CALENDAR FOK 1859. ; A YAIiLABI^E :» p> JANUAKV FEBRUARY MARCH. APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUGUST.... SEPTEMBER. OCTOBER NOVEMBER. DECEMBER 2 9 It) 23 30 6 13 20 0 13 20 3 10 17 24 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 3 10 17 24 31 14 21 2s 4 11 1 25 y u 23 30 6 13 20 4 11 18 25 O S > >.* M ■( 2 ; > 3 10 17 24 31 t 14 21 28 14 21 28 4 11 18 25 •> y 16 2H 30 6 13 20 4 11 18 25 I s 15 •»•> 29 12 19 26 3 10 17 24 31 14 21 •>s 12 19 26 “ -- - 1 4 5 0 1 8 11 12 IS 14 15 18 19 20 21 22 25 20 27 28 29 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 10 11 12 15 lt> 17 18 19 22 23 24 25 20 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 10 11 12 15 1*1 17 18 19 22 29 28 .30 24 31 25 1 20 5 7 s 12 18 14 l/> 10 10 20 21 22 28 2f) 27 28 29 30 4 5 6 1 10 11 12 13 14 17 18 19 20 21 24 81 25 2« 27 2x I .> 3 4 7 8 9 10 11 14 15 10 17 18 21 2^ 22 29 28 80 24 1 25 •> 5 G 1 s 9 12 18 14 15 10 lit 20 21 •>•> 23 20 27 28 29 30 j •> 8 4 5 i t; ‘J 1»» 11 12 18 ir> 17 l'^ 19 20 28 80 24 81 25 1 20 •> 21 3 i) 1 s 9 10! 13 14 15 10 17 20 21 •>•> 23 24 1 27 2' 29 80 i 1: 4 5 r> > 11 12 18 14 15 j 18 19 20 21 •>2 25 2rt .>•“ 20 ! 1 ■ •> 8 4 5 1 s 9 10 11 12 1 15 lt> 17 18 19 2i» 28 80 24 1 25 0 -^f j 8 0 10 18 14 15 10 17 20 21 •>•) 28 24 0- 28 29 80 31 „ FRESH ARBIVAl.! 1 CAPE FEAR PLANTATION | ^ b"'Ts ' A. A. >IcKI'/rif V.\ tRESPECTFULLY informs his frienl.i and ihe ' t that he ha.-; built up large substantial Brick umul- iiig.>* at his Old Sund, e.xpresslv f«>r inannfiK^'*»*'’»g -^r- riages. Thankful for the very libeml patronage he has rt?oeive«l for the lust -1 vears. he hoj>es by strict atten tion to busines.s. with a -lesirr to pi-e satisfaction, to merit a continuance of the ?*aine. He warrant.s his i»ork to be made of the be«t material and by experienced workmen in each branch of the business. His work will Compare favorably with any made in the United Slates, for neatness and cUirabiliiy. He is determined to sell i and do »ny work in his line on as gooi terms as any wurk done elsewhere that is as well done. He now has on hand, finished. THE LAKGE.'^T .T(K’K (»F Carriages Barouches, Rockaways and Buggies, ever offered in this place, and a very large slock of work nearly finishe*!. which will be finislied daily. All of which will be suld very lnw lor ca^h. or on short lime to punctual customers, ^^y^lle has i-n hand more than (>NE HUNUKED AM* FIFTY VEHICLE.'; finished and in course of construction. All work juade by him is warniuted I'J months with fair usajre, and shuuld it fail by had workniansliip , or materiaL will be repairel free of charge. Persons wi.-liing to buy would do well to call and ex amine for themselves. : Orders thankfully reoeive«l and promptly attended to. j Repairing executed at short iu>tice and on very reason able terms. Mav :»S, 18^.;J. ‘*V>-tf I V.. Cape . . o V , I i distant from Tooiner (the present County S»at) two ! , miles, and cout»ins 747 Acres. • u w * It embraces an extensive body of very rich River i Bottom Latid, not surpassed in this section of the j : for depth and fertility of soil: and in view of quality of : ' soil, eligibility of location, the society in its Ticinity, j Schools, Churches. &c., an opportunity is here present- j j ed of securing a Farm containing ftdvantages rarely to j I be met with. The land lies well, and is susceptible of making one I of the most valuable anti productive farms in the State. S now receiving his second stock of Spring and Sum mer Goods, embracing all the I¥ETIEST STirEtKJ^. Such as Summer Silks^ €^renaame8, Or- gandien^ With a great variety of new Btyle goods for ’Prareiing^ Egresses and M^uHters, Also a complete assortment of .Tloiiriiin^ Dress C»ood«. A large and varied assortment of CH.YNTILLY LACE and Cotton, and abounds with a large qt’^njity of Ibik. i POINTS IJLK A^ 4 ShIwLS L A..I, Tin.bor besides Pine Timber for Saw ; MANTLES, STELLA SHAnLS, «c. Ash and other Timber. Lops. A few of those splendid French EMBROIDERLD ANl) LACE SETS, COLLARS AND SLEEVES. Douglas A Sherwood’s NEW STYLE CORSETTS, The form of the tract renders it susceptible of divi sion into two tracts or parccls, for Farms. j It has a stream running nearly through the centre, j (with Bustle and Skirt-Supporter attached.) fed by never-failing springs, on which is a desirable ' \ great variety of NEW STYLE HOOP SKIRTS, situation for an overshot mill, with a good dam alr«ady | built. _ , , 1 In the above stock m.ay be found a great many new There are on the tract about loO acres cleared ana ; j styles, jus^ out. The public generally in cultivation. i • i ' invited to call earlv and examine for themselves. The subscriber will take pleasure in showing the a- ; ' J. A. PEMBERTON’, bove lauds to those desirous to purcha-«e. Look and j ^p^jj 19^ 1859 7- you will be pleased. In my judgment, such a body • _ of land aannot be exhibited in Harnett or any of the adjoining Counties. If not sold privately, it will be exposed to public sale on Monday of the Superior Court in this Countj*. which 1 think will be the Second Monday in August n«xt Terms will be made easy, and more particularly made known on the dav of sale. H. M. TURNER. .TuneJl. U M. (ARTKR & SON, W holesale A lUlail Ut aliTs autl ManufaciurerN OK ALL KISOS or Saddles and iiarnt'ss. Of every description. Collars. Whip-;. >vc. \ND we also particularly call the attention of the whole surriiunding country to pive us a call, as we are de termined that ni'ne shall surpa.s- u-* in quality or prices; and we will give the highest ca.