■ST—ap ’h.- 'tllo --y ’iun- •■■’-V OKSERV RR. l AVin TKVII.LE. >10M»tV K\KMX.. SKl'TEMBKIi 1, [ Sborkt Sessions.—Several of our exchanges have j Conoress.—On Wednesday, in the Senate, the act ' renewed heir objections to secret sessions by Conffress. | amending the conscription act was under discussion. He do not concur in their views. Besides the manifest The first section, which directs that “all persons liable LATEST WAR NEWS. J-'rom the Upper Rappahannock.— Ricumond, Aug 30. WAI¥TE1>, j propriety of conoealing many things from the enemy : which yet ought to be diacussetl in Congress, and there to military duty, and who have not already been enroll ed, sliall Ije immeiliately enrolled and reported by the fore ought to bo discussed in private, we have another | enrolling officers and held to service, wherever they niny preference for secret sessions, viz: that thereby we should j be found,” was amended by adcling a proviso that “this be rid of the ever recurring and never ending gabble j shall not extend to any iiTilitary organization under any hl'l fit -i-" Iti'i V. ! duc' I tl..-- 1 ’ 'fov [hxic • M . \hui.'- llif’ ■ jii It Ml ' ;ui It) )!. it a- I'liK lUi i i K« Ni)T \ ET KOfOHT.—Till' news from our , u'-i .•.■ininu«'s to he oheoring but. confrtjry to all es- ■;i'' 111. (he frro:ii I'littlos ini'! ni't l>oon fought at the | Hon. Henry S. Foote, formerly of the U. S. Senate We nw.xit the issue with .Mississippi, but now of the Con^’ederato House j of Representatives from Tennessee. Time was when we thought Wigfall of TeKa.*^ a dreailful bore—he was the Tiian who signalized his advent in the U. H. Senate by I'ronouncing that Daniel Webster waft ignorant of Constitutional Law—but Wigfall has “cut hip eye- teeth,” and is ajiparently a very pa-ipable member of the (’’onfederate Senate. Uut Foote! (>h nj'I His name oupht to W Feete, for lie can tattle more than any two Footos that, ever we heard of. —No informaVion from this quarter could be obtaiued , A Teaoher in the Fayetteville Female High School, '* ^ yesterday. !®0“petent to take charge of the depart- IDf* 11 t 4 II 81 C' «• A w« T k ?_!• % !»._ .f :he latest accnunts. I'nv KT M! \ 01 TiiK N’.wv.—We are ghvl to 8oe ,11' s. nio n -poctal'le jiapers defend this otlicer against tie . of some of tlir* pre-^H and the Congress to : him d.'wn. Me may be a !'■>..r otlicer, for all we i. bill it ^0 the fact ought to be shown by something ; 10 h^iii random and vague clamor. His department- Iri State law in actual -ervice without the limits of the I titafe of which they are citizen.^.” In tiie House, Mr. j *>*e ai the door. and. on iiKjuiiy, infuriiioil Foote oflered as usual a great mnny resolutions, among J^ol^tutson an.l her daughter, .Mrs. Roney, widow ladi. s. VANKEE OUTR.\GES. To the Fditorx of the Richmond Enquirer: Oka:gk C. H , .Vug. 'I'l. 18G2. Gentlemen:—On my return from a vi.^ii to the “Stone- from the lines beyond the Rappahannock on , - c- wall Brigade,” weary and hungry. 1 called at a tine The recent repoVted capture of 8,tMK) prisoners con- i french, I4ninting and Drawing, either mansion, three miles below llapidan Station It was a linues mytluc, and if the report is truthful, its truth re- without Assistants, as circumstances may re- beautiful resid^ce, surrounded by rich Viottom lands nmins ;>roThe Government atfords no faci- Address and what gave evidence of orirc lusuiirint liolds of corn, lit ies whatever lo the props for obtaining information „ T. C. HOOPER. I'ut its present appearance indicated itiat iheAVro Pope Irom the locality of opprations. Entjuirtr 1 1^6-- 50tf had visited that.section. ^ HtciiMON.., Aug :{(.,-T'ue train on the’Central road 'niving at the ho:i«e, an age.l s.Tvmt w.in.an^met I yesterday brought down a c-ar loa.l of prisoners, and it III.' I hilt .Mr^' I U'O.i experieuoe 1 reverses as well as triumphs. S i! has the War Department; yet nobody proposed ;i lish the War DepartmeiM during all that succes- . i JisH.-ters which the country sutlered during the •.inter .and spiing. To hold the Secretary respoii- ; >r ni»t h:i\inir a Navy for which (,’ongress votoii iii.i'i 1 ili a few months ago. whereupon he imniedi- 1 - iriuiienceii buil ling one. is unjust. It is et|ually . lay to his iloor the loss of the .Merrimac, the ; .i:'::in:i. I'r the .\rkansas—results which doubtless ’ VI : ■ an 1 mortified h:m as much as any one in the .ti iv Uir people are too much in the habit .if miic to hasty conclusions. We have not too many .':i l-. that we can afford to throw oil' any one of them. . j:; >r low, except f.ir well established c.ause. \ Ksiridian,” in a long article in the Richmond I'n- I r. defends Mr. Mallory by a recital of facts of i -ii he ■jliallengps a contradiction, showing that the ' ; out has built tlie Merrimac ('which he had iiii j ii \ in destruyiiig.the Richmond .soon to be ready ; r \ •■e. the -Vrkaiisis. the Louisinna, and puti ‘i'l' it h’. l fouinienced the oouctruotion of the V. M . -ifsippi and 11 other war vessels, most of which int-- the enemV s h inds or were destroyed by our- ■ -r before completion, that it has purchased and - pped for war ves-^eis -I other ve-'Ols—all of those • ■IUl■’n^ by ii'tme, with their location. That it ha I ”,e. ted a large 4U:»ntity of timber for building 100 ri.iiboats in the wtiters of \ irpinia. North Carolina and uth t’aroHna. rao^;t of which was lost by the capture : :io I’eninsula. Ho cites the absenco of navy yards !', of shipbuilders, of limber, of iron, engines. ■ • - .VC., anii .argues that it is wonderful how so r 'las been done. Unfortunately for the Country, .'!! 'Hiy ha-^: been too powerful on the water and has 1 the acconipli?hment of all that_ he projected V > ire l: but that is not his fault but his and the r:i'y';- misfortune. :ht' "Mississ i> .'.fnt, wliich : • \. in the w. . ! : ; -'ec iusp, contrary to all expectation and as- ■. he eni-my succeeded in capturing Fort Jack- , ^r: i thereby had un ibstructed access to N. Orleans, iu thi' 'se "I hi;: itefenoe, — which appears to us 1':= .lUL'lusive, -wp find the following itni.ortaiu par- ; >i'h: : o .'Secretary of the Navy despatched an agent to K :r in May authorized and instructed to j>ur- v.'s.sels of war. and forward them with all possi- • -.