. I A V It; P j. , bai. - i;; I ) , ) » ■ - ' - . --U. . ■fy—!i t:,i I,.,;.'; crill . m; ,r r./-y , : !>0 V;, I.. Li .X -'•'•N. .ik wij-n ^.■t ti. :4 free I) !ii' ? -r U-: ick iA.' .'MITfl. ' T oTitf a!' i. . Hirn- jT • it i ; i: I':- .•■ Sa ■■: Toi!^' iHii ;; -• >u; I - ' ■ “*» .lid ; -r ^ ‘ J.' (.Hi w.-i lie .. S.\l . ■! 'TUP'^ ’t. ind be !ii' -n of ' .0 i; ‘ ■ r,-i cuDl- 'W Hi> i I >. V ! . I j l > •// . - , I > ' VO«5• it if -'i!' if' ^ iU^si^nvE r AYETTEVILLE. l!!!!ISl)n FVKMM.. \0VK>1BHR 1!, 18i7. V uiii.iN'i Nkws from Nkw York.—Yester-j ^.,v - ii; *'1 liruu^iht us the following item, r«- I : k'' folt gruftb at Petersburg:— j \, AV V' rk, N' V. 9.—Tlie liurig..'r iiiob charge j AIliv r W'"‘l with humbugjrory, mkI fhrouten to ! i'r him '>* 1*'^ i-ffice. Fifty polieeiiieu have I J,.. II siiitti> protect him. Assistant Treasurer! ('[.I ’ it) I' ’iis^(i»ience of the threats of the mob ’ ■ i!i B‘^ t '■for troops to protect til ■ Siih-tpvi'iiry, Marshal llyuders has also tele graphed for troops. Tbo '■ 'I'Jif'"" of things is certainly in the >; liffrrce alarming in New York, Philadel- jilii;i, .\ wark. aod perhaps other cities in which tliMi'-.ituis of workmen and laborers have beeu tbr 'Wii out of employment by the panic. These nr.- trying out for ^'Brrarf or Rlooil." In- I in thf outrageous dcnoagogism of Mayor U’.i .1, in his late electioneering Message to the ,.;tv nini'ils of New York, they contend, as he ! s:ii I. that they have a right to be fed at the ex- j >t' the city, and that if not so fed they j ,v uM he . xcusaltle if they helped themselves to i V I 'Jy’s property. He al.>40 said that it will be I ttor t ■ feed the vicious who will avail them- [ ^elve^ "t’ an opportunity to plunder and pillage, I tL.n f ' I'ly the citizens for their property after it ' 3 j. >t '!fti >>r destroyed. Such loose morality as | 4S •.;? naturally had its effect upon the “vicious,” ^ a: i ^l‘0y appear to be on the eve of putting it in ' j; ■■ ('ue of them told his followers, in a h fr:>m the steps of the Custom House in Wuil -treet, that “there were twenty millions of (i.i'.hirs in that street, while they were starving for want 't'w.trk.” ! The meetings and processions are composed al- 1 ID •■ntirely of f>>reigner5. >r:o .if the remedial measures proposed by the ‘ Ti ral Superintendent of the Police is to arm ! :T! '.'1'- ‘t the most trusty policemen with revolvers. , Til.- tflojrraph would bring them all to any re- i n d point in a few minutes, and it is supposed i' . >t the mere exhibition ot such formidable in- i -Tinnents will quell almost any disturbance. I The memory of the Astor Place riots, some 12 iirr 15 y.\irs ago, and the use of ball cartridges to terrible effect, has kept the peace in New Y rk until very lately. It is quite likely that t!i >amc‘ scene will soon asrain be re-enacted to a uj T' filial cxtf-nt. P > This morning’s mail brings us only the f '! wing items on the subject: .\SH1NGT0N, Xov 10 /■ t.-r. ■ * thr Suh Trf'iftirif nt Sew Y'irk — L a* fi 'iieia! Winti id S • >tt inf >rms Presi lent 1 H i.,] II, i:i, that he has t ik -n precautionary meas-, uit' ' >i-t- iid the Sub-Treas'iry at New York in ■ ■ an attack by the mob. T; X Express, in stating the fact of the it; ■•ation for troops by Mr. Cisco and Marshal Kvri.i.-rs. adds,— I . . 1 Pfip general impression seems to be that these i p ijtlctnen are in p'w4esion of facts beyond those I a r.‘ Jy knt'wn to thi* public,—fully warranting ti.r ipplication that has b«>en made. “We are informed that the messages of the l - i'urrrand Marshal were promptly answereil : y :lie Secrotiiry of the Treasurv. Copies of this :r-«.pr>ndence are withheld fri>m prudential mo- ^vr>,—but it is understood that fuil authority f: ' h ' n jiranted to summon the troops and ma- r 'h'mid circuiiwtunces render it necessary. nclo Sam's" firces will therefore be ready to lu'' t the crowd whenever they venture upon any lit acts towards L’^ncle Sam’s property." I'iio'CRiBiNO B.\ltimore.—They used to say tliar the single Whig who rejoiced in a reiiiilence at H 'liey Shelter, New Hanover County, N C , wi- n- v T allowed to vote, the Judges at that r -U)i t having failed to discover any clause in [{'■vi', .i Statutes permitting a W.hig to vote. Tt.> l>-rnocracy of the Union seem disposed to a ; 'pt the same rule of action with regard to Bal- ?:uj ire. The people of that City and of the State ? Maryland presumed to diflFer in their views of pi .ic p'llicy from the other Southern States at la>t Presidential election, and by way of ■ wing them that in this free oouatry they have right to differ from the majority, the Demo- '■ritic press commenced a war upon Baltimore to t r- ak li'iwn its character and destroy its business. I5i.tiir.are. however, has continued to prosper, and '['[ -.iiMn to Democracy has prospered also. It • ' finw cnrilly proposed by the Democracy to re- ^i-e its Representatives their seats in Congress! ati 1 the Washington States, which says that such all ,1ft will “worthily commence the session of a I' tii .crutic Congress," also says that there is '‘arcely a doubt that the Baltimore Congressmen ''■•1 be «-jected. The plea for this high-handed act is that the I'i.rimnre Know Nothing.s are riotously inclined. 