‘oph; Hats; .':t,r han.ls lu,- (io„a, 'H’M- I.II.1.Y * ' ' '■ ■•■-sis r to of N.. • ro.ie. r u ’ , ,, ■ine., ' ne, -I th'iH t ! sti >■ til ' l« »l •* rf;'; 1 l.w, :t, nt ». 'h • K r*'‘*i.ii-i ,r ^ nidrt- ■ f.V” !iUr^ ‘liv-.-r . ,,,. 1 K... glO..: 1 he F I r’: t :tt .It I'S i th.« > ii i> • :u it*u if .1 J l\ S J..;. LL « ; M’l ! r\ it ;. : Vt • nf’is : . |r!i ;■ •■ 9 >\ ' • ■ • -M ■ r ' !’• ■ it : ■• ■ it. ^• ■■ i 1.- n.i' ' t;. [N>. 1 \ ni V, : M. =‘l .' .1 . f;:, 1 •V; HAS \, iX\ ! t '.I n M K :iii: U)' 1 t.OTSll >\V • -s'iVKMDth ■ •• ••'.'! i i‘ ;t V ■.I ■ !IU! iU. ' th,- ;r COIii, V,y icr r;’ i; ■ I ir'i 3 ' ' iDt':' »r. . V. N ! .i ve_v* '' ■ r, f ir !'-- ;rity fr ■’.omni;.;. .- •.n l 'i-' Tue V K“. .• ie gr- i' : it i’. »:• )-e 1 : V : • f! Wi’-' N H»- I *'C It (•UiJ .J.1 I- I nt : ^ tx' 1C r ■ t-f I ■ It:. ( I. ■ ; •t r ■ e ! 1 t.. il •- -in I t:.e A’ ^ .t lily f'T t'"' SUf'pllf’ , iiui til • tl. v' ». ,. I , W1‘- - NIh'iO' ' ■ 1 '■ u. ‘ W.llt'! • ,mill I XV..1 i:.l ., - I Ci; t ' ii i.' III. • •••.!« ‘ iiii uj:ifket ttl i e ,I M.aiUltAK I * ,■ :’jl SEMI-WEEKLY VOL. VII.] i'avi:tteville, n. c., septembkr 21,1857. [NO. 644.] i';:lNri.U M-'NL>.\Y.' ANP TIU HSU-WS. !:it\\ \|{l> J. Il \l-lv A- SON. aN'D I'KOruiKTOR.'^. ■;:,;-Weeklv OiisEnvF.ii ^3 00 if pHulin .,.,.'0. if P‘ii'l luriiift tho year cf su’'5crip- r J J tlu' year hiis exi'ired. ,i- i'oi% '• ' iH-itiivEit 00 per aiiuuin, if paid in ., j ',11 it p:ii,l ilurin^ the yonr of siili'^crip- "I after tlie yeiir hns expirod. . r 11 inserted for sixty ceiit.'i per ,, i . s t\>r the tirst. and thirty cent> f(ir eneh Yearly adverti.«ciiiout> l>y sj>e- . :,t rea.sonalile rates. Advertiseis are I ■ iti' t)ie miiiil'er nf in.'iertii'ii.'* de.-^ireil. or ■ !■ iitinaed till forMd, and charged aeooril- t ‘ inserted I'i- -V. oharp. d .>0 per ,{ II i'-VLI. AND UlNriCn Stock DO.MKSTll' DHY (;OODS, priceij, in part Mrs. A. A. BROOKSBANK >-?moveil her Millinery and .M.umia-Ntakinn j I.."4t:il>li.hn.ent to the li'Mise n-oentlv orciijned | by .Mr. Henry Kramhert. ..n the eomcr '.f Ciille=pie | and Ilii.-iSfll Streets, a few d' ors .-ionlii of tii- .Mark-'t, ; where she would lie }ilease i to see her friends ani eustom.'rs. She ]i:irticularly ih'siri s :ill pwrson.s in- I det'ted to her to ctiil and p!iv ni> i SiVVlCl). i I.L ]>ersens are cautii ned nirninst tni?-tin;j anv ' per.soii (in niy aecomit without a written orilt-r, ^ a.-) 1 will U'»t pay iin\ di'hts cxoej>t of iiiv own contract- ; ,\. A lUiOOKSr..\NK. ^'I't. rj. • ii:-:;t ; V (i!:0. ALDEUMAX, Inspector of »Vaval HitorfUy WILMINGTON. N. C., ^^•>L!'’1TS patronage. Prompt attention and i^uiok des])Htcli uill lie given to businea^ enfrustod to his i'ari>. June ‘J8, ls')7. lW-12inpd A. McRIMMON, Commission and Forwarding Merchant, WILMINGTON, N. C. Ja!v t), 1>')7. 2'Jtf I) wi':! s>‘ :! ,it :!it'ir nsuai low !i: tollows,— LAIN." . il. kiii'ls; A . W ' i'1-.l Is: ■.-.I'd M . i ln. e-'; ■: 1 M ks ar.'l Black Ro !u's -V’lj.'.iHc, .'hcniile Shawls: l> • Sc.arfs. all silk; I. Siiawls f.ir Gentiemeii; I for Servants; i' I'th and Velvet (.'luuk.. Krei'i- h il V. ’ant; T'". }->r .Mis.«e;: Nett l\ats for t'liildreu; Long Br'’^'ha Shnwls. Merino Shaw’s, white: opera Flannel, I’iain and (?ni’d, (.iuiltfd .''k.rt'; D . II . p«; Fine ainl • ■ mninn lUankets: (\ tt:n, Si’k, and W.inlen Hosiei'j"; D'l- Fancy, for (.'hit.iron: Kid. .'^iik, .Merino, ('vtton Glovtfsfor Ladies; I'heniMf Hfid I'rt-sses; '’!:eiiilies hy the yard: B"uuet llibhons; do. piain: rriiit: ' and Sal"m, ai; c >lors: I'.la.-k V.-lvet'; B. k and (''‘i d Melts: Mu.hi-rry lUittons f'^r llre^se.•^; liir.-.'id. Swi.ss. Jaekonett, i; ‘ bin. and C.'tton Kdgiugs: B' iCsi La?e an 1 Kdj^inps; F;:i!> J Hbdnfs, C.n ars, Sieeves and Ban 1=: ve and Lace Veii.-: U 'nnet®. Hat.s •,n i (.'np->. —ALSO— ■ varic-tv of Men’c, Ladies’, and Childron’s SIJOE.^. Men and Hoys ll'iii/o* Holhinff, k hfftp. -ALSO — 'Fi Ml'Iii, .S'^. 1 /mi’l mil)'/ tjthrr F'ltlrt/ Arfirhi;. tSM.VLL 1.0 1' ol N . ^l Ai‘K KI! liI., of superior qualitv, just received an'l f..r sale bv V., KOSL'. Scpt'r 1 }. 12-:it VAI.rAlilJ: I.A.Nl) i'OU SW.E. Subscriht'r I'tfi'is nn the l-'itli d.iy of Novein- Jt )ier iH'.xt. at his p'ic ■. FiVF. HFNUl'iF.!) .\ oF LANl);—one half "r niort' i' of the bc.sr .