M Mi:i)lCAL BOOKS. EliS ou Diseases of Children; •• Womiin and her Diseases: *• •• Chiltihcd Fevers; Obstetrics: Duuglisoti s Human Physiology; *• Metliciil Uictiooary; Tructice of Mediciue; Materia Medica and Therapoutics; Pereira’s do. lo. Churchill on Children, by Keating; “ Diseases of Women, by ,’oudie; “ *• Midwifery do. Chitty’s Medical J iirisprudoice; Taylor’.s do. lo. by Hartshoiue: “ 0!i Poi.-tons; Dewees on Children: “ Females; Miller's Surgery, by .Sar^oaf; Noill (in the Arterios, Nerves, and Kyinl'haiio-i. ^ Regnault’s Elements of Chemistry! L’. S. Dispensatory. by Wood and llacht-: Wathon's Practice; Biu-tletf s Treatise ou Fever; Williams and C'ymer on the Respiratory Organs; Eberle’s Therapeutics: Ellis’s ^ledical Formulary, by Thomas; Solly on the Hummi P.rain; Burrows ou the Ccrehnil ('iroulation; vJerhard on the Chest; Fowne’s Chemistry for Students: Murphy’s Keview of Chemistry lor Stu ieuts: Wilson's Human Anatomy, by Ci iildarl; ISartlftt iin t.'ie Certiiiuty of .Medii’iiie; Mci *ellau’s ^urf:e^y; H^pe ini the Heart; Kirlie's an 1 Paget’s t’h^vsi ilopy: .Anujomical .\tlas. b_v Henry H. Smith; Weber’s I'lutes of the Musclcs of the Human Body; Gunn's Domestic .Medicine; Children, their Disi"ises and Management, tiy Dr. Mjew: Heii.th. Disease and KemeJy. l>y j»r. Moore: Simon's Family .Wedicine; Domestic Medicine, >nrrery, \c., sintl Household Sui'nory, l>y Thniu- son and Suxith; The I’resi-rvatiiin of Hei’.tii, by Dr. Warren: Thi-ury and I'raotice of Hydrouathy, by H. Francke; The Family I'eutist. bv Du llouchet. K J. HAl.i: .'i SON. Nov. 24. 18.>t' 'iO STANDAKl) LI ri:KA'i'L Ri:. /HIHL Wrtverly Novels -1 vols. cloth nud lia'.t calf: JL Cooper’s Novels; Irving’s Works. 10 vols: Prescott's Conquest ot Peru and Mexico; Lives of Ferdinand and Isabella: “ Lite of Philip the 'Jd; Benton's 30 years in the U S. Stnate, ‘2 vols; The Statesman’s Manual. 4 vols; Encyclopedia Americana, 14 vol."!: Lossinji’s Pictorial Field Dook ol the Kevoluiion: Webster’s Wurks. ti vols; Colton’s Life and Times of Henry Clay; Meini'ir of S. S. Prentiss of Mis^: Pictorial I ife of Andrew Jackson: M emoir ol Wm. Wirt by Kennedy; Life of Wise and Virginia Politics in Garland's Life of .lohn Lanilolph; DemiKTicy in .America, by I'e Tocqueville; Ahbi’tt’s l.iie of Napol-;on, 'J vols; Abbott'a Histories; Wirt’s Life of Patrick Henry: Life of 'S ni. Pinckney of Md,; Bayard Taylor's India. China and Jap in; Com. Perry’s Japan Expedition: Lieber on Civil Liberty and Self Government; The Physical (ieograi'hy of the Sea. by Lieut Maury, Liberty and Slavery, by B'edsoe of Virginia: Southey’s Common Place P>ook: Life anil Corres. of Southey: The Spectator; Wilson's Tales of the Horders; The Scottish Gael, or Manners, Auti{uities, and Customs of Scotland; The Scots Worthies, by John Howie: Lockhart's Lite of Walter Scott: Chambers’s Life and Works of Robert Rurus. Hamilton’s Discussions in I’hilosophy and Literature: Life and Correspondence of Lord .Jeffrey; The Ijueens of Scotland, by Agnes Strickland: Chambers’ Miscellanies: ; Proctor's History of the Crusarles, illustrated: Woodfall’s .lunius: Hanuah More's Works: Plutarch’s Lives; Boswell's Life of Dr. Johns.n; Novels and Tales by Maria Kdjreworth; \ddison, Burke and Johnson's Works; ^^llman's Gibbon's Rome: Hallam's Works: Cosmos, by ilumbolt; Men and Women of the 18th Century by Houssaye: The Guide to Social Happiness, by Mrs Ellis: Family M unitor by the same Author: Hume and Macaulay's Histories of England: The Modern British Ess:iyists, 7 vols; Shakspeare. Uyron. Moore. Scott, Hemans andotber Poets in various syles of binding; The Boston Edition of the British Poets, ij-c., -c. Oct. 29 " E. J. HALE ,v SON LA W BOOKS. The Subscribers have on hand, and will promi.tlv fill orders for North Carolina Supreme Court Reports, in Bets or m single volumes. Irodell's Digest and Digested .Manual. J.mes’s Digest. Revised Statutes of North Caruiina. Wiiey's New Form Book, ' fcroH\, on Sales. Bills, Contracts, Par'nerstiip. Agency. E.juity Jurisiirmlence. E.iuity Plea.ling-. ARCHBOLD, ..n I'ractice, Criminal Practice and' Pleading. Landlord and Tenant. CHl'TTV. on Contracts, Criminal Law, Blackstone, , Medica! .lurisprudence. i SL’GDE.V, on Vendors ami Prfjpertv, POWELL, on .Mortgages, and Contracts. S.MITH, on Actions at Law. Master and Servant, 1 Lap'llcr i aini renaut, i'hancery Practice. SANDERS, on Pleading and EvidenJe, Uses and* Trusts, Reports. RCS.