FRESH f BIHK subscrHier t ikcs this method of informing tbp M citizens of Favetteville and public generally, that she has just rec’tivcJ and Hilded to her former Btock,— layer RAlSlSS, ichofe, hnlf ,\nd guurier tioxfs; f’ruiuf in Jiin; i'urrantu; Citron; Almonth, Brnz 'tl, Butter, ('vcua. Ftcon, oinl Emjlifh ^S'alnutsi JFri/ I^eseri'fs; Sa/mou; Lob- n*er; ^url; Pirkltd ()(/s.V rs; S. I u»vs; ttJt d Pickles of all kinds. —ALSO— ^ { Butter, Boston, Crefini, Suirnr, Lciuon, Cuji, Fancy Btiil Sod« Crackers; Dairy and New \ ork ^tnte ■ Cbeeso; and a few tirkin: No 1 (n'dheti Uutter: which •he will sell low for C'sa hmy. \i 15ANKS, Green Street Nov’r‘21. »:2-‘2in Argus cr.j.j ji sT iu:tl iiM'J) the N T:}iern cities, for the second tiii»i« this si-ison, with one of the lliiiiilsomi'sl uihl Rcullv ( hcnj)i‘sl Sturks of I# V-.i LOrm.VO; Stn>!r mul Fancy Ihy L if'-'it Sii/ltii oj tuinl Si//i /Lits; liu jts iiml Sh-ii; Iruukx tiun’ f-'ttnct/ I ever oti'ered to ptirchn »ers in tti;s nmrlcer The prei-iit .-t . k v-.rliiM: }riv\c;4 heen j.ur- ^ chii!»cd under verv f'ivora''!e oiiciniist^i'ces, — :\t tht“ October crisis, w!i ’n d' were low ai.d f i'h scarce. —and will therel >re l>e s >1 1 at 'k |;ieat redvirti. n of former prics:i \u curlv c»ll res| i Cll'u; \ doiicite i GK>ur,F. lUlANl'T. Ihiy St . Fayi'tteville | Nnv'r y ’ tJ 1 j NTOIR! STARR & WILLIAMS \RK new receiving Tllini’ .'■I'' i>Mi i»TO«’l\ TiJlS SKASi'N’. emtir'icin^.— llrv 4«o(MiN, ISootK. and up . which they iuvite ihe uf ’nti..n ot V\ho:esa^e huY ers gem.-i8!:v : B. StaRR j M. NVu liam. , Oct’r 6, lSo7 tt ; ICsr^ ^ ■!-. M. Now and Cheap Goods! JAMI'S KVI.i; Is now receivinc a lurpe and general 5-iU rly of l>ry Goods, atn- ng which are b]ilc!:d'; J bicb-s Goods, with every article in tiie Dry Js iiiie. Ali of which, -■eiiig purchased by t!ie p:i'k iC‘’. will be I'tfered by Bholesale or retail at a srr. i 1 advance fjr cash or .jH ';me to punctual cu%t. mf; :, Fayettevi',1,, Sept'r _0. ! FOR SALE. I f'H'VHE following VALUABLE REAL ESTATE, tb« ' M property of E. C. Hall, dec’d, is offered for lale, 1 and consists of the following tracti: That desirable place known as Rome, coutain- inp about ‘J*)0 Acres, with all the improveme its. This place will be sohl entire or divided, to suit purchasers, it being probably one of the best busiuesa stands iu the country, and is very den rable to ihose wishing to enter the mercaatile bubinead. No. 2, ConsistH of a Lot and Brick Store, (■J tenoinenfs.) in Campbellton, on Bridge Street, near , Clarendon Bridge, and is a very desirable stand for bu.siness. j No. Is Three vacant Lots in (>an»pbeUton, I known in city plot as Nos 10‘J, IH. and half of lot 113. No. 4, Is a Dwelling House and Lot ou liay- inount, corner of Plank Hoad and .\dams St. .\ very , .lesirable rcsideKce for the whole year. No. 0, Is a (’orii Mill and Steam Kngiue and ■ ‘Huiler, of 10 or 1» horso power. Thia is well worth e attention of those living whore vrater power is not ulable. and will be sold at a ijreat bargain. Kor terms apply to J. H. H.^LL, Assignee. 1. lHo7. ' 30-tt • \'0\{ SALK. subsi-riber ilesiring to emigrate to the \Sest, I ortVi .s for .Tiale his entire L.iNLbS, including about si.x liundred acres, generally known as Chalk Level, l\ing in the upper end of Harnett county, 3 Uiiles Last o[' t'tijif Fear liiver, and on the road leading from Fay- ertfville ti) (’h.Hpel Hiil. Store, Dwelling, Out Mouses, a^i iii fir'll rate order. I'he .''tore is at a tine business stand, aud is not to he fxi-elifd by any country .store in the State. There are h't> upon the premises au excellent well of water wiih- lu l.'i i>r :^U steps of the Hout>e, a tine young orchard of F i nit Trees, a Tun Vard in perfect order, which pays Will when in operation. Also, a Blacksmith Shop wiih Tools, .'^c. -Vny person wishing to purchase such a place would do well to call and examine it for themselves 1 am di ti'rinined lo .seil, and will make terms easy for the {lurchiisi'r A. H. DF.VV.AH. N. B. The place is one of the healthiest in the South ern coutitry 40 Share' li tnk of Fayetteville Stock .Vugu-'t 4, IS.',7. •’-tf Acres of lifiiid FOK SAI K. ^ H hi .Subscribers offer for sale the above Tr»i-t of | fi Latid, lying on .Vnderson's Creek, about two aud j a halt' miles frjm lower Little River, near Kl'.ii't’s ! MiMs.—inchiding about One Hundred .Icres of good ^ Swamp*, which can be easily drained. This Land Is } Tt ry henvi'y timbered, and a lar^e portion level aud j t superior ijuality of Pine Land for cultivation. j •Mso, a Circular STE.-V.M S.VW-MHL, in complete | ir ler und well adapted to a iwiug plank roa-l aud rail , road timbers .\lso, Two wel!-br> ’-.e \H'I,K.S. ' -\11, or any portion of which, will be sold low and ' on time. The Laud will be so! I either in a body or iu | parcels ti) •'uit vS^HTH S LI.LIOT. I April *i. 1867 y7-tf TOB.iCX’O, just re ceived and for sale by H CARVEH. Nov'r 4. RIO .!.'