K WKTTKVIIJ.K. !HniMM\ KVKMXi. SKI'TKMBKK II, 1H62. I Thk FitiuT AT VVashimuton.—In returning from I Conorbs*—The 8tn»te was not in fiessioa on S»tur- | LATKST WAR NEWS L\Ti£8T FROM THB NORTH j Raleinh on Tuesday night, we found in the stage a mem- * Jay. In the Hous* the urniy bills were debated. AImww/-*/row itfiiry/ancf.—RicHMONO. .September 10.—* I'J«tbrsbitro, Sept 10.—We received at a late honr her of (.’apt. Rufus Tucker’s (of Raleigh) eavatry com- | On Monday, the Senate continued Ihe discussion of ^^ioce^the grand army of ViiKinia cro-H^d th«^^ Potomac last night ih« Baltimore American and ^ ” I ftaiiy. who had been in the tight at Wanhington. He i« ^ the Exemption BiH. In the House, the conscription ft i'iiiz»,n of Harnett county, but we did not learn his bill was further debated, and the fojlowiug bill in re name He n(ate«i that Capt. Tucker’s company was in lation to Treasury notes was passed: — Hf-K .'K rnK \V ^K — We oop.v this morning «eve 'apl T. himself commanding the cavalry, of A Bill to bt entithd An act t» providt for the further imut if nil.. caution Oiir I ihinkn, were actually of Treatury ^ote>. t,. a.eo.„, r™;; ■ii.i.ru-* to »>a muiuesiiouubly iiu.' that a large por- **1''^** ‘“"‘‘“'.v s breastworks, receiving their artillery ^ ^nd he is hereby authoriied, from time to .... HTu.v hH. . OV.M- .he l>otomac into ! fortunately k.llod no one of our troops. By that tt,..v h-^d an,.eared M I o»r cavalry reached the works the enemy was lo I T. Tribune last Friday, nothing is authentically known of their of last Saturday, Sepi ♦lih The intelligence they bring movements. *'9howj a ^tate of alarm iind consternation at the North It wiis reported yesterday that from Fro.it iioktowu. without precedent At lialtimore and Frederick, Md.. Maryland, a column wb-^ advancing on h»rrisburg, the excitement was intense, and at the latter plaoe on Pennsylvania, while the main body had Hlrcmly reached Friday last all the Union citizpns saddled and harnessed the Relay House, nine miles from IJaltiinore But late : their horses, and left by every conceivable route for last night no official information coiitirtnstnvy of thia Pennsylvania The Provost Marshal caused all OoA rumour bad been received here j ernment stores to be burned. Oentlemeu who left Leesburg last Sunday, an I reach In reg.-jrd to the entrance of Confederate troopa into d appeared at f*ide (>f lUltimore, nor on mid l’liil:idel)ihia, oti the ii iluT.' WHS a great riot \Ui I'lnd if i- H''t ;!'«>> iii ''ly '' tin-' l bi'tweeil BsiilUllol ,.i di ot r>HliitiU)re; nor I rify. nor yetth.ii K'rby v'^mith had captiiiI’d , imati Si'iiip of them may have been true; all of «. h>ij e atid helii've will be true :>t some no dip it.: ,1‘iy. l^nt let us be I'otuent with Ihe glorious things IV. known t-. be tine already. These are enouph ii .-tv our pviile iind to .'all for all our thanksgivin^^ I' S. It will seon thnt advices tV''iii (’iiioinnati, ot , ii ilinu t> r.'i'.irted demand t'T h -iirr.'iidei on - - irt ■ ^. w thnt there w;is n > triiili in the n'lj. '' . ! :-H:uivi>iy In-' So aN.i to the reports of ope- 'I1-* ' •ur tr>-v>j.« HTOiind lUli intr.re Wp have _vnii- H.-.viuni-. to •S:iturdHV nliprnixni; hot our army dil .1 To-i- ihe l’oloiii>\.- till Satur lay und Son.lav. uiid i-Ii ,11 or niiies troui Haliiniore. !nd withon' eiilicf it'irraj.'h or railrond I ■ oonvev iiew« lai'idly I r>iTt-‘TU Ai. (’ •»!iii’..';i’i)npkn'i’f. l\ALKl..n. t-'.-pt I''' ” '1 . III. giiMt-on Zi HI i.tiN |l\ii!ii r, •) »;. ■ ei ■ I Noriii ('*iri Im'.'i, >ih just bi't-ii l onoliidi' i li \^r , imp: f'i'iiv - \l-iii_\ Imn '■ od-of j.pop^', ' ' ■ -■ aii l 'ill . i.tiditidn-^ Iicf7i inwnhitli. i ■ » - i; recline - ,, \ i.Kit'orin had bppii t-' i', ' 1 I’v iiu f ;ln' •'■I't'i'.’I, oil \\liicli wei'f'sp;i! . ‘-ark (i \ the i'liief .lii'it'u (> attd .li\d^f> ''iiprt-nit* (’ou !, ttiree ‘.i 'vernor-^ w!io witne'-J :he I'en-ui'ny. vi? Swiiii. 'lorelifid ^n•l M^-. . Ht'iow th.-ii '.v.TP t^oti' ii i' of |,-i tip^ h> d -ii«. with a oon«i.ierril>le -i rinkliiu'of olflcers and • idicr* The Band V inci'V late Ueijimeii' w i'J I ^Psent and pei forme I apprt.priate airs i '• 'alh^ were ndminis.tered bv t'hipt Justicp Peur- ihe ',overnor rejieating the sev»»ral forms, and it of eai’h subscribing hi^ tiHiiip. to whii'h tlip “ ‘-'I attixcii their names a-« witnesses ,\t ttip >f ;hi- iritprestin^ oeremony tJov X'aiice stepped 1 find with a manner deeply earnest and impre- idressed hi^ fellow citizens for nearly an hour • ;: \inly did nr>t inijrove the reputation he hns a. I '■'r rel'ing anee lotes, f. r m thi- p ; iota'^uui , • rind siate‘>uianliiie addre--- ther' wms n. at ' ' kind He did. however, relate nn i» i-i.ii>iiT 'lUij' iife whii-fi t ui’lud all hearts l>v its beau'v - I t.iv'p the appeal lie made t.^ his tro.ip-', ; , -ubniii :ii'ii 'an l as p,itriot« lo the teri ihle .r-appoiuiikiciii- I he -in'icrij't law which at -mii tdasted thei; •-r;. ‘jpJ %opes of revi.siting their lionips and faniilie-^ 7ft Kiev quietly submitted to it. as did all our other ;n’=-jii-a. The whi le speech was indicaf've of' a t.’^ty which did not eeek the hiph pooirlon, Kut nl le - :ii time :if a will which would shrink from no 0!;>‘ . - . rsronsibilities It was frequently apj'laude 1. • ;evp gave universal satisfaction • :^''Pe the .\ddress will appear in t- im'irow - • iar i. and in Thursday's ^>bsorvpr ' ■ i~ been supposed that Oov Vance was the \ oun^- •if ;i! that ever fdled the oftice in this State Bat - ■ a mistake. His kin^maii a’ld friend, liov '•wain. ■ t lew months younger, Yio’h being a>>oiit an 1 ■ atily 'he youngest ‘.iovernors t'.iat any State Las had A : t,e th «t was C' aal to nil the duties of the othce. so the i iiliiii' may fpe! well as- ured will the second )ip Indoed ! iii- wond-rfu' unanimity with wtiich the ppcp!e have ci.l .1 him to the oflice say,* pl:iinly enoiii;h that they avi T\v dotibt upon that «c .re. I'iiere i‘ another point of resemblance in ;h-cari-cr of ;p wo I'uDCombe (ioverncrF Gov. J^wain w «e- 'ei; the ivisdidate rf hi? friend* iw.i ypsr.