SBMI-WEKKL, Y [VOL. VII.], x. c., si:i^ti:aiiu:r lo, ^857. [NO. (in.] ri:lM’Kl» M(iNl»\\S \Nh I'li niSDAVS. I'liWAIM) J. IIAl.l' A S(l\. . .'KS \M> i l-dt'lMiri'iMIS. If t!u'SiMiii-Wft'kly iR'-Ki!VKi' '' i nu if in . !v :■ . : ■ : 'lU if I :ii.l .Ir.viu,; the vtMV .■! r tlu' vtvir cxji’i i' l. : I- Wi'i k' v t r.:: mu |.ci- uiiiiuni, ii paiil hi 1 iv iii ■■ it' luriiiir tho df !i t S ' '' it'tcr liii' > .-ir lia- \ l»\'IMM'I1'. M 1.N'l'S iiisi'i tc l .f -i\ty ci'iit- ]n'r - . ire *' t’i.r the tii'-t. .'iii'l I irty coiii' t'"f i n-ii ec liiiir \ e.u'ly ail\erti>i‘inont - ; . i-i'litrui tit re:iMina:'%• i - ari ri- iiic-tc>l t^^ state tlie luiiiil'! r nf iii>ert 'iis ■le^ireil. "i f!i. vv-1! Ih- v'.iiitiiiiii'.l 'I'l (■“’■'•i'!. iii'i ncccn-.l sissmw i:LK iiousi: r\vs;TTi-;vii,i,i;. r. A'lis/ s'J' ■/,! ! ,'> I :t S/ritf, >1 l)nn/’.-i \orth nf \ iv.Tti't'v ents t t'i“ iii'eiti !.: : \ti'a. . i hariie'l 'it* .m:'\ ;o»m)s. V .l(>||NSi)N :ir> ^1'' rereiv'mir s .u^r ’ aii wf’' -K .il' • ■; i'. i'tiii--in j> ii'T . M irt‘. ('iitl‘r\. (irof( ric';, ('rH-k- » r\. I'ish, liiitltM- :ii; l ('!!(■('>(■. wiiii'li wi,, u'l low fi'l' * I'll, '.r I'tl tlie i.’. time t-' j'liiu'tual f!i-i "Hier'. ’ ' irie:'. i-- aii.l the j ii'ilii- ".eiii‘ •' sr..rti.i.-nf Mrm n’f li ve 1"- U r \ I L > 'v k, I'^.’>7. n i\ Pi AnU i: C o. Hi. U"W ii'i'eivni:; 1 ai i weil 'fiecte 1 sti . k r.v .r-IU ;; k'. - ‘V. -l.t. 7 I’’ ii-k ali'l K ^un- t ; k>; l;iiu:!i'ii ,:i't I-''! i.‘ li M r Plaia an.l I';.:' ! 1'. La> - !'i-en.-li , '■ w,- ' \';-ao I- ih I iliii' iii.'ick lioiui ■ / In'; Til-' -.1. , ii iii'ii Ml. 1 ill Ti'nts; t ; .mi; . .t‘ . Ill i''ui I' ittei iis: ^ i ; V: rv li M rii t' Tl; i •.•■"lift i;~ a:i i lii-'M';' ■ ! -"ars Hll'i I ri'ler>i -eV'--: -.1 ry. li 'Ve?-. ■ II', Triianii'iu-. , • i.tiir- 1 t'a-r-i .1! TO'; : Vr .‘'1' .N -. ana Whire an i i F' uim' . ' a : (■•! an 1 Kr-.wii .'iiiirtiiit •; \ . l-i.'iii'.- Ill \ >iieiti!;i.. !■ >1. !.• I and I'ri: 1 Li:,>.-ys .!i.l XI .r.:.- r,. .-'■tri|ie'- i^. ! I’ ii i'. w;. ;„.l nie .- h.-I TaWi- ('; I v;.' an'.''- ■!' a.i tv:Il i-i: ,;i'' i:aiiiv> f Lxtra I-;.! ll; 11^- t 'ii u,k“t': .'J ira;. 1^1- i:i I W,, I’.'ii iiie .>i a>>'.i'-:it'iir H .“^kii-v.-i; ^ arike'- N ri ', v; ry %ari'-ty, kiu l. an 1 ■ lunlity; .''ilk, Le>rlinrii Strnvv U iiiui th; M"’> 'kill. ' 'i-ri’i. -l' ■ ill i W . 1 il.;t-; B' -'t-. Si. -I.--., I ni'T’-i'a*. .Vi-, - A lar^^i' ali‘1 t:.-i:i -it-'i-k nf Readffm IMade C loth i a f/n ■ it Krhicii Will I'c >m!.{ 1, w tiir r "ii lair ’ time to ('Uiii tiial - ust t ,it t> • ■ • r /. ■ Ail I'-I' 'II' -."J I'--'; ,'■•iaiiv isi^iti'^l t" irive i: F IKVli^'K. ht 7. 1"'7 ,J W l-liiAKi'li. .Ir, I'ltf ••()\ii',rm\(. M'.u. J>L'(rAli 'ANK .'•IHL'I’, ,ui eX'-ellent iitii ie. mule iu ('iiniherl.iii'l CMiinty. .Tii.-t re- i ai) i tor saie by I'. K. LKLiTE. ri:m(>\ aj.. Bil HI SKii. Att'.rncy at I,aw. lia-^ r'-mnve'l iiis • ■ t'ii-e r , a in the H'.l iii'un IJiiil'iiiijr-* r •' 'U iiR* N irtii K'l'l, at tiie [tlaf'irni oi' ■ - - ' i i't Mill. ' ■ ; 'T 1. v; ^ t\\ f iii'c Hi-u rt‘C('i\in_r oui ; F A LL .■]' n I\ if i;( t( ii'l SH' ti;.';, wliici ■ 'ar*:!' ati'l trt'tnTa'., ern^’raciii.' every v\- : * ■ i iit’i-metr'!. I. , iii ;iii 1 ’liii lreii'" j .'-i uii l (i:i cr': lii li. I'liii.ln-r jf ever) • ai'i 'i/.v A l.irg. a-;'' i till' nt -it .Servant's :Shoed AL:-i - 1 : u:,k', ('alt', 1:;;, >1'I' I-C-.,, Lilli!l;r .’^kiri', Sh.,. 'I’i.f a:l, Li-;', i'c!-, a At/ wi.i, -,ir .i'Uiil. -•',1 ■ w f'.r ' ' ir t i | uiie- :. t - T n \ u 1 i;v V -;o.v. ' ■ ■ ■ , i ~ ’> 7. •■'i I t 'i w W. \. I ILL! Vr.II v> i' ■V rt - vivinir ■- ' irir‘n-, ; wr .; -~(ir;e i ''t .c-:; nl' Miiiia. iitnl 9];irth‘ii%v:{i*(% Lookiii;; ifiril(;inia« \Var‘, raiK’V mOmU. iV Hard%var‘. : '.it. - fh'- utII iiy M••••• t hi.c j'lMt*i :f r\i‘. .• iii’i ' ti'i ! I I'rt.-r ,1'iit 'if li I , I- r I.' t r tr ■ 1“, ■ m , -i a hmi ■ ff'l ill tl.. ;;- ;■ -i-', i in ilou.-i- an', wru-.'- Ui:MO\ AL. F M‘t(»rili ha- riiU' Vi l t'. riie .'^t"re reevntly i-'Miiiic'l hy Uiili III T:iy! a-, " 1." r i;a.--t 'f II. ■ .\- . wii-rc lie w ;ii ^1 >.f [laviHeil t'l nee ■ 'I-'- iiicr- an'l a'! .'tiier- wl. i wish I., linv iooils | //(. .1/, .'^uh.^eril'er .le-ires through this Hl nu'linm t • aekr."w’eij'^e the liberal I'atrnnaire hc^towe l uj'nn his Mouse the ]>ast year—aii'l us he has ju. t -recte'l New .‘^tiiMes iiii'l Carriage Slieii ennveiiient to the House aU'l to water ho takes jiliMsure in s.ayinjr to his ir.itrons aii'l the puMie generally, l.e is si ill |'re|i:ireil to iiccoui- ino'late them with tr.iusient an l [i( i inanent bo:u I, Juiil res|ieelfuli'■ "lieits a e.’ntinu.anee .if t In'' iia'r?)i jiatroii- ;i>:e heri‘tofoi-(‘ ici-fi\c.i. Kvery I'xeitiun on his part sh.ill he useii tn reii'h-r them eonii'.irtilile lurinix theii sojourn with iiiin. Ili> t:ible i ; always -upplieil with the be.'i till- market atrnr i'. r. .'