( Al.KIVIIAK FOR 1862 H a n 50 •n S > o > • .1 \\l \l!V 1 •J 3 4 C> 1 ,s 9 10 11 - 12 P{ 14 ir» IG 17 P.* 2t> 21 2:^ 24 ■J*i • ) — 2'' 2‘« ;jo o 1 1 FKP.HI^ VRV _ 1 • > •» 4 d 4 10 11 12 p-{ 14 15 Pi 17 1" li» 20 21 *>o !!•> ■Jt I’.'i 20 27 2 s >1 MP.’H 1 . 9 4 r> (» 1 s 1 lo 11 12 i:; 14 15 It; 17 IS p> 20 21 oo 21 2f* 20, *>7 28 :\\ \PKIb 1 • > 4 5 «; 4 s ;♦ 10 11 12 VA 1 1 P'» 10 17 IS P* 'in 21 • >.» 2U 24 25 20 2s •21 > :h» MW 1 •> J .'■) «; — 8 y 10 11 12 p; 14 15 10 17 Is P> 20 21 22 28 24 :i5 2C. •>- 2s 21* :{(> :ii II \ i: 1 •> .s 4 0 A 10 11 12 i;^ 14 i:> P‘> 17 Is PJ 20 21 >.> 2;; 24 2.') 20 •>- ( 28 ;>o JT I.' I *> 8 4 5 > 10 1 1 12 PI 11 i:. p; 17 Is Tl 21 .)•» 24 25 20 1 •Js 2'.' :io A\ \l ..1 SI- 1 »> r> t; 1 s M 10 11 12 Pi 14 15 10 17 p' P.l 20 21 •>■> 28 21 2;> 2i 2^ 211 ::o l-.PTF.MHFR • > 1 t .) 4 j 0 7 s ;( P» 11 12 18 1 1 p. P’> 17 Is ll> 20 21 oo 2.{ 2 4 2f» 20 27 2H ao (m’TORKK 1 O 8 4 r) «; t s » 10 11 12 p{ 14 if) 10 17 1" p, 20 21 .>•> 23 2 4 25 2; 27 21* .SO 81 \()\ HMRi;i; 1 >) r> I ,’) 0 7 s u 10 11 12 p’. 14 15 Pi 17 is PJ 20 21 •>•/ *);> 21 2f) 2»*. •)- ~ i 2s 21* :io = KrKMt?KH 1 o 1 5 0 V 10 11 12 18 1 i IT' p; 17 Is in 20 21 •>•) 2;: 24 25 20 >- » 1 Os 20 ao .51 I'fiSr OFFICE. FAVETTKVILLK. •■/ A'-rival and l-rpanurc of HALKhiH via AVERASBmRO v IJARCLAYVILLE ■.;rivf 'iaily A. M Kep:;;';.' Jnily ■'’> P. M. :|;N\NSVILLK via CLINTON AND \VARSA\>. . ives 7j A. M. .'I'paris daily i 1’. M. r-'iH rOlNT via CARTHAGE AND ASHEDORO’ Tri-Weekly. Vrrive'i SuH lay. We lnes'lay ^ml Friday 11 A M ht p.wt^ Moiiilay, We>lnesl^y an l Fri lay I 1’. M rilERAW. C.. via GlLOl’OLlS Arrives Tues'iay, Thursday ana t^aturJay 4 A. M Depart-i .Suiulaj’, Tuesday and Thursilay 1 P. M FAIR BLUFF via LUMBERTuN. ’ \rrives Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 8 A. M. l-^j,;iri« Fiiiiday, Tuesday anl Thursiday I P ,M RALEKHI via SUMMFRVILLE \rrives J>aturday 2 P. .M. •fj'irla Wednesday 11 A. M. R»BE.«>N'S via ELIZ VUETHTOWN. \rrives Tuesday, Thursday and Hatur.lay L’i P. M i‘>‘rarts Monday, \>edue:iil>iy and Friday tl A. M. KLIZABETHT''WN via TKREBLNTIIE, DESERET AND WHITE OAK An>iTe3 Monday >'• P. M Departs Tuesday •> A. M MAGNOLIA, via r.RA\ELLV HILL) Arrives Tiiesdiy J P. M •ejiart: Tues I.'iy L'i P. M. \V!PT ISLAM; via MONTHoSE, COVINGTON, PoVM;1.1.ToN. LITTLES MILLS, ito \rriv;- Tues'iiiy P. M Ui ji ■!- Wfdii(.sday 11 M. SWIFT ISLAND via TK'.)V ■’•rivo' Tu«Ml:iy 'j P .%L I'cpartN Wcdnc>H;iy ft A M 1 HILADKI.I’Iirs via I.I’MBFP. BkiDOE ^ Tivi-H M.ind iN ! J M ■; irtr Monday J P. M M :!•- ifiviui; before 7j A are closed the ‘ tuns 1‘reviou^ at '» P. M. ' lettero to be «ont oil other than liy mail muai Le i ‘ >r an it sent by mail. ■r ■!; ietter'i shuntd invariably be pre-j>aid. ^ Micc i,^^: (.pened in Sunday at and closeil *t Kl .\. •1 ■ ,)AS. G. COC»K, P. M Tracl!^ i»r llir ItKI'RlNTKlJ AT KaI.KIUH, N (' \ \ oiee^oni Heaven," 4 pa^es. ' PrivaiC tWvolion,” “ “ ■‘Don’t put it off," “ “ Tlie Act of Faith.'’ “ “ ■ All-suUiciency of Chri-it, ' ’ =‘ “ “The Seniinol. " “ i- “Self Dedication to God," “ “ “Mofive.s to Early Piety," “Comelo Jo^us," (formerly f.J pagen,) now in .'JL’ Mid in ' four ji-ige triicts. ’ Aj j’r-.rr'l /,./ „l(, p„ :,ry ihi- /'V-’y. \ largt* ediiion ■,! the al'ovi-should be printed before liie lypc I. lusintmted, hh it will cost j (M to re-.set them. Ill I fiiety will he uicrea.ied as the fuu'lu i fie iiiMM ;ire iivcti Si'K'puy. for K.n/XKi p.ijres; and :-t [.-ly-. t..r pages. * " ' ^•'nt to the Ageni, which r 3O,0K), Ke will U(w t d^y j letter, each of the Pas- •ir- K 1 11- . ity -More than pages of new traci« "f-'" I - >»'C boMier- in Virginia WM. J. W. 'h, 'uiie, IHfjl CROWDER, Tract Agent. ^EW KDITION OK iU AM) R\TTLE’S N. V. I)\\V RKI’ORTS, ‘J. IMIK iibscribers have ju.^i priutfd a 2d Edition o( :1i;h- V tiluuie, with N>;' llefer»*nce.s to otlu-r liudge l Cases and to the i;.evi'.,-d Code, by Hon. Wru. II. Battle: an.l with many corrfctiona of typographical errors. i~^ Edition,- of Dev. & Battle’s Equity, complete, and .;! Dev. At I*, 11 * Law Reporf.s have received the .j.r.-bation of th,- l■rr,fe^si()n. J al>o repub;i:,h( 1 a ‘jd i; Ution of Devereux’s 2>l I ‘ without Noi s.) And in addition to these, f... ! v.-pn^tors ot tl»e entire editions of most of Irede-lfs = i,e volumoH ext.iit of ! | sets, so far as they caa now •I11-* . "■ one.) I Icr works m will aJi all times ^ .^o,k.snot on their Bhelven, to Hupply their cu.- oct 1.5. iHtiO. & SON and r^h ^ »«sort«a aizes and HualitieB. E- J. hale & 80N8. WKST POINT ■ The following particulars o( the h.