fiiM, \ ;t. i Ihvi |t>ir . tile : |itn I'lr 111.- 1 'It ir -'ou;: ■ 'II : ItlllM NEIHI-W EEItL. Y. [AOL. \ ll.j fayi:ttfaillk, n. c., January is, i858. LNO. 677.] khrr \ kflI" , F'l \' 1'. ^ M ti... ^ilc ■ -SO v> I ttir si'lf-. •)C- . ill . ft; I' I Oil . i.irt,. ■ ^y^l , ill,- , |>t Diir \Ul»; I i i I- l\T) h MmMiaVS AM) THl’KSItAYS. KhW All!) J. H \M: ct SON. Ki irollS A\’l> rUui’RlKToUS. • t‘if Si':ii! W.'fkly (>h>»k.uvkr >!:> IM> if pui>l in V " 'H if cluriiii: tho yciir ul'^ubs.-i ip ’ >l 'it'tfr tln‘ \ t-iu' litts exjiirivl .'..V t>B'KUVicK 10 jiiT iiiimnn, if iu !■ J '>1* if |iai,l .hiring tho _vp:ir nf SU>'S0’i • ; > ; OU nftcr the veur has ox['iio.l. \ -\f K 1. "IMKNTS iiiserte.l iVr sixty coiits j cr . ..• ; ‘Ill*'-* I"!'tho tirst, mill tliirty 01‘iits fur t'Hi'h . . ut.’ ''II. \ t'arly H'lviTtisonuMits tiy s(ti‘- :'r.. r-. ;it rfrtsin;itiU* i-.itfi. A iverti!?i‘inre , >i ; --t.ito the number of iii' ilo^irej. or . ..iitiniieii till fortii.l, Hii.J ch.-irml ;ici or.i- .V I.: , •.'■•uuiit 3 tu t'L- iu-jfrtej . ..• It, i.hrii’sred jt.i ]‘i‘r • ,-\tr;i. I AVi'/r ri:viLLK no n:i.. I^^liANK N HOIJKKTS \ . lisivitm leasu'! ti'is ll' tei, will bo plfHseJ t. see thuir funner patrci s I m'liiis. iissuriiiii tlieni that they will um- fveiy .': : ii ii> j'leadi* N, (’v.BLRTs ! [.). G. Smith :iii'y '■ 71-ypd ( OOL spkfm; mili.s. ■ I'HK I’r. ]'ri->t,irr are prejiareJ t' tilUNU ’OK\ mi I tiif UMia! terms. ; i !ie Hoistfad Manufacture ia s.ill carrieil un at' :if .line place ' .n'v 11. l^-i)5i. 7j-tf !ii:('0.\!l \TO('R! STARR & WILLIAMS \KK ti‘\v I foei\inir Till'I It SK('ONl) STOCK FUll I’ll IS SllAS()N. i iiitiracintr, llrv »ii(l 4'lolliiii^, wbioh they invite the utii'iition of Wholesale buy el ' ueiit ially 15. Hiaki: j |J. M Wii.LiAM'?. Oi t’r h, 1^07. J't-tf CONSTAHLK S F,I/:( 'I'lON T. ML'LLINS presents hims* f as ,u L'anJiilate tor (’onstable to the \otera ot the T«'WU District f. ti. II February 0, Jan’v 4. 73- J. New and Cheap Goods! .lAMKS KYLi: g.S uow receivina: a lur'ic and jreneral supply of Ury Oonds, aninijix which are splendid I'rcss (Joods, >\;th every artii-ie in tiie l>ry (ion Is line. .\I1 of which, lein^ piircl;‘i.-e 1 by the piek.'if;e. will be otfered by n ho’i'ii'r.e or retMi! at >i >;:ii!ill advance for cash or on '.me Id J'UIirtlia! . ut. r;: -:- Kayetteviile. Scpt'r li'i, IS.'jT. -I'J-tf Stiuk of HOOKS and S'I'A’I'IOXKUY. m «/■ K are n«.\v receivinf; mir usual New Stock nf wW l’ook> and Stationery. eniKracing a great variety of lian^ !Vloli4‘al and Tli«- Together with a large and varied Stock of BL.\NK lUKiKS, l‘Al’r.K. I NVKLOPKS. \c. Country .Mercliants and others are invited to call as we otler the above stuck on tin' best teinis i: J. HAl.K \ SON. Sept'r -J8. («r)(‘‘ri‘s. ilai'dwaiv. Aic. f'S^MK utidersipiie 1 arc iiow receiving a L.AKGE AS M SOHTMKNT.if (Jroccrics, Hanlwar»‘. Iron, SttH‘1, I ljlk>\\-\\ ;ir*. Sli()»‘s. Leather, and Sail(il(*r\ , re-e'.ecfion to the Office of (.’on.itable iu the Town ! whicli they wi!' ell at \Vh*’.es ile at a small advance on t.'ost for Cash, or on our usual time to prompt dealers tO.NS I'AliLK S KL.:r riON. undersigned (.tt'ers himself la a cindidate f Klectiou ou the '•th Feb'v. SAMUEL A I'iULLIPS. 74te Gi;o W WiLLiAMS .V CO -tf FOR JSALF. Vsri’EP.InK FI.VNO, nearly new. Apply to C. E. LEETE. .bin'y 7. 7 l-lm r.ANK s roCK FOR SALF. ('Nl'Eli power vested by a I’leiige executed to the 15:ink of Cape Fear, by the ate Dr. Benjatiiin K'-' II, mi l liy the rcjuest of the Adm'r of sail K‘: the subscriber will sell to the highest biilder. ■ '■■ri WSII, in the Hanking Room of said Bank, at Fay- >tri'\i’.'.c, on I’bur'1 ly tiio hh day of February next. KiFTV-THriKl! SH.UIKS of the Stock of said Hank, ; r : much thercif as may be necessary to pay the ' Icbti-lue- fur which stid stock is pledged. ARP Ml) M.LEAN, Cashr Jau’y v“', .\DM1MSTK.\T0R“S SALE of BANK STOCK. | suliacriber, as Administratjf of the late Beu- , i i;iniin itobinson.dec'd. will sell at the same time and ‘ ■V. Ht'.'ve named, on a credit of six months, the re- ; ■ ■ the above F'ifty-three Shares of Siock of the ; . i Cape Fear. B. R. HUsKE. Adm'r of Benjamin Robinson, dec'd. 1 ,.n-V ^ 1--^. 7.-.t- I B RICE STU.WV. ^.