C\%LE1\DAK FOK I8C2. -3 jantary I'.f U 14 IM •21 -(> • > - •» ^ FEBRl'ARV 1* ;; 4 u ID 11 it. I, •21 MAHC'H > 9 1 \i D» 11 Iti 17 1" L’15 •k' ol 1 I i i V ii; 14 I'. i.’d ■Jl MAY \ ) f 1 11 1:* li: 1^' lit* J \SK i V 'I \ i * 1 . IG r. ;.'i vl • .IlLY 1 G s 1.^ 11 1 l.’ti -] Li'J •_, Al I'rUSr 1 D‘ t 11 1' I. I" • 1 ' ^ ['* 1_’' '• SVl-TK.M r.KK •'I 1 •: 1 I 1.1 if, I’l • • >»• t.>« i'(.>HKtt I G 7 U l.-l 11 1 V( •ji 1 •21 ”7 ‘2'' NOVKMBKK L’ J, •i i" 11 IG 17 'Lt'E.MiiLR 1 •; 14 •’ 1 1- •j^ poS- • {■ i' i ■-., F \ 1 ,T 1' J, !'■ . RALEIGH v;; WKi^ASBoR;. i Arrives J iHy A M Departs dfti’y i 1 ^ .M KENANSV1L..1: via ;li.n lo.- .A’ rlvp^, dfti'y ~,i> A M lit . > •1 V* ID U 1'.; ,17 1" *24 • ) ill' o I I t ~ s 1 ■ 14 1:. •'f 1 21 ‘2l! 2 7 '* V I i 1 : 1 1 1;. •2D •21 l-‘2 •2'' '2^» ID 4 11 12 17 21 1^ ID 2* I 1 . > M 1" IG 17 I ' '•) .•'I . \ ::i ■r. G ■ 1' ID 111 •Jit 1 i 2! 2G '27 L 1'' I 1 1 } 1:1 17 .’4 1^ IG 1 14 1 1 . .f. t ill « 1 •js: I * k ] 1 1^ 111 11. 2G ■1 ■1 lu 1 1 M w o I > 21 I'' t . I 1 S II-: I i P.'. '2i 21 -I 1 1 Ill •Ml u . LAW BOOKS. V^AUNPEKS’ REPORTS; lO -*• on Pleailiiijt Eviileiu’i*' Phillijw 0(1 KviJt-ncp. Common B»-ucli K^j'oits new senei>' Ouriis's i'oiiiUieittari**!». Hoss ou Hill."* rt'i'J f’romi-sot y Nulei* •riiitty on ('irnVr'J; Buteiijaii i>'‘ -omnier('ial Law Tavloi L:iw 01o«sftty. VV.lhni"^ .*11 Lti'vemix V Kit\ue’a Kent; *• Blai'k«toue • '■■ke iii'on Litllprnti -Hutlur S Hargrave’s Notes, •Sp.l^wit'k on l);intages- i'iory uu Sale'f; uii Bills ot Exi'liHtnre Kqiiiiy IMeitJing on (’on'lict 1)1' L:iw- utl I'.HlllIli-Ilt-* ' tiiiiy o!i "II t'.'iilriirl', ItinyliH'ii 111 llltuii’3' i I >, !■ 11 I>' iT v: >Ii I’ ll Un‘r-i}ii[i; H 'hiTi -' 1*1'aii'i}>l*‘ Ilf' Ki^uiiy. li.ic'.ir !ini| S!ii'l»-iii; Ki ('.iiiuiK'iii :ii i»‘H; LfUiliiij; t'rt'-f- in F,i|iiiiv, H ire Wnllai'e s Notes' I/ivv yf’v’s (','nin>.i!i I’lrti'i' U.iok (irt'tMil.'iif i)ii Kviii«‘iu't‘; dll P’f I'lilli', .ir.--^!.'v's K.jiiiiv Km.leu.‘0 I’.iHiill'' l.'iw l»ioiii>n!iry h.irIoii' l.iiw \ni.js (.11 r.vi.l*Miiv\ I'h t/iniilorii nil.I l't'ii>iul . ''i'i I’riii- F i'Hi mc I'll iv*in*iiii i‘i ' Tl.li flJU'lUf; Sfir' I III 11. llilli irv.1 I'll Siiui 1 ' ].iU'. iU'i.I iili^l Teiinnt . A.t!U:i.-'' fi't'ii.'y; ill; in.'^ iiij I’tT-iMniil (‘ruiici t v, M I\ i:i‘ 11 Ai, 1, i.oi.l'- I'riiiiiti'ii 1*1 iftii-f III! I i’!ottJiii)f, i.iili, '- i:,jiii'y vVi-i. I.-!!''- l.i u’k-:^111*'; I '.i.i ’y '- \1 ' .-W'.'11 rvi"-u;ii]'UNKvi.liMire Nl i u-v un i Si iv itii .'H M-,.1 I I 'hi'! V -i t ’ iiM;:; vl l. iw U ii!’- i'll rr.'f'.'ri ) ''i.^ t'h,iin'«'ry I'ri. iiiv : i. ii u X’t'n.iirs:. i '.i \ l> ,! ■.!! \'( !l.l.ir; I 'r b'- ’tl U«'ll I’r 'iieM t \ Si;:: Icn I'll PjWfr-i h'-- Mi-i I'Hiililf 1,HV» ll 'in ,uiii>i. !> A I !;- II II Aii'U!!'- ..n K'fi'ttiii'iit. ^’-.^Tl-n (' iviiit (\itiiiiin:.iii, \!nt‘i;.’.i’i LfiJiiig ('ll-Hnr.- \ WiiUii'c'd \!u! r'i ' I'trini-fi v liTU'-’ I'r. -1 t'i\ ll L ,w 1- . kwp;. Sj.ini'h ‘.n i .MfikK'tiii L-tw "■•h ' F- Ktfii.'s. i: : If ' •'••.ir.inal H\i.l r..-.- t i’A'iri (iar'r.."iN .:_v l>r _!'■ -iiuaii. I Fvi lf>!, P W.11 ♦ vt*y.ino:nir AlHxirii'4 ll !* irin. . -ll ' ' l.i- (■ Su[ I - 'ii«‘ t oi;r! >!' Not ih (.'•I K.tiiii ' inlwfc'V* Pra>> i: j iiAi.n \ Sons Vlf.'L V 1 V ILLt \N 1 Departs ,imiy i I '•! HIGH PUINV via CARIKAiH: aSL' » ■ i; .Ku fri- VS eoiiiy Arrives Sundiy, ine^day fta 1 J-1 i.»-. 1 *i M Departs ?>IonJay, Winluf- J'ly nai Fi‘ 11v i i' .J L'HFRaW, S ' VI i GILtji’Oi^lS Arrive* Tue=iiiy, Thur'-Jay >».n 1 ^-'.turliy i • M Departs Sur.’Uy, Tuo^Jay n'l I’hu-'d-.y 1 i . M FAIP. BLI FF via l.UMBKit r«'N Arrive- Tuc=-d iy. Thar= iqy an i Sai ir \ V| bepiria S’lndaj-, fuf-Jiv uni Ihur-jw i I M RALEi'iH vid .-Ji MMFKVil = v Arrives Saturday 'J P \I Depart? W*‘dnp'J>»y 11 A M R"'‘E>i'iS>! vii ELlZAHh rii" 'Vv.N Arrivpg Tup= lay. Thur.~aay and Sati.raay U* P V Depart^ M'-nJay, Wednesiiv and Friday t A \I ELIZAFJETHr'UN TERLniNftlE DLSEHF.l' AM> vvhiTE oaf Arrives ^P.n lay •' P M Defarts T:;p«i-iy A M Magnolia. Arrives Tuesday - Depar!^ T•J^‘‘day L’^.P M J-VMFT l.-LAND vi^ MoN 11; PuWKLLi'oN, LPril.vi Arrivfa 'I'ue-dHV >' P. M l»epan^ We.inenduy 11 A M SWIFT I>L\ND viii IRo\ Arrives Tiips'lay G P M r>pptiris Wednesday 8 A M PHILaDRLPIH'S vh LLMLKR liRIIxji; Arrives M-.nday 12 M Departs Monday - P M. All Maili leaving bel'.irt- 7^ A Nl evening }Tevioii.« at P ^!, All Ictrprq to be seur .ifl .ith-r itrtn I v iii^i! i in'-! > u paid for as if'vent by’ iiiaii. Drop leitei'b ..^iioul.l invarialilv l>e j.re-j.*! 1 Otiice i= 'peued on r^an iay ;tt j an 1 ' via UHAVLS.lv hill P M. >.