P- •-. U liitxii Fornardiii^ y{' 'N. N 0 « « i.ark. F«rKarUl„^ RM KK in _ ‘*«nt, »t, Plaster, Hair "akk. uilmington7 Htf R. BLOSSoivr n 1^ I o X ^ \ V It Hiie Merfhant, .V. f’ lur n fh' piveii lo ■ !!(» I loiinsellor at Uh ’>i'r:ijvii 1 r V ' St urf>" (' ■ of ftl! r ■>‘•11;. N ‘ ' ''■■’ill,!, \i I’mVI-:..,i ,, V ^liWlR. i'otntsf'Uot' ftf 1^ Bin: t ( fUf, piiii : II My r. ni-t, I ■ r. ri -M.i:!«. roHiK^Uor ;u au. «'K ami. «^nunibux an«l Blajpi CllfH] 'T * \ - N'. ( ;\'IlnLK \I,K itU. of Vonh (aroliaa. W 1 . I.'R I \V A: KI\U. r A \. ■ - ■. > . V r/i#f/ SfiO/A IlKV ST.. >KU VOIlk. - - —- * leflf. - 1. ; - f *u? j . • ■ ,n :*T^- . [OTK i:. hrtll / ' V =*t ’ iv-n ^:o. ^i\KTi\i:. F.F.T ■ , „ liry HI , I 7,1" -,i,r c. nc KAi:, at tjftir, O' th- - . ■:.• 15 .r.li-ij: St., Fayetteville, Ti C. H STRANGJE3, it*! a( Law, tevillp, N. C OOCtii ; '• V r. Q. Writ' ^■ opifl ‘ !;ini in Dr. K f^n- :.i • • rn.. .f/rJ5T.f 1*. ley at Law, TK', oun- : r: ir • n«*tt. ' ah ' K - • n ■ (‘le C(-lleci; ;i hat.. ■ AOTIC E. r ■ . ’■> Su’;:r ifcii i V an'l Mar. on ' ■ ■ S- t. ‘ T' rill r of Si ' 5 ■?-- hiTii ’lereiftff NKILL M-KAT v'.'f r Aotire r*.-: ■ ; ; T'ie i;. a.-. ■ ... Cfiti'i I’uTnlii'r: 'i- • fte ' •-. itad ihe ; ' et: ii; 1 .'^itrapson. J. r. SHEPHERP 2!?tf BAKKIi. Jk.. g 1 A I. A W . xt .1 t.- \Vn. li. Wriphi -L;'* t. r. _-ieni peri '- ur;" 'f ' ii'i' mpson ^ KO(>K>». ION 11\1L.\ND. PIKI V. •• . = e 1: th^ ■ neorg^- hy A' ■ tiony Tr'>H»{ e: A'i.trii Ue'i*’; • Flo;.. ! J H.U.K * • I . doui ■ Sch'. !! K J. HALE a: fcO>- (IF THE ami .U’FE ^R,\NCE lie mo«t ‘P^vK of other BU- ale AJ£L- , ami .U’FEARANt^'" in(ed m the mo«t *Rj »jfK thcr '-upplien of oih**' ^ ” dI liook« iPHV ‘r.m i P> M. A ia!y .•« rofui*^ ; Sander* - a!y-^ !!iiiliori!'’ rJoer*' iinul. .ir. l V L«’' idrev, L'ltin and ,v E J. HALE & _iiiii, i»% We by.),.. ,Vu^: : ;.f kold of IJoir .Tif. " %iiciO- E. J. HALE riflt'iice, Vol. I E J HAUB * iPAir SEMI.WEEKLY [VOL. X.] P'AYETTEVILLE, N. C., NOVEMBER 12, I860. [NO. 969.] vTKD MOND.VYS ANO THURSDAYS. KDWAIU) j. hale & sow rplTORS AND I’KOl'HlETORS .0 Semi Wo»>kly Ouskkvku $3 'K) if paid in ,,, , s:i "'I' if paiil during the year of subscrip- ■ .it’ter tlie year has expired. U 'bkrvkr 52 (W per anninn, if paid in '■'•J .ill if paid during the year of subscrip- ,. . 'd after tlie year has expired. \PVHKTISKMENTS inserted fo» (50 cents per .ji) lines for the first, and 30 cents for each 1- j.nolicatioTi. Yearly advertisements by spe- ■mr^iei.-*. .It reasonable rates. Advertisers are .;,■ i I,' state the number of insertions desired, or *11.' .ontinued till forbid, and charged accord- ,,.M„'!nonts to bo inserted insidf, charged 50 per %:ri. Sl’EClAL NOTICE. . t’ld after this date, no name of a new subscriber .•ii’fvt'd wiiliout ]>(tymenf in advance, nor ■will ; ill' s^nt t'l such subscribers for a longer time ’ .tU tor. "I'oiT old sub-icrilers as desire to take the pa- ■ :i this system will please notify us when making Jan’v 1. 1808. .'olalt* ol .A'ortli rnroliiia, . I 'lri Ki. \Nn COI N I'Y. '. I’ •• :in (ill .rl.T SeteiiMiN. :i ;iii iii'itT 'iVrni, IfitjO M »mi« \ 1; .kpr v. J.ihn U in>lii\v. AUHchiiieiii mt ;.«'Vy on KphI 1 stme ■ina Hi thr sJitiji'tctio:! m' ihe Court, thal Ihe IVfentl ml in !hi' I 't- Jnh.i Wiii-liiw. thf liinit» i>r thf St net 1 till' I r(!in:vry ( riK «—» ol'llie Uw CHiiniil Ih; serv“il on h in. I reicirt ..rilcriMl that |)iililichliin b«-iimle in the K:i\elitville r\t*r fnr s..\ \vei-k>. I**r the »uid J.»hn Winslow to Ik* and n(»- ■ir nr\i re;;ul«r Court of Pirns nnil l^imrler Sc»>iiin» to bt ;lif I'tinM’.y ot'Ouiiilwrlnnd. .^t the V urt Hou^^e in Fajotte- thf fir-t .Mofid.iv 1(1 Ueceiiilier next, then anu there to \\.*r or ■(•‘iiinr to 'liil .Suiichiiien'. or juilement fin il will ■I :he proiKTty |p\ ied on c.>ndrtiinpd lo v^tisty the Plain- .. J, wp T. W.inifn. Clerk of oiir «iil Caiirt. nt Olfii-e in th." tif!.t .Monday ot tiepiinilifr .\. II. If^kl J T. W.\Kl)t:.\.«'lerk. ^late of ]\'or(li ('Jnrolina^ CV.VBEfI.^.VI) COU.VTV. oiirt ofPlea^ and (litai’ter Sessions, Sepieinl^r Tertii, I860 Owen Houston vs. Johti P. Fu'ler. .Mt-Arhinent and I..evy iii'ide. IT n|ipe:iritie tn the sitti^l'artlon of the Court, that the fiefendant in | » this c;ise. John P. K'lller, resides i>eyond the limits of the Stale ' or so conceals himself that the onlinary process of the I.aw cannot | lie served on him; It is therefore oriiert*d, that publication lie inadi' I ill the Kayettevilie Observer for six weeks, for the said John P. I Fuller to lie and ap(»ear at tiur reuular Court of Plpas and duarter s?essions to be held for the County of CuRth*’rland. at the Court House In FHVetteville, on the first Monday of IVcemlier \ I>. 