«tory oi prota- inent officers of the Confederate and Unitod State*, t^raduates at the Military Academy at West Point, are believed to be reliable Up to 1850 the tHcfcs stated are t*ken from the Register of that institution, coiupiled in that year. A short ,‘X{*Ian:‘fi^’» will enable the reader to_under- stand tho statements. Kaeh cailet after graduating is entitled to the niiik of' 2d Iji^utenant, his commission bearing date according to hi.s proficiency in liis studie.s, in drill, \c. The di.scipline and standard of scholar ship are very high, as may be inferred Jrom the fact that, on an average, uhmif two-thirds of the cadets who enter the Academy are dropped in the four yearj^’ course, from ill health, bad con duct, laziness or inability ti* keep paee with I heir more able classmates, leaving about ono-third only to finisfi their cotirse and attain the rank ot •Jd liicutenant in the regular army A graduate attainiiio: liiirh distinetiou in his el.H.'as, nitist p«w- ses.s not only fine mental endowments, but physi eal fexterity and vigor, and habit-i of punctuality. The numhrrs in the subjoined eompilation denote the respective class rank—No. 1 heiiii; highest. No. - next, and so on; the first five being regard ed as peculiarlv distinguished, while those having lower numbers must be highly accomplished ofhcers —much more tliorouirhly educated than are usu ally the graduates of other (^)lleges. The cla.ss rank was adopted in Is IS It is interesting to notice in uliat citse.^ “age has pcrl'oriued the protn- i.ses if youth." ('i.Ass OK 1 1 ;’r. Samuel v’o')]>er, of N. Y., entered aitilKiy; lit Colonel lor gall.ait et+mUu t in Mexico; compiKr of a work on 'I'aeties; Aj’t (len S A Notk.—Charles Pavies, author of “liegemii'e ” “Pourdon,” iVe. wxs a member of this class. (U,.\SS (H' l"ls—2o Mf.mukiis. Ikichard l>elatield, of N V. No 1, •Mitcred Kn- gineers; member ofhuardof f']ngine‘rs sin‘‘ Nt'TK—Majors holafield, Mordocai and Me ('loll;\t\ were appi^iiUi'd to visit Kuropv diirinu the Crimean war, and report u\>oii the military system ot the Allies and Kussians Major 1». now has charge ot the llarb(>r defences of N Y City Harvey Hrown, of N .1, No ent(.rcil 1/iL'ht Artillery; Brevet Major for gallantvj iii the Semi nole war, I'^.'lti; Hrevet hi Coi at (’oiiirer;s and Chtirubu.sco; now ('ol commanding Tort I'icketi.s. Ci.Ass »K lsli»—2'.» Mkmukks I>auiel Tyler, of Conn, No 11, entered Light Artillery; 'I'ranslator uf a work on Artillery; re signed [''ol; Civil Kngineer since l-''o4; now Jlrig I en I ’ S A. Noi u.—(Jeorge W Whistlt'r, the distingui.shed Kngineer who died in the service uf Russia, was No II' in this chuss. ('l.ASS »K l''JG—.jt> MtlMllKltS. .lohn 11 Winder, of *Md, No 11, entered Artil lery, brevotted Major 1^-47, for gallantry at f'un- treras and Churubuseo; l^rig ;en (’ S (’I..VSS c»K 1''Jl'—10 Mkviikiis. .J F K Mansfield, of Connecticut, No brevet Major for gallantry at I’ort lirown, Texas, in 1'' D»- wounded severely in ''torming Monterey and wa." brovetted I/ieut Colotiel, and Colonel for gal lantry at l»uena Vista; Chief Kngineer of (ien'l Taylor's anny;mc!uber of Poard ol Kngineers, no^v Major (ieneral I S A. M aUer »i wynn, ;»t' Virginia, No. entered artil lery, resi:_'ned (dvil Kngineer since Brigadier ’ ieneral in army of North Carolina un til iti) transfer to Confederate lovernment. Isaac II 'I'ritnble, born iti \ irginia, cadet from Kontueky,N" 17,entered artillery, rt'."igned civil en_'nieer since 1''))-; Pritradier (leneral C S A. I»avid Hunter, of Pi.striet of Coluiubiu, No 25, entered infantry, Captain 1st I»ragoons 1^3.S, re signed l'':lf>, was paymaster in war with Mexico, now BriLi.vdier tjentral C S A. Ceorgt A Mcf'ali, of J’enn.sylvania, No 2*!, en tered inl'antry, brevctted Maj >r and Lieut. Colonel for iiallantry at Palo Alto and liesat‘ale la P.alina, now Major Ceneral in I S A Ci.Ass OF l''2o—U5 Membkus Allred i'lordeeai, of North ('arolina, was No 1 in this class. Cb.\ss UK —:51 Mk.mhkks. Pennis 11 Mahan, born iu New York, cailet fnmi \ irginia. No l,erjfered 1‘Jngineer, Prof of Mathematics and Civil Kijgincering.at West P..int —author of works .. “Fit Id Fortilieatiwiis,” “Civil Kngineering,” Ac. Robert I’ Parrott, i)f New Hamj.shire, No entered artillery, resigned I ".a;; superintendent ol West l‘oint iron and I’annon liiundry .since inventor • t the “Parrott Iun ’ Pixon .' '.^tlles, ot .'Id, No 27, entereil infantry, firevet Major iu 1''-Di lor gallantry at Fort Bri>wn, Texas, and brevet Lieut Colonel at Monterey; now Culoiu-1 b’ S A. Ci,.\-ss UF —;{7 iIk.mu atks Paniel S Ponelson, of 'I’enri, No ft, entered ar tillery; resignetl 1'2*I; counsell«jr at law; planter in Ala, since 1'' , Brig (ieneinl C S A. Poniamin ilug«‘r, oi S C, Noenterel artil lery, brevet .