'' I I II u^h- . K- . ■ Ks a'lj i:7r,", itth.' - .. ' '»v [VOL. VII.] TmnLn SEMI.WEEKLY. TAYET I KVILLE, N. C., SEPTEMBER 17, 18;')7. [NO. 643.] H mondavs and Thursdays. I'.DWAIil) J. H\l,n & SON, K’IHToKS and IMKHMMK runs. : tiio Seiiii-"i'eekly Ousf.rvkr $1’ OU if paid in IV ill -t’ > ^ ’>'• if .luring the year of suVcicrip- , ilf')toil to her to call ami pay !• alt'.'r the year has expired. • m. Wfoklv ( BHKRVKH 00 ;>tT aiiuHm. if paid in Ivir. f; >■- ’j'' during; the year of su1>scrip- '■; after the year has expired. ^’'VKUTlSt.MKNTS inserted for sixty cents per iTi ’f Mrs. A. A. BROOKSBANK AS removed her Millinery and Mantua-Makinn J]st;iblis]uueiit lo the hou.^e recently occupied by Mr. Henry F.raniVtert. on the corner t'f (Jillespie and Kussell Streets, a few (]uors svuili of the .Market, where she would l>e pleasi'il t.i h«'c her friends and i-ustomers. .'^iie particularly ilosirv's all porsoiis iu- XO P!C VL.L persons are cautione l against lru:^ling any person on uiv account witliout a written order, as 1 will not pay anv debts except of my own contract- inj;. A. 1>R‘U)KSl)ANK. Sept. rj. 4'2-;it (il'.O. ALDERMAN, tnspertov of tYaval Storeu^ WILMINGTON, N. C.. SO[J(’lTS patronage. I’rompt attention and {uiok dei*patch will be given to business entrusted to hi« care. June 18-)7. lU-12mpd A. McRIMMONr Commission and Forwarding Merchant, WU.MIN’GTON, N. C. •luly 0, 1''-j7. ‘22tf iimj. n; A-.s. & CO, 7r. 4 It - ri( i 1. 1)1. 1 ' I ,N kv : I ■ : .'.I A ■ ■ . , ■ • . I . irt I ' ■ ■ . I ll lit;. .1. 1 ."i-'. ! A'i- -I’-’ ; . lilli'" "i I'i'.li h D linos for the first, and thirty cents for each lini, '.'viMication. Yearly advertisements by spe- at reasonable rates. Advertiseis are 1 ti' state the number of insertions desired, or .. vi". continued till forbid, and charged accord- \dv^'rti^enlents to be inserted inside, charged 50 per • t, t .) & II. II. JOM'^S • i ifi’(,;vihir their F.\LL AND 'VINTKU Stock F\.\i Y ic DOMKSTK' DRY l.OODS, t!uy w; . i.’l ■ t their usual low pric«s, in part a-- follows.— kE Lain--, -i' kinds; A': l‘h -is; ',.rd .Merino* i; Si.ks ; 'Kl Blaok. Riel' llobes A'Quilla: t'henille Shawls; Do. Scurfs, all silk. Lung Shawls for Gent’.emeu; Do. tor Serv.'ints; Cl.ith and Velvet Cloak». French Uobes, Volant; li... tor MiJsej; Nett C'-ats for ('hildren: Long Brocha Shawls: Merino Shawls, white; _>pera Flannel, Plain and C'ol'd, Wiuilted Skirts; Do Hoops; Fine and ('onimon Blankets; Cotton, Silk, and Woolen Ho.^iery; Do Fiincy, for Children; Kid, Silk. Merino, Cotton Glovsufor Ladies; Chenille Head Dresses; Chenilles by th>- tard; Bonnet Ribbons: do. plain; Fringes and Salom, all colors; Black Velvets; Bi'k and t'ol'd Belts; Mulberry Buttons for Dresses; iuread, Swiss, .lackonett, Robf'in. and Cotton Edgings: B'.aoii La?e and Edgings; Emb'il Hhdkfs. Collars, Sleeves and Ban I.'h; i . ve and Lace Veils; B.'iiiiets, Hat.s and (Japs; —ALSO— L .. • v '.iicty rtf Men’s, Ladiep’, and ('hildren’s Als'-', Men and Boys llolhlng, k'htap. -ALSO— ‘Lh’FLMhfii, (tml ■>iiani/ other FiSil. SM.\LL LOT of No. .MAt’KHllllL. of superior iiuality, just receive’ A Sept’r 14. \ AIJ AIil f ||1 H E Subscril and f. ir sale B. Kos: Worth & Utley, rorwiydiiiir and (General Commission MERCHANTS, I'OR S\LI:. loth dav ot Novciu- E LAM) ‘r otfers on the ber ne.Kt. at his pl.n-i?. FIVK HL'NDRED .V RES OF L.VND;—one h.-df or more is of the liest Swamp known in the County; its yield per ;icre is from sixty t«i seventy bu',liels Sni 1 l.tin l c:in be drained from either side or the lower eiid, Tii»re is about 35 acres ditfh ready for improve inent. The hizh land is good and well timbered. This body of land lies between Long Swamp and Rithland Swump, tivo Uiiles north east of Flora! (,’oliege. Tiiis land will be sold on rea sonable terms. Persons wi.-hing ta buy wuild do well to come and examine for themselvos, be.'bre the dav of sale. AIK H D M. .McMlLLAN. * Robeson Co., Sept -H-ltpd NCVnCE. ^■1.