irwwEaSxvfty ,-i If \OL. \11. S K W I -W R R K l V. FA\i7rn:viiJ.K. x. c'. rRHuuAKV Ki, im:\. [NO. It I, \\ ; , i.CiHf orikl 1 H;-!, ir-c.-r L*N t L • V, - : W J Bak- : A £ iiis RoL.-ri : ; - :.'S iror:? ‘-- ...iari: E HA I-1- - “ • s . . I- \Nli TMl'RSbWs m»uiko j. iHLf: X M»\s. i’,' »K' Wi) »'HitlMlKTviKS Si'v!(-VS >f>ki Obskkvk.r ■?•■' *'0 if puid in •'i> 1-' t ilurins; the ye;»r ot' >;u> •»;’ri}>- t!t>r t»:** year lia>i i‘Xi>iiv:l ■ . lv ''R'im’VF S‘2 fH> per .luiiiiin. if | in ‘ r>Hii) liiiri^rr tht* vt-rtr '>i “n^-ovip- ’he y#'^r 1.' ; KKTISK \1 V. VTS ni*‘ri'‘il f'>i •iiti t iii'' )»■! ii.' tO: I. ui'i ;h I'.'ii!- t’->i »v'u fi :. ^ '■■ ili.iii Vf.-il lv )iV 'pc ; t-i-iQuftble rMl«*r- V.l\*rti irf iiit- Hi li»«irr.l .ii ..fii ; = ■ ’ l\t ftitln'i rtti'l 1 n'.-.iril •- .|l''llll« 1 i’: --.ij . •>:? >T. oTirK r\ • nnm- 't ;■ •':! .n .. » - - «i\b , /•le- lirW tl 1 II. li'iiiiv. D'fr «i '■r ^ in .ih..' t'a [■■ *i\n. .ifrJL. Attomoy at La-w, FAYrr3£VILLE, N ' a'-fteci ^he County and 3up«ror Ooi'.ri=. af '* . lioi^^riaad. Harnett. Moore and Hobeson Coud- Tii-i Atteatioti ciTPB to ibp »oll«?'ion of all riilruMted to iiisi hands 7. 5S-ts ;f oTNOi"\iiIA^ & ci).7 Bk'aierti iu tirocerlrn, ANP IMHjHTF.RS and t'FALF.R-! l> afuWHrf and t’ullery, 8wed^ Iron, \c., HAl ^TRKFT, HVKfrKVIll.K. N. t. Ion' ’ -OX W t>. KEN'DALL .1 !> KKNl>\l.l- C'0\, t o., oiumiN^ion .^lerchant^ A X b WHOLESALE GROCERS, 'io. 11 A: 14 Jforth Water St.. WilininsioD. 1. t'. •rvl«T^»'t'rom tti9 Country jjrompily *‘ieoiuel ^ i'iitioular aiipnrton kitpd to thp oft oK. o j ' ..-r .••..>’’.•''^1 Ki-tf J o^. r^Lf: V, OrtHrr and C-4tmtnifi»ion .fiituhaiit, rAYETTEVlLLE. N r T. t. ^ B. G. WORTH, \r-situi^sion and l^orn^arding Itt'rchafifs \TlL>lfNGTO\. N I ‘4 If \ K 1»! » illi J si )oPi: K JOHNSON. WILLIAMS A (’().. %\t.T TIAIiKK^. W • Uin •. j an •f Wiluiicvtion With %alt .Md .tr M ‘.e .1! ! NllV .■ uow io oj-*''1 i^n iiiue nm‘! Farrlp'* wi-hiug to > r l'urni'ihi»l t'ly apf'Uiujr !• F Vlil** u> F' Phv>- atT'i » lULi vM.-' Muppi iuleu.lflll >ltf COTTON %'AK^. So. 19 Hay Street. ,r » V!ALi-i:Tr ¥ 6, I80'i. Hitt* aud Tobacco ou (ouslgiimeiil. ^KS >»f fp'-'-h b-'at hic(* and 1K) Box pi Maim iu ^ jred , T ^riiTii- GKO A ■ .'.iMf, .''•'I* '.’4. f'l u. be «5:. \r.' TtiiattCl ^ .^OTItK. HbPPDl frOID holUf U tVi^ ruuUtli- McLeiili Is 111) iiitlittiSi , ru.-‘jiie-n ufifil i fvtuiJi \ U)Ni;.‘ Flomice and Fayetteville Kail Road* IJMU'.H 111*' provi'«ion-* 01 an i>riiiii:nice of tlip (’on- voiiiiiui nf North Carolina. Hooks will bi» op«iiPl on the liiil) .luiip at th^ following places ami under the di- reiMion of thp followinft person**, to receive BUhscrip- MoiiH to the Capital Stock of thi- ■•Florence & Fayette- ▼ ille IWil Uoad Co.' Hharev i)ne Hundred Dollars each. At the Rail Hoad (hHce ui FayKtnulh.—Under the di rection ot the General Coininissiohers, A A. McKethan, 1> Kay. A W. Steel. Wm. McL MoKa_v and Jno. N1 KoMe. .1/ thf Hil Syriufj.i. -I'nder liie direotion of Hector McNt'ill, Wni .1 Sit'wari, .Ins A Sniiili, l>Hn'l (' Me Neill Tnd tV.l \Ipt. MfMill'iii. or my of them {> h'.'>r i/ Und*»r th«'direi'iiou of. Ur Neill McNuii- l)r A. 1>. NIcLeaii, Ari'hibald Sntilh. Kdminid i.illv ni l I'ltl Alexander \Vni«iOii, .>r any I'Ue ut ilieui 1 —Under the .litviMiun .it Miir.lixik M.- Kh.- I* (t \(o4'tiUtiiii. .Ian -ir . 'iud .1 H M. vueen i.r ii»y one of them {[f.irii.siiHr I’niiM llte direct ion of Johu I'uroell. .)fn> MoNair. Alford. IMi^ald M.'t'alluui and .(im M. C-.niifn, oi- •ill) one nf th*'in Tlif .Sub'.TiptI 'M lio.k'4 will reiuam opeu fur the •p4 ‘e .tuv-. When a “utTi.-ient 3uni i« ■'ittisoribed :ti?t t'lpauv will ht. .rjr .iii2** l fvrthi? purpose of build ’.njr ttir Hoad A V MoKLThX.N. 1> A RAV. \ W VTKEI-. WM McL McKay. .tN'o \i (it ii*-rMl C.iuirtiis"i.iner- h'iv.-i .•.ilie, .Iiiiie 7, lVi;.‘. H'jtf Wfsterti Kaiiroad Oflire, t Knyeitevtlle, N C . .'^ept 27, i 1^1 >h rtir purpose of increa-unii ihe capital slock of ibi> Oompaaj . tu t-natde u lo rxienJ the Road troiu Ihe Coal Kip!d« 1.1 h» .North t.’aroliua Knad, the followin|{ genll“tn.'0 have Leen tpp.aiiied C.iinniissujDer-j lo re ceive subsorib-ra lo their sereral aeighborh,>od'a. •Vi'inlf — I J naujtliton. Bro..ln Harri., I>r Oeorjfe t .\ewby and G Waahinfrton Above the Gulf -Jno .1 Gol'l-o.^ii. Jaiuea K Kivei* and Kui^li \V [lixon \l ‘►re Hill G VV, l>r 1. VV G.irrfll •iud .N \l \Ui0fi \b.