n.; i \' \s iii \ to ll. . ■ li \ \ ^ f.. )I»;i 11 A tSC I.!^ i.- i 1 fry fcn.JB-Junpw ^ t = 'WX 1 8KMl-WKr] lV .VKTTi:\ JI.LE, X. C., SEI‘1'lvM!Ji:il 3 is"7. [NO. ^ m \!,j, .!. iMi i*l I'dT'^ \N:» r.; i. i.> t i iu r I' h • ; ■ ■ - •, . ■ ■• t :i;.i 111 ’ i.n’n t!'.- ^ . ,- .■ : ri;- ■ ■' . ... I- , x;-'. i ■ > ■ . • ■ ■ ‘ • i-r 111. i : 1 1 il! ‘'. i • ■ ' ^ ■ ’■'■,■ tl !• V. .!!• ■ t Ml?;- r-- N IV : , 1 ; :i|- \ : V i/i'lit ; j i r ■rtl!. . ;, all i ■'.:'.n\ r.-iit--f.>r i-.u'b '' ' Vf:ll"v .'vcr:'- llil'lltss] i - 1 . . • r • '. lvoi-ti. ;'l .ill- :.i ■ I V - . 1 ti.'M • i. ;■ ■ *>!.. r ’ w • \.) * ^ 7*’) ' I-.' I \l\ ■ TiO \) (* }■ f-'‘ • if ‘ W I. ■11 ' .• i I’J'I* fvM\ i:!^ (OAI.. [ i'l MIN'u s (’t \i (if tlio l>est ijiKility c:m •'».• | )l:i I ; tiK' w-rks ;it I'.jrvjit, at a rfiisonalilc )iricc' ; 'i .i;. ‘ \VM. Mc('L.\Xr., ! Miniiiii Hiigiiici'r. \i J;, I' ■ (i-ti ( ' ,* J' \v!ii> v-rLi> HAM-: Tiionnn it? T'I'l^fiih/ishmf'nt on /he JJi7i/ar>/ ■ t/• ■:■•, thr Mrf/i.)(fisf Chiin h, I’l-'iit'nij 'in Mtini/nn/ Strft. \ i ! IV i " r; i intiK i j;.- I : n.iiv ' ■ . 1 U ;■ .1 AMj- FriV, ■ iio i k ; lilM' . I, . - ■ . .V. -,T,_ that :■ ! !N 1 • ! ' 1>. t 1)(> ' \ ’ I ■' ! I . , , ■ r L ' \ \ ,i).\) U), N ..T!l r \!,mNA, ? . !i .n:KP. "T. ^ 'UN Wholesale vxro^erK. ' .1 ! I! 'u-iN. ,\N| .- .li S.i;lL;S, s4 t' . € ^^i? * n i.ver r ■ ' - • I . X'^‘VK IU - i fir/ltfr ; t' '^fliool fSitoks. 1 .■ ■'•r;: '.1 i-s' .\riiliiii''n'i‘: 11 i-al V .-li. ri't t;t i ii V ■ =. i.iv > i 1;;r ii- ; ■>■ ^ : .vi' -■ Ais . Til) r'l-i ■> t ! H :iniyi;. ' -1 : I:i ... :■ --i- ^v.ly : ■' ■ • Vi*L ■■■•N. witiil i ri:. . ■ ■r r- ;■■ ! ■ v ' .• V\'n\C \[. S^)VH'y. ■I : T • ■ ,\o lilt t-it.- \vl^hl■> i i\ - ■i>: i ■ M .. . v.TV il-J,. - ^ ^ .• :' .'■■■■' ■ A ■ I i'.'-at: 'U ■ '.ir’:;:-’- :i ’ ‘ -■■■ ' \ ■ T l!' !i ,..3 • ■ , :r tv i!li-i! \i;i*Si»N, r :. . N. . liwvr I'.N'rKUPRisi:! u' ■!■!: i i > woiiM respectfully iiifonii tlieir ' ail i itu-I'll'.lie, that they iiave euteie'l . 1; ai)' I'.i’ the ii\u)uise o!'ciiii'liictlii;' the .1 1;! A;r>L’.'^ I N n.'^S in all its vai ioiis A:. ' he'..;;’ I'utli (irai’tic'il vvoi kmen, I'ully iin- I'l. r I'Uyiiiits. they have u. .. .c-itatioii to . 1 -v'.ih iuiy catahlishmciit ic . ttevill'" : ... Ill I iur liiiHty. : .• :■. b(! known iiy li . .. to -\ I;.-'. . i;- >1 >. l A for the last tw.i y^\r.S. V Ml ■.'■ w irk to ^ivo peiierjil satisfactioij \e li ..{itl.> ■r':ii;; i ne iu tiie ueat cst iuaa;ier low for cash iMKU .V i:ranl\. - ii. 1 IKU. Jamks Iht.vsiN. ;t.vlll. . J iiiy .:i, IS-"':?. ■ii A ^4 4\ -iiOO. L VUDl'ill. Ilii'ti;- lllni: I'. T. IMICII kSIIV'S sroBE, ^■'ayrl If'vi ll«‘, *■%. I’. Jan'y 'J'.'. 1 Olypd ^ M' -■} ; i L > i (H !\ \ \']i |N )7. xRB WILLIAMS ftH tin ft H'hifrr fntxufsi! : W : I.- ...... V". 7 - t f - r ■ ^ A \ \ » >. M \ ^ \ • (.1 \ NO. W lX)f. IU)!J.S. tAT"'“u- lcj r ith lisjiatch :it rilount’p('reek ? t’- . t TV. SIll’.KTlNiiS, ^ur'.'S. ' :: 'U N irii, aii'l '1 I’l'^'lls, for sale t>y . .. ;.'■>!. McNEILL. 7-tf I U ! • u ' I.:,' '.MS .■ (M. \\ u! 11 a!: 'l etf -I ; : • ..1-. V. r3- % ■ t>. Fine \l 7 . ;•■ !'0!{ '-AU: .1 • :M i i’i; \ I I ). :i»y !' ' ill ■' e t ' J North Carollup S..;:v ll :: i! 'I ports, (.1 \.\o: (a vNO!! , , 111 ii III! 1 i;i!ie 1 asks the attfiitinii of Farmers, ri uiti'i' a:> 1 l>e iler.s to his Stock of liest ijuality • lUaniies. ail ul wliieh he will sell at tlie lowest in.ir- i.i ! 1-ites 1'K11L \ !.\N (iL'.\N> of the latest imnorla- ti !i ■.:!'l I'l'-t .|U ility. *•1 V” M ii.\l'.\.N' (.jr.\N() of tlie best cargoes ■ ; 'It.••I. • 111.I ^ll'•l.\.^ (il'ANt), very rich in IMiosphates. .