S E M 1-W K K iC I, V . \ n.. Ml.] 1 F/ITEVILLK, C., SKPi ivMliKK 7, ^857. [NO. (>10.] ' S \ . : It liSiiA'i s Vl>b : f \i..' ' Vj\. 1 hi I'ons \\;• Ti:(u>i‘ 1 !•: ■ ■ m:s. ■ : W y.. . . In- I- I ;> B ^**57. E. F. MOOHE, IViNih's^llr itlftl >l('r'lt;!tll. II ;;s jlir t 1. I t'lvi' i ' :i Sf . r:'. i>»i if in ' - 1 •> UaiTo's \Vhi.-kr\ nn i i5r:ni'l\. :::> •• a.-l liii.K* ! 7;> >:ick' I’io (’offi'i'. ’■ ■ ‘‘ ^ llOO “ S; ’t. ' ;'t'r f fi;! !?ii"?> - S 'li i ' : ‘U l Mi“ r'-- 'S..:ii> , ':ni‘?ic~. Siiu*l. (\c. \'; of V.hi li ■ > 1 "ii ’i'h-im’ \| ,r. h !■'. I""'.. \)K\\v in \ ;:r co \l. i JS 3 rn'MlNi >l.>' I'ltAIi t,'f lilt' tu'st i(ii;ilily C:iii 111' S® li;id It tin' W .rl;- .it ;ii :i piu'f ; I'V the .11. ' W\I. Minin:: : M.iv L’l. 1 :-if 5 . 'fjK -li V S'Hctortf ih .1 tin r \ i f- r ^ , ' Hit' . e:ii-:y ■ - vvrt:' -i.'tvit' i>.\ . j o- :)iU‘ ; A' n'K' -■ -j . - I- . : ii 'Irol. or , - - ; i^„l, lUl.l .t i I.-v-p!- ' ' , ' 1, V,!,; I,.- w iViVi' V m.rv ' . -V i;. si i-kkior \ . i: ■ • .... \'Tl' f'^ :v ; t. m;,;.- ' 1 - f ;■ 1 ■! n V i t V. xm' .t’i ,v'rTLi:v ‘ 7. 3C.- ' i . , ARtiI.lVA, .'! >t. ^c ro.. Wholesale Grrocei.s. • ’ !’n".NT AM' Aura Stkk.kts. itf. .. . 7. :',.'>-:'ini .\}fpt>hi itf iirhoo! Hooh^. i V ■ ■ :■ .-ii'.-,' Ari hincrii'; (.iTi'hii f:u » ... :;:i. . r-: ..I.iv til; . i ■ I '.i - -.V-; Ala \ Tui'por’s i, ■Ic'. ' I'f'tUH; \Vavi!ln•i'^ ;; II.VLC .V SON :i)iCAL NoriCK. i ii . i : ..t.'ii.I • k' ive the t^caie. wishes >• . I.; ' ^ uf every ,t l .v 1’ A >r>vl locilti-ta . I (• sin 1 l>;.’ t'lo purcii i>'er I'* miles • ii.v,- W \;. i:i('HAni).-ON. \\ X. I, . ; Vi'iHK roii \tn. ;:'ARa & WILLIAMS ;; \ iir.v LVi'j.r. ANi» \vi:i,L i'iilf iiUfi ll'iiifvr fjiootis! . u*-’•' •,• • u ■. .itTtviii'.iii 1.1 tht-ir cus- . '".7 ' ' :> tf ..i Wv). N , via': m !. t. r -ilo \viti; ; n • i Ti.i.Y. (;r ANv). T VlA^ Gl'.vNn. .'u t r;- :ll. 1 tj-.- GL«» V.‘. WILLIAMS C.). Foil .S\Li:. ' ■ " '*5 ^ A lA .M S.\LT. m rv .^ti j ‘-rior .-u-iicio. JA,"^ r. SMU I! >K ro. V.’ill; II, N. c'. S I . ' > i * ^ • V ' i V . >t; 'iNi'LM, Mi'S Si''l.:'wick: The ■ ' .r. •■y ( ii'it r ll- ui^iny Uye. l>y ■ ■ \ ii.'!’• :t MK- in tiie ifoly L;iii'i: 1 lie luiprovc'J ■ y ^ t I'' S P 4 V - « . . i . . (ii 1 ;• '4 9 .i a I S . k t y- li^l’Kv'I'Fl'LL V r.l.irr.i' iiis irien>is ;ui i I'le i. V. . / :.t 1k' ii.i I'lli'.l iu> sli 1'. t i ;il Rrii'K BulMii.j'- :!t hi ''M .'^i^in 1. t'\(ii f>..’.y for nian- uf:u'ti;r'i! ^ ('Hrr'-. _ f -. 'i": i’ !cfi;' ''■•i- tiie very I’l' rul I-ntfiT,-f lie '"IS r! '’I 'v" 1 i u- till' l:i t ' years, hi- hoj'es I'N itT'^nti.iii t,; h'l iness. nitha desire to give s.tli>!aetii'Ii, t" uhm it :i iMiitiiiiUinre of the nie. lit' \v;rr.ints ins w.u': l,> he ni I'le .ii' tlie t'ost !' tfi i'-) itn i 1'. e\i'evi’’tui \vork:a'‘.'i in e u' li branch ; 'iie His- work ivil. cii.':)!).-!!'!' i.ivorably v;i ■ .iiiy iiiii.lf iu ti;.‘ I’liitv ! ■'t ites, ;or i.' 'ine's iiU'l .in .'.l '^ty. Up is iei('rnrII" 1 10 soil ! to any work in jiis line on :is ^joo.l •erni' as any work .ione elsewhere thnt i? ns well lotu*. He now In^ on hainl, Finisiu;i>, the [,AR01>S]’ Sl'd 'i\ of f V.'/-/v/"?”Y..-, fiit/'dNchcs. Rorlt'itwniis, n -ni IhiLi'il' i' ' . ; Ever olTeroil in this j lace. anil a veiy lar;ie stock C't work nearly rinishe.l. whicb v.iH linish'. 'l 'iaiJy. -Vli of which will 1 vor^ lo'v ti'T »'.\sii, or on sh(’.'t tiiio' t- ;.uiii;'ur t .I-to hie r.'. l>:is ou I iiuu.l more th.iu C*-\K i i L‘N I‘ll !•.'L> AND i-'i FT V \ ehi- ■ cles finishe.l fiiiil in coarse of const ruction. All Work ina'Ie i>y him is warraiiteil 1-months witJi I'.iir u.'ije, ati'i s!i u’i r'ii) hy f-i'] woikin xn.ship or materia' will l)e rerali' 1 fice of chai'pe. Fersoiis wisiiin;: to Imy -.v.m'"! >io well to call uu'l ex.'Miiijie for tiu'iii.'ie’.\e.'. , ()rJei> thank’uliy reio; vi' laniit r .nij tly atteu'U J to. Rej'aiiiivj: exocutCil .t bort ncticfc j^uJ ou very ' -re .i.'oiiuMc term.' Mnv 2^, 185"! ?.'-tf its- rrf?. -"■'—■.i- / w. (. ior:o .n Or'*”!;: I’.i;. s.,n : i, > i vN.'^ini’: .'..i i^-Ks Klenient-; ■ ' . I- .iioi •• er hool L. J JJAL1-: ' !;I"N il' lii. ’ 'JiKMi. ! r ' :! :^! l!l: Houli Slori-s, X.IOS3-BXDS. I \i • '■ i\ i \: ■ .■ ] . M :.N I- M :t " AW . rw *n tiiii::; a:i- ,vst3 f>tr WHO W'-rjj) /' ! r/,; T//om/7 f’J7 ' .-1 iit'i" r •/■.■••", 1. is': ,;u nl ‘'n ihf .V/V/V.•■/;// (ii'iiii, "y / •■/'''V (' I! a r'’i, . fri r:l ;ij'/it M-' nij'inl ’;:upji!sr: .’a• i .“V ■ 11 i'' f utJi l«» i Si;i ■! I'l, • V ,'i. 1 resvoctfuily'.nfi-rni their J frieiiil ■ : i r ('•.) lie, that 'ln-v have entere‘1 into CO] I! tn-r.