ENCE, 'I'nlTltiv. II11 i i I s ami I'lios ; ! I'f I’lilicji ofr iri '-nal P fl -- uMo.l to-he ^ \ K hs. It! nV Jir. II.. f :i O'I '11 nw. -h I'vi-jjoj, ! ;■ III m;;:= .!*• ■ 'iin !. ‘ ^ '■* "U 111,. ' " ^ IliM. ' ‘ (i,,- i- - - '' t'l\S,.,.„ ' = 1 lir,. 1;„,. ^ - ''- I Mini t ye« Vil ,.. I li • ~ -uc- I ■1 ' SI .| ■ ■". in " !iy |. I, ■!:i_V in ; ■iwiih- " II' . i., ■ 1 'ill'll •! ■■'V 'li?iiin-i - ! -!1 ,-c! I I- f '/ t : Vfj-y I'^ •--ir - n ^ -'11 w. .'^T I ’ ■= -.-,1 !, T' .‘' ' .1 I 1' .itlicv ' i 4~'eni "■■ii'i'nV /*. >F * II : (OMPIW. • o> i: 1 ■; i 000,000. pn'uIi'ih. K.BH F.Jr„Sff'y. r- •i. 1 in J - In. li -i _ 1. • jlMt I ,1111 ; I"" 1IM» 1.. Illl» I '• iifMMI »!' iM It (‘ports. Volt ll,- . - . IIH'l i il ■ k t- : in' il .11 J-Jll.'illy i. • I .1 .1- - 'lie i.oiiii - I,. •. ; . «. ' .r (' Ull'i l 1 . . ' i :ill‘i|. il.: - i| Hll'l Ui. . .. :-i it. ivic Il • ♦ , i-; \ s»N. Ifltr- at 1*1 lU‘port^»« ,ri~. and 1 !■', ii.ns in ■ .r 'v Oi» SEMI-WBBKL, Y. [VOI . Vllf.] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., JUNE 6, 1859. [NO. 820.] IMUNTKI* MONDAYS AND TTIURSPAYS. EDWARD J. HALE & SON, FPITOUS and PROIMUETOUS FAVKTTKVIi.LE HOTEL, T. WADDILL, I’Roi'ulKTOK. pills, tlip most conimotlioiis Hole! in Noith • ilu' Somi-Weekly "iiskrvkr (V) if paid in . ‘'arolin.i, tVoniin^ :}(K) feel on Hay and ’ I l)oii!iM>»on Streets, located iti the centre of llie ..Iv uuo; ? ■ if 1'i‘id during llie year of subserip- I liusiness portion of the town, and surrounded by all I il>.. ■■ .... , . ■' j: ,v SI after the year has expired. I .■ rho Wi-ekly OksilHVkr $‘J per annum, if paid iu it paid dtirinj; the year of subscrip tion; ''I' ‘ after the year ha.« expired. A 1)VKHTISKMKNTS inserteil for t>0 cents per ■Im^v liiire ^>f 111 lini's for the tirst. and oeiit.s for each ,-i. diU): pnhlioation. Yearly advertisements by spe- .1 , at reasonable rates. Advertisers are 10 slate the number of insertions desired, or 11 be continued till f.irbi.l, and eharsjed accord- i-^‘ineiits to Ih» inserte>l iiisiitr, charged 5l> per i-Ml-a. srr.t’lAL NtvTU'K. t'.,.!' and at’tor this dal*, nonaineof a nt'W subscriber I'ntero'l wirlioul payment in adrun.-e, nor will ; bf -ioiit t.i such su>>8crib«r^ for a lonpor lime i- li:iid f".r. s;.c!i i.t I'ur old kubscribom un desire lo luke ihe pn- r '!i i‘"i'' »ysteiu will pleaaie iiolifT us when making the Hanking Houses, Wholesale M«rchant» aud princi pal Proiluce Dealers. Husiness men will find the Hotel a convenittnt and Ct>m1ofi:ibU‘ house. All the Stages arrive an.l depart from this Hotel. Kayelleville. Oct. 1, 18.')8. 51- S!I!y>lWF.LL IIOUSK 1 AVKTTKVll.I.K, V,. hiisf sn/> nt ilfi t')} n / */• ilo/O's ^irth nf thr Murhct. .lOSKPH HAKER, Jr., ATTOK^KV 4T ly A W , HAS taken an oftioe next door lo Win. 15. Wright’s Law Office on Orten Street. He will attend and practice in tlie Pounty and Superior Courts of Cuiub«rland, iJlailen, Robeson and Sampson. •March *23, 1853. 79tf THO. O. PTTLLER, •'ttforneif timf Couitftelior at h h ICE at Kculck's Rridge. recently occupied by Janies 0 Hanks, Ksi)., FayottaviHo, N. C. ■lan’y 1, IS-")?. A--' >«• > «£|i| .bin'v D. W. MfLAl RIN, ii’i'M.U invite attention to their large and dasirable \\ .ck ..f OKOC EK I,- - Uu iu part of— liau* Kio, Ltiuuira ami Java (’tiflfct*; li'ii lUtls. uiul IUkIs. .Suir.tr assorted; i L’.. Ilhilsi. :;n “• Haeon—Sitlf* anl .Shonklcr>»; Sacks Salt; 1IJnxos mMHl Tobacco; 1J > “ Spenu, Adamantine iV Tallow C’aiulles; .')tl Soap i assorted;') nil '• Caiuly 1''^ Hajxs Shot “ Itiuti lbs, IJar Lead; :>(• \ Snuff—Eai^lo .MilU; Ko^ Soda; 1'50 “ Nails. —ALSO— A large and general assortment of HaiMlwarc* and C'lillery; Fariuinjr Ftensils, of all descriptions; .Vuierican, Kiiirlish, Swedes and I’cruvian Iron; lilister, German and Ca.st Steel; Blacksmiths’ Tools; (Viopers’ Do.; (’orn Sheller.A and Stravr (’utters; Buckets, lirooms and l*ails; Cotton, Manilla and Jute Hope, (all kinds and (luality;) Plow Lines and IL'd Cords; Hollow Ware; (’otton Vuriis and Slieetin^s at factory pricc.s. All of which will be soM t.ow for cash, or ou usua) time to prompt paying customers. oi NTRT Mkrch.