~ before • i’ election, but declined because he lacked a month of -’tig f the constitutional sye. When time had remov- i that impediment he ti»-« brought forward m l • let ted, (j'jv. Vance was the f.ivorite of many us the canli- ite two years ago, but he wa,-» not thirty at il.a time ■ 'iiVPntion met to make the nomination, and *o he • ’ •■'Ved to “larry at dfficho till hi,«‘.I*.; i be gn w;i. . . it^ember !hat uov. Swain ^ignHiiicd h'- entrance 1 H'Cp that of Juige ir(i- vernor. 1 forget wlii.-h • . 'if! f rare and lli^intere'l•■d delii-acy lie iui ! *•' :i = m; loyed by the Stnip ■ in- >: . oi.iiv,'! n; 'ii,- . • :tiJ '■uii (hen i'Pi;ding in i.-.- Ff^pi-., C an:, an i oi 'P ' •iialit"‘d t, fr ’II XV time issue, in addition to Treasury notes alren 1 ■ . .1 , tional amount of the in i.iiiid retreat I hey were followed into the town, , i i ■ * ' ^ .. . . i. !appropriations made by Congress at Its last and pre i ,, ,, , ,, - , , , , • i . • where the fight contuiued in various streets and from i j,eut sessions, lo be issued under the same forms, condi- ' “'® Mouse. I here wiip also rumours of a dp.xpe day evening edition ol the American contains nothing housk's The eneniv were shot down and sabred in all j tions and restricfionM as are, or may be provided by j *'* Baltimore on isjiiuiduy, in whicii the 1 lo of Ihe occupation of Covington and Newport, Ky., nor .. ^ I law; the bonds and certificates of stock to L issued in “f‘he demand 'f Qen. Ivirby Stnith for the sunender of preference in all cases where they can be used- and |’jepi. killed by the ciiiiten.s. The occasion ot the not .Cincinnati We are therefore inclined to the opinion, where they cannot, the deficiency to be supplied by j been ’the attempted removal by tiie that the telegraphic despatch to the contrary in another Treasury notes " * i PeJer.ils of the goverument sioreH tVoin the city to pw- i coluinu, is without auy fonndAtiou in fact. The Ainer- , Sue-. 2 The Secretary of the Treasury is also author- | hands of our advancing army ic»n contains the following sent from Cincinnati on Sa ized to issue Treasury notes of the denomination of fifty I Loter.—Since the above was written, we have had an dollars, bearing interest at the rate of one cent per j interview with a gi'utleman who lett Ballitaore on Fri- lay, the said notes to be payable at the same time as ■ night hist. .M tiie time ot hi.'! departurt- great ex- directions. leaving their dead and wounded all along the | bonds and certificates of stock to be issued in , routp from the hroastworks. and in the town Our in formant had his horse shot dead from under him, suffer itig a severe bruise in the thigh by the fall, but had the satisfaction of dispatcliing the Yankee who killed his lii'i-ip. Irom wiiiiin he took a tine six shooter, a gold wjitch a: tti-it th-.' 'ur tro"!'-' r.‘ir.iiitn‘d in (he town till between y anl !• turday; Cincinnati, Sept. 0.—Conductor Woodall made a re- connois.sance yesterday with .an engine on the Kentucky He .says he killed two other yaukees, and ' other Treasury notes, and to be receivable in payment of j citemeut existed in conspquence ol ihe rumored dpsign ent»al Railroad to proceed to a point ten miles north dca ) bodies were to be seen in all directions public dues, except th* export duty on cotton government to remove its stores to Ptiiladelphia ‘ ‘ ynthiana. where he discovered three men who, upon Skc. ;{ The Jiecretary of the Treasury is authoriied j Tl.is was construed by the B«liim.>rc,i..s as -i prepara ; being hailed, said they belonged to a Georgia regimeuf . to pay auuually the interest accruing on the first o) | ti>'u to shell the t ity from Fort Ali Hanty, in case it o c.ock, when the 'ilipllini' from the gunboats obliged .lanuary on all interest bearing Treasury notes, and id 1 shuiiid fie euiftvd by the SnoiLerii array. «tid henee them tocvacuate His company brought otl 12 prisoners nia4e ail proper regulations inrelation tosucb payment- | excitemptil. »nd A t.r-i-s i,iocp.-i of Hrtillpry. They woubl have Provided, that, within six months after the treaty of | I' htdipved that ( oiited* rule civalry r.. .mi, h id peace, such payment shall ba made in Treasury notes ; been on Fr iday seen at liu* l{«lay Hi.use, atid tfiai to not bearing interest ! inipede the t'onf'ederaic advance tlie viaduct ovei the Skc 4. The issue of Treasury notes under the de Paiapsco ai itiai jioiui h'ld been bluwii up li whs also bioiiirl'i luiire giiti*, hut it was impossible for ihe men to liraj^ ihem tiy hand through the deep sand. They v»cri- not piifTiied, or if they were, the yankees took I Arc Hot t ■ come in sight Of his oomp.^ny five were missiii,. Hi roll call, whether killed or captured he does ;;ot know Intorniation was subsequently reoeived at hi'- l oini- iiy’s l Uiip, near Greenville, that the yankees noiuiuatiou of live dollai':^ iti authorised to h« exteinJed to ten inillious of dollars On Tuesday, the Senate tiebated exemption, and the House conscription In the Senate, also. Mr l>avis, of reportp.J ih»t Sluuil'-> cavalry tiad pi~scd to tiiP east ol' Pialtiiimir and burnt ilie bridge ovei Back river. tJius cutting otf railroad oominunicaiimi with i’iiiladdi’hia After leaving BaUiniori*. our inl'uruiaut heard o! I lie rumouii'd riot, nicnlioued ahove, with the addiiionul laicd M. ii they buried It,2 of their own men and 17 of | ^ ommittee on boreij^u Affairs inquire into the ex 111' tip sa\s that tiie vankees are arrant cowards; i p'^'li'-'ucy and propriety of oalling «ur i'ommiiisionsrs N. (' . otierad a resolution, which was adopted, '.hat the repuit th;it I’lovost Mal^lla! Vanjsti'und and his assist ant .McPhiii!, iiad been liung b} tlie populapc ■Miintguuiery county, wiiich out forces entered on from Europe, and report thereon to the Senate. Nkw (\tNS(.'RieT ()auKRg Gen Cooper has published orders directing the arrest ng deserters of ail ('onserij>ts in thp employment of Government or Government con tractor absent from their pmployment without author ' tiiai H single trouper would chase one of them through tiie ^*ireci« llioiiji:h irivitii; a bmded ritie iu his hand.s. I ne piv’ol he took had every charge in it He has re lumed home on a short t'urlough. to get a horsp and to ; recover uf his injury The ^^-ii.d:ird : iys that our loss is variously reported ; reception uf substitut'es under 18 is fV-rbidden j killcil and wounded tU the enemy oui j recejition of substitutes int i Partizan f'.jrps is for- I iroops .'