-iiij !or t'>e I'li i -1'o f . ■•I'i'tci in jr the' general CVRl.l \(i'- !'. L 1 .N F.'^S in -ill it' var'ous jiarts. Au'l I ' otii umI i, f'-i'iy uu- lier tanii i." i’.o'.i -u-lt.- -s. th^v ; i. itii.'n to e-'iiij :;! e V or'.'v-’ii iii;. i.-'ntien'. ' : eville as to biyie II': ’ 'iUi-i^'ilp.y. One ■>*. ;i!" ■' 11 : '’U'-wn !•_, i .. • t i .‘v H. \Vhit=; 'i' 'v-oii ’V rk for the las; .-s. Wc NV.-iri ;''' a 1 'i k t Lriv" iT'.neral s.itisfaeti-'M for teIve nu.iuh.' HPjiairing doiu- \ th’ r. i e.-'t ;:i;i;:i_r .o,\ loreash I’lFR A- 1!,;AN1N. Ja.mks li. I'lK".. .I\>u:s nn.\.M.N. Fayetti-ville, .)an’y 2 1, 1':-! tj-tf • Jifirii ie lafSorijf. t ..J By i^KO. i.AU.r>l^ai. i A» !lll!l!^ A!{n’, K ('. T. II.\IGII .UdN'S Sl’IIR!:, i'ayt U«‘vilSo, V. J.an’y '20. 1^'>7. tilyj- l \\(>i>L UOLI.S. WO»)L c :v'leo with disjiatcb at r.lonnt .'-l'reek Factorv. Slli;KiiNUr, i)sii:ibur.:s. Cotti.n Y.irn. an i Wool Rolls, for ?>:ile bv Junel85-1. GKO. .Mc.NKlLL. 7-it V. n I rli' i :,t; i the \. I If I n >o..; • HI i> ;»t ’'i> :■ .'iicrican ■ . ■ ;i- i.int :I HI o ,• ti.rj. I. ., ’.lie: with other Atiieri-'an auti -ii-i 'lias .a; i^' ition ill the JjOiii.'i;.- edi- thois, 'j'iif.se «!i'. liave 'li'. ’ unite in the ! : 1: :■ I. I n (It tl.Alf M.N tlii:- •: ’.N' ii 1.1:1. ' I'. Sl'VLi; vvi) ' '■ l-o : I • • \N I,\'1TI-Vi - J;i iii !'. \.M. . : )!ii; .>^ sj'k.m- V . I’n’ iislier.s, New Vorli. . ; ■ jiaM ill .a recoij’t ot oH- It tli'^ Initeil I'.rj'!' ! men, ; I \. '1 ;.ar 1. Ni/I iC;'. ^ '■ A. i , t', .M l.ii'f, 1 ; '•!' I-’""' .!. W. BAIvl-Ji Is nnw rccciviuji iVdni ihe North the largcjit, fiiiL-.st, and luo.'t carefullv »/ lecteJ St. L'k of K i ! lt\lTI 11*: > ver offercl in this mar;;ot; -s^liich, a'lJe'l to !;!' -j-.vn m.inufi- t'.ire, n.akes !i’s assor* r.j.-nt coinj lete: all o; which (> v. i’l sel’. on the towcs: possible terr; = tor cash or -I. ta. I- io j, utictun! i i.sto;ii vs. ^a'i.ion."' 'e ;>aint .“l eott ; b ‘I-r(>om Furnitnre in .'•tis: c.ni'f’ hair and si) o, k. ni', cotiou Mattr;'"is: i. I'lkii j' -^e.s; \Vil!()\v \V\'_,ns iinl (’ralles; .“^iie ■’.o ir.ls; liur-, me; • : M . t.; l 15'ok-C.ases; 'Vha',- ,\ots: i'ahit'. ail S ,:; !s. (’r'.nillc .Stands; ;i!-ilr..l.( rictur. Frames ind (.iiupy; Wiiulow ShaJcj; rorn'.cejj; * urta.n L'»ui'ls; .fas iu Mahogany ami U'ahiut; Tete a Otto mans; Div'us and rftools: I’hairs; of ev -ry v:,rici\. Fine Ko,-in"uoii one with >liim At- t.achnient; ito-owo,) ! :i in-, fr. in bet mauutac- tor-.es in New V-rk ai.d Uoston, warranted as (rood as any !ii:i le in the ■ miitry. md will be sold at N. York )>ri. es—''rei"ht only a Ided. Novem er 2. 45-tf li.aW iSOOKS. .'glilK Subscribers liave on h.and, and will jromptly JL hi! order.? fi>r Worth Carolina Supreme Court Reports, in sets or in single volumes. Irt'dell’s Digest and I'ige.'jted .''Lujual. Jones's l'';_ot.t. Jlevi^ed .Statutes of North Carolina. Wiley's New Form Cook. S rORY. on S.ilcs, IJ.ils, I ontrai-t.', r.irtnersiiip, -\genc\', Eijuit^' Jurisprudenoj, Ivjuity rie.ad;n;rs. .■\R.'1I1m)L1>, on I’rait'i.-, Criniin-!! I’ractico and Pleading, Laiiillord Mid Tenant. (MliriV. ou 'oni-‘Mcts, (.’niuina. Law, iilackstone, MeiliL.ii ■!urispriidence. o'JtiUl^N, oil A ''iidi rr" and I’r-o.erty. I’OWF.LL, o:i .M 'rtu.-^es. and* (jiitr.acts. S'll’f!!, on Vi-a. as .u [.a^^, ‘listtr.-.nd Serv.int, Landior i and Teo-.nt, haiii'ery I'ractiie. ij.ANUKRS. on i’le.iding Mil rividencc. Usesani Truoti', [.•-•port -i. i;L'S.''KlL. ri .Vi i itraiioii. Faet-.i '. Crimes. HoFr'.'l.VN Leir ii .Stil ly. aiidNI.ast -. s in Chancery. WILLI'Als .(Il I’ersonil I’r.>j)er[y. Wli!;\!'oN‘S S**'w\n’s N isi I’lius. NV li.V.vi >N, on American L.'iw ot Homicidc, .Medi cal •) urisj nidoncf, .Stateirialtf in the United States, Ameiieaii Criminal Law, l.aw I'ictionary. .Siephen on i'ieading. Roper on Legacies. Dart on : Vendors. Fearne on Remainders, iidwards on R.'.il- 1 ments. 'oke ujion Littieton./ !iar;.'rave and i’.utlor’.sj new edition. Kent's ''ommentaries. Curtis’s ditto. 1 Lia.-t's Vendors uud i’ur-jiiasers of Iteal L.state. .\d- aiu=' K.juity. 'J'roub:U's Law ol limited J’.-irtnerabip. Hughes’ K'l'iUy Draughtsman. I'hillips and Amos on Evidence, viiis’i'y on Law of Kvidence. Ross on ar:d l’rot:;is'ory Notes. I) niat’s Civil (,aw , t.v.iS's L. ( i .miii.al faw. Daiiiell’.s ('li.ancery ! i RobCoii's Criminal Evidence. Athei'ley on j I- «. i-3W of .Mairiage. tjulij eron I’artucr.sliip. lireeu- i . ..II lividence. tMiver on Conveyancing, ('iirtis’s jy.ancer. Durrill's Law' Dictionary. CruiBc ou '..i.l I’roperty, Tayler's Law tilossary. Crabb on ' ueal I’rojierty. Reeves’ Domestic Relations.' I’.yles , on UilLs. Dell on Sale. Lee on Arbitr.