-M.Ur, Lll. 88.1:, Tuf SEMI-WEEKLT. FAYKTTKVILLK, N. C., MARCH I, 1858. [NO. 089.] -!/\ 1^ ^ . ■ lar. T ' . ■ * ’ W‘ F Lt . ; .rr,-. 1 loi ' ‘’■'turt-. 1. i! ‘ ""N. IM... pOC. ; |Sta> piA. ^ *N S ^L... [he ' Lpsp-. r H 1 1: -EH. D(i’E. ii*\ 3-TON, Brtli »V.i>-r Si.. C. Ht'- t til* gm.:- ' ' ; N i'i. r» t K, i. • - fprii. ‘I v-J» Di im' . I . V#r §5oohx‘ Lc tel:; of It,.I Uii' 'ar; e; h W \S. ,r .. ru. laroliii i: fl- 1th- ^ M-l L mp Arctic ■h II i >N. SK'JNAKV. u pro- 1 M*7 ;f »rv- ' ai'li* i« - TJ *h-!ir ..,le , SIX doi- _ Ar- I.aJit- , . will L .tin. n 1- H' FT . wit' h ti] roiii tlen 1 w liti^' IJoiil ■ ■* 1(1 •»- ifty j. ,h ! -• 111' i«ri. I" ' r I'xiui' 'it V^ se i f ont e«cl I'i-' >*■ htifK 1 from ar- ain ..cofiro- will be ^-nt to rtuient of their- kr: r. := Mineral [j,g : t healthy be lioarding de- of the Principal. KO, Princip»l- y &j I86fe* 83-8W 'i »\i>\vs w!) Tiiri;si)\vs. i. \\\l\] SON. i:s \\.' |-i;^:VKli:T.)i;s. " • ■ kly ^ )i »v i!\ i K I'M if in ' ■ I'.n'I i!'Irill;,; t!u- _\ i:ir iil' sutiscri j- :. r t ’ y>-I •• lias i xjiirod. 5, . . ^ if in ' ■ 1 -■ rin^ llu‘ yi' ii-of sulisorij'- ' ■ - 1 "(■ y-Mr !i:ioxjiii'i'il. li \'i ‘' iii'crti'1 tor sixty ooiits per ; I'! 1“ i r^l. tiM'l t li 1 riy I'oiit s t'i>r I'.'icli ■ • 'M. \cMr!\ :i lvorti-uini'i;ts I'v spe- •' i i' i I'.'c A>lvovti'i'l ' lire to t lu> iiuial'fi' "f i UM'i tiotis 'Ifsirt'ci, or tii! . .i.'! 1. :iii'l iiecor'l- ^ , i-!.:u j:c.l ot> per > M \(a-'ru A I KS. :!:i!ul ('■■unty lire i ■- . • 1 .luv-l:i> I'l' Miirrii Tcriii ' . -- li rt in»'f i-; m- . .»s trily i ' "t II is -?iim'?t:y ti. DllMiN'J, rii’iii’n. Vi )i( M .1- AU ,''KLS.i t!:^/ « 1’KA‘. lii; ckijrv >■ s \ !j:. 11 >llSt>, (111 'i'lll'Vll.'l^ ■!’k, s“ver:il NcLTors, ■ ifi‘11. up'jil :i (.Tfiiit H', several Shiiri's of Ml’r>CLL. Anct’r. ,sti- ci/i. A.N'S «, ill liiiif gallon CMiis, for ijile at 1 ti. \V. N. TILLLNtillAST >r>-i.’iuo i,» r i'f'jii.oirs ffil 1 S '::‘iii-r F.'.NNY wHl lo-ivi- t-'HyottfviHe for .H. \V:' :i ^r , .vory Mon.| ly :ni'l 'rtmrsil iy luorn- . i . 1.1 ; ,0 Will tako frii^iit uii't pna- ^ •- lu;.l f It. T. S. l.l TTKKLOH. ■'.''v.--, >7- - \Li: \ >i 1> \ N K S’i'OL K. . 1" .vor vrstt* I liy pl'''l^-?s exeoute l lo tho 11 ' 'i >■■ t ' I'v Ik'tijmiiiii Uoiiiiison, atliu’r ; 111. ill: ‘'ii.Miti. the sii^s. rib^T will sell to t (• hiirli- . i:i'liltT. for cti^li, iit i uMij auction in tht* )..;i ^ il II. ' I .s.i'l I’.-ink, ;it t ;ycttcvi’lf, • ii Tfauri ; i. t l'!i .htv --t Muri'li iii st, TUKNTV-SIX vUi!.' of tlio Slick ol siii'l Rank, heloiiginu to the f- lie liic l:it- llir.iiii r.oliiiisoii, or so much thereof Hs limy lie try p-iy the iiiilol.tfdiuss for which :al'l 1 A lie H D McLK AN, Cashier. .%diiiini«tr:itor II. lihMA.S II oi liiriiii Uooitis t!i, lifc 'l. aii'l p • a'• ve 111-ntioiio^, .0 1 >'eiity-. ix n i'3 1. • Vdiii'r tilt b'. nu non fill sell at the s.iiue the residue of the riii s'n:i'/s s.vlk. S\ \irtue of 11 l' ■ • ol i'riist execute l to me bj J. V. i’'w. rs o., ;..r I'lirj oses tLci i in lueiilion- I w■ i • i‘ to j u': ' I- Mile, '■» Ml n'lrtv, March />r. Ilatrh's'^s Historfjr Ol' \OI(TII 4 AKOI. i.\v. The Subscribers are now prepjvred to furnish the 1st vohinie of this valnaMe work, which has raceiTed the highest con;nieni!atioii wherover it Iiah been rea>l, not only for its literary execution but for its typotir:ij>hi- C!il tre'tiiijT up. It may be obtaineil, either from us or from our (lOiiertil Aireiit for the State, II. \V. llorncof this place, or any of his .\ssislaiit .\gents Tiie price varies acconliiijr to style of biiuling: In handsome cloth !!'>: in I.ibrary Sheep -'jsl ”)•; in lialf (’alf -il 7*>. It is soi.d oni.y fok ('.\sii. None will be charped, either by ourselves or our Agents. liberal discoun* will be iiriiie where i|uanlities are taken to sell apain It w:ll tie sent by mail to any part of the country, on receipt of the price and ‘21 cents to p ij' postage. The -1 volnniw is in course of preparation. There will probably be four or five volumes in all. The snc- oeeilin" volumes will probably contain about oO(> pa^eg each, and will be sold at a projnirtionally higher price, viz: half a cent a p ij^e for the cloth hindiufi, 25 cents ait litional for tiheep and 50 cents additional for the halt calf biiiiiiiip. K. J. HALK & SON. Fayetteville, .\pril 1857. r. S. The .ViTeiit and his .