'I': \ ... f-' .1., •lA: r’.. HI nrr., I*‘l' »h In 4 SKMI-WEEKL Y. vs .-i 11 \ N \0\.. VII.] 1 avi:ttf.villk, n. c., si:i>ti:mhkr i i, isf)?. [NO. li • l’-'' . II \ . I»2‘ »l05»ks. 1- .1 ii ui: v.‘ . i \ •» i t.;; (»m V N ■ - ■ » !oi : ■ in ;- f !ii Ui li, - n.r • - rit>' li.- I. it- . ii /.->• f. tn- :ii(; ‘a 1“V . (• S; M jieti' Jf • itt- th‘ H - At- & CO, Div , , ' i-": I' . /, ( ...y, 7/r. ,r. f. Jl ' 1 It L. rat- V ti. ii* 1 ' r I ■ 1 , i''-, h.- Vi II' ■ M \N1 i >!: 'i. !it ! , .rin/ ii r.% .i . ii At ■ . 1 -uiitv iU ^ i \| . : 1-T fi I. AU- . If W1 i- f • tk liC ivcry { lU*’t •;'1,!NT. 1> AM» TlirUSDVVS. ri \v\"!) j. II \m; \ SON, Kisi. ANh I’KMPRIKTOKS. ■ 1 t!i, S,'tui-N\ ffkiv >>hs«:r\ i.u uO it'puiJiii I >:i’ • ■f I'lii)‘inr‘11;^ the year ot' . ->4 'if' T ti'.o yoiir has exjotl. iR'Kii\v:K » p**r ?iunuui, if [iiiid ill 'V ii. •. >- IT p;ii'l (hiriiii; lb.-. vf:.r of sulncrip- . II V ! •'nftiT t’u'yt‘!U- tins oxpired. \liVKlM'lsrMKNTS in-iertfd fi.r .^ixty cents per 1 iPO ■! 1 ' ’T the iirst, ami tliii ry cents for eiieii . I-1';'li • '^'"1* Yearly ui.lvi rti^eiueiit'-iiy spe- • iiurit >. it. r\‘I- ■ . il'lc r:!’es. Advertisei> sire l^ r .^f iiisertii.iih 'lesired, or :^1. d UI'I.-' rd- S5IK\!WEI.L iroiJSIV i'AVs' !T«;vii,i,i:, ,\. c. En.*t •'/?• // S/r>rf, ,1 t’r>r Dmin. Xi-rth >n thr t Il'.uat (111.- nil iiued t clnuj^ed i>er Si)'\ iiOODS. ■k llN''-'S ;re ju:t re,'eiviiiij :i 't:\TC'' im ti d Sioi'k .>f > 1 Is, >t 'li'itiii)i ill part >■' (iMutirf. v'niit'ry. liroct*nos, C’rock- tT\. I'isli. and « : . '.:. h \vi ■ •». ' i ’,.'W fiiv cash, ir on tin ■ : ■ I ' , fr II: -i.i ^V>? I.’IV ! -'d , .'t' r: Tier. !■* ht, i il pu>>lio geni- thsin we huvt 40-U I?, i I'.vi.L S r >v'K. S'. 8M:AlirK *S: C o. HK ;i"W ri’i’eivir.2 , i;ir.:i‘ m i \tell selected i«fock '.iiiz It; part 1: B'.H’.'k and F gured Sliks; l:^!i;.;i^h .. i Frt-tich M- ri’i ai; IF- 1 i i Liini*-^: h reuoh all w.-..1 i’.’ ii 1-.; MpHi’H? "f -I' li^^: It;. l!!:iok I’i 'inh i F'reiuli :tiiil .Vinvri'Mi Prints; ;'heuiru* SliawN, .lu’iutiiul pitterns: !.:idii :-' :iks "t t verv ieseri['tiMn; J 1. luet E'iiiiugri ;ind Iii.'^ertions: ; y.urs Jiliii i ndt;r~'.et'Ve. H- .ii ry, O' ve, iJelts; Ki^ ^ 'HS, Triiiiinin!;-;. ; ! . ths :uid t’lissi'.iierr^i; Tv •el'. Jeaus and Sattinet': White and ('■•'.‘.■rt- i Flannel>: !> 1 .nd Hr^'wn .^hirtiiics: Ii !i '.ale !•- I :u->'ti!ic; !, • •!: bed ..id lli '.wn liriiiiuis: i 1 I.iii.-iey,': .'i:; ! K>‘rey.'; T‘ ' Str'j.es and P'l iid': itid iile:iclied l ahle ('oths; ■ f ai; kin i?: iiiiiiivet'; jua ity Bed IV.anket'; >r ii li. I'lra'-i ui l haleb me ITi ips; i I i ' irtni’ iir f( jp .''kir,-; N 'ti.in-* "f every variety. ■juaiity: ■■'i.K. Lfirhi'iii :ir; i .■'tr.iw Uiinnet?; MMie'kin, CassinH're an 1 W . d ilMt..*; I’- t'. ;>iiue. LinSreilab. — AI.Si I — A large and fa^hionahle «to.-k uf Refidfj^^ltade doth i ii whitdi wil! be .'..Id h'W t"r C.VSll, it /ii 'ur . li time t" pum-tuil cii.st jnier.- either at U ' .\'l per^'iHs i.r ^ M Sulisi riVier !-'-iie^ tiirt'u^h tli ^ inediui:) to ai'kn«i\vle l;rP the lioera’- j ■A patri>i;ri>re lieet'/wed iip.nn his M'une the past | year—and as he has jii-’ •'rerted New Staldes and i Carriajre Shdi cniivenient tn the 11.•use auil t.i ^vater I he takes [deasure in saying to his p itrons and the public jrcner.iiiy, t!iat he is still prct.ared to acconi- uiodaie them witi. tra!i.ient and pcniiaiient >i.iard, a id re.spectfiiMi M!’i!-:ts a CMr.tiiiiiancc nl'l(i>* liiieral pafroii- a^re lieretofore recei\ed. Kvery exeition on his part shall be used to render them comftiil.ibie duriii^: their ■sojour:; with him. His tahie is always jiipplie l with the bc.ii the ta irket affords. i'. SllHMWliLL. March L’1, I,'',",.'). Mi-tf DOiilU.N llOrsK! I’UNVEIl;!' iV rUO\, I'ltOHKlK, rilU.'H. ^0111H Proprietors of thi.s l>tablishnient JL aniiiiuiice t.i tiie pul lie. that owiiijr tc tHc constantly increasing patronage extend ed t the;.i, ihey have been induced to en- '.ar'.re the a>'i:inuni. .i:iti.m hy tlie addition oi‘ i an evtonsiv. I)iniu:^ I. loui on tiie lower tlo.ir, and .suite ; o. It.ionis ,,n the second iloor; tlius enalilinp them to j acC '>uuiodat ali wh>i iiiay t'a\or thci!; with u call. And I fliey pledu- tlu'uiscive- to an iiuretided exi-rtiou to i iive satisl:ic*ion to their patn n'i. I .''tmciMtis .Stable" auaclie ' and c:trefiil :»stieis in iit- , ti-ini iiice ! The eliiui'de licati >n of the K'ial'iisbmeiit, with the i experience of tiie Pr’-prietois in iirn\iiiui^ for thecoin- ‘' ;’t of tliidr pair- iis. they a ipe x' ll secure to llitr.i a ihcral sl.aie of the tr.avei. 'I’he Wi'stern n i ^'’Utherii .>ta, ’s arx'ive «t aiid Je- ' : •■lit fn. m ! lii s H ^ 'Use : «'arr.'iiifs it! 'itti'nlance .iri arriva’ and 1. oarTure of { ■'te 1.1 Boats. f,.r tin- ai'CMinnii datinn of passeiiL^'r*. ! d.irses and 'arria|.ii s fifn'shed at any notice tor car- | ryinp travelliT- t ■ any pa’-t t.f the adjacent country. J. H’ PoWKK.'