timm CALEI^IDAR FOR 1859i J ANUAKV FKBKLARY MARl'H, APRIL. MAY jrxK. ,1ULY Ar»;rsT. SEPTt.MHKR. (M'TUHKR. NOVKMHKR 1>K('KM HKR SU.NDAY Monoat c w X e > > Wed.nesday .. ^ Tiiurhday ....' 1 1 5 > Satuudat j 1 •> 3 4 5 6 7 s y ID 11 12 13 14 15 It') 17 IS 19 20 21 22 24 25 20 27 2« 20 30 31 1 0 3 4 ;> »i 1 8 y 10 11 12 13 14 15 i») 17 IS ly L'U 21 >>•> 23 24 25 20 2S 1 •> 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 IG 17 18 19 •JO 21 23 24 25 20 27 28 2y 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 r> 1 8 9 ID 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 IS ly 20 21 •>•_> 23 •_n 2') 2t! 27 2S 2!> 30 1 • > 3 4 5 0 7 S 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 IG 17 IS 19 2D 21 22 23 24 25 2t) 27 2S oD 31 1 2 3 4 fi 0 t s 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 is 1!» 20 21 •>•> 23 24 25 2*> 27 2^ 29 30 1 .) •> *) 4 G 1 s 9 ID 11 12 13 14 15 It; 17 l' 10 20 21 •>•) 23 21 2.'. 2; .)- — 1 2v 29 30 :51 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 S y 10 11 12 13 14 lo IG 17 IS 19 20 21 •>•> 23 24 25 20 ■>- — J 2^ 2H 31 1 2 .3 4 .T «*) 1 s y 10 n 12 l:’, 14 15 If, 17 ID 2D 21 •>•> 23 24 25 2G — 1 2s 20 3.> 1 • > •> 4 0 G s 10 11 12 13 14 15 IG 17 l' 19 20 21 >>•> 23 24 25 2G 27 2S 29 30 31 1 0 4 ; t y ID 11 12 13 11 15 It; 17 IS 19 20 21 .)•> 23 21 25 2ti 27 2' 2D 3D 1 *> 3 4 .’) t; 4 s y lo 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 1^ I'J 20 21 •)•) 23 24 2') 20 0- 2 V 29 30 31 FAVETTEVILLE HOTBli, T. WADDILL, Proprietor. Ills, the most coiumoJious Hotel in Nortb L Carolina, fronting 3U0 feet on Ilay and Donaldson Streets, locaioJ in tlie centre of the .ion of the town. anJ surrounded by ftll Biisinpsri men will find the Hotel a couTenient and cowfortable house. All the Stages arrive and depart from this Hotel. Fayetteville. ()ct. 1. 1JS58. SIIKMWFJTL IIOIISK. FAYETTEVILLE, *’• Last side of Green Stre> t, a Jeic doors Xurth ut the Marhtt. rnUE Siib.scriber desires through this medium [ to ackowledge tlie libonvl patioimge bestow ed upon Ills Hous.‘ the past year—and as he ha-juM erected New StnliK-s and Carriage Shed conven ient to the House atid to wiiler lie takes pleasure in say ing to his patrons and tlie public generally, that he is still prepared to accommodntc iheiii with transient and permanent board. aut respecltully solicits a continuance of the liberal patronage heretofore received. Every ex ertion on hi.s sloill be iiHcd to rt*ndt?r them comforta ble during flieir sojourn with him His table is always suorlied with the best the market affords. ^ P. SHEMWELL. March 1>1. 1858. St‘.-tf WAVliE HOl ^E, GOLDSr.OUO'. N. c. rpHE undersigned announces to the public 1 that he has taken charge of the above Es tablishment. and is prepared to acciunmodate Boarders, by the day, week or month. And he assures all wlio may favor him with their patronage, that he will endeavor to give jvrfect satisfaction. Table supplied with the best the market atlorils. JAS. G. S.MITH. Goldsboro', Jan'y 1859 !4-lyr NKARKST AND grK'KKST RtlFTE TO THE RAILROAD! The rjarne*t F/rrft*rtf in thr Mouth! >IcK F/r A. .V 1)ES1’E('TFUM-Y informs his friends atid llie public, t that he ha- built up large suhsijintial 15rick Uuild- itigs at his »Ud Stand. e\\ire'jsly 1'»>r uuiuutiicturiug Car riages. Th.'inktul loi- the very lilier.-il patronage he has received for the hi'^l years, he boon's by strict atten tion to business, with a desire to gi'e satisfaction, to merit a continuance of the same, lie warrants his work to be made of the best ui.-iteri:il and by expeiiencel workmen in each branch of the business. IIi« work will compare favorably with acy made in the United States, for neatness and d nibility. He is determined to sell and do any work in his line on as gocil terms as any work done elsewhere th;U is :u> well done. He now has on hand, tinishtid, THE 1.M{GK.S'i' .''TdtiK OF Carriages, Barouches, Uorkaways and Buggies, ever otfered in this place, and a very 1;»rgi> sti'ck of work nearly finished, which will be fiiii-ihed daily. .Ml of which will be sold very low for casli. or on short time to punctual customer^. lie hii- on iiaii'i more lii.iu »)NE HrNHUKl* AN1> Fli'TY VEHICLES linished an«l in course of con^tnu iion. .\11 work made by him i> w,irr>'.nled 1:2 months with fair usage, and should it fail by bad workman.«hip or material, will be repaired free of charge. Persons wishing to buv woulil do well to call and ex amine for themselve-i. Orders thankfully receivol and ]>rom]illy attended to. Repairing executed at sliurt imliee :ui'l “ii very reitson- able terms. MaV>. 1S:V,1. MO-lf For 4Iae WUol€‘?