^Iajor for gallantry at Vera 'ru7.; brevet Lieut (’oloncl at .'lolino l>el Rey; brevet Colonel at Chapultepec, now Maj ieueral ’ S A. Robert Anderson, of Ky, No IT), « ntered artil- h'ry; brevet ('aptuin for t^allantry i»i Se^ninole war; severely wounded at M..lino Pel Rcy; bre vet Major for gallantry in that battle; Major when in command ol' Suiutx r, then lirig (Jeneral C S’ A and resii-.ne^i Charles F Sti^ith, of Pa, So P», entered artille ry service; btrrvet Major lor gallantry at Palo Alto and Re.saca do la Palma; brev«-t Lieut Colontd at Monterey, I revet Polonel at v'cmtreras and Churu- bnsco; Ccneral in I' S A;diel NoTh Alc.xuniicr P Pache, ol Pa. the super intendent oi the I H C(iast Survey, wa* No 7 in this 'lass, an'I Thompson S Br iwn, of N V, the chief Kngi- nocr of tin N V Kric R. R, and of St Petorsbur^'h and Mo.'.'iovv R R, wa.s No 1. 'l,.\SS f»K — !(t Mkmi’.kiis. Allwrt Sidney .1 ohnst.n, born in Ky, cadet hom La, vvTis No s, entereil the infantry service in “lUack Hawk” war as assistant Adjutant Gene ral; resignec’ ls;;i; Secretary of war of Texas, HoX; Colonel ol 1st Jiegiment Texas Volunteers in war wi:lt Mexico; re-appointed Paymaster V S .\rniy coiuiiian.Jc'f the I tab expediti(m; Ceneral C S A; kiiUd at Shiloh. S I 11eintzeiman, oi Pa, No 1/, entered infan- tTy; hrcivet Major for gallantry at lluaniantla, .'lexieo. now iMajor (general If S Silas (^usey, of R I, No :5!», entered infantry; severely wounded at Chapultepec; brcvet-Major for gal'.;^try at Contreras ami C.lmrubusco; brevet Lieut C(»lonel at Chepultepec; now Major Ceneral P S A. JSoTK.—The di.stinguished Profes.sor of Natural and Kxperimental Philosophy at V/est Point,. Wm H C!.Bartlett, eadet from Mo, was No 1 in this cla.ss ’i,A.ss OF 1S27—iJS Memkers. daraes A d Bradford, born Tenn, cadet from Ky, No 1, entered artillery; member of N C mili- tiiy board; (Colonel of Ordnance C S A. j.conidas J’olk, of N C, No s, entered artillery re-signed 1S27; P.ishop of La, ISf]; now Majw (ieneral C S A. Gabriel J. Kains, cadet from N C, No 18 en tered infantry; wounded at Fort King, Fla/and breveted Major forgal'ant conduct; now Jirieadier (icncral C S A. Philip St George Cooke, of Va, No 23, entered ittfttutry; Major i>raguona lb47j brevet Lieut Col onel lor meritorious conduct in Oalvf’ornia; now Brig (xcnd’Jil U S A. Class of 1828^« Uradwates. Hugh W Mercor, of Va, No 3, entered Artil lery, resigneu l>35; Cashier ot l^lanters’ Bank, Savannah, Lince 1841; Hrig Gen 0 S A. Jefferson Davis, born in Ky, Cadet from Miss, No 23, entered infantry, resigned 1835; member of U S House of Representatives from Miss, 1845, Col 1st Reg Miss Vola (Rifles) in Mexican war, severely wounded at Huena Vista; re-appointed Pri •igGen U S Army 1847, (declined;) member S Senate 1847; Secretary of War under Pres Pierce; President of the (’onfederate J^tates t.f America, 1802. Thomas !•’ Prayton, of S No 28, entered in fantry, resigned lx3G; (’ivil Kngineer; planttM- since Piig (Jen (■ S .\. AlbtM't Iv (Church, cadet from Conn, a ilistin- guishi'd Prof ofiMathematics !it West Point, atid .juthor of “Klements of Piflerential Jiml Integral (’rileulns”—was No 1 in this class. Clasps itp isi!'.* - If. (PiAOVATt'.s. Robert K Lee, of Va, No 2, entered Kngineers; A?sist;int .Vs-fronomer fordeiiiarkation of Boundary line between ()hio and Michigan, l8-^-'); (,’hief Kngineer ot Gen Wool’s army in .Mexico; Brevet Maj for galantry at ('erro Gordii; Brevet Lt Col ut ('ontreras and Churubuseo; Brevet (’ol at Cha pultepec, where he was wounded; member of Boartl of Kngineers; now (’ommanding (leneral C S A. Joseph Iv tLjhnston, of V a, No LJ, enttired Ar tillery, resitrned lSo7; re-appointed 1st Lt lopog Kngineers Prvt (’apt for gallantry in Flori- ila war; Brvt .^laj and Col for gallantry at (’erro (iorilo, wher»; he w:is severely wounded twice; Lt (’ol \ (jltigeurs I''17, woutidcd in attack on (,’ityol Mexico, disbandeil as Lt Col \ oltigcurs 1'' I'', re instated by act of (Vmgress, l"l'', as Ca]>t 'Popo I’ngineers; Brvt Lt (’ol for gallantry at Chnpulte- pec; now (Jeneral (’ S A. (> McKniurht Mitchell, borti in Ky, eadft from Ohio, No 1’>1 entered artillery, resigned 1".‘I2; eiiunsi'llor at law; civil engineer 1''o'>Im; Prol ol .\stronomy at Cincinnati (NjlU'gfH foutider of observatory at (’incinnati; author of “Stellar Wi'rld.” .N’ow Bri^tfcneral P .S A. .\lbert G Blain’hard, t)f Mass, No 2*», entered infantry, resigned 1'' U*; merohaiit at New ( Orleans Irom 1''Rl; ('aptain in Louisiana volunteers iti Mexican war; reajipointed .Nlajor I > 17, disbanded I'^l^; now Briir (fetural (’ S A Theophilus II Holmes, ot N C, No 41, entered infantrv; brevet .Nlajor for gallantry at Monterey; now ^laJor (letieral ('l.ASS OK l''i;0 12 Gkai'Latks \Vm N Pendleton, cadet from \'a, No 5, enter ed artil!iry, ri‘tiuiiei Prot' in l>ristt)l anti Pelaware Colleges (’lerirym!*i i’ro- testant l'..[iiscop:il (’hurch since I >.‘*7; now Brig General ( .V. .lohn r>ai;klieai Ma^ruder, cadet from Va No 1;'», ttitered infantry, transferred to artillery I''.'! I; Bre.et 'lajnr for L'allantry at (Jcrro lordo; JJrcvct l.iiHiL •'olorud at ^hujiultoifeo; now .