\li:i)l('AI. HOOKS mrrii I] Fire tnsuranre. UTT. rei'i'r our »val(*r> ri> tho unniial st!itoiQ«*iit of ill.- Kiii:i liisuMiic- rompnuy, of Hartt'onl, which will bo I'.nnnl in ftnoihnr colnvnu. Tlus success- Itil institution W'i> iiii'orpovMtc.l hy the [j*|ji9lftturt* i»f Ooimectieut iti ISH*. with x pci-j.ctiml charter lt» oapitftl i-^ SiittO.O'tO. -inil its Rfotimulntions exeoo'i murr. innlinn its entiro assets hvit x-OO. OiMt. invostoii tis iltMuiled in iht' statemont relVnt'd xo These v*‘suUs iiulicati' thnt iluriuc, tho jx-riotl ot uf.'irly Ibrtv vp.ars sinro its oixaiiizntioii. ^witll('llr h sinjrl'* .•h;inp»* Ilf it.'i chiot' oihcer,) its tiiiMiiii'ss h:is )iet*n iliit’tPil with iuil^ment :inil j.ruli‘nt't'. It tlui^ far succossful in an einint-iit .ifprec, :i'- nri“ iufoniik'il. all its I'V lli«' I't about til' ■" ill" ' u’nli i. fov !.ISM'S, witli'iut asi.iiij; :i ■ iaj's ilelay in any iiist:iiu'«'. It has ha ) l'>‘t liiilf lit- igatiun, uolAv ith.-nau linji tin- isiiiiirnsf iiuiulu-rnt t •lotioiis nin l'‘ li! I'Tilcr t > a't iiti a.- iiui'.'h • :!•' j'OSsiblr in '•iic’ti a I’U^ino'' 'i'' in''Uiaiict‘, ir has Ix i’n rhi' ]'rai'tie«‘ >i’ tin' t'.n-.it-iiiy. i' ’ s.'voial youV'. at i.i-eat oar.'luliy i - i-i.-i-sily ,iiul inaii;;c liifif ri k- into iih.mt tifiy Ji t .n i ola'S,.s, -,,1 ii-. to inin the amount iti f i.'h da- .. the aiin'iiut ' I i’ri' iniiiiii' I iv' il ihi’i-.-.ai, -di.l ihi- ;iiuouni "i' I!|' ,ni oai'h Tiii' > ''shii-iiitni. I'vti’a'lin^' .'vi-i- m !oiu', |H‘riii I.Mii'J I 'Vi-rinu: {ir.i|'t‘rty 11> a % pry !ar^^»- -nii'.uiit.l ur aishes ie!iahli> data. aU'l }'ies;'iil"' a somi'i, sulotaiuiai basis 't ai'tual psperii-r.i'f, tijmii wliii'h t- ooniiui't its liusincss. Insuraiioc I? nut a inatror tl' hu k or i-haii>-i’. as inaiiv su}'|inso; its ba/ar Is :itf :iset'rtani il'b'. iibl its princip’o^ i-apablo .ifln-ini; ri'iiii. i'il t> :i s> tcui. tli-' I'factiO'tl w'rUina: an 1 ri sults of wiiii'h ".rt’ a ci’rtain a tliat of any otlu':' hur'iiiess riir lltna (’■ iiipany. by H Uu-riiic: livii t-y to Its systoiii, ;iiui piai lui; its ’ai-ji- nt'ss ujlou a healthy basis. Las ibtaincl the ctmtiaoni’o the cuiiununity to an extent surpassed by no other t'oinpany in the I'. States, and htss iiureased its busi- tiess auii its ineoini- Iroin .-ear to year with a .-'teady irrow'th. One ^ji'oat M»in-t'0 ot its ^et-urily is the wide distributiou ot its ri.-ks—a pi'licy whii’h it ('ursue- with great strii tness—liinitiuu: the aniounf u t'O cov ered in eaeh locality. Uy th'.s emtrse it has passed, with eomparative ini’Muuty, t!irout:!i ,>i'me ot tlie ni.''t sweepinst ami ilostvuetive tiles, wlii .'n i; i' sw iHowed up • 'ther . ui_ le-" eavitio’i-^ in i!u-’r tovsiness It is a -y^teni iiN>' liiis, upon e.\nerieiue, wliii-ii ^!•.e- 'ta)ii';lr\ .-111 ^ -.•un.im -^ I > >i i'oinpany, and so tii«' u - 'Urrd euiitideii.'O an I ■ -r;t\- -/•' /’■ .mi mwwwi m\n\\. llAiri I'OKI). ( o\.\ iNt oiu'.‘i;.\ri'i) i>] ' ii\i!Ti;i: n:i:i'i: ri \i. Capital $1,000,000. Assets $1,422,162 11. More IVow (mhhIs. fB'SHF. subscrilier is receiviuo; his F.\LI AN1> WIN- I J'KH .STOCK. consistiUj^ of almost every thin^ in tlu* wav of iiffrttivari’ atn! iioUotr-ivarr, —.VLSO - aiul ^ IkSaMlt*rv, I ish, vVc.. ,\tiy of wliii'li he will sell cheap for (\ash, li.irtei lor 1‘roiluee. or on short time Stoie re.'ently oceui'ieil bv i'r.n \ Mars: . near the Dobbin ilonse (3 W I J(>M»ST«)N. Oci. l ’>. A n‘s of IuWhI I'ou svLi:. I'l. T. K hli.Vi 1.. t'i\ ;di-nt l! 1 1',11'l.llY, \ !i ident 'I. A ,\l.l X.\.\Ul-;U. ^e^•v0t:lv^. l»li:t:i u'l:^ 1'. k Brii'C. I'udor. .• ( r.uicli. 1! liuoll, M. \ Tuttle. K. riowei. i:. A. l:nlkel.■^, I; M:ltl;ej. 1'. (.• Uipiey, S. S. U,ud. H. 7. I'ratl. (1 T l)avis. liunli.iin, I*. Hillyer. T. \ \It“\and.-i, W Kene\ . I'h*' an- tisain.v .li^t^tfcd in St. I'k- >i?id I’iM'i 1-. payinj: iuterest, witii ■ i 7-,C;', t i,i ,,t'ca (i ■■n .bio-it*' u the H.'irtford I’.anks, to meet , i-s Losses d\ie :aid unpaid -n.-n*- Lo.9ses adju tO'i and not due, >'21, 'l'; Losses in sn- nen-e. n .tirini^ further pro. r. .v^- . s Mi I'j. Loi.s*-s resi -le^', , suspu'i..i;s ■.! Irau i. ,\c. > b'.'.T'' 7'_. Be^" \gent i T ilie abovo ('..inp inv in K ; ilb-, N’ (’ ■ ■ i; .1,11 VI.i; l;0 it U AV S’S ilOi.tsU I it; Sts .'■Mitis. ritiers oiler tor sale tlie aiioN.- fra i oI l.'tiid, l\in’, on \nderson's t'reek, aliont nvi> lii.d H li:ilt uiile-: (Voui lower Idttle ixiver. near I'lIiiO -- ’>1 ill.-', - Ineludin^’' Mbout t >ne ilundi'ed At-res of *;ood .''\\amp-r, wiiii-h can be easily draincti. I'his Land Is \erv Iiea\i'\ timiiered, and a lari^e portion level and • f superior •|Uality of I’ine.Lanii for cultivatioir \!so, a t'irenl.'ir STKAM S.WV-.Mll L. in cont[>leie order and well :olapte 1 to sawinir plank road .-m l r;iil i'o;id timbeis. .VLso. Twi) well-broke Ml LK.'s, ■Ml. or nnv pi'rtii'u ot wliii'h, will be sold low and on lime. I'iie L in l will be .sold either in a body or in pai\-els lo suit. SMITH .V KLLl'oT. Apiil 1 '7 I -tt NO lUMHlUi’ I 11 K sub.scrtbpr is iu)w prepared to fill all oi der s I for SHiH'riifr It\tter tturkvts. He m.ituifaetures North I'arolina material - he CUi- p'.oys Nouh t’arolina capital and labor,—and he solicits Noj'th ('.