■-’j i'eh to our p ^r's; and if. from any cause, he : • obtain them by purchase, to arrange for the ; ii-> construction >* as many as he cotil 1 place n-ract The aeent arrived in Europe the suc- , ’une. and remr.ined there ever since. Unfor- : wever, ilu g'>verntnent3 of Europe, acting : ’ i' l'cy of n >n-interventior!. interdicted, by the ■ lisri l yiolioe scrutiny, the consummation any ■ ’ IP iriip'Mtant purpose-^ with which the agent of the Ni- . I'.'p'.r’ment was ch irged. And ii was not until he was ab'e to (effect even a partial aocoui- : Pin "f the principal object of his mission, which. ' ::i } rudential oon'iderations. 1 am not at liberty to i • KH'^Wn " ' lie oouciu~i"n !o which the wrirer lea.ls us that uzh •• T is nut in mortals fo command success: He ? ilone more—deserved it ” : r MiK. — .''’orTie m.''nfhs ncr, wore applied to ' ■ • ■; ''"k. or to inform the author where he couM . .V -irk lone. We knew nothing of the character - w >rk. but it n ■■f being convenient to i:s to under- . it. we referred the author to the prititers in Ualeigh. _Tday'- m-iil. we hear, brought copies of the printed 1 idressed to the I’resident and Vice President of j feit ('ot lederate notes ■ jufi der.acy, the Govcrujr of the State, and other J ■ honorevl with one. accompanied as follow^; — .Mouk Sl.\ni)kks of North C.\rolina.—In the speech delivered by Col. Corcoran on his arrival at Washington j five years, who have not from Richmond, we find the following passage; — “He had come from North Carolina. [From the prison at Salisbury ] Although that Slate has 30,tlOO nien in the field, one-half of them, if free to speak, would ypeak in favor of returning to the Union, but their State pride anil blind love for State institutions will cause them to fight well in the ranks until we can give them assurance that we will seud to them jis well as to j the other States a sufficient number of I'nioti men around I wh.mi they can ralh'." j Corcoran had evidently been reading the anti-Vance j papers. If he had road the others he wo\iid have found that North Carolina had sent (>0,000 men to the field, j before the conscription, every man voluntarily' there. i and that a« Mr. Ha'lfrer well expressed it, “There is in | North t'arolin.a no Union feeling,” either in the army or ! elsewhere. | Mnj 'r V opdes, another exchanged prisoner vfho spoke, j them one declaring that the Secretary of the Navy does not j'ossess the cotiftdeuce of Congress or of the country. Laid on the table. There was a great deal of discus sion concerning the Navy Department. ,T«id finally a resolution was a'toplcd lirecling an investigution. On llufrsday, iu the Senate, tlie House resolution f ir Naval investigation was ado{>ted. So also was the bill amending fit* Conscript ,\ct, as follows; 1 That all white men who are re-.idents of the Con- led er ate States. bet een tlie ages of eigiiteen and thirt V- already tioeii enrolled shall be immediately enrolled under tht' instructions heretofore, or which may herejifier be given liy the Secrt lary of 'Var. and reported by the enrolling ollicer, wherever found, whether within the State or oounty of their re:-i- deHce or not; and such ptM'sons. when s > rnrollel, shall be included in ihe i>rov!siow« of the .above recited act as fully as if enrolled under that act. witliin the Stutes of which they may be residents; jTovideil. that this act siiall not extend to any member of a military organization, under any State l:iw. while h(‘ remains in actual service, without the limits of the Slate of which he is a citizen: prvvtth'il, further, that tlie 1‘rtsident is tiuthorized to suspend the execution of this act or the act to which tliis is an amendment, or any sjieciai jirovision or pro- visinns of said acts, in any loc.ality wlieri* he believc.- Micli .Huspen-ioti will promote the jmblic interest. In the House, a bill was jvissed aiithorizing the -ip- pointmi'iit oi tidditional .Artillery officers for ordnance j^uri'oses. On Fridiy, the Senate was engaged on the bill regu presented a ditlerenf view Jle “spoke of the great j ’ V , . . ^ latiiig the subbtitule system, Nodecisiiui Ihe il 'iisc stren2tii of the rebels as a subject upon which we had i i v , i ,i i n ■ . , ■ ■ ■ J I I debated t h(* bill cnncernmg minor,in I lie scrvice, wlio h t)een ileceived. i - ’ were the sole white occupants of the hwuse. Mrs. Ho bertson was prostrated on a bed of griof, and her daughter had gone some niilcs to procure the iiimii^' some fooil. As soon :is i!i:S Christi'.ii l.idy Icarued that a (,'oiile ’i- etate soMier wan .at the dr.or, she arose from he>- be 1. and with feeble stens aj'proacl:ed me, I askeiJ iicr for I tew III itilhfuls of bre.id .and meat, S!;c said. “Vi u shall have it. if it was the last in the house—(lol .vil! provide for me " She jidded—“I’ [ie’.- army, out ul .i large Supply' of I'acon, have only left m.'> o« s):iu/l f^houhhr and n jnle, the balance was carried off. They also robbed me of all my poulfry. liogs. coi u and suii sistence gerit-rallv.” I enconr.ig>*d the old lad}' by si-.yiiig tti'U th.- leMr.s o!" the wi low and w'.ils of the or j'h ui wiuiM make giaiiM of pigmies and lierot"' of (m-.v ar'ts. That thest' wrongs would and must bo avenge.1 She then escorted r.ie through her hou“p, rnarked by the tracks of tlie 'lespoilers. The once elegnnt rooms, furnisj-ed with gmid taste and at heavy »xp^'tise. were on‘ scene >f destructio!’ fine mahogany secretary was broken to pieces atul the dr,iwer.-j c.arried into the yai4 and ii^p.l as troughs in which to feed tlieir horses. liuother car load of nniJiw.-vy negroes, cupture.l by Gen. Stuart, a great number of pusseiigtr,-, >,m iibsolutely no news. We are unable to obtain any information of the enemy’s p..irion r.r-i;ijr::hers ni'i alrcaiy Um vn Piipe’s aimy lies between Warrenton and the milronJ junctiort of that name on the Orange and Alexandria railroad. Pope is said to have been reiiiiorced by two div.sions. wlio handed on the Potomac near the mouth of the ()ccoijuan. General Trimble of KwcH’h division is said to occupy .Manassas iu PopK's rear. As to the whf-r.' ibtni's of Jricksfti there are ii >t even any conjec tures ventured. — Fri’ni t!i> Vi,ih —Two of our scouts visited Williamsbing on Wcdn ! ly, Ttie VaTikees have re- m.oveil ihe^r stores an'l evacuated tha' town, York- lown there still r«-i«ain s -vernl bun ireil, who are. liow- ev(v; '-iipposed to on the e\i- of detiirture by land to F:'Vtrcs' .Monroe, I'xninincr. A MuUitud'’ of Tiiita. .