n M- ' • r ■ if' :^l fh i: V? . pi:i:r kin er coal. nlTL'MlNOUS COAL of the beat qiuility cau l>e hii ! lit the works :it Kgypt, at a reasonnl)le price >>V fllt‘ 'I’l'Il. ■I. I' \VM. McCLANK, Minin); b'ngiueer. G-tf The i'nrrin^e i^artonf in the South: (^KO. AI.DEUMAN, Mttspertor of •Vavat Sfori WlI-.MlNOTON, N ^OLICITS putroiiitfjf. Pi-i>ni|tt ittfiitiiiti imi |UICI, care. June -J8, 18r)7. 'I II //0 \vK /./> //.11/; rnoi iim rrf urir ('n rriiii/t A'sfn/>/i./iftien( on l/ir .Mil Ittt nj (I'ritii, tUf Mithodht f'ruHtlnj on Muni/oril Stm r (;»n:\ v i N'I'Kri’kisiv Hi«‘ iH |4» SiiiIK'!! nilH Sulisi'i'ilxT.s vvoulii res[it‘ctlully iiiloriii tlieix' ami th»-pultlic, tliHttli.-;, lijivi- entered i n t I'sli I], t ul tlic )(UI'povf dt oi’iiilili'tilljr tlx- 1 t; A HH I .'\(i K liL'SlNKSS iii nil ii.“ vuiious I'iri>. Ami hcinp liotli ]irn. tical workm “.-s, fully iiit- ilci taiiililiir tlu*ir l)usiIll■s^, fhev ii- i i?ntion t«. c'«'iu[i:u»• vvurK wiih ;vuy tMtiililislriuMit , ;i ‘V'lli' an til ;imi 'liir iliility. Olio lit 1 ln‘tii'iii i;i t\ III- kiiMwn tiy ii. to A 11. Wliittii'lii's iruti w irk fur ttir last two U vvarr.iiii :ii. w irk to ^riv general rsatisfactiou t’oj n.i'iitli' j l>f|.i;uri; jt ill tae U-*at est iiiantior low (or cash ' 1‘IKU X lUlANlN. JaM1:s ll. I’lKlC JaMKS liRANIN b'i\y»>ii>*ville. !:in’y -4, 02tt •liftrbie M'aelor^. J. A A >I(lv!/rriA\ ■ ^ KSl*l’’TKt'LIV iiifcjrins liis IVitMi'is aii'i I'lc ■ pulilii-^ itiui Ilf liJi-s liiiilt up lur«rc* rtulistaiitiHl • Jiricl Buililidjrs nl his Oid Stiui'i, expn^tsly for nimi- . utiii'turiiip Crtrrii.fje;. Tliaiikful for tlie very lil>eri‘.i putroiiH'.T 111' Lhs ri-reive.t for tlie lust ‘i 1 y«‘!irs, In- liopf., !i_\ slrii t •itli-iitioii to liu»iness, vvitli :i desire toj^ive Halisliictioii, to merit :i coiitiiiuuuee of the ' SHiiie. lie wiirniiits hiy work ti> he iii;ide of the best : iiiaterial ntid Iiy exjierieiiced workiueii in ench hnitieh ! ot till' Imsiness, liis work »vill eonip.ire tii'oriihly with an\ made in ili«> UnitiNl St;ite-i, for neatness iitid duruhility. He in iletermineil to siil! and «.lo any Work III his line on as j^ood terms as any work done el:jewherc that is aa well done. Me now has on lian i FiNiaiun, the LAHilKST ST(K'K of ( orrt f}fir)ttchcs. I^nr/. tnrntfx, umi j tin ('. i EveroiU'ieil in this place, anil a very large stock I of work nearly finisheil, which will be finished daily. All ot whicii will he sold very low for (.'ash, or on short time to punctual customers, gjs^’lle has on hand more th.^n ONK HUNDRED AND KIFTV Vehi cles finished and in course of construction. .Vll work maie i>y him is warranted 1- months with fair usa^e, and should it fail by bail workmanship or material will he repaired free of chai jie. Persons wisliiii”: to huy would do well to call and esantine for then^selves. * >rders thanklullyreceived and proinj tly attend^fd to. llfpairiiij; executed at .short noticfc and on very re asoiiaMe terms. •May -J8, IH5 i 8’;>-tf I'.t-lL’nipd ~~A. McRIMMON, Commission and Forwarding Merchant, \vilmin(;t()X. n c July », 1S.j7. ’Ji’tf WAsmxcrrox iiorsi:, j Chestnut St, ?bove Seventh St., ■ PUILAKlOLlMll V, i 3 !S n ntral, in the iinmeiliat. > i.:i;iit.\ .i iln- it.ost i ® inii.oi lant rnbli - I n.^titnlio. tin- liet and iiio'^t ! l.ishi-.iiali'e piaci'. . i' and ll.e atlvai liv^! I’u!) j ii(^ Siiiiares iii the ('it.\. In I he in.p irtaiil re:jiii; i te.s of li^'-h! veiitilali.in, t v. i ,.rinei]' il il.ji-cts aii.ie I at j in tiv rocont ciii iriri-meiit in I th 'ro'!!;!i irnp''"Vei; ent I I.f tins !lon.S‘’. il is iiol i :.'ee le i. pi.ihip-, liy any ^ ■■‘-l-iii'ivhi'.i-ni il: .Ximio’.a ’I'u ~tr,i..:»TS, Iliir'.-l ' it> iMi>iM;in is pei'Hii.-ni'.' iesiral'le I he .''nh i-i-ii cr Worth & Utley, Por\vjnlinir and (xoiM'ral ('(>imiiis>n»ii MKKCIIANTS. Fatfeffvrille^ .V. f. •I A WOBTII. (7-tf) .lOS ••■TI.KY JOHN l‘. SAMI\S')\, Commission and Forwarding lYTerohaiit wiLM!N;'n>.\ Will f:ive jimticiilar nttemion t.’ ilie Keb’V iclnrns Miaii^s to li. inein iilifi-'i j ■ilri>liar:e tliey liavc sure.-: tln'iii li'.at |i'‘ w s'i eii ! •.!ic.‘ ■'1 ilK'ir !'av. All:, 17 )1* i;!! t! I (• i|f t»)! ; ( 1 I • ■|\ e III : ;:lld ihe lilll.iic ior ilu' e\tni l'‘ l i ■ liiiii. and a~ ivnr to ineiit a continn A V. III' Donahlson Aradomy. ^IIK next l>‘'ssion of tiiis Institution will l.tfjiin on .Monday tl -’l.-t of Septembor. nnder the joint ■ h.-.i^ieof Air. 'I'll-iM•) Hi.ltlNsuN and Mr Cvoiioi- A. ('aikss. The ,\ ad. iny building' is pleasantly situ- Ued . f: Hay .\1 o;„t. aiid.'in its loc.ation. crinl.ines t lie advaiitM'.ri s of aiiiple r’()t:i for the out d-i-r cxcrci.