msBom mmmmm i \V!>Ti:5S\ eiAIL R04D. ^j^-.IK ! 1; i\v ti:» I'!?i s w'l! i goi.' DU iliis !{ > i‘l viz: T(i Liti e Kivor. T'> S])otu Spninr. To Jon**s;b>'ro', To Mclvf>r «. !uiw be cliargeil I’or Passeii 60 ct8. 75 “ 1 00 . 1 25 Train Ipivcw th.- Dopot Monilavs. Weilrjesdays an>l Friiiny-i. at 6 •■'eloclc A. M. Relurning. leaves's: at, 12 o’clock M. C. B. MALLKTT, Tres t. Aui.‘28, 18'il. Tltf TO TR,l%*FlI.I^nKS. r>. »NN Hi’Tl'U.V Hin'W Kr,N WaJfsboro* and tlio W. t’. A H. Uailroail. at Trol* llH^jor’s Depot. Attorney at Law, Fayetteville. N. C. IITILL nttenJ the (louiiiy and Superior• Courts of tT Cumbe.rlaiiil. 11,'irin'tt. Moore mii'I Koheson Coun- ies. Prompt intention iriven to the collaciion of all j ;liiiius entni.tod lo his hands. I Oct. 17. 1859. FRENCH STRANGE, j Attornej at Law, Fayetteville, N. C. j Offci* that recently ooi'iipied l>y (’• G. right, Esq. • >ver the one now occupied by him in Ur Robinsou s ; Suilding. C!r‘.‘i‘ii Street. Deo r ‘J. H V*. Till. S'ih%'i»rih(‘C li iviiiir t>'-»'Ji‘d c-mfiirrable (’mche«. with(}()i'I> ll»KS..5 nn't ' \ U i; F L'1j on t • r-’ire !■ MVt'en (v’i^i Ri'ckinjrh^ini and t !(' \Vi’niin£rion. l^iri'-lott** .t llufherf’rd llitiliofid m Trii'ilirisrpr's l>‘].;it, is pi i pnri d to o.irry pi-^-'efijiers* onii lijh' fiiricn -.s !)•'! ,vi't>.7 poini!^. Lntil turther notice, tiie ..-'n/ ^i-hednlo will b*' ob.-. i'vod: Lo tv.- t!i.' It If -1 I. IL'ESF)\V. IIiril'^DxV and ?ATL’ki>AVL-’- .irrivjil "r' the lr’»in froin Wii- ininc ■>ii. and r. ’:i U'a ios >:ji;o’ nest ni;irning at !'• ij’clock T.e.v,. W... ie-;b.'r..’ TrF,?D KY. THL'.RSHAY iu l S.A TURD-sV.S It ,1 o'c!. ck r. M , :iiid eoniieci with il. Ruilr.'td e- iiiic t_o Wilin'Ticron. No night travel el.her way. L>. It. McRAC. I’riprietnr. November 7, is .l. 7o’ :-!in(d X E AII l-:ST A .S' I> QI ■ If K i:ST ROl TE TO THE KAILISOAD! ISORV He A AIR, %tflot'iiey ft mi t'oitusellov at Mjnw^ I.IMIM'.H r»\. V c. II’ ^ ! v icti'.'o in the County :in 1 Superior -i ■' ivo^'f'on. Rieliuiond mid ('utnberland. \11 hii-iae'^ in-rn-ii'd to him will n'ceive proiapl al- •onrion nnd puiiotu-illy reiuiiied. Oot. 1 Dr. TIIEO. T5ARTI\E, O' FKT,. H \Y SrUI'KT. opj>oite the rout Office. Mi di'Vil KU'cti ii'iiy ripi'lii d. F'lvetit'ville, 4K-t IT. IS- '*. t52tf ^Dl-XTAL NOTirE. BKAMW k HOBINSUV’S FOl'K UOlfSE- STUJE LIV'f: ID !{KViV>VlL!K VIV WU{nV\V. IS the find t-xp' di:\‘i>is for travelers ^oin'j- N 'rrU r .'-. 'itii. I.>- vine K.-iveitoTilio everv dav ai •J o’cl-k r. M. rill^iJ’Gll IN TKN IIOI R.^. Our t’ - :ii' - ! ;it! 1 coinii'ri )iilo, ilrivers sohci and ciir UMins j^O" ! and sure ot fiveuiile> HU The rr.'V(‘i nc who woi,;.{ ^'u ly their comfori and . ' ■ wi'! i ^k. W^V'-iw St iiio. CfcV- I'JiPorn'I T'J'KKTS T> ^\E1A•JN may b- bsid .1' 'lie Si . ry F t V*:'tev’He. M - V V'.. 1' .. ■ -Jo tf ) I I'l'r c i'i 1 .■ .'•*‘»'n in his office. *2 V, d •I- f .'1 >>f t >e iii:vrket. at his re- . . -ii'ir liici.' !i‘'Urs iroiu y o'clock A. M. '.iitil 3 o'cli'"k 1’. M. ..>pt, i;S, i^-;i. DEATIVrRV. I \K J. 1’AVIS 1. iviii^ decided on ►ortna- ^ neiit’iv I .piti’ip in ilie i'Wn if F lycite- ' ‘ J vi! f. u' ■ > tli'i's hi> -tTvices lo ilie r.iizet.' ot i!>i» [ ; ■•(' >i:i^ '■urr.niiiiin^ c> uiiiry. In all 1C \i*iuu- brineli'S ..‘his T’lOtf*-* iti. in.'ludinj; the .ritiuf e ure "f Mi'^i i il T»-*'!ii, he i-! -'Ui-ified. aliar in ■x rn'ive cxperieni'e. t- wlitcli is ad b-ii i liiiiroiijjh U 'ti- i; . dii.'>;i .11, 111- (-111 fiitire 3 i'i'tacl ion as fnr |.J j, i;, I: p,,wfi o| U nii'try Ail irrepuUritits of ;ie irc-itvd i:i a pmpev and cart'ful manner, as vi'ii 'I" di>t‘i>i ' ■!’ 111.' n> 'ii:h N‘)n>' but tlie fruper lire nia If U'l’ •'! i'l the \ iri. :i-> .ifrai iini ('hiri-s ' tviil b.‘ i:j 'l>ril . :lii' the bcnplits t)f ihe l‘rofe«“ion riy h.