteville, that he will commence his Dancing Lessons for a Second Session, for Young Ladies, Misses and Masters, on Tuesday, 2d January at 3 o’clock, P. M. A night School tor Gentlemen, at 7 o’clock, th« same evening. 62-lt (Union Female Institute. ri’IHE fifth Semi-Annual Session of this Institute will commence on Monday, January 2'Jtli, 1855. The principal is now ou a tour North, for the purpose of purchasing Philosophical, Chemical and Astronomi cal Ajiparatus for the use of the Institute, and to make such ad.litions to the Library as the progress of th® School seems to demand. These considerations, taken in connection with the former facilities for imparting knowledge, and the gen eral healthiness of the location, (the latter of which we invite particular attention to,) will no doubt insure a sutficieut patronage. H. A. BIZZELL, Sec’y ^ of Board of Trustees. Clinton, Dec. 10, 1854. 6*tf TROY ^ ATTORNEYS AND COUNSEI.l Or.S AT LAW, X D SOLICITOUS IN FAiL'lTV. OBERT E. TROY and ALEXANDER McLEAN hfiVe forme.1 an association f.>r the practice of their profession in Robeson county. ((no of the members of the firm will attend the Courts R , Ilf the adjoining ciunties, but the arrangement is suoh wtaTiier IS i^ood, and the roads, we leurn, are in j that the office will be kepi .'peu at all times. _M.l l ord. I. I Uer iudjtfereneo to the public eon-! Dec. 20, 1854. 01*6m veuKiico aud coutruet obligations seems to be the i ^ r-vi.' \i a.- caUse of tho nuisance. j IN ION .AC AI/rj.M 1. ra^HE Exercises of this School will be resumed the CuM.RKS.s.—Nothing of importance occurred! « 1st day of January, under the supervision of the , ^ , [ Kev. W. L. Wallace, late of Furman University, S. C., •iuring tlie jiast week. j comes to us arra3'ed with the very best recommen- -- - - j dations as to scholarship and pciit’emanlv bearing. MARRIED, Th“ .\cademy is a large two-storiod building, situa- ^ . I te.i in a beautiful and healthy place, on the Harllees- hsij., *11 L.ailvu I n ad, twelve miles from Lumberton, N. C., iii the ! neighborhood ef Capt. E. .\shley. Dr. J. McK. Alford, j ('dl. John Rowland, Joseph Thompson, Townsend and , V 1. . 1 I’rice Near to the .Vca.lemy is a large and commodi- , oil tlu- _oth Uit., ny Ke>. J. | imiMing, built fur the express purpose of enter- she resi.Jeiu'e of I'avi.i Lewis, Es^., in Bla.ivu aiiiv. .11 till; :ii;t lice'r, by tho Uev. J. .Murtui, .Mr. Sandaj 1 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday IX g* e -1 a. (» JANUARY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 FEBRUARY... 1 •2. 3 4 5 ti 7 > 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 MARCH 1 2 a 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 APRIL 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 MAY 1 2 S 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 JUNE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 JULY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 10 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 AUGUST 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 18 14 15 16 17 1» 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 SEPTEMBER... I 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 OCTOBER ^ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 H7 28 29 30 31 NOVEMBER... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 S 30 DECEMBER 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 as folluws: All free men of the airo of twenty-one ' pr..sf‘Tjt, and be printed:— « years, (except free negroes, free mulattoes, or \\ iikkk.