'XK^iiVTKRH^ roi' ■Uc I (MU \()L. VII.] '■ "11 th.- x,' ririn i ndrojc : ll'OI takor iXr i\ nini .• iLIt K n>-i \ Ivt'ili rJ))Cl]r ' T I nrinjiL: LIltH mHr\ n.! *r( iht nh»M‘> HP" SRMl-W KUK L r 1'wr/rTKViij.K, N. \icrsr ii, is:,: lilM'i’l' MONHWS ANP riii nsi>.\vs I linWAlIl) J. HALi: SON. fl'ITOKS aM' I’KoriMKTOltS. : th.‘Si'ini ^Vookly OrsKKVMt Uvi il pn'uliu I-, V ; •U it'.luring the voiir otMil'Scriji- ; ! in* VOiii ijUS i* X ]'i rt‘i I \\ i..i. MI'.'hvkr n-J ut> :ituiuin. i r I'.ii't in ■ I-. S- it •InriML'’ tin- nf sal'-' . . I '■ i!ti r lilt' _vr:ir In t'\i'ir-.l. V I 1 ' riSl.'ll'NTS iii>rrt('il f 'l’ -ixty cont'i per ii - 1' 1 liiU's for tho )ir--t, aiiil thirty cont'^ fi‘i' iiiig Yearly n'ivt'rtisomoiits liy s|>e- !• •ntr.i.-t'^, !it rejisAHiiblc rates. AJverti.-icis are ,'if^tcii til state the nuiiilier cil'insertions ilesirod, or , ; V wil' i’. iit:n'ie l till t'urtii.l, nii'I eharge'l aoeor.l- I e ili:-erte 'lmr*;c'l 'iC I'or \ ('/' t‘ tJh '• of ('uiii-\ l)( ilitiul ('omit I/. ^ ■! lie re iv,; meet fit tlie (’inut Unuse in 5 ' yette\i!i.‘. I! TIirilSI'AV i>l'Se|'tenibt'r t’i.ni l, li 1 :iet iipon tlie iU'i> rl i.t the i'oru ('oininis- i-ie t. ijiijilify, :iu.i t ike tlie lM>n.l i' u llefi:l^'ter; ii-ilit'v (in ' t ike the liun i ..f the ucwly eleefeii ! : .;e » .'Uiity ( iin Ant - ueh other matters i. I.'':'!’;!!' :i niMj'iiif. i>i the %l;i;iHfrntes of the I'.y I l-M. 1>I'M 1 NTi. (’hin'n. 'mr.I.priati'l i'' 'i'ni r. w Asiiixc roN iiorsi:. Chestnut St., above Seventh St., I’lIILAltHLPlllA, ecnti.'il, in the iinme'li ite \ieinily (■! lh' most ini|'Oifitit I'liMie liistitiitio;.'- the hest aiiil most iHsliionnl'Ie j>!nees of ImpiiiO'iiii'l >!.•' altr.'ii'tivp I’nl'- lie S.iunie« i»f tho ('It V In the imi 'Ttfint rciiiii-^ite-- ot lii;hi (iiiil \«'!it;1.T!ion, !«.■ j i in*’iji;il i.lijeets nin.eii iit iu the reeeiit eiil'irfjemrnt m i th"i'oii^h im{irov«(iiient of this Hoitso. it is I...I (•xei-.-.Ii-.l, |ieihai'-^. hy any i-si:ihii,:limenl lu Atnetio.i 'I'o sti':intrt‘r->. therefore, its jiositi ai in iPti-iili.-irly (ii‘ir;ilili‘. i'he Snhserihei' retnin-' th.'inks to hi- IrieuMs iiU'l the juiMie for the litieral {'.'itroiKijit' they hitvc exten.li^i i.j him, luul ns- sures them thnt iie wili on.leMi i to nu-rit H conlinu- .it;e«‘if fhoii favor- A K. (JLASS. Aug. 17. ;M-8tpJ I'OK SWA]. i! siiliscriher (.lesirin!.: to emijjrate to the West, tiers for sale his entire L.\NhS, inchiiiiiig about six hunilreil ueres, generally known us (’hulk Level, lying in the upper eiui of Harnett eounty, mile^i Kust ot Cape Fear Itiver, anil »>n the roa.i leading from Fay etteville to Chapel llili. Storo, Owelliii^, «)nt Houses, all in first rate or.ler The Store is at a tine Inisinesn stanil, an.l is not to ho esoell»',l by any ei iintry store in the State. Tliere are al.so iipon the premises an exeelleut weil ot vvati-r with in 1) or llii steps t'f the Jloiise, a tine young orcharil ot Frnit Trep.«^, a r.".n ^ ;nti in j>pif>of or ier, Hliicli J'hvs uell when in opei-ation Mso. a I'.Ueksniith Shoi' vvilii Tools, iVc. Any I'erson wishing to pnichase siieli a phiee wouhi ilo well ti' call anil examine it for themselves. 1 am 'leterniiiie l t" sell, an.l will make terms easv for the purchaser. A. II. HEWAH. N. r.. The place is ..jie ot iho loMlthie«t in Tlie '^outh- •111 (Miintry. M* Share.^ I5;ink of I’ayftti-vilU' Stoi'Iv'. Aiigu'^t 4. IS.*)?. ;i‘Jti (;i:0. ALDKK.M V tHspertor of Storr^^ \VILMIN(iTON, N. ^JOLlcri'S patriiiiage. Prompt attention fiiiil >iuiek ^ (lesi>ateh will bp given to businesH entrusted tu his care. .I line 'S‘>, 1S">7. l‘t-H’nip.l A. McRIMMON, Commission and Forwarding Merchant, WlLMlNdTON, N (’ July 1S.',7. •JJtf W . W KLI.IO r r, COMMISSION MERCHANT, FAVETTHVILLE, N. C. A(/mt for Luttrrloh (* Vo.'s Sieambixit Lihr Will attentl promptly to all bnsiness ontrustpd to his care. Oct. -jl, ISOt). 50 tf Worth & Utley, I'oruand (Jeiioral Commission MKKCH ANTS, J. A. WORTH. (7-'tt) JOS. t’TLKV irance. r . ii-;iv«; ix m. ■ > ■ at tl: or lu ,1'. p 1 = • sent t' . ; L • ' , ■ •• .Mii - .Agent-. [.AND I'OK SALK. m ^ *'1-'' 1-\M’ Iviiig on the Cam len Sta n . i j. l-‘. miles South of Fay- : . . iiv Tlie LnnJ ; • wp'l tiin'ierp'), an 1 nilmirably f'V Turpentine or Farming purposes; nn'l liPS ' V-. en the South'-rn I’latrt. I! 'ail ;:n.l I’ig Roekfish, m. -nieiii ; ■ inaikrt There '■ . n it a romfnrtable ,i iine Ib'Use, M U Sit.' A- \;i . in:.,tmftt'..iU lauv ' ■■ ol'taine 1 .iii tin- i.remi-.'S r br en.jiiring of .1 \MF.S JIANKS, .Vtt y, F.nyetteviJIf. l{ i:\VAK I) ^I irv Ne ■illoW . sire l • u.se w J to I line 1. ikii'l by t\ will, . at t «rtfi ■ \\ 1 ?