■irolin;i patronage. l!y giviii;; him a trial, and by comparing his with Northeni prices, he hopes to be aide to n\ake a ta\orub!e siiotting. .V TUI \1- is wl-.al he wani- iM-.’ssrs. WOK'l'H I TLK\ of this place .ire Agent-- for the sale ot the above liuckets. G. H. M AKKl’l'At’K. Fayetteville, i'eb'y 17, lX.'>r. ''-■.v NKV\ SIMPLY Ol- S'l'A riOM'in . •ive ’list leceiving lilrllier suppiic- ol sT.tTitKyr.it Ln'bi .'o 'ue I.i'iter, Hath Tost, Note and ( :ip I’ lper:-. in grc.,1 \ uicty; Mnglish ;ind l-'rench Tinvelopes. white and colore i; Ti'-sui- Taper, «iil'n(t'- .'in • I'erry's .-Steel I’l'ns. I’l n il'dders, Ued ink I’eii', Kl-ony Kulers. hory and lioxwoo l I’ocket Hulers. .Mathem.iti.-:n In- >ti'uments in c.ises. Hand t’lipi. I'ink T.-ip»‘, »,^uiil--, ]’on Hacks, White Hul>l>er, .'s:iiid Hoxes, ,rc.; ll.-uiki-r's ’ases. I’oeket Memor.-indnms and Poeket I’ook': V:in- kee and French I’eneil .'liarpeiiers; ('lot h St reichers. fii marking with indelifile Ink: l.'.'dgers' I’en Knivi-:.; FortfoVuis; Maynard .■? .No_\es aiul l>avids' Ink.-;, Ac. Also. I ('ase superii'r F.nglisli SL.\Tl^S,-.i.'Sorted si/cs. F. .1. HALF \ S(t\ \lay ’J, l.'''«7. m:.koi:s w \\ri:i). iindersigiK'd Trill jiay tlie highest ."ish 9 ’.I". \OL'Ni NFOllOFS. Lett«-rs a Idressed t.- either of us at Lanrinburgh, Kii-hmond county, will li-i \ e pronipt .-ittentioii, U. McISTVUF i»ANlFL M. Mcl.AFHIN I.anrinburgh, l»ec. IS-j'’. W)GK\VORTII FKMALK SKMINARY. («hki:nsi}(>K(>'. n. (’. fjl'inF ne.xt Session of ihis Institntioii will ooiiiinence n oil Monday. .Vn^'nsi ’.d. lS.»i The Course of Study i'^ thorough and systemati.-. onibiacing every thing iH'c*ssai,\ to :i complete, soliil and ornamenta! ediu‘ itio:i. FIk- Imildings are so ar r.inge-l as to ouiihine the comt’orl."^ of a home with the adv.antaues of a school. Instructors of the highest nualilit aliens -ire employed in each of the l>ep!irtments. No insiiliilion in the lountry possesses .-oivantages superior to ''dgeworlh. (’atalegnes coiiiainir.;r all tiec (>ss;ii-y information re si-eetiii'j the ,'our.''‘ i>f inst rui-t ion, t(*rms. .Vc , will be lorw.irde l, on riji|)Hcalion to i.K II \i:i) STFULFNC, I'riiuipal, (Ireensboro', N. .hily i:;. 1H'.7 -Jl -.Im Sgfriii^ IS.17. E. F. MOORE, UlidltMilr liroTcr ('oiimiiNsiim 'Irrcliiiiil. Has jusi r*“cci\ed in .Store, •Jl.) Uarrels Wliiskey ami J?rainly .‘tri '• aiitl liluls tit Sn^:ir, ass ii| 7;' Sacks i\ii> Ci'llt't’, “ .'>alt. .til lloxt's Soil.i Hisciiir. l'ainlic>, Si>a]V-, (’a\nU»’s, Siuiil, (’i^ai s, \c. \'c. All of which will be sold on liberal teitns. March K*, IS.'.7. roK s\ij:. SI'FFI/S IWTFNT CFTTINC KNIFF. .\n article much more highl,y ai'prove 1. by aF who have tried tliem. tiiaii 'in\ other iii.w in ii-e \pplv to I',. HUSF, •lul v IS.'iT 'J-briw .1 () II \ i). S II A W , %'BTOi:>IOV AT i;'(!;1N(:H AM, I!K’I'M)M> ntFNTY. N. ft ' 11,1. .it I ell. I il'.e I ’on Its of Uiclnnon 1. .\nsoii and Thr ijittxest fWtrriafie W'ttrtortf in the Sottfh! A. A. ftii-nds and I'le lai 2c sulistantia! for man l,i‘ X .-ry I ilieral '1 '11 pears, lie FSi’Fl'TFl LI.V in...-m- lii.s public, liiai h.- ll!!- tiuiit UIl Itrick Uiiildings at hi-^ •• d -ia^'d. e>,|.i ufai-turing ('arri;.;: - . T!i ii’.fo! !.>;■ ' patioiiaiic he h.is rt-cei^e I lor I'l h-'i'e-' liv stiiel ll 1 Cii!! ..n 1" lot. , h i . V'llli a l>- iie lo;ri\t‘ . '111 sf.irf loll, to I'mtM :i eon I ■ ml- liee o.' . lie siiUte. He w iiiali!' hi.-- w o'U > o- n; i le o', .be m 1 i ei i.-i 1 and !.y e.\[i. rieii-- - I ‘V ir .uien , n e i c li ’ r inc;i ot' the busii!.--' Ilis w.ii-l: iv.l; . .. iipiie iav i.abi> with -.vny madi- in :! ■ F n.! e.i S - il .-s , i or :ie a l m tud diu ibililv. He is II -! I rill I lie i io sci! and d“ i liy work ill ilis line oi' as g-i d l. rm ■ .-i- any woi k b :ie elsewhere ;!i:>l is well l..ne. lU- n -v in - «i:i ii iod, Fi .'s I sii i.i). I he i>.\K(il']sr I ! 1 A ! f ' > 1/'t'/>1 i;i . J » H/'(>/W I ^ I ^ ,‘i'/• 11/'-1!/■'>, .'//•• r> >//“ .V it Fver ollcred in ihis p':.c-, .mu a veiy i.ar.ire stoi .. ot work liearlv tinishe I. which v^ill be tinished d.-iil\. All of which will be sol.l very low I or ' A'H - '>i o:i siiort'iliie t-i piiml'i.’ louieis. H e li.. 'U ha-.d la-.ie tha-i 0\F lirNl»i:Fl» \ ND F I F T \ '‘'!"- cles tinisiicd and 'm i omi-si- ot i-.iii--1met;on. ^y-Ail v.-rk ia.de I.iiMuis V,'i rra h t e d 1 - I'o" . • with fair us .:e. uid ho:; Id it !ai i l>y had w' r'-:luaiish.p or ni.'iIeria 1 will io- ;■ ei .iireij 1 ree ol li:ii ,iie I’l-ison:- i!i!:_ I. bu_\ A- iii.J lo wt-!l ■ an 1 exair.iue f-o I ii.-ui-r. v>-- . Ve 1 IIId pi'oiiiI 111 i-iid-d to. it iho.-; n iii> iiid on very W W Iti besoli. \il bllsine will receive striel attenii'>n. .luiK 1>, l -''i7. eiitrnsled l.> his (-.are 1 7-">lii I h-ders tliaakliilly I i-. ' FiCpaliing execui.- 1 reasonable leri;;> Mav ;:,K, 'I f DOCTOR FRAWK WILLIAMS’S ( i.i.i iiK v'i'i:n ini: \\iiiski:v 1'II F sul.'Ci llier has ma'ie ai i . iigeiiieiits to keep -i su]']ilv of ilie (Miiuine .\riiele, U; 1 i-. the only \i.'i-nt f‘>! tlie sale ol ili«- ab.'V.- In.iii i of No I Kve Whiskey in tin- jila'C. litiF. T MlTFllFLL \|iv F IS.')7. .’>tf (.1 .x\(V (.1 \.\0!' ji^ ■* n F under uHie i asks the .ittention of Farmers, p \V \ \ T to pnreha .luue Vv nivv I' \\ \ N'i'i:**. iiiHI lJushelH Wheat. IAS. I'tMlK I'.-tt MOL \SSKS. .■lie I'e li'-rs to his Stock iif bt-st i|iialit,V I'ii he \n;i1 sell It llie lowest ni.tr- AN'i of the laf t imj'oit;i- 1 liie best cargies -.nt.