«iale Ti*a*l€ ol IS59. A I.AHUF. AND (iK.VFKAri V,\KIKTY OF FORKMi^ A^l) DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, R K A 1> Y - M A h K (’ L O T II T N Ci, f#.17N, .rOTIO.rs, IHHtr-SKiRTS^tfc. %TARR iV U lLLIAH^i, IN placing before the pnblic this announcement, simply desire to say to their numerous customers, ami to all mercliants w ho Iesign m.iking their purchases here this Fall, that they are now opening, and will during the enswing week be prepared to expose for inspection anl sale, one of the largest and most general stocks of G(Kx1s in their line, ever ottereil to the'1 rade in this market. A portion ortlH"ie i;oods are our own importation, con'^Ci^iK’titly we sliall l>e enalded t(' sav»' to Iiuyersthe extra profit ciiarge 1 by tlie New \ ork .lobber. In connexion with the above slock, we shall during the season be j>rc]>ared to sell at low prices, llootN niul of'all Orade^, bought directly of the Mantifacturer—von c.\sH. Those owing us accounts pa.st ilue will please make pavment. J. ii.‘sTAItK. J. -M. WILLIAMS. Fayetteville, .\ug. iM, lS.>'.t. -l;>tf &”slK>K!S. FALI.ANI>WlNTi:i{STOCK. Nchool ]%'otiee. My School in tlie IMINALDSON ACADEMY will be re-opened on Monday, October 3d. Terms /n r (Quarter of ten icet-Jcs:^ English, ^ ‘ Latin, 1^' Latin ancl Greek, w Contingent, few pupils can be furnished with board in tnc family of the Principal, on Hay Mount. .lESSE K. McLEAN, A. M., Principal. Aug 10 Biiij;iiaiii'w School. ISS P.INGHAM will resume her School for Voung Ladies on Monday, the 3d of October. Aug 27 ‘ 44-C.w M i\oi*th Carolina Keacleri^. NrMHKRS 1 AND 2. PREI-AREl) UITH SFKCIAL REFERE.VCE TO THE \VA.VT.> AM) INTEUE.ST.s iiF •V#r/yk I'aroiina. LNDKR THK AU^PICKS OF THE SrPKKINTKNI>E:T 0¥ COM MON SCHOOLS. BY Rev. F. n. Hubbard, PROFKSSUK OF TUB L.\T1.N LASGVAiiK A.NI> LITKRATfRE IN THK LXIVEKSITY UF XOKTH C.^KOLIXA. HOLMES & ROBINSON’S FOIK HORSE STAliE LI\E TO KE>AXSVILLE, VIA H \KSAW, IS the shortest and most expeditious for iravelers going North or South. Leaving Fayetteville everv day at 2 o'cUxk P. M. THROUGH IN TEN Hol KS. The traveling public who would study their comfort and convenience will take the Warsaw Stage. fe^ THKOLGH TICKETS TO WELlH>N may be had at the Stage Office. Fayetteville. Aug 5, IS.j'.t. .‘5H-Iy .\OTIFE. i For the future we will call for lailies and children and . deliver the same at their resilience* within the cor- | porate limit' of the Town, who take p!i«sage on our line-^ I of .'uiges. Male passengers will be received at the Stage Office, and delivercl at iJieir Iminefl in the | corporation. Each passenger will be allowed fiOlbs. of ' baggage free of charge. j HOLMES \ RORIN.'^ON, j Cont'rs Wurs.iw Line. | C. S. IV\UUEE \ BUO., ; Cont’rs Raleigh Line. Fayetteville, Aug. !’>. IS')'.*. ;;S-i;nipd ; ~ i.urn:KL()ii\ f.ink. Iiifrrt‘«>t of Tiir|M‘iifiiit* OiNf A. Il.VKLIl Would re-pectfully inform Turpentine Iiistillers uii'l other- tli.al he i.' fully prepureil to Manufacture or Repair T;ii{>etitiue. lirun ly ;ind ^Vhi'- key Stills, Woniw. .V‘., in fnct, anytliiiii: in the liin' of Sheet-(’opper .>r Iron work. Particiibir iitteiiti.iii ^iven to tlie iii;iking ol .'steam Pipes from :i -iuiieriDr kind .«! ('opjiei'. for l!o;il-. .Mil!-, \’C. .\II work eiiiriisied to my cnr«“ sli.-tll be i>ro|>erl_\ tlone, anl warranteil, and on the mos; fiiv.irnlde terms ii- re- gariN [irice. tJive me u c-ill and see for y«>\iV'elt, uud I know 1 slcill h;tve ymr p;ilr^n.ige. I!i-iiig g, |.r:i-lienl workman. 1 attend to nil tin- w.>rk mysell. which 1 fin.l is to ihe advantnee ofboth my i‘U-itomer' and mv'elf. t>ld Copper l«oujrht for r.-i li or t iii-tt in exchange tor new Work. July UT \I \ i: IL IV .''iri et. '.Mi:. ■ttevilic ?«i. r. IIAIVLEV X SOU RE receivinir a large stock of Roots and Shoes, em bracing every variety of •'tyle and (piality. MSoi/s fintf l*onfhs'> i'aif Boofs^ imitiH'rH At Shors^ Light. 1 >onble-Sole. anl t^'uilted Rottoms. •flisses^ ttttfl iitir hevh'if 4maiter .''lipjiers and Siioes,—in frreat viiriety. .••iERVAATJS' **»IIOEN. A su).erior :n ticle. made to our order; Single ami Double Sole. V large supply of Rlack and Russet; single and double sole: piirch.i'ed direet from Mannfacturcrs at reduced eivsh jirices; will be sold el:i-a)>. LSI > t'orrHttii Tt'ttnUx; iAnthrt' of'alt ttindH; Slioe- f'inttinffs o/'rvtrtf tliHcHptioii, ,\11 of which we otfi-r low for cash, or on uual time to promj.t cu'toiuer>. Aug. -'i, l^')'.* ■lu-t)W N. •' Nl’MRER 3, CONTAI.NINU A F.