\!' '. Snjii-r-l’iio.'j.liate ol' Lime, l!"iie l>ust, \c. ! .; '' may rely on haviii;i their Ouami «.hippeil i ; i l lie : lor an 1 iu >ui'erior baps. The jreiieral ■ t. - .t. ’i !u'retMf.,re jrivcii by all (iiiaiioes soM by i. S !'’i-. ;-'ier. ill iii.pes will be a sutlieieiit :tiar.inifi‘ 1 .r ;ini. .es - >! 1 I'V him will be louii'l as repre- • iiie I ■ WILLIAM K015INS0.V, Ni". 1 aii'l Ii Hollitijrsworth Street, Near Pratt Street Wharf, Baltimore, NLL •Inly 1. ‘Jl-oin JA.MKS KYLK g. :: .V, r. i .. iving h' SlMllN’fJ ANL)-SUM.MKU ,Mip- '"mt\ ;ooi>s, tfoots and Shot’s^ iio};!'iN(; CLO rils, vVc., \i' , ; V. ^ii 'i, I'tiiij ]ii.ii-liM'Oil liy th. case, will be of- ' . \Vh..b-. I'io r Retail alLoW 1‘RK'KS. M a I'oT. .1 C > 3-^X .1 ■. I . \ Vil.lA \ . ,1 ^ A. - i-r ... » ■ .. I. ■ . V- 1 . . • . ■I II,, ill -. • "KS I ■ i- .1 . ' \ • . ■ . : ■«• I.. :; .1 1 ■’ 'i-n;.i ii. ■ I L :v . . .1 • i i I : - L; ,Ml - i . r . ■ s as-: ^le^^ ' ■ • > ; ■ K ■ i ; . . u'v ut i^i - . ' ’’ lei’.-:, ...'.•i-, liiii ri V-.v':. i ; I’l , ‘ 1 IV. i :lj ■U a . M ^ ’ I. ,1 1*1 ..V. i.i.. ■ •■''-41 i,a . L:.I1 . ■ 1-1 '-i I ■ M : - r- ll:|' • Mio-llry iU i'; . Cl- 1. r’s L: Itl^ ... |! I , he i I ! I ! ■ ( ■ i .. . ( :: . .,r ■ ■ (■■ 'illll---I' i • . liiy in tli;- 1 • ^vi; : : i V • • ' • 1 xNoV. 0, ItoO. M ’ DOCTOR FRABIK WILLIAMS’S (•;jj'i’.KA ri:i) im: \\ iijski-:\ ' i^ilL 'u' ''-ri i.r ii.is ;;,a li‘ in.iiiirements to keeji a suj ji'.y il tin- iJ'jnniiii' .\rticle, an 1 is tlie only \ ' t !'r th' 'lb- of tiie atiove l)r,iiii-i of ,\ No. 1 1; \ e v> : '■ ■■ V in t hi'^ jit.-f lloli T MIK’IIKI.L. M -. 1; ‘T. otf :'^'rA^nAUl) Liri:R.\ ri Ki:. 3”HL Wa.i r.v N'lVels vols. cloth and hai,'call. (••...p...',. V.ve’.; irviir.: s W ■ r\-. l-i vols; I’ro'Ci 't' I iU'|'.ie>t t.f i’erti and Mexico: “ Livt" of I’eidinand and Isabcllii; ' ■ l,ilo of I’hil'ji the '-d; iiV years in the L'. S. Senate, ‘J vols: V t. iiuaii'■ Ma.iu.il, I viils; 0. lojii I'.i .'.nurii ina, 11 vols: Lo:. I'ii torial l ie’d IJook of the Revolution i't ' ter s vV orks. ti vols; (' .'.ton' i.i!o a:: I i iiii> s of Henry Clay; ; i.-iii'iii' ul I'roiitiss of .Miss- j 1 ;i-i rial Lii'.' if .\iidrcw .lackson; j .'diMi ir ol Will. Wii'f by Kennedy: : i f Wise and Virginia I’olitios iu lii .Il l's Liie of .lohu Randolph: 1 i-!a . :mi iu .\iiieric.i, liy De 'rocijucville; .\b’i itt's Lile of .NajioU'on. - vols; .Vbbott's Histories; t'liit' Life (if 1’:.trick Henry; Lili- of 111. I’inckiiey of .Md.; ii ;y 11 i Taylor's India, ('hina and .lap in; ‘’■1.1. i’ei ry's dapaii L.xpedition; L-v 'r .;i t.'ivil Liberty and Self (jovernment; I. e .•filial tie i^raphy of the Sea, by Lieut. .Maury, L: II r.y and Siavory, by I’.Iedsoe of Virginia; ■ •'.t-y'.s (.’ommon I’lace Hook; L;n- .i:id I'on-es. of Southey; - .il- .''pi'ctator: \'^ii .,u'.-^ I'aii s Ilf the Morders: ; I o .''l otii.sii liael, or .Maimers, .\nti>iuities, and > 11. t .ui.-^ of Si'otliiiid: r I.' .''i'ots Woriliie-:, liy.John Howie: L. . il iM-s i-ife of WaJer Scott: ; " ; .i iiiiliL-rs l/u'e and Works of Robert l>uriis, ' ' I llainiiioir.s l»isciis.-5ioiir; in IMiilosopliy and Literature; ‘ ' Liie .uid ( 1 ri'.'poiideiice of Lord .Jetl'rey; •1' • - • , iiio (jiift as i,t Scotlaud, by Agues Strickland; ' ' ‘ ■ )'iiaiiibers' Miscellanies; ! I’l-,tor's History of the (’rusades, illustrated; . dfall's •iunius; Hannah .More’s Works; riut a-ch s Lives; lloswell's Life of Ur. Johnson; Novels :ii; 1 r.ile^j liy .Maria Ivlfjeworth; \ i lili.111. r>uike and .loliiisou’s Works; i. ill ii’r- 'iiiilion's R(i;iic; . . li...:.1:11s W Cosmos, by Huinbolt; .. : .\l«-;i all 1 '.Vomeii of tlie iMti Century by Hous5:iye; , . 