\LESfiF liOO LBS. EACH, at bO cents per 20 ' Ir'iiii the I’luntatioa of Mr. James Mooie, iivfiiieiit I.jt delivery to Steam Boats running on the ' u[ (■ Fear River. Applv to UcKOSSET & BROWN, Wilmington. N. C. I'tc Tkh, 1‘'67. 74-1 m NO TICK. VLL person.' itidebted to the Estate of Williatii Iliuunt. ueceased, by Notes executed to said Wil- ;!ii 11. 'Unt in nis hfe-tiine, to Joseph Thompson and liiuunt his Admii.istrators, at the sale of the l'‘ i=. i,u, 1‘roperty or said Eitate, made ou the 19th .:i I :J'':h -March .ast. aiM to Joseph Thompson, Guar- : -11. I'T the hire of slaves: are U(.titied that 1 am di ■ tf 1 to bring suit i.'ii all remaining uupai i ou the 'JOth -t. K. s. FUtNCli. Luiuberton, Jan'y t'l. 74-4tjir. 1 50 STA FF OF NORTH CAROLINA, CU.MBERLAND COLNTV. Suptrinr Court of Law, Fitll Term, 1857. IT is ordered by hi.s iionor, JOIi.N L. B.\ILEV, Judge pn-.'^iding, that a ^ P K i' I \ I. T r. K .n ii' this Court be held on the FIRST .MONDAV of FKBRC.VRV next, and continue two weeks. Jurors, suitors aii'J witnesses in Civil Suits, and ; ii iir- III t'juily, are hereby notified t j attend. 1-rom tiie .viiuutes, JOHN W. BAKER, Clerk. : V r 1'7. tj4tc W IIISk'FY! WTliSKFY!! a.\M iiuw le.’eiving ! l;biS .^lonumental White v\hiskey; l‘> “ Apple Brandy; | 10 “ Dorns. do. j 1ft “ Old Rye Whiskey. \\;ii(!h was selected by myseif with caro. and will be ! '■ 1 che.-.p lor CAslI only. E. F. MtrOKE. [ Dec’r -8. 72-lm ! HAR1‘FR\S WFFKlY. ^MllE next No. will commence the 2i' volume. We I w.:; it here, Iree of postage, at $2 50 per .11 iiii, jiayable invariably iu advauci . Those who " ii to renew their subscriptions, or iie.v subscribers, ■lie ro iuested to call inimedialely at tl i- Book Store, n . j aper will be tudered till paid lor I'ec. E. J. HALE & SON. 1'ln- Lili* and Correspondence* ol‘ Igi' Jiiiiie.- Ir del', one of the Associate Justices jf -'iproiiie ,'ourt of the United rtta'es, by Grithth ■! .^i- |: le Jus' rec’d. E, J. ll.VLE, SON JOHN HALL, .Tlercliaiit, 4 a NORTH W.VTER S T il E E T , ll.b sell Cotton, Nuvul ^tJre's, and Breadstuti's, w w li.r a i omiiiission ol one perceii’. Cotton and Spirit Turpentine forw.irde l to .'lorllieni 1’. rtsfir tive ceiitb ptr bale and cask; other Naval Stores cts. jier barrel. RhKKKi V. K.—E. 1' Hall, Prest Br. liink of the Mate of N C. Nov. '.} ;;mpd COT I'ON I{A(;GL\G. I-NDKK andULNNY BAGGING iu quantities to suit jmrchasers. For saU by J.\ j. G. COOK, pt. 17. 4;Jtf I'ANNFRS OIL cV DRV HIDES. lll’LS TaniK'r’s Oil,—a superior .n tide; also, a tine lot of Dry Hides. For sale by J.>VS. i- COoK. (52- July IS, lSo7 rRESMM .lRRil\tijS: f MIHE .iuliscriber tikes this method of informing the JL citizens of Fayetteville and jiublic generally, that she has just receive I and added to her former stock,— LA \ Eli RAISiyS, irhnl^^ hair' 11 ltd i^uarhr I’rau's iti (i/ii's Jtirs; (’urraiits^: Citron; Almvu>f», Jtni .if, Bii/ter, Cocoa, I'ei iiii, anil Ku'jlisli Walnuts; Jmliti /*;■> .-tt rrt s; S'jfnion; A"i- s/f'r; ,S'»/•//« ,'•; Pit khd (h/s/'i's; ami Pickles of ail kinds. - ALSO— Butter. Boston, (’ream. Sugar, Lemon, 'up. Fancy auil Sod.t Crackers: English Dairy and New York Stat.- Cheese: and a few tirkins .N'o. 1 Oosheu Rutter; which >ihe will se:l low iDft’Asn om.y. B.V.NK.s, lireeri Street. Nov'r'Jl. I'lll-'Jin Argus Copy." I. »l. J!»IA«KK’S SFWINC .\L\C1HNFS. Adiiiilted to Ilf THE BKST and MUST Dl li.HJLE .)liifliine iniulf. ^■1111'l Subscriber h»v taken an agency I'or the salu -M. of these Muchines, au'l having useil them for I'' months, can say there can be no doubt that every family or planter, having from 10 to 16 persons to clothe, will find them very profitable: a good operator being able to do as much and as good sewing with this Machine iu onk day as can be done by hand iu it\. Persons wishing to j'urchaso can see two of these machiues in u?e at my tactory Circulars giving full description and prices will be furnished gratis on aiipIicAtioii. OrcJers solicited. A. A .McKETHAN, Agent Dec’r ‘J'j, I807. 71-'jiu lu'r I'Fii' RF rrFR!’ lU TrFii!:: LBS. MOl NTAlN and GOSHEN BUT TER. Dec. III. For sale low fur C.VSH by P. A. WILEY. 