.rp . U 1 to have killed about '.0 capturpd 12, I bidden And it is als„ ordered that if “a substitute biinieil I -teainer. and firoiighi off 4 insteail of S pieces fiecomes liafile to conscrijuion, his principal is also I ot atiillo' v I liable, unless exempt on other ^ironnds." So, if the I The .''latidard leains that among our killed are font i C’onscriptioii is exiunde i to those between the ages of I ( aptaiii'. two ot whom arc named bj an informant ot , very many who have eniployed substitutes 'ipi. Booth of Lhowan. we | between those ages will find that thev have wasted i tlie Wiliiiiiigton Journal I’api. Booth of Chowan, we I ttiink, .and (’apt .lormeut. The lust isdoubiless a mi»- ; take Probably Capt Thos. .1. Norman of Washington ' c.iunty. win) coniman led a company in the 17th, was in- i tended ; Tlie .i-'Urnal is al-*o informed that on “the same day ill'll Gcii \Iariiu took W ushitigton, I'ol t'onoley accom- ‘ p'lnied M:ijoi Neihercut in an expedition in the direo- tiou of Ni'Woern Wheti within reven miles of tfie town tliey >^urpii^ed and took a camj- of )l‘ uegrries and two : wiiiic iiieti, also over jTMi in specie Proceeding two I nii'''s further, (about five miles from N'ewbern' they I roll'., d .in >'her camp of Tai'.kee*.' \.M->n Iu Philadelphia, when the N. V. Iribiiue - !u*coont ot tlie l>aitle ot Mauas'»a-j wna portt«*>l ( any of the born ymikfp lip on tiie I'Ulletin boards, it produced the greatest ei citemen: among the friends and enemies of Mct'lellan, wii.: i.s a ii.itive of that city What was the character of the Tril'iine s account we know not, except that that}>a per is h‘>-tile to him. "To appease Ihe mob” a faltr ■ was relegraphevl t^' Pliiladelphia, (we suppose fr au W ashington, I that ••tiie Trituine office had been or ipied to be closed This is a hazardous experiment upon the gullible mob. !; I-* not likely to succeed so well in future, nor their money. Okn. Hrauu —When last heard from Gen. Bragg's Headquarters were at Sparta. Tennessee, where he has issued a congratulatory address on Gens Lee's and Smith’s successes. Hi«rLKR, ••Titfci I?EAST '■ — Some gentleman in Georgia has informed the .Mlanla Confederacy that Ge’i 15. F. Piiitler i« a native of Jackson county. Georgia, where his brother, a highly resj'ectablp gentieman. now resides. •ttne renegade is worse than ten Turks ’ Pope, tlie Kentuckian, and Butler, the lleorgian. are worse than l»KvrH' OK SoLuttus In First M C Hospital, Pe tershurg, July titli. of typhoid fever, private .Munroe Ingold. of Co. C. 46th N C. T , aged 17 yttars. and a native of Guilford co . N r .\t the N C. Hospital. Petersburg. 'Jd \pril, I>aniel B. Graham, of the Cumberland county ••Carolina Boys. " aged 24 In Hospital, near Richmond, on 15th ult , Hamilton H Prather, of Hemorrhage of the Lungs, in the 27th year of his age, of Col Urr's ’Jd Reg’t Rities, Soutli will even ttip truth be credited, should the vankee gov- , - ® i Carolina volunteers, i ernment ever Uiink it worth while to publish the truth, i .i • v n . * ’ ! lu tfie ( bimbora/o JlAspital. Richmond, uti loth Juiy, ■ af'^-r siH-'i a coufe-sion of duplicity Thai jrovernment, i r i i. i i ., • . • ; . , ' ' . Lesley Parks, in the 21st year ot his ace. a Soldier ' will liRvc plenty ot nioui to apr->ase, and it would be • .. .... », , * tf ' j (he i,>th N C. Reg t wi.sf to husband its means to Ciuitt ol them. i n i i. i . In the Hospital at Petersburg, .\iig. 221, Aaron « From a long article Ironi the N i >i-- > ‘ -• P Herald of Martin, of Downs, Co, I, 2i»ifi N C T the 2d wc leara that the Tribune - obiioxiDus dispatch I ,. t> . i. l l • , i , At Petersburg, on the bth inst , K ^ : charged Gen McClellan with • treacherous conduct.’ j Franklin county, of the .S2 i N C T ; This added t . ••a stupendous excitement'- which the j Mecklenburg, ou the I in.-t . Serg’t l.aac Peoples i Herald says was greater than ever before known in New i of Brem’s Battery, ai;ed 2-'». I \ I rk. But, says the Herald, ••when it was uuiei?'ood | Heceutly in Richmond, Lieut, L. J. (trier, 1st N. C. tti it ttie same news was toru Irom the bulletins of the ■ Cavalry, of .NIecklenburg county. i Pliiladelphia p.-ipers, the paople could hardly contain ! , , I U ! u T' V ^ the OBSERVKK tlu;n.e:ves. andru.-hed to the -Iribune office Here I Ca.mp Frm.nch, nkau PkriiKSBi ru, V.A., Sept. 7, 1S62. they en: ri-d into the ni.-si excitcd and uproarious dis- j Messrs. E, J, Hale A: Sons: —You will obliga me by ; cu'sions, indulgititc m some very ugly expressions j pu^jlishing the following de.iths which have occurred in f i^iinst ‘ H onest Horace." At one time fears were en- ' company within the last 3*t days; Lieut. Lindsay ( left lined !f-at it would be necissaiy to send for a posse ' -II ’ei'tan o; ■ t;', •( -• .'.vi .!, ‘ re: : II*- ■ : : ie? of ■ • : whicli lie ri>i I reot vo-i Tr'itii it ioe t'lcH iitf : I iiieiili n ill • v » i r. iv i.a- | 1 a libera _mi -eiitienianly , .•■■r-^H i , ai N ' - 'f P 'liti.-i'ly i PI I I li I'.p ever !'o,-ii, . ar ((oViTiior subni;'- c-heerfui.y t.. iIip i. ci ( u ip'p, -how every co:i- ie.-v to his ecs : hiiii ! h he til 1-1 'ri. aii .ti u- to ■ ‘ irs. and ' iilnily 'is : a.l pi n liiiw: this purpose he i nd • have Ic. laicl ■ .11 • . rermiii in lvi:leii;li f >r ;t week ni'-ri', / !