\ssi>tHnts design to visit every county- in the St ite, witli the book, as soon as Ci'iiveniciit. In the mean Mine, orders t(i him or to n^, ai'i omj .inicd by tiie cash, will receive prompt attiu- STAXDAIM) A MISCELLAXI’OIS HOOKS. X'&li. KANh'S .Arctic Kspbrations,—cloth, sheej* B ^:ind half calf; Prescott's Fer'linand and Isabell.i, ' oiiijuest o!' I’eru, I’hillip lid, and I'oncjuest of Mexico: llei;ry ('lay's Works, (1 vols ; l?enton's Tliiriy Vears in the r S Senate; Daniel \V*.‘bster's Works, •) vols : Memoirs of S. S. I’rentiss; Iriving’s Workn, 15 vols.. ' loth and sheep: .Memoir# of U'ln Wirt; Irving's Life of Wasliington, cloth »ud sheep: Life and ('oirespon- ■ lence of Webster; (’oin. I’erry's Japan Expeiiitiou; .\.b- •Hitt's Nap ileon; The Indigenous Uaces of the Earth, by Nott Ciridd.iii; Kecoliections of A Life Time, by (loodrich, (I'etor I’arley;) llutoe and Macaulay’s llis- i :ries of England: ll illam's, Kobertson’s, Johnson’s, liurke's, .Vddison’s, Hannah .More's and Dick’s Works: S. uthey's (’omnion Place l!ook: Historical Collections of \'irginia; l>ickens's Complete Works, 13 vols. illus trated: L iMartine's History uf Turkey: The (jueeiis of Sci'tlaii'l. by Agnes Strickland; (Joldsmith's Animated Nature; Nactes .Viubrosiami', 5 vols.,—edited by Dr. McKenzie: Pvollin's .\iicient History: Constitutional Text l>i)ok; .Millin.in's Uibbon’s Rome; The Statesman’s \IanuaI; Tales and Novels of Maria Edgeworth; I'roc- lor's History of the Crus.ides: Chambers’ information l ir the People: Tytler’* l.'niversal History; Uoswell's l.ile of Dr. Johnson; Chambers’ Miscellany, 10 vols ; .Vpplctou'd Cyclopedia of iJiography: The Scottish (!ael; Encyclope«lia Aiuerieaua, 1 I vols.; Waveriy 1-ioveis in lii, ‘J t and 127 vols.; ilson's Tales of the lloidtrs and of Scotlauil; DeTocu.ueville':^ Democracy in America: Knight's Half Hours with the best .Authors: iiulwer's Novels, complete in one vol; I’lutarch’s Lives; .'lodern liritish Essayists; Lyell's I’rinciples of Geolo gy: Tales of the -Vrahlan Nights, 4 vols. illustrated; .vlaury's Physical Geograjihy of the Sea; Adventures o!'a tientleman in Seirch of a Horse; Mis. Ellis’j Family Monitor aud Guide to Social L’appiuess; The Bachelor of Salamanca, by Le Sage; History of the llevolutions in Europe; Lockhart's Life of Walter Sijott; Hogg’s Winter'Evening Tales; Woodfall's Junius: •Mcluiosh's .Miscellanies; H.amilton's Philosophy and l-ite»'aiure; Mc.\ulay’s Miscellanies: Marshall’s W.ash- iiigton; Life of Pinckney; Uraiide's Encyclopedia; The Prince of the House of David; The I'oetical Works of ileinans, Scott, Campbell, .Milton, IJyion, .Moore, Burns, Siiakspeare, ic , in various styles. E. J. HALE A SON. FA Y KT'r t: VI \aa : h o r el TO Kl: ( LOf^KD! TH'^TIE subscribers will close the above named Hotel 1 on the SE(’(»ND MOND.W IN MAIK'H next: -Viid will open another House for the entertuiniuent of their customers and the travelling public, of which ilue notice will I>e given in thin ami oiIk.m- pajiers. F. N. KOHERTS .V (’O. Fayetteville, Feb’y H, ’5B b-5tf ('jiroHniaii copy. I FiniTlIKH SUl’PJ.lKS OF HOOKS, ice. 'IIK Kiiow’>‘dge of God, objectively coiisidt red, by P>reckinri'!g», The Prince d' the House o' D.ivid; Simon Snggs; Wild Western Scenes; Webster's I'lia bridged Dictionary: Mackey’s Lexicon ol'Free-Masonry: Presbyterian Pt-almodist; Stodiiard’s .luvenile Arith metic; Greenleaf's Mental Arithmetic; Steel Pens; .'l.itheiiiatical InstrumeiUt: Invoice aii'i Reference Files: ,S:c , \c. E J. HALE ,j- SON, Feb. ti, 1S58. (Mu‘os‘, [..Mi’d aiui liacoii. lor s!ik‘ hv W. H. CARVER.' f r bv .M acl\('r(‘l and Salmon, .\»>s. I and 'J, sale by KK) r»l>Is. W. H. CARVI-R. Linio, Ix'st (|u;ilitv, lor saK' W . ll.‘CARVER. Mo!ass('s iiiid Syrup, (’otiec sale >iv Siiii'ar, Salt lor salt' hv W H. CAKVER. and liicr, lor W H. ('AHVER. PowdtM', Sliot, Caps and (oins. lor sale by W. H C.\RVER Cotton Yarn, Osnahurus and Slict't- ing. for sale bv W. H. C.VRVER Candic: by Soap and Potash, lor sale W. H. CARVER. FALL SrOCK, 1837. H. F Co. A KE now receiving a large aud well selected stock of B » sm ^ m »s » ■ » coiiHisting in part of: P>lacU aii-l Figured Silks: English and French MeriMoes; Plain and Fi'i'd DoLaoes: French all wool Plaids: •Alpacas of till iiualitit's: Black l’>omViazine: llnglisli, Fri-nch and .