\viiui) known in tho ('.ounty: its \it-l I por acre is froni sixty to seventy bushel' Said l.an l c:in bo dr.iiue 1 frion eitiicr bide or the lower end. riiore is about:'-!) acros ditv'h rea ly lor iniprovcuicut. The iii.;h land is j;ood and well tiinborc'l. 'I’iiis li. dy of bin l lies between Lonj: Swamp and llithland S.viuip, five miles noitli east of Floral t'olleire. Ttiis l.iri l u ill b(> -jo,.! o!i re i- sonahle terms. I’ersr.us wir-hiui; to huy woul.l .lo well to come an i examine tor tiien.^e'ves, bel'orc the da\ -fsile. AKt'll'U -M. .McMlLL.\N. ' Kwbeson C'l , Sept tl-hp l \(VI’K E. ^H'^.VKKN up aii'l i-.immitte.l t.. the 11 itjcs .n .lail on Jl- the tth inst.. a .Neirro Hoy who says iii'name is dA''K. and that hr belon^rs tw .T dm Will':iins of Oii- s'nw county. He also -t:itc"i tint Iw was hire l t.^ .I.'hti Houston; 5iut will ii 't st.ate In winch county Houston lives Sai l boy is ab.iut five feet tour inches higti, copper color, an.i pr,som*! ei^iiteen or twenty years fi'i:c, Tiie ..wuer will come inrw.iri and prove property, or the .Nr^r will t.e dealt with as the biw directs. F»ll' I’-EN K1N;. SheritV. Sejit. H ll-lni .H S r KlU’KIN i:i). gl’AKTFFw F.OXKS IIAISINS. •Jn Half -0 F>o.\es So la Ui«euit ■JO >• Cheese. For sale b\- C. E. LFLTK. I*ec r lo. tlotf MisSiSSU’iM to r rox lands 1' O K S A B. i:. ''■IHK undcrsitrne 1 h.ts l'\S(» V.VI.L' VllLK (''OTTO.N BL F.\KMS f..r ■^ale—in t'arr.'.i (' 'Utity, Mississippi. One Tract ci iitaius 10b* .\ercs tir.cly imjiroved. oi'O .\cres ,.pen lan l: it h is .-wry i-.'nvenience u.sual on Plant itions. fine w:iter. tl;e hc't health, and ir.io 1 out let ior Stiek, and in a tiiie neighborhood. This place N creek > ••ttom an.l hii. laii'i. T he other Tract is in the \ a/..'nuttoni; contains 14tiu acres.—:'iO0 acres can '■.e put in Cotton next year and will make bale..^ of t’otton.—tw miles from constant navigation: in a- g.io.i i neigiiborii ■ I as any in the State: fine water and heulth; .and t!ie be»t ch:ir- acter of stock rtnge. 1 offer the.ie I.an Is at remarkalily low prices. For further inform:itlon 1 refer t i tj \V. Me:ioham. K- i., of Alison County, who has seen the Lands; or write me at l.iack Hav.k, Carroll (’■>., Miss , or C. W P.cuiiett, Worth & Utley, Korwurdinif and (ieneral Commission MEKCMAN'rs, M'aifvlteriiie^ 1.TU. (T2tf) J(>«. I'TLKY. J()1L\ \\ SAMP.SON, Commission and Forwarding Merchant, WILMINGTON, N. C. Will give 1 nrtirubir attention to the nale of Naval ."'tores. Cotton, &c. Feb’y 8o-tf W. H. TURLINGTON, (’()mmis>ion MtTchant, No. 42 North Water St., Wll.MLVr.TOX, N. C. &S7'lbL give his promn^t personal attention to the wW sale .ir shipment of all Consignments of Naval .''tore.s or otiier ('ountry Produce. Nov. S, l'' o>. tf 090 1 ACRES OF L.AiM) FOR SALE HE Subscriber ort'ers for sale tho above ijuan'ity of Laud, situated iu a healthy neighborhood^ tln-fe miles from the Wilmington and ('harlotte Pvail Uoa i. and four from Lumber Kiver. This Land is weH adapted to Farming, Turpentine, and Ton Timber purposes, having a good range and other advantages Those wishing to purchase may find me on the pre- mise.s, who will be happy lo exhibit if or give any in formation concerning it desired. ANGL'S .McGILL. Philadelphus, N. C., Sept. 1, 1857. .JOtf FOR 8ALE. ^j''HE subscriber desiring to emigrate to the West, I otf'.TS for sale his entire L.\NL)S, including about six hundred acres, generally known as Chalk Level, lying iu the upper end of Harnett county, 3 miles East of Cape Fear River, and on the road leading from Fay- ■ ctteville to Chapel Hill. Store, Dwelling, Out-Houses, : all in first rate order. I The Store is at a fine business stand, and is not to be i I exccdled by any country store in the State. There are ' also upon the premises an excellent well of water with in ir» or 20 steps of the House, a fine young orchard of i Fruit Trees, a Tan Yard in perfect order, which pays | well when in operation. .Also, a Blacksmith Shop with Tools, &c. . .