■ . t:.k ■f .i. : I‘r. ,iii; COUt; peri inser'. big. ' (Fr. • iLil ■ lAi. \ N!. three -ri tt p Dry, . i; i ! of t':. ;; . hr. ■writ- n S on, n I. ich.. ■ lit I ml lie ob!:i. ■.!1.1, : -f ' •cm : he e Q lilt inal r I'e; WH, • ^h p . }lit. i. ;;ri- . leriiig ], ,r r ij>oi >ove w ,1 Ti'U- )ne I'* '.w!” 5ies : t',.- : ur 1! ■■ so t,|i ownh. TV. f ^ rAtJi;. Uiieu the i;. I .f ay. : r “i;!; - TS . ■. . : r.. publ, the 1' /IT Btre-' s. Tl EDI' n>l a- UAL I, UuP at \\ ( rioN' ,LL I’-l' Si>i,l> ;it the CfUrt House l»oor, in 1 H\etteville, u .M-.ibiny of Sejiteinber ('ourt, wiuii pr.'perty: AiTi's ut' Land, cii (’ai v«'r’.' Creek, M-vi'u mr.f> troiii Tl wn, furinerly the property X I'url'ee. lu At iv.-^ woll Timliored Piae Lacd, 1 ;;t tive mill - t’rom ’I'own on the waters of ' ino IJrick ^t"tv, situated nii the .'^outh - rreet in tin I'.riek ilow. joining the Store ■ ; V ■ !iti Fort; twenty feet trout, runs South • • tliirty feet street or alley. ■ i.'-i ri P‘1 1‘ri.perty will be solil on si.x •• ■ i.Tli' re lit,—hon.l an ! approved seeu- .h.HN ECCLES. c. E. LETTE, Auctioneer. ,\l.o. Will i>c >ol(i at private sale, :1 ri-.\ NT.Ml''N on the River, known as the IJailey iv t' .1 ^epb r.aker, Jr.. Att'v. “ ■ .JOHN ECCLES. A l-'“ •‘5'>-ts •inmoii Scliuol 'reaclu'rs in llariiott County. MllOsr. ile':r"ii' of employment ns C immon School L Teachers in Harnett County, will present tbem- vcj ;'.r Examination at Summerville, on Tuesday U'e Inesilay, the 10th and I'ith Sept next. ,r- ;; j re^entin;, themselves for Examination will -n- ; u-e i t.. li;nr.'h satisfactory testimonials of i.V... ,v,. J»AN'L McCOH.MICK. WILL. M. McNElLL, A. D. McLEAN, Examining Com. . 11. S:;-te Coal Lands for Sal(‘. I viitue of a Deed in Trust to me executed by J Mo. Islington, I will sell at public Auction, ■ '.'L'hest 1.id ler, on T'lesday the 8th day of Sep- ■ ■ i''7, iu the town of Fayetteville, at the Court . -ii >r, one-fourth part of the Tract of Land v.;i a: the I)YE L.VNDS, Iving in Moore county, and : the land-, of Evander Mclver and others, and oh:../ eight hundred acres tnore or less. Said T. 1 itu ite l about three miles South rora Deep • ^ .ti I '.s well timbered with long leaf pine. Coal • i ; oi. tv has been 'Uscovered on the premise.^, b',, , thiek. See Emmons'.s Report for further 1 Terms made known on day of sale. .1. T. M( f'LENAHAN', Trustee. , ^ -r n, ;;4tf \ ALI aHLK IMiOPKIiTY run SAl.K. ' ■* H K .^uti ■cril.t-r haviut; coiu lu b'd t.> remov** South, 8 tlf r-i fur Bale his HOIliOT, ' if Chapel Hill. • f iweiiiti; ; a iiaii'isome cue, large nn-l convt ui- iri'iio-,- i Tho lot contain'; Sl.\ A('Ki:s .1 uii 1, with I ■•■ty eonvcnl'Miee in the way of out vi?; — Dairy, Ury-wi '.1, Kitchen, Servant house tv. I'o .ms lathed !iiid plasteii' 1, woml and wash : 'rringe h -u :* aiid r-taliiv-. «1." • I'n the front, n very ne it iioi KLi: oFi'irs:. ; loiiiid III- ill high state ot mltivatu.n— half all ai Ti- l;: ’.lig in I'l uit troo^ of the choieeHt . i 111 I r.'-ar.ll^ a ■ ■mid.il.t ly . ! f.;i :her iiif'irmat'. tl III'" the siibHfiilter at a- I- Tfrms ii. o],. -i. . ..iiuiii. I vting. I M\LLETT. •i :. \ . I ’. If f Miooks. glini. I. ti:_- • Hive ■ V ; d ' r-i Ciigi; H VLi s llus:. . Ori- rs, th- ■. tt..' 11. , ti'jti, J'f. 'roiii. iiry II \l :.n-l n' ILl. be given for the apprehension and delivery to me. or confinement in any jail in the State so tl'.at 1 can get hini, of my man .UM. He left on the 30th lilt., uRil has not been seen, orhoar.l of sinee. He i> a bright iHii’.atto, alnii.'t w!;ite, abi.ut years old, a'tont ■ feet r> inches high, straight hair, and ti-eth defeeiive, long )>ear.l on his chin when he left. Ha.l on when he left a very good suit of elothes. and wi’l very likely try to pass otV f^r a white man, and make for a free Stare; shouM he not go north, be will likely g.. up in the vicinity of Fayetteville, as ho was rai.sed there, and formerly belonged to Wm. B. Wright, Es.j., of that place. \ny person who may take up said Hoy will be entitle.I to the above reward and tht- thiuiks of l.'^.VAC 15. KELLV. Kenansville, N.C., .Aug. 1!, 1^07 ;"Vtf FILL i\0 \Ui\TEB DRV liOOON. Thomas Mibdoch. 1857. EnMf.Ni> N. Di KP. ni RDOC II A IH KK, /i ■; •! i1 Ji'bher- !,i' f \.),jn /A,/>,-// (,•■ -h\ NO. -Jr r.ALTIMOHE STREET, Have now on hand a (amijdetc and nttrr.rtivf .Stock of Goods in their line, etnbraciii'j: many new and desirable styles, juirchased especially with reference to the Southern and Western Trade. .