-ition of I’itles \ sharswood's I’rofessional Eiliics. iiarton’tr suit in ! Ivjuity. 'Wills o:i Circumstantial Evidence. Comyn’s ; Landiori an.I Tenant. Watsoti on .Vrbitratioii. il.ar- I on Discovery. Olii»iiant* oii Horses. Whitworth's j E'l'.i'ty I'recet-leiits. .\lorri.s on (ieplevin. (Jiesle.y’.s ; Eiiuity Evidence. i'.isiio[) on .NLarriage and Divorce. .Mathew’s I’resumptive Evidence, itoberlsoti ou Suc cession. J'^liis i n Iiisurauce. Lewis on the Lav.- of ■ I'erpi'Mity. riiiiiimore on L*omicii. C.iry ou I’art- in-r,iiip \\'i’.'on /n 1,'sfs, Fell on Giiar.iatccs. New- ! tiid '.n Cii;!(!';ict.'. ia'iilyn's (.‘Ij.ancery lividenco, .Vc. f)n >,; iir «tinT Law i‘..!oUs oniered wili he Hupplie.t t) the rrofe^ssiou iu any part of the .State on reason . •• i(.'ij)i. E. .). ll.VLE .j- SON- CU \No! (il \\()!! ra'^llE un'lersigiK-d asks the attention of Farmers, .M. rianters au'l De.ilers to bis St.ick oi' best nuaHty Guanoes, all of whicli he will sell at t'ac b west m.ir- ket rates. ‘• V** I’ERIA l.\N Gl.'.\No of the latest importa tions and best (ju.ility. •viA" MEXD'.V.N Gl.\N> of tlie best cargo-s imported. COl.l'MRl.VN i.l .VN'.>, v.-ry rich in l‘lio«p!iates. Also, Siiper'l’hospliate of Lime. Ib.ne Iiust, ,ve. I’lirrhasers may reiy on h:’.v'ng their Ciu ino 'liipj) d in firiiiie ..rdor .and in iipeiior bags. The gi-neral .'at.'!ai-t; III beret : .r. -ivea I v all (.uaii ies s I'.d iiy the .Sul) -rioerj hi h ■: es wiii '.e n su(]i.; iii guarantee that a>. .'.rt' -ies '"M iiMii h.' '.luud as lej'H- suutc 1. ‘ \MLLIAM RORINSO.S, No.s. i a' i llorunc'worth Street, Ne r i‘'-att Strert Wharf. ita’.tiiU'.pre, Md. July 1. :Jl-;’.in •iA>n:s i\ Y!j: gf S now receivin'. his .'I’l'IN'! .\^D .SU.\l \1 liil .-’r,'- Miats^ ifoots aiu! Shot's^ iiO!;riN(; c'f.o'! iis. *\c.. .All of whi( V. io-; j'urch.ar"d hy the ca -e, will >ic of fered hy Who:« ' ire . Retail at LlW I’RlCii.s. Marcii -1. i' :7. '.ti2tf DOCTOR FRA?JK WILLIAMS’S ,c’Kij:iiiiA'ri:i) uvi: wiiiskkv "I■'HE subscri'r r has ma l f supply of the (, : nu'.ll' .\gent for the s I'e oi ti • Uye W hiskey in this pl.-u- •. May •}, 18.37. ^'o. ilor.T MlTniELL. .'jtf '! il'. ,11- ' : ; ayiiieiit. The ■- Mie :ii m .■ h;.i ; ‘ni- f-ctrlement. ■ ■. i,r : -r ;r.:- t > lii.al-.c my •: a' ■> : >r '»'• . F. .\1 ...,re. li. F. MmOCE. •-'-1 HI iii. iui sale- al OtK'-'erver Otiicc. ca’ANOKS. I’.-\G.S i'ERl A'l.l.V; lo. f’OI.U.MHl.VN. I Not (.1! y 1,.,, tiii .je Guanoes iu ' co.mexioii {j„t e.^peri- UKiit' i.uij.I tliii! li,,. iihosphaic. So much want- i Hig in the 1 ei uviaii, i.„i oi.iy increases the yield, but . combii.ed wilh t.ie Columbi a, makes the croi. much more cerl.ni;. i -Mclaurin. 1 Nov. 0, itSoo. f- r.'l'cr our reader.' to :he annual stat -uii-nt of : w V flio .Ktna Insurance I'o-npany, of liartfor 1, ivldch wii, hf found in another cobimn. Tliis .siicec'S t'ul in-^tiJuliiin was inc rp r-i c ! by the Legislature ol 'oMi; 'c'!ii u( in wrii .a ( . rj etual cbaii-T I-' I' lpit i] is is.'iOii.o )!•, and its .aeciimul itions CAi-. ed (r -' I).(lUO iimro. making it> entire assets over - invested as detailed in the stateiaent referred t . , These la su is indie.ate that duriie.: tin jieriod of liCai’ v f'Tty y ars ^Ilu•e its oi';:aTiizition, (without a siiiu; ' change ofii.; eiik f .iHcer.) its businoss In'-' hceu Coii ducN d witi) iuil;.'nient an ! pru.lence. It has been :hiis far n.a-essi'-il in an eminent degree. di.'?liargin;:. i's we aie iaf.iri'i’d, .all ils obligations hy the payment ol';.boiit /•;. '1‘Uilry for losses, witli .ut ;. king ,a , ;ay‘> doljiy in .any -iistance. Il lias liad hut little !it- 'gati.in, not witbstaii'iing t.he immense numheroftraiis- aeiioiis inad''. In or l'>r to aMaii^ as much '.7 a.' P"ssili;e i:i s;ic)i .a h,j--ines.s .a-J insurance, it h.is )>een i tlie pr.ii-tice of thi' Company, h r S‘'v(-ral yi-ars, a* ui eat l.ah,.r. ea: el'ui'.y t.i cla.'sify and i.rrange th> ii risks int.. nboiu lii'ty 'iisrinct classes, so as to asci/rtain ■ li e .aniou;;t ii.sured on e.i,-h class, the amount of pr.- ^ miuiiis i'c; ;'iv.'1 ili'Meon, an { the am >unt of losses u,. on e ii 'i. 'I'his classili. atioM. extending over a bu.g porio Land covering property t;> a very large anioiint.f'ir- ' .lishe. relitihle d.:'.ta, and j.resi nts a s.iund, substantia’ basis of ac'i! i' e.