and ion>j gent tor I Rijrvic# Ir. Gr, ,.ri «t thi- ■■''ni. AJ- ^Sl'llPsl » Hide 1 ftrno >►0 iry rutoiiy, anil H\: .y lalc E)\ TOii! ^OKI\ rofu UlMs, AXI> %cin thtti f-. ay. H. • two p •neiit - \y f. U rmp al la ii8 t'eli.i- heaah-. ItR iUi fauU. orifiir Kjtf ij k> fli. ■riutK^ ft! e. In Ion i8 or ben! footi • foitr M' )f - rel;^v 1(1 prc- looft^na eifttf. tllciir* !>} |.«|a iim will ‘ - j>»*- - Clkollr. cur© MiuUi > [>lern. to tl: it . •kin ore ' . r« yr^t »• hrtjnl- Ul- I- 111 111 ^ - lo tht - ■P‘- y, b- ■ ttii n llilll h^xri^ :*yp. «• I'K U Ir uiianlinoii* 5RATOR l.lvcr. ILK kJ vr« » \ e • H Fay ■ HE tiyi. h n\F, i> of k i:. jiiii‘i% ler ■■ ■ Lif/idtr and mss, eti fVi _ri:/W .u. ,d - . i l.> > } olll for 01 i-. c M f 1 ; f. ign iS'i i L kin "IV I il' ,i‘i V. . :if : :.i* -.11 - i“- -.lll'lliclv. Wanted. I . ill do li; * I 1, I luay V c unty, I) 1 : K ■ —f.m.i i: ! ci uiity. vi'o i^'*y , ' .1, '(U'l'Ui-W ' .-a. >l >.rk ii, ■ :• ivery t- 1'h: tre for tl • il or pf"' r. - iriir iiim, ,= pe- ^ome k iti Kobet *n Li I'fT^^ELL. i Office. iPAiriBWiiTuiyyE SEMI-WBBKL Y. [\ f>L VllJ.] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., JANUARY L3, 1859. ^;N0. 779.-1 (■HlNTKl) MONDAYS VM> TMURSDAVS KUWAKI) J. HALK & SOS, AND I'KdJMMFToKS. ■ Vi' tor the Semi-Weekly OK'Kuvkk S3 I'M) if piiiil in tiue: - ' ";!i if ^hiring iie year of sul>«crip- ■ ii: •ir •- t ntlor the yeiir hus ex].ireil. hr Ucokly (Ihservm! i»o [>er tininiin. if paid in i\.HiK‘e: •")(* if jiaid iluriiiii tlie year of subsorip- !K nr S:; (Ml after the _\‘;ir has exi)ired. t, j Ai'\ KKTisi-MKNTS in^'iod tor ‘>0 cents per ■ire (if I'- lines fur tlie first, and :?0 cents for each ■■ .■oiling piililioution. Yearly advertisements bv spe- ■ in;rai'ts, at reasonable rates. Ailvertisers are tl to state the ninnbor of insertions ilesired. or u !■ ';e ciaiiitined till lorbiii. and charj^ed aeoord- \ .. -11 !s,'nienis tti be inserted in.ucit, charged 50 per ;it I'Mr.'l. Si'llOOL BOOKS Fim THE UNION. A s 5l \R\i:S Sl. CO, 51 AIVD 53 JOHN STREET, NEW YORK. 1>1KLIn111:RS l\U ” iMIlKS.lI.E BIIOKnELLEK^, ISVITK AFTENTIOX T‘> THK \ All.) X A L S i: R I KS —OF— WRIGHT & FULLER. Attorneys and Counsellors iit Law, Fayetteville, C. / ILEMENT G. WRKUIT and BARTHOLOMEW FUL- V ’ LER liave associated iheniswlves tog;eth»r for th« practice of th«ir )>rofttsi>ion. I’ronipl attentiou f;iv8u to all budinekd coiniuiited lo thuir charge. They will prac tice in the counties of Cuwbarland, Maruuti. Sauipvoti, Robeson and IMaden. Aug. -J:’., 18-')S. 39. TKOY rULLEU, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, LIJ.>IRfr:KTO\, KOUKl^OlV o., !¥. I)015HKT E. TROY and JOHN 1‘. FILLER, h»T« [\ formed an assoeiiirion for the praetiee of their pro fession in Rill).■■son ( oiinty. The former will also »t- lend the (.’ourt.s of Rladeti and (.’olutnbU'j; the latlkjr will also attenil thosiu of Cumberlatul. The Office in Lumberton will be kept open at all times. Jan’y 1. lH-')8. 73- JOSEPll BAKER, Jr., ITTO R ' V \ T I. \ \\ , Has taken an offi or to Wni. P.. Wright’* Law Ottice on Green He will attend and practice in the County and Sm ,ir Courtk of Cumberland, liluden. Robeson and S.imp-on March li:'., 1^0:1. 7'jtf THO. C. PULLER, tlHornetf rtinl 1'o»»svtlor at tjiiic. FFK'E at Ecclen‘» bri'lge, recently occupied by James . I^I-lsUK 11\ THEM. .\MON(l WHICH ARE .\ S' hnt,! Rf'ftJt rs, in 5 .Vc'*-,, uHtl Pi '"t-iun inj Sjnilf r. - I, MT.j, 75'i>is. and bl. Speller, 25 cts. • \ lliehurd C. Parker. A. ,M.,’of Boston, and J. ■' . lisou of Ni-w Yi'vk. . ..•■se are the latest reading books yet brought out, • IS ciiiitidently believed surpass all otiiers in gen- .'Mii and arranirement. Vieauty of illustrations and -"r:iphy. character of selections, atid adaptation to >. ;iits of schools. They are already in extensive :he l*u>>lii Schools of New York, Brooklyn, Al- 1 , N ’wark, Lan.'aster, and other important places. /? ■ AnthDt-iirs tiu'l Iliiiher Mn- th> I'l-:,-e- .!*■ .Vrithmetics I.j. 2o. 4o and 7-3 cents. ■ :'ily increasing in popularity and circulation. .’