\Iso a large Stock of heavy Domestic Goods, to which they respectfully solicit an examination by all prompt time and cash buyers, as they are determined to sell very- low to pr.srii AL tj .Mos. fciti JiA'KKs, and to maki' a i.tiJKKAL Disroi NT FOR CASii in all instttuces. Caltimore, Aug. 17, 18j7. '.Mw THE WORLD’S GREAT EXHIBITIOrJ PRIZi: iMKDAL! AWARDKD TO C. MKVEH. /■h/- Jii.'i Tvso Pianos, London, Ortohrr 1.’), i (1 MEVEK respectfully informs liis friends and . • the public generally, that he has constantly on , hand Pianos cijual to those for which he received the ( Prize Medal, in Lcndon, in 18-jl. Ail orders promptly attenJed to, and great care ; taken in the selection and packing the same. , He has received during the last !•> yearn, more Medals than any other maker from the Franklin Insti- j tute; also First Premiums at liostou. New York and , Baltimore. j W'ARE-ROOMS, removed from o'2 S. Fourth to j No. 7*22 .\RCn .'sTREET, below Kighth, South side, ; Philadelphia. | Aug. 12. :;;j-3mpd j RO.SS O.N SI.AVKin. I JL'ST PUBLISHED BV J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO.' SLAVERY ORDAINED OF GOD, BV RKV. FRKF*. A. RO.S.S, fA.STOR OK TIIK PKlJSnVTKniA.\ ( Ht R( II, IU NTSVILLK, ALA. “7’./ fhr rifu .\~r,rfh anrj Sovtli irfio iinnor (fi>' i! j • tnd lor, thexr ri ;i\! II' CONTF.NTS. Speech before the General Assc-mbly at Bufl'alo. ^ Speech liefore the General .Assembly at New York, i Letter to Rev. A. Blackburn. | What is the foundtition of ni.iral obligation ' Letters to Rev. Barnes. I No. I. — Results of the Slavery Agitation; Declara tion of In'lependence; The way men are made Infidel.s; Testimonies of General .Assemblies. I II.—Government over man a Divine Institution, i HI.—.Man ^Stealing, i IV.—The Golden Rule. ' One Vol. 12 mo.; for sale by E. .1. Hale \ Son. j .1. i:. LIPPINCOTT iV C'>. Publi.shers, I Philadeljihia. \ Aug. 12. TO rfii: iH Hfjc’. M. FERGUSON, Photographic Artist, would I ..tI.* respectfully annotince to the citizens of Fay- j etieville and vicinity, that he designs leaving this ! filace for a few months, and all those wishing to have their piotures taken, would do well to give him .i call j at hi.s Rooms over BeaHley Houston’s jewelry store, ‘ liy the Joth of August, as his Uooms will be closeil j ‘Vom that titne until hi-' return. ' Fayettevlle. July 1"'. 2‘.t- JOIIX \\ SAMPSON, Commission and Forwarding Merchant, WILMINGTON, N C. NVill ;;.ve i.Mitifular .'ittention to the sail- i.f N.aval Stores, Colton. .;tc. Feb’y 2 ), ix.jti. ,*'.)-ti' W. H. TURLINGTON, I'oiiiinissidn Merohanl, No. 4*2 Norlli Waler St., WThMIX(JT()N, X, (', WILL give his prompt personal attention to the sale or shipment of fill Ctuisignment- of Naval .Stores f.r other Country Pvo.iuce Nov. S. IS'ii). It IVMK'I-. -^MITII .MILKS « o-llN. JAS. C. SMITH & Co., hitcfors, ('ornrnlsslon und MI'.KCHAXTS. NO '1 SOI TII WATKR .'^TRF.KT, Cl* STAIRS \\’IL>ir\(^TON, N. (V o, t. 21, is.'if,. rjU-V .1 ( . I'OK. • DEXLER I.N STAlM.i: vV VASCY DRV (JOODS, HATS, (!AKS, ItOOTS, SIIOKS, AND READV-.MADE CLOTHING. Particular attention paid to I.ft'lies’ Dress Goods and Trimmings. Hai/ Street, Fa^'’tfeviUe, A”. (’. May 20, 1855. 4-tf JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM. V oiinissio i\ AND \ ORWARI)INC MI:RCHANT, W*ilming;ton, «V. f’. Prompt personal attention given to all Consign ments, and Cash advances made on Produce to be ship ped to other ports or sold in this market Feb. 12, 1855. 07 T. C. ^ H. G. WORTH, Commission & Forvvardiii" .Mercliants, BROWN’S BUILDING, WATER STREET, Usual advances made on consignments. .lan'y 17, 1855 C3-tf jo^i:ph hakf7r7jk., ATTOKi^EY \T I. A W , Has taken an office next door to Wm. B. Wright’s Law officc on Green Street. He will attend and practice in the County and Superior Courts of Cumber land, Bladen, Robeson and Sampson. March 2:!, 1853. 79-tf LOVER!) ELDRIDGE, • Ittorney at MjUW^ WILL attend the Courts of Johnston and Sam]>- son Counties. Sinithfiebl, .April lo, 1850. 00-tf THO. O. FULLER, tittorney ami CouNsellor at Etatr. OFFICE at Eacles’s Bridge, recently occupied by James Banks, Esq., Fayetteville, N. C Jan’y 1, 1857. 70tf “LAW COPARTNfrRSHlIV’ WE, the undersigned, have this day formed a Law Copartnership, and will practice in the Courts of the following counties of this State; Chatham, Cum berland, Moore, Harnett, and the Supreme Court. J. H. HAUGHTON. JNO. MANNING. Pittsborough, N. C., Jan’y 1, 1850. 