2RI0D1CAL LI4iiKn ) LIuhkh II L Y ‘Sir'll ^aholin.^b "y '•'‘gazine, I d»- ‘»perionty oter t'® but I do de. “n'i the ssouth ‘Pl'ort. .Southed, ‘•'■n and «he p>' nil Ht the haul ^>f Nortl cVol ^^' > ‘«ere at home. > '>« Literature tig-izine. ’ ex- > i,ubli8bea , the whole 3 pi- bnble.) ai ^'■"■Udhy „u •‘i lo^.- wh:i.. ,'^p«0 ^UltliTu t-Ot.Tptii, '“ ‘“‘S >'• '■ sroliuH, the , .hern ciiiui: a »i" ihat aaorath^“‘“'*' ^■>- M;.cti7,ines; hut fe. * “• ' t„ the puk“ ev-ry su.iil hnna, of lur.,l Uh,.,r, >n '■^ni. ‘ ’ rromotii).. Wili ill " • '*'* !» ^UUth. bii. Ml. a HrtiL-Ws as »■■ ■*“ l'»naat, raMiiiis HDd Pliiien in * i^OLLARSp„ r ‘ >1 111 ftuvatice, as th, t!i'■ ' such a public*. 11 > V - . hf 1 *1 yu'f.uar^ l(jj» A J STEDMAN, hJi; '!• auJ I’roprietor ., . 46- itil iL I.of November —utior iLtfci. tini^j ij ^ rii r vkuiT>^ Y r -L NTT i>.t T rru 1S57. Ex’rs of Chas. (} lul Aiathew Datis Ewcutoi I Pursoub Davis and Br7u 1 bill. kCtidU Mud r ordcn treeii tll-Xt « ftiitp. r iIiXI'Jh nsH ■■ r e tuk- f iLi I'ourt tiiattii, Jifr-.jus Davis are naa 1 ■ y the Court :h»t ' ’e ObserTer for ivi-i and Parsjiii jrt of Equitj to b» -•y, ftt the C.Tirt y ia February neic, ■' 'iemur to plain- • *■ confessed, and ;s, C: -.: r our said Court in Aujjust, A D. uienc'i'H Iii'lepenJencc. J. uAlNES, C. M. E [.\Df.\G 1 in the best manner. I, Bibles, and others, re- ey were before. This will >uks. Librarians conne«t8d ieties, and also gentlemen Snd it a matter of economj re, as a deduction of prioei ders: P ick them and send lOns to this establishment; [ be carefully repacked and materials; and workman- j either at th« North er ig prices before going slse- espectfuily solicits a shari 1. U. T1LLINGHA3T, AnJerdon Street. 54-Y rm C’AKOLINA, :y C' -rvir. .ugu-: Term 157. larbiiT' .._'li, Adm’r of Ken- (ir;en Williaui*. a liiii. (faction of the Court that illiam^. ig not an inhabit- Ni by the Court that pub- ertevi..-; fjbserver for (ii filliani- he and appear at be hel l far the County of louse in Troy on the last id then and there plead, 8 bill, or the same will be d ex J %rte. S, Clerk of our said Court Mondiij in August, A. D. endence the S2d year. J. GAINES, C. M. £. rn CAROLINA OUNTY. JeasioDs, August Term, Sellers, Jane McFh»ult iaijl and wife Mary, John JDower. rtion of the Court, th*t IcPhaul and wife Slsrji aret. Defendants in thii of this State: It is ther»- t be made for six le Observer, for the said pear at the next term of i county of Robeson, *t 1, on the fourth Mond»y here ti plead, answerer same will be taken pro !of ^^anl^;d ex parte. Clerk of our said Court, Vugust, A. D. 1857, *na American Independence. H CAROLINA, )UNTV jssiuuii, August Terni» irchilaM B. MoCormio Millan, John McCormi# iount and Distribution, lion of the Court, tba‘ I McMillan, John W»- JoBt-ph A. McCormic, McCormic, Thomai J- rmic, .Nancy Anderson, ind wife Mary Ann, a* the limits of this ®' >ubii:.iiLou be made o 'ayettfville Observe*'* of Fayetteville in thi Eo be and appear at ion, at the Court Hou* the fourth Monday o M to plead, answ®^ ^ will be taken pro ®®“‘ Iheui. . :ierk .f our said Court, uKu.i, A. I). 1867, and roericau IndependenO*- J. H.-.KTMAN,^lj>^ Mi.NS rRBi-» receiv* J } J. HALiii ^ _ ie i [\OI.. VII.j 1-A^ J:TTK\ Jf.Li., .N. C.. SOVEMIMM !2, is,')?. 1 i.i\Ti:i> MoNDWs \Mi riin:s!i\vs i:i)\VAi{[) J. II \u: .v s(iN. KiMi't>!;.■ \M> i-i;niM:ii'.i'oi:.c >' , t',ir tlio Soiiii-Wfcklx (>iisKi!\ Ki: (M) ifpn'i-liu :i lv‘iiu'’: -'!>-> •">•> if p.'iiil din-in^ tho yc.ir of .siilisi'i ip- t; 'i; "I- :i!tcrtlu' yt;;ir liiis fxpiroii. I-'. !• riit' U .'fkty ()n-;Ki:\ i;K uo per :iiiii>iiii, il'p;iii| in ;i •>- '>0 it' jmlil duriiis; tho \ riu-il siil^i ri]- r- :i: "V nrttT tlu‘ \t':ir lias fxjiired. \ 1>\'I'.K I’lSll.M KN i'S inst't tvil tor si\ty Cfiits i>rr )i.iii:irf "I' I*’'lim> fur Iho first. :itnl thirty i-cnts f.ir cmcIi ^u. i-ot> lin^ publicr.tiiiii. Vc;irl\ .■i.lvcrli'.cnuMit.'^ by si.t - ii i'iiiitr:ii’t-i, ;tt vo:i.siiii:ilili“ r.itos. .V'lvfrl i.-;ei s ;ii c rt>,|iif'tt‘d to stato the iiutiibcr ul' insoilinti> ili'siri"). or will Ilf f.iiitinueil till fuvltiii, and c!iarji(*«l aiTord- in;;ly. A Ivi'rtisements to bi- itiM-rtod . ohargi'd '>i'pei' I'eiii. -\trii. SF.l'OM) STOI'K! STARR & WILLIAMS KK uiiw recoiviiiji TilK1U .■'Kt'ONl) .STOCK I’OK THIS SK \Si>N. *M!itiraoin",— llry moo(Iw, lloofM, niifl Vl:id(‘-ii|> f'lolliiii;::, whii'li they invite the .'Utfiiti.in ol' Wholesale buy er.s geni rally. 1!. Stahu 1 [.). M. Wni.i\>!s ti.'t'r ]>'u. r> tf m I'oij rRiiu: foiiowiiii: \ .