-E 'f \ INu I on .S MILL'. I'd tiii* M JAS I, ■OK Tiii Gr: T*te (-’cii..i,i:ie-' .f •' to i!;,, cii;?:.-;. . .,f ‘ aS-^*;ii;K’p.l i=-f('iTt-i i'l struct' :i .1! ,tic .r .re llft'U'riC' 1 Fear 111. ■ ^ ,a ; i,»* ’ Htitute 1 :!if iiiidt'! . sulijeci r> :'.-=Tp.i t.i if .1,.:i. I'lad p’."i : It .,r t V meet the i.. ; ,‘nd:!i>; > ■* a> pronipilv nri v t.e (. vital ii:ij. HI, !■ I -r .y- lay wliethfai it.,- i....... 5 ontrib'.' f.,r tij:- . .j 'hould it.f !irn. iirit ,], J'liOuId any ui;f .resoen i- nenrHin»‘nt ' iJii .v.,,- turned to :he r.->j,(.i i , ad'jp-vd a’ ti.i- ■ n ton, i' wM R —.’■■■I. Ttiii’ . the ^.ri- I'...)., I .1C‘* c .t.:; ; ‘loiiuiiiti t ■ I' > - .1 to ti l- .> tri.iiic . ' j ly ai.'l I'-bpr.'iliy in = or.'i "•ji'.'i,ti':n- t oeive ■■ i-.iii ,, ' If; AI FIND *y ol the j ‘Wii.j ;■ !ii!*. 11. ■> l"'iu;rr.)n in | I:,- j;,. .-rinjr - • lUIii.-rt.-d 'A : !i t: >■ r >T'^ i’‘ lU . !■'. ■ B’Mii-f i’. - •’ '■ e:.:: ,4110c- li^ t’-ir;,- - N :rr.. h:.v . p ci ll 1 ’ :eO >11 i !::■ • iTS'inj: \I .C.hoi|i 1 t J I u:,d it i- t-;. i . VI .! ;:it ■ y ..an i„. J,. . i '' ' re oani>v'!y .oli.'ifp.] •nhu(p| -r nnnp-TK-y prevent tt.i- I ’iH '.in.- tpirlcr, 1 wli! > 0 n- '• ■: • Alir.Ii^ r«-«. \V|,„,in^. I'" : llie .-tev;" .(! r.;.; v.l i(*j ' '!'pa;..:p « •in!i,n’p.-s , I L., ,f W!!h the ••I' ri.ii.M-1 : it,H r r..pu-^^f.. n- ,rk. ^ '‘'‘'111 'nplat.'d Wi.lk ■' ‘. 111 i':i, -i.^r ,.vcry pa- ■ 1::*. (o l(ii V, rtVil promjjt- - f l_\ ui'i- ji.ipu-hmen'. 'iiP uii It^i .^nc'J will r*‘- ■' > P'.RSLlli. .» DkRoS.vET, VWLA WK1G!!1 4 AlfM! ».P Hocomrnodated with board at T t' HOOPER. r»0- ggooks. , ■ ■" -'*» Li“V*-r L'..t V, I f*nny-.;.ji . j-. ^iiienr'.-ui A -• w r • TLe Lu.lV La Poetry I Lady p^rl'.ict Uen' • * lieHuty; 's-t-i Mirror of ForiutiP-. '«’er I’url.-v , lUllooa Trav. I'J, I'.ook of rravi ls Hiid Adventure .v March E. J. HALE & SON.'^ ^'jiuk.8 ul ilil kinds al tliiis OUicc. 4 FEW ladies i\ the Setiiill'try H.‘pt. 1*’- i-«*ll- it} €m . and well ^elPCte t Stock of FAMILY M. l*ork, Mu11«Ls, Mackurei, 1 Mid J, Molasse.', Sugars of all i.ra'lf.-, 'I’obacco, Cigar.s, \ud 1*11 /bci- ariii'lp‘ uHnally kept in a VVholesale Gro- ■ L'oX, KENDALL A CO WrliuiiiK'i*"’ April-, l^til. lU-tf OIL AND LAMP BLACK. ' fPANNF.KH and LUUPwK'ATlNti OIL. X [,AMP RLAt'K in Uirrpl-i For sale by I .los R BLOSSOM .‘i ^Sj., 1 Wilrningion, N (’. ! .Mu'cii 7 r,.(f t I lit ('m:kks or i oi kts ■ ^I'HK Sr ly Lnw havinff postponed the .setileiuent of 1 siiilfl I'of yearn, we will not her«‘»fter in'»ert Orders j of Cotirt without paynient in advance Please eend $4 I aloii)5 With theOnier, and more if it be of UDUSualleagth I Fei.v ISO‘2 K. J. HALK SONH; *?irr£/. 1*, Attorney at Law, F.WETTEVfLLK, N. C TILL attend the Countv and Superior Couria of %VESTKR.^ KAil. R0/%0 W CuoiberLand. Harnett, .Moore and Robeson Coud ties Prompt atteniion ffivr.n to ibe oo rlauii-4 entrusted to his hand-', Oct. 17. 1H6H. Ueotiwu of all The followinjt rates will in'W be (-•barjtpd fi>r Pa^iim- geis on this Road, vi?- To Little River. "lO its. To Spout Spring;. 76 •• _ “ ■■ ' I To Jonesboro’, 1 u> KOKV I. To Molvers. I'-*'- .Ittorney tmd f otatneHor at MjtiU , \ Train l.aven the D. pr.t Monday., Wedne. lay;; and LUMBERTON, N. C. 68-tf If liTILL attpii.l and praeti- e in the County anl Superior VV CoiiiM of Rotie-on, RiPhiuonil and CuiuberUnJ All buHin.-s- itiirusted to hitii will roceive prompt at tention and (‘olleetii>»'- punctually remitted t)ct f,, IM'.'t, KKXTAL NOTK'E. ) .'4('oTl' c'lii be "pen in hl4 othec. 1* I, doors f.i-'I of the market, at hisi re T T T 7 jrular oHice lioiirM Iroin o clork A M. until ■'! vt'i’lock P M Sej'i IH, lSt‘»l. f>i-tf notit’c* llial lie will bi* ab--'t»ni troin Fiiypit*‘vine lor :i t**vv week“*. Favettfvillf, .lime Ki, ISf.'J ’Itt i»i:>'risTS€%. ,i; .Ir DAVIS having dei ided on iseriUH- neiitlv lop.uing in lliptown ot Fiiyette ’vilif. rf-i|iec[filllv otl'cr-. liii -i‘rvii’eH to iht* I'i: ipii'' Ilf ihi- I'l'ii't- ami ••urriMindiit^ country In all ilu' vi'.i iiMi..» bi'iii'li.-,s of lii^ Pi o.*e.-sion, inidudinj'the in iiu:l'.1-!me >U MiiuTnl Toeth, hi- i .•^•iti-ilie 1, after an ••’iipii'ivt’ i‘\p*'i ien.'f. to %vhich i-* ailded athoroiijth Den ial fdiii'alion. tint h‘ can ^ive entire v.iii^taclion us tar !i>‘ i-i ill till* p..wT of I>fiiii-irv .Ml 11 regiilaritif!) ot ill' I'eeih Ireaifl in :i ]>r.i}>or an 1 i':ir‘tiil iiiaiinfr, as Wi ll a-' ili-ea-i'- I'f th>> lUiHirh. Ni>ii'‘ but the proper iiiflals ai (' ni l le ii“e lit i 11 ; ill' ■ iriiMis oppral ions * 'liargeH ni'l bp ni.'deri'e, ili.ai ih» bptiflit-; nt ihe Pi'Ofe»»sion 111 n’ bt.1 pl ii'c'l v.iiliiii the len'li ol ill wli.i iiimv leel an ;n!ei«-''l in llie pit'>.