FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE. Tnha.—A teleirraph from India, emboiiying the most satisfaeton’ news that could pt»ssibly have been autioipated, has given additional confidence ulike in the political and commercial world. The Queen’s proclamation, coming as it did at the last moment ot despair among the rebels, has had an extraordinary elfect. Submission appears to be the order of the day, and the chiefs who endeavor to hold out are threatened with mutiny in their own camps, 'lantiu ropeo htis been deserted by one of his most powerful abettors and is a fugitive, apparently with no choice between unconditional surrender or starvation for his followers. At most points the preparations have been completed for hemming in within a narrow circle all that may still resist; and almost entire pacificanion appears to be at hand. Nothing, however, is st;ited with regard to Nana Sahib, who will }K>ssibly jis a tiiial resource endeavor to escape by mixing with the general population in some humble disguise, or by obtaining shelt?r with the leaders of any one of the nuuH'rous factions in Nepaul; in which ca.xe the only hope of catching him must consist in the temptation of the largo reward tliat will still con tinue to be offered for his capture. London i'or. X. F. Cum. Fnnch f\naucts.—We find in the Moniteur the most pasitive evidence that can be deri\ ed from official figures that'financial France w:us never before in such admirable conditioi»., I al lude to the report of the Minister of Finance—a wonderful document, wkich I !hall enclose to you. It is likely to produce a wide sensation. \ou may observe that, with all the of war, and of the interest payable u}H>n an enor mous debt, the expenses of 1 and ’a7 are balanced, without having exhausted the re sources of the State. The buili;et of the ibllow- ing year of peace, together with estimates for two years to come, give pRunise t>f simple ami easy liquidation, he amount of Treasury bonds is reduced since the month of February l>v more than 140,000,000 of francs. A sinking fund is to receive 40,000,000 from IsoO and 20,000,000 from IStiO. Direct revenue flows into the ex-' chequer with a facility without parallel. Indi rect contribution continues to increase with j>ro- jx)rtional rapidity, and all taxes are paid with such promptness and facility that the cost of col lection is decreased by nearly one-third, including the expen.^e of suits for recovery. Lot me cite further that the Hank reserve exceeds 554,000,- OOOf. The rate of discount has decreast“d from ten tt) three per cent., and the interest on Treas ury bonds from four to two-and-a-half per cent. In Spite of the 140,0O0.0O0f. reimbursed in ten mouths to the holders of these bonds, the abun dance of money is so great and the collection of taxes so easy that the amount of cash in the 1'reasury, which was only 75,000,OOOf. last year at this time, is now I4o,00i.ooof. This important document will attract much general attention; and will undergo much English criticism, perhajis cavil. At pres ent, with the statementij "iven, one may rea.>Jon- ably coincide with the reporting Minister, Mr. .Magne, in his modest remark, that the state of the finances “must appear satisfactory to every impar tial mind.”—Pin's Cnr. Xat. Int. Tobacro ant; in Fninve.—Were vou aware, by the way, that the State Revenue derived from injportation of tobacco will this year exceed ]?(.>,- 000,000 francs, or about 830,000,000? The com mercial relations of the Fnited States with France are upon a footing which calls luudly for reform. It is a subject which is under much Government attention, however, and which is unquestionablv at the present moment in good hands. It is un likely that there will be any relief to t'jbacco; but in other respects American interests need, and you may rest assured will receive, watchful and enlightened care.—Ih. Duatk of the Japanese Emperor.—This event is much to be regretted, because the consequences are as yet unknown, and may blast all the bright hopes which began to be clierished for Japan and its forty viillionx of people. TIu Spiritual Em peror, (for strangely there are two, a civil and ec clesiastical,) with his homm or priests, which are innumerable, and as subservient to him as the Catholic priests to the Pope, is bitterly opposed to all progressive ideas, preferring the old isola tion and non-intercourse to commerce and com munication, and the superstitions of IJuddhism and Sintooism the spiritual, purifying, and en nobling doctrines of Christianity. There may be a re-actm'n; a revolt, against the liberal ideas and measures of the late Emjteror and his ministers, though I am inclined to believe, and earnestly hope, that the good work incepted by him will now move on, not like the rapid whirlwind and storm, but a slow and yet victorious wave, till the whole empire is not only opened to civilization and Christianity, but possessed by them. Japan Cor. Jour. (hm. Mfxirn.—The numl)er of Mexican States is twenty-two, in addition to which there are the 4^istrict of Mexico and five Territories The es timated population is 7,H50,5()4. The extent of territory is set down at 140,ol7 square leagues. The average density of the population is thcxcfore about 50 to the ,sjuare leaj;ue. The largest city in Mexico is the citv of Mexi co, which has 1X5,000 inhabitants. I’uebla is the next, with 70,000. Next follow in order Guada lajara, (iS.OOO; Aguiw Calientes, :)!