^IIHMWF.LI., ^Iar^'h L’1, Is.'i.'i. '^fi-tf DOlilU'’ HOI SK! I'oWHlI.S .V rKiii’uiKruns. illlF. I’roprietius of this listaMishnieui anni'Unee to the [luhlic. tliat owing t the eousl.antly inorea'inii iiatroiiage e.\tenJ- e i to tliein, (hey have been imliiee>l te eri laijxe tiie .aei'ominoilutioa by the .I'iiiitioii ot in exten,'iv‘ IHniu” lli^ 'in : ii tiie lower tloor. ami suite II ."Ills .III the 'eroii'l t1..;:r; tliU' enabling them to u'ca’amo'late .all who may fiivor ihetn with a call. Aii'i rliey ple'lge themseives to an imre.ibed exertion to iive satislaclion tu their patrnu>. .■sp u'ii.u> .'^tallies :iltai lieil an l e.arelul Ostlei s in at- tel. la nee i’he eli^ilile lov .ati'iii of the Kstablishment, with the experienee of the I’ruprietors in jiroviiling for theeom- fi rt of their p;itroiis. they hope will seeiire to thrrii ii i’ sii.aie of the tra\fL The Western an l S,i';theru .''tages ;irrive at tiii'l >le- part 'ri'in this House. arr;ages in atteii'laiu-e ,,n arrival auil leparture of .''team I’.nats, tor the aeconimoiiati- n of jmsseiigers. I'lirses anil I'arriailes furnishi-il .at .any notiee fur ear- ryiiig travellei's to anv i'art ■ : tlie a ij u-ent eouiitry. J. W PoWKK.S.' \\ TUoV.‘ Fayi'ttevillt , May I'i, .’.tf \ \Ll \liLi: PUOI’KU'I'V rojp: foFFFR fur c.ale. niy l,.\Nl'.'i in the Tuwii iif Fay etteville, aliout !:!'• Aeres. known as the MUMFORD SWAMP. Vb.ivit ' I \ores nf it is tine \lea.i.'W l.aud, as the Crop n iw '-’I it w'li liiiv the Iti'icii ‘'loir l>ol ii'Vir the .Mnrket .'^'lU.irc, iiee'’.pie 1 by Mr. John .\ I’enr'ievt 'II. Large an l Vahiahlo I.nt, frutiting mii l)ouaMson, ^Iaxwl•i■. and Nlumfnr l .'Streets, known as the Hotel len i. 't. —ia Uid i>e divided into liuilding I. Is—very ne ir the new Female High ,'^ehool Buildings. \l-o, the Stall e L 't a Ij ’ining, I’rnnting on .Mnnit\'rd , '^trei t. Several Dl'S 1KA11 Li: lU.'li.UlNt; LOT.s on both! U'i;is;,.\' atid Muinioi'd .str.'ets. j All this iiroperty eaii now iie pureliased on favora- 1 :-'e terms, .and a large part can rein lin on I’ond and j 'i- rtgaire it' desired THU, ,1. CURTI.s. ! •)cf. 1", 1H-tf I uor.Kirr n. ~ ! I LATE OUKKS .v WK.VH. i WATCH-MAKERS, JEWELLERS, &c., FAVKTTKVILLK, N. (5. KD (i. begs to return liis sincere thanks t . the • public for the kind p.atronage .- i Hber^ir_\ be upon the late Firm, and infnrins them he has b lught tlie interest uf . .S. Wear, and will . a.tinue thi’ bu-iness in all its brani-he« at the old stand, under liS entire sni'erintondence. N r. ,\11 \V,-itdie.' left with him for repair will be taken apart in the presence ol' the ownor.s, and the 111 ci -s:'ary repairs jiointed out to them and a writtei. e iitract given fur tiie .-j.iiue, which work will be v\ir- ranted tur tw ■ years. (>:i hand and f 'r,> nnw, the rnost v.aried and choiee selection of tM.)i'K.S Hiid uthe»' \ime pieces that has ever been ilJered to the public ir. North Caro lina. which he will sell :it New \ ork prices, and also w\i;n.\Ni for two years. .Vll debts due to and Jiy the late tirm will be jiaid an 1 rc'M-ived by K. I>. (tKKKN. .Vugust XOTK'K I.S HKlltillV tilVEN, that IJooks of Sub.scription to the capital stock of the Central Hail Hoad, frnm r.eaiifort Harliorvi.i Kenaiisvi'le, Clinton, Fayetteville, and West, will be opened on I’hursday, the loth day "f April IH-Tt;, and reni.iin open according to the terms i.f the tjharter until further notice, at the following ji'.ices and under direction of the following named per.->ons, t'ommissioners in the Charter, viz: In the Cnunty of OtisIow, at the ollice of the ('lerk of the Couii'y Court .at .JacksonviUe, and at the I'ost Otlice Kich Lands. ii. \V. Fonville, (i. ,1. W.ard, .1. II. Foy, Hilbert White, .Ldin Avcritt, .Ir., Owen Hug gins, I>. W. Humphrey. In ''arteret county, at the otiice of l)r. M. F. Aren- dell at I’eaufort l)r M. F. .Vren lell, .1. F. Hell. Ij. r. ii-'.esby. .Vt the st'ire of W. T.aybir.a* Cai olina ('ity,—Col. Wi;!. N. Denni.s, 11. S Hell, ('apt. Levi Oglesby, Bridge ,\rendel!. In Duplin county, at the ollice ol the I'ountj’ (’ourt t';erii ,.t Kenansvilie, — ^laj .1 ‘Iwen H,, l),ivid Heid, Isaac H Kelly, Wni. H. Hill, Win. .1. Houston, SI ••]ih‘ n t i r:ib a in. in ,]is i!i county, .at the oflice of the Co.inty Court I'ierk at Clin!iin.— Thoiiias 1. Faisoii. I)r. 'I'hoinas I’li.ntii.g, Will. MeKriv !’,itrick Murphy, Wui. Faison, .1 H liea,ii;ui. ,\:ired lohnson. In > uniherl.aiid county, at Fayetteville, at the otlice of \. — Thomas K. Underwood. Uandal Mi haniel, Ivluard L. Wins'.ow, .John C. Hlocker. i'- 'ran ■ f u - -ri pt imi: The Cn lei 'igned a.Ti-e to t ike the number of .shared .)i ^ItHi eaeh, set oppnsite to our names respectively, i.’i the Central Kaii Hoa l Company; und in all rcHj-ects to comply with the tornis of the Charter. Haifks^s Miisiorff O I' O II T II V A K O I. I \ A . The .Subscrilier.s are now prepared to furnish the 1st volume f this valuable work, which has receiveil the highest commendation wherever it has been read, not iiuly for Its literary execution but for its typographi cal getting up. It may be obtained, either from us or from our (Jeneral .