-i tiiiai.oi- , -id ket r.at- s *• FFKI VI AN t i- ns an-l I i I'it v •• I I" MF.\h \N (il \N(i • lip >i t.-d. i'lU.l NIFi.V.N ;i \N(i. \-i. rieli in l’ti'i>phntes. .\i- '. ." i.' : -1’h -;.h 1 to o! l.iiiK-, Hoin' Dii-t. \v'. I’lin lia~f! Miiv I' .-n havinic t Iieir i u an.. sh ipjo-.l ill prime ..f il l aiel in ~npeiioi- b.ii;s 'Che general satr ! 1'-: "II heret..t.'rc given l y -lii liuaiiois sold by tin- ^llbs. I'iber he h' 1"-^ wiil hi III.-It -I 'elite.I air; |{(K»k Ao('iiis ^\ iintod. i -.1 1I-- >{» ln> -J.1 f’; . •nrK i'ki>:br.\tk]i h >11 am> KtAiK:'> k ; BTSPgPSrA, l)ISE\‘iK of TIIK kII>M:rs, 1_1VER CorvTPL.AI NT, 'vVKAK.S’'ESS nv ANY KLND, FEVER AND AGUE. Xfitl ',»» \ -it . -\ ». - . . . .«TO.MA(’H OR Ll \ Ki:, S'ii ll .I- I liiliKP^Uiill. .\i uM'. 111. .SI..1I, O ll C'. !' :: llpurf .rii ol .\in.t'Uiv lu )v>.r.,l> iii s I "al.veiii ■... I'. ,i;i| ,i;.| H:eciloo-Pile In .ill .Vprvoiic, Ktieioiiaii. . :.n«l .W'O l’ \i'. ' .r.s. .! ho m niuuer..m la-t.ouf- | r.ivt.t l.,.jli, , .(-m t r, hihI in o!hi-,'. f'lK-i'iPil •! i-iiri- I I..' a \eiiei.ilile i'oiii|i.uml. I'leirfu, ..! . rifii (T i cijiics. ;ii:t r the iirinnruol the i elf i.r' fP" ... lli.trh’ive. ilri u|vf ,(5 f;rc:it 'iiric'., Iairii;..'in S: ii~ in'r.'.i'e rm mi.. Ui.- l i:;:.-! ’,fn..(.il Ii: T- e-;.i ri:v l.T ill . .■ , t' ..„r -:,;htr uul nil Ik r.- an.l !hi'.. 1 . ; this m L'hiy r..iintrv M-. i ns; \\ !h L’re.-ii ,!i. . cv- •oi..iii:; ihriii. i iii.iv r.ilV.r ,t ! . the Viii.-ri. ,n (.1.! . , kn..u iiii: inal 1:. trii V u ..nilrrlir im-.l.i jii li v rtii.' iiHi^r !.v .. knowleik'f-il II is p.'Tllriilririy r*-* .>iiiiiiei,a..| lo iIi-i.m* \\ . ..t; • in'may h.nc l.,-on ,11111 ,re.l 1.' :fi»- . ■•o r.ii..:i- u-r ..1 ar.|. lu ■•I rils. i.r ..Iht-r ..r .1,,- lo-ti.-r.ii.i iri-! !ni .r^ '■llerl. it Mini-.. Hi x-. ii> .i.r,-.- v L. th.- -f- it ..i 'l;:,-. In:.,'aii: ; 'luirkpnii :: t-verv iierv.-. ro'oii: iifi the .iroo|i'n" ii;il m I O-!. .ntiisini.' nc VI hp.- 'lh i-n! \ -.ir a Ue- -v-tfinT .N' )TI K—WIj..>'v. r e\(.e. I- Ii. linil Ur.-, a l.e\. r v'. ■ :■. i.- 'I'i.'-iiilri; !.i.: • . tJi. i. v.r k ami "U r a u . ,■ i:ratf'ln> ar"iii'i’i.- i '.uli c,. p.,-.. ,v..; 1,1 ,r rciu. il. ii ,T..|.t ri,.--., ' \ I' 1 M I ,\ 'I'he ijrcrtt [...liiiliua/ of tliW .IcIiEhlfiil .\r,iiri lia, oi.liir. ,| i„:, ■ .1110 tl.-.n^. iMili h lliP iHil.l., .Jiiar.l ii'inii . n- ne ii'.i ptTMi I., i.nv . 1.-. Ui.nt'-Im. iim,: v .a li.iv.- |;,„r loiVi-V ||,,| ,„,i I, , , , f ,1 w . '1, OM-i Iinw Oillh t. ly-111-. r,..r 1! 1- I. .II umi it.. - nt *101 p.-r I. .Mir, ..r - . i-- : . i'. 1.0 .s () I, 1; I' 1: I > !• f' I f, I .11;.- m:.vi%T!i\ .njt. ,v c ». V '• I • V r I 1; I V .. i’HAFMACFUTI.'TS AND CHiiMlSTS, f"lTT.sBLiu:H, Pa. >amuel .1. Hinsdale --ole ag( nt for F ivettevilie ■June 1 1. I''.',7 jii. .MEI)l('.\Lt'(ILLK(;EOr l IlJtdM l. SESSION 1857-58. ^■IHh iie.\t .\iiiiual ('. ur.se of Lt-ctnre- will eom- ■. menee ,t, the ■ ^t ,s O.-tober, l.-.',7, 3.t the Colle.^e bui.'iiiiL. l orner ..i M.arshall an i »'ol'ege Mrc..|,, Ki. h- iiiond, and t. rniin.ite ..11 ilie ! 1 , 1 M ir, !, Surg.-i-y .1)1 Mii-i -al Anai.,niy, I'.'. ' I! m:i K' liKI.l. (mi;-o- , M |; I o'‘ ry and i': 1. tie.- 1,1 Mt- iicine, •'y ' II. Ti I i.KK, \1. p. ro iniI--,- and I’liaiinaey, »'.x .M M. fiv 1>. S. or i, M. ^lati-ri'i \|e.|i. •) jm i Th»-rap.‘ii'!(>, V I; I: U i.i.i.i ■\| |, Aiii't- u,., ■. ‘I- iii F ;'m I.. ,1 (, " •' • .i.i ^i..i.. 1-1 I'- s .lo-, M ■ ’’ "I '■ men ;in i i 'ir: 1 M- II I , M I, '’'■I'" 'I il .1 ..I Aii.iii.n,.. , \| , II.:,'. I'l.. \| |, I to- .|n ly ■’ i'l : ■n,..,: '"til ih' aii f 1:.,, ,,. I ; •■X[.en , ' : :,;.nlv ...iM-n .1 the ',dl.-ge ^ F.. ! i iiy, iiiel.-r ihe same loof with ' . '' '' l. ies well lilU-l willi Meilii-al III' . iiigif.il , , I ; |,,.,.||V|.n. iju-iFllies for ' laiK !il in-triii Man;. S,n 1, , i.., ,o.-.| m It... ‘ * ‘■'.•a- .1! :ii.. , ,|||,| ,j||. n.lciii*. 1.%-iii^ liaily i.liiili..,! : (j,p w.ii eii|oy. iiii'b-r llif giiii|.iii(-e of 1 1 it- I i'iit:-.irii o|.porlunilii-- f.o l.eeoiiiin;' 'I a ’ti . witii ilii- ‘.vmptiMir. .-ind 'lia'.-iii. is of ' I rtiia its'l;ii!\ j.iogres^ ;iii.| 11 i-.iiiiii'nt. \ui. i|i p, , f,,,. i,,.l.tures, >;!iio nu ; , M. oil ■ ' ' ' ' 1 \ii,itoiiiy. Hi uu '"'I 'ii.ting Fve, 2.') Ih) I j.ii-e of I'.oanl, ineluding Fu-I, Lighis and Ser- I'l'ii.l.iiice, varie.s from -S'l to .'^.0 piA week. ■ i* ' 'a'l'.gue-, ci.iiit.iininsr liiller infoiiiiati*n ton- ••■II. i._ il,i. I nstil III ion, will iie forwardeil to tlio.se who 'I'!' I'.i it, 10 sjieeitic iu'piiiies will lie answered by I V Ul\VL-^' MI. 'ny iii,iy aii'i al .'J l II.11-11. I' •i.r jotting -ubscribers to aii'l deliv riii:^ {[.■iwk- - 111 t.,ry ..1 North l''iidiin'i. n.iw in prci . ' .>1 puliir.i- fioii liy M(..,1.,. i; ,1 H.ale .* .'',11 i.f F lyettevlFe. i' '!• sir..us of entering into .in engagement v^ith on.. .,i niori- a. tivi-, iutt-Iligent aii'l reliable pei.M.jiis in . i. h if thi^ .1 ii.lii ial ii-cuit'. t" caiiva-s their re^pei tive , p.irts oi rhe State, ■ r p.-irtieiil tr c.untie-, tli..i unjrh!y. I Imme.liat.- -.ippUcation i;, .lesir*- !. as samj b- copif- .,! the fii-^t v.diime will will be rea iv in a :.-vr .l.iv--. I n.loiibte.l testitnoniaN as to charaeti r mn-r a.