^lajoi' General (’ S A. NoTK — Albert T BledsLH.*.ol Ky. Prof of -'lathe- matics in I'niversity of \'a, and author of a work on Slavery and “I'heiMliey, ” wa.s No P» in this class; and Rev Francis \ inton was No 4 in thin clays ClAs.S cV 1*^0 1—'A'A (iUADLATES Samuel R Curtis, ol ()hio. No 27, entered it.- fantry, re.-iigii'Ml l''w2;(’ivil Ktmltieer for many yearb; (^’ounsellor at Law; Colonel of urd (>hi(i volunteers in Mexie;ui war; member of P S House of Rejirt'sentativcs; now Briif General I S A. Note.—The gallant Henry (Jlay, ji, uf Ky, who wa.s killed at liuena \”. 'a, was No 2 in this cKass, ami William A Nortwn, of N V. President td" Pelaware (’ol'*'ge. author :i work oo Astrono my, was Nu 7 duinfs Allen, of N (.’, w;is No 3. (,’LAs "4' l''o2—1') GUAltL a I tt* I’hilip Si. >teorge ('ockt, ol V .i. No 0, entered infantry, resi^'ned l''.‘M; Brii: (ien’l (’ S A, died 1>01. Krxsmus P Keys, born in .Nlass, cadet from Maine. No 1". .utcred artillery; Aid de Camp to (ion Scott 1''.'17. now Britr fJen’l L S A (»eo B (’riftenden, of Ky, .No 2*1. entered in- f intry, rcsii'iud l'*3o; reappointed Captain moun ted rifles Ih I'i; Brevet Major for gallantry at Con trera.s an I 'hurubusco; Major tieneral (' S A, resigned. Richard (' Gatlin, cadf't fV'>m N (’. No oj, en tercd infantry; BreVet Major for i:all:intry at .^lon tercy, wh re he was wounded; Brig Gen 1 (,’ S A, resigned Humphrey .^Iarshall, cadet from Kv. No P2, entered mounted rangers, resigned 1'';18; Coun •■'ellur at law sine« 1^;;;;- (^‘ulotud 1st Rei'iinent Ky V ulunteer (’avalry in .'li-xiean war; m. iubi:r House ol ReprestTitati ves; Briir Jcneral ’ S A, resi^Mjed' Cl,.V.''S ot' — 43 illAUl ATl s ieorge W' Cullom, Imrti in .N V, cadet from P:», No 3, entered lltigineers; commandant of Sappers, Miners and Pontuniers l''l''; author «>t a work oti “Military Bridges,” \c; Brig General I S A. Pavid Ruggles, .“adet from M;ls.s, No 31, en tered infantry; Brevet .'lajor for ir:iH:intry at Con treras and Churubuseo, and Lieut Coh»ncl at (’hapultep. c; now Brigadier General (’ wS A Note—.Major Wm W S Bliss, of (J en'I’ay lor’s staff in .\lexico, w;is No'.* in this cla^s, and Lieut Colonel Henry L Scott, of N (,', was No 41. Ci.Ass ol' 1>'3;»—;'»’> Memukhs (Jeorge Moade, born in Spain, caIet from Pa, No 1!», joined artillery, resigned l''3(»; reajipoint ed 2d Lieut 'I'opog Kngitie- r., 1''I2; brevet 1st Lieutenajit for gallantry at Monterey; now Brig General P S Henry Prince, of .’'le, ,\o 3U, entered Infantry; P»rvt (’ajit at ('ontreras, and Maj at Molino del Rey; now Brig Gen P S A. • Iones M \\ ithers, oC Ala, N> I I, entered dra- ^'oons, resigned I'';!;'); Lawyer I'' ; Lieut (!olonel 1st -\ labania V(dunt( irs in .^I(^vi(•an war; reappoint eil Lieut (’olon(d 117; resigtied I ^ |S; nicrchant since 1>1S; now Brig General C S A (’l.AS.SttK l'';)(»—111 .^I K.M UKllS. dosejdt R Anderson, of \ a., .Vo 4, entered ar tillery; transferred to I'jnginet'rs IS.'Ji*, resigned 1>>37; Civil Kngineer ls;^s~H; supi-rintcndent of 'I'rtMlegar Iron Works ISII; Brig G^ineral C S resigned. Montgomery C Meig^, born in Ga, cadet from Pa, No 5, entered artillery; tran.'^ferred to Kngi neers iSoO; superintendent of Capitol Kxtension and Washington P C Afjueduct; now Pritnidier General P S Thomas W’^ Sherman, cadet from R 1, No 1^. entered artillery; Brevet Major for gallantry at Buena \'ista; now Rrigalier (iencral I’ S A. .John W' Phelps, of Vl, No 24, entered artillery; brevet Cajifain lor gallantry at Contreras and C!hu- rubusco; now Prig Gen’l I S A. Lloyd Til ghman, cadet from Md, .No fO, enter ed dragoons, resigned 18;{(); Civil Kngineer since 183«); Aide de (’amp to Gen Twiggs at Palo Alto, iVc; Captain Md company in Mexican war; now Png general C S A. Class or 1837—50 Memhers. Henry W Penham of Conn., No 1, entered hngineers; wounded and brevetted Capt. for gal lantry at Huena Vista; Prig Ocn U S A. Dismissed. Hrapon Bragg, of N C, No 5, entered Artll lery, Prevctted (.aptain for gallantry at Puena V ista; now (General C S A. Artillery, ,«bit,ued 18d6; CouBsellor at Law siace 1840^ Major 1st Regiment Va V^olunteers in M«si«an war; ui»w Rrig (.Jeneral C S .4.. John (/ Pemberton, of l*a, No 27, entered Ar tillery; brevet (’aptain for gallantry at Monterey; brevet Major for gallantry at Molino del Hey; uow Prig (.teutral C H A Joseph Hooker, of Mass, No 2i>, entered Ar tillery; brevet Captain for gallantry at Monterey; brevet Major at tlic National Bridge; brevet Lt Col at Chepultejiec; now Maj General U S A. Arnold KIzy, graluatel as Armdd K Jones, of Md, No 33, entered Artillery; brevet (’aptain for gallantry :it Contreras and (’hurnbusco; now Brig (iCMcral (V S .