3»9B^SB^P iSK! S’- ■BE! NEW FML AND WINTER DRY GOODS. ALEX. JOHNSON, Jr., Has receiveil and is this day receiving, a l»rge and desirAble STO K or GOODS, embracing all the newest 3t\le9 of Lad ies Dress Goods, Cloaks, Sliawls, Basques, Bonnets, Ribbons, Flowers, and Trinunings, of all kinds. rOMl GF.A'TL,E*ltEJ\\ A very desirable Stock of Ready-Made Clotliinix, Cloths, Ca^si- nieres, Wstin;^, Hats, Ca|)S, Boots, Shoes, rnibrelltis, ^'c., ^c. Together with many articles not deeyied necessary to enumerate. All of which will be otTered Icv^ for CASH, or ou ume to such as pav whvn called on. .ALEX. JOHNSON’. Ju. FayetteviUe, N. C.. Sept. -0. IS.VS. 47-tt SEfOM) FILL NTOll F01U8:)8! .s'l'AKK iV U II.I.I A'I';. Are now receiviuji their SECOND SUPi’L\ of j§taple anil I'ancy Dry Iwoods, HATS. CAPS. BOOTS. SHOES. nONNETS. L'MBKKLL.\S, \ READY-MADE (’L(>T!IIN5. With a great rariety of urticlt"; not enuiucrated. TMs Stock i'^ very lai pc and well ussorted. comprising all the latest style and patterns, and will be ollered to Wholesale Uuyevs on liberal terms, either for "CASH” or approved pai>er, J. B. STARU.] [J. M. WILLIA.MS. Oct. 14. o4-'f WKSTKR.V RAH. UOAD. i.OODr^ The Sub.scribers .adopt this mefliod of informing their friends and the public generally i that they are now receiving into store a very large and general s rt'CK OF GOODS, KMBKACING c; K lie r KI r. HARDWARE, CUTtERY, SADDLERY, \vA: *., A: *. All of which they are dii>u'ed to sell at rea'^'Oiable pro fits for Ca^h. or on liie u-u;il tiiu* u> ri*-i)on'iblo purcha sers whv> are in the habit of paviiijr. GEt). 'W. williams CO. July ‘26, 18;‘>}. .n-tf ON’ and after .M-ndav. -'2d day of Noveinl>er. the Freight Train will run UEOULARLV between Fay etteville and .MeClenahan’s Station; leaving Faj .stteville eTery morning at 7 o’clock and returning^ 1 o'clock in the aflerm on of same day. ™ Consignors are renuested to send tickets with articles, stating consignee, destination, &c. W. A. KUPER. Chief Eng'r & Sup't. Whenever the amount of freight may require, an ex- •tra Train will lea\t Fayetteville and return in the afternoon. Nov'r 22, l8o8. C5- jUliTROii) \OfltE! TO COTTNTRY MERCHANTS. .. V.C; >' ^ ^ \KW. riinp. Avn iL.xpEiiiniirs kofte for Freight for the Interior of North Carolina. MEIK'II.VNTS :ind others about ptirchasintr their Fc.ll und Winter SufUJlies. are leiiiiested to ii ilice. that by the coniplt'tiitn ot the North Eii'tern Kail I’o.id from Charli'stou, S. ('.. toClieriiw. the advantages of a CHE.VP . jiiid EXPEl'ITI( >l.'S Ryute from liie Seabonrd ha.s been (ipeneil to them. ■ All tieisiht consigned ii> the care of the .Vjrent of the Nortli TI;it*'rn R.ul ll.i.-id will bt* forwarded KliEE OF CO.MMIS.-^ION. No charge will be lUftde for Storage at Cher.aw. .Vll ' goOfls will be taken care o! in the ('ompany'' VSarehouse ! until sent for. .V schedule uf ch.Hrgc-, for irunsportation of freight will j be found nt the Pi-r Otfu-e. I S. .S. .''OLO-MON'S. En;T r and Sup't. ; Aug. o, ;>4-tf ' IXT'rFKLOH'S l.lNi:. ^TEAMKK - FVNNV leav.' ^ day HHii l inniiMriiilisi ri'C; und Wihuinjtxn Tuv 'mv X K\v and ('! u: \ ^ c;o()D>. JAMBS KYLB Has received a Larjte uu 1 Ci* neral Supply of fiOOtfS, Boot«i and BoU- iiiff i loth«i, All of whiih iia.' been purc:^a->ed by the p*ckftge for CdtU; all of whiv'h i- '.tiered a', tVi - tuarkei prio-i, at wholesii^ "r rt-iai.. Oct. 4, I'-'i'. •'4-:;' Fayetteville every Mon- at l.'> nunutes at'ter .'>iin- and Fiiday, at o'i‘loi-k, —Carrying pa."eii_'‘i- and tVeiiriit. Steamer --.S'>l I'Hllll.N KR. vi’h a t'ull complement of Flats, ni'ik-'' on- Mr m u'e trips per week, as circum- stanL'i"- m.sy r>'tiui,e. The HL'cidi'in the .''teaiiuT •■lii)WA.\" will be re paired in ;i j,-w .1;; Siif will then t.-ike hei-place in the line. ’ T s, LL TTE ilL >H. • >ei'r 4. 1> ■>. ' .‘>l-tf . rh^' f ffrrfffsr ^'fr/ortf it. fit*' Souf‘t! WRIGHT & FULLER. Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, Fay«*lteville, ALEMENT G. WRIUHT and BARTHOLOMEW FUL- \y LER have ass)ciated« themselves together for the practice of their profession. Prompt'attention given to all business committed to their charge. They will prac tice in the couyties of Cumberland. Harnett, Sampson. Robesoti and Hla^den. Aug. 23. 185H. S9- 'I'KOV FI LI.KK, Atlorueys and Coun.sellors at Law, Lr:>IBEKTO.\, Co., -If. C. Robert E. troy an.l JtHlN p. fuller, have formed an as?ii)ciation for the practice of their pro fession in Robeson County. .The I'oriner w'ill also at- teuil the Courts of Bladen and Columbus: the latter will also attend those of Cumberland. Tlie Offiee in Lumberton will be kept open at all times. Jany 1. IhoJ'. '•*- JOSKPil liAlvLIv, Jk., AT’r« K \ 3^: V \ T I. A %v, Has taken >tn ufiiee next tloor to \\m. B. Wright's Law^ Olhce on tjreen Street. He will attend and practice in the 7ounty and .'Superior Courts of (ruinberland. Bladen. KoIk'^'oh and ,Samp"ou. March 2;j. 1.7yif THO O. FULLER. mMttornrff ttttti i'outtseHor ai ijfitr. FFICE at Eccles' Bridge, recently occupied by Janies Banks, Es].. Fayetteville. N. C. Jan'v 1. ]h->7. 18BEB0R0’ rEMlLE ICADEMT. 'Aff KS. COLTON will resume her School the lOth of J.TJIL January. A few girla may get board in her family. Jan’y 1, 1859. * 7G-2w ~ JLACRKliriiiEL SCHO^ next Se**ion of this Insitiiution will commeno« on MONDAY tU» lUth day of JANUARY 1859. und«r the car# yf Mr. JoH.’