\st.s are respectfully requested t" call and examine our stock before purch.i^inji «lsa- rpHK Subscriber desires through this medium I to ackowledge the liberal iiatronage bestow- e«l u))on his House ibe past year—and as he has jusi erected N.'w .'.^tabU s :ind i’arriagc .^hed conven ient Id the House and (o water he lakc.s pic.-i-itite in say ing to his pali.ms and the ]ntblic generally, that he is still pre]>areil to accommod.itc them with transient and permanent })oanl. and rc-ipccifully solicits a continuance ot the liberal jvttronage lieretofore received. Kvcry cx- uriioii on hi> part >liall lie iis.-.l to ri'ii.ler them comforta ble .luring t ht‘ir sojoiini vvith him. His table is always supj.lied with the f.cst the market allor.l-;. r. SH I'MWr.LL. Manh 'Jl, Sii-if WAVAi: iioi Ki\ tioLItSliORO , N. rpHK undersigned announces to the jmblic I that he has taken eliarge of the ab.>ve Ks- talilishment, an.l is prejiared loi'ccommodate li.vir.lers, l.y the day. week or numth. .\n.l he assures all who may favor him with their patron.ige. that he will endeavor to give perfect satisfacti^in. Table 'Upplied with the lu'si the market atVords. .US. G. SMITH. tioMsboro'. Jan’y Sl-lyr WKSTKRN \l\\\. U()Ai>. F. .1. Atloriiey and Counsellor at Law, FAYETTKVILLE. X. ('., ^I'lLL practice in the Courts of Robeson, ('mnborland. f| Harnett and Hichiitond. I’rompt atteniion given to .all busine^>> entrusted to hiu. Feb'y Iho'J 8ii- lijiw \o1i€*e. I VMK.'^ 1,. (lAlNKS and s.m K. .1. (iAINKS, will, in • I tufiii-e, practice I,-i «• in copnrtneriiliip. in the Coun ties of Mom ginnery, Stanly, Anson and Moore. They may be a.l.lresse.l either at Troy, X. whore K. .1, (laities resiiles, or at Norwood's N. Troy, .\pril 7. 18n'.i. I. AW 4tf ON and after Monday. I’l’.l day of Noveml>er, the Freight Train will run RKtiL'LARLV between Fay etteville an.l McClenahan's Stati(-5i; lea%ing Fayetteville every ni..rning at 7 o’clock an.l returning at 1 o'clock in the afternoon of same day ('..nsignors are re.piest* I to k^end tickot»» with articles, mating consignee, destination, iS:c. W. A. KUT’F.R. Chief Kng'r Sup t. Whenever the amount of freight may re.iuire, an ex tra Train will leave Fayetteville an.l re: urn in the afternoon. Nov'r \1'2. 1858. fio- RAIL ROID XOTItE! TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS. XOTK’K. rilH K under.signe.l h.i reumve.I to Nfwbern. with the j I intention to devote liimsi-If wholly I.) the ]iractice of | i the law. He will atten.l tin' Courts in .all of the suv- : ronn.ling coiiniics. and will also piactice before the Su- | ! jireme Court at Raleigh. D. K. McRAE. I l>ec'r l!‘J. lS.-)8. 7.'»-0m j I LOVE It 1) KLDIMIXiEr I •MHorttvtf at \ ll^'ll.L attend the Couris of .Jolin'«toii nii.l I \V Counties. Sniithtield, .\pril l-'>. 18-'>*i. .1. K. iiri.i.A, Attorney and Tonnsellor at LaH, ASHKIJOUO’, N. ILL atien.l tin- Courts of Randolph. Moore. Mont gomery. Davi.boti an.l (iuilford, and promptly ai- 90-Gm Samp>;oii ‘tfitf where. March 3, 18-j9 D. W. McLAURIN. 93tf \EW JSPRIXG CJOODSIJ. dH u • dames l.S Now RECEIVING A LARGE SUri’LV OF nitv GOODS, HATS, SHOES, BOLTING CLOTHS, Arc.. ;'« lai- Falls Sheeting and Yarn at Factory Prices. -\11 of which will V>e offered H V W H t L E S A L E (> R RETAIL. A^ ’:-'W as the same .jualiiy can be had in this .'^tato. Nl:>rih SeroHfi Sfprinff Stork. STAKII & WILLIAMS {] \\ K r.M-eive.l an-l are now opening their secomi il - .,.ply..f : ! i'in- I ^plendil selection of the newe-'t .style.s of aiil staple Dry liioois ltoot«i. llal«>. Hoop llea«ly-?laU‘ t'lolliiii;?, ^^1“' ifge Variety of N01'I()NS, to which the aiten- .. : '.i-^le Huyers is in\ited. krr -TP.ICT ATTKNTIuN l‘Atl> To iRt>KRS. ! 