\m‘‘rican I’rints; rhemlle ,'hawls, (beiiutifnl patterns;) !,.adies' Cioaks of every description; Jaconet Edgings ami Insertions; Collars and L'ndersleeves; Hosiery, Gloves, Belts; liibbons, Triniinings. .“ic.: Cloths .and ^^.ssimeres; Tweeds, .leans aud Sattinets; White and Colored Flannels; J’lli ached and Pirowii .'Shirtings; Allend.ile 10-1 Sheetins: P.!oai-!ieil and I’rown DrilHngo; Plaid Linseys ti'id Kersey-: M-irlboro’ Stri]'es and Plaids; P.rown .ind I'lerielu d Table (’loths; Towellings of ail kir.'Tc.; Negro Blankets; Extra i[uai!ty lo'd Blankets; Spiral, Brass and Whalebijiie iloops: (iood assortiiient of Hoop SkirtS; V.Mikec .\oiions of every variety, kind, and quality: Silk, Leghorn and Straw P>onnets; Mol*‘skin. Cassiniere and Wool Hats; Boots, Shoes, Lmbrellas, «S:c. —ALSO— A large and fashionable stock of ilolhi#i .Ml of which will be sold low for (\^SH, or on our usual time to punctua! customers either at Wholemle or Rititil. .All persons are r;spectfully invited to give us a call. (i/KX) ACRES OF I.AND FOR SAT.F. f^HE Subscriber desiring to move to the West offers to sell the following tracts of valuable land. 1 Tract containing liotid acres in Harnett County 1>^ miles North of Fayetteville. There is on this tract. ; two large and comfortable dwelling houses, with all ' neo»*s9ary outhouses, together with a pood mill running ' two saws and grist, with about oO() acres cleared and in a high state of cultivation; the remainder is excel- ' lent fanning and turpentine land. I Also another tract containing 4000 acres of tnrpen- i tine land, about 100 acres of which is cleared. There j is on this tract one good lwelling with all necessary out houses and a good grist and sriw-mill. I will take pleasure in showing the above property to any person wishing to jiurchase. H. S. McNEILL, Manchester F O Nov. 7th, 1H57. 07-ts 2,800 Acrcs of Jijiiid ; FOR SAf,F. I ^BlIIE Subscribers offer for sale the a>«ove Tra>'t of fl. Land, lying on .Anderson’s Creek, about two ai.d ■ a half miles from lower Little P.iver, near Elliot's ; .Mills,—including about One Hundreil Acres of good ' Swamps, which can be easily drained. This L and is i very heavily timbered, and a large jiortiou level and ' of snjierior miality of Pine Land f >r cultivation, i .Also, a Circular STK.VM S.\W-MII L, in complete i or l -r and well adapted to .-inving I 'ank roa 1 aiii rail I road timbers. .\lso, T'vo well-broke MULES. All, or .any portion of which, will be sol 1 low and on time. The l.and will be sold either in a body or in parcels to suit. SMITH \ ELLIOT. Apr',! t>, lSr>7. H7-tf xXORTIl CAROLINA REAPFRS. M :tibv:ks i AiiJO a. rREPARKI) WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO TUI WANTS AND INTERESTS OF •Yoi'th i'arolitta. UNDKR Tin; Al Sl-ICKS Ol' THE S f PERINTENUBNT O? «0»l- MON SCHOOLS, BY llv\. I\ n. Ilubliard, rUOFE^SOU OF TUK LATIN LANdUAOK AN1> LlThRATURE IN the UXIVKRSITY OF NOllTH CAROLINA. A DRV c;(X)l)S. GOOD STOCK well assorted, for sale cheap, by W H. CAHVER. Nntnu'^s, B. F. PEAR'E. Sept. 7, 1S57. J. W. PEARCi;, Jr. 40tf . ; e : ui i.ituri in the Dob ; ' t , .• ..f e\' I .II I k,:_'..n Furniture 4 iloi'-e.-: ■' U,', ilu House, a large and de- ■ry descri]i;i"ii of House- 1 tine Piau'.i Forte; D II* BOOKS. OM.AI"S Civil Law; Starkie on Slander; l;u •. 1 tine Carriage: 1 Rocka^vay. —ALSl.l— ■' . ■■ in* i;'p i'te the Dob’in JOSEPH B House. STARR, Trustee. \ LL 9 iit'llioi* Aolife. ■ !.s 1., I ‘-cl to .). NV. I’owers ij- Co, r by Ni.it* or Vi co'int. .re reipiested to c.all tiie , an i th -y wiil save Oiis. B. sr.Mill, Trustee. :>. S7is m:w Wagon and Blacksmith Shop. t pi‘‘ced in tiie Shop recently fi. oci '.ijii. 1 iiy in. Weiiiyss, (ue ir tne Store of Messfs. ,'!ti !i‘! Ill .V H iriiP.! uo »D nVOiIK^IE.N’ in the Wagon makiii.y and lliai k.-rmith's line. He W'-uld be ]i .-ased to get oideis for w- rk in the above line . f busiuess. REP.Ali.i.Nli done with despatch. HoK.'E-SHOElNO pariiculariy iittcnlel to. T. H. PEMBERTON. 1.S'l-lm Ft ri:- JOHN HALL, \ N - I. T 11 U \ T ER S I R L h f , H'iltninfiloit. .L Cott 'li, >. s.i; .' t I C.