\p'1 iei!c», u]ian whicli to coii'ltu t its biisinC'S. Insuia'ii-’c is not a matter of luck 1.reliance, as many snj pose; its hazards are asc rtainahle, an.l , its ].rinc!p1es capable of hcini'reduced t.*! n sy'tem.the j iactic'il working and results of which are as certain ■ as thar of ali^ other biisiaess. Tlie .I'.tna C ompany, i.y a.lii'-ring rigidly to its system, an-i idacin j i'-s busi- ne," np .11 a he.i.'tliy basis, has obtaine.l the eontidenec , ..f th.* community to an extent suipasse.I by no other Comi any in the I.'. .Str.tes, and has inc"eased its ini'i- ne>s and its Inc,me from year to yea.' with a steady 1 growth. One great source of its security is the wi b- distributiuu of its ri.sks—a policy v.iiit h it pursues witli gre.it strictnes.—limiting the amount to iie cov- , ercd in each locality. 15y this course it has passe 1. with coinj'arative ini['unity, through some of the m"st sweejiing and dcstrii-tive tires, which have swalbiwed uj- other companies less cautious in their businos.s. It is a system like this, b.ase l upon experience, which gives ^^tability an 1 s .undnessto a coni[..iny. aii.l to the as sured confidence and securiiv. — A’-//',///../. '. i:tm i.\siiu.\r!'; m\?\\\, HAin i'Okl). CON.V. 1N( Mil’Mi; aTI’D 1M'.'. CllAilTlii; riilM’iiTl'A .. Capital $1,000,000. Assets $1,422,162 11. T. K. i'.RACli, I’le i bnt. E. G RU’LEV, Vice I’re- sident. T. A. ALEN,\NDEl'i, Sccret.ary. Diina rors—T. E. lii-.ace, S. Tu.lor, .). Church. IL Ruell, M .\. Tintle, E. Flower, E. .K. liu’.keley, R. .\l.ather. E. O. Itipley, S. S. Ward, H. /.. I’ratt, (i F. i»avis, .\. Dunham, D. Hillyer, T. Ale.xauder, W. Keiiey . The -\i-sets ai’e mainly invoited in .Stocks and Runds, paying interest, with !jil7:i,('''i 1 01 of cash on d' ]’.>site in the II .rtf.rl Ranks, ;.i meet losses. I.os'es due and iinptiid—n.oie. 1.. -scs adjnste 1 and not due. S'Jl.'ll:’. Losses in suspense, w.aitiu'' further prool. \c.. ^7'.,- .''.jii l-'i. Lo:scs ! c-;istv e, I susjdcioiis of frail 1, .vc.; ^l'''.b7>' 7l'. -Agent of the above ('oiiipanv in F.avetteville, N. (’ ' E. ‘hale. * TOE WORLD’S GREAT EXHIBITION IMilZi: Mi:i)\Ll AWAiun:i) TO .mkvkii. Ft>r Ilia Ti'n J’i iiiiin, O./.,//./• 1.-)^ 1S.")1. J 1 MEYER respectI'lilly inl'irms his tfiends '.;iii ^ • the puhlic genor illy, tli.it he has con>tantly on hand I’ianos e.pial to tliose fir whii'h he received tiie l’ri/‘ .\IcdaI. in J..i ndon, in IH”)!. ■Vll or lets promptly attended t ■. an.l gre.it c u e i ikeu ill the cleetii.n aii'l packing the same. lie lias r.-.civcl lutin_ the last II ycir~. in le Audi’s tii.aii II i.thcr iii.a\''i from the Frank in Insti tute: :;!s Firs' I’reiTiiums at Hoston. New ^ m l I' ■ t ni .i e \\ .\UE-R( M S, l emove I from '>'2 S. Fourth to Aiii .1 s'I'KEET, below £i.ihth, South side, I’il i.id.' ;i|i;a. A:.g. 12. ooMmpd 'wg M FERGE>t re'pc.-lfuilv a • ,rr,int:enii“nts to keep a .Article. Hil l is the only a'lovc i.r.ind of ^n. 1 ST A M) .\ li i) \A'i' I: U A TI K !•:. .'■g’fllE Wavorly .Novels ‘27 vols. cloth and half call. Cooper’s Nove' Irving's W'orks, 1 •'> \ols: , I’rescott’s Coni{iu st oi I’eru and Mexico; “ Lives ol F’ei-diiiand and Isabella; ' “ Life of riiilip the 12.1; ! r>enton’s o*' year.^ iu tlie U. S. Senate, ‘2 vols: The ,st itesir, tn’s .M.anua), 1 vols; ! J-jucyc'oiiedia Amoric ’.ua, l-I vols; Ijossing’s Ticlorru Field Book of the Revolution Webster's VVor'.', vuis: Colton’s Life and Titucs of Henry Clay: .Alenioir of S. S. I’rcut'-s of .Miss; I’ictorial Lii'e of Amlrcw .lacksou; -Memoir of W'm. Wirt hy Keaned.v: Lif« of W ise and Virginia Politics iu IS-^-'i; Garland’s Life of John Randolph; Dcmocrac}’ in .America, by Dc Toc'iueville; .Abbott'.-j Life of Napoleon, 2 v ils; .Vhh.itt’s Histories; Wirt's Life of Patrick Henry; Life of *\’m. Pinckuey of .Md.; Rayard T.iylor's India, China and .Jap ;u; Com. Perry's .Jajian Expedition: I Lieber ou ('ivi! Liberty and Self (tovernment; The Physical fie jgraphy «'f t’jeSea, by Lieut. .Maurv. Liberty aiul Slavery, by P.le Isoe of Virginia; I Soutiit'y’s Common I’hicc j’.ook; J.iife and lAii res. of Soutiiey; The SjiCctator; Wilson’s Tai. s of tlie Ilordc:>: The Scottish tiael, or .Manners, .\nti.juit;e.«, and l.'ustoms of Scotland: The .Scots Worthies, by.John Howie; Lockhart's jjil'e of U a;tcr Soolt; Clmmbers’s Life and W'orks tif Robert Rti'iis, Hamilton’s Discussions in Phi.osophy and i.iterature; Lite and Corresji i;; ; ■■. v ol' Lord ./eifrey: Tiie (^ueei.s ot' .Sootlanii, liy Agnes Strickl.and; I'hambers’ Miscellanies; I’roctor's llistory oi the Crusades, illiistr.itcd,- W'oodfalFs J uniu-.; iJannah More's \'\'orks; Plutarch's Live.': R.isweli’s Life of Dr. .loiiiisou; Novels .and Taics Ijy .'dar:a E.l;;eworth: 1 liti 111, iiurk.' a:i 1 .I' iinson's Works: Miilman's Cibboii’.s 1> . ;.0; Hallam's Works; Oosin. s, by Huinbolt: Men and W emeu of the i.