\s, in the opinion of thistfcnoral A — free per.«ons of mix* d blood, doseen led fmin semblv, no R ink unconnected with railroads or per.sons ot mtX"'i t'looil, doseen led tmin i r i i i i ^ other inrernal iHjproveinenf proj,'ets, ought to be V. r n possilde under estimate of the negro aue-stors to the 4th generation inclu.-i;e) • (^.reate-l, have its charter renewed or extended, its k oxe:i\ation and untoreseen difficul- who have be»*n inhabitants of an}' one county capital increased or j'owers and privib'ir-'s en- I i.LU.Vil K.M;U, Ut New York, to .\ LLC^ A. VML- lution, I , I 111 Horry District, ' I L. Moifi.r'j, L'r. 'J. U. C.VMl’liELL to .Miss H. H. I ('arolinian copy. li. il i' i' rouniy. en th*- T.Uh inst , liy K. L. .Nlon- ! T'.*'. L'J.. Mr. 1»LN(.'.\N I.V ilM ICU.\E L. ot Richmond • I'liiity. t' -M.Vlil, dau;;liier ol .Mr. \\m. .Mcllae lit K'lOcs'^ii. Ti:.' f I'JH Inti ms. An.l I find from a . I so .-c I j.repared my estimate for ■•r.oiii:; sto jas-i that I have allowed ng’ T coaches, 1;')U •Ms iver and -i'. ■ t:.. t,.e 'Iin ■vor au'l :r'Ove 111 -t iiii])' t'.' c.’tiip’iotion ■f are within the Stwtc 12 months imiuediarrdy preeed- larged, without an eijuivalent to the State: Ji' it. (h> I'/'ii-f, A’* .'■'/( (,/, That the Joint (’oin- mittee ou Ranks be, aini are herel.y instructed t.. jirepare and report ann-ndnients t.) eatdi of the (and as a eonse|uenco f>r ('"nirre-Mnc ti hills now pending before this General Assembly. ing the election, paid taxes A'o., shall have the right to Vote for members of the Hou>e of Coni- mon li an d ! •; ■All 1'* ;! '_'ar'iui_' lilt both •tie-.l.i . in e p.|--.UL' ■ "f 1> ir ir.'i- uut '-on'ide- is an inip'irt.Mit o!.j..ct to b'.‘ aft lin- \v- , :i» > •!)Ti iary, Such at le.i^t ' ; (k n ill otii. ’- p'.rtion- of the J- M. :r; f' t t, i niou~ ain mnts, ■ _ . •; I I’ -• which h ive lie-n ;‘ U, lis the jjlue Ri ige. to a •- ■' !e't jreater than those which we \ her.- e..ijciu'b-s witli tlie fdiowing al- r:e.ti re-u!ts to fi .w from the speedy Ills w'rk:— hiectors for ■: S'-nuTe own ti:>\ .uT." the election. corn"S t'l sett’ an oath of .iil.‘; or '>v it her j .• Ian 1 or oilier 'f iV"'! b‘Ut.} The .|ualitication ■■■ i- til - ' nne except that he niust •f ! in 1 tor six nn.niths j.r^ pr. : te.-i niV'' : c:*;!' I upon to estimate • f th*' r'.ad j';!" Sources of its in- ■ f ' ' ,r'. lii p’lid U[.ou the amount of ■ ii' ti'.n of '^'rei^iit an«l the number of Neulier 1 t!ii'i‘ eaT. lie accurately 1 at M l- i'ni.‘, i'lit if w.- 1 .. i V:- I v> ■ (,if il if r i;i.| pi--e . aiel to it'' .-x'' n- ■ ■ !•', st Teii;ii"':■ an i N'irginia Kaiiroad ■ nrihiejites witli til.- .^iississippi riv.T, • r_^ i. A' ib.-inia. and ' Hail- rni;-. a.ltn:' that :i very large trade and . e.l.e.ia^, . up'.n; an.l as a .n re !: r.- ana ci nts, the rrtad inn-t be I ' 'h' .'Wiiers .)t tho M-i;. tien-li*' of this work, the .’^r.ite h.' i p.M tieiparor. For regarding the ' ..J ,rt fii ..1 th.‘ iu-'tion of ’ ’•ofit to ' .. w ii • eai. d aii.l u 'i n-;nio.i:-. Ity and vigor it would trive ti) ling .VK I. “th^t every foreitrner. who in thi' S" ite. h iving fir't tak.-n :i me • t ^ tl; • >anif. may pureha'--, t i:ii ..ti' ai 'jaire. ho;.], and tran-t’er '■■i! estate; (iiiJ our ifitr's r> >i'/‘'II -. III f/- ■ fi rW> Cifi'r.i It." Thus .• inferring tlie right of sr.'ri j:.