>,0(,tU; Guaha- juat^, 3j,y21; ('olima, 31,774; Queretaro, 27,450; Oajaca, 25,000; Merida 28,575; Morelia, 22,000. No other city reaches 20,000 in number. The aggregate population of all the capitals of all the States and Territories is 090,044. The increase of population in all Mexico since 1^17 is estimat ed at about 2,000,000. The amount of land which has been put under cultivation is sniall, not one-eighth part of the arable soil. The yield of agriculture, which was estimated in 1S17 at 813i),000,(>00, is )iow put by M. Lerdo at 8250,000,000. The estimated product of the gold and silver mines in Mexico is 824,000,000 per annum, more than two-thirds of which was of silver. The an nual value of manufactured articles is set down at 8i^0,000,(t00. Jjerdo estimates the annual com mercial movement of the country at about 8400,- 000,000, and the specie at about 8100,000,000. The forei;n exports a few years ago were 820,- 000,000 and the imports 828,000,000. In 1S.54 the public debt was 8117,000,000. Jhe national revenue wa.v 815,000,000 per annum, and the annual expenditure 824,h1‘),203, leavin‘>- an annual deficit of something near nine millions. The army numbered at the same time 11,714 men. The navy is reported fifteen vessels and forty guns. The church property in Mexico is estimated at between 82o0,000,000 and 8300,000,000. Their property in the city of Mexico is rated at 8sO,- 000,000. Adding t^> the income derived from contributions, from tenths, parochial dues and fees, and religious services, and sales of devotional ar ticles, the total annual income of the church is estimated at eighty millioivs of dollars, of which more than seventy is derived from capital and fixed endowments. A punctual man is very rarely a poor man, and never a man of doubtful credit. Ris small acctmnts are frecjuently settled, and he never meets with difBculty in raising money to pay large demands. Small debts neglected ruin credit and when a man has lost that he wiH find him- seit at the bottom of a hill he cannot ascend. Washington City—Its Progress.—By a recent enumeration of the houses in this city and an es timate of the inhabitants based thereon, the pre sent population of the city is 02,000. The census of 1850 gave a jwpulation of 41,000. In eight years, therefore, Washington, has gained 21,000 Hihabitants, an increase ot more thai* 50 per cent. If this ratio be [>reserved until 1S60, the popula tion of Washington City in that year will be 07,- 000. About 3000 byildmgs have been erected during the last year, chiefly of brick, and many of them of grt'at cost. In addition to these, sev eral hundred thou.sand dollars havo been expend ed upon the i»ulilic buildings, giving constant em ployment to about 1,500. mechanics and laborers. This does not include the Navy Yard, where new buildings are annuall}- erected, and where froni SOO to lOOO men are employed. In a year or two the r. S. Arsenal in this city will be converted into an .\r enal of Construction, like those at West Troy and i*ittsburg, and will then give enq>loy- ment to 300 men. The land rejuired for the en- largenu*nt of the ])resent Arsemil has already been purchased.— Washimjtuh Letter. Rernbifiouary Snidiers.— Puring the year j\ist past, eighteen IJevolutionary soldiers have died. David Chapin, (udeon IJently, John Titu.s, Wil liam Matteson, Robert Gallup, Zachariah (.ireene, and David Davis, of New York; Zacheus Robin son and Abraham Rising, of Ma.ssjichusetts; Wm. Turkey and R«'v. John Sawyer, of .Maine: Thoni- jts Kerowitin and Hlisha MasoJi, of Connecticut; Geo. Wells and Chas. (larman. of Tennessee; Jatnes tiushjiell, of Vermont; IK-nry Straight and donas Frazer, of Ohio. The Sei-retiiry of the Interior, in his annual rejnirt, .'ays there are yet two hundred of the patriots of the Hevolution livin" and receiving their ]>ensions. 'I’he Secre tary further .'^ays that fiftvthree years after the war five thou.and widows of" Revolutionary sol diers, whose marriages took place prior to the declaration «>f peaoi* in 17S3, were living, and that nearly one liundred of tliem still survive. Anofhr r ('alifornia ('uriosity.— lutrar I.ahe. —The largest Inirax lake, nearly two miles in ex tent, is situated about 52 miles distant from Napa City, ('alifornia. The water in this lake is .ho strongly saturated or impregnated with borax, that it cannot be held in solution, and is, eonse- (juently, depo.ited in erv.'^talized particles, from very small to half a pouml in weight iti mud be low. From this lake, one and a ((uarter mile,« north, over a high ridge, is the noted suljiliur bank, from twenty to thirty acres in extent, and suppt>sel to }»o thirty feet thick, sutficieiitly pure, it is said, for tlie use of the mint at San Francis co. The sulphur appears to be con.'tantly forming from a dam. steam continually risinir over the whole surface. Eighty rods west from the sul- I phur, a hot spring arises in the edge of an arm of Clear Lake; this spring is strongly impregna ted with fKiracic acid. Five, or six mily.-^ west of this, on the south of (’lear Lake, is, another borax lake. IrirPKnfXttjnn!^ in ('olitmhus, !n>.—At the public siile of negroes in this city, l:Lt Tuesdav, says the ('olumbus Smt, the following price> were obtained. A portion of them were for half cash and balance twelve months credit with intere.'