«TATK OF XORTH CAROLINA,! UOBKSOX COUNTY I'ounof I’lua* and Quarter S«»aionB, August Tonn, 186y. ArehM Oraliam aiul otliers va. Robert OraliaiH, Adm’r | ot Flora SuUivan, and oiliers. P*»titiini for T>istribution. IN tills case, it appearing to the Court tliat Hugh ri'liler and Suanii Tidiler, reside bey cud the limit* of this State. It is tliereforc ordered, that publicatiou bo made for *i\ week-i iu llie Fayeltevi\U' Observer, a ptipor publi«hod in th(» town of FKvettevi'.ie. N. no- til'vinL: snid dol'eiidanU to ajipear at tiio next torni of this t'liiirt. i> lu> held .‘U tiie'.’Urt House in Lunibort 'n, '■n tlio I'ourili >!i>nday in N'or^niber next, then an 11iu'ro t-' plead, auswor or demur lo said petition, or jud^ineiit pro C'lnfefiso will bo rendevod, aud the game licard ox pane as to !lie>n. Witnt'iiS, John M. Ilartniau, Clerk of our Said Court, at ottice in liumbwrtun. the t'ourtli Monday in Aiiirn?^t. A. 1». 1859. 'it] J. M. HAKTMAN, rieik. VI ATKOI' AOKTIl CAKOI.IAA, RoBKSdN ( OCNTV. ‘iiurt of 1’li‘as and iuarter SessionH, Aiig:iist Term, Charles Ivey, Jr., vs. .lames MeCalliiiii, Jmuph 1>. Me- Calluin and otlicrn. I’eciiioii I'or I’artiiion ot l^and. IN this ca!«e. it ajipearin^ to the Court that Janies Mo- Callnm and Jo.^eph B, McCalluni reside beyond ilie limits of tliis .'^inte It is therefore ordered. Ih.nf ptddi- 'ation be ni:ide toi six weeks iu the Fayetteville ibser- ver. a j>a})er I'lilili.died iu the town ot tnyoiujv-Me, N C.. notify iup s 'iu defeudaiuo to appear at theucxl term of this r,,urf. to be hel l at ihe Court H..use in Lumb«r- tiin. on the fourth Mnn(}ay in N..vomber next, then aii.l there t«. plead, answer >r demur to said jtetitioii. or jiid^mciit pro oonfc'^.'j" will be ronderud, and the siiino heard 'X j'^M'te :i.« to tlieiu. U'iuioi. .lohn -M. Hurtman. Clerk of our said Court, nt ofili-i’ i’l Luiiil'evton, tiie fourth .Monday in Au/ost I). 1"-^ -,s .'t ’ J. M. HARTMAN. Clk ?^TATi: Ol' AORTH C AROM.\ A, UM'.F,SON COI NTV. Cviiri of IMefls Hnd ••uirier Sessions, Aii^usf Term. 1>->M. Cbavlci l\ey. .)r., vs. Thomas McCalliiui. anil Mc('alltini. 11 a c ii m e n t. IN tliis case, it ipjiearini to the «ati«fa(*tion of the ('oiirt. that tlie defend.Trits. Thoni.iji .Mel’aHiim .and lames M.-CrvIIuni. ha e rentoved from this County, or coiii'ca’ tJietiiselvi.-^ 'hat th>'or'linary prooe'-s of l,i\v I'.iii- ;iot -iTve'l on them. It is tlterefore or'ler.'1. fiiat I'ub lif.iti"!! f'e made tor -lix wi'fk-^ in tlie r;*_v ett-.-vi'le ' >b- servtT. n iiltyinsr said (lefenditUs to l>e and a]'pear at ilu‘next lenii "I this Cnin. to be held at the Court ifousc in Lumbi'rt-'u. on llie fourth Motiday in No> ni- t>er next; ilieii aiivl there to pleail. answer or dt im.v tu vfid attachn I'ut. t iud-rnient tinal Iiy det'nidt will ^>c renderel .i;_'ain«;t tliem. Wiini'". .iclin M. ilaitman. Clerk of our Conr:. at .>fTi'-e in LumbuTion. the iourtli .\londay iu Ausii^t. .V. I). I'’-V.'. J. M. HARTMAN, Clerk. !!»tati: of aoktii fa roi.i \a Hol!K.>;oN COUNTY. Fa!I Term, IhoV. Itx Kijuity. hllijali Byrd and wife \lary .Ann. and John Hill, an iiiiau:. I'V liis nfx. friend F.lijah ll/rd. v>. Moscs O.'irdener and wife Myrania .Ann, Solomnu Hill. 'atharine Hill. lUchard Brewer and wife F.liiabi-th. Jaii.:'» Hill, Nancy Hill, Annis Hill, Ivhv.-ird tlill, • ;.\ndrvw Hill, Havidson Flynn and wife Milly. (leorce • iriiiisiey and wife Sarali, and Klias J. H'-rne. IT ap; raring to the satisfnction of the Court that K I- ward Hill. .Vndrew Hil! and 'teoiire fivitii«lcy and wife Sarah, are non-resident* of th-? State, it is .v !,■: .-1. i'"H pu'dieatiiiu b-- mad ' t'.jr .'i v. w •■.•ks m ’'i.- F - .‘tti villc (th^erver. a newspaper ]M>>1ished in tlio t 'wn if Fayeiteville. notifyinjf the sail Ivlw.ird and And.-.-w Hill and (ie^nre tirinisley and wife, to appear at il . ". XI term ot till ( 'iiu’t .^f F.ijuiiy, Ti' be li.^ld for tlo iinty f Robeson n: the Court House in Lumbert 'u. ■ n 'he !t'. Mond:iy in Mareh next, anil plead, answer r denv.iT. .».■ > decree will be rend 'rod -[iri' confesu. • f ■ them. 'Vi'rii- R. .S. French, Clerk and Ma.-t«r in K' uity. , in and i'or the C.iuoty of Rubesou, the 4th .^lou^J^^y i;. Sej'teinber. 1». iJoW. R. S. FRENCH, C M. f Oct'rl'' .,w ^loiilcoiiiery Superior oiirt ol l.aw. FALL TF.U.M S.imuel H. Cliristiaii vs. J^ihn T. An Irews. «>ri;riniil Att.iehr .en-. IT apptarini t-> fio saiisfacti. n "f the *'; >;rt thnf • l»f'i-ndttn:. .In >. T. Andrews, n-t hti i ■«'' i:c,- ih ' Siati-. It i- dierefore ordered ! y slie C .urt. ^ ■ I ti; ; '-i'; 'I! ’.(■ r;.-i ,i‘ ii. ;iie Fayette-i’l • ‘ -rviT. : - X for ’-he said Juo. T. Audrvw-i v, ,ij .ear t :!io next Term of thi.- t.’ourt, to be held for the Com,- . ■f M ■nts'omery at the Court House in Troy, on t v :i-: Monday in February If'Oii. and answ.r, replcvj ..r jilea 1 to the same, otjierwiie judgment pro coIl;■e^so v. : be taken ag dnst him. NV'ftiess. .Iame> B. Ballard. Clerk of our said Cr,urt. M oftioe, the last .Mui»day in August A. L>. I''-”'.', and the ''Itli year of .\nierican In lepeniience. I'sued the 2oth dav if »c:ober JA.MLS B. liALLAKD, C. S. C ^iipi'rioi* C'oiirf ol l>n%v. FALL TKP.M. I'.'9. jF.. L. r.arrin^ier v-. J .hn T. Andrews. h igiual .