\ gentleman who enjoyed a fiir view of Newport’s News on the 2-')tli, say* there were more tefits sprc^id out in thra localitv then, than ii:is tieen before s en since tiie war commenced. Whether the soldiers are iu propi rtiun to the lents. is another ({Uestion It i\ thouglil thnt this gr.'at displ.iy of f^nt Catharine Ward will resume the duties of her School on- September 29th, in Arch Street Soptember 1. .50 It Iteil M|>riii;;w Acadt^iiiy. MV School in this Academy will be resumed on Mon day', September l?t. Rates of Tuition ?8, Jl‘2 and :?15. w. J. STUART Aug, ‘J7, r>fj»2tpd li\%t 4'oiiwcriptioia Ori!*r«. AVAR DEPARTMENT, A I. VAR DEPARTMENT, | I’r .\.vi» Issi' R Okn’s Offiok. v Richmond, Aug. 1'.*, ISii'J ) ■ ihogany side board was smashed into splinters with | I'urj.ose of deceiving our Generals, iu w is T'as^ed. as f’l’loW': — “.Vn act authorizing the ilisch^irge of private .Idi.'i. tu i.Lini.F.,—The yankees i\ppear to be reiuly to be lieve anything horrible of the Southersi people, upon i under IS years of age. an 1 prohibiting the en!i?tment i>t whose trade so many of them have I ikmi living, auii I I who>e triendship so many of them have sought aiul en joyed .\ ( incinnati paper publishes a letter purport ing to come frwiii Texas, in which it is asserted that the people of New Orleans not only burned their cotton and sugar before the piao* was surrendered, but burned their slaveit also.’ The proccss is thus described: •Those who committed this atrocity—unparalleled iu i satisfactory to s:iid eommand 'r of the atre of the said history, particularly because it did not hurt their one- j private soldier, provided, tbat the pruvi-ions of this act mies.—those who did this deel. calleil iheir inoffensive '^hall no! apply to.*has.* persons who, tfiough under l>s bl.'icks tojrether, and sent them into their work shops. ! 3'ear» of age. have enterc 1 the ••ervice is sub-'titutes. and Ijcked the doors; the tire was lighteil and i|uickly "Sec. That no person under the age of 1.^ years did its work, wiiile the masters waitcil outside to shoot ! •'^hall be allowed to enter into liie military service r-'i)us “SectiiU! I, The C',5::g!V-s of the ('ontederate States do enact. That any private s >!dier of the Provisinn;il .Army, who is luid.-r ili#^ age of year-, sh.sll he enti tied to a discharge tVoiii all inilitary -.ervice, while he is under such :ige, on the Mpplicaiion of himself, his parents, guardians, or next of kin. to the commander of the regiment, liattiiiion. iegion. or iiulep 'tident company to which such priv:ite soldier belongs, sustained by prcof j with their rifles the child, the old man, the wonia the Confederate .'st:ite-J. unless the p.Tn-iit of .'in axe. (iilt china, dessert pans, ice cream stand: goblet.: .and decanters of the best i|uality. were bri.kon into fr:igrueuts—.ilmost liU'rally ground to dust. Her wardrobe was destroyed nad tlie content* stolen. The thieve'; eari'ied oil' every ve>-tige of clothing of tiiese pi 'u> ’'.dies, except what theywere wearing, from the tines! sil,: dresses down to night-gowns aii'i caps, and ev. n their shoes .-iiid stockings. Rocking chairs were lb .tiiiy. d !it:d tidies torn in shreds :ind scattered over ihi ,ti>d. UauKisk wjiidow curtain.' were converted in to !i(,rse covers. I’ed-bl.anketj. counterpanes, sheets. iiuilt“. pillows anil ca.'pet* were packed on horses and I'-MTie 1 to Pope’s camp. The family IJible. the most 'liccious and sacred of all family relics, and the re- ' liglous books, whtise pertis il was pleasant to these )>i- i on - l idies. escaped nor the ruthless hands t-l the brutes; they were all taken, and lliose thej' were not di“]ioscd I to keep v.’ere torn to pieces and tiie leave-' scuttered I over the promises. To add still more to their inlaniy, tiiey even robbed this “mother iu i-^raer' of iier only I s:pectacles, common steel-trained ones. Thus was this ; triiiiily reduced from Mflluence to wnnt. :ind desyioiled of I all the necessaries .,f lit''. It reniinded me much of the I d;'>Jcriplioii Wi re-id of pbiildering .\r>ibs. Mr*, Roney's guitar and acccordeon were destroyed J The ):.i ino, alone, was s.ived. From the latter one of j the -ompany nmde music, wliile the others danced upon ' tile floors, an.l umu-'eti tlu niselve.s by kicking the panels out of rlie doms True to their iiibLinets, tliese hell- houn l-' . •/up the currant jellies :ind jars of sweet meat'! In the mid“t fif these revelries, the ladies be- Ciin.e al irjned for their personal safety, and ,\Irs, Roney. ippi.” tie favorite undertaking of i fmy who mijrht leap from the windows or roof to escape ' I'erson are living and sliall give their v. i'ilteii consent, ch wmld have been the most i.ow- i ilroa it'ul flames,” . ! rovi led further, thnt nothing in thi^ :u-t sliaU prevetit ,, , . , , I Tlii-; -iinrv r r ^ « 1 i'- .• volunteer^ from the State of Kentucky between iht- 'irld. she was destroyed when near- in>- tory wa, priil>at)ly concocted ui (incinnati to i,' ,■ . , . , , , ages of I'l and 1'' ;roin pcrlorming milKary service. “Bitowr.n s .AIills, N C, .• t .f Hale V S ins: — I .send you in to-day s : :i 'r..:i.i b >ok. and being in a great hurry I send j art .f :uy circular to make ut my le'ti>r. me iiirEe that I have laid down is J believe the ■ne -hat will save us fiom inevitable ruin, 1 re- . ' i to read my little book carefully ar. l se if you tue out in tfiis great work. If after reading w .1 then give ;s favora>de notice of my book in ‘ -r, 1 will pay you fifty dollars in cash, I of annoi expect you to do this unless you coincide in my views. Hut 1 desire v^'U to read the bonk ■ 1 over :ga.n. and if you ihen feel as I do you ieve that some «uch a course is the only one that -ur country from inevitable ruin , v’.‘- ’he honor fo retrain, very respectfully, your T . BRV,\N TYSON promo;f enlistments, wliich were rather ilull. ! LlScoi.S s Lkttfr to Gkkklkt.