• i>-trarded as llie iiio>t tborougti and practical ■y- |'Uf>Iic. An e.xceedingly valuable ad- ■ ' ; ■ >-.!r--c h,i just been made in the publica- ' I ,,‘r, /V-V>S1 li5. ' iy new work, di ,^ned to occupy an inter- •r ], :i- betwci'H the auilinr's Elementary Algebra : d II. 1; t-a-h(‘~ the Sricaoc and .\rt of .\lgebra c: : :iiT:iiif;>-ment and clu'^iticaiion of the prin- I'l ln-ir uittural order, and by illustrating their » ii • il !i >-.\t.‘jidpd ei'ies of c.'irefully arranged -Ml cXHiriple. 1; i~ I’i-'it. Davies lust and best /iK-J .]/■ it Si ritii i>J f.’>'-Mjrujjhi>:s, Prices L*?., 40, 00 Cents, and 61. ■ l“'t superseding all others. Tfie plan on iti: arr njred, their intrinsic merit, concise- ^ . -ind peculi.'ir adnpt.iiiun, render them great \ Ml ^'ith teacher' iiid jiupils. They have been .' ■!!t-niled by tlie Su}>erintendent« of Public 'U "t very many .St.ites, and by uuinerous A"'i"iuiioiis and ln>!itu!e-; throughout the • ^ 're ::i ucci---.ti;! ,,e in a iiiultitude of puf>- : . • :'c .''ch'iol' in every Sta e of the Uiyon. ■ .11 iirl rs, ill A >•,, JU'irrft-iO (lin/ J .. /I-/ Aiia///:iis, jin'ri 75 i > ■ ' :;cved pre'ent the only true and successful : ■ ; :' Hcliing the science of tlie Englisii Language. ■ • t. " ■'st.ind.ird M'ext-Books in tlie New York, - ’ 'I'l "iher .'s:;iie N rmal .''clu’ols, and in very' ' ‘ S"h«>ols anil .Vcftdernies in the country. -V ,V»//:,(// J’/i ilu.'iftjt/ii/, jir/i'i SI, inled t' the most complete, i-oncise, and prac- I ',1-' I’.i,.. on -^abject yet [lublishvd. It is • ■\:' :i'i\e'y u»ed tlian any other, whiHi fully de- . ' il- pie-eiiiineiit worth and superiority. I "I firs Si'ltiio/ C/i--iin'sfr//, jtriii 81, i- "t.i- Ilf the most admirable work.s prepared for aii l re. jiiires only a limited amount of apjiaratus i:e all til-.- e.xperiments described. A '' IJ. iV ( K., h;ivt‘ ri’ce'ntlv added inaiiy new . .11 ie w.,ik.--to their .N ATIONAL SEKlES^afull ■ : wl;ich will be louiitl in tiieir >'KW IL- M sTi! 4TK0 r VTALfUil E .iu.-t published, containing a >■ ' if- ' iption. wit!: notice-and recnmnie>i(lati(jns. ■ ■ :i- -ilOiil .-Mid l.ilil-IVi' IJooks. ■ ‘ .nd Sch'Mii ifhi-eV' throughout the country . . . 1 !o >en l for this \ fiW DESlKll’TlVE ITVl.IKil liid corre-piiiid with tln»Pul)lisliers in re- ■ • -iny ot their work- r4iey in.iy wish to examine or Mres;. A. S. P ..:XES c'l ('().. ;)1 and :)•) .It n Street, \ew York. ' iV CO. a lilso publishers of the Srhuo! 'Peurhei M^ibrurtf. Retail price. ■ 1 » Tencher and I’.irent .SI - ' Tiicniy and L'r;iclice of Teaching 1 '2~> :d nil *A;iiericaii l.!d;i!;ation 1 •ville's .\merican institution' 1 ‘2'> - L'l/ii- of Mafhemati'-s 1 L'."> ■ w nil I'niversal Education 1 Ijfj "'•.'lool .Vmuseiiients 1 > iiooks are M.ld by E. A. HALE & SON, • r 1. 1. A Ali:,M()llJ OF ic;.v. Kt.l"ZI\ l>. !>., I..ATK PUdKESSOR »E ' liKMISTKY. .MINER.\I.O(;y’ AND GEOLOGY, IN THE LMVLKSiTY OF .N. (J. i "‘l.lil].K with the tributes of respCct to his mem- ^. Iiy v:irious public meetings and literary as- 'I'-, aiid the adilresses deliveicd at the re-inter- ■ ^^1 Ins reiii.iins on .Mount .\litchell, by the Rt. - II. 'tey, Bishop of Tenmssee, Jind Hon. ■ I. >wain. I'lcsiileni of the L iiiversity of N. (’, ' n- .iiieresting little bonk, giving a graphic sketch • ' ‘ and the onjy correct account of the tragic Il III iliis great and good man, together witli a fine STEEL i'LATE LIKENESS 1*1' 'liiehell, i> nnw re.’idy and may be had at the '■ -I' nf .Mt'M-s. I’oiiierny \ Turner, in Raleigh, ‘ > ’’n., in I'h.ijiel Hill, and At.the onice of jj(ib- • 11. ' ' . in I'aper. ;!U cent--; In (.‘loth, 50 cents per ; in pijier covers., -enf V»y mail to any ■ '■‘••country, free of yo'^tage, upon the receipt ' —!ii- in coin or jiostage slainps; iu cloili (lilnary : .r j") cent. per Copy. .Wdress HENnEl{S((N, Pudlinher. ' ■: liill. N. ('. • • 74- Banks, Esq.. Fayetteville. N. ('. Junv 1, 1.S57. A. .?l€l.KA\, tit MjUic. LUMBERK-N. N. \\^ILL attend the (’nuiiiy .ncl Superior (’ourts of Rob*- \y son, Richmnn.l an.l BU l.jii (,'ouniics. and the Su;>tt- rior ("ourts of Moore ("ountv. Dee ri xriS. ' 71-;;tn LOVE It D EL I) RIDGE. •Ittorneif at ^1’’1LL attend the Cgiirts of .lohnston and Stmpion M Counties. Smithfield, April lA, Is.jtj, yOtf I.ITTI.K A: BATTI.K, Attorueys (iiid roiiiiM'lIors at Law, w U'ESPiOllO'. N. r., i LEXANDER LITTI.E and R. H. BATTLE. Jr.. having associated themselves in the prHctice of ihe law. will give prompt attention to all f)Usines«i entruiited to them in tfie Counties of An»on. L'liinii and Richmond. 