% ■ I J 1! I I',: titlUit'Il I'l t.'tiiln'r. ini i w Mii'i Mr. 1 '■■'■ «!i:oni ! t‘v sun ^i■.’ 1> l\\ 'iinv \ > (OF \ liu iM \. ..ES^ 1837-5S. (,v on\n V . ■ ■ ; Jnsitranee. '1' i.-Ter ouv roiAiioi-' to tin* muiiial stuteiuout ot’ till' .liinn lnsur>ini-e ’otnj>;niy, of llavttonl, whir'.. i • t'oun.l iu uin.thor Ci'hnnn. Tliis Kuoot'ss- :v,stini; n \vm-> tin' l.Ofji.'i’.itliri' ot (’ii'ifii. ijc'iit hi witli n ; ; .(.li.ii is ;iii i it- ni'0;naul:iti(iiis excct'i) s-;'.Iti: v; iiinkiii^its iMitiro over I"'. I • IftMili' l ill lli* :-trltfiiu“iit it't«‘rr' l t" I 'U ill I iti‘ th il -liulii;; till' I'Oi i I "I iie!U'l\ l'lt\ i'-- i vvittli'ul H Mllfll*’ '.I'll'- 1' ■: t-; i-liit't' I'liu-er. . l lu\'^ hcon ooii- , ' ,\ t'' U'Ui'.'.i'nl mi l I'fu It liMS . . .-..s;-,;-. i; ;||| n! .HM'hurs'nisr. U.' illl.'i;.. I. .r,. l.\ til.- l.HVUH-nt , . . ,) f~. willlolil rl.skili;'' M ! I , . , 1 i )i mH 1 M:’t 11 il 'I-* il'l' i 1 it tlo 1 i t - ■ '‘iii.'K. 1'.. 'nitliHtfimiitig tin' iiiun*-ii>;r iimut'tM'oftnins- . ir. i'l.'. Ill or.U'i- ti> uttuin ;is iiiufli 'c .'./ /(/v as - ■ ‘.I- IV. sviv'li H ti-» iusuv..iuM‘, it h;is lieoti 1 V i. lu o thf 'oti\| ;\t;y. ti V vcATs, ut .. 1 ,■ i! ! ln>r. i-:iroluil> to cliissilV .iii.i ;irr;uiv:' their I , ■ ’ , ri),(>llt tifly vli'^^tilU't -I’ ;i-‘ , V. ,,;.t ;!:-lll'l*'! i'll 0:lill .'I;!''. t!u‘ -.1111. I'lll "1 1 • 1 : ; ..•.i\. i tliereoii, a tit tho .■nii'>uvt f: U(' . '1 I'x"\orti ! . - . i-rir ■ l l.ii ■'H'l"'""-' tMfl' :;ll I -V--. ’ UU i. lUlt i‘t! • . X\j criiTKlit '11 t" I'•il'tiii't it--* - lusiir;uii-e '-11 I u,;.;:n ill. !, or i hulb-f. h r- -. avy.. o; ifi h:i...; is n-■:-.o-r::iniu!.U'. ivii l , . ‘ c;i|. iMo .'Ctiehl^ !-.-i.l.'fi !•> :i - \'-I 01 11. t I: =' ;■ 'v.. rk;iif: :imi rosult-; whi.-h nr.' i''i!;im ' , . . ; . ■■■ . tlii'f 1'iis'iH'-’ I'ht' i'.ti: i ('I’Uii • •, i iui'l’v t ' '.r~ >y ^toni. tiii ’ (’’Mi'in^ it> t'H' I . i;i. ,:i :i i,i '.’I'lV i ,;-is. ii.'i- ; ’''tiiliir l till' o Xti'li! Mll'l' I'V tl" '-'tili'r , :.:t I li:;-- ilKTOHM- I !!s t'.i-; vo.'ii- t- >. :ir with ;i ^to i ly . t it-; ~i-.'ui !^> ■ ti'.' • tin- Miil -111! ■ y ti.i- • it h-. - I. U^il 'Mt' -- t th*' II 1 r;;;-':;vrwiilVl. h: v'i up f I-. X :o.-t .■:iutio;:> in tiuir {-u.-a.i-;.-. it i> ■ - : " i ■■ -‘^l-• ■■ r-'- T, ■ • ■ i - •;’! t-' :i I- 'tupain, ali'l t- tin' ;i2- : -■ " , , -.:.i ~,-our:t;, --/ ' - i:T\i !\sii{i\(!; lOMPiw. ii \i;'i I'ciiiH, ( ONN \ i !: • .11 \:;TKU I-KHIMITI \l- Cayitcii $1,000,000. Assets $1,422,162 11. ; \ ; • : i - I'l - ; i.:.: K. o KU LKY. \ 0 I’lo- i, !i' I. A \l.i XA' i'iiH. S.vr.'t^iry I . ; .. . T K i;r.-i.,’. Tul-r. .1 i t:in. h. i:. : . '! • I . t; K! iv. r. li. A lUi'k.-l.-v. 11 K S S \V;irl. H / I’ri''. li 1 ■ ;vi~. I -lin, ’ I'. Hi ly. r. 1'. A Wx-iiii.-i. S' EDi^KWOUTH FEMAIK SEMINARY. | (*kkknsh>!:>'. n. •’ i f »ini-: noxt Stssiou ofthisli.r^tiliiti.m uill o..minom-o , i oil M.iii.Imv. Ausii-'t -•*. i Th.' C..U, so oi- Stuiiy i-^ thorou-h «n,( ytitimntu , „rn...7u-nt.l im-Hti.'U. Tho Innhl.n-s ' | r-iii.’ci ■!' t.. (■.>in'"i'>»- tlx' ^ i .1 " I Cil'Vuut'l .. tuV ;*.n«,ry r-— ■..lvar.t.,.s | "’T' 't‘ivlm-iu'.-»-^SMVy into, i.inti.ny-.-- , Vue iM'ir-^.' ol'nisTrii-lion, i.mhi-'. -V.' . wilM'i’ ; I ,I » -.1 i.- i. oil MJ.Ii'l llV‘ltl.111 to , \r.i» .'Irmi.iimi, (!n‘i'llst>oi'o', N.I. .i„!y i:;. IS-.: Tiii' t'airriai'artort/ #* thr South! I . UMl'.V. 1 .r A 'f'l >r .-h ,1, T- "t.. . • , -t. Wit . • ' i 11 r.r r>l 11 ink.,. :o iro- -; - ' • i nn l uiip.Ti i - t: ! ■: -re I 'i:. i u r i - “■ I, . i:i - u-i;"!'. \vii;:ni I'ui'tiuT J'V.- \ ' . '*'1 ’■ ']• .nv in J- .•..'tt^\ i 'llALi; ■ i) AV E'S UOLlAMf isu rnis ■i Nt.'. M . 'xyjriAJ , f: T [.’u*' 1 i Si,-;: DYSPEPSIA, OF rm: kii>m:ts. LIVER COMPLAINT, oF .\XV KIXD, FEVER AND AGUE. — • , *'nt To.'lA' H OR LI\ KIU ; - :!,■ . ■ . ; ^ I • -- ' • • I - s- \ « :. , i - ! ■ u;.