> (d I'-; d wiiiiiti i:.i reiidi ot ili w lio may teel an • : iteie-l in .he | ri''erv iii . ■ ut ihf Teeih. j t'.3^ ->uict‘ ..ver ll-. i': n • Jewelry S'ore, where he 1 iU\ Im- l-.UM i it '111 t ilijOs I ly li!. > W'f MAKEPEACE & M'lHE. HWE on hand an4 expect lo keep for sale, of theii own manuJacture, » supply of Brass. Galvaniie. and coninion Hoaped jrUAlPER BUCKETS; Frenfb. High Post. Cottage and Commoi) BEDSTEtlDSs Spring Mattresses, of new and improved Spring, on band or made to order of any size; LOUNGES; Spring, Cane, and Wood Seat (JHAIRS, of different kinds and patterns; Spring Sofas, Lounges and Chairs, repaired, and covered with Hair Cloth or other wise; Hoe handles. Bungs for bbls. & Hhda.; Sole, Harness, and Upper Leather, and Plastering Hair. As we have good Machinery for Sawing, Planeing. Turning, Morticing and Boreing. we can do work with despatch and on «ati»f,iclory terms. Persons Jiavinj! work or repairing to do will do welt to give us a call We warrant o'lr work; if it fails, you know where ti find iis. Having taken a Store on the Fast side of GiUespif Street, a few doors South of A. W Steel, Es.q., ami having some spare, room, we would attend to the storage and sale of any thing that ni iy be consigned to us; an-i will give special atietilioii to products ot this Slate. Fayetteville, April 1, 1801. **if FayetleAille Fmiiidry. I pill- imder*iened having associated ihetn=elv«s ft I the purpose of carryintj on the Eoiiiidry anil Yl.ieliiiie RiiMiiie^*^ iin'ler th** tirni of ANDFRSOS & ORl). resp*ctt'j> ' solicit orders from tliose winiing woi k in tlicir line. H ivinij experien'ed M ichini'ii-i and Moulders, tht' ar» tully preoiired to nxxcute 'ill orders. I>. ANDFR-^^N. J. T, COUD. Fayetteville. Oct. W, H61. 64tf Fayetteville Foundry. E will pav i cent per lb. for old t'a^i Iron, and l‘_’A cent* per lb, for old Bra^s. ANDllHSON & CO HI) ('ctober‘23, lB*il. C8tf FAYETTEVILLE JIHTPAL l.\SlJll.tACl!) COMPAXr. Japital in Premium Notes amounts to Cash on hand ind other aiiaeta. $267,088 2b 5,077 35 Wilm'glon, w KViii: HAS JUST RFCEIVFD HIS SPRING SUPPLY OF DKV CiOOO >, 1500 II. oiiAiiA.n — Atnon^ which are — PIECES CALICO; o'Mi PIECF.'^ LAWN'J; Black und Culore 1 Silks; Iri'h LiU'Mi and Ui ipers; Bolting (Jloth.-, No. 1 to 11; Men and Boy's (.'lottiinir. With H large aasoriment of all kitni« of Tl v.t..; a :: A Th«* \cn Sfvl“. 'Ntnal!, COI.«iiK.i) l'li«T()i;!!VP:i'«. t ■ •111 'titiLr E-^tablish- [’ I! iw’,-y V S i> H iy 1 I • I .-i-cive til'- P :tr u • e I >’'1.0 e-nerally i'i 1 l!"sl tty v-* I V:t;'Gal .ART. %Vooi!>? ai*(rs Nolai* l'aiiier:i. PH >T'‘;.t!’. Vi'siS i':in te h i .t V.inar«deirc .'^kyliirht Gallery, ii y o;f .'ite M.iihie Fiiy- ^ etterille. N V ■ S'l i'ri, ti': .i; iii'1. ci'J'ire i. in wi!» r colors, oil .in i I. .--,' -: :r‘.r 'iiiall to life iiz- A’si'r.' : types. Me]:in>-• an 1 I'll ..'’i -r s'yle-^ of P:.':ur-> pertain' • -n-- Ar;. A' -.-. Gih Fr-.:;*.-'. Gilt M •: ing. G ; very t 'ct’ir> •—a*.; large ,t« J*. ’ • inches. ord . . I i' — ■ ; .r ;; .-.icinc pi>-iur. s; lu-’ru- ments. Stock aiid - l'>r - I’e ! '»ii. Lite size colored Puot- .r:.].';,- ru i ii* fi 'la t ictnr.--. Having p**r:ii.inem ly iin'i'.-d re 1 ‘:"y'e i ' lut-rit your patrina;_'e. I sv 'nl-i repivn niy-.- n' iTe thank- for the !;l>er.-i. pi^r i.r - w-d > „ in«' n ‘y the good Dl'OJ ie Ol' i-'a , f’■ ■■• ■ ’ I" i V. :: ' . M VA;- ... ;i£.'.L. P. a; V. , ; i.-!.jr. Dec’r 20. 1«59 77- (iKO, U', A- t'()„ ill 4>rori'rie«, AN; i.'SP'' ;u>;' a.nj IslaLKRS in i{ardw:ire and 'ii(lery, Suf^des Iron, &c., * HVY ^T!:EET, FVVLTTtVlLLE, t. lu'vj. l->- : 36tf .\U of wlucii were purch isf 1 at .Auction and private al>» by the ;■ lok ige at panic prices, and will be otfsrtj i che.'ip hy wh"l-'> ili- or retail. .Vpril 11. 1 Sol. 1-tf Sl’KIXii TIUDK! WORTH, \Vlt;HTnA\ A: 4 0. OFFtR AT WHOLES\LE A HEAVY ST u'K: t.iF aRoci:MiMi^s. —AL."0 — A complete and well selected stock of H.\RI)WARE & CUTLKRV. i;. F. PilAKCK, WITH A. V. \ ( nmmlssion Mt rrUaiit and Produce Dealer, AN'.' IitAI.Hi IN •i' rr 'vi«!.,na, 11 ifd w .rt*. 'iii'»-rv. S : I.'- ar. i l,.-a'!ier, l! i_\;‘rir. R ■i»'. .'' l ii'ery. .VC., 1. re..'n • :i i 1 ■ ; I.' ;'lors. SrieeMti-s :iii i V."..' ^ '•i4r.ii:’iL';ur-.T-' p'ieel. Vc. ‘ ■ 'i 1 t ■ ’! sr : H >V .'TiiKET, FAYETTEVILLE. Itf. C. _K ^otf GO BARRELS N'*RTH (.'AP.OLlN.v Ll«jloR,s. •• Domestic Ditto AVORTH. .IGHTMAN .v C«*. Fay«tteville, .April 12, l?^' l. l.'itf »♦ } -■ n *7! T H\ v>. r. Twn D'tdliS ABilVK T. il’iifill i SilN.v' STHIii Fayelleville, \. C. Jan’v 20. ! tilt 8 UAATEII FOP. ('o\i'rjiiviMT!‘ mm, Thirly irood, reliable* unmarried }ien, 1''0 en.isi fui THl’.Ei: YE \itS ,r IM itIN'.. T li! .r.Vl;. . r«'id to l)“ s!ati"n ■ 1 it i'!** Vr- n ,: ;in 1 .\riii.iry at ; Fayetifvide, un-'es' «T '-ci illy re jui:- - i I’.irothei servi'.-f. Pay from Elev/?n to TWf-niy ’! vv'i j) !’l irs per n.'