1 li' re is much .more rioting in Baltimore than fill re should be, it is true But the Democrats ''ivc quite as much to do with it as the Know N 'hingsj and at the late election, but for the Mayor’s activity, would have created great dis- ’urhaticos with the aid of their friends imported t. itn ^S asliin^ton City for the purpose. Both partn;s are -‘tarred with the same stick,” else where as weU in Baltimore. And we see no reason why Baltimore should be proscribed and ^ ' w \ ork petted, except that they wi/l take who fiive the power; and that Baltimore with half the vi i’.-nce gives half as large a majority for Know N 'thingism as New York does for Democracy. IIkvival or Religion.—We learn that large - ! iitions have been made recently to the Preshy- ■ rian ('hurch at (’arthage, Moore county. ' iiiday last, 49 pcrson.s were received into the iiurch, and tuuch interest is still felt throughout community. I'rom what sour;e does the \Vilmijjgton Her- 1 got its Fayetteville market news? Under date '■ i‘ayetteville, ,\ ,v. 0,” it quotes cotton here, ]• lir ti! g > >'i 11. f.rdiiKiry to mid. 10.” In the M r^er of that date, thuso qualities were quoted ' lli and 11 cents. Ainl Super and Fine Flour w Tc quoteij 25 cents a bbl above the Herald’s ti^-'ures. Bacuu firm at 1», whilst the Herald 17 to l!j. FI (’RUKii Parents.—We have shown beyond contTAdiction that almost every Bank in North Carolina is the offspring of the democracy—that that party passed the charters, with just such provisions a? suited its views of public policy, with such restrictions against over issues, suspen sion, oppression of the people, and all other real or imaginary evils, as the party thoujrht necessary. They were not. or st least professed not to be, the trieiids of the bankers, but of the people, in framing those chart«r.s. Well, one mii;hr rea.son- ably hope, that those institiitiniis of their own creation wt're as near perfeetim^ in their eve«, as the wit of man could make them, and that they would receive lair play, to say nothing of kind ness, at the hand.s of their creators. But what do we see? The democrats not only make the banks, and become stockholders in thtm, but use them as much as they can by borrowin-r money from them whenever they want it and can get if. J}ut no sooner does a public calamity overtake the country, and make it expedient for the public good for the banks to suspend specie payments, than the whole pack of Locoiocos, “Tray, Blanche and Sweetheart,” are after them in full cry, and after those who, having no hand in creating them, are yet willing to have justice done them, and unwilling to cry them down because Locofoeoism when it created them failed to make them perfect Oiie harps upon their authority to issue two or three dollars in notes for one of capital, as an evil. Well, who put it in the charters? The Loeofoco.s. But that cannot be an evil when the banks really i.ssuo less than one dollar for every dollar of capital. If it be wrong to issue less than dollar for dollar, was it ignorance or corruption which induced the Locofocos to allow an issue of three for one? Another complains that if an in dividual refuses to pay his debts he is broke, while the banks only suspend, and the public tolerates this. Well, if an individual refuses to pay his debts, he can be sued and his property taken to pay principal and 0 per cent, interesf; whereas if a bank refuses to pay, it also can be sued and its property taken to pay principal and 12 per cent, interest. Again: it is complained by these financial quucks that it is the issue of small notes that is the great evil. If so, who put the authority in the charter.s? liut that this is not j the cause is manifest from the fact that the banks ! of Pennsylvania and many of the Virginia banks j were the first to suspend, though small notes are | neither issued nor circulated in those States; whilst ; New York was among the last to suspend, though that State is flooded with small notes; and the Bank of Fayetteville, the only Bank in North , Carolina which has in circulation the smallest de- j nomination of notps, has not suspended at alll It is said that “corporations have no souN,” but if there is one of them in North Carolina which has so small a soul as one of these Loco foco demagogues, it is to be f .i ed indeed. AU Gain ami Xo Losa.