—The reader will see I a curious letter from President Lincoln to Horace Gree ■ ley. Ihe President is sworn to support the constitution of the United States. That constitution confessedly guarantees slavery, as a local institution wiili which neither the President nor (,’ongress has any right ti> meddle. Vet Lincoln says that “if 1 could save tlie Union by freeing all the slaves I would do it." The I-nion, not the constitution, is what he would s.ave. :in l load his soul with perjury, lie is not sworn to «ave the Union, but he is sworn to save the constitution. Sei'I KiNu ,\ F,\r.m. — In the knapsack of one of the prisoners captured by Stuart, and brought to Richmond on Thursday last, were found several parchment deeds for lands in Fs^rfax county, Va. They are supposed to have been ■■tclcn frotu tlie Court House, and to indicate th.at t!:e yankee expected, when he cotinu^red Virginia, to h;ive the “nine points ft il'.e law—possession ' and thus to become propriet .r of some gentlem;iifs briiad acres, • The usual supply of counterfeit Confederate Trea-;iry note> w is fiund in the pockets of others i^f the pri- ;.>! -. TiiK Coi :^rEBrFiTs.—The .\tlania Confedera.'v ,-:ates that a gov.*rnment agent is on the way to that place, to investignte the matter of counterfeit Confederate Treasury notes, which are said to have emanated thence. It say^:. “it seems to be a settled conviction in the minds of our citizens that there is near .'?loo,(tOO of counter- this city, of Fifty and t)ne j Hundred Hollar issues. There are also Twentys in cir- j dilation, known to be counterfeit." ! ANe havi> not heard of one of the co’:nterfeits in North : Cnrolina. The Senate l>crIorming luUitary si as yet to act upon ihi' bill. the hope t't preventing heavy reinforcements being sent to Jacksi«ii, (litter-. Sdv that probably Newport News has been seleetetl as a school ot in~truction I'or the new recruits, — Fet. /•.’/yr*,v.t. .'Mih. (,'o.i‘liin of a Ruilrund frnin /ji'/irti ri H'h’rhcul’^r and lliirj ir's /■’p/T//.—(>n Wednesday week (’apt. Raylor's uoiupany of f-av ilry. u:;der the'command of Lie;it. Itouse, w;is ordered from Harrisonburg to .Mount .lack- son. in Shenandoah county, tur ] icket duty, L'-aving a sufficient pickct force for the post, thirty men, under Lieut. Rouse proceeded down tlie \'alley road as far a-j Newtown, eight mib s from Wincile^ter. Ttiey traveb' i :ill night, and encanipcd i^ear the line of .fetferson and 1 like counties, beiwectl Summit Point and 'Vndesvi!!-. -Vt ench of these poiiits--ihe distance betweeu which i« oiilv four mil(-s—there v.ms ;i Federal force of from To to I'll) 'i tivir object w i- tlie C'lpture of the pas-enger train on the Winchester and Potomac Railroad, and were eiiiinently auocesstul. (Jn Saturday afternoon they ventured to the r.aiiroad, :>,nd in a few minutes the sound of the engiue was heard. A iulck dlsi^.osition was made of the forces., and obstructions placed on the trtick When the tr.aiii had reaciied witiiin lO-iynrd- of tlie obstructions the coiuuiJiiid was given to iri’t, bu‘ the frightened engineer took no heed of tl cornm-in 1. A tire was ^heu opened upon ttie tram fro:o s.jme dozen or more revolvi-rs, and very soon the ob-; .ictions were reached and the tr.ain brought to a st .:i.i still. The cars were at onee entered, and the \'ai !: .■ soldiers on board, eight in muiiber. on their way t- i-iin their com panies in Winchester, were secured. 1 ;ie express car was opened, and baskets of champagne :ind boxes of de- Geni;r,^l ()ri>f,hs > No o8. I I The following rules in relation to the examination of conscripts are published fur the guidance of the en rolling and medical examining oflicers: 1 At each Camp of Instruction, and at such IVIilifary Stations and other points as may be d.-si.rnated, an ex perienced Army Surgeon, from a different section of the* country,'will be detailed fo examine (^lnscr^pts. All Conscripts capable of beari-j, irms will be re ceived, :5. Conscripts not equal to all railiiary dtity may be valuable In the Hospitfils, Quartermaster’s or other Staff Dep-.rt iiieuts, and if so, will be received. 1 I’.lindness. excessive deafness, and permanent lame ness or great deformity, arc obvious reasons for cxetnp- f ion •') Confirmed corr»umption, large, incurable ulcers, and chronic contagious diseases of the skin, :ire causes for exemption. II. Single reducible herni.'t, flic loss of an eye or of -ievert^l fingers, will not incapacitate the subject for the performance of military duty. 7. -\ certificate of disability of a conscript given b\' a jirivafi,- physician, will not be considered unless affidavit is madelhat the conscript is confined to bed, or that his health and life would be endaugerod by removal to the pbice of enrollnient. 8, Uiii \jhen a Conscript is incapacitated by tempo rary sickni'ss, he must present himself .so soon a!> re covered to the enrolling officer, or to Ihe neare-t Scti >d for Conscripts 0 No previous discharge, certificate or e.xemntion from ;my source tvill be acknowledged. 1»». Medical (ifficers of the .\rmy an, not ailowe 1 to exariine Conscripts, and give certificates, ur>.les' they ar; regularly detailed for that duty. I'y command of 'lie Secretary of War. S, CdOPEK. .Vdj't and Insp'r General. Aug, :!1. 18(>2 •'i*i-:?t III expt'se their hiileous deformity. They grew pale at;d tremulous, and lef' the prcniiae,-^, we fiope never to rtMiini. ■; iitl 1 tho-e wh ; have mothers, wives, sisters anl d\iigli;crs, see wh.it 1 have seen, of the destruction and dev'lst.a!ion of prcj'crty. nn 1 hear what 1 liave heard, of the insults, tiircsits and indignities to which our fair w.'iiioii iiiive been exjio-ied, it wouM rpiplire no “('(’ii- svt i'lii.'ii Act ' to force every man, c ipable of l>earing I arm-, to --iiiiulder his musket and aid iu exi'clling these I \ aiid'il il ii'di-'. I'rom 'ur borders. I Truly y.'ur friend, ic, A M, M. i f,'’,:. I;.:,.n,—We are glad to learn from a gentle- j mm, jii-^t d .wii tr.'ni .iineiia .'springs, that (Jencral ; .I'diii'- .11 has i!iiireiy r.c.ivcred from the cfl'ect of his I W 'litid. lec.-ive 1 in the bitrle id' the S-. ven Pines, and i!i I. i.e v. ii; !>e down Mil t;ext ,Mond ly, when he wiii re- p.'i l fcr duly. — :;ii//i. Cut XTKRKr,iTiN(i.