%■> J.1V.4 COFFa:!:.—:^o Bag.»ju8t received aal for sale by W H. (.’.\RVKR. Nov’r 4. wr.w VORK HYKl I* *k just rec’d and for sale by W H. ('.\RVER. Nov'r 4. '*' ■ ‘>IKI P j y rec’d and for sale by W H. ’AIIVKR Nov’r ( just DOtIK«TI; and ('OTTON V \KNS, just rec’d and for sale by \v M. 'aiivi:r Nov'r 4. •'7 BOXLS TALLOW AND ADAM.\NT1NE (’ANDLE.S, just rec’'l and for Mali- by KOl/Nf) PINK LAiND. r. O^E offer for sale 2000 ACRES round Pin* Tur- ^ pentine Land 1 miles from Fayetteville, be tween the Western and Centre Plank Roads—the Mor- gunton Roaii running through the same. A bargain will be sold iu these lauds. P'or particulars apply to Mr Charle- Monroe near the land or to the subscribers. J. J- T. WADDILL. Nov. 'Hh. nS-tJl i$s Auff. TONS No by (u:an(). 1 PERUVIAN GUANO, WORTH i for sale UTLEY. 1 38- i FOR S \Li:. i DAMANTLNE and TALL JW CANDLES; fine aud 1 Ik. -oiiimon TOBACCO; and almost anything in the Grocery liue. (.’heaj* as the cheape.“t! G W 1. GOLDSTON. j Jan’v -7, 1807. ''' \V li. ( .VRVKR. Nov’r 4 4 im hand and for ^ule cheap by Nov’r 4. .Argus cop}’. ^ GOOD ASSORTMENT OF DRV GOODS oi; .SO W M CARVKK .^7- ( Hi:ksi:! (;hki:si:! .■r BOXE.S just I e- eived and for sale liy W H (’.vkvi:r Nov’r 4, '“j I - Xe^ro Hhuikeb received and for ,‘ale by arid K«*rs‘vs, just W I! ’ARVK'{ KOOK. 4^ II .^Vu* stock of .\\[) srA'i'ioNcin MM/' E tire r, w n ceivit!.- ,oir u«ual New Stock i f ▼ * I' ’ks uud Stationery, erobr.iLinR a great vanetv of ^cliooL t an . niid 1fi«- Together v.!;li a .tl- a- : . u:> i .'t ci ijLANK. books. PAi’ KNVF^iu- J Country Mv-r-tiar.fs and other? Ki;; invirel ca ' ai we offer the abuve stMi,-k on tiie -i: '(m n: E J. IIALI. V .S',»N Sept’r 28. vvTl iTT: A1 u 1:1 R • Is f.w rec>‘’v nc hi’ Fail Slock of UttOns^ which is :i 1 wr. ■ -i. \ i ■ ti'■ ' i aiid the pubii,; _vri-j."'il'y •' s ,\!y ; r. varied to enumera'-.-, tverv I'f cu; fiti l - i;;^ *1] i.^r tijx! they want by ca'lisi^ .Ail kind* "f pr' duce takoii in exchange :V- C ; 1^. A, i! Sept. 17, 1^'.7 G90 ACUi:s OK LA.M) FOK SALK ' f H F. Su't soriber otfer'i for sale the ab >ve .juantity I ' I, situated in a healthy neighborhood, tliree nr.'.eri the Wilmingtun and ('harlotie I'kail Road, Ml \ ;■'ur ti .'in LumV>er River This Laud is well U(‘if i > ’ I'Hrming, Turpentine, and T‘ii Timber ! urp ses. h ivin/ a goo 1 range and other advantages, ft; -0 visLing to purchase may find me nii the pre- m Sl'. who «ill l e happy to exhibit it or give any iu- :• rmati'.n cjiiceriiing it desired. ANGUS .McGILL Piuladeiphiis, N. C., Sept. 1, lS;'i7. lOtf Grocf*ri( S. !8(ir(l\var(‘. i\:r. undersigned a.'-e n -v receiving a L.AR'^E .\.S- * SOKT.MhXT "f Groceries. H;ird\\;in'. Iron. St(M 1. iiolJou-wart*. Slio(.-s. L-Hl!it*r, and >;i(MI(*r\. which they wijl .'ell at U h'llt - iIt* t a 'ni'i i a ivaf;re in Cost for i ash, cr n our u.-i.-i! :■ pi ::.m 'it^iikr- Gl.; W WlLI.l o;.' . » July 18, l>>r:7. ~v. ,i Si IS Are receiving their F.A'i. NI ■ Wl\Ti;it .■t :k ^ F.\N(’V ic DOMESI'l;' liHV (Ji.n'Dv, Which they wiii ggli at t m ir ow i ricfs. in part >1 ' f w s, »E l..\IN>, nil Kllldi; Ail \V,,. ’ ( :’ d .M'iin .1'; f ' I ." ks ail i r>:ack, Bic-h R. ■ f- .\'^Mir,.: I'henille .'^hawis; Do. Scarfs, all silk; Lung .Shawls for (ientlemwn. Do tor Sei v;in*«; Co’tli a;. 1 Vi'lvet 'ioak», Freii h i: b>-i, V .laut, r>o. fi r MN-**-: Nett |..r ('hildren, Lur ^ I’.r ■ ;iia .shuwln; Merino .''iiuW19, white; I'fera f l innel, Plain and Ci.l'J. Viuilted Shirts; D.. H...,.ps; Fine aud tlommon Blankets; Cotti n, Silk, an'l Woolen Hosjiory Do. Fancy, for Children: Ki i, .'-'ilk, .Merino, Cotton (/love» lor Ladies; Chenille Head Dresses; (,'henilles by tjje yniii; Bonn>-t Piib>)ori.i; do plain; Fringes and Saloni, all colors; Black Vilvets; i Bl’k and i ni’d Belt'*: , Mulbtrvy i;uU"MS f .r Dr.vj,-. j. ; Thread, Nwi>s, .J.u-kon. tt. Bobbin, and (.otton IMg'ngs. , BlacK La?e btid lidging.'): i Emb’d lihdkts. Collars, Sleeves and Ban'ls; | Love and Lnce Veils; j Bonnets, Hats and Caps; ' —ALS>— A nic« variety of .Men’s, j.adies’, aud Childroti’. SII OKS Also, Men and Boy.s 9W\nUr i lothimj, Vhtap. | PERFUMERY, Sofi's, and many Fancy Artickt. Sept. II, 1857. 42. FAliM FOU SAI.H I '.'FF1:R f. r sale tny PLANTATDjN *n the East jt i-‘ of Fear liiver, miles above the Clareu- ; n i-ir-iir*'. kn* wn as the Toouier Laruis, cuntainiiig out ucr-'s The Plantati'ju is in a good state of ..tnatioti, iit.d is ■‘usceptible of being ma in one of i;i -t i r' titablc Farms in the County. I will give a b .i^-tiii ill tiiL- lands, and make the time of pay most easy if npp'ii-ati in is mii le in a few weeks l me it (Julf, N C J. L HAUGHTON ' r !•.. J,A.M) FOR SAfj:. 10^ .VCRES L.