THE OLD U. S. SENATE CHAMBER, i impetuous and ardent nature untamed by age,; OiTTuesday last the Senate to«>k possession of | exhibiting in the Senate the same vehement j . , . . nitrintisin «ni pliiniience that of yore ' sat one Sabbath evening ut an o]>eu window, and j declare that Its new Chamber, in the North ing ot the Capi- i House of Kepresontatives and the ; watched the sunset light fading out of the calnj “Golden lads and lasses must, tol Extension — '—’— - ^ ASPIRATION AND GROWTH. j Burnt Offtringt to the Moloch of Fashton-—I GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF N. CAROLINA. Three vearsl” mused a vouns n)other, as she*! W hen the poet made one ot his ideal characters | condense from the Standard some items of ' .1 1 ' i_,.i *i,«* . 1 • • interest not embraced in onr Kepor^er’s letten* in As chimney-sweepers, come to dust,” Before leaving the old one, ; country. His extraordinary personal endowments, September sky. ^ Crittendetfc spoke a.-^ follows;— i his courajre, all his noble qualities, ini^ested him ‘-’rhree years ago, I was but a school girl, my ■ it is not supj^sable that he meant ashes ‘ I move you, Mr. PVes- with an individuality and a ciiarm of character , course of study just completed, niy plans for life j ders. LATER FROM EUROPE. • Halifax, tJuii fj The North American, fruju Liverpool on 22d ult., put in here to-lay. The President’s message had been roceiv,.,} Mr. CRITTENDEN. ident and Seiuitors, that we proceed at ouee to the *which, in any atro eonsideratlo’li ^f this report, and th^^ ’ ’ ' “ ^ * ed. That is tlie purjH)^e for which fore, however, submitting that motion of the Senate, I hupe that I may a few words of partitig from this ( 8 to be the flist^duy of inir session here: and this plu«i^, which has known us so long, is to know us Duuore fbreter a.^a Senate. The parting seems to me, sir, t» b^ sjmewhat of a solemn one, and full of eventful* recollections. I wish, however, only to say a ^ew words. 5lany and our their in lot it hati than an^ should all be attached to i^, that my longer asso ciation should attacii me fo it, is most natural. Mr. I’resident, we cannot cjuit this Chamber with out some feeling of sacred sadness. Tiiis (,’hain- ber h:is been the scene-of great »*\..;>vs. Here questions of American constitutions and laws have }>eeii debated; questions ot' peace and war have been (lekitcd and doculed; questions of empire have occupied the attention of thi? in blase in times past; this was the i:ranl theatre upon which these thinirs have been onacted. They 'j:ive a sort ot consecrated character to this Hall. Sir, great men have been the actors here. The lid have made him a fav lowluii with iiope and aspiration. Life itself was ; .seem to be too often courting such would learn its les- | last Euglish niail brings the sad iutellig l^ady ljucy liridj^euiau has followed lier .sister. Lady Charlotte, to a prematifre grave, victims both to th(* habitual carelessness with which a costume, daflgerous in itself, is worn by the fashionably declininji sun, as it hastened down the west, tnrew tne wovivi must ue .so ut >jauiz:euas to aiu oui i clad, (jreat must have been the uloom falh n back ifs'~level beams, in hues of mellowtni splen- Whatever was great or {mre, or noble or loveable dor to illuminate and to cheer the land he loved must be attainal>le, and 1 would attain it. and' .served so well. | “Those days of aspiration, how vividly 1 recall- - All tlie States may jxjint, with gratified pride, | ed them to-day, as 1 opened an old book oi ex- tii fhi* services in the Senate of their iiatriotic , tracts, collecteil them Ironi favorite authors, ilere the last Observer !, I upon Western Hall, in Staffordshire, the seat of “,\nd for th- i>-rter secu I the Karl of Bradford, since the **^gbthen these | i„j^f,rest upon said be ' his two daughters were suddenly transferred from ^ cnnpletion of .said road, the company A lon^ disetis.sion took place ..-n th«^ nianag-e- ment of the State Roads, as heretofore noticed, and then the Senate took up the special order ThK. FlKLItS HaILR 'AV- i Mr. Jiledsoe offered the foUowlii^ amendment urity bonds .. cherish it with icrateftii acknowlegments to tin* l>ivine Power who controls the destini»‘s of em pires and whose goodne.s.^ we adore. '1 he struc tures reared bv men yield to the corroding tot*;li illustrious 4ead, that hav.- distinguished this l.odv'These marble walls must moulder into in times past, naturally rise to our view on such i rum; l.ut the principles of .•oustitntioiial liberty an occa.sion. I sj.eak‘ only of what I have seen. | guarded by wisdom and virtue, unlike material and but partiailv of that, 'when 1 say that here, |‘dements, do not decay. Let us devmtiy tru.-t within these^walls. I have seen men whose fame j that another Senate, in another age, .shall bear is not surpassed, and whoso power and ability and : ^ iarrer ( haniber tni> ( on^titutiun to awaken emulation or to plunge In despair! j the past, the .li.>tant, and the future jiredoniinate Fortunate wiH be the Ann rican statesmen who, in ; over the ].resenc. adv.1i.ees us in die dignity ol this age, or in'succeeiling times shall contribute j thinking beings.’ Tbo dignity of thinking beings; to invest the new Hall to which we go with his- j alasl 1 have fallen from that dignity. My thoughts toric memories like those which cluster here. 1 are, of necessity. enj^ros.-eil with the petty details And now. Senators, we leave this memorable j of the jin'.