!,' \V. (\ TK'iY.' Fayetteville, May I'J, ;{tf v\Li \iiu: i>Koi‘KU'rv i'4ns s,§i,g:. ! Ctl'FF.R t'or sale, tny L.\Nl)S in the Tnwn of Fay- '. ettevi'.le, ■vh 'Ui 1'." .\cr«‘s. kiu wu as the MUIYIFORD SWAMP, I About SO .Vcr-‘s of it ;s ;i: i- \[ea b>w Laud, asthet'rop ' now on it will .,how. . the fSrifk I..OI near tht“ Mark**t .''■[Uare, occupied I'y Mr. .John A. | l’eiii>iert‘'n. | ■\ Larjre and V-ilua^le Lot, fri.iitin^ on Donaldson. I Maxwell and Muiiit'"rd .''treft->. known as the Hotel ■' (far'len Lot.—loui • liv’dcd int^' sever.il DuiMinii 1 Lots—very nc'ir'he aew Fei.nale Hi jh School Buibiings. ■ ij.'-Minfr, fr 'Utin^ on Muniford \i .Ti \ I Hr. Mlfurh's'^s Ol' AOKTSI 1 AltOI. I .\ A. The t'uhscribers are now prepared to furnish the Isl volunie of this valu iMe wurk. which han receivi-d the hi;ihest commendation wherever it has been read, not only for its literary execution t>ut for its typographi cal piettiufi up. It may lie olitaiiied, either I'roin us or troin our (Jeneral Ag' iit for thv State, H. W. Horne ot' this filace, or aiiy of his .\ssistant Agents. The pi'ie‘ varies accTirmg t.. style of hinding: In handsome clolh ‘J-'i: in Idlir.iry SI;-e]> >1 iti lia’.f I'alf iil Ti"). I r is s(,i.i; iiM.v Kou Cash, None will I'e charpcl, either liy oiir-e'‘\es or >ur .V;.r>'!its \ liberal discoun' will be made where ijuantiiies are take’i to sell again It v.iil be sent Vy mai. to .iiiy j art of the countiy. uu receipt ot' the ]o-ice .and -4 cents to pay postage. Tlie "J 1 v^duniu is in coirrse of preparation. There will firohaiily be fnur or five volumes in all The tuc- ceeding vi'hiiiie.-i wiil j ridiably contain about oOO pages each, and will soM at h jirojiortionally higher price, viz; half a cent a jiage I' lr the eloli; binding. cents additional f..r ?heep aii l o!‘ cents additional for the half calf binding L .1. II.\LK i; .SON Fayetteville, .Vpril li'.'. ’»!s37- P. S'. The .\gent an-l his .\s.oistants design to visit every county in the State, with the book, as soon as C'jnvenient. In the meini time, orcievs to Jiim or to u.s, HcconiprUiic'l by fjie cash, will receive prompt atten tion. \ Ai.raui.k iMiopKirrv FOR SALH. Sub^,Tiber h-iving C'jiiCluded to remove t'outh, JL otiVfs fi-r > .1 his %.\ii i.oT, in the village of Ch pid HilV The dweliii;'! is a lian is'>me one, large and conveni ently .’irraiitred. The int contains SIX ACUKS of gr"Uii'l, '.vith every convenience in the way of out houses, viz: \>i;ry. l>ry well. Kitchen, Servant house with two rooms—bitiied and plastered, wood aiivl wash hou.-'C, carri.agc ij..ii-e and sta'i'es There is als'i on the front, a very neat not iti.i: oFi'ic'i:. Idie groundj are in u liigh state of cultivation — about half an acre lieing in fruit trees of the chidcest kind and bearing ,il)uii lantly. For further iiitV.rmatiou address the subscriber at this place. Terms made acconinin'iating. K. MALLFTT. ('hapei Hill, Aug. l'>. d)-tf L\S\) I'On SALK. ,‘\CliKS L.\N1) lying on the Camden ■'W ^ * Stage Koad, lo miles South d I'iiy- "ttevillr. The Laiiii is well timbered, and adniiralily .■I'laj'tetl for Turpentine or Farming pur[>oses; and li‘s between the ."'outhern Plank Koad and Big Kocktisii. —convenient to niaiket. There is on it a comfortable fr.uiiP HoM.se, .Mill Site \c. Any iiiforniatloii may bo obtained on the premises from Mrs. Mary Nelson, or bv enqiu'ing of .lAMK.'' BANKS. Att'y, Fayetteville. Aug l;;. 33-tf Coal litiiMls lor Sal‘. virtue of .a Deed in Trust to me executed )>y •J .lohn .Me. Fllington, I will sell at public .Vuction, to the highest bidder, on Tuesday the Sth da> of Sep tember Is'iT. in the town of Fayetteville, at the Court House l»t.or. one-fourth jiart of the Tract of Land kiMwii as the DVF L.VNDS. lying in Moore county, and ■idjoining the lands of Fvander .M( Iver and others, ati'l | containing idjjht hundred acres more or less. Said ■ land is situated about three miles South from Deep Kiver :ind is weli tinil>ered with long leaf pine, (’oal ; I'f tine ipiality ii.is lieen discovered on the premises, Vein ID inclu'-i thick. See Kinmons's Report for further p irtici.Iars Terms made known on ilay of sale. •I, T. McCLKN.\IL-\N, Trustee. August 11, ;’i4tf i (iIro(‘(‘ri‘s, Hardware, A:c. 'P'^HK undersigned are now receiving a L.\KGF, AS- | tl SoHT.MKNTof ' irocorit's, If;inl\var‘. Iron, Stc'cl, Hol!ow-\v:in‘, Shot's, lA'Utlicr, and Satldlory, which they will sell at Wholesale at a small advance on ('ost for Cash, or on our usual time to prompt dealers. JOHN 1). SHAW, \TTOKI%EV AT f.AW, RO('KINGHAM, RICHMOND COUNTY, N. C. ILL attend the Courts of Kichmond, Anson and w Robeson. All business will receive strict attention, .luue 18, 1857. entrusted to liis care 17-3m (iKO W. WILLLVMS \ CO. I2b-tf Public Sal(‘. tlie M u- L..r VI- Street. Several DESIKABLK BUILDlN'i LOTS on l^ah VVinsloi* and Munifor'l .'Afreets. -\Ii this property e in tmw be purclsase l ,in fnvora- ’e terms, and a l irge t art ca:i remain .’n I'iniid and M•>rtgage if de.'ired. THO. J. CrUTIS. 