\ Wm H 'r W'alfcer, of Ga, No l(», entered infan try; severely wounded in the baftlc (d'(^keechobee, i*'la, brevet 1st Lieutenant for gallantry in Semi nole war, resigi'cd ls;;X; reappointed; I'revet Major at (’ontrera.s and (Mmrnbiisco; severely wounded at .'lolino d(‘l Itey; Brevet Lieut (’ol at Molino lel Rey; Bil^ (Ji'ticral (’S resi/ned; now (Jcnernl in irmy n| (Ja (_'l,ASS UK ls;;s—IT) MKMUli'.KS. P (.J T Beauregard, ot La, .\o 2. entered .\r- fillcry, 2(1 L( Knt^ineers ls;;s; Brvf Caplaiw for gallantryat ConIn»ras ami ('burubusc>; Brvt Major at Chaj>ultepee; wounded at the Bid(‘n gate in en tering(’ity ol Mexico; now (Jeneral (’ S ,\ .lames H Trapier, of S (’, .No 3, entered .\rtil lery, 1st Lt Kngineers ls31>; resieti^’d I'^ fS; plant er Hince l''H; now Bri;^ Gen (’ S .V Irvin .McPowell, >bio. No 23, entenrd Artil lery; Brvt (’’apt for gallaiitrs at Buena \ ista: now .Maj (,ien I S A. William -! Hardee, Ja, .No 2»I, entered Pra- goons; P»rvt .'d.ijor for i;all:intry at Nledclin, i near Vera Cruz;) Brvt Lt (’ol at San .\u-ustiin.*; now M.ijor Gen (.! S .\ Henry H Sibley, La, .\.»31, Prvt .NIajor for ;iallatitry at .''ledelin; now Maj Gen (’ S A. Ivdward Johnson, Ky, No ii2. entt'red infantry; Brvt (’apt fi'r gallantry at .^lolino del Rey; now P»rig (Jen (' S A . (’l.ASS iF H.”.!'—31 ,>I K\I i!KI{s. Isaac fl Stevens, Mass. No 1, entercti Kngi neers; Brevet (’apt for gallantry at (’vmtreras and ('hurubusco; Brvt Maj at Cliapultepec; sevt rcly wounded at t’ity ol Mexico; Assistant in tlu'Gco detic (’oast Survey; lovernor of Territory of (Ore gon; member ot House ul Re|."iset(lativcs from (>ree;on; now Brig Gen I S A. H“tiry W Hallecl:, N V, No ‘5, ei.tered Kngi neers; Autlutrof a work on “Pifnmen" and of “Klemenl.' of .Military Art and Science:” Prvt Capt for gallantry in California: Secretary of State ol (’alifornia; 'ounselli>r at Law; now eoinmand- ing (ieiieral ISA. Jeretny F Gihner, of N C, .N'.> 1, entered Kii- gineers; now (' 'lunel Iviigiiieer' ’ S A. Alexatulcr R l.'twti.m, of S (', .No Pi, entered Artillery, resigned I'rIU; Lawyer at Savannah .'inee l''P': Pre-ident Savannah atid .Vug'.ista R R since 1" Rl; tu'W Pri^ Gftieial (’ S Janies !‘> Rieki tts, of .N \ , .N . P’», otitered Ar tillery; now Brig (Jeneral I S \. Kdwar l R S ('atiby, I >rn in Ky, cadet from 1 ndiana. N\( Br-vet .'I tjor tor gallantrv at t'on trims iuid ('burubusco; ixe.v Briir General P S .\ Cl.AsS OK Isjo—lij ,\lt:MUKKb. Paul t.i llebi rt, ol La. .No 1, entered Kiit'i- neers, resigned 1" 15; (.‘liitl Knirinuer of State ot La, I ^ 1;>-47; r»;ap]n>iiitcd Lieut I’uloncl Infantry 1^17; breVft ’,,li.tiel for gallantry at .'iuli:io del Rey; disiiat;ded I'^l''; now Brig tieneral (' S A William Gilliam, born in Ind. cadi't from Va, No 5, ciittTcd Artilb'ry; resigned 1*!;; Prot' of Physical Science, «Ve. \ a. .'lilitary Institute l''l*'>; authi'i uf “Gilliam’s Tactic.'^;” now (.'nl (’ S A. William 'I' Sherman. )ltii>. No- •>, entered Ar tillery; now .^!aJor Getural I S John P .'lc(' wti. !)f’’r‘nn. No Pt. entered Ar tillery; hr Vet C-iptain for gallunfry at (,’crro (iordo; imw Prig Getierul ' S Richard .S Kwell. born in P (’, cadet frofii Va, entered Pragoons, No 13, brevet (’ajitain for gal- ; lantry at‘Contreras and Churubuseo; now J^riea ! dier (Jeneral C S .\ { James G Martin. N (’, .No 1 L entered Artillerv; j lost an arm at ( hurubuse.t; brevet Maj'T lor fal- j l.intry at (’ontrcra« and ('hurubusco; .\djutant ! General ttf .N (’, Brig (iencral ?’ S \ ' iietiben P Campbell, of .\ (’, No 27, entered j dra-oons: brevet 'aptain bir k' lllantry at Puena V ista; ('ol (' A, killed at ('hiekahominy Thnnias J..rdan, ol \ a. M entered Infan try; now Brii; G ii- r.il ' A ('l.AssoK 1''n—5_’ .Nl KM KfcK'. .tosiah Gorgas, b.tni in Pa. cadet fr.>m N V, No t», cntelcd (>rdnanee; now (’hicfot Ordnance (’ S A Nathaniel Lyon, iif (_’onn, .No 11. i-ntered in- lantry; brevet Captain for L'allantry at Contreras and Churubuseo; wounuevl at the Ibdcn (Jate, t'ity of NL'jkieo; ,'lajor •Jetu-ral I \. killed at .''[>rintrtiei-l. Samuel \nderson. ol \ a. .Ni) enteri'd .\itillery; brevet Captain lor gallantry at .Nlolino del Rey; Lieut Colomd (' ,s^ A .'sutmiel .lone^i, itf \ a. No IM, entered .Vrtillery; now Brig General (.' S ,\ John F Reynolds, of Pa, .No 2'.. entered Artil lery; brevet Captain for gallantry at .Monterey; brevet .^lajor at Buena \ ista: now Briir General C S A Robert S C.arnett ol \ :i. No 27. entered Artil lery; brevet Captain for -.gallantry at Monterev; brevet .Majorat P.uena \ ista; Bri^ (Jeneral S A, killed at Rich .Mountain. Richard B Garnett of Va, .No 2;', entered In fantry; now Bri;j: General (’ S Don Carlos Buell, born in ( Hiio, cadet from Ind .No. 3.2, entered infantry; brevet Capt lur gallantry at Montcro}; severely wounded at Churu- bvisco; brevet Major at Contreras atnl Churubuseo; now Major (Jcn'l I S A Israel P Rich.ardson, of \'t. No 3'', enfi-red Infantry; brevet Ca].tain f.