.n;!., .'with such an amorttji :i J iui;n il .is inehit will w irrant with r.itiKti'. iirters. tii.-.ii-al ad-'ii i.-ince, Acc. 1 de-^ire no •no to w!n shall not nave made up hi«min tr.i be gxvcini.-i ty'lie liesiilaiinns atid .Ar tide- of U ar tor the G’^Vv-inment id' thv C ,ut'tderaie Artny. jNo. r. Booth, Capt. .Ari'y. C. S. A. Coiud'g A, &, Armory. | Fayettpvillf, .Seft. -f. 1^'il UAATEO, A SP.AN of good sound'irafi HOilSE.S. not I'ver b il. years oid. JNO. BOOTH. ! C;,]» Art'y, C.iind g N. .Aisenal. Tunifer PARTIES havinfi «,-.'.>ont-d UHllE o.lK TIMBER' from on- an t a h:!i'to six ir;ches in lhicktic^«, and ' from SIX to twen'y ini.- io- in width, and wi-liin>; Tq dis- | pose of the saiin^, c n tiu l .a pii.iciia^-.r hy .ipplving in i person or .by leit- r to i/ie uudcT.-iern'd ai ttif Ar« i John c. Booth, ' Ilf. .ArCy, ( ojiid g ,\r enal. Fayettevilb- .'.n;:. iM. I.'.!. i't‘- tf Headfjiiai'tei*^ %% ) i .%rlillery, ) ; ^ , c. ;i, .ln:y L’", i.'iil. j PHl^t ■ ^ 'ly d' Il . c-iiin^lcie in ’)■'r// rc- 1 V VT-.'. - i . , Tlierp w of^i:,. J. J ' W P Kf;\l>\.Lb. J. 3. KE.M>ALL- CO\. Ki:\0%rL A: CO, Com’iiissioii Merchants A N D WHOLHSALF. GROCERS, No. 11 A 1'2 \orth Water St., Wiliuiu^tiHi. r. ier-i tr";n Ui-- '^ouii'vy prouipt'iy executed. Klta?** Paiti .ilir attorf:;;n to the aaU of Cotton ■iii i ■ (.'• '.luce Apr;i2, 10-tf JiiSEl’H R. CVRLi' S. VAJ>’ AMRINGF-. JO^. R. A: CO., C'oinmi^MOfi Merchants H'ilmhiist h. 4\ g»jg“ Pr.impt iMT-'ii il a!i«*:i’ion irivfti to all Consign- rrinnts. and C i ii a !v ino---> m i te on Pro.luce to be shippec t.. tithT ; .jit' 'oM in :his market Feby I'.;. I'^'d T. 1. A: i;. U, U ORTH. Coiuiuission and Foruardins Merchants, WILMINGTON. N. (’. Jan'y '2'^, 1 --t;l gi.}tf ILAIIK A: Tl lJIJMrrOX. C0MIYIIS3I0W MERCHANTS, f!i’i..'i t iiii.' Silt* or -hipment :. C..',)ti. F’.itir. Tinib*‘r, and L>.*.xi.vrs i:i Litjre, Plasf*'^. t,'e- .11 .Vo. ;M, Ha if Si. I A Yl>S. PRINTS, unubual'iy low, «5thi»r lU.UUU whole->al.- O' rcfad. 5u I»()i WOOL ati'l other II \Tsi. C I. O T II I \ G at crea’ly re liicel prio^a; t jg^tlier w ilii Urge an.; varied ••• . k ■>: vrii’Li: iMi FiMv iiin liiiiin.s. nl, i! wliich will be oj^red wn a» favor itdc term* i» utt\ II lUse in I he Si ate. J. K. KVLE. Oct. .^'tf t. -All will be -Algo. 6-4 anJ >1 iifr co'i'.iii \ tm-nt. Hair, , ar..l ■" ■ ’ \:i;i a tiiinilicr of jrooM iM-i :mc 111 II] i^eii'.'‘nt ol' horro-, i ' I '■ " h itrin, oo i-niisi nio'jt. a bounty ■ y I”'y cl'-I; i.csiiles b-M'g clo(ii‘l aiicl fed. i.i-'V, .liHn.i.iiirf tree, .'ind all O'tier nect.’s-ai _v eqni;.!:. n!' >, n;>. .(.([ r, (jujsitf a soloior. No oiif Ii. f . .1, . y 1,^ j.1 il ^r.iod dnvcr and e.x- p^rienc d n • ni in-igi-mi'n' of iior •e'* The d. --iina- tion ut t.*je (■ !:,j I'l, j. Virgini:i. a« •^0011 ^l^, ((piippt J. .\Li:X i). -MOOi.E, C^ I. c,o. E. Rog't Et. Ariillery, UEStHTE!!—$S0 ilBHARD. ^PHIRI V I' .'LL-.r.S Reward will be paid for the ap- | 1 I'Tfclp n'^ion and delivery of desMtt-i BUllWELL SV . I HODuiJS. at any J ul or .Military Post in the .'^tate Tlie said Hodg‘ s rehiiles in Harnett County, nbtfut 10 Diilcs from A vi-ra-b^ro': h-is fiazel eyes, black htiir, dark complexion, is ;i i.-ei !• inches high, age 20 y»ars. He etilistfd ttie ‘i'-iii .May. iB'jl, and deserted about 10th . Peter .mallett, _ , Capt. Co. 8d Reg’t N. C'. S. T. Julyan, ikoi. * 44., f W;E\T.s Fd .SiL\ :li-.i:s KITK Mrl.ll RP \\D sr.v. Refer to: H H Sav cje. C:,.fii,.r Rank of Cape U iliiiinfiioii; ,li. . I)nv-,n. I’r.-'t Wilmington l’>ranch Bi iMoh N.,riii C ir.iUni: W. H. Jones, C.ishier Raleigh lit tnf'i Rank "f C.toe Feir. Hec. 1 1. is.'.;; 70-tf ii. \\. K8 LLARII, otn iiissf PH «firrrh ttit f, WIL.MLM.TON, ('. I)ROMPT arul Pi l’Si)\AL :.tti-ntion will be given to liie s ill' .)t N ival .Sf.iri'.'J. Cotton, Lii nVie’", Timber, i'.n I ail o'ii'T C'Min^ry pr.i in('»'. HKKF.R TO O. G. Parslkv. Pres't 'oi’i, R'lnk at Wilmington. JniiN ItAWsuN. “ N. C.. at do. M.-sm-s. H. a: K. j. Lit.i.v, \ FHvetteville. Mf'sr-i. Pkmiif.uTuv V ) I’AiiKKit. i;s.