71-tf J. T. MOI S'I'OA. (Simtesior to .1. ■*!. Bfiislcy in llie Walcli iiml Jewelry liiisiness.) ESIMICTFULLV calls the atten tion of the ladies and ■ enlleinen 'f Fayetteville, and his fi ends at a disiHuce, to this fact, and begs an acceptaiio'of tli ink.s lor their patronage to the late tirin, Beasley \ Houston; he will conduct the business in his own name. .IiM 'v- uiined to earn a liberal patronage bv corre t dealing with all who will favor him vith their cus om. il‘ has now Ibr sale a largt* stock of tine Gold and Silver Watches and Jewelry, "f the late-;t siyles out: ‘'iili/f'r Sjxjdus, f Cups, fv., Fim: Cullmj. (juld Sur i i i/it/ '.'t ('•iill/>a:^srs a III I'l- ntniiifiits, WalL'iiiij ('ain^, Fin>^ I c t'ii, Flairs. (t)nl Aci'oi ilt n.'ts, Fill' Ihin 'ilt'. au/is, (and other Fistnls, ('a/>s, (■'■., it''., {ftrfV'' W itchfs an.I .Jewelry carefully rc|r ired. .\c- cor lens correctly tuned; and llngra\ing h ndson ely executed by J. T. llO 'SToN, Oct’r -Jti. ;tf FALL sroCK, is:>7 II i\ i»s:arm: iV i: (> LOS r, Last Saturday, Jilst ult , (during the hours of parade.) about the Court House, or between the Court House and the Fair Grouu'l, a small yellow leather Pocket Book, containing consisting of three •'i^lO bills, three do., one bill, one *■') gold jiiece, three •'VO gold pieces .V Reward of ^'lO will be given for the above described Pocket Book and money, d' livered to the uii'lersigued JAS. IL J.U'KSON, .Musician. Fayettfcville, N. C., Nov. 2, lSo7. oOtf D. \V. C. liENROW, D. 1). S., .VY be found at his Rooms, during ItB. liis regular office hours, viz: from 0 A. M. to 1 P. .\L, 3 P. M. to 5 P. M., I where he will be pleased to receive calls from all who ' may he iu need of his pro'essional services. No inducement will be held out by otfering to per form operations for a small comjiensation: a good price ; will be charge.] iu nil cases. .And patients favoring I Dr. B with their confidence, may rely upon his utmost ^ exertions to perform every operation iu as pert ct a manner as possible. feiV" -1II f'/irralion- I'luxl it paid for as soon as com- pleleiJ. P. .S. Those who are uow indebted will please call and Sv-ttle. Oct. 14. 51-tf FOR S \LF. A ItAMANTINE and TALLOW CANDLES; fine and ,m common TOB.\CCO: .and almost anything in the Grocery line. Cheap as the cheapestl G. W. 1. GOLDSTON. Jan’y ‘J7. iSo?. 77- A Rll now receiving .a latgeand well sel« ti-d stock of Ul»Si«CLW' consisting in part of: Black and Flirured Silks; Knglish ami ^r^•ncll Meriu.jes, Plain aiiil Fig’d DeLanc-i; French ali wool; .Vlpacas of all nualities; Black Boiiibaziiie; English, French and .Vmerican Prlnta Chenille .Shaw!-;, \beautitiil patterns; Ladies' v'i.iaks ol every desi'riptioii Jaconet Ediiing'i an.l Inserti.ins; Collars and Underslci'vt's. il. 'iery, (ilo\e-. !!elts; Ribbon.'. Trimmings, ; (’loth« an.l Ca"iiineres; Jeans and Sattinets; White and ’ol..ied Flannels; P.tea' he 1 i:i 1 I'.rown .S|iirtiiig-: -\ilen.l ile 10-4 Sheetiiii:; Bleached and Bri.wu Drilling -. Plaid Linscys and Kersey-!; -Marlboro .'^tripes and Plaids; l!r. wn Blcichcd Table Cloths: Towel,ini;s of all kin is; Negro Blankets; Extra 'i^ality Be 1 Blankets: Spiral. Brass !in.l Whalebone Hoops; G-iod as>i>rtment of Hoop .''kir.s; Yankee .Noti..iis uf ev.-ry varit'ty, ki’i.l. aiiJ .luality; Silk. Li'ghorn and Str.iw Bonne' •; M.iK-^kiii. ('a"?iniere and Wool Hats. Booti, ^in ie--, Uiabrellas, vVe — .\LSO — •\ large and fashiiinable stock of MSeadfjfm Hade Cloth i ii //, ■Ml of which will be sold low for C.\.SH, or on iir usual time t ' [ Linctiial cost- luers »ither at It . - ■. or .Ml ]ior3on» ar« rcspecll’ully inviteil to gi^e us a call. B. F. PEARCE. J. W PEARCE. Jr Sept. 7, lSo7. li'tf FOR TIIE FALLifc WFNTER] -37! JUST re('EIVEd: iCall soon, secure a good bargain and save mou.-y, ■ 0.Nli OK TUt LARUKST. H\.\DS0>1KST A\U CilLAi’lsT STIH KS l)F Itoois futfi Siioe^f, LADIES (J.MTERS, SATIN and C>L>REI'; LADIES’ and C.ENTS’ DANCING SHOES , "f u new and beautiful p ittern; YOUTH’S and CHILDREN'S BOOTS, SHOES and GAITERS; 1.N'DI.V-RUBBER MIOES, and every article in hi--line. His stock is choice and carefully selected by him self, and buyers will tiii'l it to their interest t call before purchasing elsewhere .M. FM'LK. Oct'r S, 1 S')7. 51 -if B^„A11 who luive Inst their snio.s, come t’ur- ward, and they will he renewed for S«venty-fivc cents an.l upwai'ils. .M. F. SELLI\(; OFF AT FOST TO ( LOSE. U'E will commence this .MOND.