'ct. l'>. IS.',', 4:}-tf kiu I. an 1 II F I’FAlii • 7. 1-: F som[:thi\(; \i:\v. ^HINKSL .SL'G-Kll ('A.NK SIllUP, an excellent i't i'.e. nr‘'le in 'lunberland County, .lust re- ■ -I. I f'..r by tT LLLTi:. - • :v>- KoiJKiM' i>. , LATH liKKKN ,v WE \K,, WATCH-MAKERS, JEWELLERS, &c., FAYETTKVILLK, X. (V D begs til return his sincere thanks t" the public for the kin 1 pMtruuage so libera! \ be st'.wed upnu the late Firm, aii'l informs them he has b'lii^ht the inter.-^t '>f .J. Wear, and will ■ ntinue the busiue.'S in all its branches at the old stand, under n.s entire sui'erinteiidence. N. B .Vll Wat'dies left with him for rej^air will be pectfuily invited t. give taken apart in the presence of the owners, atol the I neeessary repairs p'diite'i out to them and a writteu (■.lUtract given f ir the - uue, which work will iie v.ir- raii'ed for tw.i year- . »!i hi!. 1 and for -ale ii"W, the tnos» varied and choice selection "f ('l.tU'K.'' »n l othe>' .iuie pieces th:>t has ever been "tl’ered to the public ir Nr.rth Caro lina, wliii-h he will sell at New York prices, and also WAi;it.\.\r for two years. .Vll debt.. ‘hie to iind by the late firm will Vie j>aid und received by R. 1). CHKKN. \U:iUst 3 1-tf \ •I. w. I'LAlK’i:. Jr. 4mf IS ItI.MON \l„ R IlI .'^KF. .Atti.rney at L-iw, ha*^ removed hi: t’i. .• . a ri-oil in the Kobiii^on BuibJings ■1 the N Mi:' 1 W . F\! L > ■ nil Kiiii, .'it tij.j pi,if n 'pij'/sit* ■ VA * )W ■ :irc Toi K n )\\ r^-ciM\inLr oiir t !■' n >T.^ a’.1 >11' iK>. wiiii-i .■■l i'.. aipr ^.-lll'/ every v, ^ V 'irh'', ari l ('(li Iren ' r, c'. tT' - t'iieh! i.f ei Vat.t'- S;.:.i'^ Ii Iiiti; , w ‘nr ' ' 11 \ W I' ati'l Hiiid i:v .V to punc SON. • t)W W . \. I IJNMIAS r ■ i.'. • . ’ ■ -I' tn 1 w 11 a''iried Stock of liiiia. aii J narr, Ki'iltaiiia, and P*laleil \Var*, Fancy SlaiMluare. ..'■iti'. the H tentioii ' t’'>unl''y Merchaii’s to his - ] is ti-fied til It hey c.alinot lia 1 u t»efer • ^.1,! Ilf (}. 1:- tor their tra le, or » be . wiien i at the'r -r-i. : ia one IL'j-o 1 i. A AL. doiir.K r. ' ■ '1 toth:- ilp.i I ir- U : iiii T-iybo'. .3 d' r I'e .'i. w.! 1 •! be ■■^t'lre recent.y ii.rs Fast of H. pi'MSed to see !M r.LU’ NorK'i: J.'' HI IlFllY •il\'KN. th'i' Books of Subscription to till' eapitai .-toi-k of thel'eiitrai Rail Road, troui i’.e-,n*',,ir il iiI.orvLi Keii'iisv: le. •'liiir.ni. Fayetteville, iii l V\\-'t. w.l. be ooeiie i oa Thui'i:iy. tlie Inth day ■ it ipril I ^ '■>. and reina ’i 'l ea iiiie to the 'urins o; the' barter iiiimI further uo»ve, -ir the fo,;,.wing i)i t'es and uii'ier direct^.ii of the !'.i iowmg named |eT-'.os, t■oiiiiiiis>i'iner> ;ii tiie I’iiarter, vi/.; in the I’tiiiiity of 0;i' n. if tii,- .ifhce of the rlerk of ihe foiiiity t’ouM ii .1 -'.iivi'le. ao 1 at the Po~t Oiiiee Rich Lin is, H. 'A. Fonvnie. C. .). Ward. .1. 11. ■ K,iV, Ro ■ rt White, lohn A .Xvcrirt. .Jr., Owen Hug- o n.--. L. W. Humphrey. ill ''artei'et •■ounty, at the otlice of Di’. M. F. Areii- • l( *:i :! Beaufort I'r.- F. .\reu le!!, .1. F Bell, L. I T. ' - - ''y ■Vt the st'ire 'jf 1 W'. Taylor a' ('ai olina ('ity,—Col. Wm. N. I'Cnnis, H Bell,'':ipt. Levi Oglesby, Bridf^e ‘ ,\ren'ie’l. : In Dufiiin county, at the office of the County Court ierk at Ken insville, — .M ij r oweti R. Kenan. David Reid, I-aac B Kelly. Wm. li. Hi'!, Wm. .1. Houston, Sti-idien (irahani. j III Sampson county, at the diice of the (’ounty ('ourt : (”.erk at Cli;iton,—Thomas I. Fei-on, Dr. Tlionia.s i Bur.ting, Wm. .McKay. P.itrick Murphy, Wm. Faison, :J. R iieariian, \if'red .loliti ain. ; In uiiibeiland county, at Fayetteville, at the office I of .\ . McKethiin,—Thomas li. Lnderwood. Randal ; McDaniel, Ivhvar l L. Winslow, John Blocker. F'lr’n of siib.'criptieii; Th'- L’ndersigne.l a/ree 'o- take the number of share® of ^l'i(» each, set opposi'e to our names resfiectively, I in tiie (,’eniral Ran Roa'i Compar.y; u;d in all resjtectH to coiiiplv with the t'lniir of 'iie Charter. UWlNtl cotieiude'l to remove South, 1 will otl'cr for sale on We.inesd.iy the'.Uli day of .'^ejitember next, on the plantation wli.ch I have ri-cciit y sold, the followitig artit ies of jiropert}', t i wit: 17 BIcad or iliilc‘«« anionir the lu rses tw . j air niatcii, o]..,. two-horse and three four-horse wagi.'iis: s.,me twenty-five single and TF.N di'uble pl.'Ws; one f'.iur-horse plow: soiuetwenty- five hea l d'Cattie of iinpioved stock, amon^them one full-bli'oded Lievoii Bui'; eighty or one hundred he;id of hogs—among them are tine young brood-sows: a ijuantity of oats put up in b.