tan I ■fF' a ■ *:f; ■;l^ n ‘'^Mt •W'is Hf • ’"!^ k i] From the RichoioEct Examtoer, 24tlt. MAOSTFrf^EN'T RAID OF THE YANKEE ARMY IN IMITATION OF (JEN STUART—THE YANKEK8 j A COMMUNICATION FROM GEN BEAUKF.GARD- : A YANKEE MURDER I Headqcarters WjEsriRN Department, ) ' The Montgomery Advertiser giife8 an aecount June 17, 1862. ) of the hanginv; ot Wiu B. MuTnlprd, »u >ew Ur- HRROH aLI.Y RE oN.NOITRE THE REAR UF , Qe„tlemen: My attantion hns just been called i leans, bj Butler, the Beast, for the “crime” of THElil OWN AKMY. [to the following dianatch (published in your | tcariug the yankec ensign from the Mint in ihat The "iankee cavalry, not to be be outdoQ« by yesterday) of Major General Halleck, city on the 24th of Apnl la^it, and pronounces U • commanding enemy's forces, which, coming from j an act of brutal barbarism The facta of the case, j he remained for sometime l^earing-the enemy such a source, is most remarkable in one respect : says the Adrertis^r, are, that the yankeefi having | might oayone him, he drew bis revolver and —that it contains as many misrepresentations as passed the Forts below Now Orleans, made their kept a sharp look ' appearance off the city on the 24th of April, and a i,.. a 1862 —The following i demanded ita hurren ier Tho Mayor replied that Gen Stuart, have coveref^ thtmselve* glory Regardless of the home guard of King U'illiam, which consists ol exactly fiftren old gentlemen, armed with half that nomber of antiquatei shot guns, the Yankee cavslij, supported by not less than five hundred intjntry, dashed through that county last week, «nJ traversed the country in tho rear '>f thfi' d uutsidr uf our lires, with a reckiess courage worthy of Bcth«l and Bull Hun Goaded to madness by Gen. Stuart's bastinad* INCIDENTS OF THE BATTLE OF CHICKAnS^IWT Capt. Oshorrtf^, oj. Iredf ll, N. V.—This gallant gentleman was wounded in the battle of the 3lst May, near Richmond, white leading his company in a charge on the enemy’s batteries. His wound disabled hioi, and he fell upon the field, where THE PRODUCTION OF aAtTPETRE—LETTER ( VORTHIi'RV FROM CAPT W H PRICK. ; iNll-Wis Auburn, Ala., June 16. j ^ ^^•^‘craburg Express of the 24th th, Ed». As your valuable paper circulates largely in Eastern Alabama, 1 beg the use of your 1 ol it^ia * unpori*rit, if tru*-; columns to call the attention to the great impor- ! HotrihU 4S'•nff.”—A ladv who ha, ifo^ntlv tance of going immediately into the production of jown dear “Sunny -South,” stter « Saltpetre from domestic sourcos In tho circu- j '•nd mo>t d;s:)gr^eahif; .'•' journ at -'Orth ^ asHINOTon, June 4, ^was at the mercy of the Yankees, but di.p«ch was rec.vfd th,. afternoon tt the Ws. Under such I circumstances the Yankee commander sent a par- Department; •‘IlAtLECl « !l£AUQt!/vRTKRS, JuttP 4. “iTbn E M Stanton, Secretary cf War: ; • _ r -T i • -Gen Pope, with 40,000 men. is ibirrv ri«'uir. .! build.ugs Th.y were not forcibly rosisted, and of C'>rinth. pushing the enetrir lard ilready re executed their orders unmolested, but no so*jner ing his rear ftr thirty miles, 'IcClellan, a few ; rorip 10.000 prisoner? and (ieserters from ibe enetnj, ) thry gone on lioard of their boats, thati d vs after the terrible affront which was put upon j and 15.000 stnal of arms captiirc‘1.” - Mumford, liis >«oul lilled with ri>;hfeous indigna- ,» - • » I 1 • '1' 1 111^ J' -** • t-^ .fA fhrnarinr' AWn.V “ ... h;!!:. deterrnmed to shew the civilized worlci triat ing the v'’ry sight of the emblem of despotiam, ! wf nt to thf top of th'i .'lint and tore the liat»;d After a while he saw iog towfirdf) the place discovering him to t cd his approach certain range of his pistol the Captain hailed him h'.s .am y was al!*o oapaole of icts ot dating. He : railron* on his ln.*> of re doterratned also that originality, not less than stu- ^ bHcame fr»n''«. *»’d told bin men to n«ve !i>ein- pon h'us valour, should characterize hisentcrprine. | pel?*--* the hen »■'*.' 'hey couli Any reckie;?.s bull dug of a brave general could da-h in the rear of the encjny’s lines and immor talize hiinsoif MS .^fuart an ! iii.s command did; but that was not ^xaf''\y what Mcl'lellan wanted. To dash tl\rou^’h cu/ lines—burning, killin';, cu,r>tur- iniT and spreading wild disniay, firing intc railroad trains burning vtssela and takin^r hundred,-- of mules horses and soldiers—wcu/d be merely imi ty on phnre to hoist their flag on the public j and ordered him to surrender. The Yankee took ’a monjfentary glance, and aeein^ the Captain’s pistol was bearing upon hint with a steady and deadly aiijj, lie instantly dropped his rifle “Throw away your knife,” s;u(l tho Captain. It wan done. banner down Tho most productive ioarces ot supply fur this tni.-«ery which siie iresf'Dt^-d is RUid t > havei indispensable article, that is, the c^ves in yorth ^^^^ nigh ind«>KrTibable The woundi . jj Alabama, Tennessee Htid Arkansas, are now in pos- f*onct-'iTil.c portion ;.} the , session of the enemy. 'J'here is but one sonrce ! from thfir severity and ‘On^ for it? icr.iuediate production—that i», from the i ^^^y had fct«-red, nd the stench wn bosri earth under hou.'^es, ne^ro cabins, cow jiheds. ; ^tenner w:-; in. >lerable Th* vurgr'.tis hnj ,j NJw'bark vours^lf up to me,” was thrnext ' stables and Hich similar plact=« From this source if c! tb.'nu' command. ‘'Sfi.jat down f^o that I can get upon enough can be produced by a united effort on the •jypf. jijjj part ot the peoplf to place our ^4^ppHe8 beyond overboard, but thH diu .utle ; •wa.'