7')-limpd •llefiical •^*otice^ I vR. H. A. .'IcSWAlN has taken an ntiice on .Vndurxon 1/ Street, in the rear of .%!■ s^is. ll*y ,v Pearce'i,, where hu can be found by those desiring his pr')fevi*iou»l services. August 24. l^->.''. 4itf 0 Dr. K. A. ItLACK, FFICE Front Rooms, over Dr. S. J. Hinsdale's Cheniist and Drug .''tore. Feb’y 7, IS.VJ. 7^itf J. U ILLIATI rA«K. Tl. IMTT.^BUKOldll, N. ('. Dr. P.VdE may be foun.l at. hi» olhce when nm pm- fes„sional1y engaged. Mav 1K.")7. LAW NOTIC E. rpHE undersigned lias removed to Newbern, with the 1 intention to devote himself wholly to the practice of the law. He will attend tlie (,’ourts in all of the sur rounding cotinties, and will also practice before the Su- jiretne Court at Italeigh. D. K. McKAE. Dec’r 2‘J, 185S. 75-Oni DEXTaL XOi'ICE. Having engaged in another business, 1 find my time too much taken up to attend to the duties of my profession: and having a partner (Dr. R. Scott) who is in every way competent to please all my friends, 1 take great pleasure in recotntuending him to nil with whom 1 have the slightest infiuence. His prices will suit any who are desirous of having their teeth operated on i i a skilful manner. And with my best wislirs for my xuccesno', and this comnuinity. I withdraw from thetinu, having no fear but that Dr. Scott will give the most fastidious entire satis- f'i‘--iion. D. W. C. BEN150W. . Jan’y 10, 18r>9. 78tf WKATIWTRY. I \R. J. DAVIS having decided on perma- 1 / notnly ;ocating in the Town of Fayette ville, respectfully oilers his services lo the citizens of this j>l:ice and surrounding country. In all the various braiu’hes of his i’rofession, including the manufacture of Mineral Teeth, he is satisfied, after an extensive exjierience, to whicli is added a thorough Den tal education, that he can give entire satisfaction as far as is in the power of Dentistry. All irregularities of the Teeth treated in a proper and ciirefill manner, as well as diseases of the mouth. None but the jirojier metals are made use of in the various ojierations. Charges will be moderate, that the benefits of the Profession may be filaced witiiin the re:ich (d‘ all who may feel an interest in the i>reserv!ition of the Teeth. Office over Houston's Jewelrj’Store, where he may be found at all tiuK's. M.iy U>, IS-iH. 9tf .MlLirARV (a)()I)8, Swords, Sashes, Belts, Epaulettes, Laces, A.ND EVERY DESCRIPTION IlF )1ILITARY GOODS, A('(’oRl)!X(J TO THK L'ttmt I . S. Aruiyiiitit Stuff liiijalntiinn. Sl’nih'LKU, 1IAKTLEY & IJRAIIAM, inPOKTI^K** & nAKI’FACTIJUKRS 1 M M A I D E N L N E. .t’fir i'ork. .June :’ii>. L*l-ly T. A. E. HOliNSTEirr, •Mgent for f'hirket*ini^-s Of which he has always some ou hand. Wiiminnton, N. ('.. Octf‘J. l.'s'i^. ')l-lvpd PETER MALLETT W I TH D. (’OLDEN MURRAY, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, ♦5 2 SuLTM J>TRKET, Xh'W YORK. July ‘Jy, JAfe. C. siMlTH. .MILK.S COSTiN, •".tf WOKTII 1 I TI.EV Forwarding: and (leneral lomnihsion Mcrohants, FaffetterUle, •V. i\ J. A. WORTH. It. n. oKitKi.r, TURPENTINE INSPECTOR. '■pHtjSE sending their Spirits Turpentine to me may I rely u{m>u it to have prompt and careful attention. My wareiionses are fronting the wharves and near the river, !eyit'r 1.^, 18.'..s. 4.')tf JOSBPH R. BLOSSOM r u ?i n I «I A V I> Forwarding Merchant, .V. r. Promp! jiersoiial atteniiin given to all Consign ments, and (.'ash ad v;tncpv iii.'i ie on I'mdiice to be shipped lo other ports or sold in this m.-irket. Feb. I'J, l8-'5. ti7tf JOHN M. CLARK, CoHHiiission &L Forwarding .Merclnint, WILML\(JTOX, N. ('. IITILL g’ve promjit attention to sale of Counlry Pro- duce. Naval Stores and Cotton. AuJ Ayent for Rn^h ,y Orrelis of 1 lout.i. -August 9, ]?•'>?. 3Stf W. H. TURLINGTON, ComniLssion Mercli.'m, .Ni>. 