1'. .TAliR. .1. M. WILLIAMS. Aj.ril Ix^H. J«iTVI.KS! The Fayal, Everett and Haielock Hats! 4 l.s'i. a (.eauiifiil assortment of the LATE.''T ST^ LL \ "FT HA rS high and low crown,) and all the ■* the most elegant Hats of the >;i-ason. can now '.J. Il !it llie Razaar. A. McRIMMON. 'I -.:h It; 1'7-tf NEW, CIIE.1P, AND EXPEDITIOUS ROUTE FOR Freight for the Interior of North Carolina. MERCffANTS an.l others about purchasing their Fall an.l Winter Supplies, are re.jueste.i to notice, that by the completion of the North Eastern Kail Roa.l from Charleston, IoCIutjiw. ilio u*lvni»t«^ct* oi'u ’II l-Al‘ and EXPKDlTlt >L'S Route from the Sual)oard ha» been openeil to them. .Ml freight consigncl to the care of the Agent of the North Eastern Rail Road will l>e forwardeil FREE C»F C(»MM1.'.I(»N'. No charge will be made for Storage at t'her.aw. .\11 goo.ls wilfbe taken care of in the Comp.any's Warehouse until sent for. A sche.lule of charges for transjiortation of freight will Ite founil at the l’ot Office. S. S. 8 >L )MoN.''. Eng’r an.l Siip't. Aug. ‘-I. 18.')S. :’.I-lf l.i rTKKLdirS IJNK. w tend to all business enlru»te.l to hie care. March 1\ 18.')U •IMeffieaf •J^otice. H. McSWAIN has taken an office on .\nderson Street, iu the rear of Messrs. Ray .Sc Pearce's Store, where he can be Ibuml by tlioic desiring his professional serviee. August lM, l8o8. 40tf Hr. K. A. RI.ACK, FFIt'E Front Rooms, over Dr. S. J. Hinsdale'^ Chemist and Drug Store. Feb’v 7, 18ot). 7t'»tf m 0 D". J. wii.i.iAu PA;i:, n. u., inTTSBOHorUH, .N. c. PAGE may be found at his office when not pro fessionally engaged. May •». 18-37. Di:\TAI. xVOTICE, otf T.V.X B. AVORTII, roninii$.sion and Forwarding Merrhants, WILMINGTON, N. C. •lan’y 1»8, 185!) 84tf AVM. H. Tl RLIN(;T0N, C o 111 III i w w i o II .^1 €' I* C’ll a II t, WILMINGTON, N. C„ IITILL give prompt and per.sonal attention to all con- \\ signments of SPIRITS TURPENTINE, KdSIN. TAR, ('i)TTON. FI.OUR. an.l other country ]iroduce. either for s.ale or shijituent. My wharf and warehoii.«e.« J)eing conveniently located for the reception of produce, either by Railroa.l or River, enables me to make charges light. Nov’r 8 tf W. H. ALLEN.] [.I. M. CLARK. ALLEN & (LARK, 4'oill 111 i MMion .^1 «* i*‘ lia ii I WlLMlNliTON. N. (’. nK.\LKKS I\ LIMK, PLASTEH, TEMEM, HAIK, JL(‘. JSeif" Agents for Rush Orrell's Line of Steamers. pROMPT person.al atteniion given to consignments o 1 Naval Stores. Cotton or other Country Pi.i.luce. for sale or shipment. .lan'y l'.», IH.j',*. h1- uii.i.ia:?! n. .tiaiia, fttsfK’rtor of .'S'tnn! Sforrs, NVlLMlNtJTON, .N. t',. Will pay strict attention to all >iusiness entrusted to his care, .•mil solicits a .-hafe of public patronage. onU‘(‘ in Hull’s Biiildiiis:, >'o. 4:t, (up stairs,) >ortli Water Street. April ls.")'l 4-timo>j JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM. V o n I s s 1i\ A S 1) Foruarding: 31erohant, lf'*iiminston^ *V. C’. Bs^'Prompt personal attention given to all ('(Uisign- ments, and Cash advances ma.le on Pro.luce to be ^hil.pell to other ports or sold in this market. Feb. VJ. l^.'j.3. tJ7tf WILLIAM J. PRICE, iHspertor of »^*aral Stores, WIDIIXGTOX, X. C. Solicits the patronage of his country' friend- an.J all others engaged in the Turi)cntine business. Office Hortli Wiiter SI reel. Nov’r 22, 1R58. t'.l-lypd F. M. BIZZELL; GROCER A Si D C 0 .>1 .M 1 S S1 0 N M E R CII .4 .M, No. 29 North Water Strket, WILMINGTON, N. C. {■)ROMPT an.l [.ersonal attention given to the reception of all kinds of country produce, either for sale or shipment. Orders for groceries from f./iA customers will receive immediate attention, free of commissions. Nov. 19, 18-38. 