^vp I tre Hill - l>an 1 flHi'krii y, A 1' Nlar-^h and .N- I'aee K.jii't ~ Mill? l>r H M F.»u«t nn.i l»r .1 1> (Jraven \i Fr-inkhn'^ville and vic.ui'y l-aac H I'ou-'t Htid \ ^3 Uorney At .^“heboro' — Jonathan Worth Miid H F Hoover At N’pw Market .le«ae Walker an.l ,fo«epb Newlin At Thomasvil'.e—A G Foster atid Jno W Thomas At High Point-—Ur R (’ Lindt»ay anil Seaborn Perry, At J'aletn—Franois Fries and K L Patter.-ion. At (}reenobori>'—t"’ 1* Meadenhall, Peier A.tams. Hon .1 .A Gilmer and Jesap H Llnd'i.ay InstruoiionB will be sent to the Coratni-sionep* at an earlv day bv the President of thp Company, titii' J M KOSK. Sec y W. R K. I'o. I.OOK AT THIS! THK FiVKTTIUILLK IIOTKIi, Froiitiiig .KN) feet and In ttie bu«ine?4«i portion ot‘ the Toun, coiifiiifiM fiiort* amt Teiililated Rooiiim lliaii aii% Hotel ill Ili4‘ Mtal**, itiii tn> Patrons a) my t’omliiiienfs are very lr»r fhf firu*-* T. W UHHLI,, Proprietor. M^y 1^'t'-. -Tv FA%>:’I TK\ II.LI-: MITIAI. IMSl'Kt.Xi; t'OMPA\V. ('apital in Preniium .N'j^ie- hiiiouIiIs io -i) ('a-h on tiand iii.t other •>.>, , o-'> . % Her thiM tlale p.iV' hiic ■*eut'^ p**i‘ potinil I li»r «-l lu Pavt'i(*-viiir-, or m in> \n Kf’M h HA L'i' .>11 i-wn - '-e - M KI.S V\ HP VT, ( - .K^ t - c.a'.i.jf ... F .jef'eTiHe. 'iar'..‘t '■ j'is ot-.s.' J* »H N: ‘ »N, Jr :r>ir .jiinhile- For‘‘lile by 'All,MAMS .V CO tl.'.tf ABLE for IOF^’ER for Kale n»y PLANTATION, J niile- west .ii ('arlha^e, Moore enmity, conte.ininii ..I.'iO acre'., .>ii which iH a Grist and Saw Mill. Cotlon Gin and Screw. I will receive iu payment Hand'*, (’onfederate money or likely Negroei. JOHN .MOKISdN ^ALUABIj|‘ liA\I)N for Sale. I OFFER for Sale iny PLANTATION on .Mc(’londonV Creek, ti mileri wei.i of (^iinh^ice. lyiu»f on the ba-in of the t'oal Fields, coniaiuiug JliK> ni>re-. whi'-h is as ' pro.luctive a- any lamls iu the noiiuty of M.'ore. I'he improv. in.'nlx goo.l an.l ih.- siiUHiion lieilthv Tprui- liberal .loHN Mo'ltlSoN .^OTiri:. 1H \ \ K ifcbiitif HC1V.4 lu •litl.*r**ni I’u.* ih.- tmiiiy >1 Moiife. (■■irining Mineral, rtii.l Tii: | peimue Uli.l, Wliiidi 1 will -fll (,I, lilwM-al t*.i(im •lolIN MiiHI.-'ON Tliiierai l.aiiiU tor Sale. 1H .A \ K an inteie.*! of .me ihir'i in a i.t >'• V.'HC -.11 the w-ili-rx .f l),.ep Hi.ii .n^w 'U-.i h .».' ^ei-ii Jiseovered hhIi mine .iod j>nrf ’:ilfpfiri'. iiit n .111 i.t t(M>d .^uubty till .(re-i.tiim K- ,:S.r well w.iri:. , rfeolu«ical iiive lin.Hiiuu .li»HN MuHJ'^ON [ C»rtl>ait>*. Nov 1:; iMtj'j 77 ■ \OTH'K. pKRSoNS wi-hic.jf to buy loWN PRoPlMt lA w ;i J., I well to call on the «iuV«s?riber I will sell i.q rea-...!, ■tri’i terms my Hou^e •lU I havinjr a'so Kit.-: PU, SlUvj'«p h.^M-'t* HU.l Well ol (tiller Vlr^o. !i. 11 Tov n l.ot-i with it lod *iables ih«re..ti aud vnrv c.jfiv.’ uieut, tind on',- other »iuh11 l,.it \N.». •'.J aoie~ ct l.iu I joiuitift the tiiwn -irt ha/•* . w.t-.Tf*tiii-ui for W;'X' J K .M BKAN'.SON t'n'ihaKe. I'.'c 2. MOl >-tif Ailiiiini«ili'af ioli 1oli«‘e. 'lUlK hiibscriber hnviuir ^.irtlitio.i .A.luiiiu'tii-itri^ .>■■ 1 the instate of lui '•iindy, der:’.l. hereby ii..ihH‘ to all [.ernous haviu>( .d.iim-) iKainsi il.*late in pro .•III them 10 W'm Mi'L McKay wiitiiii th»- titrr pie- aorib^d by law, or ihi-i uotii-e will t.e plfide.l io bftr >t beirrecovery t’VTHVKINl. “^CNl'V. A.Iih'k •\U({ }. IHlVJ I K)|!R riH.\TRV IS I'ILLI.M;! Having been tlelailedou reoruitiug service for a (uw dayh, I aui amhoiized to announce the paninl sus pension of th" operation of (he conscript livw. so as to {lerniit conscripts and otherrs so disposed to vohusicei in companies o*‘ iheir uwii .^electiou. Tlitis by vohm- teeriiig you will avoid lieing forced into the conscript camp. I am anxious to receive recruits for (’apt. Kelly’s company from Mo ir-e coui»ly. or it desired 1 will receive any who wish to join other ctitiipariieH of this coiiiniaiid. T.1 those who would avoid being forced into the war, I “ppoal to tliPiii in conIP forward, volunteer like men, iiri'l a>-‘-isi. in dtivitifi: tlie invaditie foe from our soil J sihall bf h-ip|>y 10 meet any who feel likr voltinieerii(; ai th*‘ li.I'.'.wiuK liiMP“ -iil.l placet; Kellr H ''lot.-. Febr.iary i.ih Sli.riii s 'Uh Swan'x .''i.aii..n. “ llih ).