\gent for thv State, II. W. Horne of tjiis place, oi- an_\ of his Assistant .Agents. The price v.aries according to style of binding; In handsome cloth >! ’J.'); in Library Sheep ^1 ')0; in half ('alf •'id 7'). It is soi.n um.v fok C.\sii. None w ill be charged, either by ourselves or oiir .\geiits. .\ liberal discoun’ will t'C ni.ade w here i|uantities .are taken to sell again It will be sent by mail to .my of the country, iiu receipt of the price and ‘24 cents to pay postage. The -d voluins is in course of prep.aration. There will probably be four or five volutnes in all The suc- ;eediiig vo'unies will probably contain about pages each, an'l w ill be sold at a projiortionally higher price, viz; half a cent a p.ige for the cloth binding, ‘J'> cent- i Idition il for sheep and 5d cents additional for tin hall Calf binding E .1. H.VLE it S(»N F.ayettevi'le. April ‘J'.t, 1’. S. The .\gent and his .\ssistants de.'^ign to visit every county in the State, with the book, as soon as cnnveiiient. In the mean time, orders to him or to us, accompaiiied by the cash, will receive prompt atten tion. \ ALl Al’.Li: IMIOPKR rv FUJI SALiv ^BjlHE .s^ubscriber h.aving concluded to remove South, M. idlers for sale his IIOI>ii: \.\D LOT, in the village of Chapel Hill. The dwtdling is a h:uidsonie mie, large and coiiveni- entl} irranged. The lot contains SIX ACl’iHS if ground, with every convenience in the way of out hniises, viz:— Dairy, Dry-well, Kitchen, .Servant house with two roi'tiis—lathed and plastered, wood and wash house, carriage hoU'C and stables. There is also en the front, a very neat iMM KLi^: oFFic;i:. The grounds are in a high state of cuUivation — about half an acre being in fruit trees of thi' choicest kind .and be.ariiiiT aliundantly. For further information address the subscriber at this place. Teinis made acconimndating. i:. MALLKTT. Chapel Hill, Aug. I-'.. :n-tf I Sal(‘. .Names I He.-iiden;: I N'o ofsaares > Ca-di Work bie '.V {• :ii:. I .1- a’.. i: F. Mil ire III! t«rM .\ .■ . , im j. *.! (- ) k'- * ■!: an ■ . ■ »* r»i px*"' M !i! V, - r ' ^ v\ ! ,■ . ' . - i: V,- \i u ■ i.:if -■ al. ■ ireiil 1- III’ .i • l‘--| r I 111 ,ll'l t.~ 1' .t:, -il, i;i I;| -I'll '-■leks S.i'l; o" L . J 'il . a- . .r!i ■il -natf. \ '■ i'. \v |. 1 i.d a great iri 1 1 . VN .t Whi. e 1'. ing . .I'iiinier' .'•'ept ■ Is, all wiiieh wi'd be .1. ur 01 I,me tu pripiiipt E F. .MooKi;. nil ri J! iniis may Le made payaloe in woi k, and may ')ieeify win tlier tor gi ading or cross-tit’s: and St ( klioldei-s sliall in every case have pretereiice in taking Contracts, when liidfl are the same or at Engi neer's e' I im.i; e. .\s '■Dull ;i- one hundi ed t li'iiis iiel doll.irs are sub- si r 'ii'd. t he ('.iiainissioiiers ofOn'lu>v county are to be notilied, and ihe\ m e re.jU'red to c.ail a meeting of .'^tiiekholdvrs t . irsinize the (%)iiii>anv- Mareh I-'., IS:'>ii ■ i;?tf O. 310! S'l'OA '=■'%/ '*L'1>D iniiirin 'li.- friends and forni 'r eust-.iners W tliar lie may be f.i'iiid - d-iors be' v.- the Cajie I Ha.i and ! doors at>o\e h:s nbl stand smith side • '••V'.in SMim t, where h“ intends to keep on hand. Harness. Saddles. Bridles, Whips, Collars ' '' >'r\ ihiiig o.- .iiigiiig to )iis trade. 11 e resjiectfully '■■i' Uisineiid-- troiii Mie coiuitr) to call and examiiic his ■ ,1.1 w piircliasing. tie wiii itieii l Ke|.ailing of ll.aiiM 'S ilid .'^addles ! jiiuictn.a: \, in I li.-. l aai-ges shall b,- lie ^ i'ale. He w Olid re.iaest all u, b ; le l to the firn. if il >l -• I uN \ (• \ 1, 1> I tII ..,et t le w!Ih \\ () V erbV or 'M’a.' ! f, as t hev are compelled to s-ttle thr firm’s'dehts. \n:,;U't 27 :;ltf Haider :md Godc/s l/.,(!\*s Hook, ! or .\ugust, 1S07. E. J H.VLE & SON. H ■ .\VlNi coneluded to remove .South, 1 will otfer I M. for sa;e on Wpdncsd.ay the'.'th day of September next, on the plantation which I have recently sold, the following ar»iiles of property, to wit: 17 ll(‘al of Tillies aii«l llorM'w., among the horses two pair match, one two-horse and three four-horse w;igons: soine twenty-five “ingle and TEN double pl"Ws; one four-horse plow: sometwenty- tive head of Cattle of improved stock, among them one full-blooded Devon Hull; eighty or one hundred head of hogs—among them are fine young brood-sows; a ijuantity of oats put up in liales; one wheat fan, one corn-sheller; ten wheat cradles, Hlack-smith tools and other articles not necessary to mention. Also a Family Carriage, Huggy and sulky.;—Twelve mouths credit—bond and approved ' security reijuired. E .MALLETT. Chapel Hill, Aug. I.'). :M-tf LWDi:RT.IKEilS. sul'scribcrs offer their services to tlie public to Airni'h C.,l}ins. Hearse, and every other re'iuisite for Funerals. They liave a considerable supply of Cottins ready made, and an abutulant supply of M.i- hugaiiy, iilaek Walnut and Ciiim and I’uj'lar materials fur ni.akiti:r any size at a sh"rt iiutiee Orders left at the Cool Spring .Mills will be promptly attended to. HEAHSEY x JOHNSON. i Fayetteville, June ‘JCt, l^o7. ‘iOtf XOTK'i:. ^I'^HE subscriber having, at June Term 18o7, of the £ Court of rieas and Quarter Sessions for the L'ounty of ('uinberland. nu.alitied as .