-3, and Brcadstulfs, t‘-r :: * ■aiiiiiir'^io!! ot ijiie percent, ('ott^iii aud ' I urpeniinc i >rv,'ir I" I to N irthern Ports lor t.:> I cr i aud v .. k; other NaVal Stores I'i cts. KiU Ni i. I'.. P. Hall, Prest. iJr. B ink of the Pioscoe’s Crim. Evi dence; t'hitty on Contracts; “ •• Criminal Law; “ ‘‘ Pleading; .''tephen on Ditto.; Chitty ou the Law of Car riers; Selwyn's Nisi Prius,—Am. Notes; Smith's I'hancery Practice: “ Landluril and Ten ant: “ on Contracts: Leading Cases; .Story on (Conflict of Law; *• Equity Jurispru dence; “ on Sales; “ on Partnership; “ Eijuity Pleadings: “ on Contracts; Fearne on Remainders- Edwards on Bailments; ' Byles’ on Bills; Tayier’s Law Glossary; Dart on Vendors and Pur chasers of Real Estate; Broom’s Legal .Maxims; “ Comraentarieson the (’otn. Law; Adams's Equity; ! “ on Ejectment; ; Burrili on Ciri uin. Evidence; I “ Law Dictionary I Leading Cases in Equity; ! Tidil's Practice—.Ani. Notes; : Hill on Trustees, “ “ .Matthews' Presumptive Evi dence; : I’owell on Mortgages; Cantwell’s Justice; ; Supreme Court Keports, &.C-, die. E. J Swdgwick on the Measure of Damages; Sedgwick on Statutory aud Cons. Law; Ilale’x Pleas of th« Crown; Bishop on Marriage and Divorce; Mitford's Chancery Plead ings: Sanderson Uses& Trusts; Hargrave & Butler's (,'oke upon Littleton; U. States Digest; .St.-»te Trials of the U. S ; Russell on .Arbitration; Morris on Replevin; Troubat on Limited Part nerships; Sugden on Vendors; “ on Powers: Saunders ou Pleading; Reports; .Addison on Contracts; Wharton on Homicide; Wharton )• Stile’s Med J urisprudence; Newlan J on Contracts; Roper on Legacies; Williams on Executors; “ on Personal Pro perty; Oliver on Conveyancing; Lube’s Equity Pleading; Gresley's Law of Evi dence; Kent’s Commentaries; Curtis’s Commentary; Bradford's Surrogate Re ports; Tapping on Mandamus; Crown Circuit Companion Wiley's N. C. Form Book; I’oppcr, Spicc, Cloves, Ginger, .Soda aud Saleratus, for sale by W II. CARVF.R Dried Apples, tor sale i)V W.*II. CARVER. Feb’y 8,JS5S. H:Mf ON CONSKi.WIFN'r. 1 FIRKINS of GOSHEN BUTTER, JL * * 50 Bbls. Yellow Plautiiig Potnioes, llio Boxes of Clieese, lUU *• .Adamai.tine Cutidles. C. E. LEETE. Feb’y S, lb58. S:i-lm Presbyterian copy. Valuable Keal II«tati‘ anti lor !§ale. ^A;^ILL be suld ^for division) at the Market House V* in Fayetteville, on Tuesday the lid ot March next, the following properly belonging to the Estate of Jno. Crow, deceased. Hid late residence on Harrington Hill, 1 mile from tlie .Market House. i I Dwelling House and Lot, near tbe Cool Spring, at present occupied by Dr. Black. 1 House and Lot at Liberty Poini. 1 IJrick Tenement in .Market Stjuare, adjoining the Stores of Mr. Jas. Kyle and J. N. Smith. ! '21 ai-res of Laud ou the- C^ituden iload. 4 miles from Town. 1 Tract of Land lying on the Northern I'lank . Road, 1 mile from Town, adjoining the land of Mr. W. B. Wright aud W. Huske. Pew O'J in Prc»byterian Church. Also, t or 5 NEGllOES. Terms at sale. | P. CROW, Adm’r. ■ Feb’y 4, 1858. 82ts I " FOR SALF. I A I’LE.AS.VNT HESIDE.NCE in the country, one mile and a juarter from the Market House. The I Tract of Land contains 34 acres. On the premises is ' a comfortable Dwelling House, with all necessary out houses; well of excellent water iii the J’ard; good gar- ; den, iSic. Terms moderate; for further particulars ap ply to P. SHEMWELL. Fayetteville, Feb’y -i. H2-tf FAYF r I'EVILLF HOTEL. ’ I^^H.ANK N. ROBERTS « CO., having leased this Hotel, will be pleased to see their former patrons and friends, assuring them that they will use every exertion to please. F. N. Robekts.J [J. G. S.vith. Jau'y 7. 74-ypd STARR & WILLIAMS VRE now receiving TilElR .''E‘’(»Nl> sifOCK Ft>R 'nils SE.\.S(».N, finbrai-ing,— ' llrv llat!>i, ltool«, ^lio(‘M, and .^la(l‘-ii|> 4'iolliiii$7, which they invite the attention of Wholesale buy^ ers generally. B. St^KK ] [.J( -M. WiLLI.A.MS. Oct’r t), |S57. 4'*-tf New and Cheap G-oods! .L\Mi:s KYLF 9 S now receiving a large anl general supply of Dry H Goods, among which are splendid Dress Goods, with every article in the Dry Goods lino. .All of which, leing puri'l'.ased by th'‘ p ickai:c, will be offered by wholesale or retail at a small advance for cash or on 'ime to punctual customers. Fayetteville, Sept’r litj, 1857. 4*)-tf ,V>ir Stork of lU)OKS AND STATiOXFRY. K i're now receiving our usual New Stock of V w Books and Stationery, embracing a great E are now receiving our Books and Stationery, variety of School, l>a\« , lIcMiical anti c‘(‘liane(>u» llttoliisi. Together with a large and varieil Stock of BL.VNK BOOKS, PAPER, ENVELOPES, \-c. Country Merchants and others are invited to call as we offe • the above stock ou the best terms. E J. HALE \ SON. Sept’r 28. ()‘)o .vciii:s OF la.