STARR & WILLIAMS \11K now receiving THEIR SECOND STOCK FOR THIS SKASON, embracing,— Dry Iwooflisi, llafw, llootK^ !N»lioe», niitl .vhi h thev invito the atterttion of Uliolesnltt buy ers genorallj. i>. STAKU ] [J. M- ^Vll.LlAMS. ()ct'r t), 1^67. 4^1 tt New and Cheap G-oods! JAMES KYLK Is now voceivin;! a larpc and j;eueial supjily of l>iy Gooils. among wliich are splendid Dress (Jooils, ^ith every article in the Dry Goods line. All of which, ifing jmrchaseil by the package, will be offered by wholesrile or retail at a small advance for cah or on ♦.iino to j'vuu tut\l customers Fnyetteville. Sepfr 2t), 1857. 4ti-tf •IV’tr fUrork of I500KS AM) STA riONKKV. n7 l'3 are now receiving our usual New Stock of Hooks and Stationery, embracing a great variety of Ni*liool, ^Tleilioal ami cellain*«ii« Books. To^clber with a lar^e aiul varieti Mock of 1>LANK BOOKS, PAPEH. KNVKLOPKS, \’c. ('ountry Merchants and others are invited to call as we offer the above stock on the best terms. E J. HALK St)N. Sept'r -8. I VV. II. C VRVKR Is now receiving his j Fan Stori.' of fifOOOS, which is large and well selected. call from old friends 1 and the public generally is solicited. My stock is too v:irie>! to enuineraie; everj- one can tind something that ■ tliey want by calling. All kinds of produce taken in exchange I'or Goods. ^V. II. ('’.\HVEK Sept. 17, 1^'>7. 4otf KH.MOVAI.. ' ■ ■ GRAH AM has removed to tl>e store formerly , Is* occupied by Dr. Foulkes, on the corner east of the Fayetteville Hotel, Hay street, where he is just re ceiving his , u*i,vTr.K stovk OF KEADV-MADE CLOTHIXd, Of til*' r.atost StyK's, Consisting in part of Ori'r-Voats, Drc»n, Frock j /«/ Jiuniuesii (uatx; Pantsf, l^.vAs, Shirfs and C'olfar., Druircrs, Flnnutl Shirt)^ und Drdirers; Sunf.ttnlf ru, ('/irafx, Merino and Cuffou d'c. d'c He also keeps constantly on hand, a tine assortment of BOOTS AXD SIIOKS, rnil'rellas, and Tarpet Bags. ■\U those wi>li;ng to purchase cheap and tine suits of clothes, would do well toc.-ill and examine GrahaioV Stuck, a.s he is prepared to sell as low as ;iny in tlii-; market. Sept. IJ. ‘.'m. C. .1 \ K II .I(K\KS .Arc receiving their F.ALI. ,\ND WINTEI4. Stock o FAVI’V ic DOMESTir DRY fiOoDS, ^\hich they will ell at their u^ual low prices. In purt as follows,— ■ LAi:;S, all k'nds; JLW All W -ol Fluids; (’ol'i! Merinoes: (’ol’d Silks and lilack; Rich Robes A'l^uille; Chenille Shawls; Do. Scarfs, all .«iik; Long Shawls for •lentlemen: Do, for Servants: Clcth and Velvet Cloaks; French Kobes, Volant; iJo. for .Misses; Nett Coats for Children; Long 15rocha Sh.awla; .Alerino Shawls, white; Operii Flannel, I’lain an I Col'd, (juilte'l Skirts; Do Hoops; Fine and Common Dlankets; Cotton, Silk, and Woolen Ho.“ier3’; Do. F.iricy, for (’hildren; Kid, Silk, Mtrino, Cotton (iloves for Ladies; Chenille Head Dresses; Chenilles by the yard; Bonnet Ribbons; do. plain; Fringes and Salom, nil colors; Black Velvets; Bl'k and Col d Belts; Mulberry Dutt'ius fjr Dresses; Thread, Swiss, Jackoueit, B'.hbin, and Cotton P^Jgings; Black La :e and Edgings; Emb’d llhdkfs, Collars, Sleevts .ind 1-;; Love and Luce Veils; Bonnets, Hats and Caps; —ALSO— A nice variety of Men’.-^, Ladie.s’, and (Miildrcn’s SHOES, Also, Men and Boys ll'liilrr VIothinfi, Cheap. PERFl MhR}, SOAFS^ ami mam/ other Fatiry ^Irdcles. Sept. 11, 1857. 42-3m FOR THE FILL 1\0\I I.\TI:R 18.571 JUST UECKIVED, {Call soon. Secure a Baryuin awl Sact One of the f.arj^est, Haiulsoioest and Cheai )est Stocks of Rea€lff;JIade Clothitiff, for Gentlemen s wear, ever brought to this .Marke't, and no mistake! Also, a Magnificent assortment of lloy’« and VoiitliN Clofhiii;?, Boy’s Suits and Extr i .Jackets of all C(d.>rs of (,’loth. rOlt Kill. 1,0AD Ready to furnish Contractors with any quantity of Clothing, at a very ;ow figure. FOK KOAT IIAiri>«.—A larsre lot of P. Jackets and OverT’oats; also, fancy Flannel Over Shirts ani Pants—very cheap. A very extensive assortment of FiiriiiKliiiis «ood«., Fine Linen and Fancy Mar seilles Shirts and Collars, Under-garments of heavy Silk and Merino, Socks, Cravats, Gloves, H’dk’fs, Sus- , penders. &c. ’ i BOO'rS uiifl KIIOE^—From the heaviest ‘ Water-Proof to the finest Pump and Fair Stitched I Philadelphia made; llat% iiiid Cap*,, of all de- I scriptions. j Fi'‘iirli Travelliiij; Trunks—' Extra large sizes; Bonnet Boxes; Gems’ English Sole ' Leather. Spanish Iron Frame and Packing Trunks; ! English Sole Leather Valices, and others; a new style i of Travelling Bags (very convenient;) Gentlemen’s i Shawls and Fancy Buggy Blankets; genuine Havana ' Segars; Umbrellas; W.aiking Canes; India Rubber Over I Coats, Leggings and Sandals; also. Over Shoes for | Ladies, and n g:re:it variety of Fancy Goods too nu merous to mention. 