-iles; one wheat fan. one Corn-sheller; ten wheat cradles. Black-sinith tools and other articles not iiC' es-ary t'» inenti.ui. ■\ls I a F.iniily t'arriage, Bugiry and sulky. Tku.m-^;—Twelve niotjths credit—bond and approved security rc'juired. K MALLFTT. i’hapel Hill, Aug. lo. ol tf nilK subscriber.; oH'cr their services to the public to furni'h »’ it]iiis. He iise. and every other re.piisite for Funerals, They have a consi'lerable suptdy of Coflins rea.ly made, aiel an abuii'lant supply of Ma hogany. l?iaek Walnut and ''tum aii.i Po;'lar materials for making any si/.e at a sh..rt notice. >r.Jers lef't at the Cool Spring .\lill:i will be promptly atten.led to. HLARSLV' a; JoHNSoN. FayetteviMe. Juno ’J'*. l^o7. 2'ltf N()'ri( iv H F. siiliscrit.er having, at .lune Term lS.'i7. of the Court ot Pleas and oaarttr Sessions |..r the iJount\' of '’iiiiib. rl.-iii.l. Muaiitied as .\.linini-itrat..r II].oil the Fstate i f Wi de F. M .ore, hereby iiotdiesall [lerso'i^ h:i vi og e'-iiiii- ; i i list t he 'iii I list a te to ] .recent the same pi ' j e; , - nut.i.-nMc.ite.l within the time pre scribe.! by i:iw, ..I loiwise this notice will be ple.ile'l in bar (d' iheir rec .very. {•eV.I..is t.. the i I li-'tate will p.ease make payment imme.li lie y K. F. M >ORK. June i.''-‘>7. 13tf l iHi rns: \\ i:s r! Through in 36 Hours, and Crossing the Blue Ridge m the Day Time!! i S, BI'.OWN’S Tri-Week^y • Line of Four-Horse Post (' hes. lr.‘M S.alisbury to .\she- via ; tatesville. Newt.in, Morganton, Mari.in and Pleasant (Jardens: connecting at .\sheville with the 'ii;e of Stages f.ir the Warm Springs, Knoxville an.l Greenville, Turn. This is the best stocked an.’ be t managed lloa l in North ('a- rolina. It is the most expeditious, safe and pleasant, .and at the same time the elieapest route for ttie West. Leaves Salisbury on Momlay, Wednesday and Fri day; leaves Asheville on Tuesday, Thurs lay and Satur- ,l;,v;—running iii elose cotiiieelion with the North Carolina Rail Roa.l, North an.l Soii.h, S. BROWN, (’ontractoi-, June lo, IS'j?. 10- FOR SAU:. fBIHE DWF.LLIN'; iiol'SE AND LOT on Cilleside J. Street, at present occuiiied by l>octor McSwain. 1 perfect title can be ina'Ie ,\pply to THO, J. CURTIS. Names IC'si.l. N. if S i:;' es ! 'ash Work ALSO ili r*i ,\M .w r> onsistiiiz til' r- w wi^h to buy Go'ids r, .i;ie W F. ,v E. F. .Moore ! "!!! I as above I tn ^«ro**i*i(‘.s!! Bbls an'i I; "'I H .ACS 'n:. 1;,, , ,it. i, I;'-!- w lii-ki'_v al. I Li 1 7 -• r. .\es M .nil'.I.’tore i I' - Li . .11 a;i'i S‘ ia Ln .,:i - t > : h i iiipagiie ! 'i'ler; ' i.;:iiiM j, .,i - irt. i. s uiie very tine. 4'i ’i iji-J 1 ,,,j[i; o'l “ 'i'i"ili-pari'iit do; ) ; Peiir! Starch; J'* half l.bb, ••l.'cj’i- \!il!>'' .•'e.itcli Snuff. .'Ill tMiM I’ei iiis--i.>ii ( ;ips, as.-..ite.|: •'I'l'i :b p.i!u di, in tin cuii'; JIIM ,>acks .'salt: '> l; .'ilot, I; -‘i b ,xe- .\.l: niiuitine ('an.lies; - I “ 'i st P.iwler'; Mustard I :i great many : i; ;ii; ,,f whicli will be I .w :it U h.:.i "-.'t,' J.ii I .\S|1, .ip ,,n time to prompt I -;.uig i'ii,toiiier-. i; {.• .mooue, -• 39-In Suos(‘ri['tio;is ,'iia\' be ni:ide j.ii’abie in work, and may speeily whether ior grading or cr.)ss-tics; and stockhoi.ler.'^ shall in every c.a^'e have preference in ta'-^ iiu C')iitrai:ts, when bids are the same oi’at Engi neer’ : estim.ite. .\s Ill as one bun.ire.) thousand d.iliars are sub- S(M'ibed, the (’oi!imissioners of On dow countare to be notifie‘1, m l are re'iu'red to call ft meeting of .Stoekhoblcrs t,, orir>inize ihc Comjiany. .March h'j. ]:Uf ), l!OlJST>.\ _® .'^(‘LLD infi rm his fidends and former customers w W that he may be found 'J doors >ielow the Cape Fi".ir Bank, and j .lo.jrs above his old stand south sile I’ei- on Street, where he iiiteri'is to keep on hand, Harness, Saddles. Bridles, Whips, Collars an.l e- ,-ry thing belonging to his trade. He respectfully uivit;^ his frien.l- fr.iiii the country to call aud examine his -toi K bi:f,,r,. purchasing. I le will atti-n.l to Repairiiig of Harness and SadiUes ^ punctually, .-la'i i,;,. , i, i,.^,.y ..^hall be mo.ierate. He ' ‘'I'l-Me l to the firm of HoCSl’ON & 0\ Lhl>\ to settle wiih W. i)verby or hiiiuelf, as they are con.pelk-i t.: -eltle the fum’s debts. ■Vugust 27 IH'jti ditf llarj)(ir and (iodt^'s l.adv's liook, for August, 1857, E, J. HALE SON. * (_;OOD FAMILY C,\RRI.\OE in good repair and .t‘% nearly new. Will be sold for half its vaiue, —also— •T good MILCH COWS with voung calves, .\pplvt3 T. J. CURTLS\ April l'!>, 18'7. :itf I)A\II) McDi rMK, Krirhmasott and M*l4isieret% Is prepare.! to do all kin.Is of work in iiis line, in- clu.ling the putting up of Turpentine Stilln iii this iiiid the adjoining counties. Fayetteville, .\pril 27, 18"i7, 3-lV-pd J. WMJJ AM I* V(JK, M. I)., r i TTS Mi O it O VU ff, .V. i\ Dr, P.\C«E may be foun'l at his oflice when not jirofessionally engaged, .May b, lKo7. C'OKN. BL'S. CORN, for sale by Aug. 22. r>tf WORTH ct UTLEV. 3(3- \ n\l SALK. -m BP.LS. of .