w ademies. incp - • >. '--.b«r EllUlcIi 1. or •2s. tj'.K ■■•- ^demies. lut a. M,.. lh««l: for* 8 . l^: ' rtle ^ Ml tixl ' ’;r liot S (I- vn iU 1, nil' oiiin t 1>: hf tii ?i- ■ iCdlt. ill • itioii i\ilh ' lion 111- VD, , liORN tyi«* of Jiiii'r, - in - ■VH! Qtt^rr anti Stoi . t. , o e- ■ .11^ f-,,. llo>v . . Kit Li. - K'S L K for INE 1.;- bv h1 • . tlu- 1 - Slip, !NS, 3, &c. :is, iiii'i ileil V. lility itiCi ens . le 11 lirdlt; cau • d, will ii' le i> e.as . H. i 111 ^ r aii.i l.AN r.' 1. I for Sale. Tui. I Ion r _• I: . Jl. >' \ ;k. a. I, K ti7 ‘ Oil NiLi;. to !. ;t uri'ii ip. . ail" M 1 iev.-ii Hill isill 1^1. ' elvM uKV -i H) lie. Ift II Kiiii yin, •t, OIJ i; t. hui! Ull'' 8!ll ' '1 : an ■ 'i' s n ■ : • La,:' (JAM l.lilLi . tiliocii .. ari** N \\ Lh ■ I iu.4 i hii.-ii rnljc. LOIi, ' iiul ;h Nh i Or e .Si 1 tl. ■ r. I A ;xt, : ' oi i klur iCkI >e . .•I'm I . .w ■ ^ i Hurm . ilUN- , ii n i'»- U H'- i- three A,L '.‘vJ, . nil'' 1 ;i'>n (le 1 «vear- \i id .. 7 . It ■■'•K ■ ,-v A-.- ni. - a K ']• (ili'l ■ n, the l>ur- ilni r. M Waiitcrt- )>■ L w - ^ni -i- ng . litre, R-^ ,h , . . 1 iiiay I Sh ii'paon county, D. L BROCK, ! iPAir SEm-WEEIfcL.Y. [VOI. VIII.J FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., JANUARY 6, 18 59. [NO. 777.1 1’HINTED MONDAVS AND THrKSDAYS. EDWARD J. HALE & SO^, KDITOKS AND PKOl'KIKTORS. I’rii'e I'or the Senii-W ockly Obskkvkr S-1 (Ml if paid in niiv.mce: ■*>•• if paid diiriiig :h»» year of subserip- tiiiii: or b-J after ihe year has expired. ! For the Weekly Obskrvek $'2 tX> per anuiim, if paid in idvuiiee; ;'>0 if paid darinjr the y^iir of siibscrip- tioii: or S:’, ()•» after the year has expired. ! A1*VLRTliSi'-MI'NTS inserted for 00 cents per square of l' line.-^ for the first, and 30 cents for each ' >iupceediiig publicatiuii. \ early advertisements by spe- j i.i«l coniracts, ai reasonable rates. Advertisers are i 11‘i^in-steil to state the uuiiiber of insertions desired, or ! they will be oominueil till forbid, and ciiarjied accord- i in^ly. i .Vdvertiseinents to be inserted t’asnie, charged 50 per ifiit extra. 1 T w Am^iiX i HAS T\KEN HAR(iK OF THF. ' FAVETTEVlI.i.K HOTEL. With efficient aid in the tlifferent departments, ' I and his own superviisii»i of the entire F.stablish- nient. he hopes to give satisfaction to the Pat- r.m.' if t)ie House. Halpiijli and War»aw l\iur-horwe lines of .Siajres aiTi%e Hil l doi'art fVuui this House l)»tlly. and the Salem ^•4Lre Tri-wt-ely. Fayetteville. N. Oct'r 1. '>l-ly HOIJSK. ■. FAVKTTKVii.l^l-:. ■%. A-.i'V gul of a run Stref-t, o ft ir Juors Xurth of th> Mil !■/,•> (. ^ ^pHt) Subscriber desires throujrb this nif^diura yiiB £ tu aok'iwled^e the liberal patronage tiestow- ed ii^'on hi;- llouse the past year—and as he hii'ju-t erected New Sinble* and I':irriage Shed conven- i-> the nud fo wat(?T he takc' jileasnre in s,iy- ' hi- patn>n and the public generally, that he is prepared to acconiimidate them with transient and [m Viii:i!i *nt boan.1. ami re'pectfiilly solicits a continuance t'tlii' lib -ral patronage heretofore received, Lvery e.\- • t-i'ti on his part shall be used to render them comforta- '! i-iiig th»*ir sojourn with hiui. His table is alwayy V', with the best the market affonls, • I*. SKEMWELL. M. reh ‘J4, >*t)-tf HOLISi'. t'oiivenient and well FTRNISHEb ’ Establish- [ nieiit wa- opened for the receptii.iii of Hoarders on .-.I- ijih inst. The suTiscriber will spi-e no pains to till comfortable who may stop at lier* house. Re- . . ;; b lardei^i will bi-re tind the nuiet cijmfort of home. • " !ii. d witii the advantages to bu>iiie- s men of a H .tel, st;i>)les of .Mr. AV. T. 'I ro', are in ihe rear of the II •■'. and traveller' may entnist their horses tv hi- tare, n "1 thr a>siiiance ibat the be^t treatment will lie be- ■ «ed upon tliem. MARY ANV POTTER. '-I. -»t'>-om To the Public. 'J'^lir. S'i>iseriber having RENTE!) the J-IXTENSIVE I ''TAIUjI’S connected wiili the I>obbin House, i' now : J.: I ir. d to board Ibli'.ses Viy the day or month. He has ' iired the “ervices of an exj'H'r’enced hostler, and pro- : ,]>..» !. j^lve 'Htisfaction to all who m.-iy iiatroni/e bis . :ai)'.i'lii.;iii! W. TRCiV. Ilrt. I’l. •')»;-.‘^in F.WKTTKV1LLK .MUTUAL LNSIKANXK COMl'ANV. ASSKTS $230,326.28. imjiany h i' been in operation more than five paid it; Li\l) FOR S.1LIL 1 OFFER for sale tj-lO Acres of LAND, lying on th« 1 V\ est side of Capj Fear Kiver, two miles below Fay etteville. Hnd extending from the river inio rho sand hills. This tract is abo-.u enually divided iiilo river- ridge, swamp ai d sand-hill Land, .