m lOLIW. iFAirawwiiiMyE mail , . , ‘ Ice; or y..' 1 half , . ! Jther V . ‘,uy ILE \ ■ SEMI-WBEKL, Y. I*ti. ;:h . nup. J 111.- 7./: - Si-!.. itnl. )»• Of V.l\c liln-r if'i- !«■. .' Jl!l N ,. ■1-.. l.U r\tln: i,.,!' F.-- . i,t‘. ■ V/ * !: ■J’ •l.M ■til. ' 1- If-r 111- e.l:' I! p«ru. \ ol, ly i. . . ii IX >1-. \ -T I ii A Ol r , al.U -ii.iis iu kiioiiy, and [VOI.. Mil.] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., MAY 16, 1859. [NO. 814.] j.flNlKD M0N1>AVS AND THURSDAYS. i:nU ARl) J. HALE & SON, KI>1T:M;S and UKOIMUF.TOUS i.,c ., iiii-'Vt'i kh- OiisEHVER S.‘i 00 if puid in J , .‘>0 it tlnriiijr ihe jear of subsorip- ' I ,::or tlie yvnr has exj'ircil. ‘ »I!ehvkr $1.’ 00 per annum, if paid iu . .'i I if j'nid during tht* year of subscrip- ■ -f: ' I •:! after tlie voar iias expired. , vpvr.KTlSl-.MKNTS inserted for tJO cents jier l''i lines for the and oO cents for each ,|in_ ji;iblication. Yearly advertisements by spo- at reasonable rates. Adverii-jers are ...-i- i t" state the numlier of insertions desired, or , n’ >>,. C'liitiu\u‘d till forbid, and charged aecord- r;i>ements to be insertetl inxid*, charged &(• per t'X’’ SrF.ri.\L NOTU’E. -.1 i after this date, no name of a new subscriber without payment in advance, nor will he 'ent to such subscribers for a longer time ,.:.vl f.^r, , „ iiiv-lid subscribers as desire to take the ]>a- j_v~teui will please notify us wlien making 'F7f# Vitrritts:^ Fttrforif in the Houth! >l( KE/S i! A \ ir FAVETTEVILLK Wn'M IXSI RAXCE COMPANY. ASSETS $230,326.28. •iv;;' :..inuy lla^ been iu operation luore than five I Mi'. l has pai'.l its losse-^. amounting ro Sl'M-'i I,' any asse>.'meiit; insunui^-e averaging its r' a' ut j per cent. - to 1st of May. J7*')'.*. 1'I'foperty now insured. SI. tT l.OL’2 -’4 ]'remium notes now on hand. •J’J4.y*;S '2'S ,j’ 1 :fiiiiumii received, 3"J,317 41 ■ 'rXKCTOKS. Mi Neill. S. T. lla^ley, . Kay. W. N. Tillinghast, 'i L. Myrover, A. McKethan, ' W Tillinghait, J. D. Williamsi, Lilly. Jas. G. Cook, N Stedman, A. W. Steele. ' ,i Hinsdale, Jas. Kyle, r S Lutterloh, J. G. Sliepherd. V. ,- McLaurin, R. F. Brown. Wilmingtou. A. E. Hull. Wilmington. Offioers: GEO. McNEILL. President. D. A. KAY, Vico President. C. A. McMILLAN. Secretary. '-■llins and C. McCrummen. Travelling .\gent*. "The Company invite applications. .M.:v21. 1H58. ' 13Y ) ESl’hC rh L 1.1,\ iidovms hi> tViends and the public, that he lias built up large substantial I’rick !?uild- iiigs lit his Olil Stanl. exjtressly for mauiifaeturing ('ar- riages. Ihauktul tor the very liberal patronage he has reeeived tor the last l!l years, he liopes by strict atten tion to business, witii a desire to gi'^e satisfaction, to , merit a eoTitiuuauee of tiie same, lie warraiitr- his work to be m.'ide i>f the best material and by experienced workmen iu each branch of the business. His work will comjiare favorably with any made iu tlie United States, lor neatness and durability. IK- is ilotermined to sell and do any work in his line on ss good terms as any work done elsewhert' that is a-; wi'll done. lie now has on hand, tinisheil. TIIK LARCi'ST STtX’K OF Carriages, Barouches, Rookanays and Buggies, ever otlered in this place, and a '^ery large stock of work ' nearly tinished. which will be tiiii^hed ilaily. AH of whicli will be sold \e'.'v low for e.isli. or on short time to punetual customers. h:i on band more than (»NK HUNDItKD AND FIFTY Vi;HlCl.i;s tinished and in course of construction. by him i' waiTi;iited l‘J months h'Hild it fail by b.-id workuian;-liip paired fre*- of char>re. buv wouM do well to and gfci?*'All Work mad with fair usage, and or material, will be r Persons wishing t-, amine for ihemselvc. Orders thankt'ully receivi-d and iiiumptly attended to Kci'airing e.xecuted at r^iiot t n uice and on very rear^on able terms. Mav L’S. 1h'.i-tf \VM. (AUTER & S0.\, Wholesale A, Ketall Uealors and .Manufacturers THE .\WRTH lAHUM.W MI Tl AL LIFE IXSI KAXCE (O.flPANV, N'oW in the tenth year of successful oj>eration. with growing cafiital and tirmer hold upon public con- :. lence. ;-ontinues to insure the lives of all healthy j>er- ■ons from 14 to WJ years of age, tor one year, for seven e.ai s. and for life—all life memb-.'rs sharing in the profits. .Vll slaves from 10 to GO years of age are insured for .e year or for five years for two-thirds their value. ,U1 li'-ses are punctually paid within 90 days after i -M'factory proof is presented. For furt^ier information the public i>irefeiTod to Agents • the Comjiany iu all parts of the State, and ti> R. H. BATTLE, Secretary. Raleigh. E. J. H.