>ii,>'-l>or.) - l:’.ih, \ HOLIN, Lihui I'll K. ’iitib Kejf " N. •' T 1 .ill I'leek SliiI.s, Mivore Co , .l.aii '»• >lp.l t'Ox\S€RIPT Rai.eioh, X. C ORUtR.S, No. S. OFFICE, ) , Feby ;■), I8»v3. ) A.MLSCON8TRUCTION haviot; been placed upon the published orders of ofiBcers detailed upon recruiting service, it is hereby announced for information of Kn- rolling Oflicer^ auil others interested, that theexecutioa of the Conscript Law hae not beeu suspended in this State for thirty days nor for a single hour. The officers charpjcd with the execution of this law will devote themselves to the zealou-^ i*nd pr .mpt per- tormance of Iheir dutiea The .safety and welfare of the country demand that every man in this crisis .should do his whole duty. Not a tiay uor an hoiii-shouM )>■ bmt in Klliu^r up the thinued ranksi of our (jlorioiis atnl if.-illant army. A few more such viriorips af> ti has recently achieved will speedily secure peace and independence 10 the country Hy ordet of Col T. ^ ACGUST, t'ommand'i of t'onscripts ftir N. C. J. (' l’i;im r,, .\d)Ulant Feb 7 1-21 KeeriiltH i%anle«l lor the ('iiiii> lierlaiid Plough Boy**. HVVINAI tieeH .leiailed for a short time on recrnitiii^ service, 1 will t'ive iiotice 10 all who wish 10 join this I'oiiip'iiiv. ihni they now huve ihe opportunity of doiue si. 1 will be happy in uieet and receive your names at the .liff'ereui placen and times specified: .At he Vl 'v^ I Rivej, Look s Creek and Cedar Creek^on Satur- , I day the 7ih Feb'v; als.i at ihe !»ame places on the 14th. . , 111 11. * le greaiei part j> Mciirtulel will retieive the names at Lock's .t 111..s.. liable 1,1 service un.ler ihe coii!»eripi s'!! • t 1 ■ i. m ■ \ 1 1 w ,, , . . i Creek, Lieiii. i> M Jobn.on ai ( edar ( reek, myselt at Mpii. v-.ii have yei an opporiiiniiy id becoming vol- I uoii-e*--! V.iiir coumry nee.l« vour “ervice-j. Kinbrace ' I AMI’S \ G\INF.V thi. ..ppoi.uniiy -.1 our-P ' ! , ^ n' c’. T. 11 har. bet-ii made my “ippcial .luty 10 enlist meu lor ■ j.Vh’v 4 IftliS 12(K1t‘’ I'lipi r \V Miirn- t'avalry t'oinp.iny the 63d Hej;!. ■ \ I' Tf.i.ipH 1 'iiii -tillh.>ri7.e.i. however, lo enlist fur Hiiv i-..;iui‘iin III ihis c.iiiiiaau.l ' , 1 w b.- in Pii.-b..,.. iin Tnes.Uv of Fehruaiy Conit. i THE very beat oppviriunity and most liberal term^f are 1 1 n«iw ortpreJ lo men liah]p to coa^cription, and all oihern who to \hf^ ol ihe (’onfede- 11 TO l'0.\M'RII»T«: iVJSiJ Sr-cn .ieiailed by ^pp|•■i•^l .ir.jei-. Ibl- lliiity .i'H“, .1(1 I'-’ ruiiiiii! -lervice. 1 lieri-by jive nutioe ■ •1 Ihr I'.iiixtTipl L'lw ii'is t.rcli 10 far siispen.lp.l ss i ■I ;»!1. » .'ou-.-i ipi.T III ( .111 :ii)v ciiiip.inv II.*w ill service, 1 and 11- ihereby “euiiile.l 1 1 ihe buuniy im I oiher beui'- provided bv law fir volunieer'. ' Ii is coiitMently etpci'ffii I hat ihir libM'al .itler oil ihe pan of •'rr.m.'iii mill t.e eagerly euihrace.l tiy Feb'y 4, IfttW. VOI.i::%TEERSi U %liTEB! 'pIlE 1 th»! %«liiiiiii4f ralorS .\'»tiie. subrtoiber liHVUig ilticeinber Ter;n, IS>:. ! le t.'ouuty ('.lurt ot C.imbprUn I. .;)naline«l a.. \ 1 ininistralor up lU the K»iate ol N'eili G. •IcN'eill. dec'I. no'ifle-i all person;^ h-i- iup clnim ai£Min>-i the K.siaie m present them within the time iimired t.y law, otherw'-;-* this noiice wi.l be pie ided in t'.ir of rec.ivcry. Uebii.i - •ire reiiuested to make proiupt pavuient. HKCTOK MoNKlLL. A.lm'r Uec. 10. K.">- I I H 1 ha TlIRPE:\TI.lfE HAVWH. [.\VH a *ool supply of Turpentine H.\CKS, on hand, wh’. :n I am ready lo sell to those who may widh to purchase., ready lo prepare .\xes at short notice, in the best manner L. W(iOl) Fayetteville. N. ('’., Dec -M. 'at :impd 110RKE N||OEI.li4.i. / iWl.Nt) to the advan'e in the price of Iryti the v,i|ti ' ' scnber is compelled I*, ra.-f ihe price of Nhoi-itig i.i >l per -ilioe He does thi- wilh relucian.-f. bill 11- necessity will be apparent >j hi" cilstociier-> whf-u siuteu, that the iron aloue iwe.l in making shoes ci mure ihati hall ot his charge, an.l iti.iie ihau IwIch Oiuch a.« he foruieriy recei?ed bir ir.iti aud --hoeiug 1,.- I .1 W Fny el leville, ,Iaii y 'J. 1 sr.;! .\dTK'E. N Fri’lav uf ihn week o! Fefiriitry W Kl.Sll *I '.wp.l O'k ^ Total, i:272.76.'i tJl The Cuinpany have paid all lo-scs promptly, anil hi»v» ni-v.-r made an assexsmeui on ^heir premium notes. Tofal liifmes paid. GFFICF.BS; GKO .McNElLL, President 1) \ KAV, Vice Pre-*idcrji I \ McMlLL\N, S.