^tn Ccutury by Iloussayc: The (iuidc ti) Social Happiness, by .Mrs. Ellis; Shakspeare, JJyron, Aloore, Scott, Hemaus and other Poets in various styles ot bindiag; The I’ostou Edition of the liritisli Poets, &c., &.c. Oct. 29. E. J. HALE & SON. %% .) () UN 1). S 11 A \\\ ATTH:\a:v at i.aw, Rot KINGII.VM, RlCi'MOND COUNTY, N. li-L .attrud the (,'ourts of Richmond, Anson and Donnhl.^oH' A(*alemy. ^2''HE next S,ssi..u of tl-.is Institutioii will b.fgin on J M nday the '-’1 t of ^ejitdiihpr, under the .ioint eh.irge ■ f Mr. Tiio\i.\s .1. RoniNstiN and Mr. (Jr.>iUiK A. C.MiiNs. Till' .\cadi ;>:y l)uiiding is pleasantly situ ^fc 1 on Hay Mount, and, in its bicatioii, combines the idva;.rages of anijile f. om lor ihc oiit-door c-xerci.'^es of ill .Stii lei:t-. and frecil .m frota all causes of liin- ■ '■■rat c(> in the ililiaent ]iursuit i«i th;ir stuilies it i,' the dcsiit' ot tile 1 nstructcrs to make this a III'-'., aiid they c.ill upon Parents ami -iiii-ii ii; . :■! aid them, by th ir jiatn.iiag.', iu the ac- ■Miii]! i-'iiiient (il this jiurposo, believin.; that there is ill Fr;■ neville an.l its vicinity a suHioient nur.iber of - i , upport such :-.n Institution. TERMS OF TUITION: TlfF. LIHKAUV OF THE LATE DR. MITCHELL, 4 ioNT.MNlNG works ou all the Branches of Science, ‘■iy is now of^'ered for sale at his late residence. *' Those wishing to buy are requested to call and make a selection as soon as convenient .V»!r. J5. «7-tf For Primary Students, per .ses -ion, (20 weeks,! $12 50 .\d\anced English “ •• 18 OU *• (,'lassical “ •• 26 H) “■ Contingencies “ '• One half of tuition fees to be pai l in advance. Seini-.'.iitiua’ reports of the scholarship of each Roy wi:' he sent to the I'arent or Guardian. Fayetteville. Vug. 1>'.'>7. ;l2-t01 k:)(;]:\vojit]i fkmalk skminauv. (tP.EENSRoRO’, n. c. next Sessioi o:'this Institution will commence ^ on Nioii.i; y. .\iigust cl. 18-”)7. The ('‘oii'e 'f .'^tu iv is thoroi'sli and svstemati>\ NOTICi:. /£ and after the 1st October ue.xt, there will be ^ * no more accounts made in our Store. The large amount ou our Rooks remiers this change in business indispensable. i _A11 jH'rsons indebted by Note or .\ccount. of si.\ j nioTiths standing and over, are rei'iuested to make pay ment at an early date. W. M. .J. CAMERON. Littie R ickfish, N. C., .Aug 2'.', 18-'>7. ;JS-otpd PUO.SFKCTIX OF Till- NORTH CAKOIJN.V PRESBYTEHI.IN. ^SIHE Presbyterian Church iu North Carolina has -*i5. long labored under a serious disadvantage from the want ol a journtil to advocate her claims ancl rep resent her interests. It is estimated that only lOftO Presbyteriati Weeklies are taken in the bounds of our three Presbyteries We have 18,UOO Communicants, ainl it is safe to infer that there are :^0,('00 Presbyte- enihiacing every tiling necessa'y to a complete. soFnl ^ rians in prir.ciple iu the State. Our Synod stands .and ornament,-li oducaiion. Die buildings are so ar- j j„ {[,p Union in point of numbers, and her niera- laii-. I t'l combine the comt'.rts ot a home w.th the ; hcrship is greiiter than that of any Synod South or •a ivaiit ii;cs '1 .a school. Instructors of the higln st j West of Peniisvlvania. Our sister States on the North iuarifieati..ns are employed iu each of the Departments. 1-I,,,i siouti,^ ue'ither of which has a membership so No institutioii in the country jiosses.«es advantages sujwrior to Kdtroworth. Catalogues containing all necessary inforiniition re specting the course of instruction, terms, ..vc . will be forw.ardc'i, .-.11 ap].‘icntion to RICHARD STERLINt.. Principal, Greensboro’, N. C. .lu;i- L'!, 1S-')7. 24-2m *!^1HF, .'u' seriber is ri'ceiving Irs F TER '^fOCE. consisriug of al in the w.a . of :. AND W'lN- 't every thinii if? ^ n V” va-i a’i Siifrttu'ftre atHi /iollnv-ivan\ — ALSO W. 1. GOLDSTON. IStf Ol t l-'i. l.''.'i'i. "'i.SUO Ac»rs oi' jjiun iOii .SALf*. d fW’IHE Subscribers offer lor sale the above T’ract of B. Latid. lyitig on .Xnderson's I’reck. about two ai..i a half miles (r. !n i.iwer Littie Kiver, near Eiliot's Mills,—iiiclu'iiii'.: ab .ut Oa.. !iuiidrc! ,\i’ics ef go'.-1 Sw:i ver. of - fily dr.iine l. This Land i' i i n l.irze [i.irti.'ii level and , which can be i \ i tiai' er.' i. rior |ua ity f i'.ne Land f.ir cuitivatioii. 