\LE. .\gent at ' iti’y 1850. Fayetteville. N. C. atla.Vtic :nrTi al Fire and Marine Insurance lompanj, aKoLIXA (’ITV, NORTH CAROLINA. I'-ritttd hy an Art of tie. Ltyisfatiirt of Xortli i'ltrolimt. 1’;!1S (■tJMP.\NY >)eing duly organized, is now pre- 1. t-d to receive applications for insurance upon BuiUlini:'', Merchandise, Furniture, Mills, Manu factories, Ships and their (ar^oes, .. :: -t kinils of property, at remunerative rates of ;■ !iii. !■ i' aimed in the organization of this ('omjiany, to : I- a ?afe medium for Indemnity and Protection to ■.1 . 'I in case of Loss. An honoralde and upright r dealing, and a faithful fulfillment of its con- V will at all times characterize the business of the ; iliy. ! c itiona f«)r In'Urance may be made at tlie office ' : ipany, or to its authorized Agents. DIRECTORS. or AI.I. KIMIS OK Ijeuther, SmUUes and Harness^ Of every description. Collar';. Whips, vVc. ND we also particularly call the attention of the whole urrounding country to give us a call, as we are de termined that n 'lie ■•iiall 'urjia^s u- in i]iuility or low I prices: and we will giv- the highest cash price at all ; times for Raw Hide? and Tallow, in exchange for our i article-. ‘ Country Merchants w uild ilo well to call and examine I our Stock, as we can soli them Shoes of a much )>etter ! ijuality than they usually get. on very accommodating ; terms. Southern Planters would do well to send us all j their orders as we are inakin:: a No. 1 tirticle of NECiRO j SlD.tES, that are warranted to give entire satisfaction. I N. B. All t>rders from a dist.ance »l.all have prompt I attention. Is. S. C.VRTEI{. WM. CARTER. I Gold»ton P. O., Cliatham Co.. N. i , . March lo. 1>*.V... W ' ' .\ P >.rrott. William S Long, r^iglesby, David \\ Bell, " !! .ir;tnt. A B Chapin. I .I'lnO', Samuel I.effers, ■ • w Dill. Joel H Davis, ■ Ti. - J Blakely. D -A Hargett, ; ■ i;^:i,kman. E Mallett. OFFICERS. -V Parrott, President, 1' ‘ T i^lesby. Vice President, W I.„n2. Treasurer, 1- \ Th..ii]pson, Attorney. A I; ' i.:i].in. Secretary. " 1;' irant, i '• > Long. - EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. : W Bell, 1 M.;.! 12. OO-Om ». ii4»rNT»> ’’oUI.l) itiform his friends and former customers that he may be fouiicl 1* d'lors bel«>w the t'ape Fear iJank, and o door> above his .lUl ~tatid 'outh side l*erson Street, where he intends to keep on hand. Harness, Saddles, Bridies, Whips, (ollars, and every thing belonging to his trade. He resjx'ctfully invites his friend* from the country to call and examine his stock before purchasing. FTe will atten'i to Repairing of Marncss and Saddles punctually, and hi-^ cliarges ^llall l)e iM.iderate. He would request all in'leV)tel to the firm of Ht.'USToN \ (>VERBY to'Cttle with W. Overby or himself, as tiiey are compelled to -ettle the firm's debts. August ii7. l>'ofi. GEO. W. WILLIAMS & CO., INVITE THE ATTENTION OF MERCHANTS AND 1 Buyers gei.erally to their very heavy Stock of Oroccrie^i & Hardware. Consisting in jiari of ‘JoO Bags Rio, Laguira and Java Coffee: 75 Bbls. Sugar; 17 Hhds. Do.: 33 Bbls. and Hf-Bbls. .Mrs Miller’s Eagle MiUs and l?onii’s SnutT; Boxes anil Kegs Soda; 3') “ Tea; • it) •* Starch; lt)0 *• Glass, various sizes; 00 “ .\damantine ami Sperm Candlus; ; 20.'IH) lbs. Western and N. C. Bacon; j 40(1 Bags Corn; Pc]'i>er. Spice, (linger. Indigo, .Muddsr; Kaisins. Soap. Candy, itc.; | •>(M) Kegs Nails and S])ikes; j lt>0 Doz. Steel and Iron lloes; •’>7»> Pr. Trace Chains; j 4.-> Doz. Eng. and German Wheal and (irass Blades: r>(t •• Shovels. Spades and I'orks; 3;') •* Cotl'ee Mills: lO Totis iind upward Hollow-Avare & Plow (.'astings; Also, a full ami conipl(‘te aisortmeut of Hardware and (iroceries not enumerated; Blacksmith's. Cooper's and Carpenter's Tools: 10 Tons Hoop Iron; A large assortment of Swedes. .Vmerican atnl English Iron; German, Blister and Cast Steel: Shoe Makcr'i Material atid Shoe Findings; .