- u,.. N. ' . \ . . . , I - r . - , .... ..r- •. H ■ : , . ' : ■ V .. ' M-. W « Nir I . . i. V r \ : i- ■ ■ ; :• ‘ r- v.. > : • tin-1 til - w . Wt ' ; u . • . » rt . nil M ! ■' ; ^ P‘ Jt-'-' \ I r M • .N ,J. * ' ‘IJI I lia- mliir*-! i;nn\ ■ ■ ‘. .1 tr s pnri hKMni; : : ,L- - -■ u. r ■ 11 ii ’\r ”,\t’ll r.ot-r : : ; 5 > ;f 1 • m > * ' • f imlKl *1'." ‘i .A !'P. -.1.1. 1-11" i‘ K 1 1 . i; - .IK. >. , il \ I' : A( l.i TlSTS AM' CliliMISTS. I'lTi'I’.rr.i.n. )‘a. , J. ’ J !':■ r-r I'ay.ttovii'.c. • i 1- 1'- .^1 oiM‘ \i‘W (jlooils. ^gllli; --li -ri a n:i; .-ii’ 1.- '-ivinj5 his FALL .AND WIN- 'U:-iMtilifC of iihlio-^t evt-ry thin;: ‘ rnate'"’?j Emporium, ^ . .'r.. \ V ' ■ v'. V ifat-dtvavi’ nnl itoitoiv-tvart\ —AL.^n-- aiul ^ lioi's, Saddlt'ry, I'isli. .\uy t w.'iii il )if> will : i-hcai. tor (’ush, hiirt**!- fi)r I’i! .1;.nr on Nl.'.rt timi'. .''toi -. i-i'i'cntly m:cu]>ied ' -. 1. .'V w .Miii'ii. :o'.! tio' (tolil.ii. Hou'rt'. W i. (;nIJ),TnN. ■ ' ^ . I Ihtf ! / 1/y i; *1 iK. lOK SWA]. '1I:NT ( i ri'INti f\Nll-'li. .\n ;iitit'U‘ _ '. ■ I.y all wh.i h:ivt> trif.l I ' ill 1 i|i ill o ■M’l’''’’ to i;. lio.-^r.. .1 () il N I). S II A W , i'r'i'«ic\i:v \ r i.aw, H K1.\(,1!.\.M. i;l( li\l(»Nl> l ul .',TV, N. ( . I I.L ■itifii'l till' ( 0(11.,i Hi. iiinouil, .\n«on nii'i \!1 K-.i^iin' ittfllt inn. f U(i 1.1 ' rcss. nd fct • Brai.f ;h- '’I "I’ \i;. Jr i.ti'ii-t. 1 11) hi I'Hre • I I -, 1 ' ~, 1 T-'.’.iii I \ ii:or Noiri'ii rAiiouw. ' I'MUKi;!. wi) ( (II NTV. •' 'i > ! I'S ■■ :ni-l .>ii.irrrr ;n;o'ronn, I"-.7 •' !• I’.. oni V : l,„,)os lli.lliui.i • .'■', ..i'- . \!t c*',:'! !!!. l.i.vlf.i .,11 Mlllc-;. aii'l '1 ' I 1>.-Ii‘ -..■ ,'^tili. iirliin^liliL.- ti>Ch:irl(M Ilnll.'Ul l. !' . .'uriiu' to tlif* -i ilisr.u'tioli o!' tho (’ouff. tlillt & . It .I- 11.ilillti'i, out'.ii till’in thi.'i oisp, • Il ' o iiih.il.it.lilt o!' thi^Sfito, if isthcrpr.iro nrjpr- ^ i. i ■. (.iihlic.-itioii he uia.i.' ill tlio FMVotti’ville Oh- IV : !i ! :\I;. the .i'i Iloll.'iiiil of tlic levy on lus ]: i ''i -i:.'! n (iiiriiitr him to ujipoar at tho next 1 > rill ot this (’ .lil t, t.i (.!' he’ll tor sni'l I'mmty, at tho • •'ft II • l;i Ki;y-ti.'viUo. on (he 1st Monday in . r u.'vt. Mi l ri'iilt'vy and j.lou'!, «r judgment v.ilii'. run I'T.- I :i;.r r.ii-; him and tho proj.crty levie.lon I' o-l 't) . aiisfv the pi iintitV.s claim. A iiii-' . ,1 ;.n MoLauiiu, Clerk of nur s:iid (’oiiri, ’ oih,-.' n l-'.T,errevilie, tho Ist Mon.lay in.JiiuoA. 1*. i'oT -lOHN McLaIkIN, (’lerk. -Ui- 1 3l.tc V t McK^v^^A^ 0 » l .^l’K!'Tr [■ l.l.V informs ii!> lrii-nd. and the 3a lo-.i ; t:i -' ’lo h:i' loii’r n;. lario -ul>,-t:.ntlal r.i.- k ‘’v.■.'.-iiii:;-' :i! "id .■'tall 1. e\pvt*.-s!y for iiiiui- i '.ri'n.'V'-n-ri:.i:'>. riiaiikful i.'r tho vovy lihoviil 1 s:i-oii-i::f’'ho ha^ r-.v-'ivo 1 lor'liO la^^t 1 year.-*, ho il M-- \ >ri;it .-(ttoiiti '11 to bii>ino~s. with a do.-.ii«' t , f I •: - ;.n't i, i:, to iiKTit a t'oiitmu.-.tu'o ..1 I In- ■> iiiio. Ho w.-i! r.'iiir.s hi.' w .r.» to bo :ii;i 1.' 1 tlio io'-.t tKaCfl : :i -ill i ' V r\|'Orio;u'o l Woi-aIUoH ill O-iO h i.lalli'h -; !;.■ I .i-.;u-»-. His w. ,r k i i. o.up u ro I a v or hMn vvi^^ :Ui> I'l 1 do ;:i tilo I'u i! o d S t t ^ . lorno ituo-> and davat'i'.ii V ilo i' do*-M-iuir.od t .> 'oU ui.i -L' any w- rk ill i,i ii:io on a- od iorm> a^. any work doi.e >-'.-o\vlur- thftt i> ."i.'i well d no. Ho now Iki-i on han-l. Fl^i-;l^ , :lio i> ,V i\ li K-''T 1' H iv oi (\; inti ll/iz:\u n F.V. ■ •‘ci.-d .tl !hi' I' -v' O, an.t -I ! \ lartio »;t«ck ■ •( w .'k tu- t v ; • vii,' !. wi.ioh will I'o tiui-hed daily. am . ; wii; h w;i. : O > 1 v.M-y i .w for f.xMi, or on s.. rt tiiiii' pMii. : ; r. i-ii't 'mor-. 5*^“ He Las on h-i!i 1 m.To thai! ‘.NK lirNl*KKl» .\ N D FIFTY Vehi- oio.'!ini'.liod at’.d i:i o- ;i-'0 oj l on'irtiPtion. Stii"" : w-'t-k m.i'io i y him is w;irrante«l 1-nionths w:til 1 ,-iir tl ' • .. aII i • u Id i t I.ii 1 hy h;i.l workinanship or tu-ir.'i ia! w :'i I'o t ot -lin-i It oe of rhar^ro I’ofr n' u o t,_ to --.y wonld d • wei'. t.' call and e 'vM in'. - vi- - I *r I r> 11 I'l .■. \ 0 1 and proui] tly nHon.U-d to. U ’ i:>iii,r ox.'outol -it -hoM notiot- Hiid on vory r* 'ii'i' !o t o r til ■ ^i i> Js. ' " , ‘'■'-t: w iiivv r \V\S'VE\). §\\ \ N ’ t i ir.'h-i'i- ..uoil 13u.