[., 11 irnett (,’ounty, N. C. Mi'.y 7. l.'jtf TO I.AI>IKS: MI'S. rr-^’i'-ctfully informs her friends and Ilie I’liblic peiMT.illy. ih it she is prepare l to make bl’il-S.SEs ill tiie mo't f isiiion-ihle style, she will also out and tit for any la.die- ift'^hino- to rii.ike their own Di'Osses; CHILURi.jN S cLt)rillNG cut or made to order. Mrs. Gib'-on lias taken tlie Agency for the sale of a nfw and cscellent CH \ RT, for cnuing Ladies’ Dresses. •Vl'O, onv tor Boy's Clothing They are very simple in coiibtruc'ion. and therefore easy to understand. The ladies are re piesteil ro call and see them at her house, oih above the Protestant Church, Hay .Mount. Oct. 2 ls-;u. 58tf The l.*aw ot Kaleis ot Pei*soiis|l roperty, by Irincia Hilliard, 2d Edition, Enlarged and improved. 'Evidenco, 8th Edition, with Notes by Sh'l^"w.!.l!l on Bills, Notci by Adarus Equjty; liroom’a Legal Maximi Bmith on Contracts, &e. fi, J, HALK A 80N8 •lV#r RooUs. THE WITS AND BEAUX OF SOCIETY; One of Tliem. by Lever- Louie’s Last Ti...u at St. Mary’s; England’s Yeoman; Tennyson’s Poems; -Vmerican Almanac, 18G1; The Lady’s Book of Flowers; Language of Flowers; Poetry of •• Lady’s Guide to Perf:»ct Gentility; “ “ Beauty; ® “ and Gentlemen’s Mirror of Fortune; Peter Parley’s Balloon Travels: “ “ Book of Travels and Adventure; &o March 30. E. j haLE A SONS.’ Blank VVarraJiti for i'arpeliiisl Carpeliiis^! t :irpe CARPETING at No. 34. Hay styles, all prices, all qualities otfere'i low either by wholesale or retail 12 4 Crnmb Clothu and Druggetg. J K KYLE F»iyt*tteviUe. N. C.. Sept, 18. l^'t'iO. 52tf rIE subscriber is now ruceiviiig a large aud well se lected stock of GtJODS, Consisting ■)! GKOCKHIKS. HARinVAKK AND ('f’TLK- RV. HA;;L\(i AN1> KOPK. SAD DLE KV, \c., rORKKJN AND DOMKSTK’ LIgroRS, and many other articles, which he oilers low for Ca^h, or on snui.t timk to prompt paying cu»vomer«. .Ml kiuds of Cuuuiry produce takwn in «Jch»Dg» for Goo'j*. SheeiiniiS and Cotton Y'lrn* on hand at ail timwk. at MaQufaclurer» pricei .All perions are respectfully inviied 10 give >i>ea call, at the old Kijnd of J \ T. Wu,J,iiH. Soiit.'i bid- II iv si A N .McDON.ALD Fayetteville, N. C.. Sept. 24. Is0t>. 6.*>t FISH! FISH!! \TEW MACKEREL. Nog 1. 2 atid tf. •• WHITE FLSH. “ HERRING, Jic. Ac. Cull at A. N. MCDONALD’S, South-side Hav Street. Oct 1, I8G0. ■ 57-tf Groceries I €wroceries / / VL.VRtjE and well selected Stock of F.VMILY GRtX.'ERlES always on hand, consisting of liacon-Sides, Mess J’ork, Mtillef.s, 3Lickorel, Nos. 1 and 2, Mola^^^e.s, .Su;;ar.s of all grades, Tu^>acct>, (’i>_'ars, .Vnd all other articles usually kept in a Wholesale Gro cery Establishment. COX, KENDALL & CO. Wilmington. .April 2, I8f)l. 10 tf COTTOA •Vu. 21 Hay Jar.-y 0, 18«2. 1 A R.%. Street. C. p. MALLETT. 88- HEAVY 1-1 ^HEETIA4.;m. IlHE ROCKFISH .MANUF.\(;TURING COMPANY, of Fayetteville, N. C., .solicit orders foi- Sheetings inches wide, o yards to tlie pound. The Goods com pare favorably witli the panie styles nianiifjicMired irt .Massachusetts, and have for many y^ars been sold in the New York and Philadelphia .M irkets. C. T. HAIGH, Pres't Rockfish Co. Fayetteville, June 1, 18*'>1. 27- WANTED. Total, $27*2,765 61 The Company have paid all Iqsses promptly, and b^vtt Q«ver made an assessment on thair premium notes. Total loB>ea paid, i>2tt,C82 69 Ol’FlOKRa: GEO- McNElLL, President. D; .1. II.YY, Vice President. 0. A.’McMILL.AN, Seo’y Dibbctors: Henry Lilly, 'V. N. Tillinghast, H. L.' .Myrover, S. J. Hinsdale, 8. T. , Hawley, W'm. McLaurin, Nathan .V". Stedman, T. S. Lutterloh, , C. B. .Mallett, A. W. Steel, Janie'" Kyle, J. G. (,’wok, A, A. McKethan. Hon. J. G. Shepherd, J. i).' Williams, H. F. Brown. 1 S. W. Tillinghast. \. E. Hall. j hn Collins and C. C. MoCrummeu. fiaveliug .\geuts |Ct;^f"Th? (,'ompanv invite application j. M.iy 28. lbi;0. ' 21-ly ~CAPT. WILKE^V*** REPORT ll\ TirK U!’Kf* PilVKR MINKRAL BHCKIV. rllE undersicned have caused to be published from the Cougres'^ional jilates. an fdition of the Report ■ f Capt, WilUes. U. S, Navy, and his Associates on the ',’iO.ird aj'poiiiied Vy tbc J^ecretary of the Navy to ex- imine the Deep River Region of North t’arorma. This is the most important and Hcientific statement of the jrreat wealth ot that of the Stale, and the Maps lie iiK'st pet feet an ! v^duaide, of atiy yet published, 'fho Maps .are worth the jirice of the work, which is ,50 ••outs, neatly bound iii cloth, t'opies sent b}' mail, tree 'f I o-^tage", on the receipt of oO cents. A liberal dis- ■ount to wholeiiale buyers. Orderii sdicited. J m y -y,. E. J HALE ,Sc SONS ~ A c7iri>. A WORD TO MY OLD FRIEl^DS— piiOSE peisons tor whom 1 have been ittfendsng to I )?.i>ikinir bu'ine.j^ i.