\bout 80 acres, adjoining the river, are under cultivation and are well suited to the growth of f'orn and Grass: none of the Hwainp has been cler.red. There are several gooti sites for a d'v.dling l-ou.se on the sand-hills. .Any person wishing to purci.ase will do well to make early appli cation, as I have determined to sell. THOMAS J. UOHINSON. Sept. 8, 185y. tUf ,lHlHMrLr\l) FOR SM. rpHE Subscriber offers for sale THIRTY-FIVE HL’N- £ DRED .VCPiES of Land in » healthy a section as there is in Alabama. FORTY ACRES, on which are a good Dwelling and all necessary ont-houses, in good repair. )NE HUNUliED and SIXTY ACRES, good river bot tom land, 100 acres of which is under cultivation and produces fine crops of Cotioii and Corn. NINE HUNDRED and SIXTY ACRES Oeek and Pine land, on which is some good farming land. TWENTY-THREE HUNDRED and FORTY ACRES Pine land, well suited for Turpentine gelling. This pi-operty will be sold cheap and on accommoda ting terms. Address the subscriber al Mount I'leasant P. O., Monroe County. .Alabama. WILLIAM \V. ENGLISH. March 11. IH-jis. '.til-ly liaiid for ^ale. OHN T. GILMORE now otters for sale a portion of his sxvump lauds in the county of Cumberland about 14 miles below Fayetteville, and about U miles East of the I'ape Fear River. The entire swamp lias been suc cessfully drained, of the large body of water l>y which it was heretofore covered, Tlie land is apjiarenily level, being free fr.im lidges (which are so common to swamp lands generally.) whilst there is an abundance of tall, by which the rain water can be carried oti' by ordinary ditches, A small portion of the land has been in cultivation about 7 years, ainl those persons who have seen the crops regard the land a;* e|ual in fertility to any tliey have seen in iliis State or elsewhere. The location is healthy, the nei>rhborhood good, and the ac cess to Fayetteville and AVilniington ea>y by means of a good road lA miles in length leading directly to the river. Resides tl*is, it is within 'j miles of a beautiful little village, upon a high and healthy Bluff, at the river, with a Store. AVare-house and first-rate landing, ,AI1 which iifl'ord many coiivenieiice.s to the neighbor hood. .As several persons have .spoken of purchasing, this is deemed a proper time to call their attention to the subject, inasmuch as there is a crop now growing ujton a small portion of the land, by which they can i judge of its production. Reasonable terms will , be given to the purchaser. ! Sept. lo, 18oS. 4oif SCHOOJ. BIX)KS FOK THE UNION. A. 8 BAllAES CO., 51 AND 53 JOHN STREET, NEW YORK. PUBLISHERS AM) \UMILESALE BOIIKSELLEliS, iVOL'Ln I.N VlTK ATTKNTION TO THE N A V 1 O ^ A L S i: KIES —OF-- im I v: 81'IIOOL BOOKS, Price By .1 M'llllr j yeai'. ;iiid lias paid its l').s->es. .•inioiinting to S'!'*. 1; ' with' it any assessment: insurance averaging its uitiiiKei' about \ percent, P'>'ieie i'sued to f>f May. IH'iH, Amount of property now insured. .474.'.'‘J‘J 34 '•moimr premium notes now on hand. :ji’4.'.tb8 ‘ a?h ]iremiiims received. i 41 Directors. McNeill. S. T. Hawley. 1». A. Ray. W. N. Tillinghast, H. L, Nlyrover, .A. .McKethan. > W, Tillinghast. ■ J. D. Williams. Henry Lilly. .las. G. Cook. N. A. Sfi'dman. A. W. Steele, S. ,J. llin-dale. Jas, Ivyle, T, S. Liitterloh, .1, G. Shepherd. W.ii. McLaurin. R. F. Brown. Wilmingtou. E. Hall. Wilmington. ( iKKIl'KUS: GEO. Mc.NElLL. I’resident, D, .A. R.VY, A'ice President. C. A. .Mc.MlLL.VN, Secretary, , J 'hii Collins and t', McCrummen, Travelling Agents, 1 Joj^ The Company invite apjilications. M:lV lil, l.S.'iS. I I'or 8ale* I OFFER for sale about Acres of Pine Lands near I 1 b'ayetteville. containing an immense quantity olMill Timber, and a number of Turpentine Boxe-. and sever.-il ; new tasks may be cut. There is on the premises a fine ! Dwelling House, and all necessary out-houses,—Scup- peruong and Isabella tirape Vines.—young Peach j and A{iple Trees of Litidloy's best varieties; also, a good I F.ARNl of about loO acres cleared; and also » GRIST and S.AW MILL: and a tine large Meadow of abuut 140 ; acres. The Fayetteville and r’oal Fields Piail Road , passes through these lands about a mile from the .Mills. ; I will sell ill I'.ircels lo suit purchasers, but would pre fer tl) sell the whole together. Ajiply to Thos. ,S. Lut- terloh, Esi] , Fayettev.lle, or the subscriber at Pitis- boroiigh. N. C. J. H H.VI JH TON. Nov, 1 :i. ls.')7. fi'iif 6{Mr U'H i:s OI’ LAA i) FOR .s.M.K. ^pHE .'Subscriber utters for sale the above i]uatitity of ^ Land, situated in a healthy neijtliborhood. three miles from the Wilmington A; Charlotte Rai! Roail, and four from Lumber River, This Land is well adapted to Farming. 