\ti,iclinu'nt. I T ippearini to the Pinietuciion of the I’ouri. tliat t!i di t. rii,:int. .I.,l)u T. -Andrews, is not an inlinliit'ii!: "> ihi' State, li i-^ ordered 1y the Court, tluit pul.lii aiion tu' made in the Fayetteville Observer for six weeks, for the said Jn T. .\iidrew.- to jippear at the next Term .f this Court, lo b,- lieM for the ('ounty of Mont^rou'erv. at the Court Hottse in Troy, on the fast Monday in F b- ruary IniiO. and answer, replevy or plead to the same, itherwise judgment pru coufesho will betaken against him. Witnes-. James B. JJallard. Clerk of our said Court, at uthcf. the hist Mond.'iy in .August A. D. and in the sjii, yiTir if .Vmerif.-iwi Itulependencc. This. !J.')th day of f)cto1)er 1 '■’’‘'■'I * JAMF.S B. BALLARD, C. S. C. F. U. 1^. Itari'iii;;ei-, .loliii H. Uoiit- ^oiiiery, vs. MARY G. ANPRKUS .and .iiLers. Orijrinal Bill. IT appearinp til the -.tisfactiou of the Court, that 1 .1 iliii T. Andrew^ i- a iiun-resid'-nt of tJiis .'^tafe ir IS i.ereiiy roei-.-.l ),y the Co„n, that publi.vnion’1..- Hi oh* in the Fayetteville Uh~ci vcr f r Wi , k-. i;oti" iyiiiu- the said d.'fctionnt. .lohn T. Andrew'--, to be -in.I appear at the next Court of Ivjiiity lo be f.o- ihe ■ ■unty of Montgomery, .it the ourt Hon*'*' in Trov, i.n the la ,t .Monday in F.bruary 1HHU. then and there to an >ver or ilemur to ]>bii„titt's’ bill, or jud-ment r.rocon- !■ will be taken against liim. E J. OaiuMs, Clerk and Master, at Otlir.- I Tt !• ', l -.Vj. ’ ■ E. J. O A INKS. C. M. K. ^iiiilhci-iiinii A .S|K‘iicei\ vs. ’ HI BAM ALLF.N, ami others. Oriffitial Bin. I I ai.p.Mviuj: to my -a,ion, that, tl.c defendant. I hr .:., All.o, ,s. non-r. -iik.u,. or so ab^comls hi.u- M .1. that t„. :,nl„,ary pr..,. , „f i,,, be M-rved upon hioi. 1. w iii.jer.d that (niblication be made iu the i>otifvin'.r fi,e .aid d.-lemhwu. ILiaii, Allen, to be and appear at' the m xt term ol the ( ,,„n ol i,p ^ 0, \l.,iU;:o!M..ry, at the Couvi House in Troy. th;. b.^t >bitiday in Febt-uury l s.;(.: then ar,d there toplead, a.,swer ot deuiu. lo iibnnutls bill, or jmlg,.lent will be takcu HtT-iins! [iirn [>ro \\Mne-,. Kdnmnd J. (Jaines, ,'lerk atid Master in 1.'iuity tor the ounty aforenaid, at OHice, Ocfr H is'-yi '■'■'i _ K. J. (JALNKS, Clerk. rifuakii.*oa^§ IIIISII l)\lll.SkS, Dlll’EIIS, &i\ ^‘■.'’>‘l>‘'»rdson’H Linens, and those that the a .Tieb.' 'I‘"‘ irooil>. " and durability of tlie This eaution i^ riinlpvi-,t ■ ,, Iarjre .(uantities of inferior ari^T-fV C prepared. sea-.>u after sea=„„. an-1 Ve'af 1 ’T name of K l’H KDSON, ],v iVi.lV ii (favdb- - of tlie injury thus intlieied ■nr.ij L m'u, f- 'l-. «ill .,,,1 rmJrIy - de, »\hi!i' piirdia.sers cau be imi.osed on will. ^ ot a worthless eharacter. '■> "-'h ^oo.l- ■I. BILU)CKF. & J. B. LOCKL JU..C U. IbO'i -’7 i Om*pd AimiMSTR.\T01!’S SALE. \\’’1LL Bi; SOl.l*. a; the late residence of Jamex M Y ounc, Sr., deceased, Bulloch county, Ga., on the tirst Tuesday in Deeembernoxt, tlie following property, belonging to the e.state of the said .James Young, to wit: acres uf IMuc, Oak, Hickory, and rich Hay Land, on the (’eniral Bail Road, in Seriven and Bulloch ties, on the great Ogeecliee river, and from 55 to Hi mile8 from the citv of Sav:!una!i; five large and w'ell iin- , ] r.ived I'l.iiuatii 11-. in a lii^h stHte ot cultivation, with : conmiodious |)\v‘l!ing Houses, Ncfr:''!. («in, and all othci ■ out Mouses ( onuiii niy on farms. On the Homesteai place, is a s’detidiil n>ansion. all the buildings new, a , tine saw. -i i'^i. smut .ind rloweritig mill, in full operation. I Filteni tracts of tliese, are heavy atil densely tim- ^ bered, on which are several tine sites forinill.s. builuing j and iiitprovenients. The timbers are inexhaustible, an land very valuable—convenient to Savannah, one ot I the best lumber and timber markets in the woibl. nav ing the advantage ot the great igeechee river, (oiie ot the beyl rivcifci snuth iVn* ihc' ^real L. U. H. ot fhrtMi^xh ii this ro.id alone, buy millions of feet 'if small luml)er for lep.'irs ulonxtl>e liiu': bi.Miles. there are thousan Is of large trees on ihe.-^e lRiid> th.ii will briiiii from .'15 to per stick or tree, in Sav.'inn.'ih m.it kel. i'hese lands are also valuable lot jierieultui:ii ]>ur)>osos—over otvbusliels )>er acre areive- qiiently produced on the bay land. Ajiple>i, peaches, pears, chert ies. and grapes, grow well—two hours on the rail load will land thi-^ fruit in Savannah, where it commamls a good |irice, .and sixty hours Iroiu thereto N\-w York, ..Ue fiiie best fndt u.ai'kets ill the world. Sea Island 1 ! pl.ii.d Cotton, do ^^^'I1. 15,92s acre.' of Land, lyini; in IbiUoch county, con sisting ot*'"ixteen trat’t'^. thirteen of said tracts in oik* boily.^aiid bounded as folluvsr northwardly by lauds ot K- Beasiv. H. Heitdricks. i. ilendrit'K.", J. IL’udi ickt?. T. Hv:, .n.;d M-. F.'iich, we->nv'i dly by .1. Hendricks, C,. ■;> '.iii'llar !. M. Mooie. and .1 Hixon; South by L. I.ar.ier. K. Well-. Ii ■ I>;e- I>. l>mwer. and M. Donald- si.n: e i-ti--:: llv by !■, uv. it l.'ireei'hec rlvev. Anothor •rai ', 5(>;{a ie', b.mn led uortitwaid and westward by M IbiuaM-oii: -oiith by Ur. CiUL'iuan. and east by ihe ,-r;' t i>-.-e,liee fiver’ A. oilier of aid 'racts,, 1,30‘J 'cic'-, boui.ded Weat by Li. Allen; south by A. Akiii.s; east by 11. Luiier. and north by H. Lanier, .