\L A: E. MYER’S SUPERIOR WHISKEY. This Whiskey comes very highly recommended; said to be fully eipial to any North ('arolina make, aud Wiirraiited free from any impurity. WORTH cj- UTLKV. Aug. 22, 1857. 3(j- July 18, lh'>7, VlLl UiLi; LIMIS FOR StLi:. '■ HIHE Suliscriber. beinij desirous of moving South B or changing his business, offers for sale the fol- lowiiif; Lan.is; One Tract, ruutaiiiiii!; 1700 or 1^00 .\cres, on whiih is my family resilience, situate.1 ten miles N.iriti-e.ist of F.'iyetteville, on the East si.le of Cape Fear Kiver, thrjugh which the F. N. I’lank Road passes. It contains a fine Oak Grove, with subst.^utial Buildings, aii'l iji well sup[diel with jmre w:iter. The above tract consists of swamp and uplands, a portion of each kind being uu.ler cultivation aud in excellent order, iin.l contains two fine pastures for stock, abun- diiiitly supjilied with fresh water. The uncultivated portion is heavily timben-.l. One Tract, between ;lOO and lOO Acres, lyln^ one mile North of the above, and immediately on the Plank Roa.l, on which is a valuable Saw aud (irist 'lill, in pcrfcci order. The tract is well supplied with pine timber. One Tract, 400 to ."iOO .\cres, of rich and productive Swamp Lands, a portion of which is well h'nced an.l un.i«r cultivation, known ;is the King anil Norman Lan.is. situate.I one mile from the river, t.e- twecn the ,\she aii‘1 Armstrong Lati'ls. The uncleared portion Contains v.iluable ('yi.ress an.l Oak Timber. One Tract, 1*2 I Acres of I'iney Wood I.andn, heavily timbered, and known as the Little (>eek tract. One Tract, 50 .Acres, which lies in CJreat Creek, aii'l contains the greatest abundance of Junijier Timber for Shingles. I’ersoti.-* wishing to purchase can pet all the neces sary infoitnation from the subscriber at his residence, or trom .lames Murphy, at Gray’s Creek, either of whom will take [>leasure in showing the above laii'ls. JOHN .MURPHY, Sen'r. ('uiuberlau'l County, .luly 27, ls57. 29-tf Fire Insura#ire. [TE refer our readers to the utinual statement of tiie .Etna Insurance Company, of Hartfor.l, which will lie found in another column. This success ful institut' ’1 was incorporated by the Legislature of Connecticut in ISl'.t, with a perpetual charter. Its capitiil is an.l its accumulations excee.l .''-ia).(MiO more, making its entire assets uver i300,- (KMt, invested as detailed in the statement referred to These results in lic:ite th;it during the period of nearly f..rty yciirs since its ornanization. (without a single change of its chief oflicer.) its fuisiness has been con ducted with judgment and pru.lence. It has been thu': fiir successful in an eminent degree, discharging, as we iire inform .I, all its obligiitioi.s by the payment of :if).,iit !■ » ’■••ili'in i/oHar.t for losses, without asking a d.'iy's .ielay in any instaii.-e. It Iris lia l Imt little lit igation. notwithstanding t!ie immense number of trans actions ma.je. In or.ier to attain as much rtrhunttj as p.'s-ibu> in Mil'll a business as insurance, it has been the practice ol the Company, tor several years. :it L'ie:it lafior. carefully t>. cbi>sify and arrange their risks int.I abiuit fifty distinct classes, so as to ascert;iin the ^lUioiiiit insure.I on e i,;h class, the amount of pre- iiiiiim receivwl thei-eon, an i the am.iiint of losses up I II e:ieh. Plus cl'issiiieation. exten.ling over a long pel ill l.aii'i ciiveriiig property to i very large amount.fur- ■.lishes reliable data, an.l presents a s.iunil. substantial basis of actual experience, up.in whicii to conduct its business Insurance, is not a Uiatter of luck or chance, as many sii]ipose; its hazar.ls are ascertainable, and its ju incipies cajiable of being re lu'-e.l to a sy stem, the jiractic il working and la'sults of which are as certain as that of am otUer business The .Ktiia Company, by adhering rigi.lU’ to its system, and placing its busi ness upon a healthy basis, bas obtained the ronfidence fd' the community to .'in extent surp.issed by no other ' ('ompany in the C, ,s;tatcs, and has increaseil its busi ness and its income from year to year with a steady growth, (>iie gre;it source of its »ei'.irity is the wide .listributiou of its risks—a policy which it pursues with great strictness—limiting the amount to be cov- ere'l in each locality, Ry tliis course it has passed. ■ with comparative impunity, through some of the most , sweeiiing and ilestructive tires, which have swallowe.l up . other companies les.s cautious in their business. It is 1 a system like tb.is, Icised upon experience, which gives ; ' stability and sounilness to a comjiany, and to the as- I sured confidence and security. — li'ifiimiire Patriot. I:T,\1 (OMIMW, I llAirri'OKI), CONN. 1N(’0RP0RATED 181'.