-dj ’ contingency. It can be done ca'-ilj’, chc:»plv, j *"elie\in; the sufTj^iing.H of the pati«^nm, or your biick ” 'I’he i'unkce was compl Th(" i.TO’.vd assi.-ited him, and in a i the (’aptain, 'Vith hi.s pif^tol still bearing upon runn"K H V> IlALLKCk I had .suriendered, and while negotiations wero be Mait r Gmeral ( oiiimnndir’j? •Vc6ue*Vn. » . , . - , , with i authorities, tru; brave auu patriotic •Mumfjrd wr.-i tri*d, r*'/i>denin*od and executed' Gp.h Pi>p« did uot "puih hard” upon me taring the “cowardly rebei*./' who had spanke.l 4=J,OuO men, 30 mile, from Corinth on ih^ I },e flat w«s planttrd up.,n rhe dome of the public his rear tortv-eight hours and then retired with i irist; icr my troops occupied defensive Uoc in ; .. r cool effrontery. reir of “Twenty .Mile Creek,” less Seiocting a '=mall county about thirty miles | frjm ;onnth, unul the the wan . teanr.^ it down To p'aoe outside of our lines as the theatre of his perf rm- ' of gooa water induced iLe to retire at a-^^ure : ^ correspondence ^as going on in ances. the Yunkee g.-.ioral rendered his expodi- . to r better position; moreover, if yeu i^ope^nad , occupation of ih. city, was an oui- tion d'lublv .secure by firit bnrninir every bridge ! attempted at an\ time Jurin and ferrybn.tt on thf Pamunky river fjr fear of ^ ^ orinth, to ov-r ravairv picket.^ in the vicniiry ot Ashland ■ given him such Sati..ing himself that .here h.id nut been a C>.n-j ardor; but he was careful to advance only after my them tclo. Yet I.r thuf^ federate soidier in King William for three weeks, noops had r-c-iired from each successive position a heavy f'irce‘ f ci'-'iry and infanti v cri'sied into ; 3 he reireut was cond\icted with sjreat orucr King \\ iiiiam at the \Vhite ilous^. it i6 said and ! ar;d precision, doing much credit to ti.e ■'’ri' advanced can iou^ly up the coantrv I hey irec and men under my orders, jnd must be locked and, w'.’h unpr'c''dt:iitcd tier'iism, conquered a up'^in in every respect, by the country, as ecjuiva- stnuil :ov will: vT.ti rtturniiiu' fu'in a creek with ; l»*nt to a briiliant victorv. Citizen to whosti notice this t.ia) ci'ine ti give :ia- i -ospitHls mediate attention to this important subject i immense crowd wag gathered at the Rharf We cunnot nuw get Saltpetre cnout'fi to keep ' greet the arrival of the steamer, and the 1. our mills running more than from one to two j rnentations and cn»s o, wiven, daupht^ra and dny* in the week The uTnost i*cocomy ha.'- to ;mineie'J with the h.'-art piercing sbriek.t ing of his wounds, and the lattfr is said to b€ ' ing conducted hetwf en the c .'niiitander of th* j .imong the pn^‘»ner^ now at thi.s place j i'opt li Anihf.cs, V/' JruJtLl—This ac- I compH'hed military gentleman also commanded a 1 I'omi'nt'v on ttie 31st M'tv,and was one of theonlv ' “* “• * 'j S of the woundfd and xho jvnr' » , ihan.Onnl . ^ j H,„, Mu-r.forJ was per- „ou„d.d in tli.t He, how.vor, .voa ’ , J t, • . J \. .u . % work, it IS not at .ill improbable that we ma} run narrowiv «!»c;ired beiny captumd. At ttiat r.art 1 , . „ ^ . I s , ■ *. > I completely out ol ammunition hurcl) no more o! the DLht near the eneinv s battery, after our. * i t a ot. rar^ro , , . , {' V A A \ urgent appeal can be made to You than to repre- !-ner. had t.k^n it, we believe (apt. Andrew. ' from his men and sur- irikeej: With grea* prrsericn 1 mii'd ne s.iw tiis only chance of fw- ^ i-ape d«'p(nd‘d on the .-uccess of a ruse, and in- manilest.ng In') hostilify 'o his deadly enemy, and j bpc.Tnie rtimusc fr.'intic with raire against vindicatiiiif the .'^onor -A the c.iu.-e and .he* oiiy ' ' ' tho tyrannical liiu'.vr jidertd that lie bv Iiun The brutal sci.^tnce was actually cirried into isi'4un. moreover. ii ''eu itol'c mju i , , * •• . — - . ' , ■ *1 . \ i I regard to the occucstion of ine city, was an oul- i if wp boliev anv time dur.nt tho r,;trt-at trom j • j .u i ^ ' ^ t. K.^n ii, we r^.uev 11 •» ' T 1 3 I rage on the authoritips and tfie oeople ot the cit\, from push hara” upon me, I Wuuld have. , r .u ^ \i V ^ / M"uni nuiib»-ii imiii 1, 1 lcs*.n ,3 wouiJ i.ive clieckod hi, | -““.' r ,Mu„.t.,ra »as .,o i^;..r., , .dv.nr,, »„K O.V '>>» of t.u„dre.)f. , f |,j. Hent truly to you this dreadful alternative As in all other enterprises calculated to bonrfit our country in thi® her hour of psril—so in this, I have found the women mo.-t ee.'ilous. Every >ew York lion in New York such as has net b*»en wirne^=e(i since the war commenced .Manv, it ,ajj loud mouthed and 0iU-.'>poKen in’ their denurici;*' tions of the war, declaring it the »ork of colui. Clan? and abolitionist*, and st one period of tb« escitement, it was feared that there wyuia be 1 popular outbreak against aome of tkf ^f^peciai champjons of the unnatural war wlj; re^iae jd wlipre through the St»te I find thciu alre..dy at f _ . , .. .-I- r, . wcrk, noblv consecratinsr their time and labor to i These things we’-e w.tn**ssed bj thous'.nds, W ;; I the -r.bels .".I ,.»rfco. y rc.:Kle„ of his l.fe | , „ot , „etspaper in tho clj refer to it it, i„ •• : One 01 Jie I. -l.Tali -eeined '0 -usp-ct thst he «as , „ei^hborhoods «nd ootnniunities they • columns «o completely ha, the uef,o’ie is.) ;f a .'striiiiT minri 'VS, jic i suti'eqiirnrlv, afrer a : Gen. Popi* n:ust certainly Lave dreamed oi’ slia”- fi.ja.:.merit-r-f had'an li>-ur, u’.ado nris 'iu-r takiiiLr iM.UOO pr ?oners, .Tn t l.S.OOO stand *r , , ... ! i have organized tbt-mselves into associations, and i ‘^‘nooln «uppres.sed the freedom of the Pres. , effect :n >pen -.uv. and u. the pr--^ence ot thou | ^ai .scarcely hei^dlng xhe : .