1 iirpentine. and Ton Timber I'Urposes. liaviiig a good range and other advantages. Those wishing to purchase may find me on the premises, who will be happy to exhibit it or give any information concerning it desired. AN(iUS McGlLL. Philadelphiis, N. Sept. 1, 18’'7. 40tf J^PECIAI. COI RT. ,TATK OF-NORTH CAKOIJNA ) (’UMHKRK.\ND CtMJNTY, ) Superior Court of Law. Fall TeViii, His Honor Rumi i.i s .\1. S.\lni>i:r.s .Judge Presitling. I r i> Ordered by the Court. That a Special Term of this (>urt be held onthe second .Monday in February, A. b. iSoH. ■IiiTor-i, Witnesses and Siiilors in Civii Caiis**s are hero- ', !; titied to attend. Witness. .J.ilin W. I’.aker. .Jr,. Clerk of our said Court. I' 'ithi-e. the seventh .Monday after the fourih Monday in Sejitenilier. D, 1S’>8, ' ] .J(»HN W. P>AKER, Clerk. Varoiina Citf/f •V. ^pllE AI hint ic and North Carolina Railroad being now I ^'oiiipleted to Beinitort Harbor. ! have determined to ' :iie .-It Carolina City for the pur]>ose of doing a Forwarding and General Ccmmission • iii'l hope by p?|-i)mptness and strict attention to merit I'-Hruii.ige and suj)p,,r(. Being the .Agent of .Murray's Line of First Class Packets to this ami .Morehead I'ity. "'IT'. etToil will be made to make this llie clieapest and expeditious rotlte lo New York. Vessels will be ■' 'di d ,uid discharged at my Wharf ;:ulj(jining the Rail- >■'id Whiirt’. I and thereby save cartage and lighterage. l*'iMiciiiar attention will be given "to al! orders, and to I"' :ile and shiiiiiieiit of Produce. WM B. ;»ANT. •Iiily 'J'.'. lb.")^. ''--ly Valuable Plantation I'OR SALK. The subscriber otters for ;^le the PL.ANT.VTION and improvements where he now re'Ides. It is located just below the mouth of Liles' Creek, in Catan-ba county. i ' near Lewis' Ferry jn the Catawba river, adjoiniiiir Hen- , i derson Sheri, and containing olO Acres. loO ,.>i which ! are in cultivation and about o i aci cs of ihat is good I Creek and Br.-itich • Uottoni. Tiie improvements are a ! comfortnble Log Dwelline, a first rate Barti, Siables ; and stall- for l!0 head of ho; os: ' ow shei*-.. and good - Fences. There is uiion the jilace a good iRlST NHI-L f running a pair of Burr and a j>air d' coiiiiiio’i S'ones, The AV, N, C. Railroa I passes through the Farm and the Depot is located upon it. It is the most valuable farm in this section of the State, .Will be sold for Lash or exchanged for Negroes, A, W. ^MLSON Oct. lo, 1858. o7tf Land for ^ale. 1.\M desirous of selling ItiOO ACRES (JF L.\ND in the County of Ilolicson, two miles from Ilandalsville Post Office. There is on the tract a comfortable DWEL LING and all necessary out-houses. also. Saw and Grist Alill. Cotton Gin and pres.s. 75 acres cleared and under cultivation. All the Tract is tine farming land. No belter place can be found for a Turjientine Still. To a person vrlio wishes to make a permanrtil fesilence, this is a fine cliance. Moral neighborhood; churches and schools convenient. If applied for soon a bargain will be given, .I.VS, !. C'()OK, Oct. 18, 18o8. -V'Mf • FARM E()i( SVLK. I OFFER for sale my PL.ANT.VTION on the East side J of C.ipe Fear River. ;i miles above the Clarendon I’.riilge, known as the Toomer Lands, containing about S'M Acres. The Pl.in'ation is in a good stateof ciiltiva- )ion. and is suscefitible of being made one of the most profitable Farms in the 'ouniy, .Vddress .INO. D, WILLT.AMS. Esq.. Fayetteville, N. C., who is authorised to sell. L. J. HAl'tJHToN, Oct’rl4. 1858. 54tf PI BLISHKI) BY THK.M, .AMOMi WllU'Il .\KI'; X'ltioriii/ Scltool Ht'mh rA, in 5 A’».s., and 1 Vlununcimj Sjx'Ucr. 25, ii7i, 50. 75 cts. and SI. Speller, 25 cts. Richard G. Parker, .A. .AL, of Boston, and J. Madison Watson, of New York. These are the latest reading books yet brought out, and it is confidently believed surpass all others in gen eral plan and arrangement, beauty of illustrations and lypograpliy, character of selections, and adaptation to the wants of schools. They are already iu extensive use in the Public Schools of New York, Brooklyn, Al bany. Newark, Lancaster, and other important places. Davi*^s' Rfcnil'll Arif/iiiit'firs muf llii/kt'r J/a- t/utunfirs. Prices of .Vrithmeiics 15, 25, 45 and 75 cents. Are daily increasing in pojiularity and circulation. They are regarded as the most tho~ough and practical of anv'liefore the public, .An exceedingly valuable ad dition lo this course has jusi bee.j made in the piiblica- lion of 1Jiicii-s I Ii III riiifj/ '.{fi/i l/i'it, I'rti’i 2”). .