\ND lying ou the .'am Jen Stage K"a 1, lo mile.i South of Fay etteville The Lund is well timbered, and admirably a luj tcd f'r Turpentine or Farming purposes; and lies ’.ftwefii the Southern Plank Rond and Big Rockfish, —CMivfiiient to muket. There is on it a comfjrtable ir; H'.use, .Mil] Site ic. Any iiil.jrinatlon may b*“ obtained on the premises fr 'n .Mrs. .Mary Nelson, or bv euquriug of JA.MES BANKS. Atfy, Favetteville. AUfc 1.;. ' 3:}.tf FOK SAfj:. D^VKI.LING HoUSK .AND LOT on (tillespie Street, ut present occupied by Doctor McSwain. PerifCt iitl-’ can be male. .Applv to THO. J. CURTId Cotton liairifiiiif and liopo, jusi r»*- ceived and for sale by . H. t’.\K\ ER I'liited -Statcw of Aiiiertca. Diitrirt Vourt of' the Lnital tSfi'tes fur the iJti- trirt at ('ape Ftar, in //*« Ihilrut >J Surth ('ii ru!in j. nf HERE.AS a libel has been filed iu tiie District (,'ourt of the l.’nited St.ates. for th.‘ Diitrici ot Cape Frar, in the District of North Carolina on the loth day of November, 1S'>7, by Williuiu M. ll.iiriss. a;:ainst tlie Bark .1. W. lUodgct, hi r t i.'k'e. ai'parel, furniture and cargo, alleging in substance, that the said Bark while on her homeward voy ize Irom Turks Island to the Port of .New Vurk, laden with salt, ab.iut the TJth of September last encountered .i .severe aturm and >iy the violence of the winils and the waves, was driven upon Buzzatd’s IViy P*each, and that thereupon tuei’aptaiu and Commander of said Bark, David Moore, left his said Bark upon s iid liuz^ard Bay Buach, and cauiv t the port of Wiimingion aiid s'onsigned said Bark to the Lifiellant and asked for a Tow Boat to re lieve said Bark from her jierilous position and tij bring her into the Port of VVi!min;rt'>n t ; receivi' sneh rej airs as were necessary to enab'e her to pros»‘i:ut** success fully her intended voyage. That in obedience to the wishes of ihe said t’;iptain, this Libell iut procured the services of Captain Benj^imiu W. Berry, wijo with his Tug the Steamer Henrietta, proceeded to s.ii l Bcacii aud succcfded in dragging her -if. and carrieil the said Bark in sa'ety t(> the I'ort ot Wiimingl^n That upon her arrival iu said l*ort of Wilminkrtoii, ttje s.»id I^ibel- lant Was obliged to pay and did actuiiiy pay bills I;r repairs and towage and pilotage, and aUo \ lurge sum to the seamen employ.-d on boai-il of .- li 1 Bark lor thfn wag«s. atid made other ,i ivances more p irticilarly .set forth in the schedule annexed to the said libel, ani -unt- ing t> Elevea Hundred and sixty-six 7o-lW'j D.dlais That the said advances were nec».-ss;try to enable the said Bark to pursue her voyage aud earn her frid^nt, and w-ri- made in a Port where sail B irk did n a be long. and where the owners did not res; ie, and wero made on the credit oi the sni 1 Bark, as woll as of thu Owners therui f, aud were to pay charges und demands which were at that tim-' a lii'U on >.iid l!ark, aud by the p.iyuient thereof thi- Libellant became in Law sub rogated iu place of the ]. irti-s t> wh i^u the p lyments were m.ade, and became entitle] to hold and proceed and enforce the hen of »ai 1 detuan is for hi- own re- imbtirsjment. .And ttie sm l Libel turtiifr pray* pro cess against the Bark or, her aj', tackle, anJ furniture, 1' r the aiii 'UM due the i.iboilau’ in the premises witli C"sts, and that the s;iid Bark, her tackle, npparel ati I furniture !;■ iv b'e con demned and sold to pay said amount with i >str. charges and expenses. Now, therefore, in pursuance of the munition under the seal of the said Court to me directe.l and deliver ed, 1 do hereljy give public notice to all persons claim ing the SHi«l Bark, her tackle, apparel, and lurniture, or in any manner interested therein, that they be and a[>pcar before the sai l Court to be held iu and lor the District of North Carolina on the second Wednesday of January uexi at eleven o'clock in the forenoon of the same 'Jay at Ch unbersiii Fayetteville, if the same shall be a day of juris licti'ai, otherwise on the next ilay of jurisdiction tlK-reafter. then and there to interpose their claims and i i make their allegations in that behalf. D.ited the Ibth day of November, l^o7. ESLEV Jones, U. s. Marshal, by JNO J. CuSOLEV. D .M. E.Mi’ih;, Jr. Proctor for Libellants. Not. I'J, 1Hjj7. f'2-7t B O ii ii A V E ’ S IIOI,LAM> itlilKKS (ill A.VO. Tt'NS BEST PERUVLVN GUANO, ju..t re ceived and for s-ile by GEO W. WILLI VMS & CO. Aug •’51. !i(»OK BFVnFK^ K5 \\ il.ARDlE has resumed the Book Binding jil U» lJusiiiess, over the Tailor .Slop ot dark Ac Woodward, vviierehe will reoeivw and execute bindi ig ill any --tyle desired .ViilMist 1 2'^*' Hooks* r»i’^HL l.ile ot ('i\:iriotte lU'onte, .Author of Jane Ii Lyre, .vc ; 1 hi- Te.