\dministrator upon the Estate of Willie F. Moore, hereViy notities all persons having claims against the said Estate to present the same jirnperly .aiithentic.atcd within the time pre scribed by law, otherwise this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. tu the said Estate will please make payment immediately E. F. MooKE. June -3, isj7. l-’tf FOR Tin: \vi:sT! Through in 36 Hours, and Crossing the Blue Ridge in the Day Time!! M i S. HHOWN’S Tri-Weekly * • Line of Four-Horse Host Coaches, from .Salisbury to Ashe ville, via .Statesville, Newton, Morganton, .Marion and I’lcasant Gardens; connecting at -Asheville with the line of .Stages for the Warm Springs, Knoxville :uid Greenville, Tenn. This is the best stocked .and best m.inaged Road in North Ca rolina. It is the most expeditious, safe and pleasant, and ,at the same time the cheapest route for the West Leaves Salisbury on Monday, Wednesday and Fri day; leaves Vsheville on Tuesday. Thursday and Satur- ,|j>v;—running in close connection with the North C:irolina Hail Hoad, North and South. C. S. HHOWN, Contractor. June 15, lH-')7. l*j- I’OU SALK. yglHE DWI LLINU HOl'SE .AND LOT on (iillespie M Street, at present occujiied b}’ Doctor Mc.Swain. Perfect title can be tnade. Apply to TMO. J. CCKTIS. ALSO tGOOD I'.AMILV C.\HHI.\GE in pood rejiair and nearly new. Will be sold for half its value. —ALSO— cood .MILCH COWS with young calve?. Apply tj T. J (’I'HTIS. April-J'.t, IH:)7. =5tf ^ I)AMD MclHIFl'IK, Krirhntasott tttHf t*lasleret\ as prejiared to do all kinds of work in his line, in cluding the jiutting up of Turpentine Stills in this .and tiie atl.joining counties. Fayetteville, .\pril l!7, 18'>7. •’>-l\-pd .1. W IIJ.I \ M V\(.W -M. I)., #* f TTS MS O Mi O r MM, V. OH. I'AtiE may be found .at his otlice when not professionally engaged. May ti, D-.')7. r>tf i:OKN. HUS. COKN, for sale by WORTH ‘.t UTLEY. :5tj- roK sALi:. « HHLS. of M. .St E. .MVER’S SUI'EHIOR i WHISKEY. This Whiskey comes very highly reconiniended; said to be fully equal to anj’ >Jorth Carolina make, and warranted free from any impurity. WORTH cj- UTLEY. Aug. IfcST. 36- LAXI) rOK SAU:. A(’HES LAND lying on the ^mi.h.. Stage Hoad, l'» mil s .Suutli of K.n cttevillr. The Land is well timbere 1, and adniiraMv adapted for rurjientlne or F.irming jiurposes; and e> between the .Southern 1‘lank Hoad and I’>ig Hockti'ii. —convenient to maiket. There is on it a comforta' le Iranie House, .Mill .''ite ,vc. Any inforiiiatliin nitiy be obtained on the premises Irom Mrs. .Mary Nelson, or by einjuring of JAMES HANKS, Atfy, Faj’etteville. Aug lo. tf Coiil lijinds lor Sah‘. virtue of a Deed in Trust to me exe« uted by John .Me. Ellington, I will sell .at public Aucti'in. to tlu“ highest bidder, on Tuesday tiie bth d.i'. of Seji- teinber 1S">7, in the town of Fayetteville, at the ('ourt House Door, one-fourth of the Tract of i.,and known as the DVE L,\Nl».S, lying in Moore county, .and adjoining the lands of Evander McIviTand others, and cont.iining eight hundred acres more or less. S.aid land is situated about three miles South trom Deep Hiver and is well timbered with long leaf pine. Coal of tine nuality has been discovered on the premises, vein I(t inches thick See Emmons's Report for further particulars Terms made known on day of sale. J. T McCLENAH.VN, Trustee. August 14, lH.-)7. ;;itf ^HE under.'igned are now receiving a L.MUiE A.S- SORT.N. ENT of (Jrocrrirs, M;ul\v:irc, lr»ii, | I follow-ware, S!io(‘s. Li'iitlicr, j ;iii(l S;i(lll(‘rv, which they will sell at Wholesale at .a small advance on Cost for Cash, or on our usual time to prompt dealers. GE» W. WILLIAMS \ CO. July IS, 1S;')7 ‘Ji.