72tf o Dr. K. A. ni.AC'K. FFK'E Front Rooms, over Dr. S. J. Hinsdale’s Chemist and Drug Store. Feb’y 7, 1850. 70-tf I'lildic !*iil» II t. .11 li ■ !Vill(,v- : ■ \t I ji'.-' • .s; -^ar \> -. til- V. th ■ 11 t I i- ii'U-.l t. roinf.vp ;'‘i.iith, 1 will (..lor i Wf-.i... 1 V ihc‘.'th day o! .Sppteiii^'Pr • a v.h'. ii I ii.iVP rtc'Plllly Sold. V’-'>l.rl t;, . ! ; \vi!' 17 »r lioi’^*'», on? " • 5 V i.i. : tl, .r.i' two-horse an.I ' ee tour-hor " "rtietweniy-: * ‘ d iii. : .M-.t thi'iri one ' •I'- l ‘ io i.iin hp.l hr. ..1 tlii'in an- hio , ... . i,; ■ I--:t It;, in bale- .«,i f • : 'I II Wiieat ci.adle', l!l.u '.. a i , ,, | '!• II .I !.CrP‘ irV t.; Illonfli.ll. Kniiily' ni . , Buggy ail'l II; 'Ml iTf-'I't !.on>l .".ii 1 -1 [.! i.-.i -lilt I..- >. Aug- l-t. t; M.\LLETT ;!I-tf .u'sT Ki;ci;i\ Ki). iS \HTER HoXES RAL'^INS. -.1 H • J'i L V . .. ! 1 l;i:-r ll!t. 2'.I c I*'*-y i:. LEETE. I _ 05tf I-OR SALi:. /|1Hi: f.dlowing VALUABLE REM, ESTATE, the * property of £. C. Hall, decM, is offere 1 tor aale, and i'on=;icts .if the following tracts: 1'liat ik-iirable placc known as Rome, oiuitaiii- ing abi.nt ‘j*;)! .Acres, with all the improvements. This place will be sold entire or divide.I, lo suit iurchaser.9, it li.^ing pi'.balily fine of the be^t business stand.s in the conntiy, and is very tle iir.ible to those wis'ning to enter the mercantile ).u .iuess. Srt. li, ConsiHls ol’ n L.x and liriek .Sforo, J tt nements.) in Carai'Indlton. on Bridge Street, near ’larendon Bridge, and is a very decjrahle ..fan'l lor i.Msiness. No. ;i, is Tiuei' v:icau( l.ots in Cainplx^llton, ■ iiiwn ill city pint as No« lO'.t, 111, 112, an.l half r.f lot 11.;. No. 1, Is a House :iiil liOf Kii Hay- ; mount, corner of Plank Hoad and Adams .''t. \ very ■ b‘ iriihlf ri'sidence for the whole year. j No. Is a (,'i»rn Mill and Steam Kn^ine and I Boiler, of li» or 13 horse power. This is well worth i the .attention ol those living where water power is not I available, and will lie sold ut a great bargain. I Fn- terms afiply to Augu.st 1, IH.jT. 11. Hall, Assignee. :i(»-tf W(“ call tlio nttrntion ol' W HOLI]. SALF. |)KAL1:RS ^B^O our jiresent Stock,—ati.l we have rpcentlv re- M. ceived — oti() bags Rio, Laguira, .Marioaibo uu't .lava Coitee, 20 lihdB Sugar, assorted grades, 7-'> bbls do. Refined, Crnshe.l an.I Pow.Iered, U't >)oxes .Spprtn, Adamantine and Tallow Candle,s, Ilf. do F'ancy and assorted Camlies, DM) coils Kentucky, .lute and Manilla Rope, 7 bales Bagging, Gunny. Dundee and Builapa, tons Hoop Iron, 120 tioxes Cheose, 2'i half-hlils Super Carti. So.la, .10,1(0(1 Cigars, various brands, —ALSO- }*cpper, .Sftice, (linger. Cloves, Nutmegs, Borax, .Madder, Indigo, Spanish Brown, Brimstone, Fancy and Bar Soaps, Starch, Powder, Shot, Bar Lead, White Lea«l, Putty ami Linseed Oil, Window Glas.'', Sniifl'in Boxes, Eagle .Mills do., in Half Bbls.; Green anil Black Teas, Hollow-Ware, Swedes Iron, English, German, and Cast Steel; Plows, Straw Cutters, ('orn Shellers, Sausage ('utters and Staffers, Trace (’hains, .Sole Leather, &c., kc. The above Goods we offer on the nio^ft favorable terms to prompt time or cash purchasers. D. & W. McLAURIN. Nov. t'l, 1850. 51tf ECCf.KS\S MILir H.\.S been newly repaired. Send your Corn and have it ground. '.i. McKINNON. March MO. 94- I Nami'S I |{rsi.b‘n(.t I V.-i .f«’ia;e,s rmh W.,ii [NO. \V ilOlISl.l rAVi:TTi:vii.i.i:, i. | Kdsl siifi nf (irii'ii Slni t, it fnr /)o/>/-.s i>i ///'■ M'i rici t //iiiisi . ^B'lHF. Subscriber .lesire-i through liii'' 9 medium to acknowledge tin. lUif-i.il patronage bi.stowfd ii].oii his llousi' th.' i..i: i year—and hs ho has ju-.l 'r(.cttd .Ni-w .St:il.lr- •lud (’airiage .Slicd convenifnt to the House an.1 to w.ator he takes (ileasuif. in saying to his ]>atrons and tlir publii- generally, that he is still jiiej.are l to accoin- niodate them with tr.insient an.l periuanenl board, an.l resjiecttully solicits a continuance ol the liberal pati on- age heretof.ii >■ reccivel. Every 'xi.|tion on his part I shall be user! t.i retnlfr them comfortable ihiring thfir ! sojourn with. him. His table is always supplied with the be.>i the market ;itlor.l-f. P. SHEMWELL. March 'J 1, 1 h.')5. Htj-tl I DoinuN iiorsi:! I I’OWI'HS i.'i TliOV, pKofRtr.Toi’.s, ' Proprietors of this Estalilishnuiit I. announce to the public, that owing to the constantly increasing patronage exten.i- 'ed to them, they have been induced to en large the accommodation liy the ad.iitioii of an extensive i)ining Room nn the lower floor, and suite ot Rooms on the second floor: thus enabling them to .acc.inimodate .all who may favor them with a call. .