-es of the Students, and freedoni from all causes of hiu- b ranee in the diii^i’iit pinssiit of their studies If is the desire ■>:' tiie Instrncters to make this a Vnink. and the . call upon I’arent.'! and M1 ir linn.'- 1.1 a'..I tlifiii, by tliiir pati’oiiage, in tiie ac- .■,,lllp’^ H.eiit this |,iirp.is.'. !'e!ifvinir that tliere is ill I’ivei .'■'■'lie aiid il - '.ieinity a siiHicierit number of i’xivs III Niii riort i- li Hi Institution. •n;ir'.:s (»F f: rrii’N; 1 ■; iinarv Stiideiii . I • Vni, rJ(t weeks,) -'12 -')0 I S oo 00 TiO I ai i in advance. ■ ual ri . ’i:-^ tin m)!' ;i hii' "f e-cli Ijoy t :h“ r 1 ,*iiJ ' !■ :u:i>'.l; I!! ' e. y. I'’:; till WHivVT v\’A\'n:h IW.VNT to purchase o,ooo Dushels •'As (,' June’J'., ,sr)(i. Oct. ^7. MOLAS.SKs. just rceeive l and i,,? JA.^ '■'II,- “I'ho 01(1 \(jrtli State in 17 Caruthers,—^lirst Scries. A further suiii,] ceived. .Also, the 2d Scries of the same work. ii: -I- H \'lk alieci i.j .1 (>ii’ h :lf cf tuition fee, t .4 of N- Stores, (’otvon, .Vi W. H. TURLINGTON, (’ominis.sioii Merclianl. No. 4*2 Xorili W.iicr '1., WlL.MlX(JTOX, X. ’ Att/'ILL gi"’e his promjit personal .itteniion to toe * V sale o.' shipment of all (’oiisijrnnn-nis of ?» ivai Stores or other C miilry I’-odnce. Nov. 8, tf JA.MKS I'. S.MlTlt. MII.K' Co^IlN JAS. C. SMITH & Co, a-Wt‘UTiI FI-MAi.K SFMi\;UV, 11!i:i;Nsi;ni:.n. c /• 1)1",fr. ! ‘ini' Tuii PUSS mint 1;. r. ii.iu'ii i.sii.v.s .sniKt, Tayel l«*vi ll«*, ."W l\ H4yp.) tuctors, ( ssio/i tmd mi:rciia.\ I NO. '1 SOUTH U'.VTKK STUKKT, I 1' s 1 \ 1 K \vilmix(;tox, \ '. Oct. 21, ihrii;. . ti'ir -1 •I . c \' '.h:'.I 1 ■-, i . 1, E 1. • yt S. - si.ill (d' tiiis 1 listit ation w ill n I. . '.I'.L. V 1 . Il M ■ 11 d.: y .iaj-'i-it .; 1. IS',7. 'i ! ■ C .11', o ,,r Stnd;, is -il ift>\'zb .111 s; j'• .^1111. :iiL' Coin. j ciii: ; ai !: vci y ihiii'j' necess r y to a c .ii;|d v*U‘, .vu-. : i !• ! -lei ■ i 1 ill ■ . t: 1 'oe '.ui..iin;rs ire so ;tl* : 1 ' ! ... tiie . ... '■ rt- .-f a Il'.M ‘ wit II • lie .a i' V * r i ml 1-. ■ - H.l 11 — tnict. i.-i of tio il) r-. ,\l; I'K; BOM, ; 1; \!SiN- : -r' .,1'. ciiipio;, e l in •acli of till- !tei •ti( li.fril." ■Jit lla^f ■ I ■ ' ;i: t • n it. tilC C.illlltl V p.'ss'-s.-es a 2u lloxr^ Bisni:! ' iU; ■n r t" d r . .;M.il. 20 t ’ii.e-;e. I at;. gu :.li 1 1 ce-.r_v itil'.r; t'i'- Kor lie 1 ly ) r i.. 1.:. :. I'■’! ' ' •:1. of in-1! lie ti.iii. Vji'iiis. ,Vt , will >»(* !*r 'r I f..r\ ■ar. i.- oil a;i ..i.::.t' iU to !■' :'lii:D s !' l.KI INC. l-;im \ ' - li > .1/ .. '; reeil- b .n,; . N r. sill '■■rib'T d ru t -i >■' :K' ^ . . '0 w.-., •' ily I-';, I>.'i7. - i "!f. IS t r - a'.- !r •• • -• .. , - il ' ■■ al. .ut TL 'i\ him ire ■•M-r.-. ■ ; 1 a 1. - !;loiwI. ; '!: 11 l.-.wi. (>r( ‘ \‘W "SiiOO.i A, :i tlit* lift Til. \ii.\ .*r, !.!' ll lil.:. : 1 ■ '.r; ■ill. ■ •ut 11 I K ly U.'-S, •t.’if in ti' - .ibse; H Ti:i; ST ill ti.e \\ a \ ul ; 1 K, 1' rei-‘. \l.l \.\D U IN- i-veiy thinjr .1 •. •lan’v 20, !>■'» WOOL KOM * • 7"'*'>L cardej with dispatch w W Factory. SHEETINGS, (•(siiaburgs. Cotton \'arn, and Wool l?olls. for sale by at Blount'sOeek DEALKi; IN S'rAPIj:^: IWNC'V \ni\ .}. \V. HAKEK hats, caI’s, hoots, siioks. Is now receiving t’roai the Xorth the .VND llE.VDV-M \DH (’b(i I'll I.Ni. largest, tiiie.st, and most carefully sc- Particular attention pni.l t > Ladies’ Dress II' . 1- '-O l- rirt 'i ri‘ - Will \\ lien \ iiy I e> • 1 ■June] 8.') 1. GEO. McNEILL 7-tf cargoes (*l A.\0! (il ANO!! i ^ 1 H1'. undersiirned asks the attention of Firmets, 5* I’l iiiti 1 ■ and !••' ■!ers to his Stock of best i|iuilit', itiiaiioes, all ni wliieh he will sell .it tiie b'west mar ket rates. l‘EHl\l.\N (JU.-VNO of the latest importa ti'iii' and best .(iiality. “A % ' \lh.\l( ,V.\ (jL.VNo of the best import! 1. ( Ll \I151.\.N Gl.V.No, vfry rich in Phosphates. .Vlso, .''uper-Phosjihate of Lime, l»"ne Dust, >vc. Purchasers may rely on having their Guano shipped in jirime ‘'rder and in superior bags. The general sati.action iieretof..re given by ull (Juanoes s ild by the .Subsrril.kr, he hopes will be a sutiicient guarantee irtieles .sold b^- him will be found us rejire- W1LLI.\M KiHJINriON, ■Nos. I and ti Hollingsworth Street, Near Pratt Street Wharf, P.altimore, .\ld. 21-om that all sente i duly 1 KVLi: |S now receiving his SPRING AND SUMMER sup- OKI ;001>S, Bools atttf Shttes, liOI/riNc; CLO'I'll.s, ^V( ., .All of which, being purchased by the case, will be of- fertd by Wholesale or Uetail at LOW PRICES. March 21, ]S.'i7. 