-h price at all times for Raw Hides and Tallow, in exchange for our articles. Couutry- Merchaiits would do well to call and examine our Stock, as we can sell them Shoe- of a much better quality than they usually get. on very accomiitvdating terms. Southern Planters wnujd do well to sen'l us all their order> as we are making a No. 1 article of N EtiRO SHOES, that are warranted to give entire satistaction. 1/- All l»rders from a distance ■hall have promj.t PRF.nK: C'Ol RT KKPORTS. XKW EDITION OF Deiereui^ and Battlers Equity, Vol. 1. The subscribers have just printed a ’Jd Edition of this volume, t one of the most valuabie of tlie serie-.) with Notes and References to other a*ijudge*J Case;> an-1 to the Revised Code, bj- Hon. Wm. H. Battle: and with many corrections of typographical errors. They have now in press the ‘Jd volume, also with Judge Battle's Notes, which they will publish soon. Their 2d Edition of the 1st volume of Dev. i Battle s Law Fkeports. issued last year, has receivel the appro bation of the Profession. They also republished a 2d Edition of Devereux's 1st Equity (without Notes.) And in a'ldition to these, are the proprietors of the entire editions of most of IreJeirs Law and Equity, and can supply any volumes extant of the Rep.jrts. or complet* sets, so far as they can now be had. They deal largely in Law Books, and will at all times order works not on their shelves, to supply their cus tomers. ^E. J. HALE i SON. Fayetteville, May 16, 18-5?*. A TREATISE OS THE LAW OP EVIDENCE, IK\TH BXfcllSH EDITIO.y, WITH CONSIbKR.^BLE .ALTERATIONS .KSU Al>t>lflOSS. By the Right Hon. S. MARCH PHILLIPS and THOS. JAMES ARNOLD, Esq., one of the Police Magistrates for the Metropolis. FOIKTH AMEKU.4> EDITIO.V, VVith CO'^EN & HILL'S Notes, and with additional Notes and References to the English anj American cases to the present time, including those added to the last edition by J. Marslen Van Cott. BY ISAAC EDWARDS, COUNSELLOH AT LaW. - In three large volumes. The unequalled work of Mr. Phillips on the Law of Evidence has long been acknowledged. This edition has undergone a thorough revision by Mr. EdwHrds, and has received an immense amount of labor, and is now as nearly perfect as can be made. The American labor and talent bestowed u)>on the work are not less than that derived from the English source. The immortal notes of Messrs. Cowen .s: Hill together with those of Mr. Van Cott, have been care fully preserved: and instead of being put in a volume by themselves, as formerly, they are now placed below the text—a disposition of them which will verv much-faci litate reference. The entire note and text are arrangel in three compact volumes, with a table of cases, and an extremely full index to each. Mr. Edwards has care fully not el any distinctions that tc^y exist between the Enghsh and American law, and has added all the late American decisions. Several copies of this valuaV>le work just received and for sale by E. J. HALE ic SON, Fayetteville. NTATIOAERV. In addition to our present stock we are receiving 1»jO Reaiiiv Paper, Embracing every varietv of CAP, LETTER, BATH LETTER. COMMERCIAL NOTE, 151LL HEAD, FOLIO POST, and NOTE PAPERS. M. EN\ F.LOPES, of every description. 1 case English and American SLATES, assorted sizes. KKJ gross HTSEL PENS: Pcn-holders: School Ink-Siands; VISITING CARDS; BL.VNK BOOKS, &c. E. J. H.VLE & SON. Feb'y 12 JVIacaiilay’s i^ives ol’Pittaiid Freil- erick the Great; BORDER WAR, by the author of Wild Western Scenes: HOURS with’MY PUPILS, by Mrs. Lincoln Phelps; theism and SKEPTICISM, by Wharton; the CONVALESCENT, by N P. Willis; NEW patent SERMONS and Machine Poetry, by Dow. Jun’r; THE CULPRIT F.\Y, by Joseph Rodman Drake; INDIA RUBBER PEN.S, Thermometers, ('anl Pencils, &c. &c. Just received. E. J. HALE & SON. May 18 l>r. Kane’s Arc'tit* Explorations, cloth, Sheep and half (,alf Binding. Further supplies just received. E. J. H.\LE & SON. April 20. A new and complete .\ortli t'a- rolina FOR.M B(X)K, compiled from the best sources and intended as a companion to Cantwell’s Justice ’ - E. J. HALE & SON. Webster’^ Eleuientarv ^pelliii:; Book, for sale by £. j. iIale & so>\ attention. S. S. UARTEU. GoMsion P. • 'ha*h.