1 All which will be sold at wholesale or retail very low for cash or on time to prompt paying customers. I Grateful for the liberal patronage heretofore extended ' to me, 1 respectfully solicit a continuance of tl.e same. GEORGE BRANDT, South side Hay Street, Opposite G. W. Williams & Co l-ayettev=he, N. C., Sept. 17, 1857. 4U-tDl -m }f*Mskev. genuine “Old Nick.” FOR SALE. ! rjlHE following V\ALUABLE REAL ESTATE, the M. property of E. C. Hall, dec’d, is offered for sale, and consists of the following tracts: That desirable place knowu as Rome, contain ing about 2(>0 Acres, with all the improvements. This place will be sold entire or divided, to suit purchasers, it being probably one of the be?t business stands in the country, and is very desirable to those wishing to enter the mercantile business. No. ’2, (’onsists of a Lot and liriok Store, ('2 tenements,) in Carapbellton, on Bridge Street, near Clarendon Bridge, and is a very desirable stand tor business. No. Is Tlircc vacant Lots in Cuiiipbellton, known in city plot as Nos lOi*. Ill, H-. and halt of lot 113. No. 4, Is a Dwolling llouso and liot on Hay- inount, corner of Plai»k Roail and .\danis St. \ vei^ desirable residence for the whole year No. ;■), Is a Oorn Mill and Steam Engino and Uiiler, ol' 10 or D> horse power. This i.' well worth le at’tentio. of those living where water power is not vilable, ami will be sold at a great bargain. For terms apply to J. H. HALL, Assignee jfust 1, 1S.‘>7. .^(l-tf CAI’I'. FKAK liAM)S I'o ic 1.1:. fBIHE Subscriber offers for sale that very valuable I. PLA.NTATION known as the “Blocker Land,” situated on the East side of the Cape Fear, four miles below Fayetteville. The Land fronts the Uivera haif mile and runs back two miles, and consists of about Six Hundred .Veres. The soil is of every variety com mon to tills region; embracing the light sandy, loamy, clay, river low grounds, an'l very rich swamp lands,— of the last named tib int fifty acres are unilor cultiva tion, and are as good as any in the county. The bal ance of the swamp (about 100 or 130 acres) can be very easily lrained through ditches already cut to the River, or to Lock's Creek, which runs across the middle of the tract Of the whole tract there is about 1J-) acres under cultivation. The growtli on the wood-land consists of pine (long and short leaf.) oak, hickory, poplar, cypress, gum, ^c For terms and further information apply to W. L Evans on the premises, J. E. Bryan, Esij.. P .M , Fay etteville, or to mvself at Favetteville. FRANCES EVANS. Sept. 21, 1S.)7. 41tf rou sAu:. sul'scriber desiring to emigrate to the West. J offers for sale his entire L.VNDS, including about six hundred acres, generally knowu as Chalk Level, lying in the upper end of Harnett county, -i miles Hast ot Cape Fear River, and on the road leading from Fay etteville to Chapel Hill. Store, Dwelling, Out-Houses, all in first rate order. 2'1’he Store is at a fine business stand, and is not to be excelled by any country store in the State. There are 1 also upon the premises an excellent well of water with in 1.') or 20 steps of the House, a fine young orchard id' Fruit Trees, a Tan Yard in perfect order, which jiays well when in operatit>n. ,\lso, a Blacksmith Shoj> with Tools, .^c. Any persin wishing to purchase such a place wnuM do well to call atid examine it for themselves I am determined to sell, and will make terms easy for the purcha.ser A. H. DEWAR N. B. The place is one of the healthiest in the South ern country. ill Siiares Uauk of F;i}ettcvine Stock -August I, ls.‘>7. r!2tf \ ai.i ahm: imioim:u rv FOR SALE ^■IHE Subscriber h-ving concluded to remove Suutli, M. offers for sale his in the village of ('hapel Hill. The dwelling is a handsome one, large and couveui- ently arianged. Tiie lot contains SL\ ACRES of ground, with every conveni nee in the way of out huuiies, viz;—Dairy, Dry-well, Kitchen, Servant house with two rooms—lathed and plastered, wood and wash house, carriage hou-e and stables. There is also on the front, a very neal »oi iiLt: oFFK'i^:. The grounds are in a high state of cultivntion — about half an acre being in fruit trees of the choicest kind and bearing abundantly. For further information address the subscriber at this place. Terms made accouimodating. E. MALLETT. Chapel Hill, Aug. li. 31-tf I.A-\I) I OK SALK. 1 -ACRES L.AND lying on the Camden Stage Road, I-'* miles Sauth of Fay etteville. The Land is well timbered, ami admirably adapted for Turpentine or Farming purposes; and lies between the Southern Plank Road and Big Rockfish, —convenient to maiket. There is on it a comfortable frame House. Mill Site &c. •\ny information may be obtained on t’>e premises from Mrs. Mary Nelson, or by en'|uring of JA.MES B.VNKS, .Att’y, Fayetteville. -Aug. 10. 33-tf FOR SALK. r|lHE DWELLING lloUSE AND LOT on Gillespie M. Street, at pre.sent occujiie 1 by Doctor .McSwaiu. Perfect title be made. -Apply to TH(». J. CURTLS. ALSO 4GoOD F.\MIL\ C.