'J2lf DOCTOR FRANK WILLIAMS’S ( KLKIiKATKI) ini: WHISKKY! HE subsi-riVitr has made arrangements to keep a *^n;erican Criminal Law, Law Dictionary. 1 supply of the G*;nuine Article, and is the only | . Siejdien on Pleading. Roper ou Legacies, • \j;ent f .r the s lie of the above brand of .No. ’l Vendors. Fearne on Remainders. Edwards Hye Uhi'rcey in this place. H015 T .MIT(’HELL otf lected stock of FlUMTl’Ri: ever otlered in this market: which, added to his own manufacture, makes his assortment completw;—all of which he will sell on the lowest possible terms tor cash or ell time to punctual customers. Fiishioiiablo jiaintc l cottage bed-room Furniture in Setts: curled hair .and shuck, and cotton Mattresses; Looking tJlasse,-: Willow \Vagons and Cradles; Side Hoards; Hure; is: Secretaries and 15ook-Cases; What- Nots; laliles, all sorts; Wash Stands: Candle Stands; Wardrobes; Picture h rauies and Glass; Window Shades; I ornices; ( iirtain I’.atids; .'si.ifas in Mahogany and Walnut; Tete a Tetes; Ottomans; Divans and Stools; (.hairs o! every variety. I'ine Kosowuod I’iaims, one with ^^*]olian At tachment; Rosewood .Mu'.odians, from the bet manufac tories in New \ «rk and Hoston, warranted as good as any made in the country, and will be sold at N. York jiri-es—t'reighi only id led! Novem- er J. 4'>-tf MU HOOKS. I^HE Subscribers have on hand, and will prompth till orders for North Carolma Supreme Court Reports, in, sets or in single volumes. Iredell's Digest an^l D.gested .Manual. ,Joue8’s Digest. Revised Statutes ol North Carolina. W iley's New Form liook. SruR\, on Sales, Bills, Contracts, Partnersnip, .Agency, Equity Jurisjirudence. Equity I’leadings. -ARCH 15i»LD, on Practice, Criminal Practice Pleading, Lanvilord and Tenant. CHITT\, in Contracts, Criminal Law, Blackstone, •Medical Juri.']irudence. SLtjDEN, on \ endors and Property. POWELL, on .Mortgages, and (’ontracts. SMITH, on Actions at Law, Muster and Servant, Laiiiilord and Tenant, (.’hancery Practice. SANDERS, on Pleading ,ind Evidence, Uses and Trusts, Reports. RLr>SELL, on .\rbitration, F.actors, ('ritnes. HOFF.MA.VS Legal Stmly, and.Masters in Chancery. WILLI.V.MS on Personal Property. WHE.V1(JN ,S Selwyn's Nisi Pnus. WU.ARToN, on ^American Law of Homicide. Medi cal Jurisj.rudence, Statelria's in the United States, i.d TrimminL'-'. H!!/ Strttf, Fti i/t ff>-■ .V. May 2t). lH'>o. .J-tt JOSEPH R. BLOSSOIVI ' o n n i s ^ B o ^ VND FOR w A li I) 1 .N (; M i: i; ('! IA \ r. ll*#7m»M4'7o/#. ,V. 4'. iig^' Prompt pe soiial attention ;riven t ■ lii' oi. meiits, aii'lCash udvani es iriade on I'r. l ;' i- :■ .o ,!i ped to other ports i r sold in this m::r! t. Feb. 12. IS'..'). 7 '1'. ('. 15. ('oiumissiuii \ i'or-.\jirtiiiiLf M rehaiit; BROWN S :jl ll,|i|.\«i. W.VTl i; -TRErn', Lsual advances uia-K n . iOis;>:niarni.--. Jan’y 17. 1 ■. t; d'.'teiiiiii.ed plir'-;::.-ei' .N i: 11. ern r 'lim i v I*' Shan .\u:;asl [. p..i. ■ 1 uii. one of tiic he- it' il'ltii: d I'V.Vcf tt \ li 1. ' e ui .i.preiiri I • ' i i: ■ •f II: ■t i'. . It- V ill. ATTOK\i:V \T and .h:.. I. A \\ . -\.S taken an offire ne.xt dti. r to VVm. II. \Vrirht‘s Law othce on (ireen Street. He wi'i attend and practice in the County and Sui.erior Court> of ('tiini'er land, Bladen, Robes, n and .'':ii:ipson. March 2 1, 1 T'.i-tf II LOVh^lil) KLI)lillli;i:. • ittorncif at Mjtur^ ILL attend the ('onrts of .lohnston son Counties. Sniithfield, .Vpril lo, iHoO. Uitat wate: in ■ tf i v.lU r ;th V ifmt i l«*r \v il h;ti 1 - Al .S'» H il'.] lioi s, . ';i(lilcr\ i'isii. tVc. ,Vny id' whi' li ' wi ch|.a!.. for ash. tiirt.r fo ^v nil !’ro.lii.-c, oi- on slo.ii t.ioi .■'t'lre la cent y icc.ijiie. .. ^ ■ 1 th. ^y Tr.iy \ , t'M l-d.’.in 11. use. : i:j - l-.l' ■■‘T G W. 1. (iOl.DST* >N. II !»'. ■ Al Oct. 15, l.'-'-'j'.. I.'tf i: tin* >: tC‘iC- ■ Aci* ‘S of I ititni roK SAU:. ■■ Mi; Snl. r; ;• ■ ili; t'ae ;:-.‘ve I'ra t of ^ ^ J La d. iyiog .il: K* ■-oil’s ('re.-ii ab.)Ut two : 1. : . i 1 ‘ ■ i \- .1 li.a.f j.ii c, troi : j..'.vt‘r -lit,'. i.;.ei . 11. ar Elliot ' :' ’ :; I f i 1 t-. ' :i ’ .-.a .lit t >: . ihin tv .1 A. .a s .if }r.,.,.i \%i 1 lia;.-, v.l.i il e ll. e:i^’ ly "h-.aitie 1. ^ h's Laii'l i ; I. •: J-'. ■ r V', i-_i' !k- i\: y tiiii^ a;i-i .a 1 ir^,. p .. • I'OI ic • c; .III'] ! : ' ...r ii;aiit 3 1-..I1 : ;' r Cl tivati' ij. r. • ■ I-. t!l' 1 \i ’ . I’l’ar i i'-; \ '1 s \\V Mil f .. in complete ' .. 1 : :.| V -ii ,;1 t - - . 1.; :ig pl an k r ..ol and r.i i 1 i 1’; I'-- 1 -- . r a'. I -■ :i ‘T u; i h. Will !■ ' -0:1 buy a’li! 4 1 U i . . ■ . 1 ■ itlier ill a bo ly or ill .- MlTil l-l.!.!i»T. 1; :,t 1 ■ \ 1 s ,7 '.'7-tf s o III ViiM (i! ■' n, Ki;! I'HE.