64-ly H\\¥KS^S HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. rpH E 2d volume is now published. It embraces the pe- 1 riod of the Proprietary Government, from ICftH to 1 It forms a handsome 8vo. volume of GDI pages. The subscription j.rice was half a cent a page; but the price i(f this volume is less, say S2 75 in cloth binding, tfo 00 in library sheep, an.l .':5 25 in half calf. It wili- be SOI,I) ONI.Y Foil CASH. Owing to the difficulty of securing .Vgents in many }>arts of the .'tate. we will forward it by mail or other wise frtr Ilf I'ontii'/i. on receiid of the price: or both vol umes for St III) cloth. .':;4 50 sheep, or ^5 half calf. A lilicral discount made to Agef^tw or others, who buy to sell .again. E. HALE x SON. Fayetteville, Nov. -I, 1S58. ( ItT Ri:i»OUTSi». NHW KIHTION OF Devereux and Battle’s Equity, Vol. 1. ^pil E sttliscribers have just jirinted a 2d E.lition of 1 this volume. ; .me of the most valuable of the series.) with Note'S au'l References to other adjudge>l Ca«esaml to the Revised Co.le. by Hon. Wm. II. Rattle: and with many correetions of tyjiograpliical eiTors. Tiiey l.ave now in ].ress the 2.1 volume, also with .lu'lge 15.. tie’s Notes, which they will jtublish soon. Their 2.1 E.lili.)n of tlio 1st volume of Dev. vS: Rattle's Law Rep.irts. issued hist 3'ear. has reccive.l the appro- liatioii of the l‘iotession. They also rej.ublished a 2d E.lition of Devereux's 1st E.jiiity (without N.ites.) .\tid in addition to these, are the i.roin ietors of the entire e.lition® of most of Ire.lell’s Law and E.|uity. and can supply any v.ilumes extant of the Reiioris. or complete sets, so far as they can now be had. They .leal largely in Law Rooks, an.l will at all times or.ler works not on their shelves, to su]>ply their cus tomers. E. .1. IIALE .''ON. Fayetteville. May H'., IXo'J. \ortli i'aroliiia NFMHEKS 1 AND I'UEPAUEI) WITH SI’EClAb RKFERENt’E Tf» THE W.VXTS .\X1) I.VTEREST.s oF »^’ortli Carolina. I NI>KU THK AI SIMCES OF TIIK srPEUINTKNDENT OF COM MON SC'IlO»l-S. «Y Rev. 1'. n, IEiJ»SKirtL 1‘llOKKSSOR HF TIIK I..\TIX LASr.t'A.;!:, AND LlTKUATtlll:; IX THE t .NlVKUSITV OK S.lUTH CAHoLINA. STEAMER ••F.\NNV'‘ leaves Fayetteville every Mon day ami Tlmrs.lay morning, at 15 minutes after .“^un- ri'c: aii'l Wilmington Tuex.lay and Friday, at o’clock, —carrying passengers ami freight. .teamer •■Sol'THERNER." with a full complement of Flats, makes one or in.ire trips per week. a« circum- >tances may re.iuirc. The acci.lent to the .''teanwr ‘"RtlWAN” will be re paired in a few days. She will then take her plare in the line. T. S. LI TTERL( HI. Oct'r }, 185h. 51-it \i:\v i.im: W1 More i\ew 't receiving my .''ju ing .''lock of Goo.ls in my 1 ■■ They were selecte.l iu the Northern cities by ■ . ■ 't. wiili great care, ati'l l.ought on the most reason- '• 1‘ riii'. by whi(di 1 am enableii to oHer the largest I ever bef..re offered to the pul)lic, and to otfer w'crieraliy At ireatly Reduced Prices. KKiITS Kai-iii®. Figs, Prunes, .\]>ples. Lemons, Or- iiigi -. Cherries. (Jurrants. iVc. >‘I' Kl,i:.>. .IKLLILS and preserves—a great va- l iel v; ' KllFl'Ml’lilES AND EXTRACTS of various kin.ls; S Ni \ and POMADES: '• >1' \L l.N.'^TRL'.MENTS—Fid.lles, Drums, Fifes, Hiii.-s, J{anj.is, (juitars. Aic.; " I-KlN(i C.\NKS—if everv kind; \'K1;TS ,\ND willow W.\RE; lloll.KS, ,vc.; ' FINE AND ('OMMON CANDIES: SARDINES; > i K.ARrt; SMOKINt; CHEWING TORAC('0; ' I'A' KERS, FINE POCKET KNIVES; ■rge ,.|.^,,rtriient of l’(JKT-MON.\JES, some very nice; V ENVELOPES, and FANCY GOODS, TOYS III.WE associated with me, in this line. Mr. .lohn K. Dailey, an.l will style the firm ORRELL iS: D.MI.E^ . We have jiurch.ased the Steamer .''.»rTHF.nNKR. atid in a few lavs. will have a New Flat employed with her. Those favoring us with their patronage may rely U[ion prompt ile-']>ateh, by applying t.> Mr. Dailey on boar.l. or to me at my .dlii't'. K. .M. OKKKt.l.. ■March 2t>, lb-' R. M. (HIRELL. ■loll.v K. I'AILKV. 8O0-tf Loi«er l.illle Kiver ami I rani*' €'reek Aavi};atioii C o. .'