\i.r\i:i.i; kst.mi:, the B I'ropi Ity of K. (’ H ill h'.-M, i>; o'lVre l ! r Half, mil ci'usi.'ts ol' the I'oilowinir tr-i'-l-': 'I Iirit ih'sir:il»l(' I'l ici> loi'iwii as IJmiii •lI S'l' l!KCKiVi;i). 'l:fal!l- i'lin.inxfiiifiils. This i. ti' ■'111( piin'iiasf iw. 'uisiiiess bl:iii s ill I" \vi.-liiii.; I'l A New and Cheap G-oods! .JAMi:s KYI i: Is now receivinp' a larse and {reiioral s'lpply of Dry Goods, aiiionji wlueh are sjilendid Dress (toods, 'viili every article in the Dry C, ,,.ls line. .Vll ot’ whioli. ■fi.ifT purcl'.aseil tiv the ]i-ioka:f, ''vill be ottered by wholesale or retail at a small advanf'' for rash or on 'iiae to pnnctiml customers Fayetteville, Sept'T ‘Jfi, 18-'i7. I'l-tf •IV’ir Sfork of I’.OOKS AND S rATIOXHRV. % C J F, are now receiviiijr our usual New Stoek of ▼ w I’looks and Stationery, embracing a great .a'.ietv of ^1‘hool, liim, Vlr«li*al aii«l llook*i. T'itrether with u I.-irirf and varied Stock of HLANK 111" ks. i‘aim:i!. knvfi.upks, \-c. 1‘ iintry Merfhants mid "thfrs are irivitfd to fall as \n' tier tlif i’’ 'Vv' !i tin- ' , »frnis V. .1 H\i.K .“s: SON. pt r L’S. w. Ii. Asn s.u I'tt/I St or/,- or (.OOtfS, ‘ i> ' IV'/f :i’ld w :.. T |.o' , ii:. . ti- .-'u.. ■ • ■■y w-!Ut ’ - \fl ‘O! (.■' .'•■I'l- IT. r.i.ni iM triei V r. ■■ In,'.- KVI"' • ".It iioj: ah'II* li'iO \cres. idi all place will lie soid entire orili\'. I •t I'fiii;' prolialily oiif of ihf !if the fountry, and is vei_\ Ifsir.iK I'liti T the nifI’f:iiitile liiiiiif" No ('.Misists of a l,,>t Miiil ISriek St.r.', teneinfnl^. I in (’aitipt'e’hon. '.n liridire Stifet. nf.ir I’larmdi II l!iidj;e, and is a vcrv lifsir-ihlc strind tor loisitif ss. ^ii> •>, 1-; rii’Tc vacaiit Lots m i'aniplH'Mtnii, kifiv. !i ill f ity p!>.t as -Nos Id-, ill, Ml', and hall'ot lot 11::. \o. 1, Isa l>W('lliiii; llmsi' atnl Lot tm !Iav- nioiuit, eorner ol Plank Koa 1 ainl \diUns Si. ,\ \fr\ desirable residet.i-e tor the wiiole \ear No. Isa (’on\ Mill aial Steam l']iij;itii‘ ami 'ioiler, of 1(( or 15 horse ]>ower. Tliis is well worth ] le atlfiitii'h of those liviiij^ >vlieie water jiower is not '.ilabU-. :ind will ho mM at a jjre.it hargain. ' For terins appl} ( i .1. H. HAI.L, \ssi2;nee. ‘ jpiist 1. IS'.T. ;iO tf ( AI*K I I.AM LA.NDS roKNAi.i;. Subscriber otl'ers for sale th.it very vahiablf i M l’L.\NT.VTU).N kiuiwii as the ••Blocker hand," , sitii.'ited on tiie I'a't si le of f!i»* ';tpe ( ear, four miles ' below Fayetteville The I.and frotus the Hivera half ■ mile ar.d ruiis back two miles, and consists of about .''is Ilundrf 1 .Veres. The stiil is of evfry variety coin- j iiion to this region; I'lnbraeinfr the li^ht sandy, loamy, ] clay, river low proimds, and very rich swamp lands.— ■ of the last named ah.iiit fifty ,acif« are under eiiltiva- i tion. and are as good as any in the einnty. The b il- ' ance of the swainpiabnut It'Oor 1-'i* aer''■ can bo very easily draine'l tliroiigh ditches alre-iiiy eat to the Ikiver, or to Lock's (’>cek, which runs across the ; midlle of the trart. Of the w hole tra‘t tiiere is at.out ' 1‘2;> acres under eu’.tivation. The growth on the ' wood land consists of pine ;lon_ir and short leaf,) oak, hickory, poplar, jinss. gum. ,\e For terins and further intormation apply to W . L. Fvans on the premisfs. .1. F. Hi'yaii, Ksi[., 1’. M , Fay etteville, or to myself at Fayetteville. FltANCEiS KVANS. Sept. ill, 1.''.j7. lUf roii SALK. ^I'llIF subscritier desiring to emigrate to th.e West, I oilers for sale his entire I, V\|)S, including about six hundred acres, generally known as Chalk Level, lying in the upper en.l of Harnett county, 3 miles I’ast of ’apo Fear Hivcr, and on the ro.ad leading fr..iu Fay etteville to Chapt ’ liill. St .re, I'wclling, Out Houses, all in first r.'ite .ir h-r. ^The Store is at a line I.'isincss st ^n.l, and is not to be exfellfd by any Cfiuniry "tore in the State. Tliere arr also up".! th>- jircrnisfs an exffllent well 'tf water with in 1') or l!) .steps "f the (louse, a tine yining orch.ard ol’ Fruit Trees, a 'i .n ^ ard in I'orfect order, >vhifh j'-iy' well when in 0! -ration. ,\l.s.' a Hlacksniith Sh .p witl; i'odp, ,‘:f .\ny jici n’l • s'iin;r to purel’ .o, well t.i call .ind exaniii f aiJfrmiiied t-. s,‘H. nii'l wi; i I'Ureha.-. r -N. 1“>. The plm f i- •/ > t' tio erf. c >iHiti_.. I'l S!i ir‘s t'mk of l-\,v ..fvillo (>IU .1. W ILIJAM P\(;K, M, I).. #• # TTS IS o il o rra^ ff, .>•. r. iH P.