B SEMI-WEEKLY. [vol.. XI.] FAYKTTFAIU.E, N. C., DIXEMHER 19, 1861. [NO. 1081.] riilNTn* MONDAYS AM) Tm’HSl'A\S. EOWIUI)T. HALE & SOVN. l!l ITOUs and* VKOPRIFTOIJ'^ I’rioe f'T tin. Sfnii-\V i't;klv Ohskrvir •'» if pai.i in ■I'i. tiiv-e: T; ! if j>:ti 1 durinat fh' yoir of “■•.1 -jcri[>- .>v ."if ;ifr,>r the i >ir li;i« t'xpiroil. Hor th>- '\ et ’Iv OiisrBVKK S.1 I'i’ jht mimiin, if pai'l in a>lvmu'o; ;'>0 if paid vliiiinil tht> yo^iv >'f suhscvip- tii'n; or S:’ 00 nfter flio yciv cNi iroil A l>V K! vTlSKMi'N'rS iii'jcrti'il foi CiO cvnis pt'r ?'!U;no of Ifiliiu"^ t’l'f llio aiiil -SO ccnts fdi’ o:H'h Jiuveo'iUi^ pul>li('Hiiiiii. VeniK ;i'lvi‘rtiseim*Mt'; bv c- ii:vl '.« n’:it v«‘^'.nnhW v:Uos. Ailvovtisv'vs :>vo rO'!iiesu''l tlu' in-.iiil.cr nf in«ofti«)iis dosirt'il. or •tifs' w:ll be ci'Tiii-uh-'i »’ ’ f—M.l. iiTi'l i'ti:irsri'it nccuvil- jiV. A'lvertiseaients to br in^ rt®d inyi'i-’. olinriiod oO por •4iit extra. From :ui'i rtt'tor thi'In, •• ’■ be entevi' l without ]> ''uTiri' n> tiHitie Ilf n, now 'iiiliscribfr lem in nilv:>iiiN\ nor will •s for :i longer tinu' lii;' t':lper bo 1,1 bill'll sub-.-r llrin is I'.iiii lor. S'.K'h of..v.r .'M--:ti>>'-i'^-ib('r ris .le-ire t > t;»ke tlu> i-i- I'or DU this •ly-^toin will j'li>.\--(> iiotifv ti'^ wlien tn:xkii\p ri':vMtancf^4. .lan'y 1. 1>’>S. '^1 iiiSl'HiiWEiirs wm. .Vbboit's Napoleon; ..Is; ■”) vol-^; i r>r>'' iric'*, ‘JS vol Irvw -'teWork-. U >f W i>liiii2t > l’v>' .itt's I'hilip ihe ’iil; ('h-irlos *lie oth; Fer iiTi-iii'l m'l I'r^bclln; roiiiiuest of Mexico; of I’eru; BM;ieri)t‘t's U >i;Ues. S v..ls; I.cK'ing's FieM l$ook 'if the Ainerie:in lleToUiti.ni: Tyiler's I n\s'er~;\l Ili>i.>ry; H r:mi's ^li■Mle \ize; Hujue aii'l Ma(^-iubiy’>i >f F.ncl-iti'l; UolUn s An.-ifiit Hi>iory; Millni.-iti's Gibbou s Ki Uie; .bi'ophus' w uk'; R iberts^n's w 'vks; \Vebvner > W:.rks; C! iv’s •“ by Tolton; Heiir n'ii 3" years in tlie I'. S. Sen;»to Uurke's works: i'r .1 'hrisiin's ditto; r>i-wcl!'- Life of Dr J..hns.n; .\ 1 lismi's Works; .K'ldi'On's Specfut >r: Mai"\ulny Miscpllanie-; 1 iiiivl M dern Hritiih K'“-iyists; Kiiitrlit's Hiilf H iiirs witli the best Atitlmrs; Ui'cussions on T’hilosopbv ;uid Li'eratnre. by Sir Wm Hamilton; t’h^.niber^i's Mi-cell iiiy. 10 StajeemHn's Matiiml; The FeJerali't; I’olitical Text r>-^ 'k. by \Ict’iu'kpy; ' institutions of ilie State-; M irsliHll's Life of iiij;r in; The Life of Win. I’inckney; .Xrnericin KiO'iuence; Biojtraphy of l>istinzui'hecl Wninet': bv Mr^ S .1 Hale; Eucyclopa'di» .Xinerii'ann; Api»letou'.s Cyclopedia of IJioer.-iphy; Life and Corre-pon let\ee yt Loi 1 Jetlrey; Lockhurt's Life 'f Sc >’t; (^’uiTan and hi' >)te'np"r-iri'“s, by I’i.illips; W'averly No%’cls. complete in ‘'i v. l-;; “ •• in :J 1 v.iN; “ *■ in -T V -Ih. Cooper'3 Sea Tales; Dickens' Works; Marryatt’s Novel?; Wilson’s Tale.s of tiie T'.i r ier^ • Hannah More s works; Dick's works; I’lutarch's Live^: Dryden's Workt*; S'erne « work'; Tlie Doctor, hj Soirh^y. • ’rabb ' Synoiiymes: Percy .Xnee lotes; t lir inicles !if the I'astile, iiUi-itrat:_-d; 'I'lie Si'"!!!!!!! Gael; r zs-rteer of t Me U. States; M'l'or Jack l)owninp's y*'nr-^ out of the Senate; l.ivn^-.fone'-J Ti ‘veU in South Afric:-; J.or i F'giii's \li:^-«i.in to Thinn and .lapan; Fivl Vf ff in f'liiriii, liy Dr i tin- Tavb.r; 1 e llriii'h Lxpeditiiiii to the i'lin! i. b'V W [I H.i'-U; ^ly D'«iiy in India, by 'li" ■; Dr. K:!'e’s Arctif Kxyilor.it; ai-; K-'n laM's .'lanta Fe Kxp»dilion; u :i'i'ini'r Hiinter 'i L-fe in .\-'riea; )tt \ (iliddoii's 111 li;renous Hace-: of the l]arth; F ■ .ttall-. !jn tlie I?'>un biry of .\notl,cr World, by il. l> ile • )\ven; ^ m’lird I’oetical Workr: in Virion‘S bindings, .among wiiieti are; Scott. Pop*'. l>yr'n. I’urns. M(jore. Hood, Haiief'k. ('ainpbell. t raidie, (.'oleridjre, !,'ow[icr, Coldsiiiith. Mi?' in. .Vf., Shakspeare’s, Ma'iii'_'iT .v P'ord's and 15 ■auinont and Kletoher - Dr.'tii:>tic Work"-; Mrs* 'owdeu Clark‘" cmppleie Concordance to Sl):ik«- peare; The Dr iinaiic W.ork-^ of .Ja- Slieridan Knowles; Stniih'- Rejected Addre'--.^: The r. lok of Scottish I'. illaiU; r.alla is by W H Ain-worth; Griswold’s Poets and Poetry of l-ii^rlatid; Female Poets of Great IJriiain; P • t- of the xixi'h century; Percy's Pieliques of Ancient Poetry. \c. .vc. K. .J. H.