« B. Bcchana.'^, as Priucii>*l, » graduate of the Unirersity of N. C. French and Spaniah will be taught, in addition to the branches of an Engliiih and Classical education. Tho t*rmi are, ^6, $9 and $15 per session of five month*. Good board can be had in the neighborhood at S8 por month, including washing, fuel and lights. Valuable Property fb** j^ale. Negroes, Lands, Turpentine Distlitery, IVotice to !$oldier«»' idoH Stock, VpHE W'idows of Mexican Soldier^, and the \V=,j ' Farming Implements, ttf.. Me. i 1 Soldiers who mtu in stRvicffin the war or is; ? r\S THURSDAY, the 13th day of JANI ARY, 1859, | have their pensions continued by calling on ,1„. ' I (j ilie subscriber will otfer at public sale, at nis resi- i signed. Congress aving mai e additioiDi; r.rov dence in Bladen C'ounty, about three miles from lieaity’* . Sgo Ih. ;.lu.blepr„per.j, .o wil: i 0"« ‘k' '»'i l. ° .. — , - . , money shall come at once, or no charee TWENTY-EIGHT LIKELY N EG HOLS, consisting of: ^ , j>^,/ ,, I n.«n women and children. The Negroes will be sold in t -Agent for IVn. un.jt-r ' !\i one lot or in families, as may be desired. Also, at the same time and place a valuable Tract of | Fariuiug and Turpentine Land, containing about thirty- t five hundred acres, lying immediately on the waters of 1 Fayetteville, June 12, 1858. piAXo 19- ...liateiy on ine waters o .PIRSSON resjH^ctfully informs tL r. n- Black River, and having a. convenient outlet to market J arrived at Wilmingt'on and will by steamboat navigation. The improvement.s on , . ..T V ■ . u - .... , Piano Fortes, and also for the rurT>o>.p,f t Lesyons on the piano Jorte will be given tosuoh \oung , ^^^.gro Houses. Stables, and all other necessary out- Piano Fortes. 1 w i ladies as desire thtfhi. at the rate oT:^15 per session, in- . y)uilding:|> with excellent water on the premises. The eluding the use of instrument. j location ib ime of i?ie most healthy in the State. thv steamboat navigation, me improyemei.us ou .u. , p^yp^gville and vicinity, for~ the sale of 1,; above lau.l con«i.st ot a comfortable Dwelling-liouae, with Fortes, and also for the purpove of T Repairing Piano Fortes. Hn J For all those who may require his servif^ —. » ^ Vi' Each d^ssion will clo^e with ft public exmiiiualioii. Dec’r 31, 1858. 70*41 FL.ORAL. COLLi:€ii:. AOTICK. N the 17th dm of J.\NL'A1!Y, 185'J. on ihe pieniiscu, ! will uller at [.ublic sale '-'09 ACRES OF L.AND in Robeson County, ou. the Wo'^t side oi tho Lowry road; joiiii CoiioK. Coi.h. 'lolt.itmld and others. dotcrip- 0 tiun is ne^-JlUs. as ihose wishing to purchase will ex- ! and -i doiffs above liis old stnnd south -iid.' 1 amine lor ttioui»oh». A. nil.KAX, %itiorney at IjUir, LL'.MBERTON. N. C.. II’ ILL attend the County and Supverior (,'ourts of Robe- }} son. Richmond and Bladen t'ounties, and the Supe rior Courts of >h)ore County. bec'r 9. 18.>. 71-"-|^ SIDNEY A. SMITH, Attornev ''iid (\)iin'''o!l(>r :it Law. Hvii riir ILL attend rejrularly the County und Superior 'ourt- of \N aiio, Joiiii..;i.ii. k!i;uibeil;tnd. lluruott. »U'l VVil- ■AUo, a number one Turpentine Still, with a capacity of twenty-ti>e barrels. Also, the. whole st.ock of Horses, (Jattle, Hogs, Corn, FofJder, I’eas. Fanning Implements, Furniture, etc. fH^lIE next S«stfion in thi* Institution will commence J Terms, which will b« accwnmodating, made known at jEL on WEDNESDAY, the 12th day JANUARY, ■ little. . A. N. McDO^ALD. 1859. According to an arrangement entered into by | Deer ]. Ih.^h. 7fi*ts the Trustees and the Principal, the whole internal managument of tlie Institution is eommitted to the Principal. He appoints all his Assistants and the Steward, and is responsible for the faithful and ener getic working of the School in all its departments. The corps of Teachers is now full I'iie i’riucipal lakes great pleasure in saying that, in addition to the l»opular and e.xperiuncod 'I'eachers of tiie last session, he has secured the services of Jons C. Sithi;ki..\.m>, | Esq., in the Literary au'! Scientific Departn?ents, and | of .Miss C.ABOLi.NE .\luRfUT In the >ru..vniental Di'iart- JJoc'r :-.l. 1 "•>?'. ment; both lirai-class teachers in their respective de- j partments. The number of Pupils connected with the l.ollege i i during the pa-it year wua ninety-five. j large additional b lilding for the use ot tlie school j ! has been recently linishcd. ' Tho rales of Tuitio'i and Board the same as };ereiolore. j If further particulars are desired; a Circuli»r may be ^ obtained by applying to the Principal. I DANIEL Jt^liNSON. I'rinuipal. Fhiral College. Robeson 'o.. N. I ■4*rJl'> i Dec'r 21. 18.-.S. / ‘ - at the Watch and Jeweby Store of Mr. Greeri ()flRce. will be attended to. Nov'r 24. ‘J'' at thi. \E\V BOOKfti. Man UPON THE SEA; or A Ili.^tory .,f ^veuture. Exploration and Discovery, from Ages to the Present Time, by Frank li Ju^t received by 1'. .! p ijj.- O. IIoi>iTO\ W^OULD inform his friends and t ■rn.i >■ .• , \ \ he may be found 2 dftoi-s below t!ie Ci d- lest i'uriuS at »alc. JOHN BUIE, for N. (Jraham. 7t)*2i >OTI€K. W son. .\ll bu'in''.'i promjit Hitvntlim. -ted t o ui.> can J.i will receivt 7*;-iv LOVFJJl) Klil)ini)(iK. at Lfitr, w ’ILL attend tiie Courts oi' ('"Uli ' ie-. .''inith''n''id. .