-rimony of the Rocks, by Hugh Miller: >’al id for the Social, by the Author of Salad ! for the Solitar\; iJidigenoot Races of tlie Earth, by ' Nott .V Gliddon; The Bee Keeper’s Chart. Also, fur- i th r supjoies of MilU"lulcia: The Prince of the House ' of David; Mrs. Hentz's Novels; The Baptist Psalmody, j Bur’tes' F.imily Prayers; (.'hristian .Minstral; Cruden s j Concordance; .Ad.iins’s .New .Aiitlinietic; I’arley’s ('om- I mon .School lii^tory; ^c. J U.ALb SON. I J une lil, l^o7. Foi{ sAi.H. »'pHE Subscriber wishes to sell the large Dwelling J and Lot on the corner of (Jillespie aud Rutsell Streets, at present i.ccujiied by Mr. Henry Eramb«rt. Terms reasmablw E. J. HALlv ! T. C. & B. G. WORTH, l.'onnnission cSj I'orwartllng Merchants, Iir ,u;n\ Jsuildi',^, Wliter Street, , \l*Umh»ston^ .V. nr. Hawkses History OF rWORTH €AROLir¥A. The Subscribers ar« now prepared to furnish the 1st volume of this valuable work, which has receired tb« highest commendation wherever it has been read, not only for its literary execution but for its typographi cal getting up. It may be obtained, either from us or from our General Agent for th« State, H. W. Horn* of this place, or any of his Assistant Agents. The price varies according to style of binding: In handsome cloth !J!l 26; in Library Sheep $1 60; in half Calf $1 75. It 18 soLu ONtY foe Cash. None will be charged, either by ourselves or our Agents .A liberal discoun* will bn made where quantities are taken to sell again It will be sent by mail to any part of the oauutry, on receipt of the price and ‘24 cents to pay postage. The 2d Tolum« is in course of preparation. There will probably be four or live volumes in all The suo- oeediug vo'ui;ies will probably contain about 600 pages each, and will be sold at u pioi.ortionally higher price, vi*: half a cent a page for the cloth binding. cents additional for sheep and 6U cents additional tor tha halt calf binding B i HALE & SON Fayetteville. .April ’-!y, 1867 P. S. The Agent and his Assistants design to visit every county in the State, with the bock, as soon as convenient. Jn the mean time, orders to him or to us, accompanied by tha cash, will receive prompt atten tion. Usual advances made ou consignments. Nov. 11. 1867 5y-tf I). A. LAMON'F, Commission Merchant, C'. OFFICE North water street. PeiS'iiu' attention given to all produce sent to him either for sale or shipment. .Vov'r •) 67-lypd J. U 1LFF\.\I .M. I)., i* M TTS n O HO V€i H, *V. €\ nR. I'.AtJE may be found at his office when not I'rofession illy u'l^ag'jd. 'lay »i, 1S57. fltf DW Il) .McDFFFIK, ~ ttrickmason and M^laaterer^ BS prepared to do all kinds of work in his line, in i' tiding the putting up of Turpentine Stills in this an 1 the adjoining counties. Fayt'tleville, .\jril27, 1867. 3-lY-pJ B. F. PEARCE & CO., di:alers in i FUliEKIX UO.MESTIi’ DRY (rOODS. HATS, CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, i Liiibr*Ua» und Ri'idy-.Mude fJlothiny, IIAV STKKET, iHyeiteville, .V. €. I STA.NUARI) & MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, W'kR- KANE’S Arctic Fxplrrations,—c'oth, sheep ■ ^and half calf; Prescott’s Ferdinand and Isabella. Conquest of Peru, Phillip 2d, and Conquest of Mexicfi; Henry Clav’s Works. 6 vols ; Betiton’s I'hirty Vears in the L\ S Senate: Daniel Webster’s Works, toIs ; Memoir.? of S S Prentiss; Iriving’s Works. 16 vols.. cloth and sheep; Meinoirji of Wm Wirt; Irving’s Life of Wa‘-hi'.gton, cloth and sheep; Life and Coire?pon dence of Webster; 'oni. Perry’s Japan hxpe'lition; .Ab- bott’s .Sap )leon; The Indigenous liaces of the Earth, by Nott A Gliddon; Recollections of A Life Time, by Goodrich. (Peter Parley;) Hume and .Macaulay's His tories of England; Hallani’s. Robertson’s, Johnson’s. Burke’s. A'ldisou’s, Hannah More’s and Dick’s Works; Southey’s Common Place Book; Historical Collections of Virginia; Dickens’s Complete Works, 13 vols illus trated; I.aMartine’a History of Turkey; The Queens of Scotland, by .Agnes htrickland; Goldsmith’s .Animated Nature: Noctes Ambrosianaj. 6 vols.,—edited by Di'. McKenzie; Rollin’s Ancient History; Constitutional Text Book; Millaian’s Gibbon’s Rome; The Statesman’s •Manual; Tales and Novels of Maria Edgeworth; Proc tor’s History of the Crusades; Chambers’ Information for the Peoplo; Tytler’i Universal History; Boswell’s Life of Dr Johnson; Chambers’ .Miscellany, 10 vols ; .Appleton’s Cyclopedia of Biography; The Scottish Gael; EncyclopeUa Americana. 14 vols.; Waverly Novels iu 12, 24 and 27 vols ; Wilson’s Tales of the Borders and of Scotland; UelocqueTilie’s Democracy in .America; Knight’a Half Hours with the best Authors; Bulwer’s Novels, complete in one »ol; Plutarch’s Live*; .Modern British Essayists; Lyell’s Principles of Geolo gy; Tales of the Arabian Nights, 4 vols. illustrated; .Nlaury’s Physical Geography of the Sea; .Adventures of a Geritleman in Search of a Horse; .Mrs. Ellis’j Family Monitor and Guide to Social happiness: The Bachelor of Salamanca, by Le Sage; History of the Revolutions in Europe; Lockhart’s Life of Walter .Scott: Hogg’s Winter’Evening Tales; Woodfall’s Junius; -McIntosh’s Miscellanies; Hamilton’s Philosophy and Literature; McAulay’s .Miscellanies; Marshall's Wash ington; Life of Pinckney; Brande’s Enoyclonadia; The Prince of the House of David; The Poetical Works of Ilcmans, Scoit,Campbell, .Milton, Byroo, .Moore, Burns, Sbakspeare, &c , in various styles. E. i HALE & SON. Nov’r 17. D L.