\LK S SONS. March 22. l‘o llu‘ SlMM'Ifls ol’ Ihe several Counties of Xorlfi ('aroliiia: Ir is l,-eiiicd Hot cnly de-irable but an imperative lii- IV, that ea-'ly mea-nri"^ be taken to accumulate a .vnpply ot' winti'r clotliiiiif for the North Carolina troops tmw in the field, 'i la- svvarcity of material for s.ale in the Sta'e. .and tlie uncertainty of procurinjj supplies I from abroad, foree to rely on our vlomestic resources. I It is th ilril t'ver^- family can sp.nre one or more ] I’lanket' wiilioiit j •r^.inal inconveuience. or a pair of Woolen S ^ck, ami it i-; believed that for such a pur pose .a i"iM would 1 c responded to with alacrity. It h i-: tlu'tefoie been concluded that an appeal for this pui't •'Sf b,' niade to the cn>at body of the people. . and with that view 1 h ive to ve.iuest the SheritVs of the ' several Coii'ities --i :nM as a;;ents of the Stale, to solicit a contribiuion of 'his kii>d. | To titi- end tiiey are requesteil to circulate this no- j tice. .and ef pi-y .iirents in every district of their county ' to further I lie m.atier. .Ml (•'IIIribiitions I'f'ihi--- kiii'l may be I'OTTed ami for warded fo I!u‘ nearest Railroad Depot, and due iuforma- tion there, f sent to the (iovernor. * Tiie Slieritts are t'urther re«itiested to furnish to the G ivenior lit of the d.^nors. The ir:i!'S|i 'nation of the-^e donations will be at the expeti'-e ot' the State—and the bill for such service shoiiM be duly forw'irdiMl for p.ayment. UF.NIvY T. CL.VRK. Governor of N. r. In cheeit'ul ci'iiipliance with the several retiuests con- t line-l in the tb..ve I'jreul.ar of His Kxcellency Governor Clark, the uii'lersiL'ned. Slierill' of ('’umberland. lias m-i le t'l inis^.-i wiiiiin the-.several Districts of the Coun ty tor ill.' reception ..f contributions for tlie provisi.>M .and ecii'i.irt >f oiir ^ ill ant soldiers. A"* it i-^ i.ur ]'vi.le to know that the pood old county ‘f Cumb ■; !!i I ii I‘ '('HI tort h her best and bravest sons t.) t)ii‘ b i: ii' ti,'' 1. ■•.; \v:il ii be to us frratif^’ing to feel th.at wi' h .vr mini'teie l I.) their iieees-iities and cheer fully coiitriba:,. 1 t,. their wants It i« therefore un- ni .‘i ''ary t.. make any appeal to the charities of a peo ple \vli'i;e eroii- and warm hearts ever beat respoJi- 'ive ti 'le >■ (lU of I'striotic 'iuty. *' 'iitrib' ': >n -n ill be l oceive'l in the -;everal District" by the pM -.'':-; iiame'l. ('outributors will please mark their ri irn. s iin. n .'irtieles -ent. F ' • /hy'i , /-.-I’.y R. W. Har lie, P F. .\lderman. ij ' f ■ r>y W. .M'lerman and.Tesse I>. ('arvpr. F'r-r //, ' — ilv Duncan .L McAlister. Neill McDiipald. /” ■ ' },- • —I'ly L. H. Godwin, .lames McKethan A iVew l^aw Rook. i'antH'ctrs Practiee at IUST publjyliod, a treatise upon the Practice at Law in North ('arolin luthor of tlie N. C. by F.kw.mu' ('antwki.i., Lli. P>. lustice, etc. cox t KNTS. Of Legislative Power in lieueral; l.egislative Power in North (^irulina; Legislative Powers of .luslice-^ of tin' Peace; County P.oini'laries—Deeds, etc.: Comity Reve nue and Charges; Court Mouses, Prisons. \’c.; Cviuiiiy Vru-tee; .luryTiials; Fairs and Public Sales; (leneral .Assembly; Inspections. Public L.an'lings. .Vc.; Poor Mouses and Mospitals; Registers and Clerks; Riversand v'reek- Gates, Ferries ;uid Bridges; Weights and M >a- sures; Idiots artd Jiiinatics; Retailer.'; Neu«e River; Pub lic Roads and t'.aiaways; Public Landings and Insp.-c- tions; Mills and .Millers; th-dinaries and (’oustables; I’atrol; Wardens of ti»e Poor; i'risim P.o\iuds; Rou'ls. Ferries and Iti-idges; I’oll Tax Kxeiupti.ms; Kxecutive Po>\er in (leneral; Kxecutive Power in Nortii Carolina; Kxectuive Power of t lie ’ourts; ('hief .lustice and l'lerk; ■Attorneys .at L:nv; .Vi torney (ieueral; Reporter aivl Mar shal; Clerks and Solicitor; t'ounsel for Paupers; (jlu.ir- Jiaiis; (’ouuty Attorney; .\uetioiicers; (’ouuty Court ('lerks; (’oroners; Boundary ('omtiiissiouers; Conimittees of Fin.ance; ('ounty Trustee; (’ouuty Treasurer; Specijil Court; Commissioners of Fairs; Inspectors; Superin- ten.leiits of Schools; Couimissioners ol Navigation; War dens of tlie Poor; Regi-uers; Commissioner'! of Rivets nnd Creeks; Sherill's; (‘on“tables; Ranger-; Stand.ird Keepers: Retailers; .Administrators; Chairman of Special Court; Commissioner'* of Dee'ls and Couve>ances; Com missioners of Low Land'; Entry Takers aii'l Surveyors; Superintendents of Kleciiou.'; (iuai-'Iians an.l Receiver.'; In-pectors; Comniissionei> of Internal Imjirovement-; Partition; P.atrol Comi.iittee-;; Pi-oce'^'iotier>; T:ix Li'ter.s tn I IJ'iards 01' Valuation; t •ver-.