^t added; the others, twelve nmnths credit with in terest: Nelson, 50 years old, field hand, S'^75; Levi, 20 years, blacksmith, 82010; Tom, 22 vears, house servant, 81000; Catharine, 15 years, house ser vant, S1035; Wesley, 23 years, field hand, 813:’)5; Julia, 14 years, field hand, 81110; John, 3> vears, field hand, 81400; Lowe, 25 years, SD’>50; Spencer, 23 years, field hand, 81500; l»ick. 23 years, 815itO; Mary Jane, 15 years, hou.'^e girl, 8150t. There were many others, old and young, .sold by the .'‘anie parties, at corresponding high prices. -\t an administrator’s .sile made on the same day by Messrs. Ocletree Jackson, seventeen neirroes brought the a'r'rregate sum of 812.f>27, being an average of 8707. Seven of the lot were young children and infants. This we understanl to be a cash sale. (it,Oil l*rl'f for Xjr>,fs.—At a >ale ot'the ne groes belonging to the estate of Wm. Freeman, deceased, late of (Jriffin, (ieo., on Tue.^dav, thirty-one negroes, men, women and children, brou;;ht the very handsome aggregate of 827,54S, or an average, for little and big, younir and old, of a fraction less than nine hundred dollars each. One Imjv, 10 years old, brought SDIO;'), an ordin ary field hand; another, a man 24 years old brouirht 81525. Lanjt- Ein-r/iii.-i, i,j Land and X'yn» .> in X. C. —Rev. J. F. Speight, K. II. IawIs, Wm. F. Lew is, and 31r. Jos. J>. Simmons, have jiurchased a tract of land from lion. J. R. Donnell, containin'r 23,000 acres, lyinr on the Central Railroad, l!» miles below Newbern, together with 130 negroes, for 8120,000. l*uhJir Salr of Xejro*'s.—On Monilay last, be fore the (’ourt House door in Tawboro,’ N. ('.,the following negroes belonging to the children of Henr}' 1. Toole, dec’d, were sold: Maria and child, aged 20 and 1 years, 81,750; Noah, aged Ix, 81,015; Abiier, aged 14, 81,tO(>; Linda, aged lO, 81105; Tilda, aged 11, 8!M5; David, aged 7, 800!*. J'rirrx uf Xt'jroes.—At a {tublic sale of negroes in Washington, N. C., on the 1st inst., a black smith, 45 years of age, sold for 81410; a girl, 15 years, for 81017; a man, 30, for 81175; another 2S, for 81375; and another man 24, 81200; and a woman and child, 81,100. Th>‘ ('ity Ptjor.—Large crowds of poor people wanting municijtal assistiince, pres.>;ed about the door of the Alms House Rotunda yesterday, and kejit the Superintendent and his clerks busy all the day with their applications. 'I'he number registered within the last two days was about 0,000, and that is but a beginning. The siege u.sually la.sts a fortnight or three weeks, by w'hich time the great proporti;n of the city jx)or will have been visited, and their wants measureably reliev ed. The amount of coal distributed to each fami ly at a time averages a quarter of a ton, and the money 50 cents to 81,00 and upward.s—the do nations being regulated and repeated as necessity requires. About 0,000 tons oCcoal, and 830,000 are annually parcelled out in this manner. A. Y. Jovr)uil Commerce. Ages uf Presiifental Aspirants.—A correspon dent of the Southern Monitor, says the followin'^ figures will be the ages of the persons named in the year 1 SOO: Crittenden will be 77; McLean 7fi; Rives’ 7l’; Bell 72; Com. Stewart 82; Seward 70; ('hoate 09; Cushing 68; Hunter 07; Hammond 70; Breckin ridge 3S; Bigler 00; Dix 07; Dickinson 70; Cass 71; A. V. Brown 70; Wise 51; Slidell 71; Douw- las 40. American Tract Society.—The receipts of this Society for the month of December were 893,121. In nine months ending December 31, they have been for publications sold 8104,127, and in do nations and legacies 870,899, making a total of 8235,020, being 87,317 more than in the corres ponding months of last year. AotW Oroiinds for Divorce.—A woman in Cincinnati recently made an application for di vorce on the ground that her husband was a eon- founded fool. A Ohopter of Accidents—Two Young Ladies Singularly Unfortunate.—That yesterday was a disagreeable day to pedestrians no (The will have the courage to dispute. The sidewalks on the southern and western sides of the streets were in a conditiim that reiuired the most nimble persons to keep their feet. About noon yesterday, at the corner of South and Baltimore streets, a young man came %valking along at a rate whicli looked as if he was in quest of a friend who would go his security for a new suit of clothing. When the young gent had reached the middle of the flag- stjjnes, his heels tlew' from under him, and dow'n he came kerpluinp into the slush and mud. But like a broken merchant, “he fell not alone.” Crossing the street at the same time w'cre two young women, one of whom was struck and knock ed down by the outstretched arms of the unfortu nate young man; young woman No. 2 came in for a share of the fun, and down she went, dragged by her companion. The young man regained his footing as soon a.s possible and hastened to assist the females. This part of the proceedings he had better left undone, for no sooner did the females find them.selves po-ssessed of their standing facul ties than tliey commenced such a war of abuse upon the chap that he was glad to beat a hasty retreat. The ladies finding them.selves the subject of a wondering gaze from a crowd of idle persons, started down South street. When near Lombard street one of the ladies raised her soiled dress a considerable distance, which had the effect of ex- posin*; one t)f those much abused articles, a red p(‘tticoat. At this juncture a conntryuian turned intt.