|:i,L, on .Vrbitration, Factors, Ciimes w/fl i'VmV'’ ‘''*^'7 ’ ;'“'* Masters in Chancery. | >> 11,LIAM'S on Personal Property. | \VHE\ToN'> Sclwyn's Nisi Prius. I WIl ARToy, American Law of' Homicide, Medi cal Jun>{-nidence >tate 1 rials in the United States, I American ( riiiiiiial Law. f,aw Dictionary j Siephen on Pleading Roper on Legacies. Dart on Vendors. Fearne on Lemainders. Edwards on Bail ments, foke upon Littleton, i Hargrave and i^utler’s) new edition. Kent’s Commentaries, (’urtis’s ditto. Dart s \ ,‘M lors an.l Purchasers of Real Estate \.l- ams’ Eiuity. Troubat'. Law of Limited Partnership. Hughe s L.,iuty Draughtsman, Phillips and Amos on p7.V •■re.s.ey on Law of Evidence. Ross on bUlB and Promissory Notes. Domat's Civil Law. Lewis > L. .s. I riminal Law. Daniell's (,'bancery ru-aO-ice. Roscoe s Criminal Evidence. .* therley on 'i t ;»w of \larriage. • olij-eron Partnership. Green- »y..i L\idence. Oliver on Conveyancing. Curtis’s 0 --.yaucer. Burrili'K Law Dietionary. Cruise on Pro|aTty. Tayler's l,aw Glossary. Crabb on Real ProjHTty. Reeves' Domestic Relations. Bylos on Bills. Di- l i.u Sale. Lee on Arbitration of Titles. Sharswood's Professional l^thics. Barton’s auit in Eijuity. Wills on Circumstantial Evidence, (.'oniyn’s Landlori.1 and Tenant. Watson on Arbitration. Hare on I>iscovc’’y. Oliphiint on Horses. Whitworth’s Enuity Precedents. Moriis on Replevin. Giesley's Equity 'Evidence. Bishop on Marriage and Divorce. Mathew's Prenmnptive EviIence. Robertson on Suc cession. Eiiis on Insurance. Lewis on the l,aw of Perpetuity, Philliniore on Komici!. (’ary on Part- ner.ship Wilson on Uses, Fell on Guarantees. New- land on (^ontrm-ts. Tamlyn's I'hancery lOvidence, .f-c. These or other Law Books ordered will be 8upj)lied to the Pn f. sbftion in any part of the State on reason able terms E. J. H.\LE J- SON. xi:\v sroc'K or Books arul Stationery. ®M7E are iiow receiving our usual New Stock of w • BOOKS and .STATIONERY, embracing a great variety of “ SCHOOL, LAW, MEDICAL AND MIS('ELLANEOUS BOOKS, Together with a large and varied stock of lilaiik lioolvs, Paper, lOiivelopes, Country Merchants and i thers are invited to call Hs we offer the above stock on the best terms. Oct. 8. E. J. UALE & SON. New .Music for the Piano and Guitar, just received. E, J. HALE & SON Oct. 22. tanner’s and Planter’s Almanac, lor For sale, wholesale or retail, by ()C. 15. ‘ S'®- Fayetteville & Soutliern 1*. K. Office, 'J December 29, 1866. / fB'IHE Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of said JL Company will be held at the Town Hall in Fay etteville, Jan’y loth, 1857. [68tm] W. McL. McKAY, Seo'y. I “ F, i)AVISf)N, M. D.,’ Surgeon INTENDING to locate permanently in Fayetteville, hopes to make it the interest of all who need the j services of a Dentist lo give him the care of their I Teeth. Having had eight years’ experience, and being acquainted with the work of the best Dentists North ■ or South, he pledges himself to give all operations en trusted to his hands that careful thorough work and complete finish, that it cannot be bettered by any Den- , ti.'t in the United States, Persons having teeth that are considered hopeless, and pa.-it redemption, will do well to give him a call before h.aving them extracted, as thousands of teeth are sacrificed that the requisite knowledge and skill j would s ive and make useful. IMease give him a trial, and if he does not r«deem I his pledite will forfeit his work. 5l;Sif"Ortice al Fayetteville Hotel. Dec'r L’ti, ISoti. b8tt He will wait on Ladies at their residences if de sired NKCiUOKS wanted. HE undersigned will pay the highest casli price JH. !or YOUNG NEGROES. Letters addressed to either t,!' Us at Laurinburgh, Richmond county, will have pr(UU} t attention 1). C, McINTYRE. DANIEL M McLAURlN l.aurluliiirgh, Dec lit), 185t>. *iHtt T"wn papers copy. ll:n|)ri*s Matrazino lor .lanuary *')7, just received by E. J. H.VLE X SON. Oec'r L’-'i coNsi'AiiLi-rs KfjxrnoN. vindorsigned oti'ors himself as a candidate for I the otli .'of Constable for the Fayetteville Dis trict, for the ensuing vcar. Election in Feb’y next. JNO T. MULLINS. Dec t)8-te Town papers copy. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS \NI) NFW VKAKS CJIFTS. 1®.KP1ER ,MACHK Writinp Desks and Work Boses, a rich and verv beautiful present fora Ladv, Rose Wood WRITlNtJ DESKS and WOUK BOXES, various styles. PORTFOLI(>S, in great variety of styles anu qualities. from the che.ipest to the tiue.sc Morocco. RETD'ULES. .Morocco, Calf .skin and Velvet, s-.me very handsome, fhe above goods unite utility with beauty, and are thus well alipted lor in the approaching .season. Just rec'd bv Express. E. J. HALE &;SON. Doc. 15, (jaki)!:n sei:i)s. • E Lave received a general assortment of L,\ND- VV HETH’.S CELEBRATED GARDEN 5EEDS, warnntcd Fresh and Genuine, of the crop of 18oti. Also, ONION SETTS, S. T. HAWLEY i SON. Dec'r 16, l>otJ. (io-tiw S'lWl'K iS 10.000 Dec'r 1.'). noNDS FOK SAU:. IN Bonds of ■'flOOU each. For sale bv j‘as. g. Cook. w Pale and .\niber .Me in Hbls. and Bbls. C. T. HAIGH & SONS. De. 