\RH1.VGE in good repair and nearly new. Will be sold for half its value. —ALSO— 3 good MlLCfl COW.S with young calves. .Apply to T. J. CURTIS. i April 2^^', 18-j7. 3tf BOERHAVE’S IIOLIWI^ BITTKIIS -v'TIE> For sale by Oct. 22—63-tf WORUI ^ UTLEY. rj*c Presljy teriaii Fj^lmodist— ^ ^further supply jffTreceived. E. J. HALE & SON. J. T IIOITSTON, (Sutnssor to J. II. Bfusli'y Jewelry Hiisiinss.) I ESPECTFULLV calls the atten tion of the ladies ami gentlemen of Fayetteville, and his friends at a distiince, to this t'lct, :nni bog.s an acccptance **f thanks for thi ir patron.i:.ri' to tiie late firm, lieasley iSi Houston; he will conduct tiie business in his owii name, leter- mincd to earn a liberal pa correct dealing witli all wlio will favor him with their custom. He has now for sale a birg ' stock of fine Gold and Silver Watches and Jewelry, of tiie latest styles out; Sifrrr Sf»wns, F>r/,-s, d c . Fnif ('nth ri/, iloUJ Sum//nr'K (\>m/nissrs am/ !>i- tilriimi'Htu, Wallcinif Cama, tnu‘ Xioliim, FInfts am/ Fim (runs, ( \t/f’s am/Dflii r /’isfufs, ('aj)s, (I’c., dr., ifv. Watches and .)ewclry carfl'iilly re]>aired; \c- cordeons correctly tuned; and l^iigraving hanilsoniely e.vecuted by J. T. MOlSl'ON. Oct’r 20 -Vtf Ijiunha rton ^ 'I'he Subscriber is now receiving his .^I'.cU of Fall and \Viii(‘r mooU, Comj'rising ever}' thing in the way of DBV GO»>l>.'^, such as .Merinos, .\lp.icas, DeLaines, Caslinifres and Ginghams, for I..:iilies’ Dres.'M's .Also, C.ilicofs. Lin- seys. bleu'lied aiol unbleached Shirtings, iMillings, Osnaburgs, Kerseys, Ki ntiicky, S.ittinefs. Cas sinieres, fur P.ints. ,S:c H 1’ \ D^ -M .M*E Cl.t )T111 NG, ot the best materials anil good workmanship. lU»oT.S and SHOES, for .Men and Boys; .also, a gooii assort ment of l..adies’ aiol .Misses' Sliovs. 'Iriinnnngs for f.ailies' Dresses; lioiun-ts. Mantillas auil ('loaks, of tin- latest fashion. H.\TS and C.XP.S of all sorts, and THU.NKS of all sizes; besides I1.\HDW.\ Kl’,, (iRim'E RIES, and a variety of other (iomls, \shich I will sell low for Cash, or upon short credit to n-\ia>de and jirompt paving customers. S. W EHR.VN'i' L'lmberton, N. (' , Sept 21, 1^'7. 41-2ni THE WORLD’S GREAT EXHIBITION 1‘RIZK .M!:i)AL! AWARDED TO (' MKVKK. Fir /lis Tiro Fianos, Ijnm/on, (h tfUir l.i, (1 .MEVEK respectfully informs his friends 'Uul • the fiuldic generally, that iie has c(nst;intly on hand Pianos eijutil to those for wh.vli lie received the Prize Medal, in Lcndon, in 18-^1. .\11 orders jTomptly attended to, and great c.ire taken in the selection and packing the same. He has received duiing the last 15 years, lU' re MeilaLs tiia i anj- other maker from the Franklin Insti tute; also First I’remiums at Boston, .N’ew Vork and Baltimore. W .\ B E-K( H'M S, removed from 2'> S. F au th to -N'o. 7‘J2 .VBCH .'^THEET, below Eighth. Sonth side, Philadelphia. -Aug. 12. :?3-.!mpd I'oli Tin: \vi:sT! Through in 36 Hours, and Crossing the Blue Ridge in the Day Time!! s. BKOWN’S Tii W.-ekly • Line of Four-Hore I’.'St C.iache-, from Saii'buty to .\slie- vibe, via ,>taiesvil!e. Newton, Morg.mton, >L-irioi; and Pleasant (.iardens; connecting at \ heville w;tn th*' line of Sta.:es for the W.arm .'^pritii's, Knoxville and Greeuville, Tenn. This is the best stocked and best maiKiLred Koa i in .\orth (’ i- rolina. It is »he most ••xpeditiou«, 'a!'e atid plea-iiit, and at the same time tlie che.apest r >ute for the '"est 1-e.aves .'Salisbury on .Monday, Wednesday and Fri day; leaves .\s*ic\ille on Tuesday. I'hurs 1 ly and Sritur- ■ i.iv; — running in close conm-clion with the North Carolina Bail Road, .North and .“^oii’h. C. S. 15K iW N. (’ontractor. .June l'», I*'j7. Di- Dollars Krwanl. AB^Wl) .MEN. ALBE!‘.T SCHWARTZ andTH(»MA.-' I R .''.'IITH, cor.ti.ied in tlie l.umbi-rt.'n .l.ail, hav ing broken out. I will give 'I'weiity-five Dollars reward, each, for their .ipprehension and delivery to me in Lumberton. Schwartz is nboiit five feet high, and perhaps thirty yeirs of age, a Hungarian by birth; Smith is rather stout built, al'out five feet six inches high, and eighteen years of age,--both had whiskers when they broke out. REUBEN KING, Sheriff. ()ct. IH. ls.'>7. r>:Mm C»r(> ‘ri(*s, llardwan*. So:. ^■^HE undersigned are now receiving a L.AIttJE .AS- i SORT.MENTof (irocrrics. Hardware, lr;,n, St« el, IIf)llo\v-\varc, Shoes, I.eatluM-, anl Salll(*rv, which they will sell at Whules.ale .at a small advance on Cost for Cash, or on our usual time to prompt dealers. duly 18. 18.57. THK CKIJ';KR.4'1 Kl) H0I,I..4M) KKMKDY FOR BTSFEPSrA, * l)ISK\SK OF TKI^: Kfn.\ETS, UIVFR COMPLAINT, WEAKNESS OF ANY KmD, FEVER AND AGUE, .