-heN Wlu-al. .l.\.>. ti. ('".'K .It:!,. 1".')". i"-':' BOOKHINDLXCi: OF all kinds, is oxecnte.l in the beet manner. (Mdc.miuon ITayer.s, P.ihle.. an.J tioun.l in the same stylo thoy woro helore. Thi.s will save the repurchase ul new hookn. I.ihninans conne^ed with oollepeti, and other socifttes. iiuJ also gcallpmen ro..idinK at a di.xtanco, AviH fin.l it a matter ot to Ket tlioir l.ooks hound hero, as a -leilnction ot >i ce» «iin.emado upon hu-e o.-lors: *?n \,w" I thorn with partionlar dirootions to ,nd ,w,d when linisho.l. thoy will I'O carofitlly repacked and | returned without .iolny. I 1 have the host stook .»f inatorials; and workman- | ^hip will oomparo with any eithor at tho North or, ^^oiith. . . .1^. Apt'lv for a list of r.indiiisr (irioo.s l>olor»> jjoinf; where Tho iin.loriitfno.l roHpe.'tfiilly solioits a shafi* , ot pattona.t^o TllO.'^ II. Tl LLl NO 11 AS'l . | Atidorson street. S.'V Mr.'*. j |.\.M> rou SAI.K. ' « ^ .Vi'lMl.S OF i-.\NI> ly'uifi on npiior I B Little Kiver, in Harnett «'onuly, well limliorod and uoll looalod for theTurpontino l.iisiuo>-s It will l.o sold on iu'.'..ium.'d;itiii}; toiiiis. Al'l''.V to tho Sul.-ori!'or -.1! Favoltovillo \VM MoL .\loK\V. sopt 1^-'-'- Di-KP in\ i:iv ('OAL. a B I’lT MIN US *'(»AL of tho host .luality oaii he ' IS had at tho work^ at F.iiypt, nt a reasonable price il \ I \l ..I M V V I.' MOL \SSKS. la )l 11 !'. i ri't'.-.\ i and f..r hy .1 \.. (i. 'i>oK i *.-l. U7 •’>1- ‘iO “ Till' 01(1 North 111 hy .r';:-..-' -, * i f .'^oric-^ .V further stii'ply jiinr r.-- iv.' I. ,\' . r _ 1 .'-f'r:.'' !!.•■ 'a;iio W'-rk. 1: .1 M \Li: SON 1 ectfd •'I JB. h!l orders lot North Carolina Supreme Court Reports, in t^ets . : in single V'.liimes. Iredell’s L*igest and Dige.sted .\Ianu.-il. .Jone.«'s I)igest. Revised Statutes f North farolina. Wiley’.s New Form I’.ook. SToiiV, on Salori, lUlls, Contracts, Partnership, ■Yjcenoy, Ivjuity Jurisprudence, Equity I’lcadinps. A lv(' tl HoLlJ, on I’rai'tice, Criininal Practice and Pleading, Landlord and Tenant. CHITTY, on (’ontr.act.s. Criminal Law, Blackstone, Mo'Hca! .lur;'-^prudence, SU(il>LN, "n Vendor-* and Property. Po\VL'[>L, on .Mortgages, an.l Contracts. S.MITH, on Actions at Law, Ma.ster and Servant, Lan.li 'rd and Tonant, Chancery Practice. S.\N1»L[{S, on Pleading and F.videnco, Uso.s and I’riists, Kep‘.,rt‘>. KUS.^KLL, on Arbitration, Factors, ('rimes. lloFF.M.VN'.s Legal StU'ly, andMa.‘ters in Chancery. A\lLU.\.M.- on Per.'jonal Property. V,'H L.\T( (N'.'-^ .'selwyn's Ni.“i Priu>. AV'llAl’.TuN, nil ^American Law of Homicide, Medi cal .liiris] rmlonco, StateTrials in the L'nited States, .Amerii'an Criminal Law, Law Dictionary. Stephen on Pleading. Roper on Legacies. Dart on Vendors. Fearue on Remain.lers. Kdwuriis on Bail ments. (’oke upon Littleton,I Hargrave and iiufler's) new e.liti.in. Kent’s Commentaries. Curtis’s ditto. Dart's Vendors and l*urcha»ers of Real Estate. A'i- am-.' L'juity. Trouliafs liaw of Limited Partnership, liiighos' K'Hiity Draughtsman. Phillips and Amos ou Lvidonce. (Jresley on Law of Lvidence. Ross on {‘ills and Proniibsory N'ote.s. Domat’s Civil Law- i .Tiis’^ t’- S. Criminal Law. Daniell's Chancery i.uutice. Ro.scoe's Criminal Evidence. Atherloy on li •. L*aw oi .Marriage. Coliyeron Partnership. Oroen- .i v-n I'.videiK-e. Oliv^-r on (,'onveyanoing. (,’urtis’s (-^.t.eyanoer. P.urrill's Law Dii.'tionary. Cruise on i\tal t'i-o[i.'rty Taylfi s Law (ilossary. Cral-jh on Konl Properly. Keovrs" Domestic Piolations. Uylo? on P.ills. Roll on Sal*-. Lee on .\rliifrafion of Titles Shai-sw.io i's Professional Lthics. Rarton’« suit in L.iuify VmIIs on (■ircumstauti;il Evidence. Comyn's Lau'llor.l aii.l Touant. Watson on Arbitration. Har- m Discovery, oliphant on Horses. Whitworth's E.juity Procedoiits. .\Iorrison Replevin. Greeley’s E.inity Evi.lence. P.ishop on .\Larriage and Divorce. .Mathew's Presumptive Kvi'ience. Rohertson on Suc cession. Ellis on Insurance. I.cwis on tho Law of Perpetuity. Phillimore on Domicil. Cary ou Part- norsliip. Wilson on Uses. Fell on (iiiarantees. New- laii.i on Contracts. T.