‘>ent: and “the past, the (listant. and tiio ('haniber, beariiitr with ns, unimpaired, the Con-1 future,' are quite beyond niy sphere. If only stitution we received from our forefatliers. Let palatable. It is also stated that the Freueh forei'^n hurt- had heard with some surprise Mr. Buh-uiH't*'^ recommendation to purchase (’uba, France h- ’ ^ already notified the American Minister that^Jh^ in conjunction with England, liad entered into*^' determinaticin not to tolerate the secession ! Cuba, \;ven with the sanction of Spain! 'Comnurcial.—Liverpool, Dec. 22.- the gay insouciance of a drawing-room Vo be«s of j ;i“j^,osirwi't h”the public treasurer good"and cotton foVth^ee dliy8,’"22.0U0 bSs— thence to be moved only to the tanii \ bond made by individual stockholders | 2000 bales; exjtort 2000. Closed at a sli jr persons int'rested in said road, amounting to j eline, syme say of a sixteenth, t>tliers sav ]tavab!e at any time prior to the completion of said vigorous and inviolate, and that tlie genera tion of posterity shall witness the ifeliberations of the Kc]>resentativetf of American States still uni ted, prosperous, :nid free. patriotism are not surpa.ssed, by anything of (.Gre cian os of Uoman name. 1 have st'cii Clay and Webster, and (’alhoun and l)enton,and Leigh and Wright, and Cluvton, (last tlumgh not le;cf,) mingling together in this body atone time, and I _ ~ , /r- - r unitinsr their counsels for the bt iiefiT of their coun-: Thr 1 r> sil> nt mul tin- S>i^n(iry >n unjjs. try. they seem to our imagination and sen>i})ili- ! —A c.rrespondent of the Alexundna (.azctte ties, on such an occiLion as this, to have left their tuvnishes that pa]>er with the following extracts these very walls; and this niaiestic ; the President s niosage and the report ol his Secretary of the Treasury:— Pr.f SI1>KN'T. ••SpECinc duties are the 1^-st, if Hot the only means for securing iht»revenue a- (Tdinst faNe nnd tVadulent invoicc-*. impress on dgme seems almost yet to echo with the voi.-e of their eloquetice. 'I his Hall seems to lie a local habUation for their names. This Hall is full of the pure odor of their justly-earnetl fame, 'i here are others besides those I liave named, of whom I will not speak, because they have not yet i-losed their career—not yet ended their services to the coun5fy; and they will receive their reward here after. There are a iiost (d‘ others that 1 ml^ht mention—that deserve to be mentioned—but it would take t'» louir. Their names arc* in no dan- srer of being forgotten, nor their.s. rvices unthouirht of or unhonored. Sir, we leave behind us, in going from this Hall, these associatioF>. these jiroud imaginations 80 well calculated to ]>rompt to a generous emu- ! j>rp-fnt sysioiu is a sliding lation of their t»t'rvices to their country; but we | ^cnle to his disaiivantatre. j will carry along "with us. to the new ('hamber to j Uir readers are very which we ase to go, the spirit and the iRetnory of .m:ckktaut. ••If traudd have been [iractioi-'d upon the reven ie it is mil owiu^ to oiir jn-e- soiii ,M) v.vLo^^:^i system. •■Adheiin? lu t!io priii- >{H‘citio duties wmilJ | cij'! .; , iid viiloron; . of ilie j'lfsent t.-irifi' net. 1 would leciiTiiinftid sufli will produce tlie atnoum reipiired for the public t-r- vice. •‘Hy fntingarticl*-- inadt.' al home, tliec nwiiuer px\ ~ the euhan*.'e>i vnUu- imt n tin* ipiHiitity iin- 1, hut on the iumitity afl'orii tothe .\merici*ii inau- ni'actuver the isen>t.M.\L filvantaire to which h« is fairly entitlf-d. ■•The im-ideiital pn>tec- tion art'orded hy a revenue lariti'. would, af the preseut inoiiieiit. to Some extent, iiicrer»-ie th« confidence of l*onl_v the manufacturer. The j P"rt all these things; we will carry with us all the in spiration which our illustrious predecessors are calculated to give; and t^herever we sit we shall be the S*nate of the Lnited States of America— a great, a powerful, a conservative body in the government of this country, and a bodt that will maintain, as 1 trust and believe, under all cir cumstances and in all times to cime, the honor, the riiiht, and the glory of this country. l>eeause we leave this Chand>er, we shall not leave behind us any sentiment f>f patriotisni, atA’ lievotion to iiinde at home. well aware, sav-^ tlie Hichniond Whig, that the principles avowed in these two extracts formed the dividing line be tween the old Whig party and the modem Deino- cracvl We iind the President asserting in the broadest terms, the very doctrine for which Mr. Clay contended, during at le:tst twenty years of his legislative life. Mr, Cobb still contends, that by taxinir the article madt* at Ikuiic, the consumer jiays the i-nhanced valiu- not only on tin-tjuantitv •:r.*at objects’ of thoutrht make trreat minls, then mine niif't necessarily lie cramped and diminutivt;. And yet it is ail true; 1 felt that it was true, in’days of freedom. Hut amid the worry and fref of «'very-day life, how can one maintain these attitudes of thouirht?’ •••The breezy call ol’ iucuiise-brealhiiifi morn.’ siinuimns me only to the duties t>f the kitchen and the dairy; the •rolden iiuurs of mid-day find me still enorossed with the exhausting routine of me chanical toil; the calm serenity of twilii^ht .scaroe- ly brinirs a reprit've from the labors ol“ the day; and when the holy hush of ni>rht would whisjier to the soul, of •• “Tlie high, ,N!y>turioU' lliii>;rs of (Jod'-i iiniiu-ii'iity.' the over-tiisked nerves and weary brain refuse to admit the elevating influence.” A slight vu>llinu. in the cradle b\ her side, in terrupted t'.ie soliioqiiy. ••'! his would be quite like one of tho.-ie thoughtful iunir.'. in the olden time, wert- it not for this little interrujition," said the mother, a^ she quieted the little sleeper, and r»‘'-iuiud her l»y tin* window. 