\GF, may be foun.l at his >tliee wiifii not a> »r i!i(' I iiirii’ost, I iMiidsoiiK'st mikI j (Stocks of I fiatie €toth 11# | for tientlemeii's w»>ar, ever brought to this Market, j and no lui.'takel ! •\lso, a Mafrnifieeut assortment of I ami Imiv's Suits and Lxtra .laekets of all C(dors of (’h-tli l’4M8 ?CVil. M>\a» »l %\l>^.-lieady to furnish I'ontraetors -.vith any i|U:intity of Clothing, at a verv low tigure. rost BsoiT A larsfc lot of 1’ ■la>-kfts and Ovit ('oats; also, fancy Flannel Over Siiirts and I’ai.ts—very eiieap. very extensive assortment of Iciik'I.^'s I'll Fine Linen ainl Fancy Mar seilles Shirts and Collars. I'nder-garments of heavy Silk and Meiino, Socks, Ouvats. Gloves, H’dk'fs, Sus penders. ,S;c. UOO’I'^ —From the heaviest Water-l’roof to the finest rump ;ind Fair Stitehed, I’hiladelphia made; Halo and .'a|>«, of all de- seriptions E.ali«‘s' l"r«‘iich Ti‘av‘lliii;; TriiiiKo— I'xtr.i large si/.es; ISonnet Itoxes; Gents' Knglish Solo [.eatlier, Spanish Iron Frame and Tacking Trunks: I'.nglish .'solf Leatiier \ alices, and others: a new sf\le of Travellifg i!ags (very convenient:) (Jentlemen's Shawls and Fancy I’.uggy IJlankets: genuine H.avaiia .'•'eg-irs; riiibrt Kas: Walking Canes: India Hubtier Ov« r (’oats, Leg>rings and Sandals; also. Over Shoes for L.idies; :iiii| a gre.at variety of Fancy t.ioods too nu merous to nientioii. .\11 whifh will be sold at wholesale or retail very low for cash or on time to promjif paying customers (iratffnl for the liberal jiatronage heretofore extended to me, I respeetfully solicit a continuance of the same. C.EOliGK 15KAN0T, South side Hay Street, (ipjiosite (J. \V. Williams A: ('o. F.iyetteville, N. Sejit 17, 18‘)7. -l'!-tDl FOR SAI.K. S^HF 1>W I'LL!.N(J H()USE AND L()T on Gillespie Street, at present occupied by Doctor McSwain. I’erlet-t title c.an be made. Apply to THO. J. CUKTIS- ,\LSO F.\\IILY C.V K HI .\(i F in good repair and nearly new. \Vill be sold for half its value. —ALSO— ;5 good MlLt'H (’OWS with young calves. Apjdv to T. J. CUKTIS. April •! >. 1>''>7. 8tf professionally e; May ti, lb.)7. ratred. DAVID McDl FI’IK, iBrirLmttsoH anti M^laste»'Vt\ HH S jireparcd to do all kinds of work in his line, in- Cb cludinrr the putting up of Turpentine Stills in this and the adjoining counties. Fayetteville, .April '11. 1857. ^i-lY-p.l WILIJAM SWDI'ORD, OF NOitTfl CAUOLIN'A, Wilh REED, ST. JOHN & (’0.. Wholesale G-rocers. N K. (^oK. Fho.nt a-\i) Auch Sthkkts, #•#1 Ha (H Ipit i a. -\ug. I'.t, 18.j7. 3-'> oin B. F. PEARCE & CO, DKALEUS IN FOREKiX AND DO.MESTK' DRY GOODS. HATS, (’ATS, ilOOTS AND SHOES, I nibrellas und Mmfr Clolliinij, HAY STHHirr, i-aif€ttevHle^ .V. 4\ I AiR XO'I'H i: ^B^HF. Kieiimon.l I’nion .\grieulturi’ Socict-, S ;iold its Annual Fair at Laurel Hili, On the last WIDNKSDA^ and THl KSlt\\ .o N' \ i;mi;i;i; »e.\t As tlifre has lu.^u niucii pfiin^ talcfii in !i;'':' ; ii|) the I’air (irouiid. it is imped that not on'v the ■ : /"•:is .]| Hicliiiioii I, but of the adjoinin'.: ('oun'.i. ': \'.i ' collie along and eonij'fte tor the I’rfiniuins t,,lx‘.iu .r! fd We have :i hrsi rate enclosure f ir the exiiilntioii ot .'•^tofk of all kinds, jin excellent Tinttinu Tra k. wit' fver_\ nec'-ssarv ari-ingenifnt tor the Moral Dep.ni nieiit. ,\11 articles of exhibition niiist be l.roujrht t-T Ward on Wednes'hiy, the tirsi .lav ot' the Fi r. EXKci TivK t'oAiMirri:i-: Octroi. ,')7 :i !» VNK (H' (' \im: !'i: \k, } No\'r Itli ls.')T. ,\o. !M». » S KM I - A \ .N r A L Hividind of I'href pfi-cfiit v.iil b«> paid to the StocklioMers at the i’rinrip il !’■ i' and r.ia'o-hcs, on and after the !'th inst. If. i; SAVAt'.i;, Ca-h r Nov. 5. .'i7 ;;i .M SI' lliy|'UJl.\EI) tile Northfrn eitie.s, I'or the second timt this -e i il, wiih iiiif of the li:iii(l.\!i!iirNl iiiitl licallv riipapesl Storks of itiiii I'iiH' ii Drt/ (inni/x; L'lteat Sti/les ^•/,. • (f,/,/ SHk Hoofs (tiid S/n.s; 7 riii:k mill Knury (looifs; I ever otlered t ' purfh-’.sers in this market, riif pre.Sftit stoek particularly having been pur- I'l-.i nil h r very fiTorab'e circumstances,—at the ■‘. I ! fi ii;.-is. whfii gtiods were tow and cash scarce, : ' will ihfifJ'ire lie sold at a great reduction of pr;.-. avlv .11 Hi'Ilf Ii. K J’K.XROK.] July :U). [.I. \\\ i’K.\ncK, .in 2'.t-tf (JF.O. AI.DFRMAN, itisperlor of »'\'at‘al Store%^ WlLMINGTf)N, N. C., SOI.iriTS patronage. Prompt attention and (niick despatch will be given to business entrusted to his care. June L>;?, 18.')7. 