^iiil ihe VHrioiis all'ections conxeqtient upon a disnrdereii STOMACH Oil LIVER, Such Hs Iniliuestinn. .Aridity of the i^toniHrh. Colicky I’alns llenrtlMirn. I.i»s of A|i|>etite, Itesponileiicy. Coslivene^ts, RlintlHnti MlecilitiL' I’ites. In all .Nervotit, Khciiiiiatlr. anil .NeuralBic AtTec- has in niniieroiis insl.tnces jjroved hiphly tieneticial, anil in others etfecteil a ilerideil cure This is a imrelr veiielabic ciinipiunil. |>re[iareilon strictly scien tifx prinri)ilcs. alter Ihe manner of the celelirateil lliillHn'l l*ro- Urssi.r, Itiierhave, Kecaiise of its great success in most of the KuniiK.nn Slate*, il' introducliiin into the Cnlteil SSUites was in tciiiJcd niorp es|>ecially for those of our fnther'anil scattered here and ihtTo liver the tUce of this mighty omntry Meetini; with L’reat Hiiionc them. I now olfei it to Ihe .American pnltlic, knoH'ins that its truly wonderful medicinal virtues must lie ac- knowled"ed. It i« piiriiciilarly reconimeniled to those (lersons whose fonstitu- tions may have liren impaired hy the continuous use of ardent spirits, (ir other foims o| dissipation. (I'enerally instantaneous in etioct, il tind.> its way direi tly to the seat of life, thrilling and fj'iirkeiiinp every nerve, raising up the driK>ping spirit, and, in fact, infiisi^uj! new health and vigor in the system. NO| ICK V\ hiicver expects to find this a beverage will l>e dis appointed; liut til the sick, weak and low spirited, it will prove a erateful aromatic cordial, possessed of sir jular remedial properties CAUTION! 7 gfeat iMipularity of this delightful Aroma has induced nuny ■ nutations, which the public should guard against purchasing, ite not |i^r>uHdcd to biiv anything else until you have given Boer- have s Holl;md Buitrs a tair trial. One bottle wMl convince you how intin tely su|)erior it is to all these imitations. at $1.00 per bottle, or six bottles for ^5,00, by the SOLK PROPRIETORS, BE-VJAiTIIiV PAGE, JR. A CO. manufacturino PHARMACEUTISTS AND CHEMISTS, Pittsburgh, Pa. SamiAil J. Hinsdale sole agent for Fayetteville. June|.4, 1867. GEO W WILLIAMS & CO. 26-tf ROB'T MITCHELL. 5tf J. WITJJAVT I* v(iK, \T. O., !• MTTS B O RO U€w n, ,V. V. OR. PAGE may be found at bis office when not professionally engaged. •May 0, 18i')7. '*G DAVID McDUrFli:, Itrirkmason anti t*/nsferet\ PS prepared to do all kinds of work in liis line, iii- t* cliidiii!r the piiftitig up of Tiifpentiiio .Stills in tiiis and the adjoining counties. K:ly^■tto^iile, .\pril 27. lH-'i7. .'?-l^-|.d WIJJJAM SANDI'OIJD, OF NOBTH (’.VKOLINA, Willi H K K I). ST. JOHN & I'O.. Wholesale Grrocers. N Ki ('i)U FiioNi' and Sthvkts, .\iig I'.t. is.‘)7. ;i')-;:m B. F. PEARCE & CO., DE.\!-EHS IN FOUKKJN AXi) DDMESTII' DllY (iOODS. IIA I S. C.\PS, BOO TS .\ND SilOES, / ni/jral/iis m/ /iV//y-(' flAV STKHET, ,V. DOCTOR FRANK WILLIAMS’S ( KLKHliA'FFJ) RVH WIIISKEV! "I^HE subscriber has made .arratigements to keep a 1 supply of the Genuine .\riicle, ati l is the only Agent for the sale of the above brand of \ No. 1 Rye Whiskey in this place. May 4, 18'>7. FOR SALK. 1.^ BBLS. of M. k E. MYERS SUPERIOR WHISKEY. This Whiskey conies verj’highi}’ recommended; said to be fully eijual to any North (’arolina make, and warranted free from any impurity. - WORTH ^ UTLEY. I Aug. ’22, 18.57. -3(}- 1 * HOOK HINDKRY RW'. HARDIE has resumed the Book l$inding • Business, over the Tailor Slop of Clark & I Woodward, where he will receive and execute binding ; n any style desired. I August 1. 27tf i V»\'DERT*lKiiitS. i r|lHE stibscribers offer their services to the public to ^ ftirnish Coffins, Hearse, and every other reijnisite . for funerals. They have a considerable supply of Collins ready made, and an abundant stipply of .Ma hogany, Black. Walnut and Gum and Poplar materials for making any size at a short notice. Orders left at the Cool Spring Mills vnll be promptly attended to. IIEARSEY & JOHNSON. Fayetteville, June 29, 18.57. 20tf NOTICE. rpHE subscriber having, at June Term 1857, of the J| Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions for the County of Cumberland, qualified as Administrator upon the Estate of Willie F. Moore, hereby notifies all persons having claims against the said Estate to present the same properly authenticated within the time pre scribed by law, otherwise this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Debtors to the said Estate will please make payment immedi.ately. E. F. MOORE. June 3, 1857. I3tf ~ 7 ^ ri'^HE undersigned having executed a power of At- torney to E. F. .Moore, he is thereby .authorized to make all settlements for me and in my name, and generally to transact all business as 1 might or could lo were 1 personally present. J. J. MOORE. I ^Fayetteville, June 3, 1857. l,3tf j NOTICE. At September Term 18-57, of the Court of Pleas and (Quarter Sessions for the County of Cumberland, j the subscriber having (jnalitied as Administrator upon j the Estate of John McLaurin, notifies all persons in- ' debted to the Estate to make irameiiate payment, and I all persons having claims against the said Estate to present them properly ai.thenticated within the tim^ prescribed by law, otherwise this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. D. McLAURIN, Adm’r. Sept. 16, 1857. 