\nolher tract oi'“JS.l acres, ea»t by vacant land; -outhwcst by va cant, and noi l h w e.'t by land of J ohn M iller; also one tract iu S ■; i\eti county, I'ontainiug acres, bounded north wardly by lands’of S. Burk, Mis. Barber. Kixon, and Uurk; ea-twardly by Burk Jiud Tlioma' liurn; south :ir 1 we>t by Thottias r.iuvis ami the great (tgeechee river; i ^c-hali nnlt' tVo?i; No I'C. R. K .\notlier tract. »i-res. b.iiin.l. d soinliv. ^ dly .-'.nd westwiirdly by Thoaias ! i m'. ;;nd northwardly and eastwardly by Co- ,ierV laii.l. .X.Mther t;-o | ,.t acres, bounded aoi b ly . e. and v. . ~t war.ii v by 11 nllingswoft!.. Tlioni)-- -.uiand .t. ■ r.i ei .u; . U't e.i d n mLr>l:y bv F.vaus. ; .:dU,.-l A 111'her tract. ‘J-O acres. ii\v : -.i and t,-; =v> irl Will. S. .Moor.; lail ii.oia ’ \ V. \:1 these !and“ are \| j ('.aiiieron j ls,:il!aed -I-: I wt 'I by I.e. j wei: w i .T i j lilt ?' ill j SOh= a’ -i; :: i cai. -I, tim .iei ir '^e hull.ire I head .'f tiue hogs will be ; . iiii'ty hea 1 ■■!’ i;.u!e-i and hor>-es, wag uis, ania_'v^. two or thve ■ s\ l»vit biaeksmith’- 1-. . ;ie ■ ' e ■!' I'Xen. fmi!' if five Cotioii gins, and iitiier pbini-ition to 'N aiiil itn( '.ei:i', ti:'. one east iron cane mil', -...d !-■ i. ; 1 and ti uir'iinin*. 'i'- i;-. . .\11 vinas under tive iolia! ', cash on delivery; 1 eis 'i li i !• •rty \\ill be -.dd ■oi twelve . ;on:hs ci-edit. ini.id iiot,iiirere-i f; i;:i iaie. «iih t » i approved secii- ritie ; e r. d ■■ -'. i \vi’’. ' e ' id. >:i. !' u tli ]>:iyablc in r.f mo’iriis, the b in '!;e and t y. o years—all oo;e- ' ir iurerc-t df,, .nd >ie -ecured b_\ ,e land, aid ^i' ieS't -010 or tw.i on- ■r:. .■!> ji ii>_ tor titles. h-’ii, intoi I. ;,r; .;i ! y :. ii. r. w ill (dea-ead- i! (>:'ec !iee I’. •., .''criven Co.. 11 in u I j dot 'er'. I I’ei'Oi ! ui'e'.' .I.N" (' .Ml I r.fo' gi I. 1’ ■ ■ I .r. in I : , 1 i|,l I' i ' I 'I ( ctt’’i’lv :.ei o. a; N B 1:'. villi.' -li the iiil'iri.iatiou i. - \dm’r- ( r >u ■ '.’.■'••iii!! r to pui. .. i.-e .:an llnd i lu’.p it the^ * T ',0 i';' .\ddiii >iiai in wiil tie ■ ". n t ■ iieavv pi;r .•iiJi'er-;. •lAMKS Vfd'NC. Jun. 1 ,INO. r\Mlii;n\ , • n.- ^e Tig a ag*, ti'i.-- iin buibtcd 4,- '.I ron;'’i;;e day a.iy illl all is soil. '■-■t. i;7, > '"i-'ts NlW \ I)H MI:-XK\V ST()!?Y. 1 I F r 1 L I' ST \{ AT K 1); i FIll.-T ci.\,.-i rtLF.KLY I". luULVL FAMILY .\ i.'- ’1,'’.- I’ ■■ i : NiVi.., I.-'.; .itur«. .'cicnce, t*.e ^ -.rt'; F' ■ Ii:i; r ive-. eiiT •uid IV'grus- A i I'l*. ii' ii ■'ore ■;■ : I. Fubii'i.ed w«-: kiy. at i j ; ; Lai" i year. I i' . n» Vi T-. . o; Li:V Hhis; rued, *; oiiuieuciiti: ' ■' u; : -i -• .ly ^'rorii -he ] 'n of ,-,ne of •• '’{; \;..» i n w; ■; -• 1 ; I II i; V r li:! 0 L H A S T K ri' S W (I (I i N G : j A TaU‘ of \*‘H Kn;L'in(I, , W hich we iiave n ■ ho'it.ition in promising our re;i l«rs i will be 'n- - f i!;e be-: 'I'liic-i ev,T written fur newi,- j p;.p«»r Ltduuii!>. ;iud eiiiei tainine a- ha» i>een ifie widelv I r., .'1 and f.sv-fnnie'! liis;,,ry ol tlie M> ’^u-r * I that of the .''choohiiHster will be not Iesf> w^rthv of j ub- ; ic atietiti.iu. Life lilustr.ited, the I’hreiiologie.al Journal, and the U'ater I 'ure Journal, w ill be vi.ni a ye.ir for J-d.tMi. H 'VVLKR vV KLLS. New York 'ct. Soiilherii IMohs, (oru Shellers, Ae# A. F .MAV11K1{ .V ro.. \o. *'5 1 V*^‘v Nrw-VOIIK CITY. \F. M. \ i !».. r. .j.octfully inform Southwi n , iMei-' I. :;i!«!iti 1 Ite.i’i in Agricultural Inijdenientii. tha! tiiey :-.r. -till manufaciurine all kinds of hoth .''tuel and Iron iiitljern l’I..',v-, P!. w ' a-sings. Corn Shelleiti. Oraiii Cra lle,, ll.a\ at;d Stalk Cii:ter>. Fan AHIls, Store Tn; I;-. (I ir ien and Canal fiarrows. Gin (lear Segment .asiing-, i:c., i.Ve., exj.res.'ly for the Soutlien: Trade. ,V1> ) on liand, all kinds of .\gricuUural and HorticuUu- ral lm).!ptnenl-. Macliinery, Seeds. Fertilizers, ,te . ,vc.. which we 'ol: at Lt.'WKB jiriijci tli.an any other house ill the L idled States. We have ,a Uescrijitive Wliolusale I’riced ( atalogue. whiidi we will luini.sli on application by mail or o;Lcrw;.-c. ,V11 (mods wairanted to be as represented. A. F. .M.WHiilt .v CO., ."^eiid f.ir • ur I’rieo List. No, Vksky Sr., N. Y. Succe.SMirs to .John .Mayher .v Co. i ho eitablished the bu-iness iu ISijii.j Sept is.'j'j -l>.;»Jmpd THK MOM ISKFI L UOOK OF THE SEASON. The Ki?!it Word in tlit Riulit IMacp: 4 1 I)i Kfcir Iki IHiNAil^ (»f Syiionym.s, Tcohiiical i Ter;:;'. Abh^;evi,aioli^, ForciiiH I'hrasi ., cte., with I a eh.ipte.- I,,, j'liiici!! ;ti i!i atid I’roof Reading. Tids is an in li:-j eti-a'i’e cm paniot, forev.-ry writer am! s]n,)ik- cr who Would >.;y exactly what he me.an.'i, and neither more nor b -s, and -^uy it in the best way. I’riee post paid, ,■»() C(‘Ilts. Ju^■ p iblished bv FOWLLR A WLLi.S. New York. • tct. ‘js. VI'ATF OF AORTII € AROFI \ 1, cumbi:rl.\ni) c(icmy. (.'our' of I’leas and ljuarier Sessions, Septemlier Term ISo'.t. M.irgfiret So-.sonis v^. Heirs ut Law of .Vmo.« Sessonis. I’eiition fill bower. IT aj.pca.-ing lo ihe .