\.MfLIAR HiSTORY AND DESCRIP- TIO.S »F NORTH CAROLINA. Sclectitiiis in Proso and Verse; nuitiy of them by eminent citizen.s of the State. HlST'.iHlCXL AND CHRONOLOGICAL TABLES. And a variety of Miscell.aneous Information and Sta tistics, by r. If. w*m'e,e\\ UMBER 3 is a new nnd revised edition of the North il ' arolina Header. lir“t published in 1801. Numbers 1 and 1' just is-^ucd, complete the series, which is, as a whole, cheaper than any other serie-, of Readers in the United States, and complete. The Editor , Prot. Hubbanl i in his Preface to Num ber 1 deeni' it prosier to allude to a few of the peculiar i advantafre- aimed at V>y the Superintendent of f'ominon Schools while making efforts to have this work com pleted. The-e are, I. TfTf tj a f'^ling of t*lf-ilfptniUnct. and th»- •-nlinmeni •’t popular sentiment in Viehalf of the State an 1 iis in-Mtiiti'jn-. It w;ij not thought inifiortant, how ever. to have ruore thnn one number of the Reader of merely a local intere-t. '1. T-> r". ;-'/>/ Ihr ml nertjH-h^r romphixned r,f tn com mon of a pt rpffU'il chungt >.n text hook*; an expen sive habit, and one which injures the Schools by pre- v.-nrinjr the children from being classified. A series of h-roe Readers, it w-,as ‘-upposed, wouM be certainly used, and thi'- great evil thus avoided. •/. A'"',/!'-,■.'»/, tiie p ipular system of Readers being too l-riL' and being mu le -o often merely to adil to the profits of authors and jiublisbers. Thi: ^erie- is to con-i-t of fewer numbers than those g‘neraliy u-ed, and it is believed that these numbers are •s iffioient, while if the system were universally used in the .'tuie, the -um -avcd to parents and children would arii' int -evenil thou'und doll;irs annually. 4. T‘j ar ;« thr hut,‘It of rhihln n leaniinj to read com- j>>, tuffici'ntly f.tmUinr hut )n>t of the rhnractfr callrd rhiMuh rompotifionn, containing, in lessons easy enough for all ages, correct specimens of style, interesting in matt..r, and inculcating proper moral.-, and religious in- •truction. The prices are, for No. 1, 2-') cents: No. 2, .374 cents and No. 3, To cents. A liberal deduction from these pncea to .Merchants and School Teachers. _ E. J. HALE & SON. XiTATIOAERl. In addition to our j.resent stock we are receiving I •50 Rea HIM l*ap(‘r, Embracing every variety of CAP. LETTER. BATH LETTER. ('(►MMERCIAL NOTE bill HEAI>, FOLIO POST, ^ and NOTE PAPERS. 0 M L\V LI,OPES, of every description. I cas- L;./,.- • ; ' ir, i,-a„ .SLATES, ivssorted sizes. 10)gr' . J '•.4 ' ;■ ,, h)lders; School Ink-Stands; VISn iNO 1{(»»KS, Ac. E. .). HALE & SON. Feb J J ; 'I h»- l-^(lili»ii ot Ueverfux A, BattleN Law Reports, Vol. I, M E'El VE.~ tJie aj.prijviil of those who have examined II it. Chief .luutice .N'a'-h -.iv-. “1 huv. l,..,ki-.J through it t is car«*f\Uly and well gi f up. * * ♦ 1 think to our Court it will he invahi.itjie ^nd t-, ihe J'role.riiiin e(pially ao. It will nave the labor of deciding the (.aine (/•/inl>- again and ajjaiii; fur there wiil be no excii-c for Counsel not being apprined of pointp already adjudicated. Gentlemen ol the Bar who have purchased and ex- ammed it, concur, so far as we know, in praise of it STE.\MER “F.VNN^” leaves F’ayetleville ever}’ Mon day and Thursday morning, at 1'> minutes after Sun rise: and Wilmington Tuesday and Friday, at o'chv'k, —carrying passengers and freight.* Steamer "SOUTHF'UNER," with a full complement of Flats, makes one or more trips per wvek, a» circum stances may require. The accident to the Steamer “RtMVAN” will be re paired in a few da^u. She will then take her place in the line. T. S. LUTTERL(»H. Oct'r 4, lbo8. 01-tf XKW LI\E. U.M. ( AltTKK A- S0\. Hholesale d Ki'tall IU*al*rN and Maiiuracturors o( \ Ll. K I N i»!S ijeathet\ SathUes ttml Harness^ of every li -Tiption. 'o]lar-, Whi|i«. \c. N I> we also j'art iiMiInrly t lie at tent i.^n ol the wtiole surrounding country to gi\.- u call, a'* we are de- terniined thai none ha!I -iiirp.i"- o- in >|U:ility or low prices; and we will give the highf>it cash price at all A th. Hnl I'HllnW. ill ex*hiiTiflre for our I HAVE associated with me, in this line, .Mr. John K. Dailey, ami will .style the firm ORRHLL \ D.MI.EV. We have purchased the .‘'te.-inier Softhkknkb. and in a few days, will have a New Flat employed with her. Those favoring us with their patronage may rely upon prompt despatch, by applying to .Mr. Dailey on boanl, or to me at my office. R. M. (HiREI.L. times for Raw Hide; articles. Country .Merchant-i wniilil .In well to a11 ami examine our Sti>ck. as we ean ■'■•I! them Shoe, of :i mudi better qualify than they u-ually L^et, mi veiy acromino.latiiig terms. Southern Pl tntec; would 'In well to vend u«all their orders as wc are mnkinj; a No 1 :nti- le of N EiRt) SHOE.'', that are w'lrr.'inted to -i\e entire s:iti-faetion. N. B. .Ml irders liimi a di-t:int-e i|i:i!l h;ive prompt attention. S. S. c.\rti;r. W\[ ioldston p. tt., t'hathaiii 'o,, N. ' ., ( M.irrh 1.'.. , • ■ \RTEI{. '.o;- , .M. ORIIELL. March 20, ISo'J J«mX K. IIAILKV. SW-tf To Hail Roitil Cotitrartors! JUST RECEIVED lOO WHEEERARROWN, light and strong, for the Rail Road. For sale by March 251, 18-59. D. & W. McLAURIN. 