‘ upon foreigners wi hout regard to the S C'.n't'.tution, and making i. i 'jistinetion between f iroign and native b i; ii i-x.-ept the taking of the oath of allegiance tu the State. Tiie X. C. pruvi'ion, like tiiat of some of the Wi'stern s, is clearly in conilict with the V. S. Coii'ititution, which gives Congress the right •‘to establish a uniform rule of natnralizition.” .\nd tho naturalization laws, whi. li (’ongress //a.'- esfablisht'd, arc etb'cfu illy nnllilie.l by these pro- >k at tii'e vi-ion.s in the (\institution of 1 77'i, re-affirmoil by tile Country the Senate of North Carolina when it rejected .Mr. - . xf'II- jj iiigliton’s amendment refpiiring naturalisation attainintr the ri^rht of suffrasre. St.ntk lioMis.—Tiie State 7'reasuror adver- tit;s ??•'] I lit' .''tate Bond~ sale— for the N. C. Riil iloail, for the Weldon and flaston Rail Road ainl the Neucj and Tar iinproveinonts. CijNT'iN': I.N'stitl'te.—W have re- ising to create, renew or extend the charter. :iii reaso tiie ci.pital stock or enlarge the pow.'is an I jirivileges of any such Rank, so as to secure to 'he '“tat”, as :i a portion of the (,'apit il st' ek in till- same. At the evening session some tit’toen or twenty en_qo.".eil bills from the Senate, (Kevisvd Stat- uti's ‘ w. le read the .-secon.l time ami pas>e I. A tlis.-ussioii on a rosolutioji -if.-re 1 by J. G. l>ynuni, making itnpiiries eoncerning the delay in tiie public printing. .'Ir. R}num 'tati'd that he introduce.! tin; re."olution witli no design of casting any relloctious oil the public jirinter. He was replied to by .^Ir. Jenkins, d-- fetiding the of the I'rinter. Mr. Settle was sorry to sec the di.scussion arise to interrupt business, aui moved to lay on the table, wiiich he withdrew at the rcijuest of .Mr. Rynum. .^Ir. ' Ryuulu replied at some len'^th. Mr. Settle then ; rose to the defence of the I'rintor. He rotid tho ‘ re.solutiou and said it was intended a.s a reflection ; 0!i as pure and correct a man as the sun ever shone upon. Sonn.* sharp between .Messrs. Settle and Rynum, when on a vote being had tho motion to lay ou tho table prevailed. After a noisy eflort to adjiiurn, calling ayes and noes, the House adjourneil till Monday. No gossip afloat that I ean gather. ' 1 think the friends of the public I’rinter con mitted an error in smothering the investigation; it will Work the wrong way,—“Mcu hjve dark- nes.- ite.” ' Y ours, I Q IN TIIF. COKNEH. DIED, ''a till't wII. on Satur'l.iy la't. .Mr. lilCH.MlD S. ...I- lilt' rinn i:’t ".itum;, I'uin .i ('o. At . .• Ur ir ^ civliiii. lU tiii.s c..ui;ty, . -i Mr i; i- t, Si t.iii.d. ■ . r. Ilf 1 oi;...V. ■; 1 i'.iiii ills leitc ci'iiiitry t.i ‘1. ..'1 . \ .• o :l resi.ielit .it ilil.s !■' \'.i->’ t.i ti;e strai.>;cr, kiii.l lo . t : 1.;' i.-'i^litMir.'. rest'-.'clci by km A II.ill. 11.- Mill ut ;ili'i >Mtli !;.n,. 'ty i i. iv i\"re’. t,i |.ei ii,rui all tlie ii-li O 1 ui i ia;ia rr'juire 1.)! aiiu. aud dic.l in ^...i ’.i;ii; iiniii. rtar.t;. t C'luuiv, (III tlu ITtli. alter a long and liii'^er- -e. III. Nr an .\1c.V li 1 111 U, agcl 00 ^ ears. I 'cxun'v. .'11 liie :;.l ii'si., .^l^. Iv. f?l.M.\l(»N.S, i .''iiiiih- iis. I > years. \1. .Il.\ ,\uK LIST OF LETTERS REM.\INING iu the Post Oflice at Fayetteville, N. C, January 1, 1855: Allen Arnett. Henry Brown (or his heirs,) John H Blake 1!. Lemuel Burket, John Burkloe, Mrs Nancy Blizard, Thos Bra dy, Norman Bethea, Council ilraxton, Eliz’th Bostick. A Campbell 2. Rob't H Campbell, Rabzaman Cole. , Champion (Hector creek,) A C Clark, David Core. tlining boar.’lersT noJ>ha ^ Ro^lai‘ira j Rausman Clifton, Jaa L Currie, Rev D Culbreth, J P very excellent iiii.l high-toned gentleman. j Kvery convenience is maie to ren.ier the School ' ]>rosficrous and tlourishinir. There wiil be three class- j o.'