\KEN up and committed to the Ivobesun Jail on i the 4th inst., a Negr'> Boy who says his name is and that 1k' belong.s to .John Wiili;ims of Ou- siow county. He also states th it he was hired to John Houston; but will not state in whiidi cotinty Houston lives. Said b'ly is ;ibout live feet four inches high, copper color, and prt iiably s"ni« eighteen or twenty years of age. The owner will come f rward and prove property, or the Nejro will lic dealt with as the law directs. REUBEN KING, Sherift'. M'aifetleritle, .V. WORTH. (72tf) JO»t. UTLET. JOHN W SAMPSON, Commissioa and Forwarding Merchant, WILMINGTON, N. C. Will give particular attention to the sale of Naval Stores, Cotton, &c. 85-tf Sept. ■u s'i' ui A ;:i\ r,i>, QUARTER BOXES RAISINS. •JO Half ■JO Boxes Soda Bisouit. 110 “ Cheese. For sale by C. E. Dec’r lo. 41-lm LEETE. tiotf Feb’y l!'>, 18-';t;. W. H. TURLINaTON, (’oiiiinission Mpreliaiit, No. 4‘2 North Water St., WII.MIXGTON, N. C. WILL give his prompt personal attention to the sale or shipment of all Consignments of Naval Stores or other Country Produce. Nov. S. ISoH. tf .'.\MKS r. SMITH. MILES C«ST1N. JAS. C. SMITH & Co., ('omniission and t'orivnrdin^ MERCHANTS. NO. '2 SOVTH WATER STREET, UP STAIRH. WILMINGTON, N. C. Oct. 'Jl, iSGtj. F'ltv^ -[rdi'lcr. 42-:im NHSSISSIIMM cor rox LANDS I' o IS « A 1.1:. ^■^HE undersigned has TWO VALUABLE COTTON Ji- F.VRMS fi>r sale—in Curroil «' >unty, Mississippi. One Tract contains D'lO .Veres finely improved. TiiX) .Veres open land: it has every convenience usual on Plantations, line water, the best health, and good out let for Stock, and iii a tine neighborhood. This j'lace i« creek bottom and hill land. Ti,e other Tract is in the Yazoo Bottom: contains 14»'.0 acres.—1^00 acres can he put in Cottnn next year and will make .‘iiMi b.iles nf C.itton,—two miles from constant uavigution: in a** good a neighborho.id as any in the State; fine water and health; and the best char acter of stock range. 1 offer these Lands at remarkably low prices. For further inform-itlon I refer to G W. Meacham, E'')., of Anson County, who has seen the Lands; or write me at Black Hawk, Carroll Co., Miss , or (’. W. Benni tt, I I AYK l'Tl'A IL.L1-: llOTKI. Furniture and Fixtures for Sale. HE above name.1 property will be sold to same post office. Aug. 1'.', lt>57 W. A. TRON'. 3o-'_'m : V etween the present time and the 15th of Decem- rii' Xt. If n'lt sold by the loth of Deo., they will • - ■ I at -Auction after the first day of January next, . ; ts to suit purchasers. in! 'rnjation wanted will be cheerfullv given by i; : t : J, H ROBERTS \ CO. F;i.yetteviHe, September 12, 1S57. 4_’-tf C \!ll MTORi:! TONS No. by Aug. 28. Gl ANC. 1 PERUVIAN GUANO, f r saU WORTH .y UTLEY. 50 -Aug. Gl ANO. TONS BEST PERUVIAN GUANO, juLt re- ceived and for s ile by GEO. W. WILLIAMS & CO. 81. ;58- 60-V .1 ( . l»OE, DEALER IN STWLi: vV FANCY DRV GOODS, HATS, CAPS, HOOTS, SHOES, AND READY-MADE CLOTHING. Particular att^nti^n paid to Ladies’ Dress Qooda and Trimmings. Ilaj/ Street, Fii/t>tteviUe, X. ('. May 2G. lbo5. 4-tf JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM. V o n n I K I o lA AND I'()R WA RDING M E RC H A N T, *V. C. Slgg^ Prompt personal attention given to »11 Consign I ments, and Cash advances made on Produce to be ship | ped to other ports or sold in this market. | Feb. 12, 18-35. 67 T. C. n. CL WORTH, I Coinmissioii Eorwardiii;^ Merchants, j BROWN’S BUILDING, WATER STREET, ; li. V. I Usual advances made on consignments. (590 ACRES OF I.A.\l>| FOK S.\LK ri'^HE Subscriber offers for sale the above i|uantity J of Land, situated in a healthy neighborhood, thrre miles from the Wilmington and Charlotte Rail Road, and four from Lumber River. This Land is well adapted to Farming, Turpentine, and Ton Timber purposes, having a good range and other advantages. Those wishing to purchase may find me on the pre mises, who will be huppy to exliibit it or give any in- formation'concerning it desired. ANGUS McGlLL Philadelphus, N.^C., Sept 1, 1857. 40tf LA W BOOKS. ^■IHE Subscribers have on hand, and will promptly fill orders for Worth Carolina Supreme Court Reports, in sets or in single volumes. Iredell’s Digest and Digested Manual. Jones’s Digest. Reviseil Statutes of North Carolina. Wiley’s New Form Book. STORY, on Sales, Bills, Contracts, Partnersnip, .