\nd they pledge themselves to an increase.1 exertion to give •‘MtisfHctioti t'l their patr.ins. .sp'ici.ius .S(;itdc- attaclie.l an ! car.''tiil (>stl*TH in at- teulaiic.- Iheeljnitil, ... ."it...li u! ihe l'.-lablishhM-lit, •,\uh the c.\perience of tiie Pr..;ir;ct .r-? in provi.ling for the Coiu- f.>rt of their [.atro!i-% they hope wi'l Jf'cnre to them a liberal share of the travel The Western an.l Southrrn .'tncp nt ive ;it an I .le- j.arl from this lIou.se. (’arriages in atten.lance on .airiv t! :.n.| .Icparture of Steam Boats, for the acconimo.iation of passengers. Horses and Carriages furni^he.l at ritiy notice f'or car- rying travellers to anv part (.f the i Ijacent eountrv. .1. w P(n\Ei:s’ u (’ THov.' Fayetteville, May I", Is'.t.. :;tt \ \IJ Vlil.K PROl‘KR'1 ^ rojt s.ti.M:. IoFl-'El; t.,r s-ale, my L.VND.S in tlie Town ..t F.iy I'tteville. about ]:'.) .Acres, known as the MUMFORD SWAMP. .\bout SO .\cresofit is fine Mea.low Lsnl. t he ('roji iiow on it will show. Mao, the near the M.tiV;et S.iuari*. occupie l hy Mr. .lohn .\. Pemberton. i .\ Large und \'alualde Lot, fronting on Donaidiioii, ' .Maxwell ;ui.l Mutnt'ijr l Streets, ktiown .as the Hotel llar ien L..f, -could be .livl le.i into several Buibling Lot - very neiir the new Female High .'^ch.i..l Buibling-:. .\lso, the St il'le Lot adji ininir. fr.inting on Mnmf'.r.l Street. Several I'ESIHAP.LE I'.UILHING LOTS oi both Winsluw nH'l .Mumtor'l Stieets. ■Ml this propeity can iiow bt. piirchasi'.] on favora ble terms, an I a large p-irt .'an remain i.n Ibitid an.l Mortgage it .le.'ire.l THO. J. CURTIS. Oct. 10, 1S55. l;5-tf ROHKR'r 1). (iRKKN, (LATE GREEN x WEAR,) WATCH-MAKERS, JEWELLERS, &o., FAYKTTKVILLK, N. C. KD. G. begs to return his sincere thanks to the • public for the kind patronage so liberally be stowed upon the late Firm, and informs them he has bought the interest of J. S. Wear, and '.vill continue the Iiusiness in all its branches ut the old staii'I, under his entire superinten.iencc. N. B .\!1 Watches left with him for rej.air will be taken apart in the presence of the owners, and the , neces.sary repairs jMiinted out to them and a written j contract given for the same, which work will l.e w.ir- ‘ ranted for two years. Gn hand and for •'ale now, the most varied and i choice selection of ('Lt)CKS and othe*" Vime pieces I that has ever been oti'ere.l to the public ir North Caro lina, which he will sell at New York ptices, and also w\itH.\.Ni- for two years, j All debts ihie to and by the late linn will be pai'.l j and received by R. D. GREEN. I .August 25, 185i’>. ;51-tf : Ittu.ic xotick Is HEREBY (ilVEN, that Books of .Subscription to the capital stock of the Central Hail Road, from Beaufort Harbor via Kenansville, Clinton, Fayetteville, and West, will be opene.I on Thursday, the 10th lay of April 1850, and remain open according to the terms of the Charter until further notice, at the following places and under direction of the following named persons, ('ommiHsioners in the Charter, viz; In the (,’ounty of Onslow, at the oflice ol the Clerk of the (,'ounty Court at -lacksonville, and at the Post Office Rich Lands. E. W. Fonville, ti. .1. Ward, J. H. Foy, Robert White, .lohn .A. .\veritt, .Ir., ()wen Hug gins, L. W. Humphrey. In Carteret county, tit the oflice of Dr. M. F. Aren- dell at Beautbrt l)r. M. F. .Arendell, J, F. Bell. L. T. Oglesby. •At tho store d G. W. Taylor at Carolina I'ity,—(.'ol. Wm. N. Dennis, H. .S. Bell, (’apt. Levi Oglesby, Bridge Arendell. In Dnpiin county, at the ollice of the (bounty (.'ourt Clerk at Kenansville, — Major Owen R. Kenan, Davi.l Reid, I.saac B Kelly, Win. 1'. Hill, Win, .1. Houston, j Stephen Graham. ; In .Sampson county, at the ollice of the (.'ounty (,’ourt ! Clerk at ('linton,--Thomas I. Faison, Dr. Tliomas j Bunting, Wm. .McKay, P.itrick .Murphy. Wm. Faison, J. R. Beaman, .Alfred Johnson. In Cumberland county, at Fayetteville, at the ollice of .A. A. .McKethan,—Thomas R. Underwooii, Ban lal .McDaniel, Edward L, Winslow, .lohn '. Blocker. Form of subscription; The I'iiilei>igneil agree to take the number of ;di:iri‘s of ^ll't each, set o[.posiite to our t.aines re-.peciively, in the (’entra.l Raii P.oa.l Coinpany; aU'l in all resjiects to coia|.ly with the tonus of 'he ('barter. (jI roc (‘firs. Hardware. A:‘. ra^HE undersigned ai.