-tf I llLllBLi: LIMIS I’Oll m\i f|1HE .Subscrilier, being ilesic.ju-' of moving South 1 or changing his business, oilers for sale tiie fol lowing Lands: Ojh* Trart. rontaiiiiiii; 1700 or 1^00 on whiidi is niy family residence, situated ten miles Niirth-east of Fayetteville, ou the East side of Cape Fear River, throuiih which the F. ,v N. I’lank Hoad , passes. It cmitains a tine • >ak Orove, with substMitial l»uilding^, and i» well supplied with jiure w.iter The abiive iiact consists of swamji an 1 ujilaii l', a portion of each kind being und' r cultivatimi and in excelient order, and contains two tine pastures tor stock, abun dantly supplied with fresh water. The uncultivated portion is heaviiy timbered One Tract between :{00 ainl |00 .Acres, lyin^ I'lie mile North of the above, and iminedi.ately on the I’lank lioad, on which is a valuable Saw and Grist Mill, in perfect order. Tht* tract is well sup|>lied with . pine timber. One Tract, lOO to ,>04> .Vrres, of rich and productive .Swi.nip Lands, a portion of which i,- well fenced and under cultivation, known .as the King and Norman Lands, situated one mile fr u'n the river, be tween the .Ashe and .Armstrong Lands The uncleared portion contains valuable Cypress and Oak Timber. One Tract, 1*2 1 .Veres ot l*iiiey Wood l.ands, heaviiy timbered, and known .as the Little ('reck tract. One Tract, ."iO .Veres, wliirli lies in CJreat Creek, and contains tlic grc:itest abundance of .Iuiiiper Timber for .Shingles. I’ersons wishing to purchase get a’.l the neces sary infonnation from the subscriber at his residence, or Irom James Murphy, at (Jray's Creek, either of whom will take jileasure in shnwlnir the almve lands. JOHN MUHIMIV, Scn'r. Cumberland ('ounty, July li7. ls.a7. li't-tf ti9sui*anr(\ nT E refer our readers to the annual statement of tlie ,Ktna Insur.ance ('oinpaiiy, of H.irtfurd, w hich will be found in another coluniu. Tlii.s success ful institution was ii;e .rpi.r.ite I by the Legi'l iture of Connecticut in ISl'.t. with a I'erpetual charter Its is x.'tUil.iiou. :>nd its aci uniul.ations exceed !i.sii(i (i(M> more, making its entire a-^sets over :s:!iM(.- (i(t(l, invested as detailed in th* statement referred to These results invlicate that during the period of nearly I'lirty 3’f.ars sjiioe its orizaniz.ition, (without a single change of its chief ollicer, 1 its business been con ducted with .judgment and ['rudence. It has been thus far successful in an eminent degree, discharging, as we are infnr;nei, all its ofilig.atioiis by the p.iynient of about trn million dullurx for losses, without asking a day's delay in any instance. It has had t>ut little at- igation, notwithstanding the immense number of tratis- actii'us made. In order to a't.ain as much . ;,s possible in such a business as insurance, it has been the practice of the (’oitip.aiiy, for several vo.ars. .at great labor, ctirefully to classify and arrange their tasks into about tifty distinct classes, so as to ascertain the amount insured on each class, the amount of jiri - miums received thereon, an t the amoutit of losses up nil each. This classification, extending over a long ficriod,and covering property to a very large amount.fur nishes reliafile data, and presents a sound, substantial basis of actual experience, upini which to conduct its business. Insur.auce is not a matter of luck or chance, as many suppose; its hazards are .ascertainable, and its princifiles capable of lieing reduced to a s\stem, the practical working .and rc.^nlts of wliich ;ir‘ .as cert.aiii as that of any other business. The .Ktna Coni|iaiiy, by adhering rigidiy to its system, aiidpi.acing its biisi- upon a healthy basis, lias obtained the eonfidence ot' the community to an extent surjKissed by no other ('ompanv in the C .Si.ites, and has increased its bu-^i- IIP.S.S and its incmnf trom to year with a ste.ady growth I >nc great source of its security is the wide distribution of its risks—a policy which it jiursues with great strictness—limiting the .amount to be cov ered in each locality. R.v this course it has jiasse 1, ; with comparative im])unity, through some ot' the iiin'^t ; sweeping a> d destructive tires, whicli have sw.alliiwed up other coni]ianies less cautious in their business. It is ' a systi-m like this, based ujioii experience, which gives I stat>ility anl s..uiidness to a company, and to the as- I sured conti lcnce and s"curitv. — Uallini"!', ritn"t. ^ KMll’lW, I IIAin I'Olil), CONN. ^ lN('0Hr0HATED',' CH.\i;TEH I'EHHETUAL. ! Capital $1,000,000. Assets $1,422,162 11. T. K. HHAf'E, I’residcnt E G Hll’LEY, Vice I’re- i sidetit. r. ,\. .VL*-N.VNDEH, Secretary. DiHKi'Toiis—T. K. Hr.ace, S. Tuilor, .1. Church, H. I Huell, M .\ Tuttle, 1'. Flower, E. .V. HulkeU'v, H. M.ather, E. C. Hipley. S S W.ard, H I’r.ati. C F. l)avis, ,\. Dunham, D. Hillyer, T. ,\. .\lexan ler, \\. Ketu-y. The -\sisets are mainly invested in Stocks and Hon Is, paying interest, with !*'17-,'i^il (il ot cash on depositc in the Hartford li.aaks, to meet losses Losses due and unpaid none Losses :idiusted and n .t due. "'-i. Losses in su'-'iiense. waitin ' further jiroof. iScc., >^7 '.- ^;."»(l 1.') Lw.nses resistei', (suspicions of fraud, .S;c.) ^ l'i,*i7s i -'.gent of the above ('ompany in Favetteville, N E. J.'ll\LI^ I'lLL K 1’9H mi STARR & WILLIAMS \RE niiW receiving a VERY L.