—The Bank of Cape i Fear has declared a semi-annual dividend of per cent., payable on and after the 9th inst. The Bank of Cape Fear is in a state of suspension, ' and if you present one of its notes, bearing on its face a promise to pay on demand, you are coolly told you can’t get the specie—that the pro mise will not be fulfilled; but if you are a stock holder you can get a dividend. Such is a bank, and such its privileges over those of individuals ' The profits are reaped, but the promises bnken. i Rahiyh Stamhtrd. j We don’t see where arc the so-called “privileges ' over individuals” A good many individuals, for instance, owe us, (and the Standard too, we doubt j not,) both by note and account, who very coolly . decline to pay either specie, or bank notes, or produce, or any thing else, yet who do not hesi- j tate to apply hundreds of dollars for food and j clothing, and for many less neces.sary articles for ; their own use. The bank, under such circum- i stances, is privileged by law to pay 12 per cent. ! interest, whilst the ill-used individual is let off with 6 per cent, for breaking his promises. In dividuals certainly make money and spend money while in a state of suspension, against which the Standard has no complaint to make. It is only the banks which must not do such things. But it is well known that the banks do pay out considerable specie, notwithstanding the suspen sion. They do not, we believe, refuse applica tions for change or indeed for reasonably larger sums, when r.ecded for legitimate business opera tions. They have suspended more to protect the public than themselves,—to keep Northern brok ers from draining the State of specie. The Legis lature, by the penalty of 12 per cent, interest, has legalized suspension, well knowing, from ex perience, that there are periods when suspension becomes a necessity. But if the banks were to decline paying divi dends, and thus cut off the School Fund, and stop the Common Schools throu«;hout the State, should we not hear complaints of that from the Standard? We suspect so. Secretary of State.—The Governor and Council have appointed Rufus W. Page, Esq. to fill the office of Secretary of State, vacant by the death of W^m. Hill. Mr. Page is Mr. Hill’s son- in-law, has long been his assistant, and is thus familiar with the business of the office. Cape Fear & Dicep River.—A correspondent of the Raleigh Standard writes that he recently learned at Haywood that Mr. Morrell, of New York, had concluded a contract with the Deep River Navigation and other Companies for open ing the river by the 1st Octobcr next, and had already begun operations. Democratic Convention.—The Salisbury Banner proposes that the Democratic St-itP (Con vention be held in February iiexi. Th.; Standard •li'sents, and says April. Ot c iurso April will be the time. Let the faithful b>; re,i(l\ for the con flict, which we suppo.se will be iiottcr in the Con vention than out of it. NOR.MAL Colle.:k.-H,o ];.aigh C!iri.,tiau Advocate says that th.'noiui.,.. ,f atihi-, in.stitution in Rand.jpli C-UMty, N. (, exceed that at any Southern M iiodist College, and h larger than ever before. N. C. Sjtocks.—Sales at New York on Satur day last at 82 J. Money Matters.—The Baltimore Patriot is glad to state that confidence is increasing in that city, and financial affairs generally gain ease. The Banks are discounting most of the good paper offered, and capitalists are investing freely. E.t- changes have largely declined. On New York exchange is abundant at 3 to 3} per cent.; on lioston at 2; and on Philadelphia at 1. Gold is selling at 3 per cent premium. N. C. Bank note.s at 4^ to 6 per cent, discount 1 ho money market at New Orleans is decidedly easier, and confi lence is being gradually restored. At Boston money matters have assUTied a very cheering aspcct. 1 uesday’s Journal ot Commerce says: 1 lie week opens with an active money market, at rates in favor ot the borrower where the secu rity offered is undoubted, but with a farther gen- *ral movotnent toward.s liquidation in nearly all branches of trade and conunerce. Foreign Hxchanre fell off toward the cio.se of th«^ day, buyers not taking hold freely, but we cannot expec. a return of low rates until we re ceive Cotton Bills from the South. Some of the leading bankers here are determined to send specie, atid we suppose the agent of the Rothschilds will ship to the full extent of his sales, having ar- r.tnged to this t'ffect, with the House in London and Paris. I’hese shipments wil' be facilitated by a preconcerted arrangement abroad through which a preference is to be given in discounting, to tho.'Je bills sold for the purpose of returning the gold to Europe. The Persia will probably take upwards of a million, unless the sales of exchange here should be suddenly checked. The Stock market is active and buoyant, a far ther advance having been realized (»n the leading railroad securities. State bonds arc also firmer. There has been at last an actual expansion of the volume of loans and discount.s; the increa.^c is small, but the line is actually cro.ssed. The gain in specie is verj’ largo, much larger than was an ticipated, but this will now be reduced by return shipments to Liverpool. Toe amount of specie in the banks has increas ed to ? 