- loiipany e.ieli a|.plii .'itioii. .Addr«'--' !i. W il.iFN F'lyertev iile, ])ee i.) Type Fcnudry and Printer’s Euiporiuni, F.STAFLrSHKl) IN 1^1^ Vv \L 11 AC ViL Jr.. vV ( ()., 4>;ol«l \«*%f 1 ork il>. ^glilF sul,,riihers ilesire t.) a>ivise their irH-ijil-* an-l . *. the l'i-.iitli;g Interest generally, that since tiie 1-ite tire, which ;i;,inred .u;’.y the niiinuf.a.-turirig .je- I'-.rUiieiit of tlieir estabiishiiu-nt, they have entirelv letltied the s.-inn- wifh new ma.-liinery, uti'l have avaif- e I themselves of thf if.fi irtuiiity i.i inti-, .im.e h'vjsjn’ yo//A'/i'\ iMri^o\i:,]i/:.\T ■ wiiich long experience an.i capital can (-otnman.i: -uiil that they have therefore unenualle I facilities f.,i- ],) ■iueing ^ " m'■» ■-ij ■ ; -uperi.,r .-.xci-iletae ;ind .luribi'ity, auiJ t-.r siij.j.iv- iiiL' all (.i-'lers I .r tlo- siine witii great a.-cur.a-ue' an I { roni|.tne-s. Onr NKW Sl’KCI Mi;.\ i:>i )K, , ju-t ; issue.!, • will l.e ir. ely given to all who wi.^li to p;ir- .-hase, when .-ipplieil fur. Frinters wiil j.lease be par- tieular in directing how il may be sent. We furnish every article nee.led in a I’rinting ' H’ice. at ni-inuficturers' price-", j .^F\CHINF ANli H.\NI» tavi.mks, AHAMS-, HKLHHI.s kF..(;LKs; f'hasr's tPiainoiift i^rt'ss, if wiii.-h w.- ire sol,, agents in this city, .m l of every •tiier maker in the Fnited State-: Ink, Cases, Stands' I Imposing St men, (.'i mposing Sticks, (JaiU-ys (bras-^ I an l w.,.,.1. ( hases, Fiirnitur.-, ,Vc. (ir.ier's will Ik- fii.o I i.ir I'aper, C-irij*, ati-i Printer's Stock of eveiy I liiiiif I Electrotyping and Stereotyping in all their Branches. lv{:e Copper-Facc'i to cr ier, i type reeeived in exchange fur in-w at b cents jier pouiiil. it 'ielivere l in sixty days from the date of pui- i'liahc; it lati'r, but .-six cents j/er |ioun.|. Publisher' ol newspaper.s who iu.'jcrt thi« -I'lverti.se- ment three times, with this note, aiil forward us a p.aj.er containing the same, will be paid in printing materials, by purrhasing four times the amount of their bill t .)- t|)>- ii'lvei iitienient. .■s FCi t.N U-11 ,\.N I) PI! l^-s.-sFS (.Machine an.i Hanl( Usually on sale W \F M.\G.\Pt. .Ir., ,)■ CO. Wm. .1 h. I [.Ions IFvii.vi!. .July -o-ot i rU rilKK SI IM‘LV OF [iOOKS. ■^■^liF, American .Almanac for lH->7; •- Kane's Arctic Fxploration; Draper’s Physiology: 'Tlie Private (.’orrespondeiice of Daniel Webster; The American Sportsman, liy Lewis, illustrated; New Life of .siumraertield, I13’ Willot; I 'oiint Hugo, the Miser, *:e., by the .same .-lutlior; 1 IK- 'Tori h Light: Tnek’s Seb-ctions fo|- .Subbath l!e.-iding; P.i-own’s IJiI.le Diet ionai-y: I'lif .\iiii-)-i.-'ii Ofli.iler; Fph.iiii'fi Menial Pliil- o‘./ph\. A !exa iiilet'-: Moral .Seieiiee: ,\e. F, .1. HALF .V Si IN. . •lulv 1!" hi i'.-^ wiil be a 'iitlicient guararit.->‘ I b-. i.im will I.I- l..un l a- repie- ' U ILLIAM Fi'P.INS. »N, N.i'. I -iii l lloHiiifrsw .rth Streft. N’ -.-ir Fi-itt .-str. .‘T Wliarl. Kaitilliorc. Md -1 - .bn I (Hi in:\'r. KT, Il liie I riier .it H:t\ :ii.d Dona!il--iin ii.-vt ii t . H 1: r Lulv'- .\ppiv Dr Fol. LKFS -II- A (' \l!l). r |iHi: un'ier-ione I w.ml I re-.peelfully int.irin his S ' i Irii-Ii'l- ali'l cost..1111-1-. th tt he e ill be :-.un>l at the .''t..re .1 I' F I,.•••If ulit-r*- he wi’! be I'lai t . ee tliem .j K M DnN.\LD l av .-tU'V ilie. N, . .Ian V F‘^.'i7. 7'.^-tl r iixwivS's iiisroKY. ■ i!F Suii'i-rib.-r. .'."si-.t int .\ o-nt f.r pr'i'uring subscriber ! -in I 1 ioi'v> rin;. Hawks'-. Histor}-. gives notice th.at will atteii I tin* C unity C..urt of Duplin on the ‘M M .n.Fiy in .lulv inst . th.- Coiiiitv Court if 'hatham, > n the 1 .^l..nll:iy in .\ugusf, the C iunty t i..u-t of .-Sami.son ..n the o.J .^lill'i|ay i>i .Au gust, anil the •’.lunty Court ot .lohnsion on the Itli ^Iiini| ly II August. He will b- pr.ivi le i with a .Sn>,- '•’ripf;o:i lio..k. and with cpie- .if the Kt Volume in the sever;il -.^tv'.i-' of bin.|iii'.r. t'> r >leliverv. ' C. PlilCF. •liiiv ). '2-2- (.I'A.NOI'S. P.AI.S PFiaVlAN; ■J7 l.>. Coi.l'MiM \N. N.it . n y li'i^ tiie cost ..f 11 ng th>-sc (iii.uioe.s in •.‘'iinexioii been very *mueh liminishe l, but experi- ment« have pr.ive l that the ph'isphate, so inucli want ing in the Peruvi-in. not . nl,v iiiercrises the yieU, but c nibine l with the C.dumhian makes the crop much 111..re Certain. For sab- by I). .S: W. McLAL’KlN. Nov. I’l, •'•^tl AXM .VL SF/n'LlvMKN rs, ^ Bill K Subscribers are ilesirous to settle with all Ji- pi-rsons to whom ihe.v are indebted: and those in.lebte l I ( them will tiii'l their accounts made out. They re'pectfullV call upon all such to come forward at this the en'l o'f their fiscal year, and pay up. Every man shouM settle his accounts at least once in every 3..;ir. F. .J. HALE & SON. ■July F's.37. li I .-1 y 11 itrmji .m:\\ liooKs ( '..111 rerr\'.s .liij.ii n LxpCilitioii, illiislrale.F I t.liiei- ,V F'lition ol the ilri^iiial TeXI .if Sh:iksp.-:ii-. ’- Plays t.ire.f ; T at iiiiiigil.ale; I he Lion of l-'lan lers, o|- the Ibitlle ■ ..1 tlif (>..ld li Spm-s; Till- Tiirse of the Village, \e.: I Kiii..'s D:iily IJilile lllu-Iratiuns; Kitto’.s Popiil.-ir I'y I rlop.-di.i ol Fiblical Litenitiir.-: Ibirnes’ .Notes on the j P. lolcs of ,lol. and Uevi-iations; Half liour.s with the j liest Anihors, Knight’s London Kdition, vols.; H.ilf i Hours with the best Poet.s, i Kevoliitions in Fiirope, down to ISP.'