8(K)tf For sale, with seta or sejiarate volumes of North t‘»- roUna Reports, and Law P.ooks generally, by E. J. HALE & SON. Hyiiiiis and niMripiineii* ou-nu.., E. J. hale & SON. Devereux’w Kinnie’w Biack^to^ *0 Quttntions and Answers, upon th* plan of Kidfuc't BlaclutoBe, oa« V*lume, Drak« on Attachment F«r Ml* bj E. J. & SON. ’ Colton Plantation for ^ale. 1 OFFER for sale a Plantation in Marlboro' District, situated nine milea from Bennettsville, two and a half from Pee Dee River, seven from Railroal, and two from the Mineral Springs. The Tract contains THKKG HLXDKEl) AND THIRTY-SKVKX ACRES, with 150 under cultivation. The Buildings are all gomJ. A NEW DWELLING HOUSE, with six rooms—fire place in each room, passage through the house, two piazzas, one in front and one in the rear. My Land will compare favorably with any in the District. 1 have sixty acres of Bog land cleared, that will make thirty bushels corn per acre. The place is cultivated this year by James Peterkin. He will show any one who wishes to look over the lanl. My only otyect for sell ing is I have moved West. Terms easy. Address me at Bennettsville, S. C., until 1st September, after that time at Selma, Ala. GEORGE PETERKIN. Aug. 4 4ttf LAND FOR'SM7 I OFFER for sale (540 Acres of LAND, lying on the West side of Cape Fear River, two miles below Fay etteville, and extending from the river into the sand hills. This tract is about equally divided into river- ridge, swamp and sand-hill Land. About 80 acres, adjoining the river, are under cultivation and are well suited to the growth of Corn and (Jrass: none of Ihe Swamp has been cleared. There are several good sites for a dwelling house on the sand-hills. Any person wishing to purchase will do well to make early appli cation, as I have determined to sell. THOMAS J. ROBINSON. Sept. 8, 1858. 44tf Land ami Wood. ACRES of L.\.\D lying on the Fayetteville & Western R. R. 7 miles from Town. 4'>0 Conls PINE WOOD cut and i>iled. All for .sale cheap to close the concern of E. Roberts & Co. Apply to J. H. ROBERTS & CO. June 2», 185V. o4tf Eaborers Wanted. I^HE Western Rail Road Co. wish to employ 4 able- btxiied Slaves for the balance of the year, to work on track repairs between Fayetteville and Little River Depot. W. A. KUPER, Ch. Eng. & Supt. July G 29tf Racon! Racon!! LBS WELL SMOKED BACON. Just re ceived by E. F. MOORE. August 29, 1859. 44-4t 20.000 J. w. n.%Ki:K Ih now n* ei\iii'r I'roiii the N'.)rtli the largest, finest, and most carefully selecteil stock of FI K\ITI It i: ever offered in this market; which .-icldeil to b- own manufacture, makes hi-; assortment complete;— all of which he will sell on the lowest j.ossiblc terms for cash or on time to punctual customers. Fashionable painted cottage boil-rooin Furniture in setts; curled hair and shuck, .-ind cotton M.-ittresses; Looking Glasses; Willow \\ .igons and t’radles; Side Boards; Bureaus; Secietaries and Book-Cases; What- Nots; Tables, al’ sorts; W:ih Stands; C.intlle Stand.s; Wardrobes; Picture Frames and Glass; W inlow Shades; Cornices; ('urtain Bands; Sofa« in .Mahogoiiy and W.il- nut; Fete a Tetes; Ottomans; Divans ami Stools; (’hairs of every variet}'. tine Hos*woi(l I'inntis, (me witli ,KnIian at tachment; Rosew'ood Melodians, from the ttest inaiuifac- tories in New ^ ork ami Boston, warranted as good as any maile in the .-ountry, and will be sold at New York prices—freight only added. September 2. 4.",if Hlarble Factory, Yiy laui>i:h, TWO mioRS m\K v. t. iiiiiiii & sovs’ store Fayellcvillf, V. Jan’v 20, G4-ypd ^tate Rond» Tor .^ale. ^T.\TE (Coupon Bonils. (t'oiipons pay.aldc in New O Vork, on the 1st April and 1st October.) in t^uanli- ties to suit. Apply at the Branch of the Cai>e Fear Bank. A. .McLE.iN. June 1 IKif C. EII\HERR^ Artist in Hair, AXI> «yi BIIOAOWAV, N. Y. Every description ol’ ornament made in Hair, viz: Necklaces, Bracelets, Brooches. Flowers, &c. Orders taken bj* mail, and returned at short notice by the same conveyancc or by Express. Aug. 16 42*2ni Harper’s iVlagaxine Tor Aii^iiHt. just received. j. hAL£ & SON. ]\KW iiOOUS. ■m mm A sm m mfftiites Ktfle IS Now RECEIVING A LARtJE SUPPLY OF i»uv(;(KH)s.ii.vTs.siioix lio LT 1 N C (’ L»T II S, \ c., (% I II I'all.-) .''heel Ing and Yarn at Factory Price-i. .Ml of which will be otfered r. ^ W H n I, ESA 1. E OR R E T AIL, As li.w ,1' the 'amc ijualiiy cun be had in this .''tale. March 1''" ;* Itf .^lorc 1l00d^«S 1\ \1 jn-t rei-i'iviiiL; my .'Spring .“'toi k of (imwls in my line. They wero -cli’ctod in the Northetn cilie:r by liiy-idf. with great 1 .ire. and lionght I'li the liio-f rcason- ali'e teriii'. by which I am ctialiled to otter the largest stock I ev'r before otfered to the j'Ublic, iind to otler them geiieially \( (rrfHilv Prices. FRUITS nng PlCKLi: Rai'ins. I'ig'. Prune-,. . ('herrie'-. I 'urratit-. .Vi , .lELLlES AND I’RESUr.Vr.S \ pple-. Lemons, (>r- a great va- rie' V; PEltl l 'MERIES AND EX I'RACTS ,.f variou. k^nds: F\N» V SOAPS AND PoM M>KS; M USD' A I. 1 N.'