-i v.ii idii .if lliv- rpptli. i(Vu.'*' lU iT H'lii'ion s .1 i*'.vI'l!'V .Sti.rp, where he 11,'IV lie I'oiiii 1 i! all 1 iiJKw M ly III, ‘-'tf W, UlLLl l.M.'i .1 CO.. .\M> 1 M C(»IUH(- .\ .M> I'KALKK.-' I .N flarduar‘ and ( ufli*ry, Irou, JLe., STIIKKT, KUF.TTK\n,I,K, N. (. .Iul\ J. I-',: J .1 |..\- U l> KKM>.\M. .1 . KtMi.M.I. ro\, Ki:\iMiJ. .V to , V N D W H 0 L K S A L f: GROCERS, Nt*. 11 A. Iv! Nttrlli Watt'r St., W liHiillili'li. (’. n*‘ t' 'nc ’ v !.i.. II I Fiiday?», at S o‘’elin-k A at l‘J o’eloL-k .M 71 if Feb’y 8, If't. J Florence and Fayetteville Kail iload* [INDER the provisions of an Ordinance of the Con- ^ vention of North Carolina, liooka will be Openeii on the IGth June al the following placpH and umler the di rection of the following perjions*, to rpceive snViserip- liotH lo Ihe l.apiial .Stock of the “Florence ,'if Fayette ville Rail Road Co.” Shares Onp Hundred Dollars'each At thf Rtiil Rond OjJice ,ri F,n/el/&i'i/lr.—Under the di- reotion of the Oeneral Comiuit.si,m^r!», \ \ .\1-Kethan, D A Ray. A W Steel, Win MpI, .McKay and Jno. •M Rose . , Al l/ie JiiJ Spri’ii/s..— Lnderthe dirpotioti of Hector R. lurtunj.r. leavpH Mclver SM Wui. J. Stewart, .las \ Smith, u,m'i r ,m,._ ^ , t Neill and Col .Mex MoMilVin, or nuy '>tie of them ll. Nl \Ll,LTT, 1 IP. t I t'l'oral VfUfyf.—Uii'ier tlip dir»-ction of l>r N>'ill ,McNair, Dr .A. D McLeati, .\rcliiba1d Stiiiih, Edmuud Lilly and ('ol .Alpxaiider U'aisoii, or anv oiip of theiii At (^‘ui-r-iiihile —I’niler the direction of .Murdock Mc Rae, 1) .McLeod. D .McCulluiii, .las .Mcll-ie, .1 r . and J H Mct^ueen, or any one of iIipiii. At AlforihrtH'-.—Under the dli-pi.tioi: of .loiin Purcell, .Ino. .Mc.Nair, Sion .\lfoi I. DusiaM .Mi-t' illiini i»’i.l .Ino. .\Ic('albtm, or any oiip ot them ■|'he Subxcriptioii Book- will r.'iiriin op^n f.i tlip spuce of ti'J dav~ U iioii i .'niltii-i.Mit -um is -dih-ii ril.*-1 lb*-('onipuny willKe ori^Hiilz.d t'lrllu* I'Urpo-x- •! tiiiiM inv the Ro'id A A \1. K E l'll AN, D .\ KAV, A W srilEL, WM Ml I, \IcK\V, JNO, ,M Ho.-K. (ipnertl t'i.miiiir-'-i in^'i-' 1"-;:J. ■'.Jin- I LL A Col Kaleigh and Fsiyelleiille S(a^e Notice. H*‘a(l(|uai‘lTs (aiu|) of IiivlriMdon. N’-ar K.Ai.EiiiU, Jiui - l!*'..' SpF,Ct.»L Oltt^EI!. I No I. i’ LL jiiM-yons iibjpct fii ih.- j.i 'vi'ioii- nI' ii.. .■ inire.ss entitled ■'an aci tin i her to pr.,vi ).• i . ■ j Publii- Del'* iK'p,” approve I Ilic Dlih ot Ai.i ii I.-", known as ihe Consciipiion .-Vo', t; - tinf'iv I appcSr ai thpir r.-i;vil iv R ■giiii*-;'i i! mii~‘:i-r f.'r .iin i j their lespeciivt niies, oii ihc .'th ■! ly - ' I pro si mo. I II The Coll-'t ip' after fiirollmoni ate li. vvbv -i ed to app vir-II in-''ur.i iii>.us.* ol'(liei. !•-ii.i pi n.- tie>'. on tin' I 'liii .Jui\, pf .xl:i! ■, f ri-pai> d in p. f.irthwiiii ;■.) ".ijj c uu]. u m-tnicii.ju 111 'I'lip iTirilliui' i'lii.-i*i~ will ii'ivp insiniri'..!:- grant ex-iapMoU''•i>' pVi-«. rit.-d by btw. beret.t r'.p|i..i, 1„ i IV oHif fj coiiiiii'in.iing r-j!:iiiii-nts an.l conip ui r«*“ i|uiip us hfrt'ttftfr to char^p t’lil! f ii-p 1.1 al! jiasspngprs in our t’oach e“, an.i to rpvoke tr im tin-' dati- all frpe tickets. r i:\Rl;HE \ BHi* , r.iciiii'' Route No f»(i'*‘i '.IS t'im{>d A ur.n' Tlio Small. (OLOJtFiJ PiJOTtMilMPHS, \ r thi- Mi!iti I Ilf t his ie-|i>-( 11 v»* i:ymni-,11'1'. ( iillSiM'iTil iilTI 1.1 Ciillllil' N ■ iM 1 Hill '.I ; \ . \l'l pTr on - ■'ub t’l VOllinle.T. 11-1 i-; 'l.llb" ■ will iMiiip'li'm.lv nollf\ i:..I •.' •U II :ill ji.-i-^..ii ' i V with tl:- -ll, »crviop uii ll:*‘ I c.'iisp.^ui’lil 1 y -11 i Iv.itifr new o.:ii![ I P\0-'ptpd j !’v Oldfl ! ' " I I' 11; i'l I'h: .n ;!i!d itis|)i‘rD>f l.eiu raP, oi!!- Favpllfville, .liine ART. %V4M»l«varl's an b op I )HOTOOR \P!1 { tiallpry. H i;, --ii.i' ettpvifle. .>i : p!-'’ii. n-r.in.-h.*!, Color.-*, oil an.I |.i-‘i Iroin s^iall tol-I'e types, .Nlelai'pi'ty pp-. aii'l .lU otlipr .-lyl ppil.iiii' ‘J' tv> 'he \i: M-'O, ! 1 riii'.ii iiitr. (j' - ’ l«'!' v. i y bii'L'"' j.ii-'iii p 1-- Ifi !'ir ii in^iiiir pi im lips. .'.ird aii.l I’.i nienl j, .Slix'k aii.l • '■.! sire colored Phi.tu^'i' Having p-i ;ii i yuiir fial r.iiiai’’" 1 v.. for the libcrni I'-r r h t llP ^oO-1 J*1' ‘P . 'I I I- L{I0K AT TlliS! Tin; Fn!:TTi:i!Li;K ihiTi-L, P \D.rbT.I*Tard^'F^ portion of (fu* Tohii, 4'iiiil.*iins ^pariosfs aasH %v«*ll' vciclilaU'r.i 6£}(»:iiN> ai&> S2oU‘f isi flit‘ StI.'ile, j uikI iny l^utrmis s.tv tuv ('i.iKiliiiont-: an' very ! ‘iir tlif fniH'". T. \V ViMMLl., Pn»j>ri«‘t(»r. THU tUi'ilXi.i.Sli ,\1 IV \. ■ in 1 I'l' j ■ i, iti water iie .