* = iliio wiih (1 'V \ aiici' -M iif I'icr- ivi' i*'- lUd';;-' is ill ii.lppv C'-II'IM-! wi ll t!i;ir i,I . r U'. ! i:s-. NIu'in \ ^iii liuri-n ati i his ennrc •i I lo ; , w • lo ■: Oily ^ 'H. i to pevs'tial ■ ‘iPii II •rri'-.iii and hi> (’abiiict. but lef: tlii'tii oc fhemxelV'— ;r lic^it fliey couid inf i thcit ■ ts iSuch ’s the difi'erence 1 ; ween a Soutli- 111 I I N iithern ^ '■ ri r hiix :.j j. jinted fi:! hi- Priviitc .'-^.'ri-. tarv. , I' q if U •Ipsjb -roUtii, .vho l. r- ‘roiy till iiis lita! !i ‘ ilI rev- ol Metr p litans to presetve the peace, but fortunately liiiiig •■. iivrel fi>rtiier than a free discussion of the iic kI'ij 'o hear troin tiie Journal that the Banks ill i iiiitu-.ii liHve re uiiied the receipt of all I 'Utf ler i'p fiea'ury Note- 'i'hi- is right, and should bp I.me r y other ank». .rporations and individuals. t •lay ti-iii- rii\j wKKi V(ji KK\r.,»’tii The 'Vashington I a gl 'fitii. at ion of' Pi>i>e’s ai hieveinents on Fri ■ ■-"'ih ult , indnikce.l the following fond calcula ' »Irii J:e Would .1 'liicve on Sutiii day to morrow moriiiiig, a: slowly as lie may be moving, lianklin ought to be wiUiin supporting dis tance III Pope with a large force -suflicient with Fit/ ■i iliti Porter's, tu •-.ahe ni .’■ ri.,t( of any possible rein 1'0 ceiiicnl ihe i tiemy may gel. ••I In tlie wiiole, as we stated a day or two siuoe, .''»r ; (.luully tur> thnt the'r uull suon If ! riJini'l Ihere may lip ••tvw rebels in arms in \ irginia" now, us the Star anticijiated Reason, they have crossed the Potiii'iac titid are in .Maryland. Hardister. .\ug 7th, at Gentr'* Ho-pitttl, I’etersburg. \'a.; Private P.arney H, Luther/ ,\ug 1". ii ]at N. C. Hospital. Petersburg,“^'a.; S« r.!i't Calviifl*.. Lewis. .Aug. Uth, at 1m N. C. Hos].ital, 1 ctersburg, \'a ; I’nvate Josiah W Lyudon, .\ug. 11th, at Chimboraio Hospital. No 2. Richmond. Serg't Calvin G. Rush, ,Sepi. 1st. at I’uplar Lawn Hospiiai. Ptter«burg. Prlvaio Wm H James, .'^ppt. 5th, at Poplar Lawn Hospital. Petersfuirg; Private l>»vid Han lcock. .Aug 1'', at t'onfedei ate Ho» pital. i’etersburg; all from liandolph county. N (’ Your.-i, very re«ipectfully, J. K K^LE. Capt t'f). H, ■''(2d lieg't .N ' T. crossing the Potomac, is said to iiave given .Siuaii loll recruits, who furnished tticir own horses and equi[i- luentb The excitcment throughouL .Maryijii t is rrpre- BPiited a- intense in consequence of itie l.iuooln diaft and thi passage o! tlie Potomac liy tlie Confederate armies. Examine" h'rom Maryland. Tfie news from our advancing army in the Northeast on yesterday was. ueccj'iai ily, very liniited, no otiier «statilikhed tact being ascei tamed than that General Jai ksoti had passe 1 througli Frede rick t'ity, .Vtaryland. Beports were jdcntiful, asu.sual. fhe I'ontederate army now in .Maryland is consider ed sutlicienlly strong for any emergency, while a heavy He atiet wards discovered their camp, but it was so much hiiideii by bushes that he couid not make out the numbers. ,\ despHicli ftom Falmouth, dated one o'clock this morning, says that scouts report the rebels within four miles ot thal placi with artillery. \ despatch from Pomeroy, Ohio, says that Spencer, Booiie county, Virginia, had surrendered lo Colonel Jenkins and ibai t'ol Rathboue's command had sur rendeted and been taken prisoners tJn Wednosday Jenkins entered Ravenswood, Virginia, and crossed the Oiiio at Buflitigton’s Island, came down to Racine, Ohio, killing one man, woiuuling two, and stealing twelve horses, then re crossed the river at World’s bar and encamjied for the night fhe people were rising lo re sist furiher atiempts. later report says the Rebels are crossing at Hacine and coming down on both sides of the river. L"sse:-i in the Heetrit Battles M whopptng lie.—Wahu- iNuroN, Seiit tj —From caref^i palcuhitions it is fieliev ed the entire number uf our losses iu the late battles will n It exceed killed and wounded, and 2,X(0 prisiuiers, principally picked up by the enemy while straggling, and wiio, with the exception of officers, have been paroled. Defeat nf the ReUls at Becerley, Vu.—The Wheeling Inteliigencer, of September iJd, says: .A. despatch from Gen Krlly yesterday says that he was attacked by the Rebi»l guerillas uuder Jenkins and Imboden, tiie same who made the raid on Buckhannon, for«e guards their rear on Ihe Southsideot Uie Potomac, ! defeated them, killing and and is tree to act in any direction in case of necessity llich/Hvnd i.'itjutrer. TLt t‘auu lu \\ I’sltiuytun.—.A gentleman iu this city has reoeivi-ii a letter iroin ins lirother, in Washington. i> , dated last Tuesday. He say.s that the greatest c insiernation and alarm exiaiea amoni^- tiovernment of- fici.als on ticcouiii ot tlie advance of our army, and Miat they had begun to rcinovi* tiom the Government arsenals to New Vork all the small arms, otdnaiice, and powder, and that in consequence work in that department had stopped Also, tliat gunboats from >‘veiywhei!■ had been I'ldered to Washingtou. ;uid tiiai there was a con tinuous line of thcui lu tront of the city, anti as lar ilown as .Alexandria. V*a —Htch I>npiiti:ii, IO^/». Uutm^UKhul Arrii-iilt.—Tuirty-two . (.itii I’ope's comuiis.sioued otlicern an 1 ?ixty-iiine cin/.cu.s of Wash ington. captured by otir troops during the great baitle of the ^t-Kh ult . arrived in this cily by thi? ^'euiral ruilrunJ Ibui evening, in rliatge of a military escort The wiiole party were dirty, foot-"ore an 1 way worn exceedingly They had footed it all the way trom ,\la- natsus to Kapidau Htaliou. a dibiauce ot hu mileti. The milii»ry jirisoners in no wi>e ditlered in port or bear ing trom the manj' thousands of their compatriois whose military careers have suffered interruption fiy an unwilling vi,“it to Richmond, f'Ut there was apparent in the civilians a degree ot sheepistinesii and chagriu which is dtfliculi lo deNcribe The.se were the men. many of them saiil to be clerks in the dejiartmints, wh», deceived by Pope's lying dispatch of Sunday morn ing. iiad hurried out of Washington by special iram. to witness the sport of the annihilation of the rebels. To the numerous interrogatories tiiat were p>ut to them by the crowd wiio iiad collected to witness their arrival, :ts lo tiie amouut of sport they had enjoyed on the battle field, they rej'lied not a word, but trudged silently and with dejected inieii in the wake of the mil itary prisoners. Tiiese civilians say that tiiey visited Manassas on a misricn of mercy; uiat Pope telegraphed to VVa'-hing- tou he was in pursuit of the rebels, and didu t have time to attend to his wounded, and that they had voiun- te^red to go to tneir relief. Tlie otiicers wlio came down witn tliem yesterday pronounce this story a flat lie capturing several (d‘ their uumlier. No particulars are given We learn that previous lo the fight I'd .Mullt gaii had gone from New Creek to Kelly's aid Jieporltd Captweof thr Furti bdow (.'olurnh. ^ —C'hica N C TROOPS IN THE LATK B.