'i- 10, l?'5tj. tiotf Kane's mirrtic Mix pi or a I ions H-. > i.'7( J'-'hn Fr'.tnklin, in lS0;5, '54 and 'oo, l! v.)ls,. ^vo. further supply of this beautiful and interesting wurk. in cloth, sheep and half calf bind- inis. F:. j. II.ALE X SON. Dee 11. (lUiiiTs 1 domestic Medicin(\ or Poor M in's Friend. further supply of this popular book, just rec ivtd. E, J. H.VLE i: SO.N'. Dec'r 11, .U s r RFX'FIVFI), QUARTER BOXES KAISINS. Hfclf i!0 Boxes Soda Bisfuit, I’O •• Cheese, For s lie by Dec'r 1 •’>, C. E. LEETE tiotf Rills tVoni the l-'ountJiin of I^ite, 1)V Kev. Richard .Newton, D, 1).: The Two Lights, by the author ot •Sti-ug^rles for Life:’ Cuiuming’s Last of the Patriarchs: Dr. .Sjtencer's Pastor’s Sketches. 1st aniJ 2d scries: The Prince of the House of David, or Three \ears in the Holy City: Kitto's Daily Bible Illustra tions: Ij... I’yclopedia of Pdblical Literature: (?u>u- ming's .Minor Works; The Christ of History, b;,'Vounp; • 'ir.nmin-'s .s^;^ipture Readings; Barnes’s Notes on Revelati.'tis; Do, on Job; Chalmers’ Posthumous Works; NL'ister-Piece,i of Pulpit Eloquence, Edited by Rev. Henry C. Fish; &c., &c. E. J. HALE & SON. PUBLIC SALE. I W ILL ofl’er to the highest bidder, on THURSDAY, the loth day of January next, at ray place near Kingsbury, one CIRCULAR STEAM SAW MILL, (in Complete order.) s 111 1(1 of Ml’LES. 1 Horse unJ Bug^y. ’2 Titiibcr and “2 Uoal Wagons. Stock of Cattle and Ilnirs. A lari'e lot of and all the House hold and Kitchen FURNITURE. Terms will be liberal, and made known on the day of sale. DUNCAN .McFADYEN. Dec’r 20, 1850. tlT-ts FOR SAIJi. I WISH to .sell my l»l>.-\:%T.4TI«\ ou the West side of (^ipe Fear, 2 miles below Fayetteville. I woulil sell 5tU acres or more; it consists of River Swamp and Sand Hill Land. .\lso my House and Lot on Ramsey Street. One Lot corner Dick and Person Streets. One House and Lot corner of Frink’s Alley and Orange Street. 10 Slitires Cape Fear Bank Stock. 12 Shares Plank Road Stock. M. N. LEARY. Fayetteville, Dec'r 1, 1850. (iltf W. H. TURLINGTON, Coiumis.sion ’\Tercliaut, No. 42 North Water St., WILMIXGTOX, x\. c. riLL give his prompt personal attention to the sale or shipment of all Consignments of Naval Stores or other (’ouutry I’-oduce. Nov. 8, CA.yi'WFLL’S N. C. JUSTICE. ‘Snarni . ./ttsfice Rcvmetl, and adapted to the New Revised Code. f BIHIS work, invaluable to Magistrates, Officers, auJ -IL all who have occasion to know the Law, and to use the F.u ins uuder it, is very much enlarged Price 50. For sale by E. J. HALE & SON. August 185ti. ^ kinds, is executed in the best manner. . common Prayers, Bibles, and others, re- tmund in the same style they were before. This will sa.yt the repurchase of new books. Librarians connected witli colleges, and other societies, and also gentlemen resi at a distance, Avill find it a matter of economy to get then- books bound here, as a deduction of prices will be made upon large orders; Pack them and send them with particular directions to this establishment; mu™ ".-routIS;" shJo^'wUl and workman- £uth at the North or whifeTh/ before goiug else- Tf undersigned respectfully solicits a share of patronage. THUS. H. TILLINQHAST, Nov. 5. 1866. Anderson Street. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR I OFFER for »ale, my L.\NDS in the Town of Fay etteville, about 130 Acres, known as the MUMFORD SWAMP. .About Hl» Acres of it ia flue Meadow Land, m the Crop now on it will show. Also, the Valu€tl>l«‘ Brick uud near the Market Square, occupied by Mr. John ,\. Pemberton. A Large and Valuable Lot, fronting on Donaldson, ■Maxwell and Mumford Streets, known as the Hotel Garden Lot,—could be divided into several Building Lots—very near tfie new Female High School buildings. .Vlso, the Stable Lot adjoining, Ijfonting ou Mumford Street. Several DESIRABLE BUIIiDlNG LOTS ou both Winslov» and Mumford Streets. All this property can now be purcliused on favora ble terms, and a large part can remain on Bond and Mortgage if desired. THO. J. CURTIS. Oct. 10, 1856. 43-tf THK LAI'i; FK.IK ICIVKR. A T a meeting of the Boat owners interested in nav im igating the Cape Fear River between Fayetteville and Wilmington, On motion, D. McLauriu was called to the Chair, and R. ,M, Orrell was appointed Secretary. On motion of James F. .Marsh, Resolved, That from and after the 1st day of Janu ary, lH5t>, Cash will be required upoii the delivery of all Kreishts at W'ilmington and Fayetteville re spectively. On motion of J. D. Williams, Resolveil, Tliatcachof the Steamboat Compani«son the Cape Fear River, from and after the I st of January, 1850, will carry Guano from Wilmington to Fayette ville at 10 cents per bag. Lime at 25 cents per cask, and ground Plaster at 30 cents per cask, and that a Ki:i>i'CTio\ OF 20 pi:k from the printed and established rates on all other articles will be made from and after that date, all Cartage and