1(5,492,1 o2. The Grocers’ Steam Sugar Refining Company in New York has made a bad failure. Its capital was ?750,000, which is all supposed to be lost, and the assets insufficient to pay 8600,000 of other liabilities. George A. Clark, Assistant Cashier and Pay- ing Teller of the \. V. Grocers’ Bank, has ab sconded, after defrauding the bank of $68,000. The N V. ludependent^says,— The sales by importers during the week have been limited to those at auction. Of the goods offere l only a portion was.»old, and prices realised were low, even for choice French goods at a credit of four months. Few or no orders are being sent out for the Sftring trade The “extended” in debtedness to Europe will have to be liquidated before heavy importations are again made. The contrast of business between this last October and that of O'tobcr l'^56, is strikingly shown in the receipts at custom in each of these years:— In October, 18.jR, the receipts were $3,549,737 98 Do 18j7, do do only 892,110 -13 .\ iliflercnce of $2,t)57,C27 55 equal to seventy-five per cent. The domestic commission houses do not appear to be doing any business of moment. The job bers continue to sell to a moderate extent, but at low prices, mostly for ca.sh. There is no doubt that all staple goods will pay well for keeping another year, as production is so much reduced, and the cost of the raw material is not falling. Large sales can only be effected at prices kelow cost. When the demand becomes active, some time hence, there will be found few goods, in com parison, to supply the market. No large business is now expccted until the farmers have sent their crops to market, which will not be till after next sprint:. With this prospect of trade, the disposi tion will be to keep on hand small stocks. It will take another harvest to set all things right. Grain.—Thirty ships are now loading with grain and flour at New York for Europe. Each ship will carry about 20,000 bushels. Such a wholesale exportation of these two staple articles is un;recedented. Forfy-seven vessels, with 600,000 bushels of wheat, are now afloat from the upper lake ports for Oswego. A Protective Tariff.—The Philadelphia Press, Col. Forney’s paper, (supposed to be the confidential organ of President Buchanan,) pub lishes an elaborate and able communication in favor of a high‘protective tariff, as the remedy of all others for the ill condition of financial affairs. This is a sign worth noting. Have the powers that be found out that they will be driven to the adoption of a higher tariff at the next session of Congress? And are Pennsylvania Coal and Iron so strong in the person of a Pennsylvania Presi dent, that it is intended to discriminate in favor of protection to American productions? Receipts of Cotton—The total receipts are 290,827 bales, against 536,505 bales last year. Decrease, 245,678 bales. Receipts of Specie—During the month of October 87,451,195 in specie was received at New York, New Orleans and St, Louis. 85,166,901 was for New York. 83,000,000 came from Cali fornia; the remainder from foreign countries. Less than half a million was shipped from this country during the same period. Duplin County Fair.—A correspondent of the Wilmington Journal speaks in glowing terms of the success of the Fair at Kenansville last week, and of the admirable address of Wm. W. Holden, Esq. which is to be published. Hard to Sell.—The Cincinnati Commercial tells of some bacon which has been seeking a marke: under difficulties. A large quantity was shipped from that place to Liverpool last Spring, remained there all the Summer without findincr a O purchaser, was reshipped to New York in hopes of better luck, found the market flat, and is now to be sent back to I^iverpool, where the price has gone up in consequence of the heavy shipments to New York. A large quantity will go back on the same steamer which brought it to this country. The Journal of Commerce tells of 1400 pkgs of lard which has had the same luck, and was turned out of store on Monday to make its third voyage across the water. What with freight, insurance, wharfage, dray- age, ratage, postage, and stealage, it is very doubtful whether the owner “saves his bacon,” though bait air aud water may be good for it. Newspaper Credits.—It is not only usual, but just, that when one paper publishes an article or item copied from another, it should give credit to that paper in which such articles originally ap peared. Sometimes the giving of such credit is omitted, intentionally or otherwise, though not often, and never intentionally in cases of any im portance by papers of any character. Aecidental omissions will occur however, now and then, and it is amusing to notice how the thing is taken, i We remember once, and to do so, no groat men- { tal effort is required, since the thing i« recent, running our eye over our exchanges and finding our.ielves roundly rated for stealing, becausc, by some inadvertency an article from an exci ange had got among our selected matter without du- credit. Well, we kept on and found, before we had