^ke charge ot all the, I Our informant slates further that everr t.o^r i question, he hittoriy an>,wercd—-the lou-y rebels I ,a an admirable j m Xew Kr,gland Su ' of a s:iia:i buil terrier, who, rdubiriu to take flit- oath ' f ailejiaiic J, wjs s>jnt to the rear to c-»tcn rats It FTt \\ anen. Pr.rc'fJinti cautii.;jsly uo the rnuntry. tlie\ met n>. >tr.^’.iug adveriturcrs utitil they had pi»sed the Cv'Urt U'^se :UM reached tiie \n;iniry OT .irms; for we positively never lc >it them; about oiic iT two hundred prisoners wi'uld probably cover alt thrt priso:ier»i lie took, and about tive hundied ■i.iii ared iijuj'ki r-, ali .he arms he s^ot; fln «e b. i'’ii.;ed f ■ a convale'i*eiii caiiip, ff -ur inil. s n>ut!i »f t'orintli,} ev.'ciiated duriug lh»i ni^ht, arid 'ands of jipeetat.'i'i. iie v as surrounded by a cor ion of armed men ready to ['revt;tit any attempt at : anl I rc'C'ue '1 .he ci.>wd looked m|,, scarcol} behov I have a« niueh right to one as 1 fhe\,” and immediately put off after them with a ofadark aiid ■!"eary-iookinii ,->wauip i^alltd ihnJ^c-re ivTli» k. d u afCount .■! the dHrknes.- Th “F'X Trap.’ ab'UC fiv’o inllos tV'iin tlie village of:Mefua! nnmber ‘f pri'...nt‘rs tikoi during the re Averts In lijis dark ami repul->ive''Ont tlie ad- treat wi> hhout vqual on both sides, an.i tju_\ varicud cuard d t!>e armv was Hi^niied bv the ^ wt-re but f«w m ist tern .ie an J unoartidy sounds, i^ke uiit'i th., .'hjor ]Jenpral llaMock n.usc he a very crfdu- pei;ovTin»: d' b^ iS. the Sqai'fiKine of ; a-.d the j^roar.s of the damned Ti>e aJvanceil jf>'.ard re ported :.ie rea-- s ir, grpat ftrco, and f-il oick in u»rnaj A cfec'i Ovdy of aer-e'^ iron: •■’a?ey'i, i'.vision were then thrown icrward, w!. ■ fcar!est>iv si.ivanced inco ibe swamp, hni r:i>"rtcd the enemy 10 be rs :hin^’ m-re tLan ab ut five hjndreH t.juil- frogs, wt’o were screna iing each >ii erar und the Dla'-i^in >.fa croen-cjated por.d f'st-ign .nt wattr C:isey\ lierocs a-tacked ihis I jrce W‘?h irreat valour, having 1‘jst uii ftar of tiiem dur.nir th=i pleasant ev;?niiii.^ >f ti.c 31st .f .'lav an i i-,c l>it of June, which tiiey ;pcrt in ihe salubr; us re- ' cei'»"! cf the ^'hi. kahumiiiy, whilsr '.ur troops occupied their enc.imf'P ot the Seven Pines In a few iiours after I’.is cngizcm.ir.t '■ whicl' three hundred bud-frosrs and 5 x niud-turcies were captured and sent to the rear, the Yankee armv ; advanced steadily up the prosperous cit\ of Ayletts, near the he id of nHvifat4on on the Mat- taponi river The capt’ire of this j_'reat city was the aim and object of the secret expedition. Avit'tt'-, before the war, boast.-d a population of not less than sixty persons and contained three stores a tailor a shop, a black smuh s shop, a post-office and two old groceri. s, besides 9» veral private re'-i- dences, & taverr. uiid a miiiirier g srioi.' I'lie exi gencies .f the wnr had closed all these csiablish- ment, and ren l'^red Ayletts le'S attraciive than it was when whiskey calioo, straw hats and patenf whcth.-r hi^ Go'.erumeiit und people wili be -t medicines were S'. id there at moderate pric> * •^pini'j.i ;us ni in nd-ed to boiieve the absurd .siorv that furn-.er.” He f u^ht to know that th,; bur* !~g -f tft'- T m cur.- on a raiin sd ;s r-'i ji.ffi ■r > Tit ‘make‘‘lieauregsrd frantic nr ^ ric.;cuious. -p^-':-.; V whon [ expected ■: er; momenLtohe.tr ; ■ tf^e ciiDtur* ?f h’3 oiaraudini; party, whuae df^- j.ii'urf fr-'m f .iruiington had been r^mmunlra;- i ti' me ' a i-.v Lef.r., and I V.a.i giv^n in ^otiae- qu .ire sll necessary orders, but h pa’t uf tny j ! c-rs I -35d Bocnt-:i»c in huur i,elorv ;*-.6 arri | V- -){ S' ■■r-t.i K lOttS C-’:.ni9rid, >1 th* a^ier p : t arr:‘ _d just in t a;e t- drive ii anuy and nb er '0 -.n-f - va,e=ot;n-a caprurvj, unfortunate-y ' M wever r . n time to .®ave fiur of ihe ?.c>t, rH" w. barbu lisly Cu'nFumed in th.' M.ati. n h >uge! Ler t .ol'.’s n:;m«r dc'».*eLd tj inf'^iny is thf HUthor of such a rcvoltinir deed Gta ilalieck , capture »a‘«£ locomotive. It was voly b . ; thf: sc?;d>"n'al dretruction ot a bndi^e bil’orc go;;,' ns passfd, that he got kvfi tn^incs in : a da') aj:'"d condit’on, the car^ having Keen burnt ■ by n-. orders T •.'li'ed ismenttble to K-e how *it?le our ene.n: - r. sper. truth and ju-itice when spcaKing | Kcir ;j;.litar) opcrauons. fnpt'-i^ily vh*-n. , thrcu^; inability o' nver conSd.'ure, ihry n.t-et ! dfesf'rv»‘.i r'ailure ll th« rpsuir br “a.! 1 d»yi:'ed.’' it -.aii b-. Fa:d he is #*!:.si!v ';.ti5tied. it remains to ic Sftn miirdi'r a citizen ol ;*;e C-i- It'Mcr.ite ^;tat€•s thu^- lnw,t or dio in the attempt ” FTavinir jjone some • .p.Mily, and ) ping i-v try n. no nt lorarepriev, ^ i„|p di^tan('o. ;ir Sr.-d his gun. and “made a .,r .1 paT'h.n; I ui n. ne came, and the aoul of tlic . ^traii:hl r.,,it t.iil" for the (’onfedtrate lines lint martyr »:> U'l.ert' ! b; vi.jit lit hajidn nto the pre, | |,e Yanke. s were watchin^^ hiui. and not under- * nce of his G.id. tt.ej. to bear witnes-, airainst hi- j ,t„|-,ding this last dt-perate movement, their sus- murdertTs, th* tou* I'Hadtrs of tlie >oath ' .,jcions b-_;jn t- rijiet. ’nto conviction, and they 1*3 act of jJut!* r is one which calN alwud fi^r | vnjlf*’ '-’> k'a!l-» aftT him 'I’hey whiatled rer-j if ion -nil *or v • I’hi: .’masurc h « !ran'‘;:r*-b" -.n au * wi : -^.'Uth I- o"d ^irf fj. tli ranie biok to him, and he admits that , ^lade th« followint; appointmeoLs as Directors on i of pprprsi] lest i;:>r rfconc^.lation | did some of the tailt-et kind of running until State: rhcie •i‘*'.'uid 4 iiil iw- r'VT'i v.rt cfied !i:c nas [anl the forfeit '>) snfeiy amongst his friends aeaio . , ^ Jilled w.th th. ! plan There is nothing ->o efficient as organized woun'led of the Union trmy, .nd tl, . . ,. 