Drayage being paid by the shippers. On motion of James Banks, Resolved, That the foregoing be publisheil in the town papers. I>. McL.'VURlN, (.’hairman. R. .M. Orrell, Sec’y. Dec. 2-^ 1855. b5-tf GROCERIES AND ILVRDW ARi:- 'I^HE subscriber has in Store a good assortment o- 1 Goods in the GROCERY and HARDWARE LINE’ all of which will be jtold wholesale or retail, or bar' tered for country produce, on terms the most reason* able. s.aall lot of SADDLERY for sale cheap. Give us a call. G. W. 1. GOLD.STO.N .V. B. ,\ny of my friends in the country having busi ness to tr.insact in this place, such as renewals, A:c , can have it done on the usual terms, by sending same to my car«. G W I. G. Fayettevilla, Sept. 27, 185') H'.Mf VAI.I OU.E FARM FOR SALE. KEING desirous of changing my business, I offer for sale my PL.V.STATION on the east side of the Cape Fear River, three miles above the Clarendon Bridge, known as the Toomer and McKay lau'ls, con taining abt)Ut hOO acres. This Farm is susceptible of the very highest improvement, and of being matle one of the most beautiful and prohtable Plantations in (.'umberlaml county. On the Farm is a K^od mill seat. ■My terms will be favorable and payments easy. For particulars, apply to John D. W illiams. Esq., Fayetteville, or address the subscriber at the Gulf 1 will give possession the first of December next, if de sired. L. J. HA UGH TON. Gulf, July 17, ISotj. 2:5tf Ciijx* l'\*ar IjUikI for Sale. ^■IHE Subscrilicr offers for sale THREE HUNDRED M- and E1GHT\ -FI\'E .\cres of l..an'i on Cape Fear River beb^w Smith’s Ferry, in Cumberland county, running with the river to the lands of .Mrs. Byrd, A portion of the land is cleared and fenced. It is well adapted to the cultivation of corn, oats and the usual crops of the river lands. The part uncleared has on it some good swamp, whicl#tn>iy be easily pre pared for use. It will be sold on a credit of twelve months. Persons wishing to buy can call on the owner at this place. J. G. SHEPHERD. April 8. '.»4-tf liEDSTEADS! HEDSTEADS!! JUST received from the Manufacturer, Ira Hcrsey, a supply of nED s of various patterns, and made of good seasoned timber. These Bedsteads are manufactured in this place, and can be sold to dealers as low as they can be got fi*om the North. Call and examine. A. M. CAMPBELL .\pril 94-y sjpKi.Ya snjpri.\'7 Dr J AH. F. FOilLKES, Corner of Hay and Donaldxon Streets, opposite the Fayetteville Hotel, ^^^f^ULD respectfully call the atten- w w tion of his friends and customers “ to his complete stock of DRUGS, n EH, Oils, Paints and Dye-Stuflfs, Which he is now receiving, and will offer at prices as low as they can be bought at in this market His object is to sell Medicine that can be depended upon, as he buys none bat the genuine article. Constantly on hand Burnintj Fluid, Camphene, Spirits Turpentinp) Alcohol, Brandies and Wines, Qfor Medical purposes;) Congress Water, Citrate M'Kjnesia, East India Castor Oil. March 15, 1850. 87-tf VALUABLE NEGROES f^jFsALE. A NEGRO Woman aged about thirty or thirty-five years, good house servant, cook, washer and ironer, honest and industrious. A Girl aged about nine, and a boy about four years —children of the woman. Persons in want of this species of property will do well to call on the undersigned at his Law Office on -Anderson Street, when further particulars will be given. BARTH’W FULLER. April 29. 500-tf .i525~REWARa RANAW.VY from the subscriber on the 1st of .April lust, a negro man named Rand, about six feet high, about 30 years of age, and black. Said negro is supposed to be lurking in the neighborhood of John Bell or James McKechan. The above reward will be paid to any person de livering said negro to me at Locksville, Chatham Co., N. C., or confining him in any Jail in the State where I can get him. NATHAN KING. June 25. 17-tf DOBBIN HOUSE! POWERS & TROY, Proprietors. ^H^HE Proprietors of this Establishment announce to the public, that owing to the constantly increasing patronage extend ed to them, they have been induced to en large the accommodation by the addition of Room on the lower floor, and suite 01 Rooms on the second floor; thus enabling them to accominodate all who may favor them with a call. And they pledge themselves to an increased exertion to give satisfaction to their patrons. Spacious Stables attached and oareful Ostlers in at tendance. The eligible location of the Establishment, with the experience of the Proprietors in providing for the com- lort of their patrons, they hope will secure to them a liberal share of the travel. The Western and Southern Stages arrive at and de- part from this Ilouse. Carriages in attendance on arrival and deoarture of Steam Boats, for the accommodation of passengers. Horses and Carriages furnished at any notice for car- rying tr^ellers to any part of th« adjacent country. J. W. POWERS. w C TROY FajettevUle, Mftj 12, 1856. 