*. y l»IHHTi>RK I Heiity Lilly. H b. Myrover. S r. Hawley, Naihftn A. Sie.lman. r. B. Malleti, James Kyle, \ McKethan. J. D •N’illiaui-, S. W. Tillinghasi. W N Tillii^ha-*!. .1. Hinsdnle. Wm. McLauriu. T. S. Lutterloh. A. W. Steel. .1. Q. (’»»*li, Hon. J. (i. Shepherd, R F. Brown, ^ m’gton. A E. Hall. hu t'olliQ^ and C C McCriimmen, Traveling .\geuis The Company invite applicatioiiH May-.'H. lAf.i ■ -Jl- f Ttie >»*w Small, toi.oRi;i) PHOTotiRtrHs, %'Hl**» 4jir»ll«T). I %%ill t ajfi* de- luiiN 'I week o! Kotiriitry '' .isuiy (obesOD ciiiiiily. I;eing I *>e '.’71 )i ul ihe Ulu’Mli. I will sell on -i cre.lii '>1 si.v iiioiiihe>, ;ii ihe rcsi.Jpnce ..f .loseph Higgs, in s:ii.l couniy, Seventeen Ukely Voiiii^; .\et;ro*H,. HorSEHULU aud KITCHEN FLRNITCHK. .‘ind other articles of a jierishable kind. NEILL McNElLL, Executor of ihe W ill uf V Kavis. Sr. •lan'y 24, l8ij::. ; AOTK E. MIE Subscriber otters for sale hi- PI. \NT.VTH/N. ; ciAiaiitiug 4->f' 'vcre-*. wiih l.'iOiicres dearcl wUhiu a few ininuie? walk ot Lauriuliurgh l>pp.'i. W j ('. i R R. R. (»n the premi>e^ is a t w.i s(ory .Iwclline j and all necessary outhouses. .Also, Joiniag sai'l tract j can be had t’lHl acres, with 2tH.i acres cleated lan.l I'n ! the premises is a good two story Dwelling and all n»- ' cessary outhouses. PerHons wishing to putchase will I call soon or address me at Laurinburgh, N ('. | n C. McLAl'KIN ‘ Jan. ‘2h. ‘•H-btfd I ('o|>f»era*«! t'oppera**!! .jii/k LBS, srpKHlOR uL'ALITV CoPPKP. »)UU Also loTieri'PH FRESH BEAT KICK For sale by PEMBERTON Ji SL»\N. Jan y >. IHt^i. or. 'Wfl Dec KM WALT! fur sal** by t i/r KOI'.I b r \r^ir MlTi'Hf Lb II Twciit%-fi e S>oilar^ He%%art. |^.i>AV. frotn the t,ub«cvi^.l-^, m- lieg.u boy MO 11 he i- -’i y.*ar8 of age. al t '• , ff^i u.i ia^hp- - ■ ro^'^8l. -If:, an'i inuch ■.urB'id uui j.t ibi •.nd looks •■uwn ’VDen spoken 10 H- ai f. ’ 6 .\I i in R eson roi.Diy "U -e ub Fa,e r i(' ab'Ui three ko vjf.i Thi- -eward wiU ^ c p'-id ior U*8 delivery to me or tor .i-m n; in any jail p. ihai i get him. VS. U ./OHNSON . lile, ^ . \tlg 1 1 l^*’’ ■ AR^IV HAR.HE^iSi. . .-). in.a !0 ojitoufHcmre all kiiids ut W itgon J i . ior'Army use 1 t«n my leather and chu V ‘ K . ti.trgaiuH Agents wili do well to send then - rue sn hey shill have prompt attention, and iti in luick'iispatch. .lOHN (’ARTER '■ .'l.-'iin P. »., cttatham Co., .N. C., > I , ART. %% 4MMtM’ai’(IN 5*u»lar 'aiiiera. 1>Hi* ri>GP. VPILS C!iU be had at Vanorsdell it .Skylighi j (iitllery. Hay street, o)iposite .Mai bio Var.l, Fay- : eitcville, N. C ; plain, retouched, colorel. iu water colors, oil and pantile; from ‘'iiiall lolife size .\mbio- types, Melaneotypes. snd all other styles of Pictures j pertain' ig to the .\rt .\1ho, Gilt Frames, Gilt Mould- j ing, t.i' . - I’ot v«iy l»i gp piciuren—as large hs 2*» by i'.ij j ill.-he-. Jord jiiid T.i>-'sel« for hHiiging [lictures; lustrti- ni.?ut->. .'?tock and Chemicals for sale lov» for cash. Life ■■!,e colored Photographs made from small pictures. , llavir.i!: pennanenily located here I hoj.e to merit j yuur pair.joage. 1 would also return my sinoere thanka ; f..r the liber ii jjaironage bestowed on me hereiofore by . the g.iod people ol Fayetierille and.vicinity C. M W.NORSDELL, Photographist aud Propritfor. j i»» c.'r 'JO, I80H 77- j .^lartile Faictori, i 100 SACKS OK SALT: * 10 Bbls ."(hI Soda, for soap umklug. l‘.i!''i Boxes .1 .\ Long's best t.randi- of I'l.bHC' ,Su Htitw Priiue Sugar, Lbs .Sole Leal her roS \ WOIM'M l>ec’r kin w A Larife Oiirltaiii I'om ^ITH I Young ('alf, for sule b\VlI> MCKPHV Jhu y •'> if Klaekmiiilli fo Hire. 1 W’nrkniiiTi. \ddrpH- ••W, ” ii ihi- i.thci>. i li.M' •."» VI I Palma t'liri*«ii Keaim. fpilK .-tiitisoriber will pay ihe highest -«sh p> .>*-■■ I 1 any ^iiaiititv of Palmft Chrisii Hear). .1 A WOHIH Fayi^lleville.Ocl. i^ iT AL.tlA .^ At PH ESH supply of Farmer's .‘t PlqntiM '- Also. a few ot 'i'urner'« For sale by * K .! H M.I'. P S The pii>ili»hers hiivc rai';.’.i ihi- cen*s each, af which price we will sel! ihiMu itif IHih: .III Ki i.lrty ilic |;iiti, ai ('oflin's Store, in Mooro I'ouniv.* iiu Tues.lav Ihe 17th. and Tuesday the 24th at C.iitti-i^e Kecrnii''for CHvalrv companie.i will lie re- I uire.i tu tiiriii'-h -i hor-*e , ('ou»cnpis‘ bei'on,e v ylunieers 'in.l snike for the .ie- •eoce .>f your .•.iiiuii y N F MI'SE. Lt. (?o. E. 