* South street from Lombard, driving before him two cows. ()ne of tlie animals seeing the red garment swinging to and fro, like a heavy swell at sea, made a dash at the fair wearer, who, witb screams that rent the air, also made a dash, and ran into a store close by. The ire of brindle having been soothed, and the animals driven away, the unfortunate fi'Uiales once more started on their jierilous journey, l>ut alasl who can toll the troubles that are ahead. .^Hdway between I’ratt and Lombard streets, the roof of a large warehou.-^e parted eompa?iy with the snow and ice th:it had collect(‘d during the day and night. The ma.-^s came .'liding down, with a seething noise, and a portion of it fell upon the young ladies. This time, the greatest calamity of all befell one of them. When a sufficient time had ! elapsed for them to recover thoughts, one of them dIscoverel that the fallinir ma.>«s of snow and ice had .struck with .such force u|Hin her dress, that the waist portion of it had been horribly mutila- tfd. and her hoops kuiK-keil from their resting place and fell u]Min the pavement. To rush into the store ami fix things wa^ the only alternative. Tliroiirh the kintlness of .«me gentli*men prtisent, they were enabled to leave the place without fur ther harm, and this was the lat we saw of them. When the snow de.scended from the roof a horse attaelied to a dray wa standing in front of the store. The noise produced frightened the ani mal, who immediately startel on a runaway. Mr. i Sanjuel (■. (’laekner. .Ir.. ran into the street and ’ caught the horse by the bridle; he had no sooner i done this, than the owner of the team ran up to Mr. (.'lackm r and trrasped him by the throat, at the same tim»> accusing him of tryinir to steal ( his horse and dray. .NIatters were soon explained, I and we lell the place with a pocket full of notes, ■ and highly interested with what we had seen. lialtiniore ('lijtpf-r. Sniidl Pay.—.Vs several gentlemen were pa.>i- sing down om- of’our .southern rivers a short time since, on lioard one of the thou.'^ind steamers which ])ly on their water.", one of them was struck with the beauty of an elegant farm which was then in sight, and addre-^sinir a jilain, rustic hxik- ing gentleman, who.'-toMi at his elbow, a^ked who that elegant place belon*re'l to. “Mr. .luhlison is the owner,” was the reply, ell. Mr. .Johnson has a splendid farm,” re- fdied the irfutleman. Presently, another [ihuifation attracted tiie at tention of tht'se gentlemen, and the rough l«*ok- ing man was again applied to for the name of the j>roj»rietor. *‘.^Ir. .Johnson is the owner,” said the num. “Indeed—the .same man that iwns the other?” es, the .same man.” “What a fortunate man this Mr. John.son must be, to have two such establishment.s a.s these.” A third, a fourth, and fifth jdantation fell un der notice of the gentlemen, and in reply to their (jui stions they w«Tt inl'or!!ud tliat they also belonjrefl to Mr. Johnson. “And who takes care of all ther' farms for Mr. Johnson^” “I take care of them,” answere'i the plain look ing gentleman. “\\ ell, it must be a great deal of trouble, and he oui:ht to pay you well for it.” j “lie does not, if he ought,” says the man. j hat does he give? ” askel the gentlemen, j “He only gives me my victuals and cUttbes,” .said the gentleman, who ha])j)ened to be Mr. John- j son himself “Only your victuals and clothes for doing all I that."* Why, he must be too nu'an a man to live.” I Miqdaad Eindiiess.—f)ur young friend Sam : H has a heart keenly alive ti> the afflictions i of humanity, and is ever giving vent to its gencr- ! ous promptings by administering to the comforts ! of his sufi'crinij friends. j 1 *uor II— — was brought into the town where Sam lived, in a rajiid decline consi'quent upon tubercular consunjption, from which he had been suffering hopelessly for many years. He was car ried to the hotel where his numerous friends wait ed on him, and set up with him at night, render ing those kindly offices which men delight to urive to those who need them. Sam was invited to perform his part in sitting uj), &.L\, and ajipointed the approaching night for his ministrations. It happened that H ’s physician thought it advi.sable that evening, to have him removed to a private house, away from the bustle and noise of the hotel—which was ac cordingly done, but without Sam’s knowledge. At the hour designated, he appeared at the rooiu once occu])ied by his sick friend. In the meantime, a drunken man, named Jones, had stumbled intj the room, and gone to bed in the same one Sam had seen poor 11 . Noiselessly he walked about the room, fV>aring to disturb the sound slum bers of the supposed invalid, watching every mo tion with scrupulous vigilance. About midnight the sleeper turned about, and groaned; Sam ven tured to ask, “H , how do you feel this time?” \\ hen nothing reached his ear but a confused in termixture of a grunt, groan and growl. Satisfied that all was right, Sam sat down, to await any change that miglit take place during the nigfit. About sunrise next morning, a servant came in to get Jones’ boots, and seeing Sam .sitting up there, said, “Mas Sam, what’s yer doin’ dar?” Sitting up with 11 , Jim.” “Lori Mas Sam, he done been moved to Mas Ben’s house, yistiddy ebenin. I)at is Mas Jones lyin’ dar, wliobin drunk a month.” Ezit Sam, with a very lugubrious face, and slieefish carriage.— Gainesville Independent. Gardening for Ladies.