*1W* BOOKS. OMAT'S Civil Law; Starkie on Slander; Evi- B. k I’k.^KLt. ] July SO, [j. W. PE.\aCB, JB 2'J-tf (a:o. ai.df.kmax, inspector of »'\\ival Storen^ WILMINGTON, N. C.. j SOLD'IT.S patronage. Prompt attention and quick | desp).tcii will be given to business entrusted to his ! care. June 2:i, 1867. iy-12mpd Af.SO A F'.A.MILY C.ARR1.\GE in good repair and nearly new. Will be soM for half its valu«. — ALSt;— g ■ d .MILCH COWS with young calves. .Apply to T. J. CURTIS. -J'.t, 1H67. Stf FAVirrrHViLLH Tiotki. pDrniture and Fixtures for Sale. ^SIHE above named property will be sold to any H. re.sjionsible person, upon fair terms, if applied for l.etw..en the present time and the 16th of Decem ber next If not sold by the 15th of Dec., they will be sold at .Auction after the first day of January next, in l its to suit purchasers. .Any information wanted will be cheerfully given by :*l l'lying to J. n ROBERTS & CO. Fayetteville, September 12, 1867. 42-tf NOTICE. subscriber having, at June Terra 1867, of the I ( oiirt of Pleas and Quarter Sessions for the ..oiiiity of Cumberland, qualified as Administrator upon the Estate id Willie F. Moore, hereby notifies all persons having claims against the said Estate to present the same f.rojiorly authenticated within the time pre scribed by law, otherwise this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Debtors to the said Estate will please make payment immediately. u Moore. June 1H67. A. McRIMMON, Commission and Forwarding Merchant WIL.MINGTON, N. C. July tJ, 1867. 22tf JOHN \\ SAmTsON, Commission and Forwarding laerchant, WILMINGTON, N. C. Will give particular attention to the sale of Nav&l P'eb’y 26, 1866. Stores, Cotton, &c. 8o-tf NOTICK. ^j''HE undersigned having executed a power of At- f toriiey to E. F. .Moore, he is thereby authorized to make ail settlements for me and in my name, anl generaHy to transact all businew as I might or could do were 1 personally present. J. J. MOOKE. Fayetteville, June 3, 1867. 18tf Other I AMBlUyrYPFM AMIJIiOTVFFS!! Having taken the Rooms formerly occupied b- M. M. lerguson. over J .M. Beasley’s, would re"' Bpectfuliy announce to the public that he is prepurod to take AM BhO'n I'KS in the best style.*; known to tUe ait. A trj;il i( u:. he asks, und if satisfaction is not given, there is r.o cliarjie “So come al *ng without de'ay,” ALd get a piuturo from Battley. V , 'V. T. BATTI-EY Nov 5, l-85. K-.p ! 5( tf NO'FlCi:. " A T Frptember Term 1867, of tbe Coart of Pleas aud Sessions for the (>.; .;?v jf Cuniheriand the subscrib. i- h.iving rpia.iiied as .r . .;ini' itor ui„,:'i t^heKstiite of \icL:.urin, Cv.;: ,s ail pers in', in- e tel to the Lst.ite 11 inaie imHicuiu.3 payment, and I b.,«( Sept. 16, 18'7 Adm’r. . ■ 4;^tf iiluiikii tor saio ui lins Ottic^ NOTICF. fgrilE Copartnership of Marsh, Carroll & Co., if ■ this day disolved by mutual consent, and tha business will be s«ttl«d up by J. F .Marsh. J. W CARROLL. L>. G. McDUFFlE. J. F. MARSH. Nov. ‘.iO, 1867. 6:i-tf DOCTOR FEAWK WILLIAMS’S CKI-KliU.Vi'El) KVK WHISKEY! subscriber has made arrangements to keep a supply of the Genuine Article, and is the only Agent for the sale of th« above brand of A No. 1 Rye Whiskey in this place. „ , i^OB’T MITCHELL. May 4, 186 COTTON I{AGG1Ng7 jB'WCNDLL and Gl NNY BAGGING in quantities to suit purchasers. For tale by c , JAS. G. COOK. Sept. 1(. TANNFK’S OIL & DitY HIDES. BBLS Tanner’s Oil,—a superior ai tide; al»o, m lot of l)rj Hides. For eale by N,;,. '• ■nut CKLKBK.\TKD HOU,\Nr> RE^WUiY »0U DTSPEapSlA, DISE4SK OF TlfK KllfVETS, LIVER COMPLAINT, VVEAKXES8 OF ANY KENT), FEVER AND AGUE. ■ind th« various affections cnn'rqiient upon h diaordvrad STOMACH OK LIVEll, ^uch M Indigesllon, Ariitily of the Sloinarh, ColicKy Piling He^rthurn. l.o»s of .Apiwtiir, Dcspoiuleiiry. Costiveness. Bliml and Bleeiline i’ile* In all NervunN, KhrmnHtiC. and .\eiiralg r .Mfec- h;i5 in nmiieroii-i invt inceo roved highly Iwneficial, and In Others erterti d h rirridejl curc Thit is ii purely compound, prepared on sirirtly scian t'flt prinriples, alter ihe iirinner of the celeliraied llollHDd Pro- (es'tor, Hiwrhave, Rer^tu^e of its preat success in nio.-it ot'the F.uropean Slates, its intriHluction into the United .'