1860. and then ami there plead, answer or deinar to said .Attachnii nt, or .bidpnient final will lie h;*d and the property levied on condemne.i to s.Mtisfv the Piainiiff's claim. Witness, Jesse T Warden, Clerk of our said Court, at Office in Faveifevilie. the first Monday of September I>. IHtiO. »M»Gw J. T. W.ARIIEN, Clerk. AI.:?IA1?AC S FOR 1861. FARMER S AND PLANTER’S r TURNER’S NORTH C VROLINA. OctoberJG. E. .1. HALE & SON. TO THK I.AMIKS! Mrs. GIBSON respecttully informs her friends and the public generally, that she is prepared to make DRESSES in the most fashionalile style, she will also cut and fit for any ladies wishing to make their own Dresses; CHILDRENliS CLOTHING cut or made lo order. Mrs. fiibson has taken the Agency for the sale of a new and excellent CH ART, for cutting Ladies’ Dresses. ] Also, one for Roy’s (Hoihing. They are very simple in j construction, and therefore easy to understand. The I ladies are requested to call and see them at her house, on Maxwell Street, between the Female High School and the Fayetteville Hotel. Oct^2. 681 f Thr Itar^ieut Carrins'fi M'artory in the SouthI Mtate of rVortli f'aroliiia, C UMBER /..I.Vl) CO l/’A'T 1'. Court of Pleas and Clu;irter Sessions, Septemlier Term. IrtCO. Joseph Utley vs. John P. Fnlier. .\ttachment and l.evy tnade. IT apiiearine to the satisfaction of the Court, that the Defendant in this case. John P. Fuller, resides lieyonrt the limits of the State, or so conceals himself that the ordinary process of the I.aw cannot be served on him: It is therefore ordered, that publication be made in the Fayetteville Observer for six weeks, for the said .iohn P. Fuller to lie and apjiear at our re'iul:ir ‘'ourt of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to tie held for the County of Cumberl:«nd, at the Court House in Fayetteville, on the first Monday of l)ecenil>er .\. I>. I,-**!!!, and then and there plead, answer or demur to s.iid ,\ttarli inent. or Ju.lznient final will lie hail, and the (iroperty levietl on con demned to satisfy the PlHintitTs claim. Witness. Je«se T. Warden. Clerk of our said Court, at Office in Fayetteville, the first Monday of September .\. I>. tf'fiO. (>4»6\v J T \V.\K1>K.\, Cltrk. Ktate of A’orlli C'.*rroliiia, ci’MBr.KJ..i.r/y coc.vrr Court of Pleas and liu'irter ■■Sessions. Se|itemf)er Term. I860 .\ J. WiMidward v. John P. Fuller. .\tt ichment and l.evy made. TT ap|>earin2 to the satisfnrtinn i>f the Oiurt. that the Oefendant in 1 this c'lse, John P Fuller, resides l>eyond the limits of the Stjite, or «o rcince'ils himself t'lnl the ordinary process of the I J»w i-annot lie served im him; 't is therefire onlered. t^at publication be made i;i the »-Ryeil**ville Ob>erver for s.x weeks, for the sai*l John P Fuller to be and upiieir :it our recular Omrt ol Pleas and Uu trter . th;lt ho hrts built up large substantial Rriok Build- es>M.ns tof«. h II for the County of CumlierUnd, at the Court Stand, oxj ie^sly for manufacturing Car- TO THE FRlElfDi^ OF HOME MANUFACTURES. THE KII«STOn ISHOE F»lCTORV -Sr -t I^RDERS for negro BROGANS and BOOTS are .'A. ,s. .-fii t K Is * t. J A - I) rsPI’CTFri.LV informs his friend.s and the public, Il t ^tate ot Xortli C'ai*oliiia, l l .MKLRL\M> C iLNTV. r! Ilf I’leds :iml ilii.rier S«-ssions, S-ptember Term, 180U. lit Mr"!’ Itrandt T'. John WinsI.iw VitiL'hiii* nl unl l.fvy "n K>-h1 Ust^.te. t thf '.ti.'fiirfion ot the Cotirt. thai the I'efend int 11- I- J hn \Vin»bi«. replies beyond the limits of the It • IM* "ilii;:ir> priKe" ot tbe l.^iw cannot Ih. serve.l on - ill ri • r-' irder li th it publintioii lie nude n the Fay- ' M-ijrver tor'..\ weeks, f^r the saiil John Win-iou to be • ,1.' it •111 ni \t rr^iilar C..art of Pleas and Uu irivr Sessions i*ir !hf Cunnty .if Cimiberiand. at the Conrt HoUNe in • n till- iit't .Miiiiilay ot' l>erember next, then and there i«wrr nr ileiimr t 1 sa,.! .\lturhment. or juiiiiment final I 1.1. ind tlie priiptrty levied on condemned to satisly the ' till. • " Jf'se T Warden. Clerk of our siiid Court, at Office in V 1. the fir-i .Mon.! iv ot Septfiir er .A. 11 iMil) i;« ' J. T. W.AKKK.V. Clerk. lloiise in Fayetteville, on the fir^t Monday of l*ecer,il.er K. 1>. 18»i0. and then and there ple ul. answer or demur to said .\ttachnient. or .Iud2m>‘ni final will lie had. and the pro(>erty levied on condemne.i til sHtisfy the PlHintitf’s claim Witness. Jesse T. Ward'-n. Clerk of our S'^id Court, at office in Fayetteville, the first .Monday of September A. I). lH«i(l. 65*6w J. T. W.AR1>F..V. Clrrk. FA VI:TTKvVl.i.K IIOTKI., T. WADDILTi, I*R0i>RiETOR. HI.^, the most commodious Hofei in Noifh Carolina, fronting 300 feet on Hay an‘1 Donaldson Streets, located in the centre of the business portion of the town, and surrounded by all the Banking Houses, Wholesale Merchants atnl princi pal Pnvluce Dealers. IBgjy^ Business men will find the Hotel a convenient, anil ootnfortablo house. All the Stairos arrive and depart from this Hotel. Fa3'etteville. Oct. 1. 185i^. •’•I- SllEMWEirnorSE.” A FEW DOORS NORTH OF THK M.AHKKT HOISK. State ot* .\ortli Caloliiia, 11 .MHF.HL.i.VO COL .Vrr. >urt ot Pli-ns 'ni! Uuarter .'