\TTLKS - Th» tbliowing iDteresting letter, sajB the Stan dard, not intended for publication, from a oieiu- ber ot the 6th N. C. regiment, i.s the first intelli gence from a North Carolinian we have received since the battles. It will be seen that the “bloody 6th’ maintained fully ita high character. The letter is dated on the battle tield of Manassas, August Slstr• “Probably you would like to Lear Irom the old 6th aud also from the ever famous “old third Brigade/’ and the “invincible Division” of Whi ting, consisting of the “old Third” and Texas T^ri- gade. Gen. VVhiting being absent sick, Gen Hood, the Texan, commfiuded the Division, and Col. Lane, the “old Third.*' On the 22d and 23d of August, the 6th parti cipated in the skirmi'^h, which drove the enemy froiH the ford on the Rappahannock, at Gaines’ farm. On the 29th, the Regiment supported the bat tery in the centre, and was shelled all the even ing very severely A gallant skirmish was kept up until nearly dark by company A, Lieut J Calder Turner, aud company I, Lieut. W B Alli'n, the men Sring until their muskets were so hot that they could scarcely handle them. About night-lail our skirmishers having been i-ccalled, the enemy advanced to tukt? possession ol the heights Wt* occupied We 'rose up from behind the hill, !>ave theai a deadly vf'Iley, charged them over u mile, when we were compelled to halt, as we had advanced beyond support, and our brigade coiisistr-d of only lour regiments of not over 300 men eueh. We capturt*d the battery that had wiirkeil on us all day. Ou;' regiment took the colors of the 56th Penn., and the -1th Ala buma and 11th .Mississippi also captured a stand ol Color.s each, and 2d Mississippi took two guns While we were halted in the corn field, waiting for reinforcements, which should protect our lelt flank, our Regiment was charged by the 2-Otli New York, but we g;avc them a fire that soon Hushed their “Hurrali for the Union.” ‘*The Stars and Stripes,” Jce. At the same time the 4th Alabama wa«> charged by a squadron ol caval ry, all ol whom were captured. About an hour afterwards, reiiilorcements came up and wc fell back to our -ld position late in the night. We took the Adjutant iieneral, who stated that our column was too heavy for Gen. King, who had i only 16 Regiments He was thunderstruck when ;u. Sept 'i.— Despatches received at headipj irters from ! he found out that they had been whipped b> 1 .lackson, the ‘.id. “ay that Polivar is rejj' ‘ led invested | little Regiments. Col. Lane commanding the iy a heavy force umier Gen Price, 1 re is also a , Brigade, behaved most gallantly, and manKUvr*‘d Urge force of the enemy within .seven miies, threaten- j brigade tinely, anti SO did Maj Webb our ing to attick Gen \ lllepigue is reported to have | . ® ’ crossed the Hstchie river at lirownsville onthenight of i regiinent. i;ie 1st. and is profiably making toward BoliVar. j Next morning, (_Aug. •>0,) they opened a most In the Rebel attaek on L'nict:rown, Ry., they cap i terrific fire of Artillery on us, which was kept t;ired stand of arms and destr. v.-.i .,0 bales cotton ) yp ^11 day between the rifles at long taw. W e The Mananas fight -The H^t :d says that among , j. ^ ^ continual skirmish, each cumpanv goint* Asbe. of North I aro- r f he captured is itie Hon Win lina. an aid to tJen. Jackson ile was taken .Monday in turn one hour at a time. Their heavy mu? morning in a reconnoJBsance j ketry opened on our l«lt. From the hill where The Her»M mijs also, lb'll to* io“.s i-- said to reach .we Were We could distinctly see every thing ptr cent of those engagto in tJatmday s tight | Because we had fallen back, Pope thought us Gold went up to 18^ a on i r.day | telegraphed at f. a. m,, a sitjnal vie The sales of ovtton leacl.ed bale': tii oii a , ' , , i * i cents --£ipre4t i torv He iormeu an immense column to charge FOR THE OBSERVER. our left. They moved down in fine order, but received a fire which drove them back in the irt At a meeting of thv officers and members of the Fay- , most confusion. Their charge laid their left flauk highly . - - , inander. .Major .Iohn C’ Booth. Although coming j minutes, we advanced to the top of the next hill, among us a stranger and being here only 13 months, he and opened again; a battery replied, and WC took has won our affection, aud our high esteem; wc feel his ' u„ awful shelling, with but little lo.ss. Then we loss equally a* much as that of a Father, Therefore, ; advanced towards a yankee Kcr' lvoJ. whilo ile^plv laiiiPUf n!8 deaili, yel i * t - i I \ / we fiow c.ui,aelv"‘s in humble submission to the will of an | battery which opened upon us. and also two re- all-wise I’rovideuce. who doeth all things well , gimcnts; but we drove the two regiments off in Uesolve l, Thai we symi'athise deeply with his sore I fine style—we then kept tidvaneiUj; until we slept stricken family in Gii> their hour of greatest need, and | on the battle-field of Manassas, which was strewn while the gioomy air pervades the household, and sor- thietgj. on the 21st 0*’ July. A yankee bat tery W.1S placed precisely where it wan last year row intrudes itselt upon every thing on which the eye may re-t. we beg them to icmember that hearts not at all akin, boat in unison with ttieir own. in sorrow for the departed spirit. two battles on,- the saaie ground, same results i and similar in many other respects. The fight of They :-av their object in going to Manassas was to rob i , . Hesolvcd, Th.u in his de^n the U.'tallon has lost a | our brigade is pronounced by the Generals as the Norm- 1 ’^“'1 eflicient officer, the emp oyees a d-*- i thine, of the war. and nrobablv unsur- Ai lany 1 ■ ould wish 1 think 1 (•atui'. -ing that there are u hiiii lii > ml^^■ III-re ^ r : I \’ i . . serving i!i.