got through, fully half a dozen extracts from the Jijurnal floating around in the same way. So we go on, never bothering ourselves as to the papers that steal from us, any mofe than v^e min«l tho.se that accuse us of stealing from them. W7/. Journal. We are very particular not to convert other newspapers’ editorials into our own, though we care very little for the measure of regard to the laws of meum and tuum as exhibited by others towards us. It is rather a compliment than other wise to have one’s articles appear as the editorials of half a dozen contemporaries, in which capacity we have occasionally had the pleasure of reading our own. But we do not like to be credited with things which do not belong to us; sometimes be cause the article might be owned with pleasure if it were really our property, and sometimes because we should be ashamed of the possession. Of the former we noted an instance some little time ago, in which our friend of the Hillsborough Recorder was robbed to give us credit: of the latter an in stance in the Salisbury Watchman thi« morning, in which we are credited with an article headed “Aftairs in Baltimore,” which we never had the pleasure of seeing before, and which we are very sure never had a place in the Observer. Very certain we are that we never spoke of Gov. Wise a« “Ebo-shin,” a witticism which we have never had the acutene.ss to appreciate, often as it has figured in the Virginia Press; quite as certain that we did not speak of Wise and Ligon, the govern ors of Virginia and Maryland, as “asses." A white man named Jos. Underwood, said to be a native of Union County, was arrested in Charlotte on Friday night last, whilst negotiating with a negro man belonging to David Parks, Esq., (in Mr. P.’s Kitchen,) to in luce him to runaway. The negro informed his master of Underwood’s proposition, and took care that an officer should be so placed as to overhear the con versation and thus have a legal witness of the rascal’s guilt. Underwood was committed to jail. He says that others were connected with him in the business. New York Election.—The Democratic plu rality in the late election is between 13 and 14,000. In the State Senate there are 16 Republicans, 13 Democrats, 2 Americans and 1 Independent. In the House of Delegates, 59 Republicans, 62 Demo crats and 7 Americans. The Americans boast of holding the balance of power. Hon Robert Toombs has been re-elected a Senator from Georgia. At the last session of Congre.ss Mr. T. was a democrat. The Next Congress.—The W’ashington U- nion gives a complete list of the members of the next Congress, which vrill meet on the 1st Mon day of next month. In the Senate there are 35 Deiuocratfl, 25 Opposition (Republicans and A- mericans,) and 2 vacancies. In the House of Representatives, 128 Democrats, 92 Republicans, and 14 Americans. New York Schools.—The Board of Education of New York City have appropriated for next year 81,216,013. This amount is 8150,000 larger than the expenditures this year; and the City papers grumble not a little that such an increa.se should be made when the times are so hard, the city taxes 88,000,000, and a deficiency of 82,000,000 at that. A considerable portion of the increase is to supply the male schools with pianos! Bank of W'ilmimjton.—The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Bank of Wilmington was held at their banking bou.se yesterday. The old board of Directors was re-elected, viz: Jno. McRae, Alfred Martin, J. R. Blossom, J. L. Hathaway, L. A. Hart, H. P. Russell, Robert Norfleet. The question as to whether any dividend would be declared, and if so how much, was submitted for the consideration of the stockholders. The net profits since the last dividend being about six per cent. Some disposition was shown to have the whole divided; others favored 5 per cent., and the general feeling seemed in favor of 3 per cent, until the Bank should resume specie pay- njents. It was resolved to declare a dividend at the usual time of such amount as the Directors deemed best. At the meeting of the Directors, Jno. McRae was re-elected President; S. Jewett re-elected Cashier; and W^. L. Smith re elected Teller. Wilminyton Herald. Relic of the Central America.—It is stated that last week a body was picked up on the Atlantic beach, a little North of Cape Hatteras, with a belt around it containing gold dust. No doubt it was the corpse of one of the passengers of the ill-fated Central America. Other dead bodies have been seen floating in the neighborhood.— Wil. Herald. A Favorable Si>jn.—A large number of un finished buildings upon which work was suspend ed a few days ago, arc again in progres.s. Journal of Commerce. Resuming.—Many of the mills and factories in New England are now resuming work,—among them the Union Manufacturing Co. of Norwalk, Ct., the Chicopee (Mass.) mills, and the Massa- soit Flour mills at Fall River. The American Print W'orki at Fall River, it is believed, will also soon commence running. Journal of (Commerce. COMMERCIAL IIKCORD. ARRIVALS. Lutterloh ^ Co’s Line. Oct’r 9. II and 12, Strs Fanny, Magnolia and Rowan, with goods for W H Car ver, H ^ E J Lilly, P Taylor, J W Baker, W N Tilling- hast, J 0 Boon Co, W J McPhail, VV Gander, J L Bryan. POIftT ARRIVALS. Nov. 9.