\R(E .VND \\ I,LI. SELECTED STo(’K OF FttH (liiff H'ittier Mwootls! To which they invite the early attention of their cus tomers, and Wholesale buyers generally. ■Aug :i 1, 18-')7. If .1 on N l>. S II A w, AITOKAi:V AT I.AW, ROCKINGHAM, HICIi.M(»ND COUNTY, N. C LL attend the Courts of Richmond, .Ansoii and Hobcson, ,\11 business entrusted to his c.are will receiv'* strict attention. •hiiie IS. lSo7. ‘ 17-oin f'Hrfher Sitpft/t/ of Srhool MSooLs. S 11 " lES' .Mgidir.a; D.avies’ .\rithmetic; Greenleafs is " Ntitiiiiial .Vrithmetic; .Smellie’s I’hilosophy: I’ic- t ' (Irecce; Cooper's \ irgil; ^Scc. \'c. Als-i, Tuppei's I’roverbial I’hilosofihy: I’.ailey’s Festus; Wayland's \ Science; .Vc. \c. E. J. HALE \ SO.\. Aug. I'.t. Ni:vv si ppLV or sfationkuv. %^ E arc just receiving further supplies of ▼ » .Sl\lTHKVHn I Embracing Letter, Hath Post, Note and (,'ap Papers, HI variety: English and Frencli Envelopes, white and Colored; Tissue P.aper, Gillott's and Perry’s Steel Pens, Pen Holders, Red Ink Pens, Ebony Rulers, Ivory .and Hoxwood Pocket Rulers, .Mathematical In- -trunients ill c.ases. Hand Clips, i’ink Tape, (juills. Pen Hacks, White Rubber, Sand Hoxes, .yc.; Hanker'' C.ases, Pocket .Memorandums and Pocket Rooks: Van- kee and French Pencil .Sharpeners; ('loth Stretchers, fur niarking with indelilile ink; Rodgers’ Pen Knives; Portfolios; -Maynard .V No^es and D.iviils’ Inks, .yc Also, 1 Case superior English SLATES, assorted sizes E J. H.ALE &, SON. M.ay L', 18.j7. Type Foundry and Printer’s Emporium, ESTABLISHED IN 1818. \V M. IIACJ AU, Jr., A: CO., »;i6S street, Ac‘%» Vork I’ily. ' fi^llE subscribers desire to advise their friends and M. the Printing Interest generally, that since the late tire, which injured only tho manuiacturing de partment of their establishnient, they have entirely relitted the :*ime with new machinery, and liave avail ed iheiiiselve's of the opportunity to intr luce EVKin’ MODKRX IMPliij VKMKS T which long experience and capital can command; and that they h.ave therefore uneiiu.alled facilities for jiro- luciiig ''M''Ifc'Mrd of siijicrioi- excellence .and dur,i)(i!ity, and for supplj’- ing all orders lor the same w’lth ure it accurateness and promptness. Our NEW .spiv, 1 \1KN HOOK, (just issued,) will be freely given to all who wish to pur- ch.ise, when applied for. IVinters will jdease be par ticular in directing how it may be sent. ^\e also furnish every aitic.e needed i/i a Printing • ttlice, at manufacturers' prices. -MACHINE AND HAND HOES', TAYLOR'S, ADAMS’, RUGGLES'! i'hasv'^s MPiamoitft M^ress, ! of which we are sole agents in tiiiscity.) and of every other maker in the United States; Ink, Cases, Stands, Imposing Stones, (Jtmposing Sticks, Galleys (f)r;iss and wood.! Chases, Furniture, iic. Orders will be tilled for Paper, Card.s, and Printer's Stock ol' every kind. Electrotyping and Stereotyping in all their Branches. Blank VVarrants for .sale lu'rc hrji Type Copper-Faced to order. (•id t_\ pe received in exchange for new at cents per pound, it delivered in ^ixty days from the date of pur chase; if ..iter, but six cents per pound. Publishers of newspapers who insert this advertise ment three times, with this note, and forward us a I'aper containing the same, will be paid in printing materials, by purch.asing four times the amount of their bill f r the advertisement SE»’(»ND-HAND PRESSES (Machine and Hand) usually oil s.a'e WM. ilAGAR, Jr., CO. VV.M. ll.Mi.vK, .Ik.] [.Ioh-n H.\(i-\u. July s. -.ia-;'.! Ni:\V liOOKS. yMlUIET LEE'S ('.anterbury Talcs; Love after Marriage, by Mrs Hentz. .\lso. .1 neu supply Ilf Sta'idard MEDD’VL WH{KS; The I’resl'Vtcriun Psahiiodist. round and chii icter Not s K il.VLE .i SON. H nrtlur Sni*jtlH‘s of MSooks. I'HE Humorous Poetry of the English Language; Home and the World, by Mrs. Ivives of Va.; Works and • Rejected Addresses" ol Horace and .lames .Smith: Heaum.irch.'iis ,ind his Times; (' ('orrespondence of Najioleon and Jo- se|diine; The L.a ly's .\lnianac for l''’)7; Dr Kane's Arctic Explor.itions; .\leinoir of Siis in .Mlibone: Knight's Pictorial Half-Hours; He.ady Reckoners; The .M.\ Stic Circle; Huilion s I’ractical I.essons in English Grammar, •lust received E. J. H.\LE .v SON. Ni'.W l{OOK> ('om. Pt rry's .lapan Expedition, illustrated. ('oiiier .n; -lew ett's I'.dition of the Original Test of .'^hakspeare's Plays Restored F.irmingdale; The Lion of Flanders, or the Hattie Ilf tile (lolden .'-purs; The (’urse of the Village, \c ; Kitto's Daily liiliie Illustrations: Kitto's Poimlart'y- clope li.a of Hibli,‘al Literature; H imes' Notes mi the Hook' of .Iob and Revelations; H.alf Hours with the best .Vuthors,—Knight's London Edition, L'vols.: H.alf Hours with the best Poets. V.elistei's Ciii\ersity and Family Pronouncing l>ic'y .lii'.eniie and .School P>ook;i, .Stationary, .