'IM N (’ T . Recriiiiing (»fHcer. .fnu ;ll, ;»,! KE'R|IITM \V%iVfED! !h|00 Hitunty per .fiottth M*ay'.! In AVK been ordered hy Maj (ien Oustsvus W. S:iiiih III return to this place as a Kecruiting Officer for I'lipt .tuo McKellar's company. Col. Evans' Reg't, l’arii"aii INiiger-, now near Kinston. .\ favorable op- j rtunity is now otTered to conscripts to volunteer and ihu •'ecure one hundre.l dollars bounty in addition to iwenty-five dollars per month pay This branch of the ■service is remarkably healthy as the trooper is kept cotisiAntly in metton. We have been iu service eight mon’hs and have not lost a man by sickness To the rescue, sons of the gallant “Old North Statel” Your brethren in the field call upon you to help them drive back the vile invaders of our soil. .Apply to me in Fay etteville. or to H W Hardie at the (?ourt House ARCH D McFAUYEN, Lieut, ('o. t)-’.d Keg't N. C. T, Jan y Ho, lHf,;{. P‘t-«tpd IVEMT^.K.\ HAII. ROAD. 'IMll. I’raiuH of ihis Ro'i.i leave F-iyetieville .iaily, J (Siindnys excepied : hi ^ o'dock, .A M. an.l re- 'iirniug leave Vfcltfer ■ .11 1 iiVlock. P M /•' Kj.'it /’n/vri MON I> \ \ . W K I iNESIi.AV and FRI |i A \ . P.V .IV ler >ii' ihe Pre|.|eui JNo M ROSE: I'l'ptm I :in.l \n'g Tran- Ag'l. ^^ii 2'.’, l>'i.-; '7tt W r.sri KN Kvii. Ivo\i» (>ffk f\ ^ « nc\ill**. *J’2. y I MiiiM Hi I ifter the l«i >l-iy of reb'y. Freight on this 1 R.iM.l will be .'^TKlt'l'LV f\SH. lo tie paid whe.i freight i- •ei\( 10 or delivered from ihe l»epoi. Hy order of the Pres'i. I.Nii ROSE. Treas'r an.l Aci'z Trans. .Ag't. ‘.•7-61 E^ypt t'oal .IIIlie. ''IMIE undersigned were, ai the November Term of the 1 ('.infederate Court, Distric' of North Carolina, ap- p.iinteJ Man;4gers of the Egvpi Coal Mine projieny, an.l have .-niiTe.l ini '■ coparinershiji for ihe purpose of mining and celling Coal, and «olicit oniers for the .same III anv .lesired iiiiautiiy. ib-ders for any amount can be supplied ml -hori noiice. The t'oal Irtun this pro- p.^riy is iind.mbiedly the l>e-i in 1 he ’onfederate StaiPS •Applicaiion>. may be made 10 H Malleii, Fayette ville. N •' . or .Tanii'- Hrowne, Charleston, S. C. t’HVRLES H. MALLET r JAMES BROWNE. Fnyei 11'ville, .laii'y 2>, IHtiS. '.itiif I OR .^ALE. “WIOUNTAIW HOTEL,” C. ’His liirge esiablishtneni. -iiuate itj the lowu of .Mor- gtniou. N ('.. is now ortVre.l tor sale Terms made known on apjiiicmiou lo .) H.APPOLHT. Morgaiifon, .N C. .Ihji I'.i. ISi'.:'. '.♦7-;-impd W. R. RKH4Rl)S0\~(k TO,, St ock Brokers aud Commissiou Merohanta, RALEII>iH, A. 4 . uu F'ni>'ilii'illfStrt‘*t \ Ur ILL give pirticular liiiention to sales and purchase^ of ."(laic and Confe.lerate H ink aud other Si.ii'k-, c.illeciion of .Irafts, and tny biisines- nonneoied with the dittereni departineiii•• of ihe State goveriimeni Hank notes of all Southern SiaieN bonghi and sold. Hejercucr O. (! Pitsley. Wilmingioii W \ Wrigtii, loiiu O Williams, Fayettpvillr. W, 0 Rroadfoot, .1. .1 Blackwood, Charloiie W.^\ Liuis'. W'ayiie •'oui;iy. •I. lin I.*. W';iitford, t'raven (’onniy. ll.iu Thi.ina- Rutliii. \li>iii.'iuoe ’"iiiiiy Hiin W’ N IMwarils, Wurieii t'uiiuiy H'.ii I* \V ('ourin, Hockingli iia (’ouuty U W Uuiou. Lincoln County : ' lid r!ni/.pii' ..f Raleigh, geu*-rally. Iivu y 1-, . I u) rate Slates Th* conscript law is partially suspei. le.l lor a time to give all men subject to military duty ih opportunity I to volunteer iu any Co. or Reg'f they m.-iy wish to-eoter. THE DEPT'IS OK VILLAINY FATHoMEl* BY THE YANKEES: I.v Cami- .\KAii Manchester Teun Jan’y 1««3. ) A Iriend ot Morgan’s coniiuuiid txives ni‘ a glorious account of his gallant leader in hi.'- last rail] into Kentucky. Kvery bridge, trestle-?, k and cow-gap on the T.onif^ville N;is!ivillf rail road for forty niil«s was destroycl 'I'ho Yank •' forces were constfintly in pursm., hut alw.y^ ’r rived too Jute to-‘bau” hitu, n- 'ti. L.'ui^ ville papers predicted tlie}’ wotuu d. Wluif near Kliziibethtown, one •* B-m ber m*. i.m-id with the correspondeiKH' which I appeiid. ;r. i'.; : wck et It shows tlio )icrtid\ and villainy ut o-n enc- ni) ill a lair liirbt To .sa\ that hi w».r \ i- the vv:iMiI- is all that I i-an ti-11 V'lU .d hlr fati roLT’XTEER Ki.i/Ai:f',rnTt»w;\. Kv . Nov lOtL, '63 Mi-.vsrx K Jones, A; Ou; -Sir-^: I uw yc r advertiseiiiciii, which I 1 wuulu like purelia-'e «it’ you '■nine ot the ('ojittdeiatt- money you have ll‘ it is of the kind I v^anc - hiils with a written sigiiaturo i»n them -I will buy -ume S 1,000 oi" it, as I Can ust- it >oon Please send uie a .sample by return ii ail, and obU«e, Vours. truly. (j1-;(>ko£ Bahjber I (Jii the blank slieei aitafht-d lo the ahovt. tl.c • lollowititf ansv^er i^ written: Mr. Barber:—KnolofiptJ wc'^e|) i \,>u ,i»Hi ol bills we have. Those with the ir.i iiuni!