\pril l-"'. John-4ton and Saraiison NO vwv OF v\ ! The unJer«ijii. d h,iv.- this liy ;.>rine i >.'>''p.irtni.-rship under the 'iv’.e and rirui >! Juiae« ^]>erliii;rf For^he r>!ir]>.''. . •■•. rii.ae .t z iKO''FR\, PROVISION and PRODUCE B: SINE'S, in t.he formerly occupied by .T, .m T Waddlll, on H ;y Street. ' ; REUBEN JONES. , GEuRtiE WALTE'n- -SPERLIXG. Fayetteville. Oct. 27. 1. »>- l.lTTI.i: X B.ITTLK, .l((orufjs and (oun^enors at Law, WAl'KSl'.t ’RO . N. C.. i LFX.\NDl”l I.ITM.K ati 1 K 11. BATTLE. Jr.. haviti;. U'~ >c.a:e i 'li. •• 'olves in the practice of the 'aw. will give ih'MM t nttei:ti..n t'> al! )>u“’nesj. entrusted to t^eni in t' .• >' n'.!-' f Ai.'iiii. Ltii'.n and Richmond. Ji-.n'y 1. 1' 7s-2i]ijk1 •l¥(€firai U!l H M ...1' t,>ik*-n an "‘'ioe on -\udor'oii rt a’ ■ ^li-"r”- Uuv .V Pearce «> .Store, whi-re ;ie ivti; Uv tbun-i I'l- —■ his pr'ifeisii tia! servic'- .\u;ti1'' 21. i''"' >tf VEKXOA r i: n \ i. k i a a k v . 'tHEnext Session of this .School,, situated at the Chatham .Mineral Springs, will commence on the Sh;oN1) .MOND.W in J-XNI ARV, 18.V.>. Tne young ladies are boarded with the Principal at ■■Sb }ier month, including every expense exce[)i lights. Tuition, from So to SI5 in English branchu*; Ancient and .Modern Lantruages. each; .Music on I’iano. with u»e of in.'-trumeni. ^2u; Drawing and Painting. SDi; Embroidery and Need'.e-work 5>.j. Pupils ciiarged from time of entering to the end of the Session. Our in struction is aimed to be thorough and our disCipliiiC ]iareiital. Young ladies iesigning to teach are crediti.d till they can earn ti;e money. Fjr further.particulars .vJdress TMt>S. .>. Y.\RBRO. I’riticijai. tijldatun P. *., Chatha'ti co., N. C., l>ec’r 22. 1>-”>!S. j WISH to j.urchuae from 5M to llHj lii:.\D OF DRY 1 C-VTTLE, or lake C.tttle to winter tor .5 dollars per tiead, and leturn the Cows with young calves; and in case tl.e\ .-houM di-. no charge will Sc made. A de- ■ iuctiori of .'i dolki - will be m.ide in hII eases where 1 pureiiii.se jioor (.'ows. as ii will cost that to winter them. For further infor’iiati"n as to tho value of the Cattle, vc. reters to W. II I'oiiiiinson. JNO. V. JONES. Jan'y 1. IS.')'.). 70'.;t Carolinian copy. t'enr t*itnlalion for Sair. PlHUtali'in on the East f.ide of Cape tear Kiver. i about I wo miles aiiove the Clarendon Bridge, con taming o-”>l> Acres, owned by Wm. L. Hall of BiUns- wiek Persons de-irous of purchasing may appK' to \S.M. II. HAli’iIl or liE.S'.t. R. HUSKE. .\ttorneys at Fayetteville, or to JA.ME.S M. .SMITH, Ei'j. 5ii>v. 27, lH5s. tiT-'.ttjtd tl 52.5 U I{i.N OK Ll.\ll Foil SiLli. ^PHE .'subscriber having determiiied to move West, of- n.. ^ I '-'Hr y«.j nh sid.' 1 where he intends to keep on hand, Harness, Sadtllo«, Bridles, Whip>, Cttllnrs ■and every thing belonging to his trade. J[e r, invites his friends from the cotnitry to eHll an ' V • * his stock before purchasing. ’ ‘ ‘ He will attend to'llepairing of H:irne- , • punctually, and his charges shall lit- ni would reijuest ail indebted to the firm r.f OVERBY to settle with W. Ove;V,\ .,r are compelled to .settle the firm’s debt-, ' • August 27, 185i‘i. Webster’s Elemental*) Book, for sale by E. .J. Il.y.i, ^ * Jan'y 5. fti'^Tlie ?>ioiithern Hai’inonv .imi MUSICAL CJ-MPANION. for ^ ile I,. ‘ E. J.’ .Mali: •> ^ C ider Vinegar, for sale bv 11- Aug. IH. l^bdl AOTIi'i: as hereby given that aj)plication will bf rna le to the present Legislaturu if .V.jrth .'ardiua, tn pi'jliiblt by law the saleof ardent spirits ithin throj miles of the .Mount \ ern'in Scminarv. (,'hathauj Co., N. . J i;. .'dAilSH. S-cy. Dec. 22 ^‘'.'>8. 7 1-1 ts»--ii'i'd K04 KI\(;ilA TI Male and Female Academies Dwikl .N1i'1.m\ki: atrd Lxi'V, Pii;;cipa!' L. F. .M.T.tA.N, .Vsbiitani in vlu-ical D.-j-ai-menr. .>loKI/rMA\ l»r. K. %. StM4'K. '1 ^HE 'uolastic \ jar of tUci ScL-^ .ill 05 ene-1 Ooiobei i -*al CoiiiiLiun e o: -m:w cash sTOiii: TONES vV SPERLI.NG bee a- ;.:j;n' their f ;*.n U •J that they ha\e jU'i r>-t .irnp.i from \tic Boston. Fh '//?•/•/y-^t 'j nu>l B‘i{f’.niir'. when they u-ive iur'.L'-.-- i a il.’'! SEIjE1:TED STOf'KofOOOgf > suitable /«r llii^ ’Iurk*l. Comprising, in i F in--; Dre^-^ ar. ; .rnin" C.i’.l_'^.; Engli = ;i .•'c.tcL ’.V K. .■.'•■V', Liii- seys;'Jean': Frencli DeLiin-: Fancy K i>»e'- I'-r' .idclitli'; Cn'-inicT .S .'ririi-tt-? i vvi.-r-J-; Blank*-''; Be i:i. i:; .''Meet ings; .'r..iri;n’-: Di-ir..-r'; Iri'^u L!*ien-; V*'’.%.,'t'; H 'i"iy; Elt'ftic and L;iaaie’.' I BeK': II rn, .'>il.: an i V. v»-t Bu:- toa-; rii'f/:; \Vha’-.>>= .nv; T ;-'.-:. Fi;i. y u:;J Slaving S.*ap'-. p., viumery. 1 ' hp.\‘y an 1 Ugh' Br-p.ins; W'ater-tigh; and Ci!f-kin B- >'r-: Lidie'. •Ali'-e-’ anl Childrens SLocs an! G;.;:er;. Jn>l.i..n'. most superior a>s ■r meiA •: Benver. W. .Uu. Tyger atid Negro HaT»: Miiji.iry ani Na-y -ilk. jlaz. d .iiid ci'tn Caps, for G-n’w. i5c;, - h. d Vou'L'. -•\XC': H.i' l i i • ' S- , F^r'K-: Frj.i';g Pan-; ■* itiSii'sTaVne C'utlery: P'- k- et Kniv.-- in 5 variety.: H -j. Iron; ijjl’. ^w wur-: •'> i kegs a-=.-rte'i N i M-muu lit:!.;. .1 K-k- in. ! Rye and N. C i-oliii-.i Wl.i-- key; S-hei-i ;T;i ^'id Don;'--:ic Gin; Frebcii C.^gn ic and Dom. Bran*^y; '..•’e and Peaeh Brandy. I'A* bag- Ri'-. L.ieuira and Java Cottee. Porto KiC'i. Havana and .Stu.art - n-.'iiie'l Sugar-, in all gra'i.