^eer-'of Koadsaiid Rivers; ^'oninii'sioners iif Wrc.-k'-; Tuba('co Pii-ker.'and Coopers. Tlie Appendix cont.iins torms of Deeds and Convey lUccs. as follows; Agreements, .\ssigniiieiits. .Awards. Bills of Sale. Bills of Kicliaiigt' and Lading. Bond'. Miscellaneous Boii'l>, Contr.-icts, Deeds, Marriage Settlement.s. .Mortg.ages, Copartnerstiip .Vrticles. Notes. Ri'le.ases. ^vc.. \c. , _Tliis Book roiiiaiii'i o')t> ii.age-:, is gotten up iii supe- I rior style, and bound iu Law Calf. I’rice. single copy, S-o. For sale by 1C. J. HALL .Jc StJNS. Dec'r iS'io. aii'l K ii".it W J. .. and .1 /.■ V' ' and Henry ' S-1 . j' .li.aw aii'l .1 rims >'■■■ ■ P.y .lohn Blo' ker aii'l .lohn .Averitt. I ’’k-—P.y .laiiH'' Lvans, Sherwood Hawley n MeDanit l. ' ■' Piv .lames Cameron. Capt, D. McDougal l ‘Hall. By (’apt. Neill R. l>iue, f'ol. William n S R.ay. Bv .1 din M-Keihan, .lohn McRae anil H.ui. NKW HDITIOX OF iltVKKLlV A.NU |{\rrL./S .\. I'. LWV VolllllK' *3. BKi’DK S, i'.elh me 1/ ./. Murehi'oa T;ie mi .( r-' m;t^ li.. i-..iiti U'u: \iiC. P.v Wi;i. B. Ray. Daniel McKinnon. 1!;. Chris' ipher M.)nroe and Duncan 1 w-'l nls.i receive anv articles tliat ■•1. Hi’i’rt'R McNKILL, Sherifl'. ->1)- L.WV HOOKS. s t M'NDn p .Notes; NTW!)».RO UTi:i '■pH E WoVksof Chas. Lamb.vids. Ivlited by Talfourd; I “ “ of Henry Fiebliii'.:, 1 v .1; “ of Oliver (Jold'iiiith. 1 v= l«; “ “ of Tobias Sniodeit, V .1 j; Letters of .I'lirius; Fenelon’s Work-; Pascal’s Provini-iar Letters; “ Thoughts. Letters, kc: Chesterfield’s Letter'; Corinne, or Italy, by .Madame DeStael; . ene'Porter’s Works: ■* lar of Wakefield and Ras's l i'-; . od’s Whims anil O ldi'ie'.; :* Comic Miscell.inies; Hailatn H MitlJle Ag»'s; Wirt s Life of Patrick Henry, Currer P.ell’s Works—lane Lyre. Shirley and Villctte; Kvelina, *>y Miss Burney; l’ "i'ah. Rutledge, i'he .Mill on the Flous; ‘•Line upon Line.’’ “Peep of Day,’ iS;c; K .x'- Hook of .Martyrs; Pol. iian Uofiiesiic .Medicine; Mi^' L> I New Cookery liook; 1. • H rse; ,.a Mil on (^altle K. J. HALK & SONS. ' KKrt'UTS; on 1’l"a.liii!r aU'l F.vi lenco; 111 r.vi it'nee; c .i: i .11 r.eii ll Pit'I'i'rts—new serit s; ’urti' > t oiiuiientarie'!; Pi I'S oil Po”.' and Proinir- >ry N'.iies; Chi' ty on • 'arriev-; I’l iteinaii .in t' >i'>;t!*‘ri-ial Law: iaylor's Law 'JI"'ar;, : H iliiams nn Lxi'iaiior': DeveifUX ' Kiniii*' Kent; B;aek-t.'ne; C"k» uj'oT. Liti!et..n—Ibitler .t Hargrave ick '111 l>:iia.age': St iry 'ill Sale': '11 B;”> of Lxchange: '• K , :iiy Ple.i'lini:; on (’ .ntii'-t ot’ Law-^: ■ 11 p. i-ment-i; t 'hitty ::ii P;e I'ling; on (’ ntract'i; Bingha-1. oi Infancy; Mare ti Discovery: Gow "11 Partner-hip: Robert'' Principle' of Kijuity. [doctor an.l Si iidetit; P'l loiiie'- ’oriimentaru s: Lea lint: C.ises in Kiiiiity. Hare Wallace's Notes; Lawyer'' Ci,:nmon Pl.ace I’.,iok; (ireeiileaf on Lvi'lence; Stephen on P’ea'ling; Gresley',- K.[iii:y I'vi lence: P.iirriU's L:iW liet; jiiary: W hari.iii'r- 1. iw Piiiilip-' ."i Aums on Kvidi'iicir Ar.jl.l u)!'i Landloi'l and Tenant; Ni'i Piius; Fe'i’ne on Hi'Miaiii'l- r--: ri'ld'.' Practice; Starkie on Lvid nce: Milliard on Sale'; Smith's i.aii lloi'd and Teii.ant; A'lat.'is' L'|illty; Wi!iia!ii' "II Per-nnal Propert}’; Mayne .in Damai.^e';; • .\reliboM'.' ( rimiiial Practice and Pleading; 1,'ibe s L'juity Pleadiirj; Wen leir ' Black -tone; Chilly's Matiiit'w-: '11 I'r -iiiiiptive r.videiice; Siiiitli'- .M.i'ter and Servant; Pi.w' II on Monir.'it.'es; Ciiitty's ( riiiiiiial Law; Willi.luis oil Ri-al Properly; Sirilh' : Ch.aiieery Practice; Sng'lell on \ eiiu'ols; i n Pro].eriy; Di rt on Venil O'; ('rib;i on Real Property; Siig'li II '11 Powers; Sill,ill'- Mercantile Law; Smith oil Contr.act'.'; A'l'li'"ti on Ailaiii' on Kjectiiittnt: Crown Circuit Com[ianion; .American Lea'ling '.ases—Hare .i Wallace’s Notes; Miit'or'i's Chaiieeiy Ple.a'liiigs; l».iin i^'s Civil l.aw: R: ckwell's Sfiani'ii ;in'l Mexican Law; Sliarswood s Legal Ktliii’s; Roscoe's Crimiii.al IWideuce; Ldwards oil Bailuients; i;i]iii‘y Drafi-man; P.iwell I.II1 Lvidi'iice; Oliver on Convey.ancing; P.roome'-J I i-iral .Maxims; Collyer "II I’.irtiiersliip. tScc., &C. li-.y Till- Ri'i.'