\!> FOll 8ALK. 'InE Subscriber offers for sale the above (|uantity £ of Land, situated in a liealthy ueighboi bood, three miles from the Wilmington and t'harl ine Rail Road, ami four trom Lumber River. Thi-i Lind is w**ll adapted to Fanning, Turpentine, and Ton Timber j'urposes, having a good range and other a Iv.iiit'iges. ■fhose wisliii.g to jiurcha.se may ti'id me on the pre mises, who will be happy’ to exhibit it or give any in formation concerning it dcsiri' I. ANGI S McGILL. PliiladelpliMS, N. C.. Sept 1. 1>''>7. 4o;t' FARM FOR SAL!-: at'FFER for sale niy PL.VNTATlON «u the East side «f Cape Fear I’viver, miles above the Clareu- I jn Briilge, kncwn as the Tooiner Lai'ds, containing ..noiit 8(10 acres. The Plant>ition is in a good state of cultivation, and is susceptible of being made onu of the most protital)le Farms in the County. 1 will give a bargain in the lands, and make the time of pay most easy if applic.ition is made in a few wieks. .Address me at Gulf, .V. C. L. J. HAUGHT(»N. Oct'r I'i. 5li- LAND FOR SALK. B .Al’RES L.VND lying on the Camden Ji. Stage Road. 15 miles South of Fay etteville. The Land is well timbered, and admirably adapted for Turpentine or Fanning purposes: and lies between the Southern Plank Road and Big Rockfish, —convenient to market. There is on it a comfortable trame House, .Mill Site Sc. Any information may be obtaiued on the jiremises from .Mrs. .Mary Nelson, or bv enquring of JAMES BANKS. Att'y, Fayetteville. •A'.ig 18. 33-tf FOR SALF. t'^HE DWELLING HOUSE AND LOT ou Gillespie Street, at present occupied by Doctor .McSwaiu. Perfect title can be made. .Applv to THO. J. CURTIS. CONTAI.M.N’d A FAMILIAR HISTOttY AND DESCRIP TION OF NORTH C.AROIjINA. Soloctimis in Prose and Verse; many of them by eminent citizens of the State. HISTORICAL AND CHRONOLOGIC.VL TABLES, And a variety of Miscellaneous Information aud Sta tistics, bv c. II. wii>i:y Number 3 is a new aiui revised edition of tbe North Carolina Reader, first published in 1851. Numbers 1 j and 2 just issueii, complete the series, which is, as a whole, cheaper than any other series of Readers in the ; United .States, and as complete. ! The Editor (Prof. Hubbard) in his Preface to Num- : ber I deems it proper to aliudetoa few of the peculiar ' aivantages aiuied at by the Superintendent of Common ' Schools while making efforts to have this work com pleted. These are, I I. eiicounii/^mfiit of a feeling of ftlj'-dependenct, ! and the enlistment of popular sentiment in behalf of i the State and its institutions. It was not thought im- I liortaiit, however, to have more than one number of i the Readers of merely a local interest. I 2, Tu TKineil;/ the eril evcr^uhe.re complained of in com- j tnon srhooh, of a perpctunl chanye in text books; an ex pensive habit, aud one which injures the Schools by preventing the children from being classified. A ue- ' ries of home Readers, it was supposed, would be cer- ' tainly used, and this great evil thus avoided. ;!, hkrmomy, the popular system of Readers being too long and being made so often merely to adil to ; tiie prolits of authors auil publishers. Tiiis series is to consist of fewer numbers than I those geii'Tally used, and it is believed that these ! numbers are sutticient, while if the system were uni versally used in the State, the sum saved to parents and children wouiil amount to several thousand dollars auiiually. 4, T’> put in the hands of children leaniiny to read coiii- j>ii.iitiniiK yutjirienlhj familiar hut not of the churacter calUd childish com^fjxitions, containing, in lessons easy enough for all ages, correct specimens of style, interesting in matter, and inculcating proper morals, and religious iastviiction. Tne prices are, for No. 1, 25 cents; No. 2, 37J cents and -No. 3, 75 cents. A liberal deduction from these prices to Merchants and School Teachers. Fuyetteville, July 2‘J. E. J. HALE & SON. 29- lAVE LXSl RANCF. flHE Undersigned has been appointed Agent of . the North Carolina .Mutual Life Insurance Com pany. Every member for life participates iu the pro fits of the Company; and the annual premium for life iiiembership, where it amouuts to !j>30 or more, may be paid one-half in cash, ami the other half iu a note at 12 mouths. Debtors’ lives may be