1.11* I 1 iie liiiide tu .' icia! H.iiipiness. by .Mr^j. Lllis; I n- ,. U . ik: I'l ire, i’>yron, .Moore, Scott, Hemans and other t ill v^irioii'; tylr ot bindinj;: The Roston Ldition . .. i .,1 tiie r.ntisli I’oets, xc., kc. j Oct. -9. i'- J. HALE & SON. i'l.re isisifi’€f£9re» ^ T !’ reftT our re:idi‘r to tip- .'.p.im .! st-it ■ t-' the .Tina In.-^in ■.tn. i ’oniji.ii.y. .f llui: which wi!'. ho foiiii'l in :. 1 ■ ii r coiun.-!. I'hi-: sui- fill iust'tiitiou V.;;:- l o o.itfd by t! o ij.'.iii'. t:i Cciiii I'tioiit in ISl'.i. \\i:h pe;; ouial ; iii.r' V capital is a;. 1 its .ei r.iii';’. ;tioiis ^ .■ssi(i().(10(1 III,,1- iii'ikiii" it^ i‘iit‘ri' a-set- over M((i, invrsti 1 as (letailcd in thr> ■ tal' ii’.; u? r fen'' These roMilt'i ill licate fliat daiiiiu ti:i‘ porio ! of :,i forty yinrs siju o if- ni'saiiiz ition, ; v.'itiioiit 1 eli:in,L’-.“ oi iis eiiio.' i'l'iioei‘,1 i;s bii.-i;;oss h;..-j 'n-i c .. ducti d witli .■'id.-ini nt iiud [ rii'b ii.' . It I;:, ■ I" , ' llms far sur’ces 'ni in ■■ eminent deirrec. ili'’-!i'ii irii. as we are infor!;; d. a'! oblii^r.iti'- .s bv l!:.- p iyinci of about hn I,,-!!. ,:i il '' ■ rx for >f's, v.’i^i ut a^uiti'.! day’s delay in any ii sf.ince. If h.i- h i i lnit iiule ifiation, uotv.iilistandir.ir tlio iiiiiin ns nuii ;i-ro. n-ii.: action-- made. l;i order t-: :;'t:.;ii as mach . / ' ■ ■ v piis.'ilile in mic’.i -i linsiii.'s; as iiisur.ilu o. it - * o; the practi'-e of the ('l iiii riiiy. ’or si''vcra! y p-re-it la’inr, carefully to e'a ify and anauj;e ti: ir risks int.. aliout fifty ,i ini-: i-ris.sc--, s.i as to arc- 1.' the amoiuit insured oii ea^;h rla..s. ihe amount 'l pr miums rvceivcd th-rcoi., !:c! the amount of !o-^. .' lo- on oaeli. Tii!s cl i-siti.-aiioii. 1 .-.'o:i liio' -.vor a I period,andeove-. in^i roiif vt' t- ; very l.ir;_''e imoiiut.fo; - iiishes relialiie I'.ata. and jire.-' u:? a sound su'i'taatial : basis of aetii.'il e.\pei'iei;ci‘. upon wliieh to emi In i i's | liUL'iiiess. In-iii aiicc is r.i.l 1 iK it.or o! !ii; k or eli iiii i-. ."is many MqipoSi ; its ii:i/. ;r ! - .-.r; .i.-v .-l !:.;!!:! aod , its priticiji!(..> c.ap il.li- of diirod to a ^-toai.:’ i- j ractie il \vorl;i:iLr and ro-ults of whii.li are as criaiii as tliat of :uiy otl'er busiiies.' Tlie l^tiia ('■■■lujiany. by adherinj; riui ily to its systo.n, a;;di' o iii^r ii.s bu.-i- ness 11)1011 ii hi ii'itiiy b.i:!s, has ibi .iucd liic ii'.i'ioi,. c of the community loan e::: -iit as-i-1 by r.. itluT ’o;iipany in the V. St;.:es, and has increasr 1 its bi;^i ne'-s and its iiicomc from year to yo;ir with a stea ;y !rrowth. One jrreat ouice of its security is the wiil ■ distributlou of its l i.sks—a policy which it pursues with jrroat strietMo-;.s—liaiiiiii- tl;e amount to 00 cov ered in each luc;ility. l!y this course it i;,!-; jiassod. with comparative iiiipui.ity. tliroULrli '■ome i f the nii -t sweepinj; a'ld dcslrui-tive tir.-s. wliieli liave swallowed n;i other companies le.-s e^iutimis in tlieir business. It is 11 system like tliis, iiased upon > xporieni e, wir.ch ^i\c.^ stability an I ^ iundnc>s t > a comii:ii.y. and to tlie a-;- sureJ coiifi leiice aii l s''eurit',. — H ’ -..i ■ • i:T.\i ib'siiiiu'i; u)V!i'i.\i, HAlM’l'Olil). 1 ) .\ .\ I.SCdRl'OR ATKD 1"1!'. ( HART1:R I'Kin’F-Tl’AL. Capital $1,000,000. Assets $1,422,162 11. t. k. i;i:aci'., rrc ident. i; i: i;ii>Li;v, vioc I’l- siilent. T. A. ALi'XANl'Ki:. Se. ri tary. 1>!UK( runs T. K. Ill' ro. Tu : ;, .1. ( illU.’l. T;. Ruell, M. -\. Tuttle. K. I'lower, L. \. ISulIu-'iy. U. ■ .Mather, L. (i. Ripley, S. S. War l, H. I’riti. »! !'. I'avis, liiinliam, D. llillyer, T. .\. .'ilesaii u-r, W. Keney. The .\»sets are mainly invc.