\gency, Eijuity Jurisprudence, Equity Pleadings. ARCIIBOLD, on Practice, Criminal Practice and Pleading, Landlord and Tenant. CHITTY, on Contracts, Criminal Law, Blackstone, Medical Jurisprudence. SUGDEN, on Vendors and Property-. POWELL, on Mortgages, and Contracts. SMITH, on Actions at Law, Master and Servant, Landlord and Tenant, Chancery Practice. SANDERS, on Pleading and Evidence, Uses and Trusts, Reports. RUSSELL, on Arbitration, Factors, Crimes. HOFF.MAN’S Legal Study, and.Masters in Chancery. WILLI.VMS on Personal Property. WHEATON’S Selwyn’s Nisi Pn«s. WUART>N, iin ‘American Law of Homicide, Medi- 1 cal Jurisprudence, StateTrials in the United States, j American Criminal Law, Law Dictionary. i Stephen on Pleading. Roper on Legacies. Dart on j Vendors. Fearue on Remainders. Edwards on Bail- I ments. Coke upon Littleton,(Hargrave and i$utlcr’s) i new edition. Kent’s Commentaries. Ctirtis’s ditto, j Dart's Vendors and Purchasers of Real Estate. Vd- ams’ Equity. Troubat’s Law of Limited Partnership. , Hughes’ Equity Draughtsman. I’hillips and .Vmos on ! Evidence. Gresley on Law of Eviilence. Ross on I bills and Promissory Notes. Domat's Civil Law ■ Ltwis’s U. S. Criminal Law. Daniell’s Chancery ^ lif.ctice. lloscoe’s Criminal Evi:l,?nce. Atherley on j Ilc Law of Marriage. Collycron Partnership. Green-| on Evidence. Oliver on Conveyancing. Curtis’s ■ COuveyancer. liurrill’s Law Dictionary. Cruise on | Keal Property. Tayler's Law Glossary, (’rabb on ^ Real Property. Reeves' Domestic Relations. L?yles 1 on Bills. Bell on Sale. Lee on Arbitration of Titles j Sharswood’s Professional Ethics. Barton’s suit in I Equity- Wills on Circumstantial Evidence. Comyn's 1 Landlord and Tenant. Watson on Arbitration. Har- . OU Discovery. Oliphant on Horses. Whitworth's , Equity Precedents. Morrison Replevin. Gtesley’s ' Equity Evidence. Bishop on Marriage and Divorce, i Mathew’s Presumptive Evidence. J{ot>ert8on on Sue- ' cession. Ellis on Insurance. Lcwi.i on the Lr.w of Perpetuity. Phillimore on Domicil. Cary on Part nership. Wilson on Uses. Fell on Guarantees. Ncw- land on Contracts. Tamlyn's Chuncery Evidence, ,yc. These or other Law Books ordered will be supplied ! to the Professsion in any part of the State on reason \ able terms. E. J. H.VLE j- SON. The Varriage Factory in the South! FOR SALE. ^j'^HE subscriber desiring to emigrate to the West, sis hundred acres, generally known as lying in the upper end of Harnett county, Smiles East of l!ape Fear River, and on the road leading from Fay- (“ttevillo to Chapel Hill. Store, Dwelling, Out-Houses, all in firsrrate order. The Store is at a fine business stand, and is not to be excelled by any country store in the State. There are M ore JVew Goods. ofters for sale his entire LANDS, including about | subscriber is receiving his FALL AND WIN- IS Chalk Level, | i TER STOCK, consisting of almost every thing in the way of GROCERIES [ tiardwiire and iiollotv-tcare^ 1 —ALSO— also upon the premises an excellent well of water with- ' [JootS aiui ^ ilOCS, SuddlerV, Fish, &C., in ir* or 20 steps of the Houee, a fine voung orchard of i. ~ ^ ^ Fru=.t Trees, a Tan Yard in perfect o^der, which pays i Any of which he will sell cheap for Cash barter for w.ll when in operation. Also, a Blacksmith ghop , P»'oduce, or on short time. Store recently occupied with Tools, &c. ■ Ti'oy & Marsh, near the Dobbin House.^ Vny person wishing to purchase such a place would do well to call and examine it for themselves. I am determined to sell, and will make terms easy for the purchaser. A. H. DEWAR. N. B. The place is one of the healthiest in the South ern country. 40 Shares Batik of Fayetteville Stock. August 4, 1^57. 32tf Oct. 15, 1850. G. W. I. GOLDSTON. 48tf I \VMK.\T W ANTICI). WANT to purchase 5,000 Bushels Wheat. JAS. G. COOK. June 25, 1856. It5-tf .\10I..\SSES. IIHDS. just received and for sal« by JAS. 0. COOK Oct. 27. 