>r -allantry at (!ontre- ras and Churubuseo; brevet Major for gall.iiitry at Chapultepcc; muv Major General P S .\. ,tnlerson P .\elson, born In Ky, cadet C)hio, No 42, entered infantry; now Maj (!‘n’l I S A. (’l.ASS OF ls{j__;')t; M KM i:i;i{^. W 1): S Rosccrans, (not fii>s> iirrati'.,) of ()hlo. No entered Kngineers; now .''laj Gen’l I' S A Gustavus W' Smith, ol Ky, No s, entore«i l^n- gineers; brevet 1st Lieut lor gallantry at (Vrro Gordo; brevet C’aptain at C’ontreras; now .Major ficn’l C ws A. Man.sfield I.ovell, D C!, Noentered Artillery; wounded at Chapultepec: Brevet (’apt for i^allant- ry at (’hapultepee; now Maj Gen’l C S A."" John Pope, born in Ky, cailet from 111, No 17, entered Topo Kngineers; Brevet Nt Lt for sxallant- ry at Monterey; Brvt Capt at Puena \'ista;now Mai Gen PSA. ‘ Abner Doubleday, of N V, no 23, entered ar tillery; now Prig Gen P S A. Pan’l H Hill of S C, No 2S, Prvt. Capt for gallantry at (Ontreras and (’hurubusco; Prevt Maj at (’hapuUpec; resigned IS l!l; now Maj (Jen (’ S A. Richard 11 Andersv^n, S No 10, entered ])ra- goons; Prvt 1st Lt for gallantry ut San AuMistine Mexico; now .'VIaj (Jen C S A. ° ’ LaFayette xMcLaws, of (Ja, No 18, entered In fantry; now Maj (Jen.C S A. ,• • Earl Van Dorn, of Miss, No 52, entered In fantry; lirvt Capt for gallantry at Corro Gordo; PrevetMaj at ('lontreras and Churubuseo;\rounded in entering City of Mexico; now Major Gen’l C b A. James Longstreet, born in S C, cadet from Ala. No 54, entered Infantry; Prvt Capt>for gallantry at Coatreraa and Churubus^oj Brevet Major at Molino del Key; neverely wounded at Chapulte- poc; now Maj Gcn’l USA. Cla«« or 1843—S9 Orad»atk*». Wm B Franklin, of Pa, No 1, ent«rod Topo Kngineers; Prevet 1st Lt for gallantry at Buena Vista; now M«j (Jen’l U S A. Roswell S Kipley, born in Ohio, cadet from N V. No 7, entered artillery; Prevet Capt for gal lantry at Cerro (iordo; Prvt Maj at Chapultepec; Author of a history of the “War with Mexico;” now Prig (Jen’l C S A. John J Peck, of N V, No S, entered Artillery, Prvt (’aptain lor gallantry at Contreras and Churu buseo; P vt Majorat .Molino del Rey; now Brig (Jeneral P S .V. Samuel (J I’rench, of N J, No 14, entered Ar tillery; Prvt 1st Lt for gallantry at Monterey, se verely wouinled; Brvt Captain at Buena V ista; now iirig (Jeneral C S A. Plysses S (Jrant, Ohio, No 21, entered Infantry; Brvt 1st Lt for ir;ill‘intry at .Molino del Rey; now .Maj (;enera\ f S .\ • .loseph H Potter, N H, .No 22, entered infan- frv; severely wminded at .^Ionterey; Brvt 1st Lt for gallantry af Monterey; now Brig ( Jen. L S A. (’l,.\S.S iK lS44 25 (JRAOUATtH. Simon B Pnckner, of Ky, No 1 1, entered In- taiilry; wounded at (./’hurubusco; brevet 1st Lieut tor gallantry at (,’ontrcras and Churubuseo (de- cliticdj now iirig (leneral (' S (’i.A.ss OF 1''45—40 Gkauuates W'm H (’Whiting, of iMiss, cadet at large, No I, entered Kngineers; now Major (jeneral C S A. (’hiiiles P Stone, of Mass, No 7, entered (Jrd- nance; brevet 1st Lieutenant for gallantry at -Mo- liiio del Rey; brevet Captain at (_'hapeltepec; now BrikC ( Jeneral P »S .\; uiulcr arrest. Fitz John Porter of N 11, cadet at large. No *5, entered artillery; brevet Cajttain for gallantry at .Molino del Rey; brevet Major at (,'hapultepec, now Brigadier General P S A. Kdmund Kirby Smith, of Fla, No 2r>, entered Infatitry; brevet 1st Lieutenant for gallantry at (’erro (Jordo; brevet (.’aptain at Contreras; now Major Jeticra/ C S A Berntird K Bee, of S C, cadet at large. No 33, wounded at (’erro (jordo and brevet 1st Lieu tenant for gtillantry at that battle; Prevet Captain at ('hapul(e]iec, and killed at Manassas. (’l.A^si OF 1'P» — 5l> (JuAL>LATES. (Jeoru'e B .Mc(.'hdlan, of Pa, No 2, entured en gineers; brevet 1st Lieut for gallantry at Contro ras and Churubuseo; brevet Captain at Chapulte pec; now .Nlajor Guneral L S A. .lohntJ Foster, ol N H,No 4, entered Kngi neers; brevet 1st Lieut for gallantry at Controla.s and (’hurubusco; sev'*rely woundei at Molino del Rey, and brev( t (’aptain for gallantry in that ba-t- tle; now Brig Cit-uoral L' S A. Jesse L Reno, b.'trn in \ a, cadet from Pa, No entered Ordnance; brevet 1st Lieut, for gallaii try at (!crro (Jordo; brevet (.’aptain at Chapultepec, where he wa^ wounded; now Brit: Gen L S A. Thomas J Jackson. ^ Stonewall,) of \ a, No 17, entered Artiller}'; brevet (.’aptain for gallantry at Coiitfenis and ('hurulmsco; brevet Major at (Jha- pult* jicc; now .