. I Ueb.sters I. niversity and Family Pronouncing Dic’y ^ ! .Muenile and School Hooks, Stationary, .yc 1 , ■J“-'*t rec’d by F. .F HAL:-: 4- SON Nov I 7 i •lul l*^i I.. S. .KANKS, .M I) Dean of the Facnltv. ■-1-1 awHw (A)!L^. i,AiS Cnl!N, ..ii],eiioi' iiuality and i.i nit-a one, for sale by VVOp.Til ‘.y FTLKV. •or. '.'I, Iboi liLA \kS tor sil- :it tins ()tri( Of Mtooks. L Humorous Poetry of the English Language- I llome and the World, by Mrs. Uives of Va.; I'oetical Works and ‘-Kejected Addre.s.ses" ot Moruce nxvi .James JSinith; l»eamnrux‘ii;iis aini his Times; Confidential Correspondence ol Napoleon and l„- sephine; The Lady's Almanac for 1857; Dr. Kane’s Arctic Explorations; Memoir of Susan Allibone; Knight’s I'ictorial Half-Hours; Heady Keekoner?; The .Mystic’(’ircle- "cc'ilS.*’"''*'””' x Kfrss-' IU)OK iilNDlUlY. W. H.VUDIE has re.sumed the Uook Binding Itusiiiess, over the Tailor Sliop of Clark & Woodward, where he will receive and execute binding any style desired. .August I. 27-tf i)i:i:p rjvkr (oai.. «lTF.MlNoUS C(J.\L ol the best cjualiiy can be had at the works at Fgyj.t, at a reasonable price by the Ton. ' WM. McCLANF,, .Mining Engineer. May ‘.!l, isi.',., (j.tj- .iAMi:s KYiii': JS now receiving his SP|{INi .A.ND SU.MMTIR sup- i>HV C;OOIXS, tSoots attd Shovs^ i*.()Lri.\(; cLorifs, ^^c., .\ll (d'wliii h, lieiii" purchast'd by the case, will be of- fe)ed by Wholesale or lletail at LOW’ PKICE.S. M.'irch ^1, |H.")7. •/. •?#. w 1 T II h. I) i:\LjN vV CO., WIlOLF.SALi; AND HFTAIL DFALEKS IN BS4‘afly-iiia«l‘ f'lolliiii;;’, No-;. lifiS, ‘J.')!! a.N'I) ’JtlO BuoADW'AY, NEW YORK. M.iy S t, ] 8-)7. 11 -;]ni A VAI.UAIJLK LAW liOOlv. *’•* Contracts, with Notes and lleferences /m to .American cases, by Edward Ingersoll. 1 large vol. 11100 pages. .(udge Woodwanl, of the Supreme Court of Pennsyl- ■vaiiia, says that “this is tiie best book on the subject, I ever had in my hanjis.’’ For .sale by E. HALE & SON. April 20. .OS CONSKiNMKXT, I l’*L'S. COKN, i^.^****1000 Sacks .Salt, 20 I5bls. Mullutts, (Oak,) To arrive and for sale. W. P. ELLIOLT. ' ^*;t.. 22. r>(j-tf HHD.'s )ust r.-.-eiv- 1 til l tor sale by .F\S. li COOK O.-i, -J7 -'-1- “'I'iic ()11 .Nortli Stalf III l»y I'aiiith.-is, tu- t .-.-ries. A tiirtiiei supply iubt le- ceive'F ■Also, the 2d .Seri*-s ol tin- ailie work. i; .1. H.VLF >s: SON i)\yi:lliN(. i-'or sali:. ^I'^HF Subscriber wishe.s to sell the Inrge Dwelling J aii'l Lot on the eorner ..t liillespie -iiid Hussell Streets, ;it present .o-cu).!.-1 l.y Mr Henry Fi-ainber: rel'liis re.isonable Ti. .1. n.\LT' I'll I’t lie‘i* ^ii|»|»lics 4»|* ltt»4»Us. filHi; \M!;i!lC\N' CFnZFV. by l;i.s!.oii iloi.kin.- M. I’rae.Fs Poeli.-il \\ .rks; 'Mil/edulcia, from N.'tes aioi '^>uei-e-; .Maeke,\ s Lexicon of Free-.Ma-oii ly: Dictiiiiiaiy •!' P..(tii-al i.iii‘.t-iti.ins; Miteiiell’- Traveiler-’ fiiii'le: i^iiesti ms ti. J.K-.ibii,’ .Notes: \Ie.|i- ■ .! P.ooks; .-si-ho..! Puiok-;. F. .1 H.\LF .Sc S'»N .M.-iy -J, l .v.M m:\y liooKs. H AItKlF'i' LFL’S (’anterl.iiry T.;. I.,..' il:.-. M-iiri.ige, by .Mrs Ileiit/. M-', -1 n.-w-upp'y-d'.-'t.in'lai i MFDH WL WoKKS. I h*- Presl.yteriaii Ps iltii.. Fs| i.iiind and i hiiai ier Note*. F .1 H \Li, .V SiiN l.iW' IU»OKS. •'■IMF Subserib**r Jiav - .ii lian F and will pr.imp:i\ M. till oi'lei' tor North Carolina Supreme Court Reports, iti sets or in tfiiu;le v.diimes. [ledelFs l>igest aiel Digeste.l .Maiiiia!. .Fmes’s Digest. Revise.I StafuS- 'if N..rth Carolina. Wiley's New F.irin li.iok. .'^TiPiV, on .ile-. liills, i'..ntracts. P.-irlner iiip. .\geiuy, E'luity .lurisprudeiice, Eiuity Pleadini.fs. .MlCHlloLli, ou l*r;i«tiee. Criminal Pi.aitice an.i Plea'linir, Landlor i -in.I Ten.int. t'HFl TV, on t'ontracts. Criinin.al L-iw, lllackstono, 'le lical .1 urispru'lence. SF’GDEN, oil \ eiidoi-s .iii'l i’r.ipei ty, I’oWFLl,., on .Mortgage-^, an.i (’oiitrai-»s SMITH, on .Vctions'at J..aw, .Master and Servant, Laii'llord an.I Ten.uit, Chancery Prartice. .S.\NDEFi.s, on Plca.ling .iii.l Evi'lence, Uses and Trusts. Kejiorts. lirsSLLL. on .Vrbitratioii, Factors, Crimes. ID *F FM N .'' Legal .''tn'iy, .in.lMaster'- inChaneerv. WILLI.\.M.'' on Pcrson.al i’roiierty. WHE.\TO.N"S Selwyn'sNisi Prius. WH.vUroX, on |.\.merican Law of Jlornicide, Medi cal-I urisj ruJcnce, StateI'ri.-ils in the Unite i States, American Criminal Law, Law Dietionaij-. Sieplien on Pleading. Uoper on Legacies. Dart on Vendors. Fearne on Remain ler.s. ICdwards on Bail ments. Coke uf.on Littleton,^ Hargrave and iJutler’s) new edition. Kent's Commeuturies. Curtis’s ditto. ' Dart's Vendors and Purchasers of Real Estate. Ad- ^ ams’ Eijuity. Troubat’s Law of Limited Partnership. ; Hughes’ Fipiity Draughtsman. Phillips an.I Amos on Evidence, (iresiey on Law of Evidence. Ross on I Bills and Promissory Notes. Doniat’s Civil Law- jitwis’fe F. S. Criminal Law. DanielFs Chancery ji-. tctice. Roscoe’s Criminal Evidence. Atherley 011 j . . Law of Marriage. Collyer on Partnership. Greeu- •K.. . on Evidence. Oliver on Conveyancing. Curtis's 1 COi-veyancer. Burrill’s Law Dictionary. Cruise on I heal Property. Tayler’s Law Glossary. Crabb on Real Property. Reeves’ Domestic Relations. Uvles ou Bills. Bell on Sale. Lee ou Arbitration of Titles Sharswood’s Professional Ethics. Barton’s suit in Equity- Wills on Circumstantial Evidence. Cotnyn’s Landlord and Tenant. W atson on Arbitration, flar- ou Discovery. Oliphant on Horses. Whitworth’s Eijuity Precedents. Morris on Replevin. Gi-esley’s Eijuity Evidence. Bishop on Marriage and Divorce. Mathew’s Presumptive Evidence. Robertson on Suc cession. Ellis on Insurance. Lewis on the Law of Perpetuity. PliiUimore on Domicil. Cary on Part nership. Wilson on L'ses. I'ell on Guarantees. New- land on Contracts. Tamlyn’s Cluincery Evidence, I'j'c. These or other Law Books ordered will be supjilied to the Professsion in any part of the State on reason able terras. k, ,i. halE j- SON- EKLS on Iiisease.s of Childi'cn; ^ B “ Woman and her Disease!'