«aiisfaction of the Court, that Alexander Se-'-Joms, one of the delendants in this ca.se. re-iide beyond the limits of t he ShUe, It is or dered that piiblicaiion be made tbr six weeks in the Fayetteville ((bM-rver f.r the said Alexander .'e«som« to be and appear at our next Court of I*lea and (^larter Serious, to be held for the County of ('iimberland, at the Court Houhc in Fayetteville, on the first Monday of Hoeember, A. h. I8;'>w. and (hen and (here plead or HU.swer to S lid petition, nr it will be heard ex parte, Hji'i ti (U'cree oriterotl accordiiijrlv'. "itness Jesse T. Warden, Clerk of our said Court, the firnt Monday of September, A. 1). IS.V.*. '’'^*'’'1 J T. WARDf’n, Clerk, F. (;.F. H. fiiriwliiiii vs. .M \R\ (i. A.NHRI-^US, and others. Original Bill. IT appearing to iny sati.sf.actifin, thf»t.l(din T. Andr«w?i i.' a non-resident of this .Statj-. it is liereby ordered, that publication be m:i le in the Fayetteville )bserver for ix week-, imtilying liefeinlant, .John T. An- diew , to be and ajipear at the i\ext ’ouri of Kijuity to be h'd 1 : .r the (Nainty of .Montgomery, at tho Court House in Troy, (he last .Monuay in February 18rtU, and I lile.ad, answer or demur to pl.aiiitilf's bili, or judgment ! ]ir>> confe-i-o will be taken ,‘igaiiist him. NVilues.s, Ldmuiid .1. tiaiues. Cb'i'k and Master ni Ijfpiily, at t Mlice, October S, IhoU. o'^ b(] K. J. GALNFS, >L F. 40,000 ye^)t LBS. No. 1 Peruvian Guano. E F For sale MOORJi. 48- A The Jfcw Style, Small, COLORED PHOmRAPHS, AT Vai«oinid«ll’s Oullery. 77if MjftrgeMf Carria^f* Pffrtory in the Stmt hi X 2 S-2 *- li ‘-r Is 3 i-> it fl Ot_ b ^ s cs s-f ^ -I >. = E Sept. ART. 4 NEW STYLE of Colored Photo- graphs that will last for ages— more beautiful than Oil Paintings— ha.s been gotten up at Vanorsdell’s Gallery, expressly to suit tlie wants of those who desire a small colored picture and who object to the oil por trait on account of its cost. It is offered to the public with entire con fidence in ir» permanency, and at a price that will suit all. Having just returned from the North with a new and complete set of in.^tirumentfl, where I spent five weeks in gettinR the newest improve- nients, I am able to way to the citi zens of Fayetteville and surrounding country, that 1 can give them all the different size.s and styles of Pictures that are gotten up North or South. Among niy instruments is a Wood- ward s Solar Camera, which enables me to enhirge a life-siT.e Photograjth ! from the smallest L>aguen-eotype or .\mbrotyj>e. Persons having a small iiicture of a deccasoil friend, can have it retaken of any desirel size, and colored in oil, India ink or water color, by send ing to me, stating tho color of hair and eye-. Prices for Colored Plioto- 1 graphs, from small siie to life, rango from 5:^10 to I have removed and enlarged my Gallery, (opposite tiie Marble Y'arl.) and U13' customers will find a plea sant reception room and an Operator determined to give satisfacliou. 1ft, ISoit i ^ c ri I V 50tf f f • • Cilolliin^ir! Clothing' .1 Fresh Siippiy for the Trade of 1859# ^pHF public are aware that I have beeii ! 'N, I engaged in the manufacturing and sellinjr of Cienllemen'ij Cmrinents for 17 or 18 years, and with this long experienco ibelieve that I am as well calculated to ji’iake good sclcciion.s. as any person ur 'persons in this busine.-->. I -My ?tock is all entiiely new and alapt- : ed to the tr.ide. My stock consists of N i. 1 l>res.s Cloth Coats. Fro‘k ('oats (single and double breasted); Business Suits, con sisting of Silk Mixtures. Harrison Cass., Uib('aj.s. und rnion CasS., Fine Beaver, : Felt Be.aver; Senl Skill and Union Cass. (»ver-'oat"; Felt Beaver Talmas—anew garment, never introduced before this sea son; Pant? (>f all grades, ranging in price from o') to 5-.* tHt; an extra lot of \'el Vet, Silk. (Jrenadine Silk, t.'loth and (-’as- simere Vests; alarjje assortment of Y ouths' and ('hildren's Clothing; ^Jentlemen’s Shawls; M..rniug Gowns, tienlletnen :* all- wool I'nder-Shiris: Railroad Rugs; Blan kets; Hosiery; Sus]>enders; N.ipolcon-Ties; Cravats; .tock':; Gloves; Binding^; Purie-*. (U'slrtius of h»>inic their suits made abroad, can call and le.tve ih. ir measures with me. and I will have tiiein ane'ided t... lUiiia'diatclv. ‘ k Call at the “OAF (LOTHIX; PRIC'F KMPORHM.' A ,) \VOOl>WARl*. Marke! S.juaro. ‘2 boor> S. J. liit!S(lnl(‘. epr 1 I 4'.'-tf KKK>!i:.\K Oil.. THE m\ ^llltk~ktllllSF,.\E IIIL I'D. \ EsT.\1U.)sIIKI> I'^ol.: i NNOI'NCK that, liaving made great improvements .j\ in the manufacture of Kero.-,ene. they are now en abled tii offer it to the Trade at A Ri‘(liic‘el Price. The attention of consumers i^ respectfully called to the subjoined tal>le. the result of a phijtometrical exami nation. by Kd'd N. Kent. I'.sii.. of New Y»>rk. (ihemist. and dated Feb. ls-”>b. M.\TKttI Kerosene. 'anipliene, •Vhale Oil, Lard • >il. Sperm (>il. Kerosene Camphene Solar .olat Solar •Burning Fluid. Large wick Id.b.v.M L'.-ld.'i.l.lKt 4.10 l.L'V.l l.H'ej! ^ l.iiji) Tilt; 17.7ft lidiii-") 2.:!•'.( Jti. J7 ^ .Sot) ''7. Reliable orders from tlie Trade, by .Mail or Telegraph ^lled on ajiplication to AUSTENS, Agents, 03 Pearl St., V. KF.ROSENL is also lo be obtained at the Manu facturers' Prices, of all the New Y ork Wholesale Drug- gists. Grocers. Camphene and Burning Fluid Manufac turers and Itealers in Lamps. N. B.—KEROSENE is the trade-mark of the Kero sene Oil Co., and all persons arc cautioned against using the said trade-mark for other oils. Oct'r 7 r)G-3inspd Aotice-—.