>r \ear.':- I at>i still Avilhng to ■er\e vou with ibe same prouipin“Ss liiat I h ive always lone; and tooiher-i thatm.y want di-^couuis. Pen.sioti u.-iness vVc.. iVc . 1 otier my services, with a promi'-e ' f-irict attentivn J.\S. G. COOK .Iiine 27 2'>il I'iitl Stock of BOOKS .\Xi)STATlOXi:RV. \S e are now l ei.'eiving a very full supply of Law, Medical and Mis»Tllaiioou> iiooks: School Uuuks; Blank H tuks: Wriihig Papers; ttnciopes, AC. r, J HALE i SON ) H. 1 ''*'•' >. To l.«aiid Biiyer!i». rllE urnlei'i/iicl otii':'-? ''ir -iile. in the region, aiid witliii. ciciii: tni;i' of ilie tw'-tnitius of th“ Fay- tlev-IIf x We-fP’ti R>ii'. R ri l 01; Deep Rive--. KHilIT inM)UEI) it UES OF HVD, ..l_;oininir ;he land iieli.>ncinir to the e^'taie of Georgi, '•Viicox. dfO 'l, and lying tiirpe milo^ South from Car- oiii -:i. oil l,i!!:e P.'okei Creeiv, Moore '.-ounty. Tfie'e I. ind- are we'! a I ipie i lo th« growth of corn, oit'ti. whtai, 'ills. rye. .V',*. Tiieie are on the preiu- ist=^ a comf'rtabU: Dwe’linir, and all tieoe«--ary O'l: lousei, with about one h’lii'ire.l in 1 tit'ty acres under fence. inL-lii ling t'orty or f.tty acrvs ot never-failing hot: 'in laii'i. This j., h rare chni:ce for per-.)iis wi«:i- ng to i.rike invt-.tmeiuas iands are und jiibie ily ad vancing in priw in thi-i section. ! For turth®r in!'irmarion a'j-piy to ^ir. >1. .M, .McRae. ; Crine'' C':*’«k. P. O,. Moore county, or ad lrvss uie ut i Favetteville, N. ’ DANIEL McRAF, ' For '.he ifoirs ot (tiltien McRae, de.,'’'* I Ci'bonton. M'lore ;?o , N. \ i,;. 21 IS'-.'. J.j; Tin: \OKTII «'AKOM.\.\ 'II TI AL; I.VSI IIA.VCK (O.IPA.W, N’liW in t ,e ti’n'.h year ol 'U''o,.-sf.;l oj.eraii'>n. witii t'r..K-i',j: i .ri il 111 1 tinner L' l l up >n {'Ob ic c'U- •. iei;ce. e.111! miles lo jti-uro I he 'iv( - ot ail lu'alstoy (.er- , -'itiT ti ni 14 t.' ‘i'l yen-rs .«f a:e. for or;e year. f>r seven i . e ,T'. un i f'lr ii:.-- ■! '. ! i;V* :iienit,t.j.w shariiig in 1 he profit>. ,\^'i -..ive., 1') t'> S'* % o irs ofare in»ured for ' lie year or f r tivo vi-irs f ir tw) tliir.i-- their value. 1 1 .Ties ;i!w pimc;u.i...y pi;d With.n 'J') da\• atter r k'i'f.i'jiory ; r"o:' i^ ; 'e-erue i. For lurtiitrr inf riiiati‘.n i?ie p ibi’' is referred to of the Ci-iiup ijiv in all p irts c .he Stale, and to I R li BATTLE. .Secretary, Raleigh 1 E. J. H ALE, Agent at J-m'y Isjy. Fayetteville, N C. ! ’ VnMlllllI LlTKIll'ITRH. ' Works of l'ha«. Lamb./i v.ds. Edited by Talfourd; L “ “ of Henry FieMing. 4 vols; •• *• of Miver Gold-itnith, 4 vola: j “ “ of Tobia* .''mollett. (j v..l«,; Letters of J 'iniu-; j F’enclon'^* V'drk-: i Pascal's Provincial Letters; “ Tli'iu^ht'. Letters, Ac; (’hpoterfi-*!'rs L'iier«: ('orinne, or Daly, by ,\Iadau.e DeSta**!: i Jacie Porier'.* W .rk'-; ! ''-''ijstr of Wiikefiel.i and Rasselas; U*.vi’s Whimx and J I lilies; “ Comic Mi>-celianies; hrulam's Mi.iile .\ge-; '■ AVirt's Life ..t P I'riek Henry, Currer Bell s W .T I'le Eyre, Siiirley and Villette; I Evelina. l>y Riiruey; lleulali. Rut'eL'’-. I'hi; \Iillonthe Floss; ••Line upon L;iie." “Peep of Day,” Slc, F ix' Bsok of M I'tyr-j; Buchans DJwe-iio Medicine; Mi«- Lcblic’s New Cookery Book; Y . - itt -he H-1-'.,'; A' 'lii-iL ...-.rtin on Cattle. April.'' E. J. H.VLE & SONS. FORTLEllkS OF TIIF. roim I^XECUTION. TRI.VL, and APPEARAN(’k DOCK- IJ ETS. ruled and printed frow the most Approved f. rms in use. .Also, further supplies of other BL.ANK l>OoKS. in great variety. M'ly -^l. E. .1. HALE a SONS. J^IOO Keuard. 1) \N.AW,\V from ti e srbsoriber »n last December, i my negro mm DAVE. He is » full blooded negro, o feet H or 10 inches high, well set, and intelligent for a negro; would weigh when he left from DiO to 17;"). Iged about ;?■'» year»; he has a scar on his fane. I will pay Fifty Dollars reward 10 any person Ielivering him 10 me at Philadelfihns. Robeson county. N C., or for his cnntinement in any Jail so that I can get him .And Fifty Dollars for proof sutiicient to convict any person or j'ersons tor harboring him. DANIEL McCALLUM. For.IOSEPH B. Mc('ALLUM. Philadelphiis, Robeson Co., S. C., April 5 ’61. 12-tf ’. m REWARD. r>AN.\\V.