-ini U March l-l .. N. C l^.V.t. WM, CARTER. W- O. lliirsTOA LD inform hi- friends and f.>rmer customers tliat I \ he may be found 2 dsRif" below th^e Cajte Feur liank, »nd -'I d.>or' above his old >tund “ouih side Per»'>n Street, where he inten'ls to keep on han'I, Hariie>*s, SaddU^^^. BrUlIcN. Mhips, Collar*, and every thitisr beloiigiri;: to hi-: tntdc. He re'j.ecifii!!y invites hi- mend* from the country to c.iH and examine his stock bef.ire pur-^ha-ing. He will atteti'l to Bej'fiiring of Hume" an>l Sadilles punctually, rtnd hi« charge- -hall be tn.xler'ite. He would reque*-t all ir.det.ted to the firm of HuU.'^TO.S i 0\ LRBT to settle with V\. tUvrby nr himself, a', ihev are comj^lled to settle the firm 5 del.i-,. August 27. Ix-V;. if PI llEli: fSAEE OF THE NORTH CAROLINA COPPER MINE, In the Count) of (iuilford. Stale or .Vortli (arolina. IX pursuance of the provisions of a Deed of Trust, executed to me. on the l.jth July, 18'>4, by the Pr>.‘- sident and Directors of tlie North Carolina MiningConi- pany. and of record in the Register's offrt-e of the Coun ty ofCiuilford. State of North Carolina, for certain pur poses therein set forth, I will, as Trustee in said deed, offer for sale, for cash, on the premises, at 11 o'clock, A. M.. on Tuesday the 2d day of August, l>^9, that Valuable .Tliiiin;; Property in tiiiilford county, ten miles South of Greensborough. known as the North Carolina Copper Mine, containing 1*H» Acres, more or les'. together with all the Machinery, Engines, Pumps, Mining Tools and Materials thereunto belonging or appertaining, and all the other pro]>erty of every kind and description, belonging to the r-ai I Copper Company. Possession will be giA'en upon the consumma.ion of the sale. J.\MES SLO.A.N. Trastee. Greensboro’. N. C.. May 21, 18.'>y 17ts H.\l) FOR mu “ IOFrT.R for sale C-lt' Acrea.of L.VND. lying on the \\'est side of T'ape Fear Kiver. two miles below Fay etteville. and extending froni the river into the sand- Uillw. This tract is about equally divided into river- ri'lge. swamp an-l !*.-.nri kill About S» acres, adjoining the river, are under cultivation and are well •»uited to the growth of Corn and Grass; none of the .Swamji has been cleared. There are several good sites for a dwelling house on the sand-hills. -Vny person wi.iiiing to piirchHse will do well to make early appli- catioti. a-i I have determinei! to .«ell. THOMAS J. UoRIN.)X. l^^o-x. 44tf :\E\V SPRI.\G GOODS. m ss ^ • •Fames Kf/Ie IS NOW RECEIVING A LARGE SUPPLY OF DRY GOODS, HATS, SHOES, BOLTING CLOTHS, &c., Cedar Falls Sheeting and Yarn at Factory Prices. All of which will be offered BY WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. As low as the same quality can be had in this State. March 18-V.t. '.*4tf 'ept. •)i‘0 At’RE.'' >t I.ANL* lying on the I'ayetteville Western li. R. 7 miles Iroin Town. 4-'jH t'ord« PINE WOOD cut and piled. .\ll for »ile cheap to c!o«e the concern of E. Rol*erts \ ,\pply to J. H. RO!5ERT.* iV ('»>. June 2", I 24tf for .^ale. Bond'. iCiKipons payable in New %api /T' \\. BAKER Is now receivin‘_' irom the North the I»rge«t. finest, atid mo-t carefully -elected stock of ri ever offered in fhi« market; which abided to hi** own manufacture, m ike- hi« a-.irtment complete; all of which he will «ell on the lowe-t p0''«ible termy for icash or on time to punctual customers. I ashionable painted cbtuige l>t'l-rooni Furniture in j setts, curled hair und shu*k, and cotton Al.attresse**: Looking Glasses; Willow VS ngon' and Cradles; .Side Boards: Bureau*: Setieutrics and Book-Cases; What- Nots; Tables, all son-; Wa-h S:and>: t’andle Stands; Wardrobes; Pietuiv Frames and (llass: Window Shades! Cornic -s; (. urtain Bauil.«: Sota-i in Mahogonv and Wal nut; Tete a Tetes; Ottomans; Divans and Stools: Chairs of every variety. tine KosewtM*d ]^i;inos, orio with .Kolian at- Uchment: Rosewood Melodian-. from thed.est manufac- torie'* in New ^ ork and Bo'^ton. w;irranted as good as any made in the conntry. und will be sold at New York prices—freight only added. September 2. ’ .Marble Factopi, ^lalt' ^T.VTE Conpun ► ’ York, on the 1st April and 1st October.) in quanti ties to suit. \pj'lv at the Branch of the Cape Fear Bank. ■ A. McLE.^N June 1 I'.uf FOR S.Vl.H~()|{ KKNT. 1 ON\ LNIENT DU LLLING Ht^L'SE. onHaymount, near Mr. J. C, Thoin.-on'ii. For particulars enquire of J. G. SHEPHERU, Esq., or A. .M. CAMPBELL. _.May 7. inf corpoN i}()Ni)s roR The estcni Kail Road ('omi»iny have for mle in amount- to suit jiurchaser". SecodMfi SiPrinff STAUH & WILLIAMS Have received and are now opening their second supply of !>iE.4«0.\.4RI..E GOODS Comprising a splendid selection of the newest styles of Fancy and Maple Dry (iJoocU, BootM. *Mlif»e«. HatM, Hoop Kkirt«(, Keady-.'Tlade 4'lothin^, With a large variety of NOTIONS, to which th# atten tion of Wholesale Buyers is invite*]. ftar STRICT .