--; Mo- l*=«e-; C-tndle-: .Soap-^; .Starch; Powder and Shot; To bacco: K. R. and E. M. Snuff. 50.>’>*) Havana and domestic S 'gars of vari'-u= brands and prices, from To ceni- to >5 a box. Ham. Bacon, Por’K. Dried Beef. Fi'ii, Sait. Butter and Lanl. Light, medium and heavy wei’^hi tNk-tantied Sole Leather. \ large a--vrimeni of W'oolen and Wii^jw Waie, etc.. etc.. too numerou? uiention. All of which we "ifer for sale at the Lowest Prices for lash. JONES \ SPERLING. South .Side Hay .'Street, At the S;.,;,- i.innerly^cupied by J. & T. Waddill. *V. A'/'v/Z Sfort^s and of/ipr Pnnlurr tnkt-n in Bnrff^r ami pnrrhn)!::l fur f'tnh. J. 4: S. Dec'r 1. »>8- -\EW STOCK! The SUB.SCRIBERS are now receiving their NEW Stock of BOOKS and ST»iTIO.^*ER^% which they offer at their custoninry reasi'iiable prices for Cash, or on credit to punctual cu'=tomers. -\mong the goods received to-day i a large stock of CAP, LETTER, and other PAPERS. E. f. HALE & SON. Sept’r 27, 1^.')8. GROCERIES AT WHOLESALE. IH.VVE just received in store my Fall Stock, embrw- ing the following article-', viz; 125 Hags Coffee. b5 Bbls. and Illids.' Sugar—aworted. 05 “ I'ork. .50 Hoxes "oud Tobacco. ‘‘ ('atnlv. 30 A Bbls. .Snuff—Eagle Mills. 5 lioxes Crackers. All of which will be sold for C.VSH. or on short time to tlie best of men. ^ E. F. MOOUE & CO. Sept. 9. IK.'iB. 44-tf I ) E."'PE'Tf ULLY in'.'-’ri:- i::- fri*-n 1- and the public. I that he h.i-biii'.i UT. Brii'k Bi ^11- -tii*' at hi- '.•'! f.ir ti. itiut-ictiiriiii; t ir- r.: i?e'. t'..r \ tiay-- iw i.a- iv.-d . - y. !].• 1, j -'.ri •; /i"'-n 'i ’U : *'U'i.w!-:. I Jr-; ,• t.. i;iv- -'tti- . .n. t. :t;e;-it » tjt.nr. . ;'*he - iin,-. H- w ir-ini- lii- W' t> ■■■ T' .tJe ■; •!:. ■ :.i .•erlal uni t.y exiH-rifiic-i W"'kn.tn in each brnncii i.; tiie b i'in>“". Hi- w.irk w ■ -Ilf f\v.;;;% ! 1'Ic in t !; e U li 11 •' i S ^ it • - . I 'r neut:;nTid ■ ir ’‘ 'i'y. H>- is dvterniined t" an i ilo any wnr)- in hi- ;ine >n a« p'^.ni 'eri-i- anj. w. rk d ^ne ••!---w(.ere th.it 1,- a-; well d.'vne. He n-)W ha-* ‘•n .and, tini-’; • i. Till' L.\UGEST STOCK >F Carriages. Baroufhes, UockaHa}.s and Buggies, eVrr ollered ;u th:-: i>!ai> , and :i very lari'e .:i" k f » i:k T.*.Hrly fini'l.--l, which wIh be f.ni'hci iaiiy. .V’l ■>! wf,. h w'll be ' •' I v.'ry l^rw '. r O'l'i.; ..r >‘U -h.>rt ti;iie t> panctual c-i-r .ni-T-. Jfei^He hu' h iiid Tii^re thin ONE HL'NI>HK1> \M» FIFTY VEHICLES fini-hed and in I'our-e "f -'>n«tri •tit.n. 6ar" .\i,i w irk i;iad • 'V him i warr>;nte 1 12 ni'.nth- with tair U'.iire. .n i --hiiiild it lail by b id W'.rkt.i.-in^hi;' or materia!. wiV; I... repwitv.l tife.-'t !i:irge. Per- Hi' wishin;: to buy w.>-;M d .; wc’l to ca’l and ex amine t'T thfiii'- -!v. (>rJer' ttiankfuily receiv*;d and prnnijitly attended to. Repairing executed at -?hort noi;.'.; and' .n very reti^ 'li able tern:s. May 2". I".'.;;. .'''.*-tf 0 and Drii',; .'^t- r.‘ FeJ.'v 7. 1 -V.. 70tf !ir»; .M -nday in January For particulars address tf.e i.'o\ington. Sci- y of iLu 1‘oard N"\ 2'J. 1>‘>. ’rincipiil. : Truftccs. l»r C • MJ.d I) ten >n th>- w!' bee clo- Th. to - ( J. wii.i.iAn FAiii:, n. i>.. I’lTTSBiJKol ;H. N. C 11. PV'iF n.ay f-Mind a: hii office wiicn not pro- fe'-ion.-il'y en^'a^r*- ! ^Iay 1, '(''.'>7. .j[f \VI^»I >;"io.‘iate>l tlie.-iiselvei toj^ether in ’hf t.rai-rice of n > T I «*'l’K V, ler ttieir proie--^ioi.al -ervices to this community. >r both of th.-ni inav be t'ound at their Rooni'J near M:\rket iluriiifi i!i>-ir r«-;;u’.av ctiice hour-i for the JOHNSON ^ JOHNSON, A 11 o r II e y k a I I.1 a «« . BENNi/iTSVlLI.K, S. * Wi: prt»ciico in the ourls oi C:n--; 'rtiei.i. .Marlbo: oul -. I>ailuij;lun uu i Marion. tl.^.MttLW. JOIiSSO^.] [nLII.L.U. Joll>>UN. j fers for sale the vnluable TK.\CT OF L.A.ND on which he now lives, containin^r five hundred and twen- i ; ly-tive acres, located on .\shpole Swamp, in the vicinity ■ i ot Alford>\ihe. in n moral, intelli^^ent and healthy coni- , mutiity. The Laud i> well adapted to the growth ol I c >tt'in. corn, iVc. One tiundred and seventy-tive acre- , * ot it is cleared and in a high state of cultivation. Tliere ' is on it a tine Dwelling, with all necessary out-hou-,es; . i ill-II, a good of .'II tiin and .Screw Press. C’hurches ^ ; :ii.d Sc.bool- .• 'ijvcnient. Tho'ie wishing to buy woulil I d well to eiiU and examine !or themselves.—a bar^ai.. tnav b iia'l. For .'.ale untii sold. WlLE’i Al.FOi:D. Alt jl d'Viiie. ili.be-s.'ti CO. N. C. l>ec. I'l. 7l^o; | ' l^aiitl lor Sale* ^ HE sul)scriber oilers for sale Five Hundred .icrest ^ of L.V.Nl), Iving in the county of Raii'iolj-h, tifteon . miles North-west ol .\ ^heborHigh, lying on Uwiiarie ' i feek. eijrht mile' of 'J'lioiun., s i*e{>''t, one mile ol N. • Kusii'i .Mill. Said Land i-. productive to Corn. Wheat. ; nd Tubai'co; itiere is about two hundred acres ot j 1 :aa 1. .1 ^ooil deal ot' it buttuiii and it very rich, j ■ f ••;e is a jrn- i deal "f up land i;.'T cleared that is very ? i g'Ki J. it is well Pjiibcrc i; g.n.d House and Kitchen cun- i j \enient. and a!! .mr-buil'iings ti. it is necessary, good I water. Any one tiia; to purchase 'ueh a I'arm j uili call and 'ue .NO.VH BIULES. . i C.,.. N. t'.. L/eo. C. I '..'-. 