\cRroes Wanted. ^po the farmers and citizens of the Counties of Duplin, I Wayne, .Johnston, Harnett, Moore, Cumberland, Robeson, Bladen, Columbus, Brunswick, New Hanover, and Sampsvtu; The subscriber being desirous of purchasing a num ber of Likely Young NEGROES, of all classes ami de«- criptioiis, avails iiimself of this method of informing those who may have puch property to dispose of. that they would io well to visit me ni home, or address me at Clinton. N. C.—for wiiich they sliali receive a visit. Negvous wanted from tiiis time till the 1st of March iHtid, for the Mobile and New Orleans markets, for whom the liighest prices will lie paid. EVERETT PETERSON. Oct'r 1:3. IHo'J. 57-5m Aejfi’oes! Waiafed. ENTLEMEN, your old cuptomer is yet in market for i J Likely Ne/rocs, for which I am determined to pay the Highest Ca«h Prices. Persons liaving such for sale would do well to give me a call, or add;ess me at Clinton, C. .All orders promptly attended to. J. A. McARTHUR. Clintot., N. C., iMarch 0, 18o0. *Jo-lyrpd A F4ROF^ WAATFO. THE subscriber wishes to buy FiM^TY* MjMUKJL\* JVEGROKS, for which he will pay The Highest Cash Prices. Persons having such property to sell will tind^it to their interest to address me at Clinton, N. C. A. S. C. POWELL. .Inly *Jt;, 1859 3o-(/mpd A OU IA ?1ARK£T. VLL persons having NEGROES for sale, will do well to address tlie subscriber at Clinton, Sampson county, as he is deterndned to buy and pay as liberal prices for them as the state of the market will permit. By addressing him he will call immediately, and make liberal offerit, as all will find who will try him. CHARLES T. STEVENS, ('linton, Sampson ('o., Sept 10, 1850 48-lypd Ifloney AVanteil. subscriber liaving suft'ered a heavy loss by the I tire of last nighl, earnestly request* all persons in debted to him to make immediate payment. M. McKINNON. Fayetteville, Oct’r 6, 186^ 60-3m McKETHAN RESPECTFULLY' informs hi.s friends and the public, that he has buiit up large substantial Brick Buihl- ings at his .)!d Stand, exjiressly for manufacturing Car riages. Thankful for the very liberal patronage he has received for the hi“i 21 years, he hopes by strict atten tion to business, with ti desire to gi^'e riatislaction, to merit a continuance of the srmie. He warrants his work to be made of the best material atid by experienced workmen in each bratich of the biusiness. His work will compare favorably with any made in the United States, for neatness and durability. He is determined to sell and do any work in his line on as good terms as any work done elsewhere that is as well done. He now has on hatul, hnished. THE L.\R(JEST ST(K’K OF Carriages, Barouches, Rocltaways and over offered in this; place, and a very large stock of work nearly tini^-hed, which will be tinisheil daily. .All of which will be >!old very low for cash, or on short time to jmncttuil eusiomers. t,.-.'"He bason hand more than one; IirNKRKI) .\NI» FIFTY VEHICI-ES finish«d and in coui 'c of coiistructioii. work made by iiim is wa*ranted I'J months with'fair usage, and should it fail by liad workmanship or material, will be rep-.iired free of chtirge. Persotis wishing to buy would do weil to csll and ex amine for tlictnselves. Oriiers thankfully received and juomptly attended to. Repairing executed at short notice and on very reason able terms. UI«H SCHOOL. The 14th SesBion of this Institution will open on the 12th of JULY 1859, under the charge of Dam’l. Stkwart, Jr., A. B., as Principal. Uofird can be bad either (it the Steward n I^aIl or id the neighborhood at $8 per naonth, exclusive of lights and washing. . For further Information apply to the undorsignert at LauriDburgb, N. C, ^ , R. D. DICKSON, Sec'y. Lavirinburgh, Juno 18. 25-tf EMPORIL« OF FASHION FOR LADIES! J¥uiiilM‘r 14, South Hide Hay St., FayetteviHf, ?f. C. By* last Steamer. 1 have rec’d a very fine and general assortment of Dry (iooils. Mantles. Dross Triniiuings, Embroidery Goods. Hosiery of all kinds, and a very extensive assortment of Hoop Skirts. Ladies will ]dease call without delay, and get good and cheap goods. GEtjRGE BUANDT. Mttv ‘J8, IHfiSb 8‘J-tf To Illl* liileresi or Tiir pen tint* M A. B.VKER would respectfully inform fiirpentine , l>i-iillfi ' and ot!it.r-> that lo- is ful'.y prcjiarod lo Manufacture or Repair Turjientitie. IVandy and Whis key Stills, \Vorui>. ,\c., in fact, uuyiliiiig in the line of Sheet CiO'j'e;- r Iv.:!! o’k ParTicii'; ir af nti.iii given to the making «>f.'^team Pipes froui a ';;i ' i i"V k::. I o! Cin.j.cr. for Boats, Mills, .to. All Work eutrusud lu my care shall be properly done, and warr.ar'ted. an 1 on tiie tn)st favorable terms as re- gardi price. Girt- me a call and -ce for yourself, and I know I 'hall iiMve _\iiur patrnnaire. Being a practical W' rkiiian. 1 !!tt.-nii :o all the Work myself, which 1 tind ia to the nd'antas'i' . f both my customers and myself. iihl Cii|i|.cr >• .iiiht f' r c(i h or takon in excliangc for new .V ,i' .\i. A. li.\i\.ER. Hay .‘'rrect. Fayetteville. N. C. July 'J7 3.’>-*'inios WM. CAIiTEIt & SON, Wholt'sal** A. Krtail lK*;ticrs and Mainirai'turorK •t AI.I. KINMiS OF ijvathvt\ Saddfi'S ftttti MiffrHess, Of every deijcription. C.iilars. Whijia. >S:c. \ND we .Is" p irt icubifly chII the at tent ion of the whole siirr'ii;n l;nir c niniry to ^'ivc us a call, us we are de teriiiinvd tbat iiniii- »hall ‘-iiriia” us in ijualitv or low [•rices: and we will give the highe-t cash price at .all tinies tor Raw Hides and Tallow, in exchange for our articl-'s. Cour.try Merchants would do well to call and examine our Stock, as wr ran sell them .