4 iNorili Waler St., WILMIN. A', N. c. 11ILL give his proinjit jicrsniial attention to the sale W or shipment of all Coii'ignuients of Naval Stores or otlier Ctmntry Produce. Nov. 8, 18-3(j. If WILLIAM J. PRICE, inspector of ,'Wtvat Stores^ i\'//..v/y(;To\, X. c. Solicits the patroiuige of his country friends and Mil others engaged in the Turpentine business. Office >orlli %Vater Xov'r lil!, IJ^'jH. 04-Iy F. M. BIZZELL, GROCER AND C 0 M )11 S S I 0 MERC il A \ T Xu. 29 XoUTii Watlr Sthket, WILMINGTON, N. C. I)ROMPT and jiersonal attention given to the rece]ition of all kinils of country jn-oduce, either for sale or I shipment. I (>rders for groci'ries from r/r.i/t cu-itomers will receive ' immediate attention, free of commissitiiis. JAS. O. SMITH & Co., Fartors, f'omntission and For~ wardin;^' •fterrluints. WJL.MlNiT(>N, N. C. i)ROMPT attention given to sale of TIMBER, LUM- BEIi. N.\V.\L SToREvS and all kinds of Produce. Liberal advancements made on Consignments. Refers to E. P. Hall, Pres't Branch iSank of State. H. R. S.WAOE, Cash'r Bank (.'ap« Fear. Juu> D^wso>, Ei..,. ■April 1'') 18.58. 5-1V TIN PLATE, ^lieel Iron, Iron Wire, COOKl \ a HTOV KS A \ l> TI ^ - W V K T. Always on hand, at Wholesale or Retail. c. i TrEuisa. And all kinds of Jobbing, done at short notice, by C. W. ANDREWS, Market Square, Fayetteville, July i;7-tf .FOR SALE OR UENF. i ('ONVENIENT DW'ELLIN’ti HOUSE, on Haymount, 2v ue'*r Mr. J. C. Thomson's. For jiarticulars enquire of J. G. SHEPHERD, E.sq., or A. M. CAMPBELL. Mav 7. !nf HOOK-lil.NltlNG Ps N all its kinds, executed with neatne mall jobs wlien done mu>; be paid befor THOS. H. and despatch, lelivered. TILLING II AST, Hay Street. 11-ly AIITK'E. ,4 LL persons who desire the “(’larendou Briilge” by the yenr, must call ui the ('ollector at the Bridge or myself and make immediate payment. Tlie annual as>iesstiient lias been made. JNO. M. ROSE, Sec y. Dec’r liO. 7;i- AOTUi:. A PPLICATION will be n;aile to the Legislature for a (,'harter (d’a Saving.' ln.-.titution in Fayetteville Also, for a ('iiarter for a (ias Ligiit Conipijny. Dec'r ijo. ~'.i \OTKK. \TO. 1 PERUVL\,N (JIANO: 4(M» ('asks Li.MK; •')0 Bales HAY: r. I'.bls. GLUE. For sale by WORTH UTLEA’. July 10, 18-')8. 27- »r. FRANK WILLIAMS'S RVE^HISKEY. I_) MITCHELL- has made aiT.-ingements with Dr. IV. Frank Williams, to fie constantly supplied with his celebrated RYE WHISKEY, which be had at liis Store at all times, by wliolesale or retail. ((ct'rll, 18.’>8. o3-lf A ri‘w llarrelK ^^IKHCE (*LD .\PPLE P.R.VNDV, suitable for making wine and putt in Aug. 18, 18‘>8. up biandv fruit. For sale by W. H. CARVER. S8- Nov. 19, 18.jH. 64-ly C'orn and WIiiMkey. 1 /k/Wk BUSHELS good While (,'orn. iUUU " hiskey. In .V PKY.NE'S Discussion on Slavery; K. ' I'j.i'r Paper-; \ erjjon (irove, or Hearts as they nd .\rniind ."'t;unboij[, Ijy .Mrs. E. Hornfiy; Liv- ^lud Lnviiig; Tile ^ eliow Plush Papers; .After Dark, ■ • ■ iliir ; l>avenport Dunn, by Lever; School Books; ■'I' I’^awing Pencils in Cases; ic, ‘ E. J. HALE & SON. u*** and llim*i|>line ol' etli.jiiiv; Lijurch. A new supply j use received. E. J. HALE & SON. Oci’r la. UOOTS SHOJES^ AT WIIOLKSALK. JNO. M. WALKER, of NORTH CAROLINA, I W 1 T II ^ P. P. S^IIAW & CO., 31 AND 88 Dey Stuket, New Vork, W' ILL be happy to^see his Southern friends at the above establishment, where, either personally or bv order, they may be supplied from an extenRive and well assorted Sf..'>ck of Goods in that lin», gott«n up expressly for the Southern trade. 1 Nov. 29, 1858. 67-ly. no .\j(ple Brandv. 1-5 “ N. E. Rum. ' For sale for C.ASH l>v E. Sept. 9, 18-')8. F, M(.K>RE & CO. 44-tf :noi;.iiTAiii sceivery. The Scfrniry of Wifstf^rn \orth (.'urolina and Wesfern South Cdrolina. BY HENRY E. COLTON. A WORK upon the Scenery of the Blue Ridge and its fellow ranges of MountJiins will be published early in January. The following will be its contents: Chap. I—lntroiuction. II—Asheville. ‘‘ 111—Routes to reach Asheville—the Swananoa Gap Hoad. Chap. IV—The Hickory Nut Gap Road. “ V—The Routes from South Carolina—Saiem Gap and .Jones Gap, Flat Hock, Hendersonville, Ciesar’s Head, White.side Mt. and Cashiers A'alley. ('hap. VI—A Route via Wilkesborough and Lenoir; the Valley of the Yadkin; Wilkesborough; Happy Valley; Lenoir; Hi'fu'i’ten, etc. ('hap. VII—Morganton and its surroundings; the Piedmont Springs; Hawk’s Bill and Table Hock. Chap. VIII.