*. CHARTER PERl'ETUAL. Capital $1,000,000. Assets $1,422,162 11. T. K, P.RACE, President E G RIPLEY, Vice Pre- siiient, T, A ,\LI NANDER, Secretary. Diuki TOits —T. K, I’race, S. Tudor, J, Church, R, 15uell, ,M. A. Tuttle, E, Flower, E, \ Bulkeley, R, Mather, I', (J. Ripley, S, S, Ward, H. Z. Pratt, G F, Davis, A. Dunham, D, Hillyer, T. A. Alexander, W. Keney. Tlir Assets are mainly invested in Stocks aud Bon.Is, paying interest, with •i'172,('>ill bl of cash on deposite in the Hartfor.l Batiks, to meet losses. Losses due an.l unpaid — none Losses adjusted ami not 'lue, ^24,313 ‘Mi. Losses in suspense, w.aiting further proof, iSic., ^70.- 850 Lorsesresistoi’, (suspicion.s of fraud, \c.) •'54(l,(i78 72, -Vgcnt of the above Company in Fayetteville, N. C. E. J.‘hale, I ILL STOIl FOR 18r)7. STARR & WILLIAMS VRE uow receiving a VERY L.VRGE AND \NELL SELECTED STOCK OF Fall and tiioods! To which they invite the early attention of their cus tomers, aud Wholesale Viuyers generally. Aug 31, lS-'>7, :^8-tf niarik Warrants for .sain horr. Far I her Suttply of >Srhool Books. A\ lES’ Algebra; Davies’ Arithmetic; Greenleaf’s National .Arithmetic; Stnellie’s Philosophy; Pic- tor:al Greece; Cooper’s Virgil; &c &c. Also, Tupper’s Proverbial Philosophy; Bailey’a Festus; Way land's ,>loral Science; Ac. t'ic. E J. HALE ^ SON. Aug, lit. Ni:\V SUPPLY OF S^^rATIONEliY. T E are just receiving further supplies of ST^iTi€M.r3:nr, Embracing Letter, Bath Post, Note and Cap Papers, in great variety; English and French Envelopes, white and colored: Tissue Paper, Gillott’s and Perry’s Steel I’eus, Pen Holders, Red Ink Pens, Ebony Rulers, Ivory and Boxwood Pocket Rulers, Mathematical In struments in cases. Hand Clips, I’iuk Tape, (Quills, Pen Racks, White Rubber, Sand Boxes, ^j'c.; Banker’s (’ases. Pocket Memorandums aud Pocket Books; Yan kee and French Pencil Sharpeners; Cloth Stretchers, for marking with inilelihle ink; Rodgers’ Pen Knives; Portfolios; Maynard & Noyes and Davids’ Inks, ^^c. Also, 1 Case superior English SLATES, assorted sizes. E. J. HALE & SON, May 2, 1857. Type Foundry and Printer’s Emporium, ESTABLISHED IN 1818. WM. 11 AG A K, Jr., & CO., ;i»S Ciiold ^itreet, ?iew 1 ork City. /^■^IIE subscribers desire to advise their friends and M. the Printing Interest generally, that since the late fire, which injured only the manufacturing de partment of their establishment, they have entirely refitted the *ime with new machinery, and have avail ed themselves of the opportunity to introduce KVJ-JRY MODERX IMPROVLWLWT which long experience and capital can command; and that they have therefore unequalled facilities for pro- .iucing M7' Ifc' »-r; of sujierior excellence and durability, and for supply ing all orders for the same with great accurateness aud promptness. Our NEW SPF. IMEN BOOK, (just issued,) will he freely given to all who wish to pur chase, when applied for. Printers will please be par ticular in directing how il may be sent. We also furnish every articie needed in a Printing Oflice, at manufacturers’ prices. MACHINE AND HAND HOEs, TAYLOR’S, ADAM.S’, RUGGLES’, €'liase^s Uiamond PrcHS^ (of which we are sole agents in this city,) and of every other maker in the United States; Ink, Cases, Stands, Imposing Stones, Composing Sticks, Galleys (brass an 1 wood.) Chases. Furniture, He. Orders will be tilled for Paper, Cards, and Printer’s Stock of every kind. Electrotyping and Stereotyping in all their Branches. jjejy’ Type Copper-Faced to order. Old type received in exchange for new at 9 cents per pound, if delivered in sixty days from the date of pur chase; if iater, iiut six cents per pound. Publi.'^hers of newspapers who insert this advertise ment three times, with this note, aud forward us a paper containing the same, will be pai'l in printing materials, by purchasing four times the amount of their bill for the advertisement SECOND-HAND PRESSES (.Machine and Hand) usually on s:t!e WM. IIAGAR. Jr., ^ CO. W M, li,\(j.\H, Jr.] [John Ha(}.\r. July S. 23-3t NEW HOOlvS. H.VRRIET LEE'S Canterbury Tales; Love after M.'irriage, by .Mrs Hentz. ,\lso. a new supply of Standard MED1C.\L WORKS; The Presliyterian Psalniodist, round and character N 'tes. E. J. HALE & SON. i'urther Sitpplirs of Books. WILLIAM SANDFORI), OP NORTH CAROLINA, With REED, ST. JOJ{\ & Cii. Wholesale Grrocers. N. E. CoK. Front and Auch Streets, f*/i iladelph i a. Aug. I'.t, 1857. TME I.1HRAR\ OF THE LATE DR. MITCHELL, Cit^lNTAINING works on all the Branches of Science, is now offered for sale at his late residence. Those wishing to buy are reipiested to call an.l make a selection as soon as convenient AiTg. 25. 37-tf TI S ^I^HE Humorous Poetry of the English Language; 1 Home and the World, by .Mrs. Rive.^ of Va,; Poetical Works and ••Rejected Addresses'’ ol Horace and James Smith; Bfciiumarch.'iis and his Times: Confidential Correspondence of Napoleon and Jo sephine; The Lady's .Vlmanac for 1857; Dr. Kane's .