1 - 1 .V, . . I ” - ■ ■ . . , J Uvstem in Kijv eiit. rnriHH May I not lK-k tor a sreat cry now is for rurs*>>., physicians andh*s ir.g tluMr .^en-es unno ih:r to J-;..k thateven >ucl | \ rifl*’ whirh ho just then picked up, de- , j Eastern Alabama? accommodations ,>he thin,.s the ^rreat b^dr lyiani av l.ntlor co'ik -.‘ally have the heart, to j l uring he would “make -vme^^d them bite the i the alternative—Snifptt-e ur the Northern people are heartily tired r.f thi t^nii tici power to Btup it ” I have the honor to be, 4c., Fmm —We have ''nv(*rj r\Tpr W. II. C. PatCK, ed with a gentleman who has recently left tht bupt Nitre I*isv No. 10, Auburn, Ala immediate rear of McClellsn’s irmv He s»w — l '-~ in the hands oi .McClellan’-, sutlerp PhiladtlLhi» A npoiyitmr'^tf ,y r/le H'Utri or Iny- r.tr.^r- rf I. =r ) M'l J* 11 -Thi/board met at' tho Executive of tht 1 r 11 ' r* f > ""T" J h*raile.a.'ly aro-ind him 1 he I’aptain s exhausted Q^ce on ^Vedne-idav and amongst other busiiiess »r,nft>- tr nvi^r ^ ren. , tuart, ani ' : comers to much loss ot property, and the taking ' prisoner* by our troops- These papers : state that tlie train which was fired upon at Tun ^ Aorz-'i t'a'-oh'fia R.iUr^jfi —Pau' C .•tjll’s contained three Brigadier-Genera'.s, maoj Tameron, J U li W atson, John D P*‘]lamy, lia'ph ' Coiouelii, and '■everal Captaing and Lieuteraau Gorreil, I) .M llirnncer. Himuel Hargr-tve, P i', , They ackn.'.wledge that several were killed, hat Hawkins snd John I .Shaver that the loss of life was not 80 great a? it would —lion \\ A Graham , , have been, had the ra«^n on thij occasion rode on A n>>({ y (' CnV-i'.mpnny— top of the cars, as had been their custom, iratead t vUncil B H ood, Johr>B,.,'. }J I3ry.sii. Lewis C of inside They deny that the engineer was itill- Desmi.n^d, EA Thomp«!0ii- I harles K Thomas, ed. They crn^-ratulate thcm.«elve& that the “gu»^ pK.>r G Evaris, Hanry F linrd and Couacil riiia band,” headed by the rebel Stuart, did cot W ooten go to the \\ hire House, on the Pamunkey, instead .V' r.. rr, j ^ —Hon >r E Manly ^ ^ of GnrlicK’s Landing .-\t the White House, A ( Rc t,h^ f'j*npan^.—'^' W . were several millions worth of Commissary stores, Avery, N W W ondfin, R f’ Pearson, illiam H” while f»ur miles above, whcro the'‘rebels’'did go Thomas, George ! I^and.^on, A M Powell, Wm the store.s were comparatively valueless Murphy and Archibald flenderson. • The Yankees themselves'admit a loss ut ths .Vo/-- /W^v — Andersen .^^itcheIl. ' iwp days’ finht at Seven Pines, in killed, wound- I1II inri'ly r. it UTil.i tilf' blood cf out li.urdiired hrethr.’u, w^hich f'rifs iloiid from tl, »>-^rrh for vt-tig.af.-je riJi* been an.ply atoCkvi for I hf. mir.jer»"r ehou d be ent to Uicet his victin ■An 'r.-.,di ;> 3^ pj:-'»;bio fl- h'H. '.'i It A A> T : jJ/'-'n .VVij Ori.’OHf - 'Ir S'.ul Stre>-i 01 tills cit., wh.' ;t_*ft New Ori»-an- on the Stii in sta^r trrived hon.;«! .''unday mornini' ■'N 0 1». rn from Mr i'r«et that Ke city w V: rV orJeriV, the *toi*s aU vpen, vut buHineH^ v.-ry dull, -in I vci v uit.,* i:-.ii^'- .Scvi-ral vi-sae!- had nrriv.»J *Voiu iht. North w.th oar_o.s of ic»’. and jii'-i. sio.is, ];■.•' was .sclliii;i a* fivu cents n ■ ['ound I'ho J- .-dt r«l soldiers were *Micampfcd at ' nff.-r. nt .ocaaties, .inH /i;' ir >ns wore quartered at j the Custom }iou , .'iint, .nd other public i uild ' inL'.-* Trooi s v^v-re --Iso ,tationod at I’arrolton. ^ Hnton K ug^\ and 'Cveral piact‘ oq the river Tho stro'c-it di^ p;;nc i-> observed am,jni; thk •'old »rv, an J tK.; si tost ontuct-.', 3g«i£j>5t citU'-n>*, or vi.il -ti'.ni ,f rui*-. are puu:»h'd with great sev^ritv • 'Ien*.ral iiutif^r -till /'as his ticadquartcrs ut thr ; .St Ch.'^-es Il 'te:, whiie 'ti.; ."M J*m.3 has i be*^n couvert'd i'...a h.-.pitril tor Kk i ral fculdicr ( h •. -v/ i. ' He keers the i’ankec riflt- as a memento of his escape 1 r?E NO’’.Ty Carolina uocNDt'o >-f .■. ! V[-f. .:E .'f THk f£Ttk'BVS« Ht.\I>wC ARIIBS 33d R-GIMtNT N »’ T , ) N*ir R'chmiind \"% , June ~2 IS^-J j .Mr Editcr; 1‘crmit me to communicaie through your ixiii- r;-r the f'dlowing list of woanvltd, be i lo ;:in*. 10 the “Branch Brio's.le, ’ vshu were j capiured in tlit eni;;i^piiient Tt Hanover ('ourt- ' h''US;, , 'Ijv C7th, nni arc- -till prisoners wi li 'h« enemy • T* h I’” i SLDK,-. • .S’ c B*.wouadfd 10 ' If ft • raf ' * - 0 Mnr' n‘ n ■■ h c'Trrciiri. frnr , thijh ! THoi« T Fv'^s^.'Oi;. I ■' K I'J ‘1. W 'jrH»ii it/ I>'r i ‘ w:- H>* ippelli. C l 1C h. a»-«r. » .’linj in rii^ht thigli ! Tl rt f' ' •» i.j -f ti,> I",:, _V C T Cvi C'jfc**!! L: .\ J. Ln; on, Co A pf-rf^rai;n,f wcuncJ of ch«»; tie--:. :ot Oman rtucli 1 attest that ail we l.st at C-’imth ^r,i darir.g t:;e r*;treat, wou'd not im.aint to one i;v’s eii- (tetises of his Hrit:\ R -spi p'!ully, your ob ' -orv’t. G T. liF-.^tRl.oAllD. A t’av airy a h -Im liad The T^illage of Ayietts was taken bv surpri.se and fell witiiout a blow. S\ hen ‘lie i 'inkee armv ar rived, there were five ..dd gentlomeo ih'rr’a:id before they couid unfaifen their horsr.s rr'm the rack they were made pri-oners and deprived oi their arm-*, which c.nsi^>e>\ .jt ^ri I ;'-w -r>,J jwirch. -. one hickory walking .■jCick, and thr.“> pocket-Knives, -ne of thrm a S'»rt of inftrnaJ lua- ch^nc, ?i^tainii:^ three bL 'vs. a cr.ik ->’r» w, a h'lrsp fl. a u. a • or of ; nicerand a t.