‘'hoes of a much better {uality than they usually get. on very accommodating terms. Southern IManters would do well th send us all their orders as we are making a .No. 1 article of .NE(»R( SHOES, that are warranted to give ontire satisfaction N. I). .Ml (Irdi ry Ironi a distance .-liall have prompt attention. S. S. ('.\RTFR WM • iohUti.iii P. > . Chatham Co.. N. C.. I March lo. i CARTER 0>- nVEUY V.VKIETY' «*F H.VBNKSS I I.J Saddles. Bridles, Coll.irs. Whij's ^ and Trunks; all kinds of Leather. Calf Skins and Oil; • ^ondition Powders, for diseased Horses and ('attle; ( oach Trimmings, Carpel Bags, Valises, Saddlery, Hardware. \c. The Largest stock in the State, sold wholesale or n'tail. at the lowest New York prices. Harness and Saddles repaired. JAMES WILSON, No. 5 Market st. M ilniington, N. C., near the Wh.arf. Oct. 10, IKj.t. 50-lypd. J. \%\ UAKFR Ts now receivino- from the North the largest, finest, and most carefully selected stock of FfTKXITI ItK ever offered in this market; which added to his own mauulacture, makes his assortment complete:— all of which he will sell on the lowest possible terms for cash or on time to punctual customers. Fashionable painted cottage bed-room Furniture in setts: curled hair and shuck, and cotton .Mattresses; Looking (Hasses; Willow Wagons and Cradles; Sitle Boards: Bureaus: SecretarieH und Book-Cases; What- Nots; Tables, all sorts; Wash Stands; (’andle Stands; Wardrobes; Picture Frames and (Hass; Window Shades; Cornices; Curtain P.ands; Sofas in Mahogony and Wal nut: Tele a Tetes; Ottom.ins; Divans and Stools; Chairs f every variety’. Fine Rosewood Pitinos, one with .•EoHan at tachment; Rosewood Melodian.s, from the best manufac tories in New Y'ork and Boston, wan-anled as good as any made in the country, and will be sold at New York prices—freight only added. September 2. marble Factory, m By CFO L\CIDER, TWO DOORS ABOVE C. T. nAIGH i SONS’ STORE Faye(te¥illc, CJ. Jan’T 20, 1869. 64-jp(J At Auiiibei’ to, South Side Hay St., Fayetteville, X. t'. For ^piTE most com]>lete stock of Over-Coats, fine Frock I Dress and Business ('oats. Pants. Vests. U'^nder- Garmetits, Shirts, Cidlars, (’r.avats. Gloves, Socks. Um brellas. Trunks. Carpet Baps and Valises. Bools and Shoes, Hats and ('aps. Cloth, (’assimeres and Vestings ever Tirought lo this market, and will be sold cheap and no mist.ake. GEORGE HRANlil'. Oct 2!t ]\EW C;OODN. H W , TILI.IA,iHAST & O., WE on hand and lately receiveil the following goods;— 40 piec«3 Carpetings, various qualities; 1(X) do. Rugs; 20 “ Floor Table Oil Cloths, »-4, 4-4, 6-4, 8-4; l()rolls Cocoa Matting, (for covering Court Houwes;) do. Mats; 20 “ Canton Mnfting, 4-4 and ’>-4: Witli a general aesortnieiit of Housa-Fiirniiihing Goods. Hardware, ('utlerv. Paper Hangingn, Oil Sbaduii. &c. —ALSO— GROCERIES of all kinds. Bags Rio, Laguira :ind .lava Coffee; tiO Bbis. Refncd Sugars: ■JO Boxes and ( asks S >da; ftU Don. Steel Hoes: Green and Black Tea: ,‘^hof. Powder. Snuff. !kc. Fn fact, an assortment suitable to the country trade, more general thar* it usually found in one establishment. Oct. 2'J. IP'iy «0-4w AE%V ?»>TOCK OK P.OOKS AND ST.VTIOXKUY. We are just receiving our new stock of Law, Medical and Miscellaneous Booksj Sohool Books; Blank Books; Writing Papers; Envelopes, &c. E. J. H.ALE & SON. Oct’r 6, l!i5y f>6- •I. K. kviTe |S NOW RKCEIVINC. \ LARGE .\ND iiEUTlFUL ST li'UriM) 1 ,IM V !>RV liflftDSi. — \ LS(3— riothins:, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes. ■Vll of which will be di.sposed of at low prices, either by w’.'desal • or r>.o;iil. t'aH an.l xamine. No. 31. (.'orner Hay an I Donaldson Streets. Fayetteville. N. C., Sept. 22, ISo'j. 51 tf JAMES KYLE. Is now receiving his usual sui)idy of Goo«ls. among wiiich are— Rich Silks, Col d and Black; French Merinos and Ibdaiues- Fngli^ii Do. l>o.; Kid and Net Gloves. a>sortcd; Bed and Negro Blanket-; Bolting Cloths. No 1 to 10; Ready-Made Clothing; Boots and Shoes; W ith a very large assortment of other Oo»ds. All o. which were purchased by the package at the lowest price. Those purchasing will please call and look at the Goods and prices. Sept. 18, Ibo'.^. 4V*if Herring?! Herrin^!! "I /^A BBLS. No. 1 Split atid Bulk Herring; il/U HK» Bales EXTRA H.\Y: r>0 “ RICE STR.WV; 20 Boxes ADAMANTINE CANDLES; 40 “ BAR S(»AP; •Jo Barrels M. V ASS AH & COS ALE; •' WHL'^KEV. ome very fine, vi*: (Yld ‘■Dew Drop" (.*> years old.) Family, Mag nolia, Reserve, Excelsior; »; Packages FRENCH BRANDY; 1 Cask (WTWABA BRANDY’, on Consign ment from a gentleman connected with a Bank in the city of N. Y.; will be sold on account of consignee. ftiij“Tiic above are just rec'd and will be sold low by J. 11. KOBEKTS & CO. July 11, 1859 31- Per«on« in Want OF PURE and splendid flavored old Whiskey can be furnished by us with Old Dew-Drop, Magnolia, Family, Excelsior and Reserve brands, all of which we warrant a> represented or no sale. J. H. ROBERTS & CO. PS. We have other common brands of Whiskey, but , none of the “long range,” such as Cotlin, HilSe, Monumental, Blue Ruin. J H. ROBERTS & CO. July ti 2Jtf Ur. FRANK WILLIAMS'S RYK WHISKEY. R MITCH ELL has made arrangements with Dr. , Frank Williams, to be constantly supplied with hiu celebrated RY'E WHISK>;Y', which can be had at bis Store at all times, by wholesale or retail. Oct'r 11. 