-tcd in Stocks and I’.onds, piiyinrr interest, with ^17l!,' il ul of c.ish oi .ic; -r ■ iu the 11 irtf ird R.uiks, '.o meet losses. Losses due all 1 llUp.lid—ll"Ile Lo>m s adjU'le I iit l iii.t due. S'J!,ol-! '.‘.’i. Lo^sl■-' in s!i iioii'O. waiiiii/ I'uither ]iro. f. \c., SOU 1.'). Lo'ses resists i sii-pirioii.' of fr.iud, ,s;c. bi.tiT.'' 7-. .\jront (it the above ('■ !,:p.i:iv in K .vettovi'.e, N. r ' !'. .L HALK. THE WORLD'S GREAT EXHIBITION IMilZi: .MU)\L! AWAKI)i:i> TO MKVKPv. ///• 7i/.s’ Tii'ij yV't,L i:, ];), 1 Ml'.VLR ri'pectfiiiiy iiifotia- his friends ninl • the jiublic eener.il^'.. Ui.i' ho h.is O'nstaiitly on h .nd l’iaii - i-pi il t '. th s ■ t'' ;• \v : -!i ; e,-eive i the I’ri/.e 'fle lal. in L'iidon. in l>’i!. .V!. oriii i ■- priiiuptly :ittoii !■ i t ■. aii 1 ;:r. ;t . ii o taken in the soiict':' -i and jn'cii l: i.io '.iiiie lie iias roceivi i in'iiiir tiio Im': I .'i y.'ir-. ; ; \loda's th.-iii a y o'her m.iicoi Iroin tlio I'r.iUiv in li.-ti- tute: ais I rir-t rromiums at !‘.o>t lU, .Now ^'or'; - ..I l’»:i it tnoi c, U ,\RK-R removed fi-. ni •'>-! i' .iirtli to No. 7.'J .\i!t'il SI RLFT, below i.;i.:iuii. S' utn side. Philadelphia. .\ug. 12. .Impd 'i’o 'I'ln: I i iiijc. ^1 F1!r.(ir.''i IN, rii it. iiiiii- .\rti'i. would .TM • ro.-]iecttu!ly ami'Oirii e t , !;io i-it,/ us of Fay etteville and \icii:iiy. tl t ' e d, -'.iiis loavii._ this ]ii-ioo fora iv’W iiioi.ths. -uid lii tiii so \\ishiu:r to .i.c their I'ioturos t;ikcn. lul i |o \,r.i t i /i’.e huu i c i . at iii' Rooni over llc.i.' t v 11 .oi'^;. ;i ' j- wi 'ry ; . . liy the I'lth if \U‘.r’i>t. a^ liis P n :s Wld bt. , .- d ’ ‘'roiii that time ii:.ti; iii ^ r- ' ir:i. Fayotteviio, .iii.y iJ'.i. iOi-: s\Li:. fiiiowin- v\Lr.\ni.L i;i;\L kstati;. t:.. Il- property of L. C. Hali. do.'d. Is oil'eio I f'r'.'i-, ■ iii.l eon.'i"ts of til" li.p-.iwiiii; tr.-i. t~: 'i'irat «k'sir:ible )i!:ici; kii .\vii as lloiii ■. ciiitni!;. injr al.ou' 'J'lii \cres. with all tlie iiiipi-■ >. niei,i Ti.i- pi.ioe will be soi i t-nt re or i vi le i. to ^'lit pnrch ;--' i-. It ticiii^r pi'll!..,hly iM if l'...' I.I ; ! ii'iiM '■ sI:'.o 's in the C"Untiy. aa i is \.iy le-iv .^i.e to li.ose wisi.iiii: t ' eliter the iiicrcantiie nu^iii’ -s Nil. '2, (' iii.-iists (ii a i.it tiid IJiic!; Sroro, (i; tenoiili’lit--. I i'1 t'a 1.1 jilioi'u !‘>r; i^i- i oet. !;• ir Claioiidiu iiici^o. .i;id i- a veiy uosir.iMo stu.d I 'r lusin.-‘ss. No. .'1, Is'liiii, vic iip 1.. if - ii; >'.lUijibi 'lrnii, known ill (.it' p. it :,s N ,s li:''. 111, 1 IJ, ,ind lial: it lot 11:;. X 1, Is :■ Itw. I!in- llimso ], ■ !!•.>. mount, corilor of P. iii'-. K a 1 ::!1 I l.l .--t. .\ vi ly ilesiraMe residence !i r the wlio o ye?;!-. No. f), Isa (’uni ami lliiL'irc :i:ii P.oiler, of 1(1 or 1.i [. iw. r 'I'ii!- i v::-]] wo! ;:i the attolitioii of tliose livir.j; wlii'i : v.ator j ouor is i.. t available, an 1 wil! be o i : a .^.vo.it '.ij j iiii. For torm-^ - I’piy o . il. HAI L, As-:-_:;eo. August 1, 1S.'.7. oil tt JOHN h. sn \ w . A'l'TOi^Ai:^ .\T Rut'KINGIIA.M, Rl( ll.MONl) (OUN'i V. N. i^lLL attend t'.e I'ourts of liiciinn.nd. .\iisou nd V h>n I 'lir n >.r M Olid .-IV • I’L'I •‘I- ..I! il Tii.i’- Tho Ac V \Ioin;:. ‘:.f au.pie ■f tiii- 1 --'i . r : .■-ti; lent'. ' ill t!'.e 1 tlio lb-; 111- 'to a-1 hiiieni e! tevi'’" I siip])ort In.stitutioi. will l epin on 't iiibjr. under the joint oil’ ~oN Uid Mr. (Jr.oitci; liM'nu is pleas:intly situ- . a;i !. in its iocaiioii, coin lines the ,e ’ 1.1 for the ■-t-do oxcreises . I fi-.—I 'la froia i-, ;! i-aiis> s of hin- (lit ] ’ii'-.init if t' eir >tiiiii( s ol' tlie !n- tnicters to iiitike this a ai.d teey call iiiKin Pa;e!it' and • i.i, by ih.'ir |introi;a;;e, in the ae- . l.e'iovinj: that there is \ a - ii'iiji'-nt !;umli"r of latioii. TFPMS Ii '^'I’lTION: ' 'riiii:’ry Stiidet.ts. jier i-os'ion, (20 i .