7o .Hpd Land a I LaiirinJaii'irli THE Livi:u liWlOOUAiOa! PREI'ARKD BY HR SaNKoRIv Conipounrtert ontlrely from (.J Mn, TS OSK OF THK K>;:^T-PrR'iATm; a\I» Ur^p V. i UICIKIHS uow bc'»r^ the pnUic. thu: Hf.' u easier, milder, and more «dfecfUHl th»in snr metiicine k> >v It ts not onlj » Ojthiirtir. but » Zirrr i*c!«ce f V* Littr to eject il» tsortid muter, then or. iht it r^* ' to cmrry off that matter, thus aocompli-li.T:*f tw.. ally, without any of tbe p*inful frelii:?'! 'e: la tut: ti'in# of mofft Catfvtrdat. It slrettirti ritb the v time that it puri^ef it; and whrn tnken daily n • le aic ; -- will vtren^heo and build it up with juu^'ia'i tkt The L«&v«*r i» one of the • priiirip^i ham«n body; and when it Performs : ;vcv ^ tbe power* ^ibe bv»xem are m t crvel !?A.r • almoat entirely dependent o^ ihe Lrat* Licrr for the proper perform- stomach it at fault, the bt>wel« system sufTers in conkeqaefice ha ceased to do its datj (aa, one of the proprietor)^ practice of more than fVeniy wherewith to counteract the it it liable. To prOTe that thii remedy U bled with Liver Com- bai bat to try a boule, and Theae Gum* remore all theaystem. supplrin^m tb^ir iD’rigoratinfr tbe stoma^’h. puHfylne tlie blood, whole machinery, removin): effecting a radical cure. BlllolU attacks are better, preireiitcrcl., by Liver liivlKorator. HDcc of i*i :tio;: a-e at fs-,. of one Uv«-i for thr o:**-Hse« 0: i..i: bas ma'ie ;; li;s ; t jeir-). to trjd CiAL> d*;r>«.gt*nicLU ^ at la*r foui.i ar t pery . *r plaint, in arv, cunviciiuD is cerra.; morhid or a. f;* :-' f •: p!ar« a beal:!.;. !:. • - * ' cau»!T.^ : i t.- a:.. ^, the cs'.;«e of t\.» : ' ire*l. arid, uhat U i l»ec'r 1 b.j8. .1,. year. dnce the ab.ive a">viatiiin ha-'-lieen finned, it will oiiie neee'»aiy lor the "Id bu'iii»''S of Hr. I}, to be ■ed. -Ml wh" owe iii:u will pb-a-.e c.ill and settle. haviinj ti'tiipiirary -et.-, utij-uid for are re'^ucstci ■ettl“ w!'h cash or not*-. *cfr ‘J'*. 'j'j- J. W. RAKKR tniw recciviitlix IVuin tlie North the larfrest, fine-t, atid ino't carefully selected stock of ri :piTi Rr ever "fFcred in thi' market; whicii iicideil tr> his own manufacture, makes hii assortment C'lmplete: — all of which he will sell on the lowe-* j>ossib!e terms for ca-ih or on rime to punctual cu-toniers. Fa-ihionable painted cottajrc bcl-room Furniture in Sett'S; curled hair an-l shuck, and cotton .Mattresse'»: Looking GluS'e>: Willow Wagons and ('vadles; Boards; liureau'; .'Secretaries and P.ook-C.-i-es: What- Nots: Tables, all sort«; Wa^ih St.ands; Candle .‘'tands: Wardrobps; Picture Frames and 01a«s; Window i;!haies; Cornices; Curtain IJands; .'ofas in Mahopony and Wal nut; Tele a letes; (Jttomaiis: Divans and i>tools: (’hairs of every variety. [ Hue Rosewood I’iunos. one witli ^Kolian at- ; tachment; Rosewood Melodians. from the best manufac tories in New \ urk and iJoston. watranted as jrood as any made in the country, and will be sold at New York ^ prices—freight only added. September 2. 45tf i^larble Factory, I>i:.\TI.^TRV. 11. .). 1>.\V1.'' haviii;.' ileei'led on pernm- tienrly hicatin>r it; The Town ot Fayette- .y villf. n’'j>ectt'ully otl'i-'--; his '•ervices to the citizens ot this ]ilaee and ■iuiTounding country. In all the various branclic' .'I' hi-i I’rofe-^ion. including the manufacture of Mineral Teeth, he i> ^atistied, after an extensive ex}>eri‘nce. to which i' added a thorou);h Den tal educati 111, that he eatl^ive entire r,atisfactioti as far a- is in the jiowerof Dei:ti»1ry. .All irrt gularitie^ of the leeth treated in a firoper ati'i careful manner, as well as dise.ases ot the mouth. None but the proja'r met.als are made use ot in the varinu-i op«‘iations. '.'harpes will be moderate, th.at the beneStsof the Frof.'»,,iot: may be jilaced within the reach of all who niay feel an interest in the preservation of the teeth. s>ar> )tliee over Hnustoii... .Fewelrv .''tore, where he m.ay be fjund ;it all time-. SLiy 1^». is' v 9tf MjurAin (;o()i)s7 SwordSj Sashes, Belts, Epaulettes, Laces, •t\D EVKRV l)EsrRIPTII)\ OF ^ilLITlRY GHOIlS. A«'roi:l)INf} T* TIIE .( I . ,S. Arinji Ifm! Stutf Hripdiittims. S(:HUYLEK, HAkTLKY & S7II»OItTi:its & A.M'F.iCTI RERS ly MAlDFN LANE, ^Vrir h'ork. ■ June 30. :j4-ly BOOTff^SitOES^ AT WHOLKSALE. JNO. M. WALKER, of WORTH CAROLINA, W I T II P. P. A: «'0., :il A.\i> Dky Strkkt. \kw York, YY^ILLbe happy to see his .Southern friends at the Tl aViovp establishmont. where, either pei'sonallv or bv order, they may be supplied from an extensive and well assorted Stock of (ioods in that line, gotten up expressly for tbe Southern trade. Nov. 2'.'. 1H.>S. TIN PLATE, ^heet Iron, Iron Wire, COOKING MTOVI> Ti:v-WARE. Always on hand, at W holesale or Retail. HOOFIXC. GI TTKK/XG, And all kindy of Jobbinp, done at short notice, by C. W'. ANDREWS, Market Sipiare, Favetteville. July 9, ■ 07.,f ~^W\l\T\\\S~ GIJ \NO. ~ The undersijrned has made arrangements by which he is prepared to furnish, at short notwe, any required Viuamity of .■Vo. I Peruvian Guano, ^1 of which will be from direct importations, into the Port ot W ilmington, aiul warrante*! pure and genuine. (Jrdep loj ihi> above excelleut fertilizer are solicited, to which prompt attention will be given. As this is an anide which doe- not ailmit of being •o on time, cash or itg equivalent nunit aiyompanv each BEVEKLY ROSE. July 8. 