^c .Inst rec’d by L. J. H.VLE SON. Nov 17 i)\Vl-:LLlN(i I'Oli SALi:. ^1^1110 .Subscriber wishes to sell the large Dwelling J .ind l.ot on the corner of (.iillespie and Hnsseil .Street^, at jiresent occupied by Mr. Henry Eraiiibert. Ti-rnis re.asonaiile. E. ,1. H.\L1’ iJv)OK iuni)i:ry. \V. II.VHDIE has resumed the Hook liinding • Husiness, o\er th»* Tailor Shop of (?lark A: Wooilw.ird, wliere he will receive and execute binditig in any style desired. August 1. ‘27-tf l\cc(»il(‘ctloiis ot a Lite 'i'lmc, or Men and Tiiings 1 have seen, by S. (J. (ioodriidi, .\uthor of Peter P.irley's I'ales; Paul Fane, by N. P Wiliis; Let ters of Lady Mo'itau'U. lilited by Mrs. .S. J. Hale; flic Humors of FalconKri lire, illustrated; The .\dveu- tuiTS ol Gerard. flit> Lion Hunter .\lso, furtiier sufipiies of the Lion of Flanders; The t.'tir'e of the Villagi’: Ernest Linwood; The ; Pie.auties; The Wile's Trials: The Torch Light: Roniance of til ■ llai' iii; The (Hi Vicarage; Mrs Lee Hentz s Novels, -'ill cts. a vol., .Vc. TIk* Miscellaneous Works of E igar Poe; Irving's Life of W.ashingtoii; I’.ar;- ' croft's L. S.; liume and Macaulay's Histories of Eng land; .Scott's lofantry Tactics, .vc .S;c. Dec'rll, E, J. H.'vLE \ S(»N. I i^^ire Mas nr ft ace. ^Illli Insur.ance (’oiupany oi' Hartford, have M. ing p.lid the tax imposed iiy the H.-veiiue Law of the l.ite Le'.zislature. will continue i!s .\genry in F.ayetteville, under the maiia.;(oiient of the un Icir-ign- . ed, who is prcji.ared to i.ssue Policies of lii'Uranc*- on ■ Huildings or Goods, either iu iiiis Town or .n any ' ].art of the .State, on proper .app ic.itioii, description it the Pro|icr!y, \c. ' Tiie -ET.NA COMP-AW ha.s iieen iu opei-.atioii about •iO years. Its capita! is ,>, >i>. I'lie ilon. i'hos- K. lirace w.aS its lirst Prt'.si ient, and he st;ll holds that ; olHce; and several of its first Diia-ctors are stiU active , and ellicient membrrs of the P.o.ard. it li.isatall time, sustained the highest cli.iv.acter for the (.irudence of I its management, and for the liberality witli which it j has ever adjusted its losses. E. J. HALE, -Vgeut WHJ.IAM SANDroUl), OF NORTH (’AROLIN.V, Willi KEEl), ST. JOHN .N (’().. TATholesale G-rocers. N. H. (loit. Front .\ni> Aurii Strf.kts, M*hihith‘li»hia. Aug. 11', ls.')7. :;m TIIK LIIJKAK\ OF THE LATE DR. miTCHELL, K»NT.\l-Nl.N(J works on .all the Hraiiches of SciiMicc, is now olVered for sale at his late residence. Those wishing to buy are rei|iiested to call and make a selection as soon as convenient -\ug ;j7-tf V HOsr V.i T \ s OF THE NORTH (’AROLINA PKESIUTERIAN. K1HE P (’hurch in North ('arolin.a has « long labort-I under a serious dis.advantage from the want ot a journal to advocate her claims and rep- leJicnt her interests It is t>stimated that only liHXt Presbyterian Weeklies are t.aken in the bounds of our (hree Presbyteries We h.ave lo,(••>(( ('omniunicants. and it is safe to infer that there are :{(>,i(UO Presb. te- rians in pri.'iciple in the .State. (*ur Synoi stands t'.fth in the Union in point of numbers, and her iiieni- bership is greater than that of any .Symxl .South or W est of Pennsylvania. Our sister States i>n the North and South, neither of which has a membership so large as ours, jiublish the Central, and the Sc.iHherii Presbyteriati, for the benefit of their people. The time has come when the ('hnrch in North ('arolina should likewi.--e do her duty to her children It is .a conceded and important I'act. hundreds of our members will take a .State paper who will take no other. The Paper is needed to lie the organ of our .Synod and Presbyteries—to elevate ,ind enlighten the piety of our membershiji by diffusing knowledge—to promote the cause of Educ:ition -to develope the talents of our .Ministry, tuid to ^trength- en the att.achmcnt of our j.eoplc to the soil and sane tuaries ol their own State. 1 f our Church in other .States, and other Chiiridies in this State, can supply their members wiih a Re ligious journal, why may not we'.' .\re North Caro lina Prcsbytcri.ans inferior in talent, energy and ]iatriotism to their neighliors on th« -North or .'iouth. or to Christians of other denominations at home'.' With the same or better oiiportunities of ;,c0oniplish- ing this work, shall wc leave it undone.' In tiie lan guage of one of our most able and useful Ministers, an adoiited son of our State, “It ought to have been undertaken 2K years ago, but it is not too late to be gin to do right.” In the last two or three months, a fun i of about ."S.