\d\fiiiced Kn.:’.i»!i “ thi- I'll’'; rni: ijiju.vin OF THE LATE DR. MITCHELL, €uNT.\1N1NC, works on all the Urmiclies of Scicuce, is now jffered for sale ut his late resilience. Those wishing to buy are re iuesteJ to call and make a selection .as soon as convenient. .\ui.:. J-'}. 37-tf ('las:-; -.|1 f. ;!tiii.;e:;nies .V h .1 ' 1 tuition fei i in’-.\iinu',' rop' rl ; !iO .’tl t 10 t 111- l‘:i r. ■ I-. 1 tt \ '!'o. \u-^. ^i'- -jll IS (III 25 on .')(» I-. 1 if tli. lO p 1 i:i ir I !uai ban. each Roy 2 tOl XOTICK. N and alter the 1st October next, there will be no more accounts miule in our Store. Tlie large amount on our liooks renders this change in luisiness iiiiii.-.';icii--ab!e. .',1: [ 01 sons indebted by Note or Account, of six 111 ■nths standing and over, are rei|uested to make pay- i me:it ut an early date. W. M. & J. CAMKKON. j Little Mocktibh, N. -Vug. 2'.*, 18o7. o8-:5tpd I l» RO?m»K€TlJS ] OF !THi- ^W^H r'AKOLlNA PRESHYTERIAN. Hi; -.SOlIl tiiis lii'^titutio'.i will comuioiu: tl eiir -leiii- cv.-r; ■ ri'a jiioi.ta: • I .1 : |., ... aud sy«tomatio. a Comidete, sdid Ill e. ss-ny luo ition. Tiie biiiMii;rs are so ur ine the o.imforts of a home witli tlie :riv;i:it sl'o.-' of a :icliool. Instriictiirs oi' tiie liiglie.--t • ''.:ii :.s ;iio employed in e;: h of the l>eiiartiiiciits. .:i in the countiy r.o~so:-ses adviiit i::es : -.1] 1-1. I- : il-i '.Vertll. ('■italogU's cioitainin" all nocess:iry information re- s; eoting the coiu-.-io of instruction, terni-i, ,\:c . will lie forw:. di-1, on a] piic.ition to RICHARD STKRLINC. Principal, Grooii-b .ro’, N. ou’v ):!. IS.-,7. 2J-2m ■? I Tiorc .\(‘W ’■[i^HL suf )3 T1-:r ; Ml the wav i ■orl'.' r IS foeoivlnir bis T‘it'i\. coiisisMt i: of F \ ! I. S. A\!> V.'IN- everv tiling a u, SSar4hritr :x>ts aljU A11 \-v Tr. !!(»(' ■!i lie will ■ on 'li’ii't \ .Murs 1 BJ .fioffoiv-trarr^ —ALS T, l''isll. \'C.. ■-e^' , I , i.r ( 'm- Ii. Ii i”t or for tir e .',0,0 1 eoentiy occujiioil W • )oi. l.j, I'-oii. 11 nil 1. GoLDSToN. b^tf Ar. I'Oil oi’ SALT ^3*HL Suli'criiiors oti. r for s-i!e tlie above 'i’r i't of B. L:iiiii, ’;ii!i,:i I-:; ', :r'or'iin'.-- ('ri- lU! t wo ai.d a half miles .r. t i 1- or Lili.o iiiver, iicar Lili it's .'■li!'-.- incliiii'i: I i!. ii;' '':;o lluiilrei .\evc- of g->.id ' v. 1 ■ I--.-' ' I sily Ir.i!:.. 1. Thi' L:ind is \, i- . ) , i' id ■>. l.l!-.O' )ioi'ti I’l level and of ' .j.i ri'.r ity ■ ; i' no l.aiid Tor i ultiviition. a i ':. ,: Sii!\M SAW-Ml! L, in eomji'ete or , : '. . •11 adapti i lo .- iwiiij. j . iiik r n 1 all ! rail 1'.. i . .o .\lso, Tw'i wo'.'-).;' \.' Ml'I.iiS. ' r :■ y j'ortion of which, v.i!; lie soid low md !; ,,e. ! L'lUli will be sold either in a ho Ivor in i ii'.' - lo sir SMITH \ LLI.P )T. 1'-.' .SI "> ' or i.'j n niK'rioi la'MlU (i! ow prepare 1 to ll'fttrr ^Sirrhf'ts. Ipalll: M for tlie oi:th ,v F.ivetteviiii LLV r.u. lb-:. Ni;\\ sn>i‘i/\ Oi' ,s'r\novi'jn sT,i : . R'1!!i 1: T'-- I’ap M-iili: lit-: III , I" iM-ks, U a •'O', pocket i ' . oe and I-’reiieh i'c.. I'U-Viii'r with ill ' rtf olio-; .\Il_\'IllI"l ,' --1. 1 I 'a.so -! .Ill . . 2. ]' 0-. l.el , Han Rubh . , ■: I -: c; R I'!-' Ill '..A'l' 1' /R1HK Presbyterian Church in North ('arolina has -H l.iiig labored under a serious disadvantage from the want of a journal to advocate her claims and rep- resi-iit her interests. It is estimated that only lOOrt Presbyterian Wocklie.