>ci3 j are exact atid perfect iniifarion- of ('ontedera-r i lives. We also have perfect eountertcits of »hc> i S20 bills. They are the oniv p»*rfeef r-i.imte- '*-iti • or f'nr yet issued 'I'hev are exact in i tations, in paper, engraving, and every other wh\ I f/Ouipare fh«*ni with the genuinn and criticise : therw as n-.uch ap you please. They have be. *. I gotten up at a great expense. 'I'he atci l platee Transportation will be given them i.i their companies [ for those bills CoHf over apiece \\ e have an 1 seventy tive cents for r-itious each day atter they j sold large i^uancitiee fo '■/,//(>« ,),»h ,■> ;md nei a-e sworn in will be allowed They will also receive / aons going 8outh in the last two nr fhre.‘ weeks One Hundreil Dollan bounty on the tirsi pay roll after rrili: Snbscri i Lan.l, -ituf 1 they joiu Iheir companies. .All who wish to volunteer in the 'Jbih Reg't N C. Troof .s 'formerly Col Vance's) an-i now commanded by Iheyc.i^tig, gi^llant and accom plished (^olwnel H. K. Bur^wiu, will please call on me at Carthage, where I will give them all the information 1 Ci*n, and be glad to receive their names. Also a full pardon, (exc“pt torfeiturc of pay while abst-nt.) has been granted to »U deserters and absentees who will return to duty or report themselves to the re cruiting officers in the county on or before the 10th of Feb’y. and I hereby w>rn all men in the county absent from (’o. H, 2tith Reg t N. C Troops to report to me on or before that time. This is the last opportunity you will have to redeem yourselves from death and disgrace more lasting and damnable than ev«r was heaped on men before By your present course you will leave a heritage of shame to your children, and your children’s children will curse the memory of the base deserters and traitors, who handed down such a load of infamy and disgrace to their posterity. The abolitioninH are getting very tired of the war, an.l ihere are indications of peacc Then if every niau will Come forwar.l and do hia duly we may look for an early peace. G. WILLCOX. •id Lieut. Co. H, 2Ciih Reg’t N. ('. T. Recruiting Officer. l'Mrih;tite, Jan'y ‘>1, IStl:’.. l‘i*KI-;!l j No ri» K. itier iitrprs tor sile that v?iluablp tract of tuatp about uuc* luilc wes! i.f Wadesboro', eoniaiiiing SEVEN MrNhRl'li ^NM ONE \Cp,E.S, more nr lesH, known as the Mclver Plantaiion. .'^ai.l land is well adapted lo the culiivaiion of Conon, I'orn, Whea-', Oat.s, .Vc. .A good part of the land is oovere.i with its native forest. .A portiou of the land is cleared and in cultivation. There is a dwelling houne, barn and other out houses on the place. Terms liberal Reference to Alex. Little, Attorney, at Wadesboro', or to the subscriber, five miles west of .tonesboro’, Moore county. .lOHN L. MclVER Feb 1200-i;tpd VALUABLE LAND FOR SALE. A(’RKS on Juuiper Creek, near the Fayette- -,UU ville W'csiera Rail Road, kncwti as the McFadyen land. This tract of Land is well timbered, and convenient to market. There is .a. plantation, com fortable dwelling house and other necessary out-housrs on said land. Terras liberal Reference to Frederick Swan, near the Western Rail Roid, Moore county. J(^HN L. McIVER. Feb. l2(X»-6tpd Wanted to Piirciia«e, Y'>RTH'VAROLINA and VIRGINIA BANK NOTES, \ or the notes of any Souihern Banks. High premi um paid, T. 8 LCTTERLOH Feb'y 5 1200 .iw Wanted to Hire. 4 (iOo|) HorSK G1RL, by the month or quarter. ;\ \pply t.i A (}. THORNTON, or E J HIVES Fayeiieville. Feti y Vt, lnti:{. 1-4ipd .luHt reoeived on ronniitnmeut und Tor sale. \FEW bbls S\LT, ill good order aud of excellent .iiialitv. Apply In ‘ B. ROSE. 1 - 2tpd .quality. Feb'y ‘.1. 1 Sfi'?. It will be some weeks yet before the ^l», so> and SI0(1 plate> are ready for the press V\ t* sell those bills at -^10 per HK» hills, oi j9i per 1,000, .sent po.stage paid, or by express, which is, you are aware, only 9 or 10 cents each. The common wood cut bills, of which we al.^o .send specimens, we sell at 84 per too bill.s, or So.”) per 1,000 bills. All orders from you will receive prompt attention—Privately. Yours truly, K JONES t CO., Box 4l^;1. St. Louis, Mo. Xov 27, 1862. P. S.