11 Ciieiiiar Si'lvAM S.VW-.MllL, iu com))lete : d well i iiptv’l to siwing piank road aul rail '.’icrs. -Viso, fwo we’.i-hrokc MULES. V a:;y portion of which, will be sold low tuid I'iie Laud will be sold either in a body or in v-'s to ,sui- SMlfH .V ELLIOT. \ j ril (1. 1 >' .7. '.• ( -tf Si) su'esci iher is now prepared to tiil all or b'ls .\ i. ■n ticH’ Il I 5 1- r Sifprrhfr ll\itrr BSitrkvls. He ir.auiifictu!. s No'tli Car lina mate’i il—he i\ - Noi tii t a 1 i>:.na Cap't- , ai 'a!'■ .r. —aiel he . .\ort ' i'll- ’i:oi patr-.iri'i:.'. I’.y _'.i\iii:r iii’u a triat i'.\ . mpaiaou ; ' with i>..ftiic; i, i i icc.--. ne ilope.-^ •a - >• ; ni:. • . .y.O’ih.e >11' wiiisT. e m - ; icits . a d t.. • c !ie -.\: M f..r t: W(li{Tll c of h‘ a Fevetr I'TLliV .f th- )%:■ I’.iicko: s. t.. H. >7, l'-7. 1! 1 A L i- w iiat •\ :re;i M\KE(>KAi] 'J-V '['{) ’nn: iH iJi.ic. M FliRGU.'t'N. Pilot graphic .'.rtist, woul.i announce to tlie cili.'.cnsof Fay- ett*\ii!e and vicinity, tint he dc'ij:i,' ieavinii this p:ace for a few mouths, and all tilo^e wisiiing to ha\e th' ir pictures taken, wou.d ...i we:i to irive iiini .i cail at iiis F.ooiiis o\er ReasAy .V H.oisi.m's jewclrj sturc. by the I o: il of August, a' !'i; Rjums w:!I be ei.js^d 'ii in that time iiniii his ic:urn. Fayette»ile, J uly 2'*. 21'- F(^JI SALF. ^•-niE following \'ALU.\RLE REAL ESTATE, tnc a property of E. C. Mali, dec'.i, is ottered I or sale, and consists of the following tracts: '11 at (los'.rubto phico known as iloiiio, CMtitiiiii- ing about 2'iU Acres, with all the improvements fiiis place will he sjld entire or divided, to suit purcliaseis. It being 1 rohably one of the best 1 iisii.ess stall is in the country, and is very desirable t.i those wisiiing to enter the mercantile business. N'*. V'oii.'ists of a Lot aipl llrick Store, i2 tenement,'., in C.irnjihcllton. i,n Rri Ige Street, neai’ C'bi'cnd’n Uii lge, and is a very itesirahle stai.d f. r business. JSi). •>, Is I’lir.H: vacant l. '>fs in 'ruiipl>ollt>n, known in city plot as Nos. Iti'.i, 111, 112, and lialf-f kt 1 lo. No. 4, Is :i jMTcllilii: llotiso aiiil 1.,'it (III n.iV- mount, i-orner ot Plank lioad .uel .V.iains .St. ,\ very desirable resnlence lor the whole year. No. .), Is a Ooni Mill aiul Siprim Kti^iiie :u;(i lloiler, of 10 I'r lo hor.'i* power This i.' wcil woiah tin- attention of those living when u.iter pov.cr is not available, a;; i will I.ie s :M .t a great bargain. For terms apply to .J. H. H.VLL. .Ass’gnee. \iigust 1, i's')7. ;)o-t; Robeson. .\11 husines.s will receiv" strict attention. .I line li'S 1S.j7. entrusted to bis care 17-:?m .srA'l i'.oF XOiri'H C.VKOi.LN.V, CU.M HER LAND COUNTY. (’imrt r.r I’leas ainl Q'i:irfcr Sc.sions, .Tune T .Tin, Joseph R. lilossoiii vs. Ch.irles Holland .Juilicial .\ttachnienf, Levie 1 on Horses. Muies, and I Turpentine .Still, belonging tot harles Holland. tT' appearing to the siti'laciion of tlie ('ourt. that diaries Holland, one oi me dt fei .iants iti thisc.i*.', is liot nil inliabitaiit ot' tiiis State, it i?. therei.jie ■ r icr cd, Tiiat J uiilicatioi! be nia le iu the I'ayetteviiic Ob server, notifying said Holland of the levy on bis [iroperty, .and rc.;'ir;'if!g him to apne.ar at the next . fcnu of this Court, t.j b ‘ held for said t'ounty, at the (,'ourt House in Fayettevi.le, on iiie 1st 'li.ii.iivin .Se]iteniber nest, an.l replevy and pdejd, or judgment wir.be rendered against him and the]>roperty levie Ion ; be Sold to s.itisi'y the [ilaintiif's claim. ; Witness, .Lihn Mcl.auriu, (’lerk ol our said ('ourt. ' at oili'V iu F.I vetteville, the 1st .Moiidav in .luiic .\. D. I 18--)7. ’ .JOHN .McLAURlN, Clerk. ■ .Aug 4. .'?1-tc j 03^ Harper's Maguzint' lor July, I Just rec’d. J- H-A.LE At SON. irge as ours, publish tb.e Central, and the Southern ! PresViyterinn, for the benefit of their people. The j time has come when the Presbyterian Church in North Carolina should likewise do her duty to her children. I It is a conceded and important fact, that hundreds of { our members will take a State p.iper who will take no J other. The Paper is needed to be the organ of our j Synod and Presbyteries—to elevate and eulighteu the piety of our iiienibership by dilTusing evangelical I knowledge—to promote the cause of Education—to ! develope the talents of our Ministry, and to strength- : eu the at.achment of our people to the soil and sanc- I tuaries of their own .State. It our e'hurch iu other States, and other Churches ! in this State, can supplj’ their members with a Re- I ligious journal, why may not we'? Are North Caro- i lina Presbyterians inferior in talent, energy ami I )iatriotism to their neighbors on tii« North or .South, ■ J •• ! 