\Y, the ot'th of November, to sell our entire STOCK OP DRY GOODS. L OT II1 , II .ITS, S II 11^ , &:v AT COST I ACRFS of [.AND FOR SAu:. Sub.scriber ilesiring to move to the West otl'ers I JB. to sell the following tracts of valuable lainl. 1 Tr.ict containing •J-jiitJ acres in Harnett (’ounty 18 I iiiilcs .North of Fayetteville. There i! on this tract. . two large and comfortable dwelling houses, with all ! ii'-i'i s-; iry outhouses, together with a good mill running I two saws lui ! gri.'t, with about :^0() acres cleared and in !i high state of cultivirtion: the remainder i^ excel lent farming and turpentine land. -\i>o another tract coutaining 4)IH) acres of turpen- , line ’.aiiil, i(b-tut 100 acres of which is cleare'L There : IS on this tract one good .Iwelliug with all necessary I out h.m.ics and a good grist and aaw-mill. I I will take iileasiire in showing the above projierty i !o any person wishing to purchase, j ' H. S McNEILL. Manchester P. O Nov. 7th, 1S.j7. (j7-ts A( r‘s of* liJiiMl FOR SALF. ^B'lHE Subscribers ofler for sale the above Tract of Land, lying on .Anderson's ('reek, about two ai.d a half miles from lower Little River, near Elliot's '1 ill--, including about One Hundred .\cres of good ; Swamps, which can be easily drained. This Land Is *\ ry lie.'ivily timbered, and a, large portion level and I if sui»frior i|uality of Pine Lami for cultivation. I .-M.-o. I Ciii-ular .s'l'E.V.M .S.VW-.M 11 l>, in comjilete order and well adapted to sawing plank road and rail T'a 1 timbers. .\lso. Two well-broke MULES. .Ml. or any portion of which, will be sold low and on time. The Land will be sold either in a b«^.iy or iu . purL'cls to suit. SMITH ii ELLD)T. April 'I. |.'S.j7. J7-tf />#•• Miatrks^s liistari^ O V A 41 it T II V A le o I. I \ A . The subscribers are now iirep.-ired to furnish the 1st volume of this valuable work, which has receivetl the highest Commendation wherever it has been read, not only for its literary execution l.ut for its typographi cal getting u[(. It may be obtained, either from user from our General .Agent for the State. 11. W . Horne of this place, or an^- of his Assistant Agents. The jirice varies accoriling to style of bin.ling: In handsome cloth >il 2-j; in Lifirary Sheep SI •')'•; iu half Calf ^1 75. It is skld um.v imi (’.\>ii. None will be charged, either by ourselves or our .\gents. A liberal discoun' will be m;ide where .luautities are taken to sell again It will be sent by mail to any jiart of the couutry, on recei{>t of the price and '21 cents to pay postage. The lid volunm is in course of prejiaration. There will probably be four or five volumes in all. The suc ceeding volumes will probably contain about 500 pages each, and will be sold at a proportionally higher jirice, viz: half !i cent a page for the cloth binding. Ii5 cents ad.litional for sheep and 50 cents additional tor the half calf binding. E ,1. H.\LE .X SON. Fayetteville, April 2'.*, 1857. P. S. The .\gent and his Assistants design to visit every county in the State, with the book, as soon as convenient. In the me;iu time, orders to him or to us, accompanied by the cash, will rc. eivc prompt atten tion. CAKKXDAR for 1858. JAMJARV.... MARCH.. ('. J. i R. H JON :S. (1 GUANO. *'*■'•'^'1' 1‘ERUVLAN GUANO, ju^t re- ctive I and for Sale by GEO. Vv. WILLIA.MS & CO. Aug. ;ll. 38- liOOK HL\i)FR\ UW. H.ARDi has resumed the Book Binding • Business, over the Tailor Slop of Clark i: vS oodward, where he will receive and execute bindiag iu any style desired. August 1. 127 tf .VOTfCFl. All persons indebted to us either by Note, or .Ac count, are earnestly rciut sied to call and pay up, by the 1st of .January. After the 15th of Jaioiary, we intend to resort to more reliable means than :unuing for the collection of aliiouiits due us. i ..h’-.AUIHN. Dec. Di, ls57. (,7- I'rt'sh Layci’ , \IacKercl, No. 1 and 2, Half BlTls. For s ile by C. T. HAD.H SONS. ^0V. til. Nov. ‘J8, 1S57. NF(iROFS W AV'FFD. rgiHE undersigned will pay the highest cash price Ji. for YOUNG NE(iRoES. letters addref--^-(I to either of us at Laid inburgh, Richmond count will have prompt attention. D. C. McLAURlN, DANIEL M. McLAUi IN. Laurinburgh, Dec. *2(3^ 185b. (>‘if ALMANACS. ^EIHE F.irmers and Planters, an 1 Turner’s North Jl Carolina .-Mmanacs for 1858. E. J. H.