\rctic Explorations; Memoir oT Susan Allibone: Ktiight’s Pictorial Half-Hours; Ready Reckoners; The Mystic Circle; Bullion’s Pr.'ictical Lessons in English Grammar. Just received E. J. HALE ,t SON, NI'.W HOOKS Com. Perry’s .Japan Expedition, illustrated. Collier .v .lewctt's Edition of the Original Text of Shakspeare's Plays Restored Farming lale; The Lion of Flanders, or the Battle of the (5obieii Spurs; The Curse of the Village, i.'ic.; Kitto's Daily Bible Illustrations; Kitto’s Popular (\r- clope.lia of Biblic.'il Literature; Barnes' Notes on the Books of .lob an.l Reveiations; Half Hours with the best .Vutb'irs, — Knight’s London Edition, 2vols,; Half Hours with the best Poets. Webstei's University and Family Pronouncing Dic’y Juvenile and School Books, Stationary, ■lust rec'd by E. J. HALE if SON. Nov 1 7 P RO« P Ki OF THE NORTH CAROLINA PRESHYTEHl.VN. ^■IHE Presbyterian Church in .N’orth Carolina has ■L long labored under a serious disadvantage from the want of a journal to advocate her claims and rep resent her interests. It is estimated tlKit only IdOii Presbyterian Weeklies are taken in the bouii.is of our three Presbj-teries We have 13,0(10 ('ommunicaiits, aud it is safe to infer that there arc 3(»,(MI() Presbyte rians in principle in the State. Our Syno.l stands fifth in the Union in point of numbers, and her tuem- bership is greater than that of any Synod South or West of Pennsylvania, Our sister States on the North and South, neither of which has a membership so large as ours, publish the Central, and the Southern Presbyterian, for the benefit of their peojile. The time has come when the Presbyterian Chur-h in North Carolina should likewise do her diitj- ;o her chiMreii. It is a conceded and iinportaiit fact, that huiidre.Is id' our members will take a State jiaper who wil. take no other. The Paper is needed to be the org.in of our ■Synod and Presbyteries—to elevate and enlighten the piety of our membership by di.'fusing evangelic.'.I knowledge — to promote the cause of E lucatiou—to develope the talents of our .Ministry, and to strength en the attachment of our people to the soil and sanc tuaries of their own State, If our Church in other States, and other (^'liurche.* in this State, can sup[>ly their members with a Re ligious journal, why may not we' ,\re North Caro lina Presbyterians inferior in talent, energy- an.l patriotism to their neighbors on tii« Norih or South, or to Christians of other denomin.-itions at homeV With the same or better oi){iortunities of ucct'iniplish- ing this work, shall we leave it undone',' In the lan guage of one of our most able and useful Ministers, an adojited son of our State, “It ought to have been undertaken 20 years ago, but it is not too late to be gin to do right.” In the last two or three months, a fund of about •iioOGO has been subscribed as a permanent capital, ..^t a meeting of the contributors, held at Greensbo- rough on the 14th of -May, Rev. A Baker, ('hairmau, —the Paper was unanimously located at F.'iyetteville, under the name and title of the Noitrii ('.vkui.in v PKKsnYTi:Ri.\N. Rev. Wm. N. Mebane an.l Rev George .MeNeill were elected Iviitors: Rev. .Messrs, George McNeill, Wm. N. .Mebane. A. Baker, aiel (\ H. Wiley, aii-l Messrs. George Mii.N'eill, Sr , .loini II. Cook au'l David .Murphy were appointed an Executive Committee, to establish the Paper aud manage its business afl'airs. It is our wish and design to make tiie Nuutii (’\iio- LiN.\ Pkksbytkui.\x a journal of the first class, eipial to the best in the country in ty)io:;r.iphical appe.ir- ance and in adaptation tri the wants of our Churches. Its columns will aflord the latest intelli;rence, buth foreign aud domestic, and sjieeial care will be taken to give a full and accur ate suniinary of .''t;ite news. The name of the Paper is designed to hie an exponent of Its character and contents Frioii C'Hivieiinn, it will advoc.ate the coii.servative, orthodox. O' i .'^chod doctrines and or ler of the Church Our first appeal is to our own jieojiie—to N C. Presbyterians, Whilst we r>dy confi Jeiitly upon their favor, we trust that the native sons oi .N'lrili C'lr liii i who have found homes in other .'^tate-, an.l the a l'.pt- ed citizens of our State who f.irm so iinporiant an element in our Ministry an.l memberstiip, wiil take a deep interest in this enterprise an.l give if their hearty support, Teu.ms; .‘’'2 per annum in a.lvance. or on .ielivevy of the first number; >!2 .'>i» in ..ix months: a>. the end of the year. To clubs of 2-) or m.u’e, p ivin-^ :n advance and when the Paper is sent to one a l'lre,*-. a discount of 10 percent, will lie ailowe.i. Our Minis ters ami Elders are earnestly 'lesire.l t.i act as .X^renis, aud all others friendly t.> the cause will pb -ise assis- in procuring as many subsci ibers as ^ os.~ii.'.e. mioI f. r- war.l the names, f/i/ .I'/yu.'-/ to this otli.-e. .