2f.tf IJv GEO. TWO lioOBS -IBIini r. T. 1UICH'4 Sli\S' STORE, Fayeiteville, i\. Jao’v 20, 185y. H4-ypd Thirty HandM Wanted. The sub'feeriber wishes to hire by the Month, or Day, Thirty Negrocs, to work ou the Ninth Section of the W estern kail Koad. For further particulars iiniuii-e at the Engineer's OlKce, Favetteville, or of me at Little Kiver Bridge. O liKVAN & CO. Aug. 16, 1858. 38-tf Mina 11 Pox Dead! Gentlemen, you that wish to seii likeiy young NEOROLS—.Men. Boys. Women and tiirls—for the highest cash prices, woubl Jo well to give me a call, or address me at Clinton, N. C. J. A. McARTHUR. t __ 17-8mos.pd I Blanks ibr sale at this Office. \\ A. E. HOHNSTKDT, »igent for Chirkering^s M*ianos, ->! which he has always .some on hand. Wilmington, N. C., Oct'r J. 18-58. 51-lypd PETER MALLBTT WITH D. COLDE.N’ MURK.^Y, GENERAL C0KIIHIS3I0IT IIERCaANT, 62 South Street, YORK. July l29, I8i>S, go_ JA;?. C. 8M1TH. miles CO.STIN. JAS. C. SMITH & Co., Factors^ Commission and Form warding *JMerciiants. WILMINGTON, N. C. PROMPT attention given to sale of TIMBER, LUM BER. N.W AL STORES and all kinds of Produce. Liberal ndvancenients made on Consignments. Refers to E. P. II.\n., Pres’t Branch Bank of State. H. H. Savage, Cash r Bank Cape Fear. John Dawso5 Esq. , April 25 1858. {.jy Si A l'i: OK N«un'il i*AK()lJ \ V, KOHE.SON COLNTY. Court of Pleas «nd CJuarfer Sts'ioiis, Nov- tu^icr Term. l.^oS Dauiol W. McLwan. .\dm r of W . J. .McDearmid, v». . .\rch'd S. Brown. .Attachment Leviud on Land. Judgtnent (,’oiiditional. J r appearing to the »atisfai:ti.iri of thu Court that I. .Vrca'u Drown is not an inhabitant ot this .''late, or conceals himself so that th^ ordinary proce-s d law cannot be served oii him. It is therefore ordered. th:it publication be tn.;de in the Faywtte\ille ,l)»erver fiir six weeks, for the said defendant t'> appear at tbe nest Term of this (.'tiurt, to be held at the Court H.mse in Lumber’.>!i. on the bjurth .Vlonday in Febru.arv nc.\t, then an . there to {'lead, answer or demur, or judgment will be made final and the land leviud on coiKienined to satisfy the plaintiti’s debt. Witness. John M. Hartman, t’lerk of our said Court, at uflice in Lumberton. thtt 4ih Mondav in Nov'r 1 T4‘'.i] J. M. HAUTMAN. Cl k. Sl'A TK or NOK'ril C\li(UASA. P>()BFSi)N COUNTY. Court of Plea.s aud Quarter Sessions, Nov’r Term John R. Carter. .Vdm’r of .Michael .mith. dec'd, vs. James Smith. Fallen Smith, .Michael Smith. Petition to sll real estate tiled in vacation. 4 FFID.W IT haviug been ni ide that the deietidants, r\ James .'^mith. Ellen Smith, .and Michael .Smith, reside beyond the liuius of this State. It is iheretorc orderei] that publication be ni.ade for six week? in the Fayetteville H.>server. tor the said non-resident defen dants to appear at the next Term of the Court of Pleas and Quarter .Sessions to be held lor the County ot Robeson, at the Court House in Lumberton. on the Fourth Monday in February next, then and there to plead answer or demur to the petition tiled in this ca-^e. or the same will be taken pro confesso and heard ex parte. Witness. John M. H.irtman Clerk ot our said Court, at office in Luniberfon. the 4th .Monday in isov r ISoS. T4-tJtJ JNO. H. HARTMAN, Clerk. .' I'ATt: OF NORTH CAROLINA, ROBESON COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Ses.>ious, Nov’r Terto 1858. Suuan R. Fulmore vs. Alex d H. Fulmore and others. Petition for Dower. IN this case it appearing to the satisfaction of the (,'ourt that Peter Harllee and wife .\nn. Joseph Fulmore, Robert McTier and wife Caroline, all reside beyond the limits of tliis State. It is therefore ordered that publication be made for sis weeks in the Favette ville Observer, notifying said defendants to appear at the next Term of this Court, to be held at the Court House in Lumberton, on the Fourth Monday in Feb ruary next, then and there to plead, answer ordemur to said petition, or judgment pro contesso will be render ed against them, and the same heard ex parte as to them. W itness, John M. Hartman Clerk of our said Court, at ottiee in Lumberton, the 4th Monday in No.v r 18-jH ■^*6t] JNO. .M. HARTM.VN, Clerk. sTATET)F WR'F{I CAROLIXA, ROBESON COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Nov’r Term 1858. Effie McLean and others, vs. Hugh A. McLean and |lHh subscriber offers for sale his Lan^ at Laurin- buruh. N. The Tract coutaiiia FOL'R HL'N- DlkED.S. i’HiUTV KHiHT At 'UliS.of uiiiciiab at l.jtJare cleared, and the rernaindet heavily tiuibjred; ing im mediately on tbe line of the Wilniinj^.oi., C .V R Rail road. } of' H mile from tiie depot, aud within three minutea walk of the Lawrinbiirgh High School. There are on the premises a FlNE DWELLING, ; nearl;. new, wirii a ftnc Oak ttrove, Jul-liou;es. and one fif the titu ->t Wells of W ater in the >> »tc The situ- ati.'u is healthy, tiic iand fei^ilc. and the !• nation de sirable. If sold soon, a credit of one and two years wiil be given. HUt.IH C. .McL.AURIN. Dec'r is. 7.:>-4t pi:tkk t oopEif s F.EFINED .