\n entirely new work, designed to occupy an inter- iiiediaie place between the author's Elementary .Algebra and Bourdon, li teaches the Science and .Art of .Vlgebra by a logical :irrangement and clas.'ific.atioii of the prin ciple' in their natural order, and by illustrating their application in an extended series ot carefully arranged ami graded example. It is Prof. Davies’ last and best work. Mur.tfith uml Mi \nH^'>> S>rii^>t‘ fhoijruphUa, Prices 411, t'ii» cents, and SI. .■seem to be fast sujierseding all others. The plan on wliiv-h they are arranged, their intrin-ic merit, concise ness, beauly. and peculiar a*1aptatioii, render tliem great favorites with both leachers and pupils. 'I’hey have been ofliciully recommended Ky the Superinteiidents of Public Instruction of very many .'states, .and by numerous Teachers' A-sociations and Instiniies throughout the country, and are in successful use in a multitude of.piib- lic and private Schools in every Stale of the L'nion, ('htrk's Jirii/noKini, in tint and GO rent., and \\i:/i‘h’x A/ti(/j/sii, 7o c*‘nts, It is believed prc'cnt the only true and successful method of teaching the science of the Fjnglish Language. The3* are the .Standard Texi-B«x»k- in the New York. .Aliciiig'in and other .'suate Normal Schools, and iu very many of the best .'schools and .\cademies in the country. I*urk'/. Si'hiiu/ I’liifiiKi/iilij/, i>rii i {>1, 1' r.-gi;rded as Iiie most complete, concise, and prac- tiO'il 'lass Book on tha! subjecl \cl publi-hed. It is more extensively u-ed tiian :iny other, wiiicii fully de- mon-Irates its pre-t*minenl worth and iij>eriority. }*iji'fi r s S' ftix)/ f'/ii III jfi'i-'i 81. Is one of ihe most adiniVal'k- works juvpared Tor Schools, and rei|iiires only a limited amount of apparatus to illu-^trate nil the experiments described. .\ S. 15. tV ('*., lutve reci'iitK' aiMfl iiiaiiv new Mild ’-abiaMe Works to their \ ITIOV^L SEKIES, a full liescription of which will be found in their ,\EW II.- LISTUATEI> ( ITAMM.1 E just published. coiiiHining a c./iiiplete dc'i i'ipnoii. with nuiices >iii 1 lecomiiieiidaiions. of nil their School and Litirary Books. Teachers and Sch«(ol Otticers throughout the countrv are re.,nested to s-nd for thi- >K\V IIESCKIPTIVE (’AX.iLOIil E, and correspond with the Publishers in re gard to any of iheir works Uiey may wish to examine or introduce. Ad.lrcss A. S. RARXKS .V (’(),, .')1 ami r>;J Jdliii New Vork. A. >. i'c CO. an; also {uibllslKTs oi'tlie School Tf'arhi'rs"^ MAbrary* Retail price. Northend's Teacher and Paient 51 25 Page's Theory and 1‘ractice ot Teaching 1 25 Mansfield on American Education De l'oci|ueville'(i .American Institutions Davies' Logic of .'1 at hematics Mayiiew on Universal Education Root on .'school .Ait.usements The above Books are-old by E. J. H ALE iV Fayetteville. .V. C. Oct'r ]. l.'s5H. 1 J.ANUARY. }>er session. 0.xforJ, X, Dec, (I, 1858. o X F o R V Classical and Mathematical School, OXFORD, N. C. J. IL HORNER, Principal. Rev. T. J. HORNER, Assistant. 'pHE next session opens the SECOND MONDAY IN Board and Tuition as heretofore, Ss'JO Tlltpd WORTH A: ITLEY, Forwarding and General Commission Merchants, FayetteviUe^ t'. J. A. WORTH. ("-'♦) JOS. ITLEY. R. n. ORREI.L, TURPENTINE INSPECTOR. rpHOSE sending their Spirits Turpentine to me may X 1‘ely upon it to have prompt anti careful attention. .My warehouses are fronting the wharves and near the river. S(‘pt'r l:i, 1858. 45tf ?«oi .\TAi:% si e:%ery. The Scenery of Wci^tern Xorth Varolina and WtAtera South ('urulina. BY HENRY E. COLTON. W()RK upon the .Scenery of the Blue Ridge and its A JOSBPH R. BLOSSOM I’ o n It I1 o i\ A N U Forwarding Merchant, iPilMltM^rOM, *V. J^^Prompt personal attention given to all Consign ments, and (.'ash advances made on Produce to be shipped to otlier ports or sold in this market. Feb. 12, 1855, G7tf JOHN M. CLARK, WlL.\llX(in)X, N. ('. II’^ILL give prompt attention to sale of Country Pro- diice. Naval Stores and Oottoii. Anil Aijdil J'vr Rush ij' Orrtll's Lme of Boats. August y, 1858. 38tf fellow ranges of Mountains will be jiublishe'! early in .Jaunarj. The following will be its contents: Chap. I—Introduction. II—.Asheville. HI—Routes to reach Asheville—the Swananoa Gaj) Road. Cliap, 1\’—The Hickory Nut Gap Road, V—The Routes from South Carolina—Salem Gap and .fones Gap, Flat Rock, Hendersonville, Caesar’s Head, Whiteside Mt, ami Cashier’s Valley. Chap. VI—\ Route via Wilkesborough and Lenoir; the Valley of the Yadkin: Wilkesborough; Happy V'alley; Lenoir; Hi'bri'ten, ftc. (Jhap, VII—.Morgaiiton and its surroundings; the Piedmont Springs: Hawk's Bill and Table Rock, Chap, VIII.—Linville Falls; the Gingercake Rock; North Cove and the Cave, Chap. IX—The Vicinity of .Asheville; the White Sul phur; the .Million Springs; Pleasant Drives. i Chap. X—The Black Mountain; tlie .Mountain House; ! •Journal of a Party. j Chap. XI.