^u’ ! : V. T r-.-parei t., till all or.lcis SutH’rii. r ii'Htf-i' aSHrkvts. 1. \ N : ) lie 'r..\niil 1. ' ilr N.riji {' ar.dina luaterial — he ein- . !.. \ s \. I th ■ ar. an.l i al . >r. — an'! h> s :;i'-it.' \o)th 1 al' iii.a patr. iiaLTe. By giving ii Ill a tli.ai, alci I i' i.y hi. Si lt lern : ru-. s, he h'Hies t.- he a. le t : nrilcc :i fav • r:iMe si’ iwiiiir TRIAL is what ■ iV \ i.e wa:;:.-:. ] :;t' u- ' l'. ... ,1.-. W(;KT1 •V UTLi: V ol this pi.- ice are -\gents r;-. , ” ^ I'lr the ale "f the ■•ibove I^uckets \ VAl.I’AIW,!'. I.WV DDISON on Contracts, with .Vot(> >u: 1 i>pf to American cases, by Edward ingcr- vol. 1'200 )>ages. '' ' ‘ Judge Woodward, of the Suiireiiie ( ,, vania. says that ‘-this is the tiest book 1 ever had in my hands.’' For sale by F. .1. H \L,' • April 20, " LWV iJOOlv.',. ; li I»( i WICK uti the .'^ratiitory a;i I (' Il ■ . . > '^ Cliitiy on Pleading; N'wl-ni l n, i i • . . ;| ; - an I .\nios on Evideiu.>ti-jnn-ii |> , • Cli.ineerv Plea'liiigs: H'! ... I'ri:- i-,c|u'i'. Pleading; \dains’-- Fijuit ., Fi.itiier ."iipplies of th.- ab.jvi- ju.-i m-c- , i; -I. II Al... rnr(fif‘i* o2* Kooks ill. .V'lElIlCA.'x CITIZEN, by iJi-..,,,, i; I'ra. Fs Poetical \Vork^: 'lill.- !.;,.; Notts and (.Queries: Mackey^s I e.xieon of 1 r,.,. D*ctiniiary '•! Poi-tieal ^^l■)t•^t ..a-; \\ I'l.ivei^Ts’ (iniili*; i,)i^ stioii.s to J iC"l.ii-' cal Booris; School Bo 'iv-, '^c. E. J. H \LK ^ May li. I s.-,7 N' >.M’! I i N .•(); J \ \ UK . I > a i *>. l-KKl'.'. !:i.(> U 1 i II .'-I'KCI.M. Itr.KKliK.N. K j, WA.M'- .\.\|l !.\!KaK.sl> .1 mWti'tlt ('Ht'ttthtff. I :.i>i.i; lilt. ,\r.--cii'i:s nr tiik sri’i:i;i.\:. ; . ,Mii.\ scliuul.-; i;v SSfV. §•'. *2. Ellllll);||'«|. l iidiK^ (II (IK riii: 1.\.vci viiK \xi. i.i;. mm: IMVKUsirv n; .Noi;rii ai:oi.in\, '*r-iKz:65 A l.\MII.I.\K insTdKV .Wi.m;- . Tf(i\ (If NoiM li ('AliOI.I.V.X, Selucti iiis ill l*r i.'i‘ aii'l j iiiar.'y ut tli il ciiiiti. lit citizetis (if tlic State H iSTt m; il'\ i, AND CH RoNoij to it • \ L ! '»!; \i d 1 v.aiMty ot .Miscellaneoiis Ini'irmatioii tistir.-, by i . 51. , ^’.uiiilier I.-' a t.e-.v .and revi.'.‘d editi.iri of thi- ' C:ii- ,;,;i Reader, I'irs: [mbiisllel in Num: ai; i _ jo u ;-.-iied. e ini li'te the seric-^, which is, r atii-r th 111 a ,y oih.-r series of Reader- 'ate -. .. n 1 .as ei inidcte. ill!',- ^I'roi. Iliibhard) in his Preface t. ,\ i-liis it, {iioper .iliiidi'toa fi w of the j.i- ■. G. H. MAKEPEACE %\ mi tt THO. C. FULLER, • tttorney and f'ottHsrtlor at ijttir. FFICE at E«cles's Bridge, recentlv oc upie 1 tjv •aa I wi.: make :ji'U e. l;-.!altt )> vigati .|i; ii in !!'(' " tat*-: ti- . a'ter ol stock r iii:re 1 I.tier tin • • l.ai. - ; tii 'tli'.T inf. r;i; .:i ■ , i "f .Anon 'oiintV wli. at liiark Hav. k. (' i f s -tiie povt . ;i: .Auif. i;*, lb.‘i7. '•e.-: ■n t! V .1.. l.and' ye r Iroin ,inv eh .1^ F ;•. '.vrite m ill uiiett, Fayetteviik-. Fe’.'y 17, lh-37. b2-y -N i Ai iil )|\.> \\ .1 >. un Itrsigned will j.ay the highest cash pricc it* ior \oLNt.J -M.GRUES. Letters adJre.-i.-e't to e;tht h iV( !• o. us at L:iurinbitn ! roinpt attention. ;h, Richmond county. to will Laiirinburgh, Dec 2i>. May }, is.-)7 S' I; .\ XI) A R1) LI1: K A T r RI P'g’lllE Waverly Novels 27 yols. cloth and half calf, M Cooper's Novels; Irving's Works. ]:, vols: i'rescott',- Con.iuest ot Peru and .Me.xico; Lives of Ferdinand and Isabella; Life of Philip the 2d; I’.enton's w't years in the K S. Senate, 2 vols: I lie .St.itesiiian's Manual, 4 vols; p''dia -\niericana, 14 vols: * i' torial hieli] Book of the Revolution W eoster s W orks, i* vols: '-oltoii Lite atid limes of Henry (Jlav: .Meniuir of S. S, Prentiss of .Miss; Pictorial Life of .\ndrew .lackson; 'leai^ir of \Vm. Wirt by Kennedy; Lila * »» ■ - of Wi-..- ;cnd Virginia Politics in 18o5; '•ar.aii i s Lite of .John Randolph; i'••iii.'i raey in .\merica, tiy De Tocijueville: y’'>ott .. Lite of .SapoUon, 2 vols; .Abbott's Histories: " lit s l.ii'e of Patrick Henry: Lite ol Will. Pinckney of .Md,; ba\ai'd laylors India, (ihina ainl Jaj» in; ( oin. Perry',- .Jajjan E.Kpedition; Lielier on I ivil Liberty and Self Government; file Pliysical (ieography of the Sea, by Lieut. Maury, i.;berty and Slavery, by Bledsoe of Virginia: Soutliey's Common Place Book; L.le and Corres. of Southey; ihe Speetator: Wilson s 1 .ales ot tlie Borders: 1 lie .''