.n- of the Supreme Court of North Ca rolina’: CanMvell’s .lustice; Form Book; Cantwell’s Prac tice. .xC. . i:. .1. HALE & SONS. '^piiK subscribers have just priiilcl a ‘-’i Klitiou of : 1 this N'oiume. with N'lte- aii'l References to other i a'ljudge 1 I’ases ati'l to the Revi'ed Code, by Hon. W'm. ! M. Battle: a:id with many correct ions of typographical I errors. i Their 21 E litious of l>cv. x B.ittle's Ki^uity, complete. I an i l->t Dev. .V liattle'- Law Rej'orts. have receive'! the ' ajiprohatioii of the Pr.iie'sioti. They .'tl'o republishe l :i lid F.'lition of Devereux's J l K'juity. ; without Note.'-. > .\n i in .I'i lition to these. are ■ the ]'r.ipiietors of the entire editions of iii')!5t of Ire'lell's i Law .an l K'piity. aii'l can supply any volumes extant of the Reports, or complete seis, so far a.' they «au now had. Tiiey propose to put to press a 2'1 IvHiioti of Dev. \ l>altle's Law Reports. voI-j. :{- 1 . iu one.; They deal .argely in i-aw P>ooks. an l will at all times order works not ou tiieir shelves, to supply their cus- 'oiiiers. K. J. H.\LK .v SoN. Oct. 1'). IM'.O. 1’. )V ^ iiri! ■ \ laii .April TIk* i'riiperty. Ha l improved. '"^' irkie on Evidence, ' .irvwood. '^eti'lells’ Hlackstone; .‘'liars wood. A'laiiiH' Eipijty; Broom’s Legal .\f.axims. •■'itiith on Contracts. Ac. E, .1. [|,\LE i*!i SON.S l^aw ol Nalex of IVrsoiial by Francis Hilliard, -1 Etlilioii, Enlarged 8th Hditioii, with Notes by Byles’ on Bills, Notes by lfo|H‘K and l eai*!^, the Author of ••Heartsease," ivr;. L.W'INIA. by the .\utiior of “Dr. Antonio,” &c. Pocket Diaries for IHtJl. E. J. HALE & SONS. Dec'r 20. FI rPMEM. IJOPES and FE.ARS; Tiie (Jueipns of Society; Mans- LEGISLATIJRE OF NORTH CAROLINA, 1HC.0 c.l, SENATE. l’a'ji|Uotank and Periiuimans....! M W liedbee. Caiii'ten and ('tirrituck... P> F .Simaioiis (Jates -ind ('howfiii...M L Eure. Hyde an.I Tyrrell lones Spencer Norih:impion....l .M S Roger-. Hen ford....I 15 .Slaughter Bert ie... David ((utla w Martin and Wiisliingtoii I R Stubb*j. Halilax...M 0 Whitaker. Kdj;ecombe and Wilson...U T Clark. Piii...E.) Blount. B. aiifort... Frederick Grist. CraveII...N II Sire»;t. (’aneret aii l .Ioiies...Dr M F .Xren'lell. (ireeiie and Letniir....! P Speight. New ll.iiu'ver... I'li W II til. Dn]>liii...Dr •Iaiii''s Dickson. Oii'1'^W...L W Humphrey. Pd i'leii. P>ruii-wick. iS:c..,.Jno D T-iylor. CMniberlaii'l and M iriiett... I •iincaii Shaw. Sampson...Thomas I I'aison. Wayne... W K Lane. •lohnston....! W B Watson. Wake...M A Bledsoe. Na«h \ .1 Ttiylor. I'’r.inkliii... W Harris. Warren...T .1 Piiehfor.I. (iranville...( ’ II K Taylor. Person...!' L Winstead. •rai:ge....Io«i'ili Turner. Jr. .Alamance aud Rau'lolph...Jonathan Worth. Chatl::im—W S Harris. .Moore aU'I .Montg')mery...W I) Dow l. Rielimond and R ibesou \lfred Docker}’. .An-on an.I I nion...S M Walkup. Guilford... Peler .Adam* Caswell... Be'iford Brown. RockiiYgh'.k,—....F L Simpson. Mecklenburg....!(dm Walker. C.'ibarrus and Stanly...V (' Barringer. Rowan aU'l Da^ie...Dr .1 G Ramsey. Davi Isou Jno W Thomas. Stokes aii'l Forsyth....Ie-«e .\ Waugh. .\-he. .Surry .'cc.-.-Ios Dobson. Iredell, Wilkes Xc...L (J .hirpe. Burke. McDowell vVC...B .S Gaither. Lincoln. Ga-ton iVc...-)asper Siowe. Rut herl'.ird, Polk .V'- V W P.iirton. Piuncombe. Hen lersoii ,S:c...ieo W Canvller. Haywoo'l, Macon xc...W H Thoma''. HOUSE OF COMMONS. .Alamance...Giles Meb me. .Mexaii'l.-r... Dr J M C-irson. .Anson... L L Polk, E R Liles. .\'he....l A1 Gentry. Burke....! II Pear-^ln. liimconibe \ S Merrimon. P>ii'leu...(' T Davi-. Beriie...P T Henry an l —- Ferguson. Beaufort...11 S Donnell. W T M-ir-'h. Brunswick...T D Meares. ( .iMwell... Dickson. t'.abarrus... W Harris. ('at aw ha....I on:is ('line. Caatham...W P Taylor. !l N Qreen, Turner Bynum. ('’lierukee...t» W H lyes. Craven...C t'('1 ir'K. F E \lfred. (’umherhmd an l M.iriiett...(’ G Wrieht. .1 Harring ton. J C William-. Cliow.in... Small. Co.umbiis...N L Willi misoii Ti*ac‘l« lor Hit* ^ohlic'i*^. KkPRINTKI) AT K.VLKKill, N (’ “A Voice from Heaven." I pages. “Private Devotion,” “Don't put it of!,'’ “ “The .Vet of Faith,’’ “ "All-sutiicieiicy of Christ." “ “The Sentinel." •* “Self-De.liciuiou to «o'l,’' “ “.Motives 10 Early Piety, ’ “ “(.'ome to Jesus," (formerly tj} pages.) now in •';2, and ill b four page tracts. Aypr-ctd it) a'l tli‘ l\t.orx of ihU City. \ large edition of the above should be printed before the type is distributed, a- it will cost c- tO to re-set them. Tlie number and variety will be increased as tlie funds are given. ?Dmi I'ays for l'>tl,tXMi jiages; ^2'J pa^-s r eO.lMJO. and .