-\\ troiii Ihe sub-'criber on Friday last the I 11th insi., my boy VIRGIL. He is probably lurk mg aJiout the plantatioH of .'Irs. Louisa H irgrove. on Carver’s Creek, where he h is a wile. I will pay the nbove reward for his delivery in jail. G. D. BAKER. Cumberland county, July 16, 1861. 40 tf FAYETTEA'TLLE Female i^chool. TERMS. • •; Board per Session of 20 weeks. ■ . 4*i0 00 Tuition‘in (J'ollegiate Clashes 20 w«uk». 20 00 ‘ “ .Academic- • ** 16 J0 •• “ Primary “ •• •• P-2 00 Incidental expenses. 1 00 Tuition in .Music, Painting, Drawing. M«*deru and .Ancient Languages. &c. at the usual rat#it. HS^T’One-half of Board and Tuition requir«xl m td- the other half at the baginnine of ih« ^d Quarter. SCHOLASTIC YEAR. 1st Seition —Commences 1st October. Emls 17th February. 2d Session.—CommenceP 18th February. Ends 6th July. T.’ C. HOOPER. I^incif/i\l. Sept. y, 18C1. 77tf W'n School i\otice« SCHO*>L in iho DoN VLi>S(i\ .\i'.VI>F..^lY EI^ECTlO.lf IVOTICE. There will be Poll openfd '»t ali the pv, cincts, in the Counties of Cumberlan l and H -r • on Thursday the IfJih-of Jan’y. »o el*ct a De' ^ , the State Conventirn. to-supply ihe Vaonii.jy °by the resignsiiion of the Hon Wiirren W-n-1 w. HECTOR McNElLL. .vu ff Jan’y 6. 1862. 'js tt DOBBIN HOUSE. HAY STREET, Fayetteville. \. ( Mrs. F.. C. HALL has taken thi-i House atid it !■; . x ready For the reception of RF.GUL \R ai 1 T"^ ' SIENT BOARDERS. All who may nutronize pii,; may be fissured that no effort will be ara.ed to re- them comfortable. Jan’y 2, 1862. 8"-.Tr llome-.^lade Knvelop-p^. J\NUFACTUREU bv Tiios. H T?tlin.-.-.„-it. ^ on ( vill“. mav be bad of the ijn.i^r=irTi.«.| \YM.)CNT. will be ro-ot'ene i on f C E .S D .A Y OCTOBER Is:, i.'^til. Terrnt. f>tr t,/ lO witekt: English. 5'7 oU Cla-ic-il. 10 0«> I'nntingect, 25 JESSE B .McLE \N, Prinf’ii'it. August i'J. I'^'H. 4Wtf iVOTlCF.”" - '^pHE UNDER^ICiNED Koih having enierod. the mili- £ larv .ervice of tlie C.oif^ States ol .America, hereby give notice to their o’-i ciistoniers -m i tik-i ds, ihat they l.ave appoin'e l .iohn D. .''T:irr and J.itin D WilHaii'S. of thi-i pl;tce, ihelr Miioriieyp to collect either separ.itely or c.)tij.)iriily aH in.iii -ys !ue iheiti either account or noie, and oiherwise to atietid 10 their bu siness generally diirine tiieir ab««nce. They resp;ct- fully ask all persons indebted to them 10 call a^j prompt- Iv as possible ot» th»ir a^et * ;' ’ tnake pw.iseMt • * ' .ll WILLIA.MS. .''ej)i 1'*. lyPl •j8 tf Who uill go into (he Euterprisef ^UPPO.SlNG that there are tfose having c^ipiinl ttiey j ► J woui.l like I J inve-.t in putting into «pee-iy opera- j lion tlivers clis-^e.. or in.ariufictnie whicii mii>i now be ' e'labli-tied in t!ie iP 1 I wouM take thi' metiiod 10 int.iriM ari3' .'uch. ihit I have fi never failing WATER- : l't.*'.\'!;ii, wi.'h ; Viity r,f r'tom.i ai the Meich int Mill* J i-i the c-iiTo o! Fa'eiipvioe. N' C , .Miiable of running j j j ny nrichinery oi ligb' ord>-r. airi w»iii'i be pleased to ! l.uvu tiie same vr.ifiiiiblv euipLiyed ! I K McDANlEL. I October -j, I'Si^l. oiJtt ! retail, for cash. Jan'y 6. 1862. E J. it ALE mVEL|.I-\G OR - hecomfor=table dwelling , Sirert. refpntl’’ oecuoied Viv I'.c I retiif-d till Jan'y 1, I8o-' t r.nd necessary Out-housi. ! I'ave!tevi!le. .1 in'v }-lO Jt*S ! AEW CROP mi i:. . -i ^ CASK‘S .New Croi' HIi'K i L«) »-EO vV v:lJ.LI ,\i-. V j Jan y -I- lo'-2. Petersburg? Fouiidi*v, ( ^ 1 inEK-BLRi,. J .• i MextT! EditoTt nf !he O'-aeri: ) ;r i' ^ by ihtt way. cojiej niu-Vi’>r.V>’e in:o' :;;. ■ f i your paper, has an e^irs.T. fr in a :• -/n’ 1 ,. ; which you s.iy, "Dr. W.,rih tin !■* i' ditii -u’- • jltie iiece'»-ary sail pan*, for wiii.eli he 1, ,. ,,, , I and:Out of tiie Slate " ‘*Vi- d. sir.e io c>r- |.i-i Vf I to the fact, ihat If he will >•! niv at ur : ; whure we manuficti^e a C \>T. PAN ..r , , j he can cbtaiu them a' 7 f'.'r \i -.1. llv-re-' i, TAPPEY i: IX'MS! EN’S Fol v. 1 88 81 pd Pel .'I- Caii'-e and Coiitra«f. iieissu a 8^-;y on ttie Am-'Ptca'i Cri-i-i. b.- T. v \ . ; A!*o. a furihei sup: ly .>f H.-trdee’- :0‘i. E. J. HAL»' i S .s A Smoking' Cliiiiiiiey. | NY person having m smoking fire-place can hav« it , \y , reme.iie.l bv a.i ive-smg me at the Fayetteville Po!^t ! \ oiiice. While \\a-inm;{. Brick Work and Plastering ■lone in be-^t Uiar.n-r .Ul my w >rk warranted to be ■ one wtll 'ir no pny -An.i if iny chiriineys heretofore ? ii;lt bv .