—We do Tiot sell le«s than lUO bills ol . the best ({uality, and thu.s far h.ive ?old them faster than 'we could print them .■Should you purchase, we can leave the uunibers on the bills blank. R J. i CO Ajfectimf Jiiciih ni—The Fitfht i/t (rn:oest07i - One of the most affecting incideiitsa of the brilliaiii and successful recaptute of (hilveston by the for ces under Major (Jreneral .Nlagruder, was the meet ing i .already briefly alluded to, I between Major, ol our army, with his eldest and fondly lov ?d son, who was first Lieutenant of Harriet Lane. .Vii exchaug** ijives thi“ following particu- l-jrs; Neirl}’ two ycar^ ago. the lather, then residing in Texan, had written repeatedly to the son, then on the of China, suggesting the principles that should determine his course in the then ap proaching straggle between the North and the South of the T^nited State.\. and saying rhat he could not dictate to one so long obligated to not on his own judgment; and that decide as he might, .such was his coatidence in his high conciencious- ness, he would continue to regard him with the respect of a gentleman aud thf affection oi a lather; but that if he .should select the side of tlrt- enemy, they would probably never meet on earth, unless perchance they should meet in battle The lather has served nearly eighteen months Eastward of the Mississippi, and, through unso licited orders arrived at Hou!?ton, eii route tor San Antonia, lat*^ at night of the 3(Mh ult., when hearing of the intended attack ou the Harriet J.!)ne, aboard of which he had heard w.ais his son, also placed there .simply in the order of Provi ! dence, he solicittMi permi«;sion to join the expedi tion, in expectation of nursing or burying his son, whose courage was obliged to exp«)^e him fatally i to the equal daring of our 1 exas boys During i the fight Major Leu wa« .ordered by tie General ' to keep a lonk out from a house Uip'for all mo^ I ments in the iiay As si>ori a> dayiicht enabled i him to see that the Lane had been captured,' I permission of the General who knew nothing of I the expected meeting, he hastened aboard, whon lic was not surprised t> fintl his .son laortally'wound ed. Wading through blood, amidpt the dyin;- and the deatl, he reached the youth pale and ej ‘Kdward, ’ti« your father ” “I know owner will oblige me by o-uning forward, proving pro perly, paying charges and taking her away. A "d l-Mliii Sl.iNS 1 * i fPiOAP! MI AP! 1\M n >w niiikiug and keep conMiauily on hand, at my I'aciiiry mi Person uireei, FAMILY H\R St^AP, ai 1 wh.ijexab- rei:i',l. — \LSO- I I'Liiiii, \ .11 vejraied, Perlunied. ainl Hrowii Win.Nori !' Ilci 'iiiu Sli;ivnii£,.'soaps. I . \ ly ^^pi for reirtil hi .1 \V I.eii's an.l Isaac i ' l.illin;f'w. ri h >1. I AOTK'E. T' AKFN up on my premises, a small black COW, with a while belly and a short tail Marks: An under i quare in the left ear and a fork in the other. The naustea . j i • .i * ' • • you father, but cannot move, he haid taintly “Are you hiortally wounded?' “Badly, b'at hope I B DAVIS fatally ’ “f'o yon suffer pain. '‘Cannot j Feb'y 7, lsi>a. l-.Jtpd _ j he whispered, \ stimulant wafl given i Extract Lo^ywood! I Extract Ijo^^ood!! > Extract Logwood!!! POUNDS KXTRAl’T LotnvtWD. jnsi re- ceived an«l for sale by PRATT. DOW'lE & JAMES, Charleston; 8. C. Feb’y :5, iStia. 1200-Gtpd I DEi^TAL AOTII'E. perfor Kohinsoii’s oftice. Jan'y .‘{I. iSil.T. i^lOO KEIVAKO. ^A.N'.\W,AV I'roiii Mr N. Carp.-niHi .Intie Kl. ‘iOt> ll»«. Iwiiin .%rabir for «ale by J K LEE. I fi t)^* f Vv AATED. 1 'If FavI’lteville Arsenni, Four or Five GOOt* * K.'^MinW, tu wh >m WHgei- ^nd steady . I be given ply to or address J. A d,-L.AGNEL, Lt. Col. C S. A , Comd’g. -'au'y 9, 93tf By (JI'.O L.llHJi'ist. fWII DlidllS ABIIVIi T. BllllR k SONS’ STllSli Eayetteville, '>t. V. .lan’v ‘iO, 1®60. 84- C^rocerient Crrocerieft:: A LARGE and well selected Stock of FAMILY GROCERIES always on hand, consisting of Bacon-Sides, Mess Pork, Mallets, Macker Nos. 1 ai\d ‘2, Molasses, Sugars of al grades, Tobacco, Cigars, And all other articles usually kept in a Wholesale Gro cery EsiabliftbmeDt ^ COX, KENDALL & CO. Wilmington, April 2, 1861. 10-tf it R‘'il Rfad, near Brown M;ir-h, II I In i'll irl I ' •• Noveuib»-r !:l >1. ' my negro Girl BELL Tiie s'*i.l jjifl is •, No, 1 iieifio, about .’> f**!!! 