^I pays for p;iges. Donations to be seni to the .Agetu. whicK Kt will acknowledge by letter, and re{>ort to e«cli of the Pas tors of this City .More than od.iiiMi pages of new tracts have been sent to the soldiers iu Virsinia. W.M. W. CRoWDEPt, Tract Agent. Raleigh, June. ISOl. Ktrn,ito,vi9 TVIM': I'Ol'XDRV. THE O N L V .M N C F .\ C T t» R Y O F T V I* E Mil SOI Til OK iniJIMOkK. The Pri){irietors ot the atiove Foundry iiave also united with tlunr Fouiidiy a complete V l{ 1 X T !•: R S ’ r I K .\ I III u \\ A K i: II I K. Having on hand, or luriii-hitig to order, every article re«iuisi.e for a Printing oilice, FROM A BODKIW —TO A — TK\-( VLIMIE!V We can aii'l will manufacture iu Richmond, as pood an article, and at the sam specimen prices, as any Foundry North. We re-'jiectfully solicit the patronage of the Soulh. ; HENRY L. PELOCZE \ CO. We refer you to e** ry Printer in this city. We also desire every Newspaper in the S'juth to copy this a l- ; vertisement for one ni'Uitii, sending us one ci>py of their paper, an l receiving their jiay for such advertisement upon purchasing tive times the aiuouiit ot their bill . from us. H. L. P. S: t'O. , July 8. dU-lm I Ai:\V UiHHiS. Nemesis, by .m.umon h.arland, .\uthor of “.Alone'’ THE (jUEENS of SO(’IETY, illustrated; J.XCK HOPETON. or the Adventures of a ticorgiau; (’.ASTLE RICHMOND, by .\nthony Trollope; Further supplies of Rutledge. Adam Bede: Beulaii, the Mill on the Floss; V^estigea of Creation, ."iiC. Aug. ;JI. E. J. HALE .Si SONS. ^€llOOl ISooU>i. AlONTEITirS, Mitchell's and Smith s Geographies; Jt Smith and Bullions’ Grammars; Emerson’s and Smith’s .Arithmetics; P>ullions’ and .\ndrews’ Cic-ar; Interlinear Traiisl.itions to Xenophon, Sallust, Vir gil, Hoi’iice atul Ciesar; Northend's .American Speaker, Szc., ik.c. April 3. E J. HALE i SONS. ^tcliool ISookK, &€. ('1()LIIURN'S, Stotldard’s, Kay’s, and Emerson's .Arith- ; inetics; McGutfey’s Readers and Spellers; Scott's Infantry Tac-ics; Mason’s Farrier; Headley’s Sacred Mountains U jioa Bible Dictionary, fic. E. J. HALE & SONS. Dec’r 20. field's I’cliiical .Manual; Woods’ Class Book of Bo tany; Letter Copying Books; Tom Brown af Oxford; Tale of Tv-'^ ' s; Beer’s System of Penmanship; School Books, ^ K. J HALE & SONS. Jar ■ 9-2. Tli€‘ ^iiiiiiy ^oiitii, by Prol. In grah.aiii; Say and Seal, by the Author of “Wide Wide World,” 'ic.; The Household of Bouverie. or the Elixir Wfliool Books. Natural philosophy from Ganot s Popular Physics by Wni. G. Peck, .M. .A.; Sanders’ New Speller and Definor .Analy-er; I’tillions’ and Smith’s Grammars; Monteith's. .Smith’s and Mitchetl’s Geogra- i phiea; Goodrich’s and .Andrews' Latin and Greek Les sons, v'tc. L. J. H.ALE & SONS. Aug. 31. Kdjecojiibe and Wil.son—W. S. Battle, Geo. Huwiird. Kunsyth—T. J. Wilson, 11. li I’atterson. !’r:iiikliii—A. |). Willianis. • «asti)n—S. X. .Tdliiiston. iates—\. .J, \Valton. iJranville—A. W. VenaLle, T. L. Hargrove, S. S. Ivojstor. (Jri'cne—W. A. Danlon. (luiit'onl—Jno. A. (Jihner, llalnli (lorrcll, 11 r. Dick. Halifax—11. H. Smith, L. W nt.teliol.T. Ilytlo—Iv L. Mann. Haywoo 1—Win. Hieks. Henderson—W. M. Sliipp. Hertford — Kenneth Rayner. Iredi'll—Anderson Mitchell, T. .\ .Vllison. .laekson—\V. H. Thomas. .Johnston—0. H. Sanders, W. A. Smith. Jones—Wm. Foy. IjCnoir—.John C- Washini'tttn. Lincoln—Wni. liunder. .^lacon—C. D. Smith. Madi.son—.J. A. McDowell. Martin—Asa Kijrrs. .AleDowell—J. 11. (freeniee. .'lecklenbur^—.1. W. Osborne, Wm. .lohnston. .Alontjiomery—S. H. Christian. Moore—H. Turner. Xtisli—.V. 11. Arrintrton. Xew Hanover—11. H. (^owan, Robert Stran;^e. Xorthampton — D. A. Harne.s, .J. M. Moody. On.slow—G. W. AV'ard. )ran^e—W. A. Graham, .John lierry. rasijuotaiik—K. K. Speed. lV*ri[uimons—Jos. S. Cannon. I’erson—.John W. ('unin^ham. Pitt—F. 1>. Satterthwaite, 1>. Grimes. Handolph—W . J. liOtiL', A. (i. Foster, lliehmotid—W. F. Leak. Hobeson—J. !*. Fuller, J. (’. Southerland. liockiny;ham—D. S. Reid, H. T. Hrodnax. Rowai -1>. ('raii^e, II. (\ .Jones. Rutheri. 'd and Polk—-J. II. (’arson, M. Dur ham. Sanifison—R. .\. Mt)sely, Thoma.s RuntinLr- Stanly—H. Hearne. Stokes—( Vacant.) .'•'urry—T. V. Hamiin. Tyrrell—Lli S[iruill. rnion —11. .