^a cl d 11* r y; 011 Doz. Wagon and P>uggy Whips; In aildition to our largo and well selected stock of Shelf tioods, we have on the way an'l exjiect to receive in a few day, direct from the manufacturers in England, the heaviest stock of Poc‘k(‘f aiifi Tal)lf‘ C'litlery, .sJhears, Scissors. Razors and Files, ever otFered in this market. '\'e shall also iriif'ort during the year. I'H) TONS SWEDES IRON, various sizes, from 1^ to IU inches: jo tons of which we expect to receive about the loth of June. We shall .\i>t) to our stock from lime to time, as the trade reipiires: will at all times be prepared to offer in- d icements to Country Merchants, paying strict atten tion to orders. March 1.0')-3m Finest Family (iroceries for 1859. Al’KER .MERRALL A' CO., .\o. 13^ Ciiaiiiber street, Corner of (’ollege Place. (^Opposite Hudson River Rail Road Station. ) NEW YORK. DE.\LK.R^ IN FINEST WINES, FINEST BRANDIES, FINEST SEGARS, FINEST TEAS. FINEST COFFEES, FINEST SUGARS. FINEST BUTTER. FINEST HAMS. FINE.ST TONGUES, and FINEST I FAMILY GROCERIES, of every description, put uji for Shipment to all parts of the World. ('atalogues will be furnished upon application. March 24 ‘J0-3m TIOX. firm of STKDM.VN \ HORNE, Jr., is this day 1^ dis-iolveil bv nmtual consent. 1^'- ALL perstins iniiebted will PLE\SE call and settle their accounts. J C. STEDMAN.] [JAMES W. HORNE. FRKSII ARRIVAL! Second Stock Spriu^ and Summer Goods* J. A. l‘EM E RTON IS now receiving his second stock of Spring and Suui- mer Goods, embracing all the AEAVK!«T STYl.KS. Such as Summer Silks, Grenadines, Or- Randies, AV., \\ ith a great variety of new style goods for 'Pratelinff M^resses and M^usSers. Also a coiiqdete assortment of A large and varied assoi'tment of SILK AND LACE MANTLES, (MIANTILLY L.\(’E POINTS, BL K AND WHITE BER.VGE .MANTLES, STELL.V SHAWLS, &c. F^re Insurance. 11 rE refer our readers to the annual statement of the VV *i^tna Insurance Company, of Hartford. This suc cessful institution was incorporated by the Legislature of Connecticut in 1819, with a perpetual charter. Its capital is !^500,(J(>0. and its accumulations exceed $800,- 0M( more, making its entire assets over .$1,30),(,M>0, in vested as detailed in the statement referred to. These results indicate that during the period of nearly fortj’ years since its organization, (witbout a single change of its chief officer,) its business has been conducted with judgment and prudence. It has been thus far success ful in an eniinent degree, discharging, as we are in formed, all its obligations by the payment of about ten inillion dolhtrg for losses, without asking a day's delaj' in any instance. It has had but litrie litigation, notwith standing the immense number of transactions made. In ! order to attain as much certainti/ as possible in such a , business as insurance, it has been the practice of the j Company, for several years, at great labor, carefully to classify and arrange their risks into about fifty distinct ; classes, so as to ascertain the amount insured on each ■\ few of those sj)lendiil French EMBROIDERED j class, the amount of premiums received thereon, and the H tf ^(■;;roes! WaiiU*d. j KNTI.KMKN, your old customer is yet in market for ' I l-ikely Negroes, forwhich I am determined to j>ay the t'ash Prices. Highest laving si;ch for sale would lo well to give ir address me at Clinton, N. C. •- iii omptly attended to. J. A. McARTHUR. N. C., M;ireh 1), l-o'.t. Oo-lyri.d J. W. KAKIvBt Is now roci'iviiiL'' tVoiii the Nortli the largest, finest, and most carefully selected stock of ri Ri: ever offered iu this market; which adiled to his own m.niu fact lire, m ike.- his a-sortment complete;— all of which lie will >ell on t!ie lowest jio.'sible terms for cash or on time to punctual customers. Fashionable painted cottage bed-room Furuiture in setts; curled hair and shuck, and cotton .Mattresses; Looking Glasses; Willow Wagons and Cradles; Side Boards; Bureaus; Secretaries and Book-Cases; What- Not.-'; Tables, all sorts; Wash Stands; ('andle Stands; Wardrobes: Picture Frames and ilass; Window Shades; (’ornices; (’urtain Bands; Sofas in Mahogony and Wal nut; Tete a Tetes; Ottomans; Divans and Stools: Chairs of every variety. Fine Rosewood I'itinos, one witli ^Kolian at- tachmeiU; Rosewool .>lelodians. from the best manufac tories in New York and Bo.