-imlyn's ('hanoery Evidence, .jc. The'se or other Law Rooks ordered will be supplied to the Pri)fe?ssion in any part of the State on reason able terms, K. j. HaLE .j- SO.V- aAX()i:s. RAGS PERUVIAN'; ;’.27 do. COLL'.MRIAN'. Not only h;is the cost of using these Guanoes iu connexion been very much diminished, but experi ments have proved that the phosphate, so much want ing in the Peruvian, not only increases the yield, but coiiibincil with the Coluinbi.-ui niake.s the crop much more certuiu. For sale by D. & W. McLAURIN. Nr.v. liy tho Tun M IV -.M. I \S M McCLANE, Mining F.nginoer t.-tf STARR fc WILLIAMS; »AVE now in 8tore their Second Stock 1 able goods, which they w>ll otTer to the Wholesale Trade very low for CASH, or on the usual ‘‘T J. M. WILLIAMS. April 21, 1.‘37. Hook A^miIs VV aiitetl. f»1HE Subsirit.or, having taken the General Agency M for getting .subsori>)Ois to and delivering Hawks s Hist..I V of North (’arolina, now in process of puhlica- j tion I.y Messrs. E .1. Halo .■! Son of Fayettovino. 13 desinuis of entering into an engagement with one or : more nctivo, intolligent and roliahle persons in each 1 of tho Judicial Circuits, to canvass their respective! parts of tho State, or particular counties, thorwughly. ( Immodiaio application is dosiro.J, as sample copit» ot ^ the first volume will will ho roa.ly in a few days. j L'ndoubtcd testimonials as to character must ac- ; company each api>lication. Ad.lross j 11. W. HOR>«. I Fayottovillo, Itoc. 1*. >t- i rirriiKii sriMM.v of hooks. •'■1HE .\morican .\lmanuc for 1H;'>7: ■ Kano’s .\n tic E.xploration; Draper’s Physiology: The Private ('orrospondence of Dauiel Webster: The American Sportsman, by Lewis, illustrate.I; .New Life o' Summertield, by Willet; Count Hugo, tho ^ii.ser, .i;c., hy the same authot. I I’iie Torch Light; ■ Tuck's Selections for Sabbath PiCading: ! Brown’s Bible Dictionary; ' The .American Debiiter: Upham’s .Mental Phil osophy; .Alexander’s .Moral Science; 4'C- i ■ E. J. HALE a SON. \y/{(> w’orL/> //A \'h' THorain it? .4 nnc (\irri.!:J> h'staUis/iineiit on the Military (/f/ir M> fhnJist C/iurrh^ f'/niitin'; on Mumfonl Sfn tt. (JKKVT KNTKRPRISK! ^I^HE Siibs.'vibors wouM ros)'i-otluily inlovin their I Ir'ion.l- and the i.ui.iic, that thoy have entered imtocoi.artii.Tship f.ir tho i.iirposo of con-lii.-ting the general CARRIAGE 15CS1NKSS in all its various parts, ,\ud being both practical woi kmen, lully un- der^tuTi.linc their bii.-iuoss, thoy have Qo bisitation to compate wor.v Witti any establishment ,y>jttevi'.le as to style and duraViility. One of the firm ni'iy h>» known by rtit. it* to .A. H. Whitticl'l'^ iron woik for the '.a.st two yc-»rs. We warrant all Work to give jjeneral satisfaction for t wci'.e montii s l{ei.-iirine 1 .no in tho n-.“-it est tnanii..r low :'.r cash PIER \ i;i;\NiN. (a AXO! (ilJANO!! fBlHE undersigned asks the attention of Farmers, M Planters and Dealers to his Stock of best quality Guanoes, all of which he will sell at tue lowest mar ket rates. PERUVIAN GUANO of the latest importa tions and best qu.-tlity. . •‘AA" .MEXU^AN GUANO of the best cargoes inif.orted. COLU.MBI.-XN Gl'.ANO, very rich in Phosphates. -Also, Super-Phosphate of Lime. Bone Dust, &c. Purchasers may rely on having their Guano shippcl in prime order and in superior bags. The general satisfaction heretofore given hy all Guanoes sold by tho .Subscriber, he hopes will be a sufficient guarantee that all articles sold liy him will )>e found as repre sented. WILLIAM ROBINSON, .No.s 4 and *1 Hollingsworth Street, Near Pratt Street Wharf, Baltimore, Md. July 1. ‘21-.Sra I'OH UKNT. rj^HE STORE on the corner of Hay and Donahison M .sJtroets, next door to H. & E. J. Lilly’s. Apply Dr. FoULKE.S. •2t;- il. PlKH Fivettoviile, .I:-.n'y -1. .1 >1 K Ek.\nis t.-^tf •Jl€irble rfiriorii. I-: : Hy I.AIJDKU. TWII IKHIPvS liitil i. I . r. HlKill \ SUN’S STURK, J'lri’V li'i. 1 s">7 •i 1 Vlul WOOL KOfJ.S. HAICKK ■w r.'i riviii;^ I'r.itn the N ’tth the rnt-'i, .