—Linville Falls; the Gingercake Hock; North Cove and the Cave. Cliap. IX—The Vicinity of Asheville; the While Sul phur; the Million Springs; Pleasant Drives. ('hap. X—The Black Mountain; the Mountain House; Journal of a Party. Chap. XI.—The Roan Mountain; the Bald .Mount. Chap. Xll—The French Broad River and the Warm .Springs. ('hap. XIII—Pleasant Country Stopping Places; ('ar son’s on the('atawba; llaiTis’s at ('himney Rock; Sherill's at Hickory Nut Gap; Penland’s at Flat Rock on Toe River, in Yancey; Alexander's and .A. E. Baird’s on ihe French Broad; Alexander’s on the Swannanoa. Cliap. XIV—The Western (’ounties; Haywood, .lack- son, Macon and (,'herokeo; Pigeon River; Franklin; a Winter Trip; Valley River; the Nantihala; Chei-okee Indians. ('ha}). XV—Productions of the W'est, Agricultural and Mineral; Wild Flowers; Tree Growth; Wild Animals and Reptiles. .Vpi’IlNDix,—The Pilot Mountain; Salem; Piedmont Springs of Stokes; Shocco Springs; Kittrell's Sjirings; Letters of Dr. (’hristy on Mountains of North (,'arolina. The work will contain four views of Mountain Scenery and a Map of that section of country, showing all Roads, Stage Lines, Stopping Places; Noted Places, etc. It will be got up in the best style of art, and sold at CO cents per copy. When sent f»y mail, •>> cents. Persons wish ing copies, will address W. L. Pomeroy, Raleigh, N. ('. •A lil)eral discount to those taking a number of copies for sale or distribution. number of advertisements of Hotels, Livery Stables and .Springs will be inserted upon Hy-leave.s, if forwarded immediatelv. *e^P apers of the State will confer a favor by giving this one or more insertions. Dec'r ‘J7. 7C- PRO«PECTl> OF THK N 0 \{ T II C A 1{ (J L I X A JOI RXAL OF EDl t ATION FOR 1859. ^■pHE Second Volume of the -loumal will commence 1 with the next year, and the first number will be is sued f.oout the middle of January. It will fte published monthly, and each number will contain not than thirty-two pages of reading matter. The Journal will be neatly printed, on fine paper and in a style e jual to the present Volume. The aim of those who have charge of it, will be to make it a valuable auxiliary in the cause of educK'ion. it is the property and organ of the State Educational Association, and is under its control. Through its pages the General SujHjrintendent of Common Scfiools will Communicate with the School-officers and teachers of the State. Articles are solicited from teachers and other friend of education. TERMS (INVARIABLY IN ADVAN('E.) Five (.\>pies, or more, ordered at one time, or to one address, ONE DOLL.\H each, per annum. Additional copies at the same nite. Single copy, .'?2 00 •Ml teachers and .school officers are requested to act as agents. The Teacher who sends us the largest numlier of sub scribers (not less than thirty,^ before the 1st of January, will lie entitled to half a page of advertising fot the yean The one sending the next largest number will be entitled to the fourth of a page: And each one sending ■J5 or more will l>e entitled to a card not exceeding eight lines. -\11 communications relating to the Journal should be addressed to J. D. CAMPBELL, Resident Editor. Greensborough. N. C Dec’r -9, 75- Tlie A'ew Edition of* Derereux &, Battle’s Law Reports, Vol. 1, r)E(’EIVES the approval of those who have examined t it. Chief .Justice Nash says. “I iiuve looked tiirough it—^ it is carefully iiiid well got uji. * * * 1 think to our Court it will be invaluable—!Uid to the Profession eiptally so. It will save the labor of deciding the same points again and again; for there will f>e no excuse for Counsel not being appriscil of points already adjudicated,” (ientlenien of the Bar who have purchased and ex amined il, concur, so far as we know, in praise of it. For sale, with sets or sejiarate volumes of North (’a- rolina Reports, ami Law Books generally, by E. J. IIALE & SON. Ai:W STOCIv! rnHE SUBSCRIBERS are now receiving their NEW J_ Stock of BOOKS and STATMO.YER\\ which they otter at their customary reasonable {)rices for (’ash, or on crelit to punctual customers. -Among t!ie goods received to-dav is .