‘ are taken in tlie bounds of our three Presbyteries We have 1.3,000 Commnnicants, and it is safe to inter that there are 80,000 Presbyte rians in principle in the State. ()ur Synod stands liftli in the I’nion iu point of numbers, and her nieni- bersht]! is greater than that of any Synod South or West of Pennsylvania. Our sister .States on the North and South, neither of which has a tnembcrship so large as ours, publish the Central, and the Southern Fi'osbyteriaii, for the benefit of their people. The time has come when the Presbyterian Church in North C iroliiia should likewise do her duty to her children. It is a conceded and important fact, that hundreds of (lur members will take ,a State paper who will take no other. The Pajier is needed to be the organ of our Synod and Presbyteries—to elevatr and enlighten the i piety of our luembership by dill'using evangelic'il I knowledge - to promote the cause of Kducation—to ieveSope th" talents of our .^Hnistry, and to strength en the attachment of our people to the soil aud sanc- I tuaries of tlieir own State. 11 our Church in other States, and other Churches in this State, can supply their members with a Ut- iigious journal, why may not we? Are North Caro- lin.'i Presbyterians inferior in talent, energy and ]iatriotism to their neighbors on tho North or South, nr to Christians of other denominations at home'' With the .same or better opportunities of acoomplish- it:;r this work, shall we leave it undone'' In the lan- gi;a.:e of (ine of our most able and u.seful Ministers, I 111 adopted s(ju of our State, “It ought to have been '■ uiidortaken 20 years ago, but it is not too late to be- i gin to do right.” ! In the last two or three months, a funl of about I SoOUO has been subscribed as a permanent capital. I .\t a meeting of the contributors, held at Greensbo- ' rough on the I4th of .May, Rev. Baker, Chairman, I —tiie Paper wa:» unanimously located at Kayetteville, ' under the name and title of the Noiitii Cauii.in.\ j Pi!i:siiVTi:i!i.\x. Ilev. Wm. N. Mebane and Rev. I George MeNeill were elected Kditor.s: Rev. .Messrs. Geori_i‘ McNeill, Wm. N. .Mebane, .\. Raker, .and (L j 11. Wiley, and Messrs. George .McNeill, Sr., .John H. I Cook and David .Murphy were appointed an l-].\eciitive I (.'ommittee, to establish the Paper and manage its j business ati'drs. I It i.'" our wish aud design to make the North C.\uo- ! LiN.\ Pi:i;siiVTKKi.\x a journal of the first class, ei[ual to the l:est in the country in typographical appear- I ance and in adajitation to the wants of our Churches. ; Its ciilumns will aff'ord the latest intelligence, both i foreiL'ii and lioinestic, and special care will lie taken ; to give a full and accur.ite summary of State news, riu' name of the Pajier is designed to he an exponent Ilf it ch' raoter and contents. From conviction, it will aiviu'.'ite tlie conservative, ortliodox. Old School ' ioi-triiies an 1 order of the ('hiircli 'Mil hist 'ippeii i> to (lur tiwn people—to N. C. I'lh\teri in-i^ Whilst we roly confidently upon their i.imr, \v.‘ ti'U'i that the native sons ot North ('arolina V..': . li.-ivc loiiii.l homes in otlier State.s, and the adopt- o'i c'.ti.^ n- of I ur State who form so imfiortant an oloiiieiit in our .Ministry and memhersliip, will take a deep interest in this enterprise and give it their hearty support. Tku.'i-; 2 per annum in advance, or on delivery of the tir-^t number; -N2 -■)(» in six months: ->3 at the end of the vear. To clubs of 2') or more, paying in advanci' and wlieti the Paper is sent to one address, a discount of 10 per cent, will bt* allowed. Our .Minis ters and Llders are earnestly desired to act as Agents, and all others friendly to the cause will please assis- in procuring as many subscribers as possible, and for- w.ii'd the names. I,// A'tjiist ]y/, to tliis Oflico. As -ioon as l-'tOo subscribers are obtained, the first iium- b; r w'il be issuecl. If a faithful and vigorous etlorl Tape, (i»iiills, | is made in the next two months by tiiose who take a . >o ; I'.aiikiT'? 