■niii most ourelully se- K IT! Ki: ■V' r otforo I ill t:.'.s market; which, added to his own tait.iil'aoturo. niikoshis assortment complettf;—allot wi.-.r’.i ho \v;!l ■•ntho: lwe^t possible terms for c.ash ■r tit;:.' t . I unotU!i’. i"asiom'rs. r 1'!;: ii: ’-i.' p lint.'1 cc.,tt.'igo bed-rooni Furniture in ct:.': .•'.‘Ill sir .m I -htick. :uid cotton .Mattre.^ses; L .oiiiii;.' Wiionv Wii/oiis and Cralles; .Si.le I‘...ar ls; Hur. .uis: ScL-ret.-irio.s an.i 11 "k-C'isos: What- .N'.t^: T t*'los. a'l «orts; \\ ash Stand>: (’an.Ho St.'inds; W.ir lr .i.o>; Pi. ture Frames aii.KJ'.ass; Win.low Shades; Cornicos; ('urt:iin P>and'; Solas in Mahogany and Walnut; Tvto a Tt'tos; Ottomans; Divaus and Stools; ( hairs of every variety. II -.V".'.! J’iann.s, one with .^loliau At- t;t' luiu'iif; Rosewood Molodians, frotn the bet manufac tories i'l New Y»rk and Boston, warriinte.l as good us any m..de in the c.untry, and will be sold at N. Y'ork i ].rices—freight only 't 1 led. ! Novi iiU'or 1-j-tt l. iVV ISOOKN. ^HE S-.ibsi'ribers have on hand, and will promptly ^^ro-oL cardo i with dispatch at Blount’sCreelt Factorv. SHEETINGS, (•►snaburgs. Cotton Yarn, and Wool Rolls, for sale by liOOK HI\I)KRY. KW. H.VRDIE has resumed the Book Bin.iing • P.usiness, over th^ Tailor Shop of Clark & Wo.jdward, where he will receive and execute binding in any style desired. .August 1. 27-tf JAMES KYLE J.S now receiving his .SPRING .AND SL'.AI.MER sup- DRY CiOODS, itats^ Boots anti Shoes, UOLTING CLOTHS, &c., .All of which, being purchased by the case, will be of- fere.l by Wholesale or Retail at LOW PRICES. March iM. 18-j7. l'2tf WITH I). DKVLIX 5^ CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Koacly-iiiade Clothing, Nos. 259 AND 260 Broadway, NEW YORK. Mav 2o. 1857. ll-3m Junel ha-}. GEO. McNEILL. 7-tf CORN. B.AGS C(tRN, superior .luality and ^ i good measure, for sale bv I WORTH .y UTLKV. j July 1857. 2t- STaNDARD LITERATI RK. /^■IHE Waverly Novels 27 vols. cloth and half calf; ; i Co.,iper'8 Novels; Irving’s Works, l-"> vols; Prescott's Conquest of Peru and Mexico; *• Lives of Ferdinand and Isabella; *• Life of Philip the 2d; Benton's oO years in the U. S. Senate, 2 vols; The Statesman's Manual, 4 vols; Encyclopedia .Americana, 14 cols; Lossing’s Pictorial Field Book f the Revohition W’ebster's Works, G vols; Colton’s Life and Times of Henry Clay; Memoir of S. S. Prentiss of Miss: Pictorial Life of An.lrew Jackson; •Memoir of Wm. Wirt by Kennedy; Life of Wise an'I Virginia Politics .’u 18.35; (iarland’s Life of John Randolph; Democracy in America, by De Tocqueville; .Abbott's Life of Napolwon, 2 vols; .Abbott’s Histories; Wirt’s Life of Patrick Henry; Life of Wra. i’inckney of Md.; Bayard Taylor's India, China and Japan; Com. Perry’s Japan Expedition; Lieber ou Civil Liberty and Self Government; The Pliysical Geography of the Sea, by Lieut. Maury, Liberty and Slavery, by Bledsoe of Virginia; Southey’s Common I’lace Book; Life .imi Corres. of Southey; The Spectator; U ilson’s Tal«s of the Bor.lers; The Scottish Gaol, or .Manners, .Antiquities, and Customs of Scotland: • The Scots Worthies, by John Howie; l.ockhart’s Life of Walter Scott; Chambers’s Life and Works of Robert Burns, Hamilton's Discussions in Philosophy and Literature; Life and Correspondence of Lord JefTrey; The (.queens of Scotland, by .Agnes Strickland; Chambers’ Miscellanies; Proctor’s History of the Crusades, illustrated; Woodfall's Junius; Hannah More s Works; Plutarch’s Lives; Boswell's Life of Dr. Johnson; • Novels and Tales by Maria Edgeworth; .\ddition, Burke and Johnson’s Work.';; Millman’s Gibbon’s Rome; Hallam's Works; Cosmos, by Humbolt; Men and W'omon of the 18th Century by Iloussaye; The Guide to Social Happiness, by Mrs. Ellis; Shak.apeRre, Byron, Moore, Scott, Homans and other Poets iu various stylos of binding; The Bo.=tou Edition of the British T‘oois, Sic., Ific. O.n. ‘2'.». E. J. HALE SON. 0\VKL1.1N(^ FOR SALi:. 