—Brig Wappo fm St. Sebastian, Spain; Scbr Ingomar fm Boston. 10.—Schr. Eleanor fm Newport, R. I. Cotton. — Hon. Nathaniel P. Bank?, Republi can candidate for Governor of Massachusetts, said in a speech the other day: “We are all interested in free labor The commercial man is interested. It is that which freights his ships;’’ Ac., &c. It is very likely that the labor which Mr. Banks calls free puts the freight on board the >bips. But, as we have once or twice had occasion to show from official documents, the slave labor of the South furnishes at least two-thirds of the freight. To the same effect, the liostou Post publishes comparative tables of Norihern aud Southern con tributions to the exports from this country for some years past. In 1840-50, the total exports were 8136,946,912. Very nearly two-thirds of this were furnished by the South in Cotton and Tobacco alone: of the former 871,984,616; of the latter 89,951,023. In 1851, exports 819.'),489,- 7lx: cotton 8112,315,317, tobacco S9,21'.i,25(i. 1>^:>2, exports 8192,368,9s4: eottoi, SJi7,9G5.7n2, tob.u-eo 810,031,283 isr,;5 exports 8193,417,697: (’otton 8109,456,404, tobacco811,319,319. 1S51, exports 8253,390,870: cotton 893,596,220, tw- bacco 810,016,046. 1855, exports 8246,708,533: cotton 888,143,844, tobacco 814,712,4ti8. exports 8310,586,330: cotton 812'^,3!^2,251, to bacco 812,221,843. It seems, therefore, adds the !\ist, “by the figure.*!, that when .Mr Banks undertakes to en lighten commercial men, he either knows m t what he is talking abuut, or else for low, sectional ends he intentionally misstates the truth, ('o/ion alone freijhfs more than tico-third:^ of our out ward hound veASeh. “The following table will siiow how lari^e a projiortion of our imports, including silks, satin.-, and embroideries, principally consumed at tin- North, it has actually paid for for six years past: Value of Inipi'rts, Value, of Ort .u including specie. exported 1850, 817X,138,31' 871.9,s4 t;i> 1X5], 216,224,932 112,31.\317 1852, 212,945,442 >7.9.')5i7.;2 1853, 267,978,617 10!', HU 1854, 304,562,381 l^iof), 26i,4tjs,r)0(» >vi4;{,sn 1856, 314,639,942 I •.'.3s-i,351 “Under these circumstances, i.s it ,.urth wiiile for New England business uieu to wagi war agalD.st the South—f/ztarrrl trltk tfou'r ova h)-ead and buffer—.i.imply to gratify the H.-pra- tions of such superlative dem;igogucs and political ' weathercocks as Nathaniel P. K....k'?” Mormon —Each fr. .^h arrival of intel ligence from Utah confirni.« tiie reports of pi-j}i:i- rations by the Mormons t > resi-^t the entrance of the United States troops into th',-ir To’-ritnry, :::i i gives consistency to the opinion that wo are on the eve of a ;>lormon war. The news of the ap proach of an armed force to coerce tnem int.) ."uij- mission has not the awe-inspiring eft'ect up'^n the Mormons which was at first expected. Tln-y are levying armies of their own; rai.-in;.' infant; v, equipping cavalry, and organizing for dcspeiate re sistance to the approach of the Government iroops. They are building forts, planting garrisons, lay ing in provisions, anl putting themselves in a posture of defence. They will not act .n the d.'- fcHsive. They will take the field, nieot the in vading army long before it gets within sight of I their chi.'f city, make attacks upon it from forti fied strongholds in the mountains, harass its march, cut off its supplies, and perhaps leave it destitute of provision and shelter, to p;.rish •A hunger and cold in midwinter on the desert. The problem of the ability of one ImTidr. 1 thousand people, inspired by a blind religiouh ' fanaticism, concentrated in a well provisionel city in the midst of the mountains, eleven hutidr^'d miles from the base of operations of an invaditig force, the question of the ability of a people so .. situated to hold out against such a power as tiie ’ United States is about to be solved. We have our forebodings as to the result. The Morni'.n'^. if hard pushed, can rally ten thousand fighting men. By judicious leagues with the surrouu.iii.g tribes of Indians they can augment this force to twelve thousand. Being chiefly an ai'riculliiral people, without any outlet for their pr . lucts, they can supply themselves with an abun lance of pro visions. They can fortify the in-untaiii [la,'.-. and dispute, step by step, the approach of ati in vading force; while they can reader their s iv;.