^UUIJ has been subscribed as a permanent capital. -At a meeting of the con'iributors, held at Greensbo- rougli on the I Itli of .Ma3% Hev. .1. Maker, Ch.airnian, —the P:iper was unanimously located .at Fayetteville, under the name and title of the .Noirrii ('vum.isv Pkksuvtkiu.w. Rev. Wni. N. .Meb.ane and Hev. (ieorge .McNeill were elected Editors; Rev. Mtssrs. George McNeill, Wm. N. Meb.ane, H.aker, .aii'l (’. II. Wiley, and Messr.s (Jeorge McNeill, .s-’r., .lohn H. Cook and David Murphy were appointed an Executive ('ommittee, to est.ablisli the Pajier and manage its business atfairs. it is our and design to make the Ntii; rii Cmio- Lix.v PKi;sitYTi:iti.\N a journal of the first class,'enual to the best in tho country in typogr iidiical appeai'- ance and iu adaptation to the wants of our Ciuircdies. Its columns will atford the latest intelligence, both foreign and domestic, and special c.are will be t.aken to give a full and accurate summary of .'^tati news. Tlie iiatne of the P.aper is designed to lie .an exponent of its char.acter and contents. From conviction, it will advocate the conservative, orthodox. Old .Schoid doctrines and order of the Church Our first is to our '.wn j)eo]ile—to N. ('. Presbyteri.ans. W hilst we roly conti-lently ujion their favor, we tiaist that the native sons of North •'ar ;liiia who have found lioiiie* in other .'^r.ates. ;if; I thi- adopt ed citizens of our .''tate wil l form s.> iinportaiit an element in our Ministiy and mem■ er.'iii;i. vvi I take i icej' interc.'t ii. thi.- e"tei-; lasc .an I ;;ve it tiicii hearty support Ti.i:.'!-: '. 'Jpcr annum in ‘:;:;ce. :• on Ic'-' a -, ot tiic first nnmber; 'in in siv ni inihs; at t.'ie end of the \ear. To clulis uf ‘J'l or more, [layinv in adv.ance .and wiien the P;i[ier is sent to one .addia-.'^s, a discount ol lit per cent will be aliowcil. Our Minis ters and li'iders are e..rne-.tly desire 1 to act a« .\gents, and all other> friendly 1 ■ the cause wil' please as-'i^- in procuring .as suliscriiicrs ,as r os'ib!-. .ind for ward the names. /// -1'.//'/.' I.'/. »o liiis (Hlice. .\s soon as 1-jUM subscribers ue obtained, the fust nain- ber wiil be issued. If a f.iitliful and vigorous elf o: is li.ade in the next two months t,y those wlio tatie a live!_\ inicre-'t in this w. rk, we will, witiioiit d -u'oi. be .able t - begin the pubJiciiioii .-it the c.'i i of that time with a paying suliscrip'im list of at iea^r :!ih)o. Ir.'jj .id Ire'.', Editors of tho North ( arolin i Piesby- teriali, Fay. ;te\ille, -N . (’. l'a_\ etipviiie. May’J'l. l.s.")7 1 J i,. sc '.ii'r >v iii:ri!i.N"i' oi' Tills Bili'i'jMI Pi,:;iOl!ii iLS. g St'itTT \ ('O . .New \ .irk, continue to pnMi ii 8 ii the followi ng !e oliiiii Hi'i'i h ; "rio li • s, vi/; THE l.dS’iXiS (,;L .\ H I'iii; Col! o rv;.tive.; THE EDlNHUHC.ll Hl.Vll. ' 'Ahi-.i TUL N.»i:m i’.i!rn>ll I;E\1KW Fh •• rhnn h ; THE WESTMINI TEH HEVll.U Liiieia HL.\CK\V(i01i'S EDINl'.UH .Il \l.\i.\/lNi; T iry , These Periodicals rejoeseat tli■■ three great litic il parti' - of Gi' Hrit lin — Whig, T -i'y. ind il o.icai, - but ]iolitic- form only .me fe I tiicir .-aaiacti r -\s t irg.ans of tiie ni .-t prof ou. 1 w r ' ■! .n .'■cicnce. Literature, N1.'ii': :y. ai.d II ig; n, ‘•tand. a' they evi'r ii.ave >1 ■" !, u>ili\.i. ei in t’o uorll oi' l.'t- tcr-, being ii. iispei.~:;b e to ilic s -I. . ;>• and profc sioiial iii.aii, wliile I ■ tiie intc. : ; ;.i le io'. r oi every class th-. y fuiaiwli .a more c irri ct .aii i s i:: :actor.'. l e. crd of the cm I cut iierat':r" -I tiic la,, ihtoiga'aii the World, than can be po- i'-ly (ibtaine 1 ii 'ia anv otlier s.iiirce. KAilLV ('(tPIES The receipt nf.adviiice 'heels fr un liie Hnli'li pul- li.'hers mves a 1 titioiial v.i'.u.- to tiie>e Hepriiii', in i' much as they can :ioa‘ lie j ! 1 ;ii >lii‘ hands ■! -ob scribers about a- soon . a . .l;i: -:i- I'. r any one of the four He-.iews. I’. ' a For any two of the four i! vic.v-.. For any thlee of the fo :r ;; i.evi , For all four of the Hevi. v. ■ For Hlac.kwood's NLa>; ./.iie-. For Hla-'kwoo l and tin', e I: . For Pilacl,Wood and the b’ -'-! ■. /’.Ill, ./o'.. Hi f. . ( .;./(■ ; III .1 till 7 Ml l;'t 111! I tin ! u III) ('itrriiil i:i ill' Shill nit-n / /.■■ ' CL! I.HI ■; -\ ’li'Ci.iiiit o! tv. -nt . tise ! er cent, fr oa t!;i ib ,ve ?.riccs wi 1 be aici'.V' I to C^.i ordering !' ar or ni iic e.ijiies of any one or more .,f .^e ,ve woi-h' TImi .• K iur copies of Hlaekv.ou (. i,r i.f coie |!evie\.. w:ll be sent to one a I IresS for ^.i; four cop-e- ..f the ; oir Hc- vieVNS and lH'ickwood t"r :,;i | ,, ,,n. p‘ I'; T u; In all the ]>rincii>al I'iri.-, .,i, | T wns. thes*‘ works will be deliver d, FHI'.EoF P'l.'fX'iK When seiit !>y mail, the Po.-tage to any p ir; of ti,e United Slates will be but TW EN TV-FoUi; EN I S a year for “Hlack- woods," ami but F »U K Ti! li.N i E.N TS a y ar for each of the Reviews I S. II. 'ihiii ■ ■n'ii'i"l !' ■' -So' / ■' ' Remittances lor f tiy of tiie iibove pu lic ti ns si. n d always ' '■ a i lressi-d, p "t-p.ii i to tio; i’iiioi-her-. Li.oNAHD .''Ci>TT .V Co.. No. •’> 1 i;oM--tie,:, New York. liLANKS fur saU^ ai this Ollico.