\ny person wishing to purchase such a place would j do well to call and examine it for themselves. I am Subscribers have on hanu, and will promptly determined to sell, and will make terms easy for the fill orders for | purchnser. A. H. DEWAR. Worth Carolina Supreme Court Reports,: N. 15. The place is one of the healthiest in the South- ir» sets or in single volumes. Iredell’s Digest and i ern country. Digested Manual. Jones’s Digest. Revise.! Statutes | 40 Shares liaiik of Fayetteville Stock, of North Carolina. Wiley’s New Form Book. I August 4, 1^.57. 8‘2tf STORY, on S;ile«, Bills, Contracts, I’artnership, ' LAW m>OK!S. 31ore New Goods. ^B^HE subscriber is receiving his FALL AND WIN- M TER STOCK, consisting of almost every thing in the way of CiJROt'ERIE’S. Hftrtlivitre and iioliotr~icare^ —ALSO— f?ools and ^'lIoes, Saddlery, Fish. 6zc., ,\ny of which he will sell cheap for Cash, barter for ■ Produce, or on short time. Store recently occupied i by Tr«y & Marsb, near the Dobbin House. G. W. I. GOLDSTON. 48tf J \.':ES V. SMITH. .MILE.S CBSTI.N. JAS. C. SMITH & Co., Factors, ('omniission ind I'nrv'ardini^ MERCHANTS. .\t>. ’J SOUTH W.ATER .STREKT, CI> STAIRW. WILMINGTON, N. C. Oct. 21, is'xi. 60-Y J c. FAVi:rri:vi[.LE hotel Furniiure and Fixtures for Suit*. LIHL ■ ve r. ime l property will be s..Id to any responsible person, upon fair terms, if applied • tween the pre'^ent time and the loth of Decem- xt Ifnot.i.jld hy the l.jthof Dec., they will d ;.r .Aui’tiou .after the first .Jay of January iieit. . T- to suit purehascr*. ' ;;ii' rmati.'n wanted will be cheerfullv given >>v I.- t J. H ROBERTS v CO. • .yetteville. September 12. l’'l)7. 42-tf 4 iii:ap ('anii VI OKI:! s. \L TlIO.\L\S BRO. H' W receiving their recent purchase of f’.If.f. GOOMtS, - 'f tiieir usual assortment. Thej invite 'iT. i.t: .n to their large Stock of Satinets. 1'. .Je:i:.s. nieached ani Bro. Shirtings. DeLains. Siiiiwls. Ca'icoes, Ready-made Clothing, Uats, >; '. llo tri. Shoes. Kerseys, Blankets, .yc. se. they Will contine their sales strictly for C.\sii on - ' ■ they have no he-^itati'in in saying that y :in average bills at least lo percent, cheap- v.NY house doing a credit business,—sustaiu- t expense of collecting, ,j'C. All they ask is • 'U of their Stock an ! PKifES. S. .M. THOMAS a: BRO., South-^fst Cor. Marl;et S'luare. • -4, 42-41 i j.aper- copy. same post office. -\ug. 1‘.‘, 1857. W. A. ;TRoN(i :i.'>-2iii a Aus T()NS No. by (a ANO. 1 P11UUV1.\N (iL ANO. r'.r >a W.iRTH .V CTLEY. Aut (a ANO. TONS BUST I’EHLVIAN ceived and for s ile by GEO. W -•‘-1. GIWNO, ju-t re- WILLIAMS i: CO. Hook \\ aiitod. il IM)K, DEALER IN , S'FaFLE vV fancy DRV GOODS J HATS, ('APS, HOOTS, SHOES, ' AND READY-MADE CLOTHING. Particular attention j^aid to La.lies' Dress Goods and Trimmings. Il'i^ Fiti/r(ttvi/le, *V. (\ May 2'’.. IS-..'). 4-tf JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM. i' o niiissi o i\ AND 1-OR \V A R I)L\(J M ERC11ANT, M*ilminstoni .V. C\ Protupt personal attention given to all Consign merit-, and Cash advances m:ide on Produce to be ship ped to other ports or sold in this market. Feb. 12,1855. 67 F. cV F,. (L WORTH, Commission vV I 'orward ini; Merchants, BROWN’S BUILDING, WATER STREET, %Viliiiiii;irtoii, C. Usual a'lvances made on consignments. Jan’y 17, 1855. ti3-tf .JOSEPH liAKER, .Ir., ~ V T TO H \ i: V A T I. A IV , ,\S taken an office next door to Wm. B. Wright’s on Agency, Eijuity Jurisprudence, Equity Pleadings. ARCHBOLD, on Practice, Criminal Practice and' Pleading. Landlord and Tenant. CHITTY, on (’ontracts, Crimin>il Law, Blackstone, , ■Medical Jurisprudence. SUGDEN, on Vendors and Property. POWELL, On Mortgages, and Contracts. SMITH, on .\ctious at Law, .Master and Servant, j Landlord and Tenant, Chancery Practice. S.VNDERS, on Pleading and Evidence, Uses and j Trusts, Reports. RUSSELL, on Arbitration, Factors, Crimes. llOFF.M.A.N'S Legal Study, and.Musters in Chancery. WILLI.VMS on Personal Property. i WIIEATON’S Selwyn's Nisi Prius. i Wli.\RT()N, on ‘.American Law of Homicide, Medi- ' cal Jiirisprudeuce, StateTrials in the United States, .\merican Criminal Law. Law Dictionary. Stephen on Pleading, lloper on Legacies. Dart on Vendors. Fearne on Remainders. Edwards on Bail- . ments. Coke upon Littleton.