43tf JUST received” BOXES of that superior ROCK CANDY TO- M. V BACCO G. W. I. GOLDSTON, Oct. 6, 1867 48-tf ». K I’K Mirj;. ] •h;lv :i(). (;i:o. \IJ)KKMA\, Susfn’rtor of WILMINGTON, N. SOLICITS ]>atron:ige. Prompt iittention an I iiuiik dot-p.itrh will br given to bnsiiifss entrustf 1 to bis care June 2-{, 18-'i7. lli-12iiii'd A. McRIMMON, Commission and Forwarding Merchant, WlhMTNr.TO-V, N. (' July 's 1S;>7. 22tf JOHN ]\ SAMMSOX, Commission and Forwarding Merchant, W1LM1N('.T0N, N. C. Will give particular :ittention to the sale of Naval Stores, Cotton, &c. Feb'y 25. «')-tf W. H. TURLINaTON, (’^>Illllli.^.^iun Merthanl, No. 4*2 North Waler St., WILMINGTON, N. C. give his prompt persotial atteiitioti to tlif*. w w s.’ile or shipment of all Con.^ignniciits of Stoii"i or other 'ouutry P’-oduce. Nov. i.v.v;. \A)WA{\) i:Li)i!ii)(ih:. • lUorttftf tit ijfttr^ ^RT'ILL attend the Courts of Johnston nnd S:imp- W ¥ Son Counties. .''initiitield. .Vpril l-J. '.nl-tf THO. C. FULLER. .iUorttrf/ It ml i'ouiisrlloi' at Mjatr, OFFD'K at F.»cb' s P.ridire. rei-ently oC’up'“d by .lames ISankM, Esii-. Fayetteville, N. (' Jan'y i, I8-')7. 7otf Worth & Utley, l‘'or\\.irdiiii: ;iii(i (iciKMul (’oihmusskmi MERCIIAN rs, %■%*. 4'. J \. WOBTII. (72tf) JUS. i'TLi;v. III*. K. A. RI.ACK. ^ ^FFU'K Front Kooms, over Dr. S. J. Hinsdale' Cheini't and I>rug Store. Feb’v 7. iSoti. ri-tf II GUANO. TONS No. 1 PERUV’^IAN GUANO, for s.al9 WORTH ^ UTLEY. Aug. 28. 38. FOR SALE. 4DAMANTINE and TALLOW CANDLES; fine and common TOBACCO; and almost anything in the Gr«cery line. Cheap as the cheapest! G. W. I. GOLDSTON. Jan’3’ 27, 1857. 77. GUANO^ TONS BEST PERUVIAN GUANO, just re- ceived and for sale by GEO. W. WILLIAMS & CO. Aug. 81. 1500 Aug. 22 CORN. BUS. CORN, for sale by WORTH & UTLEY. 3(i- GUANOES. BAGS PERUVIAN; 327 do. COLUMBIAN. Not only has the cost of using these Guanoes in connexion been very much diminished, but experi ments have proved that the phosphate, so much want ing in the Peruvian, not only increases the yield, but combined with the Columbian makes the crop much more certain. For sale by D. & W. McLAURIS Nov. 6, 1866. 64tf JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM. ( O n T1 I M I « A AND I'O R W'A R DIX(; MI:RC11 A .\ l\ l%*ilininsfon. .V. C. Paf' Prompt personal attention given to all Consign ments, anil ('ash advances tna le on Produce to be ship ped to other ports or sold in this market. • Feb. T 2, 1855. (j7 •JOSEPH BAKER, .Fk., \ TT4I It \ 1: V A T I. A W , AS taken an office next door to Wm. 1$. Wright’s Law office on Green Street. He will .utend and practice in the ('ounty and Superior Courts of Cumber land, Bladen, Robeson and Sampson. March 2:i, 18.')8. 79-tf “LAW COPAR'rNERSimV' ~ WE, ihe undersigned, have this day formed a Law Copartnership, and will practice in the Courts of the following counties of this State: Chatham, Cum berland, Moore, Harnett, and the Supreme Court. J. H. HAUGHTON. JNO. MANNING. Pittsborough, N. C., Jan’y 1, 1856. 72tf \V« call the atUMitioii of WHOLE" SAF.E DEALERS f|10 our present Stock,—and we have recently re- ■ ceived— 300 bags Rio, Laguira, Maricaibo and Java Coffee, 20 hhds Sugar, assorted grades, 7.5 bbls do. Refined, Crusheil and Powdered, boxes Sperm, Adamantine and Tallow Candles, 66 do Fancy and assorted CaniHes, 100 coils Kentucky, Jute and Manilla Rope, 7 bales Bagging, Gunny, Dundee and Burlaps, 30 tons Hoop Iron, 120 boxes Cheese, 20 half-bbls Super Carb. Soda, 40,000 Cigars, various brands, —ALSO— Pepper, Spice, Ginger, Cloves, Nutmegs, Borax, ^Ladder, Indigo, Spanish Brown, Brimstone, Fancy and Bar Soaps, Starch, Powder, Shot, Bar Lead, White Lead, Putty and Linseed Oil, Window Glass, Snuff in Boxes, Eagle .Mills do., in Half Bbls.; Green and Black Teas, Hollow-Ware, Swedes Iron, English, German, and Cast Steel; Plows, Straw Cutters, Corn Shellers, Sausage Cutters and Stuffers, Trace Chains, Sole Leather, &c., &c. The above Goods we offer on the most favorable terms to prompt time or cash purchasers. D. & W. McLAURIN. Nov. 6, 1866. 64tf NORTH C’AROrJVA REAPERS. MJ.TIBEKS I A1\0 PRKPARRD WITH SPKf’IAL REFERENCR TO THE WANTS ,\Nl) ISTKUESTS Or mVorlh Curolinn. t Nt>KIt THK AfSl’irKS flK TIIK SCl'ERINTKNl)f:N'r OK t’O.M- Mti.v sciioot.s, nv ie«'v. r. ?l. lliihhaiMl. I‘HO(-KSS(M! OF TIIK I.XTIN I. \ Nl! I'.Mi tO .\NI> t.lT !■: II ATI' K K IN Tin; L\ivK.i:siTv or xokth ( akoi.ina. .\ FAAtll.IAK HIST»KV AN1> HKsCUlI'- TIO.N’ OK NOKl :l C.XKOLINA. ; S(‘l‘cti'iii in PiMse and many of thoiii l>y oiniiit'tit citi/’ iis lit' thi' .^fate. \ HIS I'OIMC\L AND CII RONO I.« K’\ L T\BLES, j .\nd a v:irii'ty of Mi:^eellaiieoiis Infuriirition and Sta- 1 tifitic«, by I 21. 1 Niitnb( j- :! i;J :i new atni revised e iition of the North ' Cai'olin t Bender, first jitibli-diod in !S')1. Numbers 1 1 and 2 jii.'it issued, coiuplete flu- seric', wlii'-li is, as a whole, cheaper than any otlifr series ol' Beadersin the | L'nitod States;, and ;is eonipU-te. ' The Editor (I’rof liu!