—The Roan Mountain; the Bald .Mount. Chap. XII—The French Broad River and the Warm Springs. j Chap. XllI—Pleasant Country Stopping Places; Car- son's on the Catawba; Han'is's atf'himney Rock; Sherill's ] at Hickory Xm Gap; Penland’s at Flat Rock on Toe River, in Yancey; Alexander's and .A. E. Baird's on the | French Broad; .Alexander’s on the Swannanoa. i Chap, XIV—The Western Counties; Haywood. Jack- j son. .Macon and Cherokee; Pig(!0ii River; Franklin: a j Winter Trip; Valley River; the Nantiha^; Cherokee Indians. Chap, XV’“Productions of the West, .Vgricultural and ' .Mineral; Wild Flowers: Tree Growth; Wild Animals and i Reptiles. -Appe.soi.x.—The Pilot Mountain; Salem; Piedmont j COllllIllSSIOIl Ai I" OrWiirtiinj^ .Vlerclruilt, | .springs of Siokes; Shocco .Springs; Kittrell's Springs: j i Lette»e of Dr. Christy on .Mountains of North ('arolina. j I The work will contain four views of Mountain Scenery | and a .Map of that section of country, showing all Roads, Stage Lines, .Stopping Places: Noted Places, etc. It will be got u}( in the best style of art. and .sold at bO cents per copy. When sent by mail. W cents. Persons wish ing copies, will address W. L. Pomeroy. Raleigh. N. C. .A liberal discount to those taking a number of copies for sale or distribution. «.-a^ A nuiuVter of advertisernerjts of Hotels. Livery .Stables and Springs will be inserie'i upou fly-leaves, if forwarded immediately. Papers of the State will confer a favor by giving this one or more insertions, "Dec'r 27. ’ 7*>- I.AW I%OTICE. THE undersigned has removed to Newbern, with the intention to devote himself wholly to the practice ol the law. He will attend the Courts in all of the sur rounding counties, and will al.so practice before the Su preme Court at Raleigh. D. K. McRAE. Dec’r 22, 1858. 75-bm A Teacher Wanted. 1''() take charge of the BROWXSTIL'LE ACADEMY, for the year ISo'.b None need apply unless well recommended, and fully qualified to prepare young men for Sophomore Class in the South Carolina College. Salary not less than .'?400, clear of board. Apply to U, C. EMANUEL or J. A, BRUCE. Brownsville, S. C., Dec. 23, 1858. 74-lm Cape Fear Rank Stock. FIFTY' shares of Cape Fear Bank Stock are offered for sale. For further information apply to A. McLEAN, Cashier. Fayetteville, Aug. 9, 1858. 4’arljle’s History of* Frederick the Great; .Miles Standish’s Courtship, by Longfellow; While it was Morning, by V, F. Town.send; Arabian Ifays Entertainments; White's Edition of Shakspeare. Dec r 2;). E. J. HALE & SON. L.A.UGE lot of Stool-bottom Chairs, made at Cool A. A ^ ^ Spring Mill, and for sale by March 24. '58. .M. CAMPBELL. 9Gy Sugar House Syrup. 'i FEW bids, excellent S. H. SYKL'P. Also, prime xV ■•‘ii'ei’t MOL.A.SSES. C. B. COOK, Oct'r 14. 5ltf For I 25 1 25 1 25 1 25 I 25 SON, T W Water Wheels! Water Wheels!! 'K are now lufuiufacturing V.VNDf^W.A'tER’.S Dl l’ROVED JOWVAL TURBINE WATER WHEEL, ■">' .Mills and Factories of every description; and all those "i-hing lo improv'e their water jtower will find it for ^ interest to address us by letter, stating the number j "t tei-t. head and fall: their usual amount of waWir: the j -Hid ut machinery to be di iv(*ti. We cun tiien give them i I'lice 1)1 wheel, or wli.1t we will furnish wheel and priiv j );ears for, warranted to do a certain amount of; Time ijii'tii tl) teft tj/f u-herl, and if it tloes not | '•'Hue up to our figure, the wheel and gears be deliver- I "1 111 jjs at tiie mill ot the purchaser. to-Ret erence gi\en and rei{T\ired, j HEATH \ .STEVEN.SON. Laurel Factor^-t I'rince George Co., .Md. j KOBERT B.AIRD, Agent, Richmond,*Va. b-y ROI MF, LOT AAW \E,JRO. fpIIE undersigned wishing to close up their old busi- I j ness, otter for sale the HOUSE and LOT on Hay- ] mount, formerly occupied by Major Gilmore, -Also, a ; NE(JRO BOY 1-1 years of age; having tried him for the , last five months, we can recommend him as an excel- | lent servant, both for house or out of doors, sold for no fault, but to close old business, F, N. & J. H, ROBERTS, May 3, 1858, 7tf OLl> RILLS. indebted to the concern of FRANK Ai .lERRY and J, H, ROBERTS & C'O., are requested :t^e forward and settle*their bills. If not settled by the last of this month, they will find them in the hands of a Lawful Collector. J. II. ROBERTS & CO. May o, 1858. • 7tf .V MK.MOIK (>F Ki:v. \ D. I> , I.ATK PKOFESSOH OF CHEMISTRY, MlNERALOtiV, ,\ND GEoLO(iY, IN THE UNIVERSITY >F N. C. ETHER with the tributes of respect to his mem ory, by varipus jiulilic meetings and .literary as sociations. and the addresses delivered at the re-inter- meiit of liis remain? on Alo;int .Miichell. by the Ri. Rev. James H. v»tey. Bishop of Tennessee, and Hon. David L. Swain. President of the University (d N. C, This iuieresting little book, giving a graphic sketch of the life ami the onjy correct account of the tragic death of this great and g6od man, together with a fine Sl'LEL PLATE LIKENESS of Dr. Mitchell, is now ready and ma^- be had at the Bookstores of .vlessrs, Pomeroy iS: Turner, in Raleigh, Mallett A: Co., iu Chaiiel Hill, and at the (dlice of pub lication, I*rice, in Paper, .