“fon. t\.irninted as good as any made in the country, ;inil will be sold at New York prices—freight only added. Sepi ember 2. iMarble Factory, 4")tf H.V\'1NG purchased .Mr. Stedman's entire interest, 1 will coutimie the business at the old stand, where I will lie happv to see niv old friends and customers. JAMES W. HORNE. Aj)ril Uo .S-lm ^ The Sociable, or lOOl Home A- I musements; The Autocrat of the Breakfast Table; Lec tures of Lola Montes; Chronicles of the Bastile, illus trated; The .^lagician■s Own BC'Ok; Living and Loving: Livingstone's Travels; Live and Learn; The Power of Prayer, by Prime; School Books, \c., A:c. Further supplies, just receiveil. Jan'y ol E. J. HALE SON. File** ol'tlie Oh«ierver Wanted. ll’’E have been ajijilied to fora tile of the »bserver \\ from its foundation in 1H17 to 1854. If any per son or persons can furnish such a file, or any consider able part of it, we will be ghul to be informed, with statement of jirice. E. J. HALE x SON. March 2S. Ilairdware, Cutlery, 1AMES M.VRTINE is now receiving a large and gene ral assortmerit of every thing in the above Kne. —ALSO— I A prime article of Rio, Laguira and Java CoFFFJ-]; I Crushed ancl Brown Sl.'tJAR; Sugar House SIRUP and MOLASSES. All of which is offered on as good terms as can be hal in thi^ market. Nov'r-J4, IS.'.H. ;«tf fmiKET IRO]\, TI.\-WAKK, &c. ON H.\ND. a large assortmeTit of Box anil Cooking Stoves; Tin-ware; She-'-lron; Lead I’ipe. Also 'Ihe “OW Hotninion For sale by JAMES MARTINE. AND LACE SETS, COLLARS A.\D SLEKVhS. Douglas ki: Sherwoods NEV»' STYLE CORSETTS, (with Bustle and .'kirt-Supporter attached.) A great variety of NEW STYLE HOOP SKIRTS, itc., ."(cc. In the .nbove stock may '>e found a great many new md desiralde styles, just out. The public generally are invitecl to ciJl early and examine for themselves. .1. A. PEMBERTON. April 10, 18o0 7- tKfK^'STO.^*M: W . TII.Li:\OIIA{ST Is now openin'! an Invoice of WHITE IRONST(JNE ClllN.V, comprising an assortment of Dinner and Tea Ware, which was 'aijiorted to his own order ex pressly to suit J’/iiK .l/i; This Ware is the LATEST .''TVLE and of SUPERIOR QUALITY. Ili^ a^«iOi*liiieiit ol other \Vare«t i-i still good, ('oujitry Merchants may supply them- si'lves on a- good terms a>= by sending North. April 8-lm \K\V STOCK Of Watches, Jewelry and Silver Ware. R. Gl/OVER A.'! returned from the North with a large Stock of (.Joods in his line, con sisting of ^Vatches of all kinds and prices, from to $1*10; Gold Chains of all kinds and jirices: Breast-Pins, Ear- Hings and Bracelets, a large stock; Gold Lockets, Fin ger Rings: (ioM Pens and Pencils; Silver Spoons of all kinds; a fine lot .'^ilver Cups. Plated ('astors and Candle Sticks, Cake Baskets; Clock.s, Military (ioods and every thing usually kept in a Jewelry Store, which he is pre pared to sell on reasonable terms. His friends and the public are invited to call and examine. March h, l^oO t)5-3m Ice C'reaiiiS Ice Cream!! ^pil E subscriber having lately refitted his K’E CREAM X S.XLOtjN. at the Shemweil House, will be pleased to serve the Ladies and Gentlemen of Fayetteville and vicinity, on and after the •J7th inst. The Saloon will be opened ut 0 o’clock, A. M., and kept open until 10 P. M. P. SHEMWELL. April ‘Jo ISoO. 8tf lAVIUOKATOK! 1‘KKPAKKP IIV DH S\NKiRl>, (ompoiiuded entirely from orws, IS OSK OK TIIF. BKST Pl RiiXTIVK A.M> I.IVtK «K I DU’INKS now b«rore luo pubhc. ib*l *cui na a eti.oietr. mil'ler. and more«fTectuai Than any o»her medicine kuown It ii not only a f'41/Uirtir, Lul a Lir^r reiued>. lu’iihjf first on ihr f.ivfr to eject \X» morbid maiter. then on th« and to carry off that matier, thus atxurapiit.hing two effe*.:-. ally, without any i f the j;>ainful Te^ljisK^ f xperieno^vi iu ihe oi »- » ti.»n* of moat C^haitirt. U “trengihebi the Hynlera at the time that it purir«tf it ; ar.d when taken daily in nKMleiat« d« ill »trent(tbcn and build rt up with jnuftual rapSdit>. Hriioiint of loMse.s upon each. Thi.