.eottisli (iael, or .Manners, .Vnti'juities, and I nst'/iiis ot Scotland; Ihe Scots Worthies, liy John Howie; i.in:h.iiart s Lite ol Walter Scott; ( hamber.'s Lite and Works of Robert Burtis, Ilaiiiiltou s Discvissions in I’hilosophy and Literature; Lite and Correspomieiice of Lord .lefl'rey; The ^ueens ol Scotland, by Agnes Strickland; . hainliers .Miscellanies; Proctor s History of the Crusades, illustrated W.M„ilali’s .lumas; Hannah More's Works; I’Mitarch’s Live-: Boswell's Life ol Dr. Joiinson: .'."\el> aiiil lales by ,Maria Edgeworth; \ddiii. n, I’.urke and .lohnson's Works; Milliiiun ^ Gibbon s Rome; !1 iii.iiii W nrks; ('osmos, by Humbolt; •Men an i Women of the iHtn Century by Houssaye; I I lie tiiiide to .Social Happiness, by .'Irs. Ellis; ! .Shaks[ieaie, Byioii, Moore, .Scott, Hemans and other i Dart ou ' - on Bail ments. Coke upon Littleton,^ Hargrave and iJutler'sl new edition. Kent’s Commentaries. Curtis’s ditto. ' Dart's \ endors and Purchasers of Real Estate. .-Vd- ams Eijuity. Iroubat s Law i»f Limited Partnership. Hughes' Eijuity Draughtsman. Phillij.s and Amos on i Evidence. Gresley on Law of Evidence. Ross on j Bills and Promissory Notes. Domat’s Civil Law ! l«t-wis s L. >. Criminal Law. DanielPs ('hancery ' iinctice. Roscoe’s Criminal Evidence. Atherley on ! Ut i^aw of Marriage, ('ollyeron Partnership. Green- i Ifcc 1 on Evidence. Oliver on Conveyancing. Curtis’s Co*-.«5yancer. Burrill’s Law Dictionary. Cruise on Property. Tayler’s Law (jlossary. (,’rabb on Real Property. Reeves' Domestic Relations, liyles on Bills. Bell on Sale. Lee on .Arbitration of Titles Sharswood’s Professional Ethics. Barton’s suit in E.puty- Wills on Circumstantial Evidence. Oomyn’s Landlord and Tenant. Watson on .Arbitration. Har- 011 Discovery. Oliphant on Horses. Whitworth’s Eijuity Precedents. .Morrison Replevin. Gresley’s Eijuity Evidence. Bishop on .Marriage and Divorce. .Mathew's Presumptive Evidence. Robertson on Suc cession. Ellis on Insurance. Lewis on the Law of Perpemity. Phillimore on Domicil. Cary on Part nership Wilson on Uses. Fell on Guarantees. xNew- land on Contracts. Tamlyn’s Chancery Evidence, ^-c. These or other Law Books ordered will be supplied to the Profcsssion in any part of the State on reason able terms. E. ,J. HALE ^ SON- (iTANOKS. ^ BAGS PERUVIAN; # ^ ;127 do. COLU.MiilAN. Not only has the cost of using these Guanoes in conne.\ion been very much diminished, but experi ments have proved that the phosphate, so much want ing in the Peruvian, not only increases the yield, but combined with the Columbian makes the crop much more certain. For sale by D. Ai W. Nov. (>, o •lames Banks, Esip, Fayettevi’.le, N. C Jan'y 1, 18-')7. 7ott' “I.AW' ('op.\irr\!:i{sini>.'* WE, the undersigned, have this day forme 1 a Law Copartnership, and will pra.-tice in the ^’o•^rt^ of the following counties of this State; Cb uham. ('um- berland, .Moore, Harnett, and the Supreme Court ■f. H. HaUiHToX, •INO. MANN1N(; Pittsborough, N. C., Jan’y 1, 18-')ti. 72(,- Hr. ti. A. ItI.ACK. OFFICE Front Rooms, over Dr. S. J. Hinsdale's (^hemist and Drug .“store. Feb’3' 7, lH5ti. rt;-tf McLAURlN. 54tf I FOR SALH. : .7g>HE following VALUABLE REAL ESTATE, the i property ol E. C. Hall, dec'd, is ofl'ered for sale, j aijJ consists of the following triictd: I Ihat desirable place known as Home, contain- ^ ing about 2'iO Acres, with all the improvements. This i place will be sold entire or divided, to suit purchasers I it being probably one of the best business stands in I the country, and is very desirable to those wishing to 1 enter the mercantile business. , -) Consists of a Lot and Brick Store Poets in vurioiis styie,s ot binding; The Boston Edition I tenements,) in Campbellton, on Bridge Street near ■ d the British Poet.s, >xe , iMc. Clarendon Bridge, and is a very desirable stand for business. Xo. Is Three vacant Lots in Campbellton known in city plot as Nos. lU'J, 111, 112, and half of lot iii. Xo. 1, Is a Dwelling House and Lot on Hav- mount. corner of Plank Road and Adams St A very desirable residence for the whole year. Xo. .5, Is a Corn Mill and Steam Engine and Boiler, ot 10 or 15 horse power. This is well worth the attention of those livmg where water power is not available, and will be sold at a great bargain. For terms apply to . , HALL, Assignee. August 1, 180 (. Oct. 2"J. E J. HALE .SON. THE WORLD’S GREAT EXHIBITION iMUZi: mi:i)al! AWARDKI) TO .MKYEK. h>r Ins Tin/ J^(iiio., Lnntfon, Ortofjf/■ 1;'>^ 1?51 a 1 MKVElt respectfully informs his frien.is and ^ • the public generally, that he has constantly on hand Piaio s eipial to those for which he received the Prize .Medai, in L. ndon, in 1«.j1. .Ml orders i roniialy attended to, and great care taken in the .selection and packiiig the same. He has received during the last 16 years, more •Medals than any other makei from the Franklin Insti tute; also Urst Premiums at Boston, New Vork and Baltimore. W ARh-RooMt'. removed from .