^I’RSCRIPTION ROOK for the (’ai)ital Stock KAN! !>iid YANKEE NOTIONS; ‘Minent of INDI.X RL'RRER GOODS; '"M|;.. WHIPS, FlSHINtJ TACKLE. I ].ublic are resji!ctfully invited to call anil ex- 'I'iiie my :>iock. I have a great luaiiy han.lsome things CHtiiiot fail to pleaue. .JAS. R. LEE, Hotel Building, 'lurch ;;i, . 1- *200 of llerriiijt;' |,^"K sale, very low, 200 FibU Herring, by March 14 OEO. W. WILLIAMS & CO 96 A this Company can be foun.l. oil and after the 2'>tli in>t.. at the following place«. where subscriptions will | be received for the space of thirty days: ..\t the Railroa.l Oflice in Fayetteville, in the hanls ■ of.lohn M. Piose. i At Monroe's Mills, in the hamls of Chris. Monroe. j At .Johnsonville, in the hanils ol’ Duncan Morrison. j Other persons will be ajipointe.l in Cumberland, j Moore an.l Harnett ('ounties to canvass for suV.scrip- tions. The books will be closed at the end of :iO days. ! T. S. LUTTERLOH, | A. ML'RCHISON, j CH. -MONROE. For (Jeneral Coin’rs. May It;, 18.5'J C'aiM* IVar Aavi$;afioii i’oiii|»aiiy! rpilE ANNU.VL MEETINd of the Stockholders will 1 be held on FRIDAY, 3d June next, in the Town Hall, Fayetteville. S. W. TILLINGIIAST, Pres’t. lOtni May 2, 1850. 8uffar lloii^ie A FEW Rbls. excellent S. sweet M)L.'\SSES. Having engage«l in another business, 1 find my time too much taken up to attend to the duties of my jirofession; an.l having a p:»rtner ‘Dr. R. Scott) who is in to my 1 take great pleasure in rec.mmeiuling him to a{{ with whom I h.ave the slightest influence. His jirices will suit any who are tlesirous of iiaving their tweth operata.l on in a skilf'til iiijiniier. -\nd with my best wishes for my Kucce-^sor, and this community. 1 withlraw fr.uii the firm, having no fear but | that Dr. Scott will give the most fasti.iioiis entire satis- ; faction. D. W. BENP>OW | Jan'}' 10, 185y. 78tf WK.\ri>«iTRV. R. J. D.WIS having decide.l on perma nently l.)cating in the Town of Fayette ville. res]>ectfully offers his services to the citizens .if this place an.l sun.iunding country. In all ; the various branches of his Profession, including the | manufacture of Mineral Teeth, he is satisfied, after an extensive experience, to which is ad.led a thorough Den- i lal e.liication. that hi' v.'an give emire sati.'faction as 1'ar | a- i in the power of Dei)titrv. All irregularities of the j Teeth treate.l in a proper an'1 careful manner, as well as ilis»-ae« of the mouth. None but the proj.er metals are ma.le use of in the various ojieraiions. Charges will be mo.lerate, that the benefits of the Profession may be place.l within the reach of .all who may feel an interest in the ]ireservation of tlu' Teeth. ; Office over H.nistou's Jewelry Store, where he . ni.av be f.>und at all times. M.iy lo. Ih58. Otf WORTH cV I TI.i:V. Fonvardhijv aud General romniissiou Merchants, Fnifetfctille, .V, C. .1. A. W.iRTir. (72tf) .KIS. fTLET. | R. II. orri:li., TURPENTINE INSPECTOR. ^pllo.'JE sending tht'ir .'spirits Tiirjientine to me may I rely up.m it to iiave prompt and careful attention. .My warehouses are fronting the wharves an.l near the river. Sepi'rL’., 185.'. 45tf AVAT(HKS & JEAVELRV, N K\V \ NO |if>lU \HLK, BY .1 A JS. T. H O I ST St ('CFSSdR Ti> .1. >] 15KASLKV. t A I.so, A LOT OF FI\K IMU BLK-BAllKEI. .l VS, i AT HKiirrrt) iMiiCKs, by .1 s. '1'. 11 o r s 'i' () N. March 1, lh5'.i ‘t:!tf TIN PLATE, ^lieel Iron, Iron Win*, Always on han.l, at Wholesale or Retail. A’OoFISC, a 1 "I'TF.Rixa. And all kinds of Jobbing, .lone at short notice, by C. W. ANDREWS. .Market Siuarc, Fayetteville. July 9. 27-tf PETER MALLETT WITH T). ('OLDEN MIIRRW, GE ERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, 0 2 South Street, NEW YORK. 32- DE ROSSET, BROAW k (0., WIL MlXa l^OX, X. ('. BRO^VX, DE ROSSET i ( 0., XA'W YOh'K. Coiiiiiii!