^TK U \1 ENT.''’—I iddb*'. Druni'. Files, Flute-. I!.injii'. i WALKlNti 'VNi;S ofevervki'id; BASKirrs \ND wii.i.ou \\ Hor.r.Y HORSES. \e.: M T.X; FIM; A.ND (■ \M>IE.; SARDINES; FIN E l;\RS; SMoKINt; x t'HEWlNC. TOBACCO: CR \ KEi:.';; KINK I'OrKKr K.M\ E.>^: .\ large as'orimetit ol I’OKT-MON.ME.'', sonie very nice; F\N(’Y EN\ ELoI’ES. and F.\N(’Y GOODS, TOYS uml YANKEE NoTloNS; An a'^'^ortm»‘iit tif INDIA RL BBER COMBS. WHIPS. FISHING T.VCKLE. The puKlii- are re-peetfully inviteil to c:ill ainl ex- amim- my Jtock. I h ive a ;;ieai many handsome things that eaiinot fail to |.!ea-e. J VS R I.EE, Hotel Buildint;. March ;U, 1.‘'o'.* 1. f^rRIAI.; XiTVEE!^! The Fayal, Kvereft llavelork Hats! \L.s;o. a tieautiful a-Jortment of the L.VTEST STYLE StiFT II I high and low crown.) and all the styles of the tuo-^t elegant Hats of the season, can now be seen at the Ba/,.i ir. March D‘> A. M. RIM MON. 97-tf THE I.IVEK ISWii 0 itATOK! i;> 1)R S\NK >HI». rom|»oiiiiii(‘(l nitiroly from fS ONK OF THK BKST IM RU^TIVK A M> MVKR MK * l»iriNKS MOW ln;fore ll.f* (»iib)>’. thnt n« m ('•tiJmi *ic, vH^ier, *iu'l moi e ihnii hi}j other nietliciii** Wuowi. It iR not only a f’.ithnrttr, lnit • I.ir^r remiHiy. HCtiiiff flrM **ii iht /.{!■*■■ to ihen on tin- a?..in»u-b nu«i o' torarry off ihm matter, timi* H«‘cotup)iw«> pnrpi«H» ft** •• hIIv, withoiK ATIV of th« piiitifti] ox)*«i it-r.rvii in th* oi«* - if »ni* of ini»!«t ('nthfirtics. Ii hiron^ilirtin ih« jif thr liiiir iloil ft it , m»f1 whiMi tnVcn daily i'*, ni'Miwuit* •; - '▼lil F>treii»;ilirti Mftti build ti u]> with prmcipnl ti'K'ilHtorn of *h« pnrfornis Mi wt*'] fullr (Jevtilijpe'i I h« t on Ihi* httnhby a. iion iht iTHflltlCUOl ». whftilhr mi# »lt Hllltl. tJi#* wlu.Ir of one the |- For the of thMi or hx* it hift •tiidy. iu u lo dud *onie mftiJT derang:«nieiits to «\ hit !• At li»*t fou*»d. an> p^r^on troii pinint, II. ftni of >u fm ms. vonviriioti N rertnin. morbid or bml nmitvr fiom pU» « % hfulihy of hi!e. cAiikini^ food tk> i^ell. liUilUMil’RIill lilCII NfllODL. IlHE 14th Session of this Institution will open on the 12th of .lULY 1S5'.1. under the charge of Dan’i.. Stkwakt. ,)r.. B., as Principal. Boanl can be had either at the Steward’s Hall or in the neighborhood at per month, exclusive of lights ami washing. For further information apply to the undersigned at Laurinburgh, N. C. R. D. DICKSON, Seo’y. Laurinburgh, June 18. 25-tf To Eand Riiver^. f^pilE undersigned otfers for sale, in the Coal region, 1 and w ithin eight miles of the terminus of the Fay etteville & W'estern Rail Road on Deep River, KKiHT lU .NDKEI) A( KKS OF LA.VO, adjoining the land belongint; to the estate of George Wilcox, dec’d, and lying three miles South from Car- bonton, on Li 'e Pocket Creek. .Moore county. The.se LanIs are well adapted to the growtli of corn, cotton, wheat, oats, rye, There are on the prem ises a ’omfi)rtat>le Dwelling, and all necessary (bit- houses. with about one hundred and fifty acrcs under fence, including forty or fifty acres of never-failing bottom land. This is a rare chance for persons wish ing to make investments, as lands are undoubtedly ad vancing in pricc in this section. For turiher information apply to Mr, .M. M. McRae, Crane's (,'reek, P. >., Moore county, or address me at Fayetteville. N. C. DANIEL McRAE, For the Heirs of (Jilbert McRae, dec'd. Carbonton. .Moore co., N. C.. Aug. 24 I3tf stock— iiOI>»KTO.\ it \RE now receiving direct from New Vork a large and desirable Stock tor the en-'iiing Fall and Winter Traile.—consisting of >iroc'(‘rit‘w. Hardware Sc Hollow- ware, Maddlery, Ro»tM & Mlioe»«. otfon lla;c?in? and Rope. M.any ot her goods, not necessary to mention. Ail of which will l»e sold on very reasonable terras, either for cash or to prompt paying customers on usual time. 0. W. 1. OOLDStoN. A. W. FULLER. J8Kr)“ Hay Street. Next Door to H. A: E. J. Lilly. Aug. 21.‘ls.V» 4;j-lm*;jni irci7.ar. '"pil E undersigned has opened an OHice in the Brick 1 Building, two doors below the store of .Mr. George McNeill. Hay .'Street, at the foot of Haymount. where he i-i prepared to receive on Consignment for sale or for shipment, ALL KINDS OK (OIMRY PRODKK, OR OTHER ARTULKS. He will also, iwhen placeil in fund- for that purpose.) promptly attend to the purchase and forwarding of all descrifitions of Ciroceries and other .Merchandize which may be reipiirel or ordereil. Likewise, he will atteml jiromptly to all kinds of I B.\NK BUSlNE.S.'^.--o>itaining discount.s and making negotiations, renewing notes payable at Bank, and pro- , curing ami forwarding Bank checks on listant places. Havinjr had long jiersonal experience and knowledge of the bu'inc-is and trade of the place, he feels great contidence, that by giving his entire and undivided at tention to these matters, and making only reasonable and v«-ry moderate ch.