\TTENTIOS I‘.MD TO OKDER.S. J. B. .STARR. J. M. WILLIAMS. April 9, 18.'.9. 4tf More Goodjs! 1AM just receiving my Spring Stock of Gools in n»y line. They were selected in the Northern cities by myself, with great care, and bought on the most reason able i«rni. by which 1 am enabled to oflei; the largest stock I ever before offerei to the public, and to offer them generally .At Greatly Reduced Prices. FRUITS—Raisins. Figs, Prunes. Apples. Lemons, Or anges, Cherries, Currants, Kc. PICKLES. JELLIES AND PRESERVES—a great va rietv: PERFCMERIES AND EXTRAfTS of variou-kinds; FANt'Y .'iOAPS AND POMADES; MCSK'AL INSTRCMENTS—Fiddles. Drums. Fifes, Flutes, Banjos, tiuiinrs. ic.; walking t’ANES—of every kind; BASKETS AND WILLOW WARE; HOP.BY HORSES. Xc.; NUTS; FINE AND COMMON ('ANDIES: S\RI»INES; FINE riGARS; S.\i»KLNG CHEWING ToB.VfCO; i.RACKEKS; FINE PoCKET KNIVES; A Large assortment of PORT-MON.MES, some verv nice; FANt'V ENVELt>PES, and FAN(’Y GOODS. TOYS and YANKEE NOTloN.'«; An a'sortment of INDIA RCP.BEK G»ODS; COMBS. WHIPS. FISHING TA('KLE. The public are resj»ectfully invited to call and ex amine niy stock. I have a great many handsmie things that cannot fail to pdease. JAS. R. LEE, Hotel Building. .March :^1, 18.V.1 1- llardware, Ciillery, KABDEEKY, &c. J.VME.'^ M.VRTINE is now receiving a large and gene ral assortment of every thing in the aljove line. —.\LSO— Female Mornial l^chool. Hiffk Point, 3f. C. Ball Ko»d, 15 Miles West of tire«iisbor«agh. Rev. N. ray, Principal, With efficient AssiBtaHts. The object of this Inatitution is to provide for the thorough education of young ladies, and as an au dit tonal feature, to qualify such of them as may desire it, for the avocation of teaching. Its next Session will begin the 1st MONDAY IN AUGUST. Instruction is given in all the branches taught in the best Female In stitutions. We have Apparatus, new Pianos, Sc. The expenses are less than at any other Institution of the character in tlie State. Board alone and the English Branches to J55 per Session. Latin and Greek each $7 50; French $5; Ornamentals very low. Boabd A.XU HALF TBK TUITION BEgCISSO IS ADVANCE. f^30 YOUNG L.U)IES will be received and credited for tuition until they can teach and pay for it. WANTED; Situations for Southern Fenial* Teachers. For full information address REV. W. I. LANGDON, Proprietor. July 8 30-10tpd METBODIST PROTESTANT FEilIAI^E COL.L.EGE. JAMFISTOWN, GUILFORD COUNTY, N. C. The first session of this Institution, under the patron age of the North Carolina Conference of the Metlio- dist Protestant Church, will commence on Thursday the 14th of July. The most competent Teachers will be employed in every department, and the course of instruction will be thorough and complete, embracing all the branches usually taught in the best female schools. TKHMS PEE SESSIO.S OP FIVE MOSTHS; One-half payable on the entrance of the student, and the other at the close of the session, are a.s follows;— Board, including fuel and washing. $:7 50 Collegiate course, I-5 Primary department, 10 Music, Languages and Ornamentals at the usual rates. For further information apply to the President, W. C. LIPSCOMB, Jr. July 1, 18•")^* 28*-6t l¥ri,\bir(;ii iiiGii school. fpHE 14th Session of this Institution will open on the X 12th of JULY 1859, under the charge of Da\’l. Stewart, Jr., B., as Principal. Board can be had either at ihe Steward’s Hall or in the neighborhood at $8 per month, exclusive of lights and washing. For further information apply to the undersigned at Laurinburgh. N. C. R. D. DICKSON, Sec’y. Laurinburgh, June 18. 25-tf Ed;;:eworth Female .^niinary, GREENSBORO', N. C. The Nineteenth Annual Session of this Institution will commence on the 3d of .Yugust, 1859. The course of study is thorough and ay.stematic, em bracing everything necessary to a complete, solid and ornamental education. The BUILDINGS are so ar- rangel as to combine the comforts of a home with the advantages of a School. Instructors of the highest qualificaLions are employed in each of the Depai’tiueuts. ■ TERMS; Board, including washing, lights and fuel, per session of five mouths, SO't »U Tuition in the regular classes. 20 IK» Catalogues containing all necessary- information re specting the course of Instruction. Terms. &c.. will be forwarded on application to RICH.AP.D STERLING, Principal. Greensborough. N. C. June 3 2n-2nipl I \»rtli Carolina Keailer?^* j Nr.MBERS 1 AND 2 j PREPAKEI) WITH SPKCIAL Rf:FERENCE TO THE I WANTS AND IXTEUE.-^TS OF •^'orfh Carolina. I t.SDEB THE AfSPirKS »>F THK srPEnl.NTEXUKNT OF Ctl.M- i .MO.V SCMUOLS, BT Ke«. F. ?I. Hubbard, j i'KOFKSSOR OK THE LATI.V LAN'UCAliE AND LITESATL'RE IN I THE L.MVERSITV OF NORTH CAROLINA. JFire Insurance. WE refer 6ur read«Mto the annual «»atemt-nt i| .