1 his time there was a >mile of qui»‘t hajitrjiie.--> upon her tact, and the .'hade of inelaiichoK had disaj-pOated. •• Aft« r all. is not my life lieher ami noisier lor this -^niaii le'j oiisil.ility, with all its cares and ve.\.alio!i'.' ( oiiKi all the deliuht oi calm, un troubled tluui'/ht compensate for the want ot thi'- Wfll->prin- ol ; this decj«er. j'ur^ r fnuntain ol j h;ippine« fli.iii e\er earth b»‘Stoweil belbre!'" i I Just till II thi v\>rd-^ echoed in her mind, a.- ii j I a voice had fallen through th- clear air; •■.''o is j j tiu‘ kiiiirdoin ol’tloii, as it';i in:in should cast seed j into tie- jrrotind. and ^h'n^ld 'k-rj» and ri>e. niiiht j I ;iiid ilav, and the 'ced >liould spriii-raud ^'row up. j I iie knoweth not how.' .Vnd a voici in her inmost ! ' soul i-cl'oed the iiiterpretation: '-’I he kiriL'doin of [ (iod i". within you; ilie seci is the truth, the soil | is ihe hard and cold >ui roundings of thy earthly I lit'e; the i;rowtli i-^ not tor thee to measure. iJod's •rrandcst procose- of nature and ol grace arc be neath the suriace of our obv,.rvation. How eanst thou numbcT the niillion pro* e.'.s*— of j^ro-A th that are ifointr on in the \;t.'t;itory beneath the irroiindl' I low ciUi-^t tliou know ttie deep desi*:n of (iod in th' edueatioii ol thy soul, thr>tULdi sut- agony mausoleumi Js it not also a strange coincideiict that the grHiid-inothcr of these y^^^ng htdies, the secure the payment of interest as ! ljut unchanged. Manchester quotatiuns n 1 • hite Lad}r /jlizabeth . lonenef, lost hei i e ) a i vvliich said bond shall be jiayable to the I firmer, with an advancing tendency. similar catastrophe iiot many \eais ago. am " : pnl,H(; treasurer, and shall be deemed due and ; duli. Wheat firm. Provisions ’ ” ^ thi«> sad tale may still be addeil another, drawn | Ironi the same walk in life. A few weeks ‘ago , at lirijrhton tln‘ Hon. Plunkett, daughter ol | Lady Louth, ignited her while .standing be- ^ fore the fire. She was dreadfully burnt. 'I’er- i rible sufiering in such cases is certain; recovery is ' very rare. llers rs~oonsiderel doubtful. \\ hen j i rlara Webster on the English stage, and (’ar-j oline Lehman, of Niblo’s, in this city, perished by ■ accidents of this distre.ssinir naturi', the peril was . perhaps thought to be incidental to the profe.'ssion. ' t’an tiiere be the same delusion now' U hat fol- ^ lows? ‘After the storm of ridicule which the vo- 1 taries ot fashion have braved in defence of the i “trouble.some disguises that they wear, ’ it is al- | toirether hopeless to expect that they will throw ' aside their crinoline merely because the prevalent j style costs now and then a lew valuable livt's. i>ut j we men can’t afford to let our mothers, our wives, i our dau:rhters sacrifice themselves thus reckle.s.'-ly. i A remedy must be found. Tlie miner has his ' safety-lamji; we must have .safety fire-grates in our j houses. (luards and fenders need not now be in- | vented; but it behoofes hou.sekeepcrs to have them j fitted.—AUtiuu. \ ■Ota imported, but on the quantity made at home, i fW Cobb: He is altoir^ther beyond the rea-h | ferin-r, throu^di c:ir. . f hrou-h hd.or, tlin.ULdi the iie- of rea.son. and there is no good to result from .ssiirv tiials and vexations of thy daily life' Am the country whicli the illu.strious exemplars that ' ariruinir ^Y'tb him. He lias a /A,and what I have gone before ;is Iny^'e set to us. 1 hese. like ! arc facts to a man who htts a theory oi' his own'^ j thou recallest with rejzret, may be included in the our household gods, will be carried with us; and i — — — 1 general l;iw: ‘hxcept a corn ot wheat t ill into tin- we, the^representatives^jf the States of this niiirhty ' tht Oumorrun/ nr> hoiinj.—The W ;vh- i ground and die. it abideth alone; but if it die it Cnion, will be found always cqiiaL 1 trust, to the ■ inir I nion says that the Pension Hill lately pa.'sed i briiiL'cth forth min h fruit. Ii there were \ilulity exigencies of anv time that may come ujjon our [ by the I >enio«-ratic House of Ueprest-ntativcs mitrht [ enouirh in the seed to .-•urvlve planting, it will d»-- eountry. No matter under what sky we may sit; . properly be ‘'(lenominated a bill forgiving a little j velop by the meati' to a larger life, and a nobler no matter what dome may cover us; the irreat I of the jmblie money to everybody who will take | irrowth. It it were otiK a sickly fancy, it was not patriotic spirit of the Senate of the Cnited States 1 the trouble to a]i{)ly for it, and for e-;t:iblihing a will be there; and I have an «bidinr confidence ] perpetual High Tariff.',’ “It is no other than a that it will never fail in the performance of its i uica>ui*f for taxin/ all the ptnjpl** for the pur|>ose duty, sit where it may, even though it were in a ; '>f givinj.' some of them pensions from the public desert. ' purse. It rivals in wisdom and eci^^jiomy the Hut it is yet, sir, uot possible to leave this Hall j policyof robbing Peter to jiay Paul.” * without ca.stinfr behind us main- lonvriii'r and gering looks. It has bee'u the scene of the jKi.^t; (ibl \> tr.-^fiirjit rs.—The oldt >t r»‘rular news- the new Chatnber is to be the scene of the future’; i En^Ldand is sai.l to have been establish^ and that iuture, I hope, will not Jbe dishonored ‘ and the oldest in 1-ranee in lb by any conqiarison to be njade with the past. It ! Hutch journals completed in 1 too, will have its illustrations of^reat publi 1C ser vices rendered by great men and great patriots; | and this body, the great preservative element oi i the Government, wdH discharge all its duties, j taking care to preserve the Cnion of the States which they repre.sent—the .source of all their hon ors, the Source of trust which they sit lierc to execute, the source as it has been and as it will be of their country’s gr^^itness, happiness, and prosperity in timet to come, as it h;is been in the time that, is past. Vice President Hrecklnridge foll(4,wed with a long account of the different places of meeting of i its two hundredth anniversary, on which occasion the publisher issued t» his sub.scribers copies of the first number as it appeared on the tith .Jan uary, !