\rtibro . of Picture>) , tiilt Mould- :■ a- 'Ji by .'111 luvi s: Insirii- ■ t..r iN‘ iow t.ir i* tsh. Life 1 i.|p t r.iin ' ;:rill jiicf urps. ilpd l.,re I hope lo merit 1 (> ipiiirn my siiici'i'p tli.-iiik.s -'.iwp'i on iiip hprptoi'irp by i!b' -I ' l vii'ii.ii >• '■ H V.\\'.:KSD1.LL, x>*‘^ii“t ant Pro|in.-tor 'K :tr’ h s-.t: . a- Tl; f i'l-r VI. I be until f. I ;iii!ii ii v vi- »* ro'. - t. i i. i l y t!‘>- .'^1 r .•! lly I.,! li' III Ih*.'i> r\iro I . ’ .,1,- .l.'i u. S' ,. ,.u juJici'll :ill i C.XpcUU i ..ii.’i-il .T i',1 lit- ijf ivei ii;up;' ;ae lui^ ■Il:l I. \L:y li;, 1' GKEt;N33QR0> FPiyiAI.>: COLL^’GH, il;t.K>>tMli.(', ^pilK hall S.- iiiii; .,r l>i i;iu!; ii wiil b'l'in ..tl (he 1 n.u (••nulptneu ainl biur iiid wi-11 ijii.ili?';.- ! 1. !t M.'.t -■ I : B..HI.I r ;; 1 1. 111. j-'-.ixi Fill I’rawiiiij. tM L iif 1 ti'~. IMli.t , i; ■■■ ■- I !l- l ;i u in 111’.' !’‘-e I'lOiiliy i i.ii'i-ls ot'live .1 1.P-. a'l px|ii'r;-nct 1 tpachers. thvir ip-'iiC'-iiv,- lifp-iriiriPT't-' - I' -• N m I 1 , K VI iN l M- i' 'n it; I. . ll. ir c iiir- h i.'li.Hp^ -I I !.p I' . I;.I' -i-.,‘!;il ."I li, ., -ii.d ; :i,'- i.itic.-i:,» til,- ■ ' - d t % ;-,V . ;l.: Il l ry l;,.-ii .,n j-- i 1, in I tic ir.ai iii-- : -y. v;. • : r i.i I ■ I'J f....'. ' ■ ; ;i iii'J niit,! Ill 1. ■_ iiiiu; '■ erisl lui IP-: an I 111: n .'•• •; 111 i!J pi i ijf pi-iii mull ;• ;is I v; h,.-:'i: i!.^. li lili J of thi- Lp^.'I itlll •- • !•: ri'-j.ccfivcotrici 1'.'. :i; c.. : . ■'■i: - iiid I 'intedei atp li.iveriiiiu n:-. li 'l in catryiijg the ma 1-. ;i - ;il! pi,its and jicr- .iis engaj: ■' :ui ! ill acnial -«-!vice on iivpi a'. .:,.-lnjri..i:nn; telegrapii oponl.i: II in tijp r.'gular disPii ugf i-n^;.i'^“.i ill 'voi kii:^ ill it n imm.i MifVi.ipn prim ei s !i(-t u:ii! V cmj iii^ i;e w >(i i{n r ; all pre>i icnl; -aid (.r .te-- a - ,i:;l ll-i.l.'iiiifs. and all i-a-h>-r-- iiuvi!,^ iaf . -ii;.( i inteiidents . t thp pul. ,■ . iiiiii'. an.i llie regular nut' - jiti i :i t!,e ■tl. 11 I Ml ll 1 . in. . I. r I i u i I 11, d in adv T \i .It‘Nil gkjY- I Ir i.T- ftey* P111 i.-' an.l othi*r pr. .April'2, ■ 'C*CUtp.l !.• if ('ott. lo-tf T. t . .V n. %VOItTII, tomiiiis«iofi and Foruardin? ^erfhants, W Il.MIN't; rn>. > (’ H .'uui l‘i. 1K-.2 :5 Idiiloilxri 'PHll fiiir’a l.-u.i. .,r f ihi- hi-ip .i; i, :j c 1 i:ipnop'i -.n \I ,M-h t'ti,' ci ,r/ - !i-! .'.a.;.: giu w^lh the Ul I ii t,: .i.t r.i,t .r .ii'i.l f» c..ni: irg iprma i i -1' i i;; ; aitfll i,; ,n;' iiii-it-i.i, , lii 1 i;:e te.ichers einpi"_ve'.l ■ in.'ti.'u. i-'ii ? tiip if iii-l dumb and bliUil. '■J" U"; ■■it-y • :i ■ ■w e't iliiistip.l HU.I 'biiui; Vi Tuition .llie .Mj ,ttii I'-'iy ;■; ^ md standing, vvno i.s a ^ 1 Ittieg.' ■i; .-ti;i(.'T-;:it. •ii'ictiis iiti'l opi raiivps in v. Pre- ! ^ - tt:o!i : r'.n-: i li'>. vvi tii iy be eseinptt-.l by thf .'•'ii Tl ' ”• W , liuill hi ;u. 1 'lie l.wii'by ey.euiptC'l Umiu r 'l-t \ ic.- II bp ill,.,; III' thp ('unfe.ieraie Stuu-' a tv iV, I! IldifKS )|!'h 11 I i ■■ Suf n J an V I* M'i.Ulliiil LITiiillTIRi:, L V >1 Elite I 'V ralt^ut I I ' Hptir \ )• lel l.n^. I \ ,- ‘. ►‘r lj‘ ' I - 111 ! b. I V . ' ’, I,.'* ia Sit. vlttl v jli : . : I - >1 I , • VV ,.-k- r I-,- ■ .vlt.". -■ Lpti. : : ■ wh--. Lpttpi!. .V. 'i-i '1.-. - Li ttfrs t - 1 It itU , t V "vi -I I -iiiie I*. • a; J if.- 1- -I'. : - TK- .»r t Vt i atid K-t*-3r.a- i,i’, \v • ;■ J an I ' *1 It; .e-* I. :-iic .N!. jpHan.e' 1..1U.U V ! I'p I, ■■■ f P'-triok Hf-iity ■ ’rr^r P 1' ^ W iri: - - - J':tie ilyre Shirley duJ Villrt,« i.veitna. i . i;‘urn,y Lra'at: R ji..> l^.-. Ihe Mill.o, hr H .a- i. tie ■.![ If! Litip • P-pp ‘T Day, ». los r Iir i». . f \lartyi -: I'uchauDiiU.p'^ili- Mp h. (tip .'li-i- .'ll w ('.i .K. iy B.m.K' V. iiat* (J., thj H >r-.- ■i HU’- ,.l in 11 oil ('atib' E J Hale soN.s for tli«* Holilifrs. lit I'BIN i Ll) Al llALEloH, N (J ■ Vo>e Fli";rp:i I pagp.^ !'.'iva:p DeVi-ri. n,' ,. .. ■ I'otl'r I ' :• Iilil " ••The A.': ? F ;h.' • T:..' >..nt^,t..-l'' ' .. .. ■•^(•'.f-De h r . ; I t. •'Mi iivp- t • II li ly i'jp'v, • ■ i!!ie t' .)i.-;i., r .rmprly t'4 pages,' uow iu , .and in ~ I'l. ir j.age irac;- * ' Aryy i .I -t.- of th>3 Citi. A inrgi* f tiii-jii lit thp above should be j rinte.l before . iip ty J e i- .L' lril.n!e I. a*; i' will c.i*it .J pi to re-»et them. 1;..' ti>itiibr*i iii-J v^?v.(‘iv will be iiiorea^ed as the fun I-* • 'srp giVPii. il'Hipaysf.r i.Vi,niMi ,?Jo ,,ftyg r 3t»,(M)-.i. j and si J.ay-* tur 1,.'>(|(» jugps. D.ina’ions to I.e ‘-ent lo the .\geni, whicK Ke will ackiiow!ed-e by lp:i,.r, and rpp.irt to each of the Pas- j f.