—Make up your heds early in the morning; seic buttons on your hus band’s shirts; do not rnke up any grievances; pro tect i\iQyoung and tender branches of your family^ plant a smile of g(X>d temper in your face, and care fully root out all angry feelings, and expect a good of happiness. F 6 Marriage by Projry.—Rev. Dr. Gregory, for merly of this city, pronounced atDe Veux (^al lege, Suupension Bridge, the marriage ceremony between parties wfio were not at the time within 0,000 miles of each other. It wiis done by proxy, the lady’s father acting as proxy for the bride groom. The affair took place on the New Year, under t^e following circumstances: The bride, for seven years a resident of California, after the death of a former husband, became engaged to a gentleman residing in that state, but having alarge landed property in. Mexico. By some arrange ment between parties, the lady returned to her home, at St. (’atharines, Canada West, where her intended was to meet her about this tinu;, and claim her as his bride. The recent troubles in Mexico, however, being in the vicinity of his plantations, demanded his immediate presence in that country, ami forbade his coming North to fulfil his engagement. He, therefore, frankly wrote her of the circumstances which detained him, and enclosed a regularly executed power of attorney, which authorized the lady’s father t^> stand instead of the bridegroom, and for him enter into ihatrimonial vows. The paj>ers being executed in the I'nited States, it was thought neces.sary to have the ceremony performed on this side the Niagara, and father and daughter came over to the De ^'eux College, and the lady became the legal wife of her ('alifornia lord. She will sail for her Pacific home, about the 5th of Feb ruary, and there join her ])roxy husband, or seek him in Mexico.—Syrat ust- Juurnal. Elattcry and i’lnnplimrnt.—'I'here is all the difference imaginable between flattery and com pliment. The former is an incense offered tt van ity, and arises from a heart both .selfish and cor rupt; the latter is a V(»luntary tribute which afieetion pays to merit, a reflection of hi.s own excellence which one sees in the miinl of a friend. Flattery is a compounl of jiaste and tinsel, heart felt to the weak, painful to the sensitive, and di.sgustinj; to the intelligent; a compliment is a real gem dug t'ruiii the mines of honesty, set in fitting language, and giving beauty to the one on whom it may be bestow’ed. Flattery is the product of cunning and the instrument of tricksters; a compliment originates from delicate and refined .sensibilities, a talent for appreciation. The ex- airgerations of tlie flatterer shear his praises of all their value; the just and conscientious discrimina tion of one who bestows anierited complimetit adds to the kindly act a charm and lustre which nothing else could give it. To give laudation where it is due is not only a pleiLsure but a duty. For the want of apprecia tion talent runs out, genius grows dull, and virtue desp«*rate. Many a gif’ted youth has fallen down disheartened in the rugged road towards excellence when a few words of merited praise would have strengthened and encouraged him to persevere in his honorable pursuit. I’nder the genial effect of honest apj>, many a bud withered by cold jieglect, would now be a bright and lovely flower. Many a weary hour of di.sappointment might have fieen solaced l»y a kind word of praise. Mm h, too, that might have been worthy of, has been blasted by the poisonous breath of the flatterer, w hich mildews real virtue, but stimulates the rank and loath.sonie trrow tb of viee. Man y would have attained to wisdoi.'i, had not the sugared fictions of the flatterer taught them that they had already attained it. The Great lliugr .Mak'r-r, or tJn Hihle Truf'.— “\\ hen I look at myself.” said a converted S«»uth Sea islander, “1 find I have got hing‘"5 all ovt'r my body. I have hinges in my legs, mv jaws, my feet, my hands. If I want to lay hold of any thing, there are hinj^es in my hands, and even in my fingers, to do it with. If my heart thinks and I want others to think with me, 1 use the hinires to my jaws, and they help me to talk. I could neither walk nor sit down, if 1 had not hinges to my legs and feet. All this is very wiuiderful. None of the strange things that men have brought from England in their f)ig ships is to be couiparetl t» my body. He who made my Ixxly has made all the people who have made the strange things which they bring in ships; and he is the (Jod whom I worship. “But 1 .should not know much about him if men in their .ships had not brought the bM>k they call the Bible. That tells me of God who made the skill and the heart of man likewise; and when I hear how the Bible tells of the old heart with its sins, and the new heart and the right spirit, which Jod alone can create and rive, I feel that his work in my heart and his work in my body fit into each other exactly. I am sure then that the Bible, which tells me these things, was made by Him who made the hiuL'es to my bod}-; and I believe the liible to be the word of (r(xl.” 7 he Printing (Jjfice.