^lajor Generul (’ S A. P.Hvid R Jon-s, born in S C, eadet from (ja. No n, entered Infantry; brevet 1st Lieut for gal lantry at (.'ontreras and Churubu>co; now Briga dier General (’ S A. Cadmus Wilcox, l,M)rn in N C, eadet from Tenn, No 54, entered itifantry; brevet 1st Lieut I lor trallantry at (’hapultepee; now Prig (Jeneral ' ( S A. Wm .'I (Jardner, of Ga, No 5.5, entered Infan try: severely wounded at (’hurubusco; brevet 1st Lieut for gallantry at (^ontreras and Churubuseo; now Brig General (’ S A. (’LAS8 OF l'^47—3'^ GRAKUATES. Ambrose i* Hill, jr, of Va, No 15, entered Ar tillery; now Maj (Jeneral P’ S A. Ambrose K Burnsi !e, of Ind, No 18, entered Artillery; now Maj Jeneral L 8 A. Romeyn B Ayres, of N V, No 22, entered Ar tillery. (.’harlcs (Jriffin. of (>hio, No 23, entered Ar tillery. Kgbert L Viele, of N V, No 3U, entered In- l.intry; Pritr Cilii P S A; now .’^lilitary (Jovernor ot Norlolk Henry Heth, of \ a. No S'', entered Infantry; now Brii: (Jeneral (’ S \. (’l.A^'S iiF l''l" 3*^ ( JR.\I»fATEiS. George Kvans, of S C, No 30, entered Dra- goon^; now Priu General C S A. LKG1SL\TPRK OF NORTH CAROLINA SENATb:. Pa^juotank and Peri|uimons.—W' H Bagley (’amdrn and (’urrituck — D McD Lindsey Jates and (’howan—Mills L Kure. Hyde and Tyrrell—(’harles Me(_’leese North:impton — Dr W S (.'opeland Hertford .J B Slaughter. liertio—'I'hos .^I tJarrett .'lartin and \Vashington—Jas (i Callt)way Halifax—Mason L Wigt^ins. Kdi;ecombo and \Tilson—Jesse H Powell Pitt—K J Blount. Be.iufort—K .F W arren Cr.iven (’arteret and Jones—Calvin Koonce. (Jreene and Lenoir—Kdward Patrick New Ihgiover—Kli W Hall. Puplin — Pr James Dickson Onslow—.1 .\ Murrill. Blailen, Brunswick, \;c—J W' Kllis (’umberland and Harnett—W P Wrii^ht Sampson—'I’homas I Faison W'ayne— Wm K Lane. Johnston—(^ B Sanders Wake—J P H Russ. Nash—A J Taylor. I'ranklin—Vi Harri.s. W’arron—Pr J Pitehford. (Jranville—R W' Lassiter. Person—.latucs Holeinan. ()range—Hon W A (Jraham. Alamance and Randolph—Giles Mebane, Chatham—W'illiam P Taylor. Moore and M.nitjjomery—(’alvin W' Wooley. Richmond and Robeson—Giles Leiteh. Anson and Pniou—W'illiam C Smith. (luillord—Peter Adams. Caswell—Hon Bedford Prown. Rockingham—F [j Simpson. Mecklenburg—John A Voung. (•abarrus and Stanly—J W^ Smith. Rowan and Davie—Dr »1 G llamsay. Davidson—11 Adams. Stokes and i'tirsytli—.las K Matthews. Ashe, Surry, Ac^Isaac Jarrett. Iredell, W ilkes, tVc.—P (^ Sharpe. Purke, McDowell, &o~S J Neal. Lincoln, (laston, i.\;c—II W^hite. Rutherford, Polk, ,te.—M O Dickerson. Puneombe, Henderson, iV:c—W’^illiam M Shipp. Haywood, Macon, kc.—Rev C D Smith. norSK OF COMMONS. Alamance—R V McAden, Dr K V Watson Alexander—J M C,arson. Anson—Purdic Richardson, K II Purn.^. Ashe—J M (I entry. Pladen—J W^ Pu.ss. Beaufort—R S Donnell, W* T Marsh. Bertie—Dr P T Henry, Janies pond l?runswick—Daniel L Ru.sscll Puneombe—Mr Burgin. Burke—John Parks. Cabarrus—W S Harris, Caldwell~Mr Earnhardt 0auid6Q~-J ohn Forbei. Carteret— Caswell—IS S Harrison, W’illiatu Lot,, Catawba—Geo S Hooper Chatham—T B Harris, W .J II, W^addell. Cherokee—J H Pry.son. Chowan—Lemuel C Penbury Cleveland*—David Peam . J l{ Ln..„ Columbus—W M Paldwin Craven ■■ Cumberland and Harnett Hon .1 i; vij Dr JoJin Me(!ormick, Neill McK:i\ (’urrituck — P M Baxter. Davidson—Dr R L Peall, He-nry \\ : Davie—Henry B How.trd Duplin—J D Stanford, L W lli,.] , Kdtreeombe—Daviil (’ob!), l{obi |-; i: ,, Forsvth—flohn P Nissen, Pi F 1\, ,. Franklin—.\ W Peavce, Jr (jaston—A W' Daveti]iort (Jranville—Hon R B (Jilliatn. .Ii Eugene (jrissom. (Jreene—H R Pest. (juilford—M S Sherwood. I{ W t., Smith. (Jates—W H Planning Halifax — Dr Henry Joyner. A Ii i>. Hayw'ood—Dr S L Love Hertford—J B \'ann. 1J endei son — A Icx 11 en ry Hyde— K L .''lann Trelell—'1' .\ Allison, John Tom Jackson -J Keener. Jt)hnston—Seth (J W'oodall, W || \ .Jones— . Lenoir—W \V Dunn Lincoln—A (’ostner. Macon—Dr J M Lyle. ■Madison — Dr. W'allin. Martin—.Jaflies Robinson .^lcDowell—r (’raig. .^!ecklenburg—Jno L P>rown, F c . Montgomery--K J L Barrin_er Moore—Alexander Kelly. Nash—Henry (j Williams New Hanover—S .1 J'crson, J 1! li iu- Northampton—W W Peebles, II :-t;in . >nslow—Harvey I'oy. Oranire—.John Berry, W .V Pntter PaS(jUotank Vi K Mann. Pertjuiniims—Dr Jos 11 Riddick Person-—.^l D C JJuinp.iss Pitt—*' Perkins, P (J .\lbritton Ranilolph --.Jonathan Worth, ^^l S i;.,!.' Richmond—Sander- ^l ItiLrram. Robeson—Murdock .’'IcRae. i» .^li Neiil Roekinghatii (Jilliam, I’ ,r Rowan- F K Sb ‘ ‘-r, N .\ Fieniin Rntherrord—A ii Bryan .J B t':ir nr r Sampson—Wiili.i’n Kirby, 'I’hos 11 1\- u Stasily -Lafayet'e Jreene. Stok es— Will iam 11 yiit Surrv -- Dr .foeeph 1 iollinsworth. 'I'yrreil Cnion—O Lenmionds. W'ake--H W' Miller, G JI Alford. W„. , Warren—'I'hos 1 .Jtidkins, Leonard Ii W'ashinL'ton Watauga—Wm Horton. W'ayne—B B Rives, K (Vawf , i Wilkes— W'ollliorn, A If t... Vadkin—A C Cowles. Vancy—D M Voung. CONFKDKRATK STATKS (O.Ni.lp SF.VATK. —Me3»*rs \Villiom L 'k'nii:- Clay. —Messrs Robert W .lolui' ' ,. B Miwhell. Florihi—Messrs James M Baker. A K V well. Oeoryia—Messrs PH Hill, Robert'I’o , - Ktntuik-y—Messrs II C Purnett, Wili... Simms. Louisiana—.