insured by creditors. A man may insure Ins own life lor the exclusive benefit of his family The lives of sl.ives may be insured. This system is rapidly growiniy into favor, all over the civiUzed world it is one by which a family, lor a small sum annually, may be provided for, after the ; death of its iiead, «n whose exertions they may have been dependent for a sujiport. It is a good investment ' of money, even if one should live long after taking out a Life I’olicy Explanatory pamphlets, and th» necessary Blanks, furnished ou application E. J. HALE. A Hardware, ^HE undersigned are now receiving a L.ARGE .AS SORT.MEN T of D. W. C. liENIiOW, D. D. S., HALE, & SON. 01-3nipd RIV KR CO.\L. l i. MlN'il.S Co.VL of the best quality can be h.i I at the works at Egvpt, at a reasonabre price Vy ttji Ton. ■ WM. McCLANE. .Mining Engineer, M.i> 21, l-'-'j b-tf i;i { '['lAV. IU' rTi'.R!! WV'V PER!!! Ll!S. .MiH.N'l'AlN indGO."'HEN BUT I'ER. For sale low for C.\SH by P. A. WILEV. 71-tf V :»; 11).\ r»A( I Nl'hi; and GUNNY BAGGING in quantities to -'lit purchasers. For sale by JAS. G. COOK. Sept. 17. 43tf roll .s\i.i:. ^^!>AMAN riNE and TALLOW CANDLES; fi„e and ■.iinii' U lOB.ACCO; and .I'.iaost anything in the Grocery T.t.e. ('heap as the cheal)e^t! (}. W. 1. CiOI,I)ST'^>N. ^>^57. 77- Jin’ A.NO, i ul'.-vNO, ju t re- tiLO, W, V. ILL I A.MS .V CO. D.i V Mi Nov illDFS. ;upei i'^r a; tide; alsii For sale by J A."*. t I >■ >K. 62- ! MEDICAL liOOKS. ' H ^UNGLISON’S Therapeutics aud Materia Medica; . g * “ .Medical Dictionary; , “ Human Physiology; I “ Practice of .Medicine; 1 “ on New Remedies; I .Meigs’ Treatise on Obstetrics; “ Woman, and her Diseases; “ Childbed Fevers; “ Diseases ot the Uterus; Dewees on Children; •• “ Females; Horner’s .Anatomy and Histology; .Miller’s Prini. iples of Surgery; Practice of do ; Bartlett on the Fevers of the U. States; Wilson’s Human Anatomy, by Goddard; Ricoid and Hunter on Venereal, by BunisteaJ; Watson's Practice of Physic, by Condie; Wood aiil Bache’s U. S. Disjiensatory; Pancoast’s Wistar's Anatomy; Wilson on Diiteasvs ot the Skin; “ “ the Skin and Hair; Eve’s Surgical Cases; Churchill on Children, by Keating; “ System of Midwifery, by Condi«; “ Diseases of Women by do.; Ellis’s Medical Formulary, by Thomas; Kirkes’ and Paget’s Phypiology; !;-gi,.iu!t’s Elemeuf.s of ('heinietry; Fowt'cs’ Chemistry for Studentr; !'> irt!i'tt on (,'eriainty in Medicine: Siiiiih and Horner’.s .Anatomical Atlas; Lird oil th‘j I,linary Deposites, Pi-rcira's .\Liu ria Medica :‘iid Therapeutics; ( ii>'['';:;ter’s Human Phy>-iology, by Smith; Di' i son’s Eleinenta of .Medicitie; l a;, lor on Poisons, by Or *!ith; I'.urrows’ on Ccr bra! Circuiatiop; ^Vilsoll on Syphilis; I.'rar >r's Physioloi:y—ill'istr:i ted; :olly i4n the Braiu; li ’pe on tlie Heart, Sc., &c. E, J. HALL & SOS. Oct. 26, 1857. .AV be found at his Rooms, during his regular olhce hours, viz: from ;> A. M. to 1 P. .M . 3 P. M. to o P. M., where he will be pleaseii to receive calls from all who may be in need of his pro*'essional services. No inducement will lie held out by otiering to per form operations for a small compensation; a good price will be chargeil in all cases. .And patients favoring Dr. B. with their contideuce, may rely upon liis utmost exertions to perform every operation in as pertict a manner as possible. ter- operations munt be paid for as soon as com pleted. P. S. Those who are now indebted will please call and settle. Oct. 14. 51-tf .JUST RECEIVED. 1 Jk BOXES of that superior ROCK C.ANDY TO- Alr BACCO G. W. I. GOLDSTON. Oct 5, 1857. 48 tf NEW 1500KS. ilVINGSTON’S TRAVELS IN SOUTH AFRK’A; Barth’s Discoveries iu North and Central .Africa; “The Reason Why,” by the author of ‘Inquire Within.’ —ALSO— Further supplies of Mustang Gray; Plujenixiana; The Painter, Gilder and Varnisher’s Companion: Sale’s Koran; Jacobus’s Notes on the Gospels; The Commu nicant’s Companion; Barnes’ Notes on the Gosj.els; Conybeare’s Life and Epistles of St. Paul; The Psalm ist, with supplement; Bibles; School Books; kc. Just received. E. J. H.ALE ^ SON Jau’y 16, 1858. lU)OK IilXD}:RY j V/. HARI’IE has resumed ^he Book binding ' Business, over the Tailor ^ihop of Clark i . Woodward, where he will receive and wxecutc bin ii ig ^ in any style desired. , I August 1. 