19-li'mp.l A. McRIMMON, Commission and Forwarding Merchant, WlLMIN(iTON, X. C. .July 0, 1S57. -Jl'tf If.VO M: R T.lRi^Ml s. f I^'^IIK sniiseribera otter their services to the public to flii.s. Hearse, and every other re^|uisite ty have a considerable supply of IK a a p a;‘i woum ii for themsf’.ves I am ,k'* tiTii;s i-v for thf A 11 Dliw \R ■eaithi- st in the South- fur nish C- for Fiiner;ls, Cofhiis read\ made, ■ ndnn at>un hint supply of M.i- hogany. i’.lafk \'’.tliiut and (Sum and I’oplar mat'Tia’s for III iking ;'.e v size :it a short notice. Orders left at the Cool .''■piiiij' \|i!;,s will lie proniprlv atterid^il to. II i;.\IU EV‘ i JOHNSON. FayeiteviHe. Tunel^;.17. 2)tf tuel- .:.ii 'r'l' r. ,i. jr \'i rf‘eivii;- tiii-ir F\L1 > WlSTl’l’ M(-. k . F.\M ‘i i>oMi:sTi(’ mi\ (;(‘tii.s- hich they will sell at thfir usual hov piifes, in p-'r? as follows,— tE L.AINS, all kir.ds; D -All Wool I’laids: r.d’d .Merir..„ s: • 'ol’d Silks and lUack Hich Hobes .\'2>ii!Ie: (’hf'iiille Sh.iwl>; Do, Scarfs, all silk; Long .Si iwla foi oeiitlenieii; Do for Si’rvaiits: Cloth and Vflvft Clo!ik.->, French Itohes, \ olaiit*. Do. ti.r Missei; Nett Coats for Children- Long llrocha Shawis: Merino Shawls, whifi': Opera Flannel, Plain and Col'd, • iuilted Skirts; Do H.,..ps; Fine and ('omiiion ISlankets; Cotti ii, Silk, !iud Woolen Hosiery; Do Fancy, for Children; Kid, .Silk, Merino, Cotton Gloves for Ladies; Chenille Head Dresses; Chenilles bj- the yard; IJonnet Ribbons; do. jilain: Fringes and Salom, all colors; Hlack Vidvets; Kl’k and Col’d P.elts: MuUierry Huttons f. r Dresses; Threafl, Swiss, .Lu-konett, I’olitiin, ami Cotton Fdging.«: lilacK La'se nnd Edgings; Emb'd lilidkfs. Collars, Sleeves and Hanils; Love and I.aee Veils; Donneta, ll.ats and Caps: —ALSO— A nice variety of Men’s, Ladies’, ‘ind Children’s SIIOKS. Also, Men and Hoys 9§'inter Vtothing^ Cluap, ri:RFCMi:Ry, soAPi^, and many other Fancy Artirhn. Sept. 11, 1S57. 4‘2-.'?m (■r(K*(‘ru‘s, Hardware, &.c. undersigned are now receiving a L.MIGK AS- I- SOKTMENTof (irocorit's, IIjirdwarc, Iron, St(*el, Hollow-wan*, Shoes, Leather, and SaddK'ry, winch they will sell at Wholesale at a small advance on ' '>st C;v>li. ,ir on our usual time to prompt lealers GEO W. WILLIAMS CO. ''‘I'- Vs.-,7. ‘Jfi-tf doctor frank "WILLIAMS’S V,:.'''?'”'' ‘V\ IIISKKV! I i. iiiH-le :irr;ing(Mnpnts to keep a I -I'i'e if ? .■ ii>;niiine Article, and is tlie only pr 'the tibove braud of .V No. 1 li\e i:i this p'ace. UOB’T MITCHELL. }. 18.',7, 5tf for sx .ll I a ^IVEll’.S SUPEIUOU , , ^'W hiskey comes very higlliy • . ■iiniiunded: said lo f i’iy equal to fwiy North *iu Ilia mane, and warruiUL- l tree from any impurity. , , WOKTH A- UTLEY. ■'“K 36-^ Arro>; of* IxjmhI Fv>i; SALi:. f jS -. K -crilit r.s otler lor -Jale tiie • love I'ra.^t of B Land. I>iii:r on .vuiiersoo's 1 reek, aooni two ai.d u I .ilf miles from lower i^iiile Uiver, iie.-ir Elliot s •Miri6,— in ;luding about One liundre l \eiet f good .'•'wanips, whii'h i,-an tie easily I'rained. This 1 .and is ■ L-ry heavily timhered, and a larg portion levi^l and jf superior quality of Pine i..iiid for cultiv:ition. .\tsi , a Cireiil ir S I'E.V.M S.\W-.MUL, in c-mjilete ordfi'. and well ad.ipted to sat^ing jdank read and riii ro k.l timbers. .Also, Two weil-bioko MULI^->. ,\11, or any portion of which, will t>e rold luiv a:i.l on iime. The Laud will b.‘ sold .-iiher in a tiody or lu parcels to S'.iit. SMiTH .S, i;LL10T. .\pril ). is.',7. ‘.•7-tf ;)(► A( Jii'.s or i.A.M) FOK SALM ^I'^HE .stubscriber offers for ^ale the above quantity J of Land, situated in a healthy neigl liorho.id, three miles from tlie Wilmington and Ch ‘Hotte I’ail !lo;id, and four trom Lumtier Kiver. This Land is well adapted to Farming, Turpentine, and Ton Timber purposes, having a good range anti other advantages. Those wishing to purcliase may find me on the pre mises, who .^ill be h.i]>py to exhibit it or give any in formation cnnceriiiiig it desired. -\NGUS McGlLL. I’hilailelphus, N. C., Sept. I, lho7. 4Utf NOTIC'F. ■'HE siibsfiiof'" '■ iving, at .hine Term 18-^7, of the 'ourt of I'uas .iiid ^u,irt.‘r Sessions fcr the County (*t t.'iilal r.^lan l, q:ialified as .\dminisfratir up 11 the Estate ■ I ’Aiiiie F. Mfore, htrel>y notifii .s all (ers.ins having claims aii.iMi.-if t!ie s.aid E.state to present the -ame prop.-rly >‘Utlienti'ated within the time pre- ■■•rilied *>;• l:iw, otin'r.»:se this uotic ■ will be pleaded in liar if their rci'.ivfry. itebt'i-.-. to the sai'l E.^taie will please make jiayjnent iiii.iiediafely. E. F. .MtJOKE. .JuiK^ o, ls.‘>7. 