>b-ird) in lii.« I’rrfrice to '.'uin- b»*r 1 deems it pi oper to allude to .1 few of flu- ; ndvantaires aitne.l iif tiy the Siifieriiiti-ndenf of Coninion Seliools wliilt- loaking efforts to li:iv- this work eoiii- pleted These are, 1. Till’ encfiiirilifini nt df 1 Jri'lmii nf Kilf-tlrjunilnir,. and the enlisfiiienf -if popular siMitinient in bulialf of the State and its instituti' t.s It was not thought im portant, howev. r. to Inve' ni'^re than one number of tbe Headers of merely a local interest i J, 7'" ri Ill'll,/ llte ri'il ereri/irhirr h)eil nf in : iiinii xi'hiiiils. Ill'll jurjutuul rhiiniji' iii hxt liiihkx: iin e\- pensive habit, an 1 v.bich iiijvires li.e Se,bools by pievenfing the eliildren from Jieing cl issifie I .V se- ‘ ries of homo Beaders. it suppo.sed, would be eer- ' tainly used, and this great evil thus avoided 3, Ei-iii(i>in>j, the jiopular system of Beaders beitig too long and being madt- .so often merely to add to the profits of authors ami publishers. \ This serie( is to cotisist of fewer numbers than ; those fri'u-r!iUy used, and it is believ«il that these ' numbers are satficient, while if tlie system were uni- i versally used in the .'fate, the sum save-l to parents and children would .amiunt to several thousan-l dollars 1 annually. j 4. T>> put in Ihi' kmi'h of chihlren hiirntn;/ to ri'iiil rmn- inifilinnx siiiiirii iilli/ /iiiiiiliar hill nut 0/ ihi' rlmmrfi r Ciilh il chil'hxh roiiijiii/iiiiony, containing, in lessons easy enough ! for all Hires, correct specimens of style, interesting in . matter, -ind inculcating proper morals, and religious ; instruction. The prices are, for No. 1, 2-5 cents; .N’o 2. :)7.J cents. ' and No. 3, 7-'> cents. .A deduction trotn these ; prices to Mt-rcbants and School Teacheii E. J. HALE .V SON. j Fnyetteville, July 2'.*. 2'.*- Pire Insurance. i • M/" I' refer our readers to the annual statetnent of ; T w tlie ..Etna Insurance ’onipauy, of HartJi'r I, | which will be l.-un l in another coiutan. This success- j ful institution was incorporated by the Legislature of I ConnecCK-ut in ISl'.*, witii perpetual cliarter Its capital is ''>•>, and its accumulations exeee l | ((()!) -nore, making its entire assets over : OUO, invested as detailed in the statement referred to | These results in.lieato that during the period of nearly i forty years since its ors.aniz-jtion, (without a single , change of its chief officer, j it.s business Ins l..-i-n con- i ducted with juilgment and jirudence. It has been , thus far successful in an eminent degree, discb.-irging. i as we arc informed, all its oblig.iiiotis by the paymetit j of about I'H inillinii dullum for losses, without usking a I day's delay in any inst.-ince. It has had Imt little lit igation, notwithstanding tlie i;ntiiense nuv.iber oftrans- actions made. In order to attain sis much lerlnintij as possible in such a business as insurance, it has been the practice of the Company, for years, at great labor, crtrefully to classify ami arrange tLeir risks into iibout fifty distinet classes, so as to ascertain the amount insured on each class, the amount of pre- miutns received th''reon, anit the amount of losses up on each Thi? cl isaification, exkndi;ig over a long period,and covering property to a very large amount,fur nishes reliable data, and presents a sound, substantial basis of actual experience, upon which to conduct its business. Insuratice is not a matter of luck or chance, as many supfiose; its hazards are ascertainable, and its principles cajiable of bein? reduced to a syotein, the practical working and results of which are as cert.-iin as that of any otlier V>usiness. The -Etna Company, bj’ adhering rigidly to its system, and placing its busi ness apon a healthy basis, has obtained the confidence of the communit}- to an extent surpassed by no other Company in the U. States, and has increased its busi ness and its income from year to year with a steady growth. One great source of its security is the wide distribution of its risks—a policy whicli it pursues with great strictness—limitin.g the amount to be cov ered in each locality. By tlais corrse it has passed, with comparative impunity, through some of the most sweeping and destructive fires, vhich have swallowetl up other companies less cautious in their business. It is a system like this, based upon experience, which gives stability and soundness to a company, and to the as sured confi Icnce and security. — Baltimore Patriot. .ETM l.\SlRi\CE fOMPlNl' HARTFORD, CONN. INCORPORATED 1819. CHARTER PERPETUAL. Capital $1,000,000. Assets $1,422,162 11. T. K. BRACE, President. E. G. RIPLEY, Vice Pre sident. T. A. ALKX.\NDER, Secretary. Directous.