- now r«‘'eiv!n!i a L\ltGl' \.s I SOKTMENTof •( Ji(>C(‘ri('s, 1 l;ii(l\var(‘. Iron. St('cl. I |ollo\\-u:ir('. Shot's. I,c;itlicr. and S:»(l(ll(‘r\. which I hey will .sell at Wholes ile ;it a siii.tll .idv.ince on Cost for Cash, or on our usual time to prompt dealeis. ■I lily 18. 1857. GKO W W1LI.I.\MS \ CO. 2^.-1f Or. Huivks^s Hlsioru O I' A 41 n T H C ' A K O 1.1 A A . | The .Subscribers are now prepared to furnish the 1st | volume of this valuable work, which has received the | highest commendation wherever it has been read, not 1 only for its literary execution but lor its typographi cal getting up. It may be obt.-iined, either trom us or from our Gener.'il .Agent foi the .State, H. U. Horne ot this place, or any of his .Assistant .\gents. Tiie j.rioe v.aiies according to style of bituiing; In han.i, oiae cloth ;*;1 25; in Library Sheep -SI 50; in half Call -si 75. 1 r i.s stiur* only mt: i'a«h. None will be charged, either by ourselves ur our .\gents. .A liberal disooun' will l.e made where i|uantities are taken to sell again It will be sent by mail to any part of the cniintiy, on receipt of the price an.l 2-} cents to pay postage Tiie 2d volumo is in cour-e ol (.repai Mti. ii. llo-i e Will proliably be four or live \ olume-i in all I'he siu i;ec.ling volunie- will j robal.ly .•ontain about pagi ench, and will l.e sold at u propoi ii..nall v liigh-r i.rii-e, vi7; h.alf ;i cent a J'age foi’ the cloth bin.Iin;-. 2.'> cents sid.litional for sheeji an.l oO cents a.l.litioii.il lor the halt calf binding E .1 H\I.r .s SON. Fayette\ille, .April 2'.'. ’i8.'>7. P S. The .\geiit an.l his As-.i^i;.iii •. iiu to \isn c\ei V cuunty in the .Sitiie, with the us -.o.in us c. iivenient. In the mean lime, or ti .t . him .ir i.i us. accompanie.l l.y the cnsl.. will rcii-i\.. prompt ;iiteu ti.iti #;/? T.tar.R s. 'I ■'HE suhscribers orler the'.; £ furnish Coflin?, Hearse, ^ es to the pnbli. i o ^ery other re.|uisite for Funerals. They have a cf.ii-^idernble suj.jily of Coflins ready made, an.l an al.un lant siipidy of Ma hogany, Black Walnut an.l linm and Poplar materials for making any si7.e at :i -b.u t notice. Or.ler- bdt at the Cool Spring Mills will promptlv attended to. hearsky'vV .iotinson Fayetteville, .June 2'*, is.'>7. 2t'if To liie l*nblic. rB'lllE suliscriber has on haiid u good tissortment of M Itoufs, and Alsii, Clothing, Furnisbing (joods, Haty of all kinds. Trunks, \'alices, and Travelling Bags, All of which he will sell low for cash, in order to close out his pre sent stoi'k. Persons iu want ot Goo.Is in his line will i|o wen t>' give him a call. I. BR.\NDT. (.iillespie .St.. opposite P. P. Johnson. • Iiine 21. 15t-2m XOTICK. ^|''11E subscriber having, at June Term 1857, of the J ('ourt of Pleas and (Quarter .Sessions for the County of Cumberland, qualified as .Administrator ; upon the Instate of Willie F. Moore, hereby notifies all persons having claims against the said Estate to present the same properly authenticated within the titne pre- scrilied by law,-otherwise this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. l)ebtors to the said Estate will please make payment immediately. E F. MoORE. June o, 1.‘'57. 13tf ^ FOR TIIE WKST! Through in 36 Hours, and Crossing the Blue Ridge in the Day Time!! ^ 1 s. BROWN’S Tri-Weekly • Line of Four-Horse Post ('caches, from Salisbury to .Ashe ville, via Statesville. Newton. Morganton, Marion and Pleasant Gardens; connecting at .Asheville with the line of Stages for the Warm Springs, Knoxville and Greenville, Tenn. This is the best stocked and best managed Road in North Ca rolina. It is the most expeditious, safe and pleasant, and at the same time the cheapest route t'or the West. Leaves .Salisbury on .Monday, Wednes.lay and Fri day; leaves .Asheville on Tuesday. Tiiurs lay and Satur day;—running in close connection with the North Carolina Rail Hoad, North and South. ('. .S. BR(>WN, ('ontractor. June 15, 1857. 1')- FOii SAI.i:. f|^IIE DWELLING HOUSE AND LOT on Gillespie i Street, at present occupied by Doctor McSwain Peif'ect title can be made. .Apjilv to THO. J. CUHTIS. I'lNK LO(’A riOV I'OR SALl'.r ^I'tHE Subscriber offers forsale his IfEslDL.N'CL an.( I other building.