8tf €LirVTO.\ . FE VI A LE LNSTITUTE. rTlHIS Institution will resume its operations again on MONDAY, the 8th of SEPTEMBER. The charges will bo the same as they have been for the last year. Board ijslO per month, including wash- iogf lights, «|*o. L. C. GRAVES, A. M., who has served us so long and efficiently as Principal nf the Institute, new also has charge of the Steward’s !>epartment, which ren- ' ders it doubly sure that this department will bo con ducted to the entire satisfaction of all. Mr. Stradella will continue in charge of the Musical Department; and ?.Irs StraiieP.a the Department of Painting, -tc. H -V. 3IZZELL, Sec’y Board of Trustees. Clinton, July 25, 1850. 30-tf or iloiTSi 6\ T OULD inform his f'rinuds and former customers that he may be found 2 doors bolow tb« ’a[>e Fear Bank, and doors iibove his old stand south side Person Street, where he intends to keep on hand. Harness, Saddles. Bridles, Whips, Collars, and every thing belonging to his trado. He . . apcctfully invites his friends from the country tucall and examine his stock before purchasing. He will attend to Repairing of Harness and .Saddles punctually, .ind his clrir.{es shall be niK lerate. He would leijuest all indehteil to the firm of HOUSTON >VERl'Y to settle wiih W. Overby or himself, as they ire compelled to settle the firm’s debts. August 27, 1^5tj, 34tf We call the attention of WHOLE SALE DEALERS ^■10 our present Stock,—and have reoently re- fl. ceivcd — 800 bafts Rio, Laguira, .Maricaibo and Java Coffee, 2U bhcis Sugar, Hbsorted grades, 75 bills do. Refined, Crushed and Powdered, „ 95 boxes Sperm, Adamantine and Tallow Candles, 66 do Fancy and assorted Candies, 100 coils Kentucky, Jute and Manilla Rope, 7 bales Bagging, Gunny. Dundee and Burlaps, 30 tons Hoop Iron, 120 boxes Cheese. 20 h.alf-bbls Super f’arb Sod«. 40,000 Cigars, various brand.s, —ALSO Pepper, .Spice, Ginger, t’love.^. Nutmegs, Borax, .\lad(lcr. Indigo. Spanish Browu, Biiinstone, Fancy and Bar .Soiijis. .Starch, Powd*T. Shot. Bar Lead. White Lead, Putty and Linseivl Oil, Win-low Glass, .''uuflF in Boxes, Eajtif ,Mills do,, in Half Bbls,; Green and Black Teas, Hollow Ware, Swedes Iron, English, German, and Cast'Stfol; I'lows, Straw Cutters, ('ora Sheilevs, .Sausaire (’utters au>! Stuffers, Trace Chains, Sole Leather. &c., &o. The above (joods we ofler on the most favorable terms to prompt time or car-h purchasers. D. & W. McLiLRIN. Nov. G, 185G. oltf FO!{ KE.N'T. '■p'HE large Fire p-o jf Biick W ire-house, conT=.t,i JL cntly sitaated in rear of our .Stonj Apply to Sept. 26. STARR, WILLI VM3 U-tf NEVV'^ LA\V 150() Anew Editloti of TidJ’s Practice, 2 vols The Forum, or 40 year's Full Practioa ,k Philadelphia Bar; by David Paul Brown. Library of Law and Equity; being 13 vj], ,, of valuable Law Books for $15 00. , ■ Just received by E. J. HaLE 4 sn-j Oct. 20. Further supplies of School Books SMITH’S GRAMMAR; Davies’, Smith’s, Colburn’ and Greenleaf’s Arithmetics; Lambert's Ai.ot Ac//' }']sla!)h '^hinf'iil, «y \\n. WAT^;>\. t'lHE Subscriber would inf.irm his friends and the public generally’, that he has complete i his new establishment on .Maxwell street, near ,Mr. E. W. Will- kings’ Store, and is now prepared to receive orders for CARTS, WACiONS, DRAYS, *kc.,| which shall lie promptly executed. All work done by him shall be of the best workman- | ship and material that the country can ati’ord. | IIEPAIUING of all kinds done with neatness and despatch. Also, lIORSlvSIIOEINlir will be strictly at-j tended to. ’ ; N. P>, No pains will be spared to give satisfaction to j those who may favor him with their patronage. Fayetteville, July 21. 1850. 21-Y Mor‘ Atav Cjioods. ^jglllE sulisL-riber 1m receiving his F.VLL ,\ND WIN- )S. TER Sl'OCK, consisting of al.nost every thing in the way of C^IIOC'EIIIES, iiartUrare and MMollou'^ivare^ —ALSO— Roots and ^ hoos, Saddlery, Fish, (kc., \ny of which he will sell cheap for Cash, barter for Produce, or on short time. Store recently occupiei by Troy & .Marsj, near the Dobhi:i House. G. W. 1. GOLDSTON. Oct. 15, 185i;. 48tf DEEP RIVER C(7al1 «lTUMINOU.S Coal of the bast ‘luality can be had at the works at Egvpt. at a reasonable price by the Ton. ' W M. McCLANE, Mining Engiueer, May 21, 1850. O-tf WAxri'j), .\(’11\ L ^*LNG -MEN, to act as loctil and ’ravelling agents iu a busines-i easv, useful ami honorable, at a SAL.VRY OF j'jfR -MONTH. A capital of >;'> only required. No patent medicine or book bu.'iiness. Full {• irticulari j;iven, free, to all who cncl /se a post.i^i- s-tiiinp or a tiiree cent piece, and a Idrt-s- A B .MiRTY.V, Plaistow. N II. Oct, 20, 185t;. 