-^'' thi' . iiy .More than 5*),>ihj page-i of new tracts iia\e been ^en- t,, the sol.lier^ in V^irgmi.a . WM. .1. \S. t'ROWDER, Tract Agent ' f'- ' ‘-^h, .lime, 1 . Arliilfry, ) ; CvMj' Bovl.\n, Juiy •JO,*lKi;i. I'’!.!.' ( It'iiing m be complete in tveri/ re- w .;i ! be gla.) to 1 nli.“t a number of goo.I Dri- vi-r . -inpii ac'“j'ii,nip J to ih.^ tnanagemetit of horses. I iiere will bp pai i t*. iMcii m;m, on enlistment, a bounty of >l t. -M tisiiily pay ^ 1 li; bc-i les being clothed and tp l, i.ie'li ■li ^uipiiiiincp IVpp, and all other necessary e j'ii[inipnt- liirni'hed rpijui'itc for a soldier. N.i one n.-p I aj t ]y unh'S' he i“ a good driver and ex- pprifi.i-.’d in :lip laaliagement of horset^. The deatinft ti' ij .jf ihe 0 iiniiiiiv i.s Virginia, as soon as ' ALEX. D. MOORE. Ultf] Capt. Co. E. Reg’t Lt- Aruilery^^ ( l\KK .1 'i C0ffir»IZ3 nO '. i W 11,'liNi. UlLI. iru- -p . ' ■■t ■».. N iv.M . ' ottipri'. unity pr iv r- i' luenl. Hair \ ■ tlilM'i Klli. sTK^'li fiS K I P.pii-t ' ii K . I'uiiiijit'11 '1, 1'.'.' I] S‘ Brani’h V' r:h (' ^ >v \ Bran.-i’i La.ik : •!• .• ■ D.-c n, I'', 11 8':» t **\ i!l* *'• • • »;t I >nki:pi:A('r .n hail I !i" I x| I- IH I'Hr, p.. i‘ i.p I 'bipmcnt j- 1 , riiul.pi. i’.id n i.liii.- Plii- 'pi . »'t* •!rl.\iUr \M)SLV I I', ktlrv ot I '^pP I P**! llIUlLl/lOIl BiatnL 'I1 I I- ' H »leig tl SJIlTig L -n I M ii. \\ . lii l.l.A ltl». 4'*ttntnis’>i9on . f!r$'rhtttt t, U 1J..V11 \|,K »N. > (’ |?*i.»,MPr aa 1 PKI’Son.\|, h!:••nti.ifi u.H be ^iven ■..- i’ .-..ll 1. .‘'i^er. Tifut.er, ■II!i rv I r. 1 thn ~n an 1 ull ■; WE wn iii'in it 1 1 • . - i( . v.^niti-t Iti t ^•■iiiin .ii !l 'I Ji riii rs: F'ffUfh, Hiiih ( otla‘4e and l'onru«*it I'i 1 ;'i.;.r.v»-l .^pt,!ig, ..iii z. 1.:’ N.;r'. -p-m, ^ V .1 ^ 0-‘ ’Tf ll' Kitl.l-J . 1 'i^;i - iU 1 i' a:r-, i »v , ' ...I I " ‘i .ir .! hi-; p... - ,- j. vHn ls at, i i ppi-r L.'tther. I tpr ng Hair ■ liii;;y t .r .'-'uw;n/, Pliiiplng, !t .tpinjr we cm Ij w.tk with icl ly ;>rr;js Per-. ri-» having will b> well t.) ifive us a c:ill * it ; . '-J. V ■•u kti.iw whprp I ■ tl t.‘. . - ,.i k- all 1 lip;^ intui-^ioners atioinei-" nil ! C;i'l ks. :i'; til 1. C' 111 ('iiiigre-.^. !!ip lollowi;,, * '■ l'r..!ii eiiiolliiieiit for m. siioritN .^nd ‘lepr r. '.'I \ h11..vv>-1 by luw ■ k ivcfi y; ilisii v»ct tkiA'i s^‘ .• * •''' ima-ipr :iiid dttmy/ ' '■ y ;. w ciiiiaiji-:-! ;i. - c ■i r- -.. iVi' n I 1 IP PrP- O *.r !‘^R-LK'i John D^wt i>. MiX'i' H V E J .\IfMSli P vnKkr.iV •\ PMlKUt 11-^) H M IV 7. 1'''-:' Bank " iltnington 1.) 16if \'orlliC'aroliiia HooL ill M iK.' ;miig vt-iy --^rce, but we . lij py .fill.- North (’.VRo- iti l l y K. v Pr ii‘i-s.,,,r Hub- ; N rtl; Car .;i,a, an.l o by r trfn lent ol ' iintuon .'^chi, ds s LIN \ RF \DF.K.N bar 1 ■ ’' • h- I’n:vi-i '.• Rev C. 11. \v.;,.y. .N;, i"'f Non h (’ar '’iir ci:-'■' «'- u !! nigh ei i-iustp.l jur .-.l^ I'k •t N. ri lit-rn R.-a lerx .n hand whpti t h-- w ir c..nimeii''r.l, we h.'t.p wit; II.iw turn •'i- ir't'tpntiou tlip-e bi^uks f^y home lu;,: r-, r it . -r •‘nu i.l w thpir children i ■ lii witiiou* rp:i'ling !. .k. f- ir »h!' inly ;i: i,-;,. { rt-tn;! price-* .'f cent-', oen’s. Htj I 7,', . E .1 hale .V SONS. Feb y 1, l^'lL'. 1,000 A• !•«*** ol ll '^PHE undersigijc.i ilTi-r- f.r •re--..-I, 't I . i. ' ' a'lp. »»:; I .1 •kU I putteriis. Hj r • I«.J .kllf ). -It.vl : \> • Hi.-'e. H- •• .•■ !■•■ Si.le. Harti. ,. an.i I i Ai we have goo 1 .M-. lutnin^r 'li.dicin^' a;,.l Jprpatch anl .n •'aii>t Work or refM^iring t : b We warrant o'lr w .i k nb l Ua Having tiik“ii a ■; E i-t le nt J.,1 .''treet. a few !■ iri S^ itih f W ■'^'eel, E- j , having sonie -pare i , w • .» .u i at’Pti 1 t > th*' -!■ an.l sa'e uf any thin/ tb i' I.,> .• _-iip I will gi»e spf.'ial att.-tit; n t , i . ■: 'I;!- .'Jlatp Favvtreville, .\pr:' 1. '“'''.I -'t' I'Ai i: i Ti:\ II.m: wnriL i>.'^i iM\K Capital in Prt-mui::i N Cash on hand -ind .tti. a- to ttlP Ilit-ril; 01 t!l.- t ..iir ! .11.; I pa' I- .Tj- n vit- 1-La si ' I. H I'lr 1 it j'J Oil p-T w R*-v'U at I'li i ■; I.. . ■w I .'ii«;i,rr Pinn . '.r (iuitat I.*--' 'H «' -I i. w^ ! .• J . : • ■.! I:i; I I t'M'. Filty 1 . . t,>' ' t lip cl .-t •-? I he SI '.-ioti u! l-'SiJ thun I w.) c.jusi'; Foi t;ir: h.-r --jf i'. u III. lliP 1. I. .M u;iia c;}i - I f ''.’a:e ' I rp •ii-',^i ; •; tJ.-: p.y.'iji; 11) V e ti- ;n U \ d. I. n. -I bir. -- L \ NM t. \ \I Pi iiicipa' June 1.**'.'2 ?:pd QUARTERmASTER’S OFFICE, ' ( ioi.Ii>Ui IR'-J :iti^- II. I''*!.’ I 1 t r ii!e are I pfe- t-T L'pp.a: tmpnt i .(irintitiP'. and re- « 'i-i; j.ri -p- an 1 in > It I iclp 0(1 • e f .lelivi-r\ wiil be \PvMfR- by lu'nr •ind .