1'^HE .Subscriber wishes to sol! the large Dwelling and Lot on tho corner of Gillespie au'i Russell Streets, at present occupied by Mr. Henry Erambert. Terms reasonable. E. J. H.VLE. J llWVKSvS IILSTORV. "'HE Subscriber, Assistant .Agent for procuring sub.scribers (0 and delivering Hawks s History, gives notice thnt ho will atten.l the (bounty Court of Duplin on thci 8d Momlay in July iiLst., the County Court of Chath,‘\m, on the 2d Monday in August, the County Court of Sampson on the .1.1 Monday in .Au gust, and the County Court of Johnston on tho 4tii Monday in .Vugust. fie will be provided with a Sub scription Book, and with copies of the 1st volume in tho several styles of binding, for delivery. July 4. C. PRICE. , A CARD, ^JIHE underftigne.l would respectfully inform his M. old friends ami customers that he can be found at the Store of C. E. Leete, where he will bo glad to see them. J. R. McDONALD. Fayetteville, N. C., Jan’y 8, 1857. 72-tf DOCTOR FRANK WILLIAMS’S CELEBRATED RYE WHISKEY! "T'HE subscriber has made arrangements to keep a X ?upply of the Genuine Article, and is the only -Agent for the sale of the above brand of A No. 1 Rve Whiskey in this place. ROB'T MITCHELL. May 4, 18.57. 5tf Npriiig^ .^tock, 18^7. B. F. MOORE, Wtiolesalr Grocer and Commi&sioa Mrrfhant. Has just received in Store, 21,') Barrels Whiskey and Brandy. 35 “ and hbds. of Sugar, ass’td. 75 Sacks Rio Coifee, “ 200 “ Salt. 50 Boxes Soda Biscuit. Candies, Soaps, Candles, Suuflf, Cigars, &c. &c. All of which will be sold on liberal terms. March 10, 1857. 69tf 'VALlllBLE Ll\DS FOR SALE. The Subscriber, being desirous of moving South or changing his business, offers for sale the fol lowing Lands: One Tract, coutaining; 1700 or 1§00 Acres, on which is my family residence, situated ten miles North-east of Fayetteville, on the East aide of Cape Fear River, through which the F. ^ N. Plank Road passes. It contains a fine Oak Grove, with substantial Buildings, and is well supplied with pure water. The above tract consists of swamp and uplands, a portion of each kind being under cultivation and in excellent order, and contains two fine pastures for stock, abun dantly supplied with fresh water. The uncultivated portion is heavily timbered. One Tract, betweeu 300 and .fOO Acres, lying one mile North of the above, and immediately on the Plank Road, on which is a valuable Saw and Grist Mill, in perfect order. The tract is well supplied with I'ine timber. One Tract, -lOO to 500 Acres, of rich and productive Swamp Lands, a portion of which is well fenced and under cultivation, known as the King and Norman Lands, situated one mile from the river, be tween the Ashe and Armstrong Lands. The uncleared portion contains valuable Cypress and Oak Timber. One Tract, 12 1 Acres of PIney Wood Landsy heavily timbered, and known as the Little Creek tract. One Tract, 50 Acres, which lies In Great Creek, and contains the greatest abundance of Juniper Timber for Shingles. Persons wishing to purchase can get all the neces sary infoimation from the subscriber at his residence, or from James Murphy, at Gray’s Creek, either of whom will take pleasure in showing the above lands. JOHN MURPIIV, Sen’r, Cumberland County, .Inly 27, 1857. ‘29-tf A VALUAHI.FrLAW Bookr ~ Addison on Contracts, with Notes and References to .American oases, by Edward Ingersoll. 1 large vol. 12(H) pages. , Judge Woodward, of the Supreme Court of Pennsyl vania, says that “this is the best book on the subject, I ever had in my hands.” For sale by E. .1. HALE & SON. April 20. Taw iu)6ks. ^^EbGWICK on the Statutory and Constitutional Law; ^ Chitty on Pleading; Newland on Contracts; Phil- lipps and Amos on Evidence: Stephen on f’leading; Mitfor.l’s Chancery Pleadings; Hill on Trustees: Lube’s Equity Pleading; Adams’s Equity, &c. f’urther supplies of the above just received. E. J. HALE & SON. Further ^iipplic)« ©I* Book«. r«^HE AMERICAN CITIZEN, by Bishop Hopkins; ; Jl Praed’s Poetical Works; Milledulcia, from i Notes and Ciueries; Mackey’s Lexicon of Free-Mason- ! ry; Dictionary of Poetical Quotations; Mitchell’s I Travellers’ Guide; Questions to Jacobus’ Notes; Medi* I cal Books; School Books, &c. E. J HALE k SON. 1 May 2, Iggj. PRO^PKVT I OF THE NOKTIi CAROLINA PRKsHVTF.R!. /■"^HE Presbyterian Church iu North i ,,r .