- at ('halk Level, Harnett County Connected with tiie pr.ijiertv lor salt' arc some or )(Hi ;icics lit ^ond H.inso n 1';iu N aril :ind Mill, the latter is s.uuewhat out .il repair, bui cajiable ot l>rolii.ible improNenient. The location is admiraf)le for a countiy store, and uo belter investment of oapi tal could be made than the purchase ol this jiroperty. The Hubscribcr intends removing t.i tiic West, an.l will make the terms of s;ile as ea'-y as any rea .liable man could wi^li. —ALSO— ,\ verydcsirable DWI;LLI.N’(J in .\verasboro loi .Sale Terms of purchtise made e.isv. \ great Ivireain t.i be ll;ol. —ALS> — FOKTV SHARES OF FAYETTEVILLE BA.NK .STOCK. Thi.s .Stock is known to be the best in the mark«t, and couinuin.ls a high premium. The subs, ri- I'cr only sells because he is going to the West. r..r further information, terms ,Vc.; address \. H DEW.Ml. Chalk Level. Au 'St 1st. .Noli rii c’ \uoLi\ \ ui: \ri:us. Ar.^iiii:ic>% I A All 'I. I'RF.I'\’;fi> wiTfi 'I’F.i'iAi, ni'iFftiiNci: m iiik WA.NTs AM INTKTtKsr.-- oK i'aro1hi4i. I'M.M: nil \i u! Tiir. ''1 i*r!MN'Ti:M>r.Ni ur * (1M MnS i:v I-', tl. iliil»l»ai*i, riMn --111! i.r ini; i.\-ii.\ i wi.i ac;i: am> i.tit n^ii itf t\ nil 1 Mvn:sn\ III \(>RTii I \i!ori\\. TlltF.K :t, t'fiNiMSiN.i \ i.\'nr.t,\n uisT(^nv a.\h i>r,s. nil* TION nr NOKTIT I'AUril.I.NA. Sclt'ciioij'' in I’nvsi' ;uiil many d’ ihnn b\ t'minf>nt citizcn.-^ of tlio State. lIlsTuRlC.M, \SI> t IinONOLOiilCAL TABLE.-. \ii.t 'I \ iiieiy ..f Mis-’ellanenu liif. rmat;..n an l Si i ftstics, by i . If. . Numt.i'r is a new and rc\i-ied edition >1 tne .Sorih Ciir.ilina llea.ler, lirsr published In 1.S51. Numbern 1 ati'l 2 iust issued, coniplcte the series, which is, as a whole, cheaper than any other series of Rea.lersin the United States, an.l as complete. The Editor (Prof. Hubbard) in his Preface to Num ber I deems it proper to iillu.letoa few of the peculiar advant;iges ainie.l at by the Su]ieriutendent of Common .Schools while making efforts to have this w..rk ('oni- jileted. These .'ire. 1. Till' enriiit/'ii / in'III of II 1,1 hill) nj Ij~iiifjnidi ni •, and the enlistment of jiojuilar sentiment in behalf of the State an l if-; institnti'ins. It was not thought im j.ortant, however, to have mi.re than one number oi' the Bea.Iers of merely a lical interest. 2, Th n iilrilii ihi I nt 11 , ripi hi !'!• r,impliitH''t in I'^un- .H’.'/, .7/....A, ijii i' !/i’iiinl i-fiitn;!'' iu hft hunh'--: an e.t pensive haliit, .in.l one which injures the .Schools by preventing the children from lieing classified. A se ries of home Readers, it was supposed, would be cer tainly used, and this great evil thus avoided. the jiopnlar system of Readers being '00 long and being made so often merely to add to the profits of authors and publisher^ This series is to consist of fewer numbers than 'hose generally used, and it is believe.l that these .lumbers are suIBcient, while if the system were uni- .-ersally use.l in the State, the sum saved to p.-irenfs and children would amount to several thousand ihdlars annually. ■1, T put HI Ih, l.iiri'isof c/nl'ii ' ii lnh iiiii;/ /« rew! chih- jiOi ii'iin-' >i,r}’i'i, I'liniilior hu! imt f t' th- r/iiii art. r citlli’ii rhil'ii'/f i-f )tpnyifion.-, containing, iu lessons easy enough for all ages, correct specimens of style, interesting in matter, an.l inculcating proper moral-;, an.l religiou- iustruction. The prices are, for No. 1, 25 cents; No. 2, ;!7i cents; and No. 75 cents. ,\ liberal .letluclion trom these prices to Mi'ichants .in 1 School Teachers. E. J. Fayetteville, .Inly 2''. HALE ,S: SON. 2'.'- A I.SO A GK>D FAMILY CARRIAGE in goo.i repair an l .. m nearly new. Will be sold for half its value —ALSO— ;’> good .MIL(’H C()W.S with young calves. .Ajiplv t > T. .1 (’UHTI.^V .April 20, 1857. ’tf DAVID McDl ri'IK, tti'irkmaHoti anti i^fastrrrr. 1.S prepared to do all kinds of work in his line, i. chiding the putting up of Turpentine Still.s in thi und the adjoining counties. Fayetteville, .\pril 27, 1.S57. ;MY-|i.l .1. WJLI.IAM I‘\(;K, m. d., iTTS B O K O f ’tii Mi, .V. V. ij'KK. PAGE may be luun.l at his oftioe when not professionally engaL'e l M.'iy li • Books* Life of Cliiirlotte Bronte. .Author of .lane I'yre, kc ; The Testimony of the Rocks, by Hugh Miller; Salad for the Social, hy the .Author of Sabid for the Solitary; Indigenouh, Races of the Earth. I>y Nott \ Ciliddon; The Bee Keeper’s Chan. .Also, fur ther supplies ot' Millediilcia; The Prince of the House of David; Mrs. Hentz’s Novels; The Bai.tist Psalmody, Barnes' Family Prayers; Christian Minstrel: CiioienV , Concordance: .Vdanis’s New \rithnietic; Parley's Com- ; moil .Scho History; .\c. E. J. H.AI.E .\ .SON. June 2-i. 1S57. I NO'l'lCK. i '^j’^lll^ und.,rsigne.