51- “Tlie Old North State in 177G,” 1>t Caruthers,—first Saries. A further supply just re ceived. Also, the 2d Series of the same work. E J. HALE .V SON. A \ AI.UAHLlTiTrvW 1u)()k7~ tDDlSON on Contracts, with Notes and References to American cases, by Edward Ingersoll. 1 laige vol. 1200 pages. Judge Woodward, of the Supreme Court of Pennsyl vania, says that “this is the best bonk on the subject, I ever had in my hands.” For sale by E. J. HALE & SON. April 20. ^^.50 Ri:WARD W/&T ILL be given for the apprehension and delivery ▼ w to me, or confinement in any jail in the State so that I can gt-t him, of my man JIM. He left on the 20th nit., and has not been seen, or heard of s’nce. He is a bright mulatto, almost white, about 23 years ' old, ubout 5 feet 9 inches high, straight hair, and teeth defective, long beard on his chin when he left Had on when he leh a very good suit of clothes, and will very likelj’ try to pass off for a white man, and make fir a free State; should he not go north, he will likely go , up in the vicinity of Fayetteville, as he was raised there, and formerly belonged to Wm. IJ. W'right, Esq., of that place. Any person who may take up said Boy will be entitled to the .above reward and the thanks of IS.\AC B. KELL^. Kenansville, N. C., .Vug. 1.3, 1857 3;5-tf A’ TO^ir.tTOES RE NOW PLENTY. Fill a dozen or two ot Arthur 8 Earthen Self-sealing Cans with them for winter iise. Price of (juarts .iiS 40, and Half Gal lons $5 25, per dozen. W. N. TILLINGHaST •Vug. 21. 30-1 m LAW m^OKS. S' Chitty on Pleading; Newlaiid on Contracts; Phil- lipps and Amos on Evideno*-; Stephen on Pleading; >litford’s Chancery Pleadings; Hill on Trustees; Lube's Equity Pleading; \Jams’s K.iuity, &c. Further supplies of the a')ove just received. E. J. HALE & SON. JSookSm fB^HE Life of Charlotte Bronte, Author of Jane JL Eyre, &c ; The Testimony of the Rocks, by Hugh Miller; Salad for the Social, by the Author of Salad for the Solitary; Indigenous Races of the Earth, by Nott G'iddon; The Bee Keeper’s Chart. .Vlso. fur ther supplies of Milledulcia; The Prince of the House of David; Mrs. Hentz’s Novels; The Baptist Psalmody, Barnes' Family Prayers; Christian Minstrel; Cruden’s Concor lance: .V lains's New .Vrithmetic: Parley's Com mon School History: .jo. E. J. H.\LE SON. June 24, lN-')7. Jan’y 17, 185,>. «3-tf S. M. THOMAS & RRO. -Are now receiving their recent purchase of F.lt.L GOOnS, :-.'ting uf their usual assortment. Thej invite ; eci:ii attention to their large Stock of Satinets, !’•vi i-1..J, Jfius. B!eacheland Bro. Shirtings, DeLains. ' jHks. Shawls, Calicoes, Ready-made Clothing, Hats, i| :>, Boots, Shoes, Kerseys, Blankets, ^'c. ic. .As they will confine their sales strictly for C.vsu ok :■ KQi iv.M.EN'T, they have no hesitation in saying that : ‘y cm sell average bills at least 15 percent, cheap- ■I' thiin .\.NY house doing a credit business,—sustain- .r j lusse.s, expense of collecting, ^c. -\ll they ask is -lamination of their Stock and i’Ricf.s. S. ,M. THOMAS i BRO., South-west Cor. Market Square. S.pt.ll, 42-4t T iwn papers copy. Ri:\10VAl.. HillAH\M has removed to the store formerly • occu{>ied by Dr Foulkes, on the corntr e iSt ot t tivettevilie Hotel, Hay street, w here he is just re- ■ ••l!.); his STOVU OF KEADV-MADK (..’LOTIIING, Of the I citcst Styles, Ci. ii'istiiig in p:irt of ' I -1 ■('ont.'!, Drc.-i, Frin l: ! liusi'iess Cu'itx; Fmitf., tS/iirfa nnil V'Ahtr.'-, Driiicera, F^miiif;! Shi'ls dui/ Drdtr^-rsj infers, Crdiats, Mft'ino iiiul Cottuii Hose, dw t c, also keeps constantly on hand, a fine assortment of BOOTS AX I) SHOES, i^rci as, and tj.irpet i' V.Mh'igo wl.'hiiig to V cheap and tine suits '■ wiiulil do well toc iU and exumine Graham’s ■'k. iio i-i prepared ti; -.cn as b 'v as any in tiiis Book A^‘iits Wanted. fBlHE Subscriber, having taken thefieneral Vgency JL for getting subscribers to and delivering Hawks's History of North Carolina, now in process of publica tion by Messrs. E. .1. Hale ij' Son of Fayetteville, is desirous of entering into an engagement with one or mure active, intelligent and reliaMe persons in each of the Judicial Circuits, to canvass their respective parts of the State, or particular counties, thoreughly. Immediate application is desired, as sample copies ot the first volume will will be ready in a few days. Undoubted testimonials as to character must ac company each application. .Vddress H. W. HORN. Fayetteville, Dec. f*, 185i>. *>4- BOEilH AVE’S IIOLLA\i» iUIlllitS II .lO.SHPH l!.