(Hargrave and Butler’s) | new edition. Kent’s Commentaries, ('urtis’s ditto. ^ Dart’s Vendors and Purchasers of Real Estate. .Id- ; ams' Equity. Troubat's Law of Limited Partnership. ; Hughes’ Equity Draughtsman. Phillips and Amos on Evidence. (Jresley on Law of Evidence. Ross on ' Bills and Promissory Notes. Domat's Civil Law- I Lewis’s U. S. Criminal Law, Daniell's Chancery | Ivactice. Roscoe s Criminal Evidence. Atherley on ; 111 Lftw of Marriage. Collyeron Partnership. Green-j lct.1 v/U Evidence. Oliver on Conveyancing. Curtis's : Co- .eyancer. Burrill's Law Dictionary. Cruise on ' btsl I’roperty. Tayler's Law Glossary. Crabb on I Real Property. Reeves' Domestic Relations. Byles ' on Bills. Bell on Sale. Lee on .Vrbitration of Titles i Sharswood’s Professional Ethics. Barton’s suit iu Equity. Wills on Circumstanti.al Evidence. Comyu's : , Landlord and Tenant. Watson on Arbitration. Har- i ‘ oil Discove.’-y. Oliphant on Horses. Whitworth's : Equity Precedents. Morrison Replevin. Giesley's Equity Evidence. Bishop on Marriage and Divorce. Mathew's Presumptive Evidence. Robertson on Suc cession. Kllis on Insurance. Lewis on the Law of I'erperuity. Philiimore on Domicil. Cary on Part nership. Wilson on Uses. Fell on Guar.intees. New- land on Contract.^. Tamlyu's Chancery Evidence, .jc. These or other Law Books ordered will be supplied ■ to the Professsion iu any part of the State on reason able term.-i. E. J. H.\LE j- SON. The Mjarg,tnl C'arria^e Faetory in the ^onlhl WHEAT wanted. iWANT to purchase 0,000 Bushels Wheat. JAS. G. COOK June 25, ISSti. 16-tf MOLASSES. HHD8. just rec«ived and for salo by JAS. G. COOK. Oct. 27. 51- •lO **The Old Nortli State in 177G,” br Caruthers,—first Saries. A lurthur supply just re ceived. .Mso, the 2d Series of the same work. E J. HALE \ SON A VALUABLE LAW HOOK^ tDDISON on Contracts, with Notes an 1 References to -\merican cases, by Edward Ingersoll. 1 large vol. 1200 pages. Judge Woodward, ©f the Supreme Court of Pennsyl vania, says that “this is the best book on the subject. I ever had in my hands." For sale by April 20. Oct. 15, 185C. ^iirRI'.WARD ILL be given for the apprehension and delivery to me, or confinement in any jail in the State so that lean get him, of my man JIM. He left on the 30th ult., and has not been seen, or heard of s'nce. He is a bright inubttto, almost white, abom 23 years old, about a feet ’J inches high, straight hair, .and teeth defective, long beard on his chin when he left Had on when he left a very good suit of clothes, and will very likely try to pass oft for a white man, and make f^r a free State; should he not go north, he will likely go up in the vicinity of Fayetteville, nn ho was raised there, and formerly belonged toWm. B. Wright, Esq., of that place. Any person who may take up said Boy will be entitled to the above reward and tiie thanks of 1S.\AC B. KELLY. Kenansville, N. C., .Vug. 13, 1857, 33-tf RE NOW PLENTY. Fill a dozen or two of Arthur's Earthen Self-sealing Cans with them tor winter use. Price of t^uarts 40. and Half Gal- dozen W. N. TILLINGHAST 36-Im A' nr w Ions ¥5 25, per Aug. 24. ^ 2.8(H) Acres of liaii*! E. J. HALE & SON. LAW BOOKS. ^EDGWICK on theStatutory a'. i'onstitutional Law; 1^ Cliitty on Pleading; Newl.aiid on Contracts; Phil- li{ips and Amos on Evidence: Stephen on Pleading: ^litford's Chancery Pleadings; Hill on Trustees; Lube's Equity Pleading; \dams’s Equity, &c. Further supplies of the above just received. E J. HALE & SON. Books. THIHE Life of Charlotte Bronte, Author of Jane .H_ Eyre, &c ; The Testimony of the Rocks, by Hugh Miller; Salad for the Social, by the Author of Salad for the Solitary; Indigenous Races of the Earth, by Nott & Gliddon; The Bee Keeper’s Chart. ALso, fur ther Fupplies of Milledulcia: The Prince of the House of David; .Mrs. Ilentz's Novels; The Baptist Psalmody, Barni'.s' P'ujnily I'rayers; Christian Minstrel; Cruden's Concordance: .Vd iins's New .Arithmetic: Parley’s ('om- mon School History; .jc. E. J. HALE ij- SON. .lune 24, 1>^57. NO'FICE. ■'Hll undersigned having executed a power of At torney t I E. F. Nioore, he is thereby authorized to make all settlements for me and in tny name, and generally to transact all business as I might or could do were I personally present. J. J. .MOOKE. Fayetteville, June 3, 1857. 