^lessrs l id. Sp;*rrow. T J 3/Messrs Albert (J Brown. .1: Phelan. Missouri—Messrs .John P Clark, R S V 1 North Caretina—Messrs (Jeorge Pavi>. V liam T Dortch. South ('arofinn—Messrs Iiobert W 1>' .lames L Orr. Ttntt'ssfr—.Messrs Langdon (’ Ilayii--' tavus A Henry. 7Vjas—Messrs Louis T W*igf'al1. W ' Viryinin — li M T Hunter, W' Ballard I' .- H«*l SE RKVKK-sKNTA ri\ K Alabama—Messrs Thomas .1 Foster. V>': Smith, .John P Ralls, .1 L M Curr\'. Fruue. Lyon, W P Chilton, Daj id (.’lojiton, Ja.s L 1' H S Dargan. Arkaiisa.'i—Messrs I'\'lix J liaison. - D Royster, Augustus II Garland.'I’hu' I! IL. F/orida—Messrs Jas P Dawkin.->, R }> 11.' Gcorijia—Messrs .Julian Hartridge,’-1 '1 nerlyn, Hines Holt, A H Kenan, David \V 1. ■* W m W Clark, Robert P Trippe, Luciu- •’ '' trell. Hardy Strickland, A R \\'ri-ht. Ki ntuvki/—Not yet elected. Louisiana—Messrs Charles J Villerc. (': ' M (.’onrad, Duncan F Kenner, Lueicn J !’• .John F Lewis, .John Perkins, .Jun’r. Mississippi—Messrs Jno J McRae,-J W( Reuben Davis, Israel Welsh, H C (’haii '.’' R Singleton, E Parksdale. Ji'ssouri—Messi^ John Hyer, (’:ispar W (Jeorge (J \ est, A H (’onrow, \V \V Cook, W Freeman, Thomas A Harris. yorth Carolinn—.'lessrs VV' N II Smitli. K ert R Pridgers, (^wen R Kenan, T D ,M ■/». «. Tliotniw y Ashe, ArohibAld H Arririjrton. •! McLean, William Lander, P S Gaither, \ T vidson. South CViro/jna—Messrs W W’^ Poycc. "^V cher ^lilca, M L Bonham. John .^lc«,iu. ' Farrow, L M Ayer. Tennessee—Messrs J T lleiskell, ■ W H Tebbs, E L (Jardenshire, 11 S F>ot'. '1 (•entry, George ^V Jone.s*, I’honias .'^Lmi (' Atkins, Pullock, David M Curri;. Texas—Messrs John A Wilcox, ]\ ter (Jlaiborne C Herbert, Wm P Weight, .'bik • (jraham, P F Sexton. \iryinui—Messrs Muscoc 11 II Garnet! ' K (’hambliss, .John Tyler, Rorer .\ Prv 'f. S Pocock, .John (Joode, Jr, .James P 11 "!■ D C Dejarijotte, W'illiam Smith, A R T John B Baldwin, VV U Staples, ’iValf. r I'lv A (j Jenkins, Robert Johnson, (’has W Ku- •IV tioof,'s. THE WITS ANMt liEALX OF t;u;lKTV One of Them, by Lever- f.ouie's Last Tenn at St. :\I(iry's; Kngland’a Vcoman; Tonnysou’s Poems; American Almanac, ISr.l: The Lady’s Book of Flowers; Language of Flowers: Poetry of “ Lady’s Guide to I*crt>ct Ocmility; “ “ “ lieaiity; “ and Ocntlemen’p Mirror of Fortune, f’cter I’arley's Kalloon Travels; “ “ l^ook of Travels and .Vdvpntiirt’ .Mftrch 30. £ J HAl.K \ s'' VOL. IMUNTEO Mh EDWARO F:DrTnf;.s! Pfioe for the Semi-W »d>’auce: S3 oO if j * tion; or ?-! after t} For the Weekly Obse advance: ’in it’ fion: or ,•?;! tio .'ift.v •t&' ADVEItTi.^i; 3}nare of W, line- for snocee ling puhlicatio' contracts, at* rci requestcl to state tiie they will be CDUtinuoi ingiy- AdTertiseiueiit. t • 1 cent extra. ^1’h: Prom and after tliis will be entered vriiiioi the paper be soul i j st than is p.iid for. Such of^iur o'I -uhs per on this sy^ie:;. wil Temlitancts. I'i- ro Persons out of girted in the !h- ■; vxr we have uot repuhir a( adTertlseutent a^ luuci it, nocording to our ad V e do not wi.-^h t ^ upo iadeed my aecouats. i difficult, and we have use or sell in these liu Oct. 2, ]*ol. Obitc.vry Notk k^.- Mt>eatodly, th.it we cb roaeonable length, anu Muse that kind of renii know, is not often men editors of p^iper? .\s ta*tafter charging an I mrdcd, yre niver gel will insert nothing of pinied by the ca^h. ( deceased volunteeis in mind, therefore, thi aod resolutions, not OTer 70 words, one ecu fore the uotice will tie IIW. .?i Attori F.A VE1 WILL attend the i Cuitiberlund, liar tics. I’ronipt aitetitio claims entrusted to his Oct. 17, 1^V.». will be absent from Fa Fayetteville. June i " geo. W. V ll AM* Hardware aud (' II \\ STKl July 2, IhGl. J. J. CO> * 1>. • €OA, ki: WHOLES! .No. n A 1 VVili > >rders from t h 1‘avticulav aiie and other produce. April ‘J, lb*il. ~ T. C\ A: Conmissioii and WIPM Jan’y 2H, IK*;! u . 4'otnmis. WIPM Prompt and 1*1:it the sale of N.ivnl aud ftll other country O. 0. I’.^usLEY, I’re JoftN Dawsk.v, Meflsrs. 11. ii. E. ,1. Messrs. I’k.'ihKiiTO.N A. PARKJiB, Esij., Ji May 7, IHOO. TWO Blank Notes no endorsed by l’;oric of the Banks at Fayett ed not to usj; them, us April 2, RANAHAV I'rum ili 8ES. He i.-^ 1^1 y high, robust, ).,ng teet toe^ and looks dowsi Mcrhaul’s Mills in and was in Fiiyettevil above reward will i,e hie coulinemoni in any Benneitsvrll , S. (’. fpHE above rewurd X and delivery to me ANDEll WALLAi I., about 20th of .Man h Old, 5 feel 11 inches Wu« eyes; he is a uaii Wy in the viciniiy ol (’apt yaiJip Johnson, : III Tlie l.aw ol ol Property, V' ffraucis Hilliard, 2d Edition, Kt-''- and inijirovtHj. Starkie o^ Evidence, 8th Edition, with Sharawood. Wendells’ Blackstone; Byles’ on Bills, ' Sharswood. Adama’ Egujty; Broom’a Legal Maxims- 8aiUi oa CoatnQtei, &q. I. j, QALi^ & A few LAInL.s ca ihe Sfcuii; * V : Sept. ] 2. i Hoiiu‘- j|. MANUFAf'TLutiJ ■yiHe, may be had ^^•il, for cash Jiu». U, lbti2.

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