««ioii .llt'rciiaiilw., 'J. 11? PI BLIC OF THE xNORTH CAROLIN A COPPER MINE, !ii the fount) of Guilford, State ot North Carolina. IN pursuance of the provisions of a Deeil of Triist, executed to me, on the loth July. 1854, by the I re sident and Directors of the North Carolina Mining Com pany, and of record in the Register s office of the t.oun- ty of Guilford, State of North Carolina, for cert.ain pur- pose.s therein .set forth. I wili, as Trustee in saiil ’ offer for sale, for cash, on the premises, at 11 o clock, A. M., on Thursday the 2Sth day of July, ti>at Vnliifible .Hilling' Properly in Guilford county, ten miles irSouth of (Jreensborovigh. known as the North Carolina Copper Mine, containinp KMt .Acres, more or less, together with all the Machinery, Kngines, Pumps, Mining Tools and Materials thereunto belonging or appertaining, and all the other property of every kind ami description, belonging to the said Copper Comjiany. I’ossession will be given upon tlie consnnnuation ot the sale. JAMES SLOAN. Trustee. (Ireensboro'. N. C., May 21, 1S59 I*^*’ Dr. IIAUUI has r»“«iovrd to the house formerly occupied by Mr. \. E Hall, on Haymount, in tlie rear of Mr. Myrover’s, wiiere he may be fottnd af ter f.V p. M. May 30, 1850. 18-;’w N 11 p'jy^'Pariicnlar attention given toihe sale of Naval Stores, ('oiton an.l other produce. .\pril 10, 1850 r.-:’>mospd July 29, 1868. T. A. E. BOIIN^STEDT, H SYRUP. Alao, prime for ClUfherinff^S PtftHOS, Oct’r 14. C. B. COOK. 64tf Of which he has always some on hand. Wilmington, N. C., Oct’r 2, 1868. 51-lypd JAS. T. TEl TEWAV, t'omniissioH • fterfhant, And Agent for Dawson's Line Steamers, Wilmington, N. C , Solicits Consignnientsof Naval Stores. Cotton. Corn, Flotir. .Also or.lers for (Iroceries. N)tt.)U Ragging. Rope. Ciuano. .'ic. &c. KKKKH.' TO • John D.nwson, Es.p, Wilmington, N. C., Dr. F. J. Hill. •• O. i. Parsley: Presi.leni Commercial Rank. Dr. Thos. H. Wright. President I’cink of Cape .'-’ear, E. P. Hall, Es.p, Rranch Rank of State of N. C., T. S. Lutterloh. Fayetteville. N. .\pril 25 .'^-.‘Un MILITAUV (JOODS, Swords, Sashes, Belts, Epaulettes, Laces, AND EVERY DESCRlPTlllN IIF VHLIT.\RV lillllDS, Acroani.vc. to tiik Liifitit l~. S. Arnii/ inid Sfnfr liii/iiliitiniis. SlUlUYLER, HARTLEV 6c (GRAHAM, I vii>o3eTi:iiH Ai iiA\i r 1 W .M A I D E N L \ N E, .Vfir i'ork. June oO. 24-ly tiOOTS Snot:Sn AT wii)ij:salk. JNO. M. WALKER, of NORTH CAROLINA, W I T II l». V. Nil AW A: ro., ‘11 AM* •>0 l>F.Y StHEKT, .N'kW VoRK, *ITII,I, I.e hap]i3’ to see liis .‘>out!iern frien.Is at the] }\ :ibove e^iablishment. where, either pers.nially .>r by j or.ler. lln-y may be su]iplie.l from an extensivi' atul well assorti'.i .'^tock of (Jo.ids in that line, gotten up exprc'^sly ' for the .'Southern trade. I Nov. 2'.*, 185S. liT-ly. i^aroHna mW €\ ri'^HE .Atlantic an.l North C.irolina Railr.ia.l beinz now completed to Re.-iufort Harbor. 1 li.-ive determi icd to locale ai Carolina City for the purpose of loing a Forwarding and General Ccmmission and hojie by promptness an.l strict attention to merit patronage and support. P.eing the .Agent of Mun-ay’s Line of First Class Packets to this and Morehead ’ity. every effort will be made to make this the cheapest and most expeditious route to New York. Vessels will be loaded and discharged at my Wharf (adjoining the Rail- roatl Wharf.) and thereby save cartage and lighterage. Particular attention will be given to all orders, and to the sale and shiprjent of Produce. W.M. R. GRANT. July'29, 1858. 32-ly l'aiitwell’$i I¥. Carolina •fii«!itice just rec’d. E. J. HALE & SON. * NrAI15Ki{ :l, CoNT.VlM.Nti A FAMIMAK lIl.ToKY A.\l) DESCRIP- TIO.N OF NoK'IIl C.\l{oI,I.NA. ^olcctioiis ill I’rose and A'ersc; many of them Ly 1‘uiiiu‘nt citizoii.' ol'thc State. HISTORIC.\L AND CHRoNOLo(ilC.