♦).')). It Contained two small folio paires of news, and declared its to be to .supply the public with a digest of the most important news conveyed to the publisher either by private or by .special comniuni(;ations. The first Ru.ssian news paper w;us established in 170:{. Peter the (Ireat, it is affirmed, not only took jiart personalh' in its editorial composition, but in correctini; proof!s, as apfiears from sheets still in existence, in which are mark.s and alterations in his own hand. There is said to be two complete copies of the first year's Congress, and closed with the’following elX|uent | edition in the Imperial Library of St. Petersburirh remarks:— The Senate is a.s.scmbled for the last time in Ani>'rliini XeirsjKtf»rs.—The first paper pub lished in North America was the Hoston News this Chamber. Henceforth^ will be converted j Letter, established in 1704; and the second was to other uses; yet it must remain forever connect ed with great events, and sacred to the memories of the departed orators and statesmen who here engaged in high debates, and shaped the policy cf tlieir country. Hereafter the American and the established in that city in 172d, about whicfi time a jiaper was also started in Philadeljihia, and there were four other.s in other parts d‘ the .Vmerican (’olonies. When the Hevolution began, in 1775, there were only four papers published in the city stranger, as they wander through the Capitol, will of Hoston, and* the whole number in the rnited turn with instinctive reverence to view the spot States was but thirty-five, viz: seven in Ma.'^sa on which so many and great materials have accu mulated for history. 'I hev will recall the images of the grci^ and the good, whose renown is the comtnmi property of the Cnion; ami chiefly, per haps, they will linger around the seats once occu pied by the mighty three, whos* names wid fame assiK'iated in life, death has not been able to sever; illustrious men, who in their generatifin sometimes divided, sometimes led and sometimes resisted public opinion—for they were of that higher class of statesmen who seek he right and follow their convictions. ^ I here sat Calhoun, t/u- Seirator, inflexible, aus tere, oppressed, but not overwhelmed by his deep sense of the importance of his public* function; seeking the truth, then fearlessly foUowing it—a man whose unsparing intellect compelled *^all his emotions to harmonize with the deductions of his vigorous logic,'and whose noble countenance hab itually wore the expression of one en>ra'ed in the performance of hijrh public duties. This wa.s Weljster's seat.’ Jfe, too, was even such a Senator. Ctmscious of his own vast powers, he reyiosed with confidence on himself; and scorn'- ing the contrivances of smaller men, he stood among his peers all the rreater for the simple dig nity of his .senatorial demeanor. Type of his northern home, he rises before the imagination, in the frraml and granite outline of his form and in- chusetts, one each in New Hampshire and (it'orgia; two each in Rhode Island, Maryland, Virtrinia and North Carolina; three in South Carolina; four each in Connecticut and New Vork; and nine in I’ennsylvania. In 1810 the whole number in the United States was 8o9; in 1820 it was 8;')2: in 1x40 it had increased to 1,(».‘>1, and in ISoO to 2,.')2(). 'I'he aggregate number of copies circu- lat3d in 1850 was 42(5,400,9 8. The whole issue for one year, estimated upon the ba.sis of an ordi nary country paper would cover a surface of one hundred square miles, or constitute a belt of thirty ! worth nur>inL'—h-t it die. Hiirial i' the condition d'resurrection; ileath. of life. Take heart, theni It is not e>sential that thou -houldst watch the irradual irrow th ol ;i.d— 1* >i:rn in thee. Whilst thou art concerned only in tlic laithful, humble jieribrinance of comiiuin duties, the good seed may bespriiiirin^'amlgrow in'ru]>,tliou nothow In the cainuT flow of thouirht which followed a little legend of the olden time recurrt'd to mem ory, and shall bi- repeated here, if haply it may vi brate with peace and consolation in >ome other heart. A ho’.y monk oi old—for .such there occasionally were—was surprised one day, during his hour of secret prayer by thepersonalapjiearanceofthe Lord desiisin his cell. Filled w ith raptureat thegracious coridescens'uin, his whole soul ovevfloved in love and gratitude, and he i‘xclainie«l, ••Here let me breathe out my life; let me die at thy feet, if only 1 may continue to behold thy irracious counte nance, my Lord .and my (Jodi” At that moment Ijlie convent bell broke rudely in upon his trance of worship, summoninir him to his routine of daily duty. .Must he go':* Was there not sufficient ex cuse for one day' absence from 1ms post!' No, clear yet loving eyes that jicnctrated'the dejttbs of his soul, and beheld the secret inquiry, offered no enccmragement to jirolonging hap)»iness at the expense of fidelity. They seemed rather to say: “Now the labor, the self denial; hereafter the glory, the reward. Fulfill thy round of duty as a good soldier, it shall not subtract from the eternal ages of communion with thy Lord.” With tearful eyes, and slow reluctant .