£tna Instirance Company, of Hartford. Thj-! cessfol institutioQ was incorporate*! by the Connecticut in 1819, with a perpetual ch.irui j. capital is $500,000, and its accumulations exceel >hih, 000 more, making its entire a.s»efg over ' vested as detailed in the statement referred i«. fij results indicate that during the periwi of iieariv )C" years since its or^nization, (without a single chari'/^ its chief officer,) its business has been conducteclV judgment and prudence. It has been thus far ^ucc^' ful in an eminent degree, discharging, as we are j formed, all its obligations by the payment of al.rmt, million dollart for losses, without aj>king a day's delay any instance. It has had but little litigation, tioiw;! standing the immense number of transactions ma*!# j. order to attain as much certainty as possible in business as insurance, it has been the priictice of t/ Company, for several years, at great labor, carefully classify and arrange their risks into about fift y . classes, so as to ascertain the amount insured on class, the amount of premiums receive*! thereon. Hn'ithi. amount of losses upon each. This classihcaiiou. ext^n j' ing over a long period, and covering proprrty 11 17^., large amount, famishes reliable data, and pre-^nts. sound, substantial basis of actual experience, ujx.a . to conduct its business. Insurance is not a luck or chance, as many suppose; its hazard- nre a^r.,. tainable, and its principles capable of l>eing i a system, the practical working and results o; as certain as that of any other business. Tiie Company, by adhering rigidly to its system, au i its business upon a healthy ba?is, has obtained the 1 fidence of the community to an extent surpas-e-l ! v. other Company in the U. States, and has,ifhi business and its income from year to year with a - eaj growth. One great source of its security is the w distribution of its riskti—a policy which it pur-ur- » • great* strictness—limiting the amount to coverei j each locality. By this course it has pas.sed. witi. parative impunity, through some of the most -weej- and ilestructive fires, which have swallowed uj, companies lees cautious in their business. It i- a like this, based upon experience, which give* and soundness to a company, and to t!ie fidence and security.—Baltimore Patriot. STATEMENT OF THE Em L\SIR1N(E tOllPlM, ll.\UTFORI>, INCORPORATED 1819. CHARTER PEl!l*FTl\' CAPITAL $1,000,009. E. e. BIPEY, President. T. k. ALE\.\?1DER, Vice Pres't. T. S. BRiCE. Jr..Srr , ASSETS, JAN Y i, 18.39. Markft Vh'. r Real Estate unencumbered, -r'.-'i Money due the Co. secured by ilortgape. 4.i;l- Cash in hand and in B k with accrueJ iu «t. Jn'.*.]'.) . Cash in the hands of Agents and in traii>i:. iL’l.'l: ' Mortgage Bonds at 7 per cent, interest. 44 uhi Jersey City Water Bonds at 0 percent, int Hartforii City Bonds at per cent, interest. ;;ii,ihki Brooklyn *• •• •• C “ Jit,i«n) Rochester “ “ 7 •• ihhi Milwaukie.“ “ “ 10 •• •• DuBinjue. *• “ •• 10 “ jio U S Tres’y Notes 41 vS: 0 pr ct a: accrued in United States Su^ek. o per cent interesi. o-.iV) State of Tenne.'see. t> •• . ■• . ‘‘ Kentucky. 6 •* *• “ *• .Mis.^uri, tJ •• •• New York. fi “ •* ‘J^.ihhi “ Ohio. »> “ “ ."lU.oiHi *• “ Ohio. (I8i«i) « “ ' “ . Hanford a: New Haven Rail Road Co Stock, oo.oim) Boston i Worcester “ “ '• I'l.JT- Coiinecticut River “ “ “ Connecticut River Cgmpany *• l.j'.ii Citizens Bank Stk Waterbury. ('t Stafford “ “ Stafford Spa, •• “ ProvidenceR 1 “ Hanf«^d. Ct l:;,Oim ol the (’otipoii Hi.iikIs uf the County of ! MOLAS.'^E .\ prime article of Ri Crushed and Brown SC( . Laguira and Java CoF.FEE .\R; Sugar House SIRCP and !Sy 5.\U!)Kll, TWO DIHIRS .\BOVK T. IIAlGIl S: SOXS’ STORE Fayeltef ille, Jan’v-2ft, >4-ypd Tru^^lee’s \otiee* \LL persons having debts due against William R. .McKeii/.ie must present tlieiii to me at niy Store in the town ol Clinton, on or before Thursday the lltli of ,\upust next. H.-iving been appointed Trustee l>y said McKenzie, for the benefit of his creditors, 1 will on the aforesaid d.iy, make a final arrangement of said debts, so far as there are fund- in my hands so to do, and ac cording to the provisions of the Trvist to me executed. T. M. LEE. Trustee. June 17, 185H 24t.\ll Reward. T WILL i>ay S25 i-eward for the apprehension and con- 1 finerient in any jail, so that I get him aga'n, of my boy REUBEN, who ranaway on the SIst May la«t Reuben is about 3U years old, about o feet 8 or lU inches high, dark color, will weigh liiO to 105 lbs. small eyes, vep’ thick lips, anl has a small scar on the back of one ..f his hands, near the root of the thumb. And 1 will pay a further reward of !?lfW for proof suffi cient to convict any white person of harboring said boy or seducing him from home. JAS. C. McE.