\ L TARLES. -An.l a variety of Aliscellaneous Information and Sta tistics. bj" €\ MM. UMRER o is a new and revised e.lition of the North Carolina Reader, first publishe.l in 1851. Numbers 1 and 2 Just issue.l, complete the '•erics, which is. as a whole, cheaper than any other series of Readers in the Unite.l Stales, ami as c.jmplete. Tlie FMitor (Prof. Hubbar.li in hi> Preface to Num ber I deems it proper to allu.le to a few of the ]>eculiar a.lvantages aimed at tiy the Superintendent of Conitfton Schools while making efforts to have this work com- pleteil. These are. 1. The encoHi'iiji of a fuli/iff of {/-tlijx i)li‘iirr. an.l the enlistment of popular >entiment in behalf of the Stale and its institutions. It was not thought im|‘ortaiit. how ever. to have more than one number of the Rea.ler ot merely a local inttTf?i. 2. To r> muii/ the n'U erf nju'herc coinylninnl of in roni- mon rrhnoix, nf i p, rfitiinl choit'/r in text /tOnhx: an ex[>en- sive habit, and one which injures the Schools by pnw vcnting the chil.lren trom being clas'itie.l. .\ series of home ilea.lers, it was suj>posel. w.juld be certainly use.1, an.l this great evil thus avoi.le.l. ■K /-'i-onoiiii/. the popular system of Rea.lers being too long and being ma.le s.> .iften merely to aii.l to the profits of authors ami publishers. This serie.' i-: t.> consist of fewer tiumbers than those generally ued. ;iii.l it i^ bclievcil that these iiiiiiibers are sufficient, while if the system were imiver«:illy used in the State, the sum saveil to jiarents ami children would amount to several thousand d.illars annually. 4. To I'Ut in th' hiiii'i's (if chtldrm h'driiiii;! In ruiil raiii- pii.filiiinx xKiJiri, nth/ fitniiliiir hut not of lh rhiinicirr Ciillnl chilillsh eomjioKi/inny. containing, in lessons ea^^y enough for all ages, correct spefimens of siyle. interesting in matter, ami inculcating jirojter morals, and religious in struction. The ]irices are. for N'.'. 1. 25 cent-;: No. 2. o7.! cents and No. n. 75 cent-i. A liberal de.luciion fi-.nu these prices to Merchants and School Teachers. E. J. H.\LE SON. lii*C(‘llaiieoii« Kook^. ^I'^llE .\nierican Home tiarden, illustrated, bv Alex'r 1 Wats.Hi; The Olil Pl.iniation. by Hungerford: .''vlvan Holt's Daughter, by Holme Lee; Self Ma.le .Men. by Soymour; I’.pi'iodes .if French lli>torv. by Mi,-s Par.loc; Ki-nd.all's .'^aiita F»' Expe.litioii; Mi.'S Mcltiiosh'- W.iiks; I’.Ti-y .\nc'.iote-^; Lives of the (tui'en'of Sc.itlati.l. by Xjrnes Strickl.ui 1; Rarne^' Notes on the Rooks of the .New Testaiuent; Liteial Tran'laiions oftli.' (’l.as^ic'^: .Mib.iit s Lite of Na[ioleon I’xiuapane: .Vc. Aj-ril 0 E. J. HALE & SON. I^iirllirr Sii|»|>li«'« of* Kook^i. Thirty Vear-^ Out ..1 the .'senate, by NLijor .l.i»;k I lowiiing; I’liilwer's Novel. “U hat \VilI H.‘ Do Wiiii If/” P.rownlow .V l’r\tie's ('ontrovi-rsy; Light'an.l Slia.l.iW'OfScottish Lifo. by Prof. WiNoii: Eric, or Little l.y Little: Sterne's Work-;; Longwordi on the Cira]ic: I\i[i's Lenten .*-’.-i't; Ruck’s Theolog. Dictionary: nii'kin's i’oliiical E. oiioiiiy ol‘.Vrt: Treasure lil.itiiug Pajier: .'^cho.'l l’>ooks. ,V.\ Just receive.I. E. .). H.VLE \ SON. The ^lasi«»*ale!«i ol't’iinilwrlainl County an? requested to meet at the Court House in Fayetteville on W'EDNES1).\\ OF .lUNE TER.M. at 11 o'clock. Business of some importance re.iuiies their attemlance. D. G. M.VCPi.VE, t'hairman May 18.5) IS-I^t Tiii:v II %Vi: OMK! ?. RRLS. WHITE FISH; ^ f ) 20 Rags Cotfee; ;!0.000 t'igars; Just received this morning by' J. H May 80. R(tRERTS CO. 18-:^t ifissolutioti of i'oiHtrliiersliiP' I^HE ('oji.-irinership of W.NL F. HORD & C). has this .lay been .lissolve.l by mutii.il consent. Mr. E. R. Webster having transferreil his iwerest to Wm. F. Honl ^ho will settle aud coUect all debta due or coming to said FMrni, In presence of JOHN B.ARCL.AV. WM. F. HORD. E. R. WERSTER. MR. E. R. WECSTER will be retained an managing .'superintendent on my R. R. works. WM. F. HORD. Mav't, 1S5!) 12-1 in N fiiiiaiio! fwtiaiio!! (). 