-irges for his services, he will be stimul;itt‘d .and encotirHged by a liberal patronage, and that in all cases he will succeed in giving entire and general satisfaction. BEVERI.V ROSE. Refer to Messrs. H. & E. -J. LitLV. Mr. Gkok;k -McNkill. Tinis. S. LlTTF.KLoii, Eac4. Fayetteville, -Vug. 10 4U-Gw Portalile and stationary En^iiien, PlinipM, &:€. ' Il’^E are prepared to receive onlers for the great .\MERM'.\N PUMP, worked without packing or suction, throwing from D.l lo (»() gallons of water per miiuite; sizes from 1 to 4. price j^ls to $70. Patented -\pril ;'), IS.j'.i. Also. Doige's Gutta Percha ball valve, S^iction and Force Pumps Contracts Taken for the Erection of Buildings, materials furnished, and jobbing of all kinds executed with neatness and ilispatch. D> Horse Power Stationary, and an 8 Horse Port able Engine, for sale cheap by WALT(»N & BARKY. .Macliini.'^ts and Car Builders, t’ayetteville. .\ug. lo. 18.3'j 40. Town papers copy. Leather and India Rubber BEIiTi:\C>i, II08E, &c. ''j^HE undersigned hereby give notice that they are 1 prepared to furnish at short notice every description of Machine Belting and India Rubber Hose. Having in our eiujjioy competent workmen, we .are at all times pre|>ared to put Steam Engines in order. All orders promptly atteniled to. WALTON & BARRY, ^ar Builders and Machinists. Fayetteville, N. C.. July 28, 185‘J. 3r>. THE xw:\\ editions OF Tin; Supreme Court Kc|>0|. The Publishers, conceiving that th* ir V |, with Judge Battle’s Notes, of some ..*■ t' of Reports which had gone our of print, ciently attracted the attention of the I’rut,. lieen happy to receive the following volm,- ,r- to their merits, from a distinguishe.l Lawvi-t ‘ R.vi.kk.ii. .Jiilv , , Mkssks. E. j. Hale & Sox:—Oknti.i;mi\ \ 1 did not have an ojiportunity, until since, to examine your re-publicaiion ,,r il ,. of Dev. & Bat. Eq. Rep., and also tlie iii ,- \ same Reporters' of the Law decision^ ,t Court. It is uo compliment, eitiiei to . Hitftlt, to say, as an humble memliei' of it,,. ,, I thank you for this nuist valuable adiliti..ii • dicial treasure of the .State. To the , legal profession the Notes of Judg.- |’, value, and I do most sincerely hojn- n from the i>rofession gencrallj that eii’. ^u; . . patronage which you deserve. 1 am. gctitlctnen, your'. uiost truly iiiid ri -)- II. U \!i‘ The Publishers h.ive now in iire-. 1’ printed, the 2d Vol. of Deveri-ux |’, i( , , ■. with Judge Battle's valuable Note-. ..-.i typograjihical errors coiTected. Ord ' - E. J. II \|.K Aug. 8, i8r>y. is^l PRE.TIE 01 RT NHW K I) IT ION (»i Devereux and Baltle's Equliy. V«l, i The subscribers have .lu-t ininte'l a l'1 this volume, (one of the most vHli; ii,'i with Notes and Referi'iices to other adjud- to the Revised Code, by H.jii. Wtn. II. Pi;, , . niany ci>rrections of ty])ogra)'hleal erni> They have now in jiress the !!•( v.. Judge Battle's Notes, whieh the\ u'l; |.i,, Their 2d Edition -if the 1st v.i’.ume \,. Law Rcf)orts. issued la-t year, ha- rec iv- : ti, batiou ot the l’rofe'iun. They also republished a 2d Editi..n ,i li, \ , , Equity i without Notes. ; ,\nd in a'iditi,,n , the proprietor' jf the entire edit iuii' uf i,h.- Law and ^^(uity. and can >u[ ply nnv v,,' . . the Ri^port-i. or complete sets. >o f;iV ■ , be had. They deal l ii-gely in Law P.cink'. an.I onler work-; not on their shelve';, to -nj > ' 'oniers. K. .1. I!.\L; . > ■ Fayettevilk', May D'.. LVjW. BitiTiSii PM:RtOMtn\lLs I L. SCOTT CO.. NEW YORK, continu.- thi* following le.ading British Peri.Mlic.i' '! f,. ’ ri: THE LONDON yUARTERL'i THE EDINBURtiH REVIEW c 'on'er\ iir. Whi- TU( r oiio jf ihf hiiniMfi hody ; niii whpM it ihr of the irairtn sie Ltif for the nroptr f>«rform "toTiiHrh i^«t raiilt, thflMiw#]^ •• t »t)(Ters in '«> w‘jiici)CP liHviiig cftuoi to do iu duty ir»n. one of the pt«>|>ri«io'it of mi»rts Ihmj i whetvwith lo couhttfriirt ihe' It Ik lifthle. To prore that I bin remedy j» hie.| with C oin- hAw iHit to try A UittU. av.d rht‘»e iuiu^ r^tnovtf nil Ihe syRt«m. snpplytii^ in ih#ir: ii‘vi|f>vr»tin« the j*ionj«rh. piirlfyltiK hl«>ol,. whole ni*kcbM»**ry, leniorii-j; | % radlcAl rur*. . iillloiiii nttarks Hfr I lirltcr, by W\ 1^1 ver Invl^orAfor. ' One dose eAtiiiris Buf j •Md preTeiit th« f«mt from Only one doi»e t«k«ii before marc. I Only on* d«>»e lAken at { ICentJT. and cure* 'oM-, ^ tlvciiens. do»a taken after earh ; p||^ Dieal will cure liyftiieiikla do»e of two tea spoonfuls wUl alwavs teii«ve Slrfc ll«‘nln*he« | One b»tile taken for fe ; 'male obfttrucUoT\ reniove*> the cause of the dineHHe. and j makes a n#rfeet cure Ot.Iv one dos.. immedintely ' ^ relieves Cliollc, w!,il. One d»>se orten repwiUHl t» PV a nure cuie for C'liolern Mornus, and a preventive! 