.: ■ ■' •* (’hildlied Fevers: 1 •• -■ Olistetvics; i Diiii^livaui’s Human Physi.ilo'CV; Me lieal Diction.-ii-.y; t Piaeliee of .Medicine: i -- .Materi'i .Me.liea and Thi ra pen I ie«. j Pereira's 'lo. do. 1 Chiirchill on Children, by Keating: -- Disc ;. ,-s of Women, l.y t'on.lie; i -‘ ^iillwifery "lo. Cii:tt\ s Me iieal .Dirispru.h iice; T:iyioi-'s .|o. iio. by Hailshoriie; oil P.'ts-.lis; , Dewees 0)1 I 'liililreii; Fe;ii,ile.-.: Milli'i's .s;iii ;rt-ry. by Sar; .‘ii»: Niiill on the \riei ie-., Nei ve-. iii'l i.vmph-il ii>->. Regn.-iuli '. Fleih^iits of (’li.-i'iisM y, ; F. S. Dispell':it.ii-y, by U o. I .11, i I’.-i. !i.-. ' Watsoii's Piaetiee: I Pi.ii tleti'- Tre.alise on T'evei-; Williams an.I Ivmei- .>ii tlo- IIr i!.> ii-j ui-.- Eberle's 'The;:M'euti« s: Tunis’s Medii-.al Formulary. b\ Th.im-i .Solly on the 11 iiiii.in iiraiii; Biiiiows on the C..rebiai (’ii-rulali-u;: Gerhard oii tiie Cliesl; Fowne’s l.'hemisiry for Sliiilents; Murphy's Review oft'hemistiy lor .'(u |.-it'. Wi!s..ii' Hill.1,111 .\natomy, b\' • i.oFir.I. Bartlett ot liie t'ert.-iiiity of Me Fii iiii*. Mk('leiFill’s .'^urgei y: Hont- on the Heart: Kirke's and P.iget's !‘hysioU)gy: .\nit.iiiiicil .\tl.is, b,y Henry II. .'^luith Weber's Plates of the Mu-.-les if tlie Hu;;.-iii Ilii ly: Ciiiiin - D .iiiesii.- Mc'Fii 'ine. t'hildreii, iheii- Di't'.'iscs aiiil .M i’iagenieiii. by Di- s lo w lleiitll, I'is.-ase r.ioi Ren’e ly l.y jlr. Moore: .'-^imoii ' T a);ii!,\ .‘'I - lie-iie: Diiiiiesti.- Nj •-lii iiic, .••ii!'gei-y. .Vc,, ai|i| 111 usfdioM .-iii‘'•erv. Ly Thom oil an l Smith: The Pi-eservatioii ol I'l-.-ilth. by Dr. '>Vai-r.-ii- Theory an.1 Pr.aetiee of II v.lrop.-ith',- by ,F Francke. F .F'H.VLF SON STA.NUAIil) Ll ri'.li \'i'! ({K. ;^1HK W.-iveriy Nov.'is •J7\ols, . lo Ih . ■ I . .1; 1, ii, ('oopei 's .N'ijvels; Irving’s Works. 1'> v..is; Pre', i!!' Coll.ji-U-,sI :o Pi'l il .ili'i Mi-x i- ,: Live-; .if Fer.liiian.i :illi| F .ibi-lla. Lib- ot i'hilip tii.' - I: Benton's ;;n vt-ar.s in tin- F Si-ii;ite ' ' . The .'s| ite.siua'i s .Manual. -I vols: Eluyclope.li.i .\meiiean i. II y .Is; Los.-ing's Pictorial Field P.ook .>f th.- l!>-\ .livii.i',. Webster’ W ork--. i vols; (’olton’s Fill- aii'l 'Tim*':- of Henry Cbiy: Mem.iir ot'S Pieiiii.-s of Mi-,; Piet.iri-il Fill- iif .\iidrew .).i«.ksi»n; Memoir -if W'm. Wir' by Keiiiieily; Life ol' Wise and Virginia Politic.s in F' ’>' (larlaiil's Fif>‘ ol .i.ihi. Fando'] Ir Democracy in .\mer;i-.i, by De fiu-.)ue-, .Abbott’s Liteoi N'api>]i.-..ii. 2 vols: \bbotr ■ l|, i,,,:,. . Wirt’- Lite (.1 Puiri.i; Henry: Lite of ^Vm, IMncknc-y ot M.F; l!ay:,r.| 'i'.-iyloi-'s India, ’!iina ioi .l i|,i: roni. Perry's .iap.iii F.'.].eiliti...-t; l.ieber on I'ivil Lilo-riy an i .Svit The Phy.sic.-il Gi-.!gr.i).ii.d'tiie -■ Liberty and .'-'l iyei -.. i Fi.-.J ..e S')U t hey's ('oiiiia.iii PI i. .' Life .in.i C.-rres. ... .'^'.ii'h . The .sj ei-t.ator: Wii-oii's Tal«s of tin- l!i.ri!ei'-; I lit- Seotti-h (iael. ,)i- M inner-', I list .ms Ilf .Seotl.'tii'l: I'ln-.■'CotWi.rthie-. by .Filiii IF.u .■ I.iu-khait’- Life i.f \’ia::-r sj.itt: ( ll iinbt-rs's Life aii'l Work; of K.it.eiT L’nr II H)iiilton’s D.niv^joiii ill pliilo'-.,phv.in / Lit* Lite alii] Corr.-spoii.ieii. f Lnfl .(eii'rey: DC?' Iliirper’.s Magjiziiie for July, ;.)tiftrec’F E. .J. HALE & SON. J. W. BAKER l.s tiow rocfiviiig from the North the luvgu.st, linust, iutd most carefully .se- 1 ected stock ot FIIIC\ITlKi: 'vei otlered in this msirket; which, added to his ow’ii manutacture, makes his assortment complete;—.-ill ol which he will sell on t .ielowe.st jiossible terms for cash 01 on time to jmnciua! customers. l-ashionable painte l cottage bed-room Furniture in setts; curled hair and shuck, and cotton Mattres.sea; Looking Glasses; Willow Wagons and Cradles; Side UoariFs; Bureaus; Secretaries and Book-Cases; What- Nots; Tables, all sorts; Wash Stands; Candle Stands; Warili-obes; Picture Frames and Glass; Window Shades; Cornices; Curtain Bands; Sofas in Mahogany and Walnut; Tete a Tetes; Ottomans; i>ivans and Stools; Chairs ol every variety. I'lne liosewood Pianos, one witli .Koliaii At tachment; Rosewood Mtilodians, from the bet manutac- tories in New 'i »rk and Boston, warranted as good us any' made in the country, an.J will be sold at N. Vork prices—freight only added. November 2. 4.')-tf LAW HOOKS. ^EDG WICK on the Statutory and Constitutional L.aw: Chitty on Pleading; Newhind ou Contracts; Phil- lipps and Amos on Evidence: Stephen ou Pleading; Mitford’s Chiyicery Pleadings; Hill on Trustees; Lube’s Equity Pleading; \dam.s's Equity, &e. Further supplies of the above just received. E. J. HALE d SOS. I\\ UjL .sell at me ;ourt iiouse m n Flth of September next, ln'j \('j;| the jiroperty of Gilbert M. Inui . (.