-; 1st. Embracing Spelling ami Heading—per Session !j!tl 00, ilil. Etiglish, .-Vrithmetic, Geogra- ‘ phy. rhilosophy. .Kstn'nomy. Botany, Compositions, i Ki'ioutiiin. great care t.> Writing. ^>1 OO. :id. Latin. 'ireck. .\’gpi.ra. ieemetrv. .''urvcying. Logic an.i IVnet- I • iii''. uitli Ti:ri:.a! j.ropf'siti.ins .•m i prolilems. given t.' te-' s. h'il iibhip, to—p.'r t^ession ot o inontlis. Jd.-'El'ii TllO.MrsON, I'res't. John T.wi.or. .''ec'y. I'eceliiber l.s')i. 62*3t DKN'I AI. NOriCK. D. W. C, BENBOW, Local Dentist. ^CI '.lI ul. ■ iiitie.- is Il .|.e .1. in till in;; 'il'.' li; .M s.iii .•! 1 Tiik Ai' Trk.\tv.—The last Steamer, an abstract of whose news was published iti our, if carrie.l to ceiv.'d a copy of the annual of this last, brought no item of general as to the its cost many times f], „,ishin- institution. The number of pupils in r'--'.i:ress of the war except the aunouncement of attendance during th ; present year is 1.51-of Austria and the Allie.s The i VK lTi:\ ILLK M\RKKT.—Jan. 1. 10 a 11 •J l a L' -) 1 .s a 20 a :;o • aj :i 1:-' a 13 1;A a Uu' a OU r t; water citiei, in the extension I i inteinal eomn.. rce, in the i„. ^ whom 0 are from tnis town and county. The : ; u;t iral and mineral pro.hictions next session will commence on the l21)th of Junu- ■ (d traU'portatioii, ^ jir}’ l^O.j. See advertisement. • i 't:.ti-, and in turning tlu tide IV til *li.' we.'tcrn aud simthwestern r own beautiful and Colton’s Atlas of thk World.—The Agent t'ertile, but f.,, the .sale of this work, now in this place, has • I ill u.itain regi.iris, and iilling tinm j pr^.sente(' us with a specimen number. The work 1 it:e', and a busv and tiiriving ' r W ii;. 1 g,. into a caictilation of the i. vvoui.l be ,'avi'd to the public, the ela-SO:-of the e.iuimtiiiity, .’elU--! ri Ml' ■’i' ^ 'Il t' thi' 1. .id, would be aston- . . 'i.t. I i-r of the State ( and as a citizi'ii {■n i- ,; is j.rudent and delil..-rativ •, ' e ..:.! i ;i ,! buig. Farttier delay . ;; • t'lii,- work will prove highly • lee 1:.: 1 tile gr. at interests of ii; I f i'.sUit ill thi' 'Urrender of the ; Ua'ie ami eoiimuace to the U' igb- . I. an al.iai:donnient of the whole Mial iiupr.iveiiieutan.l .;aiiiiot but ‘11 ■ lij e.xi.'ting iinprDvein. Ills, at' in a condition «jt depeii'lenct-, e Ul never recover. A wise and ie i own prosperity, a g'n(!r.uis i''!se an.l expansive utility, her eiun .I'ei ( 'i'nm"rce—her /nfHif * 1 ! iiiaiii. Ill |.io-j. nty — flic impui'^o of ^t!'i oi n.-uora:^- '■mp' tuion with her • lue.'. tue sugucious cakulatioDS of a \fise I le to o.fu when complete will contain 174 handsome maps aecompanied by descriptions of countries, and, er rors and omissions corrected, will be a very valu- Atlas. The map of this State, which is uot altogether correct, is uow uudergoing revi ion, l{.\rKiNi Onk’s Fkii:m>s.