- h IVit!g VV y .t irti'i 111 I desir■■ I' -^i'. p!tr-t-ss tiiT ".ml i.’i sni i|ili‘'!p i I- iii'tify i.'iP ;il this p -n-t- i wliRt j'lint It ip' ihfv 'an it-iiver I oi 'tich not:ti ';,jn llie pKce in-ltcsip.J Tiio'e having rlie -ii lii-ip fur -^nlp ar^- e irnei-lly solicited to pive ilii-i adverii-^.'inent tlipir at.pution as the jdace of lelivery will be m:idp ci.nveinpni 'in l a liberal j.rice will bp pHid. Thi'^ :i !vpr;i•.pI^lpu^ i- inteiiilpd to apply i'ij!y til tho'p TPsidiiig within the liinil- .if thp Stale of ■|.U7 North ('aruiina A - Iw] JNo. W. ('AMERitN, Major \ tj. M , t', S A. Tot-a, I’he Company 'i-i'’' h»v* never madp an Total l.i--'P'‘ ■■?L'7J.7t;.'. til promptly, and •'r premium notes. \l’ E wish to hire a good ('(U»K fo yy the country. Aj'ply t,^ D. \ June I'ibJ. If : M.'M '• i’ i: w V— P .Xb'MlLL.VN, D' Ki.i T.iR': w liKt lor «ai»*. -ale his most valuable i L.\NDS in Davie county, N'lrth ( irolina. Said 1 inda are situale l "ti the Vadkiii Rtver, D' niiles j we-t of Lpxington. an 1 11 miles S nith-west Noith Cariilina: are of gteif fprtility. -in. con , ;:00 acres of low lands, an.l an- well adap-e 1 to ,he cul ture of Tobacco. Whe.jt. at For further particulars, ■i l Ir ■ (MI\FF1N Salem. North ('-irolina. ' May l-. 1>^'’'-’ / \v the den.uninations of .SDMM). 81(H). Apply ( ) nt th- Bank of North C.irohna. M'.rch I'-* ISOADS OF the denomiti'iti .i.'^ ni $1(M). Apply at the Bank ; f •' ip Fc^tr. .March 1*^. ',*tf Henry Lilly. H L Myr.'ver, ,S T. Hawley. Nathan Steiinan. C. B. Mal'ett, James Kyle, A. A. McKethan. J. D. Williaiii'-, S. W. Tillingha-'t ,\. 11. !!■ hn Collins au'l C NL-t i unimeii. The (’onipanv invite a, t '1 a, .May-JH, 18t;i. N. Tilliiikrlii-'t, S J Hin-^.l'vlp, U'm. .McL:iarin. T S. Lutterloh. A. W. Steel. ■I (i^ C«ok, Hiin. ,1. (}. Shepherd. R. F. Br.iwii. ) 'p \ s.icks g April ISOl’ i'or Haii*. 1 Ri . ('I >FFEE D \ f 'V liP ilihV p.lint iu w \i.-la'irin. •'! I -1 in Mi L.MIRIN. •-’(•tl' .- . .1 iMt -• ;■ uie i;- 1p;Z iLy fietii' : V - :..i'ii-he 1 'U-..-tii,ii*‘- R lil i»- ■; ■■lilt .ni;i tl ';n lin- • aptaiiis ‘ iti^iian.i :i‘i vi fat ly whoa trt ■’i iiCCi-IitcJ t i lipl I'l-r. ^Citle-j . •! by the pti! ^f.iCcVr t'-jj; lu^ii ucliuni 111 n-gsrd to ihe cv.-uJit!on.s atiJ miiiJe oi pifiuptiou. Applications i.n ev etupti..'u c.uiti ll ttiete: 'te i.p r^'ii-i iered hy the W vi De pixrtt:... I .'crreiary ot \'>’ar S. CUOPEK. \'ijii:ant rni-i in peel or Getipr-al :',r;-:;t \ i'--i ■.■!.- v;v •. ■ ; ’jeii .-pi ol ^ ' t:;j 'i.', t- , the 'J •'Div, Wilu Wlii •C*^I Vt me i>«' 11 A I 4iit VER\ FINE VOl'NCi .MH.t'H ' 0\V wiih hpr-i'c, n 1 ciilf; c.alf three wpek ,.I I A; plv to Dr. Fol LKES. June 111. 3 UC ^ Wil;ir>rt.,n. I i\I intr .\ireiit:i. A S 1 expect to be ab.sent from home a few months in the West, Archibald McLe.au is my authorized .Agent to trauBact my busiue.s until I return. N. 0. JONES. Dec’r 1.’8, IBt’iO. ill»*i* llii«>i liale I will pf^y the highest cash prices for rags de- livpred in Favetteviile, oral my mills on Rocklish. j> MURPHV Dec. l!l, IHCl l,*o*il or ,?li*«lai(il. rpWO Blank Noips iu»t filled up, signed by myself and 1 ondcrse.l by Patrick .Murfihy, ma!o payable to any ot the Banks at 1 ayelt(-’villt .A41 persons .are forewarn ed not to use them, as they wiil not bp paid I»\V1D MURPHV April J, IHi.-J. i;itf A IS 11V fii AK AI^:^^. IA.M prepared to manufacture all kinds of Wagon Harne>-s lor .Army use. I tan my leather and can give good bargains .Agents will do well lo sen.l iheir oiders to me as they shnll h;ive prompt attention, and (>eut olV in ijuick (lisp.-uch. JOHN CARTER (Joldstou P O,, Chaiham-Co., N. C.. } June i;;, Iht*: ;{ltf lloiiie«.>lade^ Eiif^elopei^. ^J'^NUFACTLRED by Ihos. H. Tillinghast, Fayette itii Jan. 0, 1 Se ville, may be had of the undersigned, wholesale or retail, for cash E J. llALE & SONS. M A\1N0 been appointed .\gent by .NUj. (jpQ’i T H. 11 Holmes, for (he purp«ge of collecting all the private atiBH in my coiinty, 1 appeal to ll-e liberality aiiil pa- inotism of the citizens of Cumberlaud, to hring them forward at the earliest moment possible. They arc wanted to defend our hornes. I am instructed to purchase, beg, borrow or take HECTOR .McNEILL. Sh tJ April 14, lKG-2. DJtf Blank VVarrautsj for sale at tliis Office THi: AORTfiB 4 Aie»I.IAA Ml TUAL LIFE IXSl R lXt K ( OMFA.W, Now iu the tenth y>ar if succes^ftil operation, with growing cajiital an l firaier hoM upon jiublic con fidence, continues to insure the lives of all healthy per sons from 1-1 to tiu yi-->rs of ;if:e, for one year, for seven years, and for lile—till lifp inpinbcrs sh:iriiig in t he profits. All slaves from 10 to iiO yp;\r- of a;:o are insured for one year or for five vcar- for two ihir«ls their value. All losses art- punctually pai.l within '.n» lays after satisfactory proof is present e l For further inforinati iii the ptibB • is referred to Agents of the (’’ompany in all parts c .he State, and to R H, ILVTTLE, Secretary,'Raleigh. E. J. H ALE, Agent at Jan’y 18:>!». F:iyettcville, N. C. CATT. KIMPORT l).