^Utes was in tended niore o^pecially for those of our fiilher and scHttered here itnil there over the fice of this niiehty country .Meetin); with great siirress .imonc them, I now olfer it to the American public. Knowing that its truly wonderful medicinal virtues uiusi be ae- knowledced. It Is particularly recommended to those personi whose (imstitu- tions may have been impnired by the cimtinunuv u« of nrdenl si^rits, or oihcr lonns of dissipation. Genernlly instantaneous In effecl. It find^ its way dirertly lo the seal of life, thrilling and quickening every nerve, r.iislne up the drooping spirit, and, in tact. Infusing now health and vigor in the sysieiii. i\0 IICK \\ hoever ei|>ecls to find ttiis a beverage will be dli- appointed; but to ttie sick, weak nnil low spiriied, ii will prove a grateful aromatic cordial, posse.ssed ufiiinjjular remedial propertlM t; A U T 1 O N ! The great popularity of this delightful Aroma has Induced many liiiiiations. which the public should guard against purchaslnf. lie not persuaded to buv anything else until you have given Boer- have s Hulland BIUlts a f;ilr trial. One butile will toDvlnc# VOM how Infln tely iiiperior U Is lo all these Imitations. ft^Sold at 91 00 per bottle, or six bottles for by ih« a O L R P R O P R I E T () R d , page, JK. & CO. M4.NVr4CTCRlSe rilAR.MACEUTISTS AND CHEMISTS, Pittsburgh, Pa. Samuel J. Hinsdale sole agent for Fayetteville. June 14, 1867. HOOP IRON. A LARGE lot of Hoop Iron for Cotton. For sale *0^* JAS. O. COOK. 68-2m 8ch(^17i}(k7ks. ~ IjJMITH’S English Grammar; Peterson’s Familiar Science; Bolmar’s Fables; Emerson’s Arithmetic- Bolmar’s French Grammar; Lovell’s U. S. Speaker- Sargent’s Standard Speaker; North Carolina Readers’ Mitcheiri Geographic!; Quackenbos’s Rhetoric; &c. ^ hale & SON. Sept. 4, 18o7, DC7^ 1 he Presbyterian Psalrnodist— Ch^acter Notes. A further supply just received. E. J. HAL£ & BON. LOVEUD ELDRIDGE, •Utornetf at Mjaw, ^MriLL attend the Courts of Johnston and Samp- * w son Counties. Smithtield, April 16, 186ti. 96-tf THO. C. FULLER, Mtoruey anti Conuxellor at IjUW). OFFICE at Escles’s Bridge, recently occupied by James Banks, Esq., Fayetteville, N. 0 Jan’y 1, 1867. 7 Worth & Utley, h orwardin^ and General Commission MERCILVNTS, Fayetteville, ,V. C. J. A. WOETH. (72tf) JOS. UTL*T. W. H. TURLING-TON, Ctfinraission Merchant, No. 4 North Water St., WILMINGTON, N. C. WILL give hia prompt personal attention to the sale or shipment of all Consignments of Naval Store.sor other Country Produce .Nvo 8, 1866. Dr. K. A. BL.A.CK, OFFICE Front Rooms, over Dr. S. J. Hinsdale’s Chemist and Drug Store. Feb’y 7, 1866. 76-tf JOSSPH R. BLOSSOM € o n .m 81 o i\ AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, IVilminstoni •>*. C. _ Prompt personal attention given to all Consign ments, and Cash advances made on Produce to be ship ped to other ports or sold in this market Feb. 12, 1866. 67 JOSEPH B,\KER, Jr., ATTOKi>'UV AT L.AW, Has taken an office next door to Wm. B. Wright’s Law office on Green Street. He will attend and practice in the County and Superior Courts of Cumber land, Bladen, Robeson and Sampson. March 23, 1853. 79-tf ‘‘LAW COPARTNERSHHV’ WE, the undersigned, have this day formed a Law Copartnership, and will practice in the Courts of the following counties of this State: Chatham, Cum berland, Moor*, Harnett, and the Supreme Court. J. H. HAUGHTON. „ ^ manning. Fitttbwctugh, N. 0., Jm'y 1,186T5. 7?t'f Sedgwick on the Measure of Damage*; Sedgwick on Statutory and Cons. Law; Hale’s Pleas of ths Crown; Bishop on .Marriage and Divorce; Mitford's Chancery Plead ings; Sanderson Uses & Trusts; Hargr&ve & Butler’s Coke upon Littleton; U. States Digest; State Trials of the U. S ; Russell on Arbitration; Morris on Replevin; Troubat on Limited Part nerships; Sugden on Vendors; “ on Powers; Saunders on Pleading; “ Reports; Addison on Contracts; Wharton on Homicide; Wharton ^ Stile’s Med. Jurisprudence; Newlani on Contracts; Roper on Legacies; Williams on Executors; “ on Personal Pro perty; Oliver on Conveyancing; Lube’s Equity Pleading; Gresley’s Law of Evi dence; Kent’s Commentaries; Curtis’s Commentary; Bradford’s Surrogate Re ports; Tapping on Mandamus; Crown Circuit Companion Wiley’s N. 0. Form Book; &o. E. J. HALE «Si SON. Roscoe’ii Crim der.ce; Chitty on Contracts; •• “ Criminal Law; “ “ PleaJing; Stephen on Ditto.; Chitty on the Law of Car riers; Selwyn’s Nisi Prius,—Am. Notes; Smith’s Chancery Practice; “ Landlord and Ten ant; “ on Contracts; “ Leading Cases; Story on Condict of Law; “ Equity Jurispru dence: “ on Sales; “ on Partnership; “ Equity Pleadings; “ on Contracts: Fearne on Remainders- Edwards on Bailments; Byles’ on Bills; Tayler’s Law Glossary; Dart on Vendors and Pur chasers of Real Estate; Broom’s Legal .Maxims; “ Commentaries on the Com. Law; Adams’s Equity; “ on Ejectm«nt; Burrill on Cir«um. Evidence; “ Law Dictionary Leading Cases in Equity; Tidd’a Practice—Am. Notes; Hill on Trustees, “ “ Matthews’ Presumptive Evi dence; Powell on Mortgages; Cantwell’s Justice; Supreme Court