‘>2 S. Fourth to i.im" street, below Eighth, South side, Philadelphia. ii3-3mpd A CARD. r|^HE undersigned would respectfully inform his * .u and customers that he cau be found at the Store ot C. E. Leete, where he will be glad to see them. j McDQNALD tajetteville, N. C., Jan’y 8, 1867. 72-tf Wo cjill tlio att(‘ntio!i of WMOfJ':. swa: I)i:ali:r.s '1^0 our present Stock,—-and we have recentlv re- B- ceived— •iOO bags Rio. Laguira. Maricaibo ami Java Coffee, 2(.» hhds .Sugar, assorted grades, 75 bbls do. Relined, Crushed and Powdered. boxes Sperm, Adamantine and Tallow (ilandles, ♦it) do Fancy and assorted Camlies, ’ 100 coils Kentucky, Jute and .Manilla Rojie, 7 bales Bagging, Gunny, Dundee ami Bui’-l; -,s, 30 tone Hoop Iron, 1‘iO boxes (^heese, 20 half-bbls Super Carb. Soda, ■10,000 Cigars, various brands, —-A LS()— Pepper, Spice, Ginger, Cloves, Nutmegs, Borax, Madder, Indigo, Spanish Brown, Brimstone, Fancy and Bar Soaps, Starch, Powder, Shot, Bar Lead, W hite Lead, Putty and Linseed Oil, Window (Jla,ss, .Snufl'in Boxes, Eagle Mills do., in Half Bbls.; Green and Black Teas, Hollow-Ware, Sv^edes Iron, English, German and Cast Steel; Plows, Straw Cutters, ('orn Shellers’ Sausage Cutters and StuHers, Trace Chains Sole Leather, &c., &c. ’ The above Goods we oiler on the most favorable terms to prompt time or cash purchasers V r "• ‘'^icLAURlN. Nov. (>, 185(5. KCCf.ES^ Mil A. UAS been newly repaired. Send your Corn and have It ground. M. McKlNNdN .March 30. J kF all kinds, is executed in the best manner, \W Old common Prayers, Bibles, and others, re bound in the same style they were before. This'will save the repurchase ot new books. Librarians connected with colleges, and other societies, and also gentlemen residing at a distance, will iind it a matter of economy to get their books bound here, as a deduction of nrices 1 be made upon large orders: Pack them and send tJ.em with particular directions to this establishment- an when finished they will be carefully repacked and returned without delay. I have the best stoc'iv of materials; and workman ship will compare with any either at the Noitli or South. Apply for a list of Binding prices before goins^ else where. The undersigned respectfully solicits a share o^oatronage. TilOS. 11. TILLINGilAST .Viiderson Street 54-V L.vM) FOR s.vn:. I I llll bins on upper .0 .hi' su'bSc Sepl.22,1856. W.M. McL. .McKiV.^ f iv F. tor wiiiti TOtfr.JTOi-J.M NOW I’I.FNTV ; 1 I! ur'f Ivirtli’-n Au '. : TONS N' liy Gl 1 1. D. C. .McINTVRE. DANiEL .M. .McLVURIN. Iho'i. »i8tf A NO. ulVI.vS C.r.VNi'.. for sa WtthJH .j- L l'LI.V. pir d.. ' Vl.U'!:- W'. . I H tl!''Ill .1: Ga:- Aii-j \V. N TM.l.INGil \ST. ini IJook AI .''i:l'~r!-il,cr, ha\in^; t:iken theiicn H tr.r ._--itin;r "^'il -cribcr.-to and delivi v'..- ila'vks' Hist'.ry ol .N.irtli I’ai'olin i, n^'w in jiroc' -s of pu'iic” tiiiu !.y Mcs'T> i; .1. Ii;.;,' .,,1 Fayetteville, s d'sir..ns of enteri:.. int.. 'iti en .■■■1T:o'nr with one 01 more active, intelliireiit and reliMiMe j orsons in each : ' eaov.iss tiicir respective •r ] -ivtii’i!lar eoii’tiies. thori.*arh’v. (»l A.NO. TiiNS BEST PERUVIAN (JUANO, ju t re ceived an 1 for sale liy Gi;) \V. WILLIAM'S A (^» 8S- I'OR S,\1.K. -AI.L.M S.VLT, a very su '**5'.,^^jior: ir article, by Aug. 27, lo57 JAS. 0. SMITH CO. W ilniington, N. C. 2S-2m. of th part • .Ju F- of th.- lnini(..li?lTc at.; j> j, the first v .lmae wi ! wii! ’,e rndnnbtol te-liii)Miiia'- coiiipjiny each application. F.iyettevilie, D :re ;, ...s .'.alupie c.ipies ot I'e.nly in .1 !'• w d.iys. s to character must ac- Address H. W. HORN. t)l- K -Hi TiiK rK[j-:ni:\TrT' ims.i.vm.) ih.mkdy poh BYSPEPSXA, i»!si:\s?: OF Ti!K Kii»\i:rs, LtVER C“'^'?PLAINX, WE..\K.\'Kss OP .\XV KI\D FEVER AND AGUE. .\iiil the vnrioiis alle; tions i'i'(|iieiit ii)>..ii .1 .iisoriiere.l •mil lei ItI.-i STOALMMI ok LIVKII, h. I’olickv i’aiM-. tivene-v, li|In,) .-i,,,) I'l Ntair o" |. :li!y liciiflkia!, anl Nov. 5, 185tj. Si-.dit; ,,i i|„- Sioni; llearilnirn, l.u^s ol ..Xiii.etiie. Iio.s|i.nilciicv I'o liiii" I’lle,. Ill ;,11 \>av.u,, llhoaiii.lti.-, a linns, il ti:is i:i iiuitit'rou- m> tmrcs |.r»V(*l hi ii) olluT-' ;i (It’ccurr I 111' IS a iMircly vci-ei il.lc .•oiiip.miKl, iirr|. ir (l on Mrictiv t.(u prim i|ili.>, alter llie iii iiiii-r nf the celel.r ICHsor, Itoerh ive. I!,sc „r ii, oreat su.'c, l,iiro;ii-:iii ."'talc-;, it- iiirr.. :'ii i;om iiuo the I niteii ^, .tcs w-. i. n.