\LE j- s )N. I Oct’r 24. I LAW liOOK'S. ! ^EDG WICK on the Statutory and Constitutiona' Law: I Chitty on Pleading: Newland ou Contracts Phil- I lipps and Ainos on Evidence; Stephen on Pie ding; I .Mitford's Chancery Plea'Iings; Hill on Trustees; ,ube^ I Equity Pleading; Adams’s Equity, kc. j E. J. H.\LE & S )N. ! $.■)() lil':\VARl) WILL be given for the apprehension and d- Mveiy to me, or coutinement in any jail iu the .State i so that I can get him, of my man J1>L He .-It on ! the 30th ult., and has not been seen, or hear.l of 'Mice He is a bright mulatto, almost white, about 2o years old, about 5 feet y inches high, straight hair, ami ’.eeth 'lelective. long beard on his chin when he left. Had ou when he left a very good suit of clothes, and wil: very likely try to pass off for a white man, an.l make fjr a free State; should he not go north, he will likely go up iu the vicinity of Fayetteville, as he was raised there, and formerly belonged to Win. B. Wright, Jlsip, of that jilace. Any person who may take up said Boy will be entitled to tl e above reward au-l the thanks of IS.A.AC ii. KEJ-i.Y Kenansville, N. C., Aug. 13, 1857. o.J-tf Further Snppiies of •Yew iSovks. WABEL VAUGHAN, by the .Author of the Lamp lighter; Shirley, by Ci^er Bell; .Mormonism, by Elder Hyde; La Martiue’s llistny of Turkey; .\ioss Side; “(juits,” by the Baroness Tautph«?us; Alodcru iieform Flsamined, by J. Stiles; Maicom's Butler's -Analogy; Hatfield’s American House Carpenter; Noctes •Ambi’osianae. Edited by i*r. McKenzie; Kane's Arctic Explorations; .Appleton’s Cyclopedia of Biography; School Books, iic. E. J. II.ALE i: fcON. Oct. 24. Pocket Diaries tor 1836. Ji. J. HALE a SON. (HM) ACIli:S OF LA.\I> I'Oll S.\j,K. 'j'llE .Subscriber oilers for bule the above ipiautity £ ot l.aii'l. situated in si healthy neighborhood, three iiiiU s from the Wilmington and Charlotte Kail Road, iiid :'.'ur tr. in L'unbcr River. This Land is well adaj'tc 1 to F.-irming, Turpentine, an 1 Ton Timber I iirpo-;fs. having a good range and other advantages. I'hosc wi>hing to purchase may tind me ou the pre- niisi-s, who will he hajipy to exhibit it or give any in- loiiiiatioii concerning it desired. AN(3US .McGlLL. l’h;la'ic!].!iiis, N. (’., Sept. 1, 1857. 40tf FARM FOR SAI.F fol FMR fur lie my PL.ANT.VTloN ou the East side oi'i’ape hear River, -J miles above the ('laren- ■ I >n Bridge, kn. wn as the Toomer Lauds, containing ..rioiit ‘'iin aci'i'.'. The Plantation is in a good state of fuMivati.'ii, and is su'cptible of being made onw of till' most pr.'titable F.irms in the County. 1 will give a birg-ilii ill the lands, and make the time of pay most c i--y if apjilic itioii is mile in u few weeks. -\ Idlers mo at tjull, N. C. J. L. HAUGHTON. n.-t r D;. 52- L\ND I'OR SAI.F. 8 tojv .\ KES L\ND lying on the Camden fi- ^0 ^Jr%W Stage Roa I, l'> miles South of Fay- ettevillr. Ti .■ Laii.l is well timbered, and admirably adapted tor I’lirpi'iitine or F.-irming purposes: and lies between the .■'outhern Plank Roa.l and Big Rockfir-h, :• nvi-nient t.> maiket. There is on it a comfortable li.ime Il.oi-f. Mill Site iVc. .Any iiilorm-itlon may be obtaine'l ou the premises Iroin '^lr>. .M.irv .Nc!>on, or by enquriug of JA.MES BANKS, Att'y. Fayetteville. -Vug. lo. oo-tf FOR SALi:. i^^HE DWELLING 1! H'S E .-V.N D LOT on Gillespie fi. .'-tret i. at ].resent occupied by Doctor .McSwaiu. I’l'lle t title call be ma Ic. .Applv to TlIo. J. CURTIS. ALSO 4 G*>t>D F.\M1L\ C.\RRI.\GE in good repair and . m nearly lu w. Will be sold for half its value. —ALSO— :5 good -MILCH CoWS with young calves. .Appl^’to T. J. CURTIS. April 2'.', 1.^57. 3tf NOriCF. K111N; di-.'irou-^ to remove South, I offer lor sale .'no arri s ol L.AND. on the Stage from Fay etteville t riinton. 12 miles from Fayetteville, l at the I stage stainl ) I'lie L-ind is good Turpentine land, as good F.VRMING Laud as any in this section. , ' For particii.ars address the subscriber at Blocker's I Post Office -N'. C. I G. W. BULLARD. ; Nov. 17. ls57. 01-tf ! ' i ■ LANDS FOR SALF. ! ai'FFllR for sale about tioito .Acres of Pine Lands near Fayetteville, containing an immense quantity j Ot .Mill Timber, and a miiiiber of Turpentine Boxes, i and .--••veral new tasks may be cut Ttiere is ou the | I remise.-- a fine Dwe’ling IK-u-^e, and all necessary out houses.