■ North west .ide of the North Pii.t,. Creek,—on a credit of 0 nioutii - to ijit. ; Note and security. M .N’. IN .July 17. iMi:i‘)Moxr spiuNi. rflHE undersignc'l h;is becouie . ,, ■. above named springs. They .ir. - • the centre of Stokes county, .N. C., in i] mountainous region of country, within a of Dan River, the Cascade, an l ‘-Tlie ; , very noted place in the revolutionary w.,r command a line view of the IF.ue Ki.i-^ j tain, and .S.-iur.itown MoimtHiiis Tlo- ; to the Si'i'in,irs hnve lately been ;rre,i!iv , that they are now e.tsily accessible : piiblie, and during the summer sf,.is ,. Salem will run regular’.y to tl’.- .''jiriiii'. : si-nger-. 'The proprietor h:i'- been a! iiirnishiii" and refitting the biiildii.'.. .r, the grounds, and he ple-lges lums-,;:t j,, to render comfortabl*/ ;uid phvi'iiit ■. may visit t’lie .Springs, ’rhether for i,.-. Tlie miiieiai waleis of Uies-.- .Sji:;;. ■ ... ii.iilili'c 1 1-1 . lajicle-,' ; : ijo ; • i .■ ,ii I iiile.l .'■^tat''-- i'll;- -•‘.■isoii v.;'! .; u : .1 une next. K.Vi'F.- t»F F\i;l .Siii;rle pi-rsoi)^ per .liy. -- week. -- iii'iiiiii, I'iiiidren ai:-! ser-.ant s half price. Siii^io iioisc per day, 14 -• week, ‘- niiifitli. P\ i.ADF- ' : •, Pii 'iiin lit .'spring'!, .M.ireii 1J^')7 r'\'-5r5rM i» U S A L i:. g JI.F \NT1 V :• - I on t’ i. . three Mill'.'-:;iio\e i.ii-iti ;’.iF!t .ft Ai a lal-^ i mpr- ’, .•■ I, I ■ III; •! I a' - : .0 i :iil .-III'! a. h«-I il liy 1- ;in ; . . ia l.-ueh a: .1 i.in ■ ^ i. . ■ Fii-in^ t!ii- -j . |.> iiawkin.-v-iP '1 ■. • l i...- , .. , V. .Ill 1 i,.-ii UI i . i 1... , a n aim.. ! ,:i.-e ' ■. i ; . . , ttishii);- '• ‘ii.i ' -raii:): , .: - tin.;. . . ill ; ■ . :, i .,i - ; arp.;- .e'l. I'c! ■;. . ^ • , .Ire-s 1,1,. ;,f \I, M’ ,1!. -i-l r.. :; A t. 'i' , .Iiil\ 17. I 7 . S'l.\ s’. (>i I’iiiirr ..f ov.-riiiii>-tiI : ji', I,i..ii? M .iiir Vi...-nr \ nti'|ili; » ■! ■.■(>■: I I'ii -l' ('■:r. i : lfi|i-|-e .idi-.'il ! f li. ( i.iirt, ihu: ; , -in -:j ’ .- s(ii,-,.;.. , ; . I , . '•tl he sai l J.ii/ iin-ih IFm n 1 el lii . i tills 1 ■. I, I •, :I,.,: . il nil. i' the (' iiiri 11.vi, .. ^1 1> ''lo’i i ,y in ,\ii;ro‘ I ii ■', tj), :i i-eo ilngs ia ill- . ■ . .r • X liarto a' I', them Witness, W P. 'i’-iylor. ler'; of onr ■ li'l C, Oliue, on the 2d .'.ioii ia-y in ''day, ,\ D. l''.y,. the -^!st ye.ir i.| \iiie;i:-all I n i.'j ■■ I l.-ll’ . 22-'t;wi w. p. 'i'AVLOi; i ■' i (leret.ir.- ■ r iJ 1 i-i .l.J 1 i ■■■--! ei-,-. f..i- t:,. I :.i'.'ieir 'If the ■ ..U.iiy ■ . I : 'i : 111 ill oil : 1 fli..r»- ro ->ef I ?i iIil"- '! , . sr>; U’AU Tin- ijui-eiis of .'•eotlaii I. o'. \...io-s Sii ji ..'.iii Tiamber-' M i-:. .-il.mi.--: Proctor’s llistoiy of the Cn;.^.idi s, illiisir;, r.i UoOilfulFs .liuiius: Hannah M .re's W ..rk^: • I: .\.N.\WA\, r -i-libei-. on ih. I. line, 1 ISA.M; said i. ^''-iglis ab,.ut 12a >1 iV:i d'-eo.ei oli 1 1 Hi. ol NFiv, IS".; .y i- ;:b, ul I ; FM li-.nilii : lie Pliitan h's J/:ves; Bo-^\\elF-' i.,iieo; Di . .1 •.!iii-..,n. Novels and T.ilos by Mari;i IMgewortli: ,\.Mition, Burke aiiil Johns..ii's W.,i-k-- Millnrjn'- (;ibb..n's Rome: IF-i'.lam's Works; Cosmos, |.y Hiimbolt; Men .-iiei Women .'.f the l,''tii (’ti.tnrv l.y IF.u -aye: The (iui.le to .Social IFipfiiness. I.', Mr^-. F;ii,^: Shakspeare, Byron, Moore, Si-ott, Ili'inans and other Poets in various style- oi bin.iing; The P.ostoii Kdition of the P>ritish Poets, lVc.. A:c. K .F HALE .V SON. plectel. t'ull fae-' l ari'l we’' biiiit, 1 rti i pi five i»ollars f.ir hi^ appre'uension an l ■ i-'Oiitinemeiit ill -i!iy i-iil. .. tli-it I '_:e! him ■■^lot) for pr.lof suiiirjeat lo e.iiiv;.^’ i:i;. having harb->re 1 him or ■I'-siste l him ..*1, ,\d.lress me ;>! P.utfalo, ?»iooi e er.uni . , N 11.'.!. : Miy lo, lH.-)7. i\i mu (If L IM) liiH nSIi e WJJO WOULD HAVE TUOL'GIll ITf .-1 ne.io ('nrrhvie Ixhment on thf Milifan/ Grceu, apjx mite the Mil hod 1st Chur>-h, front in J on Murnforil iSfreet. GUHA'r HXTERPRISI:! I'iiyvll«*yillo i»i |«» ^r^IIE Subscribers would resjiectiully inform their I friends and the public, that they have entered into copartnership for the li'arj.ose of‘conductin'’- the general CARRIAtiE BUSIXFSS in all its various parts. And heing both practical workrura, fully un derstanding their business, they have no i.. gitation to compare work wit»ii any establishinoai i.. , ^tteville as to style and durability. One of the firm may be known by i vi-.i-.js to A. H. Whitfield's iron work foi th.o last two y>jirs. \\e warrant all work to ^ive general satisfaction for twelve months Repairing done in the ueat est luanner low for cash PIER ic BRANIN. J.\MEs H. PiKH. James Bhanin. Fayetteville, Jan’y 21, 18.58. H2tf JI . “^^NA Insurance Company of Hartford, have -i ing paid the tax imposed by the Revenue Law ot the late Legislature, will continue its Agenev in Fayetteville, under the mana_gement of the undersign- ed, who is prejiared to issue i’oiicics of Insuiaiice on Buildings or (Joods. either in this Town or in auv part of the .State, on proper ajiplicatioii, descripiion of the Property, \c. The -ETNA (.'OMPANV has been in o[ieration about oO years. It.s capital is The Hon. Thos- K. Brace was its first Presi'lent, an.i he still holds that office: and several ol its tirst Director.'^ ar«* siill activc and ellicieiit members til the Board. It h.-i,s;it .-ill time, sustained the highest clinrac tir for ihe prmlence of its managemeni, and for Ihe liber:iliiy with which it has ever adjusted its losses. E. ,F H.\LE, .