^•sstons. ptemlier Terra. IttiO. Kiili-ri Wi...ti-n vs Jnhii \V lusl iw . \tlH^ hiiit'iit :ind I.ti y ..n K. at E'tite : tring to tlie s^iiisiUiiKiu t tti« Court, tnat the I>efml'nt ' I' l-e. .loh:i \VI islovv. re-i.jes t>eyond the limits of the . . lat tlie oniinHry process of ihe l>itw cannMt be served on • :hfrel ire urdifcd that publication be uiade in the F») -ener for six weeks, for llie sjiid John Winslow tn be f ir ut lUr next reiuiar tJoart ul Pieiis and Uuarter Sessions, j r the "uniy of Cafiioerl:*.nd. ai the Cour; Ili'Use in . . 'n the lir^t .Monday of l>eceiiiber next, then ami there ; -u c-r or tlt'iiiur to >aid .-Vitachiiient. or JuUguietit linal j lud the property l» vie.l on condenine:i 10 satisfy the I ..ill. i .. 1 . \\ arden. Clerk of our snd Court, at Office in I ■■ first .Moml.iy of Septemficr It. I8*‘4>. | A J. T. W.AUUK.N, 'lerk. | ^tate of .\oi*tli Carolina, Cl MBF.KUi.yi) COl .S'Ti. 1 VIS qU Unarter e>essi .ni. Septeiutier Term. Inio. j M. Jones vs. John Win?luw. I \itachfuent and Levy on Real |->tate ■ . i ■ the sjit ^fac:ion 01 the Court lUat the lletendiut ' J ibn Win'iow. resides tieyiind the liiinis ot thr I 1;.!»■ iifdi.iary process of ilie !..«»■ cnnoot be served on ' - ' re or.lereil tti:it piiblicxtiou tie maile in the Fay- i 'I - r% r lor »ix w. iks, for the said John Winslow t.i be j ■ ir lu vt resiular I onrt of l*‘eiis and Uuarler Session'. ; -1.- I' luat) ol Cuiiiberlaad, at the Court House in : : till tir^t .Moiida> of December next, then and ther ' M' .-. IT demur to s«id .Atl'icbmeut, or judcnient tiu> | .line iiro(ieriy levied on condemned to satisfy the T. Warden. Clerk of our said .'ourt. at (iffii e in ■ ;lie tir>t .M iuiUy ol Seplenilier .A. 1>. A J. T. W.\lll»t:\. Clerk. i^'ii !^tate ot Aortli Carolina, LMHt H/..1.V// COIWTY. Pi .111.1 tiuartiT Se".on'. J^pti’iiiber Term, Ip60. ■ \.iii.iniflnitor of .M.iry Hollingsworth, Sar.th . . .N ;inil w ,le Kt lR;c.a, Ldward J Kd- • H r III l.ilw.ir.i*. M.nor-, ;iy their (iunr.lian Ularktiian .1 .sye, vs. Ihtiiel Hutier and v% ife Ann, and IVmion b.r l>ivi«ion of Slaves. ' . ' Miii'firt .iu ol the 1 ■.iiirt, tnat JoshuA Kdw anls, I • 1 .1 lilts in thi' CH'e. IS a nou-resideiit of the .*>tat’ :• rt'd .ii.it publication t>e made for six weeki in ■ ■ • ... rver. | .r the said Ji.-hua K.iwards lo lie Bn.l iir I.i.urt ..f Fi>-as .tiid Uuaner Sessions, lobe : I iiiiilierlind. altheC.iurt Hou-e iu F.iyelle •i ';,,ti,l:iy I lleceiiitier A. It. Iisfil). then %nd there to ' I . iiiir to the I'euUuD, or it will be heard ex |iarV! nt.-r eranted lor the divitiou of the «li»ve» in I’ ' II. 1 m. n. C.erk of our »aid Court, at Office in . ilie tif't .M.inuay of Septemlier A. Lt. l^Sio J. r VV .VKliK.N, Clerk. ^tatc ot A'ortli Carolina, LMJjr.UJ„1.Vl> COL.VTY. rt ■ f Plea. i,;i| (tnirter S>s>ioiis. Sepiemlier Term. 1H60. I*. Al W. .•Itlpiurin Vs. James W. Horne. Atlaciiiiieni ai'd l.«vy mule on l.and. irina to the .'atisfuct.’n of the C. urt, that the llefendaut till?', rise, JHiiies W Hoioe, resides beyond the liin.Ls of the “t so conceals h iii.>eli that the ordinary prc essot the 1jvv» ■’t lifwrve.l .in l.iin It is tberefore ordered that pnblir.ition lie ■ n the Fayetteville Observer for six weeks, for the said Jame' I' rill- ,0 lie ,,nil apiiear at the rC)>ular Court of Pie snndUuar i-n>, lo be belli lor the County of unilierland,at the Court n rii>eiu.-viiie, on tue first .Moniiiiy of Itccember A. I>. ir*HI, I’ ti and there plead, answer or demur to ituid Auachinent, or • at final w ill tie hatl, and the land levied on condemned to the PI linlifls’claim. tiies«. Jesse '1'. VVarden, Clerk of our laid Court, at Otfice 1— •eville, the nrst .M.inday of Septemlier A. Ii. IrtOO. l*t)W J T. W.ARIlKN, Clerk. Mtate of !¥ortli Carolina, CVMB KHUI.\ l) CO t’.VT J'. : of Pleas an.l Uuarler Sessions. :-eptemlier Term, IdOO. • ieorue W . Bullard vs. John P. I uller. .\UachnieBt and l.evy m.ide. -ar-.ni; to Ihe natisfaction of the 1,'oiirt, th-»t the Defendant I'f Jiifiii P. Fuller, re^de* beyond the limits ol the ' I i'iiceals hiiii'Clf that the onlinary process of the I.aw ■ • -> rv. il .in him It is iht relori- . rden d. tlal publicatioii Ml" 1 ayetltville Observer f.ir six v^eeks. for the sai.l ■ 1. * r to irt; and apjie ir al our regular Court ol Pleas and ' n-. to be hei.l for the County of t. uiiiberlaiid, at Ihe ■J'*- I r lyi-iteville. on Ibe fir-t 'londayof ll*Tember A. iben ,ind there plead, answ.-r or deii.ur ti said .M- ' •' . u'mei.t Snal will lie lia.l and the pro|ierty 'evied on ' ' ■ li-ly tin- Plainlitr.« claim. ■"'■■' • T. \V irden ,erk of our said Court, at Office in ■ ” l'l^ first M.,ml ly of September A. I). !»«>(). J. r. WAKUKN, Clerk. of Aortli f'arolina, ( IMBKHJ.ji.Vtj COC.VTi. "■ •t P> ,, »nd Uuarler Sessions, Septemlier Term, I8»i0. W. .\ndrews vs. Jo'iii P. Fuller. .