—The X. Y. Even ing I’ost, the h‘adinr iiocofoco paper in that city, thinks that the Administration has, in.the main, so badly administ' ted its foreign affairs, that no good wouel come fr nn -iny offer of its mediation with the Kuropcaii powers;—but if it is to be of fered, it advises 'in h men as \'au Ruren, Everett >r Di-X to have the m.inaecMuen* ''t. liu(diaii:ui is objected to, as keeping iku. nv at hiune and abroad. article.s of agreement have not j’ct become public officially, but the fact has been received ’vith great joy iu England and Fninee, causing an in stant rise in the Funds, both at London and Paris. The Paris correspondent of the London Times says that he is assured, on good authority, that it is substautially to this effect: Russia is expected to accept peace ou the basis of certain propositions to be presented by the allies in con junction with Austrix. Austria pledges herself to adopt and press them on Russia: and if this power refuses to accept them, Au.stria will forth with take an active part in the hostilities against her— 1 other words, she will dcelarawar against Ru.csia. Three months will, it appears, be allow ed for Russia to signify her acceptance of these proMosition'. i he Treaty is regarded in France a.s “a grand step towards a peniiaiieiit and solid peace.” Aus tria. Great Rrltain and France are invincilb'. they say. ^ Murk AnnkxatIoN.—It is said that the Heua- dorian .Minister at W ashnigton has (db,-r -.l to ,el! I III. (.ALL IN TIIK CkIMKA.—1 he loss I , ^ , 1 , 1 lo I NT . to our Govorument, to->5d,»ioo.ti(io, the Galapa- by that di'ast(U’ on the l.jtli .Nov., was, in lives . , , i a- • ..i i, , , , ... J«fos l.slands. somewhere otl tii thi' Paoitie. I about loot.) uien, aud in ships and munitnms ot j r number, and vob a- war, equal to about 5'1U,00U,UU0. | suppose, are their imly products, a.-the}’ The French loss was about half as great. 1 are said to contain at least two thous:tud craterii liAt uN- KLK.^U AX — CAM*I.LS-1’. F .\irti;iaiiliue Sperai Cul- I Kl. — Kio, La;:uira, Sf O.uniiigo, cor 1 D.N — Fair t ) goii l, (irdiiiury to mid., a C>Tri>> 'i>.ViOl.N(i_ • jaiiiiy, Daiek'c, isurlajis, 00 a 00 COTI’ON V\UNS — .N'n. t- 10, 17 a 18 DOMKS’i'i*’ lltX'LiS — r>r). Slicotiiigs, 7^ a )S )s:iab'irps, p. ]0 FK\Tlli:i:s— 10 a ».') FLnl.!; - l-’ainily. 7 7”) a S oo Sin ertir.e. 7 oO a 7 7.”> l iac. ( -•> a Sit it.-llCd, 7 Oi! !l G15.VIN- ('iiTTi, (lO a 1 00 \Vlif*at. *0 a 0 00 0:11«, I’O a Peas, 80 a Rye, 1 10 a HIDF.S—Dry, 10 all (Ireen, J a 5 IRON — Swedes, co. bar. Ditto, wide, fi English, i lard— 11! LE.A’»— .S MOLASSES— Cuba, ‘JH a HO New Orleans, -mA a 40 N.VILS oi a o| OILS—Linseed, Ho a 00 Tanners’, 00 a 70 SALT— Liv'p, (.^ack,) U OU a .Vlum, (bu.) a a 71 SKKD-- Flaxneed, 00 a 1 20 (’lover, per lb. l:!A a 16 lii a 17A SHoT— M a 1-) ’«:n., pr. bag. 2 OO a iiiick. 2 25 a SriKlTS— Peach, 1 Oo a Ajipli* “ a or, N. Whiskey, 1)0 a (io Northern “ a tiO N. I'. Hum. >0 a Jaiii’c!! liiiiii. a‘J 50 Fr. r.raii'ly, ^>4 a 0 00 .Vmerican Gin, 50 a 00 , Holland do, 1 50 a 2 OQ .'I'GAR— Loaf, 11 a 12 Crushed, 10 all I St. Croix, 9 a ■ Porto ISico, 7 a 9 New f)r'i.:ans, G a 8 I TALLOW— 11 a 12 TOBACCO— a 5 Leaf, none. Manufactured, 8 a 15 a 5* WHITE LEAD-'j!2J a 2 50 a (\\ .W'lNDOW GLASS— a ■ ' 8 X 10, 2J a 2J a 13 10 X 12, a 1 WOOL— 13 a 16 T OfLl) respectfully announce to the citizens of Fayetteville and vicinity, that he intends leaving here on the 5th of Feb’y. '0 be absent, ou a visit North, until the 0th of Marcli. He h.ipes by this timely notice that no one will >ie disajipointed in not finding him during his ab sence. .N. I!.