27tf ilr)(:!ri(^s, 'i (Jrocories. llardwnns Iron, Steel, I Iolio\v-\N art', Slioes, Leather, and SatldU'ry, which they will sell at Wh'tles%le at ;> small advance on t'ost for Cash, or on our usual time to prompt dealers. GEO. W. WILLI.kMS A, CO. July 18, 1857. 2t5-tf i I. n. SEWIXG MACHIXES. Idmitted to be TIIK BI'SI uikI )I()ST DlR\iy.E 31iifliine iiiadp. ^■IHE Subscriber has taken an agency for the sals i of these Machines, and having used them for 18 j months, can say there can be no doubt that every | family or nlaiiter, having from 10 to 15 persons to j clothe, will find them very profitable: a good ojierator ; [ (icitig able to do as much and as good sewing with this , .Machine in o.nk day as can be ilone b/ hand in tkx. I Persons wishing to purchaso can see two of these . I machines in use at my factory j I Circulars giving full description and prices will be ! furnished gratis on ai'p!ic..tion. (>rders solicited. I ‘ A. A. McKETHAN, Agent, i Dec’r 2t!, 18-57. 71-3m i xoricE. I A T September Term 1857, of the Court of Pleas aud 1 m. (Quarter Sessions for the County of (Cumberland, the subscriber having iualified aa /\(i0iiaistrator upon the Estate of John .McLaurin, noiifice all persons in debted to the Estute to make immeuiate p n ment, and all persons having claims against the said Estate to present them properly authenticated within the time prescribed by law, otherwise this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. D. McLAURIN, Adm’r. Sept. 15, 1857. 43tf .\LS() Got)]) F.AMILV (’.ARRI.\GE in good repair and nearly new. Will be sold for half its value. —ALSO— 3 good MILCH COW S with young calves, .\pply to T. J. CURTIS. ; .April 2^♦, 1857. 3tf LAXDS FOR SAi.E. S OFFER for sale about tiOOO .Acres of Pine Lands near Fayettfville. containing: an immense ijuantity ot Aiill Timber, .and a im.:iber of Turpentine Boxes, and several new tasks may be cut. There is on the premises a tine Dwelling House, and all necessary out houses,—Scuppernoiig aiol Isabella Grape Vines, — 1000 young Peach and .Apple Trees of Liridley’s best vari- ties; also, a good F.IRM of about 150 acres cleared; anl also a GRIST and S.AW MILL; and a fine large Meadow of about 1 40 acres. The Fayetteville aud ’oal Fields Rail Road passes through these lands about a mile from the Mills. I will sell in parcels to suit pur- chasrers, but would prefer to sell the whole together. .Apply to Thos. S. Lutterloh, Esq., Fayetteville, or tiie subscriber at Pittsborough, N. C. J. il. IIAUGHTON. Nov. 12, 1857. tiO-tf !3!.jO limV Alll) WILL be given for the apprehension and delivery to me, or contineuient in any jail iu the State so tiiat 1 can get him, of my man .IlM. Heleltoii the 30th ult , mid has not been seen, or heard of S'lice He is a bright mulatto, almost wiiite, about 23 years old, about 5 feet inoues higii, straight hair, and teeth defective, long tieard on his chin wiieii lie left. Had on wheu he left a very good suit of clothes, aud will very likely try to pass off for a white m.in, and make t ir a free State: should he not go north, he will likely go up in the vicinity of Fayetteville, as ho was raisi;d I there, aud formerly belonged to \Vm. B. Wright, Escj., 1 of that place. .Any person who may take up said I Boy will be entitled to the above reward and the thatiks of LS.A.AC B. KELLi Kenansville, N. C., .Vug. 13, 1857 33-tf LOST, XOTICE. 'I’HE subscriber having, at June Term 18oi, of the j[^ Court of Pleas and (.Quarter Sessions lor the Jounty of Cumberland, qualified as .Adiiiinis'.rator upon the Estate of Willio F. Moore, hereby notifies all per.sons having claims against the said Estate to present the same properly authenticated within the time pre scribed by law, otherwise this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Debtors to the said Estate will please make payment immediately i*- F. MOORE. Junes, 1857. 13tf xo ricE. illE r.ndersivriio 1 having c.xecuted a power of At Lorr.ey to E. F. Nioore, he is thereby authorWed I Jo mr.ke till seti’eiueuts f.'i i-.e .ml i'l my name, and j generally to 'ran.’^act ail bu.siuess a I might or could I Jo v'pre 1 fo.'rsonal'y present ' Favetteville. June 3, r AST Saturday, 31st ult, (during the hours of 1 sL^ parade.) about the Court House, or between the Cou-t House and the Fair .Jroun 1, a small yellow | leather Pocket Book, coiitaiiiing •'iio'.i, consisting ot I three •'j;IO bills, three lio., one ^5 bill, one •T!5 gold | piece, three 50 gold piocfs. A Reward of ^10 will I be given for the above described Pocket Book and Hiont-y, delivered to the undersignf*d | .IAS. H. J.