^.aii: them. I non- olt'-r it t.. tI.e '.ViMi-rirai, piilil.r, iiiei|.r;a.;l virtues imii |i • -Ni:\\ iU)OKS. I II.'^IN'.LE, by Miss Sedgewick; The -Ttt Proiess.T, by t urrer Loll; Romany Rye, by Lavcngr. ; lhe .\thelingy; Tent Life in the Holy L.and; l.oat Life in Egypt and Nubia; The Improved ilouse- v.ile, liy .Nirs. Webster; ,sc. .'> s.., Luilioti & 1st Lessons in Greek; Payson A- >uiit..|.’s Series 1- PENMANSHIP; .Udick’s Eh-ments; Ivey to Davic:.^ Algebra; iind other School Books. 1^. J HALE 0.: S(JN. Aug. 2-^. lilliL.l.\U'S ^K\\ BOIIK. -Now RfHdy aiiil Jor Siilc ;il llic iJook Morrs. MOSS-SIDE. BV .MARION HARLAND, -VLTIidil UK “AI.OXK,” .\X1( ‘•Tltn IIIDDKX 1>.\TM." •I-.'Ve to,.k up the harp of Life and kniote (•u all the ciiords with might — Smote the chord of Self, that trembling passed In music out of sight ’’ 12 ;/)(.. Co/. /'/•/•(' •'j;l 25. >TH ING need be said by the Pub’ishers to awaken 'I an interest m a new bo)k by tlrs ehu-ming au- '‘•"/■'“''r.. ,l;'«>'t.V-seyen thousand copies of her -Arone,” an. ‘Ih.Mon i ,uh” have been sold by her American u ihshers, an.l the demami is at prcbent as constant ^ind regular as ever. In Europe they have met with .^till grea er suc.-ess-no other American authoress has ;'ion of s. i*' tl'e Leipsic edi- tion o . tandard .Vmencan Authors. Those who have ^icn the advance sheets of ‘-Moss-Side,” unite in the opiiuon, that IT IS supKRioR to n.^rii of Mvkiun H \u- I-.V-NU s KUU.MEI: I'lluHUcTIOXS, I.N l.NTKtlK t.vct; 11 is fi ll of ixi h.f.nt .. N-Mt'TlE, WMILK 'I’HK I'LdT IS BKT r 1C.\ LV .\ u K A X (i F. I >. , STVLF. \M) \X F.\C1T1N(; \.M> .MOKi; SVSTFM- llo|;:iIi(| I'r,, 111 most ol'the price. trii woii.lcrfiil '•omuieiicle.l to tho.e iitrs.ms vvlu.sc 'I iinii oreii Iiy t|;p I'oiitiniioii- ii-!• (iriir l.-iu ‘'icrally ill laiit.i .’.■It (>r t'Ti. ilr.'i.j.iii" p.rii t'reat mic:( Ui|.'\\ iiiL' that ;l kno« lp(l!>eil. It is |i rlic iiiarly ;; tiuti lii-iy have ' ,f. S'iriN. or ..ilicr r.,|iii- ..I ti irecl, it riii.U it, „ ar ilire. llyti, the'’ (imrkenin.; .-v.T) k.-wc, rai- n., tji, I irt. ii;li|.^ini: new h".il!li a-u! vi-or in t' -.atc.iil ..UMiManc cur.L.il. ,, ,>scs., -, „ r. iiie.lml |iroiK rti.-' ■ ,\ r I' 1 (1 \ ; The iir.-it po|„i|.:ri|y of this .Iclioiufnl Aroiiia ha- indiire.j I'Hltall.ais. uliii-h the i„,l,lir lioiihl ..oi.-ini ' l-e not iier'iia.lcil t., |,„v •nylirat- el liavc's ll„l:„,.l!;iiurs a r,ii trial. > ...uoe w ,i .oiniM.-t you if-'aiM-i piinhasii!:;. n-I,! vi'U liivc "ivt ii iti.cr I' h.iuie t-i,(MI, liv 111* how iiitin tely siijier .ir it i- lo 'II itj.s.- onii-it 23”^ol(j 111 SI.(Ml per liottle, or si.\ hoiilos Inr .-i'.'i S (I I. 1: !■ I! Ill- 1: I KTu It J-- ia\ .ait. i;o. M \ • r F \ ( T I Ii I s* PH.VRMACEUTISTS AND CHEMISTS. I'lTTSHLKdll, Pa. Samuel J. iliusdale sol(j agent for Fav(;tte'ville Juue 14, lbtl7, 16. DERBY ,j- J.VCKSON, Publishers, , . New York, sent by mail post paid ou a receipt of 38-k W A.V'l'Kl), the .\R I iLLEl’i\ of the I'nited State.T .\r;uy, able-bodied unmarried men, to whom will be given good jciy, tioard, ( b thing and Mi^.lical .\ttend nice lay lri,ai ^ill to ^>22 per montli. Apply at n. door to the Faycttoville Ilote . JNO. E!>W ARDS, 1st. Lt -M .Vrt'y., Recruiting ofliccr. Fayct.'cyille, .N. I,’., | Aug. ;Ji, IS57. 38-tf who!" I nite 1 •fh • , ber 1 d advanta'jes aiiiu-d at by the .'^iiperintendent of hool- while m iKiiig ettort to h.ive .his w.,ni .lieted. The e are. 1. r'. ■ Hriiiirii;!- :ifht •>' n hi liny ,f an! the enlistment of piipu^ir sentinient in he::;- tile .''t..t'' and its iti.sfitntions. It was not th iU;; • p.irt,i:it. ll uvevtr, to have more than one t,un. "he 1-ea ievs of merely i local interest. ■J, /•,,.,• /. tf:, ‘ii'f , i\ -1 F ii/ i! in t-.rt •:!, [leiisive hab'.r. an I oiie which injures the .~ilii. pre\eiiiing tiie children fr-nn being classitie 1 \- ries of lr.i;i-■ P.e-!, lers, it was .supp.ised, w.iu! 1 1 . tainly ii.>e i. and this great evil thus avoided. hiuno.ii’/. the popular system of Rea lt-r.-. too long .;nd lieing made so often mereh- ; a 1 the profits of authors and publishers. This series is to consist of fewer num'HT' • . th ise g'‘;urally used, and it is believe i tl.at numbers are snflicient, while if the system were u:- versallj' used in the State, the sum save i tc p ir.-v;; .•iti'l children woitld amount to several thousaii 11 a;inually. 4, T" j‘Ut in th, i.tiii'lt-0/ cfiilihtu hiirriiiiij ' .■ 'i'nhi null;/ Iili>i.- hill nut uj' tht i!ih, •: ■ I’lJi-.'i c,';-i/i>,xi>io/i ^, c-'iit-iining, in lessons easy i-:;. i for all ages, correct sjieciniens of style, illte^l•'?';!;^ inattt r. an i ii:cnK:atiiig pr.'j. r morals, an l rt-::. - instruction The pri. es are, for No, 1, 25 cents; No. 2, IT.' crI.