\KiiK, Jr., 4TTOK.\KV .4T LAW, .VS taken an office next door to Wm. B. Wright’s A. A. McKF/niA.\ ESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public, that he has built up large substantial Brick Buildings at his Old Stand, expressly for man- R NOTICK. ^j^IlE undersigned having executed a power of At- ^ t irney to E. F. Moore, he is thereby authorized to make all settlements for me and in my name, and generally to transact all business as I might or could do were 1 personally present. J. J. MOORE. Fayetteville, June 3, 1857. 13tf B. F. PEARCE & CO, DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, HA I S, CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, j rjuLrcllas and Reiul^-Mude Clothinj, j HAY STIIKET, M'ayettcviHe^ .V. C. I B. 1 [j. W. PE.VRCE, JR. July 2,800 Acres of Land FOR SALE. f B^IIE Subscribers offer for sale the above Tract of M. Land, lying on Anderson’s Creek, about two ai-d a half miles from lower Little River, near Elliot’s Mills,—including about One Hundred .\cres of good Swamps, which can be easilj’ drained. This Land Is very heavily timbered, and a large portion level and ! of superior (juality of Pine Land for cultivation. Also, a Circular STEAM S-\W-MIIL, in complete order and well adapted to sawing plank road and rail road timbers. Also, Two well-broke MULES. .Ml, or any portion of which, will be sold low and ! on time. The Land will be sold either in a body or in parcels to suit. SMITH & ELLIOT. April 0, 1S57. 9 -tf NO HI MBUG! ''HE subscriber is now prepared to fill all orders for Suiterior IIV#/fr Biichets. He manufactures North Carolina material—he em- ploj-s North Carolina capital anii labor,—and he solicits North Carolina patronage. By giving him a trial, and by comparing his with Northern prices, he hopes to be able to make a favorable showing. \ TRI.\L is what he wants. Messrs. WORTH 4' UTLEY of this place are Agents for the sale of the above Buckets. G. II. MAKEPEACE. Fayetteville, Feb’j’ 17, 1857. H2-y 1 NEGROES WAN'rEl). THIHE undersigned will pay the highest cash price Ji for YOUNG NEGROES. Letters addressed to either of us at Laurinburgh, Richmond county, will have prompt attention. D. C. MclNTVRE. DANIEL -M. -McLAURIN. Laurinburgh, Dec 2G, 185ti. OStf FOR SALE. BUSHELS ALUM SALT, a very bu perior article, by 4000 ■;ij. 29-tf Aug. 27, 1857 JAS. C. SMITH & CO. Wilmington, N. C. 38 2m. practice in the County and Superior Courts of Cumber land, Bladen, Robeson and Sampson. .March 23, 1853. 79-tf ll> •It. 1; 42 2ni. raihiiriiu' J. Ward will rc-oprii Street, on the 1st day of October, ** it iiti- LOVERD ELDUIDGE. ,ttfontey at E,aw, WILL attend the Courts of Johnston and Samp son Counties. Smithfield, .\pril 15. 1856. 90-tf THO. O. FULLER, • ittovney and €'ottns€llor at M^atr. OFFICE at E(#cles's Bridge, recently occupied by James Banks, Esq., Fayetteville, N. C Jan’y 1, 1857. 70tf “LAW COPAR FNERSHHV’ WE, the undersigned, have this day formed a Law Cop.'irtiiership, anl will practice in the Courts of the following counties of this Slate: Chatham, Cum berland, Moore, Harnett, and the Supreme Court. J. H. HAUGHTON. JNO. MANNING. Pittsborough, N. C., Jan’y 1, 185G. 72tf Ur. K. A. FFICE Front Rooms, Chemist and Drug Store. Feb’y ?, 1850. O over Dr. S. J. Hinsdale’s ro-tf ■She ttuit extend to h Sept li'iends and ncijuaintauces will 41-5t school IUH)KS. i^MlTirS English Gram,n:.r s Familiar science; Bolmar s haoie.; llu;...-, ,n's Arithmetic; tiolrnar s r rencli tJraiiiinar: 1.,'ivciiV t, .-s .'^pe iktr- Sargent's Standard Speaker; North t.'an.lin.i Readers- ^Iitchel!’s Geograirhies; .