\CKSON, Mu.sician. j Fayetteville, N. V . Nov. 2, lb57 5titt BOOKBINDING OF all kinds, is executed in the best manner. Old common Prayers, Bibles, and others, re- bouiid in the same style they were before. This will save the repurchase of new hooks. Librariansconnected with colleges, and other societies, aud also gentlemen residing at a distance, will find it a matter of economy to get their books bound here, as a deduction of prices will be maile upon large orders; Pack them and send them with particular directions to this establishment; and when finished, they will be carefully repacked and returned without delay. I have the best stock of materials; and workman ship will compare with any either at the North or South. .\pplv for a list of Binding prices before going else where. The unilersigned respectfully solicits a share , of patronage. THOS. H. TILLINGHAST, ■ Anderson Street. I Nc’V. 5, lSi)7. 54-Y We call the attention of WHOLE SALE DEALERS 1 our present Stock,—and we have recently re- ' 1^ ceived— 1 300 bags Rio, Laguira, Maricaibo and Java Coffee, j ‘20 hhds Sugar, assorted grades, 75 bbls do. Refined, Crushed aud Powdered, ?^5 boxes Sperm, Adamantine and Tallow Caudles, ti') (lo Fancy and assorted Candies, lOt) coils Kentucky, Jute and Manilla Rope, 7 bales Bagging, Gunny, Dundee and Burlaps, 30 tons Hoop Iron, 120 boxes Cheese, 20 half-bbls Super Carb. Soda, 40,0o0 Cigars, various brau'Is, —ALSO— Pepper, Spice, Ginger, Cloves, Nutmegs, Borax, Madder, Indigo, .Spanish Brown, Brimstone, P'ancy aud Bar .Soaps, Starch, Powder, Shot, Bar Lead, White Lead, Putty and Linseed (>il. Window Glass, Snuff in Boxes, Eagle Milis do., in Half Bbls.; Green and Black Teas, Hollow-Ware, Swedes Iron, English, German, and ('ast Steel; Plows, Straw Cutters, Corn Shelters, Sausage Cutters and Stuffers, Trace Chains, Sole Leather. &c., Ac. The above Goods we offer on the most favorable terms to proinj't time or cash purchasers. D. & W. McLAURIN. Nov. «, 185«. 54tf ALMAXACS. pHE Farmers and Planters, and Turner’s N L Carolina Almanacs for 1858. E. J. HALE 4- SON. c. JUS rici: J. J. 1857, %lOC E. 13tf CAXTWEIJ.’S X Su'cini’K .fusltrr Ilcri.'icif ^\eir lie i'g^niS work, invaluable ti. .M igistrates, jB. all who have occasi oi to know t’ne Law. use the Forms under it, is vry inucii e.ilar.-e ' ■ii:', 50. For sale by E. J. II.VLi. ^ - //»■ r- 'I'oj an I i-^ Pric*- I > ,N :r\.b'ii» CUr ^'! h. 'ntc 1 d LAW liCOKS. ’ ;^ED'"iVlCK on the StatUiory aud Coustitufional Law; | by tije i f Ctiitly on Pleading; Ncwlairl on Contracts; Phil-j .Vfier I lipps and Amos on Evidence: Stepiieti on Pitadin/; I .Mitford’s ;hancery Pleadings; Hill on Trustees; Lub'> s Equity Pleading; &^damd’t) r.qai(y, &c. E. J. HALE & SON. .voTicf:. LL nersoi’s indebteil lo us tit’uer by Note, or .Ac- ( ou;it, arc e«r,^est’ .• ; eque's'od to call and pa; up. St of .I.-iiiunvy tiie 15th of January, we intend to resort to more re’.iable nieuus than duuuLg foi the cjllectioa of amounts -'up "3. D, 4- W. McLAURlN. Dec. 10, 1857. 67- i..\XD Fi> v SaIJ- g £ ACKE'^ of lyin- on n a. n. lTy L'ttJe Uiver, i*i Hari'.-tt Co'inty, limbered and wei! lojatf I foi tin. I’urr ‘ntiiK’ It w.'l be soi-.l i.in accomniodatinj; t;?rL'i“. -Ai'i'^^- to tiio Su'nsc iber At Fiiyettevii' vv u McL. v Sept 22, 1850. 41 t iJianks fur sale at tiiis Ottic«. J. W. BAKER Is now receiving from the North the largest, finest, aud most carefully se lected stock of FLR.\1TIJRE ever offered in this market; which, added to his own tuaiiufacture, makes his aijsortnieut cortiploii': -all of wnicii he will sell on the ’-Twest possible ♦erai-^ ‘or c'i-;h or oil tiuie to piillCtU.'.l ' USt:^l>l“i S. ;oHMge bed-rooTii Furriiturc iii -■li'icV, and cotto.T .itfre.-^sf VV’jigo'is Mid Crs.d.es; Side r .'-,’ and Boo!:-(,')iscs; Wliat- \V." h Staii'is; Catrile .Stands; :i.-. i!i-i (»!ass; W 11. !.iw Sha'V-; Sofas iu .Malii.gany ano wttoToauB; Divans )nd Stools; . r; v riety. t’i one with T’hrneiit: f!'i~ewood Meridians, from tne Iv-t m-M i tones in N* w V«rk and Boston, warrinted my i::ade in the country, and will be 80id at prices—II e.ghi only added. September 2, '^oa.-dv- i;i V‘.t : T-ii.V A at u* 'Joriiici' , iV ti ii, r a'I 45-tf