-un-pick 'Ii)i, ' o;!*'deraN- force wa.- Cl poured with ut the lo''S if ': n Yaiikt c, a'ld th'.'ir > in^iK v trs truve three idi .• cl i r-> in honour d' tlo?ir luaii-niGcf rif af’h^ veui-it, and bello-^ed our. kalkalatc- that -—1 rtdicl .^tuirt Will squeitd) when h* iirar" of ti i- vl.'t 'fy.'’ Th Yackt- :irmy having.sci'ured :he priiioners 1 ' *‘f and v^ith complote >-ucc 'fir-t tikiiii^ t!'; p;ccautio!i to steal their li «rMLS, C.;mQ,'*e tuu"y acts of atroci’ us vandilism Tiiey bu'-^t th- ,;rai/aries, 'viiioh were t rivate prupcrfy, and ais • destroyed a -jri'l^e and rwo granar(e> .. .1 pla.;e Called L';r.k,ik" f'v.. mi '-, ab V.:; Ay' u^, nrid also cut to p'c-'t-i a f’.rrv:.' They d- 'tn.y.,d five or aix small .-jl.oo?.’t;> af Ayle,‘>, t pT'- ticrty of p'or, }; t: nie--) i.on coui- batai‘'s, a'ld ' 1,1 1 tl.at tne-e c:ct' d van laiis;>i wen- h. w-..- ■ r-t.diution f d Suiait’ b .!d imiii.-rt .l I T o i.-rf.n lunces „r ardly n--,N / ..-i -ah t'.^ .! • m i , upon ih.j n^i :i> J ring hcn-r aut-r -ich lio \ oeat a h :^ty -.-f. ciuckiu^ ,.,d v..’,,,;. w’ii delijiht -it h ir; wip,-d .,-1 ti,t. j;,,.jlr p‘-t ll;. ,, aj. uruiy of ->nc hui.dr., 1 In due ser,ai; Vankei-’ Wif rp.. ,iT^ J -.vj /t.'c-'), ii;, , .? A L'OoJ .-oiry is t-'i i .d a II J.i k .\;r,?aiidf r, lit the .Second \ irgini'i • *^a- -eiit to Harper’s Kerry with m»'of to Capture a p.arcf-l ot Vaiik^t'*, re- -itiy t'-n.- ther-. l*-,iv,.;i; behind then many a w -u-Jiird .-'niuraiie t ■ h.- *ar. d t-r by rl,. (_. ,t, (ieratt s in ord« r to inaki- ro"m in tijoir i_ -t.- aiid aiiibuiance.i lor a iurge nuniht r d >.■■• ITT' w 'tn-It and clridren whom ttiev l.sd >.t‘i!*ii tr' :i tiie ‘i'.i 'n.' d W inehc.-ter Aie'xander per- rcCiiv- ering Tvith tlo yankee‘', the aforfaiid n,,. rj-o nit’ii. Par y as a punishment f'T their 'hi j.rcpeiisiiy, and partly f..r the sake 0} relit-v V V- 'T,- -:rjt or thf /. »*rv e>i b*'r»' Saturday ni^ht with t*’* M'f.>rmation, that ■he Yank- - w.,r» iHnd‘n>: in iar^’' fori’e at C. rnor t, .'*urrv n- liory. *he tire J:i;n»r r r phintn- t:.’n o'* \Vii, A n h'q Thy h ‘ i > nr. nil 'hi M’ .V i» - rt* d - ■me till,.- >-ir'.-t: by ii'i ;.iK. . p. n Al. 'hi- . .T.'pi priated by ihf Ifit"; . Or L> J I • M,. t. B SS ‘ ;iH- •iltc.' L .n? W [l; l» Rtlod*'i. ‘ ' •• J M plicr;**il. L‘, r tl f f ririil wrrfuiii'el j Jtin» )7u*i n. V ■ » '"• a ■ Tr.- * '»i ‘ - ^ f'-'^-rai iiOH 1 1 ■ h la i tur >l ' ^r.r. i. l^r.. t, « ;iind >u figSt leg '• i in r:ghi 1»-^ w 'II, i in rift.t ilii'^b, I iQ '■ Jor,ea ~difd june al iL’t; i. c ..Tr:;''):’(» i Ir^-.rlti^o ■* koe- ■~Lca .-i':: =e*n. Rd/fi jk anil Gnsfon liuilri,ail ('cmpany.— Wm J Hawkins, C H K Tavlor and Gastoa H Wilder Sio'f Proxy—Hori L> M Barringer Alb*^fnnrle anf^ ^'ht'iop‘'‘ike f'un ; ('ompnny ed, missing and ihmoMifJ, ot 40,000. Ca^ev'i division has been competely lost to the Fed^-ra service Such as survived the terrible conflicts were so denioralia»d, that McClellan has cau*!?-! them to be paid off snd dismissed from the service a-i cutirt-iy re- WmuC 1 --fVC 1'; r--mp-’'V:n'j o.n-'ioL Jtisi fr\c : i *'l-' ■’W , • ->«>. . I't-n**'-niir.ji w und of chp*jt. h. rigtit ► .sillier ..jid br*>to»i. dwt i!irig ll’H f ill if d 'iij i- H-.-i; 0- prcUiii* ' -ratfi th V:i ill a:in ttie wom> n. Le distributed the negro children i thing upt>n which thry 1 in place their hands, ng the yankee prisoners and made each man | /i vo/- /'>pr^,s, ‘J37. iiig the wouii n, he distributed the negro childi I' ng the yankee f-risoners and uia Ciir-yn„t 'ftheni baok t.. U'iricla -fer! .''•.me of the y.i-'kee^i made a virtue « f lu■ce.^sity and acquitted th 'U; e'’t‘s nur^e.i with gooi humor*d non cha-ince. Ucher-* i-ubinitud to the infliction with ' in ti t 1 e.i' vthiiig -■ f ''..'li*- ai'i'iit thf hi-11 lto'% !aiir;. ■ On.* in:‘ 'i>iatit a lar/* ' !iMMibii ot transpurts ‘.er.> ■ fir tl j ■ in had -vm' mad*- :pp* aiaiv'- ;n t'^at h'^'aiity he!.'re, but .hr int. tioii of tht ■•’M-niy c-’i! i n"t b.' ar-cert.'iim’d. It is I, it siippii'-'d th it this iii.'Ve i- f-r thf* pu: pi '*- id niaki': ' a ieni"n,-Trat' m in P' trr.-burt. .13 t v h.tid I'lart iii'■! t i' ■>" r N'' ;uil. ^ iia- raiit, when tlu*’> 'i-'Id C'H) e by wat».-r mueh iit arer. riio t.m i\* e ml ii-ird 1 v a point higl’.ei up I the liver, and ..niy -u>pp--d ■: 1'l.-xreni >nt to in ! lul-e their fav;.nle pruj . n^iry --r*alin-,' ev. r\ — Hon }f M Shaw, John B Jones and William 'ihis information is obtained from a sutie.r in h>i (t vV i!«on . Fedrrpl service, and is ^iven to us S-at^ t*rjxxj—Dr Thomas I» Warren ; liable }nyetttvi(U avd IVank Rt-nd t\ m- Our itifoimant vuited the battle fit.’d the day r,a«jy—F X Roberts, Lanchiin Bethuce and J P after the fieht, and says he hope^ to oe spared the ^ ^ ; pain of ever .sgain witnessing saoL scenes. The I -'--,»eorge .NfcNtili j dead the dyin/ and the wounded were to ba Siat-’. Joir-na^ ; in nli dirp''tii)iis for tciiep, ar.d manv davs ebp-sed jr- ,• i ^'Z'- 1 I before thev were porcettib’v ditniui.shed. The i fitivw.— ihepeotlec: ttii'* >tare will vote ^o;„„,- , • . r i ’ j i j f,- ^ I. ‘ i L T 1 I ottc^'r^ nor priva’fT of th’ federal army do not tui G vernor, members of the Legislature, and j- ■ .1. r .1 * 1.1 ■ ,1, ■ , ,, ^ 1 attempt to disgui'e the fact that it Wis a terrible bneritt, in their beverul LoHr.ties :>n Jliuriday, ^ 1 ■ JlJM- . =i . Kn 1 I . K ri . in I;-' 7//^ V;i"Vr‘V "'T^’low to them, and such s o„e as they do cot wuh ' = • • d f' ' ti.e . tti duV ot August All our ‘•o.diers in . • 1 j • l -i iiifi ^ rl.