'i or inches high, very well pul uo, :ii I ' with a *niooth blick yk’u. She is supposed Io h.ivp iftket> up with a free ni'gro in the Brown Mnrsh neifrhb.irlu.od 1 will give liie iibov.- I rewaril for her delivery '• me lu Fayeiicville, or ! for her cwiitiiterneni in any jail 9o thai I can get her, JAMES P ROP.ERTSON Jan, 2:!. '.17-if IIOTICE. ^HE LNDERSIGNED, both having eniere l the mili- 1 tary service of * he Confederate State.^ of America, hereby give notice to lh“ir old cu.stomers and friends, that they have appointed John D. .Starr and John D. Williams, of thi.s place, their atlorney® to collect either sep.irately or conjointly all moneys due them either by account or note, and otherwise to atiend :o their bvi- sinesB generally during their p.bsenoe. They re-peci- fuUy ask all persons indebted to them to call as prompt ly as possible on their agents vod make payment. 8TABR & WfLLlAMS, Sept. 19, 1861, ,^tf Ori-i s jpr.itiipliy tilled, ii'.l aii'l I' lll.iw I • I. lli(fhe-t ca-h prices C. p .loNES. '.l-'i 2uipd i-',iV i-l'cville, .1 tii'y 17. tS'i-!. AOTM'E. r rl L •'li’oscri'er wishe'* to iiuvclia! .'I'lLL. of some 1'. to :20 'niirrel a I eri.-'iiiable price wnl be given, Th .se h>tvin» to sell, will give the size +nd length of us a:s well as ihe price for its delivery at Trollinger’s Depot, on the W^iliningtoii atid Charlotte Road, Rich mond (?ouuty, W. F, LEAK Rockingham. Jan yj 97-ijtpd Pi.ow« Axn PLOW poiirrs, All NUMBERS, can be had at M. A B.AKER’s Gun Shop, on Hay Street, opposite the old Wagon Yard. Fayeir-'ville N (^ Feb’y 2. 18(i8 99-Im All orderK for ('ASTINGS executed at the short est notice and on moat reasonable term" Highest cash price paid for old Iron and Brasf. M. A BAKER. -, TI HPENTINE ipaciiy. for whiqh i him. “Hnw (^ame you here, father’” When an i swercd, a gleam of surprise and sratilication paas i ed over his tine face. Ho then expended nearly : his laat words in making arrangeraentM for his I wounded comrad* s. His lather knelt and bless j ed him, and hastened a.shore tor a litter, -ind re- : turned just after life had fled I When told by the surgeon that he had but a j few minutes t.o live., and a.sked U» expres.s hii DH j 1>A\ IS is in town and can be con- j ^ighes. he answ*rei' confi(?lingly, *’.My father suited \11 operations ^ | j ^ perforined af his office over Dr. B. W. ’ • . .1 . 111 j procession to the grave irom the neadquaricrs .ii ‘rti-'itpd ; Gen. Magruder, in company with hisCafit^iw. and ^ J they were buried togetiier, w^itb appropnat' uili i tary honors, in the pr»sence of many otiiivrs I both armies and numy gcnerou.- citi/.enrr, all a j whom expressed their deep symn'«rhy with the bereaved father, who ^aid the solemn service for i the Kpificopal (!hurch lor the btinal 01 tin- dead 200 Acres Land For Sale. ACRES of unimproved laii l in Richmond (!oua- I ty, on tor.lan’s (^reek, near Laurel Hdl, aJ- i jiiiningthe Ian.Is ol John F iirley, Huncan K. Mo*noe andothers. ALEX’R PUIK^ELL. Feb .i _ _ 12M» ?.* $-50 REWARD. 1WILL pay a Reward of Fifty Dollars for the appre hension and confinement in the jail of Ouniberlaod County of my negro boy Lt-jWISwho ran away last summer. Lewis is a black negro, with a long vnder lip and has lost one of his lower front teeth; is eighteen years ef age, stout built, and about 5 feet inchee high. His mother and most of his relativ* 1*^* town, but he has many acquaintances among ttie negroes in the neighborhood of St. Paul’s, Robeson Conn y, 80 there is no doubt that he lurks piacV" '* .MoCORQUODALE. FayetteTille, Jan’y 21. — rj^hbaffe s««d! Cabbage Seed!! ■nUNCOMBB CABBAGE SEED, ni RIank Warrnnffl fnr sale at this Office. 1 jan’y 16.18^- 94>2m. i^orth C^arolina ReaderiN. 'tCHOOL BOOKS are beceming very scarce, nut we N on hand a good supply of the NORTH C ARO- LIN-A READER*S, No«, 1 and 2 by Rev Professor Hnb- r>Ard of the University of North Carolina, and No. 3 by Rev. C. H Wiley, Superintendent of Common Schools of North Carolina. Our customers having well uigh exhausted our stoc’-^ of Northern Readers on hand when the war commenced, we hope will now turn their attention to these books by Dome authors, rather than allow their childv'n to do without reading books. For sale only at the old retail prices of 25 oen-s, .38 cents, and 76 centa E J HALE i SUNS. Peb'y 1, 1862. Blanks for pale at tkif? Officp.

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