^I. Houston. Wake—K. Ratlger, K. P. Rattle, W. W. HoKlen. Warren — W. X". I'Mwards, Frank Tliornton. Washington—W. S. Pettigrew. Watauoa—J. W. (’ounsel. Wayne—G. V. Strong, H. A. Thompson. Wilkes—Jas. Calloway, Peter Ellvy. Vadkin—R. F. Anutield. Vanccy—M. 1*. Penland. C:mi'Ien...D D Ferebee. Carteret...D 'V Whitehurst, (’aswell... Withers, .S P Hill. lilank Warrants for sa c. I Warrants for sale at this OHice. (’urrituck... B M Baxter. Cleaveland \ G Waters, .1 U Logan. Daviilson... Lewis H.iynes, E B Clark. Davie... Howard. Duplin....! D Stanford, J G Branch. Edgecombe... R K Briilgers. J S Woodard. Forsyth...J F Poindexter, Philip Barrow. Fr.aukliii—W F tlreen. Ciaston...J H White. Granville... J M Puillock. W' II Jenkins. .* H (’annaday. Guilford...!' P Mendeiih-ill, C E Shober, .1 L Gorrell. Greene....A L) .'Speight. (iates....Iohn Boothe. Haywood..,S L Love. Halifax....A H Davis, W’ B Pope. Hertford....! .1 Yeates. Henderson...Jos P .Iordan. Hyde...Tilman Farrow. Iredell....A K Simonton, .\ !> F Gaither .laekson...A Fi-her. J')nes...W P Wr.nl. John-ton—W H Watson. Jas Mitchener. Lenoir ) C Wooten. Lincoln...V .V McBeec. .M-i'lison...John .\ Fagg Martin... Ewell. MeDowelI...C 11 P.urgin. ■Moore \'.exai;der K> lly. .Montgomery... I’. Ci L Peirringer. Maeoii...H Ci Woodtin. Mecklenburg...S W D.ivis, J M Potts. N;i'li...H G William-. New Hanover...S .1 Person. Daniel Shaw. .N'.rthayipton... M W Ram.som, W W Peebles Ou'low...J H F'ly. Orange... II B (lutlirie. W N Patterson. Pas |U'Uank....I T Williams. I’eriiiiimoiis...N Newby. Pitt...B G .Vlbritton, Clr.irchill Perkins. Person... Wilkinson. i: 'besoii—.\lex Mc.Millan. Eli Wi-hari. i{i)ckiiigh.'im...Rawley Galloway aud Thos Slade. ilow.m...N N Fleming, N F Hall. i>uthevfor'l...C r N l>avis. P> 11 P.idfcett. Raii'lolph... I II Foust, Thos S Winslow. Riehmoiid....! 5 P>lue. Sampson..,N V Fai-on, Geo W .Autrej-. Surry... \V Waugh. Stokes—Hor.atio Kellum. S^lnly... Lal'avette Greene. Tyrrell.Mc(”,eese. Union...(' Q Leminonds. Wake...S H Rixjrer-, .1 W Huss. H Mordecai W'arren...J B Baiclielor, W II Cheek. \Vashingl ou ...C Lai ham. W’ataug.a.T.Thomas Fart hing. Wayne... W' T Dortch, .M K ('rawford. AVilkes....A W Mtivtiu, Horton. A'adkin....A Cowle-. Yancy... Bowman. COXVLXTIOX OX XORTH (’AROLIXA. Alamance—(Jiles Mebane, Thos. Ruffin. Alexander—A. C. Stewart. Ashe—J. D. Forbea. Anson—A. .Myers, .T. A. Leak. Rertie—S. l». Spruill, .lames Rond. Reiiulbrt—W. .1. Hllison, Iv .1. Warren. JJladen—X'eill Kelly. Rrunswick.—T. D. Meares. lJunconibe—X\ W. Wooiitin. Utirke—J. .AlcDowell. (’abarrus-—C Phifer. Caldwell—K W .Jones. Camden—D. D. J-'erebee. (^irteret—C. R. T’honias. Caswell—Redford Rrown, (one vacancy.) Catawba—P. C. Henkle. Chatham—J. 11. Headen, .Tohn Manning Jr., L. J. Merritt. Cherokee—A. T. Davidson. Chowan—11. H. Dillard. Cleveland—W. J. T. Miller, J. W. Traey. Columbus—Richard Wpoten. Craven—Goo. Green, Jno. D. Whitford. Cumberland and Harnett—Warren Winslow, David McXoill, A. S. McNeill. Currituck—H, M. Shaw. Davidson—B. A. Kittrell, B. C. Douthit. Davie.—Rob’t Sprouse. DupUtt—‘W. J- Houston, J. T. Rhodes. SI. .Tiary*-^ Scliool, K:ilei;;li, A. V. Right Rev. Tiios. .Atkinsus. D. D. Visitor. Rev. .\i.t>KKT S.MKKKs, D. D.. Rector. fpilE NEXT TERM OF THIS SCHOOL WILL OPEN L .January'Oth, It'Oli. For a circular containing full particulars, apply to the Rector. I{aleigb, N C., Dec. lo, I07-oi UAATED, ~ 4 SII L'.VTION as Teacher, by a lady, (a native of IV Virginia, i who lias had Vt year> experience in teach ing. Te.aches the usual English branches, Frencli, Needlework, ..See. Testimonials given. Address .Miss HATTIE WALKER, Lincolnion, N. C. Dec. "io, ]S(»1. Sii-4tpd T .1L?IA;\A€W. '^I'RNER'S North Carolina Almanac for lSt)2. E. J. HALE .V SONS. Dec. 10. i Tilt* llifii‘reii‘e llie Slay I La%v and Voliiiitc'eriii;;. rnlll^ subscriber takes this niethol of informing the X pnblic generally that he still can be found al his neat iind comfortable establishment, so well aud favor ably kn.)wu as the •“MAGNOLl.V RESTAUiI.ANT,” ^ wiioie. with his ustuil winuiny wayt, geutleiuen can fiiid i at all iiours, I Fine Fre.sh and Spiced Oysters, together witli a variety ol Catsups and Sauces, Sardines anti I I'ickles; 40(,l gallons j>ure Holland Gin; 4UD 1 gallons Pale and Dark French Rrandies; ! Peach, Ajiple and Ginger Rrandies; Old I .Limaica and St. Croii Rum.s, i’Jii isl- ! lun.