^heet and ^hred i%iii|^lass. A P R I M E A R T I C L E , Very extensively used for BL.iNC .MANGF. TABLE AND WINE JELLIES. •VniJ for Jellifying I’reserves. The .Shred, with directions for using, is put in small packages for Family Use. and is sold by all the princi- I>al Grocers and Druggists throughotit the U. S. PETER CO(>PER, IT Burling Slip. New York. Dec. I'l. 71*3mpd K 1C HA K IRISH LINENS, DAMASKS, DIAPERS, &c. ( lONSUMEKS of Richardson's I.inens, and those de- sirotis of obtaining the genuine goods, should see that the articles they purchase are se iled with the full name ol the lirm. R ICH.VKD.''ON. SONS OW DEN, as a guarantee of the soundnaris and durabiliiy of the goods. Tiiis caution i^ renderedessenti.tlly necessary as large i)unntities ot interior and defective Linens are })repared. -'•ea-ion after sea.-on. ami sealed with the name of RICH- .VRD.''nN. by lri>Ii Hi.'U^es. who. regaidless of the in jury thus inflicted a'.ike on the American consumer and tl'.e manufncturers oft he genuine goods, will not readily abandon a business so profitable, while purchasers can be imposed on with good-^ of a worthless character J. I'.ULLOCKE J. B. LO(^KE, -\gents. 3t'i Church St.. New Y'ork. Sept r 24. 4(>*lypdCmos . J^TATE OF AORTH t AROL.IA A, CI .M BERLAND COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sejisiuns, December Term, 1858. David G McDuffie versus William McDuft.e. .\11achnient and (.!arnishment had. ('onditional Judgment. IT ap]*earing to the sati^^faction of the Court, that Wil liam McDuffie resides beyom^the limits of the Slate, or so conceals himself that the ordinary process of the law cannot be served on him. It is therefore Ordered, that publication be made for si.x weeks in the Favette ville Observt*r tor the said William MJDuffie to appear at the ncxi. term of this Court, to be hehl for the county of ('uniberland. at the Court Hou.se in Fayetteville, on the first Monday in March, 185'.*. and then and there jdead, answer or demur, or judgment final will be ren dered against the Garni.-hee, aud the property in his possession condemned to satisfy the Plaintiff 's claim. Witness. Jesse T. Warden, Clerk of our said Court, at Office in Favetteville. the first Monday of December, 1 D.. 18-j8. J- T. WARDEN, Clerk. Om doftc after * and prevent the f»K>d frnm . Only one do!^ taken before * mare. Ooij one do«e taken at C*nti7, and cure* Co«* One d«e taken after eat’b One dof^ of tvo taa- 9lck Headache, uoe bottle taken for fe- eaase of the dil(ea^^, and Oulj one doae immediaiely One doae often repeated ik Morbas, and a prerentire- 9^ On\y out bouie i* •7«tem tbe effect of medt- JSP One bottle taken for lowneM or unnatnra) color. Ona doae taken a short (or to ifae appetite., and make« Oue do9e often rei*eated rbcea Id ita vont forms. Dowel complafnta yield One or two doee« core* at Children ; there ia do sarer. ^e world, aa It ftiUt. 99T a Cew bottles cures abMrbents. We take pleasure in r«com preventlTe tor Kever and and all Kever* of a HII-. with certaiotT. and tboasauds wonderful virtuet. ficient to rel.eTe Jfa nhit.|T ar»d ».'Mr;rr retiriiifr, prcventi Mghl-* nitrht. lor>*^r.s the a tl vertrH#. nienl wilicure male obstnictior. rcracv^tle mAk^«> S If 'r^- reiieves C holic, »: ie a s»irs cure ‘ i hultra •of Cholera. vT»eede«l lo ifar*. \ • *.,»• cine after a • • - • Jaundice'«•; v».* w from tbe tkin. time tefure m’lrf food dices', cores Clirunlc JLMai- while u in ui e r i aimoftt to the : >'• tackft cant»H i-• Wdi m* safer, or sp*rt4 e: DrOp«y, by mendirjr th:9 me-:.'':* s- t A^tie, Chill Kc-vpi. lOUM Tk|h-. It are willit.i? i* u. X vs. others. Petition for sale of Slaves. IN this case it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that Hugh Archibald McLean, Ngill McLean* Neill McPhaul and wife Margaret, and the childreri and next of kin of John McLean, and the children and next of kin of Mary Johnson, late Mary McLean, dec’d. ST VTP: of NOItTH C.AUOM.NA, MOORE COrXTT. Court of Plea? and Quarter Sessions, October Term, 1858. John Waddill, Jr., jrs. John A. Gilchrist. Attachment Levied on Land. Judgment Conditional reiulered for amount of Plaintiff’s Debt. IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that John A. Gilchrist is not an inhabitant of this State, or conceals him«elf so that the ordinary process of law cannot be served on him. It is therefore ordered, that wife of Alex’d Johnson, all reside beyond the limits of publication be made for four weeks in the FayetteTille tTiis State, It is therefore ordered that publication be Observer, a newspaper published in the town of Fay- inade for sis weeks in the Fayetteville Observer, noti- etteville, N. C., for the said defendant to appear at our lying^said defendants to appear at the next Term of Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to be held for the this Court, to be held at the Court House in Lumberton County aforesaid, at the Court Hou'e in Carthage, on on the Fourth Monday in February next, then and . ^he 4th Monday in January next, and plead, answer or there to plead, answer or demur to said petition, or ■ demur, or judgment •will be made final and absolute judgment pro confesso ■will be rendered against them, i against him, and the land levied on*condemned to lat- and the same heard ex parte as to them. Witness, John M. Hartman Clerk of our said Court, at office in Lumberton, the 4th Monday in Nov’r 1858 JNO. M. haktma:?, isfy the plaintiff's debt. Witness, A. H. McNeill, Clerk of our said Court, at office in Carthage, 4th Monday in Oct’r A. D. 1868. 