-iteps the monk withdrew, eiisting a last look upiui the heavenly vision. Longer than ever before seemed the Inrurs of dull observances, and often the question forced itself upon him; “/s this the way of holi ness? Surely it is bearing the cross, but is it fol lowing the Master'/” Ajid a.s id'tcn spake the an swer of faith in his inmost he;irt; “The duty now, the joy hereafter.” At length the morning’s task was emled, and with beating heart, the monk has tened to his de.solate cell. Lo! it was brighter than ever with the pure radiance of that counte nance which is altogether lovely. Words of gra cious approval rewarded his self-denial, and the joy of that hour shed its lighfon all the remaining steps of his hard and lonely pathway, until the Hlnze-ProuJ lJrcAs>‘s.— 1 ^e Medical J ime.s.says: "The melancholy accident by which the ladies Lucy and (,’harlotte Hridgenian and Miss Plunkett have been such fearful suflcrer> teacher* a lesson which must not be neglected. The light fabrics manufactured for ladies’ dresses must be mad*- blaze pro»f. Nothing can be more sitn[ile. 'J he most delicate wliite lambric h:indkerchiei' or Heecy gauze for the finest lace may, by .'imply soaking in a weak solution otChli^ritli* ot zinc, b* so protected from the blaze that if h‘M in the • riauies of a caudle they may be reduced to tinder | without blazing. l>res,ses so prepared mi^ht be ; burnt by nccident without the otlier garment- ; worn by the lady being injured. \\ hen jmor t'lani \V ebster was burnt we inculcated the 'ame moral, and now the dre.■»l*^ of >tagf dancers an pp'par. (i in the way we reeommended. Whj :;re fineing ladie' of r;ink to be exposed to daiiL'er ' t'rom which their dan-ing sister' by profe'-i.jn are protected'/ The hint may be put to a pn fi- table use by some enterprisinii manui’aeturer" i lloo- Ciini-' to hf- ! S'if.— it i somewhat singular to trace the manner in which an-^e the use of the conimtju bcverag»;. coffee, w itiiout w hieh few persons, in any half or wholcly ci\ilised coun- tvv in the world, would .seem hardly abletoe\i>t At the time (’olumbu.-'di.seoven d Amcrica. it luni never beiMi known or u>ed. It only grew in Arabia and upper l^thiopia. 1 fie di>covery of it' U'C ;i.s a beverage is a.eribed to the Superior of a monastery, in Arabia, who. desirous of pn vent- ing the monk> from sleeping at their iioeturnal services, made tfiem drink the infusion ot' eofiee upon the report of .some ^hepherds, who observed that their fioeks were more lively after browsing on the fruit of that jilant. Its reputation >pread through the adjacent countries and in al>iut two hundreil years ii reached Paris. A single plant brought therein sixteen hundred and fourteen be came tin* parent stock of all the coffee plantations in the W Indies. The extent of consumption can now hardly be realiz«‘d. The Cnited States alone annually eoii'Ume at the co't of its landing, from fifteen to sixteen million of dollars. You may know the Arabia or Mocha, the best coflec, by its small bean of a dark color. I jie Java and K:ist Indian, the next in qualitv’, a larger and paler yellow. The W‘st Indian Kio ha.s a trreeiiish grey tint. .1 Rouuint e in I*uluUa.— )n»? of Texas’s dis tinguished citizens, name not given, who has figured largely in public life, first as a lawyer, then as a .stldier in the .Mexican and Indian wars, and then as a leading politician, has the i'ollowing related of him in a sketch of his lil'e by the New ()rleans (’hri.'tian Advocate. He had been j»ut uj> by his party in lx.>7 to succeed (Jeneral ilou.'ton in the Cnited States Senate; but, feeling called to the ministry, and di.strusting his own :ibility to re.sist the temptations of Wa.shington life, was unwilling to accej)t the nomination. He laid the case before his wife, leaving to her the choice between the Cnited States Senate and destruction to his morals, and the pulpit and salvation: “Taking the letters and papers from all parts of the State, giving him a.ssurauce of election, he roiid, if the said conipany .shall fail the in- ; From Jupan. Ihe Hong l*unu'corresiHjii.Icnt terest on th*'bonds given in exchange for the ;jfthe London News, writing on the 2'Jtli oi boinis of the State, wliii h bonds shall, upon the fber, .says: jiavniirnt of the i'lterest to the completion of said ; “The news of the death of the Knip rur ,f,) roatl, b* surrendered by the public treasurer to pan is confirmed. He died of cholera, which the said company.” disea.«e was carying off great numbers. | '^j' Mr. (lilmore aid the friends of the bill desired ; ted States Minister had returned n» Sliun.di-. the Sta^e to be fully secured in her aid to the ' but some appreliensions are entertained t;,r 1),'^ work, 'i’hey thcieibre cheerfully accept the amend- IF'reneh Plenipotentiary, nothing havin.r ment. • [heard of the chartered steamer Kemi, on bo:ira„f 'I’be amendment was then adopted. j which ve.s.sel his Kxcellency had inbarked fr Mr. Filedsoe des’jTeil to explain his present posl- j .jajian for Shanghai.” tion on the (jiu stion. He hud formerly regarded j Kmperor of Japan being childlfss. i.pj' the ]‘ill as calling for a virtual increase of the }^jj. adopted Foer-tsigo, Prince oi‘ Ku-sii State’s liabilities, and wa-s therefore opposed to it. • arrgj sixteen years, as his child anri sttceessur ’ Such was-not-the case now, however, 'ihe pub-! " 1 lie tn a'iirer could not now be called on to pay | Wtishintjtoii It ms.