-re is . ; t !r.wl h( ^’e ll -iii u’l • and J iiieet at evciy turn with tit tnci— and fiiends, timi : ,.ni not at ntit ; tpil!y 'I •Ol , -,,p, ‘ • I undierland and Harnett alon ,'n -inic from the e;\trpmc {mint ■ Maiden ind ' iierokpp, .'i-' well a - li - . .I'P -p.. e 1 rioi = jpi he.ird certain information as t > the ;i/r.,:i Htf ur. iiip policy of which is a good deal ■\ Ui ihe army 'n Virginia, the h as w I'li'-w liPi'f An thcer from .1: r-k- rti “ havint I roM,cd the 1’.,to il >'’iird iy and Luii^'-li ■pi i , ri'u- on f r U’ . diilPgt ti or P.:iMlliol ' FOR THE OI5SERVKR. The Cumberland Hi-.spital Associa'ion acknowledges the receipt of tlie toHowing donations: Through .Mrs R C, McNeill .''O; Mtk L). .Murchison *100; .Mr. John Waddill i'll'; .Miss Jane McKeoiie J'J; also a lot of Slijipery K!m from Mrs. Colton. FAyETIliVILI,k. .Sept. l.MtjJ .Mrs, b) J Lili.y, Tre«» r of t'uni, Hos A*sociatipn; 1 am dire ted by the stockholders of the Heaver Oeek .ManufactUting I'o . t-i jire«en: to your .Society Five Hundred L>ollars. which please find here enclosetJ, to be used for the beripfit of th« wounded soldiers in the latp battles of Va , oi such other place? as yon uiay se Icct Praying (Jod's blessings upon our armies and upon ^' lAKTiNv; Poi.NT.—The gre.it yankee army, j your lafmrs of love. 1 am, very respectfully, your ofid't serv't, •loHN H' hall. Pres t It. C .And 1 have irl the .'•^late. m 111! over the I leatn 1 ■ t tiP mac ‘ ■ :in I \i. A 1-' ■7o I'M iintv. N. , tiv !-' Volutiiin.iry :n II I: lit- Hi: y.iinv: ^wh" we h^,ve thought ■ vi-- W' :'id have been if he w ■n .bi-^cph (irahatii of l.iri- a renowned in hi.-t 'r_\ '■ " Uitii hi, f’t'l II iipoti '■ • V ni \ ‘ ' I - lit t n , !lH' II - -.isu-l - tivp S' ;. in the Arm;, trt er d' Gen. (iraham, aiid w.; '••r H .>l-'rri.son. lias two son- 11 ihe ■ crvice, two of Ihe lati . and •newail" .fackson. Thi the the tour ’ IS -nK L‘71. iiviiLtjv,- The \'ir- h i'-ts of ,. ,»,sualtief: iu a few of the l e. but we have no reports from Troop, We 'Uj pose that there is itiity t,jr writing wiiile the army’s ^ r:ipid a.- they have fippn for some vvh '•h' refroin the .Sun lard a letter from een h *ljat .nur troops agiiting with their usual gallantry. or rather its remains, we learn from the Washington Ke- puMicnn. now occupie:^ ihe old iuarters of McClellan’s ••.\rniy of the Potomac It ‘•is just whore that tine b d_\ lit troop.-, -tartcd from, when it went on that disas- ir 'US caiiipaign to the Peninsula" A\Ki;h 1,'Ti'1A ; hs I'hc Vankee fiapers say that We had :j;jo,00o men in the late battles at Manassas. Hr /,,-, tliese battles, on the 'JHifi .August, the New Vork 1 line" •'li'I thit at t li*‘out side tile .Sou t hern troops num bered 1 I “IU, while to meet them there were more t!i:ui III.Ill HI Ni-iitheiri soldiers, very speedily lo be in creased to it 1,000 or I'tiij.UOO. Itefeat has changed tiicir tone, Itti. \ x.nkkl: Gi;NtHAi.s Killkii.—General Taylor, w ' wa- killti'l in the late liattles, was a native of New .lei-ey. and cnteicd the service, us Colonel of Volun- t*er-: Gen. P.uford was a Kentuckian, and a West Pointer lien. Hatch was a New Torker, a West Pointer, an I a t\'iptain of Cavalry when the war b^ke cut, Gen ,'talil was a Hungarian, a Lieutenant in Ihe .\us- triiin \niiy. a ionrnalist in New Vork, and entered the service as I.’.put. t'ol of \ olunteers, Gen, KeaniPV was a N' w \ or’.^‘r. a West Puinicr and a distiuguislu d I .iptain in the .Alexi(*an War. tien. ^^tevens was an Oregon politician of .‘- unc note t)f acn. Coulter we know nothing. iKN. M ( Lt;t.t,.\N. — Pojie’s disa.-iteis have ruined him wilt, the Northern people, lately so full of his praises. Me is now in livgracp, McClellan again commands Ihe army and is entruM.-d with the defences of Washington. Cl .MMtKLA.Nt. G.M' —Thp Yankee army ut this .strong hold has not yet surrendered, though three times de dared to have done so by “reliable geutlemen” arrived at Lynchburg, Tiie latest inttdligence from the Gap is that the yankees are scarce of food, but that there is no telling how long they may hold out. This came from a soldier at the Gap, and not trcia Lynchburg. (j'e/ieral Pillov:.—The Chaltanooga Kebel of tbe 7th instant says: “We are highly gratifiod to learu that Hon, G. J. Pillow has been restored tp command He has gone to Richmond on buaioess,” ,Mr .Iso, H H.^LL. Prps’t Beaver Creek .Manf. ('o: Dear Sir;—The Ladies of Cumberland Hospital .As sociation would, through me, gratefully acknowledge the receipt of your nott« of the ^th inst , enclosing Five Hundred L»ollars from the stockholders of the B, Manf. ('o. Permit me, in their behalf, to return io you, aud through you to the stockhoblers. our very sincere thanks for your liberal contribution, and for the deep intsrest and kind wishes which you have expressed for the causc in which wc are engaged. With the hope that we may ue able n ;ipplv your donation in such a manner as will best secure "the in terest of tljose for whom it is intended, I am, very respectfully, .Mrs. K. .1. LILLV. Treas'r. it*mn—Brig. Gen Toombji has been released Ironi the arrest under which he was placed by Gen Lon^- street. for some unimportant deviation from orders. ('apt. W. C, A«he, of North Carolina, ia among the (.'onfederate ofliceis captured by the Vaukei'j iu the late battles. The Bloomington (Hi.) Times oflice was .lopimyed fjy the d. aa. We thini: the truth is as staled by the Nortn- I r.uuiru. omcc., . ..r „ » u- , brightest thing of the War, and probably unsur- e™ I,.,, I I'l’.siU’":"'"”'' l P---l - Capt.’ White", of Alai^anco. Kesolved, That (he members of these companies wear j was severely wouniled in the arm, and it is feared a badge of mourning for three months in honor of our ’ amputation may be necessary, depart 'd .Major. \Yg are now near Fairfax C. H.. resting, and Uesolved, That whereas all men holding commanding ' military positions are by their appointment entitled to great deference irom all subordinates under their com mand, and whereas it is a common custom at their death to pass resolutions of regret for their loss aud of c-jndo’ence to their family, and whereas by such prece dents the unworthy often become the recipients of honors due only to the truly meritorious. Therefore, fie it further Rpsolved. That as an addi- i tioriai and more tangible mark of our sorrow and sym- I I'liifcy. the orticprs aud members of this Battalion do ‘ complimented by all.” toilow uj; ' ereot a suitable 1 ablet to the worth aud memory of the j ^ learn that Capt, Vork acted as .'lajor dur decei,.ed , „ V , A inif the battles and behaved admirably, U.'solvpd, 1 iiat a copy ol these resolutions be sent to ® the f iiniiy of iho deceased, to the Fayetteville Observer, I Wilmington Journal learns that in the Nurtii Carolina Preshvteriai'. aud also to the Savannah papers ■ S J, WALTON. Capi. Dooih Light lafautry. Pres’i. Tuns STKFiirNs, Sec’y, Ordnance Serg't C, S A, ipers overwlielmed. they rushed out lo see the sport aiteii- d»ut upon the slaughter tn.it was thought to be about to begin,—Jit'htn' Tid F.Z., IVth. Atru'il of Prxtjnm.—The traju from Gordonsville j yesterday afternoon brought down i>- yankee prisoners, part of 225 captured near Winchtster, according lo their .--tuituieut, by thrte i irrairijjiun of tien. Kobinsou's com mand. i o ttie iuipiiry as to what induced them to sur render to »uch a small number, oue of them replied that it made iio difference, they would have yielded to one ••rebel," if it was coupled witii tlie assurance that tfiey Would be well treated - - 10 h'-i'n l h'.t'i, . The Fijht i>t W iithiUyiiofi.— riie Wiimiligtoii Juuriiiil of the lUih iias been fmui'hed with ihi' statcmeir; — i he gicat object of tbe bxpediuou. lo wii: ilie capiurc ot the large number ot uegroi * wlio had gijnc thuie from Ihe surrouudilig ccuuticH. was a failure, because tfie etieinv, g«ttiiig wind ot ttie movcuieut. tiad -eut liiein down the river two miles, to llodniau » ;:irin, lu tlats and boa .s, and there protected itiem witli a i;unboai. But one of the olliceis wa* captured, liie ro>it inaKing tlie b«»i of iLeir way to places of coucealment. (M the private.s taken, ii uuuifier of them were dr;igged out of housed, trom liehind door.-, and .ut ot closets. Our fi.irces eiuered the lowu lu tliree dircctiwiis, whipped the euemy ai evi ry point wtiere they made th.eir apjiear:iiic«, kept possession of the town two or three hours, and retired when there seeiup'i to be no thing further to accomplish, and at their leisure—the • iitniy no longer making their appearance. It is true that the guuboai Louisiana plied u|) aud down the river, lirWig occasionally uji the cross siit*cis, aud lo have held further posses.siou of the ptaje W'^uld probably havocn- dungered the lives of hundreds of woiiieii and ctiildreii. It is not true that our I'orces were driven trom the place. The I'lieiuy's gunboat Picket took fire early lu tlie aciimi, c.\ploded her magazine, killing twenty of her luen. aud burned to the water's edgt- It is not known how she was s,.i on tiie. .A mcichant of intelligence, who iett W iistiitigion on .Monday succeeding the tight, .says the eneiiiy's aeknowi edged fos.« is ItjU This d-oes not include the prisoners captured by us. tjuite a iiuiiiber of houses in the west «rn end ol the town were .siiattcrcd by tiie enemy's shell, and some were riddled by shot irom our battery No woman was kilk*'!. and tint oue. a Mis. Ued ling. w.is slicrhtly wounded. t.>ur infantry entered the towu a: the west, through the field of .lames K. Grist, and first encountered ttie enemy at the back of hiis baru*. They ^the enemy ■ were diiveu from therp, and our forces charged up .Main street and .Spcond street. lupcting at the .Vca'lemy ou Bridgp stieet, wheru the fiattery of four guns werii cap tured. .Most of the lighting took place on Bridge street, between the Acidemj- and the foot of the bridge, where tliP enemy ha'I planted a battery. They were diiveu iioiu it tiu'PP or four times Tucker'll anl Booth's I'avaliy behaved i:ob’y. Booth w.'is woiiu '.•■! b'ldly (it is hoped not mortally) early iu the acitoii the enelilV Gen. D. II. Hill’s fresh troops in advance. I forgot to say that the enemy turned their whole battery on Lts. Turner and Allen while skirmishing, throwing grape into them heavily A regiment of intantr3' then tried them, but of no avail. It will be gratifying to you to know that Maj. Webb commanded the regiment superbly, and was FA Y KTTK VIL1JK M A RKKT.—Se^ 11. BF.VIHW OF THE M.^RKKT Beef—Uetailiug at 16. Beeswax 4r> to ;'»0 Bacon -30 to :^7. Lard 33 to 3'> Corn 1 oO. Colton sold to day at ’Jt.t cents l\iiton Varii ;?4 per bunch. Cojiperas $1 per lb I'otton Bagging—None in market Caudles—Fayetteville mould none. Flour—Sales to day at 2'> oO for Family. Hides—Dry 27 to l>0; green 8 Iron—Swedes ‘JO to 2;'>, Irish Potatoes (new) 2 0> per bushel ,\lob.fsPs—N, * per gallon Nails $_"J to S2.' jiej keg. Onions S-l per fiushel live 2 -Oil (>:its j: 1 Bice--7J toi cts. liy Kie cask Sugar reinilitig at 70. • 4'4 .Sheetings i‘)0. Osnabtirgs 60. S ill- -Scuu'i 12 ^ti to SI ') for f>i.> U‘S Sweet Potatoes iu demand at 1 5U Spirits Turpentine 25 to o74. Tallow ;>5 to 40, Wool SI to 1 2.', Corrected by PrMBSRTON A; Sloax, WILMINGTON MARKKT—Sept, 10, P.eef iitle 10 to 15; Bacon, hop round 3S to 40; But ter i'll) to t;?); Coffee S2 '.0, Corn Meal 1 70; Corn 1 45 to 1 50; Flour 5^2-'’» !