\CHIN. Laurinburgh, Richmond co., N. C., June 10 [24tf TAKK.lf I P, nWKEN up and coinmitte.l to the Jail of Cumberland 1 County on the l.'>th in.«t., a NE(;!H> BOY named JOHN BRACE or J(.HN Fil.WKLLV, who s/iyr/.e is free, and. that he came from rolunibia, S. ('. John i« small, a bright mulatto, and had on when taken up a white wool and steel-mixed frock coat an.l pants The owner of said Negro is notified to come forward prove property, pay ciiarges, and take him away, or he will be dealt with as the law directs. n .> 1- GEO. L. McKAY, Jailer. Oct’r lo, 1«58. 55. Cumberland, l)caring 7 jH*r cent, interest, payabi« »emi annually !>y the Ust Jiine and lit of December, and rini- ning 20 ye.-irs. (»t‘ the ('ou|M>n Homls of the Town ot Fayetteville, bearing il j>er cent, interest, payable semi annually on the 1st January and the 1st of July, and running 20 years. The-ie bonds were issued in accordance with law to the Western Rail Roa'l ’0., to pay the ('ounty and Town subscHjitions respectively. Persons having money will find these bonds (at the price the Co. is selling them) a better investment than any Bank Stock in the State. For terms apply to C. B. .MALLETT, Es.j., Pres't, or to JNO. M. ROSE, Treas’r Western R. R. Co. I'avetteville, Feb’y 20, 1868. 89tf THE L.IVFK I \ V1 (i O R A T 0 IS! PRKPARRI> BY DR SANKOHI), (ompoiindfd entirely from T8 ON'lC OF TUK BEST rCRfJATIVK AM) LIVER MK I UU'ISRS now before the imblic, iUm acu an a Oitiior'ir, t>A«ier« milder, aitd more effectual tbau any other mtfdicine known. It is not onlj a but a £tr*r romedT. acting fir^t on tt ? Lirer to iu morbid matter, then on the ttotnarb and bo«u!« to carry off that matter, tbtii accumpli«ihinic two purpoMo etfeiM ftltr, without anTof ibe painful faeUn^ exMri«Dcel iu the op«rM of roost CMkartir$. It strengrthena tbe »*j8tein at the »>in>r time that it purges it; and when taken daily iu znodvrate dos« will stren^beo and build it up with unusaal rapidity. Tbe LitTer it one of the human body ; and when it the power* of tbe system are is alm»tt entirely depeudent; Lic^r for the proper perform*: •tomack is at fault, theboweU system snffers itt consequence, baTing ceased to do iU datj. i ^ao, one of tbe proprietors I practice of more than twenty wherewith to coimt«ract the U is liable. I To prove ibat tbU remedy is • bled with LiT’er Com- has bat to try a bottle, and These Gums remote alll the system, supplyioK in their i inrii^ratins tbe stomach, parirytiic Uie bio»d, whole marhiiiery, rerooTliig effectiug a radical cure. Blllolu attackii are preveiiteH, by lii'vij^orator. One doee after eating is stif- and prevent the food from Only one dose taken before mare. Only on^ dose taken at gently, vid cures Cof* One dose taken after each One dose of two tea* Sick Headache. One bottle taken for fe- caiise of the disease, and Only one dose immediately One doee often repeated is Mort>iia, and a prevendTe 9^ Only one bottle Is system tbe effecu of medi* 4^ One bottle taken for lownnes or nnnatnral color One dose taken a short gor to tbe appetite, and makes One done often repeated rhcea in ita worat forma. Bowel complainu yield >ne or two doaee cures at- Children: there is do sorer, the world, as it newer failt. A faw bottlea cures absorbents. Weukepleasnreln recom* r «TtnUTeforF«TeraiMi and all Fevers of a BU- wltb certainty, and thoajtands wooderfal ▼iriues. priDCi|)al regulators of tlif pttrforms its functions well, fullydereioped. The A on the heatcky action of the ance of iufanctioite, wbeiithe are at fault, and the whole of one organ—tbe I^lver— For the diseases of that or* .has made It bis study, iu a I years, to find some iemeiy many deraugemeuts to wbicb at last foand, any person trmi plal lit, in any of its forois, conviction certain, morbid or biwi matter from place a healthy fiow of bite, causing food to digest well, giving tone and health to tbe the cause of tbe dise«ue— ^ cured, and, what la I the occasional use of the i ficient to relieve the stotx>ach {rising and sonring. retiring, prevenu N'l^ht* night., loosens the bowels tlweiieaa. meal will cure l^ytpepala jSpoonfuU will always relieve male obstmction removes tbe makes a perfect cure. : relieves Cholic, while ;a sure care for Cholera I of Cholera. I needed to throw out of tbe Qfh cine after a long sickness. ^ l«JauiidJce removes a!t sal a, from the skin. ,time before eating give« vi «jfood digeat well. cnr» Chronic Olai- {while !» n m m e r ud O;almost to tb« first doM t»ck» MUWKl b> Wonii* in j ««r«r, or speKlici- rem«iy in I I>rop«y, by excitiDc the jmindinK thii mcdirine •• a ^ ! Agn* cum Kever, ^ jloiu Trpe. It op«raiM are wining to t««tifj to it* *»“ MIX Water in the mouth with the Inrl- eorator, and .wallow both t^etiicr. THE LIVER INVIQORATOR IS A 8CIKVTIFIC MKniCAL msOOVKRT. and Is daily ‘oo to^liere. It eurea as if from th. I'lver tJomplaim, al?