— .Scup]iernong and Isabella Grape Vines, — lOUO young Peach and -A]ij)le Tree.s of Lindley's best vari- ties;, a good F.UtM of about 150 acres cleared; and also a t.iRlST and S.AW MILL; and a fine large -\Ie.idow of about 140 acres- The Fayetteville and Ctal Fields Kail Roa.l passes through thcoe lands about a mile from the Mills. 1 will sell iu parcels to suit pur chasers, but would ['refer to sell the whole together. I .Vpply to Thos. S. Lutterloh, Esq., Fayetteville, or the ] subscriber at Pittsborough, N. C. J. H. HAUGHToN. I Nov. 12, lsj7. liU-tf ; Norici:. A T September Term 1857. of the Court of Pleas and ' ..Tm tiuarter Sessions thf Couriy of (Cumberland, : the subscriber ha\ing qualified as Administrator upon 1 the Estate of .John .NlcLaurin, nctiSes all persons in- I debted to the Estate to mak- immediate payment, and all jicrsons having claims against the said Estate to present them pro[>erly authenticated within the time prescribed by Jaw, otiierwise this uotic« will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. D. McLAUKIN, Adm’r. Sept. 15, 1857. 43tf .MAY. .Jl’NE .rn.v AiMirsT. STANDARD A 3IISCE3J.A\EOFS noi^Ks. OR. K.\NE'S -Victic E.\pU rations,—cloth, sheep and half call; Prescott’s Ferdinand and Isabella, i (,’onquest of Peru, Phillip 2d, and ('oii'iuest of Mexico: Henry Clay's Works, •> vols.; Benton's ihirty Ye;irs iu the U. S. Senate; Dauiel Webster's Works, 0 vols.; Memoirs of S. .S. Pri ntis.--: Iriving's Works, 15 vols., cloth and sheep: .Memoirs of Wm Wirt; Irving's Liie ol Washington, cloth and sheep; Lite on.l ('oirespon- dence of W ebstei" Com. Perry's Japan L.vpedition; .Ab- bott’s Naji ileon; The Indigenous Ra. cs of the Earth, , by N’ott A: Glidd.jn; Recollci'tions of Life Time, by | Goodrich, (Peter Parley: > Hume ;iii 1 Macaubiy’s His tories of England; llallaiii’s, Kobertsou's, Johnson’s, Burkes, .\ddison's, Hannah -More s and Dick's Works; Southey's Common I’lace Book; Historical Collections of Virginia; Dickens's Complete Works, I'l vols. illus trated: La.Martine’s History f r-irkoy: The Queens of Scotland, by Agnes Stricklaii'l. G iMsmith's Animated I Nature; Noctes .Ambrosian;e. 5 vols.,—edited by Dr. .McKenzie; Rollins -Anclmt Histoiy; (.'onstitutional Text Book; Millman's Gibb.iu's I’tOiue; The Statesman's -Manu il; Tales and Novels of .Mtuia Edgeworth; I’roc- tor's History of the I'rusades: Chambers’ Information , for the People: Tytler's Universal History; Boswell's Life of Dr. .lolinson; Chambers' -Muce’laiiy, lU vols ; ' Appleton's CyciopcJi i ot Biogra[ iiy; Tlie Scottish Gael: Encyclopc'ii.i. .\niericaiia, 1 1 vols.; Waverly Novels in 12, ” } and 27 vols.: Wilson's Tales of th.- Borders and of Scotland: L»eTocqueville's Democracy in -\merica: Knight » Half Hours with the best -\uthors; Bulwer's Novels, coinjdcte iuone vol; Plutai'ch's Lives; -Modern British Essayists; Lyeil's Principles of tieolo- gy; Tales of the .Vrabian Nl:;litr. 4 vols. illu-^trated; -\laury's Phy-ical Gcogr.iphy ot the Sea: -\.lventures of a Gei.tleiiian in Se iruli of .i Horse: -Mis. L.lis > Family -Monitor an.l Guide to Social Happiness; The liachelor of Salaiiriuc i- by Le .-'age; ll'-stoiy of the Revolutions in Kii'-oi'e; L >rkhart s Life of Walter Scott: Hog-,:‘s Wiiiicr'hvening Tales; W uodl'all's Jiinius; NOVKMHEIl.. .M' lntosh s .Miscellanies: !l.t;iiiltou's Philosophy an t Literature: .Mc.Vuliy's Misccllanie'; M.irslialI’s Wash ington; Life of Pinckney; Braude's Encyclo'.edia: i'ne Pr.nce of the House of Itavid; The Poetical WorKs ot . Hemans, Scott, Campbell, .Milton, 1'; ion, .Moore, Burns, Shaksptare, JCC , in various stvles. E. J HALE SON. TKMBKR., ()CT()M1:R di:('i-:mher... L,.l If* iiOOh S. ■ ^O.M-\'l’S Giv, Law; MlW Koscoc's Cnm. Evi dence; Chitty on Contracts; •“ t' Law; •• Pka-iing: .Stephen on Ditto.: Cliitty on the Law of Car riers; Seiwyn's Nisi Prius,—.\m. Notes; Smith's Chancery Praetice: Landlord and Ten ant: on (,'ontracts; Lead;ng Cases; Story on Contlict i t Law; Equity Jurispru dence: “ on .Sales; '• ou Partnership: “ Equity Pleadings: “ ou Contracts: Fearne on Remainder' Edwards on Bailments; Byles' ou P>ills; Tayler's Law Glossary; Dart on Vendors aii't Pur chasers ol Real Lst.itc; Broom’s Legal .Maxims; Commentaries on the Com. Law; -Adams's Equity; “ on Ejectment; Burrili on i'ir. um. Evi b-nce: Law Dictionary Leading Cases in E'luity; Tide's Pi'.acticc—-\m. Notes; Hill on 1 lustees, “ -Matthews Presumptive Evi dence; Powell on .Mortgages; Cantwell’s Justice; Supreme Court Reports, ic- St;irkie .ii .'