—T. K. Brace, S. Tudor, J. Church, R. Buell, M. A. Tuttle, E, Flower, E. A. Bulkeley, R. •Miither, E. G. Ripley, S. S. Ward, H. Z. Pratt, G. F. Davis, A. Dunham, 1). Ilillyer, T. A. Alexander, W. Keney. • The Assets are mainly invested in Stocks and Bonds, paying interest, with $172,664 61 of cash on deposite in the Hartford Banks, to meet losses. Losses due and unpaid—none. Losses adjusted and not due, $24,.SI3 96. Losses in suspense, waiting further proof, &c., !f!75 - 8.50 15. Losses resisted, (suspicions of fraud, &c.) $46,678 72. Agent of the above Company in Fayetteville, N. C. E. J. HALE. Is, n !. IS To Bl. T!t 1 , • LITERARV' IrZhlcr ] . TO »K ;:i !;i.|. ,, . ’ n O T S3 i, V T()W\ OF SAU'£ 15Y ANDREW J. SThDMAnr A MHMllEU OF Till! No’, i|t , . IN otl'ering to tlie l'ut)lic my -,1.1 the Editorial ('liair p.i, su; r partnient of other like I’erioiiic::,:^- the talent of .North liaroMii-t. ati.i t', that will be brought to its i.rt. age. .\nd I also, us a Soutliei n , of a Soutiiern .Magazine, Ci^iin .,t .Southern counfrt, and e.t[n-i :-ii!v i ; that aid and supijort that wi.i ln-i upon a firm basis, a founttiin i,| \ clitsively ii Home Liter.iry .M:iny are the .'laga/in> Nortbern .St,it(-s that are 1I..0 |i:, , coiiiitr^. Tlu rr is not. (il is i.j- .i any .'''outliern St.-ite tlM» i i - ‘•Graliaiii, ’ ‘•I’eier-oi ' ■: North Carolina an-l tlu- S • passed anil ui;--(iiak-1 rti-:;-. i , ■ is Virouiibt iiito ex-rci.-i' is le , Northern .Mag-iziiies. wlule S. !•, alM taK'tit bov. in i;li;ji ,■ li poiics ’t'Southeni . oi.t.-.l'ui i: Why, I a^k, eantiot / .—\ . r —st il l gr et iiir to our aeeet't ible for the In in_. of the 111' St cll.l.'te, ei(-g,;ii ; , is true that »he .Sont'o b.;^ i • • nuinbir are they, and iiii ie.v>... ■ . lications of the Noi tli, whii-ii i homes, lilleil witii tlie rtsu t 1 * ' ing witli uiipai doi.-iioe - liii ■. Then 1 ap()eai to N . rtli t' m .. ■ e . .''fates t ) aid me in loy e^.ti r; ti ■, literary ta. te .itii.oi;. ;f fiie tij , ern man. 1 have e .limv .My .Migizine »iil i. of tue u will lie a'iiiiifted to ii... i.>. - meet the approval n! tio- ni -• llluslr.iti'd wiiti Kii'ifiuin; of the most elegant texture, e 11 1 style any exeeitttd .-it ti.e .Nortii My piiee ol s;ub.'.-ri[>ti..n is T;: ■ y^Jar, whieh is re'iiiiie'l t.. t e j.-.j.l expense to be ine.irre l in esla^ !• tioii will n -I .I'irnit of i itii ii! . Tin- I'irst X:i,ii/>-r - ill ' Sept'r 1, r .'T. X. li. .^ly .N'i'lris- tu.': wili be l’itt.--lri roiigii, \. i' Salem, N t'. i'i, ()r .N (/';( • MoNn;o\i i;:'v hi iv|iiity -\!i tti ■ el He.i'ler-^ Hirrlf. . f \:at!,;-.. I!a;:an lil.’.h |»;iv : li'i ST.\.\D.\Rn LITERATURE. TBIHE Waverly Novels 27 vols. cloth and half calt; -1 ICooper’s Novels; Irving’s Works, 15 vols; Prescott’s Conquest of Peru and Mexico; “ Lives of Ferdinand and Isabella; “ Life of Philip the 2i; Benton’s 30 years in the U. S. Senate, 2 vols; The Statesman’s Manual, 4 vols; Encyclopedia Americana, 14 vols; Lossing’s Pictorial Field Book of the Revolution Webster’s Works, 6 vols; Colton’s Life and Times of Henry Clay; Memoir of S. S. Prentiss of Miss; Pictorial Life of Andrew Jackson; Memoir of Wm. Wirt by Kennedy; Life of Wise and Virginia Politics in 1855; Garland’s Life of John Randolph; Democracy in America, by De Tocqueville; Abbott’s Life of Napoleon, 2 vols; Abbott’s Histories; Wirt’s Life of Patrick Henry; Life of Wm. Pinckney of Md.; Bayard Taylor’s India, China and Japan; Com. Perry’s Japan Expedition; Lieber on Civil Liberty and Self Government; The Physical Geography o*" the Sea, by Lieut.Maury, Liberty and Slavery, by Bledsoe of Virginia; * Southey’s Common Pla -e Book; Life and Corres. of Souihey; The Spectator; Wilson’s Tales of the Borders; The Scottish Gael, or M;inners, Antiquities, and Customs of Scotland; The Scots Worthies, by John Howie; Lockhart’s Life of W’alter Scott; Chainbers 3 Life and Works of Robert Burn.s, Hamilton’s Discusaions in Philosopliyand Liter.ature; Life and Correspondence of Lord Jeffrey; The Queens of Scotland, by Agnes Strickland; Chambers’ Misce'.lanies; Proctor’s History of the Crusades, illustrated: W'oodfall’s Junius: Hannah More’s Works; Plutarch’s Lives; Boswell’s Life of Dr. Johnson* Novels and Tales by Maria Edgeworth- Addition, Burke and Johnson’s Works; Millman’s Gibbon’s Rome; Ilallam’s W'orks; Cosmos, by Hunibolt- Men .and Women of the 18th Century by Houssaye; The Guide to Social Happiness, by Mrs Ellis- Shakspe.are, Byron, Moore, Scott, Hemans and other Poets in various styles of binding; The Boston Edition of the British Poets, &c., &c. E. J. HALE & SON. BLANKS for sale at this Office I? '1' ' 'I""'- ^ ii, defetl'la Ilfs ( i ! e;! .. ;i': re>ideiifs of tbls Stale, it i'. nr., publication be ni id ' liie I'a\.-ili s!.\ weeks, l!i:it the .said ! , Davis be ai»»i n]>pear at n xt C'mii i li“ li ! >r the ; ouufy i l ’I-.ntsi ■ . House in Troy, on the !a t Mord.iy ■ aiid then ati I fh'-r** t.lead. au'^ ■- tiffs' bill, or tbe >;inie will :.e tak -n .. heard ex part- Witness. Edinniiil .1 ■;iin of Eil’.lity, ;it Ofbce. till.