1 lively inteiest in this work, we will, without doubt, • oi li \'an- | I'o a' lr to begin the publication at the end of that tlw'ir tc.i. r-^. f.ir ti.iH' with a oayiii.n suhscription list of at least oiMM. - I' -'i Ki.^e.--; l-,f \ddross, IMitor.s of the North Carolina Presbj- iaii. I'.i.vottcviUc, N. C. I'a \ etteville, -Mav 20, ls")7. lil; all ord-'i': em S ,t' \ ri;i u- th,.- 11. .MAKill'I \eent s i.vcf:. ~-y supplies . 1 IV I’o-t, Note :ind Ca]i Pipers, and Fro:,ell Lnveiope-, wliite r, (ii:;. ;t''^ f.iid i’erry’s Stool Ink Pons, Kliony Ruiers. Kii’or'i. M;ithom.itio.'il In- c-lp.. Pill 1 nks, ,vc. rte 1 si/os I, .i i; M.i; X s(I'-,. Roliisi 11. .Ul l)usinc-s entrusted to lii.-> c.ire will receive s'riet attoutioii. ‘ .Iiitic is, l.s.')7. 17-otii sTA ri: Ol .Noii rn (’aiioli.na, I Cl MRCllLAM' c,»r\TV. ; ('iiurt id’ I’loj.-- aiid (J larti r Juio; 'i'o; m'. 1 .losoph R. iUo.Si.M v- Cii .l'es IIoI’m.oI i.Judioiiil .\tt ichmont, l,o\ioi on 'L.f-'' .. Mii.i s. :n, I I 'rur[ienti.ie .^tiil. ir 'o’i.in;.' to t h irli'S llo'i iud. t r appeiiriii'.! to the s it:.--!.'! tloii nl tlie Court. t!ia' Ch:lrle^'. Holla:.d, one oi tiie defeiid inis in this c-ise, is not an inhabitant of this St.it,-. it i'tl:ere:ore or lor- ed. That jmhlication he iiia io in the i'l.yett ■'iKo Oi - server, notifying the siid 11 ilatid of tiio i vy on h;s projiertv, and rei|Uifing him to uppo'tr :'t tiie no\l I’erm of this Court, to b > tie^d I'o.' s.-ii I C ii i'y, at t!;o Court House in Fayottevi io, on the lt \io|. ia’. m, I Seiitomber next, and ro) levy and jdo id, or jiiiLiiio:.: will be roil lore ! aLviins! liimand tiio property levied on be sol i to sati.'ly the pl.iintitl "s el liiii. Witness, .bihti MoLiurin. ('lork of ou:' sii l t’otirt, at oilice in Fa , etteville, tlie 1st Mondav in .huie A. I>. 18.-,7. ' .JOHN MoLAL'Rl.N, Clerk. Aug 1. OCT Iliirjx'i’V .\i:ii!':r/.ii!' i'>i .);iU, Just rec’d. !'• J- llALL .!i SON. MU.ia;!:. \S'V\A). 1 i II o It 1 :.i i V , i pay tin- aiL:!io>t cash pi'ice iu. 1 ir | i; '‘>1 1 ill li..'^. 1. :;>!■; addressed to cither 111 u..^ :,t !. I".' 'i'.,i, .!i. P,ic!;iii''U 1 county, will . ii:iV-. 1 111111),( -i;;r;i i'.n I', r. 'i.iNTVRi;. l'\.NiLL M. McL.M RlN. I.aiir'i.' ur .h. !>c, 2'i. l'"'i. t.i''ti' Type Fcuudry aiui Printer’s Empcrium, i..-:'.\i!ij.-!!i;ii IN IMS. \\ .^l. I! ‘.(t.ViC, .ir., vSiL ( (K. '..'Olii i 1*1*4’8 Tt i)E*i,li i 1 Ml -lib . ; :• i - de-l 1' to 1', I li, ':r i'rie^iis a:. ; :.,e i*' iiti'.iu 'iit'l'o^t '.y, tiiat -i;i, o tii - ri'iefu'e. \vhi''ii iiijiU''.; i:. y tiu' iiiainUacfuin,!: do- 1 M'tie.ont of t'loir cstah.;s!nii- ;it. tii.'v h iv-,- (‘iitirelv I' :tti, 1 tiie ^«iiiie wi h lii-'.v niae iio.-!-.,.. ii:ive a v.'ii;- vd ihoniscives it tiio o. ;... rtiiuity to iutr ■ lin-.- I /•; V/:/: v mu/j/j/cx mrirt r/;.i//;A r ■ w liirii loiiL': iwi'.ei'i," i;e a'"i C lpilal . I’l i'o;;r:i:i Ii i: Ull'l : tliai tlioy iiavv lioi'i.: iro U!ioi|e. i;;i I fu-iiitiis for jii'o- , duo-:!- ■ " a.'' Til B* SB-:: Ilf Sli] Ci'ioi- cN.’v’..eio e all'! dll!':llii ;I.V. .;’i i I n- --in.Ji'v- i:i;.r uil orlo!-' f iV T.io siH!- wl’ii _i’'i: r-nir i!i ii,-s ' and J loiiij.tae--. i>nr Nl'V',’ S !‘il‘'i'ilL.S' i) • )i;, ■ i.-s'i.'!,) wi-; II" t'lool.v |_i'.'ii to nil , wi'li t. pm- I cli.iso, wiieii ai.piio l fi t . I'lii.tors will p.: I-' ho p.ir j ti. il!.ir in liirootiii,:^ iio-,.- u i., ,, I.,- i Wo ai-o fui-nisli every M tlo.v noo i. i i.: i I'riiiil'i.. i iii.:.-o, at m Uinf.letlln i-'' [ .l,- -s .MACill'ii. .\Nli ilAND 1 iioil.N'. T.