'of Cliolrrn. Only one l»otlle is | |neede1 to throw out of ibe •ymeen the «f!ect* of medi-i cine after a li^nt »ickne»» •^T“On« bottle taken for I ” cured. what li« the occasional use of ihe ficient to relieire tbe itofnaob rising and sonrini;. retiring, prerents n^rbt, looeens the bowels >Taiitillrr r'tnoves alt sal from the skin. time before eating five^ ▼! food ditpest well, cnies (tironlf* while .S 11 la iti i* nnd 0 almost to the first d>se . tacks raust‘i by \Vorma in I safer, m speed'ie. reuipdy in flroi»i*jr, by the 'mendinf: this iut"4irine ^ t'lilU I0114 Tj'p#*, It operate* are willine u» testify to it* lowtiess or unnatural color «M»e dose taken a nhort Kur to the appetite, and makes hie dose oHen repeated I'lKm In its worKt forms. Ilow'cl complaint* yield hie or two Uowes cures at 'hUdren ; there Is no snror. the worhl, as it fnih, K f«iw bottles cure- abM>i l>ents. \\« take nleasiite In rerom prereolive tor F«V*r aixf nnl all I^VveiMi of a llfl* with certainly, and thousMiidii wonderful virtues. YmMI •>» nionH. vtlth tlio Invl- P:»iaitor, niMl Hwallow both l»^rth«r. THE LIVER INVIGORATOR IS \ SCIK.XTIFIC MKDtl'AI, I)I8(’«|VKRY, «n.l i> ,Uwl% workltiir curt^, almost too urreal to t>«lieve. U cures as i! 'n\ inMeu*, Ms /ft$t dm* (firing hen^jit. and seldom more tliaii 01.c iKittle is required to cure any kind of Klvrr romplaint. trtMn the worst Jaundi*'t or to a common uJ .*r which are the result of a L«lv^r. ss Now Yerk PRICK OKB DOI.l.AR rCR •0T7LK Dr. SANK»KI>, Propiietor. 545 Hro:idwHy, Retailed by all Uru>rriHf*> Sol I a/««> JAS. N. SMITH and S. J. HINSDALE, Fayetteville, N. C. Nov'r n. 62-ly l!iiisrnr Cane 91ills$. THREE STYLES (►f First I’reniium 2 and S Roller Sus:ar Cane Mills, Manufactured by boyde:^ so:v, Salisbi Kv. N. C. Aug. S'.ttNl Hardware^ Ciitlerv, !!$ADDI.IvKY, &c. ).\MES MARTINE is now receiving a large and gene ral assortment of ever}’ thing in the above line. —ALSO— •\ prime article of Rio, Lagnira and Java COFFEE rrtiphed and lirown SUtJ.\R; Sugar House SIRUP and MOL.VSSES. All of which ig offered on as good terms as can he had in this market. Nov'r I. 18.j8. C6tf STOVKS, SHKET IRO^, TIIM-WAUK, &c. N H.VND. a large assortment of Box and Cooking Stoves: Tin-ware: Sheet-Iron; Lead Pipe. Also 'Mti€ “O/rf iiotninion Voffef For sale by .JAMES MARTINE. Nov’r 24. G6tf 0 PAINTS OIL«, &€. SPERM, Refined, Lard. Linseed and Tanners’ OIL: White Lead; Burning Fluid; Putty; Window Glass and Sash of all sizes. —.VLSO— Afresh supply of PON D’S PAIN DESTROYER. For sale by JAMES MARTINE. Nov'r 24, 1858. «otf rioww! PIowm!! PIow$!!! Si), a PLOWS; r>(* No. 10 Plow#; 50 No. II - 2.') No. .50 “ 2") No. *tO “ Points, Bars an«l Mould Boards to suit. For sale by j; leetE. Jan’y 12 THE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW (Fr., . 4. THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW Liberal o. BLACKWOODS EDINBURGH MAGAZINE I The.se Periodicals ably represent the three tical parties of tJreat J5ritain—Whig. Tory and ll —but jiolitics forms only one feature il' their cli i‘ . As Organs of the most profound writers on s. '. Literature, Morality and Religion, they stan I. a~ ever have stood, unriviilled in the world* of let ter-', considered indisjiensable to the scdiolar and the j sional man, while to the intelligent reader oC cvi-w . they furnish a more correct and sati!-fa-lorv i. the cuiTent literature of the day, throughout tl,. than can be possibly obtained from nnv other »■ EARLY COPIES. The receipt of ADVANf E SHEETS froi;, tl.. 1' publishers gives additional value to these l;. |. :i asmuch as they can now be placed in the liati': scriliers about as soon as the origin.al eiliiji.t TERMS. !’• For any one of the four Review® For any two of the lour Reviews For any three of the Four Reviews : For all four of the Reviews For Blackwood's .Magazine For Blackwood an'l three Reviews Four Blackwood and the four Reviews lit he imitlr in uU rusis III n ' yiimri/ l urnut m thi Stoti ir]ii rr rereiced at pn-. rLCBP.lNG. A discount of twenty-five per cent, from the nl will be allowed to Cu bs ordering four or iii"i e any one or more of the above works. Thu-;; I o n of Bl.ackwood, or of one Review, will be sent t.. ' dress for four copies of the four Review-' m l I' wood for .S‘10; and so on. POSTAfJE. In all the princijml «’ities and Towns, the- will be deliverel, FREE OF PO.'TAGE. U li. ii- mail, the Postage to any part of the United - be but TWENTY-F'OUR CENT.''a year for ••I'lai k ‘ and but Ff>URTEEN (’ENTS ji year for each ot " view-i. A*. H. The /tril l il, (inaf /{j-itniti m' Periodirnh nhnn -iinmed /V j,rr it iun:. Remittances for any of the above publicatin;!- -■ always be addressed, post-paid, to the Piibli>lier'. LEONARD S('OTT m No. r»4 (lold street. New V ' »TATK €>I^€>RTH i\\ ROIJ \ \ BLADEN COUNTY. (^ourt of lMea.s and ^narter Sessinii'. A■ Tenu, IS;")!,!. Ralph R. Parker. Ex'r of Sarah P. Siiiglvi:i:y Henry Hillburn and wife Emily, Harriet SiiiL'I- and John If. Singletary and wife Sally. Petition for Account. IT appearing to the s.atisfaction of the t'.ni!