—it sliould be kno" n that t ' coun terfeit Confederate Treasury notes is ’ y law ;i capital feluny. punishable with Jeat'n, and that to pass such counterfeits, knowingly, is equally criminal, (lup man was hanged at Richmond a few days ago for this of fence, and it is quite likely that some others may meet •the same fate—a just fate, since the existence of the Confederacy, in tliis .struggle, depends upon its ability to raise funds, and to do that requires unimpaired con- fidsnce in its paper issues. Ti'k f'AiiG*,' S,\j.K .M WiLMiNUTON. — It is Said that a ..ii obliged to you for ref''rring me to vfhere : cargo stile at Charleston a few day~ ago was at- printing done. \ had t doue i i b.ileign. tended by many people *who paid all sorts of prices for ,L.ci »e with the views of the b , an u j which they could well ailord lo do, as they never adopted the corrupt practice of rc- , . Confederate Treasury notes. The fir the expression of an eduon». opinion. discovered till af>er they tiad left, but ■aiciding, we have 'o say, that if it did not folloT,ed and some of them brought back, u he bi. :k itselt that tr.e au'.hor was once ^ pj-om the prices paid at Wilmington on Thursday : a inaiic an 1 ;ha., a. we tninif, he ought , reasonable to suppose that a similar operation •igain 40 confincd before he was all ’Wed to ^ performed there, except as to the bringirjj bac'it. h an incendiary work we should say that ^-hich we have not heard. .*» fiiend who attended iho iule, but bought nothing—having only genuine notes to pay with—has shown us a Catalogue which he marked with the prices We will state a few Ging hams I a yard; Flannels Thread ti ■'>o lo *J Calicoes 1 ^0 to 1 H3; bleached ?fhirting 82 to ^'0 cents; Huckaback ''0; Spool Thret^d i ^*0 a dozen; Half Rose 11 50 a dozen; Exp.ansion Skirts floo a dozen; white ght increase the evil the book may po,-»ibly do, i Shirt* 72 50 a dozen; Merino Drawet« } a do- 1 . . .I. ^ I »» Vi i • .en, do. t'hirts $‘:0: IMns 1*2 -'-o per pack ot 1- pavers; Tea 8 75 to 11 1-; Copperas 1 51 a lb.; Letter Paper .rod 50 a ream; folio post do. :?50; note do. .fUJ 50; Shoes 75; S^G. Sic-. There were about 30o lots sold, all in about two hours, and amounting to about half a million of dollars. Tiiere was an immense crowd present, .Jews and 0?U- tiles, but mainly Jews, from all parts of the Soyth, I CoNFK'-toNs OF Till: LNt;'iY, — We find in the Sav.ui- nail Republican a Wa>-iiinpt. n letter to the Chic;igo Times. .Aug. I’Jilt, in wliicii the f .'.iov.itiL: cotircssioii i f i falsehoods and defeat are made:— “Tlie admini-^t rat ion telegr:iiiis, respecting the battle I of Cuh'cpi'r on Situr lay 1 t^t, iii;ply that it w:i a bril liiint victory on the part of (ien. l!:uiks, and that the j relii'Is were defeated witli great slaughter, .\utheiitic acci'Untx of the battle, howover, have now leeii received ' here, from which it appears it was exactly the reverse. ■ and that it is .lackson t.'rit has defeated Hanks " * I ‘1 have seen an otlicer direct from the field, who de- ! scribed the action as being fierce and sanguiuary l eyon i ; all flintier coutliois (»tr men I'nught liiic veter ins, bui 1 they ha 1 no chance against the greater nutiibers of the I enemy. The latter, loo. were evideir.iy go;i h d to fury against Pope's troojs on account of Pope s recent otleii sive orders, for t’loy fi ii;:':;' tiiore like tieiid- it. lu tacn. and their battle c rie-^ were such exprr-^'iiOi- as “r’uwn with the pope!’’ “ Tn hell with the robbers!" “('h'trgi on the plunderers; " “No iiuarter to the men who mak“ ' war on women! " e!c. I’iie r-ceiie a: nigrit. when the ^ i'olil’eitTtite iiaiiiery 'heilwd oUr I ivouuc',-. Was tirriul;, [ grand. The artillery w i,- .--plen ii ily iiiau igcd, every one of their shells btir-tiiig in the nii l,-^t.of our tro.'p" and wigi'ti tra:v.~. The result wa-- a f erfcct >tan;pcib The rr ids and fields were 'luickly fille I with thousan l- of our s ildicrs and iiuu lrea-i of wagon-', hu i lied pell- mell together, wiih.ait any pretence !o or !cr. (tur lo's is fully 5.0110. !i large pri'i oitimi of whoiu are ■ tlicer.'- The worst of it is that among the officers killed in i badly wounded arc many of the best in the army, w!’, -c loss to us it will be very difficult to replace The re- j comj.v'lled them to surrender suit ot the late acti.jn sliow.-^ the Cnrreotiiess of m\ views ] ^''U' t- (’hicago. heretofire cxpre-ised in regard to Pope's atietii] t to reach Richmond by this route It is impr >ct ica^Ie, shoui l never have been attempted, and ough: ii' W to be abun ioned. It will have to be ahandone i, s n-ner or l,aler " “The ('’oiifeder,!!.'. still ret;iin - 'i.ie of our olhcers a; Richmond, and r.-fuso r >g;\e them up on accouiit i f what they call “the barbarities perp'^'rated by IV.te'- ruttians upon helpless women and aged men. ' There i-; no douXit these compiaint-i h.ave s.inie f 'in iatinTi, thoupli certainly this is not the wiiy to p the .ilioped atruci ties. The practiren nl Pope's tnen arc certainly net ju^-- tifte‘1 by the rules of mod-in civilir,,'d w irfire The writer has not c.-n lcs.'cndcd to tell what other way there is to stop the air.K-iiies—no: alleged, but ad mitted atroc.ties. The adopt : .n .tf i.'i-ii w.iy led to Popt>'' explanatory order, as the yankees ctill it, threatening severe [•unishment fyr those atrocit ies, which were freely allowed till we got furty of hi® ollicers in prison at Rich- mor.l. on ben b-d knees, implored the aid of Heaven, not know- I lioious fruits fottti i, and partaken of by our troops. The ii.rr lit w!i t mor.enr she .in S lier aged mother might be j express s:ife w a^- ojiened. and U, St.ates niuiiey, to the s',;.i;'.ti'red and the house burned over their heads. In i amount iif c^loiMi, was extriicttd. with a number of other tl'.e ii: ds' Ilf tu r supplication, a gentle breeze wafted ! valuable articles. The _U. S. m i!' -.Iso secured, con info ii.T l .p t’lat beautiful ballad “^I;• Maryland." | i:iining, amongst other doctt: o s, -fficial dispatches She c’ l-pe l it to her bosom an 1 exci i oied, “Heaven from (,en. Pope to Gen. Whiu , ,tt Winchester. Tiicse has -ent me thi.-! ' and arose and read a portion of those dispatches liave been forwardt i to Gen. .l.ackson. Fires soul ■^lirriti'.r verses in the hearing oflicr tormentors. It j were Ihen built iu tiie two j-i"C’,ger c irs. and firewood wa- Hi*.re than they could bear. It acted as a mirror I J iied on to facilitate Ihe biirn ng. .\ ftill head of steam WiisTKKN Kail Ko\i> Offk'!', ) r;ivetle\ ) I \ ' '(nil J .'di.'Souri r.giiiicnt. ijiturms us liiat on tiic "J i j ((ip f,,rces ol tirn wo rc.:imenis. one trotn Kentucky and the other i .j, [jjp t’reep (.iaj li. i’l ■ ■ D .'/.'iny ' -: :hr Tiinint. — Mr, .1. H, Howe, .of ti:,' ins from Indiana, rebelled at Rienzi, Miss,, .and st.arte l .'^'^i.H :i wir 1. r'irir arms. I'. ur ri-irimeu: - of 'VI.