— Tht-Xcw Sf-iuife If,,If. either the jjrincipal or the interest. The princi- ^ The new hall allows .seats for a hundred Si'jiutors pal was secured by the pnjvisions of the bill, and 1 Two-thirds of the space in the-hall is approprial- the interest was e(}ually secured by his amend- ed for the public, which is a remarkable e.xoiiijj;. ment, as it called for the forfeiture of 850,000 to ' fication of the progress of popularization which the be due and payable on the first failure of the com- ^ Senate has undergone since it was first ori:aiHzel, pany to pay the on the bonds. He would At first, the Senate held its session in .'ecrot, and vote for the bill. ; for a long time the public were excluded iVuiu it> Mr. Walkup had voted for the bill he j chamber. Its proceedings were those of an Kx- believed it dead. lie would now vote for it under ecutive Council, rather than of a legi.-^lative IhhIv. its alten d circumstances, because he believed it Speeches were not addressed then to the j ubli'e, would develoj) a great source of wealth for the State neither were they reported. Mr. (ruvther felt bound to go for the bill; the : ^ Cor. X. }' interests ot this vast eo-al region should be de-| Tfu: ln>:i Jutfrest.—Thejron interest i> about veloped. Lv»Ty thing tended to call for the pas-, uiake a .strong demonstration upon Cniurress in sage oi the bill, and the letter of (’om. ilkes , f^yor of specific duties. If it be ciirdially sup- 'hould -settle the question in the minds ol all. ported by the cottoti. woollen atKl other iIltt‘re^l^. Mr. Leach said tbo question was to extend a the movement, .«trongly aid(*d as it is by the Fre- I'rieiidly band to a prai.seworthy company who had .sidcnt’s influence, will come to something. The already doiie all in their jiower to lielji themsel- Pcnn.'-ylvanians say tliat they will be s,ui.sftt-(] with ves. He did not kii .w what his coii'tituents a specific duty often dollars a ton on iron. lh;> Would tliink of it, but he wa.s willint: to go down jj.; actually a b?s degree of protectnui than the as an indivil.ial to raisi‘ up the State. ,Nlr, Miller had voti'd against the bill, but it was not becau>^ ot a fear of his co!i>tituents. If they 'end him liere he would do what he thous^ht right. He Would now vote for the bill. ['I he bill pa."ed. a.~ stated in the last )bserver.] On Wednesday. Mr. Walkup offered a resolu tion to loan >12.iaM) .jut of the literary fund to Jj-qi, interest has undoubtedly the | nlitical n Carolina 1 emale College. Ansoti county. Refer- uf I’ennsylvania and of New Jersey.—//. re>l to the Committee on education and literary fund. Mr. Leach, a bill to the revenue of railroad'. He moved the bill be printed and made the special order for .^londay next. [^The bill proj.o-e' to kill the dead-head system, and im lu- des in it operation even the ijfficers of the work.] Ket'erred to the comniittc(“ on internal improve-' : nieiit.'—the proposition to [irint being rejected. present tarifl’affords when iron is high. Political interest are to )>e combined with this iiiuvcment in a greater degree than has been sujipo.sei!, Tiie llepublicans find it their inti^^ist to go with it. 1m-- c-anse it may fail in effecting any legislation, and leave the iron interest in opposition to i'(.inutrfitii- a.'-eenlancy, at tlie next Pre.sidi,'ntial election. 'Iht' i-o/iiro! feet wide around the earth, and weigh nearly 7ir. heavenly city opened upon him, and 000,(.»0O pounds. These facts I gather mainly ^ swallowed up in the exceeding from the census stjitistics of 1850. What the in- ‘ has been since 1850 I have no means of dc- i ^ tellect, like a great New England rock, repelling New England wave. As a writer, his product tions will ’be cherished by statesmen and scholars while the English tongue is spoken. As a sen atorial orator, his great efforts are* historically as sociated with this Chamber, whoSfe very air seems yet to vibrate beneath the strokes of his Jeep tones and his weighty words. On the outer circle, sat Henry Clay, with his termining; but the whole number of newspapers and periodicals in the l.’nited States at this time is probably little, if any, less than four thousand. In Europe ^ind other ]>arts of the world the number, in prdportion to the population, is much less than in the Cnited States, if, indeed, in all the world beside there are a.s many as in the United States alone; although in bWigland and Oermany. in the business of book-making, they *jre in advance of us. The New Orleans True Delta says that the fol lowing verdict was rendered recently in thecrimi- dal court of that city; “We the jourey find the verdict guilty.” Wonder if an action could not be instituted against that “jourey” for murder— of the President’s F^nglish';' The al>ove reminds us of the finding of a jury in the “third of Baker,” many year#fego. It was a case of forcible entry and detainer, and the ver dict was, “We the jury find this case are flung.” Macon Telegraph, blessedness, when it is not :i rcuitine of dry and useful observances, but the active service of a self sacrificinir life, that robs us of our quiet hours of thought and communion. Nay, it is not alone when we are privileged to enter into ourcloset and shut the door, that we may enjoy the real presence of our Lord. Lven in the midst of’common daily toil, does there not often fall uy>on our path a brightness as it were a light from heaven—a glow of (juiet joy, a peace which passeth understanding —whose presence we could not explain, did we not know that All unseen thf Master walketh, By the toiling servant’s side.” In these hours, mechanical toil is no longer exhausting, or petty details too contracting in their influence. 