[■ .Atiacbment and Levy 111 de. ni: tn t(,|. X iti.fhclion of the Court, th it the Defendant ' ' - J iin P Fuller, resides lieyond the limits of the State. , 'I iii-i-if that the ordinary process of the ,aw cannot ' m It « therefore ordere.l, I hat puhl cation tie mule " - Viiii- 1 ib-erver for six weeks, for the said John P ' ■ ;”'l '(i.nMratour recular ('ouri of Pleas and Uuarler *• tie d for the County of Cumlierland, at the Court I 'u viiie. on ihe first .M.inday of Iteceinlier A. D. 1«60. '■ 'I ihi-re pie nt, answer nr demnr to said .'Mtachment, or lin.il wr,; I* ha.l, and the iiroiierty levied on condemned 1‘li.niiir claim. T. Warileii, Clerk of onr said Court, at Office In "■ '!i>- tirst .Mon.lty of S*‘pleiiil>er A. II. 1H60. ' J .T WARItKN, Clerk. i'all Stock of AM) STATIONERY. now receiving a very full supjdy of Mpdha) and .Hisrellaneoun Books; School Kooks; Blank BookH; Writing Fapers; Envelopes, ic. ^ E. J. HALE & SON. 'Jctobtr a, IKOO. / \W1NG to the extensive increase of patronage »»«»■ ' ' to this House, during the year, I have ex- ..IliyL tended mj' facilities by the aildition of a num ber of comfortable sleeping rooms, with other inip.irt- ant improvements, which will add niaferially to the comfort and convenience of those favoring me with their patronage. To those who have been my kind fiiends ami cus tomers for the past six years. I tender niy most sincere thanks, at the same time respectfully soliciting a con- I finuance of their patronage, and also the patronage of a larcre number of new patron'^. I have good Stables and a No. 1 Ostler. P SHEMWELI.. Jan'y 16. I80O’ 84- EAGLE HOTEL, AilillKVIIil.K, C.. J. ?l. Bi.AIR, Proprietor. '’piIF. Proprietor knows that his location gives him un- 1 rivalled facilities for procuring articles conducive to good living, and he will dispense them to hi» guests in the best style. Every comfort usually to be had in a first class Hotel, will be furnished to his guests. Stage office ff’r Murganfon, at -his House. .. i. .. Charlotte, “ “• “ “ “ “ Spartanburg, S. C.. “ “ “ “ “ “ (ireenville, “ “ “ “ “ “ *• Greenville, Tenn.. Daily. “ Besides which, good hacks and careful and attentive Drivers can at all times be had to cofivey parties to any part of the splendid .Mountain scenery of this region, such as the i’llack .Mountain, the Swannanoa Gap, the Hickory Nut Gap ami Falls, the Warm Springs, vtc., anv of which are within a short day's ride of .\sheville. Sept. 24, IHfi'l. 58-ly ~~.it .Vo. HafrSi* nages. Thankful fur the very liberal patronage he has roceiveil for fire last 21 years, he ho]>es by strict atten tion to Imsiness. with a desire to gi^e satisfaction, to merit a confituiance of the same. He warrants his work to be made of the best material and by experienced workmen in each branch of the business. His work will compare favorably with any maile in the Uniteil States, for neatness and durability. Ho is determined to sell ami do any work in his line on as good terms as any work done elsewhere that i as well done. He now has on hand, finished. THE LARGKST STOCK OF rarria^es, Barouches, Rorkaway!^ and Buggies, ever offered in this place, ami a verylarge stock of work nearly finished, which will be finished daily. .\11 of which will be sold very low for cash, or on short time to punctual customers. has on hand more thsin ONK HUNDRED AND FIFTY VEHICLES finished and ill cour.'-e of construction. -Ml work made by him is warrfitited 12 niontiis with lair usaj e. ami should it fail bj- bad workmanship or material, will bo repaired free of charge. Persons wishing to buy would do well to call and ex amine for themselves. Orders thankfully receivel and promptly atteniled to‘ Repairing executed at short notice ami on vot^’f^ason- able terms. May 28, 1st.(I. x^larhle Factory, 18 \0W IN SUCCKSSFIL OPEUATION. RDERS f. solioitttd. J. C. CARPENTER, Agent. Kinston N. C., June 24; 18«0. .^9-tf a7w.fuli.er, GROCKit AND Coiiimissioii Merchant, NORTH WATER ST., WI L M1 N G TON, N. C. Oct. 8, 18(>0 59-6m €}, W. itCLl.ARD, t ommission «fferrhtiiif, WIL.MINOTON, N. (1. PROMPT and PFiR.S()N.VL attention will be given to the sale of Naval Stores. Cotton, Lumber, Timber, and all other country pro.luce. REFKR TO O. 0. Parslf.v, Pres’t Com. Bank at Wilmington. .IniiN D.awhon, “ K. N. C.. at do. Messrs. H. & E. .1. Lii.ly, ) „ ... Messrs. Pemherton & i **■ P.\RKER, Es.p, Harnett County, N. C. May 7, 18ti0. lotf AA irriATI .1. 1»RI€ Inspector of Turpentine^ WILMINGTON, N. C. Will attend promptly to all business entrusted to his care. March 20. 4-1 ypd C. II. ROIU.NSON. H. II. ROBINSON. C. H. R0BII¥}>»0.\ CO., Commission and Forwarding Merchants, WILMINGTON, N. C. Consignments and country orders will receive prompt personal attention March 17. 1S»M), 2tf Wni. H. Tl RMlfC.JTO:V, €oiiiiiii^$$lon iMercliaiit, WILMINGTON, N. C. AI^ILL give special attention to the sale or shipmenj If of all Naval Stores, Cotton, Flour, Timber, and other country proluce. Refers to: H. R. Savage, Cashier Bank of Cape Fear, Wilmington; Jno. Dawson. Pres’t Wilmington Brancli Bank of North Carolina; W. 11. Jones. Cashier Raleigh Branch Bank of Cape Fear. Nov 9, 1859 65-tf 200 Nov. FOR CASKS UNSLAKED LIME. 50 BBLS ROSENDALE CEMENT. 