4 or to Christians of other denominations at home'’ noots aiH! J* ilocs, >*a(l!it’ry. risli, vSJc..; wuh the same or better o|j])ortunities of aeaomplish- \uy . f which he will s^’.l cCip f.-r Cash, t.arrer for ‘"K bis uork. shall we leave it undone? In the lan- Pro luce, i.r u sbfo’t ti'iie Store recently occujiied ' gt^age ot (me of our most able and uselul ^^nister.s, bv T'r ' \ M.ar> 1, near t!' ■ uobhin House. ’ ' =‘” adopted «on of our State, ‘'It ought to have been undertaken 20 years ago, but it is not too late to be gin to do right.” In the last two or three months, a fund of about s.")()Ott has been subscribed as a permanent capital. ■\t a meeting of the contributors, held at Creeusbo- rough on the 1 1th of .May, Rev. .A. Raker, Chairman, —the Paper was unanimously located at Fayetteville, under the name and title of the Nourii C.vkoli.sm Pi{KSBVTi;i{i.\x. Rev. Wm. N. Mebane and Rev. • ie.-rge MeNeill were elected Editors: Rev. Messrs. ticorge McNeill, Wm. N. Mebatie. -V. Raker, and (J. II. Wiley, and Alessrs. George .McNeill, Sr., John H. Cook and D.ivid Aliirphy were appointed an E.xecutive Committee, to estaJiIish the Paper and manage its business ati'iirs. It is our wish and design to make tiie North C.vuo- ’..tXA Pi:r.'iivTi;ui.\x a journal of the first class, enual to the l:est in the cjui.tr\- iu typographical appear- ance and iu adaptation to the wants ol' our Cliurclics. Its columns will afford the latest intelli;ience, bjth foreign and domestic, and special care will be taken to give .a full and acciir.ite sunimary of State news. The name of the Paper is designed to be an exponent of its ciiaracter and contents. From conviction, it will advocate the conservative, o'rtlio.lox. Old School doctrines aii'l order of the (’hurch. Our lii't appeal is to our own people—to N. (\ rres'iyttri.aus. Whilst we rely conli.b'utly upon iheir f IV r. w._* trust that the native sons of North Carolina wiiii have f.mnd iionies in other States, and the .adopt- ■ i citi/.eiis .if uv .s^tate \\h.) form so iiufiortant an eiemcnt iti >ur Nliuisfry and membership, wili take a deep interest in this fnterprise and give it their heavty support. Ti;i;.ms: per annum in advance, or on delivery ot the tir?t iiuiuber: $2 oU iu six months; at the end of the vcar. To clubs of 2-') or more, paying iu advance ;ind when the Pajier is sent to one address, a liiscouiit ot lu per cent, will be allowe.l. Our Minis ters and Elders are e.arnestly desired to act as Agents, a:id all oihers friendly to tiie cause will please assis- in procuring .as many subscribers as possible, and for- w.ir.i the names. /•>/ Aujn.s/ ].v/. to fiiis Olfice. -\s soon as 1')0(J subscriiiers are obtained, the first num ber will be is;'ued. If a faithful anil vigorous etforl is made in the next two months by those who take a lively interc't in this Av.,rk, we will, witiiout d(>ui)t, lie abbr til Jiegiti tlie publication .at the emi of that time v.ith a ji.aying sutiscription list of at least :50O’>. Ad lress, Editors of the North Carolina Presby- it M.iii, J''.ayetteville. .N. C. Fayetteville, .Maj' 20, ls.'">7. 12- I,, scor'j' Itl'.I’ltI.N'l' oV' m l!HiTl!iil i*i'iillOI)li ili.S. ^ St'itTT oc CO.. New \'oi-k, c >riinue to jiubli‘h the following le nling Rritisii periodicals, viz: fllE Lo.N'DoN iU.\RTI'RLY ((Conservative.) THE FDlNRURtiH R EVl E >\ , Wbij:.) THi: .\itUTII P.IUTISH RKVIEW (Free Church.) THE W'ESTMINI.^TFR REVIEW (Liberal.) I'.L.VCK WOOD’S EDINRUR'ill MAC.V/i.NE TPory.; T'hese Periodicals rcpreseaf the three great politicii |iarti '^ of fJrc.tt Rrit.iiii—Whig. Tory, and Radical,— but politic' t'l.rm on'y oue feuture ot tiieir ciiar.acter. -\s ( hgans of the most profuuiiil writers on .Science, Liteiatiire. Morality, ai..l ileli-ion, they stand, .is tiiey ever have st.eid. iiiiiivalied in the v,oil I of let ter.', Iieiiig indispensable t'l tlie scholar and profes- sioiii;'. mail, while to tiie intciligvnt re.i'icr oi eveiy class they furmsli a more c.irreer ;ui 1 ,s tisf,a-tory re cord of the currcnt literature of the d.ay, throughout tiie world, tliaii can he possibly obtained from any other source. E.