- la : N! l8-j7, and the st2d yeu of r, 50*0t] ri. .1. till liOOSvjil OF all kinds, i.s executed in 'he b- Old common l*r:'vers, I;i1 ' hoiind ^ the saniesi'ir thc^-wer: 1 save the repurciiase ot new !>oi.ks. [,il ; with colleges, and otiier soi i.’tie:-, itn^ residing at distance, will (hid i- • .. to get their booKS l-uund here, as a ' will be made tipon larse orders: 1' them with p .rti' ub.i- dire ;tioi- . t-- ii. and when finished, they will be e:u-p'' returned witliou* delay. I have the best i i-it-’i ship will compare with atiy either South. Apply for a list of Bin ling prir. s ■ where. The uuUersigneii respeetl'uii' of patronage. H. I'L A Nov. 5, 186t). LIN nde til! STATE or NORTH C'AROf.!\ MONTC.OME RY COUNTV. Court of Equity, August Torm ‘ Green Williams vs. Eli H. Scarborough, \ ; neth McRae, and Green Wi’Iiai., . Original Bill. IT appearing to the satisfaction of the (' : • tbe defendant. Green Williams, is not in ■ ant of this State, it is otdered by the Court lication be made in the Fayetteville Observer ■weeks, that the said Green W'illiams be an I v the next Court of Equity, to be held for the !’ .Montgomery, at the Court Hcuso in Troy n,. ■ Monday in February next, and then and t:-i j answer or demur to plaintiff’s bill, or tii- - Oi, taken as confessed, and heard ex parte W'itness, Edmund J, Gaines, Clerk oi of Equity, at Office, the last .Monday in A :_- 1857, and of American Independence the ■' 56*6t] E. J. GAINi:.-. STATE OF NORTH CAUOLl ROBESON COUNTV. Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions, Ati^'^'- T 1857. Nelly McKay vs. Catharine Sellers, .biiie M. Duncan McKay, John McPhatil an' Watson and wife Margaret. Petition for Dower. IT appearing to the satisfaction of il;. Duncan McKay, John McPhaul mi John Watson and wife Margaret, I'elen case, reside beyond the limits of this St.i!. fore Ordered, thjit publication be luado successively in the Fayetteville observer, r. i non-resident Defendants to appear at the this Court, to be held for the county ii li the Court House in Lumberton, on the luurtli '■ in November next, then and there to pleiil. demur to this petition, or the same will be taif confesso, a ’ ' ' ' Witness, at Office, ■ 1 will' Mi KlUt? . Iti to this petition, or the same will be tiiKi- 0, and the prajer thereof granted ex ess, John M. Hartman, Clerk ol ursii*' e, tbe 4th Monday in Autrust, A. I>. 1- in the eighty-second year of American Iti IIAill'iAN- 48»Gt] J. M. STATE OF N(MITH CA1101 ROBESON COUNTY. Court of Pleas & Quarter Se.ssioii, -Vul■ 1S.57. John Taylor, Mary Taylor, .\rehiba’ 1 ' and others, ’■«. Catharine Mc.Miiian, .)■ ^ and others. Petition for sale of Sl.-ives, Account i’* ; tT appearing to the satisfaction of : the Defendants, Catharine McMi'.'_ ‘ Cormic, Daniel W. .McCormic, Jo ejli i '■ John C. McCormic, J;imes .A. McCor: :>'■ 1 McCormic, Benjamin e". McCormie, ■ John P. Stewart, Lodon Da\is ai: 1 «ii- • Barbara Ste-wart, reside beyond the lii!!' - It is Ordered, therefore, that pub-'- .ti' six weeks successively in the F.i,; eit paper published in the town of" I' ^yi ■■ State, for the s!TW Defendants to b • and : next term of the Court of Bobee-n, at ti ■ ■ in the town of Lumberton, on ihe t'nu ... November next, then and t',c;; t ! • demur to this petition, or they will be ■ . fesso and heard ex parte as to them. W’itness, John M. Hartman, Clerk of ' H ■ at Office, the 4th Monday in .\ugu.-t, A. in the yoai of .Vmeii> in li-' 1 48*Ut] J. M. IIABTN. ' The CIHUSTIAN by Aiken. A new supp'"’just received. E. J. liAL Blanks for sale at thii Otiicc. i\\ * TRINTE EDW ED] Price for the I advance; tion; or $4 for the Week advance; $ tion; or !j>3 advert I! .yquare of 101 “^pucceeding ^ci»l contract Requested to they will be ;. ingly. ^ Advertiseni cent, extra where he wil may be in ne No inducer form operatic will he cbarg Dr. B. with exertions to manner as po Ail pitted. P. S. Thol and settle. Oct. 14. FOR TH (Call soon, OSEOETUE Bo LADIES’ LADIES’ ani YOUTH’S ai INDIA-RUBI His stock «elf, and buy before purchs Oct’r 8, IB' , «^AU ward, and th •nd upwards. I^ROM th his neg thirty years high, stour ai ’'spoken to. ‘‘^Btate. I wil ■ apprehension 'in any jail in Address th N. C. Oct’r 13. £ OFFER f side of Cl 4»n Bridge, 1 *oout 800 act eitUivation, a tbe most prol bargain in 1h easy if applic Address m Oct’r 16. To which he and the publ P. S. Hi Watches anc Sept. 15. ~ WAT Which make to make thei Wa and warrant Oct’r 1, 1 MOSS S SOU\ Just receivei ( Dunde suit p Sept. 17. l'A\ TIHE ab - respoi for between ber next, be sold at / in lots to SI Any infot applying to Fayettevi WILL to m BO that I ca the 30th ul He is a brij old, about defective, on when be likely try free State; up in the there, and of that pla Boy will thanks of Kenansvi f)V The su and L Streets, at T«rm» r«ai