-i^^.n,«iu tr ' : - were sent to intercei t rnem. when a fight enstied la-'ii g frotn Saturday morning until i*ight. The Ken- ^ ind lndia!’;:iTis drove the "^Viiconsin regi- tii 'i.>“tii- six miles in the directii>n 'of ('orinth, .At siiii- d wn thi' T, b-ral- were reint’orced by tw.i Illinois regi- i ifiii-. who c itiic ri]> in the rear of the rebels and Thev were arre'ted and An t-cint. i i'lv - h-- a-^triii: a ere i' 'ijid a wirne's who walked over the field. say- he killed: and .aTi'iihcr. who .-pent more limc. oi.nted over litt« dead. ‘.if.t,uiifi S;in!on.—Since the di->- • !i i (f Mcl’lell in's campaign biy'.ire Richnion I. •r iiior has been rai-td ngiin-;! Secreiary St ant >n, em ind is made for his immediate rcni ivi! from otli I'n the (jrouml of uilpr incompetency. The New ^ i.rk World pitches into him. and detaand-' his reni ivnl frron • •'ice a-^ the only thing thit will save the cause of the .N r'h Th.- .- book were fit subjects for the official attention ' ite .'solicit ir for 'hi' Ji’.dic'al (Mrcr.!.. Toougii :-il’ con liiion may poasii.lj excuse him. it cannot, ii:- printer of such stuli, whoever he uiay be— iv ia Raleigh, it uppe.irs. wtio was -m wU aware improper obaracier of the book that he ha? not uj'on It. ■- were to ay more about it. except this: In his 1 rc ' ■Author acknowlelge3 his indebtedness to V ice • ^ . ;- i,- Siephen.i of Geo* and Edw'd Everett of Mass. ■ Suable extracts fr.rf their writings.” and adds, a'., indebted to that excellent paper, the Fayctte- '>■ crver, for valuable extracts,’ and be i]uoteft • i i i'’ -;[-rver various paragraphs of news about ,ie of !he bombardment of Fort Sumter. We no- ■ •* r !; p purpose of saying, Isi, tiuit Lincoln’s Proc’iai!,-. ,;f \pril IHOl. and the gubsciiuent disclo- ire of hi- bijlicity iu regard to Fort Sumter, and the lignity and oivr>,!irity ..f the North during this war, ago obliterau-1 f, ... ,,,,r niin ts every feeling of re- and regard lor ihi i',d t nion and the North, and .r'hly consideration ci ',d in liu;e us again to unite ' : -m. And lid, thaf ,\lr, I'v' in proba:dy has some ■ r imriiose in styling the f^ri-ervcr “that i xcellent , 'Ar it is not long since we rec ived an anony- - h'f*. r, in hi" h ’nd uriCuKj, in which he aViu;‘jd the . r a' jni'th and with “forcible feebleTitss," for Morf. Delicioi s Fri it.—We a-e complimented by Presley N. Stanback, Esq. of Richmond county, viih a large basket filled ith delicious liartlett and Duchesse Pears, and Apples of several varieties. And by Hugh •McLean, Esip of Harnett county with a basket of Rart- lett and Side Pears, one of the former weighing L5 ounces. These gentlemen are both in love with the science of Pomology, and are among the few who have not been content to cultivate a tree of inferio^r fruit where one of j superior will grow just as well. They have taken cwre ■rt Ilf the war. We threw tlie letter a'-idi', with j to get the best and to cultivate them in the best manner. ■ and should never have mentioned it but for 1 ■n: pretence of apjiroval of the Observer. \.N-wKKt;ii. The Richmond Examiner, in - , 1 'i it g bor the Lmpiirer, asks,— a;i '.niiuirer in preference to an Kx- 1 th. n'- ui^lil he is ■■ntirely iJone 'pio.t , ally, We do b',th. .And we whi! at on time there wue iiiany I -in ';? i- i ;ken here a- .1 tie latter now b'cideily exceeds ■ i.i! ,: il . i'l a^ itc lilt- course ol the u- ‘s wiiile the Lxamiuwr (it is geu- iSkUiagea il. We have lo acknowledge, also, a box of Tlelicious (,'afawba Grapes, of which one of the numerous bunches is very large and full, from Messrs. Benbow, Scott & brother's Vineyard iu this vii,inity. • And finally, a coujde of bottles of j.ure Grape Rrandy, from W, T, Horne, Esq., made at iiis extensive Vine yard iu thig vicinity. Truly, we were in luck last week Plblio Docl’.mexts.—We are indebted to Senator Uavis, and Representatives McDowel! anil Ashe, for co pie.-! of the President’s Message and Reports from the Departments. These contain a great deal of informa- tioQ which il is uot advisable to print iu the papors. Dk,\tiis (if .'^iit.tiii.us.—At Favi.iviile, Va., on the llUth ' ,\ugust. .lohn Wright •-.'iioiid s ;ii of Thomas Wright. | Ksq, of Dunli;. ef univ. aged of the ‘JOtii Keg't | (iTCiion's ) He w:, : ill for suiiic weeks, btit bore his | most paintul siitrvriiigs with ilie f ittilule \\riicli might ! be pxjiec'ed from one who had somo years before com- | mitted himself ii.i the service of Cod in the coninmnicn j of his Chv,ri.ii and had since liviiii up to hi,- profc'-iou. { lie died, calmly, coniuiittin'g liis soul to (toU with aii cm ! phatic “His will be diwie." Hii la.it days weiT glad ; dened by the pre.-'uce of his father and im ther, by whom hia remains were brmight for interiaeni to the , family burial place iu HupHn liis only brother, the j only remaitiing child of hi> parents, lost his right ;irui in the battles before Richmond, (In the 15th ult., Serg’t David Uone. a mciv.her of Co. G, 'j^ld Keg't S. T,, aged years T'ae deceased fell r. victim tu disease aon'-racieii wtiile serving his country. ()i a wound received in the Shiloh battle, on the day following, .loseph Marsh, (only '^on of .lolin l> M.ii-li. I dec'd, of this town. ) a member of an .Vrkaiisas i'ea't of volunteers, aged I'l or yea''s .At Horn (^iiaiter. King " illiaiu rc.iniy. V:i,. of ty phoid pneumonia, Ulet Augusi, iu his ‘JOth year, Wm. S. McCulli*.^, of company 11, 1st N. C. Cavalry, In Franklin county, 1 1th .Auirust, Rttfos ”, Lgert.in, in the I'Jth year of his age. the third sm who departed this life wiihin ihe sjiacc of a month De'-eascd was a member of the “Franklin Itifles. oth (n iw i-itlil licg ' In iho battle at Gordonsviile, Va., on the ''ih .\ugu-;, Mr, .lolin McNitt. from Robc'Mn county, a private iu hipt. Wooten’s company, from thi- pbice, aged ’J‘3’«'ars, He '.eaves a wife and three ciiildren. The deo‘- isetl was in the battles of Newbern, N. H^mover t'. 11., \a., and other engagements d:ning ihis war. !n Petersburg, at ilu- d N. C, IL.-pital, iSth .\tig.. of camp mefi^h'S, private Leiij n I, litinn, of the lith Reg't, from fi lgecombe county, aged .ibout 1'*. On the 3d Aug., Win, 15. Cltpp, and on the btii, John H. Smith, of Guilford, of Co. 1>. -itli Reg t. (In the .5th .Vug., Sergeant S. D. Hooper, of Co. !