—“A well conducted print ing office is the best of schools, (to withjne to the Executive and Legislative Departments of the Government, and I will point you, in each of them, to .some of the most competent aiul useful public officers who .started in life as printers’s devils, (’ros^ the ocean, and we shall find such nien as (»uizt)t, De locqueville, and Lamartine, of France, and Lord Palmerston, d’lsracH, and Macaulay, t»f Knglanl, have all distinguished them.selves as journalists. Let our young men especially look to these high examples, and rest satisfied with nothing short of positions in the fn.nt rank of society. This can be attained only by the most indomitable industry, perseverance and .study, and by a strict regard to truth, honesty and virtue. Never for a numient think it dis- reput^dile to labor. Honest toil, however humble, never yet di.sgraced any man; but many, too many, I am sorry to say, suffer disgrace rather than work for a livelihood.” .Vusicaf.—Something very new in the way of an improvement on the piano is on exhibition here. It cmsiists in a simplification of the instrument whereby the blocks, bracings, and interior sup ports are superceded, the cords being strung from the inm frame only. The effect of this inrprove- ment is said to be surprising, changing the char acter of the instrument very materially, and ally- irig it with that most perfect of instruments, the violin. The inventor is Mr. S. B. Drio-»^ c*© • A. Y. Letter. ^eic \ork Auger Association.—The most lu dicrous thing we have lately read of is an excur- tion of the New York Auger Association, in bur- lescjue of the target excursions. Each man carries an auger instead of a gun, a (,'alithumpian band accompanies them, and the exercise consists in walking blindfold to the target and boring a hole through it. Not one man in twenty can do it and the blunders that are made cause a great deal of sport.—Exchange. A Lasting Perfume.—the curiosities shown at Alnw'ick Castle, in England, is a vase taken from an Egyptian catacomb. It is full of a mixture of gum, resins, &c., which give forth an agreeable odor to the present day, although pro bably fully 3,000 years old! “Doctor,” said an old lady, who was apt to be troubled in her dreams and rather superstitious withal, “doctor, I dreamed last night that I saw my grandmother, who has been dead ten years.” “ W hat,” he inquired, “did you eat for your sup per? “Oh, only half a mince pie,” said she. ^ ell, replied the doctor, “if you had devour ed the other half, you might probably have seen your grandfather, too. GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF N. CAROLINA. The usual full report of Mond*ay’s proceedings is crowded out of Tuesday’s Standard, by the long detail of proceedings in the Senate on Saturday last. That day had been devoted to the appoint ment of magistrates, and was mainly occupied in squabbles, calling the ayes and noes, !tc., &c. As the .sessions of that day and Monday have pro duced a goo«l deal of talk out of doors, we give some .samples of the Standard’s rejjort of thetn, as follows:— -APPOINTMENT OF JUSTK’R.S OF THE PEACE.— SCENE. A message, received from the House, to go forthwith into the appointment of .Justices of the Peace, was now concurred in*. Mr. McDonald w;i.s called to the ('hair. I'ending the receipt of recommendations of jus- tiees from the House, a few members of the Sen ate indulged in a little plea.satitry, as follows: ()ne Senator moved that the new speaker be required to deliver his inaugural and to explain how Cain came to be branded with a horse shoe. Another, that instead of a copy of the Rev. Code, the jus tices of the jieace for Person should each be fur nished with a pair of shoes, which was amended by a third Senator by adding No. 12’s to shoes. The Senator from Person moved to give the jus tices of Bertie each a barrel of herrings. Anoth er movtul to strike out “barrel of herrings” and insert “a g(x»d sfiirt,” itc. A messaj;e was now received from the transmitting sundry recommendations and asking the Senate’s concurrence. The list for Anson W’Jis first up. Mr. 'I’urner asked the Senat-.i that county if he had ('xamined the, jind if tl. nien recom- niended were of good character. He proceeded to address the Senate on the general question of magistrates, pointing out Senators’ duties and those he had :ut out for himself. Mr. iuyther did not think it a jart of Mr. Turner’s duty to lecture the Senate on morality. .^Ir. Turner did not lecture, but ho would ob ject, and had the right to do so, to any immoral character. He objected to the levity with which this business had begun. Messrs. ('berry and Cuningham twitted Mr. Turner for his fling at levity in the face of the fact that he had always been a leader in it, and had pnjmi.sed to lead it on the present occasion. Mr. Turner considered the constitution put him in a ridiculous position when it called upon him to vote for uien he did not know. He was deter mined not to vote .So, and would insist ujK.>n call ing for the ayes and nr>es on every person on the li.sts separately. 31 r. Turner continued at length amidst calls to order and much confusion, and in the midst of one his finest flights of imagination, A nies.sage was received fronj the House inquir ing the }>rice of peanuts and whiskey. (Loud laughter.) The list from Anson was j»assed upon, and others taken u]>. The same or a similar course was pursued on ea«*h by .^lr. Turner. Several Senators comjdained that Mr. Turner should set biniself up :is the special guardian of North (.'arolina and call the a^ es and noes and ob- I ject because h> did not know all the f>ersons re- ! commended, and that he should constitute him.self . the judge of the rcspectabilit}' of the State. 31 r. 