- JL long labored under a serious ’liHa lvfinriii;, . the want of a journal to advocate her clnitiic . reHent her interests. It is estimate.1 tii .. , ‘ Presbyterian Weeklies are taken in thf b.ju'ai, . three Prc.sbyterios. Wo havo 1. and it is safe to infer tlint there arc rians in principle iu the .State. Our .-^vn i .. tifth in the Union iu point of numhorr uni bership is greater than that of any >yr..,l West of Pennsylvania. Our sister States .,:i -ij. >, and South, neither ol which has a nif.n;r,.r,. large as ours, publish the Contra!, an I tb.- s . Presbyterian, for the benefit of their ,j, p time has come when the Presbyterian ( hiir u . Carolina should likewise do her .luty t i,..r It is a conce.lei an.l important fact, that hunlr.. our members will take a State paper wh : wi; ; , other. The Paper is nee.led to be the r: ,ti Synod and Presbyteries—to elevate and en^ ,;i,- piety of our luombership liy .litrusiii,' . knowledge—to promote the cauhe of Eiu •' dovelopo tho talents of ..ur : • :'-n .. m-.. . en the attachment of .uir !••' : ..■ r • '.i,- tuaries of their own St it- If our (’liur.'h iu oth.-r States in this State, can supply their i ■ - ligious journal, why may not w.- \;. liua I'roshyterians inferior in t . patriotism to their neighbors on tio N : or to Christians of other donouiiii it; .• With the same or better opportunitie.s o; .. ing this work, shall we leave it undone' 1-,; guage of one of our most ikMe an 1 u -eiu'. M',; ..- an adopted son of our Stato, “It ought t' h undertaken 20 years ago, but it i.s not t' Iun • gin to do right” In the last two or three months, a iLini has been subscribed as a pormaui'nt At a meeting of the contributors, hel l ut (u^ . rough on the 14th of May, Rev. Baker, ("• /. —the Paper was unanimously located at F under ilie name and title of the .Noi;/'! ('■ pHKKi>\Ti:Fi.»:i. R*-v. Wm. N. Mebun-. j ; George MeNeill wero elected Klit..r--: George .McNeill, Wm. N. .Mel..me. \ Bar;.; , i H. Wiley, an.l Messrs. George .McNeill. Cook and David Murphy were appointed ;i:; 1>;, Committee, to establish the Paper aii'l r ii business atl'airs. It is our wish aji.l design to make the .N.m- • . I.1SA pRE.sBYTKRf.^.v .a jotimal of tho first (’.u- .. . to the best in tlie country in tyjiogr.ij !ii.::i! ance and in adaptation to the want.s ot our ''L-.-. Its columns will afforil the latest iiitollisenc.- foreign and domestic, and special caro will ■ ■ to give a full and accur.ite summary of .'^t Tho name of the Paper is designC'l to be an e.n; : of i:s character an.l contents. From conv ■ !. ■ wiV advocate tho conservative, ortho'lox, •' ■ doctrines and order of tho (,’liurch. Our first appeal i.s to our own people-: Presbyterians. Whilst ;ro roly confiJently i:p .. ' favor, we tni.sf that tho native s.mv of N-irt'i (M who have found homes in other Stato.s. an.l the . e.l citizens of our State wh.. form f»o imj. /rt .i element in our Ministry .nn.l moinborship. wi'.' ^ . deep intorest in this enterprise and give i' ^ hearty support. Ti:k.m-: -*;'2 per annum in ndv.nnce. or on .loJiv.' of the first number; •‘*2 oO in six months; at t end of the year. To cliibc of 2o or moro, paying • advance and wlien the Paper i.s sent to one addres-j discount of 10 per cent, will be allowed. Our Mii ■ ters and Elders are earnestly .lesired to act as Age: and all others friendly to the cause will please t. • in procuring as many subscribers as possible, an 1. war.l the names, iv l.-', to this Office, soon as 1600 subscribers are obtained, the fir>: : ber will be issued. If a faithful and vigoron« p ’^ is made in the next two months by those who ti.K- lively interest in this work, we will, without i be able to begin the publication at the end time with a paying svibscription list of at lea-t Address, Editors of the North Carolina I're- terian, Fayetteville. N. C. Fayetteville, M.ay" 2(», IS;')?. 