•^ and No. I-I cents. .V liberal deduction tr”iii t:.,". ’prices to Merchants and School Teachers. E. J. HALE \ Fayetieville, July 20. ±1. •iv#r Hooks. flHE Life ot (. liarlotte Bronte, Author "t .I.u Eyre, .VC ; The Testimony of the Rocks, hv H Miller; Salad for the Social, by the .Author of , . .j lOr the Solitary; ludigi'iiodt Races of the E.artli, iv Nott X Gliddon; The Cee Keeper’s ('hart. .Also, l-i- ther supplies of Milledulcia; The Prince of the II. of David; Mrs. Hentz’s Novels; The Baptist Psalnc ., names’ Family Prayers: Christian Minstrel; Cru 1.; Concordance: .Adams’s New .Vrithmetic: Parley's C z moil School History; ^c. E. j. HALE SON. June 24. 1S57. NOTICE. I^HE undersigned having executed a power of .V'. torney t.) E. F. .Moore, he is thereby author to make all settlements for me and in my name, .1:. generally to transact all business as 1 might orcm!: do were 1 personally jiresent. J. J. .MOdiit Fayetteville, June 3, 1857. l:’,t; B. F. PBARCiS & CO, DEALERS IN fokek;n and domestk' dry (;udd.\ HA is, CAPS, liOOTS AND SHOES, I mbretlas and lieailij-Miidc Clothinj, HAV STllHKT, M'ayetteville, ,V. (- a. V I'EARCK.] fj. pt u:. L. July ;{0. C A .NT U I :i ,l7s~X. "cl J LSfk 1;. ill'll I ni s list ICC ii*‘i'is('d y uiii/ uihipti'l t" *' J\’etc A*et'/.sfv7 Vuih\ ^'SllIlS work, invaluable to .Magistrates, Officers M. all who have occasion to know the L:iw, anl use the Forms under it, is very much enlarged. I’rA't 50. For sale by -August 1856. E. J. HALE AL S"N 1. A J -NOTiCK. i.L persons indebted to W. F. E. F. Aloore, or iho late liim ot Moore a* Urother, will please -.■me lorward and make immediate cayment. Tlie -Notes and Accounts are in my h,\nd.s and they must be settled, in order for me to make my returns as Administrator for W. F. .Moore. K- F. .MOORE. -■Jii-lm SEW HOOKS. 13 1 LLii DU LCI.\; from “Notes and IJuci ic": -fB. Elephant Club, by Doesticks; Past .Meri 1m:: . .Mrs. Sigourney; The Ritle, .\xe and Saddle-ba?:'. Milburn; ‘•(’hristinas Stories.” JUVE.NiLES: I'he .Viinwell Stoiies, coU'isii'4' the “W histler, or tho -Manly Boy;” Ella, or Turiii^- over a New Leaf; ((scar, or t!ic IJoy who had his w.iy; The liidi.iii F.iiry P.ook; .Alibott's .''lories ah ' ( omnion Ihings. .Also, further su]i[ilies of llinne M.tcaule_> s Histories ol Lngland; School Itooks, E J. HALE Jan’y 17, 1857. FOR kDAAIANTlNE and T.\LLOW CANDLES; liiu’ ■' COTiinion i'OB.VCl.'O: an l almost anything in i: Grucery line. Cheap as the cheapest! G. I. GOLDSTDN Jan’y 27, 1857. 77- -Vug. -Jo. Blank for sule at Observer Ollice. IIWVKS'S lll.Sl'OKV. rsiHE Sut)scriher, .Vssistant -Ag.ajt for pr aiir:'.? g subscribers t.i and delivering Hawks’s II;'*'"'.'; gives notice th.-tt he wiil attend the County Cour: I'uplin on the .'’d .Mon liy in July inst., tiie ('euu*.' Is for *settVomeiU i -'lo«'*ay iu August, tue jr me to mi.kP n.v ^ Court of Sampson on the M .Monday m gust, and the County (’ourt of Johnston on the -Monday in .\ugust. He will be provided with a scription Book, and with copies of the 1st voluuie the several styles of binding, for delivery. C. PKU't July 4. -.iii- PRINT EL Price for thp advance; : tinii; or For the Wee advance: ' tion: or -r- adverti square of I'i succeeding p cial coiitrai ' re'^uested to they wH’ ingly. -Advertisen cent, ext -, -\ ^ KJOK t . Haniu afi cr\. I -Ml w usn-il tit::c ■ A a':i fr. o rally, .i- '-v.- ii ever off. ;. 'I i_. Sept. 7 RE ;i“\v r ■onsiHt •-J 'r; [« ; a I.-: ;i-h ; -i'”, :•! I rcii II HI Black 1 Engl.'i ('hciiile l.adic • Jaconet l 'oi'.ars Hosiery Ribtiiui Cl-'ths I Tw-eds White n Bleactie \ !leii.ia iileache Pin- 1 L ,M .rll-i P.rown 1 ToweMii Negro t E-\tra q Spiral, Good as Vankee .(Ualii Silk. Lt .Moles'Ki B,.,.t.. A 1 •All of which \ usual time t' or .All us a call. P.. F. PF vl Sept. 7. 1." S( 1H1NESE artieie, n .4^ eeive l an.l ftH 1 Sept ■At R. HI oflice t Entriince on tl Lecles'f iii’.-t .'''eptt-inher 1 « IS. ■Wi ‘js»riet_\ ol (id,tie ]5oi ts. ■'li.o - styie and siie 'J’ruilks, (’all, ing .''Jkiii,- "hich we will, tua'i ciist'inKTE .‘'^ept 1^ W’ Is now rcc i hi 11:1. f. la I I'lir Ue invites t .' J^t. ck, and IS uss.irtinent 'if deiivt ri d a: 11^ Se,t F M-.C H'ciiiiie L .\Iyro\..r hi* ol. 1 -us,.iiii C’hea[,. 1 he . and M,, I _ Se,,f o i ■ IV I.VM ti !W n consi.-,tiii.: 1.; M J I I ; 4" ' 2" iiaif 10ti,(Mlli p, And :i _-r. it sold low at W! paying cu.^toiii ^ept. 2.

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