13tf in ^|1HE Subscriber, having taken the General .Agency 1 for getting subscriliers to and delivering Hawks's Hist(.ry of North Carolina, now in process of publica tion hy Me.ssrs. E. .1. Hale 4‘ •'^on of F.iyetteville. is desirous of entering into an engagement with one or more active, intelligent and reliable persons in each of the Judicial Circiiit.s, t'> eanvass their respective parts of the State, or particul.ar counties, thoroughly. Immediate applicatim is desired, us sample copies ot the first volume will will be reaily in a few d.,ys. Undoubted testimoniala as to character must ac- coinj'anv each apjdication. Address 11. W. HORN. Fayetteville, Dec. J*. '’4- practice in the ('otinty and Superior Courts of Cumber land, Bladen, I’obeson and Sampson. March 23, 1853. 79-tf LOVKKl) i:LUini)GE, ,Kttorneif at Mjaw^ attend the Courts of Johnston and Samp- BO Hi K li AV E'S IIOLl ii. RE.MOX AL. iH Ml \M l.a.s remov. l t.. the store formerly .' u. ie i !.y Dr Foulkes. on the coi iitr e ist of •r. v.ile Hotel, Hay street, where he is just re- l.ti.i. U'i.VTr.K STOeMi >i RKAi)V..MAi>E (:L(rrniNi, (>r liif I at»‘st Styles, ■' :.'i..^titig in part of • -I 1> •, /•>«« k liidii■ > ’ I'ntts, V, s.'II f. II!, / ( ''jf/iir.1, IifiiifiK, F'innul Shi'-fis (imi Ih ’ iri (’>'1 i i/s, Mrriuo (Inil f’ntt'Jll IFm, ctT. .Ir, H. h'.- »eej.-coH'taiitiv .u hanil. a fine as-'ortinent of nnoTS AS'h SIKtES, ’>■ -t-, an 1 T irpt t B il>'s. li'.se ■v!>h,i.,-♦ . puiciri'-• cheip and line suits ■7 ,uM .lo well to call lo l examine wraham’s . ; ri ]o,re.l t ; -■•11 a-, low fis any in this ' ’■ 12 4'J 2ni. Uliariiic .). Ward will rc-opcii ■' .'-111 -t on the 1st dav of October, tiust^ I J‘- ti 1 to her >ej;t, y. ail 1 ucquaintiiui'es will 4i-:.t S( IIIXII. ItooKS. ^\liTIlS Engii>li (i; nii!i,:ir: ( :icc; lioiiij.ar'.' llir, Frt-ni'ti OraiiniMr; Love, ( ' .'"aiidarl Spi iker; N.ntli t'aroiin.t I S *>e'.;:ra]Oi;c'-: Olaeket,h.i-i's Klictori, L. J. II \LK V Se) t. 4, l-.j7. I.ARD AND lil rFER. jl.\TR.\ (iwSHIlN lU'TTLi;: I'.. Si.rgi'lir Mit.-h.-; I'-'iu'-i Fatiii!i:;r ' .\ritliiiictie: l'**aker: '.olery. )N. LEAF LARD, in quantities to suit. For E. r. MOORE. 3'J-lm Stccii FRL."il \ Sfcpt r 14 I’atciit Strau-Knil'c. ■ ■l.l’l’L\ Jast received and for sale by ! B. ROSE 42-3t THE CKIJ^;i!UATKI) i’.KMKltV FOIl BYSPEFSIA, DisinsK OF Tin: kihvkts. l-IVER COMPLAINT, \VKAKXK>S OF A XV KL\D, FEVER AND AGUE, tiM vnriuiK ntft’ft >01^ c -rivn (Iisor»l*rrl .TOMA(’H OK LIVER, Sill 11 a- 1hIi::.'s;.oii. .\-.ility oi it:.- Sii.mrtrh. r,,|ickj. I’.iliis (l.'«rllmrn, ol \v I’o'.i.vi rii lilin'l -ind I’lli -i 111 all .Nerv lu^. Itli.'11111 loc. u-..l tions. It h i in iimiicrMiH iii-l on I’s |,r.ivcil lo'jlily l.riieiii iai, ami if. oiii.-r-' 'I a (li'.'i if'il ' art- Thi' i“ 'I I'liri lv vi‘i!el:i^!>’ i ..iiipoiuiil, |iri’ji. red mi -irirt;y i-.rn I 111 .-ift'T ill.- iii iMiier oT t!if c li.'fir-ilrd ll.iM oiil I’r.. .irUi.i r!i ivc. r.ei-:;ile ol it- j/n-il sii • •- 01 iiii. t oi riii- r.itropf.-wi i n'.r. "I lli't 1'"!l OOdlli.* i nil.:(i trii I .1 Iiioi.' (‘..I'lM .allv lor th'i r hi' our t tllier aint 'ra!l> r«-.l lief ;li( re . r llif I o !• of iiii'.'htv .'.Mlnlry M tin" w:;'i "ri-al >11(11--- aiti'iaL’ Ui' iii- 1 ii"'v olli r it I ’ tli.‘ \iii. 1 h .111 piili'ir. ki;.n\ .11" t>;at it> trii y « .iiiil. rial virPi. iiiiisl In -o- kno\v It is () 11 ti.ailarly r. r.iiMinetali'il in i'io>.-('•'« lio,c coii'iOlii- t'oii> miis liave ii'"-a oini Ie, ili.' .■oiiton.-.ii ii'.'ot anient ^Inr.t'^. or oiti.T I'oni>-ol li-v pat.on. *;«oi.-r.U\ in-tant:.n‘ou-^ in I II'. cl, il IiikU it^ «.iv il.r''rylo tl|i- -.mi ot lile. ttirilliiis.'•in.l ijilirtc.Ti.t IT) ri-rvr. ro'oi'.' 'cj' Ili> i!r. oj.oiL' 'I'lnl, and, 111 t o-;, intii^mi: n. ht*-allli and 01 lio* >y>ici|.. N.H'I’K K—vVho. Vi-r I .vi.i-ri> l.. Ilinl :lii> a |pi-\i r.ii;.' will he .li'* ■ l.;.oinli.'i: l.iit to tli‘«ii k. u. -ak and lou .inrili' l, it u ill in'ov.-a 'J: .ii-lii! aioiiiatir ■ ..rd.al. 1 01 'inioi -ir r> ne'-li 1, |’r..iii rtic> • ,\ f r 1 > .N ; Tni- no at p.ipiilarity ot'tlii'ilcliirhtfill .\roina ti:i- iiidin • d ni:iii\ n- wliirh til.'- (iiihlic hoiild iiuard aL'.iiii't pan lii^iii". I.' .t ;wr II di il to liiiv inythinir pN iinIiI you li.iv.' i;i\. n l!o. r II. II,.; i;in, r, a I ii'r trial. One liolllfwll l onvin. e ymi Mitin i« np.