•. oith Reg’t The Official Votk—The Standard ol' the JOlh pub lishes the oiricial vo'e f. r Gavcruor, which wc coyjy. Gov, ’lar’.: has issued a Proclamation reciting the facts and declaring “Cbl. Zcbulou C Vano*-. of isuncomlie county, lo be duly elected Governor ot our said State, from and I'.tier h.s tjualification on the lid Monday of September next, uniil iii.-. successor shall 'oe qualified.” Fell TIIK (if:.-sKUVKIl. ’iini!>er!ii;d Hosjitil association ticknowledge-- the re-;ei]it of the foil’ wing donations: Mrs. (’ T. Haigh .-rloO; Mis- ,\nn ,McNeiilof Rockfish Mrs. .lon ithan Eva:i , .“'•■11. s|ii; Mrs. Harriet H, Strong of ,Ala^'ania ■So; ,M: « K. Hines SI; 1 i i'X of ilospital Stores #om a lady friend at ( arthage; I jar I’ickles f'rom Mrs. l». Muichisiiti The .\-i-!ooi itiun also returns thanks to Dr. T. I'. H iiirii m l Dr. .1, A. Mcitae for prompt and kind «er- vic.'- ret! ipi-ed to sick soldiers pas-ing through Fayette- i Tille. Sept, 1, I)J K I), lu this town, yesterday morning, in tlic 10th year of h>*r ;'.gi', Mrs, l.U(.’Y 11 D,\ILE''. , consort of Mr. Kd- w ird 1. l>ailey and ■daughter of Mr, .lames F. Marsh She w;is :ui exemi-lary r.iember of the Baptist Church, and lii d very greatly lamented liy all. In ft.is town. .\tigu!! ’J'hh, of erysipelas, Mr HUR illlL \'>'lLSON. aged 75 years. He was a devotod htis- b.'ind :in i .a kind tallier; a consistent member of the \I. L. Ciiurcb.. He leaves a 1 »rge family an'.l many rela tives !o !noi;rn his departure. Com, ‘J’J 1. l‘'’>‘i, M.MIV FLETt''HER. wife of Kev. .1, P>, Mai iinof the N, C, Conterence. and daughter of Nath’l Clegg. E.mi, ot*Chatham Co.. N. (\. in her'Jlth year. In early life she gave her heart to (iod. and be came a mrniber of the M K, (?hurch, South, which siie loved and honored while she live 1, and in dea'.h illus- iritcil the cT.cellcncy aud glfry of th- religion of Jesns * M. In Samuu'i viile. Harnett county. 17th .\ug,,Mrs. S.V- II,VII .'vLFX.VNDHR. -'leu,, formerly of Topsail S'und. • In the ”5th July, lb'i2, in Ciieraw. S. C., OLIA'ER KiiLL* ' 'K.. in his 7od year was pul on the enpiue, nnd ti.i- nmchine sl irted in the uireciion of incliestcr. The prisoners captured on the train weie placed un der Lieut. Roland and ti.,i.i.eu men, wliil'i the remain ing seventeen, under Lieuts. Rouse and IJaylor, pro ceeded 10 Smitlitieid, in detfcrson county, 15 miles be low Winchester, Within bait a mile of the town they captured the Yankee pickets, who mi-'took our forces for a “couting p-ii ty of their own men, tin questioning these pickets it wn-; ascerttiiued that the force in town con-i'^ted of fourteen Tnen, charge was ordered, and t:ii* ' iUike s r ikcti completely by surprise, and surren dered witirout iiTinc a -ihot Ttie spoils .at tliis point were 1 i horses, canine of them very line ones.) -O Colt’s navy revolvers, five Sh vrp's carbines in fme condition, Is \ iiikcc sikddles. bridles and trappings, and a large jnimbi-r of gum overc.i its, l>latikets. ."cc. Rlvhmund />(.'/ -V'th. Aj': i; ('•I'l.'.. rirt: ’ (I’nK—.V letter froQi Morris town. Ivit rei;n. s-ec. .:-ites tini the Fedcr:ils have been driven li:i.’l; tthr (i,iii. ati i ari- t..iw entireiv surroundi-d: 'iD.ti., Winch ci>>-'ed 1 hr iiiount iin over a Wc.’k si'.ice. have gained itie | rear of Gen. Morg,in'« army, \t i'lirboursviile our i fiu’ccs captured wicri'ii i.‘ id^d wit'i jirovisions 'I'lie writer says he has inforn;atl in tit a' iir forces were in I line of battle immediately in fi;.’i! of tlie (*#ip. and that a courier wa-^ hourly expectt-i to bring tidings of capi- tuLation. — /h.'p frh. 30,'//, Ttie Knoxville Registi-r .-ays tlia' Gen, Smith had j cai !tired S'.'O wagons, about lUl'ti horses :ind mules, and p vrt ot a regiment of Federais It was al-*o stated that the telegraph was operated by our men to the Yankees at Ciimberl.ind (i.ip, and it w;is asc-.'riairied that there I wiTe at iTie Gap lietwceu V* an t lo.ooii nien, tvith three j d ly,- riiions, ;iu.l that nur loiue.' ui\- lu a position to j bag the whole garrison in a short ,i.ue I A>’'!>'\ 'jn Fort It uurtj'ird. — .An officer f'rora Sulli- j van « l.«! uul reports tii;i! r.ne or more vessels of the I biockniling fleet cojiimenced shelling For: jjeaureaard. rhiir-day evening. No dninage whs doue to thp battery. Some cvi the sheils fell and explodevi soni'.- dist.ance be yond the .M ullrie House. Fort Beauregard replied slowly, I'liou act)uirmg the range of the enen'y's ves- sels with our rifle gun. i-ci- siiot caus* d them lo leave ! in a very hasty manner f. r their old auchorage, Chat Conn r. ‘I'Mh. N and after the 1st day of Sept. the following rate.' will be charged on Passengeis, viz: From P'ayetteville lo Little River, 50 cts. “ lo Spout Spring. 75 “ to liock Itrancli, 1 oo “ to Jonesboro’, 1 to Mclver's, 1 50 Twenty-five cents additional will be collected by the Conductor of each passenger, leaving a Station without a ticket A new rate of Freight will go into effect at the same time, which will be printed and furnished to the public in a few days By order of the Pres't. •)N(b M. ROSE, Treas'r \V. R. R Co. .Au", 3(). lSii‘2. 5*)tf 1 H AVE several boxes oL'TCjB.ACiK) for sale by the 1 box; it is put up right jind will not rot. / f>. W. I. GOLHSTON. 5t.-ll'.fpd The undersigned wishes to purchase iinmedialeLi/ TWENTY GO(>D MULES, six four or two horse WAGliNS, and twenty sets old or new W.AGON H.\RNErfS. ,V high price will be paid, T. S. LUTTERLOH. Stpt 1, 1802, 5(j-2t WaiitcMl to IlircC ''pWENTY Gi^OD HANDs! to work on the Sound near I Wiitnington, Twenty-five Dollars a month paid and provisions furnished. Af^plv soon fo T. S. LUTTERLOH. Sept 1, ISO'2. 50-2t ~ i:\TKA i'LOl R, i CVN be had at the Merchant Mills by Wednesday V, next. Also, 1 would say to those wishing good Seed- Wiieat to leave their orders at the Mill as soon as prac ticable. R. McDANlEL. Aug ”5. . oG-2t I) E,M,MN!NG in iL^e Post Office at Fayetteville, X. C t September 1, lpG2. On —Buell iiavmg taken the back iiack, flu; coast is now ttlcar for Jjragg and iiis armv to march into Nashville with littlu or no opposition. We r-ihall look for some decided ni ivement iu that direction very !ioon, if, indeed, it has not already commenced. Every body is getting inipatieni at the i;jip:i!ent tardines.s of our b^aJe in that department, but we suppose he ha.