*8 «ho il'i B.uoke. ihev will he altered without eh-irge' ■ DAVID MoDUFFlE. F»*yenevl!lc ,V. (' . .M tpch 2w ft-lypd ANTED —A Teaebur for sai l Aca'en.y. pt'teiit to ptdp'irj Boy.s '>r 'joile^r*. sii.)'i ■! appear :’i or o;herw:.«,;, j RETIOVAL Fif'E Is reiaove'i to cupie J tti« I ■»r««!i ioa Bank. Jsn'y, when an election will take pl i •\ • experience will pieferttd The pav r will be durtved fr»m the }>r,oflti of t.'ie is ■ ■ 1 I wish of the Trusieea tha^ the exei"!a.-s ■ . .should 0 m’j'cncrf about the Is’, of F,‘bni>i''v. ; C. C. COVINGTON, P 8. Testim.-yniiils of c -mpetency w;!l b-? r Jan’v 4. =s '|M1E PtKS'f I‘FFif'E Is removed to office formeiiy .-• JAS Deo 3". I"*' G COOK„ p M. 8»1- T Ploral € olteg '■HE Spring Session in this Insuti.iion *s d on Wednesday ti^a J- Waul (Ml to Purchase^ Nr, .''l'E\M MILL, t'ircular .*«aw ) Pers-inj hav ill" one I' r >. i’L* w'.I' give the size of boiler-', oylin i-r ati'l order, wiiere !■, l>e -iecn a i-i lowest price .Ad- Ires- B ■! 2. P'n;t OtfiL-e, Favettevilie, N C Dei-'r lb-'1 ' .8''-2w 0 Jay of Jmu tiy i ^>3. tlie in^iruciiivn >f the S'lme {-aoiiiy ti;»: ii ij . ,1 it during the current jear. Torms the isame as tverei.if-re. D.VNIEL JOHN.SQN, Pr.n Di.;c’r 20, 1~6I For ^iale, 1/1 A/l/\ l.RS DRY llll,if]S. average weight '2i ■ lU.OUU T S. LUT'FERLO^i ! ht.j I ctu. l''»jl 8';-2w Want to Pifroliave. | IWr^NT tl. pill chase a sm;irt nctive BoY, abjiu 1^ | \ fc irs oi l. acc'ii'omc^l to H -ries ■ N A STEDMAN Dec’r -’.0 bbif NOTICE. VLL pers'jr;s are hereoy fjrewaru •] .i^rii:: Witt!, or tio-iid'ng my wite .VN.N C M’l'i 1 el y ,\N.N t UKi.IE,; ns I will not be re >1 of i,er couir:iot?, she i.avirg leli my ije; ; witii.'Ui any j-.isc c'iU'je .\P,C»IIBALU C ' A. Dcc. “iK 1861 W. H. \LLtA, Comiuij^siou .^lerch»Eit. WlLMlNirrON, X. ( on R 'Civti'ti D«c. 21. i^*;i .liter tlii« date 1 will _ pay three Cents pet poii j lor r.igs de- ■ l)ROMPT pej^s^^nal uftention given lu . !i\ered in t- lyattevil.o, ■ 1 Nav vi, StoRLS. Cutto..n. or oixier fo-r sale or shipnient. AlURPHY bo- uLi. 1 . I r. .Vpril 22 AI.MAAAC^ FOR 186sl. ' VNoTHER su[iplv just reccive^l. E J. HALE A SONS AOTIC4E. i S I expect la be absent from home a ftjw months in \ the ^\e5t. .Arc.'iib'il'.l MisLean i« my authorise j Agwni to trKU«-a«t my tusin^i until I rMfurn. N. G. JO.'fi* Dec r 2s. I^-'jU. 83tf .■Votiee to Soldiers- Friend'v. IH A V F, male arranqenienis wit h (.'apt M. A Bleiisoe of the (.^irirter M.i-’fr Dt-partnief't. to furward lo any Ci tnpany. or to any member of -my Conipiuy from Ctim- berlan i C.jjim'y. any arjicle of o'.othii'^g tii.-u ihHr friends may de-ire to send then;. R W. H.ARDIE. (>ct ]•;. l^'-il. G6-tf TIII.ITARY %VORKj$. VRMA' REGI'L ATIiiNS f^r the use of the Confederate Slates: Gilhiim’' Al'ihu-il f- i \ .'hititeers -ind Militia; 11 trdee ' liit.-mtry T .cti. s, 2 vols , .Mobile Edition; Ttie Vtfluntee's ITmd Book Further 5upp;ie-» just ree'tl E, J, HALK A SONS. D^»c. 14. 1 ^^61. A. J. HALF .ATE of Asheborough N. C , .\tt'>rn» v •M i futreu practice hi^ proft-ssion it; ul. C • 11th Jtidicial Circuit. Prompt and special attention given ’•) the . of claims, and all other basif’f- ■ a egti. ua j south-western .Missouri. June 1-* .YOTMCM^ '■pif.AT at the expirntion of .Nmety -i y-. >■ J. will be made to the Prosid'en: .n.i i.' BauK of Fayette'ilie. in this ■piac^'. u > e :• Certificate No. 4a6. being for tiiree ? '.i! t lal Stock of said B.iuk, bcloBgiU;.' to t.’r -s '. : ■■ No. 4, I. O. O. F. By grder of tiie L ' i-.' D. M’jRaE. Dec. 10. .\OTlCE. 1AVILL accommodate a f-w gent'emeQ ^ !i BO.\KD and LODGl-NG, ..-iiain ten ■" 'U’ South froiiJ the .A,rsenal, on Haymoiin; 1‘ i Fayetteville. N. C., Dec’r :^0, 1-86! C A |l H! VFEW LADIES can b«» accommodated with board at the Seminary. T. C. HOOPER. Sept. lU 1861. 5Q. V quantity of good WOOL YARN tn make socks of the soldiers. -Avgust 3d, 1861. G. W. 1. GOLD.STON, Ag’t. 4-5 If WHOLESALE AAD RETAIL— For Cash. The FARMER’S AND PLANTER’S ALMANAC for 1862. E. J. HALE k sofs. Oct. 2, 1861. The Volunteer’s Hand Rook. AFURTtlEH vupply just received. £. J. HALE & SONS. Not. 15. A Pair ol Lady’s fiiaiter§, were left in the Subscribers’ Boolt Store a few weeks ago, which the owner will please call for. A!bO, a small package containing a Ladv’s Cape. E. J HALE Jt SONS. Vol. 8tb llancroirt United «tate«. July 10. B. J. HAL£ & BON. Map of the Sen (oast of South tarollna; New ,\I ifi ot Virginia; The Southern .'py by Edw’d A. Pollard of Va. The Southern Song Book. '’cc'f H E. J HALE s SONS. Superior Pocket Cutlery] I^ODGERS. Wc-tinholm’s. Crookes, an'! Rhodes,^ it Sons celebrated Pocket aiid Pen KXIVES. A good supply. E J. HALE S SONS. Nov'r 27, 1S61. \VE[tSTEirSELtliE.