« classification, extend ing over a long period, and covering property to a very large amount, furnishes reliable data, and presents a sound, substantial basis of actual experience, upon which to conduct its business. Insurance is not a matter of luck or chance, as many suppose; its hazards are ascer tainable, and its principles capable of being reduced to a sj'stem, the practical working and results of which are as certain as that of any other business. The /Etna Company, b^- adhering rigidly to its system, and placing its business upon a healthy basis, has obtained the con fiilence of the Cfmimunity to an extent surpassed by no other Compan_v in the U. States, and lias increa.sed its business and its income from year to year with a steady growth. One great source of its security is the wide disti ibution of its risks—a policy which it pursues with great strictness—limiting the amount to be covered in each locality, Bj' this course it has passed, with com parative impunity, through some of the most sweeping and destructive fires, which have swallowed up other Companies less cautious in their business. It is a system like this, based uj>on experience, which gives stability ami soundness to a company, and to the assured con fidence and security.—Baltimore Patriot. STATEMENT (JF THE i.atliXCK IIAKTFOKO, INCORPORATED 1819. CHARTER PERPETUAL. CAPITAL $1,000,000. E. (i. RIPEY, Presideut. T. 1. ALE.\A\DER. Vice Pres’t. T. K. BR\CE, Jr., Sec’y. .\SSETS, JAN Y 1. 18r)9. Market Value. Real Estate unencumbered, S*'''>,o38 2*J Money due the Co. secured by Mortgage. 4,t212 15 Cash in hand and in B'k with accrued in'st. 209,180 38 Cash in the hands of Agents and iu transit. 1‘J1,812 82 Mortgage Bonds at 7 per cent, interest, 44,000 G •• •• -J8.00J Jersey City W'ater Bonds at (3 percent, int'st, Hartford City Bonds at 0 per cent, interest, 30,X>0 Brooklyn “ " *“ 0 " ^i.OOO Rochester “ *• “ 7 “ '• 2-j,0tj0 Milwaukie,'* *' *“ 10 “ " 5,000 DuBucjue, *• •* 10 “ “■ 110 U S Tres'y Notes 4i & 5 pr ct accrued in’st 57,502 12 United States Stock, 5 per cent interest, 52,375 State of Tennessee, 0 “ “ 9,10J “ Kentucky, ti “ “ 10,200 “ Missouri, tj “ *• 43,51*0 “• •• New York, ti •“ ■■ 28,'M_KJ •“ Ohio, (IHOO) t; “ *• 50,000 “ “ Ohio. (188*;) 6 “ “ 20.5W Hartford & New Haven Rail Road Co Stock. ti0,00(j Boston 6: Worcester ** •* “* 10,2t2 Connecticut River “ “ " 12,5X) Connecticut River Company “ 1,250 «''iiizens Bank Stk Waterbury, Ct 5,250 Stafford “ *• Stafford Sp*a, •• The tilTrr one of th** httiuan body ; anu wh«ii it th«> powert of the ivttem Mie it alnioat entirely dependent Lxtsrr for ihe prop*r |»«rtorm ttomach ii at (aull, ibebowelt •ystem sutfers iu coni^u«uc« harinK *eaa#ii to do iu duty f^an, one of the proprietors ; practice of luore than tmentv wherewith to counteract the It is liable. To prove that thin remetly is bIM with l^ver ”>111- baa but to try a bottle, and These (auois r«nio«e all r||r the Myttem.snppIyiDK in their tnv1}ctratin^' the stomas) piirlfyliiie tlie blood, whole machinery, removing etfeotinf a radical cure. 1 Ulllous attac'kii Are:^. better, prevei»tel, by , Lilver liivlKorntor. ;» Diiedose aft^t eating is «uf- ^ and prevent t!^e f>KHl fn>ni | Only one dose taken before | mare. > SS (>nly one doce taken at fently, and cur«>» Co4* One dose taken after ea^'h Jk^»ne d '1^ of two tea e^lrk Ilenlai‘lie. One bottle iMken for fe- caui>e of the diHea^t*. and Only one dote iminediately One doK« oAen repeated is Morbufl^ And a preventive 9^ Only one bottle it tysteni the effecta of medi- One bottle taken for iownesa or nnnatural color One dose takeu a short gOT to the appetite, and make* One dose often repeated rbcpfi III itK worst fornifi. Bowel coinplaints yield One or two doses cures at Children : there is no nurar, the world, as it n«r**r ftiiU. A few bottles curee abnorhents. WetakepleMurein recom preTentire tor F«ver aiifl and all Kevers of a Itll- with certainty, and thou^attdi^ wonderful Tirtues. principal rt^fsulators of thi> peiforms its functions well, fully (ieTelojted. I hf? sUftnatk on the heaUhy a^'tiun of the an:.'e of its fuiictioiii. when the are at fault, and the whole of one oiK»u—the I.*lver— Fur the diseases of that or* has made it bin study, in a years, to ftid s^tnie rt many derai.geraents to i at laxt found, any person trou plnliit« in »ny i.f its forms, icohviction N cenain. niorUd oi ln*d matter fiom place a healthy flow of bile, cauHiiig food to digest aeil, it.K i^tid health to the the cause of the disease^ cured, aiul, what lu the occMsioT.al u«e of the ficienl to relieve the stoinach rising (^t)d soivring. retirinK, prevetita M«ht- nipht, looeent the bowels WtlvenedS* meal will cure t>i*ftp«'l>iila ^ npoonfuU will alwa^ s relieve male ol>etruction removes the mnke^ a perfect cute, relieve* Clloll4'« while a (*ure cute for Cholera ,of Cholera, needed to throw out of the cine after a long sickneHs. «1aiiiKllee removes all sal from the ikin. ,time before eating' gives vl- : ft>od df>re!