—He usually keeps bis appointments very punctuall}’ .Jan. 1, 1S55 02-tf CKOWL & COCHRAN'S .1V#r Daguerrian Gallery, Has just been opened in Fayetteville, where all may have an opportunit,v to get a Picture of theni«elves or friends. This is an opportunitj’ seldom oBcred, where you can get such a good Picture for so small a price. Give us a call, at our Room over Drs. Foulkes & McRae's Drug Store, Hay street, East cor ner, opposite the Fayetteville Hotel. Jan'y 1, 1855. It LAND FOR !SALE~ H^Oll sale a tract ef L.\ND containing some 1000 to j (’ook. Harrison Driver. .1 G Evand, Jas M Eady, Jno R Everhart, Jas Ellis. Elijah Fisher, Celia Finlaysou, .Mary J Foster, Mary L Foster. Dr Neill Graham 2, John M Graham, John B Graham, Henry L Giles. Owen Hadley, Thomas D Henderson 2, Steven Hare, Jbs j liumasoD. Mrs A M Jolinson, T R .Inlinson, W Geo I> Jones, Al fred Jackson. am Jackson. Jesse LytJe, Jno C Looher. I’ H Little. S S .Munger. Wm T Moore. Jas Michel, .\un T Moa- row. G II Jno .Munroe. W D McCollum, Emiiy McKay, Dan’l .McCasliill, Neill McNeill, D McNeill, Arch’d McGregor, Wm .McIntosh, D McMillan, M Mc.\lpin, D H .McLaurin, Wui McUuthe. •M Mclnnis, Elizabeth .• McNeill, .M M McKay, Wm .McFarlon. M G Parker, Jesse Page 2, Philip Penny 2. Wm C Rogers, W H Reid, Archd S Ray, G S Rolling*. L M Searles, Wm Store, B W Smith, Miss Mary L Smith, Garret Schermerhorn 2, P-E Strickler, .Indrew Smith, David Shimth. S S Upchurch. Rich’d Williams, Jonathan P Winslow, Wm Wilson, Harriet Walker, W C West, A L Wilson, Miss Mary McP Watson. Elizabeth Valentine. N. R. Persons calling for any of the above letters, will please state that they are advertised. J. E. BVAN, P. M. STATE OF xNORTH CAROLINA, ROBESON COUXTV. In Equityy to Sprinj Term, 1H55. Henry L. Johnson, Washington S. Johnson, Harriet Johnson, Gilbert P. McPherson and wife Sophia, Joshua James and wife Mary, Mary McEa«'hin, Malcom ^ ! McIntyre and wife Susan, .Anna S. Johi..ion, Frances 12tM) acres, on the Last side of Cape Fear fronting | j^^hnson, John M. Johnson, on the ( .4iH* Fear one mile, three nnlea beluw the Bridge, finely suited to farming. Any one wishing a j petition FOB THK s.^le of La.vd a.nd oxk SL.vVk roB fine farm woul.l do well to see these Lands before buying, i paktitiox. Api«h to JON.\THAN EV.VNS. * B T appearing to my satisfaction that the Defendants, Dec. 2'.), 1854. tJtf j M. Joshua James and wife Mary, Anua S. Johnson, . .. : Frances Johnson, and John M. Johnson, are non resi- NOTICi: TO CONTRACTORS, j dents of this State, they are hereby notified to appear 1 M J- ^ Il ■> u . ■' I at the next Term of the Court of Equitv, to be held for mmrh the bmlding commitffe of the I resbyterian aforesaid, at the (\nirt ^ T ‘ f L«mbe;ton, on the fourth Monday in March, 1855, i.osals until the 20th of February. 18-)o. for bmlding a , J., posals until the 20th of February. 1855. for building Brick Church 55 feet by 40 feet, as follows, 1st. Proposals for the I’.rick work. •Jd. “ “ the wood work, or "J. “ “ the coittple‘’on of the whole Church. The plan and specifications can be seen, by applyir^g to the com;uittee. Address WILLIS HALL, JOHN EVERITT, SAM’L. SMITH, JAMES McDUFFIK, Rev. D. T. TOWLES, . D. CAMPBELL, Committee. Everittsville, Dec. 25, 1854. 02*4t REVIEW OF THE MARKET. Cotton—We report n> change. Flour--Koceipts light, verj- little change in price. Corn—Market piit‘' firm No surplus on hand. Administrator with the Hill annexed. Dec. 30, 1854. 