51-;’m DissoLrno.v. /■■IHE firm of HALL ,v SACKETT is this day dis- JL Solved by mutual consent. The business of the lirm will be settled bv J. H Hall or E. Hall, who a!on^ are autliorizeJ to use the name of the firm iu li^ui iation. J. H. HALL, A. E. HALL. T. M. SACKETT. Fayetteville, N. C,, .lan’y l^>. IS.'tfl, 7i>-tf .M0I.TS^^ES^ HHDS. just received and for sale !iy i JAS. G ’cook. Oct 27. 51- * Mitchell’s Intermediate Geography; Olney’d r ’ graphy, Bolmar’s Leviiac’s French Grammar- Pinn/^ English Teacher; Cornell’s Intermediate Geograt,h Kay’s Readers; Emerson’s Watts’on the Mind Jacob^ ' Notes and Questions ou the Gospels of .Mait!,,.w ,M : aud Luke; Greeufield’s Greek Tc.stament and Lexicr*^ j M.irsh’a Songsters; School Testaments; Noitii Uroli"’ Readers, Davie^’ Surveying, i:c. Just re. eivc.i ' GUANOES. L r “ vu ij-uN IlllSIl!)!’ K,Uli.\Sl’ill)l''T’!i \1 wm. N )t only has th-* cjsc of us:tig these Guanoes in { 'ji^HE 2d edition, (with hundreds of typ • connexion been wry much diministke l, but e\peri-, errors of the old editiou corrected,,. is ' ment« havo prove I thit the phjsphite. so much want- I for the benefit of the .Missionary cause of the Fpi.^(;()^ ing in the I'eruvidn. not n!y increases the yield, but ; pal Church iu North Carolina. The price ol the ’ combii.ed with the Columbian m.ike.s the crop much | vols. is, iu cloth binding, .SI, in sheep .-jt jij. Or.lera" 1 accompanied in every instance by cash, may be'ad dressed to E. J. HALE .j su.N Fayetteville, May 8, 1850. AJ.MANACS FOU~185t!^ ^■^URNER’S North Carolina, aud The Farmers' aai i Planters’. L. J. HALL .^os f'rei^rht^ and Passenger Line between ilcwis(‘(i W ilmi/iglo/t and Fayetteville. ^^TE.VMER M.VGNOLIA, leaves Fayetteville on .Mon- more certain. For sale by Nov. G, 1850, D. McLVURIN. 5 Itf ay an'l Thursday m rnings, 15 minutes after sun Lea ■ Wiiiiiin^ion on Tuesd.iy and Friday mornings. Sreaii. ■ FANNY LUTTERLoH, leaves Fayetteville on Tuesday and Friday mornings, 15 minutes after bun-rise. Leaves Wilmincrton Wednesday and Saturday m .rn- ings. Botti c.-irrying Freight and Passeneers. Steamer ROWAN", with full sets of LigLters, runs regularly, carrying Freight only. The regularity of our Boats on all stages of the River, and the despatch and promptness in delivering goods, are too well known to require comment. To our patrons we tender our thanks for the very lif>eial patronage heretofore bestowed, and can .assu:e all shippers that no efforts wi'.l be spared in fut iro. •and feel confident that our facilities for d'S’aatch ard {•'l ial if not superior to any line on Cape Fear River. W. P. ELLIOTT, •Agent for Lutterloh & Co. Fayetteville, N. C., Oct. 1, 1850. oOtf HE Subscribers have received on cous'icnmm’ & few copies of the New Revisal. Price $4, casii on delivery. Jan’y 21. E. J MJ.\, Narrative of tiie L.xpt.ditioji of an American Sijuadrou to the Ch'Ua Seas aiiU Japau, h> Com Perry, U S. Navy, with tiumerous illubtiatioLi eJited by liev l>r, F L. Hawks Also, further supjjiics of .Mrs. Hentz's Novels, .Mm Murray’s I’ravels through the L*. S.; Mitchell'i Tr»- veller’s Guide; Steel Peui, jc, E. J. UALE j- sun Aug. ' ' rpilE I an 12. DWEiJJXG FOR SALK. Subscriber wishes t‘. o-.-!! the large bwe'.;;tig ROBERT I). GREEN, (LATE GREEN & WEAR,) WATCH-MAKERS, JEWELLERS, &c., FAYETTEVILLP:, N. C D G. begs to return his sincere thanks to the ■V'* public for the kind patronage so liberally be- stowe.i upon the late Firm, and informs them he has bought the interest of J. S. W’eur, and will continue the business in all its branches at the old stand, under his entire superintendence. N B .All Watches left with him for repair will be taken apart in the presence of the owners, and the necessary repairs pointed out to them and a written contract given for tiie same, which work will be war- ra’itcd tor two years. 0:i h itid ai.il f(ir sale now, the most varied and choice selection of ('LOf'f^ .-md other time piece? that has ever been offered to the public in North Caro lin.a, w lich he will sid: at New York jirices, and also w.vrrant for two years. A:l debts due to j.nd by the late firm will be paid and received by R. D. GREEN. August 2-3, 1856. 84 tf and Lot ou tiie c. raer •;! Gillespie .-.ii.i Kiiasef; Streets, at present occupied t>y Mr. lltnry Erainr,crt. Terms rfasonaLle. E. j, ilALL. .May 2'.'. 5. JONESES LAW REPORTS, VOL. 2. r^l'^HE subsci ibers have for sale, th« 2d volume of th» I Reports of L iw Casoe in the Snpreme Court .jr North Carolina, by H C. Jones, Esq. Just published .\lso, Suprome Court Reports generally, nud uther Law Books. E. J. H.VLE i: SON. SSKO l\\VL,0 If* Has ^rrii^ J1HE Great Iron Wheel Examined, " 'oy Parsou J. Brownlow, price $1 00, just rec’d. Pustiige on it by maii is 18 cents. Also, a few more ot thd ' Great Iron Wheel,” b; Parson Graves. L. J. HALE x uN .May 29. iVorth Caroiiiiii liea(l(rs. ^Jl'^llE Und'-^’signed are prepared to furnisli. wh.ie- JL Sale and ret.iil, ujjon very j'avorablc if: \i to Teacher^, Book?: 1.. rs. Merchants, Book Pe.llars, aci Otners. tlie m ,\Oa£TII CAKOLI>A Nos. 1 an i 2, by Peofessok HibdaeI), ot the Uuutrsity ijf North (,'arolina, and N. ..