10 Tons. Land PLASTER. 50 Bus. Plasterers’ HAIR.^ White LIME, Calcined PLASTER. Sugar, Coffee, Butler, in 100 lb packages; Spts. Turpentine Barrels; Sole Leather; Bagging; Rope, &c. &c. T. S. LUTTERLOH. 5. t)7-3w FOR 8AL.F. BARRELS COMMON WHISKEY. 20 do Rye Whiskey. 2l Half Barrels Rye Whiskey. 10 Bbls. Malaga Wine. 20 Bbls. N. E. Rum. 12 Half barrels French Brandy. 10 Barrels Apple Brandy. 2 Barrels Peach Brandy. T. S. LUTTERLOH. Nov. 5. 67-3w Crackers! Crackers!! 1'^RESH SODA. BUTTER, SUGAR, AND W ATER ' (’RACKERS, by the box or barrel, just received. Mrs. M. Nov. 5. BANKS. 07-1 w BOXES .l^EW AORK lifate Cheese, just received and for sale by Mrs. M. BANKS. Nov. 5 1.7-Iw J.SO. s. U.\SCY, JNO. H. HYM.\S, jMfe of Tarbvrt'. I.at of Scutiand .Vrek. D.A.ACA', IIA\^lA.\ By f; O I. VlTDIJi, TWn DOORS \BOVK (’. T. IHIGH k SONS’ STORK F.'ivetteville, V. Jan’v -i>. ICfiO 84- 10,000 Thousands are daily speaking in the praise of DR. EATON’S I.XFAXTILE CORI)I.\L, ami why? berau*e it nfrer fail* to afford inxtantantous relifi' v\ien (tiven in time. It acts as if by magic, and \ D.'s. PRINTS, unusually low, either by j onf trial ahnr will convince you that what we say is true. It contains AO r AREf.ORIC OR OPIATE of ati.v kind, and therefore relieves by removing the sujTer- inyi ot your child, instead of by deadening itt fenaiitlitie^. I'or this reason, it commends itself as the only reliable preparation now known for Children Teething, DIar- ; rhnea. Dysentery, Griping In the Bowels, Acidity ’ of the stomach, Wind, Cold In the Head, and I Croup, also, for noftenimj thegumt, reducing injlamtnation, ! regulating the liowelt, and relieving pain, it has no equal ■ —I eing an anti-spa.imodie it is used with «• failing »ucces$ j in all cases of Coni ulslon or other I'lts. .4« t/ou tnlue the life and health of your children, and wish to save ; them from those sad and blighting consequences which are certain to result from the use of narcotic* of which all othtr remedies for Infiintile Complaints are composed, take none but Dr. Katon’b Infantile Cordial; this you can rely upon. It is perfectly harmless, and cannot iiyure the most delicate infant. Price, 25 cents. Full directions accompany each bottle. Prepared only by CHI RIH 4: DIPOXT, No. W.) Broadway, New York. wholesale or retail. 00 Doz. WO)L and other H.VTS. € ii O T H I G at greatly reduced prices; together with a large and varied slock of sTtiM.r. m vm firv iiooiis, ."til of which will be offered on as favorable terms as any House in Ihe Slate. J- K. K\ LE. Oct. 4. 1860. 58tf _ 'F.\LL WifWlMER STYLES, 18fiO!” .1. A. PE.MBERTON IS NOW RECEIVING HIS STOCK OF Fan 4V If •Infer Goods^ comprising the greatest variety of NEW STYLES ever offered by him. Re will receive in ,a few days, one of the most mag nificent selections of Laiies’ %'elvet Dats and Bonnets, and Straw Bonnets, trimmed, ever offered in this market. They were put up by one of the most stylish Houses in Ihe City of New York, and MADl'EXriiKSSLY TO ORDER. The public are invited to give them an inspection, as he will be pleased at all times to show them. He flatters himself that after fifteen years experience in the Fancy Dry Goods trade, his selections and ad- vantages will be worthy of a call from those in want of desirable new .''tyle Goods at LOW PRICES. He woulil take this occasion to s.ay to his friends (many of whom have palronizeil him frotn his con.mence- ment in business.) that he duly appreciates their many favors and hopes never to part company with any of them, Call and see the New Styles. J. A. PEMBERTON. Sept. 12. 52i4w-tf JT, mi. Pemherton WILL rcceive in a few days a large lot of those beautiful Salem CaftFtmeres and Tireedft. THEY ARE iHade in lA'ortli Carolina, and are more DURABLE than any other Goods for (he same money. —ALSO— A LARGE LOT OF Rock Island Kerseys, Tweeds and Cassimeres, of very superior quality. F. M. HTMAN, /^tr of h^'arrenton. A: CO., GKOCKUS^ COHniSSION MEKIHANTS, I^J4 Pearl Street, Hl.nAA, DA^CY A: Co., Coiiiiiiissioii 31ercliaiit!$9 .%0KF01.K, V.i. The New York House will be conducted by J.no. S. Dakct, aided by R. W. Htmax. The Norfolk House will be conducted by J.vo. II. Htmas and F M. Hvma.n. ttiT' Particular attention given to the sale of COT TON, CORN, WHEAT, NAVAL STORES, &c. Sept. 11, IHt)'*. 63tf E»\VI.