‘i large stock of CAP, U;TTER, and other papers. E. J. HALE & SON. Sepfr 27, 1858. AI^MAiXACS, tor 1850. rpHE Farmer’s and Planter’s, and Turner’s North ('aro- JL lina ALMANACS FOR 1859. For sale by^ WESTERN RAH. ROAD. Oct. Ul, 18^">8. E. J. HALE & SON. ON anil after Monday, 22d day of November, the Freight Train will run RE(iUL.VRLY between Fay etteville and Mc(?lenahan's Station: leaving Fayetteville every morning at 7 o’clock and returning at 1 o’clock in the afternoon of same day. (l^onsignors are requested to send tickets with articles. Slating consignee, destination, ic. W. A. KUPER, Chief Eng'r & Sup'l. W'henever the amoiujt of freight may require, an ex tra Train will leave Fayetteville and return in the afternoon. Nov'r 112. 1858. t»5- KiiL iiu.ii) MTiri:: TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS. \VESTER;\ KAII.ROAD. J\*otire to Contractors, SEALED PROPOSALS will be received until the 20th inst. for furnishing the necessary t'ross-Ties to lay seven miles of the Track of the W. H. R., extending from Lower Little River to Spout Spring. Specifications can be seen upon application at the En gineer's Office in Fayetteville. W. A.* KUPER, Ch. Eng. & Sup’t. Jan'y 10, 185y. ’ 78l2(»J NEW, CHEAP, AND E.XPEDITIOIJS ROUTE FOR Freight for the Interior of North Carolina. Merchants and others aliout purchasing their Fall and Winter Supplies, are ref|tiosted to notice, that by the completion of the North Eastern Rail Road from ('harleston, S. ('., to Cheraw. the ailvantages of a ('HE.\P and EXPEDITIOUS Route from the Sea))0;ird has been oj>ened to them. All freight consigned to the care of the Agent of the North Eastern Rail Road will be forwarded FREE OF' COMMISSION. No charge will be made . for Storajje at Cheraw. All gool.s will be tJiken care of in the Company's Warehouse until .sent for. A schedule of charges for transport.ition of freight will be found at the Post (Mfice. S. S. SOLOMONS. Eng'r and Sup’t. Aug. .3, 18.')S. 34-tf LUTTEiiLOirs Ll\E. ^TEAMER “FANNY" leaves Fayetteville every Mon- ^ day and Tliur.sday morning, at I-') minutes iif'ter Sun rise; anti Wilmington Tue.sday and Friday, at o’clock, —carrying passengers and fieiglit. Steamer ••SOUTHERNhP." with a full complement of Flats, makes one or more trips jier week, as circum stances may require. The accident to the Steamer -‘RttW.VN” will be re paired in a few davs. ,s;he will then take her jilace in the line. ’ T. S. LUTTERLOH, (K-t’r 4, 01-tf 'M'he i'arriai^e i'aclory iu the %ontii! McKETIIAA RE.SPE('TFULLY informs his friends and the jiublic, that he has built up hirge substantial l$rick Build ings at his (Hd Stand, expressly for ni.inulacturing (Car riages. Thankful for the very liberal patronage he has received for the last 21 years, he ho[ies by strict atten tion to business, with a desire to give satisfaction, to merit a continuance of tlte same. He w.irranrs hi.s work to fie made of the best material and l>y exjierienced workmen in each branch of tlie business. His work will compare favorably with any made in tlie United States, for neatness and durability. He is determined to sell and do any work in his line on as good terms as any work done elsewhere that is as well done. He now has on hand, finished, THE L.VRtJEST STOt'K OF Carriages, Barourhes, Rociiaways and Buggies, ever offered in this )>l:ice, and a very large stock of work nearly tinished. which will be finished daily. .All of which will f)e sold very low for c:isli, or on short time to punctual custniiier>. Bjr^y^He has on hand more than ONE HUNDRED .VND FIFTY VEHICLES finished and in course of construction. All work made by him is warrnnted 12 months with fair usage, and should it fail by bad workinausiiip or, will be repaired free ol ciiaige. Persons wishing to buy would do well to call and ex amine for themselves. Orders thanktully received and jjromptly attended to. Repairing executed at short tioticc and on very reason able terms. -May 2S, 185:!. H'.t-tf I%EW BOOK!«i. Man upon the SE.V; or A History of Maritime .Ad venture, Exploration ami Discovery, from the Earliest ■\ges to the Pre.sent Time, by Friink B (Joodrich. .Just received by E. J. H.VLE SON. W>l>!