Reports, &c. Nov. 2, 1857. MEDICAL BOOKS. DUNGLISON’S Therapeutics and Materia Medioa; “ Medical Dictionary; “ Human Physiology; “ Practice of Medicine “ on New Remedlea; Meigs’ Treatise on Obstetrics; “ Woman, and her Diseases; “ Childbed Fevers; “ Diseases ot the Uterus; Dewees on Children; “ “ Females; Horner’s Anatomy and Histology; Miller’s Principles of Surgery; “ Practice of do; Bartlett on the Fevers of the U. Statei; Wilson’s Human Anatomy, by Goddard; Ricord and Hunter on Venereal, by Bumate*!; Watson’s Practice of Physio, by Condie; Wood and Bache’s U. S. Dispensatory; Pancoast’s Wistar’s Anatomy; Wilson on Diseases of the Skin; “ “ the Skin and Hair; Eve’s Surgical Cases; Churchill on Children, by Keating; “ System of Midwifery, by Condi#; “ Diseases of Women by do.; Elfis’s Medical Formulary, by Thomas; Kirkes’ and Paget’s Physiology; Regnault’s Elements of Chemistry; Fownes’ Chemistry for Students; Bartlett on Certainty in Medicine; Smith and Horner’s Anatomical Atlu; Bird on the Urinary Deposites; Pereira’s Materia Medica and Therapeatioa; Carpenter’s Human Physiology, by Smith; Dickson’s Elements of Medicine; Taylor on Poisons, by Griffith; Burrows’ on Cerebral Circulation; Wilson on Syphilis; ’ Draper’s Physiology—illustrated; Solly on the Brain; Hope on the Heart, &o., &o. E. J. HALE & SON. Oct. 26, 1867. Further Supplies of •’\Tpir Books, na ABEL VAUGHAN, by the Author of the Lamp- K Shirley, by Currer Bell; Mormonism, by Elder Hyde; La Martine’s Histery of Turkey Moss Side; “Quits,” by the Baroness Tautphoeus; Modern Reform Examined, by J. C. Stiles; Malcom’s Butler’s Analogy; Hatfield s American House Carpenter; Noctes Ambros.anae, Edited by Dr. McKenzie; Kane*; Arctic Explorations; Appleton’s Cyclopedia of Biography; School Books, &c. E. J. HALE & SON. Oct. 24. Harper’s for December. B. J. lALE i sw. NORTH CAROLINA Hf vrw PREPARED WITH SI'KCI.\L REFEUE.vo WANT.S A.Mi I.NTKRE.STS ‘'’Si .Vorf/i t'a rot hi ft CXDBR TlfK Al’SPICE.S OK TUK MON SCIIOOLH nr Rev. F. ^1. Ilubba,.,, PROFKSSOR or THE L.\TIS L\.MiV.\OE THK VMIVEKbITT OF N0R7„ CAh.j^ CONTAIN INQ A FAMIIA.Ml UlSToRy TION OF NORTH OARoi.In,^ Selections in Prose and Verse; nuiny of .i eminent citizens of tht- Stite ■ HISTORICAL AND (’nRO.VoLoGl,;, And H variety of Miscellanpous Inforin^rif,'''^:-^: titties, bv ii. WM.rv. Number 3 is a new and re' is-.-d e , Carolina Reader, first pub’.isnc 1 ii, 'vy y and 2 just issued. Complete th** rv,- whole, che.iper thiiri ativ .tlj r ■> ■'•ie- United States, -.ind hs Cfiiuplet,- ' •‘-'s The Editor (Prof. Hubburd; in his I'ri-iu..,, b*-r 1 deems it proper to ttliud-t a .. .T' %dvant»^es aimed at by tl,.; Super nf'-r i,. !■ .. .“Schools while making elfort- ti Imv ■ pleted These are. ' - ^ 1. Tfie encouragemrnl if u f^Ai j .,.f , and the eulistment of p.ijm'Hr S'-iiiiniet)' ’ ■ the ."'tate ami its institutions It w i^ ri.-p’ ;i, " ' • portant, h wever, t^i have la'-r ■ thnu the Heftilers of merely a loc i' iii’'Tp't 2, 7’o remedy the tvi! eceryirh'-re \ mon tchoolt. of a perpetual change tn t>jt >, pensive habit, and one which irijnrei» it .. y-J""*'' preventing the children from t,*-ing ries of bora# Readers, it fiufipost- i, ■. ' tainly used, and this great evil thus 3. Economy, XTtQ popular !u of lle-t i..... too lon>r and being made .S') o*'teri mei.-lv t, the pr.ifit.s of authors uti'i publi^hoi.s. ’ - This series is to c-"ti>ii8t of ti-wer tmu',- r- those ;ren"r:illy u^ed, and it is l.e !. vo| •lumbers are .sufficierit, w/iile it th'- - -,i ■-), ‘ ve'-snlly used in the Stnte. ti.i? Siv.-: t •ind childrt*n would mu'iunt tj hevoi t ' innuall}’. 4, To pul in the hands of children /f . - .ir.y • position* sufficiently f tmih-ir but ^lo' of :hf ?*, r,; ’ childish compos tt tons, c-nturiirip. iii 119 •'-.s for all ages, correct specimj-us "t stv.f-. ir/er-^t mutter, «ind inculcatin); pt' pir n.oni s. :.i. i instruction. The prices are, for No. 1. 26 c>*iit^; '■ j and No S, 76 ceiits. \ libevMl deiiucii 1, -.1 prices to .\lerchants and .School leuche;> L. J. H U.l. - iv pByeiteville, July 2y PROsTpKI TlS OF THE NORTH CAROLIW PRKSBYTKRlv, ^ Presbyterian Church in .N jrth ' ur ^ B. long lab ;i-ed under a serious disadv.inu7» . the want of a j mrnal to advocitte her clninis avir.;. resent her interests It is estimated that on’v; Presbyterian W.'iiclies are taken in the b juni, f three Presbyteries VVe havy 13,000 and it is safe to infer that there are 'iO.OO'J Pr*--: •- rians in principle in the State. Our , fifth in the Union in point of numbers. a^jJ hei-cr. bership is greater than that of any Synod West of Pennsylvania. Our sister States on the N ::; and South, neither of which has a momhiiri: . i large as ours, publish the Central, and the Presbyterian, for the benefit of their people. time has come when the Presbyterian Church in N »-.t C^irohna should likewise do her duty t ) her .li: i--i It is a conceded and iiaportaut ta.ct that hun'irci: :f our members will take a Stale paper wbo wi'.. t.;;- other. The Paper is needed to be the orp;n f Synod and Presbyteries—to ele\ate and en piety of our membership by diffusinjr ev.injf ; knowledge—to promote the cause of Eda.Mtion-’, develope the talents of our .Ministry, and tostrtcci;- en the attachment of our people to the soi; acJjj-,. tuarieg of their own State. If our Church in other States, and other ''’hur' t; in this State, can supply their meraberi with & Rt- ligious journal, why may not weT .