\ il. R A:\AfEA, General Commission ^Iterchant, i! South Wharves, between .Market At (’he.stnut Sts. l*llll..4Di:i.PlliA. Consignments of Cotton, Naval Stores, Flour, Rice, Kc. will always receive his prompt personal attention. Advances will be made only on actual Consigments. REFK RKNCKS: T. s. & T. G. Btdd, Charicsion. Walker, F'vavh Co. ('harleston Dwellin;^ House to Rent. The DWELLING lately occupied by Maj. A. M. Campbell. It has been lately painted ami put in good repair. JA.MES JENKINS. Nov. 1. tiii-ot HARNESS iOlpiilijli Constantly Manufacturing at my Establishment, I^VERY VARII:TY of HARNESS, J Saddles, Bridles. Collars, Whips and Trunks: all kinds of Leather, Calf Skins and Oil; Condition Powders, for diseased Horses and Cattle; Coach Trimmings. Carpet Bags, Valises, Saddlery, Hardware, &c. The largest stock in the State, sold wholesale or retail, at the very lowest prices. Every description of Harness and Saddles manufactured to order and repaired. JAMES WILSON, No. 5 Market st. Wilmington, N. C., near th; Wharf. Nov. .3. 1860. 67-1 y llarnews Horse for Sale. I WISH to sell a firaf-rafe medium size HARNESS HOR.SE. GEORGE B. BAKER. Oct. 15. 61tf ^"esroes! A’ej^roes!! Wanted. GENTLEMEN, your old customers are yet in market. AV ' .\ll who have negroes for sale, would do well to give us a call or address us. J. A .Mc.\rthur. ^ L. A. Powell. | Clinton. N. C.. July 9. I860. POWELL & McARTHUR. •33-6mpd Wv»TT fc ^l. James TirPER, Eq. I C Prkhslit. Esq. W. Y I.CITCH. B'Q. WtLLtAit PeTTIORKW, M. I) Rev. W. B. Cakion I'.d So. March 0. Kllis & Miti HitL, WiIm1n(jton ilCNHY .Ni tt, K.sq. ‘ kev Jahis K. Tatlor, lilchni'd. Rev. J. I.EWts Shtck, California- ‘ Jesse W. Benedict, Ksq. .N. Y. Bap.JoRS W. Sextos, E*q.. Phila. 99-lV W. P. KEND.\LL. J. S. KENDALL. \\\ P. KEAUALL A: SOA, General Commission ^fterchants, SOUTH \VA'ri:K STatl^l^IT. WJLML\GTOX, X. C. ORDERS from the Country respectfully solicited. On consignments of Cottun and other Produce, liberal cash advances will be made when desired. Oct. 17, I860. t;3tf AOW lA MARKET. A LL persons having NEGRf^ES for sale, will do well to address the subscriber at Clinton, Sampson coupty, as he is letermined fc buy and p.iy as liberal prices for them as the state of the market will permit By addressing him he will call immediately, and make liberal offers, as all will find who will try him. CHARLES T. STEVENS. Clinton, Sampson Co.. Sept. 10, I860. 52-lypd EA AirFOR S AEE.~~ The subscinber having removed West, offers for sale his L.\ND.' in Harnett County, lying immediately on cach side of Cape Fear River, containing 120() acres in each tract. These Lands are situated in a healthy country, pleasant neighborhood, and within a half a mile of the villape of Summerville, with good Dwellings on each place and all necessary Out-Houses, and clear ed Land enough to work 25 or 30 hands to advantage. There are on these lands some six hundred acres of fine Bottom, most of which is uncleared, and well set with white oak and other fine Timber. A large portion of the balance is oak and hickory Ridge Lands; the bal ance is pine Land of a good quality, having been work ed in Turpentine three years. These Lands will be sold low for Cash or Young Negroes, or on time to suit purchasers, with approved bonds. Jan’v 18. N. G. .TONES. I Yicifiiihules of Eumihes.—Auiotig other in' I teresting tacts mentioned in a. review in the Lon- j don Quarterly, of Sir Bernard Burke’s work on this subject, it is stated that the heir of the an cient and illustrious house of i)e Courcey was discovered in a hardy seaman, sailing near a cen tury ago out of the harbor of Newport, Rhode Is land; and at a later period the legitimate owner of the imoiense estates of the Grosvenors was claimed to have been found in a poor farmer uf New York, who, however, never inherited. We have no doubt that in our own country, as in England, many instances of family changes could be found quite as striking. One of these, which has been mentioned to us, is remarkable and suggestive in a high degree. The Rev. John I’oints, the late gifted Rector of the St.John’s Kpiseopul Church, in Richmond, Virginia, was a diVect de.scendantof Oliver (’romwell, and moulder ing in the same Richmond soil, in Hollyhood ('emetery, are the remains of an aged lady, Miss Mary Everett Ilinman, descended from an officcr of the Life (luard of Charles the First, who fled to this country to escape the vong(?ance ot the l*roteiti>r. Here vas a decendant of the ?«/«- pemlfut Cromwell, an able and rcspectod member of the Episcopal Church, whilst, on the other hand, the descendants of the Old ('avalier became so thoroughly repuLlicanized that not less than thirteen of them b*rc military and naval com- mis.sions in the war of the Revolution. And in the V irginia soil, so remote I’r^mi the theatre 01 that furious strife which once rneked f]ngland to its centre, the ashes ot those who sprang Irom tbe chief conte.stants, from the I’rotectxr and the Guardsman, ihe pursuer and the pursued, sleep in fraternal neijl^borhood and peace. Shnkfsj>eiire on thr Peunsi/U'intitt EUrfidn — It is said that j'ou can tind a quotation in Shakes peare to suit any event, and Mr. Ilosmer, of Toledo, cites the following to show that he had the lutu Penn.sylvania election in his eye: We have the heart’s blood of the House of Lanoastorl Who else than Buchanan was intended by the demand, James of Lancaster, resign thy crowni Thou hast deceived me— —And, Here behold the pale ashes of the House of Lancaster. And then inimitable Sir .John FalstatT, in the fullness of his heart, exclaims— BuckI BuckI I would I could wash myself of the Buck! And of the Douglas, what, than this moment, did the great bard point to, when he exclaimed, Douglas is discomfited? —Or when he made Douglas say, I am the Douglas fatal to all those That wear those colors on them. Again— Mother! mother! mother! 