18tf .lOHX P. SAMPSON, Commission and Forwarding Merchant, WILMINGTON, N. C. Will give particular attention to the sale of Nav.al Stores. Cotton, ic. Feb'y 2o. 18u). 8')-tf W. H. TURLINGTON, romnii.s.Niofi '\Iercljaiit, No. 42 North Water Si., WILMLNT/rON, \. C. UT'II.L give his prompt per^- .nal attenti.m to t:.e sale or shipment of all Consignments f f Naval Store^, or other Country P'^odute. Njv. s, I'v.jt,. L(HKHI) KLDUllJGE. • fllorttrt/ at i^air^ n''lhL atte nd the Courts of Johnstou and Sahip- oii C'. .iiities. .“'mithCeld, Avril It, 18-j'i. lt*i-tf THO. C. FULLER. *tltontet/ anfl VoausrUor at i^atv. FFK'E at Ei>cles's Uridge, recently i.'cupie i b\ o ica:%k «r \v> Ti ksd.w, oil NdvciuLer, ( ■^IIE Directors of the H.iiik of Wa h ■sboro' ha\ e th;- • la^- declared a .'•^fini-.-Vnnii.al Dividend ..1' } . i cent., jniyable on and after Mond iv the ’Jod insi. H. i:. li.VM.MOND. C-.^i, r Nov o. -■.7-t.::id liiihc.s()/i ('omil’f Siih.fcri to I la Itdii ^■■^IIE subject of Sul'scription tiy Rohes.>u (’.>uiitv. to J the Wilmington, Charlotte ami Hutiierford Kail llo.ad ('olllpaliy, will be disfusse I befoi-e i.e pi'ojile o!' Kobeson County at the following tiiii- s -i l j.;,i \t Capt Wish.art's Muster (Jroun 1, I'l , i ly, Nov rilii .\t iifgan's “ “ ,• atm-l.iy. 1 ttli. At Wilkinson's Mills *• *• ,\i uniay. loi!i. .\t St. Paul's '• “ I'uf^d iy. I7r!i. At Red Springs, Wediifs l.^y, l^^th. .\t Liimberton, Thui j lay, TUh. Nov'r 1. ls.j7, •'I'^tl'.i.; A M HKO r V FKS! \ \ j:}R{ > r Y j'i ! ».\V1NG taken the ll> ' ni tbrmerly o. .- i; ;"-; h- ’ . M. .M. Ferguson, ov. i .1 M, lleMs’ey":. wouM r ■ spectfully announce to tie- pf.li’ic that h'“ i j repi.r 1 to take ,\MUlv()r\ PI'..'' mi the t est stv'.es kimwii to ih • alt. .\ trial is all he :..^ks, and il satistaction is lut given, there is im ».hargi ••So C'lliie ahinar without 'h 'ly," -\nd get \ ; ; tiire from Kati': W. T. l!ATTI.i;V Nov .'i, lS'i7. '",71 f ACiu:s oi l\.m) i > > sAu:. Ill I' Subscriber desiring to nuve t..th‘’'f ' i*h_! t-> -e!! the fidlowin^ tracts oi ■ aluable l.-.n ! 1 '1 rati c iiiia.ining •J.','iij acres in !l:irnctt (’■ oity 1“^ nii'es Ni'i th ,if Fa\eitevillf T^'ere is on iii- ir i:-t, ■'.»o lai'g.' .and foi^foilable dw •lli;i - li.iii'c-, w,;I) :i;. nece'S.irv out h.iU'-es, togeth. r \vi»h u \s, " 'I n-.ill nn.ni v.- tv.o saws and grist, witli anout :'Oii acri s tdi ire 1 ;i!i I i;; a hiv u -^taie of cull ivatien; the re-r liiejer eXi 1-iro.iin;; and turpentiii« l.ind. Vis • anot’ '-r tr iL-i containing !'>im a.-re-; of ti;ri . ;; tine iaiid, :it tit l ^i acres of \vliii.h is I 'eaif i. 1 h; r.- is on this truui oi;e tiond dwelliuL'' v it;, a., m . 'ai ' ut h'luses an 1 a i'-o'l -rist and saw-iuUl The above lands will be soi 1 t r piildic s ilv on Tin; : espectfull V solicited. GEORGE BRANDT, Hav St., Favetteville. t. ■ 58.tJ 1 /Ion >v.' Uo/f/.s.s7’6 I/I Iloa^slietids (tnd Hirrtls; P.IILS. s. II SVRLP; l!io, Laguira and .Java Coffee; L": f, Cfu.shed an 1 Refined Sugars; 111 i’l.ales Gunny Cloth; Dun lee llairging; Hope and Twine; 111 I'- ns SwKOKs Iron, assorted sizes; Dl “ .\nierif.an hammered' Irou; KHI Ke.L'^ N .iLs; Shut: and P>ar Lead- Cheese; .sJpcriii and .Vdarnantine Candles; Flesh Hyson and Imperial Teas; 4"*^ • i-.ir sale tiy C. T. ll.MCHi & SONS. N. v'v .■>. 57-4w dctmi-. fkanc»:s k. hoskf, II \S Fl.NE STRAWRERRY I'L.\NTS for sale, by the hundre I: :ilso, Roses, (^tpe Jes.samines, and various other Flowers, in pots an.I layers. Nov'r L’. 67-4wks Nco-po F»!aiiki‘ts and i-ecI-'vj'i :i;id f.)r sale by Korsovs, just W. H. CARVER. (.'ottoii liuiiiriiiii and Rope, just re- ct i\ d m l lor sale l»y W. 11. CARVEU. 4 iii:\viii«i; tobacco, just re- » eivfd and for sale by W. II. C.VIiVER. Nov'r !. 67- James n.uiks, 'i'-q-, F:iyettcville, .lan’y 1, 1H.')7. • Off I j i FA KM FOli SALF IOFFF.R for sale my I’LANT.VTlON en the East side of Cape Fear River, -i miles above the (’laren- iin Rridge, kncwn as the Toomer Lands, containing -.oout 8)M( acres. The Plantation is in a good state of cultivation, and is susceptible of being made one of ' the most profitable F.irms in the County. 