-nor it i- lo all llie^e iiiol.itioiiH. , / >'tld :H ,^i 111! liulU*'. tir NIX hotlle'i tor .s’).!!!!. I»y til.' '•1- 1: I' K .1 I’ 1; 1 I, T» l{ H \niii .i«. a ;o. I ' N 1 ► \ 1 I K I .V H I PHAIiM.VCllUTLsrs AND CHEMISTS, i*ITTMU;iUi,I, Pa. Samuel J. Hinsdale sole agiMit for Fayetteville. June 14, I8o7. ▼ W son ( ounties Smithfield, .\pril 15, 185ii. (♦i5-tf THO. C. FULLER. ~ tMtfornefj anti f'oansellor fit Ijair. \ OFFK'E at F/cles's Bridge, recently occupied by j James Banks, Esij., Fayetteville, N. C j Jan'y ], 1857. 70tf j “I.AW COFARIWERSHHV' j M, the undersign.'d, have this day formed a Law ^ * V Cop.irtnership. and will practice in the Courts , of the following enmities of this State: Chatham, Cum- | berland, Moore, Harnett, and the Supreme Court. ] J. H. HAUGHTON. JNO. MANNING. , Pittsborough, N. C., Jan’y 1, 1856. 72tf I III*. K. A. FFICE Front Rooms, over Chemist and Drug Store. Feb’v 7, 1S5!>. RI.A^K. Dr. S. J. Hinsdale’s rfi-tf \\ « c.'ill the attention ot WHOLE SALE DEALERS our present Stock,—and we have recently re- SL ceived— 300 bags Rio. Laguira, Maricaibo ami Java Cofl’ee, 20 hhds Siig.ir, assorted grade.s. 75 bbls d('. Refined, Crushed anil Powdered. 1*5 boxes Sperm, .\damantine and Tallow Candles, till do Fancy anil assorted Camlies, 100 coils Kentucky. .lute and .Manilla Rope, 7 hales Bagging. Guuny. Dundee and Burlaps, E:’.0 tons Hoop Iron, 120 boxes Cheese. 20 half-bbls Super Carb. Soda, 40,00'! (’igars, various )>rands, —ALSO— Pepper, Spiee, Ginger, Cloves, Nutmegs, Borax, Madder, Indigo. Sciinish ISrown, Brimstone, Fancy and r.ar So aps. St.irch, PoW'ler, Shot, Bar Lead, White Lead. Putty and Linseed Oil, Window Glass, Snuff in I’loxes, Eagle Mills do., in Half Bbls.; Green and l?lack Te.'is. Ilollow-W.ire, Swedes Iron, English, German, and ('ast .Steel; Plows, Straw (’utters. Corn .Shellers, S.ausage (’utters and .Stutl'ers. Trace Chains, Sole Le:itlier, ^'ic., iVo. Tho above Goods we ..tier on the most favorable terms to jiroinpt time or cash purchasers. D. k W. McLAURlN. Nov. 0, 1S5!'i. EC'CLES\S .vs been newly repaired, hive it groun l. March 30. 54 tf MILL Send your Corn and M. McKINNON. 94- A. A. MclvRTIIA V ESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the , public, that he has built up large substantial ' Brick Buildings at his Old Stand, expressly for man- I ufacturing Carriuges. Thankful for the very liberal patronage he has received for the last 21 years, he hopes by strict attention to bu»iness. with a desire to give satisfaction, to merit a continumice of the same. He warrants his work to be made ot the best material and by experienced workmen in o.ic h brmch of the business. His work will co'.npare favorably with any made in the United St:ites. for tie.itnes' .in l durability. He is determined to sell and do any work in his line on as good terms as any work .lone elsewhere that is as well 'lone. He now h^s on hand. Finished, the L.VRGEST STOCK of C'irriiii;es. Baroitchcs, liock'awdt^s^ mm fhl»r tries. Ever offered in this place, and a very large stock of work nearly finished, which will be finished daily. All of which will be sold very low for Cash, or on short time to punctual customers. has on hand more thsn ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY Vehi cles finished and in course of constractioti. All work made by him is warranted 12 mouths withfair usage, and should it faill'y >)ad wor'smanship or material will be reptiired free of charge. Persons wishing to buy wouM do well to call and examine for themselves. ()rders thankfully received and proinj. tly attended to. Repairing executed at short notice and on very reasonable terms. May 28. 1K53 8*-tf .1. W. F.AKER Is now roceivitip from the North tho. aliirgest, finest, and tuo.st carofuily so- lecte.I stock of ki: ever offered in this market; which, aided to his own manufacture, makes his assortment complete;—all oi which he will sell on the lowest possible terms for cash or on time to punctual customers. Fashionable painted cottage bed-room Furniture in setts; curled hair and shuck, and cotton ,\Iattresses; Looking Glasses; Willow Wagons and Cradles: Side Bonrds; Bureaus; Secretaries and Book-Cnses; What- Nots; Tables, all sorts: Wash Stands: *,'andle Stands; Wardrobes; Picture Frames and Glass; Window Shades; Cornices; ('urt.aiii l.ands; Sofas in Mahogany and Walnut; Tete a Tetes; Ottomans; Divans and Stools: Chairs of every variety. Fine Ro.sewood I’iuno.s, one with ^Kolian At tachment; Rosewood Melodians, from the bet muntifac- toriea in New Y«rk ami Boston, warranted as good as any made iu the country, and will be sold at N. York prices—freight only a'ided. November 2. 