--' «r -'d ill Tirk ' _ I ' .L L ii .• . • again repeated during the war . * 1111*1 f. ' , . , , Camp, wherevur they mav be, will vote for ttie • v 1 ' t . l x r r- i.ewi^ I t- Iin. . h W un i. 1 i.a kof.- 'oiot. ' , „ , ... 1 ■ ~i n .* t . ^ tankee.s claim to have a force of 2C'.',0*.'u , .i„,- : ■ f : on the ChicUfc .m -r but our iotor,..ant k,u.»s ,1^.,. to s.: .l .^ -l^ or -cW.er-ol h»^ „':,,.,er,tioo, .ilt .11 evetu, rrncioT- i f r—,s- '. y. Ha ra r.tr i b* ur i.oe** in»d ernor. bat not li>r legislators or »henff», in anv i ■, i , • • • t 1 • I,^ I .u 1 ■ be It wl It mav. It IS now posirivelv known tral ' ouiitv of the Matf. where thev mav be on the j 1 . u h- l j l ■I .i.u ’.'n. ^:.* i ' r, f'o H •l.'-h H ur, t ir. '.rft thiph of election ' ■ - ’ 'nritemp!a?e a march ro Richmond by .AU.rri Ki'i i i! I => K wtuind in K*i'i thigh j ' ^ this route unless aid can he secured from the river pfSat,. - - M VM,. w.. d iQ bac ! Tcirjo —The ,G reensbory’ J*atriot ‘•ays They have sent lor Porter’s mortar fleet, and with V- H "fKn • rpgiiuent N. C. We regret ro learn that many obstacles have be. n ' P^r.itian -,.f j^arnside_, they hope t '. 1 ll f (f fr-)r) C I: flexh W' und in left leg L I ;i J^i. n 11 ( Co f, coa.poiiud fiaciure . j .... , l 1 r 1 r,. • 1 . •f r If't lio^h hirt legion before they wt rc mui-tered into Re d- of the C hickahominy, snd in daily tuc."rs—i *0B T r MoK*. j menti—but a deaf ear was eivtn to the r wishes, 'attack and they v^crc distribu ed il.-ewher« ‘•If/inr n /'jiz^jrr ^iis-ed—We understand frr.m a gt ntlemaii who has recently seen a highly ue regret ro learn that manv obstacles have be. n ' v."-' pnan m i>urnMue, iney nope ; thrown in the way of his ruisi'ng his Legion. th.n * reduCf the ba»t.'ri- at Drury’b Bluff The a very large nuinbjr of comoanies de.-Tred to join Mot'lelliin's forces are masked on ii- 'i >*. -.IMF.VT S .T .,11 (iliv, I A; wjirdu (ifiipul tpd. ■*7 ■ H FKJIHKV r > ogri!t of right 1 Slid «hoi end after- TROi'fM —COL LK*. n anti —We have it.telli 'I'lice id' the mov{-mfiits ot two active and .vide awake L’onf-d'rat* .Tt*iK.Tals, but f ir pru d''iiiiil r.'asons, foiV-i-ar to give our int'ormation [••ihlii'ity L*-t the public rc'?t as:^ured that thev are in the right tiiace, and in their ovmi guod tm.c "*>>*‘‘>1''. .'on*- '.mK .vill make th*'iiiK. lvt*> felt and ftared by the \’an- ' dais who are noW desecrating .Snuthern soil. ,1 oj uf'lel o S'; K •(;mi ill rij{ht (hi j»h Pfyioii Hhyn**, ■> II Stua sa'rl Y.oiit • *■ ' . ••, ;i,. laiiKee'iom c account-, id' tio; iiLroisiu -f tt.c intr. ..li .r-iy which pe.ivtratfd :wen?v m.li-s ru i C- illity a/,d c m.mitte^d a IrW iCta no cruol iiiCf'i.di.ii;„,j int>: iin u of diisturd'v f'Xir.'C’ fi: t„ 'h expi fSM-.; ■ ii >vliica wor'jfc tliaii Our S' f _ an a. ici- ill the liiciuji • J I; .• ex ictly tlK ''(•I r.ts *n/l fV, we re^ .rj a rt-^ .iihecti. , wi.h . o vandal invader, Say- the lii-.^atd.; Sh-.tU the '^..jti, !,. there ' ,. e',r T'"’i-.a w«|. c )uc t.0 ‘Ur ^ .» i . .o.rea, w.i.'d !. iv,j evt-rv a^lvantaire many a ^'nmace and di>i ust(d curl of the lip l»u' a I hort thtir burdens patii'Htly as thev could unfii they reache'l their di'sMiialion. Ah xanderV Waggery cXpendL-d ilst^lf in a ;;rand di-play id ili^ 'iiixi’d pr iC'-'-ioii through the principal streets of W i'ii'lit—ter The ^c-.-ne was higlily ridishcd by the pe iphi all along tlie road, and at \V inchcstei it Was gn eteu with outburst.s of merrime'ii. 1 li = ' if' Ct id’mch a proccs-don under the circiiiiistan Cm- Can be be»tir iina^ined than dfsiribed Ii , 1 , 1 1 i 1 d. ' • ’/ V"" wa. el.ctrit\in- no d ubr; and Jack Alexander | Tul' ! ! " receivt^.l mJny a hearty shakp of the hand and ^T ll" I'” ‘^y/l"'>g' an Warm cn^ratulation as a reward fi*r his courage ; '^i'!'. ?/*' Briti>h ar- aod drollery.—| ^ ‘the liritiMh lost n(, lime m improving f I j tne advantage, l»y op‘ning upon them a rakin>> ' . \i J.rt 'Uyr»-n^—A corr.-spondeiit of the Atlan- ! lire. ‘•Colotn.d,” said »’apt Dearborn, “let me !'“‘t ^ tli*. ta f'onitnonwealth says, in relation to the report j advise a quick step." “Dearborn," replied .^tark, he • l 1^ I Cnp'ur^s f.y tht /-V mj/. -CHAHLLSTON, June i respcctable Citir-jn of New Kent county, that^cur britin. ^ ‘•^■““Btdoro daylight on Friday, the ifi'th inst.. , troops under Gen .'^tu.»rt mibSed a valuabh-priie I two \ankee barge,-*, containing about thirty men, 1 in the n*cent bri'iiant reconnoisance, made in lh« • O A. W .ur.dei ,n right knee went up the Santee Rivei to the stean, pounding ! rear of tho enemy’s lines Gen Stuart’s forces pass- mill and captured the schr Louisa and crew with ed in their march, an estate in N’evr Kent county, a cargo of 1 17 bah-.s (^otton. the atcam tug Treaty, knov^n a** Hampstead, where Gen .McClellan l a small propeller bnat used fur towing on the has e»t)ibhshed his headquarters. At one point >antt*e River; and two liyhter.^ belongin*: to the on the march the Confederates were within 600 mill, partly .oaded w.th rough rice. There was yards of Hampstead, and it has been since ascer- one negro mm in the ste.u, tu.^ They then ; tuined that at the very time they passed, .McCiel- L .A t fl*. I'ii C'lnip.-.1111 (rnctii *> of rigid ihigh Deiij ( I dl'ri'U, Co J * riortiitig wouad >f br ihri i.gh riptii eyi'—lird June I Um i'^erge»ut Wm. Hurl j Oeo ("-avm, Co A; ngi,; k:n’. j ..fit, ib.gh amputated di(*d .lu'ie 1 'll 11. Hi.h'i Oriitiy. 10 A. jci f, r«iii,^ .'h. ii wouud M V M'ldir., ('o nml di.