'The path where (!hrist can lead is not too narrow for his disciples to follow. And we are .satisfied to labtir on, in faith and patience, saying to ourselves, as did the monk of old: “Courage, courage, O weary heart! the duty now; the rest, the joy, the perfectness hereafter!” Advocate aiid Guardian. j Tariff.—We are to have no diffieuhv on the ' .“^core of our foreign rekitions. but it i.' uii(iouht- edly true that we are in Some financial trouble The present-Tariff will afford revenue enuuirh alter a while, but the question is how uicaii' :irr to be supplied for the jirespnt.* 'Another loan, if it be neces.sary, would be the proper report, hut I both the Administration and ('ongress arc n.liic- I tant to adopt it. The Tariff question is, tliere- wii.Mi.\r,ToN .\Ni» HI.THKRF0RI) RAii.RuAi). fore, to be a more serious one, even at this >edon. The bill t * amend the charter of the Wilming- ‘ than ha.s been supplied. Arrangements i f a p-- ton, Charlotte and Rutherford Railroad Company, litical character are forming which may en>;ure the beiiiir the sjiecird order of the d:iy, was now taken pa.s.sage of a bill for the of diitic' hi the up on its second reading. The ( ommittee report-: House, but the friends of this incipient measure ed a substitute for the bill. This proposed to is- ; say they have but little hope of passing it in the sue .''tate bonds in lieu oV the bonds of the com- ; Senate. pany indorsed by the >>tate. to an amount oi §8000 I The IIou.e Committee ol Finance will cnt jier mile, as pledged in the charter, secured by a , down the appropriations called for by the diilerent lien on all tlie works; and also empowered the j departments, and propose such an >1 the State to sequester the receijtts of * road to pay , the inter(?st. and gave the Si;ite further pow- ; er of making a purchase in the cv *nt of the com- j ]>any failing to meet tjie interest for two consecu- j tive yt*;irs. Mr. Steele said the substitute hi d been dmwn up by himself, and as a friend ol t ie road lie wa.s i satisii(*d with it. lie then |)roceeJed to explain ! the charter and its provisions ai:d pointed out the ' })art>i amended by the present bill. He alluded to the difference between State bondt and bonds ofjirivate cor]>orations endorsed by the State— giving the rea.ons for the difference in their value in the money market of the world. And in this connection he read a letter from J (din Potts Hrown, Ksip, of the firm of DcRos.set i lirown. New York, in which the question of the difference in these bonds and the effect of endorsed bonds on State bonds was clearly and aldy discussed. Mr. Steele also alluded to the loss on the endorsed bonds of the (’ape Fear and Deep River Navigation Com pany—auiounting to some thirty per cent., while at that very time our Stiite bonds were .selling at 1*8 cents. It was not proposed to add one cent to the Suite's indebtedness nor to affect her inter ests in any way, save in one, which was to her ad- \aiitage. 1 , • , • , I lows; Auburn 747, Sing-Sing 1,110, Clinton An irregular discussion followed which elicited o‘>15 ^ - Tariff a.s will afford .some addition to tfie revenue. Hut it is quite as likely that the appropriations will, in the aggregate, exceed the estimates, as fall 'hort of them.—Jour. ('om. .4 Xftr Territory in l*roApt‘ctiv.—Colfax’s bill for the organizatiitn of the new TerritorA- ot Coloua, embraces in its jjrovisions .all the recently discovered Gold Regions of Pike’s Peak. Cherry (’reek, etc., extending fropi the parallel of longi tude 180 deg., to the cfest of the Rocky .^loun- tains, being ft>ur to five degrees in width; and fn'tn the 37th to the 42d paraliel of Jatitude. including parts (d the Territories of Kansas, Nebraska, 1 tah, and New Mcxico—the larger part of which lies in the present limits. York Items.—The expenses of the piiKiic schools of the State for the last year were t*49, teaching 842,137 children of all sizes by .)1,- 747 teachers. The State militia enilMidies otii t)13 officers and men; of which 17,t^lo are oriran- ized, uniformed, and equipped, and are divided into eight divisions, twenty-six brigades, and sixtj- two regiments, all in an efficient condition. The number of convicts in the several St,ite i prisons on the 30th September, 1858, was tus fol- went to his wife and said: ‘1 can go to the Cnit- i irregular uiscussion loliowed wnicn encited 2,21.5. Of which were"insane- Auburn lo. ed States Senate. Here are the evidences, [f I "othing of import.ince, but in which Mr. Steele | 21, Clintoii 3. The exiienses therc^of you wish it, 1 will go. Kut if 1 go, lioll is my | Mnestn)n that the Finance ; 30^1^ j^eptemhcr, were: doom. I shall die a drunkard :us certain as I go j (-"nimittee were providing in the revenue bill for | Aubunl S77,G74, earnincrs S59,S40; SinL-Sing to Washington. I can yet e.scape. If I 1 '*'! ?^^00,00tt—the sum likely to be §119 900, earnings 87o,91G; Clinton 855.781. this point, I never can. 1 can enter the ministry, | within the next twelve months. | j.arnino^s S‘^1 4''*0 * which 1 ou'dit to have done lono- aro. ami .s;.ve ^ Hledsoe oflered an amendment providing ; could not be a great man and a (’hristian too. Hut, after prayerful reflection, she would not in cur the fearful re.sponsibility of deciding against his conscience, and told him to go into the itin eracy and she would go with him. To the a.ston- ishment of the whole Stute, a letter from him appeared in the papers, just before the meeting of the Jjegislature, declining the office and an nouncing his retirement from political life. Th Monday. . , 29th of July, partial and very small—it w ill end Sxprnuf' Court.