1859. 56-tf 0 STOVES, SHEET IROI\, TIA-WARK, &e. N HAND, a large assortment of Box and Cooking Stoves: Tin-ware: Slieet-Iron; Lead Pipe. .\lso Ihe “0/l ttominion Vofree For sale by JA.MES .MARTLVE. Nov’r 24. PAIAT«, Ac. SPERM, Refined, Lard, Linseed and Tanners’ OIL, White Lead; Burning Fluid; Putty; Window Glass and Sash of all sizes. —ALSO— A fresh supply of POND'S PAIN DESTROYER. For sale by JAMES MARTINE. Nov’r 24, 1868. (j6tf Hardware, Cutlery, .«^A»DI.KRY, &c. J.\MES M.VRTINE is now receiving a large and gene- nil assortment of every thing in the above line. —ALSO— A prime article of Rio, Laguira and Java COFFFE Crnshed and Brown SUGAR; Sugar House SIRUP and MOLASSES. All of w'hich is offered on a.s good terms as can be had in this market. Nov’r 24, 1858. W hiiskey anil Braudv. 1 1 A BBLS. Pure Corn Whiskey; L l_l' 25 “ Apple Brandy; 20 “ N. E. Rum: 2(J “ American Rrandv; 15 “ Old Rye Whiskey. For sale by Sept 12 STATE CAE AN1» MAtBllE The anderiigued haring located in ii,„ , ‘‘HV ©tteville, N. C-, and erected buiUlii.,, * erected buil^in,,, “ ' h. Cw and MtcLine Works, would give not ' are prepared to execute all orders for (u*'* HCTiption, alio all kind* of Machine work"* pairs of Steam Engines, Cotton, Mill and \r''‘ ‘= ‘ chinery, heavy forging, such as Mill Si>i.„ii K &c., at short notice. ^ By an arrangement made with the r.n„ Company, we are prepared to recciveorrloV>.f of Tnlia Rubber Belting anl Hn*c at thei • Haring started our Engine, and WooiwUv we are prepared to plane all desonniion, 7?’’''- and Scaatling, which will be kept on h i either in tb? roogh or dressed, as panies'm Contracts taken for the erection of Buii,r rials furnished, and jobbing of all kinds neatness and despatch. ' Counters and Desks mtule to order Sa.sh, Doors and Blinds nianufactured •! ® thing of the kind to be found in the Non)*'* ' WALTON ^ li,;;;];;''-- Car Builders and Mu^i ■ Fayetteville, Oct 3, 18-W (iAs FiTTix;s .m n\ii i>i. i rjlHE subscribers will be prepareil !,v ^ ^ Dw .-vuguot, loaujifoy every uescription yi , ■ wellings, Store.s, Factories, \.c. wiHj .i -*•' iry FIXTURES, for the introduction 'i! ii\s " A^ we are constantly engaged in the . ing Gas Works in this ami other Slate.-,, w.^ ' can afford to bring on a large stock iimi ‘ reasonable tenns tJian others. (»ur ^(,^.1, Ciiandeliei-s, Pendents, Brackets. Glass, \c ' ^ As we have leasel tlic wovks for five v(.•nr., . ■■ to the advantage of those requiring siii.'h them of us, since upon us will fall the np. ! * keeping tliein in rejtair, ,^'c. For this ti;n,- both our interest and pleasui" to eiii).;v in.n*.. f' best (iaa Fitters. * ' In our absence for a few weeVf. :ill wj,o w;.i the Pijtes introduced into their bniH'T!L'« will .1^'* leave their names with .Mr. W. N. Tillin^h-iKt ‘ give aU necessary infonnation on tb.- ^atiject •!' ' desirable to know a« early as posai'^^le, so thw tl t ’ tures may be introduced at the >aiiii time witn the ' struction of the works, aud thus all \ avlivnt taneoubly ’ .\T LRH)['.'^L ..V LOWE). Fayetteville, Juio' ID. Fixlure*. ^pilE subaeriix'rs have now at Mr. W. X. Tillin-h ,’ 1. Crockery Store, SAMPLES of Ga« Fixtiiri«’ wotdd be glad if perpons intending to useiheG;i„, call and select, so that their orders may he an^.i time of llgiititig up—early in Nove'-u'ta i- u'\- \\ .vTERIIOUSE 6- Dd^vp Fayetteville. Sept 24, 18.j9 ' Iflore \ew Goodi^ I AM just receiving my Spring Stock of in.,, line. They were selected in the Northi rii ciut"- myself, with great care, and bought on the nioi^t roa= B, able terms, by wiiich 1 atu enabled to otfevtlio laru„; stock I ever before offered to the public. anJ u, them generally At Greatiy Reduced Pr'w^^, FRUITS—Raisins. Figs, Prunes, Apples, Lcnii.ns. ijf. anges. Ciierries. Currants, &c. PICKLES, JELLIES AND PRESERVES-a g «&i,i riet v; PERFUMERIES AND EXTRACTS of varioits 'iin’i. F.VNCY SO.VPS AND POMADES; MLSIC.\L INSTRUMENTS—Fiddles, Drums. F!:, Flutes, Banjos, Guitars. &c.; W.VLKING CANE.''—of every kind; BASKETS AND WILLOW WARE; HOBBY HORSES, V'c.; NUTS; FINE AND C(3MM0N CANDIES: FINE CIGARS: SMOKlNf! it CHEWING ToiUu i CRACKERS; FINE POCKET KNIVES: .V large assort nient of PORT-.Mf>NAIES. some vervni;. F.ANCY ENVELOPES, and FANCY GfJUD."^ Tol' ami YANKEE NOTIONS; An assortment of INDIA RUBBER GOODS- COMBS, WHIPS, FISHING TACKLE. The ]>utdic are respectfully invited to call an-i «. amine my stock. I have a great many handsome thioi’- that cannot fail to please. JAS. R. LEE. Hotel Building March ?>1. 1859 I-” Aotice is hereby g;iveii, TH.AT at the expiration of ninety days, applica:ion will be made for the re-issue of Certificate Xo. I?*, for one thousand shares of Stock in the Wenteru Uii, Rond Company, belonging to Cumberland Couuiv. -i original one, dated March 18/)8, having been losi DAN'L McDlARMll*. G. DEMING, Commissioneri Ootobar 24, 1859. tioif E. F. MOORE. 