^ ■ allies efficient instruments by sending them out to annoy and harass their enemies. The body of the trooj>s will not be able to reaeh Salt Lake City, even if the .Mormons allow them to march unmolested, bef re the dead of winter Arriving at such a time, they will be coinpiet ly at tli^ mercy of their enemies. We have much i confidence in the officers in charge of this expedi- ! tion, and rely much on the spirit of the troops ' under them; but the officers and troops will prove themselves worthy of even tu >re conii- , dence than we repose in them if they save thuu- , selves from utter ruin in the face of the obstac les ; in their way. — .bV. Louis Evening Xews. | Corn. — We see it stated in the jiapers that ' in Wisconsin and Illinois corn standing in the | field is offered at an avcraire of ten cents a bushrl. PAVKTTFVTLLK MARKET.—November 12 BACON- IS a COTT >N_ Fair to good, 12} a 00 Ordin. t« mill. 11 a O COrro.V B.VGGING— tiuuuy, Dundee, FLOlll— Fmaily, SupLT. r;itciiCJ, GH \1.N_ Coin, 'Vii.'nt, »at.-, I'e-i.'. H ve. 20 18 a 00 a 00 0 00 a 0 5 75 a U UO 5 50 a 0 00 o a o 00 7o a 0 80 OO a 0 00 AO a 0 H') a 0 iC 0‘J ;l 0 00 LARD,— MOLASSES— Cuba N. Orleans, SALT— Liv. Sack, 1 FLAXSEED 1 N. C. SPIRITS 1*. Brandy, .\pple Jo, Whiskey, WOOL— TURPENTINE Yellow dip. Virgin, Hard, Spirits, 19 a 00 50 00 a 00 a 00 25 a 00 0 2/5 a 0 00 1 25 a 00 1 00 a 00 70 a 00 00 a 00 1 '.to a 0 00 1 'JO a 0 00 T 00 a 0 00 82 a 00 RKVIKW OF TIIE .M.\RKET. IJacun—NViinted ottun—We ailvitnct* our tigures. Fidur—L’nateaiy. (,'orrocte'i bj’ J.\mk!4 G Cook. Wll.MlXGTO.N .M.ARKKT. 'I'urj.ciitiiie, jellow 2 oO; li.inj 1 50 Spirits N' 1 r -'n V'J to . . t ''.'I'vv Voik. ••SDiithcrn flour lieavy .-iijd dull at 5 10 !■> .' t'lO' lu'xcd ti> fTOOil; G to t) 75 for fancy '• i:i-;u. red ntlieru, 1 25 to 1 5^0; wliite do. 1 30 to I \\ liito 'UtlnM-n Curn 80 to Cotton firm at 12 I t'i.r iniddliiij; uplands. Spirits dull aud heavy, at tu ! ■ At (’har'.i-stoi). •’ jtton 12 to 13. Olin'i' Wil.. (’harloue & Riitlierlord Railroad., 7th Nov’r, 1857. gft \ or l- ;• lit tijc ii*'ard of Directors, the nndersign- JJ ■ 1 I iTi'ceeil to let to contract all that portion I’t In- lino ' f l!i‘ \ViIniin{rti>n Charlotte & Kuthert’ord H;i:i II'.id rviii;!iiiiiiir iinltrt. between the ’ape Fear l;i\‘. r .it Walkt-r's i’erry, in ISrunswick County, and tlr t \vi) I'l Lmulionnn, in Robeson county,—compri- ^inl; '.1 >c.;;iiis. with an air;.'re''ate of OtO.OOJ cubic vui-'i ijf e.\c iv iti.iu uad eml)anki!ient: .\nd to that end ii.ey liviie I’rup -Jiiis for the (!ra(Jaation of the whole I r any ).,irii.in tucreof, until the '.Uh of Dec»*inber next —priij 11 t state conditinns of piyiuent, what por- t! in V.;;. be received in ca'li, what portio i in hond^ of the town ul' W iliuiiifit‘'n, iiiid whsif portion, if any, in t i' ;-t'iCi^ th (’onipaiiy. rU-y iuvit ; l‘r utitil the same day, for the i'iiu>.er I'-.juir.'1 fur the 'I'restle Work acros.s the r.iiAvsi Mar-h .'^wiuiii. l^iaden county, and the iJig .'w imp. iu iti^'.(»Min cunty. There will be requireii at I'.rowii M.ir-li. 'J^.OOO lineal tVet of Files. iJ inches sijuart . and in leniriiis not less than 25 feet; 3,(t00 MiH-ii! f.," t ot''ap .Siiis, 12 inches square and 10 feet loii::. ! f'.oou lin ;xl of String Pieces, 11 by 14 IK. .i :i;id hi 'e:iKtli3 of 20, 30 or 40 feet .\t liijr •'^warai). there will be required 45,000 lineal u -’i. »1' i’il -.s. i'..o.)0 linc il teet Sills, ami 12,000 .'i-ft ')f .''’tring i'ieces, of tiie s inie iliniensions as III- i>r v,n .'.i;,rsh. The whole to he of good, sound ii.art l’ii:(' 'J'jiaber free from defects, and to be got fi .iii ^'.een trees. ! I t. i-Timber to be for the whole or any pio'ti 'I. tii. ri:ul‘; arid, as iu the case of proposals for ^radu it.iia, v. ill Slate conditions of payment, and will !i s; tlie side of the Swamp the timber will be deiiv'T- ! uii iii. I'r li . aiKi Sjiecifications will >te found at the ()ffice iii 'A ui^tiHi, where all jier&ons desirous of bidding at ^ reurri-d loi further information. i ri.ji ;:'s wiii Ik- addressed to the Chief Engineer at W iiiiiiii^noii, and ' ill be endorsed on the back “l’r,.;K,.~als. ’ H. W. GUION, Pres’t W., C. 4- R. R. Road. JOHN C. McRaE, Chief Eng’r. V. lo, l^.-,7 5'J-tD» r ALi-: ATCOS'l' FOR CASH. ^ I’l’.Rl VIAN GUANO; -Vlsu ;;ou C.VSKS UNSLAKED LI.ME, in prime urJcr, ;.iw fur Cash N’lv, l-J. 18'. T. S. LUTTERLOH. 59-3w MARRIED, At Lilesville, Oct. 27, by the Rev. Mr. Mclbbin, C'd..I D. PEMBERTON, of .Mangum. to Mrs. L.\UR.\ F. INGRAM, only' daughter of N. 1’ Liles, Esii. N. C. .\dvocate copy. In .Montgomery ('ounty, Oct. 2'.*, at .Mr. Matthew Boroughs’s, by E. G. L. Fiarritigu’, Ks^., MO.N'TfOllL* P.\RSONS to .Miss ELIZ.VDKFll GlLLl.'s, daugiiterof Malcom Gillis. Near Wadesboro’, on the 28tli nit., by the Uev. T. i R Walsh, the Rev. II. C. P.AKSuNS, of the S. C. ference, to Miss CORNFLI.V F., daughter of W. R. Leak, Esq., of Anson county. In Chapel Hill, by Rev. D. A. Shipp, on the 27th day of October, Dr. A. M R >llElirsoN to Mi.-s SALLIE NUNN, of Chapel Hill. In Orange county, on the 4th in«t , by the Rev. Tliomas Lynch, Rev. P. T. PENICK, of t'oncord, tu Miss ELIZ.V .1., daughter of Mr. Wm. J. Bingham DIED, In Clinton, yesterday evening, Mrs M.UtV J.