«iter’!x Elementary Npellinj^ Book, for sale by E. J. HALE «i S(^N. •lan'y 5. C'hruiiuiu^} ur North CaroHua, Trom 1584 to 1858, by D. k. Bennett. received. Oct. 21. E. J. HALE iSt SON. For (Jliri!»tniaK and Ae«« Vear^s Pre!«ieal!>. g J (JSE-WOOD and Papier-.Mache Writing-Desks and Work-Boxes; Lady's Reticules, Money Bags, etc.; Annuals for 1859; Poetical Works; Albums, ie.; Bibles, Prayer Books, Hymn Books; JUVENILE Books; &c., &c. Dec’r 20. E. J. IIALE & SON. J. %V. BAkER Is HOW nx-eiviriir iVniii tlie Xorth the largest, finest, and most carefully selected stock of Fl'K.M'f'l Ki: ever offered in this niurket; wiiicli added to liis own manufacture, makes his assortment comjilete;— all of which he will soil on the lowest possible terms for cash or on time to jiunctual customers. I’ashionable jiaitited cottage bed-rooni Furniture in setts; ciivled hair and shuck, anil cotton .Mattresses; Looking (Jlasses; Wjllow Wagons and ('radles; Side Boards: I’ureaus: Secretaries and Book-Cases: What- Nots; Tables, all sorts; Vt’ash .''tands; Candle St.-inds: Wardrobes: Picture FrMines and (ilass: Window .Sh.-ides: Cornicesr ('urt.iin Bands; Sofas in .Mi-hogonv atid Wal nut; Tet(! a Tetes: Ottomans; Divans and Stools; (Jhairs of every variety. Fine Rosewood Pian-.s, one with .^Koliaii ut- tachnient: Rosewood Melodians, from the best manufac tories in Nev.' York asd Boston, warranted as good as any made in the country, and will be sold at New York prices—freight only added. S^tembci-2. 4-’iif iMarble Factory,. Deep River Coal. BlTl .MI.NOl S (;OAL of the best quality can be had at the works at Egypt, at a reasonable price l.iy the Ton. ‘ WAI. McCLANE, Alining Engineer. May 21, 1850. C-tf J^Tlie .Southern Harinonv, and MUSICAL COMPANION, for sale by E. J. HALE & SON. Carlyle’s History ol* Frederick the Great; Miles Standish’s Courtship, by Longfellow; W'hile it was Morning, by' V. Townsend; .Arabian Days Entertainments; White’s Edition of Shakspeare. Dec’r 23. E. J. HALE & S(^N. Wilmington, Charlotte & Rutherford Rail Road Company. IT is ordered by the Board of Directors, that the eightii instalment of TEN PER ('RNT. upon the capi tal stock of this Company, be called in, and be «lue and payable on the 7th day of February, 1859; that the ninth instalment of TEN [ler cent. I>e called in and be due and payable ou the 2d day of May, 1859; and that the tenth and last in.stalment of FIVE per cent, be due and payable ou the 2d day of August, 1859. H. W. GUION, President. Jan 0, 1859 78-0w Town papers copy% • Aotice To County Creditors. VLL persons having claims against the County of Cumberland are requesteil to hand them to the Clerk of the ('ounly Court on or before the 1st day of February next, for the purpose of being passed upon by the Com mittee of Finance. By order of the COMMITTEE OF FINANCE. •Jan’y 8 78-4t "~DTpORTA.\T TRt ST SAEE. A Rare Opportunity fur Prolitable Investment. By virtue of a Heed of Trust executed by Daniel Clark on the lOtli day of .July, A. D. 18-58, and registered iu flie Office of the Regi.ster of Cumberland (,'ounty, in Book D No 3. page 271, I shall sell to the highest bidder, at the Market House iu Fayetteville, on TUES- D.W the 1st day of FEBRUARY, A. D. 18-59, ONE OF THE M(JST VALUABLE TRACTS OF LAND IN N. CAROLIN.V, situate, lying and b«ing iu the County of (Cumberland, on the waters of Big Rock- fish, six miles from the town of Fayetteville, and con taining about Two Hundred Acres—seventy-five or one hundred acres is Swamp Lund, which for depth and fer tility of soil, and for easy cultivation, is fully equal to the rich loam lands of the Mississippi valley;—the whole Tract is highly improved, and, from the judicious course of husf)andry tlie proprietors of this l.'ind have uniform ly pursued, it is believed that there is no land in this Stale which will yield to the farmer a more abundant return for his labor. There are on the premises, good wootls, ways and wattes, a comfortable Dwelling and commodious out-houses. At the same lime and place I shall sell, either as part and parcel