\s soon as 1500 subscribers :ire obt:iine.l. the fir>t tunii- ber wiil be is'Ued, If a faithful and vig.inM' clf.irt is made in the next two months by th.'Se wan t-ike a iiveiy interest in mis iv.irk. we wili, witiioiit i..ulil. be able to begin the iiublieatimi at the en.l of that time with a jiaying siitiscnpti ir, list of ;it it .'ist 3nil i. IJsaj" .X.ldi es>, |-,.litoi s o! the .North ('arol.ii . Presby terian, Faye;tevilie, N' (' Favettcvibe. \l-iv 2n. l.s.^7 12 ,sc()i'r .y Io's ui.i’iu.vr of Tin: DitlTINil Phiililllli ILS. SCi iTT \ ('(),. New Vork, ci.ntinut' to piiVili-h Tory. : ^diticil DWELLING FOK SALE. •’'I'^IIE Subscriber wishes to sell the large Dwelling :in.l Lot on the corner of Gillespie and Russell Streets, at present occupied by Mr. Henry Erambert. Terms reasonable. E. J. H.\LE. HOOK HINDERY. ■ B W. H.\1\DIE has resumed the Book Binding ! M % • Business, over the Tailor Shop of Clark & ; Woodward, where he will receive and execute binding I in any style desired. August 1, 27-tf Recollections ot'a Lite 'Fiiiie, or .Mon ! and Things I have seen, by S. G. Goodrich, Author of j Peter Parley’s Tales; Paul Fane, by N. P. Willis; Let- ; ters of Lady Montagu, Edited by .Mrs, S. J. Hale; ; The Humors of Falconbriilge, illustrated; The Adven- ; turcs of Gerard, the Lion Hunter. Also, further supplies of the Lion of Flanders; Tlie | (,'urse of the Village; Ernest Linwood; The Rival j Beauties; The Wife’s Trials; The Torch Light; Romance the following lei.ling Briti-h perio.lica's, viz THE LONDON QUARTERLY , tNinservative,, THE EDINBURGH REVIEW Whi-,) THE NORTH BRITISH REVlliW > Free Cliuieh THE WEST.MINl-TER REV!EW i Idber il i BLACKWOOD'S EDINBL'R.H MAiiAZlNE These I’eriodicals represent the three gre.it parties of (ireat IJritain — Whig, Tory, an.l Rn'!ica!, - but politics form only one feature of their i li.iraeter. -Vs Organs of the most jtrofouii.l writers i.n .-icience. Literature, .Morality, ai..l Relij^jon, the;, .-'t.iiid, as they ever have stoo'l. uiiriv:ille.i in tlo' w.iii.l of let ters, being indispensable to the ~'chi'! ir and piofe-- sional man, while to the intelligent reveler of every class they furnish a nn.re corn et .m l s.itistact'.ry re. cord of the current literature nt the day, througii'iul the world than can be j.ossibly obtained from a:ii other source. EARLY COPIES The receipt of a.lvance sheets from the British pub lishers gives a.l'litionul value to these i\eprint''i, in i-- rnuch as they can now be pla;e 1 in ihe haa ls .d' sub scribers atiout as soou as the ..rigliM'. r.litijiis TLRMS. I'or any one of the four Reviews. For ;iny two of the four llevi w^ For any three of the four Review For all foor of the Reviews, For Blackwood's M.iga/.ine, For Blackwoo'l and three Re\;i-'.v Per of the Harem; The (Jld Vicarage; .Mrs. Lee Hentz's I Blackpool! an.l the four R Novels, 50 cts. a vol., &c. The .Miscellaneous Works of Edgar Poe; Irving’s Life of Washington; Ban croft's U. S.; Hume and Macaulay’s Histories of Eng land; .''cott’s Infantry Tactics, SiC. Sic. Dec'r 11, 1850. E. J. H.-VLE & SON. Five tnsaraace. f IIHE ,ET'N.\ Insurance Company of Hartford, have JB- ing jiald the tax imposed by the Revenue Law of the late Legislature, will continue its Agency in Fayetteville, under the management of the undersign ed, who is prepared to issue I’olicies of Insurance on Buildings or Goods, either in this Town or in any part of the State, on proper application, description of the Property, &c. The .KT.NA ('O.MPAN'Y has been in operation about 30 years. Its capital is ?S.»00,000. The Hon. Thos- K. l’>race was its first Presiilent, and he still holds that oflice; and several of its first Directors are still active and efficient members of the Board. It has at all time, sustained the highest charaeter for the pruilence of its management, and for the liberality with which it has ever adjusted its losses. E. J. H.\LE, Agent (/// rn. vi O'l .■> (Ml 7 I) ) K (III (Ml O') 1(1 (Id M.ho, cut." tu be tit'i’h current in the Stale win re >n/l he rnni 'il at par. CLl l!Bl.s(i. discount of twenty five per cent, from the abov^ prices will be allowed to Cli hs ordering four or more copies of any one or more of the above works. Thus* Four copies of lUackwoml, or of one Review, will be sent to one address for four cojiies of the foor Re views and Blackwood for ■"?:3(); an.l so on. POSTAGE. In all the principal Cities an.l T.iwii“, these works will be delivered, FREE OF PoST.WiE. When sent by mail, the Postage to any p'lrt id' the United States will be but TWE.NTY-F( lUil CE.NT.'^ a year for “lUack- woods,” and but FOURTEEN CENTS a year for each of the Reviews, \. />. The price in (Ireat liritaw of th: fu ' P riodi' -i'-'^ ilhove-nmneri ix ahnut ■■*'•'1 per unnu/ii Remittances for any of the above publications sh.iuld always be a.Mrcssi"d. ii.ist-p-ii.l t.i the l’n'.b.-liers, LEONARD SCoTf .v ('O . No. I (/ol.i-strcet, -Ne.v Vork. HL.VNKS tor sale ;u thi.^ OlVic«.