'I’urner replied—wa.s again and again called ' tt) order, amidst the utmost confusion. I Mr. Gorrell moved to take all the recomnienda- , tions f rom the table in a body, and upon them, : for it wa.>‘ evident the list could not be gone through with to-»lay. I Mr. Turner protested. Was it the intention of ; the Senattr to ap|>oint perjurers, fbrtrers and vil- ' lains to the administration of justice? He would j resist this movement if it kept the Senate till next : December. He would prove that such characters w ere on the lists—he would never consent to their I apfMiintmeiit. ! Mr. Gorrell withdrew his motion. I Mr. Edney njoved to take up at once all those ; counties to wliose lists there were no objections, j Messrs. Turner anu Cowper insisted that every- j name should be read. j The ayes and noes had frefjuently been called ' by Mr. Turner up U> this time, and over two hours j had already been wasted in passing upon about I half a dozen counties. Xash county was now taken up. I Mr. Turner demanded to know from 3Ir. Battle i if this list contained nothing but respectable men, j and if all were suitable. ! Mr. Battle replied that he considered them all j suitable but one. He would stat« this candidly, j There had been no difficulty or difference between him (Mr. B.) and that person; but he was not fit for the office—he wa.3 destitute of moral thought 1 and feeling; he wa* wholly incompetent and unfit, j and he could testify to it from information, from personal knowledge and from the evidence of the man’s father-in-law, and from the fact that he was incompetent to take care of his wife and not able to take care of himself. That man was Andrew Cooke. He hoped the Senate would concur in these views, and “knock” him off the list. Mr. Lankford asked what charges were alleged against 31 r. ("ooke? Had he not filled the office of justice of the peace in Wilson county, and was there any charge against him there? He asked the Senate if tliis man w»i«tobe condemned with out a hearing or a chance to defend him.self, by the mere assertion of 31 r. Battle? He contended the Senate sliould be satisfixl before they took action upon so imjH»rtant a question. There might be something else in it. 3Ir. Turner demanded the ayes and noes. 31 r. Battle repeated his char_-es. He spoke from personal knowledge and from the statements of Cooke’s father-in-law. He (C.) had married that man’s daughter and had failed to protect her; he had traded with niggers and had done every thing to disgrace himself, generally and particu larly. He(B.) did not say this becjtuse Cooke had voted against him—did not know that he did so—did not want him to vote for him. One of the Commoners (3Ir. Lewis) had promised to get Cooke appointed because he supported him in die late election. Mr. Pool moved to strike out the name of Cooke. 3Ir. Lankford moved to send back the list to the House to enable the Commoner to defend his nominee. 31 r. Turner got the floor. The Speaker ruled the discussion out of order. Here another scene of the wildest confusion took place. 3Ir. Turner re.sisted the ruling of the Speaker on several points. On one, as to his right to the ?,oor, he appealed, and called for the nyes and noea. Chair sustained, 27 to 6. The question of laying the entire list on the table, 31r. Turner again calling the ayes and noes, resulted, aye 20, ijo 7—3Ir. Battle voting to lay on the table. 3Ir. Turner moved a call of the house. With drawn. He next moved to adjourn, with ayes and noes—rejected. He now moved a call of the house. County of Orange next taken up. It was moved to add Wm. A. Graham to the list. 3Ir. Turner moved a call of the house. Ruled outof order, there being no rule to warrant the call. Mr. Turner aj^eal^—ayes and noes. Chair sustained, 26 to 5. Mr. 3Iiller moved to adjourn—rejected, 27 to 4. [The name of Mr. Graham was inadvertently omitted from the list for Orange in the ll, One of the Commoners put it on in tiu- but thinking it improper after the* list 1 ?T' the House, struck it off again. Tt wa.^ /■'' Mr. Cowper that the name should b*. r. 'inJ and he made a motion to that efiect. \i* , above explanation by 31essrs. Donnell Iv,- others, a motion to add the name carried.] • • ' - '"-'I ^ 3Ir. Miller moved .to recfmsider i’l inserting the name of 3Ir. !raham 3Ir. Cow]>er called for the Vut.- Ruled out of order, no such vote^ havi!' taken. ‘‘ 111 IfV The journal was read and the vote tj the name was found recorded. Here follow'ed a long discussion un i,,,' order»by 31essrs. Turner and Cowptr fh!'!' sisting that the vote had been taken an«i 1^"' clerk had tailed to do his duty in not ivr-, The chair ruled 3Ir. 31ilier’s moti.,,! order. Mr. 3Iiller appealed—chair sustained to 3. A motion to reconsider the name of Graham was •■added" was tr. u. 3Ir. 3Iiller moved te adjourn -j called for the ayes and noes—rejected 's 3Ir. Edney moved to “add” the nan'. ' (jftiham. * “Wa.' i-fi 31 r. Turner insisted the motion was oni.) - The Speaker called 31 r. Turner to refused to take his .seat. Loud cries of ••onl ' “order;” but he continued, and the SjitakTr" ing way, he proceeded to the the midst of great confusion. A.liJressiu.A' self to the list he .said the name of (.rah^ ' put in to sweeten it.” But Orani^e ii(| u„, Graham nor any other on the list, hw '* outrage to add that name or anv ..tlier "U Iftoked over it and said it was a iist'of fuH I.], / ed democrats or renegades; and il' the list j'C ' Camden was laid aside because it containt j'" whigs, this too should be laid aside. Ora/.' needed to be purged rather than oth. rwise t'"- court one of her magistrates had bi>eii for Compounding a felony. He (3ir. ']■ .jj.i stand there to defend every dog ' from (Jrange. He asked the .Senate uut tu lukl one more magistrate for that couutv. It t(HjkT’ many hands from the roads. Hf exhioitej a ijo sent to him, “but,” said he, “1 shan't Tecomiu.ul one of them,” and it contained, he said, rein -.j, whigs and democrats. ^No petition had' U-i.. presented for the appointment ol'those .m,t tr -' the House, and he moved to lay them on thi Mi.if Mr. Humphrey denied 31r. T.’s statcimnt r. ^ tive to the petitions. Two petitions had l,e,.n sent from the county of Orange. 