\re N .r;h '■ 1:. lin.\ Presbyterians inferior in talent, energy h-,: patriotism to their neighbors on the North or aIouil. or to Christians of other denoininutions ui b i ' With the same or better opportunities uf accompii-:- ing this work, shall we leave it undone? lu the !n; guage of one of our most able and useful .Micistt^ra an adopted son of our State, “It ought to have br?. undertaken 20 years ago, but it is not too late to ot- gin to do right.” In the last two or three months, a fund of ite- $6000 has been subscribed as a permanent capiti. At a meeting of the contributors, held at Green.-: rough i>a the 1-tth of .May, Rev. A. Baker. Chairoi.r —the Paper was unaoiniously loc.-ited at Kayettev : under the name and title of the North C.\B' Pbksbtteeian. Rev. Wm. N. Mebane an! S" George .MeNeill were elected Editors: Rev. M --'- George McNeill, Wm. N. Mebane, A. Baker. »;. H. Wiley, and Messrs George McNeill, Sr . J ■; Cook and David Murphy were appointed an Eit;ou'..=; Committee, to establish the Paper and luitiaic business affairs. It is our wish and design to make the Nobth Ckt- LINA Presbyterian a journal of the first clnss. to the best in the country in typographical sppii*:- ance and in adaptation to the wants of our L’hurc39 Its columns will afford the latest intelli^etict-. ’ foreign and domestic, and special c.are wi ’be’!>•'- to give a full and accurate summary of State r,e*^ The name of the Paper is designed to be an eipoi.ts: of its character and contents. From convictioa. - will advocate the conservative, orthodox, O.J J-’ii- ■ doctrines and order of the Church. Our first appeal is to our own people—to N’ ' Presbyterians. Whilst we rely confiJently upon '-U favor, we trust that the native* sons of North Cat ' who have found homes in other Statas, ao i theaii f:- ed citizens of our State who form so imp.r:*'! •- element in our Ministry and membership, wi.. tas’; * deep interest in this enterprise and give it hearty support. Terms: C2 per annum in advance, or on de’i«^ of the first number; ^>2 60 in six months; ^3 a! end of the year. To clubs of 25 or more, pnyi''! advance and when the Paper is sent to one aJlr«^- • discount of 10 per cent, will be allowed. Our 'I:.-v ters and Elders are earnestly desired to act as ' and all others friendly to the cause will pleas** in procuring aa many subscribers as possible, ward the names, by August la^, to this Office. A) soon as 1600 subscribers «re obtained, the firs: ber will be issued. If a faithful and vigon'u^ e« r is made in the next two months by those wiio * lively interest in this work, we will, without • be able to begin the publication at the euJ o: ^ time with a paying subscription list of at least Address, Editors of the North CaroIiU'i I’l'J* T' by NKVV BOoivS. ,ck: live. terian, Fayetteville, N. C. Fayetteville, May 20, 1867. A^~ V ALU A BLl^L A UMJOOK- Addison on Contracts, with Notes and Referen^** to American oases, by Edward IngersoU 1 ‘‘ J' vol. 1200 pages. Judge Woodward, «f the Supreme Court of vania, says that “this is tha best book on th» I avar had in my hands.” , v For sale by K. J. HALE » CANTW^Ds" N.' C."JI STICK. Swaim’i Juttice Revised, and adapted to New Revised Code. j HIS work, invaluable to Magistrates, ^ “ all who have occasion to know the Law, use the Forms under it, is very much eular,ieii- • $3 60. For sale by E. J. HALE & rlUN V'll lor t (idvaiicC . tion: >r I for tlio V> Al'V- .qn.-u-e MARRIED OR SINGLE, by Miss Sedpew -i-vM Professor, by Currer Bell; Romany 1-. , Lavengro; The Athelinga; Tent Life in the jj. Boat Life in Egypt and Nubia; The Improved wife, by Mrs. Webster; &c. ^ Also, Bullion’s 1st Lessons in Greek; ' Dunton’s Series of PENMANSHIP; .\ddick's fc eroeu Key to Davies’ Algebra; and other School E. J. HALK ^ -"O’ Aug. 28. ^ LAW BOOKS. , F!DGWICK on the Statutory and Constituti>'«^ ►5 Chitty on Pleading; Newland ou Contr;Vv^'»- lipps and Amos on Evidence: Stephen ou ' -Mitford’s Chancery Pleadings; Hill ou Trustee-- Equity Pleading; Adams’s Equity, &c. E. J. H.^LE tfent. mai’i*’ ■ ' the r:vt^ OV >■ I.n-- a: . hii ir i k „ of ft- >.r. h ri : V. : or t'l' 't.jfe' mo i Th uVvf vi( I-’;-. V at>ov next suit T. b other Uten- place Dec J ti fr tl h BLANKS for sale at tius