^iiackenbns's llliciorii-- E. J. 11A LI. vv's(>n’. Sept. 1, 1^57. LARD AM) lU TI ER. f^^.X’TKA GOSHEN i;L rTEl{; -J “ LE.VF L.ARD. in tpiantities to suit. For b'lie by K. F. .MUORE. Sept. 2, l^:.7. Im Slc( 1* Patent Straw-Kiiil’o. FRE.SH SUPPLY Wept’r 14. ju.st received and for sale liy B. RUSE 42-8t TUB CEIJ''.HU.^TKI) nOI,l,.\\f> I’J.MKI'Y FOU BYSP3EPSIA, i)isK\si: OF Tin: kiunkys, l_IVER COMPL-AINX, WKAKXKSS OF ANV KIXI), FEVER AND AGUE, \ml ihi v.-.riiiiis ntVe! :mis (■ri!i«ni'.iciit ii|ii>ii -i ilisnrili're.l ST().MACII Oil Hui h «s liidiufslion, .Aridity nt .'Irinricli. rulirky T.i lleartliurn. I,d--->l Ajii.oliu . nsiivcne-'^, Hiind nnil RIecdiiiL' I’ilc-i In iill Nervoii- , UhoMiiiniii-. ;inil .\ciir i'" r ,\ir linns, il Ilf. in niiiiierdin in-iinctis i.rovcil liichly henefiriiil, unit ill mliers pllpctnl a (lei utcil run' '1 los is :i j.iireJy voL’ffililt- compi.iind, i.i, ^iriolly m U n tifir princijile-i. niter the iii:itiiuT of tiu- lelrliritcd ll.illand I’ro n-,s(.r, !•.. rh IV.'. r.ccnii'i' i>l' it-' urciil r.inn- ■' r,f the Kiir.'tif.-.n Si iiei. it' inlC'din tiun nIn tin' I'nitrd .'t ito^ w .. in t^-n.-.id mere e-pei lMlly :.,r lh.> .f >.iir f.llnT :ind m-ut. r.-d licri' •in.i [here llif> C.ire >l' lhi-> ini-')i:v ciii itry .M. -l.im uiih :;re!il Miitoni: ihnn. I now oll't'r it 1‘* llie .\iiif'rir:iii piildir. ki.cMHL'i;i:u 11'tr i i \Miiiiieriul iiit'd.rinnl virtiif.-, iiiii't lip ;ic knov\ It is p iriic’ilrir’y m oinniLMnle*! l«> th »so (>• r^ons \\lu»se r»|n>uin- ti«MM nrtv h tve i(npMirei rhr ol afiJriil stMril-s, or oiher t’uiw^s tp* iliss p.ittdn. rally insnnt.ineniis in ftl'. ( . it tind-its w:iy d.ri’it'yt.i the vr:ii 'it' lile. tlirillinu :ind iliiickenii.i: evfiy nei vi-, r i'in^ up :lif dr”"|iln): spirit, and, in l-irt. intusiii^ nt‘V\' heHlth Jiiid vicr in itw* '.tciii. ,\) l'l ’K—\\ tnipvi r cViTfc'ls III tiiid itu-, :i Ix vrnirc will t>e lis qipointei'; lint 111 ttu- sirk. «r:ik ninl li>\v siiinK’d, il «ill provf n "riiti'fu'i .iriiiiirttic cordial, po-s.'sseil ol -i >r r. ini'diiil properties (' ,\ U 1 I o : ereal po[)ul:iriiy oClliisdelii'tittul Arom.i ti.i- induced m.Tiiv It:.t.. IIS. wliith the puiilic should ^'iiiinl i.iiiin-t pun tinsins;. not |KT'U iil« il lo huv nnytliinc else u 'lil you h;ive uiven Hot r vi-Mloll uid liiil. rs I tir inal. '>n.' I.oitleuill i-oiuincc y.u inlin tfly sujicr or il is to all those iiiiitiilioiis 5)^/‘>oli\ at ^.1 (111 per lioiile, or si\ lioliii'^ for liy the H ) U K |> U (» 1* K 1 K T I) It .-s . A »ll.\ Jit. ^ €0. M s > I F \ C I U R I N H PiIARM.\CELTlSTS AND CHEMISTS, I'lTTsuuuon, l‘,\. tamuel J. Hinsdale sole :igent for Fayetteville. June 14, 1657, I Th. patronage he has received for the last 21 years, he j hopes by strict attention to bii»lncss, with a desire i to give satisfaction, to merit a continuance of the j same. He warrants his w'ork to be made ot the best material and by experienced wor’Kmen in each bi'.mch I of the business. His work will coiapare lavorably | with any made in the Uniteil States, for neatness and | durability He is determino'l to sell and do liny ; work in his line on as good terms as any work done | elsewhere that is as well done. He now h;»s on hand, j Finisuku, the LARGEST STOCK of i Cyftrriafres. Haroiiches, li.octc(twii^s^ ami j Ever otfered in this place, anti a very large stock ol work nearly finished, which will be finished daily. All of which will be sold very low for (_ .\sii, or on short time to punctual customers, H*-' has on hand more than ONE HUNDRED .VND F!H\ \ chi cles finished and in course of construction. All work made by him is warrantetl 1- months with fair usage, and shouhl it fai 1 by bad workmanship or material will be repaired free of charge. Persons wishing to btiy would do well to call and examine for themselves. Orders thankfully received and promptly attend«d to. Repairing executed at short notice and on very reasonable terms. May 28, 185^ CAN r\\ ELL'S N. C. JUSTICE. Sicatnis Justice RecistJ, and aduptcii to the \eir Reviiied Code. f Hollis work, invaluable to Magistrates, Officers and JL all who have occasion to know the Law, and to use the Forms under it, is very much enlarged. Price 50. For sale by E. J. HALE SON August 1850. \V« call the attention of WHOLE SALE DEALERS our present Stock,—and we have recently re- M. ceived — oO(l bags Rio, Laguira, Maricaibo and Java Coffee, ■JO hhd.s Sugar, assorted grades, 75 bbls do. Refined, Crushed and Powdered, 95 boxes Sperm, .