of said Land, or separately, (as I may theft deem most advisable,) tiie celebrated McNeill S.VW mills, and Seven aud Two-fiftha Acres of Lanil, adjacent and ajijutrlenant thereto. These Mills are J)uilt on Big Rockfish (Creek, three miles, as the stream flows, from the Cape Fear River; they are iu excellent running order, and the two saw# cut Fot'R TJioL'SAM) FEET OF Li .MBER per day; the sup ply of water is const an'i anl never-failing, logs may b« rafted from any point above directly to the mills’ slide, and the Lumber may be put into the Wilmington mar ket in thirty-six hours after leaving the saw-carriage. Taking into consideration the great natural advan tages and ihe very valuable improvements of the afore said property, this sale is recommended to the attention of all persons who wish to invest money in that which will produce large protits and give quick returns. Terms at sale. ROB’T W . HARDIE. Trustee of Daniel Clark. Jan *», 1859, 78tii Valuable Property for Sale. IN OBEDIENCE To A DECREE‘oF THE COURT OF 1 Pleas and ti.iurtcr Sessions of Cumberland (County, had at December Term. 1858, 1 will expose to public saio. at the Market House in the Town of Fayetteville, on Thursday, the 27th of January, a NEGRO MAN. named Whittington, the property of Patrick Munroe. dee d. And at the same time and place. 1 will also s|il 167J A(CRES OF LAND, lying on the North side of the Yadkin Road, the JJroperty of Miss Mary and Annabella Munroe. J. T. WARDEN, Commissioner. Jan. 5. 77ts i W A.VTEO, ' rv ^ NEGROES for a Mississippi plantation, men, boys. ^ 0 *^^d some gi'-od famiiiea. F*yett«vill*, May 6, 1868. Herrick’»« Car|>et Sweeper. JUST RECEIV’ED, a large supply of HERRICK’S PATENT CARPET SWEEPER.* All those having left their orders at our office, will pleji^e to send for the Sweeper, and thoJ^e desirous of having tliai great do mestic blessing at their house, may gi't them now with out delay. • Try it. Ladies, and you will say that this ‘'now broom sweeps clean’’ and leaves no dusting to be done after wards. G. & L. BRANDT. Jan'v :>. 1859. 77- .VOTICE. rpHE business heretofore can-ied on by the undersigned under the firm and style of “Jones it Sperling, ' lias this day b^en dissolved by mutual con.sent. (i. W. Sperling is alone authorized to use the name in liquida tion. REUBEN JONKS, (iEORGE WALTER SPERLING. Fayetteville, Jan’y 3. 1859. W. SPEI?L1NG having purchased the i^iteresl of J, .Mr. .Jones in the late Firm, will continue tin; fnisi- ness on liis own account, and will be plen.^ed to disjiosc of his extensive slock at a sniall advance on the cost for cash, or in exchange for country jiroduce, and invilea the attention of Ihe public to his stock, whicli at all times will c^nxitt of ihont articles rnjuifed for use in the mnrket. Hay Street, Jan. 3. 1859. 77- REWARD. ON the 27th of December. l.S.jh, OBED LEE eniereil my dwelling and stole S152, aud a packet book witfi a good many pajiers not recollected. He iiiaile his way on the 2Mh to Wilmington and thence towMid- (ieorgia, as he aaid he was going there. Obed Lee is a native of Harnett county, N. (’.. six miles east^f Avei-asborough; is about 19 or 2o year* of age. about feet high, pale complected, thin visage, dark bluff eye#, very full eyud, lu arly pop-eye.d. ^ery shiw spoken, narrow front teeth, and J»ad counlenaiic«; supposed to be well dressed. • The aboTe reward will be paid lor hf« delivery to nip, or for his confinement iu any jail in tl»e ^'nited States. W. W. HILL Harnett county, N. (C., Jan. 4, 18-59. 7h-1ih For Sale. JOO C.ASKS LI.MK, in gooii order. Jan'v 10, 1859. LU'I1ERL*H. 7H-3t EPHR. P-AGE. 8tf By TWO DOORS ABOVE ('. T. IIUUII i. KO.VS’ STOKIi, Fayetteville, i\'. C. Jan’7 20,1868. 64-ypJ Second Siippiv ol'llarper^ .Vlag- azine for January, l85‘.. , Jan’y 8. E. J. IALE SON. WebsterS Elenieniary Spellinii Books. A further siqiply ju-t receiv»-d. Jan’y 8 . E. J. H.VLE x SON. Devereiix’s Kiiiiiie's Blackstone, reduced to (Jueaiions aud Aiuiwer^, ujKin the plan of Kinnie’a Blackatona, one Volume; Drake on ,\ttachnient. For sale by E. J. HALE it SON. Dec’r 16, 1868.

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