•' 5'27 for .Supertine; Lard 32 to S.'; N t) Molii-ses 2 ot* per gallon by the barrel; O^na burgs ,'i.'> to Peanut (>il J^4 OD to S5; Onions S4 per busiiPl; Potatoes, Irish, .S;> to S4; new crop .Sweet 5^2 .''I* per busliel; RiceGA te 7, Sound Salt 10 50 to SI2 fight at Manassas, on the 30th. ult , General j Branch’s brigade is reported to have lost about I SO men killed and about IHU wounded This, j our informant says, is near the number ol ! casualties as could be ascertained, without the 1 oflScial lists. fucki'r cluirgid down Back street, touting j husliel: Sugar to 70; Sbeetiugs 55 to i>0: Varn s-o } - V I. 1.: n:.. — .«l. f ; ^ . . * _ ^ an abolition mob a short time since, and the edttov } VVilliamsto, compel ec to ee oi iis ii e. taking bc circ.iit of the town ciciri The family of Lx-l restdcnl Tyler, consisting of Mrs. .j, Tyler ami six small children, have arrived at Fortress .Monroe, on their way to the North. — Richmond Whig. TO THE MINISTFKS AND MEMBERS OF THE M £ CHURCH IN THE N. C. CONFERENCE Dkar Bretiiue.n: It will be remembered that at the late meeting of Ihe Bishops at Atlarita, Georgia, it wa.s agreed thal the Holston, Virginia and North Carolina (/'onferonces should pay tbe salary and traveling expen ses of Bishop Early, I regret to learn that Bishop Ear ly has received nothint; towards this object up to this lime On the 1st of December next his whole year's claim will be (Jtte, Ottr brethren in the Holston and Virginia Conferences have been greatly distracted by the war—perhaps more than we have. We must there fore rely much upon the'liberality of our friends in the Conference to meet the claim, .u « Jpsires that all collections made before the first of October should be sent to me at this place, to be forwarded to him; those made after can be retained until Conference. I would, therefore, beg brethren t« take up special collections for ihat object, and that it be done at ouce Very truly, yours, W'M. E, PELL Rftleigh, N C., Sept, 2, 1862. eavalry ai ihc .African church, killing eig.*;i on road, and the'i gp'l up ttieciilir.' g mucii damage to the ene my. \ Liputenant was kilb d by ttiis t-ncc in iK'iit ot the fi.'ifayettp Hotel .Adam's b-utpry i i reU town about midway from the back street, atid lidsium' firin;;, J>nt was not in t};e hottest of the eng *K• fhey also traversed a considerablp portimi "f'he town. Ml St of the (.ii'cs fought bi"ively. and have she«i bistre on our arms Capt. Stephen 1>. Pool had command of nil the force * in the fight, Gen .Martin remaining at t:herry's Run bridge, iliree miles from town. Our loss is 17 killed und dH wounded. The lo.ss on both sides shows that there w:is hard fighting. Our men were shot mo.sfly from tiie house.s. 3 290.—A Confederate steamer is reported to have run into a Southern port, and it is further reported that it iu thocelebrated “No li90.” from Liverpool. Richmond Uispatcit, 10M. ( to per bunch: Tallow 40 to 45 .At Chi'r’otte on the Sth. Flour ^2i, to ^21, wheat to 5^3 5o. Bacon 31 to 32 cents. Butter 37 to 40 cents, I’of'on 15 to 18 cents UI KU, On the 8th inst., near Reedy Branch, Moore connty, of diptheria, .MAtlY ELIZA, youngest daughter of i Daniel and M. McDonald. j At his residence in Johnston county, of typhoid fever, I on the 1st inst,, Mr. TROY ELDRIDGE, aged 43 years. C'oiifMli*afe oi America, Fa)etteville .\rseiial and .\rmory, F.WETTF.VILLE. Sept 10, 18(>2. WOOD WAi\TED. OE.\LED proposals will he received until the 24th O September next, for the delivery of 10>0 cords PIN!' and 400 cords OAK WOOD. at. this .\rsenal nud Armory. The Pine wnml to be delivered at Ihe rate of 70 to HO cords per month, and the Oak at the rate of 30 cord.i per month, until all delivered. Proposals will be mark ed on outsidp, “Proposals for wood.” C. P. BOLLBS, Cant. An’y Acting »''omd’g Officer. Sept. 10. -2^:^^. Hor^e tor Sale. The .Subjicriber has for sale a first-rate Harness and Saddle HOKSE, 8 years old aud good sized. Apply to Giles Ham. Sr., 4 miles east of Kingsbury, Sept 10. 1862. ' «y-2tpd ’ JacAison and the Vittikrfs.—The terror with ; which our heroic Jackson has inspired the enemy receives many^ illustrations, some of them quitt- humorous, A Confederate trooper, whose horse gave out, was captured near Matiussas, while looking for our lines, on Thursday, before the great fight He has been already exchanged, reaohiug here on yesterday morning. He tells us that when taken, he was carried immediately to Gen, Siegel, to be tjuestioned, “ Vere i» he?” ! was the Dutchman’s first and eager question j It was several times repeated belore the Contede- rate mastered the accent sufficiently to under j stand it. The latter th.m asked Siegel whom he j referred to. “Vy 1 means Schackson. Vere n, I 'I’he prisoner replied that if he had only j known where Jackson was, he would himself j have escaped capture.—A’;iyuirer, 9th. ^ T. LiiUerloli Has on hand for gale. • 00 boxes T0B.\C1'0: and 100 bags S.ILT. Sept 11. 1802. ,5y-2t S-'or Hale, il/lM New Oak-Head SPIRIT BARRELS. AddrP'i .Cl'U K M C. WILLIAMSON Ftyetteville, Sept. 10, 1802. 1 t2t'^p.l To Hire, 4 Good Cook, W’a^her and Irouer. Applj' for itifor r\. niation at Mr. James N. Smith’s Drug S(.)re. Sept 10. * 5U-itf LOOK THIS*! The H(>RSE gold seeker win ommericc*^^ the Fall Season on to nmrrow and can be/X*> ■. found regularly at the following sfatids. until the last of November: at .T. A Uorth’s n^ar F lyetfevillp. hia own stable 5 mile‘» tielow .Nfanphe.«ter on Lower Little Rijer, and Lillington. flarnelt county. For p-irticulara spf handbills at stands. Sept. 12, 18U2. 5H 2tpd TOBACrO. I have several boxes of TOB\t''C(J for «ale by the box; it is put up right and will not rot. G. W I. GOLDSTON Sept. 1. 5G-i*ifpd AVOIV E. HAI.i.. Forwarding & Commisisioii Merchaut. WILL give quick despatcii to goods co, signed f o him Particular att«nti0D given ..o ail produce seat him for sale. Coaaigniadnts of liavil diore?, /or sale ot Bhipment, solicited. wiuuaoTo*, Jaa'y 19, 186U. W1I7

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