—T\ig tbllowing gentlemen minutes p^t six in the evening; anotker have been admitted to the practice of the law in 1 \isibleonly in the Great i..out ern the Su]ierior (’ourts of this State: Jas. B. Averett, Craven; ]j. W. Humphrey and J. F. Murrill, Onslow; G. W. Whitfield, j FMgecombe; Thos. W. Brown, New Hanover; J. I W. Roberts, (i ates; ^sa Ross, Brunswick; E. J. (Jaines, and A. H. McEachin, Montgomery; J. next thing that was heard of him was that he was vr lmi- 1 i i m ■' v . preaching” ^ Columbus; J. f. Fi«)te, Warren; J. A Ocean. There will be two eclipses of tl^e moon; the first on the 27th of February will be total. It commence at 13 minutes pa-flt 4 o’clock in the morning—middle fi o’clock—end quarter before 8. The other one, -\ug. 13, will not be visible All eclipses of the moon are eclipses of the sun, when seen from the moon, and a total cclipse oi the moon is a total eclipse of the sun when seen Hampton, \ adkiii; A. G. Waters, Cleaveland; Line oat A furmtr iiicmWr of lli. ,\o« ■'“taAiithmiy, Ualifax;.I. . Stevenson, Craven; | of the Jaratioii Haven Count}- Har, now resiaent ill foM, ui u I o£ the solar eclipse of the earth and moon is tli' 1 "i'"' “‘■'’r ■ ''»» the eoiineil of 'State to meet in this r " r;. Vh t ^ i Citv on the l.>th instant.-/f„;. we give it publicity, ihe writer says:—“There j * _ _ are but three classes of people here, 1st and the j A Had Bnxiitess.-^On Saturday last an affray most numcrotis, the bankrupts; 2d, the cut-throats, I occurred in our midst, which came very near common, and 3d, the refined cut-throats. The j bringing to a sudden and bloody termination the courts here are got up on the Mock Auction prin- | life of Mr. Henry May. We know not the origin ciple, to save the time and trouble of legal inves- j of the fracas, but the result wa.s the stabbino' ot tigatmn, and their judgments are knocked off to Mr. May, in the right breast, by a young man the highest bidder. Ihe Supreme Court here j named C. Kirby. He was arrested and taken re\ersed it.s own decisions once a quarter, at least; before S. AV. Neal, Esq., who caused him to enter sometimes onener. It is said that the only briefs | into bonds for his appearance at the next Superior used before them, are negotiable paper, and the Court. At night, however, Mr. May’s wound ap- ‘authonties are responsible endorsers. I pcaring more dangerous than was at first supposed Mr. Kirby was again arrested and committed to The Japanese have a very excellent clause in • -i * i* /. 1 1 the obligation which is assumed by the husband ’ ^ I progress of the wounf at the miirriaw ppr#>n>r.nxr A ^ 1 e are happy to say that the wounded man is at tne marriage ceremony. Among other vows, ' dmn» Tr«ll he agreec to “find plenty of tea and rice for his ' wife during iife.” The Japanese are not confirm ed heathens, afler all, Wadesboro Argus. The population of San Francisco is estimated at seveQtj'five tbousaDd or eighty thooMnd. Large Payment.—The U. S. Government, on Monday, paid a niillion and a half of interest which accrued on bends. It leaves the treasury nearly emp^, difference of the magnitude of the earth and moon. First Item of Pacific Railroad E.rj» nditnre. —The Washington correspondent of the Alexan dria Sentinel, in noticing the report^of Gen. (j . Bowman, Superintendent of the public print ing, calls attention to the fact that the printing of the Pacific Railroad Report, will cost ortr one million of dollars. Rt-elerfion of'Hon. S. A. Douglas.—Hon Stephen A. Douglas ha.s been re-elected I S Senator, hy eight majority over Lincoln. Russuin Serfs.—The Rus.sian nobility have ex pressed an unwillingness to emancipate their serfs, in accordance with the wishes of the Emperor, without full indemnification. OBS " _FAVI moxd.\y kv ^UJTICE.— ' tiibscrijjtion list teili the paper h-> longe-r time than Such of our ol the paper on th*: us u-hen moking M-A.IL ('O.VTU. contains the usua carry the mails ii July 1st 18;')9 to of the various roi; which this cumni- unchanged. Tin P. M., instead of at 1 P. inste saw mail is to be times a week. So far as we cm without roferenc mail.s are to be’ chooses to tjike t line, he may car pleases. This wi inconvenience in pecially in the J are not so genen^ Statistics.- gests the proprie soon to be taken, have heretofore I that if the quest riculture were di surplus product! tion, the informs tain and useful, mueb wheat he 1 he sold. So of ( .quantity of corn sus; so is the po: sumetl by the ho pears twige in th as pork. Again crop is made, bu consumed upon it the next crop an element in fai it reappears, like cattle and horses our correspond01 —this is a fact \ ceded. The qu' is, how much so they afford? Aeain: Nortli for the delivery States, does no credit. It is co of cotton; but tb quantity maiiufi smd perhaps uo lina. So of tob We scarcely eoiujdisb our c ago there was 11 Southern opposi ing, from the are ii.sually take other s(^ctions a views were ovo inquiry provide before been thoi in the act p^o^ be passed at tl range of iiiqiiir duction, but als Or. is it not our State shou casloual censiu in which any b ourselves, or of be obtained' Thk Rllks TIVKS.— It ha.« ing the proceed are calculated, obstruct and no also to be the for at the last .s ing of .^^‘ss^s. Grow of i*enn. appointed to re this committee the workinj. fered to pre.seii imous consent is not yet bei printed. We highest author that Mr. \\ 111?- tarian in Cong on the commit When Mr. time in the ei> a new code of if the aniendn] three days of’ consideration the aniendme new Constitut be presented. One of its bate to the si ^'b(de, and thi speeches, whii to infiict uj.on constituents. Trlstkksi :«4d M. \V. R elected ' I ab(mt one hui cancies, and t! 11‘ajorities. are not report Hated and vot been merely 1 Legislatui