“lO cents: in (.'loth, 50 cents per copy. Copies (ill paper covers.) sent by mail to :Miy part of the couniry. free of postage, upon the receipt of 35 cents iu coin or postage stami>.s; in clgtb ^lifjrary style.) for 55 cents per cojiv. .Vddress .L M. ‘HENDERSON. ruf>l,»U,;r. Chapel Hill, X. C. 74- Tiae Fdilioii ot* Devereux ^ BattleN Law Reports, VoL 1, [RECEIVES the apjiroval of those who have examined 11 i'- t.'hief .Justice Nash says. "1 have looked through it— it ii carefully and well got up, * * * i think to our Court it will be invaluable—and tti tlte Profession eiiiially so. It will ^ave the labor of deciding the same points again anii again; for there will be no e::cuse for Counsel not b^ingijpiii'ised of points already aiijudicated, ' Gentlemen of the ll.tr who have pilrcliased :uid ex amined it, concur, so far as xve know, in praise of it. For sale, with sets or separate volumes of North (’a- rolina Ileporis, ami Law iiooks generally, bv E, J, HALE X ,'^ON. W. H. TURLINGTON, l’aimui.ssion Mercliaiit, NO. 4 Nurtli Waier St., WILMINGTON, N, C. \ylLL giveh is prompt personal attention to the sale \\ or shipment of all Consignments of Nhvk! Stores or other (’’ountry Produce. Nov. 8, 185tj. if W ILLIAM J. i^iridh:, inspector of JVaval Stores^ WII.MINGTOX, C. Solicits the patronage of his Country friends and all otfiers engaged in the ^'urpentine business, Office '•orlli Wulvr Nov'r 22, lr(5H. t)4-ly F. AL BIZZELL, li R U ( E K A U C 0 .M M I S .SIII .\ ,)I E K C 11 A T Xu. 29 X'oRTH \\'atkr Strkkt, WILMINGTON, X. C. IjRoMPT and personal attemion given to the recej»tion of all kinds of couniry produce, either for sale or -hipment. Orders for groc‘ries from rus/t customers will receive immediate attention, free of commissions. Nov. I'b IH,',^, C4-lv Christmas and iVew A'ear’« Presents. ROSE-WOOD and Papier-Muche Writing-Desks and Work-Boxes; Lady's Reticules, Money Bags, &c.; Annuals for l85Vt; Poetical Works; Albums, &o ; Bibles. Praver Books, Hvmn Books; JTFVENILE Books; &c., &c. Dec'r 20. E, J. HALE & SON, A I'OR s vt.i; OK i{i;,ST. CONVENIENT DWELLING HOUSE, on Haymount, near Mr. .1. C. Thomson's. For particular' eiiniiire of ,L G. SHEPHERD. Esq.. or A. M. CAMPBELL. May 7. '.nf HOOK-inXDINU IX all its kinds. exeiruteJ with iieaiiiess ami ilesiiatcli. .'small jobs when done must be ji.aid before delivered. THOS. H. TILLINGHAST, Hay -Street. .May 14, 1S'>8. 11-ly AOTICK. \LL persons who desire the '‘Clarendon Bridge" by the year, must call on the Collector al the Bridge or myKelf and make immediate payment. The annual assessment has been made. JNO. M. ROSE, Sec y. Dec’r 20. 7!^- AOTIC'K. A PPLH’ATION will be made to the Legislature for /Wl h Charter of a Savings Institution iu Fayetteville Also, for a Charter for a Gas Light Company. Dec'r 20. 73 PROJ*iPLl Tl>i THK NORTH (’AKOLINA JOl R\AL OF EDITATIOX FOR 18.59. I The Second Volume of the .Tournal will commence with the next ye.-ir, and the first number will be is- j sued about the mi)dle of .lanuary. It will >»e published I monthly, and each nuinlier will contain not less than thirty-two pag-.-.s of reading in.itter, Tlie Journal will be neatly jirinted, on fine ]>aper and in a style eijual lo the jiresent Volume, The aim of those who have ch;irge of it. will be to u(®Ce it a valuable auxiliary in the cause of education. It is Ihe jiroperty and organ of the State Educational Associiiiion. and is under its control. Through its pages the (.leneral Superintendent of Common Schools will communicate with the .'school otlicers ami teaciiers of the I .State, I .\rticles are solicited fiom teachers and other friends I of education, TERMS :lNV,U{l.\liLY IN .ADA'.\N('E.) I Five (.’opies. or more, ordered at one time, or to one : address. ONE DOLL.VR each, per annum. .Vdditional copies at the same rate. Single cojiy. S2 Of) .