1,. .SCOTT iV Ul,l>l!l\ r il! THE BRITISII Pi:illOUinL.\. L SCOTT & CO., New York, continue t^ ; the following leading British periodicals, v THE LONDON QUARTERLY (Conservative. THE EDINBURGH REVIEW (Whig.) THE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW (Free ?hur. THE WESTMINISTER REVIEW (Liberal.. BLACKWOOD'S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE T : These Periodicals represent the.three gre it p i;- parties of Great Britain—Whig. Tory, an.l Ha icu.. but politics form only one feature of their ch'.'r. - As Organs of the most profound writers on Literature, Morality, and Religion, they stanl, they ever have stood, unrivalled in the worM ■ *' •- ters, being indispensable to the scholar and pr ■ sional man, while to the intelligent reader ot o't-r;. class they furnish a more correct and satisfrtotory r - cord of the current literature of the day, thr >u^;, the world, than can be possibly obtained from ■: ; other source. EARLY COPIES. The receipt of advance sheets from the British j • lishers gives additional value to these Reprints, i:.. much as they can now be placed in the bands of >- scribers about as soon as the original editions. TERMS. For any one of the four Reviews, (Per ann. ) i For any two of the four Reviews, o For any three of the four Reviews, 7 For all four of the Reviews. s For Blackwood’s Magazine, For Blackwood and three Reviews. For Blackwood and the four Revievrs. 1'- Pai/nrnts to be made in alt ca.'f.'' advan’-f. M current in the Stiite uhere issued u-ill be r-r~; 'd a! pjr. CLUBBING. A discount of twenty-five per cent. tio:u iLe . prices will be allowed to Cli bs ordering four or lucr' copies of any one or more of the above wor't.?. 1;--^ Four copies of Blackwood, or of one Review, w;.! ' sent to one address for §0; four copies of the i .r H' views and Blackwood for and so on. POST.AGE. In all the principal Cities and Towns, the.«e w rk- will be delivered, FREE OF POST.AGE. When sei.' by mail, the Postage to any part of the United Stu' ■ will be but TWENTY-FOUR CENTS a year for ^ woods,” and but FOUIiXEEN CENTS a year for >• of the Reviews. B. The price in (ireat Britain of th>- fin /’•- • above-named is about sjiJil ptr annum. Remittances for any of the above publications sh . always be a ldressed, post-paid, to the Publishers LF:0NARD SCOTT s CO., N*. 54 Gold-street, New \ ' NEW liOOKS. HARRIET LEE'S Canterbury Tales; Love ■ Marriage, by Mrs. Ilentz. Also, a new supply of Standanl .MEDIC.AL WORK.^' The Presbyterian Psalmodist, round and chara" Notes. E. J. H.ALE & SON M^urther SupplieH of Books. ^I^HE Humorous Poetry of the English LanguuL^ X Home and the World, by Mrs. Rives of Va Poetical Works and • Rojecto.l .AiMrosse- Horace and James Smith; Beaumarchais and his Times; Confidential Correspondonce of N-ijioionn an i sephine; The La.ly’s .\lmanac for ISoT; l»r. Kane's .Arctic Explorations; Momoir of Su.san .\llibono; Knight’.s Pictorial Half-Hours; Ready Reckoners; The Mystic Circle; Bullion’s Practical Lessons in English (JraTanir Just received. |:. j. HaLE k S‘N NEW HOOKS Com. Perry's Japan Expedition, illustrated. Collier & .lewett's Edition of the Origin.nl T> - Shakspearo’s Pl.ay.s Restored. Farmingdale; 'The Lion of Flanders, or the Rat • of the Golden .Spurs; The Curse of the Village. Kitto’s Daily Bible Illustrations; Kitto’s Popular y clopedia of Biblical Literature; Barnes’ Notes on t ' Books of Job and Revelations; Half Hours witli' - '^ best .Authors,—Knight’s London Edition, 2 v > ; H i Hours with the b'est Poets. Revolutions in Europe, down to 1849. Webster’s University and Family Pronouncing D; Juvenile and School Bojks, Stationary, Just rec’d by E. J. H.VLi: ij' SON. No? 17 Price ad’ ti" For t ad' t'l. ■ A !■ sqti'. BU'-.- Ci:l1 rC'i ' ti. . in .\ \ cent rec Cai 101 1. ■ QC/^ Harper's Maruziiie for July Ju«rw’d. 1, J. HAL£ &

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