\geut Kecollcclioii.s ot a J^ito I'liiu*, or Aleii and Things 1 have seen, by S. Ci. Goodrich, Author of Peter Parley’s Tales; Paul Fane, by N. P. Willis; Let ters of Lady Montagu. Filited by Mi-s. S. .1. Hal- Ihe Humors of Falconbridgo, illustrate.l; The .\(lven- turcs 01 Gerard, the Lion Hunter. Also, further supplies of the Lion of Flanders; The Curse of the Village; Ernest Linwood; The lUvnl Beauties; The Wife’s Trials; The Torch Light; Rom.mce of the Harem; The Old Vicarage; .Mrs. Lee Hent/.'s Novels, r>u cts. a vol., The Miscellrneous Worki of Edgar A. Poe; Irving’s Life of Washington- Ban croft’s U. S.; Hume and Macaulay's Histories of Eng- land: Scott’s Infantry Tactics, v'cc. vVc. Dec'r 11, 18oil^ & SON. Paeioi*ff^ ^ I H E Subscriber, intfudiug to ehang.- offers fur sale a. Tract oi Lau.l i-.i,,:ai., .\cres, lying in Pv i>m?soii i’-ja:ity, ,i .i:ii:i> 'i Malcom Mi-Bryde, H. D. McNeill, an I 'a r lan is are unsurpasse.i l.y .-iny in the .igriciiltural purposes. There is ■,■;■ ti. «ajiiifor:abIe Dwelliii,:;, iv th .FI n y i-i: ; To a m.-in with ;i siiiaU capital the sin.-iti- :i a.lvautagcs sol lom met •.vitii in any put : : trv. Any person 'wisliing to piiri'li.ase e:in .■, subscriber, tw5 miles North of Randalsv .i . G. Cook, Es-p Fayt-tievi'i'.c. ARCH’D .M.-^l!FFA^■ Randalsville. Robeson (-'o.. .N. C., ) Julv r-. By «E(). LAUDEli. TWO IMKIIIS ABOVE C. T. HAICll &SO.\’S STORK, I . ..n Jan’y 20, 1857. (}4ypa 4000 A(*r('s lor Sal* i LL the Land belonging to the Fi-t;i:. Morisoii, dec’d, is now for sale. S ii i i-i-- lyin,g in the Comities; of M.jiit^omery aui ii . aii'l any person v^sliing to jmrcliase :iny 1 C'tn have an opportunity any time within tiirec by calling on the subscriber at Capt. .F.'seph i! Richmond County, A part of said Land is . i - or near the Hue of the S. C. cc Coal F'iel ls F. ii subscriber will take pleasure in sho'wiug s:ii 1 i, ■iny person wishing information respecting tLeu.. 1). P. RAINWATi' ' June 111, 1S57. 2'i Carolinian .'J mouths. $500 iiowai'il. VN.VU ,V\ from the subscriber, about ot .hine l.'ist, a negro man by the name of .'•F'a The said negro is about it feet S or [) inchc;-. iiigli. dark complexion, and i>ac a young appearancv. wards ot thirty years of age; weighing 1 In or ! • Said negro is vjry laiuning aiiil .iriful, ,-iu 1 n. tempt to p.'iss himself .■»$ ;i free negro. .\cc.^r F: the best inform.ition 1 can get 1 :;in K-iJ to beli*-'. negro is lurking in Richmond ('■)., an.i on Big i. tish in Robeson. I will give twenty-live dollars for the apprehen- of the said boy in any Jail in the State; 1 will one hundred dollars reward foi' jiroof sutHcient to vict any person in a Court o!' Justice for harb ; said negro; or five hundred ilollars for prool i.> vict any person of'leeo.ying him oil. Auy inforia ' concerning sai l iie.;ro will be thnnkfullj' recoivi- JOHN FAlRLFi Montpelier P. O., Richmon l tJo., N. 0. (JII.OPOLIS, iliihesott i . j^MiriCE is hereby given to all iho.sc in lebi • Estate of William .1. ,\h Diarmid, de,-i a.- by note or account, to make p.-iyment by the ot October ne.xt \11 rho-e failing to settle time will fmil their not.vs and account"? iu iii'' i an ollicer. I'. W. .McLFAN, •Inly ::nth, F^.'.7. .a \i i^lOO liliVVAHD. the .'-^ub.scriber in F;iVett> . ■ I'ebruary l.ist, my Negro M.an .\D \'.; about 20 ye.-n-s o' l, ■> fret i> im-hes lii;^a. light complexion. 1 wiFi give fir his - liaement in any j:iil in N. and a rt.>w ir i more lor sulKcient evidence th.-r will convi." who may be harboring s-ji l SFive. He i- -u ■ be lurking about A. .McLean''-, Fsij., in llarii or about Smith's Ferry, in (Cumberland. WM. S. MALLF.i- Texas, .July 20, 1867. S'l' ;• WOOL iiOLLS. WOOL carded with iispatch at B1 I)U il I : Factory, SHEETINGS, ‘)snaburgs, Cotton Yarn, nnii Wool Rolls, for sale by? GEO .McNF Junel8>-1. 7 [\ PF.IN TFl I-: liu FDF Price for the f advance; tion; or -SI For the Weekl advanee: .S', tion: .r S- ADVFin IS B»(uare of 1 li succeeding pui Cial contracts requested to si they will t>' ■■• ingly. Advertisenu cent, e.xtr i. Don rpHE next I Monday charge if 'Ir A. Cai::ns ated on Hay ^ lulvantages ..f of the Studen derance in tin It is the d ychool i Quardiaiis to complishmeiit in F-.iyettevill Boys til npp.. For Primary :- “ .xlvaneed “ I'l.T ii(-ill “ Ci.ntingi-u ()ne half of Semi- .\iinu:i will be '-'•lit to Fayetteville, \> fB^HF ANN! jL the Fay pauy will tak 29th .\ugust August 1 rglHE r-T«» Jl the F.str on Satur lay i September. I |At the sami IIORSES, \M ffegr The Jl for Rent Aug. too; Fayetteville. Augu-t I'l, THL -ubsc otVcvs lov six hundred t lying in the u of Ca\ie Fear etteville to Ct all in first rat The Sti;re i excelled by ai also upon the in I-') or ‘JO si Fruit Trees, ■well when ii with Tools, i'j ■•\ny persoi do well to i determine.1 purchaser. N. P.. The ern country .-\ugnst I, Ol. fBlllE Sul i Fayctti year’s (’elebi He will be meet the des Fay ett evil S'I'A I K (^ourt ot J ose Judicial Att Turpenti IT appear ('harles i.s not an in ed, 'That pu server, noti property, ai Term of thu Court llon.si yejite.liber will be rend be sol'i to > Witn.-s,, at oliice in IHoT. Aug 1 HDliK raiHF K on M The Colli embracing and ornami ranged as P—Wanta;_’es itualitii.-atio No institiit superior to Catalogu specting iFi forwar'le.ji, July 1 Uliolfc ‘21 I H . I Si .Ml U Can'hi \:; ■ March Blanks lor sale ut lliis Otlice.