\11 teachers and school officers are requested to act as agents. The Teacher who send? us the largest number of sub scribers mot less than thirty.; before tlie b: of .iHiinary. will Ue entitled to half a page of advertising for the year; The one sending the next largest number will )>e entitled to the fonrili of a paijc: And each one sending •J5 or more will be entitled to a card not exceeding eigiit lines, .All communications relating to the .lournal should be addres.sed to •i. D. C.AMPBELI/. Resident Editor, Greerisboroug^ N. C. Dec’r 2'.*. 75- Valuable .\eg:ro Woman & Chil dren fbr ^ale. W' ILL be sold at the Market House on Monday, the \V 7th day ofl^ebruary, 1859, a VALU.A.BLE WOMAN AND THREE CHILDREN, to close a deed of trust made Vjy G. W. McDonald to me. Terms of sale, 90 days credit,—notes that will discount at either of the Banks in' Fayetteville. E. L. WIX.SLOW, Trustee. C. E. LEETE, Auct r. Jan’y 1, 18')9. 76-ts Hardware, Cutlery, ,.!^ADULt:KA% &:c. J.V.VIES M.ARTINE is nf>w receiving a large and gene ral assortment of every thing in the above liue. —AL.SO— A prime article of Rio, Laguira and Java COFFEE; Crushed and Brown SUGAR; Sugar House SIRUP and -MOLASSES. -All of which is offered on ai> good terms as can be had in this market, Nov'r 24. 1858. bbtf PAIATJ^, OILfii, A:c. ^PERM, Refined, Lard, Linseed and Tanners’ OIL; White Lead; Burning Fluid; Putty; W'indow Glass and Sa«h of all sizes. —ALSO— * -Wre.sh supply of POND’S PAIN DE.STROYER. For sale by JAMES MARTIXE, Nov'r "24. 1858. » tkitf N NOTICE. O, 1 PERUVI.VN GU.UNtb 40f» Casks LIME; 50 Bales H.\A; 5 Bbls, GLUfi, For sale by WORTH & UTLEY. July U». 1S58. 27- R. B' ^ew ISookN* ROWXLOW rUVNE S Discussion oti .Slavery: K. X, Pepper Papers; A'ernon (Jrove, or Hearts as they are: In tind ,Vround Stamboul. by Mrs. E. Hornliy; Liv ing and Loving; The Yellow Plush Papers; .\fter Dark, bj" W. Collins; L>avenport Dunn, by Lever; School Books; Faber’s Drawing Pencil^' in Cases; iS:c. Xov’r 24, E. J. H.ALE & SOX. l»r. FUWK WILLIA-HS’S KYE WHISKEY. -MITCHELL has made arrangements with Dr. Frank Williams, to be constantly supplied with his celebrated RA’E WHISKEY, which can be had at his Store at !ill times, hy wholesale or retail, Oct'r 11. 1858, ’ ■ 5.'J-rf A lew RarreK /"tllOlCE OLD APPLE HRAXDY. suitable for making wine and putting ny) brandy fruit. For sale bv H. CARVER, Aug. 18, 185S. C'oru and Whi!«ke%’. 1000 For BUSHELS good White Corn. 150 Bbls, Whiskej'. y.ii '• -Apple BrandV. 15 " >. E. Rum ■ sale for C-VSH by i:. F. MOORE & CO. 14-tf WILSON FEMALK SEMIX.AHY AM) WILSON MALE ACADEMY AVILSOX, N. C, SUPERINTENDED by Mr. and .Mrs. Rich.vkdsos ^ in the Seminary, and by Mr. Richardsox and Thom.\s M.\ksh.\i.i„ -V. B.. in the Academy, aided by a full corps of .Assistant Teachers. These Schools will be reopened for the admission of pupils on the loTlI of J.VNUARA', 1850. No change of teachers, terms or of the unti-sertarian basis, on which the Schools have heretofore been con ducted, School-nioms and boarding houses separate. Board from to .510 per month. Tuition from S7 50 to S;iO per session of five months. Circulars, containing the plans of the .Schools iu full, sent upon application. Addi'ess. D. S. RICHARDSON. A. M., Principal of Wilson .Schools. Or J. B. WILLIAMS. Esq.. Sec y and Financial -\gt. Dec'r 23. 74tF1 COUPON HONDS rOK I* ALE. rpHE Western Rail Koad Company have for sale in I aniftints to .stiit purchnsers, S20,U00 of the (.’oiijKin Bonds ot‘the (’ounty nf Cumberland, bearing 7 jier cent. intere>-t, payable semi annually on the 1st June and 1st of Decemtier. and run ning 20 years. S90,U00 ut‘ the Coujiuii JJoiids of the Town oi Fayciteville, bearing t> per cent, interest, ii.tyabi* semi- aitniially on the Isi Janu.-.ry nnd the 1st of July, aud I ruiining 20 year®. i riiese bonds were i-sued in acci)rdance with law to j the Western Rail Road Co., to pay theCouniy and Town j siibscrijitions respectively. Persons having money will find these bonds (at the 1 ]>rice the Co. is selling them) a better investment »lian I any Hank Stock in tiie State. »TOVE«, 8H£ET IRO.\, TIA-WAKK, &c. ON H-AND, a large assortment of Box and Cooking Stove\; Tin-ware; Sheet-Iron; Lead Pipe. .Also •7#ir “Of# ilomiition VofCe^ Fol.^ B’or sale by JAM^ -MARTINE. Nov’r 24. ( TheTargest manufactory i.\ TIUE HTATi:. 