31 r. Turner had not seen them his motion. He witliJr,- 31r. Edney made a fierce onslauirht on Mr Turner. Any man of brains c.iulj"unj,.rta,,,j that Senators were not disposed to make uia.'i'- trates of felons and scoundrels, as the bitiiaiur would seetn to argue by his estiuKite of hi- .nvii countymen. If it was his intention to (ibject t. those of (Jrange why not do so without a\Miuiiin: the right to interrogate every Senator on tliat floor? He had proclaimed to the w.irlJ that m... of his own countymen had comj.eunued a and in doing so he showed his own ftcliii-j Im could gain nothnig by it. Why thould he Con tinue to outrage the dec«»ruiu of that and thi othi-r house by his factious opposition and netdlo- waste of time; and he had now made a u.Mrioti tn condemn his own people under tlie speeiou> jr-- text (d‘ working the roads. Mr. T urner replied and showe«I the for his course and the service hewa> renJi rinL't- the State in w’eeding out her scoundn-K. Ih dwelt on the picture drawn by Mr. Battl.-nt' » countj'man—trading with negrot's. sHajijiini: "hiv key for stolen corn, and he claimed tiiat a.- the first fruits of his labor. lie moved to iudelinitfl} postpone, and called for the ayes and noe^. 31r. Edney hoped the list W 'uld be eudiir-ni. the opposition of Mr. Turner to the contrary ii"t- withstanding. Mr. Leach supported the motion of 31r. Turnir. The motion was rejected—aye ft, no 20. 31r. Edney’s motion wtis now adopted—aye:;!, no, 3Iessrs. Turner, Leach and 3Jiller. 3Ir. Turner moved to strike out Iliehard A.'lic Ruled out of order. 3Ir. Turner ajipealed, and called the aves and noes. Chair sustained. 3Ir. Turner took the floor. 3Ir. (iuythe; tMv to a question of order, ('onfusion and eri' - "t “order.” The chair ruled 3Ir. Turner out of order, 3Ir. Turner persisted in keeping the floor in tin- midst of a storm of “order,” “order”—the ehair failing to enforce the rules. [This .scene execfl- ed all others during the session and jiroduced tit 1- ings of profound regret and deep di.sgust. TLv total want of respect for the chair or the Senatv was loudlj- talked of and as loudly cundemneil, while the want of decision on the part of the .speak er was a source of regret. It appeared as if wnt- ters had now gained their culminating point, and the uproar gave place to comparative silence.] 3Ir. Turner moved to strike out Owen LonL' Ruled out of order. Appeal and ayes and nef> Chair susUiined. 3Ir. Turner moved to strike out another nanu' Loud cries of “order,” “order.” The recomuiendations of the House Avcro at length concurred in. 3Ir. Speaker Clark,now returned to the chair, it being 0} o’clock. 31 r. Edney moved to concur in all the noiuiua- tions on the table. 3Ir. Turner objected. The Speaker suggested that the course jiri>]n»s'd was quite unusual and had better not be pres>ed 3Ir. Edney withdrew the motion. Mr. Cowper moved to add to the list fitr Oran’^e the name of John Alli.son. [The Orange li>t h'- ing disposed of.] The Speaker ruled the motion out of order. Appeal—ayes and noes—chair sustained. [Here a sharp controversy, which shorth be came somewhat personal, took place between .'Ir Turner and 3Ir. (juyther, and in which 31r. Ldniy took a part. The Speaker stopped it iu time to prevent anything more than words.] A motion to adjourn failed. Inion county was next. , j Mr. Turner objected to the name of Simpson, as an “infarfious character,” and he be struck off the list. He entered into the question generally again atid for about the tenth time, and spoke of 3Ir. Simp.son sjteeially 1'^' had been tried for perjury, he stiid, aii'l fbr fi''’ gery, and he, (Mr. T.,) would prove it. The question of concurring resulted—aye - no. 10. 3Ir. Turner moved to reconsider the vote ju'^ takei by which W. H. Simpson was made a jus tice of the peace, ^le proceeded to adilre'> ’ “ Senate once more on the .general question. referred to the charges he had made agaiiiJ^t. Simpson. He proposed to have a statcnient frew the Senator from Cnion and from 3Ir. II- C. as to the facts. Ruled out of order, one of t parties not being competent. . , Mr. Bledsoe resisted th§ motion. The j* come to the Senate with the endorsement of t u House and the representative froiu I nion j who was more likely to know the character aj" standing of the gentleman objected to than Turner, He asked 3Ir. Turner if 3Ir. had not been appointed by one of our judges %■ years. Ta riff modifit;ati( nexl sessi( not suffici and 2d, tl of the exi next rctru with mud cal, upon President gress d some jirov will send action in the sessie will be u; se.ssion.-

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