\RLY COi’lES Tiie receipt of .advuuce sheets from the Rritish pub lishers gives additional value to these Reprints, inas- niUv h as they can now be jdace.l in ihc hands of sub- scri'' ers ah;iut as soon .as the original oditi.ui.s. TERMS. For .any one of the four Reviews, i P"r ann.j S;:; uij F' r .any two of tiie four R(*views, o |l| F.ir any three of the four I’.eviews, 7 tio F'or all four of the Reviews, b il For lilackwood’s Magazine, -i Ot) For Rlackwood and tiiree Reviews. !' 00 For Blackwood and the four Reviews. H( OU J’il//r.fntx to In' ni'itln i,i ./// ■/.'. •// •:ilr,ntre. Money curi'i'iil .;■ th' Si'll, / ■,'/! /■. ■ ■ iii if /.'■ //. /vr, ,(■,,/ tif par. ' !A i;i;l '' I i. di'coiint o** twenty-five per (a-nt. from liie above p:ices '..il h. ail owed to ( i.i iis onierin;.' f.iiir or no.re ■.,].ies of any one or more "f the above works. Thus' t'.ur copi. s of lilackwoi) I. or of one Review, will tie S'-i.I to one a l lress i.ii four copies of the loni Re- vi. ^.S ;i!ci I);..' k'.Viio i tor ;il;,l ,,i (j;i, i’o.sT.VGE. In ail the priticij.al Cities and I'owns. the.se worlts will be delivered. FREE OF P t"'J’\ii 10. W hen s«‘nt by mail, the Postage t.i an\ part of the United .States will be l>ut TU l^.N'T'Y-Ft (i' R ( ENT.s a year for “Pdack- woods.'’ and Jmt F)UR'fEE.S Cli.Nf.S a year for each of the Iteviews. A*. Ii. Thf prir.- in liri'iiiri nj (he five P.ri'idii-ih ahiiri'-iinniril i. 11^,1,III ■ifitiU' Remittances for i.fiy of the above publications should i always he a ldressrd. post-paid, to th.. I’li'lishers, I " LEONARD SCOl f M Co.. I No. I (iold-street. New ^'ork. i BL-VXK.S tor sale ui this v)tiicw. arc jii'i re. ivinir fu»:'i.T sni'p.le.' .4' Fnihr.iciiig l etter. Rath Po.'t. .Nute an I 'a;> Papers, in gr..at v;iri._-t >; liiigl.'ii and Freni'ii EnvOi.ipes. white an.,1 c li.'t' 1: I'l. ae Pioer, (iill .tt'.' aid reia;. ' .Steel i’eii'. Pen H • I '. Red Ink Pens, l-.i'.iny Ruicrs, Ivi.ry .Hi 1 !'.o\a .1 P c'-.*'t Ru'ers, M.iihem.itieai In- stniments in eases. Hand 'iii.s. Pin ; Tape, Ouills, Pen llaciis. White Rubber, .'^an 1 Roxe', .\a;.: {'.anker's Ca'e', i*ocke! .\|.‘iii o'iii.iiiiiis an.l P'.ekel ilciii'; Yan kee aii’.l French Pencil .'liai j e;.- i -: i uiirciclo.. 1 >r marking witii i:: i’li'.'.‘ inic R" i.iT-' i’ca i\'.;\es; I’wrifoli.AIi_\'i.i:! N >; cs ml Di\ils' Inks, .'ic. ■Also, 1 t’a.'c >; :pei i' ! Ii!mli;'h i'li.''. assorted si'/.es. li. .1. H.VLE ot SON. M.ay 2. 1 i'iji'tHI'. ..-ob ! .'i“ lie 1 v.'i.: pa;. :iic lii/lie't . .isli price -fc. foi- VilU.Nii N FtJliOi'.S. l.cttcis ad.lresse l to either oi' us at Laiirinbargh. Hn'hiiioiel county, will have prompt attention 1). C. 'MclNTYRE. ;>.\Mli,L M. .MeLAURlN, L::':rio,l:ur_:h. Dc. Li I'-'.'i. (otf Type Fcundry and Pri'iiter’s Emporiuni, i.ST.Vi'LlSin;L> IN ISIS. WM. H vw \ .K. .11.. CO., 'fc'ork f'ilv. .1 'J' H F -uh.'Cl iiiei s di Ivi.^c their I'rie! late lire, v.hich injur.- 1 o:;iy tiie man:i:.icturing de- I'anmeiit oi their establi^liinent. they have entirely rtlitte i the m;1;;c wi:h new ma -Iiiuery, and haveav.ail- ed tbem.'ei\^s ui tiie op; . rtunity to intj’. duce KVKilY MODKJiS IMl^li 0 VKMKS T I which long experienci. and eapit.il can coiuinan.i; and i that th -y have tiu reloi e unenu.alicd facilities f: r [iro- ilueing ®H a-O ot su; erior exeelience aii l dur.ahi ity, and for .'luiplv- iiig ;ili 'i*ders I'.’i’ tiu* s:me w*ii|i great a".ciir.atene's and pr.iiuptness. Our .Ni;>\' S Plii I \| li.V I! lOK, 'just i is.'.led,) will lie fi cely .civcai all wiio wish to juir- I cilase, when applied f. r. I riiiter' wid jdeas.j he par- ticiil.tr iti directing how it ni.|-, in' sc;,t We also iuriiisii every aitic'.c nee ie 1 in a Printing Oliice, at juanulacturcrs’ prices. .M.VCHINE .\ND H.WI) HOES', TA'iLOKS, ADAMS', ItUtaiLES’, whiidi V C are t.jle ugeists in tlnscilj’. l iiid o. everv other ►aakcr ;n tiie United .States; Ink, t'asi -., .^t inds, lmfosi.'.g tt ij(S. r.nipo'iii^ .''li.,ks, tJ.-ide;.'; ; bra." and wood.) v lia'es. i liViiituic. .Me. Orders witi he tiileii for I a per, .ai" . and I’.iu -.■r's S;.'•• o:' evci-c i&ind. Electrctyping and Stereotyping iii all their Brauciies. 'J';, pe t’opper-l-accd to ..u dej'. Old t\pe i cL' ived in oxcb ii:ge f r new v.t C' li!'j'Ci' pound, if delivered in sixty days fr.on the .i.ite of pni- chase: if later, but sis cents jier j. iun‘1. Publishers of nev^spapers w ho ii sert tbi^ a Ivertise- ment three limes, with tl’.is n.ite. ai: I I'lrvTir l ns a p.aper containing the siime, wiil be I'ai l iu irintirg materials, by pui cha'ing four times the ani.aint of their I bill i'or the ;idvertisenu nt I SEC(JND-HAND PRESSES (Machine uud Han.l, ' usually ou sale W\L H.\(j.AR, Jr.. ,(• C) j W'.M. li.\GAU, Jr.] ■ [John II.-Mi.Mi * July 8. 23-'^t