*t well, cures ('liriiile Ulai-- while S u m m r r and almost to the Qi.st di>>^e tark* caused ^yWorma it* safer, or speedier reuie«i> in Dropsy* ty exciting the ; mendini^ this medicine ai a A^iie, C'hlll Kever, lotitt Type. It fperatex nve willing to tei*iify its Nov'r 21. f.Otf PAIATS, A:t*. A o I i t €‘roe f» \Va ii 11* «l. '• and citizens of the (^unties of Dnpliii. .Iohn«toii. Harnett, .Moore, (.’uinberlanl. lil.iden, (’olumbus, Brunswick, New Hanover, - i-' i'iber being desirous of j)urchasing a number V V luig .Negroes, of all classes and descriptions. ■ .i "Ifof this method of informing those who ■ 'Ve uch j)roperty to dispose of, that they wouM ^ I'- visit me at honie, or address me at (’linton, ■' 1' which they shall receive a visit. A word to '■ i- -utlicient, as it is well understood that I jiay ■ling high prices. EVERETT PETERSON, yll. 185'J 88-Hm take:\ i p, ' l-N up anil committed to the Jail of Cumberland ‘i-v on the loth inst., a NEGIU) BO^ , named ii m ■HN Hy fiAlJDKIi, TWO DOORS .\liOVK C. T. llAllill vV SO.VS’ STORE Favfltc'tillc, V. Jan’v 20, I85'J «4-ypd Tiir|M*iitiii€‘ llackcr!^, Sfr«i|»€*r», Fiiller!^ and p.ality. can be had at .M. A. l>.VIvER S 50 ■.f: \CE or JOHN FRANKLIN, who says he is : \ in is : A SllOl*. Fayetteville, N. C. ■>' 1 that lie came from Ci;lumbia, S. (,\ Jol ■I bri^riit niulatto, and had on when taken uj> a ■ w ,.,i hat and steel-mixed frock coat and {)ants. ■ ii"i- of »aid Negro is notified to come forward, jiioperty. j>ay charges, and take him away, or he dealt witli th« law directs. GEO. L. McK.VY, Jailer. 15, 1858. 55- 80tf tHi)I('E North BACO. - ■••■1 Shouldern, ■M. 14—54-tf] ■Mes Jan’y 15, i8o8. Notice to Tiirpeuf iiie Distillers and others. JA.M fully prepared to make or rej)air TURI’ENT INK STILLS, or do any tiling in the Copper or Sheet Iron work, at the shor'oxt notice. Fayetteville. Jan'y 24. 185f t lironolofry of Norlli (aroliiia. from 1.»S4 to lf>58 M. A. BAKER. H2tf C. A>. by D. K. Bennett, ct. 21. Just rcceivi‘l. E. J. UALli &L SON. Sl’ERM. Refined, Lard, Linseed and Tanners’ OIL; White Lead; Burning Fluid; I’utty; Window Glass anil Sash of all sizes. —A LS( )— A fresh su})ply of POND'S PAIN DESTROYER. For sale by JAMES MARTINE. | Nov'r 24. 1858. btitf | Plows! Plows!! Plows!!! ! NO. f. PLOWS: I 50 No. 10 IMows; j 50 No. 11 “ 25 No. 50 “ I 25 No. tiO *• I Points, Bars and Mould Boards to suit. | For sale by C. E. LEETE. Jan’y 12 _ j lliiffcr. t'licesc and trackers, i I ii FIRKINS (loshen Butter; 1^*1 2') Ho.\es State Cheese; | 10 I’jt'ls. Soda an ' Butter Crackers. Just received by E. Jan'y 12 Iiiill \vt and ^eine Twine. LBS. (iill Net Twine; 1110 lbs. Seine .lust received by C. E. LEETE. Jan’y 12 70- l>eep River Coal. Bituminous Cf>,\L of the best nn.ality can he had at the works at Egvpt, at a reasonuVde price by the Ton. * ^M. McCLANE, Mining Engineer May ‘-1, 185C. G-tf Eagle Phoenix Farmers .i Mechanic* Exchange “ State “ Uity County C'onnecticut River “ Hartford *• Charter Oak “ Merchants Ji Manuf -Etna “ .Mechanics & Traders “ State of Missouri .Merchants Exchange North River .Mechanics North America Nassau “ America Broadway Peoples “ Republic “ Cit3' “ Union “ Hanover “ Commonwealth “ Phenix Manhattan *• New York “ Market >cean Metropolitan Butchers Drovers Importers & Traders American Exchange “ Vlerchants “ United Slates Trust Comp'y N York L Ins Trust Co Bills Receivable, Miscellaneous investments. Providence RI 1,872 I • Hanford, Ct 30,000 45.000 I 13.500 I 28,080 11.400 5,400 j y.ouu j 00,450 I 10,300 10.500 I 10.400 J ersey C'y. N J 1.500 St Louis. Mo 20,000 New York. 10.400 lu.ooo 30.000 22.400 ;o.tioo 34.200 27.000 10.400 04.400 12.-J00 22,4»Mj 8,900 10,01M» 11.200 27.000 33.000 2j,0(Jt 10.000 44.400 23,000 33,600 42.400 45,100 11,30(J 24,750 48,055 67 23,t)59 08 1 AROJLl.^A CITl HOTEL. PARROTT dt MEWBORX, Proprietors. This magnificent Hotel has been enlarged to nearly double its original size, an addition of eighty-eight feet having been added on Railroad street, thus pre senting an imposing front immediately in view of the Atlantic Ocean. The veranda of this Hotel (which is three stories high) fronts towards the Ocean two hundred and eight een feet, afiFording a DeliglitAil Promenade. From this stand point, the beholder can scan the Ocean in the South, Bogue Sound in the South-west, the Har bor with all its shipping. Fort Macon and three Light- Houses in the South-east, aft'ording a range of OCEA!