78*4w] . A. H. All who KM It mrp Klvin^ tlirir uiiaiiimoui teatlmoiijr In Ita faTor. , 5Ux 'Water In tUc mouth with thr Iiivl- l^rator, and swallow both to^rther. THE LIVER INVIGORATOR IS A 6CIE.VTIFIC MKMCaI. ni.-a UVERY. : » dt I. working ctffe*. a'lmott too grtai to IwlifTe. I: . rf, , > ma^c; teen tht Jiraf tioM yirtny asd ft'.dim ir.. f one bottl* ii rwiuirrd to curt aiij- kind of I.lvrr ' a.' frTm the wortt Jaumiirt or i to t iMiEn’..n H. •• ■II nf which are tbe teault of a Liver. rUCC O.HS OOLLAB rEK lurTI.K. Dr. SAXFORn. Propretor. M' ,\e« Vorli Retailed bT all SoiJ hy JAS. N. SMITH and S. J. niNSl>.\I.K. F.iyetteviilf,-. .V. •' Nov’t* 11. ^ T XEW DRY W. 3IACIMYRE Is receiving to-day,— V'^EW RIBBON.^. WiiitttriiT:. Kid Gloves; Silk cloak Tasseli: Ladies' Cloaks; Black Thalian Cravats. Fayetteville. Jan’y IS.'.O. 7'*'^ J. C. STEDMAN and J. W. liURNK, I’lider tlie .'Vuuio •ivir of A: HOR.\i:. Jim i*. Have associated themselves together in -i jfi.crs. itrrocery^ Provi^ion^ Liqnbr and Barter Bnsittrss, And are now receiving a well selected -Stock i’ in their line, which they are willing to exchange tor money or produce. Th^ir stock consists in part of the followirnj iirL...»j. Brown, Crushed and Loaf SUG.VU; Rio, Laguira and Java COFUjL; Butter, Cheese and Crackers; Lard, Pork, and Western Bacon: No. 1 Mackerel in Bbls., Hfs. and Kit»; Tobacco, Snuff, and Cigars: Foreign and Domestic Wines au 1 Liquur*. Next door to D. & W. McLaurin. | Hay St., Fayetteville. Nov. lb., p 4^0111 .\OTici:. SPHERE is now in the hands of Oliver and LarN.r* J. Vestal. Kx’rs of David Vestal, dee d. Twenty 1* ■- lars. due as a legacy under the will of said David tal to Jerry T. Vesfal, who is not a resident ft State. He is hereby notified to come forward and >■'•■ ceive the same. .\ddi‘ess the undersigned at Mil !* ■». Chatham countv, N. C. OLIVER VE.T.\L. - L.\KKIN VESTAL. , Nov. 9, 18o8. . .VOTICE. Likely Y'piiiig; MEN, BOYS, WOMEN AND (ilHL.'., VNY persons having such Negroes for sale, well to give me a call before selliup elsewhere, a; am determined to pay the highest cash prices. 1 be seen or addi'esaed at Warrensville. Sampfn ci'in..'. N. C. . D. L. BKO' Nov. 19. ' o:)*'-'mpd $200 JIEW.VHU ANAWAV from the Subscriber, in Ilobe^'|tl countv. on or about the 2Uth of July 18-j^. my N‘*P‘''’ ^ He is abou(^25 vears old, weighing al'Oi;. PETER . pounds; say 5 feet 11 inches high, quick r.iken. complexion, and limps a little in one of his le^'- 1''“'^ haps the right. I will give $100 for his rate ment in any jail in North Ctirolina, or his deli’^'^t; ^ me in Robeson county: and a reward of more sutficient evidence that will convict any person or pe- sons who may be harboring sail slave or assi'ting either directly or indirectly, to make his escape to free State. He is siTpposed to be lurking in Ko'oe».i- and Bladen counties. ARCHIBALD PURCELL Robeson county, Sept. 28, 1858. 51*tf [Vf»I PKLNTEU .M EDUAI FlUTol I’rice for the St';;' ndvnnt'P: > i -r tiun; or .'r. 1 nitoi For the Weekly ( tidvance: j-i' .')• tion: or no u ADVi'.HTl .-iiuare of I'l litu’: irticceetliiig ]>utilii-u cial coiitracts. at rcqiie^^tfd t«* -.^ijitt* they 'will '‘O C'liitit itigly. Advertisemeiit cent extra. Si’HOOL B A. S. il 51 AND 53 J( IM BLISIIEKS Wnr X A V 1 ST.1MI1!! l-l. ULlSilKl Th- X'lh'.uut/ J\ I’ricc I!-'). ;>t By Kicii'ard =i. T1h->c Mrc I lie Is find it ir i-wiitidcnt ernl plan nnl airsi lypograpliy. i lmva tilt* Wr.Ilt? lit' >clnj use in the Public tiriiiy. Newark, La A/W-s' R l’j i,-e'^ Ilf .Xrit -Vrc d;;ily incro They «re r«*gard«‘t 111 any tu'fov; ib.- ditiiiii to t!;. i-iiiir li.iti Ilf /*((•,',.n’ ! Ill .An eliti- -iy ini-'linte pi.ic" bi-tt ,'ind liiiurdnii. 1: t 'ly u lugii-iij uiT;iii cipli" Hi tlicir II.I i'-iltiiiii 111 -IM MIl'l i;iUtll-ii wtirk. Mnnt :(ll illl'l I’ri' .''t'l'lll III be lU''. wliicii they ii:e ar ness, bt-auly. nnd liiviirite with i iitlii iully 1 ccoiiiMU- liii'iriu-tiiiu Ilf VI I'eachers A-.-'ii' I'liiitii I " . .1 ;h1 ii'i lie :lllil l.li\;ile ^ ^ fill/,- S /II III tiU •> /if., i/in/ ir is b.-iievcd met hill] lit tertcliil They me the St; .M'l-ili^.ll! ,I|il nt iiiHny III llie best l-^ reuurdeil i- tii-nl lii.i';, inure eMeii^ivel\ IMiili'tr.lter; ils pr \' line Ilf I lie .'^chiM>I>, and reiii III illiiitr;ite all tl •\. S. B. \ { Mild vaiu.ible «"r de'.-crijii iiiii 1,1 w M STKATKO { \ ciitllplcle de-"! it :ill their ."• iiui i'e.-i'-lie!-. ^ I'e )•( .|iii : : \T\l-0(.| E. .1 lid til jiiiy .i! ill illlrii'tllee. .M.liv,- A. S. Sfhuo! Ni.r'hi-!'! - Te I'ag- Till '.’V Muli-ti 'id nil ,\!I l» T . . . l*::v^- I.... ;, „t M iyli,-\v >111 I Ii? I'iiiiit on .Si-)i,„.l The at... . Fayeltevijj.-, I'l i'r 1,1' ke:v. Ki. riiEMIST \V l.N T iii;ii nry. by Vi '■iciiitiiiii-., and nil lit iif lii> n- •iev. .Imidc- H. 1' vi.l L. .-v.aii •’♦ii' iiiu-re.'i "f the lit'. ,iii.| death ol this g .•^ ‘it Ur. .Nlitcliell ti'Hik.-l.ires if lic;it i.iii. I'rice. in \'i '•"iv- ' : I’ 1 Ilf I lie e.»l| ul oen, - in yle. i'.,i .'j.', ‘ 'ha|.el lliil. l> N..l*ei,,, In .•iii'i At ing and l.i.viu) ‘•y " . ..iliiis Faber br.nvi Nov'r -J {. Tlu‘ I •he .Methixhst Oct’r 13. BlankB for sale at this Office;

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