1 witl give a bargain in the lauds, and make the time of pay mos?t easy if application is Hiadc in a few weeks. Address me at Gulf, N. C. •J. L. IIAUGHTON. Oct’r l(j. 5‘2- vaiaiahle pkophktv FOR SALK. fS^HE Subscriber havingconcludeil to remove South, offers for sale his iior^i^: \yn lot, in the village of Chapel Hill. The dwelling is a handsome one, large and conveni ently arranged. The lot contains SIX ACRES of ground, with every convenience in the way of out houKCS, viz:—Dairy, Dry-well, Kitchen, Servant house with two rooms—lathed aiel jilastered, wood and wash house, carriage house and stables. There is also on the front, a very neat IIOURLE OFI'l€i:. The grounds are in a hich state of cultivation— about half an acre being in fruit trees of the choicest kind and bearing abundantly. For further information atldress the subscriber at this place. Terms made accommodating. E. MALLETT. Chapel Hill, Aug. 10. "l-tf LAN[) FOR SALK. ACRE-S ii.\ND Iving on the Camden Stage Road, l-'> miles Soutii of Fay- ' etteville. The Land is well timbered, and admirably I adapted for Turpentine or Farming purposes: ami lies ! t)etweeii the Southern Plank Road and Cig Rockfish, —convenient to market. There ia on it a comfortable ’’li-ame House, Mill Site &c. Any iiiformatlon may tje obtained on the premises from Mrs. Mary Nelson, or by enquring of ' JAMES ..tt’y. I t ;yettevillf. Auk 1‘^>. ‘ 3;j-tf No'rici>. ^IIL on lersigiied havij;g executed .a power rl Vt- tiiriiey t^) E. F. .Moore, he is ihereby aiitliorized to make all sottkinents f.ir me aud in my name, and g.'iieraiiy to transact all liusiness as I might or could do Were 1 personally present J. I. M(_)ORE. F'ly.'treville, .lune :5, 1S57. 18tf NO A T .^September Term 1!^')7, of the Court of Pleas and . m Quarter ^essions for the Connty of Cumberland, the dub.seritier having fualilied as Administrator upon the Estate of .lohn McLaurin, notifies all persons in- det;ted to the Estate to make immediate ]>ayment, and all persons h.aving i^laims against the said Estate to present tliem properly authenticated within the time jirescribed tiy law, otherwise this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. D. .McLAURIN, Adm'r. Sept. 15, I8o7. 43tf BOERHAVE’S IIOLLA\» itlTTEItS Worth & Utley, ai (laiK and (General (’oinniis.'^ioM MF.KCnAN'rs, o iU^OK lilNFi:.; ro-unied the l?ook Rinding urn,, l.usiiiess, over the Tai ,r Slop ,f ('i,.„.k ^ Soodward, woeie lie ..li n .^i^e .nd eiccute bi„.ii ig n any style desired. ^ D -Vugurt* 1. 27 tf roT'iv>\ )}\(;GiNG. L NDEIj ,uid GI'NN'^ H.VtiCING in quantities to suit purch:i; vrs for sale by .JAS. G. COOK, ^cpt. 17. 4:;tf Blank W'arraui^ for suk here. TIIK CK'rj-:HI{.\TKO IIOLLAM) RK.MKUY FOK DTSF3EPS3CA, DISKVSi: OF Tire klDNETS, LIVER COMPLAINX, VVKAKXESiS OF AXY IvIND, FEVER AND AGUE, .\nil ifje various airections consequent upon a disorilereil STOMACH OR LIVER, Sui'h !is Inclisiestion, .Vciility of tfie Sloiiiacfi, Colicky Pains Me;irtliurn. I.ons ol A|i|K'tilP, Ke’^ponilency. Costiveness, Klindanil ISIetMlini; I’ilen. In all \ervous, IlheaiiiRtic. ami Xeurilgic AlFec- lions.it h:is in niiiiiereus inst:iiires |irnve(l lii);hly tieneticial, and in others plfpcted a derided riire 'J’liis is II purely veuetalile compound, prepared on strictly scien tific principlen, alter itie manner of the celebrated Holland I’ro- fe-jsor. Iloerhave, Uccaiiso of Us ffreat rucccss in most of tlie i:iiro|>rHn Slates, its inirMlii('tinn into the I'nitfd ;states was in lenHod more especially for those of our father'and scattered here Hnl there over the fire of ihis le.iKlily couniry Meetinc with "real Micces aiiiona ihem, 1 now offer it to the .Americ.an piililic, knowiiic that its truly wonderful medicinal virtue.s must tie ac- Ka.ivvledL'ed. It is parlirularly reroiiimended to those persons wh.ise conslitu- tioas may have lirea impaired liy the continuous use of ardent spirits, or other foims of diss'pHtion. (Jenerally instantaneous in elfi cl, il finds its way direi ll> to the seat of life, Ihrillini; and quickeniiii; every nerve, r lisini! up the droopin!> spirit, and, in fact, inliisini: new healih and visor in the system. .\()TI(’K—Whoever e\|iei-ts to find this a heven»"e will fje dis- apiMiinleil: hut to Ihp sii k. weak and low spirited, it will prove a crateliil arom ilic cifdial, p.issessed ol singular remedial properties (; .\ t; T I (» N 1 Ttie "real popul:iriiy of this dell:hlful .\roma has induced many imitati.ins. whu h Ih- piililic should uuard Mcai^st purclmsin):. lie not jirr'ii.ided lo liiiv .'inytliinL' else until you h»ve (liven IJoer- haveV llollmd Hitters a fiir trial. One liottle will convince you how inlhi tely sujierior it i-. lo all these imitations. 5):3".''old at 81.00 per hoille, or si.x liotlles for S-l.OO, by the l> Ii O P R I ET» R S, I P.ICK, .IK. Ac CO. ■I \ N r F A e T C R I s o rUARMACEHTISTS AND CHEMISTS, J’lTTi^HtROn, Pa. Samuel J. Hinsdale sole agent for t'ayetteville. June 14, 1807. 