0, my dear mother! Do I see you? Our Hannibal was doubtless intended, in those lines put in the mouth of his enemies: Hannibal drives back our troops. And conquers as he lists. E Sept. 13, 1860. J. A. PEMBERTON. 62i4w-t 1 I^otice. ^PHOSE indebted to the undersigned will c.infer a fa- 1 vor by settling their respective obligations, ihus en abling him to do in like manner with others. JHOS. J. JOHNSON. Oct. 8, 1860. 69-tf Healthy human Blood upon being ANALYZED always presents us with the same essential elements, and gives of course the ' rill? iKlsil'd. Analyze the Blood of a person suffering from (''on‘tiniption. Liver Complaint, D.yspepsia, Scrofula, .^’c. and we find iti every inntanre certain drlicienrii'ii in the rod globules of Blood. Supply fhess deficiencies, and you are made well. The B!«»0(1 I'oofl is fotinde.l upon this Theory—hence ita astonishing siicce«>s. There are FIVE PREPARATIONS adapted to deficiencies of the Blood in different diseases. For Coii;;lis •'old**, BvoinJiitis '>»' •*«>’ affec tion whatever of the Tliroat or lyiiiigni inducing CoilMUmplioit, useNo. 1, which is alsij the No. for Df'pro'itiioii of Spirits of Appetite, and for all Clironic CoinpiaiiliN arising from >ver-ii'»o, iio9i^ral nel»llity, and \>rvoii« Pi'(»«itrsttioii. No. 2, for f..iver Coinpiaiiiiw. No. 3, for Dyw|>ep*iiil. Being already prepared for absorption it is 'I'iikeii by and carried im mediately into the circulation, so that what you gain you retain. The No. 4 is for iVinale IrreuHlHri- tleii. Hysteria, W«‘!iknow*, Ac. .‘?ce special di rections for this. For ^iiit iCiieiini, BriiplioiKH. ScrofitloiiK, Kidney, and Bladder Coiii- piiliiito, take No. 5. In all cases the directions must be strictly followed. Price of the ilioo^i Fool $1 per bottle. Sold by (JIIUKCH & BUl’ONT. No. loO Broadway. New 'i'ork. And by all respectable Druggists throughoui the countrv. Nov 11, 1859 6ti-1y H. A. BAKER, COPPKR S^lMiTMi. Turpentine STILL.S manufactured on the most favorable terms. .\11 work warranted. Call and see for yourselves, at Fayetteville, N. C. Oct. 22. 63tf BOOK-BINDI.NG IN all its kinds, executed with neatness and despatch. Small jo’>s when done must be paid before delivered, THOS. H. TILLINGHAST. Opposite the Female High School, Hav Street May 14. .1859 ' 14 Floral Collejsre. 1M1E Fall Scssi.inin this Institution will coninience on the 18th of JULY nexl. The management ami instruction of the Inslilution will be under the Rev. Daniel Johnson an.l Mr. .Iohn C. Sutherland, with an able Corps of .\s«istanfs in all the departments. The Principal and his lady will continue to take entire charge of the Boarding establishment, thus giving to the School more of the family element. Tliis arrangoinent, it is believed, will greatly advance the usefulness of the Institution. M. C. McNAIR, Sec’y Boanl of Trustees. June 18. I860. 28tf **\ITE refer our readers tn the adv**rfisement o. VV Messrs. CHURCtl & DUPONT. No. 409 Broad way, Now York. The ‘Blood Food,’ is one of the erejir- est medicines of the age, and is rnpidly driving out of Ihe market all the quack nostrums of moilern times. Its AOTICE. XPECTING to be absent from the State until the middle of next Summer, say till July, 1860, I have authorized Archibald McLean, of Harnett county, to transact business for me during my absence, to sell my Lands in Harnett county, and generally to attend to all my b’asiness. N. G. JONES. Harnett County, N. C., Jan’y 13, 1860. 83- Cape Fear Rii er Land I'OR SALE. f* 1 ACRE.S OF L.\ND lying on the W’est side of UtcU Cape Fear River, two miles below Fayetteville, and extending from the River into the Sand-hills. This tract is about equally divided into River-ridge. Swamp and Sand-hill Land. About 80 acres adjoining the River are clearel aud produce well. There are good sites for building. The Report of an Engineer establishes that drainage of the Swamp Land may be effected at a moderate ex pense. Terms lo suit; and a bargain offered. .Apply to B. R. Hl'SKE. Fayetteville, Oct. 9, I861). (lOif FOR SAEE, The lUll’SE and LOT a.ljoining Elizabethtown, lately occupied by Alexander Carter. The Lot con tains ."^ix Acres of goo.l garden .soil, and some fruit, good water, kc. The improvements are a Two Story Dwelling House and necessary out-buildings. Also, a vacant Lot near the ('ourt House. Terin« accoiumodaling. H. H. ROBINSON. .lune S. 27-tf NEW KDITION OF OEVKRIiliX AM) OATTL.’S X. I'. LAW REPOU'S. Volume 2. The subscribers have just printed a 2d Edition of this Volume, with Notes and References to other adjudged Cases and to the Revised Code, by Hon. Wm. 11. Battle: and with many corrections of typographical errors. Their 2d E.litions of Dev.'