45-tf B. P. PEARCE & CO, DEALERS IN FOREiG-N AND DOMESTIC DHY (rOODS, HA IS, CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, {'mbrcl/as ami Readij-Matte Clothinj, HAY STREET, Fayetteville^ .V. €. ;. F rs.MtCK.] [.r. w. pe.vr. e, jp FOR SALE. ^■^HE Subscribers offer for sale the above Tract of ■- Land, lying on Anderson’s Creek, about two ai.d a half miles from lower Little River, near Elliot’s .'lills,—including about One Hundred Acres of good Swamps, which can be easily drained. This Land Is very heavily timbered, and a large portion level and of superior quality of Pine Land for cultivation. -Mso, a Circular STE.\M S.\W-.MIl L, in complete order and well adapted to sawing plauk road und rail road timbers. Also, Two well-broke MULE.S. -\ll. or any portion of which, will be sold low and on time. The Lntid will be sold either in a body or in parcels to suit. SMITH & ELLIOT. •April ♦), 1807. y~-tt NO HI MBUG! ^ 1^HE subscriber is now prepared to till all orders J for Superior IfVifrr Backets. He manufactures North Carolina material—he em ploys North ’arolina capital and labor,—and he solicits North Carolina patronage. By giving him a trial, and by comparing his with Northern prices, he hopes to be able to make a favorable showing. .\ TRIAL is what he wants. Messrs. WORTH UTLEY of this place are Agents for the sale of the above Buckets. G. H. MAKEPEACE. Fayetteville. P’eb’y 17, 1857. S2-y NEGliOES WaN'FED. ^B'^HE undersigned will pay the highest ca.sh price Jl for YOUNG NEGROES. Letters addressed to eitfierof us .at l^.aurinburgii. Kichmoud coutity, will h.ive promi't attention. D. C. McINTYRE. DANIEL M. McLAURIN. Laurinburgh, Dec 2*j, I85b. (jstf 4000 .lulv 30. 2'.*-tf ■•\ug. 27, 1857. FOR SALE. BUSHELS ALU.M S.ALT, a very su perior article, bv JAS'. C. SMITH v'ic CO. Wilmingt in, N. C. 38 2m. CAN'FWEf.L'S N. C. JLSTICE. Siraiin’s Juxticc Revii^td, am? adapted to the Sew Revised Code. fB^HlS work, invaluable to Magistrates, Officers Hud A all who have occasion to know the Law, an l to use the Forms under it, is very much enlarged. Price >:3 50. For sale by August 1850. E. J. HALE & S(.)N NORTH CAROLINA REAPERS. .\rnBEKN 1 A.'NU a. I'KEPARED WITH Si'KCIAL REFERENCE TO THE W'ANTSVnI) INTERESTS OF ,'%'orth Carolina. UNDliK THE AfsriCF.S OF THE Sll'ERINTESKKST Or COM- MON SCHOOLS. BV Kev. F. .11. Iliibhard, PROFKSSOn OF THE I.VTIN I.\N;CA«K ANI> LITKKATURE IS THK UMVKU.SITV OF NORTH CAROLINA. I I.AND FOR SALE. .\tlRES OF L.VND lying on upper Little River, in Harnett County, well timbered and well located for theTurpentjne businegs. It will be Sold on accommodating terms. Apply soon to the Subscriber at Faj’etteville. WM. McL. McKAY. Sept. 22, 1860. 41-tf Cl .VNOl'.S. BAGS PERUVIAN; 327 do. COLUMBIAN. Not only has the cost of using these Guanoes in connexion been very much diminished, but experi ments have proved that the phosphate, so much want ing in the Peruvian, not only increases the .yield, but combined with the Columbian makes the crop much more certain. For sale by D. & W. McL.\URlN. Not. G, 1866. 64tf Arniii!:K CONT.VINI.no a FAMll.I.AK HI.STORY ANDDESCRIP- TIO.N OF NORTH CAROLlN.\. Seleetious iu Prose and Verse; many of them by eiiiiuent citizens of the State. HISTORICAL AND CHRONOLOGICAL TABLES, .\ud a variety of Miscellaneous Information and Sta- ristics, by c. II. %vii.i:v. Number 3 is a new and revised edition of the North Carolina Reader, first published in 1851. Numbers 1 and 2 just issued, complete the srries, which is, as a whole, cheaper than any other series of Readers iu th« United States, and as complete. The Editor (Prof. Hubbard) in his Preface lo Num- lirr 1 deems it proper to allmletoa few of the peculiar ••tdvantages aimed at by the Superintendent of Common .''chools while making efforts to have this work cotu- pleted. These are, 7Vif (iifoitriiij(‘iii>nt •>/ tt feeling >>/ st!f-tlep/:tiilenr, FOR SALE. g'HE following V.ALUABLE REAL ESTATE, the I. projierty of E. (' Hall, dec'd, is offere l for sale, and consists of the following tracts; That di sirable place known as Rome, eont.iin- iiig aboul; 2'iO .V.cres, with all the iiii]'rovements. This piace will be snM entire or divi'le 1, to suit purchasers, it being protnibiy one of the be^t liusitiess st in’s iu the Country, and is very desirable to those wishing to enter the mercantile business. No. '1, C)on.