¥ SCXl^EKV, that is scarcely elsewhere to be met witli. The superintendence of this Hotel will be in the hands of Mr. H. ERAMBERT, (formerly of the Fay etteville Hotel,) whose taste and skill so eminently qualifies him for making all the guests feel as if they were at home. The best servants the country could afford have been secured. Those who stop with us will never be at a loss for Recreation and Entertainment. Our steamboat will make regular trips to Beaufort* tiie Inlet, the Fort, and often on extra excursions, while our BAND OF MUSIC will be ever “discoursing sweet sounds” to the ears of those who shall favor us with their company. Our BAR will furnish choice liquors of all kinds; our BILLIARD ROOM is in good order, and our BOWL ING ALLEY will be constantly open for the entertain ment of those who have a taste for these healthful ex ercises; and our READING llOOM will contain files of the best newspapers, magazines, and periodicals pub lished. The sick will find our BATlll.’VCii a matter of great comfort and a help to better health. We feel assured that in every respect we can give entire satisfaction; we shall, at least, spare no pains to do our whole duty, that all our guests may receive all pos.sible attention. T.\KE NOTICE! As tiie train arrives after dark each evening, persons going to Beaufort Trill do well to stop over night at Carolina City, as they can be con veyed, wherever they wish to go, the next day, in a steamboat or sail-boats, and thus be saved the trouble of a disagreeable night trip across the water. TERMS; S2 a Day; $12 a Week; S30 a Month. PARROTT *Sc MEWBORN. Carolina City, May 5. 185'J 12-2m Fresh Fruitis, 4)*; BOXES ORANGES and LEMONS; 40 M FIGS; FRESH COCOA-NUTS; DATES, C.A.NDIES; MAPLE SUGAR CARES, ic., &c : Just to hand by Fanny. —ALSO— PRUNES and CHERRIES for sale low; SPICED NORFOLK OYSTERS; GINGER WINE, CURR.\NT WINE, BAY RUM, .te. For atiy of the above, or almost any thing else in my line, call at J. R. LEE'S, Hotel Building. May 9 12-it MPissolntion of Copartnership. The Copartnership of WM. F. HORD & CO. has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. Mr. E. R. Webster having transferred his interest to Wm. F. Hord. who will settle and collect all debts due or coming to ! aid Firm. In pre-^ence of JOHN BARCLAY. WM. F. HORD. £. K. WEBSTER. MR. E. R. WEBSTER will be retained as managing Superintendent on my R. U. works. WM. F. IIOKD Mav 9, 1859 12-lm A’ .4lCTIO:V SALES. T S.\LES ROOM, on Monday Evening next, at early candle-light, I shall commence sale of Ready-Made Clotbln;^, Dry (ioods Boots und Shoes, Hardware and t’utlery, and continue till the consignment is closed. This sale embraces an excellent assortment of fresh and dc.-iirabb- goods. and my orders are to.close out without reserve. JOHN H. COOK. Auct’r. May VI 12 TRl>iT SALE VO:%TlVirED7 ' ^PllE Trust Sale of Jas. G. (..’ook will be resumed ou i 25th May next, when the lot east of his Store will be sold, unless it should be sold at private sale; th« lot is 24 by 130 feet. At the same time quite a number of other articles. SAMPSON Bt^ON, Trustee. Fayetteville. April 11, 1859. 4-ts li^rand Royal Arch i'liapter ot .\drth Carolina. rpi E Regular .Vnnual Convoca- LEETE. 79- All wlin ti«e It are ^l%lii^ tlieir unanimous teatlinoiiy |ti Its fhvor. ifjr Mix Winter lii-tlie mouth with the IhtI- g;orator, niul swallow both together. THS LIVER INVIGORATOR IS A SClICNTIKir JtKKICAl. HISi’OVKKY. hikI is riullv workinf^ currj*. aliuopt too to helii-ve. It « urcs uk hy niHiric. the Jfrnt dtute i/irint/ ar*d HoUioTn more limn oiie botiW i» reniiret to cure any kind of lilver romptamT. from tht' worit JaumHrt »r to « conimou Kli of which Hr« tlie lesuli of a l)lseaKel lj|vei*« TKICK ONC DOI LaR PEK SOTTt.r. Hr. SANFORD, l’r..pn.*:r.r, Mb New York Retailed by all JAS. N. SMITH and S. J. HINSDALE. Fayetteville, N. C. Nov'r 11. 62-1 y «TATItl.\i:RV. In addition to our ]>resent stock we are receiving 1*10 Reain« Paper, Embracing everv variety of CAP, LETTER, BATH LETTER, COM.MERCIAL NOTE, BILL HEAD, FOLIO POST, and N(JTE P.