\NE WILLLA.MS, relict of the late Blaney Williams. In Wilmington, ou Tuesday morning, .Mr. WM. ]’> THOM.VS, aged 45 years, 4 months. .-Vt Carthage, on Tuesday last, ai'ierabiief illni,ss. .Ml’. DO.\.\LD KELliY, eldest sun c-f ilie late .IjL i B Kelly, Esq. In Chapel Hill, on the 5th in^t., of pneumouia, SAMUEL WILLIAMS, aged about 4- years. United dilates o!* America. Distrirt Court of the fin fed States, fur the J dis trict of Cape Ftar, iu the Disfrirf nf X,>rfh Carolina. B\ VIRTUE of a l>ecreliil order of the Honor.able Henry Potter, .lud.ie vf th*' Court ufor“Said. dated Nov’r 9th 1857, 1 iisr' by ^>ive ivotice to all parties coucernel, that a speci>ti erm ci sa;-.i Cotirt is appoint ed to be held at Ch-im'i.is, iti i-ayettevilie, on Mon day, the 23d day of the present mmth. Teste, A. A. BROWN, Clerk U. S U C. Nov. 11, 1857. 5'.* t _3d.^ Buckwlicat Flour, E.\tni N(‘w Hullid in Qrs. Hfs. and at retail P. A. WILL' li Nov. 6. ALIM SALT. 151 .-'HLLS Rock .\lum Salt, for sale low P. TAYLOR. N ’V. lo. 5j 2m Carolinian two months. .11 ST UKCFIVFI), wrO 1 A/ \'KERKL in Kits, (^rs and Hfs; I aH{.\ (iOSillvN BUTTER; . 1 L.MLl); *'lioicL N, V. State CHEFISE, at P. A. WILEY’S. N . i>, J S'_» I. ] w ADM1N1 s rJJ AT()irs NOTICE. • ; il i; .'ui cri i.cr having (pi ilifiei at .'September Term IS.j7 '4' tli»‘ (’ourt of Pleas and Qaarter Sessions of ('r.m'.,-ilan I (’ount\’ a.s .Administrator on the Flstate » . \>cibi;:er, dec'd, hereby notifies all persons i i'.i-'jtf i t I s.iid Estate t- come forward and make im- iii- diii u- 1-i_\ merit; atid all persons having claims against sai 1 Eirl.ite are reqiieste l to present them. .JES-E W. WlilSlGER, Adm’r. ’■'■''•'r il. 59-3w T. C. & B. G. WORTH, ttK: l-'orwanling Morchuiits, O ' lirutci-': liuil'linj, Wattr Street, *V. €. rsn.-il advances made on consignments. '■ -V. 1 1, lf.:7. 59-tf ji'.-'i rL:;Li:'^.ii:ij, bv pudnev & kussell KK; cRUS UF THE REVOi.UTlONARY WAR; ^ t.i'(.'1 11-7 f/,i Ojl ri/il arid Financial C’orres- I .1 'ill iht OjJicrTsof the liei'ohtiionary -1 rmi/ l-i-'-ii 177‘i to I7'.''>, cnnt.-iinoi,:; the most interesting iiiiiiiai'j-, Jiistii; and financial information during tii.it |.crill i. tiif orfc.'tnizatiou of uli the Regi- iii'Mit ■. sa.MviiijT the names, rank, date ol comiaission, tom- (il t ii.i-itinent, aiitl service ol the officers and pri- \.ttcs .]■ each Also, the gener.il anl brigade orders of (ii'iis. Uii>liiii!rl(iii. Lee, (irrrnc, Weldon, und others, in 1 . .1). '77. ai d 78. showing the last trials at V’aliey 1 III •• ikinir U|i the encampment, order of march i!j;' .nirh I’:.'. -i Idj.h; i, uml the plan of attack on the lie;.’.-a fit .Vluntnnitli ,\!so, an account of thecapture •^! 1 ■ rt Wa-ihiiigt in. and the h irrors of the pri-»ons and j ris u ^hi;l.s uf the ilritir!!, in New York, with a Li.3L of Amaricau Officers Imprisoaed, " iic time Oi tlieir ( anture, re.'ease, .^c. iVn account of 'i/if of the i'incinnati, in New V.n'k. I’enf'ylvania, and .\faryland, a list of the m.-i.iin'i.'j' n:i.it,es, _vc ; tlie lialf pay, commutation, an 1 land acts ;lic Continental Congress. A com- ii-t ol :i| the i.fi.f-r-; who s TVed to the end of the ar. and uc juired the right to half-pay for life, cc nimut ition, ai d land Proceedings of 34th Congress and L'nito l .'^tatcs (l airt of (Maims, relative to a resto ration ot t.'jo iialf-pay acts of the old Congress, for the ben.-fit the OffU‘‘r«« of th« Kovoliitioii; \ ir;_:;.i.i ha;f-pay and land laws; the reasons which led t tiie t ass.sge of the .Act of .July .5, 1832, by Congress; the natui's of the Virginia officers who received l«nd, with an interesting account of the military land dis tricts of Ohio, Kentucky, und Tennessee, the locations of warrants, surveys, etc. REVOLUTIONARY PENSION LAWS »F THK I'NITED STATKS, .»s (hey !: -\is’, with commentaries thereon. Notes .u till- ‘-••-I'viccb variwus c'hsscs of revolutionary offi cei-.M an i xtf>n!:ive list showing the time they died, line ijrse 12 ino. Vol., of tiUi) Paees.—Prire $1,50. This wiirk is intended as a book of ref' rcnce to the : i-itorian and sclio’ar, as well as furnishing a thorough ..-.ide per- ns c aiming title to land or pensions, I fiii i th** services "f their forefathers iluring the Revo- Inti inary War. Tlie volume contains fhf niimes of cv.:r 5(>,000 (-fficers and privntes ■ f the Revolutionary ‘■liny, and should be in tlie h.nnds of all the descend- -d' the l-r.a-' c men who '(■niL'ht under the banner ■il'’7'‘, th.;t t!ie nnijle actions "f their ancestors may net (s- ipf . :ainiscence ’'f their descendants, who ^^nst reta'ii ; . .r-vrk as a memento of their brave i u f-i:'!. ■ r 'litirrings. 7 I on l> E R M O N T H ~ ■ .■;ir>. d by acting as .-Vgent for th« sale ot li.c -.i.ov.' B" an'i other highly popular works of st '.i dird iie.i;, pnb.ished by us. 'f.'''iit- w iu'ed iu tvery city, town and village in the Lni .n. 1 Catalogues and particulars, address I'i t'.NEY & RUSSELL, Publishers, .—5'j-4t 79 John Street, New York.

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