-i; Wiiiskey—Scotch, Irish and Do- TITE TEST OATH ORDIXAXCK. While this was pending in the ('onvention, a correspondent ot* the Washington IHsyiatch wrote , from Raleigh as follows: “The measure is ,/»s/A/ regarded here as the most nhtmiinHhU' of all t ie abominations that have ever existed in the Soutiieni (’oni’ederaey. It is certainly calculated to «lo irremediable mi-'chiel in the land; it would prodtice irreconcilable di visions among our people, and end in civil strife here at home. We are now all united in one de- ; termination to maintain the Southern Confed eracy, to rej)el the invading foe and drive him j from our soil. We have jiroved that union and ' dcterminatinn by sending over thirti/-jive fhan- suDii biave soldiers to the field, a"nd we have fijtu , III/ more ready to go whenever needed. 1 Fathers have given up their sons, wiveS have given u}» their husbands, sisters have iiu])riuted a farewell kiss upon their brothers, an they have liid them go lo the battle-field, and all, all have contributed most patriotically ot their means to I sustait! our cause, and provide lor the destitute i families of those who have gone. Hundreds ol j fathers have been seen utandiiig over tlie graves ; ot their departed sons, who fell amidst the clash ot arms, or by disease from exposure in famp", j and there wept almost tears ot blood tor the loss i ot their beloved sons; yet, these fathers can’t be /ni.'ifr,/.' theiryri/tV/ny is iuestioned; they must be sworn; the magistrate goes to them with the book and the oaih in one hand, and the writ of expa triation and confiocation in the other, and says to them, take this oath, or leave this country. Sir, a feeling of /i ji>'ration would ri.se up in the breast ot those aged fathers that would spread f rom man to man, until whole communities would be etiirulphed in a flame that nothing but hloinl could t[U-,?nch. ' * * The reckless, partizan poli cy and fH'oscrijitwt prnctwis are last c..lliug down upon them the just indignation of the honest, conservative men of the Slate, who believe that, in this hour of severe trial to our country, there should bo no i>>rti/ feeling, and division, and dis trust, and suspicion among our people, but that mutual good will and harmonious action should characterize our i fl’orts in the present struggle; and that conservative sentiment, .Mr. Editor, is s]ireadiiiir, and will, continue to spread, until the illiberal, narrow-minded policy and jiractices of tho'C now in authority shall have been changed to :i more jn^f and generous system. Whether such ii chaiige c:in be expected, without a change of iHtfH, remains to be seen.” From the New York Journa of Commerce. S/iic>)S. iit Hi/(jii III 1(1.—The newspapers have published most exaggerated accounts of the. com ing in ol slaves at Port Ruyal. From several gen tlemen who have recently returned from that port, we learn facts which are to be relied on as true. The negtocs have come to the Fort, to sell provisions, jioultry, \.v., and their sup{dies have been l^ought. Others have coiue Irom curi osity, and loitered around awhile, going away again when they pleased. About o50 remain in the Fort, having been employed to work. * * Tiie total number that have come in on any and every pretext does not exceed o5U. Xo in dication has been given of any desire to acccpt liberty as a permanency. Their attachment to their ma.-ters and the t'ainilies to which they be long, does not seem to be diminished, and there are large numbers, probably tliousands of them in the neighborhood, who have not come in to the Fort at all. Xj reliance is placed on any in formation they give. The army officers appear to think there is some reason for the Southern law of excluding negro testimony. It is said that a visit to South Carolina has already- opened the eves of many gentlemen, of former abolition in- ciinatiotis, to .some new facts in slavery. mestic, Rye and (,'orn; Port, Slierr}, .Madeira, Claret Champagne Wines; .^tid iu tact every other article fair to ibe sight ai'u go>>t I o I he fi.'te. He would l ike it as a special favor that none bui genileineii visit lii> house. ltEL'l>EN JONl'.S, Nos. lli and 14, Green .''iieel. Dec'r 1 t. 1 S'll. *''•>1 f lOOO ISlli«iit‘l!!i for sale REUBEN JONES. Dec'r 14. NJtf Waiiti'd to Fiii’ciia^i*, jikjVii BL'SHELS RYE; also 4ot».i bushels .\S!IES. J.UUU aud 4o!H» load-of M.V.NCRE, tor which the highest casii prices will be paid. REUBEN JONES. Dec’r 14. 