48- Webster’s Elementary ^^pellins I Book, fur sal« by £. J. HALE ft SON. I To I^and Bnyers. The undorsignel offers for sale, in the Coal reci'w. and within eight miles of the terminus of liie Fay etteville & Western Rail Road on Deep River, EltiHT HINDRED ACRES OF LA.\D, adjoining the land belonging to the estate of Ge^rn y> ilcox, dec'll, and lying three miles South from Car bonton, on Little Pocket Creek, Moore county. These Lands are well adapted to the growth of c jm. cotton, wheat, oats, rye, &c. There are on the prem ises a comfortable Dwelling, and all necessary Uai- houses, with about one hundred and fifty acres rnJff fence, including forty or fifty acres of never-ffii'nEg bottom land. This is a rare chance for periwns wis:.- ing to make investments, as lands are undoubtedly *i- vancing in price in this section. For further information apply to Mr. M. M. McRm. Crane's Creek, P. 0., Moore county, or address tnew Fayetteville, >*. C. DANIEL McRAE, For the Heirs of Gilbert McKae, dec i Carbonton, Moore co., N. C., Aug. 24 48tf IJ\D FOR I OFFER for sale 640 Acres of LAND, lying on ik« W'est side of Cape Fear River, two milo* below F*f- etteville, and extending from the river into the stnl- hills. This tract is about equally divided into ri^ff- ridge, swamp and sand-hill Land. About 80 awes, adjoining the river, are under cultivation and »rew»ll suited to the growth of Corn and Grass; none of lii* Swamp has been cleared. There are several good fite* for a dwelling house on the sand-hills. Any person wishing to purchase will do well to make (*arly appli cation, as I have determined to sell. THOMAS J. ROBINSOS. Sept. 8, 1858. 44tf [VOl PRINTED M EDWAI EDlTOi Price for the Semi advance; :'>0| tion; or $4 aftt For the Weekly advance; Si 50| tion; or $11 0*^ AD\ ER1 tquare of lb line.^ eucceeding ptiblicj cial contracts, at] requested to statf they will be coutij ingly. Advert isements| cent, extra. From and afterj will be entered w| the paper be sentj than is paid for. Such of our oldl per on this systeij remittance.'^. Jan'y 1, lho8. The Aoc( Mr. frenslyI of Fayettevillj instruction in tlJ branches, commei Hotel, on Friday Gentlemen, and oj .o’clock. P. M. fot All the fashion^ will be taught, ei pire Quadrille. Fi Mr. F. has tauj the last eight yeal ing a thorough ki education. A style of musil sweetness and co/ ear and cultivate Terms: For a extra for fancy dl Mr. F. refer* t/ leigh generally. Nov it 400 CASKS •25 ‘ 1(X» Bbls. f)i.K) Bags 500 Sacks 10 do. Nov 7 Carriage Asecond-h. McKethan’s set of Carriage For sale togethei Nov. 10. To He HALF and Nov 14 We A HEALTHY Address “M^ Nov 7 anl Wood* 0^0 ACRES of LAND lying on the Fayetteville'S OUO Western R. R. 7 miles from Town. 450 Cords PINE WOOD cut and piled. All for cheap to close the concern of C. E. Roberts \ Co. Apply to J. H. ROBERTS & CO. June 20, 1850. 24tf .^tafe BondM fbr ^ale. ST.\TF1 Coupon Bonds, (Coupons payable in York, on the 1st April and 1st October,) in quanti ties to suit, .\pply at the Branch of the Cape Fear Bank. A. McLEAN' June 1 lytf Colton Plantation for ^ale. I OFFER for sale u Plantation in Marlboro' District. 1 situfited nine miles from Bennettsville, two and * half from Pee Dee River, seven from Railroad, and two from the Mineral Spvings, The Tract contains THREE HIXDRED A\D THIRTY-SEVE> AfRKS, with 150 under cultivation. The Building? areallgooJ- A NEW DWELLING HOUSE, with six rooms—fi''*’" place in each room, passage through the house- two piazzas, one in front and one in the rear. My will compare favorably with any in the District. I sixty acres of Bog land cleared, that will niake bushels corn per acre. The place is cultivated this year by James Peterkin. He will show any one w ® wishes to look over the land. My only object for ing is I have moved West. ^ Terms easy. Address me at Bennetlsville, ’ • until 1st September, after that time at Sclnia, Ala. GEORGE PETEKKIN Aug. 4 40tt ^ ]%otice lo l^oldiers’ Widows. The Widows of Mexican Soldiers, and the ^\idow^ SoMiers who niKi) in service in the war of 181-- have tlicir pensions continued by calling on the under signed, Congress having made additional provision tor them. . Give me the management of your claims, and t « money shall come at once, or no charge. JNO. M. ROSE, Agent fof Pen«oB8* F«;QtMTlU«, Jiuit 18, IMS. Dr. Bronson hi tion, as to be coB the most emineni himself—a regulj —as a last resor| THE BLOOD, to the more imr state of the bloc result has been from the use of ' feet health. Wil over two tiiousai by if. If you hi tendency, Congtf Heart, Loss of time in procuriij you are sutTerinI is broken and dl or your (Jrgans I failing remedy,! your Liver is tol ever, one or twf bring it into liv inveterate casesl the most efficier ways experience or Female Comi after trying othl that a certain c| three bottles, cases of Erupt id complaints. PJ are iminediatelj to the binly, anj siciansof all scf For full direJ •paA\o|i"J .11 ijv uj -11103 II uotkV.ii ail uvmI jwqi pui'i am III It «tuurrj« dvi ‘viy JO suoikfc M 3lu!.>q ptiw ma ji SiiiAJl puw »qi la sv qanif tr>\’||LLH f ziA 'iionu 3tlt -ui .nviJi.iap I sv»uvq I ip vi«aj ifitMii \Jd.\ • q]t %\ II ,1“ ;iuiAoiar*i 1 ijikI aid ol BunKiduHiT I 81 oq '(i!:|l JO 9«jnu ivqi lun^ ‘'iVUlHO.) a'lIJ Sold br C . And by all country. Nov'll. 18{ A New and A further sup A'og. 27

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