\damantine and Tallow Candles, 0''i do Fancj’ and assorted Candies, 100 coils Kentucky, Jute and Manilla Rope, 7 bfles Bagging, Gunny, Dundee and Burlaps, ^:50 tons Hoofi Iron, 120 boxes (jheese, 20 half-bbls Super Carb. Soda, 40,000 ('igars, various brands, —ALSO— Pepjier, Spice, Ginger, Cloves, Nutmegs, I’.orax, Madder, Indigo, Spanish Brown, Brimstone, Fancy and liar Soaps, Starch, Powder. Shot, Bar Lead, White Le.'id, Putty and Linseetl Oil, Window Glass, Snuff in ISoxes, Eagle .Mills do., in Half Bbls.; Green and Black | Teas. Hollow-Ware, Swedes Iron, English, German, and Ciust Steel; Plows. Straw Cutters, (?orn Shellers, Sausage Cutters and Sturt'ers, Trace Chains, Sole Leather, &c., I'ic. The above t!oods we offer on the most favorable terms to prompt time or cash purchasers. D. & W. McLAURIN. Nov. 0, 1850. 54tf i:CC[.ES’S \HI.L W ■ ,\S been newly repaired. Send your Corn and M H. have it ground. M, McKlNNON. .March :;0. 94- LA NT ) FOR SALE. 1a ACRES OF LAND lying on upper JL Little River, in Harnett County, well timbered and well located for the Turpentine business. It will Ite sol I on accommodating terms. Apply soon to the Subscriber at Fayetteville. WM. McL. McKAY. Sept. 22, 186t). 41-tf NOR ril CAROLLN A REATERS. 1*RLI*ARED WITH SPECIAL UEFERE.NCE TO THE WANTS AND I.STEUESTS OF •'%'orth Carolina. I NDKH THK Al'SlMCKS OF THE SI*PERISTENDKNT OT OM- MON SCHOOLS, BY Kfv. F. Hubbard, PROFKSSOR OF THE L.\TIN L.VNOI AGP. .\NI> LITER.\TrRE IN THE W.MVKKSITY OK NORTH C.\ROLI.\.\. J. vv*. raker Is now receiving from the North the largest, finest, and most carefully se lected stock of i'l :u.\iTi :ui: j ever offered in tiiis market: which, addeil to his own manufacture, makes his assortment completi*;—all of which he will sell on the lowest possible terms for cash or on time to punctual customers^ Fashionable painted cottage bed-room Furniture in setts; curled hair atvl shuck, and cotton .Mattresses; Looking Glasses; ^Villow Wagons and Cradles; Si'le Boanls; I’ureaus; Secretaries and Book-Cases; hat- Nots; Tables, all sorts; Wash Stands: Cunlle Stands; W ardrobes; Picture Friimes and Glass; indow Shades: Cornices; Curtain Bands; Sofas in Mahogany and Walnut; Tete a Tetes; Ottomans; Divans and Stools: Chairs of every variety. Fine Ilosewood IManos, one with /Kolian At tachment; Rosewool M«lodians, from the bet manufac tories in New Vttrk and Boston, warranted as good as any made in the country, and will be sold at N. York prices—freight only added. November 2. 4 >-tf GUANOES. BAGS PERUVIAN; V ^ 327 do. COl.U.MBIAN. Not only has the cost of using these Guanoes in connexion been very much diminished, but experi ments have proved that the phosphate, so much want ing in the Peruvian, not only increases the yield, but combined with the Columbian makes the crop much more certain. For sale by D. & W. .McL.'VURIN. Nov. 6, 1866. 54tf CO.NTAI.MXa A FAMILIAR HISTORY A.ND PESCRII’ TION OF .NORTH CAR()LIN.\. | Selections in Prose and Verse; many of them by j eminent citizens of the State. I HISTORICAL AND CHRONOLOGICAL TABLES, .\nd a variety of Miscellaneous Iniormation and Sta tistics. by c. II. \vii.i:v. Number S is a new and revised edition of the North i Carolina Reader, tirst piihlished in 1851. Numbers 1 ‘ and 2 just issued, complete the series, which is, as a ; whole, cheaper than any'other series of Readers in the United States, and as complete. The Editor (Prof. Hubbard) in his Preface to Num- j ber I deems it proper to allucletoa few of the peculiar ailvantages aimed at by the Superintendent ot ('ommon Schools while making efforts to have this work com pleted. These are, 1. The fni'ouraijeiiient rtf a feelinij of sdf-dcpcidtnce, and the enlistment of popular sentiment in behalf of the State and its institutions. It was not thought iin portant, however, to have more than one number t the Readers of merely' a local interest. 