-v Calvis il. VV'LEY, Esi^. now Superintenueiit i>f €■ c- mon Schools. E. J. H.VLE A RAllK CllA.XCE! l''*ill and Winter Goods 1M'RI\1.\N Cl I A\(). for sale bv C. T. HAIGH i SONS.* Oct. 22, 1850. 50tf \VIIE\T WAN'ri'J). H WANT to purchase 5,O00 Bushels Wheat June ‘25, 1856. JAS. G. COOK. 10-tf NOTICE. A LL persons indebted to the firm of W. F. ,v E. F. i * Moore, are requested to come forward and make payment, as their copartnership ceased on the 1st of .March, 1856. w, F. i E. F. MOORE. June 0, 1850. 11-tf For llayu’oofi niiil liOi*24«ville. '^¥'^111] Brothers’ Ste.im Boat ('ompany. from and after I this day, will run a Steamer once a week, twice a week, or once in two weeks as the l>usiin‘s- may de mand—between the above points and Fayetteville and Wilmington. July 10, 1856. ?Otf The Furniture and Fixtures of the Fay etteville Hotel tor sale. '^jnHE subscribers having fully determined to sell £ the above named Property, now offer it to an en terprising man upon liberal terms. ■TIks Hotel enjoys a large custom from the adjoining counties and from the travelling public, with a pros pect of I'utarc increase. What it has done and is now doing can bo seen by any one wishing to purchase re ferring to ocr books. The situation of the building is such that it com mands the greater part of the custom coming to and passing through this place. For the amount of capital invested, there is no bu siness that a person could engage in that would pay as vrell. J. H. ROBERTS & CO. Sept 11, 1856. 38tf 11 AY STREET, ARE nt>w receiving their Fall and Wit;ter OoOBS consisting of a large and well seleciea stocik of Groceries, j Hats and Caps, Hardware, Cutlery, Blacksinitli^' Tur pentine Tools, Agricultural Im plements, Boots and Shoes, Saddlery and Lea- tlier, Heavy articies in the Drug line, Ready-inadc Cio- thing, and Staple Dry (ioods J. C. Tlioinson J- r8 now receiving a large and complete STOCK OF L GOODS in his line, viz: HITS, fU’S. BIIOTS .i\D SHOES, In all varieties, which he offers for sale at low prices for K^t.'ASlI, or xo prompt pacing customer!. He returns his thanks to iiis customers for their liberal patronage, aud solicits a contir.u i>ice of the same. j, c. THOMSON’, Market Square. September 3, IS’^O. T FOR IN PL\TE, Sheet Iron, Iron Wire. Zinc, and Tin patterns. SALE. Sept. 24. Ware aud Stoves of various By C. W. ANDRE.VS, Market Square. 42- / nyetteville C^andif Manufnctorif. ^B^HE subscriber still continues to manufacture a -M. superior article of plain and fancy CANMES at the old stand, (No. 5, Green street, 3 doors North, of the Market House.) where he would be happy to see his old friends and customers. CHARLES BANKS. March 1, 1853. 7;^tf The Greatest Invention of the Are. Having purchased the exclusive right for the State of North Carolina of GEAR’S MACHINE FOR CUTTING, TURNING AND MOULDING IRREG ULAR FORMS IN WOOD, I offer the .Machine to the Manufacturers of this State as the most perfect and effective ever invented to work irregular forms in wood. It has been thoroughly tested, and can perform the labor of ten to fifty men in the most complicated kinds of work. It can do handsomely and rapidly all irregular and carved work, such as (Circular and Gothic Sashes and Doers, Brackets and Scrolls, Tracery and .\rchesof the inost difhcult patterns. Cabinet Ware and Furniture, Carriages, Rail Road Cars, Chairs, Millwright and factory work, Ship and Boat Building, .Agricultural Implements, Block Letters, Picture and .Mirror Frames, and Patterns for Machinery. In fact, work such as no other Machine has ever done before. I am prepared to sell single and County Rights, and to furnish Machines. JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM, Proprietor. Wilmington, N. C., Oct. 25, 1856. 52-6m lEMTMoir THIS F,iLL. STARR & 'WILLIAMS ARE NOW RECEIVING THEIR Second Fall & Winter Stock of Goods, To which they call the attention of Merchants making their purchases in this market. Oct. 16, 1856. 48-tf Benton’s Thirty Years in the U. S. Senate. A further supply of 1st and 2d volumes, just reooWed. E. J. HALB & SOW. iMiW (jJOODS. ^■IHE public are respectfully invited to examine our A new Stock of Brussels, Tapestry & Ingrain Carpetings. W ehave on hand 50 Rolls assorted styles and qualities. 20 do 3-4,4-4, 6-4 & 8-4 on Cloths. \elvet and Tufted Rugs, Cocoa and Alacant Mats, with our usual stock of House Furnishing Goods, &c. &c —ALSO— Groceries of every kind, H.\RDWARE & CUTLERY, &c., at wholesale or retail. S. W. TILLING HAST i: CO. Oct. 18, 18.'>6. 