02-tdh NOTICE. WILMINGTON, Dec. 30th, 1854. ON the first 'londaj- in Februarj' next, at the court house, in Elizabethtown, 1 shall hire out for one Pork—The few droves of pork that have been brought ■ year, all the Slaves belonging to the Estate ot the late to market sold at 7 cts. ■ James I. McKay. Tlie usual bonds and security the l.;st week has been light. , will be required. JAMKS ROBERSON. Turpentine—Yellow Dip 2 HO, Scrape 1 10: SpiritsBS. | WILMINGTON MARKET. ; Very little .loing. No Turpentine selling, or on sale. ' Spirits dull: no buyers at 37 cents. Coiniuon Ho^in 1 10 to 1 20. ■\t Now York, cott.iii is dull an 1 ten leiicv .lowi'ward. :^a’cs at 8'., for luiMling uolaiids. Flour hanlly as firm: S.intbcrii t-i 7’) ('urn 07 to I 04. Spirits Tur| eiitin ■ 15. K.isin 'la’.l at 1 87. I"ji\cttc > iii'c icc House for Rent at .Auction. . h-N S.ituril.iy next, at 12 o'clock, at t’e* Mnrke’. ^ House, wil! ’.»* rente.t til! 1st .iav of iie\t .laniiary. the ra; ettcville Ice HoU'i“, with the con.iition to l.e tilled witii ’. c. ,\ !>iv!'lenil of iO per I'cnt. eii the ca]iit;l .stuck of t!u‘ ’oinp;iny for is'il 'vus d-'Clare.l .-iii.l paya^'le on niiulictifioii to the suliscrilier. JOHN H. COOK, lor the Trusteen. Jan'y 1, 1865 t-2-2t NOl'K E. r HAVE this day pnrcbase.l th« entire interest of R. [ S Cain in the firm of Council, Cain it C«. JOHN T. COUNCIL Uec'r 27. 1854. IT K'niER NOTICET and plead, answer or demur to the said Petition, or the same will be heard ex parte as to them, and a decree be rendered pro confesso. R. S. FRENCH, C M. E. December 'lo, 1854. 62-**>w AUCT10N~VT LAURLN^URgTl ON THURSDAY the 18th of JANU.\RY next, the undersigned will sell at Auction, their STOCK OF GOODS on hand. The Stock consists of— DRY GOODM.—Merinoes, de Lnins. (ilinghams, Calicoes, Tickings, Blankets, ^c. —Molasses, Sugar, Coffee, Salt. &c. HARDWARE. —.\xc.s. Hammers, Planes, Au gers, Chisels: Screws, Nails, Knives and Forks, Knob and Stock Locks, &c. A large variety of articles usually found in a country Stort' Every article offer".! will be sold without rueree; and sale continue from day lo day till all be sold. TERMS.—All sums under ^2 50, cash. .Ml over, on a credit of six months, the purchaser.^ giving bonl with approved security. .McINTVRE & .MIDDLETON. Dec. 27, 1854. 01-ts THE rOR'rV-l'llIRD SESSION OF WAKK I'OKKST COLI.KdK ^^M^ILL open on the fourth Mon lay of .laiiuary, W W with greatly inci'CMScI means of impartiag iii- fg^llE firm i f Council. Cait, & Co. i.s this day dis-j struction, particularly in the Sciences which requiit* S. so’i\C'l by iniittial cousi iit. Those indebted to the ' experiments for their illustrritiiiii, u-i the (''Ib'ge has late firm will please call and settle—those indebted by i and ntnplf apparatus for this [iiirposc. .Among ■u'c. I'.iit'liv giving their notes or otherwise. j the instruments are a Telescojie of siiffi.-ieiit [i.n\ei' t-* Tiic bti.-iness wili be con.'.nuel by Council & Ray, resoive Nebuhe. bring into the ot>server'.s lieM of vi»-w and the business of the late firm will be closed by them, the Moons of Jupiter aud the Kings of S.ituru, :tii , Electrical .Machine with a glass Plate o! thirl)--iv ' inches diameter, and an .\ir Pump of power i'reczo water. These two mentioned Instruments must be j e.jual to any in the South, as, until recently, so larg* ; have not been freiiuently made. It is iuteii k'l iu a 1' short lime lo make the Chemical Apparatus as com plete. WM. H. OWEN, Sec y. Wake Forest College, Dec. 12, lt54. til-toa Dee r 27, 1854. JOHN T. I’OUNCIL. ALEX. RAV. fi2-3t ^ FEW IIHl).^ Dec’r 28, 1854. COAL. For -ale by S. B\NKS. 0l-2t |ii i:

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