\T,\liVSI'ELLl\G BOOKS. ll/’E have just received by Express, a supply of Tf SPELLING BOOK&—price SI 26 per doen 15, cents retail, Cash. We have not advanced the price of any articles on hand before the war; but pre"ent purchases cost us more than we asked for those. Of course we have to put up prices on what we buy now. E J. HALE & SONS Fayetteville, Aug. 29, Further iSupplies ot MILITARY BOOKS—FOR CASH ONLY. Hardie’s Tactics, 2 vols.. $2 75; by mail $3. Gilham's Manual fot Volunteers and Militia $2 75 by mail $3. ’ Army Regulafio'ns for tbs Confederat# States, $2 26; by mail $2 50. Cary’s Bayonet Exercise and Skirmiihera’ Drill, $1- by mail $1 10. ’ Thf Trooper’s Manual; by J. Lucius Davi«, $1 60: by mail $1 65. Nsw Map of Virgmi*, tolorsd, 80o.; by mail P6o. Jmt r«o«lt«d. E. J. BA1E * 80N8. IN all its kinds, exe.'uied with ne-itnpss and despatch. Small jobs when done must lie paid !>ef'.>re delivered. TH(»S. II. TILLINiHAST. (-)ppo-ite the Female High School, Hav St May 14. I hoy NETTLEIIEATJ^. The 8ubscribt*i‘si will be gl*id tt> stiiilt? .i?counts tiue by or to them. E. J HALE & 80NS. SlPiiE.^IE COrilT REPOUTS, T WO ,\KAV VOLUMES. >ol. 4 Jones's Law, A Vol. 5 Jones’s Equity Keports, J Us r issued, for sale, or exchange as usual for un bound Nos., by Jan. 21, 1861 E. J. HALE SONS. 89- ALUAAACS. ^URNER’.S North Carolina Almanac for Isda Dec. 10. E. J. HALE i SONS. The Southern ilarniouy^ i^chooi Books, iSic., further supplies just received. - E. J. HALE SON\l. IVebxter’s Elementary iKpeaiin^ R.v>W for sale bv R I. KA'LB A- S'»V« The Preishyteriau P^alniodNt Character notes A furthur supply iust rece-v * i 20. K, J half . -:n\s Aorth Carolina Form iS»ok. A further supply just received. E. J HALF & SON Ciiodey’w Lady’n Rook for Hav. April 16 E. J. HALE A SONS. JO». UTLEV, Crrocer and t'oniDiissioii Merchaiii. Fayettev.iie, W. C. June 20, 1860. guanoT ;^A TONS NO. 1 PERUVIAN GL'.VN.O. just ro: U ed and for sale by Aug. 23. JOS, I'Ti,!-: Blank Wojran^ for sale her©. AORTU CAROLIAA. ROBESON COUNTY. Court of Pleas and tjaarter Sessions, N^’vetuber K- ■• A. D, l,-'6l. Peter .AIcKay, et al. vs, McKay., lin:n;- ' • of Hugh .McKay, dee d, and oilo* '• Petition for an .Vccouni and Settiei i‘’!'t Ir appearing to the sati.'-f.ioiion of tin- C ■•'>■' ' Defeii lant, Alexander .McKay, is not a ro-i i"! mis State: It is ordered by the Court iltaj piif'i ' be made for six consecutive weeks in the Fsyt-t'r " • Observer, notifying sard .Alexander McK iv to h.* appear at the next Term of our sai 1 Court, i . ht i.. for the County of Robeson, at the Court IL u'" - ' ’ berton. on the Fourth Monday in February. A i' 1^ - then and I here to plead, answer or demur to ■ • or the same will be heard ex pane and Jo i^^ confesso entereil as to him. Witness. John ,A. Rowl ind, Cl-jrk of o'or - ^ ' ;' at ()lfice in Lumberton, the Fourtli .Moud ly hi “ ber, .1. D. 1861. 8-3*ow] JNO.'A. HOAVLANI'.i Li¥t OF LETTER*^ REM.AIMNG in the Post Office at.FsyetteviUe. N . January 6th, 1S62 Wliea called for tliey are advertised. John W Adcock, John F Ausley. L T Beaty, .Airs Elizabeth Baly. Win-in B-' B J Crawly. Thos Calical. J B Ciielcuit. R J Fennell 4, Napcy Faircloih. L.oviti Fiire. .lat'O* Flowers. ■ Randal .Gilchrist, J F Green. Mary Hunicut. P J Harris 2, ,Jobn W i-JaitlO '®* David Jones, AV H Jones, Malcoim Jouei. Alei’r ivelly. Ruchael Lomac. John Monroe, Alex’r Murchison 2. E’i^'ihi?'- gomery. Jas Newo.uoi. L .M Price, Mary Page, Sarah .Ann .Pott*, cotf, Sarah Pridgen. Lula MeCracken, John H McClain, A S McN Benj Ringold. Henrier Shepherd; E J Snipes, Laura S'i’f- Shaw. Mary C Williftms 2, J M White, Henriett i JAS. G. COOK, i •f jii; Stereoscopes au.d Stereoscopic Anew »Dd btmtiful Mtortment, just rfceiTe'J _ B. J. UALfi ^ I H Il D, I, .A : M Al .. I'-ni I- S' whi Hal Ah-^C pe.i T. . i' S mi til Th, I; li;dh; i I’i - w {• i p.. 1 e. 'lai Fort >. Jas. U ,t'.x,iiiiler. -Monci-ietre: ^ 'oK.,, >vc, duly 10.