49tf GOOD LANDS FOR SALE. 4 s I wish to move West, I wish to sell my Farm on the C ipe Fear River, on the South side of Cape Fear a mile or two below Rockfish Creek, con taining some OOO to TOO Acres of very fine River Lands. On the Farm there is a good orchard, and Buildings of all kinds to live in, &c. Also my SAW .MILL on Rockfish, (late H. McNeHl’s.) Also 180 .Acres Lands joining the same. Mr. E. H. Evans will show these Lands and Mills to any one wishing to purchase, and also give the WM. A. EVANS. Oct. 8, 18o^. 48tf DUV GtK)l)S AT \VHt)LKSALE. H.LI.\J|S are now receiving a very large STOCK, embracing every thing in the Dry Goods line with Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Silk and Straw Bonnets, Umbrellas, and Ready-Made Clothing, &c. Which they will sell CHEAP for Cash or approved i otes, at WHOLESALE only. W’e invite Merchants visiting this market to examine our stock. J. B. STARR, J. M. WILLIAMS. August 27, 1856. 34tf Negro Clothing. KERSEYS. HATS, SHOES, &c. Now receiving. November 17, 1856. J. & T. WADDILL. 57tf Biotrraphical Sketch of Henry A. Wise, with a History of the Political Campaign in Vir ginia in 1856, by Jamea P. Hamb'.eton. M. D. E. J. HALE & SON. Aug. 21. : This Stock we are prepared to Job or Retail. I Fayetteville, Oct. 24, 43tf I BKSBl- We ask the Planters aud Turpentine men to ei- ! ^mine our Kerseys, Negro Blankets, Hats an l .'^hoeB I LIFE INSURANCE. ! ^BIHE Undersigned has been appointed .Asrpiit j JL the North Carolina .Mutual Life Insurance Cfim- j pany. Every member for life participates in the jro- I tits of the Company; and the annual premium ' 'r I life membership, wliere it amounts to or more, i niay be paid one-half iu cash, aud the oth«r iia.i is j a note at 12 months. I Debtors’ lives may be insured by creditors. .-V inso j may iusure his own life for the exclusive b.^^ue£it ‘ • his family The lives of slaves may be iiisurcJ. This system is rapidly growing into favoi. .iiiover the civilized world It is one by which a faiiiiiy i' f a small sum annually, may be provided for. uitu t:.* death of its head, ou whose exertions tiiey may hiiT» been dependent for a support. It is a good iu\estiueiit of money, even if one should live long after taking out a Life Policy. Explanatory pamphlet;, »D‘-i th» necessary Blanks, furnished on application. E. J. HALE Valuable Property for sale. WISHING to locate in the country, I olfir f>.r sale the following valuable property" The prf" mises on which I now live, containing 'J acres, siiuated in the north east of the town of Pittsboiu , wiib a never failing spring of good watpr niid 2 acres'd'nrst rate meadow land. The buildings are a tlirec iiury frame dwelling heuse—'iiiolu iiiig tlie i .m. n . ii * double porch in front and an ell .uid [dazz.i iu t;ic containing seven large rooms with fire pl.ccs; liet’fi house, smoke iiouse, ^‘c ; yard and garileu—a!! iieit.; paled in; the balance under a good fence with some uU select young fruit trees. One other lot coot liuiiiS 1 i acres on baiisbuty street, which has on it a large two story framed dwelling housu with 5 rooms wiU lire places, 2 kitchens, smoke house, dairy, corn cnt), stables, Ike., all well euclo.sed. These lots are ceita’^D' ly the most desirable situations in or near I’i'tsboro, being of a grey soil and clear of mud in winter 1^® other ^ acre lots frimting each other on street, on which my Smith and Carriage Sluij’» st:iniJ. Tlie buildings arc ot-e l.irgc two story wood aii'l shop, and one two story trimming and variii;l*‘>'£ shop, one li story lumber house, one carriage jr sbeJ house 90 feet long, and two smith shops, with a licvy failing well of good water, with a ^mmp in the yar' Oue tract of land containing 2:^0 acres ou the Greens boro’ road, 4 miles from Pittsboro’, all wood lau'i lying very level and clear of rock, well adapted to the growth of corn, wheat, tobacco, oats, Sc., with a never failing spring of good water. One tract of 20 IJ miles from town, all thickly timbered and ferti e I have also on hand a large assortment ot lar and Hickory lumber, with from $800 to ^ - worth of Carriage Trimmings, 6 sets of Smith Too s, a large lot of Wood Painting and Trimming ^ * quaiituy of Paints and Oils, Paint Mills, ’*• Brushes, &c. I will sell at reduced prices, .^ny rer son wishing to carry ou the Carriage making busiues will do well to call and examine the property, as bargain can be had. The terms: One-third Cash o likely young Negroes, the balance on time to suit t purchaser. . If the above named property is not disposed o^ 7 the 2ath of November next, it will on that lay be so. or leased out with a large lot of new Buggies, Baroue Rockaways, Wagons, and 8 Mules and Horses, Wit variety of other property not her* mentioned. W. P. KIRKSEi. Fittaboro’jN. C.| Aug. 25th, 1866.

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