1 PERUVI.AN, just received and for .sale by' E. F. Mav 2:} AIOORE. lt)-lm nrAiHinu I U.'^T received ami in fine order, by M.ay 23 E. F. .MOORE. Ki-lm ^ LAR(JE lot daily expected by .May 2:\ F. MOORE. Di-t-ni r liai’fl aii«l Riiltei*. store and for snle by E. F. Mav 2:’. .MOO UK. If.-1 111 Lini: E. F. AIOORE'S. Itl-l in .May 23 .\olic*e lo ^ohiierxi’ Widowfi. ^nllE Wi.l.iws of Mexican SoMiers, an.l the Widows of L Soldier who niKti ix skhvick in the wav of 1SI*J, can have their i>ensioiis e.mtiniied by calling on the iin.ler- signcd. Congress luiving ma.le additional provision for I iieiii. Clive me I he management of your claims, and the money shall come at once, or no charge. JNO. M. ROSE. .\gent for Pensions. ' Fayetteville. June 12, 1858. 1'-'- FOR SAI.K on RENT. i Ct >N VI’NI ENT DWELLING HOUSE. An H.aymouni. near .Mr. .1. ('. Thomson's. For }iarlicul.ars en.piire ol .1. G. SHEPHERD, Es.p, or A. M. Mav CAAIPRELL. '.ttf .1 lU' T't Klt .\.NI) CIIKK.Si:. rST reccive.l pr Fanny, a few Firkins of very nice RL'TTER. and 25 Ro.xcs prime CHEESE. C. R. CttOK. Oct, 14, 54-1 f iSgg.iSS STK.tl.VtCK Iffff#;. (iO(>U Miii))ly of various No's jiisl receive.l. which we u.iii furnish low. D. .'t W. McLAL'lUN. M.iv 2. 10 tf flacaiilavN ori*iff and l'i*(‘d- erick ilit> tireat: RORDER W.\ll. bv the aiith.irof Wil.l We't‘rn .'scenes; HOCRS WITH MV IM PILS. by Mrs. I.incln I'h.-i].-: THEISM AND SKEPTICISM, bv Whart.m: THE CONVALESCENT, by N P. Willis; NEW PATENT SERMo.N.S and Machine Poeiry, by Dow. Jiin'r; THE (TLPRIT FAV. by Joseph Ro.lmau Drake; IN'Dl.V RL'RRER PEN.*'. Tln'riiiometers, Car.l Pencils, iVc., iS;c. .lust received. E. J. IMLE SON. May l.'^ iaft' and l.ahor« of* llov. IK'iiiirl Raker. D. D.: The Methoilist. or 1 ncidcnts and Char.icters from Life: The Pillar of Fire, by the author of the ••Prince of the lUuise of David Morning an.l Night Watches; Chajiman’s Sermons, New E.lition; Memoir of Mrs. Shuck, by J. R. .leter; Testimony of the Rocks; Presfiyterian Psalms anil Hymns, iu velvet, morocco and plain bindings: Raptist Psalmody; The P-almist; Ribles. velvet, morocco aud other liin.lings. .\pril 2o F^. J. I1,\LE & SON. Fiirtiier .^iipplie*^ ol' Bookw. The AMERIC.AN alm anac for 1859; FATHER AND DAUGHTER, by Miss Rremer; i HAT WILL HE 1*0 WITH IT,’’ by Bulwer; i SCHOOL ROOKS, &c., &c. i March 7 E. J. HALE & SON. T.\ii:i:.\ ur, rnAKEN 1111 ami coliimitte.l to the.lailof Cumberlaii.l I t'oiinly on the L'itii in>t.. a .\E;R(( R((\, name.l .loHN RIIACF, or .lOII.N FR.VNKLIN, who says he i^ free, an.l that he came from ('oliimbia. .'s. C. John is ^m.ill. a bright iiuilattci. and liad on when taken up ;i white wool hat and steel-mi.\ed frock coat iUld pants. The owner of sai.l Negro is notifiv'd to come forwanl. prove pr.ii>erty. j.ay charges, ami take him .-iwiiy. or he will be .Icalt with as thu law directs. GEO. L. McK.W, Jailer. Oct’r 15, ls5S. 55- lli4‘iioiiai*> of* 4'oii;;:i’e^«i., I»y l..aii- maii: Tre>'ilian an.l hi> Friends, by R. Shelton Mi’Ken/ie; •• \ Th.inland Cham es to .Make .Money.' by Fre.'.llev; •■'Irs. Pariingi.iii s Carpel P>ag ot Fun ; Sylvester Soun.l; Handy .Vii.iy; l'lii>ii Times of .\bibama; Party Leaders; Sell.ml I’look'!; \c.. \c. .lust received. April i;;; E. J. H.\LE .:o\. i»iT\TIO\i:KV. In a.Miiion to our present stock we are receiving 1.10 IteaiiiM l*a|K‘r, l^mbracing every variety of CAP, LETTER, RATH LETTER, COMMERCIAL NOTE, RILL HE.\D, FOLIO POST, and NOTE PAPERS. f(0 M. ENVELOPES, of every descrijition. 1 ca«e Engli-^h and .\merican >''!|,.\TE.‘'. as«..rte.l size«. 1(MI gross STSEL PENS: Pen-holders; .'school Ink-Staii.ls; VISITING CARDS: RLANK ROOKS. Vc. E. J. HALE & SON. Feb’y 12 C'olloii% .Tloiintaiii INiceiirry. ^ FURTHER supply just received. The SOI thek.\ hak.mo.vy,. just received. E. -A Further Supply J. HALE & SON. Mav 19. E. J. HALE & SON, Tlie Southern Harnioiiy, and MUSIC.VL COMPANION, for nale by April 4 E. J. HALE & SON.