1 J^til. f To Ijaiid BjiVfrH. '■p!I E undersigned oilers f'or sale, in the Coal region, ; L a:..l within eight miles of the terminus of the Fay- i etteville We-tern Rail Road on Deep River, KUJiiT nr.MJKEn ackes of a'ljoiuing the land belonging to the estate of George Wilcox, dec'll. aU'l lying three miles South from (Jar- ' bonton. on Little Pocket Creek. .Moore county. ^ These Lands are well adapted to the growth of corn, : cotton, wheat, oats, rye, kc. There are on the preiu- j ises a comfortable Dwelling, and all necessary >ut- ; houses, with aboiu one htmdred and •fifty acres under fence, including forty or fifty acres of never-failing bottom land. This is a rare chance for persons wisii- ' ing to m.ake investmcuts, as lands are undoubtedly a.l- vanciiig in price in tiii.s section. For further information tipply to Mr. M. M. McRae, Crane's Creek, P. O., Moore county, or address me at Fa\'etteville, N. C. DANIEL McRAE, For the Heirs of (iiU>ert McRae, dec' ! Carbonton. Moore Co.. N. -A'lg -I d.it*" Till.: \(>K'rii ( >ICTIjlL LIFK I.XStRA.NtE iOiiP.i.W, “^OW in the tenth year of successful o[ieration. wi'h growing ca(>ital and firmer hold upon ])ublic c a- fiUence. continue.' to insure the lives of all healthy tot- sons from 14 to Ol) years of ape. for one year, for s^ven years, an i for iife—all life members sharing in the profits. All slaves from 10 to GO years of age are in-iured for one year or for five year- for two thirds thoir vahie. .All losses are )>unctually iaid within ^0 days after satisfactory jiroof is presented. For further inl'ormation the pub)''' is referred to .Vgenis of the Company in all parts c .he State, anil to R. H. BATTLE. Secretary, Ilaleigh. E. J. H.ALE, Ageui at Jan’y 1859. FayetteTille, N- C. Drfi ucfs nf Ndc Orleans.—The Xew Orleans Crescent remarks upon tlie fatuity of the enemy’s plans for overrunning the Mississippi A alley and cajituring Xew ()rleatis, by the descent ot one iiundred thousand men irom Cairo, supported by a naval expedition in the Gull. The Crescent considers the approaches to the city, both from above and belo\\, impregnable; and even if the enemy should sueeeetl iu overcotuing the militti- ry (-b.'tacles ii, the way, he '.vould gain no sub- ,'^aiitial beiielit, “beynnd the mere occupation of the Soil”—since evt-ry bale ol cuttoii and hogs head ol sugar would be destroyed at every point within its reach. It needs the lesson ui an abor tive attempt to c'jtKjuer the lower .^lissis>ippi Val ley, to teach the enemy the invincibility of Southern arms Wlu n their attempt to reach the gro'.it cuiimiereial centre of the South has ut terly failed, as we have an abioing faith will be the ca.se, tliey may listen to the logic of facts, and consent to moderate their pretensions and subdue their vain glorious boasts. Al‘l’-t Hf I Iiifiil Sill/r.i \it VIII Ol/ii't'i'S. li()S>- i td.v. Dec. '»—The ibllowing navy lieutenants, ; recently tmm the i-'ast India squa lion, w'ere con- j si^tii'd to h’ort \Varreti to day. eiiarged with dis- j luyalty; William T. G’assel, of \'irginia; Alexan- j der .^l. Deliras, of \ ir^riiiia; .ruliaii .Myers, ot I Georgia, ttnd l)ulaney A. Faust, of .Maryland. ■■■■J!—— 1 ;i:ni The Xew Shl(\ Small, (OLOKFS) PllOTO;i;Al*HS, AT ART Woo«lwaiMl’« So8ar Camera. I_)HOTO(iR.APHS c.aii be hail'it VanorsdelPs Skylight I Gallery, Hay -treet, ofiposite Marble Yard. Fa}’- eiteville. N. C.; plain, retouched, colored, in water colors, oil and j'a-tilo; from small toIif*-size. Ambro- types. .Melaneo'ypps, and all oilier styles of Pictures pertaiti' g to thv* Art. Also, tlili Fraines, Gilt Mould- iiie. G • i'or v ay larjre i.i. lure' -.is large as by .3t> N Fiy inehes. Jot ’, •it'i'l 'I'.'i ineut>-. Stoek 'nd C; si/.e C'>lored Pi; aoev : li iviiig J r:i; i!i"ii: your p;itr..'.i i>;v. I •«' for tilt: iiber .1 (■ itr m the good people Dec’r I'rt, l^^-V.i Siiperii'S* Rodckbs', w ~t S )u's celcbri'e- go III supply. [ Nov’r 27, 18G1. ■ 1- i'.,r l. iriging jiiclurefi; Instru- iea: ; r sale low for c-ish. Lite riM-ie troiii sin.lii pictures, i Ii.-e 1 hope to merit i :li^ ■ ! (■: .: a my sjru-ere thanks i. ! e ' w.-'i o;i me lict efolore by . .l ii- a.-i'l viiriniiy. ( .Ni. VANiiR*SDELL, Phot''grap!i:st .and Proprietor. PofSift 4'iilU*ry. ’ihi'lni '. ('ro.ik I Rhodes & Pocki't aiiil I’en KMVK8. A E, J. HALE & SONS.