-i good rcas 'ii' for liis Jehiy —Sir.inn'iu I.’’j. :'.lican. T" (hf hland. — .Vbove four hundred Vankee pri-^onei were sent yesterday from the Libby prison to lielle I Worrell, Wiley Warwick. Island, m.ikiug the whole number congregaied at ili.at pleasant summer resort over six thousand. — Ihch. F.x. OW' I.ETTKKN Office at Fayettevil When called for ]>lease say they are advertised. '. ^Hss Ines HlondellV Mi«s P,F] Brown, Alex Biggs, J Mies Si^ry L Carver. Mrs John T Cord, Capt T L Childs, W &, C Clements 2, Mrs Mag D Clark, II 11 (’overt, Ann CadwMl, Geo Currie. Joiin Davis, Dr L I) Evans, .las A ll^ne, AVm Hobson, Mrs Jennett Howeil, .'iiss Mary Adalifte Holt Miss Martha John son, Matliew Johnson, JcJbn N Johnson. Jas H Jones, John Jessup, Bird Jacks\n. Ed Irons. Miss ('yniha Kink, Miss Ema £AC«age "2, Mi»s Sarah Gule, Jame- M.(iuiton. Mrs LiVsey Lane, Thos Lomack. Jos >ii,nagan. Col. Morris \j McNeill, Mrs M A Mc Millan Messrs McDonald i'vCo, Mr^ Elizabeth Pirker 5, Emeline Perry. \C A Sanders, Majr D Sul’ins. Miss Aley Shirley. Mis4 Marth . Shirley. Jno ralbot. .Mrs Emeline Wheel^, Dan'1 Webb, El^ha It is reported that some packagos of tea. lately sold at 11,00 jier pound in this city, iiave been resold in another city at 00—agoo 11'rofit il' the original price, as iri probable, was paid in counterfeit bills. .'harli.'i(u/i Cl- riir. //i'/h Pricr.* fur Xt’t/ro'S.—Two negroes last Saturday, wote ■■i l l on SIX nii'Uths time, in i:ii» town, at astonisii- ing high tigiirc.-.^. ci-n.-idering ilrit tiierc '.vcre ;io legate*''* to run them up. Ttie boy—a ‘t'Cniid class f»‘llnw—1'.* years old. sold fur C'15-lti, .uid thf -mill girl, Oye.t'.s old und by no meat's likely, w:is knocked of! at Ssol Mdton Chrunirle. G. COOK, P. .M. FAY VA'TV.y I ].LH .M A UK 1-71’,—Sci.t, THE .MARKET 1. Attack on Yunkn- Sroui.‘ —A letter from Kinston, N. states that Capt. Whitford, of Co. I, Pah ut- ;;f.view (»f 15.'et.ailing !>i 15. liac 111 0-” to ;’>7. Lar 1 o.! to Beesw 1 ■. ■:>/ to ;:7.i.. Co.’ii i 10, (’oil II - L:i-“! sales IS for f.;ir. Cotton Yarn 50 to •'r 1 per bunch. Co]i] i tas per lb. • (’ijttoii !’. igsi'.ng—None iu market, ('.indies —Fayetteville mould 5o Flour—I'amily S2tt, super 10 50 Hides—D»'y 27 to .‘lO: green 8. Iron—Swedos lo to ’20 by the uuantiiy. Iri-;h Potatoes (ncw^) 1 2-5 j>er bushel. Molasses—N O. 2 50 by the bbl, Nrvils !$1H to S20 per keg. Onions—2 25 per I ushel. Rye ■-* 0^, Oats 75. i;’i. . to S c!s. by the SuijT'.' -retailing at lO t > o ■» ’ Sh et;ni:-- 5'‘ i»-i.t>biirgs 15. S.,un 1 12 'o to S15 for 50 lbs. Ss-e'. i P -i itues in demand ai 1 50. Spi: i!s Turpentiue25 to d7.1. ’i‘ ;!0 '(1 We li 75 to si. led bv Pr.MlsKiiToN Sl-'\N. '1' for //';/ (’Itoh I'u.—The Hog Cholera i.s now iiiukiiiir irrout ravtiires in some porfious cd" (Icori:i;i. Tho lblli)\viiiL; has Ijcc'ii thorouirhly test- , Oc’ cd ill the rcixi'Ui of the Alttitnaha Uiver. and fouiul conies to be ati iniuliihle .speoitiel'or, as well as a preven tative against, the disease. Wet smiu' stielled 1 corn i'l a btvsket with spirits of ttirpi-ntiiie, anti throw a hatullul ol' the corn to cacli hog every two or throe days, i’or two or three da^ci. Do nut itod/i the eorii in the spirits—simply wet it atul it will iiiinietliately liry again, but leave the corn iinprci,Miateii ft’ith the turjientine. J. R. COOK, Auctioneer. B5I:AI. AT AI CTKMT. ON M iiiilfiy the Sth ilay of September insi , at the Town House in tlie tnwu of Fayetteville. 1 shall sell tin* lot of Land, coutaintng three acres mid aqunrier. with till the improvements thore -n, situated on H.ir- rington Hill, occupied by li*eiuy P>. Sedberry. This firoperty is a healthy location, with a DWELLING House and all the nece-sj.ry out-buildings. Persona who wish to puichase can view the property before sale GEO, W. WILLIAMS, Triistee. , Sep*. 1. i)t)-‘2t \4IRTH CAROLINA, RICH.MOND COUNTY. Court . ! Pleas and (Quarter Sessions, July Term, A D. 1862. Mary Newton v.'. Murdoch Stephens and wife Lovedy and others. Petition for Dcwer, IN this case it appenring to thf' satisfaction of Court, tha' Mur loch Stephens ami wife Lovedy nru not in- liabifiin’.' rf this Sia'e. and that Frmklin AWight, Jas. Crowson .nd B-rj .Nfwton. are in the service of the ('•■iifi'der;ire S;.M ', ^ eyi.nd tiie limits .of tiiis Stale: It Is therefore : r Icred by the (’ourt, that publica’lop be mmte in t*.e F:iyetteville Observer for six weeks, notify- ii!2 said non-residents to appear at Ihe next Term of thi' Court to be hrld for the county of Richmond«,t the i (\iiiM H'lU'. in Rockingham, on the third .Momlay of r lo'xt. and answer said Petition, or judgment pro o will be taken and the same be heard ex pane. Witness. Louis H Webb, Clerk of our said Court, at oflice in Rockingham, llie 'hi Monday cf July K. D. 1802, 5)^«iwpdJ . L. Ii, WEBB, (Jlk. Nf oc‘ li l^i(iV r.^11 et i II^. ''flE stockholders oKihe Western Rail Road Co. are reijucsted to meet iiXthe Town Hall in Fayetteville, on Thursd:iy the 4th Se]^ at 11 o’clock. A, M. M. MALLETT, Pres’t. .Aug. 27. 18*i2. \. 55-2t U Avil)MI .\ t o I. LEX.il]. ^pil Iv Exercises of this Institution will be resumel at L the regular time, viz: the 25th Sept. Board, ^13 pe" month. Tuition, •'T'lo per annum. A school designed for those jireparing lor the regular classes of fhi' College, or any others, will be opened at the same time, under th? personal superintendence of ^ihe Professors. . , F..r particulars, address the undersigned; P. (),, David son College. N. C. AVAR IK VFTEH this date THlHa’Y DOLL.VRS j.-. r monih w' be ciiarged for biiririKnnd lodg'ng, with the iisu: ..icductioti to person-' fiirniviiiif!: tlipir own imlgings .Mrs. HALX. Dobbin House. P. SIIE.Mv^Lli. ShPiiiwell House. .1. L. KIRKPATRICK. Pres’t. 55-1 m old. stiitable for a Parti‘«an DAVIH ANDERSON. 55 tf T. WADDllA., F:iyeneviltc Hotel. ?, i^ept, 1, 1SG2\ At An^usfa Ottou 10 to IS'; B:.ggmg '>0; Rope 50 1 tacked the yankee scouts on the 20th, 8 or 10 miies to 00; con 40 to 50- Flour $’24 fo §30, 4-4 Sheetings, 1 I from Newbern, killed 2, wounded 1, and took 1 j)ri«on(jr. 42^ to 4^^'; Oenaburga 46. ! Raleigh, Aug. ol Fayetteville. A «'>>l* W«ulcl. WILL no OK lllKt, ^ battle. Aug. 28, 1SI)2 C’nvalry Hoi>t* lor ^alc*. sut'«criber nas 1‘or pale a No. 1 eleg-int dark baj^ I HORSE, seven years ! Ranger. I Aug, 28. IS02. I AVOA L. IIAM.. ! Forwarding & Commisiiou Merchanr till give quick despatch/o j»odsCO signed to huu i*:irticular attention given X all pr^ d .r? ‘'■on; him nr sale. Consignments fr?^vU Stores, for ;a e oi shipment, solicited. WTtLHTvaToa, J*»’y 19,1862. 92ily