10- C^aifcltcrille, .V. f\ WOPTIl. (72tf) .lOS. I TLF . B>1*. §4. A. nt.\i W. Fh'It'E l-’ront Rooms, ovoi Dr. S. .J. Ilins.lale s I'liemist and Drug Store. Feb'y 7, 1 S-Dt3. 7ti-if JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM. V O ^1 .n I M I O i\ AND FO\l W A UDIN J M Flic 11A N l\ ll*iltniiislon, »V. €\ fttSr Prompt personal attention given to all Consign ments, nnd C.-ish advances made on I’roduce to be ship pod to other ports or sold in this market. Feb. 12, 1855. «7 .ioSEl>II BAKFR, Jr., ATTOIt\KV AT I. A W , Has taken an oflice next door to Wm. Ii. Wright’s Law office on Green Street. He will attend and practice in the County and .'Superior Courts of Cumber land, niaden, Robeson and Sampson. March 2.3, 1853. 79-tf “LAW coPAirrvFRsmiv ^,'fc/’K, the undersigned, have this day formed a Law • ■ Copartnership, and will practice in the (Jourts of the following counties of this State: Chatham, Cum berland, Moore, Harnett, and the Supreme Court. J. H. HAUGllTON. JNO. MANNING. Pittsborough, N. C., Jan’y 1, 1850. 72tf GUANO. TONS No. 1 PERUVIAN GUANO, for sale by WORTH j- UTLEY. :Vug. 28. 38- u.iy fi.c -J i day of Deceiii.i,‘r in tvi t - :.i - :it i a. ehasers. 1 will ;lso sell on tiie t. me .l.iv .ih i .y C i-u, i II ly and .Stoek of all kin Is, .s iio i'l of :ini\ v In.. Ulacksnr.ih an.1 Coo]>ir’s tools, fa-nrng ftensi!:. 1 i;i. t.er ,V - road wajrgons, 1 e.iit an.I a lot of Uariie" 1 will take p:o;isiir in s!i.iwin;i the a'.' v^’ . i-.ij t. any person wi.shinir to piireh: 1.. Nov. , ill, 1 s’)7. liOFM) FLNF I \NF. L offer for sate JOMU A: Ri;.'^ r . ■. ! pentine Land IT miles fVi.ni K ■. tween the >> e-;terii a:i.l fiitre I'laiik 11 ,i i -'.i - • ^anton Ro.ad runniag tl'i.' iirh tlie nn'- i .i will be siiM it; tlic't 1 in Is. I-.r lart. : ■■ .i Mr ( h.irles .Monro.j ne.ir the l.in ; i i. ; ; 5. .V f ■■■'■ \ !‘;>i I . N.i\. '.:th. FOK S.\Li:. VMCE llARNE.-S.S MAKE, only six \ • ■- . -Vlso, a lixoi) :.econd-h.liid l!li;_iiiy iiid Mariu .\ppl3' soon. 1*. ,'v. U HD's . Nov'r 7, lBi)7. ; '-2.') DOLi.MlS a;j>. RAN.VW.VV from tiie subseritH-r on the :litl ins. . ^ liin \NT O.XENDINE, a tree m.an of color, wh ■ ‘ was sold at the (^ourt Mouse, by :in (ir-L r *.'f t'oui’i. j and purchased by the siibscrilier This is t'. for •A’arn I all persons from harboring said Oxen line as the siri t- . est penalty of tlie law will tie enforce.1 .against tliein I I will give the atiove ri-ward fur his e .ufineiiu-ut ia .l.iil so that 1 can get him. •lOlIX T. \Vi;-.iIT. ■ No doutit he witl tie found lurking ia I' li'e on ;!i» ty as he has a mother in that coiiuiy. iif \\i> .B w \§corrt:a: ^uuagsjust fca ncei-e.l an I for sale tiy W. II. CARVER. Nov’r 1. .57- Vi>uii sviti i» & .^ioi.i.4KKi> jii'-t r'c'd aii l for sate by W. 11. C.VRVER. N.'v'rl. 57. g Oil iJAK c’Aiii: '^vacrjp just X i. i- d aii'i for sjiie l>y W. II. C.VRVER. N. v'r : 57. DMIS> ra’ and COTTON • RN.'s, iiist rec'd r.ml for sale by W II. CARVER. !•- 'VL' T\LLOW and ALAMANTINE (’ WDLK.'s, just re.c d and for sale by n 11. CARVER -N' : ! 67- A '!• A.'i.'-ol.lMLNT O. DRY GOODS on I '!. • .i;i 1 ‘nr sah* cheap by W. il. CARVER. ; ..-r !. 57- ' " . cl 'py ( lii'J'.sF! (’IIFFnF! 1“'!^ I '■* \1^' ,ius; received an.l for sale bv -*•5"-r w. 11. ca'rver. '' ' ■ 5 ( - g I \l! il: V ■nn:'^ «c!l ii'->ke Ml'LE.''. ';.v: TIM.M. .1. CCRnS. N ;. Ttl-'.iyi W \. LAMON'r, ?Joiiimi*3sioii Merchant, iy. .■ NORTil W \TEK STREET. ! 1 ■>'. irlwn lo all produce sent to him ! iiher lor sale or shipment, r • 57-1 ypJ N 5 11 J MUUASA uf \pfrs. ViSs:K^ I A.MI '2. F.lAin 11 Wlill UKFEKE.NCE TO THE .\.\1» INTERKHTS OF • i'atolitta. i.ri Tin: AFSi’li’KS or tuk srPKKlNTKNDENT OF COM- MnN srnouhS. HY y. I'l. Iliihhard, in;- 11; Ml Mii: i.\tin i,\N';i ai:i; .\.m> litkkatvee in rm; rxtvi:i:siTV iik noktii c.miolis.k. Nov. 9, 18.j7. Town papers copy. 35 KOK S\l,E. 4DAMANT1NE and TALLOW' CANDLES; fine and common TOBACCO; and .almost anything in the Grwcery line. Cheap as the cheapest! G. W. I. GOLDSTON. Jan’y 27. 1857. 77- GUAN(X TONS REST PERUVIAN GUANO, just re- ceived and for sale bv GEO. W. WILLIAMS & CO. Aug. .31. .38- T'W’enty-five Dollars Reward! ^I'^IIE suti.scritier will pay :i reward of Twenty-five £ Dollars for the recovery of the I'Oi'KEf I? toiv lost at the Cumtierland County Fair (irouiid, to'.rethei' with the Notes contained in it The jiapers were due to me as guardi.an of the children of the late Uiliimi T. Smith, with the exception of one jii l^rment due t.i me in my own riglit. I will pay this reward f .r toe notes, (leliveri'd to me :it m\ residence in ll.inietl county, or to \lr .lotin I). Williams in F.avetiev i !