1M1E subscriber begs leave to retuiii his thanks for the liberal patronage heretofore extended to him. and informs the public that he has now and will contiiuie to have an increa.sed force of experienced Saddle and Harness xMak- ers, whose work he will warrant; and that he is prepared to offer to the pub lic a large and varieil assortment of every thing kept in his line* His assortment of .Saddles, Harness. Bridles, Trunks, Travelling Bags, Valices, &c., is unsurpassed for workmanship and material, and will compare favor.ably for neatness with any other Manu factory. either North or Si^uth. Persons wanting any thipg ill his line will ilo him a favor to call and examine his stock befoi'e jiurchasing, as he is satisfied it will not fail 10 please them. His establishment will be found five doors East o£ Cape Fear Bank, ou ferson Street^ t>^y-!!e]>airing done with neatness and de>)»atch. Fnvetteville. N C., Oct. 23, 1858. f__ OVER BA' 57-bm A .Iu»it Received, GOOD assortment of— KERSEYS, BL.XNKETS., TVEEIKS, JEANS,*SATINETTS, CASSl.AIERES. PRINTS, SHOES, &C. • —AL.SO— 18 DOZ. HOOP .‘iKIHTS. 5ii '• LIM'.N -\NI> M.\RSKLLES JJHIItTS. STAP.R i WILLIAMS. Nov'r 25. ]S5{. . *jO- M^resH •Ijrrirnistm • IUST receivei pr Steau^r Fanny, i BuLs, Extra .Vo. 1 .M.UJKLKEL (for retailing, i 10 4 do. •• 1 do. I'l I “ d.l. '• 1' do. 1) A MESS SHAD: :10 Boxes CHEESE: I'X' Bags -New Hullel liLCK>^HE.\T FLOLK; Fulion -M irke; Bet f: Mess Pork: Goshen Butter, Pocket Sept. 0. lS.-,v^. Deep Klver Coal. Bi ri'.MlN(>l'S of the t>e>*t nualiiy can be had at t.he works at Egypt, at a reasonable pricc tty the For terms applv to C. B. .M.VLLETT, Esq., Pres't. or j Sait: .Sug.ir: Cotfee: Molasses; and every thing in the Ton. Mav 21. i H'.i; W.M. McCL.VNE. Mining Engineer, . • "«;-tt • i Lli persons A 1 Twenty-five Dollars Reward. AlTlLL be paid for proof against the person who took W my Mare from Bethlehem Church, on the 28th November last. JOSEPH T, MELVIN, Bladen Co., N. C., Dec. 4, 1858. 71-8m ALMA-\ \i:S, tor 1859. rnHE Farmer’s and Planter’s, and Turner’s Noi-th Caro- L lina ALMA.NACS FOR 1859. For sale bv E. J. H.ALE & SOX. Oct. 21, 1858. _ Cbrniiology of North Carolin.’^ from 1584 to lSa8, by D. K. Bennett. Just received. Oct. 21. E. J, HALE i SON. Tiie Hymns and Dixstcipiine ol* the Methodist Church. .A new supply .just received, Oct’r 13. E, J. HALE « SOX. WAATKD, rw ^ NECROE.S for a Mississippi plaiiiation. men. boys i ») girls, and some good families, EPIIR, PAGE. Fayetteville, May 1858. • 8tf ^ Tor Nale. Oa/A -W.U.M SALT—2 bushels each,—bv GEO, W, WILLIAMS CO. Nov. 6, 1858. * . bltf liUTrKK AND CIIKE^K. JUST received pr Fanny, a few Firkins of very nice BUTTER, and 25 Boxes prime CHEESE. C. B. COOK. Oct, 14, 54-tf ivva)\7 ^ ^ CHOICE North Carolina B.ACOX. Also, AVestern Sides and Shoulders. ‘ ' Oct. 14.—54-tf] C. B. COOK. JNO. M, IvOSE. Trea.s'r Western R. R, Fayetteville, Fcij y 2ij. 1858. 8','tf A FKOCLAM VriON,' hi. Exrellt nt )/, 'I'HOM.VS IJRAiHt, G>r&rn'>r !>f Sirlh (,’aroJitiii. * \iTHEREAS. ii h.Ts been repres.wited to me that one W .Vrtliibald NK'D.'Uiraid. lute of the County ol ♦-'um- borl-.tid, dil on tlie 27ih «lay oi" Febmaiy ;iist, in s:iid County, kill •iinl murder one Thom-is Munroe, anil th.it I the said .McDou^rtld is a fugitive from justice, Mtid has ■ ! e.sca]ied beyond the linSis of this .'state, j Xjw, to the end that the said Archibald .McDougald may be arrested and brought to trial for His said offence, 1 do hereby’ issue this my Proclai»iation, oflering a Re ward of Two Hundred Dollars for his apprehension and delivery to ihe Sheriff of ('uiid>erland County. DESCRIPTION'. McDougald is aboui fifty .vears of age, of light hair and complexion, blue eyes, of ijuick sjax-eh. has a -car on the face near one of his jaws, weigiis aOout lb5 or proM-ion line: whidi I will sell cheap for C.VSH or ex I clruige f jr country I'loduce. W. Nov. i’. TROY, tjt)-if Cl of It I ng ! fj l^fh i ng 1! R. li^RARA VI IS NOW RECEIVINt; A riNE STOCK OF To suit the Fa ! ar I Winter, of tbe Late>t .Styles, He woaid .solicit lii-customers and friends to give him a call, as he offers his (,'lothing Low for Cash, or on reasonable terms to prompt paying customers. ^i^^tjarmenis Cut in the Latest Fashion,* He may be found Ea.st jam on Market .Square. Oct. U. o.'i-Sm 170 pounds, is addicteil to intoxicalion, and wliile drunk ! fi'te, and thai li^* catiie fi*fln Colundtia TAKEA I P, ^p.\KEN up and coi!imittel to ihe Jail of Cumb^-land X ’ountv on the 15th iiist.. a -VEHRO BOY, namel .lOHN BRACE or JOHN FR-\NKLIN, v.ho says he is S. C. Jolin is is liirtiuleni nnd trouble'^ome. Given under my hand and the (ireat Seal of the [l. 8,] State, at Raleigh, this the Sixth lav of \Rrch, A. D, 18.38. By the Governor, THOS. BIIAGG. PcLASKi CowpKR. Pr. Sec’y. March 16. 93tf j small, a bright mulatto, and had on when t> ken up a while wool hat and steel-mixed frock coat and pants, -The owner of said Negro is notified to come forward, pi'ove property, pay charges, and lake him away, or he will be dealt with as the law directs. GEO. L. McKAY, Jailer, Oct'r 15, 1868. 66* i

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