2, Tn thi' I'fi! i rer^irhcrr romplahifii of in com- mhu fr/ioiils, ('/1 chaiuje in text ho"ks: an ex pensive habit, and one which injures the Schools by preventing the children from being class;fied. .\ se ries of home Readers, it was suppose'!, w juld bo cer tainly us-jd, and this great evil thus avoided. 8, fJcononn/, the popular system of Readers being too long and'being made so often merely to add to the profits of authors and publishers. This series is to consist of fewer numl;ers th in those generally used, and it is believe 1 that those numbers are sufficient, while if the system were uni versally used in the State, the sum S'lved to parents and children wonM amount to several thousand dollars aiinu'illy. -1, T'l put in th-' k'lnds of chil'lren learniny to read C"»t- /‘OfitionK siirticienl!i/ familiar hut not of the character called childi-'^h rompoKitions, containing, in lessons easy enough for all ages, correct specimens of style, interesting in matter, and inculcating proper morals, and religious instruction. Tfie prices are, for No. 1, 25 cents; No. 2, S7^ ct-nts; and No. 3, 75 cents. A liberal deduction from these prices to .Merchants and School Teacherg. E. J. HALE & SON. Fayetteville, July 21*. 29- FOR SAI.E. i^HE following V.XLU.VBLE RE.VL EST.ATE. the property of E. ’. Hall dec’d, is offered for sale, and consists of the following tracts: Th it desirable place known as Rorae, contain ing al>ou‘ 2oU .\cres, with all the imp.ovf'ments. This place will be sold entire or divided, to .suit purchasers. It being probably one of the be.^t bus.ness stan !s in , the country, and is very desirable to those wishing to enter the mercantile business. No. *2, C•>n^ists of a Lot and lirick Store, (2 teneiut-nts,) in ('ampbellton, on Bri lge Street, near (.'I.'irendon iJiidge, anl is a very desir.ible stand for business. i Xo. I), Is Three vacant Lots in Camphe'lton, known in citv plot as Nos. lO'J, 111, 112, and half of j lot llo. ; No. 4, Is a Dwellinjr House and Lot on II ly- mounf, corner of Plank Roa'l and Adams St, .-V very desirable resitUi-ce for the whole jear. No. Is a Corn Mill and Steam Engine and I Boiler, of 10 nr 15 horse p >wer. This is well worth ! ti;e attt'iition of those living where w.iter power is not ; avaiiaVile, and will be soM at a great bargain. I For terms apply to I J. H. HALL, Assignee, i \ugust 1, lb57. :50-tf NO rici:. VLL persons indel.t d tn W. F. E. 1 Moore, or the late firm of Moor.' j- I’.rother, wil. pie it«e ciiiue forwfird and inuke iniiiieiliaf'- piyinent. The -Notes and .Vccoimts aie in tin h.-inds lor settlement, and they must be settled, in ur'ier for me to make my returns as Administrator f.ir W. F. .Moore. E F. MOORE. •\ug. 2-'>. 30-Im roR S\LE. A DAMANTI.N'E and T VLLOW CANDLES; fine and % common T(>B.\C(M>; and almost anything in the Grocery line, ('heap ait the cheapest! (i. W. I. GOLDSTO.S. .I,'in'.y 27. 1857 Book OF all kinds, is executed in the l)cst tn'inner Old common Piayers. Bibles, and others, re bound in the saint' style th»'y were before. This will save the repurchase ol new liO'iks. i.ilii arians connected with colleges, and other soviet.i‘S, and also gentlemen residing at ii 'iistance. will find it a n*atter ot'ecunomy to get tiieir books Iiound here, as a d^*•luctlon of prices will be made upon l irjre or lers: P.ick theni aii'l send j them with particular ilirections to this establishment; : and wlu'n finishe'l, the}' will be carefully repacked and returnel without delay. I hivetlie best stock of materials; and workman- . shij) will compare with any either at the North or South. \ .\pplv for a list of Binding prices before going else- 1 where. The unilersigned resjiectfully solicits a share ; of patronage. TliOS. H- TILI..1NGH.VST, Anderson Street. Nov. 5, 1850. 54-Y A CARD. ‘^■^HE undersigned would respectfully inform his M. old friends and customers that he can be ioun I at ti.e Store of C. E. Leetc, where he will be glad to j see then. J- R- -McDO-n.ALD. I Fayetteville, N. C., Jan’y 8, 1857. 72-tf