- Harriet Singletary, and John H. Singletary :ii Sally, three of the defendants in this cause, it-'i i' yond the limits of this State; It is therefore, on m ordered by the ('ourt. that publication I>e iii.i'l'- :■ Fayetteville Observer, notifying the said dett i; I n:'- the filing of this petition, and that unles* the.v !' at the next term of this Conn. and answer tlie i" ' the same will be taken pro confes«o. and heard on • av to them. Witness, .V. K. Cromartie, Clerk of our >:ii l ' at office in Elizabethtown, the 12th tlav of .Aii- i-' D. 18.yj. 40*G] A. K. CRo.MARTIK. : • STATE OF \«RTH \% K«IJ ^ ' COUNTY OF RICHMtjND. ('ourt of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, -liiK i 1859. James L. Currie, Adm'r of Mary Graham. !> ■ ! ' William W. Graham, Adm'r of Neill (.iraliaiu. 'i' et al. Petition for account and settlement. THL*' cause coming on to be heard, uj>oti ihe j ' tiled, and it appearing to the satisfatii»ii i Court that Peter Graham, .\nn Graham. Lew:- ll '■ and wife Isabella, John Gr.aham, William II. Francis Ann Graham and Amanda Graham, d. ltn i *: ' are not residents of this State; It is ordeifl ■ Court that publication be made in the Fayette’• server, a newspaper published in the town of 1 , ville, N. C. for six consecutive weeks, notityin. aforesaid non-resident defendants to bo and .il l" ' the next term of our said Court, to be hel 1 t 'V county at the Court House in Rockingham, on ii"- Monday in October ne.\t, then anil there to ple.nl. ‘ swer or demur to said petition, or the s.aiiie wili •" ex parte and jiulgment pro confe^so entered .'i- !■ ' Witness. Louis H. Webb, Clerk of our said ‘"if’- Office in the town of Rockingham, the third M July, A. D. I8r.y. L. H. wur.r..' ' - l» ’ • 50 79- AX anl Seine Twine. LBS. Gill Net Twine; Ov l’.*0 lbs. Seine “ Ju.st received by C. E. LEETE. Jau’y 12 79. Blitter, Cheese and C'rackerw. 1 A EIRKINS Goshen Butter; XV 25 Boxes State Cheese; 10 Bbls. Soda and Butter Crackers. Just received by C. E. LEETE. Jan’y 12 ‘ 79- Web^^ter’H £lementary Spelling Book, for sale by E. J. d^ALE & SON. KEIVARIK R.\NAW.\\ from the subscriber, about the 1^' ' 1858, his negro boy J»HN. aged aI>oiit ! ' stout and able-bodied, about 5 feet S or !' im h - ' will weigh about D‘>5 lbs. He has a very i '• pression of the eye when in conversation. H'‘ wife in the vicinity of Goldsborongh, and I think regular tri|>s between this county ami Wayne. I will give ?2.j for his confinement in any j i ^ State, so that 1 gut him. and 5100 for evidi t]i’ ' • «ut to convict any responsible person of harhoi itiu WM. B. FIKI.!' Near Fayetteville, July 22, 186y Colton’!^ fountain ^c-eii«*r>* A FURTHER supply just received. E. J. HALE & S0> Majr 19. I*HINT ED MO i:i)wiKi EDITOKS Pricc for the .''eioi V advance: t-! if t ion; oi‘ -T 1 a 11 er I Kot the et ki ok' adviini'.'; -s' il tion: '■ "" ADVKilTI.'' !ii|U;tre of D’ line- : Hucceedii g pul.lie.tti cial coutraei'. at r rei|m*stt*d to -tat'* tli they will be eoiitirni int;ly. .Advertisements to cent «xtra. From and af:" ■ ihi will *>e I'lltere 1 v '.:li the paper be 'em to than is paid ; Such of our '11 per oil this -y-tem v remitlHuee'. .lan'y 1. 1 ■■■ FAV 8/r r T. \V.\I , rpin.'^. J I IIJ ItonaM-.li i busiiKK' 1 Mrrimi : 1 the Bankin'.; H i i fial I’roiliii-e ■a p- • HU'ilie - :■ let and coiiifortal'ie i. 'a; All thw St-ge- arri Fasette-, '••. : ' 'I Sfi.''nv i-',4 \ trs" L'lst tide nt ■ • / rpHi; Subs I i n.‘ko» '11 llifc IriS iu«f ete "ed New ieilt lo the li..use UMi illlt lo liln Mill sti!^ pie|-'tr-d to ai'.a perrnutieiit h::.nd. uni. Ilf I lie lilicrs i patroiia crtioii ;iit iii' pRT" *ii» fj'.e 'iiir.iig !heir b"joii •llpplied willl ! ht; lli-» Mareli 2 I. . \V A V GO] rpHE uni I that tabli^hiiK lioarders, he nssuve-i till who n that he win eiidea »Up]>lied wiih t'.ie be O.'ld-'" !■ ''. .Ian'\ SEA UK; RIH Tl^: Ti mim F(H K IIOKSK S’ Is the shorte-r iim1 North or .''••iiili. oCloek 1’. ^l. T The t r ivelir.'j. pn and Ci'ti' ■ i.i' II'r c^v^Tin-ort: n had the ol All- o. ' I-*! »U tbe delive-- : ;ie ]iorate linj^' of .'^t.asre-. M-i'i- pa • Mlice. and :• 1'' e>ir|n>ral I. ii. > :o li : -r. ■: I'.iyi tteviiie. .\u \An QlTE.VMKIl - KM iO day and 1 liUi>.‘j rise: .and Wihniii'.'il —carryiii)i ; Steamer - Sou'll of Flats, l:r k. «t HIK e» IP ! \ The a.'. i’h V- paired in ■■ trw the line. Oi-i > '• \ I Ilwr. a- I . anil wil li'ive p'.iri hl a few d.iv-. will Th o-e fav'iriiius Jill.in],t de'p:ilch,J or to mw a: 11 . ol] I!. .M. (Uil;K I,. MmcIi - ]' To iCaii 100 Ighl iiM'l «' ^ 'tlg.l March i’'.', I'^al IL

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