\\ !.ii!!'S. I . i i r- . • . ii I 1.1.1..L.''', i (••f w 'il 11 C -I.e - ■ . . . : ; . : 12- I,. SCOT’l' ,y CO'S ItKl’KI.N r Ol' Tiih BlIITINil PiiHillilll'lLS. ^ .'Co'l'T X (,'0., New Vork, continue to publish tlie billowing le.ding Rritish periodicals, viz; f H K LONDON ^L'.\RTLRLV (Conservative.) Tlii; LDlNi.URGH RLVI KW (Wl,ig.) l ilH NoR fll lUllTlSH Ri;\ H;W (Free (’hurch.) THE ’vVilST.MINlSTHR RF.VILW (Liberal.) P.L.U'KWOO:'S EDINP.UR iH M\(;A/dNi: (Tory.) 1 he"' Periodical.' represent the three gre.it political parliosofGre.it Rritain — Whig. Tory, and Rai'.ical,— liut politics form onlv one feature of their character. \-^ Organs of tiie nio>t profound writers ,iii .Science, Literature, Mora’itv. ai.d Religion, tiie.v stand, as t'icy ever have stooii, unrival!ed in tlie world of let ter-, heing ii.di-per,sahle to the soholar and |irofes. sio;ial man, wiiile to tiie intelligent re.ider of every cla^s th' y furaisii a more correct and satisfaetor.v re- e.ir i i f tiie current literature ol' tiie day, throughout the \s !-ld, than can be jiosr-ihly ohtaineil from any other source. >;.\RLV COPIHS. Tiio receijit of advance slieets from the Rritish pub- Tisiiers .lives additional value to tiiese Reprint.-, inas- iir; II a- they can now be place! iu the hands of siib- -orihci.' ab.iut as soon as the original oilitions TF.RMS. Fo ■ -,:i.\ one of the four Reviews, ^Pe;- aim.) F J- iiiy two of the tour Re\iews, For any three of the four Review-, I ..i- a'l four of the lte\iews. Fur Rlackwood's Mag-izine, For Rlackwood and tiiree Ro\iews. For Rlackwomi ;md the f.mr Reviews, ->/ '• tl, ni 'ill Il' iiiliniicf. ■:! o() .■) on 7 O’l h oo 00 00 lo 0() Muni >/ th' Sul: If/II e - , : i : .-\,.r. • 110. e.a I I- ■ , : 1.: i ■ . ' . i ' ■ .n I-, ii:;lo.'i;i: I | in. -••luT : '.i- v-, (Li.u;.- ,oia-:- alil w ■i.'.i lo..-- -. 1 iii:;,i ij . \ liicr.- v.i.i ho I.; 0 1 I'or I'i.i 1. '. 'al o‘. i:i 1 Pi ii;;. r'-; of i S.ind. Electrotyping and btereotypiug in all ‘ til oii- Branciie':^. . '" lyi ' ' ' ! i ' i‘'''.‘d to o;- lor. I Ol i t;.] o 101 . ivi .1 ill e.veh inge f n,.v. .,t c. iii-i'. r , 1 Ul. 1. i, iloiivirod ill s;\tv 'hi.\- r l-oia too .i:,!o of ] Ul- ; cl; ' -o: i:' i.iti r, L .l -Is cent - jior p luu i. l‘ui .1. lit I.- of iiev.apor- w iio ;;,sei t tl;i' a hirtise- i:;el;’, ’hroe tilili', \vi:li ili',; ii'.;.', i';! f r: d n- 1 iper coiit-iiuiag to..- siac*. w..! ho [■ .; 1 in pr'.ntiiig materials, by puicha.-ing fo n- tMin -■ too im'iunt of their ; hill I'-i- tiio advortisi la i;t ' Silt I iM. ii a;> !i 1-bl,- -MS 'iM. liiao 1.1:1 Hand, iisui'ily a .0 \'iAR. .Ir , Co V,M. !! \i: \l:, .lli.l [.ImiN ll.\i.,\i: i July .-. 2.'l-:!t .'I'll'I icii/ b( rfCm iii lit fiiir. c;.l i:i:i.-G lilt of twi-nt\-ti\e per cent. froUi tiie above jii't e- wi i 1., a' .'.V- 1 t'l ('l.l i;s ordering four or more ‘ C'lj ie.s (if ;iiiy one or more n! the ab*ve works. Thus- ' Four coj ios of Ibackwoii.t, or of one Review, will be ; sent til one addle-'"•for :^'.i; four cojiies of the four Re view- and Rlackwood for ^oO; and so on. I POSTAGK. In nil the principal Cities ami Towns, these wurks I will be ilelivero'l, FRKL OF POsX \(;i.;. When sent I hy mail, the Postage to any ]iart of the L'nited States i wiil be but TWK' T^ -FOl.'il dl.N'T.S a vear for "P.lack- ! wootls.’’ and but FOL'RTLK.N (,'KNT.S a yt ar for each I of the Reviews. ,V. U. Thi I'rice m wreat Britain of (he fu'e I'fi wdicah I ill,i,'-,-ll'l ,11 'I '>■ ilhi'llt 1 /'I/- iiniuiiii. Remittances for any of the above puVilications sliould i alwavs be addressrd. jiost-paid. to the Pul lishers, LKONAKD SCoiT ,v CO., I No. .'>•1 GoM-street. .New Vork. 1 lilvAXlvS tor .sale iU ll'iis Oliicu.