->ists of a Lot and Hriek Store, (2 tenements,) iu Cainpbelltou, on Bri'lge Street, near Cl.irendon Bridge, and is a veiy desirable stand for busitiess. No. 15, Is Three vacant Lots in CampV>e'lton, known in citv plot as Nos. 109, lil, 112, and half of lot 118. No. 4, Is a l)wi lliiijr House and Lot on Hay- mount. corner of Pl.atik l!oad and .Xdan.s St. \ very ■ lesirahte residei.ce for the whole year. No. 5, Is a (’orn Mill and Stcani Enj^ine tin.l Boiler, of Ul or 15 horse p.iwer This is Wr*H worth the attention of those living where water power is not available, ati'l will be sold at a great bargain. For terms apply to J. H. H.\LL, Assignee. Vugust I, 1857. 30-tf A' 1. and the enlistment of popu’ar sentiment in behalf of the State and its institutions. It was not thotight im- portat't, however, to have more than one number of the Re.aders of merely a local interest. 2, T'> I'f inrili/ thr i ci! i i'i'ri/irhi rr coinpbi'ih U of iu C ’/n- iiiiiii .'i(7/fio/.«, of (I perpiluii/ chum/e in text />0"f.s: an ex pensive habit, and otie \7hich injures the Scho.ils by preventing the childi-en from being clas";fied. A se ries of home Readers, it was supposed, would l>e cer tainly used, an i this great evil thus avoided. 3, JCcoiiomij, the popular .lystem ot Rea.lers being too long and being made so often merely to add to the profits of authors .and publishers. This series is to consist of fewer numbers th in those gener.ally used, find it is believed that these numbers are sulficient, while if the system were uni versally \ised in tlie .-^tate, the sum swed to parents and children would amount to sevetal thousand dollars atinually. 4, y’o /'Ilf in t'lf kinih of chilhen learning to ri'Ui rom- imuiiionx tuiiicienlli/ f'imiliar but not of the chariicter called childmh compositions, containing, in lessons easy enough for all ages, correct specimens of style, interesting in matter, and inculcating proper morals, and religious instruction. Tlie prices ,*ire, for No. 1, 25 cents; No. 2, v7J cents; and No. 3, 75 cents. A liberal deduction from these prices to Merchants and School Teachers. E. J. H^E &• SON. O' Fayetteville, July 29. NOTICE. LL persons indebt, d to W, F. J' E. F. Moore, or the late firm of .Moore iV Brother, will ple.se come foiward and make immediate payment. The Notes and Accounts are in my hands lor settlement, and they must be settle.!, in oider for me to make my returns as Administrator for W. F. .Moore. E F. MOORE. Aug. 25. 3t;-lm FOR S\LE. A D.AM.ANTINE and T.\LLOW' C.\NDLES; fine und ;Wk common TOB.VCCO; at.d alm.fst anything in the ('ir..icery line, t'heap as the cheape't'. G. W. 1. GOi>DST0N. •lati’y 27, 1H57. 77- F all kimls. is ox‘cnte l in tin- Viost manner Old common Prayers, I’itdos, and others, re- bouinj in the S;ime style they were before. This will save the rej urehase ot new tiooks. Lilirariarisconnected with colleges, and other societies, and also gentlemen residinc at a ilistatiee. will fitid it a matt.-r of economy to i;et their books tiound here, as a deduction of prices will be mad“ iip. n large orders: Pack them and send the.n with ptirti.'ul ir directions to this establi-hment; and when tinislied, they will be carefully rej.acked and returned withotit delay. I h.ive the i*est stock of i.naterials; ;ind workman ship will coni[>are with any either at the North or •South. .Apply for a list of I’inding prices before going else where. The undersigned resjiectfully solicits a share of patronage. THOS. H. TlLLl.NGH.VST, Anderson Street. Nov. 5, 18oti. 51-Y A CARD. 1 ^BIHE undersigned would respectfully inform his j I. ola friends and customers that he c.in be found ! at the Store of C. E. Leete, where he will be glad to see them. J McDONALD. Fayetteville, N. C., Jan’y 8, 1857. 72-tf

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