*d of lmp'i''’Jit''i oj t As in riif(.ri}i/ A'fion On the da_> kvlo ii the iiatfle of Runker Hill was fought. Col .I.iliii .'^tark, early in the moimnir „,l „.eu.r, ,„„n„r i I""'* J''.'''’'’ Aoet. le.v- | li.n „„l ,v..re all In the buil,ii„K at dm»er h P I I uuri.-r, Co 11, pcriofiung rh*'^t wound—died 1 J ^ steam mi un i.irmei . F 10 (.aptain of , J jie (ui!y tru op.-; near were hip usual bodyguard, 1 , ^ . • • w. I,i"“t >«ore tban one hundred cavalry h,.„.r,.lyardsfro,., | ,I,„1 S.uart U,.w„ the»e f.c.,., the bailJ.. ^ W I; vr .„„,i,.d in 1,-fi -ide i (^urur. ^ oould have been surrounded, and the Young Na- pd’.on of ;;ll \aiikeedom, Trith his whole staj, I. M L> I' lrMii Co K. tle-hh WDUiid in rijftil ihijrh. ! , Fr,.»rh T.. t , ' 7./ • /-> 1 C'lrj.oial Win x\ Hil.;,.r. perforjiiin* w and of nb lomen r, * ■ 1 i ' * / i eath. ■ | would now have been io the military Dripon it -di. d June 2 ,d. ; ^ been considerably amused at a little Salisbury, X, C." military pripon Theae wounded were partially in my charge, i which is another evidence of virtue within t.'ie piiciiiy’fi lii.es. 'J’hey have been re- i rewarded, as well ?s a further proof of the truth of the proverb about ‘vtrly birds” and '•^Importint Rurnor.—Gentlemen connected with the army, who came over yesterday afternoon j hy the Richmond train, report that McClellan is that of the detection of (Jlemens: .Nlr. T M Tennille, of Marshall county. North Alab ima, says that, to fiis personal knowledge, on the 2.'»t!» uU., Jtie J'hmeiis, with >!e,>-irs litll and .Morgan, of Nashville, were at Blount Spring-^, J" It’iici.ry c.*u!d uff -I ,, d ^ 1 T." ■ Hh">"t county, Alabama, making speeches,-und hVenchmaii, | ^'•om wounded, and it is due the enemy, ^ \ «'■''///i ttn I (joni^jerato wounded are kindly r'o'.jii^ nrri-fit cisurel^y' across Charles-| —all receiving like accomtuodation !friendship of . • 1 , *. Cannon shot, attention. No t.reference is shown to Federal “eaten of his meat and drank of relatives of the ! “"orms." An eccentric gentleman, who spent a I f\y itichmond t^rain, report that .McClellan d to state th-.t > his life in entert.ainincr ' , '‘"1, burmne his fortifications «s h-- lly treated aiij I'V»''«"*«• d'eJ .reeeotly in the Faubourg St" «'•»"?« Proeeedmg, .: I Germain. Wishing to nut the friend.nhfn nf 1 ^’^'|^tins, which ih» or Turk—that j tion in everv Wav n I 1 ^ - r bngh-htuaii An-,liian. Ru nati'jii wiilc:, ,'o fi . , 1 •3 til., c., Diy ol t^ e I nited htatee | ^ ‘ ' bri '•ler. We would u thou- j " ■ be jiider the dominion oi j *iaii the detestabl*'yaiikoc North Alabama. which buzzed about th**m lik the historian Bancroft. hail. So tustifies la our friend sand tinier Englanif ] tyra'its vr‘, •, 0‘tscr p.l'-; •: me;: d v:. jf W: d ;i ; , ’ '^h ■■-*/•■ , cap';r..d ,r.y, Wittl ij,.; ,J ,, hr tterv c r>i it .'Ifixir : j tro'jp*, h, ^ an ■ fwvi‘ r-r. : ja. t, i' tire Mr. Tennille’s life is now that cf a Bushwh.ick- er, and an are all his neighbors who are not in the arrjv says; ‘ U ii as much as a man’s life i.s worth to trade, or ;how sympathy with the ra>^ '* and murdi'ring u> for no ^ ^ank 8, for the Nortli Alabamian would kill t. f rce their wooden nut- j qnivk as the other " aij'i mike u?* tlii’ir hewer 15 f ^vater — 7-— v»anu.;u py me jrovernmcnt as i ; li'ftK-ry — 1 he batti'ry ‘ ... ifid- in his latp enjratremein we leava. was the Cidebrated An y Juhiiaon tml (hr' f'.a'jlc (h-afor of T^n- neyre. I he following capital hit, cut from the “Kditor’s Drawer” of Harper’s Magazine for 18^, IS too good not to bo rp-produccd,. now that the very name of “Andy” stinks in the nostrils ol every true Southerner, so narnrally suggesting the idea of “carrion"” J wounded. In this respect, at least, our foe con- j forms to the usas;es of civilized warfare. J F. SHAFFNER Surgeon (V S A , .‘J.Sd regiment X C Troops. Trihuff. of Itti^po f.—The officers of the 28th North Carolina regiment, on duty near Richmotid, held a meeting on the llth inst. (Col. Jamo.s II. Lane presiding.) and passed .'i series ot appropri- p?.¥sage , .u i I- • resolutions of re.spoct to the memory of their . Memphis correspondent gives the following 1^^^ Lieutenant Colonel. Thomas L. Lowe, who age m a debate between Andy ‘Johnson, a i ^ few days’illno&> He was 3 tn.’ir newer- , r/, >/’-,„o , i,' jj l . • lu ' j,' | died reccntiv, alter a tew days illno&s He was the ..,,d ..f time. ^ f” i ('Uben,atonal honors and Ous.avus , , „i||i ^ ^ the ..-overnujcnt as I aenetallj kno-itn as r.o5, the ta^le Ora- , g.^.u . . . ■iea by th*i lamented Itiriguold, is havo we, by the valor of our i irod in pos-^es'ion of both th« conscript?, that the enrolling ofEcers have been i debate wa.s severe, and excited much in- .^L' :oid Rattt-neo.—/i';,7^, instructed by the War Uepunment to pay no at- tentton to cert-.fieate. of disability from ph'ysieiana a ome, or surgeons in camp, nr discharges from the service prior to the passage of the conscrip- t»on act, (except from wounds received in battle ) £.^u>rrr. Conscripts will be ordered to the camp of Instruc- '/-.i-—The salt -.vorks near Abingdon i examined by surgeons •' i hands. he present lessee"* Mi; asr,j. 1 ‘•5’' 'hat special purpose. anan A. Co.; have purchased the en- y from the former owner, Col T L Preston, a: a cost of 84J5,000. The works are now pr. 1 . ^ ffom 3,000 to 4,000 buabels of ialt per day.