-Ian ler; Sedgwick .111 the -Me:i'Uic of D.ii.iages; Scdgwii-k ..11 .''tatiituiy and C.iiis. Law; ilale'> Picas of the t’rown; Bishop on -Marriage ami Uiv jree; Mittord'si'lianccry Piead- ing-; S;iuder.'Oii I SI S \ Trusts; Hargrave Butler's Coke iij.oii Littleton; I . Mates i)igest; St.'ite Iri.iis ot '.lie U. S : P.usseil oil -Vrbitration. .Morns ou R- p.evin; Tri'ubat on Limited Part- lurship'; SugUeu on \ endors; on i'owei's' Saundeis on Ple.iding: Reports; .\ddis.>n 011 Contracts: W liarton on Homicide; Wharton J Stiic’s .NJed. J uri'prudeiice; 1 on Contracts; Roper on Legacies; Wiliiaiiis on Lxccati i s; I'U Personal pro perty: Oliver on C onvevaiicing: Lube's Lquuy I'icading; Gresiey's Law of Lvi- ieiic-.-; Kent''- Coiumentarics; Curtis's I 'oiiiaientary: Brailtoi d's.Surrogate Re ports; Tapping on ^Llnl.lamU'; ( rown ('ii cuit (' iiiq.aniou Wiley's N. C. Form Book; , &c. E. J HALE. \ SON. ■jn >■ 1 Monday Tuesday Wednesday .. Tuursd.w S 3 > Saturday 1 2 4 5 0 7 8 9 lU 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 18 19 20 21 22 2S •25 20 27 28 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 0 s 9 10 11 12 18 11 15 10 17 18 19 20 •21 .j»2 23 24 •25 20 27 1 .) 3 4 5 0 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 18 19 20 l»l 2‘2 23 24 25 20 27 •J8 •29 80 31 1 2 3 4 .5 0 1 8 9 10 11 1-2 13 14 15 10 17 IS 19 20 21 22 23 24 ‘J.') •2« 27 28 29 30 1 .) 4 5 0 7 8 it 10 11 12 13 14 15 It; 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 •24 25 20 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 ♦; t 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 18 19 •20 •21 22 23 24 25 20 •27 •28 29 30 1 2 8 4 5 0 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 IS 19 20 21 22 23 24 •25 20 27 28 29 30 31 . 1 •> 3 4 5 0 7 S 9 10 11 12 18 14 iry 1(J 17 18 19 20 21 ’2’2 23 24 25 20 27 28 ■2H 30 31 1 2 3 4 G 7 8 9 10 11 1-2 13 14 15 10 17 18 ID 20 21 22 23 24 25 •2(; 27 2S 29 30 1 2 o 4 5 0 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 •24 25 20 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 18 19 20 •21 22 •23 24 25 26 27 •28 29 30 1 2 3 4 (> t 8 9 10 11 1*2 13 14 15 10 17 18 ID 20 21 22 23 24 25 •2t; 27 28 29 30 31 NOR I'll CAROLLNA READERS. -\r:?iBi!:K)!i i a.i^i> I'UHl’AREI) WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THE WA.VTS AND INTERESTS OF »Vorth i'arolina. I M>Kll Tin; .M sI'lCES OF THE SIPKEISTENDKST OF OOM- MOX SCHOOLS, BY Rev. I'. .H. Hubbard, I i:OFKS't(U OK THK L.\TIX L.AXGLAUK and LITKRATURE IN TIIK l.MVKKSITV OF NORTH CAROLINA. NOTICE. i^llE subscriber h.iving, at June Term 1857, of the Couit of Pleas and liuarter Sessions for the v'oiinty of (’u:nberland, oualifiel as .Administrator upon the Estate of Willie F. Moore, hereby notifies all persons having claims against the said Estate to present the s.ame properly authenticated within the time jire- scribed by law, otherwise this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Debtors to the said Estate will please make paj’nient immediately. E. F. MOORE. June y, 1857. • l:itf Hooks. ^P'^HE Life ot Charlotte Bronte, -Author of Jane Sl Eyre, iic ; The Testimony of the Rocks, by Hugh -Miller: for the Social, by the -Author of Sulad for the Solitary: Indigenous, Races of the Earth, by Nott iV Gliddon; The 15ee Keeper's Chart .Vloo, fur ther supplies of .Milledulcia; The Prince of the House of David: .Mrs. Hcntz’s Novels: The Baptist Ps-ilmody, Carnes’ Family Prayers: Christian ’rudjii’s t'oncordauce: .Adams’s .New .A'' Com mon Scho.d History; (5'C- •' il vLE St»N. J une 24. 1857. D\N FLLi.XG i'v>ll ..ALL. ~ ! ^I'^HE Subscriber wishes to sell the large Dwelling JI and Lot on the corner of tjilletpie and Russell ! Streets, at present occupied bj Mr, Heury £rumbert. ^ Terms reasonablQ. £. J. HALE. MEDICAL HOOKS. B^UNGLISON'S Theripcntics an.l 'Literia .Medica; JL^ “ -Mc lical Dictijiiaiy; “ Human Physiology; “ Practice of .Medicine; “ on -New Renii'dics: .Meigs’ Treatise on Obstetrics: Woman, and her Ib'soases: “ Childbed Fevers; “ Disease.s*ot the Uterus; Uewees on Childreii; *■ “ Females; Horner's .