\ THE liKHF RIVKK MINEIHL RnClll.V. The uuiiersigned have causwl to be publi.jhed from the Congressional plates, an edition i>f the Report of Capt. Wilkes, U. S. Navy, am! his .Associates uu (he 4 OTTO \. IU.V.Ni' to pHrciiasc a lew hiindrpd bales (ioOD t''.»TloN, i.jr which 1 will pay tht cash, and if in goo 1 location want to Icav,* it where il is until it suit my jile.ssure to take .away. Persons having not /ff^s than ten bales for s-vle. would be gla 1 to hear from them. ^ JAS (> ('()Olv. Fayetteville, June iM, ISiil.’. HVnO\ VARA. >0. ly Hay .Stm't. C. P. MALLETT. JuL'y t], IS'jl’. . SS- hi:avv i-i .«iii:i:TiA;?. rrHE RtM’KFl.'^H MANUFACTl'KlNd COMPANY, f ol !• ayetteville, N. C., solicit orilers for Sheetings 3»j inches wide, 8 yards lo the pound. The Goods cotn- pare favorably with the same styles matiuf;ictured in .Massachusetts, and hiive for many years been sold in the New York ami Philadelphia Markets. C. T. H.MGH, Pre.'-’t Rockfish Co. Fayelteville, June I. 18»il. ‘J7- .\OTICK. 11I!K PNDEKSltJNLI>, both having entered the mili tary service of thp Confeileratp StlUes of America, hereby j^ivo notice to theiv oM customers and friemls. fVA iSTB A A &t A A\1.NG receive.1 'iitihority Irom tiie SeciPt:irv U ar to rai'c ;i ('onipany of .M(>L N'l'ED il VNviEK. to seive in the dppaiiiiipnt ol Gen. Holmes, 1 invite t my stiiiiii.-ii I uii vv’io e;iiiiestly wish to drive liie iiisul in^ inv:i Itr fr.iui our I'liid. Paiii/'j.ns receive the '-i;: pay, bounty, clothing, ration'^ and .juarters as ot.'i ' soldiers; besi'le.' havhi;^ other advantages ullowe.i I . L-iw to this clas^T o! .'■aldu-iS. Arms, t-viuij.m,-!:'- .u, horses must be lunii.'iit.! by the men, l*it Ht-re is an opp. rtuiiity tor onr y."..u_ men to me;isij:f -w -i i' khIi the lli!>‘iny. L--t ih.-in ,'iasten to ihe deh'iice ol our C(*L’.N i'li\ . A.lJie.'' ril(»S. W. il.ARUlS, Pit’.s'ooro'Jgb, N, il . June l!7-4t iSaiik of l-'a>t‘ttc‘> illN -■'•ill ji.si:, I 'PHK i'lrpi'tois of thi.' B.ink h;ive declare.1 a setji; i: 1 mi l! Divi.lfu i J p;- o.'iit. payable ou and n.; :1 .hiiV Il '.Vt. 'V. u BR(>ADFooT, Casb’r. Bank of Clarendou at Fayetteville, i Jl NE 'Jb, { nl\ IDEND .No. P:, of 5 per cei^t. payable ou the '.-'d July next. .1. \\r S.VNDFORD, Cash r. ^VAA'l'EO, ^ GIRL IM or I-I yearv of age, for a nurse. June ;'ii. Apply POST OFFICE oMf 'P'VO substitute 1 jilicitioino TO 4’0\?*i4'KirT^*. for June -“.tl. the >v;ir can be furnished on i; JOHN H. COOK oH-;;; count to wholesnle buyers Jan'y 2( solicited. half; a S(.)Ns. Board appointed by Iho Secretary of the Navy to es- i fvppointed John D. Starr and John D. amine the Deep Ri'ver Region of North ('an'lina Thi.q i of tutornoys to collect either is the most important and scientific siHU-ment of the ' »-i'lipr by great wealth of tha! section of the St;ite, and the Maps I otherwi.iio ;o attend to their Iji- ihe most perfect nml valuable, of any vet published ' 'Inriug their absence. They respecl- The Maps are worth the ju ice of Ihe work, which is j3 ' per.sons in.b-bted to them to call as prompt- oent.s, ne;itly bound in eloth. ('opies sent by mail, tree I '•>' >igeiU-j i’l i m-ike payment, of postage, on the receipt of tj*) cents, .A liber.al dis- ^ AUH tV WILLIAMS. •dors solicited. S.pt 1ISCl. ^ .^H-if AonVi:. Ol’ROl'.'.VL Instruments ari- much d. ni'in.ie I by the O necessities of the service, and a liberal price will b>* paid for I hem at this Depot. EDWARD WARREN, •Siirg. and Mpdi-al Purveyor. Uoldsb.iro’, N. ('., June 2c, 18'i'J. oO-lm Ki:%VAKI». ^IMIE above reward will be paid for (lie apprehension L and delivery to the nearest .Military Po«t. of ALEX- ANDE'l Wallace, w1k» desertpd bin company on ^r about ‘JOth of March IHij^J. .S.iid Wallace is years old, 6 feet II inches high, red complexion, dark hair, blue eyes; he is a n.ative of Moore County, uud is'proba- bly ill the vicinity of (.'arthago. JAS. I). MelVER, (’apt. Co H. ‘jrith Reg't N (’• Tioopr. Catup Johnson. S miles from Kinston, June 17. :b;tf Helper and oilier FoeiiifK, By THEOPHILUS hunter hill, Es.p, of Raleigh. For sale, price §1, by E. J. HALU i SO>^a. To I.aii4l l{iiyer*i. ^PHE undersigned offers for sale, in the ('’oal region, 1 and within feighi miles of the terminus of the Fay etteville A Western Rail Road on Deeit River. KnaiT ni.vDHKn a( kks oV lami, adjoining the land belonging to tlie estate of (Jporge Wilcox, dec’d, and lying three miles South from Car- bonton, on Little Pocket Creek, Moore county. These Lands are well adapted to the growth of corn, cotton, wheat, oats, rye, A:c. There are on the prem ises a comfortable Liwelling. and all necessury Out houses, with about one hundred .