—Richmond Ditpatch. Rirhmond Eraminer. Eujht in the Army—Mrs. Martha Tyler, a vvidow lady, living in Henrico county, Va., ten miles west of Rl'^hmond, has eight sotu in th« ser vice of th« Confederate 3tate«. tercst. Andy closed his speech with this annihi lating declam ition ; “We met this eagle, and I can s.ay, with an honest heart, that he has none of mv fl^sh on his talons—none of my blood on hi» beak ” This was {rood and would have been a stumper, but the undismayed »Jus immediately ro>ie to hia feet and replied; “’Tis true the honorable gentlemen has met the eagle, and bears no traces of having left flesh on his talons or blood upon his beak. And 'tis not strange, my friends; for those of you who know the habits of our national bird know full well that he never feeds upon carrion!” South and a brave and much esteemed officer Rxrhmond Dispatch his cup to the test, he desired in his will that, General has issued to the North, that he would press thr enemy to the wall, and be in Richmond in case his death should occur between Oetober !?• l intelligence from :inH Marfh Ki,= —I i ■ . ) l^ichmond makes no reference to such a move 02 and March, his funeral should take place at eight in the morning, and at six should he die durfng the other months of the year. Letters of ifvita- tion to the funeral were to be sent to all his friends, and those who attended were to receive, cach one, for the males five thousand francsf, and for the females eight thousand francs. The re sult was that more than four hundred letters, in- the part ot McClellan as given above. Pertinent Questions.—The Salisbury Watchman says:— One of the most unreasonable thines that we have noticed for at least a twelve months, is the Jux$ which certain newspapors and politicians are making about Col. Yance allowing his name to be used as a c.indidate for Governor. In the name of common sense has he no right to say to his friends that they may vote for him if they choose to do so? And have his friends no right to ask him to serve, if elected? What then, is there in this that should raise up against him and .ti« friends *uch an outcry? From Vhattnnooya.—Augusta, June 23 —A dispatch trom Chattanooga, dated 2l3t inst., eavs Col. Davis, of the 2d Florida regiment, with his command, crossed the river this morning at tht* Narrows. Sharp skirmishing ensued. Tho re- viting attendance at the funeral a. six o’eloek in :olsir™bi:'i:^3' ''roort’: ^^d^yTo^'for'S the morniD!!, were «ent out, and ol theae ho» j coraraandini:, also encajicd (he enemy. The ei TCk l „°r'.‘h«rwdli„ ^ I’"'''''’'' 'o-i-o-nded by Oeneral'Leadbe.ter „'n'ronTya:;;.^":L'To^ealUnirer™L^^^^ 1-1 . . ^ I Drought in to-day a canfain and two lieutenants ceedingly surprised, a few days afterward, to be 1 of rhp IQfh Tllin^ia • i. ..a infnrrrtaA fi .u J f i! 01 tne lytri Illinois reeirnent, who were captured informed that five thousand f^rancs each were j 12 miles from Huntsville, awaiting their disposal at thetr de.*id friend's no- | - tary’s. Among the fortunate faithful ones, were Ciunt Henri d’Arcos, consul general of Spain; Edouard Houseaye, director of the Gazette de Beaux Arts, and the librarion of the Emprfss. The recipients immediately decided to appropriate each a thousand francs ot the legacy toward the erection of a monument over the grave of the giver. The Bank oi Charlotte 4 jier cent Ftrr^place Shuttcrx.— In many of the first class houses recently erected in England, fire place shutters are provided, which, wben partly drawn down, act as powerful blowers; and when wholly drawn down so as to touch the hearth stone, entirely close up the fireplace, and instant ly extinguish the combustion of the fuel in tho grate, or that of tho suot in the chimney, should it accideoullj t«ke flrci Tui: joon'i Eoq ton* ofsoiE qd« of fvtry «ot 0 Xh« Enqni ludc«- It t)Oth b«cft! c#u»* . p»per c^ni Tbl^ by th' ho judged at t nienfs *Jenf prpdic irgi about are insnllei tinyir.g -ri sf.(juencp« fauli-SndiD people upo who are this terril.^ riiiien ” Tb« Eiiqi can* of fHul ibuf miiijud fuel b»en Carolin>» by ftadicf Of Cf Nothinf *pprok--; Admin;i''r«ti Bichoord E; Virg'.a^a F'li' paparf Tber# baen thur i,l paptrs geoe :Mur* th> tho»» most r iH recei»ed « of the war Virginia pa: Carolina I iland*T, und Carolina ih« character of and their un Enquirer ev thoie North! we are awar 2d. Ihprii* jf whoTn Ch* .b«ir own pe to produce 8i brioK aided I it no wonC .abored ei’.cc 3d There ■ bat have Foiier, bj in jf cnr people ?rs ir. po but who, wh lion of .\r ’ b’o'id to pt.'p engaged in d way. We have a nxchnngf pi){; ’ ‘ win^'.- ^.ftei V Ilf ’^{ondttrci. prpi.er.ce n re S -^f e-r S.-':. .aijiT.i eon.Lui'nt r ‘ije E.«. r- reliable j.- rr^iper ; l ikod iinpruJ. a Ct;Wrpop»r the enctnv mi n a paper. %nd nt!ueD: would enc;,; our O’^n 3iand*rd, wni ind ^'ve» w:i;-: ‘ ■ \W Ki I [' ■■ii.y -if »ti i If jur I ro 'U)(ht to fi/it. vf 'U.- !.,fT iD'i lie .M V f 'e t ne laa'i giving one ijii u. pr due Cf'titeBi, anil country ’ The td;r '»i'l by l.;t! Mircury. » : 'epreaent »ud do the St 'Urjtelvei to the eipret.-i' the 'ther pu; of cotiiplaim j "ith It lis doii every f':eiH>4^ iij •'ike >t a» H CO 'fie Oo»frroiie HU = * •'‘»f'r It uj i\ Cot. Va. Mst«jrdM_T n I Otifernor, ti I Col V«Df!e' IQovercor lilt, T ilHl (ulated I, Tapers tVie"dl partj feel, 1 iiuire I »ble Cbarlo'ti I Written I ‘1* said I conduct I *hat it '■■0^ Vance for I ^er of [ f*eollec •pirn nisk ie"d ,njr One O' 'loi K-' ^I'Od ..f h Cflll.J we countif to he tkLi- m [ •ome res Ibis pAper. '■^fce influ«iic *”1 'hat it caiQi *P»ct, , and we living v«»r| appenranc induced C to U8 ’jbse.vgv ^•'tidur i cHn ! thins it -f the I .'’“'t letter, at; *«'‘Uie Col. J *o.ocrat i« pi

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