\tiat. niy an.l Histology; .Miller's Pri.nciples of Surgery: Practice of do ; B;irtlctt on tli'* Fevers of the L'. States: Wilson's Human .\n itoniy, by Goddar.i: Ricord and Hunter on, by Biinistivi 1: Watson's Practice of Physic, by Condie; Wooil and Bache’s U. S. Dispensatory: Pancoast's Wistar's Aiiatomy: Wilson on Diseases of the Skin: “ the Skill and Hair; Eve’s Surgical Cases: ('hurchill on Children, by Keating; “ System of .Midwifery, by Condie; ‘‘ Diseases of Women by do.: Ellis's .Aledical Formulary, b\- Thomas; Kirkes’ and I’aget's Physiology; Reguault’s Elements of Chemistry; Fownes’ Chemistry for Stu.lents; Uartlctt on Certainty in Medicine: Smith and Horner’s Anatomical Atlas; Bird on the Urinary Deposites; Pereira’s Materia Medica and Therapeutics; Carpenter’s Human Physiology, by Smith; Dickson’s Elements of .Medicine; Tai’lor ou Poisons, by Gritlith: Burrows’ on Cerebral Circulation; Wi'.son on Syphilis: Draper’s Physiology—illustrate.!; Solly on the Brain; Hope on the Heart. A:.c., &c. E. J. HALE & SON. Oct. 26, 1857. .\i ^iift:K s, Cd.NT.AlNtNU FAMILIAR HI.STORY AND DESCRIP TION OF NORTH CAROLINA. t>oleetious in l*rose and Verse; many of them bj eminent citizens of the State. HISTORICAL AND CHRONOLOGICAL TABLES, .\nd a v.-iriety of -Miscellaneous Information and Sta tistics. by c. II. n ii.Ei; Number '.i is a new and revised edition of the North Carolina Header, first published in 1851. Numbers 1 and 2 just issued, complete the series, which is, as a whole, cheaper than any other series of Headers in tha United States, and as complete. The Editor (Prof. Hubbard) in his Preface to Num ber 1 deems it pioper to allude to a few of the peculiar .a Iv.Ullages aimed at by the Superintendent of Common S( hools wliile making elforts to have this work com- jiicted. These are, 1.^ The tncoura;/evi€nt *jf a feeling of $t!f-d4pendm*t, and the eulistment of popular sentiment in behalf of the State and its institutions. It was not thought im p. riant, however, to have more than one number of the Readers of luerely a local interest. 2. /’■ r/'iiiei/i/ (he tvil errrywhere complained of in Com~ iiiiiii srhoij/.--, of a perp'lual chawje in text hooks; an ex pensive habit, and one which injures the Schools by preventing the children from being classified. A ae ries of home Readers, it was supposed, would be oer- tainly used, and this great evil thus avoided. K' onuiiii/, ttjc popular system of Readers being too long and being made so often merely to add to the profits of authors and publishers. Ihis series is to consist of fewer numbers thaa those generally used, and it is believed that these numbers are sufficient, while if the system were uni- versalh’ used in the State, the sum saved to parents and children would amount to several thousand dellari annually. 4, i>ut in the Liinds of children learning to read com- ifi/thiii nth/ fnuilitir but not of the character calUd i-iiihlisU ciiiiif'o^itiouis, containing, iu lessons easy enough for :ill ages, correct specimens of style, interesting in iii.atier, and iuculcatiug proper morals, and religious instruction. The prices are, for No. 1, 25 cents; No. 2, 37J cents •and No. ;i, 75 cents. .A liberal deduction from these prices to .Merchants and School Teachers. E. J. HALE & SON. Fiivetteville, July '20. 29- IJFE INSURANCE. I fH'^HE Undersigned has^ been appointed Agent of Ja. the North Carolina -Mutual Life Insurance Com pany. Every member for life participates in the pro fits of the Company; and the .annual pi-cmium for lilf ineinliershi{), where it amounts to or more, may he paid one-half in cash, and the other half in a note at 12 months. Debtors’ lives may be insured by creditors. A maa m.iy insure his own ’li,; i',>r the exclusive benefit of his fami';- . \e, ,f slaves may be insured. Tuis .'J, 111 Is rajii b-. growing into favor, all over the civiii/.eM wor d It i.s one by which a family, lor a small sum aunuaily, may be jirovided for, after the death of its hea l, in w!iose exertions they may have been dependent for a supjiort. It is a good investment of money, even if one should live long after taking out a Life Policy Explanatory jiamphlets, and the Uv;cssary Blanks, furnished ou application E. J. HALE. Blanks tor sale at tins Otfice.