-md fifty acres under fence, including forty or f.fty acres of never-failing bottom laud. This is a rare chance for persons wish ing to make investments, as lands are tiu.ioubledly ad- T&ncing iu price in this section. For further information apply to Mr. M M McRae. Crane’s Cre«k, P. O., .Moore county, or address me at FayetteviUe, N. C. D.VNIEL MoRAC, For the Heirs of Gilbert McRae, tlec’d. Carbonton, Moore co-, G., Aug. 24 1850. 18t Jan’y 13, ISOa. %Voofi4‘ii Mlirrii|»!«. ^PllE .-ubscvibers ai-p m iking a strong wooden siirr ;t 1. which m.'iy bo iiail at Joseph L'tley's Store. 1- t^ienil MAKEPEACE i: McRAll June '2>\ 1 m'iJ. l]7-Utp,i J^IO Rc^waril* 1WILL jia^the ab.'ve rpw.ard for the apprehen-^ ' and coufinement of my man C.ALVIN, who rana" . from mo about three weeks ago. 1 will also pay a ri-ward ot Fifty Dollars for suflicl. evidftiice to convict .'iny persoti of harboji'ing him. ( •■ viti i.~ about 4J years of age, A feet lu or II inches high, black, and weigl'.T about 1'lU pounds; hu wears sniail gold rings in his ears He is a boat or ship carj-pntei, au.i well known aborit Fayetteville and VVilmingtou Ho sometimes calls hinisplt'i'alvm Johnson. THEO EVANS Jiini; oi>, 18bi;. 38if UKilMll VliTEKS l^lh UEU’T N. (' T., Ni. Ml Ricii>iomi, \'a.. June DJ, IbtH’. i [.Special ((rd'T No. .‘J.J 'pilE members of this Regiment, wbo are absent wit.*l I out leave, ur with sick leave which has expired, are hereby ordfred to rppurl immediately to these Ucai quarters, oib.erwise they will be regaidpd as deserters, and dc'ilt with accordingly. Tiiose absput on sick le.ivt- are reminded that they* are re^uire l to send in rppoits ol their condition to the Surgeon oi the RegiTinnt, and that they must retutti promptly at the exi iration of their leave. Those who are pntitled to a discharge under the C >n script Act U'i/j' '! ' digrhiininl unless they TPturn t 1 heir Regi.’u. nt. p.y iii.br .if ^ ROBERT H. COW AN. (.’ol. (,’oiu’dg KSth N. (J r B W,\o;rs, Aiij’t. Read before the tlegiinent, an l or.lered to be pub Hshed in the Wilmington .lourn.il and Fayetteville U- servpr. 'i'] S. B. waters, Adj t iAoti«-«* i» ^%oi(lit*r««' t''rieiil**. 1H.VVE made arriin^pmeut.s with Capt. M. A. Bleds.uj ot ihe tjiisrtei Master Department, to forward to any Comjiany, or to any member of any Company from Cum berland County, any article of clothing that their frien D laay desire to seud lh«m. H. W. ilARDIE. Oct. 16, 1^61. LVO PRINTED EDWA El IT rice for tbt .'•^e ^ a*lvarice; ion: or.>l if For the W ee cly • advance; ' r tion; -r "■ i®" ADVFR square of 1- lint jucceeiling publi lial contracts, requested to sta‘ they will be con ingiy. AdvertlseiiiPU cent e:s^Ta From and afte will be entered the paper bp se: than is »• ‘-' I >’ Such ifoi-.r ol per on this sy.st remittunees. IJ^'To AD\ Person-^ out serted in the ol we have not re advertisement it, according to ■We do not wish indeed amj ac difficult, and w use or sell in th Oct. L''*' •OniTf \UY No repeatedly, tha reasonable leng cause fliat kin.] know, is u,.i oft evlitors of pivpi-r that after i hargi warded, we will inspn noth p&niod '>y I be c decesise l vobm in mind, therel and resoluii 'US over 70 word- fore the notice STWDtt^ A BBOTT a Irving'; “ ;..u Prpseott’s Baucrofi' Lossing’ Tyrler's L Halliin's Hu ne an Riiirm's A Milim-in s Jo'C|ihlls’ Robert^ Webster s Clay's. Benton’s Burkp Ir John^i Boswell's •Addison’s Mticaulav M.i'lrrn ‘l Knighi's Di'^cii' U rn Ha ( ll - uiViprs St.'ltoSUlil" Tb Polii ('onsti' . Marsba Thu Li^ Biograj'h Hale: Ency chip Apple I on Life and Lockhar Currau a Waverly (’ooj.er’s Dickens’ M arryat W ilson s H.'Uinah Di( k's w Plutarch Dryden’ Slerijp’s The Doc ( rabb’s •J’ercy .* Chrmicl The Sco‘ Gaie.tte" .Mil)or J Living't Lord El Five Ve The B Russ My Dia Dr. Kan Ki'nd til Ciimfnin Not! it F ■•'i.faU Dilip Standiiri which are: Hcmai. Halle Gold Shali? aii'l Mrst'. pe.-ii The D Smith’. The B Ballai; (iri'WO Female Poet- Percy’ M;ircli ‘-2 Tori of Jas. W'. .Alexander, Moncrietle; BoAs, i£c. ialy 10.