>■ All persons by whom these notes were m i le are w ini' d not to pay them to any o’le bat myself. 'J’iie ani oi:,t of the papers is about six thousand dollars The pock et book or wrapper is ni.ade of buckskin, hound alion* the edges with green tape. JAMES P. lIODi.E.'^. Nov’r ti, 1857. 5htf Carolinian. COHN. ~l CORN, for sate by WORTH & UTLEY. Aug. 22 .Sti- Gl ANOFS. ^ BAGS PERUVIAN: # 327 do. COLU.MBIAN. Not only has the cost of using these Guanoes in connexion been very much diminished, but experi ments have proved that the phosphate, so much want ing in the Peruvian, not only increases the yield, but combined with the Columbian makes the crop much more certain. For sale by D. & W. McLAURIN Nov. C, 185tj. .5Itf I.ANI) FOli SALE. Ul -A.CRES OF L.AND ly'ing on upper -B- M- Little River, in Harnett County, well timtiered and well located for the Turpentine business. It will he sold on accommodating terni.s. ■■V.pply soon to the Subscriber at Fayetteville. WM McL. WcKAY. Sept. 22, 1866. 4I-tf I Five Doiliirs P.nvarl. ■^UESD-W evening last, at Beaver Creek \'illage, my Horse left his bridle and went olf with the sa.idle on. He is a sorrel, hi? left eye out, .and 'i.'.s 1 think a smalt white spot in Ids face: v.'l.ite -j-.ts . !i his tiack, from saddle and harne>:j tips; the p.dnt oi iiis left hind hoof appears to tie worn oil'. 1 v\i! p..;. the atiove reward to any oi*o that will ta’it up s id liorse so that I can get him Any information will t;e thankfully received. JOHN ELLL'J, .h-. Cumberland Co., Nov 7 !857. oH-.'itp.l F \ ' 1 1' \i J,. A LL Notes and .Vceount • due 'V. F. oi E. F '>Iooia', .W and also thos - due Moi.re i lirot.aer, th -t ar. unsettled ou the 1st of ')eeeiiil. *r, witl .-itively b put in the hands oi' an Orticer for colle.-t on. 1;. r. MOOUE, .\dm’r. Nov. 3. 57-im Town papers copy. 1100i’ A LARGE lot of Hoop Iron for Cotton. For s:i Xm, low, by JAS. G f'|»K Nov’r 9, 08-.fu >1 I I NTMNIN*: .\ F.\MIM.\R IJISTORV A.\I) DKSCllII'- i liiN »K NuKTIl CAROI.INA. S ioitii'di: ill I’r.ise au.l N'orse; niany of them by ciiiiiK iit citi/i‘iiH i»f tlie State. IlLsf HilC\L AM) CHRONOLOGICAL TABLES, And a variety of Miscellaneous Information and Sta- tisties. bv n. iviLiiy. Viimlier •’ is a new an.I revised edition of the North Ciuolini Re-i'ler, first jmblished in tH.ll. Numbers 1 and 2 just issiieil. Complete the series, which is, as a whole, cheaper than any otlier series of Readers in the I'nile.l .''tales, and a.s complete. The E.lii.ir (Prof. Ilutdiard) in his Preface to Num- li'T t deems it proper to .iliud.'to a few of the peculiar t IvaiitaiT'-s aiiiiej at by I lie Superintendent of Common '^clioo's while m iking efforts to have this work com- Jilete 1. Ttn'^e ar.'. I. /’//. I ''II ut of a feeling of self-dfpmdfnce, and the enlistment of popular sentiment in behalf of the ate and its institutions. It was not thought im portant, hiiwever, to have more than one number of ih«- Rea lers of mertdy a local interest. T" rcme'ln the evil everywherf rnmphtmfd of in com- . / . 'I'tolx, of a jier/it'tual changr. in text bookx; an ex- jieiisive hatiit, and one which injures the Schools by preventing the chihlren from being classified. A se ries of homo Readers, it was supposed, would be cer tainly used, and this gre.it evil thus avoided. 3, Kcunopi;/, the jiopular system of Headers being t:..) :oiig :ind licing m.ele so often merely to adl to th.‘ pr.ilit- of jiuthor.s .and publishers. I'!.i , seiies is •" consist of fewer numbers than ,i, '. ■•aoy Used, aiil it is believe ! that these ITS ai> siitfii ient, wliile if tlie sjstem were uni- ^..'-.iliv used in the State, the sum save 1 to parents airi cliii Iren would amount to seveial thousand dollars annually. i, T' I'Ul in tUf /y-'iudi of c/ii(ifren letiAning to rea t cont- 'It'i/i' -si/j/icifnl/:/ fiiinilinr hut n'>l of the character CdUed i"!’if)osilioii«. Containing, in lessons easy enough {or all i>:es, corre-t sjiecimens of style, interesting in matter, aud iiiculeriting proper morals, and religious ins; ruetioii. The pile.' ar. . for N i, -•'> cents: No. 2. 37J cents; ,ii:d ■»!'* 7.J cents. -V lii-eral deduction from these ptic' s ; ■ 1. ri Uant.s aiel School Teachers. E. J. HALE k SON. e .Ju''.- 2 '. 2!t- J uu 25, A ;i;:at wan'pfo. to purchase 5,000 Bushels W'heat. JA3. 0. COOK. x8-a6.