\PERS. C)0 M. ENVELOPE.S, of every description. 1 ease English and .American SL.\TES. assorted sizes. lOOgrossSTSEL PE.NS; Pen-holders; School Ink-Stands; VISITING CARDS; BLANK BOOKS. E. J. HALE & SON. Feb’y 12 Fiirtiier Niip|»iie«> ot* Bookw. mllE A.MEIUCAN AL.MANAi; for 1859; 1 FATHER AND DAUtJHTER, bv Miss Bremer; “WHAT WILL HE DO WITH‘iT,” by Bulwer; SCHOOL BOOKS, Me., \c. March 7 E. J. HALE & SON. SOITHKRX ILVKMOXY,—A Further Supply 1 just receivod. E- J- H.VLE A: SON. .Nloich 7. Webster’s I'lementary .^pellin^ Books. A further supplv just received. Jau’y 8 ' E. J. HALE & SON. L1.\BILITIES; Losses unadjusted and not due, .?llO,97'i 54 -Xgcnt of the above Company at Fayetteville, E. J. HALE. Dr. FRANK WILLIAMS’S RVK WHISKEY. M1T(’HELL has made arrangements with Dr. Frank William«. to l>e constantly supplied with his celebrated RYE WHISKEY, which can l>e had at his Store at all times, by wholesale or ret;iil. Oct’r 11, 1858. 5:5-tf R. To Hail Hoad Contractors! JUST RECEIVED 100 WHEEI.BARRt>\VN, light and strong, for the Rail Road. For sale bv D. & W. March 2'.*, 185?*. l^resU mlrrirais. 1 UST received pr Ste.amer Fanny. »J 4 Bbls. Extr.-i No. 1 M.VCKERE!., (for retailing.) D) J “ tlo. “ 1 do. 10 j *• do. •“ 1 do. 10 i MESS SHAD; 80 Boxes (,'HEI^SE; 100 Bags New Hulled BUt^KWHEAT FLOUR; Fulton Market Beef; Mess Pork: Goshen Butter, Pocket Salt; Sugar; Coffee: Molasses: and every thing in the I provision line; which I will sell cheap for ('ASH or ex change for country Produce, i W. C. TROY I Nov. 8, 1858. »;o-tf I I I>evereiiiL's Kinnie’s RIackwtone, I reduced to Questions and Answers, upon the plan of 1 Kinnie's Blackstone. one Volume; Drake on Attacliment I For sale by I^ J. H.-VLE it St.)N. A new and complete li'ortii ia- i rolina FORM BOOK, compiled from the best sources. and intended ai> a companion to Cantwell’s Justice. I April 2. E. J. HALE & SON. tion of this Body will be held in Wilmington, ou Monday tim sixth diiy of June nest. Subor dinate Chapters are requested lu be punctual in sending their re- _presentatives and returns, bl;lnk^^ ^^^-for which were sent by mail la°t ^ ,week. THOS. B. C.\RR, Grand Sec'y. May 3. n-tm aTtreatise ~ ON TIIE LAW OP EVIDENCI3, $1,807,920 08 ; TENTH ENGLISH EDITION, WITH CONSlDF.R..\BLE ALTEB.VTIUSS AN1> Al>I)lTIO.VS. By the Right Hon. S. MARCil PHILLIPS and THOS. J.V.MES ARNOLD, Esq , one of ihe Police Magistrates for ihe Metropolis. FOIHTH AMERICAN ElllTION, ^Vilh COWEN vV HILL'S Notes, and 'vith adilitionxl Notes and References to ttie English and .\merieaii cases to the present time, including tiiose added to the last eilitiou bv J. .Mar-*den Van Cott. n\ rSAAC EDWARDS, Cot NSEi.t.oit AT Law. In volumes. Price SI8. The unequalled work of Mr. Piiillips 0!i the Law of Evid(‘nce has long been acknowledged. This edition has undergone a thorough revi-ion by' Ml. Edwards, and lias received an inimen.'-e umoiint ol' lrtV)or, anl is now as nearly i)erfect as can be made. McL.Vl RIN. I’lii* American labor and talent bestowed u|.on the 80otf work are not less than that derived from tlie Englisk source. The immortal notes of .Me.-srs. ('owen .'i Hill, together with those of Mr. Van (,'ott. have been care fully preserved; and insteal of being put in ;i vuhime by theiiiselv-s, as formerly, they are now placed below tlm text—a disposition of them which will very much I'aei- litate reference. The entire note and text are arranged in three compact volumes, with a table of cases, and ati extremely full index to each. Mr. Edwards has care fully noted any distinctions that may exijt between tho English and .American law, and has added ail the late .American decisions. Several copies of this valuable work just received an«i for sale by E. J. HALE & SON, Fayetteville. Further l^upplieM ot‘ Rookw. My Thirty Years Out ot the Senate, by Major Jack. Downing; Bulwer’s Novel, “What Will He Do With It?” Brownlow & Pryne's Controversy; Lightsftiid Shadowsof Scottish Life, by Prof. Wilson; Eric, or Little by Little: Sterne’s Works; Longwonh on the Grape; Kip’s Lenten Fast; Buck's Theolog. Dictionary; Ruskin s Political Economy of .Art; Tre-i^nry Blotting Paper; School Books, &e. i Juat received. JL. J. UALE SON.

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