| having executed a power of .At- I torney t.i E. F. Moore, ha is thereby authori/ed j to make all >-ettlenients for me and in my name, and ! generally to transact all bu.sine-.' as 1 might or couM I .lo were I per.-onally present. ■). -I- .M(«)l!l, i F.ayetteville, June :!, 1M57. l.'tt B. F. PI3ARCEI & CO, i DEALERS IN ^ FOKKIGN A.Nl) DDMESTIC DRV II \T;', C.\PS, I’.O'iTS AND .siIOFS, / III'ii'llii'- mill lii iilt/-Mn'/ (’htfhIii'i, U.W STRHKT, ,V. I . IT. \F[ I •lulv I'AKKN \ V, ND c.iiiiiuitlP.I to the .l.iil of ('iuiih-riii:il coiimy, 1.S5 \oTi r. .SubsiTiptions ni,;y be nip.ile p lynble in work, an.l may specify whether for grading .:.r . ro3ii-lies; an.l I ptoekhol.b r ■ shall in o\'r3 ca^e have preference iu i taking Contracts, v.heii Ki are the ■ mie or at Engi- • neer’s estimate. •As ®oon a" one huti.ircd thou an.l .b.ll irs are .sub scribed, the Cominissioners ot’ >nslow county are to lie notified, and they are re.iuire.l to call a meeting of I Stockhoblers t.- organize the rom]iany. } March 15, ls5t;. ' Mtf , ! ». IIOlJST«>.\ I ' I ^% ’OI LD inform his friends and former customers j W W that he may be found 2 doors below the Cape ^ Fear B.ank, and ! doors above his (dd stand south side | Person .Street, where he intends to keep on h.and, j Harness, Saddles. Bridles, Whips, Collars ! and every thing belonging to his trade. He respectfully ' invite.-* his friends from the country to call auJ examine his stock before purchasing. He will attend to Repairing of Harness and Saddles punctually, an.l his charges shall be moderate. He would reipiest all indebted to the firm of HOU.STON & OVERBY to settle with W. Overby or himself, as they are compelled to settle the firm’s debts. August 27, 185ti. ■'l-ltf lilaiik tor .«alo at 01)server Otiice. Os ilie iir^t Mon.lay in J'eprembei in ,\i, I .\ill :,ell for Cash, at the oili t House .b.i.r, in the T(.wn ol Fa\ ttteville, the fidlowing Tracts ol Lan.ls, oi a.s much thereof as will pay the 'faxes .lue thercfiu lor the year- IH.'. i nn.] on the 1 '^Th .1 uly, a ne ALldA. wlh. '^ays she lii-!.'ii; llai i.ett coiiiily. .Shi WHS Th(‘ oxvni'r i« re.pie.tel :.. p.jrty, pay charge.s :iii I t.ik.' lealt wilh 'I the bi w .lite.-ts WM Aul'ii I !, I - .7. woman hy the n?iiue ;s 1,1 11. niei ('miieri.n > .iiitii^t tcl a . I I unn w i; .(-me t.irw.'ii'.l. pl.ne pr- r.slie will l> iiel I'.ul.ToX, .l„,U ( w rwT'Li/s \. r. .11 i:. -■I./. - l.i-i.U...n I .Ui,:, /.nr, if. >1* Bl'n'k IJivei', TiiU Haifor.t's Cieek, Ea-toft'ape Fe.ir Itiver, 2 I'M) /in • ii'oigi- 1 Kini-. Fi.ster Mason, Neill ,V ('olin \|. M.'Fa'lyen. irver s Cret.k .lones \ B.'irbc'o, 5ii joins McLean Hnughti.n .lesse Butta, 2'.*s joins King and other-, .lames D. P.uie. D'll joins Bell an.l other.- 'i>> The Kcirnb.Tw Land ' I'lo ('owjien Branch. 20(1 f.i. ■ - 21 I 1 - J in 25 :;(> 1(1 I I 55 Sil l'll, till .tilt' }i' i .\nr i:, U..I I., iiivMUtil.'; all who have ^. c;i i use ilio Forms un>l'r it. i For lie t.\ .\u>ril-t I S i* ,/, mill ihli th. . , . ./ f' ■ I . \i ,Pi • tl I kii v.-rv Ti.i i:. .1 ;i .1. , t >l1i. .'-I- ‘in.t ,1 ;iie i. iw, fin.l ti( Il eiil>. 1 . Pi'ii •• 11 \ I.'i’ .S S(!--, .1.1, ,b,. .T(.|in C.arviT. ■1 no .S, McDoiigald, A Graham for McKellar, Arthur • iiiion, ,\sa Philli[,-i, Davi.l - - - Wm. C. W est. Neill Lamont. Effie McLeod, > > -15 71 200 .South- ide Big Rockfi- • i5 (,'atuden Road, I'll* hea.l of .Swan's t'rcek 10(1 Burnt Swamp, 250 Big Hockfish, 115 “ Ti'nn, J.iil.i. •‘1 Alaxwell St., Fay t'ville, Joseph Seawell, 1 Davis' place, Cam'b'ton. -I. P. Lcnoard.for D. B. Gillaspie, 2 Ilavm’t, joins Woodward, John J. Phillips, ALEXANDER JOHNSON, late Sherifl'. July 15, 18.57. 28-ts pr.adv.-‘ji7 2 71 2 71 .; 12 2 H'.' 0 ;;o 1 SH 5 o;5 \K\\ IKMHvS. ■a«ll,l.El>l Lcl V. fr..Ill •N.iu-s anlguerlts, flu ...TS Eleplrint Clul., l.y Doe-ticks; Pa t \leri.liaii, t,_. Mr- ."'i.joiiniey: The Ritle, \xe .in 1 Sad ile-Bng-. by Milbiii ii; *‘Clir'.-tm is Stories. .1 r\ r.’'iI.E.'''; The .\imwcll St.iiie. onslstiiig oi the “Whi-tler. or the Manly li..y:" Kll.'i. or Turning over I New Leaf; ((scar, or the l’...y wiio hid his own way; fhe In.ll.in Fairy P. ...k; vi,h..tr'. St..ries about Comm.Ill Thing-;. ,\lso, farther siij.p;ie ..t Hum« an.l .Mac.anley''; Histories of llnglan i; .'••hool Books, &c. i; J. HALE & .SON. Jati'y 17, I s',7. I'OR SVI.K. tDA.MANTlNi: and TALLOW CANDLES; fine and common TOBACCO; and almost anything in the Grocery line. Cheaji aa the cheaj.est: G, W. 1. (iOLDSToN Jan’y 27, 1857. ' * • i