^f whilh or to a eomnion Smdar*. all of which are the result of a Otseased l«lver. FRICa OHK DOLLAK F»B mOTti.m. Pr. 8AKF0RD, PrnprlMor, S« RnMUiway, ,V«w York Rrtailed by all r>ra«fiBU. Sold alto bg JAS. N. SMITH and S. J. HINSDALE, Fayetteville, N. C, S2-ly Nov’r 12. -\11 of whicli is offered on gixnl terms as can be had in this market. Nov'r J4, 18.')i. Gtitf STOXES, SHEET lKO\, TI.\-WARE, &€. 0\ a large a.ssortment of Bos and Cooking Stoves; Tin-Vriire: Sheet-Iron; Leal Pipe. Also 7/ir “O/f# tfomtnion fofTef For sale hy JAME.S M.\RTINE. Nov’r *24. GCtf PAI^TX, Oli.S, Ac. QTKRM, Refined, Lard. Lin.seed and Tanners’ OIL; O " hite Lead; Burning Fluid; Putty; Window Glass and Sash of all sizes. —ALSO— A fresh supply of POND’S PAIN DESTROYER. For 5=ale hy J.VMES MARTINE. Nov'r 24, I808. Tiirpeiifiiie H.'tckerw, Mcraperw, Pullers and Di|i|ier!s, All of the first quality, can be had at .M. A. RAKER’S (iL’N SHOP, Fayetteville, N. C. Jan'y 15, 18.58. SOtf Notice to Turpeutine Distillers and others. I.\.M fully prepared to make or repair TURPENTINE STILLS, or do any tiling in the Copper or Sheet Iron work, at the shortest notice. Fayetteville, .Lin’y 24, 18.39. M. .A. B.\KER. 8-Jtf Plowxl Plows!! PIo«%m!!! •“-/A NO. (; PLOWS; OU No. 10 Plows; 50 No. 11 “ *J.> No. .-.0 •* 2o No. 00 “ Po'nts, Bars and Mould Boards to suit. For sale >«y (\ £. LEETE Jan’y 12 7.J. Butler. iieexe and C'racker^. 1 A Ooshen Butter; 1\/ 2-5 Boxe.s State (’heese; 10 Bbls. Soda and Butter Crackers. Just received by f £ LEETE. 79- ' •lan’y 12 Iwili .\ei and ^eine Twine. A LBS. Gill Net Twine; OU lbs. Seine “ Just received by Jan’y 12 E. LEETE. 79- NETTLEnEI\TJf4. '■PHL Subscribers would remind those indebted to them 1 that this is the period of the year in which it is most c^venient and desirable to have a general settle ment. They are preparing to forward accounts by mail to those at a distance who owe for books, printing. &c. ibose indebted for subscription to the Observer only. wiu be able to asceHain the amount due by reference to their last receipts. Persons having accounts against the subscribers will please present them for payment. T , , J- IJALE & SON. July I, 1859. Scouring: ol the White Horf>ie ’ Lytton; ^lill s System of Logic, &c. Also, further supplies of School Books. feVy 12 Ju8t received. £. J. SALS & SOi; NFMBEH 3, CO.VT.AIM.NO A F.\.MILI.\R HISTORY AND DESCRIP TION OF XtiRTU CAROLIN A. Selections in l*n>se and Verse; many of them bj eminent citizen. of the State. HISTORICAL AND CHRONOLOGICAL TABLES. And a variety of Mi.scellaneous Information and Sta tistics. by c. a. UMBER 3 is a new and revised elition of the North Carolina Reailer, first published in 1851. Numbers 1 and 2 ju«t i.ssueil. complete the series, which is, as & whole, cheaper than any other series of Readers in the United States, ami as complete. The Editor (Prof. Hubbard) in his Preface to Num ber 1 deems ii proper to alhule to a few of the peculiar advantage.* aimed at by the Superintendent of Common School-M while making efforts to have this work com pleted. Tliese are, 1; The rncouriijnntnt of a fftling of tflf-deprndfnct, and the enlistment of popular .«entinient in behalf of the State and its institutions. It was not thought important, how ever, to have more than one number of the Reader of merely a local interest. 2. To remedy (he evil everi/tehere complained of in com mon »ehooU, of a prrpetual change in text bookx; an expen sive habit, and one which injures the Schools bv pre venting the children from being classified. A series of home Readers, it was supposetl, would l>e certainly uged, and this great evil thus avoided. 3. Economy, the popular system of Readers being (00 long and being made so often merely to add to the profits of authors and publishers. This series is to consist of fewer numbers than those generally used, and it is believed that these numbers are sufficient, while if the system were universally used in the State, the sum saved to parents and children would amount to several thousand dollars annually. 4. To put in the hnndg of children learning to read com- positions turficiently familiar but not of the character called childinh composition*, containing, in lessons ersy enough for all ages, correct specimens of style, interesting in matter, aud inculcating proper morals, and religious in struction. The prices are, for No. 1, 2-5 cents; No. 2, 37* cents and No. 3, 75 cents. A liberal deduction from these prices to Merchants and School Teachers. E. J. HALE & SON. A'otice.