& Battle’s Equity, coniplete. JJmf a Winiiiiiu wif/i ILr.—A w'ayward son of the Emerald Isle, “left the bed aud board” which he, and Margaret his wife, had occupied for a long while, and spent his time around rum- .shops, where he was always on hand to count himself “in” whenever anybody should “stand treat.” ^Margaret was dis.satisfied with this state of things, and endeavored to get her hufband home again. We shall see how she proceed.*: “Now Patrick, my honey, will you come back?” “No, .Margaret, I won’t come back.” “And won’t you come back for the love of the children?” “Not for the love of the children, Margaret.” “Will you come back for the love ot myself “Niver at all. ’Way wid ye.” Margaret thought she would try another in ducement. Taking a pint bottle of whiskey from her pijcket, and holding it up to her truant hus band she said: “Will you come for the drop of Whiskey?” “Ah, me darlint,” said Patrick, unable to with- .stand such temptation. “It’s yerself that'll al ways bring me home agin—ye has such a winning way wid ye. I’ll come. Magaret.” Margaret declares that “Patrick was reclaimed by moral suasion I ’ ' A Dog St or If.—The Akron Beacon tells the following “dog tale:” In the pleasant town of F , in New Eng land, lived a family who \ieing of a different reli gious persuasion, usually attendt;d the sole village “meeting house” indeed, but with no very strict punctuality. They had a pet dog who much more regularly heeded “tho sound of the church going bell,” and with or without the family-, every Sunday seated him.self in (lie family pt-w. Among the preacher.-- wh.^e relntinn to the pastor wore sMch as to onfitle him to an oo.-asinn- al exchaiiiTe ot pulpits, was the Rev. Mr. C., an exceedingly heavy, prosy, rlull preacher. On on.i occasion the family preferred tjj re nnin at home in the iiH'rniiig. but in the afternoon went to church, the dog. to their siirpris . not otily sh )win'Z no ! K-linati.ui to go, but pcrsi-totitly refusing to follow. On arriving ut the chnrcii the lady discovered the rc-isoii wiiv tin-log st.-mi ;)t hioie. Ihe Kev. .'Ir. (’. pr.'iclir.l. ami une'^ermim from him wiw as ni'ich as the (‘••'iM endure in one day. Ilt/i'' S uttJi Jitrmp.d his Li/iran/.—Sniitli (to books.dler:—“It’s no use bringing me these books to l‘X»k at—T know know nothing abont them. .Just measure and sec how many if will take to fill the shelves You may scatter some biblos and testaments among ’em, just to give a moral tone to the affair. And be sure and have plenty of Kildins; on the backs.” efficacy is so great, and its superiority .so justly acknow-i and Iji, I>ev. & P.attle’s Law Reports, have received the , , . ledged. that it is found difficult to supply the immense j „pprobatiou of the Profession. ! The green coloring-mat'er used by confection and increasing demand for the ftrticle. Dr. Eaton’s They also republished a 2d Edition of Devereux's 2d j ers is generallv a delet^-riotifc oorapound, which% celebrated‘Infantile Cordial.’is a medicine prepared by I Equity, (without Notes ) And in addition to these, are I freouontlv caus-s sickness. A foreiim chemist'*'^ a regular physician of eminence in his profession, and I the pr.>prietors of the entire editions of most o! Iredell’s ; L.,, .. I, .rmlv. A., one who has devoted his life to the peculiar phases of | Law and Equity, and can supply any volumes extant of ' . ' ■ n- ’ •' T x Infantile diseases. It is no humbug, but a medicine j the Reports, or complete sets, so far as they c.in now sanrtfii w ponrta u quarter 01 which commends itself to those only who can appreciate ! be had. an ounce ol distilhd w.it**r then on four irrains of it.”—Apalaehirola, Flor. Tirrns. See advertisement. March a- Tol. 8th Bancrolt’s United states. July 10, fi. J. HALE SON. Forty Years’ Familiar Letters. of Jas. W. .\lexander. D. D.: .Sermons, by J. Addison | j Alexander, D. D. Also, further supplies of Margaret ‘ t Moncrieffe; Beulah; .\dam Bede; Yusef; Shirley; School ; ; Books, &c. I I July 10. K. J. HALE & SON. 1 They propose to put to press a 2d Edition of Dev. & the sulphindigotate of pot;iss.n (blue carmine) half Battles Law R^'ports, vids. 3-4 (in one.) an ounce of. distilled water is poured. The for- They deal lai gely ill Law Books, and will at all limes „ier mkture must stand for twenty-four hours order w'orks noi on their shelves, lo swi>rlv their cus- j , 1 ^ i. .. -iiri .1 tomers. E J. H VLE* & SON. undCT the action ot a moderate neat. U hen the Oct. lo. 18 ;0. ingredients of both are thoroughly mingled, the two are.mixed together, and a harmless and bril liant green coloring substance is obtiinfd —three drachms of which will color pounds of sugar, .ITortli Carolina Form Book, ^ FURTHER supply juat revived. E. J, HALS & SON,