—^’eg'roes l>Vantefl. Tt > the farmers and citiiens of the Counties of Duplin, Wayne, Johnston, Harnett, Moore, Cumberland, Robeson, Bladeu, Columbus, Brunswick, New Hanover, and Sampson: The subscriber being desirous of purchasing a number of likely young Negroes, of all classes and descriptions, avails himself of this-method of inforiuing those who may have such property to dispose of, that they would do well to visit ine at home, or address me at Clinton, w’hich they shall receive a visit. A word to the wise is sufficient, as it is well understood that I pay exceeding high prices. EVERETT PETERSON. Feb y 14, 1859 88-9m i'Veffroes! I\'e^roes!! Wanted. G^^TLEMEN, your old customer is yet in market for Likely Negroes, for which I am determined to pay the Highest Cash Prices. Persons having such for sale would do well to give me a call, or addres.'^ me at Clinton, N. C. •All orders promptly attended to. J. A. McARTHUR. Clinton, N. C., March 6, 1859. 95-Iyrj)d The ]%ew Edition oi* Devereux & Battle’s Law Reports, Vol. I, ~ ECEIVES the approval of those who have examined I Eagle Phoenix » “ Farmers & Mech.inics “ ExcJi.inge “ State City County “ Connecticut River “ Hanford “ Charter Oak “ Merchants & Manuf “ .Etna “ Mechanics & Traders “ State of Missouri “ Merchants Exchange “ North River Mechanics * “ North America “ Nassau ^ “ America “ Broadway “ Peoples , . “ Republic “ City - Union “ Hanover “ Commonwealth “ Phenix “ • Manhattan “ New York “ Market “ Ocean “ Metropolitan “ Butchers ^ Drovers “ Impffrters & Traders “ American Exchange “ Vlerchants “ United States Trust Comp’y N York L Iris & Trust Co Bills Receivable. Miscellaneous investments. ‘ *• li.4fxi ‘ “ . 'jA'k.' ‘ ‘ *.4,(',11(1 ‘ “ 00.4.)" ‘ “ l(l..'(IMt JerseyC'y, NJ 1..j>i St Louis, Mo New York. lt.4Mi “ llt.tHMI “ 2'_'.4*>" “ ■ .‘W.liiHI “ * 10.1'xi 24.4'»*i “ 1-J.41N1 “ Kt.IMiO 11.2'Ml “ ‘.IT.f.iHi .‘'..•l.lHHt “ 1 !».*(>! “ 44.4i)» “ . “ 4.>.1»'«' * “ 24,750 48.05.^ 23.6.>y I $1,807,9211 U‘ R Chief Justice Nash says, “I have looked through it t i* carefully and well got up. * * * J think to our Court it wiU be invaluable—and to the Profession equally SO. ^ It will save the lal>or of deciding the same points again and again; for there will be no excuse for Counsel not being apprised of points already adjudicated.” Gentlemen of the Bar who have purchased and ex amined it, concur, so far as we know, in praise of it. For sale, with sets or separate volumes of North Ca rolina Reports, Law Books generally, by E. J. HALE & SON. Blank Book« and W^riting^ Ink. "FURTHER auppllM juat r*««iv*d by fi. J. BALB & 8027. F liabilities: Losses unadjusted n«id not due, $110,976 54 .\gent of the above Company at Fayetteville. E. J. HALE. BRITISMM PKRMOnMC^ELS. L. SCOTT & CO., NEW YORK, continue to pubJi.'li the following lesAling British Periodicals, viz; 1. THE LONDON QUARTERLY (Conser^•ative.) 2 THE EDINBURGH REVIEW (Whig.) 3. THE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW (Free Church.) 4. THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW (Lil>eral.) 5. BLACKWOOD’S EDLNTiURGH .MAGAZINE (Tory.) These Periodicals ably represent (he three jwjli- tical parties of Great Brit.iin—Whig, Tory and —^but politics forms only one feature of their diameter As Organs of the most profound writers on Science. Literature, Morality .-ind Religion, they stand, a-? they ever have stood, unrivalled in the world of letters, beinp considered indispensable to the scholar and the proft- sional man. while to the intelligent reader of every cla-- they furnish a ^more correct and satisfactory rec'onl f! the current literature of the day, throughout the worM. than can be possibly obtained from any other source EARLY COPIES. The r»K-eipt of AD^ .\N(jE SHEETS from the Briii-ii publishers gives additional value to the!*e Repriiii''. i« asmuch as they can now be placetl in the hands uf scribers about as soon as the oritcinftl edition^ TERMS.' Per Him For any one of the four Reviews "" For any two of the four Reviews For any three of the Four Reviews 7 "" For all four of the Reviews ^ For Blackwood’s Magazine "" For Blackwood and three Reviews "" Four Blackwood and the four Reviews 1* i"' Payment* to he made in all in nJcniu' Money current tn the State xchrre isaufd in'// received at par. CLUBBLNG. A discount of twenty-five per cent, from the above pricf will be allowed to Cll'bs ordering four or more copie*" any one or more of the above works. Tims: Four of Blackwood, or tf one Review, will be sent to one »■ dress for $9; four copies of the four Reviews an.l '» wood for ?30; and so on. POSTAGE. In all the principal Cities and Towns, these work- will be deHvered, FREE t)rPOSTAGE. When sent mail, the Postage to any pan of the United States be but T\\ ENTY-FOUR CENTS a year for “Blackwoo*!. and but FOURTEEN CENTS a year for each of the Ke- views. A. h. Tlie price in Great Britain 0/ t/u Pm-ioiiicals aboce-nanied i» $31 jn r annum. Remiitances for any of the above publications shoii-'^ always be addressed, post-paid, to the Publishers, LEONARD SCOTT it CO.. No. 64 Gold Streep >'ew Text

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